genieofthebooks · 1 year
Please do literally any Oneshot with poly locklyle x reader
Preferably super fluffy and cute with them just chilling at home or cuddling or baking cookies or smt
Otherwise maybe something like the reader is super cute and locklyle find them injured on the street or fighting a ghost or smt and they take the reader back to the house and basically fall in love with them ❤️❤️❤️
Lockwood step away from the oven
Pairing: Poly!Locklyle x reader
Warnings: Fluff, Blood mentions.
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You were baking. Which meant two things, you were either worried about something, happy or you were extremely bored. Normally the other members would come downstairs during the middle night for a glass of water and see you layering fondant over a cake at three am but it was Two o'clock in the afternoon so it had to be the latter.
You were waiting for everyone to get back from doing research on an upcoming case. Usually you would be tagging along as you were also one of the main researchers but as you had recently been stabbed so Lockwood put you on 'House arrest'. A loud clang sounded out from the front of 35 Portland Row, you tentatively walked out of the kitchen in a flour clad apron and a rolling pin in your hands to throw at someone or to hit, not expecting the other three to get back till later. Clattering and muttering, was rising in volume as you snuck towards whoever was in the house raising your arm in defence.
"Oh, It is just you two" You sighed out in relief after seeing Lockwood and Lucy in the hallway. Your arm that was ready in attack dropped to your side. You tilted your head to the side when you saw that they were missing a member of your small family. "Where is George?"
"Me and Luce got absolutely nowhere and George stayed behind but told us to leave because he didn't want us to bother him" Lockwood answered finally taking in your arrival and appearance. "Did a flour bomb go off while we were gone?" He teased seeing your black apron that was painted in white because off the flour.
"No I just dropped the flour because-"
Lucy cut you off. Without speaking she immediately went to your side and lifted up the side of your t-shirt to reveal a white bandage circling your waist and blood blotches as your stab wound was relatively new. "Y/n, what did we say" She looked at you as of she was scolding a child but it held some softness as she was concerned for you because she remembers seeing you bleeding out with Lockwood terrified above you, she didn't want to lose you, neither did Lockwood.
To which you responded by walking into the kitchen, both Lucy and Lockwood trailing after you. Lucy peered over the bowl of cookie dough that you were mixing and snuck her finger in to dip, her othe hand circling your waist to the uninjured side, feeling the bandaged under her hands but the warmth of your skin raidiated through, reminding you that you were still here. Smiling at you innocently when you caught her, resting her chin on your shoulder as she was now behind you with her arms now around your waist fully.
Lockwood leant against the doorway of the kitchen watching his two girls. He was broken out of his lovesick trance, when the timer for the preparation of the oven went off. Withought you having to communicate he walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a baking tray and some parchment paper, placing it on the table in front of you, kissing the side of your temple afterwards and pulling Lucy away from you as she had klung onto you like a Koala but she was being mindfull of your wound. Lockwood draped his arm over Lucy's shoulder as they watched you place the cookie dough onto the tray with expertise.
Lockwood moved to take the tray to the oven when you had stopped to admire the near final product but you slapped his hand away, not trusting him anywhere near the hot object as there have been many instances that make the three of you (You, Lucy and George) wonder how the hell he managed to do that.
"Lockwood step away from the oven, it might be your house but I don't trust you"
Sorry if it is not the best and not that long.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Hi! I love your work! 💜
Could you please write a poly! Lockwood & Lucy x reader with both being overprotective of her/them?
Reader is a badass, can 100% take care of herself but they can't help being overprotective? Like, if reader got a single scratch they make a fuss over it?
Take care 💜🥰
🦇 anon!
Low blow
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Poly!Locklyle x Fem!reader
Reader being sarcastic, and not taking anything seriously, me kinda making up a new type of ghost.
Warnings: Curing, blood, badly written actions scene.
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You looked around with the flashlight and moved your rapier with each direction you looked. You slowly sneaked trying stay quiet incase you alerted the phantom, you had no idea where they had ended up. You pray they were looking after each other, your partners and best friend. You knew lockwood and Lucy could take care of themselves, and George knew how to take care of himself- But you desperately needed them to be okay.
