#Pool Management Ohio
aaronhotchnersworld · 8 months
aaron hotchner x bau female reader
I honestly didn’t like how I wrote my first oneshot, the one of y/n getting shot. I feel like I wrote it poorly so i’m going to try to write it again and just change up a few things
Stay with me
We are in Ohio for a case.
We just found the location of the unsub, after 2 weeks. Well actually unsubs. plural. The unsub has a whole team of people working for him. We don’t know how many they have but there are 7 of us, Aaron, Emily, JJ, Spencer, Derek, David and me.
We all quickly put on our bullets proof vests before heading to the suv’s. I got into an suv with Hotch and Prentiss.
We all arrive at the abandoned building, it is huge. Due to the fact it’s so big we all have to split up.
As soon as we enter the building, gunshots come flying our way.
We all quickly duck down and begin firing back. They all begin running in opposite directions.
It’s exactly what they want, for us to split up.
I turn and run in the direction I just saw one of them run. He turns and shoots at me, barely missing me.
He runs out the doors and I quickly run out after him.
All of a sudden, I hear a gunshot, and I fall onto the pavement.
Was I just shot?!
I feel the blood start to pour out of me as I become cold. I cant move, no matter how hard I try.
I can feel myself being surrounded in a pool of my own blood.
I can’t tell if i’ve been laying here for 10 seconds or 20 minutes. My eyes are so heavy, but I know if I close them now there’s a chance I won’t open them again.
I hear someone say my name.
Next thing I know, Hotch is kneeling down next to me putting pressure onto my side.
It’s bad. I know it is.
Tears roll down my cheeks.
“you’re going to be okay y/n. It’s okay,” He says but I can hear the panic in his voice.
I just look at him.
I’ve never seen his face like that before, the pure panic. He always manages to keep a straight face, even when dealing with the most horrible criminals.
But I can see it in his eyes that he is scared.
Tears continue to roll down my cheeks and he wipes them away with one hand while his other hand is on my side.
“it’s okay you’re okay,” he reassures me.
My eyelids become even heavier and begin closing.
“keep them open”
I open them again. I think Hotch has tears in his eyes.
“H- Hotch,” I say but he’s screaming for someone to get a medic.
I begin to choke on my blood and he quickly turns me on my side.
“Aaron,” I try to say but it comes out as a whisper.
“it’s okay I got you y/n. you are going to be okay”
I can tell he doesn’t even believe the words coming out of his mouth.
I can feel my body shaking. I can’t control it and i’m so cold.
“i- im cold.”
“i know, it’s cold out here but it’s okay you’re gonna be okay,” he says but I can sense the worry in his voice.
I can feel his shaky hands and he so desperately try’s to stop the bleeding coming out of me.
I wasn’t cold before. He knows it’s not a good sign.
My life begins to flash before my eyes.
I remember everything.
I remember how happy I was when I got accepted into the fbi.
I remember when I first started at the bau 7 years ago and how much I have grown to love everyone on the team.
I quickly snap back to reality as Hotch applies more pressure.
I can definitely see the tears in his eyes now.
I’m not ready to die. I can’t die.
He looks at me and I see a tear fall from his eye. I never used him first name, unless something was wrong.
“i- im not ready to die. please don’t let me die,” I practically beg him.
“you are not going to die. I got you. You will be okay y/n,” He says, I can hear his voice crack.
“please just stay with me,” He says desperately.
“i’m scared,” I manage to get out. I’m terrified and I know he is too.
“I know. It’s okay I got you and i’m not going anywhere I promise. you’re gonna be okay,” He says fearfully.
There’s only so much he can do for me. He’s not a paramedic, he’s an fbi agent, a very talented one but he only knows so much when it comes to gun shot wounds.
My eyes become even heavier and my breathing is extremely shallow.
“you need to stay with me okay? you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. Keep your eyes open.”
He’s trying to be strong for me. But I can tell he’s just as scared as me.
I need to tell him. just in case I don’t make it. He needs to know.
“if- if i don’t make it-”
He cuts me off as tears stream down both his and my face. “you are going to be okay”
“aaron please”
He just looks at me
“I- I love you,” I say.
I hear him let out a sob. “I love you too y/n I always have. Keep those eyes open. Please.”
He’s covered in blood. my blood. It’s so much blood.
I knew the risk when joining the bau. the risk that I could die. But I never thought it would actually happen to me.
The pain begins to go away and I start to feel numb.
“i- im n- not in p- pain,” I say choking on my blood.
I didn’t think any more look of panic could appear on his face but it did as soon as I said that.
I should be in pain. I know i’m slowly dying and he knows that too.
“The ambulance should be here any minute. Just keep those eyes open alittle longer,” He says as tears trickled down his cheeks.
I try my best. But I don’t think I can.
“i- im sorry,” I say as my breathing becomes even shallower and my eyes close.
The last thing I remember is Aaron begging for me to open my eyes and stay with him.
I don’t take my eyes off of her. I keep pressure on her side.
Her lips and fingers are turning blue.
Tears continue to slip from eyes. where the fuck is the ambulance?
I hear sirens in the background but i’m too focused on y/n to comprehend anything. I can’t lose her. I just can’t.
“aaron the ambulance is here,” derek says as they rush over.
They quickly take her from me and put her on the gurney.
“if we don’t leave now she won’t have a chance. i’m sorry but unfortunately no one can ride with us. There is too much work that needs done.” and then they leave.
“how the hell did this happen?” I cry out.
“I don’t know but I shot the son of a bitch that did this to her,” derek says and I can hear the anger and fear in his voice.
I look down at where she was. There’s so much blood. too much blood. I’m covered in blood. the grounds covered in blood. y/n was covered in blood.
“we need to go to the hospital now,” I say.
“You’re not driving aaron, I am.”
“no i am driving”
“you are not in the right mindset to drive, give me the keys so we can go,” derek tells me.
I give them to him.
We all gather into the multiple suv’s and make our way to the hospital. She has to be okay. I need her.
“how is she,” I immediately ask as I see the doctor. The rest of the team stands aswell.
“She lost a lot of blood. It was touch and go for awhile. Her body is too unstable so we had to put her into a medically induced coma, it will give her body time to heal. She will be in a lot of pain after due to the bullet, it did alot of damage, more than we originally thought. She will be okay and you guys can visit her if you’d like. She should wake up within the next day or two,” the doctor states.
Relief rushed over me. She’s going to be okay. Thank god. I feel tears fall from my eyes and I don’t even bother to hide them.
The doctor shows us to y/n’s room. She looks so peaceful. I feel terrible. She didn’t deserve this.
It takes a lot for me to open my eyes but I do it. so many bright lights. Is there a tube in my throat? oh my god i can’t breath. I need to get this out. I begin to thrash and grab the tube when 2 large hands pull my hands away.
“no no no don’t take it okay the doctors coming y/n it’s okay you’re okay”
I calm down at the sight of Aaron.
A doctor rushes in to take the tube out of my throat.
“y/n, glad to see you’re awake, i’m Doctor Stone”
“are you in any pain,” he asks.
I nod.
He puts something in my iv, asks me a few more questions before leaving. I could barely answer him. I’m so exhausted.
Aaron has been here the whole time but the team gathers in here as soon as the doctor walks about.
It’s dark outside, I didn’t realize it was 3am. The team stays for about 30 minutes before saying their goodbyes.
Aaron is still here.
“are you staying,” you ask him softly.
“I was planning on it, are you okay with that,”
This is the first time you’ve gotten to be alone with him since you woke up.
“how are you feeling,” he asks softly as his hand lays on top of your.
“terrible,” you tell him honestly.
He frowns.
“do you need anything?”
you hesitate to answer.
“it’s okay,” he tells you.
“i- im scared aaron. can you just hug me please?” you plead as tears fall from your eyes.
He doesn’t hesitate to move closer to you and engulf you in a gentle hug. “it’s okay you’re safe now,” he whispers to you.
“you should get some rest,” he says as he pulls away.
“i’m not tired”
“you do realize i’m a profiler, you can’t fool me,” he says and I smile.
“you look like you haven’t slept aaron”
“if you get some rest, so will I”
“deal,” you say.
he shuts the light out and leaves on the little lamp next to your bed and makes his way to the couch.
I try to fall asleep but I can’t. I’m in pain and i’m just scared.
“why aren’t you sleeping,” you hear aaron say.
“why aren’t you,” I reply.
“y/n,” he says as he gets up and sits in the chair right next to me.
