#Plz be nice to us we are a Gentle Creature-
six-eared-gremlin-ao3 · 9 months
...Okay, fine; here's my 'Sona-
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The color of their clothes varies, but the leggings and cardigan stay. Their feet are meant to be more digitigrade- they remind me of a jerboa mouse.
They have Permanent UwU Face; their mouth is just shaped that way. They don't usually show their ears; they're usually hidden under his hair. If he shows his ears around you a lot then he trusts you. And yes, the ears are Pan colors-
Grem is almost always up to Shenanigans, or sitting and listening to his two favorite people hyperfixate on something. They like tea and flowers and rain and tackling people as a love language.
I do accept drawings and fanart and such; that's why his ref is unshaded.
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revengeworld · 5 years
The Circus VIII
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Werewolf! Kylo x Reader Modern/Monster AU
Words: +3.300
Warnings: Blood
AN: Feedback plz!
MASTERLIST: Can be found in my bio if you are interested in more!
Letting out a relaxed huff, Kylo could feel Y/Ns fingers run gently through his hair. Opening his eyes, he let out a yawn and found his bare girlfriend sitting next to him while she was scribbling on her tablet.
“What are you drawing, moonshine?” he groaned, while kissing up her side which made her chuckle.
“Just a few sketches of my sleeping wolf.” grabbing him under his chin, she pulled him up to press a gentle kiss on his lips. With a smile Kylo brushed his nose against hers before nuzzling his face into her hair. Suddenly frowning his brows Kylo took a deeper breath.
“Is something wrong?” she asked surprised when she saw his concerned face.
“You smell different...” laying his hand against her neck he pressed his nose back against her skin. 
“Mhmm, maybe it’s my new body wash and shampoo. They didn’t have my usual ones here.” sniffing at her own arm she shrugged and Kylo let it be for now. Maybe she was right, but just to be sure he would ask Rey and Finn later.
Kissing along her jaw, Kylo gently brushed over her head before reluctantly climbing out of their bed.
“I will get us some breakfast.” he mumbled while jumping into some pair of jeans.
“What would my lady prefer today?”
“Marmalade on toast and kakao would be nice...” she thought to herself and could feel Kylo pressing another kiss on her scalp.
“In a sweet mood today, I see.” he smiled. It was almost a year now since Kylo and her had joined the more than magical Circus and somehow he still couldn’t believe that he had found his Mate so randomly that night. “A little bit. Well while you get breakfast I will take a much needed bath.” she sighed deeply at the thought of the hot and relaxing water.
“Do that. If you’re lucky I even give you a nice massage after.” getting another kiss pressed against her cheek, she pulled him into a deeper kiss.
“If you don’t let me go I will never leave this tent, Moonshine.” Kylo whispered against her lips between her thousand kisses.
“Fine just one more.” she chuckled against his lips, kissing him a few more times before letting him go.
Making her way into their bathroom, she turned the hot water on. While waiting for the water she turned around to the mirror so she could brush her hair but suddenly noticed a bruise on her hip. Turning towards the mirror she inspected the darker spot on her skin and wondered where she had even gotten it. 
“Maybe it’s from Kylo ….” inspecting the rest of her body, she found a few more little ones which made her frown. “How…. ohhh they are probably from Trico.” sometimes when she had time she would let the Toriko return to his real height, which often confused the creature and he forgot how strong he was and pushed her harder than intended.
Hearing a purr, she looked down to find the small creature rubbing against her legs.
“Yeah I mean you, you need to be more careful with me.” she chuckled while picking him up, quickly turning of the running water.
“Let’s take a nice bath and then we can go pick Kou up for our walk.” she suggested, but it came very different. After her bath, Kylo and her spend their breakfast in bed until their friends came to pick the werewolf up for his training and Trico actually wanted to rather join them than go on their usual walk.
“Oh so you want to make a show with Kou too?” she asked the creature with a giggle and Kou poked tired out of Phasmas hair.
“He wants what?” the snake yawned.
“To make a show with you. You could fly on his back since his wings are healed now.” Y/N explained while Trico climbed on her shoulders to lay down on them.
“No! No flying for you!” Phasma said worried, but Kou was already jumping on Y/Ns outstretched hand.
“Oh hell yeah! We can take over the whole sky before we take the fucking world!” the little snake snickered and Phasma shot a glare at Kylo.
“What are you looking at me for?” the werewolf scoffed while their made their way to the big tent.
“Since he is hanging out with you, he is swearing non stop.” Phasma held up a finger, but Kylo only shrugged his shoulders. “He would do it one way or another. Besides, he is still a good boy. You never hear him swear at someone, just when he gets excited, right?” turning his head to Y/N, who nodded at his words.
“He only swears when he gets really happy. It’s a bit weird but not bad.”
“You say that now, until your own cups start swearing.”
“Oh they can swear all they want, as long as they are nice to others.” both of them answered in the same moment.
“Don’t worry about it too much, Kou is always lovely to be around. Nobody things that you are a bad mother if he curses a bit.” Y/N smiled up to the blond woman who slowly nodded.
Noticing a black smoke hecticly flying between their legs, it quickly vanished up Y/Ns body and into her hair until two magenta eyes glowed in the shadows.
Another creature Y/N had taken in from the last area they were in.
“Well hello my Darling, did you get your food?” she smiled and they all could hear loud crunching noises.
At this point she could’ve opened her own show with all the creatures that she had in her care now. 
While she was slowly walking behind the group a sudden gasp of wind was shaking the tents near them and she quickly held onto Kou Trico and her little shadow creature.
Kylo who was walking with the others suddenly noticed the metallic scent of blood in the air.
Turning back around he saw his mate standing alone, her eyes fixated on her hands that had just brushed away the blood that was dripping from her nose.
Immediately he turned back around and sprinted towards her, quickly laying an arm around her since he noticed the swaying in her body.
“What's wrong?” he asked worried while taking her hand and taking a closer look at the blood on her hands.
“I don’t know… it just suddenly happened...” rummaging in the pockets of her cardigan, she soon pulled out a handkerchief to press it on her nose.
Everyone already circled them worried.
“Want me to bring you to a doctor?” Kylo brushed the hair out of her face and inspected her every movement.
Shaking her head the slightest, the werewolf only reluctantly nodded but laid his hand against her cheek and noticed the unusual warmth.
“You seem to have a fever too… I’ll bring you at least back home to bed.” he offered and soon picked her up. 
“Let us now if we can help in anyway.” Finn offered and everyone nodded while watching them leave.
“It’s probably just a cold that creeped up on me ...” Y/N mumbled while cuddling closer against Kylos broad chest.
“I hope so moonshine, for now I will pamper you back to health.” pressing a light kiss against her forehead, he wondered if this was the reason why her blood smelled different.
Gently letting her down on the mattress, all the creatures that were in her arms before gathered next to her. Trico was gently pushing his head against her outstretched hand with a whine and laid down beside her.
“Are you very sick?” Kou hissed and she only shrugged with her shoulders. “It’s probably just a cold, nothing too serious.” she smiled at the snake while the black smoke was wrapping around her hand, letting out a few ticking noises.
“You don’t have to stay here if you want to play… besides Phasma will worry not knowing where you are.”
“I am always here, so she knows.” Kou slithered back towards her head, his cool body calming her warm skin slightly.
Kylo soon came back with a cold wet cloth for her forehead and her favourite sleeping shirt.
Getting rid of the blood stains around her nose and her hands, Kylo soon helped her into the new shirt.
“Here, this will help with the fever...”
Holding a pill and a glass of water her way, she gently took both and he waited for her to empty the whole glass.
“You need to get back soon… You can’t just stay here with me...” she mumbled while he just leaned his forehead against hers.
“Who says that?” he grinned slightly.
“I do. You have to train, love. The show must go on.” smiling back at him, she gently brushed over his cheek.
“I have the others with me, don’t worry. They will definitely keep me company, right?” both of them looked to the snake who nodded heavily, so that Kylo could understand his answer as well.
“Alright… get me if she needs anything.” he told Kou who nodded again and earned a gentle pat on the head, as well as Trico who was quietly laying next to Y/N. Carefully holding his hand also to the small ball of black smoke it zapped his finger and rushed back into the shadows under Y/Ns body.
“Fine I get it, your not ready yet.” he sighed and looked at his hurting finger.
“Those are lovebites, my Darling. You should know best, because you love to give them.” Y/N chuckled softly, her body succumbing to the exhaustion of the sudden fever.
“Try to sleep, I will be back sooner than you think.” letting his hand rest against her hot cheek for another moment, he watched her slowly drift off into her sleep.
Watching her sleeping face for a bit longer Kylo sighed deeply, he just really hoped it was nothing too serious.
“Get me if anything happens.” he told Kou again before he left them with a heavy heart.
“Here I got you the hot water and honey.” Kylo announced while sitting down on the driver seat, holding the travel cup to Y/N who was laying relaxed on the back seat, her drawing tablet on her lap while her foster children had made themselves comfortable around her. Trico was laying over her shoulders, snoring quietly while Kou was sitting on her hand, he had watched her draw since they had started their travel. Y/N had spread a blanket over her legs but a few glowing eyes where still watching him from under it.
“Ah thank you, that will warm me up.” she sighed relaxed while letting the warmth from the cup rise into her hands before she put a bag of tea in it and put some drops of honey in it.
“Do the little critters want some snacks?” he asked and shook the bag a little to the joy of the creatures that were still hiding. In an instant Kylo had them on his lap and gave each of them equal amounts of food.
“See they start to trust you.” Y/N smiled and watched them for a moment before her boyfriend gave her a bag of star crystals for Trico which he shared with Kou who also got a liking to them, then he thought it made his rainbow shining scales even more shining.
“Well I mostly can’t believe that you actually found a freaking dragon on the way...” he mumbled while watching the green scaled thing that was curled around her calve that watched him carefully.
“You said it yourself, I am the Mother of Creatures, first of her name. So bend the knee!” she chuckled, while shaking her head.
“We’re really watching too much shows at the moment.” he laughed while trying to hold a piece of beef jerky towards the dragon who carefully took a bite from it.
“Since we are hanging behind the group anyway… on the way there is a hospital ...”
“Kylo …. I’m feeling better!” slouching down a bit she took a sip from her tea.
“I know… I just think they could give you a small check up.”
“We have neither the time nore the money to even think of that. Your car repair had cost us enough this month and who knows how much they will take from someone like us for that little check up. Or if they even would help us...”