As you took a step near a door but stop as you hear something behind you- It was forming behind you, shit. “Sorry, but this will have to wait.” You threw a bomb behind you and took off running down the hallway. You ran as fast as you could and you looked for your team in each door you passed, hoping the ghost wasn’t close behind you.
Then as you got to the large stairs you saw the shine of a flashlight and then disappear, “Thank god.” You sigh in relief then run up the stairs to find them. As you got to the top you walk to the right where the light came, and two doors down you saw a room lit up. You ran into the room and closed the door, knowing full well it wouldn’t help in the slightest.
You took a moment to catch your breath as they shined their flashlights on you and stared at you confused. “What happened?” Lockwood ask as he got closer. You smiled, “Me and the ghost decided to have a race, it was a great bonding moment actually-” you try and look up but the light blinded you so you blocked your eyes with your hand.
“Please, you guys are blinding me.” They quickly moved them down and Lucy came up to you and grabbed your face into her hands. “We haven’t found the source or anything- are you hurt?” She ask as she ran her finger over the small cut on your cheek. You laughed and pulled her hand away, “It was actually my fault, who knew glass was slippery.” You joked but her eyes held no amusement.
Lockwood walked up to you and you saw him reach in his jacket and you knew he was getting his emergency bandaid . “Not now. She is for sure about to be here. But I found something.” You took out the salt from your bag and placed it at the end of the doorframe. You walk over to the desk that was in the corner of the room, and pulled out a paper from your pocket and placed it down.
“Turns out we got the whole thing wrong, we’re looking for, Fiona Robinett. She died two years before her twin, horrible actually, she died by a flu of some sort. I know because she had a long scar on her face, like the one in the picture.” You pointed to the girl in the photo from what looks like a old newspaper. They look closer and listen to each word you say.
“Then that puts us with no information at all, I mean what could even be her source?” George asked as he panicked. You smiled and go to say something but the door was slammed open and you all jumped. “She missed me.” You smirk and point your rapier at her. The others followed and you look at your lovers as they stand in front of you.
“I don’t need-” you stop as a ringing in your ears making you groan, the other covering ears as the ghost screams. “George- If I get you a opening, somewhere up here is her old room and you’ll see a old teddy bear. Burn it.” You move over to him and look at him. He hesitated for a minute but nodded his head, “Good.” You patted his cheek.
“Lucy and Anthony, I’m going to need you to back me up and make sure she doesn’t come back and follow George.” They looked at you and shook their head. But they had no time to object as the woman came closer and you waved your rapier around, “Lets go on a tour.” You smiled at her and backed her out of the room and out into the hallway and down the stairs.
You screamed insults at her to keep her attention on you and not away, you pray George would find the source quickly. “Lovely dress by the way, really brings out your eyes.” You laugh but this comment seem to pissed her off. Your face dropped as a force sends you flying back and your body hit the wall. The pain in your body caused you to groan in pain and slowly sit up.
You watch as she gets closer and you look around for your rapier that you had drop. “Oh shit.” You panic for a moment. But you hear running and shouting, you look up to see your boyfriend standing above you and waving his rapier around. You get up to grabbed yours and stand behind him smirking, “Thanks pretty boy, but I told you to stay back.”
His jaw tightened, “Then you would have been dead, I can’t save you from upstairs.” You smile and look up at the ghost backing up. You saw her body light up the same way she did before she blasted you, so you pushed lockwood out of the way. You look right at her as she was ready to blast you then closed your eyes ready for the impacted.
But you open your eyes as you hear her screaming and slowly disappear, from the bottom to the top and you stare wide eyed. “He found it.” You say before getting a big smile on your face. “He found it! I knew I had to be right!” You shouted and looked down at lockwood and helped him up.
“What the hell were you thinking?” You took a step back as he shouted at you. You tilt your head confused, “What are you talking about?” You asked and he rolled his eyes. “You putting yourself in harms way, I saw what she did to you before and another blow like that could have hurt you, badly.” He pointed at the dent in the hall that you made.
“My sweet, I’m fine. I can take it, I know how to handle myself.” He huffed and took your arm and pulled you closer to check your body for cuts or bruises. “Anthony” you tried to stop him but he didn’t. You look at the top of the stairs and see the other two coming down, lucy saw you and rushed down the steps. “What the hell happened?” She looked at your bloody face and then to lockwood who had a stern look on his face.
