#Poly Bellas Squared
loveswrites · 2 years
I Chose You ~ Poly Cullen X reader
This is something I've had written up in my google doc for a while. I wrote it for me mostly but I thought I'd post it and see if anyone else would enjoy it!
Give your thought's in the comments! Tell me if you want more or what you'd like me to post more of!
"I Chose You"
Summary~ The Cullens start fighting over you
Currently you're chilling at the Cullen's house. It was a calm and relaxing Friday evening. After school your mates Edward, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett just rushed you home to their house. Saying they couldn't wait to spend time with you, like you hadn't spent all day in the presence of basically all of them. 
Your head rested against Emmett's chest as Rosalies rested on your stomach, because they both insisted that you all cuddle with each other. Playing in the background was some sports channel that they had turned on. To which you knew nothing about, you were just here for the vibes. Being surrounded in an ice sandwich comforted you as you always found the cold to be inviting. Most didn't but you we're like most. You were mated to basically the whole Cullen family Minus Alice she was mated to Bella. 
Most days it was easy and calm. Not much ruckus, besides Emmett and his loud self nonetheless you loved him. But other days it was a little difficult. Being mated to 6 different people was difficult but you could manage. That was until you had to go visit some relatives out of state and you were gone for 2 weeks. That had messed up the routine and the peaceful relaxing days, As ever since you got back each one of your mates felt like they had to run and snatch you up before another one could. 
Which was true, one would be walking towards you with a smile then make eye contact with another then it would turn into a race of who could grab the last blueberry muffin. Emmetts hand was running through your head while he was fussing at the TV. Rosalie was holding your hand gently caressing it, every now and then pressing soft kisses against your fingers and up your wrist. You were just starting to relax when you heard a bell ring making you jump at the unexpected sound.
 You were met by a gust of wind looking up. You saw Jasper in front of you holding his hand out. "I believe it's my turn to have some alone time with our lovely doll." Jasper said in his thick southern accent that always made your heart skip a beat. To which he sent you a sly wink alongside his signature smirk letting you know he heard it.
You couldn't help but let out a little giggle. 
"It hasn't even been an hour yet!" Emmett huffed out. 
"Yes it has, hint the Alarm. Now give her up." Jasper said a little snappy. He's been a little irritated having to feel everyone's emotions. Everyone's emotions on top of his own we're.. To say the least overwhelming. 
"No it hasn't! The games not even over yet! I'm not letting her go, it's not your turn!" Emmett yelled out. 
"Well that's not my fault now is it? We agreed on one hour, not two. You're wasting my time." Jasper said, reaching to grab my hand to which Rosalie slapped his hand away with a growl. 
"Back the fuck off." Rosalie said tightening her grip on my hand but not enough to hurt.
"I'm not, In the mood Rosalie." Jasper said shooting Rose a stern look making her sit up narrowing her eyes at Jasper. I could tell Jasper was getting to his breaking point making me sit up watching him and Rosalie closely.
 "What are you talking about your turn?" Edward said walking into the room holding a bag of snacks which made me smile immediately as I knew they were for me. 
"It's my turn and they're hogging her." Jasper said, annoyed, making his southern accent thicker if that was even possible. Hearing his voice made me let out a little hum making Jasper look at me tilting his head with a look of curiosity.
"No, It's my turn." Edward said as a matter of fact. 
"No it's not! The bell rang. I got here first fair and square ya shouldn't have been outside!" Jasper yelled glaring at Edward. Edward put down the bag he was holding on the nearest table. Walking Up to Jasper glaring back at him.
"If you want to fight for her we can do that." Edward said, having read Jasper's mind. Jasper ready to bareback his teeth and fight for me if he must. 
"Wait!" I said standing in between the two, making them both look down at me, their eyes softening their gaze. 
"What did you get me?" I asked, looking at Edward pointing to the bag he brought in with him. 
"The chips you said you were craving earlier today at school." He replied, watching me as I went to pick up the bag. 
"Thank you." I said grabbing the bag walking towards the door making the four panic slightly.
"Where are you going?!" Two voices said in desperation.
 "To see what Carlisle Is doing." And with that I was off into my car driving off to the hospital Carlisle was working at. Hopefully to get some peace and quiet. But who knows.
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cityof2morrow · 11 months
Bella Brand: Signage 001
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Published: 11-6-2023 | Updated: N/A
“Inspired by the wealth of Bella Goth lore from the Sims/SimCity franchises (aka the “simsverse”), the Bella Brand Series includes more than a dozen sets and 230+ new business-themed items. Lore suggests that the wealth/influence of the Gilman, Crumplebottom, Bachelor, and Goth families increases considerably under Mortimer and Bella Goth, especially the latter. So, this series imagines what a prestigious Bella-based brand might look like…” Every business deserves proper advertising. This set includes billboards, signs, and wall stickers for various items in the Bella Brand Series (2023). Swatches include a combination of patterns, images, and text in both English/Simlish. The horizontal, square, and vertical billboards align on the left sides and are the mesh objects for all signage, excluding the stickers. Wall stickers are also new meshes and come in two sizes: 3-tile horizontal or 2-story vertical.
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DETAILS Requires ALL EPs/SPs. You need Mesh Set 001 (Simmons, 2023) and the Display Counter (BellasSecret_Counter_Somedaythesun)from the TS2 Maxis Match Lingerie Store Set (SomedayTheSun, 2023) – these items are required for all textures to display in-game. The counter uses recolors from the Bosenklavier Model B grand piano (Bon Voyage EP). Find recolors for the counter interior in the Bella Brand: Retail Floor Set (Simmons, 2023). Recolors may include swatches for items in other Bella Brand sets such as signs, packages, cosmetics, etc. Objects in Sims 2 are limited to two recolorable parts, so not all items are recolorable in the same way. Find additional recolors for Bella Brand sets on this site under #ts2recolors, #co2recolors, and #co2bellabrand. ITEMS Bella Brand 3-Tile Sticker (2 poly) Bella Brand 2-Story Sticker (2 poly) Bella Brand In-Store Advertising Wall (114 poly) Bella Brand Signs 001-003 (132 poly) Bella Brand Billboards 001-003 (736 poly)
DOWNLOAD (choose one) from SFS | from MEGA
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CREDITS No copyright infringement intended. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. CCA = Creative Commons Attribution. Thanks: @catherinetcjd, @gayars, @gummilutt, @haziewhims, @kashmiresims (Rach’), @somedaythesun, whoward, Easy Shine Removal Kit (PF Forest, 2023), Reducing GUIDs/OBJs Tutorial (HugeLunatic, 2022), Sketchfab and Blender Communities. Sources: SEE CREDITS (ALT).
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avulleonastick · 2 years
J, M, N, and R please!!!
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
MacGyver! (The new one.) There was really just one person I was following who was obsessed with it, but I did end up eventually watching it because of them.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Oh geez, that's a hard question, because most of my faves are like... not... great... people XD Can I say Lena Luthor because she's made of money and it might rub off on me? (I'm a monster.) If not that, then Adora, probably? She seems chill. Strong possibility of me falling ass over heels in love with her, though, which wouldn't be great.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
So my favorite fandom is Pitch Perfect, so...
Poly Ships! (triple treble & bellas squared in particular)
Paranormal AUs! (vampire stuff in particular because Twilight instilled in me a lifelong obsession)
Crossovers! (with... whatever, really XD Although, let's be real, ideally Twilight or like, Vampire Diaries, because I really am that basic.)
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Oh huh. I think either Sherlock & Joan in Elementary or John & Rose in Homestuck. I love both of those relationships so much.
Pay Attention to Me!
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chloes-yellow-cup · 6 years
2018 Fic Roundup
I was tagged by @lets-talk-appella​ and I'm a bit in awe at how much she's written in the past year.
AO3 Stats
Total Word Count: 319,663 (Holy crap, really?)
Total Hits: 34022 Kudos: 1375 Comment Threads: 295 (If this counts my replies, divide that in half) Bookmarks: 313 Subscriptions: 195 User Subscriptions: 81
FFN is a bit trickier as it breaks down Views/Visitors per month so with a grain of salt: 34930/16077
Links & Titles to 2018 Works: (These notes may get a little long winded, sorry!)
Candy Wars: - 3,391 words, T Established Bechloe fluff with a dash of Staubrey and Bella Hijinks. Inspired by a tweet. Takes place post retreat, pre-Worlds, added in my A Shared Lifetime series.
Getting Even - 11,377 words, M Inspired by Perdition by @morningsound15​ and actually the first thing I started writing, for all that I posted CW first. Established Bechloe in Beca’s sophomore year. Much smut and later added to my A Shared Lifetime series.
One Million Kisses - 4,450 words, G
Mitchsen AU oneshot from a prompt request. So much fluff, Drunken Mitchsen and handstands.
Nowish - 102,144 words, M Bechloe, Staubrey. Bellas Squared. My first multi-chap and I could spend a lifetime talking about it. It started out as a joke: Can I write a scene with a foursome? And I couldn’t just throw them all into bed (I mean, I could but I wanted to build it up a bit.) 8 chapters later I created a life and a universe that I fell in love with and changed my entire life, how I view these four characters and gave me amazing new friends.
Leap of Faith - 8,146 words, M Bechloe neighbor AU from @lilhan​ for her birthday. Fluff and smut.  Prompt: Your window was open and you live across from me so I saw and heard you in your underwear, singing and dancing ridiculously and I really wanna get to know you cause you're pretty hot and I might have a crush on you AU.
Third Time’s the Charm - 11,410 words, T Bechloe Disney AU for Bechloe Week 2018 (though I had the idea before then.)  Beca’s got this rule, and there’s this Disney Princess... Humor and fluff with appearances from Stacie, Emily, Cynthia Rose and my now inevitable Staubrey side pairing.
Unknown Number - 649 words, G Post USO Staubrey Angst. Part of my Nowish universe:  Idea: What if Beca had called Stacie while she and Amy were on their way to save the Bellas? First in a newly established Fic Tease series, in which I post small bits that I can’t wait to share. So far the things posted here are part of a larger, future, PP3 story, but I’m pretty sure I’ll start posting random scenes that might not end up anywhere else.
Tattoos - 11,991 words, M Second Fic Tease entry. After brainstorming with my beta, @tiny-maus-boots​, we came up with the idea of Aubrey getting the rest of the girls gifts. As I realize the impact this world had on my life, I decided to get them as tattoos because they’re just that important to me. And this chapter was born - though it could stand as a oneshot on it’s own, honestly.
They Had Time - 148,183 words, M My Bechloe endgame rewrite of the first movie. Back when writing Getting Even, I had originally thought of writing a scene or two that put Bechloe together in the first movie. It was horribly rushed and totally unpolished. After GE, I decided to maybe do a transcription of the first movie, giving both their thoughts on key scenes. Then Nowish happened and Time got put on hold until it was done. When I came back to it, I had a whole host of future threads that I could weave through Time that would pay off in Nowish. Including, but not limited to, the groundwork for the Rise of Staubrey™, coming soon to a story near you.
The Middle - 17,922 words, M Poly Bellas Squared Oneshot, post Nowish. (Pre Tattoos.) The girls have some downtime, Stacie gets bored and more fluff and smut ensue. (I sense a theme in my works here.)
Favorite Fic: This is like asking a parent to pick their favorite kid. Nowish, probably. It was so hard but I’m so proud of it. Getting Even because it started me down this path. All my Oneshots (Kisses seriously becomes more adorable to me the more I write Mitchsen.) are also precious angels.