Seeing his worried face, she gently laid her hand against his cheek and smiled at him. 
“I’m better … ”
“Alright, but if you feel any different...”
“I’ll let you know.” brushing through his beard, she carefully leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Fine… ” he pressed another kiss on the tip of her nose, before turning back around in the driver's seat to prepare for the last stretch until they would arrive at their next stop.
All creatures quickly shuffled back under the little safe space of her angled legs and Y/N carefully pulled the blanket back over them.
“Why did you lie to him?” she suddenly heard a quiet hiss in her ear before Kou looked at her.
“I didn’t. I do feel better.”
“Better than before, but not good.” Kou hissed while slithering on her tablet.
“Shhh...” kissing the top of his head, the snake shook his head and curled around her fingers as if he wanted to hold her hand.
At the next red light Kylo looked over his shoulders to find all of them sleeping peacefully in the back of the car.
Coming back from his training, Kylo found an empty tent when he returned.
“Where could she’ve been off to?” he mumbled to himself until something was flying right by his head. It was Trico and the little dragon, that Y/N had named Morgana, by now he really just needed to follow one of the foster children they had taken in to find his mate.
Slandering behind them they soon made their way into the kitchen tent, where he could see Y/N sitting on a wooden table, intently writing everything down what Sadie was telling her.
“There you are...” sitting down next to her, he pressed a gentle kiss on her head.
“Oh sorry, it was pretty spontaneous, but at some point I should learn how to feed our little monsters.” she chuckled then both Trico and Morgana tried to crawl into her shirt. 
“I see you brought Mellow too.” reaching out her hand, she picked the little shadow creature from the shadow under Kylos hair.
“Oh I didn’t even noticed them.” he answered honestly while leaning his head against hers.
“Well good for them that they all showed up now.” Sadie laughed while placing the plates on the table.
“That was all your Mamas doing, so eat up!” 
“I hope they even want to eat it. It was my first try.” but in an instant the little monsters where crawling on the table, trying to get the best pieces except for one.
“Kou? Aren’t you eating anything?” she asked the white snake that head wrapped itself around her head like a headband.
“I wait for the others to finish...” he hissed mid yawn. In the last few months Kou had gained a bit of length, which also meant that he tried to act more mature than the others, even though he was still just as playful as them.
While Y/N was talking with Kou, Kylo started to absently play with her fingers until he noticed something darker under the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
Pushing her sleeve up a bit he saw a few bruises which made him frown. He knew that since she cared for her little monsters she was more susceptible to get hurt since none of them were used to humans, but it made him worry even more. That weird smell was still lingering on her, even though she seemed to be rid of her cold her scent hadn’t changed back and it worried him.
“Kylo? Are you listening?” waving in front of his eyes, Y/N was pouting slightly while he shook out of his daze.
“S..sorry, what were you saying?” 
“I thought we might go out tonight and watch a movie or something… but you seem tired too.” laying her hand against his cheek, he just smiled at her. They hadn’t had a real date in a long time. 
“No, cinema sounds nice, if you still want to go.” 
“Can I come too?” Kou hissed interested and both of them nodded, after Y/N had asked Kylo. “But you have to act as my necklace until we are in the dark.” she explained and Kou agreed that it would be a more comfortable position for him.
After deciding on a movie together Y/N was making her way over to Phasma to ask her if she could watch her monsters this evening. 
Slowly making her way through the small paths between the tents, Kou slowly made his way around her neck. “Are you hurting again?” he asked worried while pressing his snout against her cheek. 
“I’m just a bit exhausted...” but even she was surprised by how out of breath she was already.
As soon as she entered the humid tent, the heat seemed to go straight to her head, and she quickly tried to hold onto something when she felt her legs get weak.
“Wh...whats wrong?” Kou asked until she suddenly fell to her knees, hearing how she panicky gasped for air made the little snake feel helpless until blood from her nose dripped down on him.
“What should I do?!” he slithered in a circle, almost screaming.
“G….get … Ky….” trying to get her words out, Y/N tried to push herself off the floor but had no strength left in her body.
Shocked Kou watched her sink down to the ground before his body finally started to listen to him again and he slithered out of the tent, screaming for his mother, since she was the only one who could understand him.
Kylo was sitting on the hood of his car, the thought that they would have a nice little evening for themselves, even if Kou would be with them had him excited.
It would be a nice relaxing evening, then he was already looking for a nice restaurant where they could go after the movie.
“Your grinning again like a creep.” Phasma suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a bucket of laundry against her hip.
“Yeah, Y/N and I want to go out today, she actually was on the way to your te-”
“Shh!” suddenly interrupting him mid sentence, the blonde woman looked distressed around which made him alerted too. 
Following her gaze he saw nothing, but the metallic smell of blood told him everything he needed to know. It was her blood.
Turning into his wolf form, he already sprinted right by Kou, who was still screaming and crying for his Mother, completely distraught and helpless.
Rushing into the tent, he found Y/N on the floor, the snakes trying to help her up again.
“I’m here!” was the first thing he almost shouted, while falling on his knees to pick her up.
“Everything will be alright...” 
“Ky… sorry...” Y/N tried to speak but Kylo shushed her. 
“It’s okay, don’t talk. I will get you to a hospital. Nothing will happen to you!” he wanted to run, but hearing Y/Ns painful whimper the only thing he could do was to walk as fast as he could while holding her as carefully as possible.
Ignoring everyone else, he was already placing her on his backseat and packing her into a blanket before leaving the circus with screeching tires.
Tags: @celestiaelisia​​ @sdavid09​​  @ayatimascd​​ @acunningstargazer​​ @agirlwithlonelymusic​​ @ev3e​​ @ellie-emb​​ @siren-queen03​​​ @luna-xial​​
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit Part Two
A/N: Here we go my dudes! I set myself a goal to get this out and posted by the 4th of July, so 2 days later isn’t too bad! Australia is amazing and I’m having a blast, but I’m still sorry this took a little long to get out to y’all! I might make a few more in this series, but as of right now this is the end of Forbidden Fruit! Thanks so much for reading and loving it, remember to reblog and comment, they genuinely make my whole day when I read them! Disclaimer: I do not own Lady Chatterly’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence Word Count: 7.2k  Pairing: 1998!Brian May x Younger Reader Summary: The 4th of July has come to Windlesham, and Y/N is ready and fed up with Brian’s teasing. Willing to risk it all, the two mismatched lovers spend the day making their own fireworks while trying to avoid being caught. Warnings: Infidelity, Age Gap, 18+, Unsafe Use of Kitchen Furniture, Don’t Fuck Beside Food Plz, Definite FDA Violations
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Brian had never seen as sight more beautiful that the one in front of him when he walked out of the patio door the next morning. Y/N was sat in the porch swing, a red sundress covering the body he’d spent the whole night dreaming of. Her hair was still a little damp from the shower he’d heard her take a few hours earlier.   She was like him in that respect, last one to bed and first one to wake.   The older man didn’t know if it was a normal occurrence, Y/N staying up until  4am, only to wake at 6:30, but he hoped that it wasn’t. Not because he was concerned for her health, which he was, but for much more selfish and indulgent reason.   He hoped, desperately; almost pathetically, that Y/N had been kept awake with thoughts of him, just like he had been kept awake by thoughts of her.   But not even in his wildest, most realistic dreams from the night before did the young woman look this beautiful.   The sun hadn’t bene up for very long, only an hour tops, but the orange light was directly behind Y/N, casting her in an ethereal, seemingly heavenly light.   Her arm was bent at the elbow, clenched fist supporting her head which was buried in a book. Her legs were also bent up beside her in the swing, tucked nicely under the fabric of her sundress.   She just looked comfortable, relaxed.
Brian stood in the doorway, simply watching, no, admiring, the young woman in front of him. She looked so innocent, so much her age, no evidence of the actions from the night before present on her. If anyone outside of Brian had seen Y/N that morning, they’d just think that she was a beautiful, relaxed young woman...not the sexual temptress and goddess that Brian knew her to be.   Y/N could feel Brian’s eyes on her, had been able to feel them since he had come out of the damn house and onto the patio. She didn’t want him to know that she knew he was watching her, she wanted to see how long it was going to take him to make a move. Brushing a damp strand of hair from her shoulder, Y/N sighs a little, adjusting herself so her legs are flat out in the swing, her dress riding up until it’s barely covering her thighs.   She smiles a little into her hand when she hears Brian’s little intake of breath followed by the patio creaking a little under his feet as he makes his way to her. Only when he is standing directly in front of her does she tear her eyes away from her book, wide smile in her face as she takes in his appearance.   He was dressed very similarly to how he’d looked the night before, black athletic shorts paired with a tank top of the same color.
“Good morning Mr. May, how did you sleep?” She knew exactly how he’d slept, she could hear him tossing and turning all night, much like she had. God, she just couldn’t get the image of him jerking off, his face buried in her panties, out of her head. Even if she couldn’t see it happening, she knew exactly what had happened when he’d come back down to the pool 20 minutes after she had left him, hair wet, dressed in pajama pants and a Bart Simpson t-shirt that looked vaguely familiar. The two hadn’t said another word to one another the rest of the night, Y/N electing to spend some time with Louisa and Emily, Brian locking himself in his studio, neither one wanting to risk a fumble in front of Anita or the kids. Brian laughs, moving her legs onto his lap as he takes the seat beside her, hazel eyes warm and gentle. “Morning love, would’ve slept better if you were beside me.” He leans over, pressing a kiss to her neck, his dark curls tickling the delicate skin.
Y/N almost drops her book at his actions, shock coursing through her body, mingling with excitement and arousal, creating a cocktail of moisture in between her legs.   Sucking in a deep shuddering breath, just trying to steady herself, Y/N laughs gently, moving her head backwards to lay against the back of the swing, giving Brian permission to continue his ministrations. “Then why didn’t you come crawl into bed with me?” She knows its cheeky, a little bratty, and its just what Brian needed to hear based on the sigh he releases against her neck, arm moving to rest behind her, pulling her closer to him.
Picking up his head just a little, he brushes a bit of hair from her shoulder, smiling at the book in her hands.
“Read to me, if you don’t mind”
Brian’s words are as soft and gentle as his eyes, making Y/N blush harder than she had the night before. There was just something so intimate about the way he was sitting with her, arm loose around her shoulder, head nearly leaning against her’s. She couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his eagerness, her heart fluttering like the hummingbird that had been keeping her company all morning.