“I’m fine, he’s over reacting.” You said then gasp as your shirt in the back was pulled up. “Look at this.” Lucy followed his gaze and a gasp of her own came out. The skin on your back was red and bruised already, it looked horrible and a big slash ran across your skin. “The ghost threw her into the wall, and she almost got hit again but you burned the source.” Lucy looked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“George, help me.” He looked at you and shrugged. “And do what? You know how they are.” You groan and pulled yourself away from them. “Let’s go home, you can lecture me later.” They followed right behind you and on your trail.
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“Can you stop looking at me like that, if your going to yell just do so.” You look at the two in the corner of the room who stare at you. It was too much because you knew they were protective but this wasn’t a big deal, you’ve had worse.
“You could have broken something.” Lockwood crossed his arm. “But I didn’t.” You lean back onto the pillows of the bed and tried not to make a face at the pain. “You’re on house arrest.” You look at lucy with wide eyes, “What? I’m fine!” She shook her head.
“No, not until you’re fully healed and we go over some rules.” You throw your head back and groan. “I love you guys, but you both need to chill. I’m fine or have you guys forgotten that I have done cases on my own for years.” They walk over to the bed and sit down. The bed drips at their weight and you look over at them.
“And who knows what would have happened if I wasn’t there to save you, you’re reckless and more then me.” Lockwood ranted. “He’s right, no matter how long you can be in this field things, things go wrong. You need to wait for us, or at least talk to us.” Lucy reached her hand and held yours. You signed and nodded.
“I’ll try but I can’t help it. Though, if I get a kiss it might help me to remember.” You smirked up at her and she blushes and tired not to smile but it didn’t work. “You’re a idiot.” She laughed and leaned down to kiss your lips. She pulled back and you looked at your boyfriend with the same look, “Can I get one from you?” He couldn’t say no and leaned down to peck your lips.
“I just don’t get why you guys worry over me, when I can take you in a battle.” You declared. “Really?” Lucy leaned down to your chest and put pressure and your groan in pain, “Low blow.” You coughed at bit but couldn’t be mad at her.
“Bed rest for you.” Lockwood laughed at the two of you. “Yes, mom.” You picked up the blankets and threw them over you.
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maarigolds · 1 year
One of the reasons why I think that Lucy, Lockwood and George work so well as a trio is that they very much complete each other, making up for each other's weaknesses.
Like, Lockwood and George are a bit too aloof but Lucy is very emotionally mature. Lucy and George are a bit too flaky but Lockwood is a strong leader. Lockwood and Lucy are a bit too impulsive but George is levelheaded.
They're all very flawed and damaged kids but they raise each other up at every turn, effectively helping the others better themselves.
You know, they just work. They make sense. It's beautiful.
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cyberkombucha · 1 year
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in which anthony lockwood knows how to dance
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stvrchaser · 1 year
so… how’s the demand for lockwood & co. fics looking?
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Lockwood and Co Big Bang 2023!
We're excited to announce the first post-show Lockwood and Co Big Bang event!
A Big Bang teams up authors and artists to create new content for the fandom, and cheerleaders to help them along the way! Artists will create accompanying art for each fic, authors will write a fic of 5k words minimum (there are stages to this, more info to follow!) and cheerleaders will beta read and provide encouragement. We will also be accepting signups for reserve agents, who will be able to step in at the last minute should something happen and a team be left incomplete.
Signups will start on the 20th June and end on the 7th July, and we're looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
The link for signups can be found here (but the form won't be open before the 20th), and if you want more information about the event our rules and schedule will be posted asap, and asks are open if you have any immediate questions!!
The posting date for all the works is pencilled in to start on the one year anniversary of the show, 27th January, 2024.
We're so excited to finally be able to share this announcement with you. Feel free to reblog it to spread the word!
Signed, L&Co Big Bang 2023 mods :))
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
you should never know how easy you are to need
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hello and welcome to the silly little collage shuffle I made for my silly little hanahaki cot3 fic 🫶🏻🫶🏻 they are so special to me !! (fic summary and details below the cut)
you can read the fic here on ao3 !!
cot3 // Lockwood/George/Lucy. 8k. Hanahaki au.
