#Port Fitzroy
trucenz · 2 years
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fazcinatingblog · 1 year
ok i bought a ticket for the VFLM tonight because i'm stupid af. now i just have to decide whether to wear ginni's 33 or trent's 8
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fideidefenswhore · 29 days
Do you think Henry VIII's childhood had a significant impact on his psychological development as an adult?
'Psychological' is not really something we can diagnose from remove; but more reasonably, yeah, I think his childhood set up his...what is a broader, less diagnostic term... emotional blueprint (perhaps even setting up his 'relationship' with God, as he would have understood it)? I think the impact of the death of his elder brother (it's generally argued he wouldn't have felt grief for this because they hadn't been raised together, the extent and intimacy of their interactions was more like cousins than what we think of as usual for siblings, but regardless of how well he 'knew' him, of course this was impactful insofar as it shaped his life by making him heir) and mother within the same year is generally underrated.
He was in the public eye at a very young age, his various ennoblements were granted to counter Warbeck's claim, one can presume that his admiration of Henry V might even have began here (Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports had been Henry V's title as Prince of Wales, Henry VIII will later, mainly, keep this specific title in his family in a pattern that denotes the violent flux of Henrician factional politics: Edward Guildford is his father's appointment, but once he dies, the title goes to his brother-in-law, George Boleyn, after Rochford's execution it's granted to his natural son, Henry Fitzroy, there's an interim exception where it goes to Thomas Cheney, but afterwards it goes to Henry's uncle, Arthur Plantagenet, until his arrest...thereafter it's in a joint office with Cheney again, and Henry's brother-in-law, Thomas Seymour, presumably as a reward for his military services); but there's this succession of threat, ennoblement, threat, sanctuary, reprisal of execution(s) for the threat(s) (and also executions for dynastic security, such as that of Edward Plantagenet, prior to the arrival of his future sister-in-law/wife), threat (in the vulnerability of the succession, once Arthur dies), followed with the death of his mother...
So all this was inevitably going to shape him to believe that there was nothing more important in the world than the Tudor succession, and specifically in his own children (in his more idealistic, optimistic beginning, sons) being the ones to inherit the throne. Why else would God have chosen his father to win Bosworth, why else would God's choice have been Henry instead of Arthur as King, if he doesn't have surviving sons by his first wife, it must have been because his choice in her as the mother of his heirs was contrary to God's will, if he doesn't have surviving sons by his second wife, it must have been because of the same reason (and by Anne, it's possibly compacted by CTE, but I think there was also an element of...by this marriage, it's about his seventh child, that has been miscarried or been stillborn, the severity of her downfall and the observation of 'you never saw prince nor man who made greater show of his horns or bore them more pleasantly' can be attributed to the comfort he might have felt in the extent of the 'depravity' suggesting that her miscarriages had been the children of other men, not his own...tied in with his allegation that Anne had been trying to poison Fitzroy and Mary, again there's ties into the protection of his succession being the general thrust behind these actions, and if it has to be protected by means of violence, well, that was in the marrow from the start...)
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thatbiologist · 1 year
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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thecunnydiaries · 5 months
26th Monday
Very fine: came onboard at 8 AM. Went onshore again on duty: came onboard at noon. Captains Ross & Crozier went down to Port Arthur (the penal Settlement) onboard the Albatros a nice little yacht belonging to Mr Blacket a private Gentleman.
Campbell's Notes:
Ross, Voyage, II. p. 17. ‘ I availed myself of the liberal offer of Mr. Blackett to place his yacht, the “Albatross”, at my service, to enable me to extend the magnetical observations some distance along the coast…’
McCormick, Voyages. I. p. 197. ‘ Friday, 23rd. Mr Blackett’s yacht, the Albatross, anchored in shore of us, and her owner having been a shipmate of mine in H.M.S. Tyne in bygone years, I called on board to see him, and asked him to dine with me on board the Erebus, which he did on the following Sunday.’ McCormick was invalided and took passage home from Beagle (10), Commander Robert FitzRoy, from Rio de Janeiro in Tyne (28), Captain Charles Hope, 28 April to 18 June 1832. McCormick, Voyages, II. pp. 222–3. The Tyne’s muster list (TNAADM 37/8417) shows Midshipman C. Blackett as being on board at this time,so presumably he was McCormick's shipmate.