“i just- my mind keeps racing. what if I died? What if you never found me? what if you found me dead? I don’t want to put you and Jack through that,” I say as my voice cracks.
He takes my hand into his.
“listen to me, you are okay. You don’t have to worry about what might have happened because I found you. You are okay y/n/n. Nothing is going to happen.”
I just smile at him.
“now come on, try and get some rest. i’ll stay right here until you fall asleep.”
“you don’t have to do that aar”
“i want too,” he says as he strokes my hand.
My eyes become heavy and I quickly fall asleep knowing he is there.
It’s been 10 days and i’m finally being discharged. Aaron and I were still in Ohio and the rest of the team left to go home yesterday.
“are you ready to go?”
“yes,” I tell aaron.
He helps walk me outside. I can walk, it’s just very painful to do so.
“you stay here, i’m gonna get the car,” he says as he smiles at me.
We’ve been driving for about 2 hours.
“how much longer?”
“we still have about 5 hours”
I sigh, “i’m sorry you have to drive all the way back just because I got hurt”
“dont even worry about it y/n. I don’t mind, really. I enjoy spending time with you. I’ve been thinking, the doctor doesn’t want you to be alone. Do you want to stay with Jack and I?”
“I’d love too but I don’t want to intrude,�� I say softly.
“you could never intrude y/n and I know Jack would love to see you.”
I smile. I love Jack. “thank you aaron.”
I lean against the window and close my eyes, letting sleep take over.
The next time I wake up, I feel Aarons suit jacket on me. It smells just like him.
“We are about 20 minutes away from my place, do you wanna stop at your place for anything first,” he softly asked.
“no i have everything in my bag.”
It was currently 3am and we just arrived at Aaron’s house. As I get out of the car, I lean over in pain.
Aaron rushes over and puts his hand on my back.
“are you okay? what hurts?” he asked urgently.
I just nod my head.
he grabs both of our bags and helps me into the house and guides me to the bedroom.
“you can sleep in here y/n, i’ll stay on the couch”
“no no no please I don’t want to take your bed.”
“y/n it’s okay I don’t mind.”
“I- I don’t really want to sleep alone,” I whisper feeling ashamed.
He sits next to me on the bed and grabs my hand.
“okay that’s okay, i’ll stay in here with you, okay?”
I nod as a tear falls from my eye.
He gently wipes it away.
“let’s go to sleep,” he softly says. He helps me get under the covers. It’s very painful.
I wince in pain.
“I know i’m sorry,” he says sympathetically.
He goes over and shuts off the light and gets under the covers with me.
“Can I move closer to you,” I ask quietly.
I don’t think he wants me to move because he moved closer to me.
I lay my head on his chest and he strokes my hair.
“I like you Aaron, a lot,” I admit.
“and I like you even more,” he says as he kisses my forehead.
“go to sleep y/n” he whispers in my ear
I wake up to noise coming from the kitchen. I realize Aarons not in bed anymore. I try to get up, but immediately wince in pain.
Aaron walks into the room and rushes over to me, “hey hey hey what are you doing?”
He helps me up and guides me into the living room, letting me sit on the coach. “Y/N,” I hear. Jack. He runs over to me and gives me a hug. “Hi buddy,” I say as I giggle.
“I hope you feel better,” he says softly.
“thank you jack.”
“why don’t you go get it for her Jack,” aaron says to Jack.
i’m confused. What is he talking about?
Jack comes running back with breakfast for me.
“Daddy and I made you breakfast,” he says excitedly.
“Thank you both so much I appreciate it,” I tell them with a smile on my face.
Aaron sits down next to me while Jack walks to the bathroom.
“you guys didn’t have to do all this for me,” I tell him.
“yes we did. You’re hurt and you need to fuel your body to get better.”
“Thank you Aaron,” I say and lean my head on his shoulder.
He kisses my forehead.
“I will always be here for you y/n and so will Jack. You two are the most important to me.”
I smile as he says that.
“Once you get better, i’m gonna take you out on a date, how would you feel about that,” he asks with a smile.
“I would love that,” I say with a big smile on my face.
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kyistell · 9 months
I have Jersey headcanons and gosh darn it, it's a tad long, so I'm only doing like one page at a time, I'll post the other ones later probably...if I remember. ANYWAY HERE!!
New Jersey
Constantly moving, either tapping his foot or moving his legs, always dancing too, if there’s music he’s moving
He also tends to sing whatever song is on his mind, whether it’s English or not
He knows all of the states comfort foods
Controls the entire StateHouse garden, and is the reason there is a flower garden, if you want a flower in that garden you talk to him to figure out where said flower needs to go and what conditions it needs
He and New Mexico managed to convince Gov to let them have a pool at the StateHouse
When he was learning the south’s comfort foods, he managed to convince Texas to teach him how to make a brisket, yes it’s not really any of the south’s comfort food but it’s a southern thing so of course he needed to learn
When angry he’ll switch into different accents, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and surprisingly to some, southern
South Jersey is pretty southern, one of his comfort foods is grits
When he hosts NE dinner at his home, he makes sure to add in dishes that are shared favorites
Any and all produce that can be grown in NJ climate, is grown in his back garden with all the accommodation they need
Mafia boss, he doesn’t partake anymore and technically the guy he was is dead but still, the power remains
Used to be a show boy, occasionally still is with Nevada
Just mildly obsessed with roller coasters
During the summer, if he’s not at the shore then he’s most likely at Great Adventure
While it’s not his favorite game, he LOVES to play Just Dance
His room is actually in the south hall instead of the north, he’s between Texas and Oklahoma, he switched with New Mexico because he would have had to be between Penn and Mass and he would rather die than be between that warzone
Has lots of animals on his farm but his favorite are his horses, a few of which he was given by Kentucky
Taught Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio how to play poker and blackjack, the only thing is, is that Jersey taught them how to cheat without them knowing
Jersey never actually cheats in card and money games, he just knows how to play
Stopped talking to Nevada in the 80s because of Atlantic City, Nevada understood it was because they were rivals and also the mafia but it doesn’t stop Jersey from feeling bad about it
Despite what everyone tends to think, Jersey likes to keep to himself and is relativity quiet for the most part, it just so happens that he is normally around people that he either likes (NY, NM, NH, Cali, Rhode, Del) or has strong feelings about (Mass, Penn, NY, Connecticut, Virginia), which makes him loud
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
The Bluegrass Hospitality Group responded to a class-action lawsuit alleging tip and wage theft by claiming the employee who filed the complaint was never employed by the restaurant chain.
In April, an employee filed a class-action lawsuit against Drake’s, which is owned by Bluegrass Hospitality Group, headquartered in Lexington. The lawsuit alleges widespread violations involving the failure to uphold federal minimum wage standards across all 23 of its restaurant and bar locations.
The lawsuit was filed by Lauren Boyer, who claims she was a worker at the Cookeville, Tenn., restaurant on behalf of herself and other bartenders and servers. She claims in the suit BHG did not provide servers and bartenders with the legally required notice regarding the use of a tip credit toward their wages.
A month after the initial filing, in May, the restaurant responded to the claims and denied most of the complaint’s allegations — including the employment of the woman who filed suit.
BHG owns and operates Drake’s locations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, Alabama, North Carolina and Illinois.
“Plaintiffs claims are barred, in whole or in part, because (BHG) did not employ plaintiffs,” attorneys for BHG wrote. Throughout their response to the complaint, attorneys for BHG repeatedly stated Boyer was not an employee of the restaurant.
Defense attorney LaToi D. Mayo requested the court render judgment in favor of Drake’s and dismiss the complaint in its entirety with prejudice.
Attorneys for either party were not immediately available for comment on Monday morning. It is unclear if Boyer was an employee of Drake’s.
What the complaint against Drake’s alleges
The complaint alleges that Drake’s compensated its employees below the federal minimum wage while requiring them to perform non-tipped duties for more than 20% of their work week.
Some of these duties include sweeping, mopping, rolling silverware and other side work where employees are not being tipped.
Federal law prohibits employers from taking a tip credit when an employee performs tip-supporting work and non-tip-generating duties for more than 20% of their work week.
According to the suit, Drake’s bartenders and servers are required to work for nearly an hour to set up and close the restaurants, clean and prepare tables and organize their sections.
Boyer represents herself and two collectives which allege federal minimum wage violations. The Nationwide Substantial Side Work Collective and Nationwide 80/20 Collective are other plaintiffs listed in the suit. The lawsuit seeks compensation for unpaid wages and damages.