Hanahaki doesn’t create a lot of ghosts. They’re relatively rare, and when they do manifest, they tend to be fairly placid. Technically, they have their own subcategory of Type One, but Lockwood’s never personally seen one on the job.
Hanahaki death glows, though. He’s seen more of those than he can count.
They’ve usually got the shadowed remains of plant matter spread out around them, so the death glows are distinctive. Once, he could see every petal of a wide rose bloom, glowing in neon green right next to the fellow’s fingers. Body long gone, flowers long dead, but the glow was still pressed into the pavement. Lockwood avoids them, as best as he can. Whenever he sees one, it just makes him grimly thankful that neither Lucy or George have as much strength in Sight as he does. That they won’t be able to see his death glow this brightly when his time comes.
It’s bad enough he’ll have to leave them due to something as drawn out as Hanahaki tends to be. Death by heartbreak, and all. Dreadfully boring.
(and yes the screenshotted lines in the collage are lines from my fic. i am helplessly self indulgent)
“I’m sorry,” he manages to say, but Lucy just shakes her head. 
“I don’t want you to be sorry, you stupid boy. I want you to be alive.”
And how is he supposed to tell her that no one has ever asked that of him before?
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lockwood-ot3 · 11 months
Lockwood & Co Fic Recs: cot3
Lucy/Lockwood/George fanfic recs! By no means comprehensive.
Last updated 7/8/23
I Found A Fox, Caught By Dogs by @twelfthbite Some of the best tension in a scene between L/L/G I have read. My goodness. light kink & D/s tone Literally Everything by TheMalapert but especially her L&Co Bodega Series which includes "Ghosts made them do it" Literally Everything by chahakyn / @shizuoi see my Author Spotlight for extended summaries!
Better than Before Series by @lemonsharks Stunning tension between cot3, then progresses further into the relationship. features the amazing line: "George, I," Lockwood said, then hesitated. "I like the way you look at me, too." Sweet Somethings Series by justice_for_skull (hyper_fix) Insanely hot series including free use & cockwarming. So hot, and soft at the same time.
Sink or Swim by @waiting-for-my-hogwarts-letter Mermaid AU! Freedivers Lockwood and George; local mermaid Lucy
Someone Throw A Lifeline (I Don't Wanna Drown) by @waiting-for-my-hogwarts-letter pre-cot3. Anthony Lockwood hates storms.
Interpolation (A Line We Drew In the Array) by @iantalks Great pacing, and ballet.
Honey honey honey (series) by @fromjannah Pre/developing Lucy/Lockwood/George
aftershocks by @aberfaeth Fantastic magic system theory concept, well-executed
Chivalry Fell on Its Sword by alphabetsoup4u cute get together fic
Kiss It Better by @wolfjawswriter Cute, with fun banter.
whiskers on kittens by 11pmbed great pacing, Locklye --> ot3 progression with fantastic confession from Lockwood
at last, peter rabbit made his way home by 11pmbed drunk!Lockwood & spot-on dynamics between the three of them
Tea for Three by IceAngels sweet ot3 w/ plenty of tea & an observant Portland Row neighbor
Could Never Want For More When I'm Here by @dont-offend-the-bees like a warm hug. fantastic ot3 dynamics!
Gunshots Are More Powerful Than Sheer Stubbornness by @between-two-fandoms such great Lockwood POV, showcasing how & why it's hard for him to be vulnerable. so sweet thunderbolt through my body by @sa-heelies amazing view of George thru Lockwood's perspective and it feels good to be known, so well by @paladinbaby Lucy & George, then George & Lockwood. it takes Lucy & lockwood a minute but they get it together pieces of you and me (and us) by @grasslandgirl bright and dark and beautiful
you should never know how easy you are to need by @grasslandgirl Lockwood develops Hanahaki. Death by heartbreak, and all. Dreadfully boring.
Dressed in Black (head to toe) by cherriepixie27 the Lockwood Dress Fic
Domino Effect by cherriepixie27 insanely hot Maysturbation fic - chain reaction of overhearing each other
chase the echoes from the rafters by @sanvitheartificer Three scenes of Lucy, Lockwood, and George loving each other on purpose.