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nest-being · 4 months
thank god we're moving to tokyo next year because australian suburbia fucking sucks but it's the only place we can afford :( when we lived in the city i used to leave the house and go exploring all the time because i could walk practically anywhere at anytime. if i wanted to go get a toastie or fuck around at the markets or the beach i could. i'd regularly walk from southbank to docklands, south yarra, fitzroy, carlton, port melbourne, st kilda... fucking so many places I used to enjoy going to but now i stay inside all the time because if i walk for an hour from where i am i won't end up anywhere :( sometimes i walk to highpoint or sunshine but there's not really much there tbh. literally haven't left the house in three weeks and i know it's bad and i'm probably extremely vitamin d deficient but i just don't find any joy in being outside around here. plus i live on a really busy road with no crossing, which makes me feel like i'm playing with my life every time i try and cross the street. there have been two car crashes outside my house in the last month, it's a dangerous damn road. anyway, hate it here can't wait to leave!!!!!!!!!!
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
So many hugs to our Californian Thunderfam and those affected by the storms.
Meanwhile the top of Western Australia has received more rain in the last couple of weeks than it has in the past twenty years. Remote communities are in the middle of an inland sea.
Somewhat closer to home, South Australia is coping with the fallout of the eastern Australian floods as the waters make their way down our biggest river system. The Murray-Darling river system finds its way to the sea about 100kms south-east of Adelaide. The entire length of the river is n massive flood drowning homes and businesses. Fortunately we could see it coming and it is much gentler than any of the above and is more of a natural process. But it still makes a mess. Currently the turquoise Southern Ocean beyond the Murray Mouth is full of brown and murky water, which is washing up n our southern beaches.
Climate change is definitely a thing.
Everyone, please stay safe ::so many hugs::
(I have never seen so much water)
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tripideasnz · 1 year
Port Fitzroy
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Another of the pretty harbours on the southern side of Aotea Great Barrier Island.
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stinerbros · 2 years
Papa Machete from Third Horizon on Vimeo.
"Papa Machete" is a glimpse into the life of Alfred Avril, an aging subsistence farmer who lives in the hills of Jacmel, Haiti. He also happens to be a master of the mysterious martial art of Haitian machete fencing, also known as Tire Machèt. Teaching about the practical and spiritual value of the machete—which is both a weapon and a farmer’s key to survival—Avril provides a bridge between his country’s traditional past and its troubled present. The film documents his proud devotion to his heritage and his struggle to keep it alive in the face of contemporary globalization.
A Third Horizon Film In Association with Borscht Corp Co-Produced by Coffee and Celluloid and Four Bent Corners
Directed by Jonathan David Kane Executive Producers / Writers: Jason Fitzroy Jeffers & Keisha Rae Witherspoon Director of Photography: Richard Patterson Co-Producer: Joey Daoud Sound Design: Joel C. Hernandez
papamachete.com haitianfencing.org thirdhorizonmedia.com
Toronto International Film Festival '14 (Toronto, Canada) Borscht Film Festival '14 (Miami, FL, USA) Sundance Film Festival '15 (Park City, UT, USA) Sheffield Documentary Festival '15 (Sheffield, UK) Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival '16 (Clermont-Ferrand, France) Miami International Film Festival '15 (Miami, FL, USA) Blackstar Film Festival '15 (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Traverse City Film Festival '15 (Traverse City, MI) Maryland Film Festival '15 (Baltimore, MD, USA) Zanzibar International Film Festival '15 (Awarded "Best Documentary") (Zanzibar, Tanzania) Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival '15 (Awarded "Best Documentary Short") (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) New Voices in Black Cinema '15 (Brooklyn, NY, USA) Nashville Film Festival '15 (Nashville, TN, USA) Treefort Film Festival '15 (Boise, ID, USA) East Oregon Film Festival '15 (La Grande, OR, USA) Indie Grits Film Festival '15 (Columbia, SC, USA) Little Rock Film Festival '15 (Little Rock, AK, USA) Haiti Film Festival '15 (New York, NY, USA) Regard sur La Court Film Festival '15 (Saguenay, Quebec, Canada) Key West Film Festival '15 (Awarded Best Florida Short) (Key West, FL, USA) Minneapolis Underground Film Festival '15 (Minneapolis, MN, USA) Ambulante Film Festival '15 (Los Angeles, CA, USA) Rooftop Films Summer Series '15 (Brooklyn, NY, USA) Brooklyn Museum '15 (Brooklyn, NY, USA) International Festival of New Latin American Cinema '15 (Havana, Cuba) FEMI Guadeloupe International Film Festival '16 (Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe)
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wherespaulo · 2 years
Ripper Runs along Australia’s City Waterfronts
Jan 30 – Feb 10, 2023
On my way to New Zealand for some trail racing with Race2Adventure I thought I’d stop off en route in Oz for a couple of weeks. It was a chance to explore some of the Australian cities I’d missed in 2016. Not a running vacation as such but that’s always a great way to explore and feel grounded in a new city, especially when jogging alongside likeminded locals.