Hardest Fic: Nowish and Time. There were so many pieces to both of these that I almost gave up writing them - many times. Nowish because putting together these 4 in a realistic way was... stressful. And Time because I had to get it right - both in terms of putting Bechloe together and to fit within my new AU.
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? This is always tentative - coming up with ideas off of prompts takes me a small eternity. Of course, coming up with ideas in general takes that long so... maybe, but don’t count on it to be quick, lol.
What was the best thing about 2018? Writing again for the first time in fifteen years. Finding a place - a home - in this fandom. Everyone has always been so welcoming and supportive. Making new and amazing friends that I can’t imagine not talking to every day. 
There’s too many to name here, but these guys in particular have been amazing in their support: @nailbiting-fangirl, @lilhan, @fandom-heaux, @kate-harper, @rejection-isnt-failure, @c-k-mack​, @lets-talk-appella​. 
I’d mention @tiny-maus-boots but she’s been my bestie for half my life, not just 2018.
What was the worst thing about 2018? I had some serious depression issues for the first half of the year but the unswerving support of Maus and finding my writing voice has helped (mostly) pull me out of it. Self doubt. Writers block. Smut block. Not enough time to write.
Any last thoughts for 2018? This has been a wild ride and thank you to everyone who has made this year so amazing.
Goals for 2019: Write the multitude of ideas currently sitting in my “To-do” list which includes, but is not limited to: PP2, PP3, College Smutshots, Post Nowish Smutshots, Diner AU.
MAN I’m wordy!  Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this entire ramble and to everyone who has ever sent me feedback here, on AO3 or FFN. Your support has gotten me through an emotionally difficult year.
I’m totally going to make @kate-harper do this now.
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hburkett99 · 2 years
I wanted to take a shot at drawing Bellas Squared because I absolutely adore Nowish by @chloes-yellow-cup. That story was my gateway into poly Bellas and I have no regrets.
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chriscdcase95 · 4 years
Chapter Three of Love’s Sacrifice is up.
Sorry I couldn't get to it fast enough. Had a family tragedy recently, mixed with my work on other crossover work on Unlife is Strange; which mixes Life is Strange, Vampy and indirectly, Until Dawn. I recommend checking that story out as well. The first four chapters are up, but I’ll share them when Chapter Five is up.
Speaking of indirect crossovers, I should probably note that while this story includes a sort of indirect crossover with Ginger Snaps, I am planning a proper Ginger Snaps story, that will also be a crossover with The Craft and Jennifer's Body. It may end up being a prequel to this one, but it's still in the planning stages.
Summary for Love’s Sacrifices.
Carmilla Karnstein and Laura Hollis are trying for a baby, and find themselves in need of a surrogate. Through mutual friends of theirs, they are introduced to Chloe Beale, who has joined a polyamorous relationship with Beca Mitchell, Aubrey Posen and Stacie Conrad. Due to help raising Stacie's daughter Bella, Chloe wants to know what it's like carrying a baby to term, and agrees to be a surrogate for Carm and Laura, to the great concern of Beca, who due to a past incident, is cautious when it comes to vampires. For nine months, Carmilla and Laura must stay by Chloe's side, and help raise Bella as well to prepare for parenthood. As if a risky pregnancy for a damphir baby wasn't enough, yet another instance of Carmilla's past comes back to haunt her, and threatens all she knows and loves.
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tiny-maus-boots · 6 years
Soulmates AU pt 7
Summary:  Inspired by Soulmate(s) au, soulmate(s) au pt 2 , and Soulmate(s) au pt 3 hc by @fandom-heaux . An AU in which everyone is born with a smudged birthmark. As you find your mate in life the smudge forms their name when you’ve made an impression on them. In this world Beca doesn’t realize she has any, let alone three.
Author’s Note: I’m gonna try this thing where I post once a week. I say try because…well. Tis I. Queen of zero follow through. I blame @chloes-yellow-cup for dragging me into this fandom and then making fics that have ruined me. RUINED ME. Let me clarify. RUINED ME.  
Author’s Note 2: Click here for Part 1 Part 2 Part 3, Part 4 Part 5 and Part 6
Author’s Note 3: So there is a link dropped into the fic to another fic. An amazing fic. One of my favorites actually. So…wink wink nod nod to @chloes-yellow-cup for Third Time’s the Charm.
There was a moment of awkward silence as they watched Stacie weave her way through the crowd, Beca trying desperately to seem like she hadn’t just found herself in the most awkward situation of her life. Chloe was pretty sure she was currently formulating an escape plan and that was the only thing that kept her in her seat instead of following after Aubrey. She was certain Aubrey was going to be okay. That they were going to be okay. But it didn’t stop her heart from seizing painfully at the look in Aubrey’s eyes when Beca introduced herself.
It was only a split second, just a quick flicker of emotion, but it was enough for Chloe to see Aubrey’s world crumble beneath her feet. It tore at Chloe’s own heart to see that much despair in her mate’s eyes and she just wanted to run to her and hold her. She wanted to reassure Aubrey that she wasn’t going anywhere without her, to remind her that they were a package deal, but one look at Beca’s fidgeting was enough to tell her that if Chloe left to find Aubrey, Beca would disappear in the blink of an eye. Aubrey would be okay, she just needed time to adjust.
Chloe gave her head a little shake with a bite of her lip to try and focus herself on the woman in front of her. Her smile was a still a little sad at the edges and she could tell Beca saw right through her. “Did you wanna go….? To check up on her or whatever. You seem very uh attached.” It was sweet and Chloe’s smile softened a little as she reached across the table to lay a hand on Beca’s.
“That’s very sweet, thank you, but I think she’s okay. Sometimes she just needs a second to herself.” Chloe’s half smile wilted further when she caught sight of Aubrey leaning into the curl of Stacie’s arms around her. And it wasn’t that she was jealous of it exactly, but she longed to soothe Aubrey and for a moment didn’t know what to do with herself. “Sorry. I feel like I’m being rude, I think worrying about Aubrey has been all I’ve known for so long that even when I don’t have to, I still kinda do.”
It was still uncomfortable but Beca took a cleansing breath and seemed to resolve herself to actually interacting. Chloe was pleasantly surprised. She thought it would be harder to get Beca to engage given the less than stellar introductions. “So does she usually need worrying about?” Beca made a vague gesture with her chin toward the bar and Chloe’s gaze drifted there immediately. Her eyes found Aubrey at the bar already watching her. The hurt so raw and clear in her mate’s eyes wrecked her for a long second. They stayed locked in each other’s heartbreak before Aubrey finally broke and looked away.
“No actually. Well. Yes and no. Bree is the most confident, competent, driven person I’ve ever known. She is so good at taking care of the house, and work, and everything else that comes with our life together.” Chloe’s smile widened as her heart swelled with the love she had for Aubrey. “And all of the strays that seem to always find their way home with me…she’s always been that way. But she always forgets to take care of herself and so…” Her shoulder came up in a half shrug and Chloe fiddled with the cocktail straw in a glass that was mournfully empty save for the rapidly melting ice.
“So you worry. I get that. I mean…I don’t get it get it, I don’t have that kind of relationship with people. But I get that you would worry about someone that’s always worrying about others.” Chloe felt something tug at her heart as Beca reached awkwardly behind her back to scratch at it. “So how long have you been together?”
Chloe gave a soft chuckle and sighed dreamily. “Since we were eight. Well. That’s when I knew for a fact she was my forever girl. It took her a little longer to figure it out.”
Beca’s eyes widened comically and she gaped for a minute. “Jesus. Eight. I think only thing I knew for a fact at age eight was that I didn’t like pickles.” Chloe was used to those types of reactions. Granted it was pretty rare to know that early that you were meant to be with someone for the rest of your life but it was even more rare to have three marks at once so she figured it just wasn’t that weird in the grand scheme of things. “How uh, how does something like that even happen?”
“I used to get picked on a lot when I was younger. Because of my hair, or clothes, or they sky was blue…” She rolled her eyes dismissively but at the time every little tease and taunt scarred her fragile innocent heart. She had always liked people and until she been away from the comforting circle of home and family she hadn’t realized that anyone would ever dislike her. Especially for no reason at all. It had been a crushing learning curve and she hadn’t adjusted well, spending most of her recess and lunch time crying in a stall of the girl’s bathroom. “One particularly vicious bully threw a rock at me and said some pretty inventive things for a third grader. I just remember the shock of it, seeing blood drip down my head, knowing someone intentionally threw something to hurt me. I probably would have stood there and let him chuck another.”
“That little shit.” Chloe laughed at the quietly indignant look on Beca’s face and rolled her eyes at the memory of her childhood bully.
“Yeah well Aubrey fixed his wagon for sure. If she had been a cat she would have been spitting and yowling with her back all up. She came out of nowhere and just…whaled on him. This tiny blonde tornado came to my rescue and I just knew, even if she didn’t yet, I knew I was going to be with her forever. No one was really surprised when my name showed up on her wrist.”
There was a flicker of deep longing in Beca’s eyes then, so fast and so quickly hidden that she wasn’t entirely sure it had been there at all. “Well that all sounds like a fairy tale. You sure you’re not a Disney princess?”
Chloe let out a breathy chuckle and shrugged. “I don’t know. I think I’d make a pretty rocking Ariel. Our friend Amy taught me how to mermaid dance so…” In the back of her mind she knew that would make no sense and have no context for Beca but the other woman gave an amused grin and raised eyebrow as if picturing all that would imply. “It’s a long story, oh that’s her over there by the stage. I didn’t think she’d be here with her shooting schedule.” It was mostly an embarrassed ramble and she was glad when Aubrey seemed to appear from thin air with drinks in hand. Chloe felt a weight lift off her shoulders and she reached out to curl a hand around Aubrey’s wrist just needing that warm connection between them.
The dull hum of anxiety finally quieted when Aubrey settled in at her side and slid a hand over to rest warmly on Chloe’s thigh. Aubrey’s thumb stroking soothingly through her jeans was warmer than the fuzziest sweater and most comfy sweater she owned and she leaned into it.
“What’d we miss?”  
“Chloe was just telling me all about your MMA days.” Aubrey blinked and then eased into a quiet laugh as she slid Chloe her lurid blue drink. “Thanks, what do I owe you the…” There was a pause as Beca read the label on her beer bottle once then twice. “Sexual Chocolate? Yikes. Okay then.”
“I promise you’ll like it.” The teasing lilt to Aubrey’s voice made Chloe crinkle her nose in a grin. Playful Aubrey was the best and she could tell she was trying her hardest to be social and okay. To be there for Chloe like she always was. Chloe nudged Aubrey’s shoulder with her own when Beca sputtered in flustered embarrassment just as she had raised the bottle to her lips for a sip. “Ohmygod Beca, I’m sorry.” Aubrey half reached over the table when one of Beca’s sputters caught in her throat and she choked on the beer, spraying it partially on the table.
“No. It’s good. M’good, fine. Just. Wrong pipe.” Stacie’s eyes narrowed in just barely contained amusement at Beca’s rasping croak and Chloe had the feeling she was dying to tease the smaller woman. Mortified and just a hint uncomfortable, Aubrey hurriedly wiped at the table, trying to set everything back just right on the table.
“So did’ja, B?”
All three of them turned to look at Stacie who was practically bouncing in her seat. Beca blinked a few times and raised her brow. “Did I what?”
“Did’ja like it?” Somehow the simple questions seemed so much more loaded when Stacie said it. Beca’s face turned bright red and she elbowed Stacie in the ribs. It broke the tension and even Aubrey settled back down at the laughter that bubbled up between them all. It was going to be fine, it would all be fine. Nothing had to be decided right this second, they could just maybe enjoy the night and see what came of things. Chloe brought the drink to her lips and sipped from the straw. Something told her there was no rush at all, that this would all unfold exactly as it was meant to. Chloe believed in that little something with her whole heart the same way she had so many years ago.