Other wage and tip theft lawsuits against Lexington restaurants
Drake’s is the third Lexington restaurant to face lawsuits over payment practices involving tipped employees.
A lawsuit was announced against Jeff Ruby’s in February for alleged wage and tip theft.
The lawsuit said the defendants took a portion of the tips earned by servers and bartenders and shared the money with back-of-house employees “who did not earn the tips and who did not interact with customers.”
Tony’s Steak and Seafood restaurant agreed to pay $1.5 million as part of a settlement involving employees in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio locations.
The employees alleged the restaurant violated the Fair Labor Standards Act by forcing them and other tipped employees to participate in a tip pool that gave portions of tips to salaried members of management, according to federal court documents and settlement information.
The Tony’s settlement resolved claims for 79 servers in Kentucky, 42 servers in Ohio and 52 servers in Indiana, according to David Garrison, lead attorney in the two cases. In total, the award for plaintiffs in Kentucky was $546,237.65 — more than Indiana and Ohio’s settlement amounts combined.
The average recovery for a class member who participates in the server settlement is $5,250. The largest settlement recovery is more than $35,000, according to court documents.
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: 1995 THE YEAR IN WRESTLING. March 1996
In 1994, we discovered that it isn’t unusual for brothers to wage war with each other. In 1995, Ian and Axl Rotten turned their brand of brotherly hate into a Feud of the Year. Man, did this get ugly…and gory!
It began in ECW a few days into 1995. After the Rottens lost to The Pit Bulls, Ian brutally attacked Axl, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood. Ian had been pinned, but he blamed his brother’s carelessness for the loss. Ian’s assault on Axl started one of the bloodiest and most vicious feuds ever. They contested anything -goes matches in which all weapons were legal, bouts in which both wielded baseball bats wrapped in barbed-wire, and matches in which thumbtacks were scattered on the floor outside the ring.
As brutal as those conditions were, most who know the Rottens well believe the settings were appropriate.
“The harsher the matches, the better those two lunatics liked it,” said The Sandman. “They enjoyed grinding each other to a pulp, and they didn’t mind getting themselves ground up while they did it.”
“Definitely the goriest stuff I’ve ever seen,” wrote Chris Fishman of Berwyn, Pennsylvania. “There’s a lot of nasty stuff in ECW, but what the Rottens did to each other was the worst I’ve ever seen. Just watching it was painful, but it was fun, too.”
 Their last match in ECW may have been the worst of all. It was a “taipei death” match. The stipulation: Both men had shards of broken glass taped to their fists.
“Talk about winning at all costs!” wrote Gia Kredke of Columbus, Ohio. “Were they trying to beat each other or kill each other?”
Even after both men left ECW, the intensity of their hatred for each other did not wane. Axl recently returned to ECW after a stint in the USWA, and Ian competes in several independent organizations, but they constantly threaten each other with a renewal of the violence.
“It’ll be a long time before this one is really over,” said 2 Cold Scorpio. “I’m surprised they haven’t started going at it again.”
If they do, the brothers who hate each other may soon discover they have a common goal: to win back-to-back Feuds of the Year. But how much bloodier can it get?
First runner-up: The amazing feud began late in 1994 and continued until Slamboree, when the Nastys won the WCW World tag belts, and beyond. In their Texas Tornado match at Uncensored, the two teams brawled into the concession stands. If the Heat’s manager, Sherri Martel, got too close to the action, the Nastys were happy to shove her face into their smelly armpits.
Second runner-up: Ramon might not have hated Jarrett so much if it weren’t for “Double-J’s “ sidekick, The Roadie, whose attack on Ramon’s leg caused Razor to lose the Intercontinental title to Jarrett at the Royal Rumble. Their ladder matches were always intense (as were the rest of their encounters), and they traded the I-C belt twice in a three-day span in May.
Third runner-up: Flair got the “Macho Man” on his case after he and Arn Anderson attacked Savage’s dad, 70-year-old Angelo Poffo, at Slamboree. The highlight of their months-long feud was a wild dressing room brawl at Atlanta’s Center Stage Theater. Savage shut the “Nature Boy’s” match (at least temporarily) with a clean win at Bash at the Beach in July.
Some of the top vote-getters who did not capture a runner-up spot include: Cactus Jack vs. The Sandman, Diesel vs. Sid Vicious, Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven, The Gangstas vs. Public Enemy, Eddy Gurrero vs. Dean Malenko, Hakushi vs. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan vs. Big Van Vader, and Kama vs. The Undertaker.
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ayearoferewhon · 1 year
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Why remembering the Austin clothing-optional apartments, here on this blog? Well, besides #inthespiritofdeepcreek - and general naturist #onceuponatime - ness, old news coverage shows that Jerry Derbyshire lived there, and this blog lives for all things Jerry Derbyshire. In the news coverage of "developments" at the apartments, in 1979, we read via the blog post linked here:
"Parker, though ousted as manager for sticking to some of the very wrong guns, remained a New Manor resident — and two years after its founding, saw the first undeniable violation of that physical aggression truce he took so seriously. The August 1979 death of 34-year-old resident Roy Allen Miller — stabbed at the New Manor pool and left to die on the diving board by two other residents, David McVey and Mark David Matthews, for reasons apparently related to biker gangs and/or their associated methamphetamine trade — forced change from even the community’s most liberated."
From the Austin American-Statesman, October 7, 1979: "Today, under the new ownership of a Los Angeles-based investor, the complex is being redecorated and its idealistic no-rules “non-aggression truce” replaced by rules to live by, nude or clothed.
Longtime residents say the killing was an isolated dispute between some transient bikers. Jerry Derbyshire, 31, an Ohio transplant, one-year resident and freelance photographer who was hired as the new property manager, said it was the result of a laid-back lifestyle that had become too laid back.
“We’re getting rid of the riff-raff,” he said, “the transients trying to get their s— together who were turning the place into a crash pad. We’re cleaning up, fixing up, evicting slow-payers and seeking more families.”
“Before, essentially all the management did was keep the pool water warm enough to make love in. Now, we have security deposits, maintenance and a straight, sensible business.”
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45. Deal prompt
It's cold and that makes me cranky.
Also I miss Kate and Simon.
“I can’t believe you actually want to go swimming. Here.”
What Deena means to say is anywhere because water and actually swimming around in it? Not her thing. But a disparaging comment about the Shadyside Public Pool basically encompasses all of those things, so Deena feels like she’s covered all her bases.
Not that Simon seems to notice or care. He just drops a towel -a bathroom towel, not even a ratty old beach towel like the one Deena had dug out of the hallway linen cabinet- onto a plastic lounge chair and kicks off his shoes. “What? It’s not so bad.”
Deena glances toward the pool, which is full of half a dozen children and one middle-aged woman determinedly swimming laps and maybe it doesn’t look so bad. Now. But. Give it time.
“I mean,” Simon continues, tugging off a shirt that says Ohio is for lovers that was probably Timothy’s, and adding it to the pile on his chair. “Kate works here.”
This, Deena thinks, is probably the only reason the pool looks as passable as it does now. Because with Kate Schmidt in charge, nothing is going to be half-assed. The pool water is clear. The concrete is free of trash and half-chewed gum and god only knows what else. The American Top 40 is playing on a stereo from somewhere by the life guard chair and it might be the nicest place in Shadyside right now.
Still doesn’t mean Deena is getting in the water.
Kate, who has been trying to coax them into agreeing to spend a summer afternoon at the pool to keep her company rather than languishing in Simon’s room talking about how bored they were, is currently talking to someone who looks like he imagines himself to be her boss, when really anyone who knows Kate knows who is actually in charge of this -and any- operation. She’s nodding, wearing an oversized hoodie over her swimsuit -likely because even Deena doesn’t miss the way the guy’s eyes keep drifting downward- and a pair of flipflops and one of those Baywatch whistles around her neck and Deena can’t wait to give her shit about all of it. But she resists the urge for now, since Kate is trying to be all professional, and instead she takes her old beach towel and spreads it across her own chair before taking a seat. The towel is from the trip her parents had taken her and Josh on to Coney Island Park in Cincinnati when she had been eight and Josh seven and their mom was still around and she’s pretty sure it’s been stuffed into the back of the closet ever since then.
Simon pulls a bottle of sunscreen from somewhere and begins slathering it across his arms in a way that makes Deena both love him and want to tease him mercilessly and before she gets the chance, Kate is walking over in their direction, the obnoxious slap of her flipflops announcing her arrival. She looks at Deena, quirking an eyebrow above her sunglasses. “You didn’t bring your suit?”