“Are you sure? You might find this kind of book a little boring.” She’s teasing, knowing that the paragraph she was about to start reading was anything but boring.
His laugh mingles perfectly with the calls of a morning bird, making Y/N’s blush deepen as he places a delicate kiss to her shoulder blade, voice warm and teasing when he speaks. “If I’m not mistaken, this little book was banned for obscenity and indecency for 30 years darling…” His lips are suddenly less sweet, harder, needier… “So I sincerely doubt that this is going to be a boring read..”
He smirks into her neck, his own heart beating like a bat in a birdcage “Besides… if it means I get to hear your voice, I could listen to you read a phone book Y/N.” The way he says her name, barely a whisper, more of a plea to hear her voice than anything else. She blushes hard under his gaze and the feel of his lips on her skin, stammering a bit as she begins to read.
“His body was urgent against her, and she didn’t have the heart anymore to fight…” Her voice hitches in her throat, Brian’s teeth had decided to make an appearance as she started to read. “She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up…” Brian’s hand inched its way from her knee upwards, grazing the delicate skin of her inner thigh.
“B-Brian, what are you…” Y/N trails off, voice breathless, eyes glassy with arousal. It’s not like she didn’t want this, god did she want it, but they were on his back porch, and his wife and kids, including her goddamn best friend, could just waltz out at any fucking moment… and she was pretty positive that seeing his father with his hands up his best friend’s skirt wouldn’t have the most positive impact on Jimmy. Brian chuckles into her neck, his calloused fingers dangerously close to her naked core… fuck, she really should’ve worn panties.
“I’m going to make you regret what you did last night baby girl… making me cum twice in less than 10 minutes.. giving me your soiled panties to sniff like a dirty fucking slut…” His voice is so calm, steady, and had it not been for the context of his words, Y/N would’ve thought that he was just asking what she wanted for breakfast.
“If you stop reading one more time, I’m not going to let you cum honey.. got it?” For a threat, it was whispered awfully soft and kind, but Y/N understood perfectly and just nodded her head, chest heaving, legs spreading involuntarily.
Her voice is shaky as she continues to read. “She had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes…” Brian’s fingers are extremely close to her dripping core now, gently running along the crease of her inner thigh. It takes everything in her body, every single ounce of self-control and restraint in her body to keep her from ceasing her reading.
“He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her.” Brian moans at the words that Y/N was reading, how soft and weak her voice was. Fuck, she was the epitome of an angel, a creature sent to earth to bring good will to man, and based on the way his cock was training against his shorts, begging to be touched by the soft skin of Y/N’s hands.
“Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity.” Y/N squeezes her eyes shut right when Brian’s fingers finally slip inside of her sopping wet cunt, the noise obscene and completely out of place against the soft morning glow that was cast against the two. She keeps reading though, the threat of Brian not letting her cum prevalent and weighing heavily in the back of her mind.
“This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit and she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone.” Brian can’t help but let out a hard moan against Y/N’s neck, sucking the area behind her ear as hard as he possibly could, almost as hard as her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. She felt like heaven on a Saturday morning, tight, wet, insanely hot, and unlike anything he’d ever experienced in his 51 years of living. Her legs were completely spread wide, cunt on display for the whole world to see if they so pleased. Brian had to resist the insatiable urge to drop to his knees in front of the swing and suck the juices that were running down his hand straight from the source… but he knew he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t risk Anita or any of the kids running downstairs and seeing him eating Y/N’s young right pussy.. no, he had to be smart, disciplined..
“Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea anenome under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make fulfillment for her.” Much like Lady Chatterly herself, Y/N was close, so desperately close to cumming around Brian’s fingers, her walls clenching him like a vice, desperate to be pushed over the precipice. Yet, she never stopped reading, even when Brian’s fingers sped up, free hand moving to grope her breast through her dress, and his teeth began to nip at her jugular, she persisted.
“She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling til it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, til she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cri-” She clenched tight around his fingers, book falling to the ground as her arms reached over involuntarily, wrapping themselves tight around Brian’s shoulders, mouth wide no noise escaping her throat despite the obvious throws of pleasure she was experiencing. She knew it was cliche, to say that she saw stars, that she felt her entire body constrict into itself… but she did, his fingers were still inside of her, pressing hard into her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure. Brian’s lips halted their harsh assault on the young woman’s neck, instead opting to place gentle kisses to the area, not wanting to overstimulate her too much. He couldn’t remove his fingers from inside of her if he wanted to, her muscles still clenching him tight as her upper body went limp, her head dropping to his chest, mouth open and heaving heavy sighs against his exposed armpit.
“B-Brian.. I..” Before she could even get a word in, the sound of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen caused the two lovers to spring apart, Brian’s fingers slipping from Y/N’s cunt so fast it made her head spin. By the grace of whatever deity was looking down on them, Y/N somehow managed to fix her skirt, grab the book, and look semi presentable by the time the door opened and Emily darted out, wide smile on her face.
“Dad! Y/N! Anita wants to know what you want for breakfast.” They both breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Emily, because had it been any other member of the May family, the flushed faces, heaving chests, and general disheveled appearance of Y/N and Brian would’ve given them away. Brian just smiles, hiding his glistening hand behind Y/N’s shoulders.
“Whatever she’s making would be lovely honey, just go tell her to make sure to cut Y/N up some of that cantaloupe we bought yesterday!” Emily giggles and nods, running back inside to yell her father’s words at his girlfriend. Y/N lets out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in as soon as the door closes, dropping her book back against the patio as Brian lets out a loud rumbling laugh. She jolts at the sound before joining him, completely dumbfounded that what had just happened actually happened..
“Mr. May, I swear to god, we’re going to get caught if you’re not careful…” Her eyes are wide, full of mischief and excitement.. she loved this, the whole forbidden nature of their relationship, or whatever they could call it. The risk that they were taking was a big one, and the fear of getting caught was only making her want it more. Brian just laughs, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips, hands moving to cup her cheeks. He winces a little when he realizes that his fingers are still wet with her cum, frantically pulling them away from her to try and wipe them on his shorts. “Shit, I’m sorry love, you probably don’t want that o-”
His words are cut short when Y/N reaches forward with lightning quick reflexes and grabs his wrist, pulling his soiled fingers into her mouth where she licks every single drop of herself from him, eyes never leaving his. Brian almost cums right there, watching this beautiful young woman do something that he hadn’t seen done in 30 years. He lets out a little whimper, making the young woman smile when she grazes her teeth over the long digits as she moves to stand, her free hand reaching into Brian’s shorts, squeezing his cock before turning her back and walking towards the patio door, pausing for a second to send him a teasing wink.
“Be a good boy today Mr. May…”
Breakfast passes relatively without incident, save for Y/N purposefully dropping a grape down her sundress, her eyes never leaving Brian’s as she pulled it from her bra, popping it into her mouth, allowing her fingers to run over her bottom lip as she pulled them from her mouth.   Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat, cock standing straight up in his shorts, the mesh fabric not exactly helping to keep his issue inconspicuous.   It isn’t long after she takes the final bite of her cantalope that Y/N stands from her seat, smile on her face as she darts her eyes between every member of the family before landing firmly on Brian’s, mischief playing in them as she spots his crossed legs, a feeling of pride blossoming in her chest. “I’m going to go ahead and get the grill started if that’s okay Mr. May, wanna make sure that its nice and hot by the time we decide to lay everything down.” Her tone is light and polite, and to everyone else at the table might’ve seen like the innocent declaration of a young woman who just wanted to help out.   However, Brian knew exactly what she wanted, could see the unspoken request in her eyes as she played with the delicate rings on her fingers. He was about to offer to come and help her, to make the excuse that he just didn’t want her to get burnt, until Emily shot out of her seat, latching herself to the older girl’s side, begging her to show her how to light the grill properly. Y//N tried to hide the disappointment on her face at the interruption, but she just slaps on a smile and wraps her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. “Just promise you won’t stand too close to the fire okay? We don’t need you losing any eyebrows before school starts back.” Emily laughs and nods enthusiastically, pulling Y/N towards the door, not even giving her an opportunity to look back at Brian.   The sight is one that makes him smile and laugh a little, Y/N was as kind and giving as she was h gorgeous, always giving his youngest daughter as much attention as she did his oldest. Jimmy laughed at the two, popping a strawberry in his mouth as he turned to his dad, eyebrows furrowing at the fond look on his face. He had noticed the way his best friend and dad interacted the afternoon before, the way his dad’s hands just couldn’t seem to leave Y’N’s waist after he pulled her from the pool, how they lingered on her back during dinner, how her eyes never left his during breakfast... hell, he would’ve been a complete dumbass if he hadn’t noticed the bright red flushed cheeks that adorned their faces when they returned from the patio that morning. The oldest May child knew that something wasn’t right, that something was going on between Brian and Y/N, but he trusted his best friend and his father, trusted them not to do something TOO scandalous.   He wasn’t a naive idiot, he knew how his dad was, he knew about his proclivities, about his lifestyle. However, he also knew that Y/N wasn’t some lovestruck groupie. His best friend was smart, had a good head on her shoulders, and wouldn’t do anything that would potentially hurt herself or her friends and family. So, Jimmy keeps his mouth shut, munching on his breakfast as his dad clears his throat and pushes himself from the table.   “I’m gonna go write up some emails before we start cooking.” Meanwhile, outside, Y/N and Emily were having the time of their lives lighting the grill. Anita, Louisa and Jimmy had joined them a few minutes after they’d first exited the house.   Emily was currently brandishing the starter fluid, soaking the charcoal while Y/N laughed and held the matches tight to her chest. “Alright pyro, keep that up and we’re gonna blow the hot dogs into the stratosphere. The five of them stay outside for a bit longer, Y/N getting more and more restless with every second that passes. After a while, the young woman stands and announces that she’s going to head inside and start working on the ice cream, adamantly refusing any help, citing that it is a “secret family recipe”.   