Turning Saints into the Sea (Series) by @alphacrone “Georgie.” Lucy tilted her head up to look at him. “Do you love him?”
i'd blind myself to see it by @hazelnutchai Includes kissing (for science!) and then kissing (not for science)
Sundress Season by Lindzm1318 getting together Pride!fic with Lucy doing face paints, queer Kipps & Kat, (well, queer everyone) and Lucy irresistible in a sundress, of course. The Night Started Like Any Other by @siapom pre/developing cot3 featuring George in a too-small towel
Blinding Lights by @kennysbirthday Lockwood gets a migraine, and George knows how to help. Lucy follows his lead. featuring great banter
you only live forever in the lights you make by @thethinkingcloth two years after she was ghost-locked, Norrie wakes up. book spoilers! found family goodness, and not just for our cot3 The Care & Keeping of AJ Lockwood by FionaDunn featuring Dom!George with some smokin' hot dirty talk!
hug all your friends and let them know by @beautifulmakkaris Contrary to popular opinion, Lucy realises she’s in love with both boys on the same day.
Please also check out my cot3 fanfiction on Ao3 (Rainshadow07)
Updated 7.8.23
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ms-fade · 1 year
Baby boy
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Poly!Dark!Lockwood&lucy x male!reader
I miss these two and just randomly had a thought, so here’s these two baddies again.
Dead dove do not eat! (Idk if I used this right! But please read the warnings)
⚠️Warning: Male receiving, hand jobs, blow jobs, spanking with a belt, chocking, forced mommy & daddy kink, Dark!Anythony and Lucy. Them being really aggressive towards the end. ⚠️
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It was aways fun to watch you squirm, I mean really it was their highlight of the day. When they could lean close to you, just by your ear and listen to you talk. When you’d catch them staring at you with that look, darkness and teasing. You hated how they affected you.
You weren’t their boyfriend, they never asked you out or anything but you wanted them both so bad. You’d blush when they’d give you the slightest touches, like hitting shoulders or their hands on your hips. It was like they were a drug, one that you were addicted to.
The couple wanted you back and decided a long time ago that you were theirs. They’d threaten and glare at anyone who came close to you or even looked at you. You, sweet boy, were only theirs. And now they had you in their claws.
You arched your back and whimpered as the hand that wrapped around your hard cock was moving at the speed of light. “Slow-” you whined and you started to squirm on the bed you laid on. There were tears falling from the corner of your eyes as you were overwhelmed by the pleasure you had felt in the passed hour.
“Don’t move, baby boy.” Anthony pushed his hands on both sides of your hips down into the mattress. “You’ve been so good for us already, that pretty little cock can’t handle any more can it?” His voice babying you, like you were pathetic.
“He’s just stressed. I mean he’s never been touched by another,” Lucy looked up at her boyfriend as she continued to stroked her hand, never missing a beat. “But he can take as much as we give him.” She looked back at you. “Right?”
You whined and threw your head back to try and not anger them. It was too much for you to handle, I mean you’ve already came two times already and another one was so close. And you couldn’t tell them you’d already been with another, no that wouldn’t go over well.
“Good boy.” Anthony praises. He leaned down and pressed kiss on your chest, you would whimper when he used his teeth to make marks. You held onto him tightly and tried weakly to push him away but he just smirked and kept going. “Such a weak little thing compared to daddy.”
You open you eyes at the title he gave himself. You wanted to fight it until you feel something warm and wet swallow your cock. “Fuck.” You look down to see Lucy taking your cock into her mouth and start to bobble her head.
Your moans got louder and reach down to her hair. You focus on the feelings as Anthony watched you with admiration, you looked too cute. “Thank, her.” He got close to your ear and kissed the skin. “Say: “Thank you, mommy.” she deserves it.”
Feeling your heart skip a beat and mind flood back, you look at him with a hesitant look. You didn’t want to use those names, it was to dirty for you. And it was embarrassing. So you decided to not say it and close your eyes hoping he wouldn’t care. 
How wrong you were.
“I’m sorry!” You scream as his belt hit your already red ass, you were crying now and sobbing on his lap. Lucy was beside you and kept her hand in your hair, she looked sympathetic but she enjoyed watching you be in pain. “Are you?” Groaning in pain as she yanked your hair up and held your head to make you look at her.