Deena gestures to herself, offended. “I’m wearing shorts.”
Shorts and a Stryper shirt that had once been her dad’s and sure it’s to cover up the swimsuit she’d reluctantly put on, but she has no intention of letting anyone prove that.
“As lifeguard, I’m obligated to tell you that shorts are not allowed in the pool,” Kate says in a way that manages to be both teasing and completely serious at the same time. “Sorry.”
Deena smirks. “You gonna blow your whistle at me?”
“You wish.” Kate smirks and then her attention is shifting, a smile sliding across her face that Deena most definitely does not like. “Oh, look. Sam is here.”
It’s embarrassing, how Deena’s cheeks immediately get hot. But even more embarrassing is the way her head immediately whips in the direction of the entrance, so fast she’s actually sure she can hear the bones cracking. Kate laughs but Deena ignores her, watching, instead, as Sam Fraser walks in with a bag slung over her shoulder and two other girls from the cheerleading squad beside her.
Simon snorts out a laugh, shaking his head. “Exactly. Why do you think Deena’s here?”
“That’s not…” Deena hisses, glaring at her friends and their stupid smirks.
“Then why did you suddenly decide you wanted to go to the pool today after I’ve been asking you all summer?”
Simon looks way too smug for someone who hasn’t rubbed in the sunscreen on his cheeks. Deena rolls her eyes at him and her efforts to sputter out a comeback are immediately foiled by Kate, who waves a hand over her head and calls, “Jennifer! Over here!” in a way that makes Deena want to shove her directly into the pool.
Jennifer, Ashley, and yes, Sam, immediately head for the empty chairs beside the ones Deena and Simon are currently occupying and Deena’s eyes meet Sam’s and immediately set off a flurry of emotions swirling around inside her chest. Being around Sam hasn’t gotten any easier recently but it’s gotten a hell of a lot harder to convince herself that not being around Sam is an option. Because now that she’s spent more than a few summer afternoons sitting in her bedroom listening to music and kissing Sam Fraser, that’s kinda all she ever wants to be doing.
And Deena is pretty sure it shows all over her face every time Sam is within ten feet of her.
The tradeoff is, of course, that Sam is within ten feet of her. And that’s hard to hate.
And yeah, the idea to come to the pool had been Sam’s, forcing Deena to swallow her pride and tell Simon, mostly apropos of nothing, that sure, she’d go with him to see Kate at the stupid pool, or whatever.  
Her friends might see right through her, but the decision is already paying off.
Jennifer and Ashley say hello to Kate and regard Deena and Simon with the polite uncertainty that only teenagers are truly capable of, and with all the reluctance that comes from the forcible combining of two very different types of people that would never happen if not for people like Kate Schmidt. But Sam manages to set her bag into the chair next to Deena’s casually enough, even though it means having to step around Ashley to get there first and Deena bites the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.
“Hi,” Sam says, and she’s got that shy smile on her face that Deena loves and not just because it comes with the shocking realization that she put it there. It also provides a great view of Sam’s dimple, which Deena is fond of pressing her lips to when they’re alone. Which she very much wishes they were right now.
Deena smiles like she’s just stuck a fork into an electrical outlet and zapped the common sense out of her brain.
“Where’s your suit?” Sam asks, and Deena really thinks she should get credit just for being here, thank you very much. “I thought you were going to swim.”
“I never said that,” Deena says, pleased to be able to use this same logic on Sam that she’d used on Simon when he’d said the same thing after he’d gotten into her car. “I said I was going to go to the pool.” She gestures as if to say ta da, please hold the applause.
Sam does not look impressed. “The whole point of coming to the pool is to go swimming.”
This, Deena figures, they will have to agree to disagree on.
Because the whole point of this outing is most definitely getting to see Sam take off her tank top and stuff it into her bag and holy hell actually maybe this was a bad idea because there’s so much more of Sam to see all of the sudden. They’ve been keeping it mostly PG so far in the privacy of Deena’s bedroom and it seems like every bad thought Deena has ever had is suddenly flying into brain right now and probably outing her in front of the entire Shadyside Public Pool population.
Maybe she will get into the pool after all. Clearly, she needs to cool off.
“So you aren’t swimming,” Sam says and Deena wonders what else has been said around her that she just hasn’t been privy to. Kate is talking to Ashley and Jennifer and swinging her whistle around on her finger while Simon continues applying sunscreen with the studious focus of an overbearing mother and no one seems to have noticed that Deena is a pile of ash in the shape of a girl.
“No, Deena doesn’t swim,” Simon says before Deena can remember how words work. “She just likes to sit there and look pretty,” he teases, nudging her thigh with his bare foot.
Deena reaches over to give him a shove, almost toppling him off his chair, but she doesn’t miss the way Sam blushes and presses her teeth to her bottom lip and okay there are worse things than having Samantha Fraser think that she’s pretty.
Sam arches an eyebrow, looking at Deena for a beat before she says, “I bet I could get Deena in the pool.”
Deena rolls her eyes, but Simon sits up straighter, intrigued. “Oh yeah?”
Sam nods, reaching up to put her hair into a messy knot and Deena finds herself fixated on the movement of her wrists, the deft motions of her fingers. Those are good wrists. Pretty good fingers, too. “Yup.”
“Hmm, no way,” Simon says firmly. “I don’t think you’ve got what it takes.”
“Hello? I’m literally sitting right here,” Deena points out, looking between the two of them.
Predictably, they both ignore her. “Wanna bet?” Sam says and she tilts her head and really Deena feels like she can’t be held responsible for the way her pulses races at that flex of Sam’s neck.
Simon doesn’t even ask for clarification on the perimeters of this particular bet. He just nods, leaning across Deena’s chair and holding out his hand. “Deal.”
Sam leans closer to shake Simon’s hand and Deena looks between the both of them trying to figure out what she missed when she was too busy studying the freckles on Sam’s shoulder. There’s no way she’s going to be able to avoid pressing her lips to that spot the next time they’re in her bedroom. Being with Sam is starting to make her greedy. Selfish.
Sam leans back and when she looks at Deena, Deena just smirks, lifting an eyebrow. “Good luck.”
“Oh, come on,” Sam says with a laugh and when she shakes her head, some twists of hair fall loose from her ponytail. She glances over her shoulder and when she’s satisfied that Ashley and Jennifer are still involved in their conversation with Kate, she leans forward, peering at Deena through her lashes. “You won’t even do it for me?”
And. Well. Something goes all fizzy in her brain when Sam looks at her like that, something that makes her feel all giddy and stupid and like she might do all kinds of things that Deena had been certain she never would. Like stop hiding all those parts of herself, if only around this person. Like make dumb, sickly romantic mix-tapes and doodle messy, crooked hearts on the liner notes.
Like, apparently, get into the Shadyside Public Pool.
There are certainly worse things than having Sam owe her a favor, after all. Her motives are purely selfish.
So Deena stands and reluctantly steps out of her shorts and pulls her shirt over her head, avoiding meeting both Sam and Simon’s gazes as she does so, spending far too much time folding up the clothes and sticking them beneath her towel to protect them from any annoying kids trying to cannonball into the deep end.
But when she chances a look back in Sam’s direction, there’s this look on Sam’s face that immediately ignites a fire low in Deena’s belly and she’s certain that if anyone were to look at them now, every one of their secrets would be on full display and for that moment, the beat of time where everything seems to slow down and her eyes are on Sam’s, she doesn’t even care. All of Shadyside could burn down around her and she wouldn’t care about that either. Because all she does care about is the way Sam is looking at her, lips slightly parted and with dots of color on her cheeks, and Deena gets a glimpse of how she must look to Sam every time they’re alone together, like she can’t believe she’s somehow managed to get lucky enough to be in this moment. She’d just never thought anyone would ever have cause to look at her that way.
And there are definitely worse things than having Sam Fraser think that she’s pretty.
It kinda makes the whole having to get into the pool thing actually worth it.
Even though she has her regrets as she actually gets into the water, because it’s cold, and she doesn’t want to doubt Kate’s prowess as a lifeguard or anything, but she suddenly has her doubts about the whole cleanliness thing but well there’s no turning back now.
And when Deena surfaces, pushing back her wet curls, Sam is giving Simon a smug look and Simon is scowling, though it seems to be mostly for show. Especially when Simon mutters, “I feel like something about what happened counts a cheating.”
But Sam shrugs and Deena glares at the both of them. “Okay. Does this make you happy, weirdos? I got in the pool. Best summer ever.” She rolls her eyes for good measure.