In some way, Beca was going to be hers. Hers and Aubrey’s. And they would be Beca’s. She was positive of it. Chloe leaned further into Aubrey, their shoulder’s touching as the four of them picked up the threads of conversation and teasing banter easily. A warm blanket of calm enveloped her when Aubrey leaned into her too. Something settled in her soul and she let her fingers trail over the mark she knew was on her chest trusting destiny to bring them together if not tonight, then one day. And one day was good enough for her.
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leaf-storm · 3 years
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hi! want some stuff?
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starting off with some recolors of guatla’s fusteria build set. i’ve included the master meshes, but you’ll have to go to the original download for the add-ons. these don’t look great on a couple of the meshes with longer fabric sections because i didn’t take the time to make my fabric tile properly. i think they look pretty good on the majority of the pieces though so i’m sharing them as is.
meshes & textures: guatla
color actions: kinu, remi, and eversims
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three recolors of cerquinho sofa
mesh: beautifulnerdkitty
art: indipixi, megan monismith
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eleven recolors of maxis robot lunch
art: kate dehler, tetsunori tawaraya, clare byrne, be the light, nhung le
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eight recolors of maxis civil idol
art: mollywritings, meghan wallace, exquisite paradox, kate dehler, michela picchi
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four recolors of maxis pineapple
art: xaviera altena, peculiar manicule, kate dehler
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a few random things on maxis meshes (bella², two dogs, cantankerous splatters)
art: allison filice, dawn aquarius, bene rohlmann
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more neons because i can’t be stopped
mesh: dot
art: lesbianboy
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three recolors of back to retro
mesh: veranka
art: agathe singer, cat finnie
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two recolors of red hearts, white diamonds
mesh: nuttydazesublime
art: josefina schargorodsky, sonia lazo
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two recolors of wooden disc
mesh: mustluvcatz
*edit* it occured to me that mlc’s edited tassel-free mesh is the one i recolored (and included in the zip). they’ll work for either mesh? but you cannot have both the one i included and princessbliss’ original in your game. sorry if there was any confusion!
art: shop shoal, frog & toad press
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some recolors of kim’s square rug
art: haley wood, adam nathaniel furman, custom tufted rugs
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also, conversions!! i had reblogged this on my simspo blog, so when i saw that vroshii had created it for ts4, i had to convert it immediately. turns out i’m rusty as hell, but i managed to pull it together eventually. i think.
froggy pc: 2164 polys - $300
froggy desk mat: 36 polys - $15 - found in electronics misc.
noya desk: 334 polys - $80 - includes original recolors
meshes & textures: vroshii
that’s it! swatches & meshes included - enjoy!! 🛸🐸✨👽💐
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littlelittlesimmies · 2 years
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BG Bella Squared with 4t2 Paranormal Guidry frame.
The painting takes its texture from BG Bella Squared, and the frame requires a master mesh that you can find HERE.
centered on one tile because I love to use angled OMSPs on wall stuff
at ground height to avoid weird lighting issue
environment score decreases with size
Size 1 : 3300$, Size 2 : 2475$, Size 3 : 1860$, Size 4 : 1395$, Size 5 : 1050$, Size 6 : 790$, Size 7 : 595$.
538 polys each.
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
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Links: AO3 & WattPad
Square Filled: Polyamory
Ship: Jensen Ackles x Reader (female) x Jared Padalecki
Rating: M for Mature
Tags: poly-relationship, oral (male and female receiving), threesome (no J2 action), dirty talk, fluff, smut, sweet surprise at the end, porn, almost no plot.
Being in the spotlight was a double edged sword. On one side, there was money to be made, free stuff to be had and vacations one could only imagine. On the other was a complete lack of privacy, unless one was clever.
As it so happened, I was.
First to arrive home after a long day's work was usually Jensen Ackles, my husband of more than five years.
“Hey baby.” he greeted me with a hug and a sweet kiss as I stirred the pot of chili I’d made to keep us warm on this cold winter’s night.
“Hello yourself handsome,” I said as I kissed him back “go get comfortable, dinner is almost ready.”
“Smells like it’s ready now.” He said as he practically drooled over the pot.
“GO!” I commanded; at twice my size he could easily get what he wanted, but he backed down, choosing to go change into his pajamas so he would be comfortable while we ate.
Second to arrive was my boyfriend of three years, Jared Padalecki.
“Hey gorgeous.” He greeted me with a smile and a kiss “it smells amazing in here.”
“Jensen beat you home,” I told him “he’s upstairs getting changed so I suggest you do the same so we can eat.”
“Yes ma’am.” he said with an exaggerated Texas drawl that always made me laugh.
Our relationship wasn’t conventional; that much anyone could say. Yes, I was married and yes, I had a boyfriend and both knew about it and were fine with it. Being a singer and model wasn’t easy, adding the fact that I was polyamorous too was a whole other can of worms I didn’t want to open. As far as anyone outside our immediate families knew, Jensen and I were happily married while Jared was our best friend and the eternal bachelor.
That night, the three of us sat on the couch, eating chili and cornbread while the boys watched TV. I sat in the middle as usual, Jensen on my left and Jared on my right. When we’d finished eating, Jared did the dishes while Jensen laid his head in my lap. I stroked his hair and rubbed on his temples, trying to get him to relax.
“You’re too tense.” I told him.
“If I get any more relaxed, I’ll go to sleep.” He said, he had his arms around my waist, holding me close.
“That’s the idea.” I said as Jared came back to the couch. Once he was settled, he opened his arms to me. I laid with my back against his chest, still scratching Jensen’s head.
“How are you even awake?” Jared asked Jensen “She does that to me and I’m dead as a door nail.”
“Just not tired I guess.” Jensen said and rolled so that he was on his back, looking up at me. “I could go for a snack.”
I laughed and said
“You just are two and half bowls of chili, there’s no WAY you’re still hungry.”
He fiddled with the strings on my pajama pants and said
“I’m hungry for something else.”
A blush crept up my cheeks as Jared held me closer.
“Perfect after dinner snack,” he cooed in my ear “nice and sweet.”
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding as Jensen sat up.
“Lay your head in Jared’s lap.” he told me.
I did as I was told, my brown eyes meeting Jared’s hazel ones as he brushed the loose hairs from my ponytail behind my ear. Meanwhile, Jensen untied my pajama pants and eased them off of me along with my panties. Jared leaned down and kissed me, tasting like beer and corn bread as his tongue slid over mine. Jensen opened my legs and and groaned, I’d had the day off today and had taken the time to shave damn near everything while waiting for Jensen and Jared to come home.
“Fuck sweetheart,” Jensen said “you trying to kill me or something?”
Jared stopped kissing me and looked down, a wicked smile crossing his face.
“Someone wanted our attention, badly.” He said and I smiled innocently.
“I love the attention from you two,” I said “what can I say?”
Jensen laid on his stomach and placed sweet kisses on my inner thighs while Jared kissed my lips and took my breast into his hand. He kneaded it and worked the nipple until it was nice and tight, which was perfect for him to suck on. Meanwhile, Jensen licked and sucked his way down to my pussy where he gave it short, broad licks that made me moan loudly. My back arched as he kept this up while Jared sucked on my right nipple and took the left one in his fingers, rolling it between his thumb and pointer finger. I moaned louder, each sensation they were giving me went straight to my core where Jensen lapped up every thing I gave him. He hummed in approval as Jared kissed his way up my chest and to my lips where I tangled my fingers in his dark hair. I rolled my hips into Jensen’s face, his fingers digging into my thighs.
“Jesus fuck,” Jared said.
My eyes opened, he was watching me ride Jensen’s face while biting his lip.
“Mh, you have no clue how hot this is do you?” He purred in my ear “Look at you, all strung out for us.”
“Jare,” I moaned “god, I want you so bad.”
“Let me watch sweet girl,” he said as he kissed me “you know how much I like watching you get off.”
“Yes.” I moaned as I palmed him through his pants. I watched as his eyes rolled into the back of his head while I untied his pants and freed his erection, taking it into my mouth.
“Oh fuck,” Jared breathed, his fingers tangling in my hair “like that.”
I felt Jensen’s eyes on me, so I popped off Jared’s cock and sure enough, he was smirking up at me.
“That’s it,” Jensen told me “keep going.”
I nodded and took Jared back into my mouth, my hand making up what I couldn’t fit. I felt the knot in my lower belly tightening as Jensen used his fingers to play with my clit and heat rolled up my spine.
“Ah!” I cried out, pleasure coursing through my system. Jensen pushed his tongue inside me, the strong muscle pulsing inside me as he kept working my clit. I kept up with Jensen’s pace, sucking Jared off at the same pace that Jensen was playing with me.
“Babe,” Jared breathed “oh fuck, just like-fuck-yes!”
“You gonna come for me Jared?” I asked as I lapped my tongue over the head of his cock. He twisted and groaned, throwing his head back as his hips bucked. I captured him in my mouth, sucking hard on him as he let go in my mouth, his salty taste coating my tongue. I swallowed everything he had to give me as Jensen sucked on my clit, making me cry out loudly for him.
“Jensen!” I yelled as I arched my back, my cries filling our living room.
“Come for me baby.” he said as he buried his face in me.
His beard scratched my inner thigh, his nose bumped my clit and his perfect, plump mouth sealed around my pussy as I gave in, letting go so hard, I swear I saw spots. He worked me through the high as Jared smoothed my hair again, having regained his composure.
“Such a good girl.” He said and kissed my forehead. “Roll over.” He said
I did my best to comply as Jensen lined up his cock with my soaked hole. He easily slid inside me as Jared tilted my face up to his.
“You like being between us sweet girl?” He asked and I nodded
“I love it,” I moaned “both those cocks filling me up.”
Jensen bucked harder into me, his skin hitting mine.
“He’s fucking slamming you sweet girl,” Jared said “you’re taking him so good.”
“That’s our good girl,” Jensen said, his voice ragged from pleasure “fucking taking me like this.”
Jared slipped his hands down my body, one kneading my breast while his fingers from his other hand worked my clit, making me cry out both their names as Jensen fucked me harder. I couldn’t hold on, I screamed as I clenched around Jensen, soaking him while Jared murmured in my ear what a good girl I was.
Later that night, the three of us lay in our California King sized bed; Jensen was sleeping and spooning me while Jared and I held hands, talking.
“What’s a place you’ve always wanted to go?” He asked, his fingers tangled in mine.
“Lots of places,” I told him “why?”
“Come on, think a little harder than that, you mentioned it not too long ago.” He chided me.
I thought and then asked
“The U.K?”
He nodded and asked
“What would you think about going there in a few weeks?”
“I’d say it would be cruel to tease me like that.” I told him.
“I’m not teasing.” He said “I booked the plane tickets this morning.”
“Shut up,” I said, not believing him “you’re full of shit.”
“I am not.” He said and grabbed his phone. After a few taps on his screen, he showed me the tickets. “We’re going to Scotland, England and Ireland.”
“No fucking way.” I breathed and looked at him with tears in my eyes. “Jared, I can’t even!”
“Happy anniversary baby.” He said with a kiss.
So this is my first entry for SPN Kink Bingo, I hope you guys liked it!! I tried to put SOME plot in here but....let’s face it, this is porn. Call a spade a spade am I right?
