#Poetry Challenge No. 332
mysticalunknownflower · 10 months
Norway Diaries 7 : A visit to Tønsberg  municipality
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Deep rolling bass, Thundering out loud, Dark voices calling, Calling out proud.
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crazybutgood · 2 years
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Hello! Here's the second part of the poetry reclist series! Part 2's recs are all by me, featuring more works written as specific types of poems. Banner is by the lovely @getawayfox! Find Part 1 here
Trochaic octameter:
Once Upon a Midnight Drarry by @mxmaneater (T, 1155) (Draco/Harry)
"Once upon a midnight Drarry, while I penned some snark from Harry..."
Yeah, I'm not kidding. I rewrote all 18 stanzas into a Drarry short - come read some meter and boys kissing!
Peeves’ Ballad by @mars-bar81 (T, 217) (Draco/Harry)
Peeves witnesses something interesting during the night...
Acrostic poem:
A Map Of Us by @peachpety (T, 332) (Draco/Harry)
Toe-to-head landmarks lead Harry on a journey through his relationship with Draco.
Sonorous Sonnet by @vukovich (T, 150) (Draco/Harry)
For Drarry Drabble Challenge, August, 2021. Prompt: "Hold My Butterbeer."
[POETRY] Sonnet: "You bathed with Luna, too fatigued to care" by @julcheninred (NR, 106) (Hermione & Luna) (CW: Implied/Referenced Torture)
Hermione and Luna share a rough first night at Shell Cottage.
[POETRY] Sonnet: "They sent us to the greenhouses today" by @julcheninred  (NR, 105) (Draco/Harry)
There's nothing like a big whomping thunderstorm to clear the air.
heartstrings/concentric by @softlystarstruck (G, 182) (Draco/Harry)
Ouroboros, eating my own tail,
circling around my affection;
afraid to cough it up at his feet, yet
terrified that the words will never come.
[POETRY] Pantoum: "The air is thick. I’m sweating through my clothes" by @julcheninred (G, 152) (Draco/Harry)
Draco contemplates the subtle science and exact art of brewing metaphors.
Blackout poetry:
Blackout poetry of @magpiefngrl’s fics 
Blackout poetry of @floydig’s microfic 
Blackout poetry of @phd-mama’s fic 
The Thing I Hate About You by @diligent-thunder (M, 1030) (Draco/Harry)
An epistolary of a poet and his future lover, in which Draco is annoyed, Harry is a messy little shit, Blaise is a Bad Friend, and shit goes down in a flood of gin and hot chips. Ultimately, Draco laments his inability to master his heart, and oh so dramatically falls apart.
[POETRY] Terza Rima: "...Then Pansy threw a snowball at your head" by @julcheninred (NR, 107) (Draco/Harry) (CW: Grief/Mourning)
Crabbe's birthday is difficult for Draco.
[POETRY] Sestina: "Sometimes I dream I'm bleeding from my scars" by @julcheninred (NR, 332) (Draco/Harry) (CW: Implied/Referenced Abuse, Suicidal Thoughts) 
Draco's not okay, but he will be.
[POETRY] Villanelle: "The map says Malfoy's sneaking out at night" by @julcheninred (NR, 150) (Draco/Harry) 
Harry's just keeping a concerned, helpful eye on Draco, is all.
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Hello Everyone! 
A day like today 20 years ago the first novel of our beloved series was published in November 2000. This is an incredible anniversary and that’s why we’ll celebrate the whole month with events! 
I hope you can join this special occasion and contribute a little bit by sharing your posts and art here in tumblr.  
This is not the first event run by this blog, if you want to see what we did in previous years you can visit my tags MA Event,  MA Event 2017 and MA Event 2018.
The dynamic of the events is to have some deliver themes and inspiration divided in different sections. This event will run weekly, except for the last week of the month when we’ll have daily content shared to inspire you even more. 
Please save the date around the last weekend of November for our Live Chat! I’ll post more information about the exact date and time along the next weekly posts.
Update: Live Chat Sunday 29 at 1am Buenos Aires timezone GTM-3 You can check online comparing with your time zone here. We’ll meet and chat, share opinions, and play some games or draw together!