Another hit made you jump and nod your head quickly. He was bruising you, the skin blue and purple and he could see a bit of blood come to the surface. You needed it to stop and you knew what you needed to do.
“I’m sorry, mommy!” You cried out.
You made them stop and Lucy looked at you prideful. You waited for another slap but it never came, “And what about me?” He asked from behind you. “Sorry- I’m sorry, it wouldn’t happen again Daddy.” It was adorable to see you back being obedient for them.
“That’s a good boy.” Lockwood hummed. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back onto the bed beside him. His hands wrapped around your throat and squeezed tightly and it hurt. The pressure was getting to you immediately and it was scaring you how they acted. 
He keep his grip and looked into your teary eyes as you tried to speak, eyes and lips quivering. Lucy took off her skirt and underwear then hopped on top of your lap, you tried looked at her but were yanked back to him. She lined your cock up to her hole and rubbed it along her folds to tease herself and you.
Gasping as the air got back into your lungs as he let go and pushes you back with force. “Be a good boy for Mommy, and cum in me.” She demanded with a sweet tone as she lowered herself on you. You groaned out at the feeling of her wet, warm pussy.
You wanted to go, to leave, but you knew there was no chance of escaping. You could imagine the bad things they might do you if you tried to get away from them. So you did the smart move to stay and be willing. You did love them both and as long as you were good for them, then you should be safe.
Or so you’d hope.
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spirals-georg · 1 year
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“I never said I didn’t... (like you.)”
Taking a break from my bigger piece to draw good ol’ Detective Barnes and the Portland Row lot. Literally had the scene where he half says “I never said I didn’t like you” for days asjkdd.
Also, I know both pieces almost look the same, but goddamn I had to draw Lockwood closing his eyes as he embraced the hug lol.
PLUSSSSSSSS GEORGE’S HAIR. HIS HAIR. LOOK AT HIS HAIR. i hate hate hate shading hair but goddamn that went well. Tbh all of them went well. I also did a little dabbing thing with an enlarged paint brush for Barnes’ hair, and I know it’s not noticeable really, but I like the effect.
I guess coming from a Batfam fan perspective, I’m just constantly rooting out mentor figures in the media I enjoy. It’s a problem, yes, but not one I’m willing to rectify.
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lucy-lockwood · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about how perfectly Lockwood and Co would fit a classic 1920s/30s style whodunnit mystery.
Lockwood as the eccentric detective who sweeps around crime scenes, putting together things in his head and forgetting to keep everyone around him up to date on his wild trains of thought. He has a keen eye for details but doesn't have the patience to sit for hours analysing evidence
Which is where George, his partner and researcher, comes into play. He is the Watson of their duo, writing up their casebooks and reading through old books and newspaper clippings in hope of shedding light on their present cases
Fittes being the Pinkerton / Scotland Yard equivalent; not exactly the police but basically the police
Lucy being the sole witness to a murder but unbelieved by everyone she tries to turn to, turning to Lockwood and Co as a last resort after every other reputable detective agency has turned her away
George is initially hesitant, thinks Lockwood is being swayed by his feelings (he is, but the case is also a real and interesting one), but warming up to Lucy as she proves herself as a detective in her own right
Some kind of party mirroring the Fittes Ball, but with 1930s style glamour and music. Perhaps Lockwood and Lucy create quite the scandal dancing together so publicly.
Gramophones everywhere. Because who doesn't love the aesthetic of an old timey record?
The inherent romance of solving crimes together
Lockwood doesn't even have to change his outfit, he's already dressed perfectly
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i started writing a locklyle fic and halfway through george just became so deeply involved so now they're all in love
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
I really want to do a yandere post with lockwood & co x reader. I’m down for ideas you have because I noticed things are getting dry, and my requests are still open. I’m willing to do them separately, or as a team or anything:
Yandere!Poly!Team x reader.
Yandere!Poly!Locklyle x reader. (Lucy and Anthony)
Or then by themselves! Anything you want🌸
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maarigolds · 1 year
Lucy, Lockwood and George, after everything.
(show edition. I'm not going by book canon for this one, so don't worry about spoilers)
At 21 or 22, Lockwood is the first of them that starts to lose his talent.