Your kind feedback is always appreciated, please feel free to like and share!! maybe hit that follow button if you feel so inclined!! All my tag lists are open so send me an ask if you wanna be on any of them!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby​ @waywardnerd67​ @familybusinesswritingbro​ @ain-t-bovvered​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @girlborninstorms​ @dacleverfox​ @emoryhemsworth​ @bobasheebaby​ @deanscarlett​ @myinconnelly1​ @mogaruke​ @imma-winchester-addict​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @animerose96​​ @coffee-n-fanfiction​​ @drakelover78​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​ @roonyxx​​ @snffbeebee​​ @ezilyamuzed​​ @mirandaaustin93​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​ @emilyshurley​​ @atc74​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​ @biawol​​ @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​​ @spaceystacey123​​ @bella-ca​​ @clo-heda​​ @closetspngirl​​ @thekatherinewinchester​​ @maddiepants​​ @idreamofplaid​ @love-those-boys-in-flannel @flamencodiva @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog
Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67​ @akshi8278​
328 notes · View notes
tornbetween2loves · 6 years
The Arrangement
This is my first ever Bloodbound fic, so please be gentle with me. I’ve been toying with the idea of a Bloodbound poly, but I couldn’t quite get the idea to form right in my head. None of the pairings seemed to make sense. But after having a brainstorming session with my bestie @kennaxval my idea came to me. And I sat down and these 1500 words just poured out of me. So this is the first part in what will probably end up being my new series. Because I don’t have enough series already. I will come up with a title later, I just want to get this out there and hopefully get some feedback.
This takes place after the council meeting where they vote to allow Lily to join Adrian’s clan. In this AU, Amy makes a deal to belong to Priya in order to secure her vote. Adrian is unaware of the deal until after the vote and is furious. The plan is for this to become a poly relationship between Adrian, Amy and Priya.
Warnings: this series will most definitely be ns*w. This particular part contains instances of violence and wlw smut. It is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.
I am tagging anyone I can think of. If you would rather not be tagged in this series, please just let me know. Like I said before, this is my very first Bloodbound fic so I don’t really have a taglist for it.
Lily stood in the doorway to Amy’s bedroom in the apartment they shared, watching her pack up her things. Hot tears pricked the corners of her eyes. This just wasn’t fair. This shouldn’t be happening. “Amy, you don’t have to do this. I can stay clanless. I’ll be ok.” Amy narrowed her eyes at her friend. “Absolutely not. I dragged you into this mess. You wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for me.” She continued folding clothes and placing them in the suitcase. She looked up at Lily just as the tears started to roll down her cheeks. Amy sighed as she walked over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “Lily, please don’t cry. I think everyone is overreacting about this. Priya is not as bad as she seems. I can tell when I look in her eyes.” She pulled out of the hug and placed a hand on each of Lily’s shoulders. She looked her square in the eye. “I am not afraid of her Lily. I think I can break through her rough exterior. She is already attracted to me.” Lily sniffled as she shook her head. “If anyone could get through it would be you Amy.” Amy smiled and gave Lily a slight nod. “I am more afraid of what could happen if you remain clanless, Lily. I can’t bear the thought of you turning feral.” Amy turned back to the bed and continued packing. After a few moments she closed the suitcase and zipped it shut. She rolled the suitcase out into the living room and placed it next to the front door. Then she turned to face Lily once more. They embraced tearfully as they kissed each other’s cheeks goodbye and Amy walked out the door to her new life.
Adrian’s eyes turned fiery red and his fangs sliced into his bottom lip, drawing blood. A feral growl was churning deep in his chest as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He tapped his foot impatiently while he watched the numbers flash as the elevator passed each floor. Finally it pinged for the last time and the door opened into the top floor where the executive offices are. Adrian rushed into his office, quickly slamming the sound-proof door behind him. The growl finally escaped his chest, climbing it’s way up his throat and exiting as a deep, guttural howl. He raised his fist above his head and pounded it on his desk as hard as he could, the wood splintering around his hand. His knuckles bloodied, he took both arms and swiped everything off his desk onto the floor. Phone, computer, papers, everything. His breath was coming in short gasps as the small amount of control he had unraveled within him. His eyes were like pools of flame as he eyed the window, ready to crash through and down to the streets below to claim the first person he sees as his victim.
“Adrian! Stop this!” His head snapped around to the door. Kamilah calmly closed the office door behind her as she moved closer to him. “You are of no help to Amy in this condition. Get a hold of yourself!” Adrian glared at her with his eyes still glowing, blood dripping down his chin from his fangs. Kamilah met his gaze with her own fiery one, baring her fangs at him. “Don’t make me physically restrain you Adrian,” she warned in a deep growling tone. She grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around to face her. “Don’t do this, Adrian. You must remain strong. For her.” His red eyes softened and he took deep breaths until he was calm enough to look at Kamilah. “How did this happen? How did I let this happen?” His whole body deflated as he sunk to his knees in front of her, his body racked with sobs. Kamilah wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, not caring about the blood staining her perfect white blouse. She rubbed small circles on the back of his neck as he sobbed, speaking in soothing, hushed tones. “I will help you figure this out, Adrian. We will get her back.” He looked up at her with pleading, red-rimmed eyes. “Please help me,” he said feebly. “I can not lose her.”
Priya sat at the end of her long dining table, her houseboys surrounding her awaiting her command. She was dressed in nothing but a flimsy pure white negligee. The contrast of the silky white material against her dark skin was breathtaking. One of her houseboys was on his knees under the table, his face pressed between her legs. Another reached down from behind her to massage her ample breasts. A low groan came from the back of Priya’s throat as she laced her fingers into the hair of the boy in her lap. She spread her legs wider and pushed his face further into her wet folds. Priya closed her eyes and imagined Amy between her legs, Amy suckling her breasts, Amy in her lap, eyes wide with desire. Just as Priya was about to go over the edge, she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
Her eyes flew open wide to see Amy standing at the opposite end of the dining table. She immediately pushed the boy from between her legs, kicking him out of the way as she smiled lustfully at Amy. “Ah, you’ve arrived. I’ve been waiting for you.” She pushed her chair back away from the table and patted her leg. “Come, beautiful. Sit.” Amy made her way toward Priya, rolling her suitcase behind her. She eyed the suitcase disdainfully. “You won’t be needing much clothes, at least for the first few days,” she smiled and looked up at Amy hungrily. Amy looked around nervously. Priya held her hand in the air and snapped three times and a houseboy appeared out of the shadows. Without breaking eye contact she said, “Take Amy’s suitcase to my private quarters.” He bowed and left the room with the suitcase. She stood up and grabbed Amy’s hand, pulling her close and wrapping her in an embrace. “Relax my dear, you are too tense. I promise you have nothing to be afraid of here.” She pulled back to look into her eyes. “I will take care of you. You will want for nothing I promise.” She brushed her fingers down her cheek softly and leaned in to kiss her gently.
Amy was surprised by the desire that instantly pooled in her belly as Priya’s lips touched hers. She deepened their kiss, spreading her lips to allow Priya’s tongue to explore her mouth. She moaned into the kiss as Priya slipped her hand down to stroke Amy through her clothes. A bolt of pleasure shot right to her core and she gasped and opened her eyes wide. She smiled as she reached for the button of Amy’s jeans. Amy took a step back and looked around hesitantly. There were still several houseboys awaiting in the corners of the room. Priya smiled devilishly as she pulled Amy close by the waistband of her jeans. She ran her tongue along her jawline up to her ear. “There’s no need to be shy,” she whispered softly. “You are perfect. They are merely flys on the wall. They should consider themselves lucky to witness such perfection.” She ran her tongue down Amy’s neck, pausing at the crook of her neck to inhale deeply. Her eyes flashed red and her fangs bared for just a second. “Mmmmmmmm you smell delicious,” she purred as she stood up straight to look in her eyes. Amy’s senses were heightened, she felt tingly all over from the vampire’s touch. There was still some uncertainty lingering in her eyes. But her body betrayed her, passion overcoming her senses as Priya kissed her once more, this time with need.
That was all it took. Amy was lost in a lustful haze of passion. She couldn’t say how it happened but soon she and Priya were naked and Amy was lying on the table, her legs spread wide. She cared not about the houseboys as her body trembled as Priya sucked on her neck, then her breasts before finally sinking her tongue into her wet folds. Amy cried out with pleasure and arched her back as the vampire feasted between her legs. She was helpless to do anything other than focus on her pleasure. She sat up and opened her eyes wide as Priya’s tongue buried even deeper inside her, making her come in a flourish, drenching Priya’s face and dining table with her juices. “Oh my god,” Amy panted as she rode the waves of her climax. Priya slowly ran her tongue along Amy’s labia in long strokes, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her core. She looked up at Amy’s perfect breasts above her and her lust-blown eyes gazing down at her.
Yes, this arrangement was going to work out just fine for them both.