20th Anniversary MA Event - First Week Activity Share your MAlove, share your MArt! From November 1 to November 8
This week we’ll draw fanarts, write fanfics or make any other kind of media to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series. We have list of 365 prompts in case you need a little bit of extra inspiration, please check under the cut and try to mix anything you pick with a festive mood to make it really special ;D
Remember to tag your posts with #MAnniversary 2020 and #MA Event
Links to the weekly event’s posts:
First Week (in this post) Second Week  Third Week Fourth Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
01. Introduction
02. Love
03. Light
04. Dark
05. Seeking Solace
06. Break Away
07. Heaven
08. Innocence
09. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold my Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Fanart
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can’t
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen and Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisement
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
101. Hello World
102. Fear
103. Anger
104. Regret
105. Happiness
106. Love
107. Family
108. Friendship
109. Home
110. Childhood
111. Adulthood
112. Birth
113. Death
114. Me
115. You
116. Thoughts
117. Emotion
118. Sun
119. Rain
120. Thunder
121. Noon
122. Midnight
123. Twilight
124. Rooms
125. Window to the Soul
126. Games
127. Halo
128. Serenity
129. Firefly
130. Phone
131. Movie
132. Television
133. Plants
134. Freedom
135. Forgetfulness
136. Remembrance
137. Memorial
138. War
139. Fight
140. Loss
141. Winning
142. Losing
143. Nature
144. Hurricane
145. Storms are brewing
146. Lightning
147. Colors
148. Bravo
149. Punishment
150. Picture
151. Another Wolfs
153. The Life You Dream Of
154. Dreams
155. Tears
157. Smiling
158. Laughing
159. Crying
160. Looking in the Mirror
161. Steam
162. Candy
163. Cats
164. Dogs
165. Glasses
166. Orbit
167. Satellite
168. Stars
169. Jade
170. Emerald
171. Gems
172. Dreaming Out Loud
173. Insomnia
174. Rabbits
175. Snake
176. Borders
177. The Year
178. This Time
179. Last Time
180. Forever and a Day
181. Sometimes
182. Always
183. Power
184. Weakness
185. Green
186. Purple
187. Blue
188. Sight
189. Blindness
190. Hurtful
191. Stages of grief
192. Arguments
193. Country
194. Frog
195. Forest
196. River
197. Flying
198. Mountains
199. Snow
200. Goodbye
201. Heart of Glass
202. My Life
203. Me In a Nutshell
204. Forever Yours
205. True Colors
206. My best friend’s girl
207. Impossible Love
208. Forgiveness
209. Fibers of Our Lives
210. Challenging Dream
211. Living My Dream
212. Forgetting Myself
213. Saving Grace
214. Lonely
215. Unbalanced
216. See-saw
217. Math
218. Match Making
219. Beyond Good and Evil
220. Second Sight
221. Double Take
223. Upon Review
224. Losing You
225. Baseball
226. Shouting
227. Farmland
228. Heartland
229. Brick Wall
230. Glass Houses
231. Eyes
231. Ring
233. Circle
234. Square
235. Boxes
236. Moving
237. Well Being
238. Insanity
239. Repetition
240. Learning
241. Class
242. Flowers
243. Special
244. Snowflakes
245. The Man They Call Jayne
246. Malicious
247. Pretty on the Outside
248. The Outside
249. Thankful
250. Neglect
251. Remorse
252. Embracement
253. Reflecting on My Life
254. Space
255. Constellation
256. Collection
257. Magic
258. Thrill
259. Attack
260. 20 Seconds to Mars
261. Unable
262. Foolish
263. Science
264. Sign of Life
265. Motto
266. Me
267. Balloon
268. Self Esteem
269. Narcissism
270. Ideology
271. Pageantry
272. Keeping Up With the Jones’s
273. Crack in Your Armor
274. Spilling Your Guts
275. Lean on Me
276. Crippling Emotion
277. Biggest Fear
278. Prejudices
279. Fresh
280. Corn
281. Sugar
282. Ice Cream
283. Accents
284. Speech
285. Writing
286. Doom
287. Shape
288. The Real You
289. My Name Is ____
290. Who are You on the Inside
291. Hidden Hatred
292. Hanging
293. Jacket
294. Jail
295. Stepping Up to the Plate
296. Star Player
297. My Hero
298. Castle
299. Losing Yourself
300. Finding Hope
301. Pirates
302. Fallen Angel
303. Drowning Lessons
304. Ghosts in the snow
305. Rawr.
306. Pidgeons… Birdy
307. Broken Hearts Parade
308. Paranoid
309. Vampires
310. Betrayal
311. Emmi&Rumura