The three May kids and Anita laugh at her antics, and wave her off, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief as she heads into the house. Making a bee line for the freezer, Y/N removes the bag of ice, cream, and milk before lying it all on the counter, dragging the machine she’d brought with her from York onto the counter beside the ingredients. Plugging in the machine, she pours all of the necessary items into the mixing cylinder, emptying the ice bag into the bucket before furrowing her brows, trying to find the rock salt that Jimmy had brought with them. Upstairs, Brian was actually genuinely trying to type up emails, however, his brain just wouldn’t allow him a moments peace, constantly showing him images of Y/N’s lust wracked body, writhing underneath him as he pounds into her tight young pussy, the noises obscene... He pushes his glasses off of his face, rubbing his hands over his eyes as he sighs.   Just as he was about to say “fuck it” and pull out his already half hard cock, he hears a commotion in the kitchen and smiles.   If lady luck was on his side, it would be Y/N standing in there, red sundress straps teasingly falling off of her shoulders. Pushing himself from his chair, he heads out of his office, which was conveniently located a few doors down from the kitchen, and rests his shoulder against the doorframe, cock hardening at the sight in front of him. Y/N was bent over looking in the cabinet beside oven, a noise of triumph falling from her lips as she spots the rock salt container, reaching forward to take it. Brian seizes his opportunity, moving forward before he can stop himself, arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her up into a standing position, his cock rubbing into her ass.   The young woman lets out a small gasp of shock before it dissolves into one of pleasure when she realizes what was going on. “Mr. May, I-” She doesn’t even get to finish her sentence before his lips are on her neck, cock thrusting hard against her ass.   “No love, no talking, not after that little show at breakfast this morning.” His voice is low, dangerous, and teasing.   “Dropping grapes in your top, licking your spoon...made me get a fucking hard on right there at the table.” She lets out a breathy chuckle, proud of herself for having such an impact on him, but Brian didn’t find it funny at all. Moving his hand upwards, he grasps her throat tight, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to get her attention. “You think that’s funny do you love? Think its funny that you almost made me cum in my pants in front of Anita and the kids? God, you’re such a dirty little slut Y/N, and I’m gonna fuck you so  hard today...gonna make you regret your little cheekiness..” Giving his hips one last thrust against her ass, Brian places a gentle kiss to her neck and unravels himself from her, just in time for Jimmy to come barreling through the door asking for the shrimp and veggie burgers. The grilling of the food took no time at all, with Anita, Louisa, Emily and Y/N staying inside the whole time fixing greek salad, potato salad, baked beans, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and so much more. Before long, everyone is sat at the table, bellies full, plates empty, wide smiles on their faces. Y/N and Jimmy were joking around about one of the archaeology professors and trying to convince Louisa to go to York so they can get a better flat.   This goes on for a good hour and a half before Brian gets tired of waiting and decides to move things along a little bit. Smirking, he slides off his flip flop and moves his foot under the table to rub against Y/N’s calf, causing her to choke a little on her Rekorderlig. Jimmy claps her on the back a few times, laughing out something about her having one too many.   Y/N just laughs lightly, eyes meeting Brian’s in a kind of challenge which only causes his smirk to deepen and hands to grip the sides of his chair a little hard.   Darting his eyes from Y/N’s to the kitchen window, he smiles widely when she nods and stands.  “Ice cream should be done by now.” Her voice was light, not at all betraying the anxiety inside her as she stood up, hands brushing off the crumbs from her sundress. “Oh, I’ll give you a hand l-“ Anita didn’t even get the words out of her mouth before Brian had risen from his chair, a small smile on his face as he made his way over to Anita, pressing his hands into her shoulders gently, keeping her in her seat.  “You’ve helped make every single thing on this table today, let me give Y/N a hand.” The younger woman had to physically stop herself from moaning out loud, bringing her thumb to her mouth and biting down just enough to cause her enough pain to keep her body from reacting outwardly to the way her internal organs were physically dissolving into a mushy mess.   Instead, she smiles, an innocent wide eyed look overtaking her face as she gazed over at Brian, her hands clasped in front of her. “Oh, Mr. May, you don’t have to...”   Brian just smiles at her, walking around the table, standing beside her before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re our guest, and you’ve lugged a 30 pound contraption from York to Surrey, just to make us ice cream Y/N. The least I can do is help you scoop it out into bowls.” He hopes it’s not obvious to the others, the way his eyes are burning with lust, the way his adam’s apple is bobbing up and down as he attempts to swallow back the moan threatening to escape at the bead of sweat running down the valley of her breasts. And while it might not be obvious to the rest of the May family, Y/N was all too familiar with the look that Brian was giving her. It was a look which caused heat to pool between her legs and wetness to coat her inner thighs, one that made her let out a shaky chuckle before heading towards the door, wanting to get away from Anita and the kids before she pushed him to the ground and rode him in front of them. Brian caught on to her not so subtle signal, and immediately followed after, holding the door open for the young woman, hand lingering on the lock for a split second before he decides not to go for it... he would just have to be careful.   Y/N immediately goes over to the ice cream machine, her bottom lip pulled tightly into her mouth, teeth digging into the plump skin. She was trying desperately to not smile or moan out in anticipation, only wanting Brian to come over and fuck her like her life depended on it. She was trying to distract herself, not wanting to seem too overly eager, like he had been. Y/N wanted Brian to come to HER to show HER how badly he wanted her, and she didn’t have to wait long. As soon as she pulled out a bowl from the cabinet, Brian’s hands were on her hips, pulling her hard against his chest, his cock digging into her backside. It was so much like what had happened a few hours earlier, but now... now the two were going to fuck and be fucked, come hell or high water. Neither one of them had enough self restraint and care to even think about what would happen if someone walked in on them, the scandal that would ensue. They only cared about one thing, and one thing alone. Brian’s cock, sliding hard and fast into Y/N’s hot cunt.   “M-Mr. May! P-please, I need your cock.. Please..” She didn’t usually beg, didn’t class herself as someone who would EVER beg, however, in this moment, the man she’d been lusting over for years standing behind her, cock hard and throbbing against her backside while his entire family sat a mere 10 feet away behind a door...she was willing to get on her goddamn hands and knees and kiss his feet if that’s what it took. Brian lets out a whimper in response to Y/N’s begging, and the way her ass was grinding into him. He’d wanted this since he’d pulled her out of the pool the day before, wanted to have her in his arms like this, completely at his mercy. Bending his head just slightly, Brian latches his lips to her neck, biting, kissing, sucking, doing absolutely anything he can to leave marks and claim her as his. Because that’s what he wanted, he wanted this young, gorgeous, intelligent, incredible young woman to be his and his alone.   Consequences be damned, he’d never felt so much unbridled desire to be with someone before in his life, and he was going to do whatever it takes to make sure Y/N stayed with him.   “We don’t have a lot of time, certainly not enough time for me to do all the things I want to you..” He trails off, his heart leaping a little when she leans back and rests her head on his shoulder, her own lips moving to the delicate skin of his neck.   “B-but I need to fuck you Y/N. I need to feel your right cunt pulsing around my cock. Fuck honey, I need this like I need fucking air, and I want to make you f-feel so good.” His words go straight to Y/N’s cunt, causing her to let out a little moan against his neck. “Then fuck me Brian, fill me up with your cum baby, wanna feel it filling me up.” She had never allowed a man to cum inside of her before, but at this point she didn’t fucking care.   “Fuck honey, you can’t tell me things like that...” Bringing his shaky hands to the hem of her dress, Brian pushes it up around her waist, groaning loudly when he sees her bare ass. “No panties? Did you plan this honey? Did you fantasize about me bending you over against this counter,” To drive in his words, he presses her against the countertop, pushing her face into the cool marble. “Pushing my cock inside your tight young cunt while my children and partner sit outside and eat the food that we made especially for you..” While talking, he’s pushing down his pants, just far enough so that he can get his cock out and fuck her properly. Y/N’s hands are tightly gripping the corner of the counter, her eyes trained on the window in front of her. She could see the entire patio, the way Anita was silently eating her salad while Jimmy and Louisa threw pieces of hot dog bun at Emily.   “B-Brian, they’re gonna s-see us.” Her voice wasn’t scared or timid, but breathy and full of anticipation.   She wanted them to see, or at least she wanted to be able to see THEM while Brian pounded into her relentlessly. The older man just chuckles, leaning over to place a kiss on her exposed shoulder blades. “Let them see love... let them see how fucking hard I am for you Y/N.” He grips the base of his cock, slapping it hard on her exposed entrance causing both of them to groan at the feeling. “I haven’t been able to get this hard, this many times, in 5 years darling... and it’s all because of you.” He pulls her ass hard against him, groaning almost pathetically when she grinds into him eagerly, a gentle moan falling from her red bitten lips. “Please Mr. May... need t-to feel you inside of me now..” She isn’t embarrassed at how needy and wanton she sounds, loving the way her words and moans cause his cock to twitch against her. “You’re so fucking needy for me honey, so desperate for my cock.” Through gritted teeth he speaks and slowly guides himself into her hot and wet center, causing her to gasp as she feels the delicious stretch of his cock inside of her for the first, and certainly not last, time.   His calloused fingertips are hard as they dig into her hips, giving him the leverage he needs so that he can thrust into her as hard and fast as they both needed She grasps hold of the windowsill, having decided that the countertop just wasn’t giving her the necessary grounding that she needed to keep up with his hips.   “M-Mr. M-May, you feel so fucking good inside of me! Goddamnit, stretching me so good..” His arms come up, wrapping around her waist as he pulls her upwards until her back is firmly pressed against his chest.   He can barely think straight, his cock sliding in and out of her so fast that he’s glad the ice cream maker is still going, because the sounds from their skin slapping against one another hard and fast... it would draw attention. “God, you’re bloody perfect angel... s-such a tight, b-beautiful pussy!” He moans, his pace beginning to hasten, his breath hot on her ear, his teeth nibbling gently on the lobe. Loosening one of his hand’s hold on Y/N’s waist, he lets it fall toward her pussy, his fingertips finding her clit immediately.   He doesn’t waste a single second of time, his orgasm is already approaching, and he refuses to cum first.   Y/N whimpers as he plays with her with one hand, the other coming up to hold her by the throat, just keeping her pressed to his chest, not wanting her to fall against the counter. His hold is gentle but firm against her throat, and she tilts her chin enough for her to place her head into the crook of his neck, but it isn’t there for long.   