Tagging: @kennaxval @indiacater @carabeth @bella-ca -ca @boneandfur @bobasheebaby @stopforamoment @alesana45 @debramcg1106 @speedyoperarascalparty @drakewalkerwhipped @femmeshep @hhiggs @lizeboredom @pb-boeboe @klaudiana-beaumontkkreal @tmarie82 @katurrade @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @missevabean @walkerismychoice @eileendannie @museofbooks @jared2612 @h3llostrang3r @ooo-barff-ooo @cora-nova @jovialyouthmusic @gardeningourmet @innerpostmentality @furryperfectionlover @sirbeepsalot @blackcatkita @darley1101 @cocomaxley @llovewrites @leelee10898 @begging-for-kamilah @strangerofbraidwood @harrington-sinclaire @littleredroseonthevalley @hellospunkiebrewster @ladynonsense @littlecrookedheart @ritachacha @riseandshinelittleblossom @gavryllo @kinkykingliam
76 notes · View notes
imi-reblogged · 5 years
Build/Buy Mode Defaults (updated 25/07/20)
Bare Wall = marasims's concrete
Half-Timber/Poured Walls (Base Game) = peppermint-ginger's wood texture in iCad’s and texture replacements
Wallpapers & Paints (Base Game to AL) = artemida-sims‘s Ceiling Friendly w/ Curiona Moulding
Ceiling = honeywell-mts‘s Smooth White
Window Glass = Slig’s v2
BG Conspicuous Views "Stained Glass With Arch" = hugelunatic‘s texture replacement
BG Vip Deluxe Double Doors - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Oaktowne Classic Door - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Symmetric Poly-molecular Matric Window - Craftsman Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Touch Of Teak "Pigalle" French Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG “Matte & Glass” Front Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Walnut Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Chiclettina Mauritania Beveled Glass Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Quaint Old Yankee Four Score Door and Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Quaint Well Wisher Window = cluedosims​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Colonial Tract Door = cluedosims​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Oaktowne Simple Interior Door = cluedosims ​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Colonial Lafenetre Windows = cluedosims ​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Octothorp Atrium Window 2 Floor = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Wood Justadoor Door = cluedosim​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Breeze Easy Double Hung Window = cluedosims​‘s (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "The Light Pane” Window 2 Floor = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG High-Tech Loft Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Wachowt Glass Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG The "Function Of Plate Glass" Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Glassterpieces Privacy Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Independent Expressions Inc. Doors and Windows = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Truly" Stained Glass Window - Gothic Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Uni Myne Door  = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Portal Of Peace - Groovy Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Peace And Love Window - Groovy Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Brasserie = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BV Solidity Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Unique Separator Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Werknothom Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Smitty Classy's Glass And Grain Window = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
TSS Stay Out! Door = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Gardening Build Mode:
Uni Creeping Ivy Trellis Tree = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN Lovely Ladybug Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN Green's Greenhouse Roof and Walls = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Build Mode - Misc:
BG Colonial Column and Fireplace = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Quaint Country Kitsch Column = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Stair Straight and Column = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Colonial Column By Brace Yourself! - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Altitude Attitude, Inc. "Step-by-step" Staircase - Straight Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Port of Ennui Gate = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Brasserie Column and Half Walls = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Quaint Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Perfectly Planked Wall - Diner Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Nocturnal Rumors - Designer Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Wave - Night Club Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Half Centurion - Euro Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Modern The Ultravator By Schafftco Elevator = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Euro The Going Somewhere By Uppers Co Elevator = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Smitty Classy's Wooden Column = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL One Complete Diner Enclosure - Diner Half Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
MG Vector Column Fencing By Dot Products Inc. - Fence Wood Column = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Bedding:
Base Game = @plumbobish‘s defaults of Curiousb’s Bedshaped recolors
BV, Pets, TSS, AL = @discombobulatedmirrortron‘s defaults (originals by shastakiss, letthemplaysims, klaartje, poppet, beccabear and muupi)
FT, IKEA = CuriousB’s defaults
Buy Mode - Appliances + Plumbing:
BG Above Ground HotTub - BubbleUp Soaking Zone = CrabOfDoom’s HotTub with No Lattice
BG Imperial Lyon Basin - Sink Loft Pedastal = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Shower & Tub = @hugelunatic‘s Backless Shower/Tub
BG Brand Name Metalkettle Barbeque Value = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Electronics
CommPhonebooth (Base Game) = CrabOfDoom’s MoreVintageLessCartoon
SSN Hi-fi With Vintage Turntable - Comfy Stereo = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN The Tube In Wood Paneling - Comfy TV = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Smitty Classy's TV Shrine = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Lighting:
BG "Thrice as Nice" Floor Lamp by Lumpen Lumeniat - Value = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Pix-arm Drafting Lamp - Table Value Lamp = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Tulip Light From Luxiary - Floor Light Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Shoji Table Lantern Lamp - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Rave Against The Machine" Nightclub Lamp - Floor UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "4 By 4" Desinger Chandelier - Designer Ceiling Light = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Ilistara Lamp - Designer Table Lamp = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Lamp On Half Shell - Quaint Ceiling = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Wall Flowers" Sconce - Quaint Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Social Climbing Ivy Floor Lamp - Quaint Floor = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Orbs Of Connectedness Ceiling Lamp - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Circle Of Light Friendship Lamp - Groovy Floor = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Sheer Radiance Vanity Light - Wall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Deco:
BG Curtains (Veli of Dreams ‘Quaint’, Cornerstone Victoriana Velvet, Colonial, Stewart Morning, Basic Blinds, Super Funky ‘Loft’) = Aquilegia’s
BG Musee Public "Collection Sculpture" Vases = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Bella Squared Painting = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Red Vs Blue" Oil Portrait - Meg Frame Painting = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "The Measure Of A Sim" Wooden Model = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Blossoming Heart - Groovy Sculpture = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Spring Majesty Butterfly Painting Frames = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB The Towel On A Metal Rod By Decorcorp = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB The Towel On A Wooden Rod By Decorcorp = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Beary Cute Pedestal - Wedge Teddy Bear = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Pretty Pot 'o Pansies = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Wangoof Wall Planter = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Organically Atomic Rug = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Mixed Flowers Planter By Boxerflox = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Ring-o-posies Commercial Planter - Potted Circle = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Pot Of Roses By Pot-a-ree - Potted Rose = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN The Naturally Stylish Flower Barrel = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Fashionable Feeder Birdhouse = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Bug Box = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Potential Sculpture = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Pda Perfect Game Trophy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT The Not So Harmless Cactus - Potted Cactus = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Smitty Takes Flight Painting = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Knockonwood Medium Shelves - Wall-Mounted  = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Family Portrait Collection - Ptg Table Collection  = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
MG The Titan Arum - Corpse Flower = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
KB Towel Plus Caddy - Large and Small = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
IKEA Raket Table Easel = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Rugs:
NL Thirsty The Bath Mat = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BV Lie Like A Bear Rug - Mountain = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Mirrors:
BG Club Distress Wall Mirror = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Total Mirror - Floor Moderate = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Reflective Glass Mirror - Value = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Manor House Multi Mirror - Designer = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Functional Eloquence Mirror - Salon Mirror = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Infinite Repitition Infinite Repitition Mirror - Salon Mirror 3 = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Beds:
BG Touch of Teak Bed - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Courtly Sleep Day Dreamer - Designer Double Bed = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Caress Of Teak Bed - Single Moderate = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Cheap Eazzzze Morrisey Double Bed - Basic = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG The Slim System, By Jim Slimboy - Single Bed Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "#4234" By C. Lee Funkensnooz - Double Bed UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Flowin' Protozoan Double Bed - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
NL Deep Sleeper By Igor & Sons - Vampire Coffin = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Sleepwave 42 By Streamlined Industries - Atomic Bed = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN Rough And Ready Bed - Comfy Single Bed = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Murphy Hide-away Bed = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Seating:
BG Danish Dining Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement with witherdlilie’s 3t2 mesh replacement
BG Cowboy's Caboose Dining Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Burke Retratech Padded Egg Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Contempto Penn Station Sidechair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Art Nouveau Moderniste Dining Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Patioplastics Dining Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Kick Backyard Loungechair by Survivall = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Living Value Contempto Good Livin' Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Satanistics Loveseat = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Studio Bakonmi Loveseat and Lounge - Modern Loft Living = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Werkbunnst/Shuttlecraft Recliner - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement BG Zecutime Cityside Sofa - Loft Steal Frame Seating = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Chiclettina "Sleeka" Barstool By Simplonics - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Plasticity Nodepod By Yoko Onasis - Dining Chair Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG The Old-timer Recliner - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Oaktowne Dining Chair - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Regulars Only Barstool - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Sofa and Loveseat by Club Distress = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Piece Of Quiet Park Bench = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Diamondback" By Desert Designs - Dining Chair UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG The Glassic Chair - Living Chair UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "Seatris" By Ima Hack - Sofa Diamond UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Candy Coated Sofa - Sofa Cutout UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Ad-a-quaint Barstool = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Simple Sit Chair - Dining Quaint = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Aod Disco Dining Chair - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Tushugger Cushy Chair - Living Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Retro Overeasy Eggseater - Recliner Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Retro Bodacious Loveseat - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Atom Bench By Nucular Novelties = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN Park Parthenon - Arbor = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Outside The Box Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Smitty Classy's Lofty Softy Recliner = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Plumper Thumper Sofa = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
CSS Festive Foldy Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Tables:
BG Cowboy Pinegultcher Outdoor Minitable = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Here And There Thing - Table Ends UM = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Retratech "Office Pal" Economy Desk = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Pine Scraps Ranch "Cafemate" Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Danish Flatwoud Dining Table By Iseeya = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Office Office Contempto Penn Station Sidechair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Simple Structures End Table - Value End Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Scienstone "Dramatic" Coffee Table - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Chiclettina Execudrone Desk - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement BG Milano Royale Dining Table - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Gliteri & Co. Trieste End Table - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Club Distress Square Coffee Table and Cornerstone "Sentinel" End Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Club Distress Avignon Rectangular Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Luxiary "Ample King" Dining Table - Club = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Counter Productive Work Surfaces - Club Desk = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Chabadii Central Asian Coffee Table and End Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement with mesh edit by witheredlilies
BG "End-to-end" Table - Designer Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Crazy 8 Table - Octagonal End Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Tri-tip Table - Triangular End Table  = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG The Talking Table - Quaint Dining = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement with Amaryll’s prettier leg mesh edit
BG Counter Culture - Quaint = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement with Amaryll’s prettier leg mesh edit
BG Home Office Desk By Quaint Designs = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Psychedelic Simatri Coffee Table - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Aod Disco Dining Table - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Way Coolinary Countertop - Groovy Counter = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Blooms & Bloomers End Table - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Inner Atmos End Table - Atomic = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
SSN Eye Of The Brain Trust - Comfy Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Broke-in Desk = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL Fair Square Surface From Smitty Classy Coffee Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Counters:
BG Chiclettina "Fjord" Kitchen Counters - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Dressers:
BG Werkbunnst Stonewood Dresser = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Touch Of Teak Tansu Dresser = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Touch Of Teak Plymouth Armoire - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Groovy Dresser By Keen Co. = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Werkbunnst Medium Stonewood Dresser = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Touch Of Teak Tansu Medium Dresser = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Atomic Clothing Manager By Streamlined Industries - Atomic Armoire = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Zero-g Dresser - Atomic Dresser = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
AL In Style V Closets - Door Closets  = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Hobbies:
BG Cheap Craftmeister Booknook Bookcase = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Value Bibliofile Bookcase = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Cinderbooks By Retratech Bookcase = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Novellas Nouveau Bookcase = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Colonial Renaissance Bookcase By Literary Designs = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Bookworm's Delight Studious Bookcase = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Ornate Grand Parlour Chess Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Double-helix Designer Bookshelf - Loft = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Burled Wood Dartboard = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG "It's Myshuno!" - Toy Myshuno! Game = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Independent Expressions Inc. Easel = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Corner Pocket Pool Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BV Four Blessings Mahjongg Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Mechanical Stitching Station Sewing Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Basic Ballet Wall Barre = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Upright Pottery Wheel = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Side Pocket Pool Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Don’t Wake the Llama Board Game Table = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Round and Round Model Train Set = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Kids:
BG Tinkle Trainer 6000 Potty Chair = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Rip Co. Toy Bin - Toy Box = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Misc:
BG Black Laquer Bar Counter - Club Expensive = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
BG Elixir, Putting Green, Teleprompter, and SSN Bookcase Rewards = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI Groovy Bar = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
UNI White Rabbit Bubble Blower - Groovy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Bandatron Electrono-Ticket Machine = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB International Podium of Bonnappitizon = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
OFB Ug-no-more Makeover Station - Chair Salon = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
FT Ant Farm = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
Buy Mode - Pets:
PETS Good Value Pet Bowl = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Scratch-o-matic Scratching Post = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS The Comfy Critter Pallet - Basket Medium = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Feline Birdie Stick - Dancer Toy = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Kitty Kraze Catnip = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Mentionable Plastic Litter Box = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
PETS Los Gatos Condiminiums = cluedosims's (shastakiss) texture replacement
To consider swapping in:
BG curtains - Loft by shasta
BG wedding arch by shasta
5 notes · View notes
shameekarosario · 2 years
Tumblr media
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0 notes
cycwrites · 6 years
A Taste of Home
A post-Nowish, Mitchsen-centric, drabble prompt from the Master Beta, @tiny-maus-boots. Sorry this took so long, Nerd.
Takes place in some nebulous future after Beca signs with DJ Khaled, puts out an album and goes on tour.
Rating: Teen
Words: 4236
Also on AO3 and FFN
All my other stories in this series: Tumblr  AO3
“Vienna sucks.”
“Beca.” Chloe half chided, half soothed. “You’re just tired, love.”
Beca slumped in the chair at the desk in her hotel suite. “I am not. It’s still fucking freezing here.” She resolutely ignored the fact that she’d just been rubbing her eyes like a toddler. She could clearly see the concern in Chloe’s face over their sometimes fuzzy Skype video chat and she wanted to stop whining but it was just too much effort.
At first being on tour had been fun and amazing, except all her girls had jobs and couldn’t take a nine month sabbatical to travel the globe with her. Still, the excitement of the crowds and the energy had been enough to keep her going, along with the frequent video chats whenever they had time, individually or together. She was home for a week or two every couple of months for R&R, but after the first six months the novelty was wearing a little thin once the concert was over for the night.