312. The three friends
313. Horror
314. Mirror
315. Candlelight
316. Spider moneky
317. Devil
318. Flowers
319. Teddy Bear
320. Mist
321. Kingdom Hearts
322. Ferret
323. Vanilla
324. Thunder
325. Pinto Pony
326. M&Ms
327. Killer
328. Grass
329. Peace
330. Chibi
331. Mr. Klaw, polite Lion
332. Eternal
333. Star girl
334. Hats
335. Calvin & Hobbes
336. Misery (A cup full of something… unknown )
337. Hot chocolate
338. My Chemical Romance
339. Light in the darkness
340. Laughter
341. Nightmares
342. Necklace
343. Fire
344. Clorotaint and Treegirl
345. Swirls
346. Pokemon
347. Friends
348. Double Trouble
349. Do not cross
350. Unknowing
351. Chocolate
352. Time
353. A phone
354. Little kids on a playground
355. Darkness
356. A purple lady
357. Writer’s block
358. The dark corner in my room that I go to cry at (and a unicorn)
359. Sunglasses
360. The sun relaxing by an air conditioner
361. A girl fleeing from her nightmares
362. A girl staring at a blank canvas
363. A visual representation of poetry
364. Trolls
365. A hat
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orpheuswasabird · 4 years
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Here we are
Poetry Challenge - Day 332 Fingerprints
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daffenger · 4 years
–Puisse, Ô Zeus, ne pas échapper à Ton regard l'auteur de tous mes maux ! Volumnius n'a aucune difficulté à reconnaitre dans ces mots un vers de la Médée d'Euripide*. Étrange Marcus, si pudique qu'il évite, autant qu'il le peut, de livrer ses émotions les plus intenses et les tient à distance par ce biais, l'emprunt de citations grecques. Que de fois, au temps de leur jeunesse commune, Volumnius, Straton et lui ont-ils joués à ce jeu d'étudiants, défi d’érudition consistant à se lancer mutuellement un passage d'une œuvre qu'ils étaient censés connaître... [...] Volumnius murmure, avec un sourire triste : –Euripide, Médée, vers 332. Brutus réplique par une autre vers grec, mais cette fois Publius Volumnius préfère ne pas relever. Plus tard, obstinément, il prétendra ne pas avoir identifié cette nouvelle citation. Pourtant, il l'a fort bien entendue : –Pauvre vertu ! Tu n'étais qu'un leurre... Je te croyais souveraine, et tu étais l'esclave de la Fortune... * Très curieusement, dans dix ans lorsqu'Antoine, l'«auteur de tous les maux» de Brutus, se retrouvera dans une situation pire encore, ce même vers lui viendra spontanément aux lèvres.
Brutus, assassin par idéal, Anne Bernet
“Let not the cause of my woe, O Zeus, escape your sight!”
[Brutus’ friend] Volumnius easily recognises in those words a verse from Euripides’ Medea*. Peculiar Marcus, so modest he strives to keep his most intense emotions from showing and keeps them at a distance through this means of borrowing from Greek poetry. How often, in their common youth, have Volumnius, Stratus and himself played this students’ game ? Testing each other’s scholarly mettle by challenging the others with a passage from a work they were supposed to know...[...] Smiling sadly, Volumnius whispers:
“Euripides, Medea, verse 332.”
Brutus replies with another Greek verse, but this time Publius Volumnius does not respond. Later, he will pretend he did not recognise this new quotation. And yet, he heard it perfectly.
“Poor Virtue! You were but a mirage... I thought you sovereign, when you were nothing more than Fortune’s slave...”
* Remarkably, ten years later, when Antony, “the cause of his woe ”, finds himself in a situation even worse, it is those very same words which come to his lips.
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The Monday Interview: Mark Gatiss - Top of the League
The Monday Interview: Mark Gatiss - Top of the League 
Published: 19:14 Updated: 19:27 Sunday 16 November 2008
ALTHOUGH it's bad form to ogle someone else's husband, I can't help admiring Mark Gatiss's rather sexy legs. They seem to stretch to his neck, meeting a scruffy beard that adds a raffish edge to his air of sexual devilry. 
This tastiness is a far cry from the grotesques he's so often portrayed, from his days as a member of The League of Gentlemen, to frizzy-haired, gap-toothed Glen Bulb of Nighty Night, and Doctor Who's maniacal Dr Lazarus.