Brisbane was an obvious choice since it was my first port of entry into Australia after my flight from New York, plus I hoped to catch-up with my cousin whom I’d not seen since my previous trip to Australia in 2016. In the event she was unable to meet up since she was working nights in her job as a maternity nurse.
My hotel, the Royal in the Park, was in a great, secluded spot on the edge of the botanical garden, university, and Brisbane River -- perfect for accessing the riverside footpaths, Bunya Walk, City Reach Boardwalk and Bicentennial Bikeway, which I gladly did for my five mile morning runs followed by bonzer brekkies at the River Bar and Kitchen. A buzzing city with lots of modern high rise development along the river’s north shore, the Goodwill Pedestrian Bridge made for easy access to the south shore and a completely different, low-rise chilled vibe for running along the Clem Jones Promenade. I was surprised how quickly I acclimated from NYC’s freezing winter temperatures, the slight breeze from the river seemingly taking the edge off Sunshine Coasts heat and humidity – being able to acclimate to extremes of hot and cold is something I’ve developed since living in NYC after moving from the more temperate climes of the UK.
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At the numerous Irish bars I continued my search for the elusive and iconic ‘pie floater’, an upside down meat pie submerged in the mushiest of peas. I’d been hooked since my first taster in a small Manhattan Australian café and had started my search for the real thing on home turf during my 2016 Australia trip. But alas, I live in hope as the dish still continued to evade me.
I’d initially hoped to fly my mate Topul over from Papua New Guinea for a quick catch-up since Cairns is very close, but I’d had trouble contacting him – I was worried that his email and social media accounts might have been hacked, so was never sure it was him I was conversing with.
I arrived in the wet low-season so it seemed very quiet in the high humidity which it seemed you could cut with a knife. But lunch and cocktails were beckoning so I quickly discovered Ochre alongside the marina – run by well-known chef Craig Squire, it was hands down the best restaurant of my whole Australia trip! Over the next few days I would visit this place many times, sampling the excellent quinoa salad, tenderloin steak and frozen cocktails amongst other things.
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I discovered Cairns Esplanade, an excellent path along the seafront, full of joggers, for my five mile morning runs with brekky afterwards at Muddy’s overlooking the ocean. The regular downpours provided a welcome respite from the heat and humidity.
Near the start of the 4.4 mile hike up Lumley Hill and Mount Whitfield from the botanical gardens (red and blue arrow circuit) I had an enlightening conversation with a guy coming the other way. He informed me that this was the ‘singles trail’ where chance encounters were rife, claiming that he’d once caught a couple in a delicate position on the summit. And he seemed to be on a mission for more voyeurism. I was skeptical but felt duty bound to keep my eyes open for the rest of the hike, just in case. Suffice to say the only brief encounter I had on the summit was with a beautiful, iridescent butterfly, seemingly intent on making my acquaintance. During my travels through the woods I do seem to have garnered a connection to the butterfly spirit and was grateful for its presence, surmising it was an angel sent in disguise.
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I booked a boat trip to the un-spoilt Fitzroy Island, hoping to get some snorkeling in on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. Encased in a giant condom-like black lycra suit on Nudey Beach (not actually a ‘nudey’ beach) to protect me from any stingers (jellyfish) rather than any transmittable disease, I headed for the water, only to find my snorkeling cut short by a leaky snorkel. Luckily there was a bar close by where I could extricate myself from the lycra capsule and chug a couple of excellent thirst quenching IPA’s.
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I’d never been to the remote west coast so this was a must, but it was an inauspicious start as the day before I arrived a teenager was killed by a bull shark in the Swan River.
Although still hot, I was grateful for the west coast’s low humidity during my five mile morning runs alongside the Swan River. Together with the extra incentive to get back to my hotel, The Alex, for the amazing buffet brekky including marmite/vegemite and cheese puff pastry swirls, it was a perfect recipe (excuse the pun) for speeding me up – as with the pie floater, only the Australians could be so bold as to put these things on the menu!