Brian moves his hand up a bit more, grasping her chin gently, forcing her to look out of the window at his family. “You like knowing that I’m fucking you in my kitchen while my family sits outside? Look at them Y/N.. look at how happy and excited they are out there, waiting for their ice cream...” She whimpers, head trying desperately to fall back against his shoulder, but Brian won’t let that happen. “But here we are, my cock buried deep in your weeping little cunt, completely ignoring them.. god Y/N I would leave my partner if 12 years for you, to have this cunt in my life for the rest of time..” His words shock him a little, but he means them. He and Anita had been having some issues for quite some time, and this, whatever it was with his son’s best friend, just solidified the fact that his romantic relationship with her was over. Y/N is also a little shocked at his words, but the pleasure building inside her belly knocks the words she was going to say right out of her head.   Instead, she rather pathetically whimpers out, “I’m almost there! B-Brian.. Please!” Her hips are moving hard, rolling to meet his own impatient thrusts.   His fingers moving faster against her clit as she jerks her head from his grasp, turning around quickly and wrapping a leg around his waist, propping the other on the counter top. She knows she’s going to be sore as all fuck in the morning, but the way the angle changes sends her into an earth shattering orgasm.   Brian’s eyes widen at her movements, and the way her hips never leave his, how his cock unsheathes from inside her cunt. Whimpering himself, he tightens his grasp on her waist, pulling her as close as he can against him as he pounds into her.   “Cum for me Y/N, p-please honey, I wanna feel you l-let go against me..” His teeth are gently nipping at her ear as she breathlessly moans out his name, mouth falling open when he latches his lips against hers, tongue slipping in uninvited but not unwelcome. “Go on love, let go... please!”   His voice is desperate against her lips, weak and pathetic. He’s so close, so painfully close to painting her walls with his cum, his fingers moving against her clit at the same breakneck speed as his hips slamming into her. She doesn’t need any other encouragement, her breath hitching in her throat as she sobs out a moan that sounds vaguely like Brian’s name, shuttering against him as he whimpers into her mouth. Feeling her clenching down like a vice on his cock, feeling the tears of pleasure run down her face, it sends Brian over the edge into the most intense and blinding orgasm he’s had in decades. His cock throbs and spurts wave after wave of white hot cum into her waiting cunt. His thrusts start to slow just slightly as the both of them ride out the high that washes over them like a goddamn cold bucket of water, his hand moving from her clit to join his other one grasping her hips. He groans and she moans into his hair as she tries catch her breath, but with his cock still moving in and out of her sensitive cunt it’s almost impossible. “B-Bri.. c-can you s-“ Before she can even get the words out, he’s slid out of her quivering cunt, causing her to let out a gasp of shock at the sudden emptiness she feels, and the abruptness at which he’s just left her. “Wh-“ She furrows her brows, but upon hearing the patio door open, her eyes widen and she hastily throws her sundress over her lap, moving to stand beside the ice cream maker, bowl in her hand as she looks over into the mixer, back turned to whoever has just entered. “Now what’s taking the two of you so long? You’ve got three very sugar deprived children outside waiting!” Anita’s voice is light and full of amusement, and Y/N sucks in a shaky breath before letting out a little laugh, not daring to turn around as she speaks. “Oh! It just needed a few more minutes to get nice and thick. Should be ready any second now!” Brian has propped himself up on the counter beside Y/N and the ice cream maker, elbows propped up against his knees in an attempt to disguise the still half hard cock he had just managed to get  back into his shorts when Anita had opened the door. God, he was eternally grateful for looking out the window when he did. “You go on back out and we’ll take care of the sweets doll.” His tone is light and not at all betraying the actions he’d just been involved in not even 30 seconds earlier. Anita smiles at them and nods her head, heading back out the door, telling Emily, Jimmy and Louisa that it would just be a couple more minutes. The sound of the door closing causes Y/N and Brian to both let out loud sighs of relief, the two lover’s eyes meeting for a second before they dissolve into a fit of laughter. Brian hops off the counter, wrapping his arms around the younger woman, his head resting against her shoulder as she threads her hands through his hair. Y/N couldn’t believe that she’d just done that... that she had fucked Brian May, her best friend’s father, against the counter in his goddamn kitchen while his partner and children ate basically in the next room. “Jesus fuck Brian, that was too close for comfort.” Her words are a bit shaky, the gravity of the situation crashing down on her. She didn’t want to ruin a family, and she certainly didn’t want to lose Jimmy, but... whatever she was feeling for Brian was more than just lust, and she knew that. Plus, what he had said to her about leaving Anita.. that was probably just heat of the moment words, but she couldn’t help but think otherwise.. Brian laughs lightly, sitting up just enough to look into her eyes.   “We’ll just have to be more careful next time then won’t we..” He brushes his hand through her hair, eyes gentle, a small smile on his face when he sees the shock on her face. “N-next time?” Her brows furrow, butterflies erupting in her stomach at the possibility that he wanted the same thing she did... to keep this going for as long as possible. Leaning down, Brian places a deep and finalizing kiss to Y/N’s lips, his hands cupping her cheeks, her’s moving up to hold his gently.   The kiss said more than he ever could, that he wanted this, wanted her, it confirmed to Y/N that she was getting into something bigger than herself, and that she was about to enter into a world of insanity and secrecy. She couldn’t wait.   Brian pulls away from her just a little, smiling as he rakes his eyes over her figure, taking in a shuttering breath when he sees the white liquid that he’d squirted into her a few moments earlier, running down her leg. Dropping to his knees without a second thought while Y/N begins to scoop the ice cream into bowls, Brian licks a stripe from her calf up to her cunt, sucking up every single drop of his cum that had managed to escape her pussy. Y/N is completely unprepared for the sudden feeling of his mouth against her sensitive cunt, moaning lightly as he cleans her.   Placing a delicate kiss to her clit, he pulls  away after he was certain that she was as clean as she could possibly be, aka clean enough that she wouldn’t drip in front of the kids or Anita.   Brian drops a kiss to her nose before turning to the ice cream bowls on the counter, taking a bite of the creamy frozen vanilla treat, moaning at the taste, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s lust blown ones.   Smirking, he takes 4 of the bowls from the counter, leaning in to drop a kiss to her lips before moving to whisper in her ear.
 “You’re sweeter.”    
Tags: @meddows-taylors @doubledeaky @toomuchlove-willkillyou @rogerina-deacon @leah-halliwell92 @goodoldfashioned-rogerboy @brianmayoucease @rogertaylors-lipgloss @mariekuuuuuh @unofficialbillnye @stephydearestxo @danamaleksworld @dereones98 @glasgowkisschelseasmile @awkwardangelshezza @bellamy1998 @psychosupernatural @warren-lauren @womanwithahotdogstand @oujiacallme @simonedk @ellywritesfics @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @sam-mercurry-sixx @toomuchtellyneck @asgardianvamp21  @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @amore-libre @marvelstuck @softboydeacon @a-queen-on-her-throne @horrorsinwonderland @roger-bang-the-drum @frannyxc @mrsmazzellotaylor @reedusteinrambles @drowseoftaylor
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can-u-imagine-that · 5 years
Title: To do List;
Fandom: X-Men;
Character: Ororo Munroe;
Request by anon: Prompt 7 and 30 from your blog for Ororo from the latest fox movies plz! Oh, and if you could keep the reader gender female i would really appreciate it too... can’t wait 
Note: Y/N: Your Name;
Warning: Low self esteem thoughts;
Prompts: “Awn, look at us! We’re basically a couple already!” and “I can’t think straight with you so close.”;
Author’s Note: I didn’t specify the color of the reader’s skin so that you guys can picture it the way you want.
Hope you like it!
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You sighed looking through your window at the bright sunny day outside. All around the mansion, the young mutants were enjoying the day off they had, playing, reading, laying under a tree and appreciating each other’s companies. You loved to watch other people.
As a child you were never really allowed out of your house, mostly because your parents were ashamed of you being a mutant. And you couldn’t really hide it because your skin had a really unnatural color. It was like the Universe wasn’t cruel enough to only make you a mutant. It had to make you a walking freak. At least that’s what your parents made you feel about yourself. So you were content with only watching people from afar.
You were so caught up watching Jean and Kurt chat happily that you didn’t notice someone approaching you. Sneakly, said person made their way to your back, finally grabbing your sides and almost giving you a heart attack.
“HOLY SHIT, ORORO!” you yelped, smacking the laughing mutant in the arm “T-That’s not funny!”
“It actually is, beautiful...” you blushed at the nickname she often used to refer to you, especially because it sounded so nice with her accent that she could get anything she wanted from you just by asking like that.
You and Ororo had a complicated relationship.
You’ve had a crush on the mutant for a while. Something to do with the way she was such a badass and had actually saved you from your shitty family. You weren’t used to have friends and people close to you so most of the times your insecurity had the best of you, but Ororo almost made you feel beautiful in a way that you never tought it was possible. Almost. The first time she learned that you hated your appareance, she made sure that it was crystal clear to you how beautiful she found you to be. And after that, she just kept reminding you all the time even thought you still couldn’t make yourself believe in her.
And then it happened.
In a weird impulse you pecked her sweetly on the lips when she walked you to your room after a training session. You remember widening your eyes in despair at the thought that she would probably feel repulsed by you, that you’d lose her friendship that you fought so hard to keep, especially because Ororo was so damn popular now with everyone in the Mansion and you barely could compete in friendship terms with anyone let alone in any other way. And now you had ruined everything becau-
Your rambling thoughts stopped when she pressed a gentle kiss against your lips before smiling and walking away, leaving a dumbfolded you at the door.
And you never spoke about it.
And it just kept happening.
On the beginning you felt really awkward near her. You couldn’t act normally, especially after Jean sent you a knowing smirk during lunch when Ororo sat next to you and actually called you “beautiful” in front of everyone else.
But after some time things started to become natural.
And those small pecks and kisses kept happening but were never mentioned as your friendship remained.
But you wanted to talk about it.
Oh, how you wanted.
But you couldn’t. Because what if she stopped? What if she thought that you wanted something serious with her when she was only having some fun or some kind of distraction?
No, you didn’t want to ruin this.
“You still there?” she waved her hands in front of your face, making you come back to reality “Good. Thought I had lost you for a moment...”
You laughed slightly, looking outside again as Ororo settled by yourside, also staring at the others.
“You shouldn’t barge into someone’s room like this...” you said playfully, nudging her with your shoulder “It’s not polite!”
“The door was opened...” she replied, arching one eyebrow while her dark eyes rested on your face again “What were you thinking?”
“By... leaving my door opened?” you answered slowly, your brows furrowing when she laughed.
“No, silly. Before I came in. You were really focused...”
“Oh...” you blushed “In my defence your question came out of nowhere...”
She shruged, still waiting for you to tell her whatever was on your mind. Ororo loved listening to you talk about all your thoughts. You were fascinating for her.