This dishiness is very on-message, since we're here talking about his third mainstream novel, Black Butterfly, starring charismatic spy extraordinaire Lucifer Box, whose adventures in bisexuality are every bit as breathtaking as his undercover work for monarch and country. Each Box novel visits a different era, allowing Gatiss to pay homage to some of his favourite authors. The Vesuvius Club, set in the early 1900s, evoked Conan Doyle. The Devil in Amber found Box battling Nazis and Stalinists, and was Gatiss's homage to Dennis Wheatley and John Buchan. Preparing for Black Butterfly, set in 1953, heimmersedhimself in Ian Fleming and contemplated the machinations of John le Carr's spies. But for all these acknowledged influences, Lucifer Box is a spy like no other. Gatiss explains: "I am a gay man who loves James Bond films and snooker – all kinds of working-class pursuits. I didn't set out to deliberately respond to themasculinity. I'mfascinatedthat somanyspieswere or are gay,but I also like the idea, which le Carr showed, that the real job is much more prosaic." Surely a great spy would be ruthless enough to shag anything? "Yes, and also back in the day, the natural people to approach were people who were already lying about themselves.When homosexuality was illegal these people already had a different identity. What's interesting is that simultaneously to recruiting known homosexuals, they were also perceived as a security risk, precisely because of the blackmail thing.The recruiters must have known and actually relied on it, but it was always a worry." "Black Butterfly" is the French nickname for depression, but here it's also the name of a nefarious drug that imbues people with a euphoric sense of infallibility – before propelling them to grisly ends.When Box is poisoned he believes that he's young again – and behaves accordingly – until the antidote is administered by the object of his affections, a dishy CIA operative called Kingdom Kum. With a respectful nod to JaneMarple, I suggest there must be special challenges in writing about a geriatric spy. "I've never been specific, but he's obviously in his late seventies. I thought the thing to do was mention every now and then how much it hurts (to leap about], but if you keep going on about it then readers stop wanting to go on the journey. You have to believe he's still in good shape even though he's very old. "I was thinking about whether therewouldbeany sex scenes and how to handle it; itmademethink that maybe I couldgetawaywith this idea of thedrugmaking him young again. "The bit when he's on the drug was my favourite part to write. I carried a notebook around and wrote in a stream of consciousness way. I found it really liberating. I'd open my eyes on a beach – what did I see? What colour are my eyelids when closed with the sun on them? I was filming in Morocco and noticed a beetle that was like a sculpture rolling down the dunes. I was trying to create very vivid snapshots." Proving that the lines between life and art blur,whilewritingBlack Butterflyhewas sent theDoctorWhoscriptthat foundhimplaying a man in search of eternal youth. "I thought, 'Oh, there's a message here,'" he jokes. At 42, he must be increasingly aware of his ownageing? "I'vebeenhavingthose thoughts since Iwas 20! Evenwhen Iwas a childI always wanted to be older. I realised just in time that it's a mistake and to enjoy my youth while I hadit. If Imeetsomeonearound20,who's a bit like I was, I want to say, 'Get out! Have fun.' Becauseyourknees start togo,myeyes aregoing. Ithappens overnight. In the car, trying to read the A-Z, I'msuddenly like my dad!" He also says he had a youthful morbid streak: "Mymumused to say I had an old soul. As long as I can remember Iwas looking backwards. I remember my mumorganised a singalong for pensioners in about 1970, and I used to love singing the old Blitz songs." He smiles. "They are called Emos now, and before that they were Goths. They didn't have a name for it when I was one, but I was that black-wearing teenager and yes, I wore a little eyeliner. I was really into horror. On the less negative side, I was fascinated by the idea that peoplehadbeenhere beforeme. Ihave a print Julia Davis (the writer and star of Nighty Night] gave me of (my neighbourhood] around the time my house was built, in the 1760s, and it has cows on it, yet it's recognisably the same street. I love that idea of the changes." This historical bent dovetails nicely with his delight in wordplay. The Box novels are peppered with silly names, which often occur to him in the bath, a site he finds conducive to deep thinking. Thus Lucifer's sister is Pandora Box, and his Black Butterfly nemesis, Melissa ffawthawte, is affiliated with nefarious baddies A.C.R.O.N.I.M. My own favourite is the "cadre of psychoanalysts-cum-mercenaries known as the Jung Turks".
Both times we've met, Gatiss has patiently explainedthat itonly looks as thoughheworks night and day, but I'msure you'll agree his output is impressive. In addition to the novel, he recentlywrote (andappearedin) an episode of Poirot, filmed the upcoming TV programme Purves & Pekkala, written and directed by Annie Griffinandfilmedhere in Scotland,and the sitcom Clone, which stars Jonathan Pryce. He's busy writing episodes of the next full season of Doctor Who, for an as yet un-cast (or so he says) Doctor.Knowinghowmuch he coveted the role, andthat he's close friendswith all involved, I try teasing an indiscretion out of him, but Gatiss remains frustratingly closedmouthed. "I haven't a clue. I found David's announcement incredibly moving. I knew he was going, but I love the fact he did it in the interval, dressed as Hamlet, and he was accepting the award, but he had to find the moment to tell everyone. He's going at the top of his game which is always the best and themost difficult thing to do, because I know he loves it." Is there a Hamlet, a Lear, or another classic role he longs to play? Without hesitation, he says, "Oh yes, Richard II. It's a very underrated play, a fabulous part – beautiful. He was a very weak king but there's this fantastic poetry about his desire to stay on the throne despite being incredibly compromised. It has that wonderful line, 'I have wasted time and now doth time waste me.' I'd like to do that." Amidall this activity, Gatiss foundtime, last spring, to get married. He and Ian have been together for nearly a decade, so I wonder if marriage changed their relationship at all. "I feel subtly different," he says. "I don't know what it is, but it's nicer. It was a lovely, very moving day. I was most moved by the notion of our families coming together. My brother said it's the best wedding he's ever beento. Itwasamazing to think that our families were so completely at ease with the whole idea of a gay wedding. And then there was the incredible irony that it took place in Middle Temple underneath a portrait of Sir Edward Carson, the man who prosecuted Oscar Wilde. So when I did my little speech the first thing I did was flick him two fingers. 'This one's for Oscar.'"
