#Pochi Wanmaru
usadapekora · 11 months
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doggirlsotd · 8 months
Today’s dog girl of the day is Pochi Wanmaru!
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wavepriisms · 7 months
hit vtuber agency idol corp is an israeli company. please boycott them (and by extension their talents) as long as "israel" continues its genocide in palestine
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also, their another branch of theirs is idolhe (abbreviation for idol hebrew). this branch is specifically for israeli vtubers.
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tagging this with every idolen vtuber i know of
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Yuko: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Juna: Rude.
Rin: That’s fair.
Pochi: Not again.
Fuyo: Are you going to want this back?
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mrmcwigglyman · 10 months
A letter to E-Sekai
Rare semi-serious post because E-Sekai's first anniversary is tomorrow.
Hopefully this breaches Tumblr containment because I don't use any other social media.
When E-Sekai first debuted, I was at a really bad time in my life. For context, I went to college in late August, and for two months, I was slowly destroying my mental health because I wanted to stay, but couldn't handle it. I continued to sink deeper and deeper into depression until my mom came to take me home in late October. During the first months of my return, I was so dejected that I didn't want to do anything. I wasted all my time doing unproductive things on the computer, relying on it for comfort. My parents intervened and restricted access to my computer. Without my computer for comfort, I turned to watching VTubers on my phone, to the point of staying up all night trying to distract myself from the sadness of having to leave college. It was really unhealthy and non-sustainable, but I couldn't get myself to do anything else.
Almost exactly one month later, I found a debut compilation for Idol-EN's first generation, called E-Sekai. I was immediately interested, so I found their channels and subscribed to all of them. I especially liked Rin, for various reasons which I'll get to later, but I enjoyed watching everyone. Their streams got me to come out of my shell online. Before E-Sekai, I didn't use the YouTube account on my phone for chatting or commenting at all, because I didn't have a channel linked to it, but E-Sekai convinced me to make a channel so I could chat. One of the things about small to medium-sized VTuber agencies is that the streamers are more likely to see your comment as an individual. Whenever I got someone to laugh with one of my jokes, it made my day. E-Sekai made me want to be creative again. They got me through the grueling late nights of working at my coat check job. And they helped me try to get out of my depression. I actually know and interact with people on the Idol discord, and I discovered a lot more VTuber agencies because Idol gave me confidence to chat in many other VTubers' chats.
My life is still not perfect. I'm really anxious about any sort of change to my routine, such as getting a normal job, and I need to get better at taking care of myself. But E-Sekai and Idol in general still brings a lot of happiness to my life.
I want to take the rest of this post to say how each individual member of E-Sekai contributed to my life, and the group as a whole. I'm not good at writing these kinds of things, and I'm probably missing a bunch of what makes them all so fun to watch, but I hope this captures them well enough.
Yuko: The scream from her debut was ear-piercingly beautiful. Her hyperactive personality leads to incredibly fun moments. I'm still amazed by how much she loves her boo bros. She's the perfect blend of lewd, wholesome, and silly. In one of her karaoke streams, she got me to listen to the entirety of "A Little Piece of Heaven", which is my least favorite A7X song. Keep being the most neurodivergent in E-Sekai, Yuko! Wanau :boobropout:
Juna: The eel's art and Live2D streams were super comfy, but also very cursed. I celebrated New Year's along with her, and I still have the art she made for it somewhere. Juna's streams got me through the early parts of my coat check shifts. I love all the inside jokes the fameely has, such as "good riddance", "LIVID", banning Yogurt, and Golden Shower. And speaking of the fameely, they're the friendliest people in the Discord server, and I love to talk to them. Juna actually responded to my comments a lot, which boosted my confidence a lot. Also, one of my favorite moments was during the Seiso Stream when I tried to catch her off guard by asking her to pronounce "Featherstonhaugh." Always remember that it rhymes with "hand saw." Stay LIVID, Juna, and thanks for all the completely sane streams so far.