“Well... I was just watching the others enjoying their evening. It’s bright and warm outside. I like seeing them do their stuff...” you laughed as a boy tripped and feel while playing futball with another “I don’t know... I think it’s just an habit that I have. Watching people and all since I didn’t really managed to make friends back when I was a kid...”
“Why not?” she asked innocently, making you bit the inside of your cheek. It was a delicate matter for you, but it was Ororo, so you didn’t mind sharing.
“Because of this...” you gestured to your hole body and she knew you meant your appearence “My parents didn’t let me out of the house...and the few times I ran away people just stared at me like I was some kind of freak... so I always ended coming back. And then my parents would just lock me away again. So you can guess what I became. Zero social skills plus weird ass looking thing... I was a disaster when trying to make friends with anyone...”
You saw Ororo’s hand clench in anger as she remembered your parents. Your hands went to her fisted ones comforting, showing her that you didn’t care about them anymore. She knew you didn’t. But she also knew you still thought of yourself as a freak and that’s what she hated the most. The fact that they made you believe you were weird and ugly when actually for her you were the most beautiful creature she have ever seen.
“I think that’s mainly the reason even here at the mansion I can’t make many friends...” you whispered, her hands lacing your fingers together, making a huge blush spread on your face, because it was the first time that happened and also the first time you shared this part of your feelings with anyone. But with Ororo it felt right “I was locked during most of my childhood. I never experienced so many things that people like to talk about... simple things, but most of them so important... things you go through when you’re a child. Even made a list in the end...”
“Like what?”
“Well... I never fel off a tree. Hell actually I never even climbed a tree to beggin with. I never played outside with friends until dark. Never slept over in a friends house. Don’t have a childhood friend to share stories with or from. I never ate a bug, played with my mom’s make up or got scolded for playing outside in the rain... I never even did feel the rain...” you heard Ororo gasp at your last sentence, laughing at her reaction.
You stayed the hole afternoon in your room with her, talking about the past. You knew she didn’t had an easy childhood either and was actually really gratefull when she shared it with you. Then you started to talk about things you wanted to do and you told her about your other list of things that you wanted to do before dying.
Finally when it was already pitch dark outside and everyone was already on their rooms probably sleeping early for the classes tomorrow she smiled mischievously at you.
Motioning for you to stay silent, she grabbed your hand after closing your window and pulling you outside, towards the hallways. Silently you followed her, wondering what the hell she was ploting. You sneaked through a window to the backyard and walked a little bit until the trees hid you from sight of anyone in the Mansion.
“What the hell are we doing?” you asked, making her laugh.
“I can’t do much about your childhood, but I think at least I can give you one of the experiences that you said you never had. Except for climbing a tree, really, because that you can do on your own. And maybe you can take something off of your other list...” she still had a smirk plastered to her lips as her eyes turned white, signallying that she was using her powers.
You watched her breathlessly for the first time so up close while she opened her arms wide, looking towards the star filled sky. She was so mesmerizing that you wanted to burn that image in the back of your mind for when she finally got tired of hanging with you. Because who were you fooling. Ororo could have anyone she wanted at her feet and yet she stick to you. It was only a matter of time.
The thoughts left your mind when you felt the first cold drop hit your shoulder. It felt really good against your warm skin. You looked up, finding the sky now completely clouded as more droplets fell into you. The rain increased but you were completely marveled at the sensation of the cool water hiting your skin. Soon you were totally drenched, but still couldn’t care any less.
You wondered how that would have felt to little Y/N. How would have you felt as a little girl, seeing the rain for the first time. Playing on the rain with the friends you always dreamed to have?
I would have been so happy...
The thought brought small tears to your eyes, but you swallowed the urge to cry, looking at Ororo again. Her short white hair was now sticking to her face and she watched you tilting her head to the side lightly. Her eyes were back to the natural dark brown you loved so much and her skin glistened completely wet.
And before you could decide against it your body moved on it’s on accord, your arms resting around her shoulders as you pulled her, whispering a small “thank you” and hugging her tightly. Immediately her arms circled your waist, sticking your bodies even closer together, her breath warm against your now cold skin. You buried your head on her neck, feeling the smell of her skin mixing with the smell of wet earth.
“I mean it...” you whispered, still clinging into her, her arms making no movement to let you go either “Thank you...”
"I really want to answer you properly but...” her thick accent sent shivers down your spine and when her arms tightned on your waist you knew she felt it too “I can’t think straight with you so close.”
You had no idea who moved first, you just knew that as soon as she finished speaking you were kissing. A proper kiss this time. Not a sweet peck or a light kiss like you used to. A kiss that rendered you breathless really quick. The taste of Ororo’s lips mixed with the taste of the rain sneaking between your bodies. She bit into your lower lip while you allowed one of your hands to travel to the small of her back, the other tightly secure on her white strands of hair. You whimpered against her when she gave your waist a firm squeeze while her tongue swirled around with yours inside your mouth.
Ororo broke the kiss with slow and tempting pecks, brushing her lips slowly through your jaw, stopping right were it met your ear and leaving a small bite there, making you shiver against her body. It took all of her self control to not hungrily start kissing you again.
She hold into you until both of your breaths calmed, humming content in your shoulder, rocking your bodies from side to side slowly, as if you were dancing to a tune that only played in her head.
You finally broke the silence.
“Dancing in the rain?” she smiled at your statement.
“Well, we just kissed in the rain...” Ororo pulled away a bit so that you were now staring at each other.
“Yeah... I guess I can cross that from my to do list!” you seemed really excited about doing so, missing the glance of pure adoration in Ororo’s eyes  “Awn, look at us! We’re basically a couple already!”
As soon as the words left your mouth you regretted it, pushing away from her and slapping your hands against your mouth.
Stupid mouth, stupid mouth, stupid mouth. You cursed in your head, thinking that now you had really messed things up because the other mutant never said anything about wanting something to do with you.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, not understanding why you looked like you were about to cry when you were so happy just a moment ago. She made the rain turn into a simple drizzle so she could hear you better.
“I-I’m sorry...” you said but even though she could her you perfectly, Ororo approached you again, without touching you “I-I know you probably don’t want anything with me... I just g-got caught in the excitement of the moment... I’m really sorry, that was not what I wanted to say... I-”
“Hey, beautiful, calm down. Who said I don’t want anything with you?” you looked at her stunned for a moment.
“B-But I’m... I’m... just me... and you...”
“I’m just me.” she repeated your words with so much confidence that almost felt like she was saying something completely different “Do you think I’d be around you this much if I didn’t want anything? Or that I would do all of this just for the sake of a friend? You are the best thing that happened to me, Y/N. Hey, don’t look down like this...” her fingers went to your chin as you had looked embarassed towards your feet. How could you be anything like what she was saying? She lifted your face “I know how you feel... I know that your family fucked you up. But believe me when I tell you that you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Both, inside and outside...”
“Shh...” she kissed you again and you could feel a smile back in her lips even with your eyes closed “I think in the end you can cross something else from your list too...”
You eyed her, confused.
“Being asked out.”
“B-But how...?”
“I might or might not have read the list while you went to the bathroom...”
You whacked her head but smiled back when she laughed, the sound making your heart flutter in your chest and the small droplets of gentle water cooled down the warmth from your cheeks.
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alexabarnes · 6 years
Into the Water- Part Three
Pairing: Bucky x veteran!reader
Summary: When a boy falls into the harbor on an icy December day, Bucky meets ex-combat medic (y/f/n) (y/l/n). She is fighting to figure out life after the war. Something about her sticks with Bucky in a way he can’t shake.
Word Count: 1.5k ish
A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for being patient. I know I haven’t posted in a hot minute but I’ve been super fucking busy, so there’s that. I decided to squander away time I could be doing work and wrote this instead. Flood my inbox and make my day plz <3
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There was a tall man standing in front of one of the rooms. He had a loose brown aviator jacket on and a red henley underneath. He wore a navy blue ball cap pulled low to conceal his face, the ends of his shoulder length chestnut hair peeking out from underneath it.
“Bucky,” she whispered in surprise.
“Bucky, what are you doing here?” She asked, still not really believing he was standing in front of her.
“I… uh— he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “I just wanted to check on the kid. I couldn’t stop wondering whether he made it or not.”
Y/n merely nodded, knowing exactly the feeling.
“Me too,” she chuckled to herself, “I couldn’t sleep last night.”
He just stared at her in awe. “Me either,” he whispered back.
There was a beat of silence between the two of them; it was almost awkward, neither of them really knowing what to say. They were both a little enraptured by each other, reminiscent of their moment on the dock.
Bucky cleared his throat, y/n shifted on her feet, breaking the tension between them. She walked forward to the hospital room. The door was open and through the gap in the curtains she could see the boy resting peacefully in the hospital bed. The boy had a tube sticking out of his mouth and was hooked up to so many leads, between the cardiac monitor, the IV drip, and ventilator. The room was filled only by the rhythmic pumping of the ventilator and the soft beeping of the EKG.
The boy had better color than the last time she saw him, a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. He looked so soft and innocent, little freckles scattered across his skin and blond hair swept across his forehead. In the chair next to the boy’s bed was an older man. He had grasped the boy’s hand in both of his own, his eyes never leaving the sleeping child. Y/n could see the glassiness in his eyes and he exhaustion evident in the dark circles. He wore a simple knit sweater and worn jeans.
Noticing the figures standing outside of the room, he glanced at the door. He cleared his throat and stood to walk to the door, puzzling at the broad shouldered man and the woman with a large German Shepherd sitting attentively by her side. He walked with a slight limp as he made his way to the door.
Bucky tensed when the man stood up to walk to the door. He couldn’t help but feel that he was caught doing something he shouldn’t. Y/n remained unmoving. He shifted uncomfortably. Talking to random strangers wasn’t his forte, especially when it was a conversation that was obviously going involve some outpouring of emotion.
“Can I help you?” The older man asked, stepping out of the room and closing the door gingerly behind him.
Y/n spoke up, taking the lead, and Bucky didn’t mind for a second. “Hi, we’re sorry to bother you. We don’t mean to intrude. We just wanted to see that he was okay,” she said.
“Oh my god, you’re the one that saved my grandson, aren’t you?” He asked, his voice trembling. Y/n blushed a bit. She didn’t even know what to say.
“H-how did you know?” She finally asked.
“When the hospital finally got a hold of me, I came running in and asking the nurses what happened. And they told me what you did. I—I don’t even know what to say. Thank you doesn’t seem close to enough.” The man’s voice broke, tears started to run down his face.