Black Butterfly is out now from Simon &Schuster (15).Mark willbein conversation about his work on 18 November at 6:30pm at Waterstone's (Sauchiehall Street) in Glasgow, 0141 332 9105; 19 November at 7pm at Waterstone's (Union Bridge) in Aberdeen, 01224592440; 20 November at 6pm at Waterstone's (West End) in Edinburgh, 0131 226 2666. For more details, contact the stores or log on to: www.simonsays.co.uk
BACKGROUND A FEW things that might surprise you about Mark Gatiss: • The League of Gentlemen won the 1997 Perrier Award for comedy, the first sketch group to win since the awards were inaugurated in 1981. • A massive fan of the show, Gatiss started writing Doctor Who novels (four to date) when he was a penniless actor. • Growing up in County Durham, he lived opposite a psychiatric hospital, where both his parents worked and where he toiled as a gardener during his first year at college. He and Ian are the devoted 'parents' of Bunsen, a Labrador retriever. • He's starred opposite Julia Davis twice –as Glen Bulb in Nighty Night, and again as Johnnie Cradock in Fear of Fanny. • In 2003 he was the script editor for eight episodes of Little Britain. • As French poet Louis Aragon, he played opposite Ewan Bremner's Salvador Dali in Surrealissimo: The Trial of Salvador Dali. The cast list included Stephen Fry (Andre Breton), Vic Reeves (Paul Eluard) and both members of The Mighty Boosh! Read more at: https://www.scotsman.com/lifestyle/the-monday-interview-mark-gatiss-top-of-the-league-1-1147037
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dpomalescreative · 3 years
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I am being titled A Grand PA today Boy or Girl... Come what may... I will be the best I can be As Long as God continues to bless me With air in my Lungs And LooVe in my heart... This new gift of life... Will MooVe us in ways we never thought It will bring us closer together As a Tribe and family..never apart I welcome the mystery and carnage And the many unknown challenges.. As we evolve and embrace a new baby Into the folds of this family.. May the new parents always live in love.. No ifs...ands.. or maybes.... Tell each other you LooVe one another Daily...Hourly... it dont matter now many times It takes to create and build a family... Let anger roll 9ff your back Not your tongue... Let this baby bring you together Never...to tear you apart... As your LooVe has now created And blessed us with this little new one We are here as witnesses What a privilege...and blessing To learn of his or her coming... May we continue in praying... For a healthy baby ...no question And may this new Family .. Live in LooVe forever ... As 1st time Grand PAs and Grand MAs As well as Great Grand PAs and G/MAs ..and Great Great Grand MAs We decree and welcome this new blessing Into the lineage of our expanding pedigree A new branch to add to our tree... May we always come together in Unison Always for the sake of each other And for this baby... amen... (DAY 332 of 365) #genderreveal #teamboy #teamgirl #teambaby #fiftyfifty #dpomlive #newgrandpa #newgrandma #poetry #poetryoftheday #lovepoetry #journaling #day332 #prayer #prayers🙏 #newborn #amén (at DPomales Creative Services) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW04d2ZLPUb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lakshmibhat · 4 years
Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 332 EBB & Flow
Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 332 EBB & Flow
Ebb and flow of waves
Reflecting the golden Sun
Infinite ocean.
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helpfromheaven · 4 years
How I Miss the Ocean!
How I Miss the Ocean!
The movement of tides!
Their ebb and flow bless my soul.
Peace descends on me!
Written for the RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #332: Ebb and Flow!
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robinsoncenter · 5 years
[Qsc_asuw] Week 7 Newsletter
Welcome to Week Seven! <3  QTBIPOC Artist Spotlight of the Week:  Kendrick Daye: harlem based artist and designer burdened with glorious purpose.
The Queer & Trans People of Color Alliance (QTPOCA) will be meeting this Friday in the ECC Asian room! 
Queer NAPI Narratives is an     open mic night centering queer Native, Asian, & Pacific Islander     voices and stories through poetry, spoken word, singing, dance, and more!     It seeks to explore the intersections of our identities, build solidarity,     and ultimately provide a space to heal through art and community.
(Wednesday, February 20, 2019) 6 PM - 8 PM @ Parnassus Cafe and Gallery University of Washington - Basement of the Art Building, Seattle. 