Simon nods solemnly. “A momentous day.”
“Great,” Deena says flatly. She looks at Sam, reaching out a hand. “Can you please help me out now?”
Really, it’s totally Sam’s fault. Because who would ever fall for something like that. So, really, she only has herself to blame for actually getting up and offering her hand to Deena’s and for being completely unprepared and defenseless when Deena yanks her forwarrd and into the pool.
Deena is still laughing when Sam surfaces, spitting out Shadyside Public Pool water -which, you know, Deena does feel a little bad about because she’s not a monster- and looking at Deena with her eyes wide with betrayal. “Deena!”
“What? I thought the point of coming to the pool was to go swimming?”
And, sure, she probably deserves the way that Sam splashes her and now she’s spitting out Shadyside Public Pool water so they’re obviously even. Deena splashes her back and Sam reaches for her wrists, forcing them underwater and protecting herself from further splashing and it suddenly clicks that no one is going to be able to see what they’re doing underwater, not unless they’re really paying attention. And it must occur to Sam, too, because she lets go of Deena’s wrists and takes her hands instead, letting their fingers twine together.
Deena brushes her finger across the inside of Sam’s wrist, earning a soft smile in response, and her world becomes just this girl in front of her and maybe the pool isn’t so terrible after all because it lets her do this, to hold Sam as close as she can and still have it feel like a secret.
And then Simon jumps in behind Sam, spraying the both of them with water and Deena rolls her eyes, making a face. “Okay, that’s enough. I’m out.”
Sam laughs, and she hooks her fingers around Deena’s for one final moment before letting Deena pull away and hoist herself out of the pool. Simon surfaces, grinning, and Deena kicks water at him. “You’re the worst. You know that right?”
“Am I?” Simon responds, like he knows something she doesn’t, and Deena splashes more water in his direction for good measure.
Deena walks back to her chair, leaving Sam and Simon to hash out the details of Sam winning their ridiculous deal, and she grabs her towel, wrapping it around her shoulders and stretching out across the sun-warmed plastic. And sure, maybe Kate was right about hanging out at the pool being better than laying around on Simon’s floor and bemoaning life in Shadyside, but it’s not like Deena is going to tell her that.
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magnetohazard · 1 year
So how was Combo Breaker?
Combo Breaker was awesome. Probably the most fun I've had in my life, actually. I got to talk to a lot of friends, new and old, and even got to be on Sajam's "Will it kill...?" where I got to be wrong as fuck about a Street Fighter 6 clip!
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It was kind of a surreal experience at times. I spent most of day 1 meeting up with my out-of-state friends, specifically the Ohio Vampire Savior community. Everyone was in high spirits and we got together several times to go smoke or run some sets throughout the day. I had some really close matches in my stacked as fuck Guilty Gear pool, but ultimately went 2-2. I'm satisfied with my performance though, especially in the Baiken mirror I had to fight against a much more experienced Baiken player.
I was also absolutely SERVING all 3 days
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Day 2 was a lot more of the same, I had 2 pools that day and was only prepared for one of them. I had a terrible time waking up for my 10am VSAV pools but I managed to put on the bat dress and tough it out anyway. Won my first match against a player whose name I knew from online fightcade tournaments, and from there I was fucking pumped!
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After that, I had to fight a player who I'd never taken a game off of in my life: TankTopTyphoon. He is an excellent wolf player and I somehow did the impossible and had a very close 1-2 set with him. Again, I've never taken a game off of him before so this was an accomplishment for me!
I wound up getting team killed by another Team Tengu member and got knocked out of bracket from there. I still had a lot of fun and it was great to know I'm not fucking free anymore. Vampire Savior saw me coming out 2-2.
The last pool I had was at noon for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. Now, first thing's first: I fucking ADORE Virtua Fighter. My problem with this game is the netcode is ass and it requires CONSTANT practice to see any notable improvement.
I had not played this game in about a year.
So I sandbagged and went 0-2. Moving on.
Going into the night, I decided to get fucking wasted and enjoy Real Vampire Hours which is basically a winner-stays-on set of first-to-2 that goes until the production team decides to go to bed. This one was real special though because for the final match of the night/morning I got to be on commentary with the guy who got me into the game in the first place. If you know, you know, but if you don't let me tell you that YetiGhettoSlang is possibly one of the most fun commentators to ever pick up the mic. Man says shit that sends my sides to the moon and I love him to death.
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Day 3 was another special day because it was finally time for Vampire Savior top 24 which was fucking hype. I highly recommend watching the VOD if you're at all interested in the game. I was screaming and cheering the whole time and ruined my voice in the process but, hell, it was worth it!
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We also got into some funny shit over the weekend like running a Beyblade tournament, taking a few friends to Portillo's for the first time ever, basically just going goblin mode for a few days and forgetting about work and responsibilities for a while.
Overall, it was a great weekend like I said before. I had my best tournament record ever, something to finally be proud of. It was also the first time I'd had a week to myself in over 6 months since the death of one of my closest friends, and I feel like I was finally able to get together with some of the other people close to them and process some of that grief with them. I like to think we made this a tournament they would've been happy to see, a true SWANbo Breaker 2023.
Anyway, things kind of immediately took a turn for the worst when I got home. After 3 whole years of avoiding it, I got bodied.
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I'm recovering right now which is why it took so long for this post to come out but I'm also still in Hell.
I've just been sitting around waiting for my smell and taste senses to return to me and playing Fortnite while I wait for my copy of Street Fighter 6 to show up.
Stay safe out there, y'all. I love ya!
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SynkedUp to host 2024 Contractor Summit in October
There are a few things that are certain in Pensacola that you will have to deal with at some point - tree removal and tree trimming. Before you hire a Tree Removal in Pensacola company you should take into consideration before hiring a tree service company. Some of the things you should consider include: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree If you are unsure about whether or not you need to hire a tree removal company, contact Tree removal service in Pensacola for a consultation. We will be able to assess your situation and give you our professional opinion. SynkedUp, a software solution for contractors, will host its annual Contractor Summit on Oct. 3 and 4 in Dayton, Ohio. This two-day event, open to all contractors regardless of their software preferences, aims to foster professional growth, networking and knowledge sharing among industry peers. Hosted by Jeremy Swihart, owner of J Squared Outdoor, a pool and outdoor living space construction company, the summit promises to deliver valuable insights into efficiency, production and business management. The Contractor Summit offers a unique platform for professionals to: Network with peers and industry leaders. Gain fresh perspectives on common challenges. Learn about cutting-edge efficiency techniques. Explore new business opportunities. The SynkedUp team will attend the event, along with a diverse group of contractors, including SynkedUP users and non-users. Other speakers include: Weston Zimmerman, CEO and co-founder of SynkedUp Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers Jeff Joiner, professional development speaker For more information and to purchase tickets, click here. The post SynkedUp to host 2024 Contractor Summit in October first appeared on Landscape Management.