She reached her hand out to comfort the man. “Well, I don’t know about thanking me. I would’ve been stuck in that water if it hadn’t been for this guy. He pulled us both out. I guess we both have a lot to thank him for,” she said wistfully, directing her gaze from the man to Bucky who was standing beside her. She smiled softly at him.
The man rubbed his face and took a deep breath, obviously a little embarrassed at his emotion. He turned to Bucky.
“There is no way I can possible thank you enough for all you did, the both of you. If it wasn’t for you, I would be getting him from the morgue,” he drew a shuddering breath, “but now he’s here beside me. Alive. Thank God for you both.”
Y/n was surprised to hear Bucky’s voice. “Seeing that he’s okay and that he has a family is thanks enough.” His voice was soft and even. The man smiled at them.
“Can I ask, what’s the boy’s name?” Y/n asked the man.
“Jonathan. It was his father’s name.”
“Jonathan,” y/n replied. “That’s a good, strong name. Your grandson is a fighter. He seems like a great kid.”
“He is. He is so special. He’s got his mother’s eyes and talent, but he’s built so much like his father. He’s so damn independent, sometimes it scares me to death.” The man chuckled to himself. “I swear I am never letting that boy out of my sight again. I just sent him down the street to pick up a package. I always go with him, but he insisted he go by himself. He just turned seven, so he’s got it in his head that he’s a man now.”
That got Bucky’s lips to break into a soft half smile. He chuckled a bit.
The man’s face turned sad again. “I should’ve never let him go by himself. I tell him all the time to never go on the docks because they’re always dangerous, but he loves to look at the little sea creatures glued to the dock. I should’ve known. What kind of person am I, to let a young boy walk by himself?” He chastised himself and looked at the floor.
“Hey, no. That’s not unreasonable. It doesn’t make you a bad person. What happened was an accident. You know boys, they’ll always go do what they’re told not to do. God knows thats all my brother did when he was that age. It’s okay. He’s here now and he’s safe.”
Y/n and Bucky both smiled at the man, but Bucky’s eyes were trained on y/n. He was so amazed at how good she was with the man, knowing just what to say.
“What are your names? I cant believe I haven’t asked yet.”
“Y/n and this guy is Ranger,” she said, gesturing to Ranger who had been patiently sitting by her side. The man looked to Bucky.
“James, sir,” he replied.  
“Y/n and James,” he said, “Oh, and I’m Al. It’s so nice to meet you both. I cant believe I actually get the chance to meet you in person and thank you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Al,” Y/n said, “and really, there’s no need to thank us, I was just happy I could help.” There was something about the way she spoke that struck Bucky. There was no hint of false modesty; every word was genuine.
Al nodded, “Well, I’m going to thank you both again, anyways.”
Y/n giggled at that and nodded.
“Well, I should get back to him, just in case he wakes up.” Y/n nodded understandingly.
“It was nice to meet you, Al. You’ve got a great kid,” y/n said. Al smiled. Before he turned away to the door, he looked at Bucky.
“If you’re smart, James, you’ll hold on to this one,” he said. Bucky just nodded and y/n blushed.
Al walked back to the door and closed it behind him. Y/n breathed out a sigh.
“Well, it was nice to see you again, Bucky. I’m really happy I ran into you here,” Y/n said and turned to walk away, Ranger standing up to follow her. His chest tightened, he didn’t want to let her walk away again.
“Wait,” Bucky called out. Y/n paused and looked over her shoulder. “I-uh…I think I should take his advice.” Y/n just looked at him, not sure what he meant.
“Um, coffee. Do you want to get coffee sometime?” Y/n broke out into a wide smile. She looked so beautiful when that happiness painted her features, he never wanted it to fade.
“Of course, Bucky. I’d love that.” Bucky just smiled back, tension leaving his shoulders. She walked back to him, pulling a pen out of her jacket pocket. She reached out for his hand, he instinctually tucked his metal one behind him and extending his right. He almost jumped when her soft skin made contact with his. She pushed his sleeve up his wrist and began writing her phone number on the inside of his wrist. As her hand rested in his, while her other wrote the digits on his wrist, she noticed his large hands, and the blue veins that ran up his wrist, and how they were strong and calloused, but his grip was gentle. She smiled to herself and stepped away.
“There, now you can call me whenever you want that coffee,” she said. To be honest he couldn’t  give less of a damn about the coffee, he just couldn’t believe he would get to see her again.
So that’s part three! Please please please let me know what you think. It means the world and keeps me writing. Love yall. 
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revengeworld · 5 years
The Circus VII
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Werewolf! Kylo x Reader Modern/Monster AU
Words: +3.300
Warnings: Just fluff
AN: Feedback plz! And sorry for the late post, lots of stuff to do when you have to take care of your Bridge Baby ;D
MASTERLIST: Can be found in my bio if you are interested in more!
Walking back with a cage in his arms that could fit a cat or a middle sized dog, Kylo debated with himself if he should tell Y/N what she was or if he just keep his mouth shut.
Turning a corner, he saw Y/N already sitting on the big creature, brushing clean its ears.
The only thing he could do right now was to shake his head with a smile.
“Did you get some medicine?” she asked from above and he held up a pouch with salve.
“Sure did. The director gave me an amulet that will shrink him to a better size. If you connect it, the rune closes and makes him smaller.” he explained and threw them up to her.
“Shrink him first so the medicine will be enough.”
“Got it!” she grinned down and started to whisper in the big creatures ear. First he didn’t seem to eager to get the collar on but still let her throw it over his head so he could slip through and she could close the clasp.
Quickly sliding down it’s side the big Toriko started to shrink until it was as small as a big cat.
“Wait! Why is he so small now?!” Kou protested who came slithering through the grass.
“I thought you might like him more in your own size so you two can play.” the director approached them.
“Nah, fuck that! Make me as big as him!” Kou snickered and his mother was shocked at the curses that just came out of her sons hissing snout.
“Kou!” picking him up, he let his head hang low, ready to get a lecture from Phasma.
“Sorry Mama.”
“I know you are excited that you have another new friend, but please behave.” she sighed and let him crawl in her hair.
“Okay Mama.” resting his head on hers, he watched the now small Trico who was sneaking around Y/Ns leg and let out a disappointed sigh.  
Kneeling down Y/N held out her arm, which the Toriko jumped on and rolled itself together.
“Now we can give you a better treatment.” gently brushing over it’s head it started to purr again.
“Why the cage?” Y/N asked Kylo and he held it up.
“It’s a safe space for him were he can rest if he has enough of us. Look inside.” 
Taking a closer look she could see a tiny forest inside, similar to the one that was around them.
“The director created it so he would feel more at home.”
“That's so amazing ...” Y/N mumbled fascinated still not able to realise how much magic was around them.
“Can I sleep over?” Kou suddenly hissed and Phasma looked up at her son with a frown.
“He might be scared the first night!” the little snake defended itself and Phasma needed to admit that it wasn’t a bad idea from her little son.
“Fine, but you listen to what Y/N and Kylo say. If that’s okay with you guys?” looking over to the two, Y/N nodded excited but Kylo rolled his eyes. Knowing that he would not get his hoped alone time with his mate.
“Sure, whatever...” Kylo waved dismissively with his hand before reaching it out so Kou could climb on it.
A bit reluctantly the little snake let itself fall onto Kylos hand who put him on his shoulder.
Walking back to their own tent, Kylo laid his arm around Y/Ns waist and watched her calming the new creature. When he wanted to lean over to press a kiss against her temple a light breeze brought her tempting scent right in his nose.
Feeling his fingers dig lightly into her waist she looked up at him while he held his nose closed.
“S...So bad?” she asked as if it was her fault that he was feeling so tempted.
“Its fine… but here, please wear it.” he mumbled, pulling another amulet from his jeans.
“It will hide your scent from me and others… the Director was so nice to lend it to us… I didn’t think it would be needed, but please wear it...” he explained while laying it around her neck.
Taking a soft and especially careful sniff the last bit of her aroma lingered in his nose before it was gone and he took a relieved breath.
“Sorry...” Y/N only mumbled while he held the cloth of the entrance aside so she could enter their tent.
“It's not your fault, Moonshine. But even I can’t control myself forever, with you tempting me like crazy. And I want to respect your feelings.” gently laying his hand against her cheek, she smiled up at him.
“Thank you for being so understandable. Its just that ….” Y/N stopped her sentence when her eyes landed on Kou on Kylos shoulder, who listened to them.
“How about we talk about this another time?” she suddenly chuckled nervous and grabbed Kou so she could place the two creatures onto the bed for now.
“You don’t have to explain anything. We will take our time. I’m not ready for cups either. Besides we have all the time in the world.” he let out a barking laugh before cupping her face and pressing a long kiss against her forehead. “I will get some hot water for our new addition.” 
Looking after Kylo she smiled for a while, before she looked for a good place for Tricos cage, placing it right next to her desk and turned around to the two who already started playing what seemed to be hide and seek between the sheets and pillows.
“Kou? Do you want to take a bath with him?” Y/N asked the moving blankets until both their heads poked out.
“Yessss sounds like fun! Do we get bubbles?” 
“Lots of them!” she promised. At first the Toriko was scared of the warm water and the unfamiliar foam that was swimming on top of it, but when Y/N let him down into the bowl Kylo had brought, it chirped and started to swim around in it.
Giving both of them a gentle bath, Y/N had a constant smile on her lips. She was proud of herself that she could help this lonely creature that had approached her, now realizing that maybe it really was a good thing that she was different, like most of the people here.
“So did you find out what I am?” she asked Kylo, after she had wrapped the two in a towel and joined her boyfriend on their bed, who was looking for a movie that they could watch on her laptop.
“You are basically Steve Irwin for magical creatures...” he grinned while munching on his beef jerky.
“I’m what?” she started to laugh.
“To be more detailed, you my Moonshine are a fairy. There are lots of them, but your specialty lies with creatures like Trico and Kou. So we could call you Khaleesi, Mother of creatures.” he started to laugh again which also made her giggle even more.
“I like the sound of that!” rubbing Kou and Trico dry, she made a little blanket cave for them.
“But why didn’t my parents tell me that?” leaning against his shoulder, Kylo calmly brushed over her arm.
“They probably don’t know either, Darling. Rey told us that most fairy children get switched with human babies, she can explain it better than I can. But I would prefer it if you just look it up yourself instead of hanging out with her.” 
Hearing her slight chuckle, he looked at her.