Rin: Rin is the one that I instantly identified with. She loves making silly powerpoints. She has a very particular taste in video games that I can never find anywhere else. Even before she mentioned she was ace, I could tell she was ace-coded. She has an incredibly broken sense of humor. The first (and currently only) VTuber merch I've ever bought was the skrunkly plush. And I don't really believe in fate, but I had to admit that there was one coincidence that was very convincing. While watching her debut slides, when she was introducing some of her plushies, I learned that I have a very personal connection to the name of one of her plushies. Her streams are incredibly creative and fun. Her powerpoint streams and skit streams are the funniest content I've seen in a long time. Her reactions to things that wouldn't normally be funny makes them funny, which is part of the reason I love the shovelware series so much. I can tell she works so hard behind the scenes to make all those things happen. Even though after the Shortsening her chat is sometimes unbearable to look at, I'm glad that she is a lot of people's first VTuber. I'm proud to call Rin my kami-oshi. Fun fact: The B emoji in my YouTube username, although I've used it before Idol, was specifically chosen for Rin, except now that the emoji is banned in her chat, I can't actually send my membership milestone chats because according to YouTube logic, my username counts as part of the superchat?? I'll probably change it to a small capital B instead someday. Anyway, Rin, I'm glad to be a member of the Princedom, and I'm so happy that you are able to reach so many people. Also, congrats for keeping up the Rin facts for a YEAR! *metal_pipe.mp3* *outro music*
Pochi: Pochi is an absolute gamer. The fact that she doesn't rage very often leads to some very comfy streams, even in frustrating games. She also does some cool themed zatsus, like the pet peeves stream. I enjoy her Minecraft streams a lot, and I actually got back into modded Minecraft because of her. Her redebut was so good and so creative, and I just think her "hello, I am puppy" t-shirt is hilarious. I often leave her streams on in the background because she is just so comfy. Keep doing what you're doing, Pochi! Wäf wäf!
Fuyo: One early series of streams that I enjoyed was Fuyo's Bioshock playthrough. Normally I don't like those kinds of games, but it was actually really interesting. I also remember watching her VTuber cosplay stream while waiting for a doctors appointment that I showed up an hour early for. I still don't know she got away with some of the games she played in the first week after debut. When I was waking up late because I was staying up late, Fuyo streams were what helped me wake up and get out of bed. Also I think I left the Nyan Cat stream on while I slept, which may or may not have been detrimental to my musical health. I look forward to the future, and I hope you are, too, Fuyo. Thank you for giving back my physical wallet, even if you kept the stuff inside.
I'm awful at wording things, but I really wanna thank E-Sekai for helping me out of a deep hole in my life. I know this is probably not gonna get more notes than my fucking Papa Louie Veggie Dog post, but on the offchance this reaches one or all of you... idk I'm all out of words, but I'm looking forward to another year of E-Sekai antics.
I also want to thank the rest of Idol for being just as awesome!
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vtuberconfessions · 6 months
can someone pls catch me up on whats going on w pochi wanmaru??
TL DR: Pochi's been on hiatus for a while, then a few days ago NotPochi posted on her Twitter about "NotStarbucks" (Idol) and basically accused them of a lot of shit, one the most concerning that they were withholding money from her or something. Then some days after it she deleted it and both parties said it was a misunderstanding, and Pochi was allowed to graduate, declining a graduation stream.
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jaeming29 · 1 year
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E-sekai moment lol
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Rin: So, I have a child. Yuko: Hi Rin: As a proud mama, I want to protect her innocence at all costs. Which WOULD be easier IF MY EX-WIFE AND OTHER GENMATES WEREN'T BEING SO INDECENT ALL THE FUDGING TIME!! Juna: Babygirl, do you SEE this body? You can't expect me not to take advantage of it. Rin: DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME BABYGIRL YOU BLOODY JACKASS. Fuyo: *is batshit insane; tentacle porn enjoyer* Pochi: AND YOU THINK I DO THIS ON PURPOSE!?
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helshollowhalls · 2 months
Let's check the top comments while watching the newest False video - - - wat.
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Well, that wasn't on my 2024 bingo card.
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yu-and-rei-vi · 12 days
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Gummies (og images under the cut)
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"Why do you watch vtubers that's so cringe"
Where else is zombified Miguel O'Hara gonna get brought up in a debate about brains vs braun vs beauty where the contestants are a clown an eel and a dog
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usadapekora · 6 months
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guro-rusame · 11 months
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Pochi's new model!
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tamarieatsbatteries175 · 11 months
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Yuko: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Juna: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Yuko: Three of us saw it, Juna. How do you explain that?
Juna: *points at Rin* Sleep deprivation. *points at Pochi* Paranoia. *points at Fuyo* Delusional personality disorder.
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mrmcwigglyman · 3 months
A letter to ENdless
For E-Sekai's first anniversary, I wrote an open letter to all 5 members talking about how they brought me out of hard times and how much they all mean to me. So I'm doing the same today for the second Idol EN generation, ENdless.
Endless was the first full generation of Idol that I was able to watch the debuts of live. It was one day before I left for a family vacation, so I was sitting in my room with my stuff all packed and ready to go, watching the debuts on my phone and the watchalongs on my laptop. And for the past year, I was able to watch all of these wonderful talents go on to do amazing things.