 Sign-up form here: https://goo.gl/y2ytV6 OR at the event! This event is done in collaboration between the Queer Student Commission, the Asian Student Commission, the Pacific Islander Student Commission, & the American Indian Student Commission. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
We ask that you do not wear     scented/fragranced products or clothing in order to make the space     accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
Gender-neutral bathrooms are     on the 1st floor, Room 111; Basement, one near Stair #4 and one near     Room 9. 
To request a disability     accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450     (voice), 206-543-6452 (TTY), 206-685-7264 (fax), or [email protected] preferably 10 days     in advance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and/or [email protected].
11TH ANNUAL EVERYBODY EVERY BODY FASHION SHOW! (Tuesday, February 19, 2019) 6 - 9 PM @ Both HUB Ballrooms FREE to students & the public. The ASUW Student Health Consortium's 11th Annual, Everybody Every Body Fashion Show aims to create dialogue around the discourse of bodies and identities. After 10 great years of showcasing the multitude of students that attend this school, your peers and deconstructing what health looks like in different bodies, we are excited to continue this tradition of destigmatization! - Keynote Speaker: Jes Baker - Caricature artists from 5:30-7:30pm (HUB 2nd floor) - Photo gallery - Refreshments provided - Photo booth & props - DJ live music - Fashion Show Starts at 7 PM - Performances by Hip Hop Student Association and UW Kahaani Keynote Speaker: Jes Baker is a positive, progressive, and magnificently irreverent force to be reckoned with in the realm of self-love advocacy and mental health. Jes is internationally recognized for her books, writing on her blog, The Militant Baker, the “Attractive and Fat” campaign, and her dedication to shifting social paradigms into a place where all people are offered the opportunity to love themselves just as they are. The "Attractive and Fat" campaign drew coverage from CNN, the Today Show, the BBC, and many other national and international media networks. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
Event venue is mobility aid     accessible.
HUB Ballrooms are on the second     floor, with elevator access. 
An all-genders restroom can be     found on the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary     bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB.
The Husky Union Building is     near landmarks such as Allen Library, Padelford and Sieg. For a map,     search HUB on the campus maps: http://www.washington.edu/maps/.     
Short Talks: Love (Thursday, February 21, 2019) 7 PM - 9:30 PM @ KEXP Gathering Space Seattle, Washington 98109
When the personal is political, love makes all the difference. In celebration of the Q Center at the University of Washington’s 15th anniversary, four recent alumni will share their personal stories of love — of themselves, for the community and as a catalyst for change. $7 UWAA members / $10 public Featuring speakers Selma Al-Aswad, ’09, ’10, Helen "Hel" Gebreamlak, ’18, Jaimée Marsh, ’09 and Casey Wynecoop, ’16, with moderator Randy Ford. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
How to get here: KEXP is located at the northwest corner of Seattle Center's campus just north the Seattle Arena project and a short walk from the Space Needle, MoPop, Chihuly Garden and Glass, McCaw Hall, Seattle Center Armory and more. The main entrance is on 1st Ave N between Harrison and Republican, and all public entrances are accessible.
From I-5 - Take the Mercer     Street Exit and follow the signs to Seattle Center.  Turn left on     Warren Avenue North.
Metro busses northbound #1, 2, 8, 13, 32 and RapidRide D Line stop     at our front door.  To find bus routes, visit www.tripplanner.kingcounty.gov
The Monorail can bring you from downtown     to Seattle Center campus, a short walk from KEXP.
Lyft car share has a drop-off     point near KEXP at Warren and Republican streets.
Parking: KEXP has no     dedicated parking. There is paid street parking surrounding Seattle Center     and Seattle Center parking garages     are located around the campus.  There is bike parking available     within the courtyard to the east of our building.
Let's Talk About Inspiration Porn with Rooted in Rights @ HUB Room 334 (Thursday, February 21, 2019) 2:30 - 4:30 PM)
Re-telling disabled stories. Challenging 'Inspiration Porn' and Celebrating the Stories of Disabled People
Join Rooted in Rights and the D     Center for an afternoon of storytelling and disability culture. In this     workshop, we will discuss the topic of 'Inspiration Porn' and why its     harmful messaging perpetuates ableist narratives that denigrate the lives     of disabled people. As well we will facilitate a safe and creative space     for attendees to share and celebrate their stories.
"Disability is not a 'brave struggle' or 'courage in the face of adversity'... disability is an art. It's an ingenious way to live." - Neil Marcus PLEASE RSVP ON EVENTBRITE IF PLANNING TO ATTEND: http://www.bit.ly/inspoporn-workshop ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: 
Standard platform ASL and CART     captioning will be provided.
Event venue is mobility aid     accessible.
Please arrive scent free or     wash off at the provided station. For other access needs or inquiries     please email [email protected].