“This is something I don’t understand. I’m your mate. We’re meant to be … and you still get jealous?”
“Mhmm… probably the instinct to defend whats mine. And that will not change.” pressing a gentle kiss against her cheek, she chuckled and cuddled closer against his chest.
“Can we watch this one?” Y/N heard a hiss from Kou and told Kylo about the snakes decision.
“Fine by me.” the werewolf grinned and carefully patted the snakes head and Tricos, after hearing the now quiet roar.
Smiling at the three, Y/N was more than happy to spend her evening with them, cuddled up in their pile of pillows and watch a calm movie.
With a last stroke of her brush, Y/N stepped back to look at her finished and probably last big banner. She now had finished everyone that had a part in the show, which also meant she would have a bit more time for other things.
“Are you done?” Kylos head poked around the corner, Trico completely rolled together on top of it. Chuckling lightly she took the hybrid animal from his head and nodded.
“What do you think?”
“It looks awesome! Just like all the others, but my own is still my favourite.” he snickered in her ear before biting it lightly.
“Kylo!” pulling away she tried to avoid his little love attacks with a grin.
“Do you have time later? I want to drive into the city for a little surprise I have prepared for the others.” she grinned from one ear to another and he raised his eyebrows a bit in suspicion.
“Sure thing, Moonshine. I could stock up on some snacks while we’re there. But we have to be back by nightfall, they want to make a big fire and celebrate a bit, since the show is doing so well.” helping her clean up her brushed, Kylo soon nuzzled himself against her back before burying his face in her hair.
“Sounds nice. Then let’s get the Flyers and Posters ready! Maybe … we could have a little bit of a date...” she suggested shyly which only made Kylo grin, showing his fangs.
“Sounds wonderful! Then get ready I will clean the rest of the car.” 
They had just arrived in this town yesterday and they hadn’t unpacked everything yet. To be honest Kylo had expected that Y/N would already be sick of all this traveling lifestyle but she seemed more than in her element than when he met her.
“Your not taking your drawing stuff with you?” he asked surprised, when he saw that she had her camera in her hand instead.
“No, too time consuming. The paint would need to dry and we have so much to do …I just can’t resist my water colours.” she mumbled while looking at herself in the mirror. Brushing through her hair and adjusting the cardigan she had chosen to wear, Kylo just watched her for a moment before throwing his leather jacket over.
Dropping Trico of at Phasmas tent, Y/N and her werewolf were soon on their way into the city.
“Where do you need to stop by?” he asked while looking for a good parking spot.
“Just the copy shop. I preordered everything so we just have to pick it up.” she smiled while Kylo brushed through her hair with a soft look in his warm brown eyes.
“Always so organized and prepared. Nobody would expect you would live with the likes of us.”
“Well I Am one of ‘us’. Sorry that my fairyness is too normal for you Mister Werewolf.” leaning over to him, she gently kissed his plum lips. 
“No, you are just perfect for me, Moonshine.” placing his arm around her waist, he pulled Y/N closer, brushing with his nose against hers while admiring her beautiful eyes.
“Lets get our tasks finished and then we can have a nice evening.” pressing a last kiss against his cheek, Y/N left the car while Kylo looked around for a moment. His eyes suddenly landing on a Poster of a shop. 
“H… hey, you can go on. I can’t seem to find my wallet. I will catch up to you.” 
“Oh sure. It’s the store right on the corner there.” showing him the direction, he nodded and waited for Y/N to be a bit further away, before making his way into the shop that caught his attention earlier.
Waiting patiently in the copyshop while someone was getting her order, Y/N was slightly swaying from side to side to the music that was playing.
“Uhm excuse me?” looking back at the counter another worker was looking at her, it was a small asian woman who adjusted her glasses.
“Yes?” asked Y/N politely and smiled at her.
“Are you from the Circus that you are getting the Posters for?” the other woman was whispering as if she didn’t want to get the attention of her co-workers.
“We are.” Kylo answered instead who was just entering the shop and pressed a kiss on Y/Ns head before laying his arm around her hip.
“Uhm well… is this really ...real?” she whispered again and Kylo leaned over to her to take a small wiff of her scent, which made her look shocked at him for a second.
“Ah … I understand.” nodding to his girlfriend she grinned as well while someone placed the posters and flyers on the counter. Y/N grabbed one Flyer and placed her Signature on it. “Why don’t you come over. The shows will start this weekend. We invite you, uhm?”
“R...Rose.” nervously pushing up her glasses again, the young woman took the flyer.
“We will be looking forward to seeing you at the show, Rose!” smiling at her, Kylo already took the posters while Y/N took two bags from the counter.
Making their way back to the car, Y/N caught a glimpse of another paper bag Kylo was carrying.
“Hey whats that?” she tried to peak but Kylo pulled his arm away.
“I’ve got surprises too. Only for you though.”
“What? What is it?” waiting for Kylo to open the trunk, she tried to sneak around him to get another glimpse.
With a soft chuckle Kylo just lifted his arm and Y/N let out a disappointed huff while watching the bag he was holding.
“I show you mine if you show me yours.” he winked and for a moment she considered it, he could tell it by how she was squinting her eyes a little.
“F...fine! Let’s get some tea and cake and we can give each other our gifts.”
“Perfect!” he exclaimed and pressed a quick kiss against her cheek. With a light grumpy mumbling Y/N searched through the bags before pulling out something in a thin white box.
Locking his car again, Kylo gently took her hand before they looked for a nice cafe were they could rest for a moment.
Sitting on a table for two outside, Y/N was already taking a few pictures of Kylo with his milk moustache.
“Hey, stop that!” holding his hand in front of the lens of her camera, Y/N started to laugh.
“Why? You’re looking so damn cute!” still giggling, she redirected it to the towns square to take a few more pictures and just watch the people walking by.
“So? Wanna do it at the same time?” Kylo asked , already munching on his cheesecake.
“Al..alright, but it's nothing big...” mumbling quietly she placed her present on the table while Kylo handed her the bag he had tried to hide from her earlier.
While she started to look into it Kylo unpacked the box and soon found a framed poster from his Banner.
It seemed like she had worked extra hard to get everyone their banners in a form so that they could hang it in their homes and by the number she had picked up, she hadn’t only done the banner from the show artist but for every single one in the camp.
“This is wonderful sweetheart. I hope you made one for yourself as well so we can hang it in our tent.” with a grin he looked up at her but saw only her shocked face.
“Hey what's wrong, Moonshine?”
“I can’t accept this, you wolf idiot!” she scoffed and he immediately grinned at her.
“Well I’m not taking it back, so you have to live with it.”
“Kylo this is too much… ” looking down at the electronic device in front of her, she could determine that it was a tablet that she could use to draw digitally.
“Well, you talked about that your paints wouldn’t dry fast enough, but I know how much you love to draw. Try it out. The guy in the shop prepared everything.” taking her hand he gently let his thumb brush over her soft skin.
While he enjoyed his coffee, Kylo watched his love trying out her new obsession, letting the pen run over the screen to sketch the towns square. Already seeing that happy smirk on her lips made his heart flutter.
“See, you love it.” he whispered in her ear which made her chuckle.
“Shut up! But really, thank you Darling.” kissing him shyly Y/N could only smile at him.
“Snacks, huh?” Y/N grunted under the weight of the heavy grocery bag, while Kylo pulled the Posters and Flyers out of the trunk.
“You know how much I can eat. Just drop it, I carry it inside, my little Fairy. Take care of your surprises if you want to give them away at the big fire, later.” ruffling through her hair, he pulled her back into a long kiss until Poe cleared his throat behind them. 
“Why do I always catch you guys snogging when I come over?” he teased and grabbed the new Posters and Flyers that he and Phasma would take care of tomorrow.
“Not my fault you’re a creep.” Kylo laughed with a bark.
“By the way, we found someone at the copy shop. She will come to the show. She might join us. She seemed at least eager.” he explained to his friend and already grabbed the boxes with framed pictures, while Y/N vanished in their tent to change.
“She seems excited.” Poe grinned.
“Yeah, she has a little surprise for everyone and we had a very nice calm date. Much needed after the last few days.” Just when the werewolf put the boxes down, Trico jumped up on them.
“Hey little guy, Y/N will be here soon.” Kylo promised while brushing through the creatures feathers. Grabbing the bags with the framed pictures, Poe and Kylo made their way to the middle of the circus where a big stack of wood was already standing.
Letting out a small roar it jumped on his shoulders before jumping right in Y/Ns arms who was standing behind Kylo.
She had changed into a comfortable shorts and one of Kylos sweatshirts that was way too big for her, making her look even cuter to him.
“Want some treats?” she asked Trico who was pushing his head against her cheek before he let out another roar. Pulling out some shining white blue crystals she held them while Trico was devouring them. “Still can’t believe that his food is crushed stardust.” she sighed with fascination and watched the creature. After he had finished everything and licked her hand clean he purred and Y/N held the pouch of the sweatshirt open for him and he quickly climbed into the darkness.
“I will go make my round.” she was already trying to grab one of the boxes and look at the name, but Kylo stopped her.
“That would be too chaotic Darling, let them come together by the fire.”
“But how am I supposed...” she flinched when Kylo suddenly let out a loud howl, getting the attention from everybody.
“The stage is yours.” he bowed slightly and she hit him gently against his forearm with a nervous giggle.
“Uhm … hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I had a little surprise prepared for you. And it would be awesome if you quickly let me hand them out to you!” she called to the big group and to her surprise they calmingly came one to another to her so she could give everyone their Artwork without it getting too crowded.
Kylo had sat down in a chair near the fire while taking a sip from his cold beer, carefully watching the situation,  just to make sure  it didn’t get too overwhelming for his precious love.
After a while, Y/N giggly as ever, let herself fall onto his lap, before nuzzling her head in the crook of his neck.
“Happy?” he smiled and pressed a gentle kiss against her hair, before offering her the bottle, which she took a gulp of.
“Very!” wrapping her arms around his neck, she let out a relaxed sighed while watching the flames, and feeling the warmth.
“I love you...” she suddenly whispered and laid her hand against his cheek to turn Kylos head towards her.
“I love you too, my little fairy.” he purred back before pulling her into a soft kiss.
Tags: @celestiaelisia​ @sdavid09​  @ayatimascd​ @acunningstargazer​ @agirlwithlonelymusic​ @ev3e​ @ellie-emb​ @siren-queen03​​ @luna-xial​
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