Roca: When you began your debut with an opera song I was already impressed, but the transition into "Highway to Hell" had me absolutely floored. I normally don't watch karaoke streams, but your singing is too good to pass up on, and I love how you do encores like a true rock star. Your voice is as addictive as your personality, and I always have so much fun whenever I catch your streams, even when your screams nearly blow out my phone speaker. The huge amount of music you listen to inspires me to check out more bands that I either haven't listened to in a while, or haven't heard of before. Thank you for being as smart, funny, talented, and just downright amazing as you are. Rock on!
Poko: You are such a silly little guy and I love it. I love when you do your late-night marathons, especially the Minecraft ones, since they would keep me company as I was working on my own Minecraft projects. You were actually the one who gave me the idea of working night-shift jobs, since I realized that I'm an overnight kind of person. I always love tuning into your streams and hearing you talk, and you're also really good with talking to other people-- you fit right into every collab you're a part of. You even got to go to Japan for an off-collab which is amazing to think about! I hope you know how awesome you are, and I look forward to seeing what you get up to in the future.
Kai: I've never seen a community quite like yours. Despite how much we like to tease you, you inspire us to do so many things to show how much you mean to us. Your content is so inspiring, and you always try and include the Kamisitos in the creative streams you do. You always encourage us to do so many creative things, and I've seen so many Kai-inspired works that are unlike anything else I've seen a VTuber's community create. I've written my first fanfiction-- and my first completed short story since high school-- because of you. I even sort of owe the creation of "Golden Age vGH" to you, because I never would have finished it and released it as a present for Rin's birthday if I hadn't made a short birthday song and video for you first. I love the energy you have, your ability to banter with the Kamisitos, and all the goofy stuff you do. I mentioned before that I don't normally watch karaoke streams, but the way you inject Kai energy into yours is so captivating, and the way you sing "Creep" is just... well... godly. Your community is where I feel the most comfortable blurting out some of my dumbest quips whenever something silly happens. And you are probably the hardest worker of your gen. You work so hard on stuff, like your diss track, the Trolls model, and of course, Idol Alert, which always brightens my week. I have so much more to say, but I'll leave it at this: You are the best Kami Broshi I could ever ask for.
Momo: While it is a shame that things have been so busy for you since even before the half-year anniversary, I'm always glad to join into your streams, and I know you've been working hard on things. I think it's really cool that you're studying biology, and you seem really knowledgeable about it. I was always glad to join your short late-night streams before I went to sleep, and you really gel well with all of the other members. I hope to see more from you soon, especially as the school season is winding down. Keep working hard on both Idol- and non-Idol-related things!
Coni: You are the most genuine of the group to me, and I really love just talking about stuff with you and the Carnies. You stream so frequently, and you usually start your streams 5 to 10 minutes early, which I love. You are really curious about many things, and you find some really interesting stuff to share with us. I love how you can have a grounded, down-to-earth conversation and then immediately start talking about something batshit insane. One thing about you that sticks out to me is your taste in music. Music, especially sharing music with others, is really important to me, and honestly, you seem like the kind of person that I could show songs of the deepest, most esoteric songs I know, and you'd enjoy them. You're so energetic, yet so chill at the same time. Your sense of humor is so sincere, yet so surreal. You are really one-of-a-kind, and I'm glad we Carnies could get to know you throughout this past year. I look forward to the future!
I had a lot more to say this time around wow. Being there for the debuts was amazing, as was watching everyone's first few streams in my hotel room while on vacation. Happy one year to ENDLESS! I hope this coming year is even better!
Before I close out this letter, I also want to write something for Yuko and Pochi.
Pochi: While it's sad it had to happen in the first place, I'm glad she and the company were able to resolve the misunderstanding somewhat amicably. It feels weird to wish her well on her future endeavors since I'm still watching her, but I will anyway, especially because of the big things happening in the future. Thank you Pochi, for introducing me and all the other fans to you.
Yuko: This one still hits me really hard. At first, I was really glad to see her streaming again, but then when I realized, it was really difficult for me. I wanted to be there during those last 5 days, but I just couldn't bring myself to watch. I have a feeling it was a near-impossible decision for her to make, and it's sad to see her go. I won't dwell on the reason too much, but I just wanted to say how excited I was to see all the things she'd get up to after the change of content. One thing that I didn't mention in "A Letter to E-Sekai" is how Yuko was the one who reintroduced me to Sayu. I of course had known about her since the beginning of the year, but if she hadn't collabed with Yuko on one of the first few days of her subathon, I never would have returned to one of the nicest communities of the VTubing sphere. So I really want to thank Yuko for honestly changing my life once again. I hope to cross paths with you again, Yuko.
Since I don't have any other social media accounts, I don't expect any of them to see this post, but still, everyone at Idol means so much to me, and I'm glad to have been with them since the very first Spongtember.
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