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ledenews · 1 month
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: J.D. Vance: Gabriel Basso Beverly “Bev” Vance: Amy Adams Bonnie “Mamaw” Vance: Glenn Close Lindsay Vance: Haley Bennett Usha Chilukuri: Freida Pinto Papaw: Bo Hopkins Young J.D. Vance: Owen Asztalos Matt: Jesse C. Boyd Phillip Roseman: Stephen Kunken Ken: Keong Sim Travis: Morgan Gao Chris: Ethan Suess Kevin: Jono Mitchell Uncle Pat: Bill Kelly Uncle Arch: David Dwyer Lori: Sarah Hudson Jimmy (Bev’s Brother): Ted Huckabee Bill (Nurse): Nathan Hesse Cousin Nate: Max Barrow Bonnie (Mamaw, 30’s): Sunny Mabrey Jim (Papaw, 30’s): Brett Lorenzini Young Bev (6 years): Tierney Smith Cheryl: Helen LeRoy Emma: Kinsley Isla Dillon Adult Frank McFee: Ryan Homchick Chip: Joshua Stenvick Brooks Houghton: Bill Winkler Brett: Chase Anderson Pamela: Amy Parrish Rich: Ed Amatrudo Hiram Walcott: David de Vries Cocktailer #1: Holly Morris Cocktailer #2: Brandon Hirsch Server: David Alexander Obsequious Server: Alexander Baxter Waiter: Steven Reddington Wiry Law Partner: Angelo Reyes Stodgy Partner: John Rymer Young Bonnie (Mamaw 13 Years): Abigail Rose Cornell Adult Louis Zablocki: Lowrey Brown Young J.D. (4 years): Hunter James Evers Dane: Riley McNerney Pool Woman: Zele Avradopoulos Mr. Selby: David Jensen Holler Aunt: Skylar Denney Young Louis: John Whitley Doug: Zac Pullam Young Frank: Shane Donovan Lewis Officer #1: Mike Senior Officer #2: William Mark McCullough Kameron: Dylan Gage Katrina: Hannah Pniewski Doctor: David Marshall Silverman Dr. Newton: Jason Davis Davis: Joshua Brady Nasty Cashier: Cory Chapman Nurse: Tatom Pender Patient: Cathy Hope Ray: David Atkinson Salesperson: Adam Murray Scared Woman: Dianna Craig Meghan: Emery Mae Edgeman Young Jim (Papaw 16 Years): Rohan Myers Meals On Wheels Delivery Man: Matthew Alan Brady Young Lori (6 years): Lucy Capri Sally Coates: Déjá Dee Kyle: Daniel R. Hill Arguing Girlfriend: Jordan Trovillion Secretary at Club: Yossie Mulyadi ICU Nurse #1: Alisa Harris ICU Nurse #2: Tiger Dawn Rehab Mother: Darla Robinson Rehab Recepcionist: Belinda Keller Old Mamaw Blanton: Jessie Faye Shirley Nurse Vivian: Cheryl Howard Law Candidate Tim: Tim Abou-Nasr Curt: Leland Thomas Griffin Officer Connor: Drew Emerson Jones EMT #1: Justin P. Turner EMT #2: Joshua T. Schneider Marine Barber: Tony Ward Dining Hall Manager: Mara Hall Jill at Financial Aid Office: Tess Malis Kincaid Gas Station Attendant: Chris Charm Intake Receptionist: Mary Kraft Shoe Store Manager: Suehyla El-Attar Study Hall Friend #1: Matthew Withers Study Hall Friend #2: Jessica Miesel Study Hall Friend #3: Benjamin Rapsas Peter (uncredited): Ethan Levy Middletown Resident (uncredited): Bret Aaron Knower Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Hans Zimmer Producer: Brian Grazer Producer: Ron Howard Post Producer: William M. Connor Executive Producer: Diana Pokorny Production Design: Molly Hughes Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Maryse Alberti Casting: Carmen Cuba Producer: Karen Lunder Stunt Coordinator: Monique Ganderton Writer: Vanessa Taylor Compositing Artist: Daniel L. Smith Camera Operator: Thomas Lappin Compositing Artist: Michael A. Martinez Supervising Art Director: Gregory A. Weimerskirch Costume Designer: Virginia B. Johnson Set Costumer: Bob Moore Jr. Makeup Department Head: Eryn Krueger Mekash Foley Artist: Heikki Kossi Art Direction: Shawn D. Bronson Rigging Grip: Gary Blair Makeup Artist: Erica Stewart Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Josh Berger Compositing Artist: Steve Dinozzi VFX Artist: Bryan Haines Visual Effects Producer: Chris LeDoux Original Music Composer: David Fleming Set Dresser: Aaron Robert Hall Assistant Art Director: Chris Yoo Costume Supervisor: Dana Pacheco Sound Designer: Grant Elder Makeup Artist: Jodi Byrne Set Costumer: Robin Fields Compositing Artist: Brad Lucas Set Dresser: Sam Carter Makeup Artist: Andrea Vieth Set Dresser: Maxfield Ladish Set Dresser: Natalie LeCompte Rigging ...
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kandadiff · 5 months
After the scene at the pool, Negan went with Simon to take Camila and Shawn to the hospital. My father apologized profusely and grew angry with us. 
My mom pretended to be upset but she couldn’t hide her glee. She convinced him to take us all out for a family talk. 
This resulted in him renting out a beach front restaurant for the night. The waiters and waitresses extra attentive since I’m sure the owner told him how rich the family was. Or they came to their own conclusions given my dad waved a wad of money at him and they kicked out the other patreons within the next half hour. 
The table was silent. Robin hadn’t said a word to you since you saw him snap and it seemed everyone else didn’t want to break the tense air of the table. 
My mom spoke first, after taking a sip of her tea. “We should talk. For a moment, the table was silent.
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Until I broke the silence. "Is this even a family vacation anymore?" My tone was dripping with attitude as I spoke. "It seems like there's more people outside of the family here then there is family members. Negan, Simon, Shawn and now camila. Is this our family vacation or there's?" I looked from my parents to J, clearly addressing him.
J chuckled, his bright red smile turning upward at me. "Do you have something you'd like to say to me specifically, sister?" he sneered the last word, making it sound like an insult rather than a relationship between us.
"Yeah, what was going through your fucking pea sized brain when you invited him." I spat, "we had a deal."
Rhea who was sitting on one side of me gripped my arm signaling me to stay quiet. She knew no one else besides me, her and J new about the plan with the bloodline. But it was too late, my father looked up from his menu with a raised eyebrow.
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This caught my fathers attention and he looked at the waiters attending us and smiled at them. It was clear his smile, unnerved them as some of them looked away or giggled nervously. "Leave us for a moment." They looked at their manager who nodded and started to filter out.
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"I agree with Kay." Meadow said sighing. "This is our family vacation. No one outside of the family should be here. Thats why I don't bring Tristan or the kids here." She glances at you the only non-family member at the table.
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Robin glares at her but its Emmy that speaks up. "We both know you keep your 'husband' hidden from us. Why shouldn't Robin's partner be here, she's practically family." My father watches until all the waiters leave the room. The already empty restaurant seems even more desolate and silent.
My father puts out his cigarette on the white tablecloth and looked at me. His voice carries a fighting authority as he speaks. "What deal did you have with J, Ace?" I glance at J but don't respond so my father looks at Rhea. "Ripley?" she shakes her head.
"No deal" Rhea says "she misspoke."
"You know." My father sighs rubbing his hand over his face. "Happy," (Robin) "runs the company, Ghost" (Theo) "defends the family from the law. Blondie" (Meadow) "has a family in Ohio. Rocket and Tiny," (Frances and Riley) "go to school. Firefly and Jo-jo" (Cordelia and Jerome) "assist J with the nightclubs and my sweet Pearl" (Emmy) "assists me with the casinos." His eyes turn to me and Rhea. "You know, Ace, Ripley... I tend not to ask too many questions. I just hear you re helping with the west coast dealings with our family... but what do you two do exactly that you need to make a deal with your brother?"
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"Shes helping me." Rhea says rubbing her wrists, a quirk she had since she was a child. She was nervous and both my parents could tell. I could feel all eyes on us and my parents looked at each other.
For a moment they just looked at each other, My mother lighting a cigarette and taking a deep puff. She handed down the pack in her hand and Theo who was on the other side of you, encouraged you to take one. "You'll need it." He whispered.
My mother looked between me, rhea and J. She knew more then my father, despite popular belief she was protective over her surviving children and she made sure to know about her children's doings while remaining in the shadows. After all, if they knew she was watching they'd hide it better from her. She knew J's anger and hate towards The Bloodline.
The bloodline was another popular gang that rivaled there own. They had the cops under their thumbing ran nearly all the west coast and wanted it all. They were considered better then The Playhouse, they gave to the community, there violence was more hidden from the public because they paid off the networks and while they weren't considered safe, they were more trusted then our family. She knew J hated The Bloodline, he wanted as much of the country under the Playhouse rule and unlike a lot of other gangs, The Bloodline wasn't intimidated by the tales of violence about our family. She also knew Rhea was working with The Bloodline and how she was slowly working her way up the ranks.
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But what she didn't know was why J needed me. She just assumed I ran the casinos with J. Like he told her. Her brown eyes locked into mine, "Are you working with Rhea, darling?" Her eyes flickered from me to j.
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"I work in the casino, father," I lied smoothly. "You know this. The deal with J is that I take some of the money we make and help Rhea with her job."
My mother isn't convinced but nods. My father seems satisfied by this answer. "Are you seeing anyone?" my mother asks and I glance up at J who's face looks rather emotionless. I know he is thinking the same thing as I am. If mom knew, shed try to control it or intervene which would put our whole operation at risk. Rhea and I were both in the enemy's den, if we were found out then it would cause a war between the two factions and we didn't even know which groups if any would take their side.
"Not seriously," I lied again. "Why should I go back with Negan?" I challenged and her face fell. Robin chuckled at her face.
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"mom," Cordelia whined. "Can we order now?"