Then Theo had starting pushing on her to maybe extend the tour since she was doing so well, add a few more months to the end which would extend it to almost a full year of travel. At first he was subtle about it, but then it became almost daily; if it wasn’t directly after her concerts than it was the following morning when they were getting ready to fly to the next stop.
“How can I help?” Chloe asked gently.
“You can’t.” It came out petulant and she knew it. “You’re more miles away than I care to think about.” Just the memory of Chloe’s arms around her, something she hadn’t felt in a month, was almost enough to bring her to tears. “Theo is being an annoying turtle, no one can make a decision without my input and I just want them to leave me alone so I can rest.” The whine was in full force but she couldn’t stop it; she knew her voice was cracking and the absolute last thing she wanted to do was have a tantrum about being on fucking tour when she knew it was the at least the fourth best thing to happen to her. (The first was Chloe, the second was Staubrey and third was the rest of the Bellas if anyone had cared to ask her.)
“Oh, Becs,” Chloe whispered and reached out to touch her laptop.
Beca flinched and realized that she’d been incorrect before; the absolute last thing she wanted was for Chloe to be sad and not have any way to comfort her. Of course, the fact that she was directly responsible for making Chloe sad made her feel even worse.
‘Jesus Christ, get your shit together,’ she told herself harshly. ‘Boohoo, you’ve got a top ten selling album and people are paying to see you sing every two to three days. Cry me a fucking river.’
She shook her head and forced herself to sit upright. “I’m sorry, Chloe. I’m fine, really.” Chloe’s expression didn’t change and she knew she hadn’t fooled Chloe in the slightest.
“Tell that to the dark circles under your eyes.” Chloe put her elbow on the desk and propped her chin on her hand.
Beca sighed and felt pathetic as she muttered, “Bed’s too bigsmall.” It was the curse of being used to a nine foot bed filled with three other bodies; it was also definitely one of the worst things about being on the road. She’d tried sleeping aids but all they did was make her groggy for a good fifteen hours, no matter how much sleep she’d gotten the night before. She was making do with melatonin but she still tossed and turned. It was getting just that little bit harder to work up the level of energy she needed to maintain for her concert and it wasn’t like she had a full ninety minutes of twirling around a stage like some artists.
‘Seriously, how the hell does P!nk do this shit for over a year?’ Beca wondered for the nth time since she’d left home.
“I know the feeling.” Chloe said softly. “We miss you.”
“I mis-” Beca stopped when there was a soft knock at her door. “God fucking damnit!” She slammed her hand on the desk. “I told them I didn’t want to be disturbed!”
“Beca,” Chloe sat up and leaned forward. “Don’t-”
“No.” Beca said as she glared at the door across the room. “I specifically told Theo I didn’t want to see him tonight. That I needed to get some sleep. He fucking chucked me under the chin and told me ‘You do look a bit knackered. Get some rest.’”
“I know but…” Chloe started with a sigh; Beca had bitched at his audacity at least twice in the hour they’d been talking.
“And… Okay,” Beca kept going, already launched past her tired frustration into actual anger. “Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled ‘what the fuck do you want’ when room service came by –”
“No, you shouldn’t have.” Chloe murmured. She’d been witness to it and forced Beca to call down to the desk to both apologize and ask that she be undisturbed for the rest of the night.
“So…” The knock came again. “Sonofabitch.” She stood up so hard the chair almost tipped over.
“Beca!” Chloe said but Beca was already stalking to the door.
“I said,” Beca snarled as she ripped open the door, “I do not want to be dis-…” She blinked three times, sure she was hallucinating. Maybe even having a stroke or something. Maybe she had brain damage. Because Aubrey could not be standing in front of her. In her hotel. In Vienna. Aubrey was at home. Being an amazing lawyer. With Chloe and Stacie.
Except Aubrey was there. Standing in front of her. Wearing faded and ripped blue jeans, a rumpled t-shirt that looked suspiciously like one stolen from Beca’s closet, a leather jacket, her hair in a ponytail and a gym bag slung over her shoulder. And, Beca’s eyes dropped from where she’d been staring into the tired face smiling gently at her, Beca’s Stitch onesie in her hand.
When Beca stood frozen in the doorway, Aubrey gently nudged her backward until she could step into the room and close the door behind her. The second Aubrey dropped the gym bag Beca’s paralysis broke and she threw herself at the blonde, wrapping her arms around Aubrey’s waist. With a soft oof when Beca collided into her, Aubrey cradled her close and tucked Beca’s head under her chin as she stroked her back. Immediately Beca felt warmer than she had since they had landed in Austria a week ago. Aubrey’s warm body relaxed her but it was nothing compared to the warmth of ‘home’ that Aubrey’s scent brought her.
“Baby.” Aubrey whispered.
Beca lifted her head and found Aubrey’s lips already waiting. The soft kiss soothed the last of Beca’s frayed nerves and she felt almost lightheaded as the tension left her. She parted her lips and Aubrey slipped inside, deepening the connection; reassuring more than building the fire that was always banked between them.
When they broke apart, Beca sighed and rested her ear against Aubrey’s heart, listening to the strong comforting beat. “I’ve missed you.”
“Me too, love.” Aubrey squeezed her again. “Chloe sent me.” Aubrey pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Stacie sent this.” She jiggled the hand holding the onesie.
“Oh shit!” Beca jerked upright. “Chloe’s on Skype!” She stepped back, taking Aubrey’s free hand and tugged her over to the desk where she found Chloe waiting patiently with a happy smile and a single tear running down her face. Sometime in the last few minutes Stacie had appeared behind her, her chin propped on Chloe’s shoulder. “You guys… I…” She went to sit but Aubrey beat her to it then pulled Beca into her lap. “I can’t believe you guys didn’t tell me.”
“Can’t ruin the surprise, B.” Stacie blew a kiss at her. “Plus Chloe tells me that you might need a lawyer anyway because you’re going to kill some innocent hotel staff person for doing their job.”
Beca winced. “Not one of my finer moments.”
“No.” Chloe agreed but smiled to take the sting from it. “But this is still new and strange and while you’ve come a long way from the ‘I don’t even sing’ girl we met years ago, sometimes…”
“Change and I don’t get along.” Beca sighed as Aubrey rubbed her back. “I still can’t believe you stealth sent Aubrey like a cuddle ninja.”
“And now that she’s there,” Chloe looked past Beca. “You’re gonna put our girl to bed so she can stop being a cranky pants about sleeping alone.”
“To be fair,” Aubrey laughed. “I remember you being disgruntled the last time none of us could stay overnight at one of your competitions.”
“I have no memory of this. You must be super jet-lagged.” Chloe said innocently. She stuck out her tongue when Stacie poked her in the side.
“We’ll talk again tomorrow,” Stacie said. “We’re going to hang up on you now. I’ve gotta get back to work, but I came home to see the big reveal when Aubrey texted us she landed.”
Beca checked the clock. It was almost 9pm in Vienna so it was only 1pm back home. “I love you guys.” She reached out and pressed her fingertips to her screen. “Thank you.”
“Have a good rest of your day, loves.” Aubrey said, her hand resting over Beca’s on the monitor.
“We love you both.” Chloe smiled gently.
“Maybe now that you’re in good hands, you can sleep.” Stacie paused and Beca knew what was coming. “Or not sleep becauseyou’re in good hands.”
“How long did you take to think that up?” Aubrey asked affectionately.
“Just now.” Stacie shrugged. “I’m good with my mouth.”
“You mean with words.” Chloe half turned to look at her.
“That too.” Stacie shrugged and looked back at the monitor. “It’s killing me to do it, but I really am going to disconnect now.” She smiled gently. “You really do need to get some sleep, Beca. Let Aubrey take care of you. I love both of you.”
“I will.” Beca promised, feeling sleep eagerly tugging at her for the first time in what felt like months. ‘Probably since the last time I was home,’ Beca mused.
“Love you too.” Aubrey said just before Stacie hung up.
They sat there a moment more, Beca having turned sideways to cuddle, before Aubrey’s yawn startled them with its suddenness and volume.
“Oh Bree,” Beca reluctantly stood up and offered a hand. “You must be exhausted. It’s like, what, thirteen hours if you’re lucky to get a direct flight?”
“I may have had dad help me with the arrangements.” Aubrey took her hand and rose to her feet and picked up the onesie she’d draped over the chair. “Plus I got a few hours’ sleep on the plane, but… yeah. Sleeping sounds really good about now.” She held out the outfit. “Stacie says you have to sleep in it since you’ve been cold. She doesn’t want to lose any of your important bits to frostbite. She says, and I quote, ‘I’m too fond of her goodies to risk it.’” She pursed her lips. “Personally I think it’s because of that day you told her it made you feel like she was hugging you.”
Touched at her girls’ thoughtfulness, Beca laughed and took it. “Alright. C’mon, bathroom is over here.”
Aubrey followed her, detouring to grab her bag from beside the door. “This is a pretty nice suite they’ve got you in.”
Beca shrugged one shoulder, still not used to having a multi room suite just for herself. “It’s too much for me. I generally just stick to the bedroom or curl up on the couch when they get me these.” The room was nothing compared to the opulent setup that Khaled had had back on the USO tour, but they generally had a separate bedroom and master bath, a sitting room and sometimes a secondary room that was usually set up like an office. “I feel stupid complaining about it… ungrateful maybe.” She rolled her eyes at herself and voiced her earlier thoughts. “‘Oh boohoo and woe is me. I’m quasi famous and people pay to watch me sing.’”
“But you don’t even sing.” Aubrey flashed a smile at her that Beca couldn’t help but return. “But I can see how it could be lonely,” Aubrey offered as they walked into the bedroom where she set her bag down and began unpacking it. “I’m sorry we couldn’t be with you sooner.”
“Sometimes the band comes up.” Beca shrugged as she watched Aubrey pull out clothes that were still somehow neatly folded even though they had come out of a duffle bag. “Theo and a few of the other brass types make an appearance.” She smiled fondly as Aubrey put her clothes in with Beca’s in various drawers. “We haven’t lit the place on fire yet though, so I don’t know if that counts as a rager by your standards.”
“Pfft.” Aubrey said as she folded the bag and set it on top of the dresser before grabbing her toiletry case.
“You want to shower before bed?” Beca asked as they walked into the bathroom where Aubrey whistled at the size of the walk in shower and the whirlpool bath.
“As heavenly as that tub looks,” Aubrey said wistfully, “I think just want to wash my face, brush my teeth and curl up in that small bed with you.” She opened up her case and began to unpack it just as efficiently as she had the duffle, lining her things next to Beca’s.
Beca chuckled. “Aubrey, that’s a queen sized bed.”
“Right. Small.” Aubrey looked at Beca through the mirror and smiled. “Someone’s gotten me used to something bigger.”
Beca shrugged. “Guilty.” She moved over to the counter, setting her designated pj’s on it. “I must be tired because I know I should be turning that into a super dirty innuendo but I don’t have the energy.”
“I’ll say it tomorrow.” Aubrey offered as she began to wash her face. “Stacie would be disappointed in us both if we let it go.”
“You do love me!” Beca joked as she did the same.
“You’re my moon,” Aubrey said simply after she’d rinsed and Beca felt the threat of tears swelling at the back of her eyes.
“You’re our Earth.” Beca stroked Aubrey’s arm, still partially unable to believe she was actually there.
“Sap.” Aubrey sniffed slightly but Beca could clearly see her own emotions reflected back at her.