An all-genders restroom can be     found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary     bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB.
The Husky Union Building is     near landmarks such as Allen Library, Padelford and Sieg. For a map,     search HUB on the campus maps: http://www.washington.edu/maps/.The     HUB’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible and the common area is to     the right of the main desk.
Winter Quarter Social Justice Film Series (Wednesday, February 20, 2019) 6:30 PM
The Kelly ECC is back with     another social justice film series for winter quarter!
Each Wednesday evening at 6:30,     we'll be screening a film in the main lobby! We hope to see you there!
February's Focus: Black History Month March's Focus: Women's History Month ------ FILM LINE-UP: • February 20: The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross • February 27: Dark Girls • March 6: Ladies First • March 13: Neerja ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: 
The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic     Cultural Center is near landmarks such as Alder Hall and Lander Hall.
For a map, search HUB on the     campus maps: www.washington.edu/maps
The ECC’s front entrance is     wheelchair accessible. There is an elevator in the building.
There are universal, all-gender     bathrooms in the building, as well as gender binary bathrooms with     multiple stalls.
The ECC is not kept scent-free,     but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume,     hair products) or essential oils to/in the event in order to make the     space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical     sensitivity.
University District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html
Alchemy Poetry Featuring Christopher Diaz and Amy Lp with Dayana (Tuesday, February 19 2019) 7 PM - 9:30 PM @ Alchemy Poetry  1408 E Pike Street, Seattle, Washington 98122
Alchemy is a curated     performance art space that elevates voices that are often silenced.     Performers in our community focus on the brilliance of storytelling by     offering personal stories and reflections that are socially relevant. We     are powerful artists and our space allows our audience to witness the     craft at its highest form. We believe that art is a divine power to create     community. 
Every first, third and     sometimes fifth Tuesday of the month at 7pm, we call on two featured     performers and a showcase mic at Lovecitylove.
Limited Showcase Mic Spots     ALL AGES, $5 Admission
Entry door to LoveCityLove is     at least 32 inches wide
Restroom is single stall.
There is a grab bar installed     in this restroom, clearance measures TBD. 
There are 2 couches, and 20     folding chairs available in the space. We ask that the audience prioritize     folks that need to be seated during the show. 
Parking is paid street parking,     or there is a paid lot on the east side of the building. 
We are located near bus routes     11,12, and 2 and 0.4 miles away from the Broadway and Pike Streetcar     stop. 
That We Should Be Heirs Writing Workshop  (Friday, February 22, 2019) 2:30 PM - 4 PM @ Student Union Building (HUB) room 332 A call to immigrant and refugee families to participate in a collaborative arts project from our colleagues at the Southeast Asia Center at the University of Washington:
Refugees and immigrants are     invited to contribute handwritten letters about their experiences as a     method of alleviating burden and promoting healing. UW visiting artist     Trinh Mai will then roll and bind these letters with string, forming a     small scroll enclosing and concealing the words. These will be displayed     as part of an art exhibit at Seattle's Gould Gallery from April 3 - May     3. 
UW Faculty members Linh Nguyen     and Jenna Grant will lead the workshop where you can write your story in a     supportive, communal space. All are welcome to take part in this     collaborative project for empowerment and voice, then view the exhibit.     Paper and pencils will be provided. 
Event venue is mobility aid     accessible, the HUB’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible.
Please arrive scent free or     wash off at the provided station. For other access needs or inquiries     please email [email protected].
An all-genders restroom can be     found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary     bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB.
The Husky Union Building is     near landmarks such as Allen Library, Padelford and Sieg. For a map,     search HUB on the campus maps: http://www.washington.edu/maps/.
The HUB is not kept scent-free,     but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume,     hair products) or essential oils to/in the event in order to make the     space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical     sensitivity.