Which makes sense, since he's the oldest. At the beginning he refuses to even acknowledge it, but Lucy and George figure out what's happening soon enough. For a while he's just ashamed and angry and sad all the time. Then it gets better: Lucy and George get him trough it. He also calls Kipps, and they talk for hours, both coming out of it feeling almost at peace (Kipps has gone back to school and is talking about wanting to become a teacher. Which Lockwood feels like should surprise him, but actually doesn't). 
Lucy is next. It breaks her heart a little (because of skull and all other type 3s) and it scares her a lot. But then she realizes how soothingly quiet the world can be at times, and lets herself think that maybe she will be alright. 
George is last. And the thing is, even though it saddens him to lose the one thing that connected him to ghosts, mainly he's relieved. He's been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while, and now that it has, he's ready for whatever may come next.
The jobs get more and more rare as they hear, see and feel less and less. Lockwood knows he could hire new kids to replace them, but in truth he doesn't really want to. Perhaps Lockwood & Co. can be laid to rest at last: after all, they've already achieved more than he ever dreamt. So the next time a client calls, he informs her they've shut down and gives her the name of an up-and-coming independent agency he's heard great things about. He only feels mildly guilty about it. 
Even if they're technically not his employees anymore, George and Lucy stay. They don’t talk about it, but the idea of moving out of Portland row and living lives that aren't intrinsically intertwined feels wrong to all three of them: they're a family, after all, and nothing has to change about that.
Still, they need to make money somehow. So they muse about going far away from London, opening a bakery, living in a small house by the sea. But in the end they stay, both in the city and line of work they're used to. Because they do belong there, it's undeniable. George, of course, goes into ghost research and becomes a leading voice in the field, discovering new ways to help agents all over the country. No one is surprised, but everyone is proud. Lucy one day shows up at Barnes' office to ask him about becoming an inspector. It's the last thing either would have expected, but when he asks her why, she says it feels like the best place to be to help kids like her. To stop people like Jacobs. So he gives her a job. She's determined to change things from the inside. Barnes thinks that if someone could, it's her. And Lockwood... well, it takes a while for him to figure it out. But one evening Lucy comes home talking about a kid left deeply traumatized by a job gone wrong, and suddenly he knows. The next day he calls the bank to open up a pro bono clinic for agents and ex agents in need of psychological treatment. After less than a week they already have their first client. 
Slowly but steadily, it becomes their new normal. 
Lockwood sets up a study in the room on the stairs and works mainly from there. George, on the other hand, works at a lab in the City: he is the first to leave in the morning, but he always comes home soon enough to cook dinner. Lucy keeps slightly more irregular hours, and sometimes her job keeps her away for longer than she'd like. But then again she occasionally gets to come home to the adorable view of the boys fast asleep in front of the tv, so that's good.
One day Flo brings them a stray cat she found while working: they name him Donut and spoil him way too much.
Lucy starts gardening. George grows a magnificent beard (Lockwood is not jealous of it). The fridge breaks down and they have to buy a new one. Airf's son replaces him at the shop. They put up a hammock in the backyard, and spend their vacations piled into it. Mrs Burke from across the street knits them all hats for Christmas. Lockwood adds new framed articles on the walls and new knick-knacks on the bookshelves. 
He's not sure when, but one day 35 Portland Row stops being the home his parents left behind and becomes his home. Their home: his, and Lucy's, and George's (and Donut's. And Kipps' when he comes over for lunch on Sundays. And Flo's when she swings by using her own keys. And Barnes' when he stays for tea after long work days).
So they keep going as they have, day after day, year after year, slowly growing older. Wounds heal and scars fade. The sun shines through the kitchen windows on summer mornings. The smell of persian food fills the air every evening. Old rapiers get dusty in the umbrella stand. There aren't any ghosts between their walls, both real and metaphorical.
Everything is alright.
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daveys-sister · 11 months
You know why I ship locklyrim? Because from the first episode, I shipped Lucy and George just as hard as Lucy and Lockwood, because they had the BEST tension. Lucy and Lockwood are strangers to lovers, but George and Lucy are enemies to lovers. These two meet each other and immediately want to brawl, but also seemed to want to make out. I love it.
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thethinkingcloth · 1 year
is there a poly co discord? if not, is that something y’all might be interested in?
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