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yourwaterproofer · 6 months
The Science Behind French Drains: How They Work to Keep Your Ohio Property Dry
French drains may seem like a simple concept, but their effectiveness lies in their clever design and strategic placement. In this article, we'll delve into the science behind French drains and how they work to keep your Ohio property dry and free from water damage.
At its core, a French drain operates on the principle of gravity, using slope and gravity to direct water away from the area of concern. The drain consists of a perforated pipe surrounded by gravel or rock and buried underground, creating a pathway for water to flow freely and away from your home's foundation.
When water enters the soil, either through rainfall, irrigation, or natural groundwater, it percolates down until it encounters the French drain. The perforated pipe allows water to enter the drain, where it is then carried away from the area via gravity. The gravel or rock surrounding the pipe acts as a filter, preventing soil and debris from clogging the pipe while allowing water to flow freely.
One of the key principles behind French drains is the concept of capillary action, which allows water to move against gravity through porous materials such as soil and gravel. This means that even if the soil around the drain is saturated, water can still enter the drain and be carried away, preventing waterlogging and saturation of the surrounding soil.
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Additionally, French drains are designed to intercept both surface runoff and groundwater, making them an effective solution for managing water drainage in a variety of situations. Whether you're dealing with excess rainwater pooling around your home's foundation or groundwater seeping into your basement, French drains provide a reliable pathway for water to escape, keeping your property dry and protected.
Furthermore, French drains can be customized and adapted to suit the specific drainage needs of your Ohio property. Whether you need a simple backyard drainage solution or a comprehensive system to protect your home's foundation, French drains offer versatility and flexibility to address a wide range of drainage challenges.
In conclusion, French drains are an ingenious and effective solution for managing water drainage in Ohio, utilizing gravity and capillary action to keep your property dry and free from water damage. By understanding the science behind French drains and how they work, homeowners can make informed decisions about their drainage needs and invest in a solution that will protect their property for years to come.
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OUR LOCATION 6411 Granger RD, Independence, OH 44131 WORKING HOURS Mon-Fri : 8AM-5PM Sat-Sun : Closed OFFICE PHONE 216-243-5481 EMAIL [email protected]
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shristisahu · 7 months
Global Turbine Pump Leaders | SpendEdge
Originally Published on: SpendEdge |Top 5 Manufacturers of Turbine Pumps Worldwide I SpendEdge 
Turbine pumps, essential in agriculture for liquid transfer, raw water intake, and more, are witnessing soaring demand. Fueled by agriculture and their expanding role in electricity generation, global turbine pump manufacturers are experiencing substantial growth. This SpendEdge procurement-derived report zeroes in on the turbine pump category.
Understanding Turbine Pumps:
Turbine pumps, also known as centrifugal pumps, consist of a rotating device featuring an impeller, pump shaft, and motor. Crafted from materials like plastics, cast iron, steel, and stainless-steel alloys, these pumps serve applications in irrigation, deep-well pumping, and wastewater treatment. Their advantages include a high discharge capacity, efficiency in handling gas-liquid mixtures, and a compact design.
Top 5 Turbine Pump Manufacturers:
Location: Mansfield, Ohio, USA
Overview: Established in 1933, Gorman Rupp specializes in pumps for various markets, offering a product line that includes standard centrifugal pumps, self-priming centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, trash pumps, and more.
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Overview: Founded in 1966, Pentair operates globally, manufacturing high-performance pool and spa equipment and energy-efficient pumps. With a presence in over 30 countries, Pentair is a key player in the turbine pump market.
Location: Winterthur, Switzerland
Overview: Established in 1775, Sulzer Ltd. is a Swiss industrial engineering company and a significant player in turbine pump manufacturing. Specializing in pumping services and solutions, Sulzer is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange.
Location: Irving, Texas, USA
Overview: Founded in 1997, Flowserve Corporation is an American multinational supplying environmental and industrial machinery, including valves, turbine pumps, automation, and mechanical seals. With a global presence, Flowserve provides aftermarket services and products to various industries.
Location: Rye Brook, New York, USA
Overview: Xylem Inc., a water technology company, operates globally with business in over 150 countries. With a workforce exceeding 12,000 employees, Xylem focuses on agricultural applications and water infrastructure.
Additional Manufacturers:
Siemens Energy:
Headquarters: Munich, Germany
Products: Gas turbines, steam turbines, wind turbines, and more
Overview: Siemens Energy, a spin-off from Siemens AG, specializes in energy-related products and services.
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
Products: Aircraft engines, gas turbines, propulsion systems, and more
Overview: Renowned for aerospace engines, Rolls-Royce also produces gas turbines for power generation and other applications.
Mitsubishi Power:
Headquarters: Yokohama, Japan
Products: Gas turbines, steam turbines, power plants, and more
Overview: As a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Power focuses on energy solutions.
Challenges in the Global Industrial Pump Market:
Environmental Regulations:
Increasing regulations and energy efficiency concerns are pushing for sustainable and efficient pump solutions, necessitating manufacturers to adapt to stricter standards.
Technological Advancements:
While technological progress brings opportunities, incorporating advanced technologies demands continuous research and development to stay competitive.
Energy Costs:
Fluctuations in energy prices significantly impact operating expenses for pumps, influencing purchasing decisions.
Opportunities in the Global Industrial Pump Market:
Energy Efficiency and Environmental Concerns:
The growing focus on sustainability creates a demand for energy-efficient pump solutions, presenting opportunities for development.
Rising Demand for Water and Wastewater Management:
Increasing concerns about water scarcity drive demand for pumps in water treatment, distribution, and wastewater management, particularly those efficient in handling diverse fluids.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 8 months
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The  Outdoor Education Center IHS Land Lab
Tulip Trail
Independence, OH 44131
The Independence Local Schools’ Outdoor Education Center in Independence, OH, was once a Nike missile base and now more than 50 acres of protected land in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation area, the land has been restored to its former unspoiled condition.  All forms of native wildlife, plants and animals are given an opportunity to redevelop to their maximum vitality in an environment with minimal human disturbance, according to Dr. Tien Wei Yang, an ecologist who assisted in the early planning of the center, which opened in 1970.  
     The center is not just a bird sanctuary, a wildlife refuge, an arboretum or a live museum, Yang explained.  More than that, it is a place where young and old, can learn to make accurate observations of this redevelopment and this resurgence of life, to record and to interpret these observations.  Managed by the students of the Biology Society at Independence High School -- and more affectionately known as the land lab -- this outdoor nature classroom and wilderness tract has been under the direction of only two advisers in its lifetime.
     Founder William Taylor and current adviser Scott Maretka, who teaches biology at the high school, both share the same vision of exposing students to the outdoors and learning the importance of taking care of their natural environment.  The facilities are used throughout the school year not only by Maretka’s science classes, but by other area school groups. Maretka and his Biology Society students host various nature activities and field trips for students as young as preschool, which he said gave him the idea of creating an outdoor education class for his high school students.
     Maretka said the land lab impacts the community around it by providing the right habitat for a wide diversity of living organisms.  The small pond is a breeding pool for the spotted salamander.  Every student that comes through Independence Schools has an opportunity to experience outdoor education at the land lab, according to Superintendent Ben Hegedish.  This land acquired from the federal government in the late 1960s has been a treasure to the Independence Local Schools for generations. Hegedish understands the fierce passion to protect the land lab and he shares this passion, too.
     The Outdoor Education Center (OEC 1 Site), a Independence Board of Education building, is also an archaeological site of prehistoric people of the Whittlesey culture and earlier. It is located in Independence, Ohio, in a wooden nature preserve along the Cuyahoga River. Animal bones, Madison point stone tools, and Tuttle Hill decorated pottery sherds were attributed to the Whittlesey culture. The excavated items were found over a dispersed area in 1999 by a group led by Mark Kollecker, Supervisor of Archaeology Field Programs of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. From the several excavations, the village sat on two to four acres.
     Kollecker led another Archaeology Field Experience program group in April and May 2000 and found several post molds and nine cooking and storage pits of prehistoric people. A Leimbach cord-marked vessel from about 500 B.C. is believed to be from the Early Woodland period, long before the Whittlesey culture would have lived at the site.[11] Brian G. Redmond led another group during the summer, where more post molds, storage pits, and trash pits were found. One of the storage pits was a large hold for maize 5.4 by 5.1 ft, diameter and depth, respectively. They also found cooking features, many stone tools and pottery, and a partially subterranean sweat lodge.  Animals butchered at the site include small game animals, raccoon, wild turkey, elk and deer. They fished for freshwater mollusk and fish in the Cuyahoga River. Two artifacts may have been used for ceremonial purposes. One was an engrave slate gorget, the other is the skull of dog, which had been drilled with 14 symmetrically-placed holes, cut and ground.