Generifus • Flying Fish Cove • Izumi (Wednesday, February 20, 2019) 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM @ Timbre Room
1809 Minor Avenue #10, Seattle, Washington 98101
$8 • Doors at 7:30 • Music begins at 8pm sharp Generifus • Intricate and magnificent legendary rock pop from Olympia, WA https://generifus.bandcamp.com Flying Fish Cove • Mythical melodies and dreamy moods, and they bop Izumi • Modern folk that is pure heart and magic spun into song https://izumi.bandcamp.com 
How The Body Hold's It's Stories (Thursday, February 28, 2019) 7 PM - 9 PM
Hugo  House 1634 11th Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122
How do our bodies hold onto     experiences? How do generations of people of color, queer and trans     people, and others who have experienced marginalization carry those     stories over generations? Join writers Jordan Alam and Tessa Zeng for a     reading and conversation on feeling a story in your bones and translating     it to the page. Musician Lex Gavin will also perform.         ABOUT THE PERFORMERS:     Jordan Alam is a queer Bangladeshi-American writer, performer, and social     change educator based out of Seattle. Her work engages with moments of     rupture and transformation in the lives of people on the margins. Jordan’s     work is heavily engaged in community, and she is a current Kundiman     Pacific Northwest co-chair and 4Culture Artist Grant recipient. Her short     stories and articles have appeared in The Atlantic, CultureStrike     Magazine, The Rumpus, and AAWW’s The Margins; she has spoken at events     including the Aspen Ideas Festival and the Eyes on Bangladesh exhibition.     She is also the founder of the Asian American social justice publication,     Project As [I] Am (http://www.project-as-i-am.com).     Most recently, she has completed a fellowship with Town Hall Seattle to     create collaborative performance pieces about stories of the body and been     editing a draft of her debut novel.         Lex Gavin is a multidisciplinary artist living in Seattle. Their brain     (and thus their work) grapples with paradox, perception, nuance, and the     failures of identity. They are interested in magic,     neuroscience/somatics/epigenetics, and human systems. When they are not     neglecting their creative pursuits, they work in the youth development     field and play in the kitchen.         Tessa Zeng is a writer, systems change advocate, and co-creative maker.     She has been published in various poetry anthologies and journals, and     received an Individualized BA from Goddard College for her work on social     misrecognition. With their work, they hope to create beautiful experiences     of interconnection and recognition that can heal traumas caused by     oppressive structures.
The new Hugo House is fully     ADA-compliant. If you require specific accommodations, please contact us so that we     may assist you. 
There are gender-neutral     bathrooms. 
Public transportation: The new Hugo House is a short     walk from the Capitol Hill light rail station and the First Hill streetcar     (Broadway & Pike-Pine stop) and within a half-mile of many buses,     including routes 8, 10, 11, 43, 49, and 60.
Parking: A pay parking lot is available     nearby at the Greek Orthodox Church at 13th and Howell, or at Seattle     Central College’s Harvard Garage at 1609 Harvard Avenue. Street parking is     also available but not guaranteed. The garage beneath Hugo House is     for tenants only.
Free, rapid HIV Testing and PrEP counseling provided by Lifelong. First come, first serve, walk-in appointments available on the last Monday of every month during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters!  Other Times Offered (All times at Q-Center from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) :
Monday, February 25th
Monday, March 25
Monday, April 29
Monday, May 27
The Husky Union Building is     near landmarks such as Allen Library, Padelford and Sieg. For a map,     search HUB on the campus maps: http://www.washington.edu/maps/.The     HUB’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible and the common area is to     the right of the main desk.
An all-genders restroom can be     found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary     bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB.
The HUB IS not kept scent-free     but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume,     hair products) or essential oils to/in the Q Center in order to make the     space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical     sensitivity. To request disability accommodation, contact the     Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 (voice), 206-543-6452 (TTY),     206-685-7264 (fax), or [email protected]     preferably 10 days in advance. 
Let’s Talk is a free program that connects UW students with support from experienced counselors from the Counseling Center and Hall Health Center without an appointment. Counselors hold drop-in hours at four sites on campus:
Mondays, 2-4 PM,     Odegaard Library Room 222
Tuesdays, 2-4 PM,     Ethnic Cultural Center Room 306
Wednesdays, 2-4 PM,     Q Center (HUB 315)
Thursdays, 2-4 PM,     Mary Gates Hall Room 134E
Let’s Talk offers informal consultation – it is not a substitute for regular therapy, counseling, or psychiatric care. To learn more, visit letstalk.washington.edu. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
The HUB’s front entrance is     wheelchair accessible and the common area is to the right of the main     desk.
An all-genders restroom can be     found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary     bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB.
The HUB IS not kept scent-free     but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume,     hair products) or essential oils to/in the Q Center in order to make the     space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical     sensitivity. 
The ECC has single-stall     gender-neutral bathrooms on each floor, near the gender-binary bathrooms     to which signs are indicated. 
Odegaard Library is not ADA     accessible nor scent free.  
All rooms in Mary Gates Hall     are wheelchair accessible. Please contact the Disability Services Office at     206.543.6450 or [email protected]. MGH is not scent free.
Thank you for being a part of our community <3 
We are so glad that you are here, and we are so glad to get to know you! 
Have questions about the QSC? Just want to get involved? Find our office hours online at hours.asuw.org. To hear more from the QSC be sure to like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter & instagram to stay up to date with all queer and trans related happenings on campus and in Seattle! 
With love, 
Mehria Ibrahimi, Outreach & Engagement Intern. 
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yeahwriteme · 7 years
YeahWrite #332 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Fiction|Poetry
YeahWrite #332 Weekly Writing Challenge is Open for Fiction|Poetry
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