#Podcast Babbling
batsydoodle · 2 months
Getting into an extremely popular and mainstream superhero was the best decision I've ever made because I truly get to see my guy everywhere. Just saw a batman birthday cake at the grocery store and my brain immediately got flooded by serotonin. I love it
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lxvenderjewel · 18 days
Let me talk about how it's so interesting that John seems to have great people skills yet talks a lot about failed romantic relationships. And his fixation on romantic relationships themselves.
Now bear with me here. And this does mildly pertain to an episode that's not fully out yet, so there's vague allusions to that, so just beware I suppose.
I think it's very interesting that he has good people skills, but to strangers. He can talk a stranger down from violence. He can somewhat charm strangers. He's a very good stranger person, not necessarily a very good people person.
We see a pattern in a lot of his close relationships that we're told about (excluding his mum of course) where he seems to try really hard with people he's close to. In the latest mailbag he talks about having a partner who broke up with him on his birthday during quarantine, which then led him to re-enlist in the army (if I remember correctly, he enlisted at first to prove to her that he was a serious person, which also just break my heart because he deserves to be his silly self).
We've (me and a few friends) speculated that the reason for his quarantine relationship failing might've been because he suffocated his partner with affection while still somehow missing something there, maybe it was that the relationship felt forced because he was trying so hard.
I do think it's very tragic how he can connect with strangers so quickly, but he seems to not know what to do once those strangers become, well, more than strangers to him. He's very good at quick connections. He doesn't know what to do with a long term connection, or a connection that gets picked back up (we see this with Hayter in REIG, he feels immensely jealous of this person whose life he saved).
Which puts a lot of pressure on him (from himself) to do Sherlock and Mari right. Because they've stuck together for seven months now? This is another long relationship ride, and I feel like especially with the PTSD, and the general war veteran pain, he would feel the need to prove to them (and by extension himself) that he can get this relationship right, that he can keep these people close to him.
Which then loops back around to his abysmal self esteem which if I start talking about I will never stop so I'm shutting up here. And if you have things to add please do because it makes me very happy when people affirm my rants.
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anghraine · 7 months
I'm torn over Darcy/Elizabeth in exactly one respect.
See, I love their character arcs and how they mirror each other without being really the same, and how they influence each other for the better, even while the intellectual and moral fiber to actually do the work of growth comes from within. And they aren't even done evolving, the novel holds out the promise that they're just going to keep getting better and better.
But ... I also love that sometimes they're just clever petty assholes and tbh part of me doesn't want them to actually grow beyond it altogether. I love Darcy's dry abrasive humor and Elizabeth's haha totally joking jabs. I hope their private commentaries remain acerbically funny to the end of their lives.
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thesiltverses · 7 months
Podcast god?
no thank you, i couldn't possibly
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nocandnc · 3 days
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Oh, OkoHoshi crumbs?? Don’t mind if I do!!!
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podcasts-in-space · 3 months
do yall think tmagp georgie and tmagp jonathan sims still dated? what if they're still together? is there a jonathan sims in this universe? what if he was consumed by the leitner as a kid? what if this universe did not have a jonathan sims so it brought the voice of one over?
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handern · 27 days
if I had a nickel for every time a main character in a podcast turned out to be a terrible father whose behavior impacted his child so badly he literally lost said child one way or another, and it destroyed his life so bad he started a journey away from earth I would have (counts on fingers) too many nickels. way too many. be better fathers
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asexualbookbird · 1 month
hm i need an audiobook to listen to but nothing Sounds Good
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dumbbullet · 1 year
My enjoyment of podcasts is measured by how much peril the Men are in
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My stuff
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Dangerous Romance meta and other observations
What the hell is Ben thinking in Never Let Me Go? (Meta series)
Fic and not-fic
PerthChimon extra content ‘analysis’
Hear me on the @criticallyobs podcast "Let's Talk Dangerous Romance Special Episode" and "Let's Talk Last Twilight" part 1 and part 2
Best of PerthChimon videos YouTube playlist and my Curated Library of their YouTube Shorts
Nothing But Good by Kess McKinley (also available digitally!)
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beanyboi173thegoober · 4 months
Happy Brutal Pipe Murder Day!
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lxvenderjewel · 16 days
link to my last meta here, it has some context for this
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So first of all. What if I ate glass
Do you think this means he didn't have very many close friends growing up? Just a bunch of acquaintances? And so he invited a bunch of people, but they all had prior commitments, and they didn't care enough about him to leave them to go to his party?
Do you think that's why he fucked up a lot of his close relationships as he got older? Because he never got close enough to anyone when he was younger, and he never learned how to be especially close with people?
Do you think he saw those people who had best friends, who would get matching necklaces, bracelets, whatever, and he would be so jealous? Because what was he not doing that these other people were, that got them such close friends?
Do you think as he went into the army he brought with him this sense of loneliness? Do you think he hooked up with a lot of people to try and get rid of that? And his army mates would praise him for it, even though it just made him feel emptier every time?
And then he got that aforementioned quarantine girlfriend, and he tried so hard with her, smothered her with affection. Yet for some reason he was still empty. He couldn't fully put himself into their relationship.
And eventually, on his birthday, she broke up with him.
Do you think he thought that, moving into 221B, would be another short phase in his life? That Sherlock would eventually move out, and he would go through life with this crushing sense of loneliness and disconnectino from the world?
Do you think he knew that he'd find his whole life in that little flat?
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beannary · 10 months
so ive been listening to the disaster area podcast and now everytime i arrive and leave work i think about how there is a door that opens inwards to get into the museum and how everyone would be absolutely fucked if there were a fire
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this is my real reminder for people to listen to Wastelanders: Hawkeye on spotify (or wherever you get your podcasts) due this actually being an AMAZING 10 episode podcast story; and a neat au version of Wastelands verse and a GOOD Hawkeye story. The VA work is amazing and Stephan Lang as Clint actually makes me CRY; I cried cause some episodes were so good.
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nocandnc · 3 days
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Reno’s voice actor Katoh Wataru is apparently a big Okonogi fan, but listening to the latest podcast, I was amazed to find he has the exact same “Okonogi dressing up for a party” fantasy as I do lol
It’s A++ fanfic content I tell you!!
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Does anyone have any good church history podcast recommendations? Preferably ones with an objective approach - I’m sick of having to choose between ex-Protestants who talk about how every priest hid away during the Black Death and was secretly a pedophile or current Catholics who avoid talking about the Church’s role in the establishment of slavery in Spanish colonies or any other crimes committed in God’s name.
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