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govindhtech · 10 months
Real-world Impact: Amazon FSx Case Studies
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Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems can now be created up to 9 times faster than previously. The file systems are completely managed, as is already the case with this service, with latency to primary storage being in the sub-millisecond range and latency to the capacity pool being in the tens of milliseconds. You’ll be able to move even more of your most taxing workloads in statistical computing, visual effects, and electronic design automation (EDA) to the cloud thanks to this improved performance.
Scaling Success with Amazon FSx Strategies
Current FSx for ONTAP scale-up file systems have a maximum throughput of 4 GBps and 192 TiB of SSD storage. They are powered by a single pair of servers in an active/passive high availability (HA) arrangement. To provide continuous availability even in the event that an Availability Zone is unavailable, the server pair can be placed in two different Availability Zones or across different fault domains within a single Availability Zone.
With today’s release, ONTAP file systems powered by two to six HA pairs can now have scale-out FSx created for them.
Building a File System for Scaling Out
Using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or by creating code that invokes the Amazon FSx CreateFileSystem function, You can construct a scale-out file system. Using the console, you will first select Amazon FSx
You select a Single-AZ deployment, type in a name, select Standard create, and enter the amount of SSD storage you want. You have three alternatives (more on that in a moment): accept the suggested throughput capacity, select a value from the menu, or enter a value to see my possibilities.
There’s a handy magical feature in the dropdown. It will display one or more options based on your input of the required throughput capacity:
Occasionally, the console may present you with multiple choices for the same required throughput capacity. The following suggestions will assist you in selecting a solution that will perform well for your workload.
Low Throughput: You will only be able to use one HA pair if you select a plan that offers 4 GBps or less. Choosing this option is the easiest if you don’t want a high throughput.
High Storage and/or Throughput: The maximum throughput varies depending on how many HA pairs you supply. Additionally, selecting a solution with more pairs will increase your headroom for potential future increases in allocated storage.
You make your choices, input the typical values for the remaining options, and then click Next to see my settings again. After making sure that my selections for any attributes that cannot be changed after creation are correct, you click Create file system.
You have the ability to alter the supplied IOPS up to once every six hours and to expand the storage capacity.
Currently, if the file system uses multiple HA pairs, the provisioned throughput capacity cannot be altered after formation.
Accessible Right Now
You can begin developing and utilizing scale-out file systems right now in the US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (Ireland) Regions.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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What to Know About Homeowners Association Dues
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Many home buyers ask what an HOA is and what they do. Homeowners associations (HOAs) play a significant role in many residential communities, providing various services and amenities to enhance the living experience for homeowners. One of the essential aspects of HOAs is the collection of HOA fees or homeowners association fees. In this guide, we will examine the intricacies of HOA fees, their purpose, components, what they cover, and how they impact homeowners. When you're done reading, you'll understand the meaning of HOA fees. In my experience as a real estate agent for the past thirty-seven years, one of
Bill Gassett's insight:
HOA or homeowners association fees are recurring payments made by homeowners in a community or neighborhood governed by a homeowners association (HOA). These fees cover various expenses related to the maintenance, management, and upkeep of the common areas and amenities within the community.
One important thing to know about HOA fees is that they can vary significantly from one community to another. The fee amount is typically determined by the HOA board based on the projected expenses for the year. These expenses may include landscaping, maintenance of community facilities such as swimming pools or gyms, security, insurance, and administrative costs. It is essential to carefully review the HOA budget and understand what the fees cover before purchasing a property in an HOA community.
Another critical aspect to consider is that HOA fees are typically mandatory for all homeowners within the community. The fees are usually collected on a monthly or annual basis, and failure to pay them can result in penalties or even legal action. It is essential to budget for these fees when considering the purchase of a property in an HOA community, as they can significantly impact your overall housing costs.
Additionally, it is essential to understand that HOA fees can increase over time. As maintenance costs and other expenses rise, the HOA board may need to adjust the fees to ensure the community's financial stability. Before buying a property, it is advisable to inquire about the history of fee increases in the community and any planned increases shortly. This will help you assess whether the fees are reasonable and sustainable for your budget.
Lastly, being aware of the benefits and potential drawbacks of living in an HOA community is crucial. While the fees contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of shared amenities, such as parks, playgrounds, or clubhouses, they also come with specific rules and regulations that homeowners must abide by.
These rules may govern property appearance, noise restrictions, pet policies, or parking regulations. It is essential to review the HOA's governing documents, known as the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions), to ensure they align with your lifestyle and preferences before deciding to live in an HOA community.
In summary, HOA fees are recurring payments made by homeowners in an HOA community to cover expenses related to the maintenance and management of shared amenities. These fees can vary, so it is important to review the HOA budget and understand what is covered.
      obligation to close this transaction is contingent upon Real Estate appraising at or above 62 final sales price of the Real Estate. Buyer has the right to obtain, at Xxxxx’s expense, an independent appraisal performed by an appraiser 63 licensed in Ohio. In the event the Real Estate does not obtain an appraised value (by either Xxxxx’s or Xxxxxx’s appraiser) equal to or 64 greater than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Contract by delivering written notice to Seller on or before the 65 expiration of (i) the time-frame set forth in Section 3 above for obtaining an appraisal in connection with a cash sale or (ii) the time-frame 66 set forth in Section 3 above for obtaining a loan approval (such applicable time period being referred to as the "Appraisal Contingency 67 Period"). If Xxxxx does not deliver written notice to Seller that Buyer is terminating the Contract prior to the expiration of the Appraisal 68 Contingency Period, then Xxxxx’s right to terminate this Contract due to appraised value shall
          HOA or homeowners association fees are recurring payments made by homeowners in a community or neighborhood governed by a homeowners association (HOA).
  These fees cover various expenses related to the maintenance, management, and upkeep of the common areas and amenities within the community.
  One important thing to know about HOA fees is that they can vary significantly from one community to another. The fee amount is typically determined by the HOA board based on the projected expenses for the year.
  These expenses may include landscaping, maintenance of community facilities such as swimming pools or gyms, security, insurance, and administrative costs. It is essential to carefully review the HOA budget and understand what the fees cover before purchasing a property in an HOA community.
  Another critical aspect to consider is that HOA fees are typically mandatory for all homeowners within the community. The fees are usually collected on a monthly or annual basis, and failure to pay them can result in penalties or even legal action.
  It is essential to budget for these fees when considering the purchase of a property in an HOA community, as they can significantly impact your overall housing costs.
  Additionally, it is essential to understand that HOA fees can increase over time. As maintenance costs and other expenses rise, the HOA board may need to adjust the fees to ensure the community's financial stability.
  Before buying a property, it is advisable to inquire about the history of fee increases in the community and any planned increases shortly. This will help you assess whether the fees are reasonable and sustainable for your budget.
  Lastly, being aware of the benefits and potential drawbacks of living in an HOA community is crucial. While the fees contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of shared amenities, such as parks, playgrounds, or clubhouses, they also come with specific rules and regulations that homeowners must abide by.
  These rules may govern property appearance, noise restrictions, pet policies, or parking regulations. It is essential to review the HOA's governing documents, known as the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions), to ensure they align with your lifestyle and preferences before deciding to live in an HOA community.
  In summary, HOA fees are recurring payments made by homeowners in an HOA community to cover expenses related to the maintenance and management of shared amenities. These fees can vary, so it is important to review the HOA budget and understand what is covered.
      obligation to close this transaction is contingent upon Real Estate appraising at or above 62 final sales price of the Real Estate. Buyer has the right to obtain, at Xxxxx’s expense, an independent appraisal performed by an appraiser 63 licensed in Ohio. In the event the Real Estate does not obtain an appraised value (by either Xxxxx’s or Xxxxxx’s appraiser) equal to or 64 greater than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Contract by delivering written notice to Seller on or before the 65 expiration of (i) the time-frame set forth in Section 3 above for obtaining an appraisal in connection with a cash sale or (ii) the time-frame 66 set forth in Section 3 above for obtaining a loan approval (such applicable time period being referred to as the "Appraisal Contingency 67 Period"). If Xxxxx does not deliver written notice to Seller that Buyer is terminating the Contract prior to the expiration of the Appraisal 68 Contingency Period, then Xxxxx’s right to terminate this Contract due to appraised value shall
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