They finished cleaning up after the long day, brushing their teeth and hair, before changing into their pj’s: Beca in her Stitch onesie, though she left the hood off, and Aubrey in a pair of sleep pants that looked like ones Chloe had worn in college and… Beca laughed when she realized what Aubrey had pulled on. “Is that my Boob Man hoodie?”
“Maybe.” Aubrey turned off the bathroom light and Beca turned on the lamp beside the bed. For Beca’s 24th birthday, post Fourth of July drunken party videos, Stacie had gotten Beca a hoodie that said “I’m A Boob Man.” Aubrey had put her foot down on including a picture of Beca’s hands on her chest even though Stacie had promised to leave out their faces.
“I wondered where that went.” Beca turned off the main overhead light, watching as Aubrey pulled back the covers and crawled into bed with a grateful sigh. “Should’ve known.”
“Probably.” Aubrey settled into the middle of the bed and looked up expectantly. “Well?”
Beca slid into bed and half curled, half sprawled on Aubrey’s left side. “I still can’t believe you’re here.” She wiggled until she found the right spot and Aubrey’s arms closed around her.
“You needed me.” Aubrey shifted and pulled Beca closer.
“As if it were that simple,” Beca said, thinking of all the planning that had to have happened. Even with General Posen’s help it would’ve cost a pretty penny… though, Beca reminded herself, with the tour sales as well as the album still getting decent numbers, money wasn’t something they had to worry about when things like last minute flights came up.
“It was.” Aubrey’s hand gently stroked her back through the fabric. “You needed us. I was able to come.”
“How long did work let you go for?” Beca asked, not wanting to admit how much she wished Aubrey could stay with her the rest of the tour. She lifted her head when Aubrey hesitated and the smallest bit of tension went through the body under her.
“I…” Aubrey took a deep breath. “I quit.”
“What?” Beca pushed herself up. “You what?”
“Quit.” Aubrey reached up and brushed aside the hair that had fallen into Beca’s eyes. “You know I haven’t been happy there since we got back.”
“Yeah but…” Beca trailed off. “Aubrey, please tell me you did not quit because I’m being a big baby over the fact that I am alone on my tour?” Her brows drew together. ‘Jesus I sound like a spoiled brat.’
“I did not quit because you actually are alone on your first tour since none of us have been able to come with you.” Aubrey met her eyes. “Beca, I haven’t…. Oh I don’t know.” She sighed. “It’s… too routine.”
Beca snorted. “I never expected to hear you say something like that. You’re the Posen with the plan.” Aubrey’s brow arched and Beca said quickly, “Which is important because I never have one and sometimes I need to be kept in line.”
Aubrey’s mouth quirked. “Nice save.”
“Thank you.” Beca watched her, worried. “But to quit?”
“You know when I’ve had the most fun doing deals lately?” Aubrey waited and Beca shook her head. “Negotiating your contract with Khaled’s label. Finalizing the details of your tour.”
“You were kind of amazing at it.” Beca mused.
“It was something new, something other than just getting the most out of an artist for your old label.” Aubrey’s eyes had gone distant but now they focused back on Beca. “And I was wondering if you’d… maybe allow me to be your manager full time.”
“Yes.” Beca said without hesitation. She was currently on her fourth – or was it fifth – manager through the agency recommended by Khaled and she already knew the two of them didn’t mesh and it wasn’t going to last. “I would love you to be my manager, Bree. No one else can boss me around like you can.”
Aubrey laughed. “I don’t think that’s exactly the way it’s supposed to work…”
“Fine, you can boss Theo around for me and keep me from calling him Turtle Man when I get pissed at him.” Beca leaned down and kissed her. “But only if you’re sure.”
“There’s obviously going to be some things we’re going to have to figure out, like… do I need some sort of license or to form a company or…” Aubrey trailed off as she yawned so wide her jaw popped. “But we can talk about it tomorrow.”
“I think you just want to be your own boss.” Beca said as she rolled over to turn off the light before snuggling down again. “But I don’t envy you coming up with a company name.”
“BCS Talent.” The reply was so quick it was like she’d known Beca was going to say it.
“Of course you already have a name. You don’t do anything until you’ve covered all the angles.” Beca laughed and lifted her head again to smile down at her.
“Since you’d be my only client, I pondered ‘Mitchsen Talent.’” Aubrey’s eyes twinkled at her. “But I didn’t want to keep answering questions about why I mashed our names together.”
“Because we mash ourselves together as often as possible.” Beca said, kissing her.
“Yes, but I don’t want to tell strangers that. But this way…” Aubrey stroked her fingers through Beca’s hair. “It’s named after what matters most in my life.”
Beca inhaled deeply through her nose. “I hadn’t… I should’ve… put that together.” She inexplicably felt like crying again, touched beyond all measure at how much thought Aubrey had put into it already.
“Stacie took some convincing. Something about the last time she let me go out of her sight and into another country… But she came around. Chloe took less, once I explained why I wanted to do it.” Aubrey tugged a lock of Beca’s hair. “She has never trusted that your managers had your best interests at heart and not just their own.”
“Probably.” Beca said lightly. “I’ll fire Kas tomorrow.”
“Beca!” Aubrey laughed. “We need to talk first.”
“No, we don’t. You’re my manager and that’s final.” Beca put her head back down on Aubrey’s chest, happier than she could’ve dreamed possible.
“Then as your manager, I’m telling you that we’re going to sit down and talk logistics.” She put her hand over Beca’s mouth as she drew in breath to answer. “Tomorrow. After a giant breakfast that’s going to fill the massive table in the other room.”
Beca nodded and Aubrey slowly removed her hand. “Alright. Whatever you say… manager.” She grinned as Aubrey let out an overly exaggerated sigh. “Bree?”
“Yes, Beca?”
“Thank you for coming to Vienna.” Beca felt Aubrey’s hand on her chin and let her head be tilted up until Aubrey’s lips met hers. When they parted again, she said softly, “You’re not a dream, right?”
“I’ve got you, love.” Aubrey said and kissed her again. “I promise I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“I love you, Aubrey.” Beca kissed her one last time, a lazy comforting stroking of tongues and lips.
“I love you too.” Aubrey’s fingers slipped from her jaw to wrap lightly around the arm across her waist.
Far quicker than she’d gone to sleep since the last time she’d been in their arms in The Expanse, Beca felt herself drawn into slumber, the steady beat of Aubrey’s heart matching her own.
Aubrey woke to gentle kisses. They were placed delicately at the corner of her mouth, along her jaw, her eyebrow and even her closed eyelid once Beca knew she was awake. She sighed in contentment at the weight resting against her side and the hand drawing designs on her stomach.
“You kept your promise.” Beca said before kissing the tip of Aubrey’s nose.
Aubrey smiled but kept her eyes closed. “A Posen-Conrad always keeps their promises.”
“You guys are good at that.”
Aubrey opened her mouth to answer but Beca’s lips covered hers in a kiss far less chaste than the ones they had exchanged the prior evening. She gave out a happy purr as Beca licked down into her mouth, languid but passionate; unhurried but definitely an indication of how the rest of the morning would go and Aubrey felt desire coiling as the rest of her body woke up.
At least until she opened her eyes, intending to wish Beca what was apparently going to be very good morning and found Beca leaning over her, all sleep tousled and warm…
With the Stitch hoodie pulled up over her head.
Aubrey began to laugh.
Beca propped her head on her right hand, watching as Aubrey fell apart every time she took in the blue ears on top of Beca’s head. Aubrey laughed so loud and so long that she snorted, which caused her to giggle even while she was mortified, but then she’d catch sight of Beca’s patiently waiting face, surrounded by blue fuzzy alien, and she’d lose it all over again. When she’d almost exhausted herself, Beca merely pursed her lips when Aubrey took a peek at her and snickered.
“Yes?” Aubrey let out a giggle, keeping her eyes closed.
“Stacie has made love to me in this onesie.” Beca hadn’t stopped tracing designs on Aubrey’s stomach since the first giggle and now she curved her fingers around Aubrey’s hip. “I don’t see what the problem is.” Her tone was nothing but pure amused affection and despite the fact that she just can’t, Aubrey felt herself melt.
“That’s because you guys are aca-pervs.” Aubrey giggled again, high pitched and borderline hysterical at the image that formed and she knew at some point she and Chloe would have to watch them re-enact that. ‘Would you like to be pot, or kettle?’ she mentally asked herself and snorted again.
“Guess you’ll just have to take it off me.” Beca said silkily in her ear and Aubrey’s laughter tapered off into a moan as Beca’s hand moved up to cover her breast.
“Yes please,” Aubrey breathed as her back arched into her lovers touch.
Beca kissed her. “Let me properly thank you for saving the rest of the team from a very cranky artist.”
“I think, and I mean this from the very bottom of my heart, that the pleasure is about to be mine.” Aubrey’s hands slid over Beca until she found the row of buttons on the onesie. “After I get you out of this and naked.”
Beca smiled at her as Aubrey slowly undid them one by one, humming in anticipation with each inch of skin exposed.
“I love Vienna.”
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chloes-yellow-cup · 4 years
I stumbled upon nowish and wow... I love you for introducing me to bellas squared and i hate you for leaving me unsatisfied with reading bechloe and staubrey separately after reading the nowish universe,, if that makes sense 😂 I never really thought about poly ships before because i just havent found 3 or more characters that are compatible for me, but you really convinced me with your awesome writing!
I thought I answered days ago but apparently it got sent to me drafts!
I love you for this message! And I’d say I’m sorry for making you hate me but it just means I’m in the same boat. The possible combinations of the four of them have definitely taken over my brain, bleeding through when there was literally no intent to do so at the beginning. 
Thank you again and thank you for taking the time to send this, it’s very much appreciated and means the world to know that I converted someone like I converted myself. (Seriously, Nowish started as a joke then I played myself and it’s become my life.)
Hope you have a great weekend!
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | 10.3.20 & 10.10.20 Combo
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Secret Radio | 10.3 & 10.10 | Hear it here.
Liner notes by Evan except *, artwork by Paige
1. The Modern Lovers - “Roadrunner”
Can there be, can there ever be, a better hittin’ the road song than this? Not to me, not to us. “I’m in love with modern moonlight… I’m in love with the radio on” This song brings everything that makes rock so fundamentally exciting: the straightforward beat, electric guitars, electric keys, that sense of complete freedom with your gang in the backseat singing the chorus. 
2. Swell Maps - “Full Moon In My Pocket”
It pains me to admit that I cannot remember the name of the pasteup guy at the Rocket who used to tell me about the bands he loved, and that he thought I’d dig. I was so, SO into Pavement at the time, head over heels, and he did a great job of acquainting me with some of their precedents, handing off tape comps with songs from Young Marble Giants, Au Pairs, Swell Maps, and so much more. One of the tapes had this song, in two versions actually: this one, and an a cappella version, which sounds very poncey except it was the same take as this, bouncing with reverb and attitude. On our long drive from the woods to the city, a full moon hung in front of us like a carrot on a stick, and I started singing this song before I even realized it. Whatever the name of that super-awesome pasteup guy (Tom? I feel like it was Tom), I just want to tell him: I’m sorry, I’ve always been bad at remembering names, but I’ve never forgotten those tapes. Thank you.
3. Assa Cica - “Yokpo Wa Non Kpo Hami” 
When we were first getting into Beninese rock, it was Antoine Dougbé who pulled us down the rabbit hole. I figured we couldn’t be alone — his songs are the standouts on “Legends of Benin.” But there’s practically nothing to be found. I eventually found myself at Discogs, marveling at the sheer number of names that T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo went by and sifting through music looking for signs of Dougbé. I eventually found this album, and not just the voice but the whole style of the band convinced me that Assa-Cica was somehow another name Dougbé went by. After some discussion, Paige and I bought our first Beninese record. In the weeks that it took to arrive, we learned a lot more about Dougbé, including the fact that he’s not actually the singer on those songs! But also I don’t think Assa-Cica is the singer on this song either! We did turn out to love every song on this record, but this one is my personal favorite, just a barnburner with disco roots. Every time I listen to it I try to imagine the cultural and personal forces that brought it into being, and it only gets more absorbing.
