moddy-art · 3 months
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Remember this guy :))))
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daily-haunted-tv · 2 years
itzzzzzz spooky month! (*puts pumpkins everywhere*) I believe Ray and the gang are ready for this year's halloween :D
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"We are always ready for Halloween!"
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pokespacegang · 1 year
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mod-jazzy · 2 years
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[ @pokespacegang​ ]
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
(*Zing approached Randall in his mew form. He swayed his tail, tilting his head in curiosity*)
"Remember me? From the other day? It is such plessure to meet other special mews like you and me, you know what i mean"
He smirked
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"It is plessure to meet another scientist like you"
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I wanted to imply that Randy is telepathicly "whispering" human directly to Zing. I hope there's no character-lore that he can't hear telepathy.
(Randy's offering a handshake. I'll leave it up to you or interpretation whether Zing accepted it.)
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proudlybau · 2 years
cygnus@glace: "I heard earthling glaceons like you breath blue ice. Do you really breath ice?"
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"Of course we can make ice silly space bre! I'm a little different from most though.."
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asktauros · 2 years
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Copper: M...Maybe I’m... happy we are.... in different sides... Silver: Awww don’t be like that!! I just wanna play with my sibling!! Copper: Do.... do they REALLY... headbutt each other....? Tucker: Yeah, lot’s of kids in my pen do it all the time! Mama calls it uh... Rough... Housing! It looks fun....  Copper: ...hmmm... Suddenly Olive jumps up and whips her tail around a lot in a excited manner Olive: Oh!! Yeah!! I forgot to say!! We are separated cuz of our... our uh... “breeds”! Or whatever! All the kids nod in agreement, Silver letting out a upset huff Silver: I don’t like many of the kids in my area! They just lay in the creek ALL day... It’s so boring! None of ‘em want to play! Copper: mmm... All the kids in my area just... fight a lot... or s-set hay on fire... Olive: And I’m all alone in my area... Right now anyways... I was kept in a... weird white area for awhile... but now I get to go outside all the time!... But by myselfs... Silver: But one day I was runnin around outside and I met Olive out here! Olive: Yeah yeah! Then Tucker came out here and so did Copper! Silver: Now we try to play together every day! Copper get’s us apricorns cuz their the only one that has trees! Then we play Apricorn Toss!! You wanna play? Just warnin’ you! I’m a champion! Tucker smiles and nods along with everyone else, choosing to stay quiet about what his life is like with the other tauros of his kind - - - - - - - - [ @pokespacegang ]
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asksavel · 2 years
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“Ah, apologies. The only other Mew I know is pink, so you caught me a touch by surprise!”
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“In any case, yes, I can use my weather controlling powers for great destruction, if need be. But... I prefer instead to use them for fun things, or good things. Like bringing rain to a drought affected area, or sunlight to flood zones. That kind of thing.”
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“I’ve never made a tornado before, no, but I knew what to do. Go up high so it doesn’t touch the ground, and make sure to get rid of it quickly. It was lots of fun!”
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Hehehe perhaps my sona and/or Novus?
Quin i totallt love ur art and you're the one who inspired me to make mewtales btw
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MODDY…SWEET BABY MODDY…You are so sweet don’t change <3
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asktheisle · 2 years
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???: Oh, and watch out above, I’m getting some hostility off of you?
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[Once outside of the cave for the final stretch, the duo slowed down as asked-the other participants passing them in no time.]
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(( previous ))
Cameos for this set:
@ask-dawnanddusk @houseofhemingway @askthewhiterocket @pokespacegang @neverlandfaerai @ask-a-staravia​ 
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quietmew · 2 years
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Eon stretched for a moment as they sat up before nodding a bit. With a rub of their face, a note appeared from thin air reading, “Nap’s in the sun are good naps.” With that, they yawn.
@pmd-waveringfate | @pokespacegang | @askcelebifamily
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phantomguild · 2 years
Atmos @ Acacia:
(*the mew hovers beside the shaymin. He looked a bit puzzled*) "Say. This type of place seems unfamiliar to me. But is it to you, fellow earthling shaymin? I somehow get some strange vibes around here tch...."
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Acacia is attempting to climb through the tunnel she'd originally come in from, with Echo floating behind her. Upon hearing the Mew's comments, it gave a brief wave.
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"Yo, that'd be me."
Floating around to lie on their back, they pointed at the Relic Mirror.
"Either me, this mirror, the protective fog around the village, or the relic Aster hid under the village centuries ago. Take your pick."
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ask-mirage-mews · 2 years
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Zeus: “Though you are correct in your assumption that Mewtwo are typically birthed from cloning experiments, that is not the case for me.”
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pokespacegang · 5 months
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Cant believe these two still live rent free in my head. Somebody get these bitches out lol XD
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ask-toto-and-co · 2 years
Atmos@Toto: "So. The green thing on your ear. Its a halo yes? Is it something you got even after you were born? Or is it something else? A gift? A curse? Other reason? Perhaps" (*The mew asked the eevee*)
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"holy shit thats a mew-"
the eevee mutters to herself in surprise, it takes faer a few seconds to regain composure
"y-yeah it was a gift, from Sapphire- or Kyogre I guess- sapp's kind of just a nickname"
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"I got it in my 18th birthday. its a sort of symbol, that despite-" toto abruptly stops, as if she was about to say something she shouldn't "despite some, circumstances, I reached adulthood" toto speaks as if getting a gift, or anything, from a god is perfectly normal
(mod note- hi im experimenting with visuals, still no clue what the fuck im doing)
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Will we see Persim's human form later on?
I'll draw him one eventually, but I don't know if he'll ever actually turn into one. He doesn't have the same level of curiosity that Akoya has, in that regard.
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