4. Eko Roosevelt - “Me To A De Try My Own”
T.P. Orchestre research also brought me to an album they did with Betti-Betti (or Beti-Beti), a Cameroonian singer whose tracks eventually led to Eko Roosevelt. I don’t get down with all of the music of his that I’ve heard, but this one just brings a smile to my face every time. I love the patois he sings in, where recognizable words rise suddenly out of the bubbling disco bass and the good-natured horn sections. I would never have guessed that hunting for African voodoo funk would eventually reveal a path to appreciating disco… but I’m glad that it has. I mean, I spent whole years of my life thinking that horns had no place in rock music, so what the hell do I know? 
5. Jacqueline Taïeb - “Le coeur au bout des doigts”
6. T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - “Non Gbeto Do Mahu Tche”
This 7” is from that rich early period of T.P. Orchestre (this one is I think from ’72) where the arrangements are hand-drum heavy but the organ and guitar are funk. The vocal is — I don’t know what it is, it’s a genre I hadn’t heard until I heard this band in this period. 
7. Los Wembler’s de Iquitos - “Llanto en la Selva”
8.  Iggy Pop “The Passenger”*
I’ve always thought this was one of Iggy Pop’s finest outside of his work with Stooges. I think I also always liked it because I am most often the passenger. I really really don’t like driving. I really avoid it. I have a driver’s license but boy do I not like to use it. There aren’t really a lot of songs about riding in the passenger seat that are positive or cool that I can think of besides this one and Art Brut’s “I Love Public Transportation”.
This album also makes me think of Shena’s old place on Damen Ave. in Wicker Park Chicago. This record and of course Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”.
 Hope you had a great birthday Shena!
9. Jacques Dutronc - “Les Gens Sont Flous”
The things that gets me about the song are: that single bass note that plunges every time in the verse, the shaker in the chorus, and that freakin triangle hit that happens on the coolest possible beat throughout the entire song. I fully intend to lift that idea into another song if I can find the right spot for it.
10. Jimi Hendrix - “Third Stone From The Sun”
This goes down as one of the greatest rock recordings in history. Every time I swoon at the guitar phrases, the bass line, the drums, the weird low chaos of his slowed down vocals. Truly a masterpiece, capped off by the final minute of beautiful noise that sounds like planets in motion.
11. Björk Gu∂mundsdóttir and tríó Guðmundar Ingólfssonar - Gling-Gló - “Bella Simamaer”
12. Ayalew Mesfin - “Gedawo (The Hero)”
The first 20 seconds of this song are crucial, because it establishes the 4/4 rhythm that’s coursing under the 3/4 handclap. That is such a killer rhythmic feel I can hardly stand it. I only wish they’d pull out the handclap in the middle, just for a handful of measures, and then bring em in again. Meanwhile, Mesfin’s vocal approach is so intense! 
Entr’Acte - “Phantom of the Opera Entr’Acte”*
We figured we needed an Entr’Acte to denote the change in vibe from trying to stay alert and amped on the turnpike to being back home in Brooklyn. Half of this broadcast was made in the front seat of the van on our drive back to NY after our recent visit to the Midwest where we stayed in the woods the majority of the time with a couple of runs to St. Louis to pick up Banh Mi So and tofu Laap. 
Evan and I have this thing we call “Disney Reptile Brain” but before that I should explain, Evan and I have this other thing we call “different high schools.” We have an age difference that we mostly don’t notice but every now and then there will be some cultural touchstone and one of us is like “What!? You don’t remember that!?” and we’re like “Ahh, different high schools!” So something like, the year 1994, Evan might remember it as when Kurt Cobain died, and I’ll remember it as the year “The Lion King” came out.
So, Evan missed all the of the major releases by Disney from that time – Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, etc. – and thus he can see how ridiculously bad these remakes are in a way that I can’t. He says that you have to “Disney Reptile brain” to fully see the movie, that you have to have the animated version playing in your mind’s eye at the same time you're watching these “live action” remakes or they don’t make any sense. And it’s true, for me and lots of other people I know born between 1984 and 1990 we experience this when watching these films, like you already know it so well and know what’s going to happen it’s more like some sort of ritual, incantation, or reenactment of a feeling.
So, that’s Disney Reptile Brain. And if you’re like, wait, but this is Phantom of the Opera and that’s not Disney. You’re right, but it turns out Reptile Brain is a thing that can happen with musicals and ALW stuff is perfect for it. (Evita! Evita!) I am helpless when I hear this music which I got into around the same time that I was devouring Disney VHS, even though I hear it now and it’s SO. SILLY. But when I hear this melody, I’m like right there, on the boat with Christine and the Phantom. I’m like a cat picked up by the scruff and I’m just completely engrossed and I can’t unlearn that feeling. If you’ve seen Phantom at all recently, it is straight up hilarious kid stuff, like how it starts with an auction of lot #666, and the phantom is like this super moody broody guy who writes passive aggressive notes to everyone. I now can hear it as so funny and so square, but what you’re hearing on this track is my reptile brain in full effect. 
Next time this music comes around, we’ll get into how Christine is Professor X and Magnito is the Phantom...
14. Sunny Blacks Band - “Holonon Die”
Ha! I said plenty about this song on air. Suffice it to say I’ve been getting obsessed with Meloclém and his performances. It’s really hard to find out anything about him, so this early track makes me really happy. I think this is sung in Fon.
15. Yo La Tengo - “False Alarm”
Alongside “Third Stone from the Sun,” another of my all-time favorite recordings ever. Yo La Tengo was a key protein in learning about rock music, starting with the album  “Painful” and hitting a peak not just on this album but specifically this song. Alongside a vivid memory of Sean N., I helplessly air-keyboard to it, air-drum to it, dance my face off. By that final phrase I’m all worn out.
16. Meas Samon & So Savoeun - Hits Collection
We don’t really know anything about this song, including its title. It’s from a cassette called “Hits Collection.” We know Meas Samon from other sources, but I have no idea what they’re talking about and what is happening in this song, though I will say the tape warping on the entire fabric of the track is absolutely delicious.
17. Syna So Pro - “Fengyang Song”
I feel so proud of Syna So Pro and St. Louis introducing this track. The first time we saw her perform this song was live at El Leñador, and it was a knockout. She (they?) used a looping pedal situation to build this huge harmonic structure in real time. I believe she may be studying Chinese, but I know she’s studying Chinese music. There’s this and one other amazing Chinese song in addition to her many songs in English on her album “Vox.”
Nino Rota
18. Fela Kuti - “Open & Close”
I would listen to this whole song just for the Tony Allen solo in the early middle — but I also love how the song is so long that even a solo as particular as that one gets swallowed back up into the totality of the track (though he has many amazing passages throughout). The emotional equilibrium of the horns is cautiously optimistic. And I find myself thinking about the passage that goes “Let me tell you a story: open and close,” and how “open and close” is a narrative in action right there in three words. What was open has closed. It’s clearly a big change, a serious shift. Once open, now closed. Why? What changes as a result? Did anyone get hurt in the closing?
19. France Gall - “Celui Que J’aime”*
In the theme of “songs that got away” (see “Muxima”) this is one that I was thrilled to find again! I heard it on Jeff Hess’s show on KDHX many years ago. It set me on a France Gall odyssey. I bought albums and collections, and none of them had this song. I think her tone is probably my favorite female vocal tone, and she’s also one of my favorite singers in her delivery. This one is very different than some of the other stuff I associate with her but I think it’s still my favorite of hers.
20. Ely - “As Turbinas Estao Ligadas”
Now Again Records put out a collection called “Brazilian Guitar Fuzz Bananas” and it’s got as much tone as the title boasts. Credit due to “vinyl archaeologist” Joel Stones for tracking down songs like these and putting them within reach. This is one among several favorites and a true hit.
21. Tulia - “Pali się (Fire of Love)”
Speaking of true hits: welcome to the world of EuroVision, where music is a medium for international competition. This song is Poland’s entry for 2019. We spent an amazing week with our friends Phil and Archie driving between Cambridgeshire and London singing along with all of the finalists of that year’s competition. It’s a fascinating idea, this vote-based international struggle turning into a final victor that somehow expresses the zeitgeist of ALL OF THOSE COUNTRIES TOGETHER — because it’s not just Europe, it’s Israel and Australia. Also amazing is that this isn’t just some scheme cooked up in the reality TV era: this has been going on for decades. In fact, France Gall was the EuroVision winner in 1965 — for Luxembourg!
22. Luigi Tenco - “Ciao Amore Ciao”
Likewise, this song was in international competition. It was sung by Egyptian-born French superstar Dalida. We saw an eponymous movie about her at the St. Louis International Film Festival in 2017 and she was a completely engrossing character. I’m not totally sold on this song as she sings it — but I love Luigi Tenco’s version. And man what a looker! He died young by his own hand, and she died too young by her own hand, and that is about as French as it gets.
23. Marijata - “I Walk Alone”
“This Is Marijata” is the sound of Ghana in 1976. I was talking about Marijata with Josh Weinstein recently, and he reminded me of this song and how much I dig it. It’s got that slow burn organ in the background, the slightly clumsy percussion in the foreground, those freighted vocals — but when it gets to the chorus, as the organ hook gives way to the horn hook, that’s when it truly hits its stride. And by the time we disappear into the fadeout, it has become fully epic. 
24. Lijadu Sisters - “Life’s Gone Down Low” 
To my ears it really feels like this song could have been released this year, rather than in 1976. What the hell was going on in West Africa that year? I feel like we could put together a great mix of songs just from that single year from Nigeria, Ghana, Benin and Ivory Coast. The Lijadu Sisters (Taiwo and Kehinde, actual identical twins) put out their first album in 1969; by their third album, “Danger,” the source of this song, they were huge stars in Nigeria and played with Ginger Baker, Art Blakey, and so on. They eventually moved to Harlem and lived together their whole lives, until Kehinde passed a little less than a year ago. 
25. Os Kiezos - “Muxima”*
As mentioned, I heard this song in a video work by Alfredo Jaar at the Art Institute of Chicago. You can read about the piece here. I learned that “Muxima” is an Angolan folk song and in the video of the same title there are, I believe, 5 different versions of the song. One particular one – the one that pulled me into the room where the video was playing on loop – was a gorgeous vocal arrangement.  I even tried shazaming it. No dice. So I wrote it down and started looking for the song, the particular arrangement. I bought a collection of Angolan music because I saw the song on it. That’s the one you heard on this broadcast and it is a recording that I now really love. I periodically keep looking for other versions of the song, hoping I’ll come across that missing version though. I thought I got close this week when I found Duo Ouro Negro’s version. (Worth checking out!) That one from the video though, still haunts me! It’s been 9 years now, I wonder if I would recognize it but I think I would. I guess the next thing I can try is a shot in the dark email to Alfredo Jaar. This is and one other song share the top spot of “songs that got away” the other one is some beautiful song that was coming from a small radio from a group of old Puerto Rican guys who were playing cards on the sidewalk on South 3rd street in Williamsburg. We were touring through and staying with our friend in that neighborhood and as we were moving the van I heard this beautiful song coming off the sidewalk. Those guys had great taste. 
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