Always up for sampling the local plonk, I booked the Swan Valley Wineries Tour with d’Vine Tours. With about 15 of us on a small bus and an entertaining driver, we visited three wineries (with lunch at one), a brewery and a chocolate factory. By the end of it we were all fair dinkum sozzled and singing along to the drivers play list.
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On Cottesloe Beach the shark nets looked robust, but I only dared dip my feet in after that shark attack, and laying on the beach while reading was limited without an umbrella. It wasn’t all bad since I’d recently discovered ‘beach strolling’ where I could stretch my legs, take in the views and ponder the meaning of life, all while attempting to translate the mysterious language of the crashing wave, a language which has so far eluded me.
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I strolled through miles of sandy trails that run through Perth’s beautiful botanical gardens. With its dry, Mediterranean type summer climate, the trees are typical of a dry forest region with many eucalyptus and pines amongst others, and inhabited by noisy flocks of large Carnaby’s black cockatoo’s which seemed to have fun bombarding me with squawks and pinecones.
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A quick train trip to Freemantle, Perth’s old town which became the primary destination for transported convicts from 1850, was a worthwhile detour. As I strolled alongside quaint Victorian style architecture in the scorching sun, with their resplendent verandas, I couldn’t help noticing how many had been taken over by public houses – and after a quick visit to one of them to quench my thirst, I pondered the age old mystery of why such a beer drinking nation sells so many tasteless brews.
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hztghfzdgn · 21 days
Discover Your Dream Home: Houses for Sale in Melbourne
The Appeal of Melbourne
Melbourne is Australia’s second-largest city and is often regarded as the cultural capital of the country. It boasts world-class restaurants, shopping, and entertainment options, along with a strong focus on education and innovation. The city is also home to numerous parks, gardens, and outdoor spaces, making it a perfect blend of urban living and natural beauty. These factors, combined with a diverse population and a strong economy, make Melbourne a highly desirable place to live.
Diverse Neighborhoods to Explore
One of the most attractive aspects of Melbourne is its diverse neighborhoods, each with its own unique character and charm. From the trendy inner-city suburbs to the peaceful outer regions, there’s a perfect spot for everyone.
Inner-City Suburbs: If you crave the hustle and bustle of city life, houses for sale in melbourne consider neighborhoods like South Yarra, Carlton, and Fitzroy. These areas offer proximity to the CBD, vibrant nightlife, and excellent public transport. The houses here are often stylish, with a mix of historic Victorian terraces and modern apartments.
Family-Friendly Suburbs: For those looking to raise a family, Melbourne’s outer suburbs like Glen Waverley, Doncaster, and Berwick offer larger homes, great schools, and safe communities. These areas are known for their spacious properties, parks, and recreational facilities.
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Coastal Living: If you dream of living by the beach, suburbs like Brighton, St Kilda, and Port Melbourne are ideal. These areas combine the charm of coastal living with easy access to the city. Expect to find beautiful homes with stunning ocean views, modern amenities, and a relaxed lifestyle.
Up-and-Coming Areas: Melbourne’s property market is always evolving, and suburbs like Footscray, Preston, and Coburg are gaining popularity. These areas offer more affordable housing options, vibrant communities, and significant growth potential.
The Current Market
Melbourne’s housing market is dynamic, land for sale melbourne with property prices reflecting the city’s popularity and economic strength. While inner-city properties tend to be on the pricier side, there are still plenty of affordable options available, particularly in the outer suburbs and up-and-coming areas. The market has remained resilient even through economic fluctuations, making it a stable investment option for buyers.
Tips for Homebuyers
Research: Take the time to explore different neighborhoods and understand what each one offers. Consider factors like proximity to work, schools, and public transport.
Budget: Set a realistic budget and stick to it. Remember to factor in additional costs like stamp duty, legal fees, and home inspections.
Get Pre-Approved: Obtain pre-approval for a mortgage to give you a clear idea of what you can afford and to strengthen your position when making an offer.
Work with a Local Real Estate Agent: A local agent can provide invaluable insights into the Melbourne market and help you find the right property faster.
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trucenz · 2 years
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collingsrealestate · 2 months
Maximising Profits: A Guide to Effective Short Rental Management in Melbourne
Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture, diverse population, and world-class attractions, has become a hotspot for short-term rentals. Property owners and investors are capitalizing on this trend, turning homes and apartments into lucrative short-term rental properties. However, the key to maximizing profits lies in effective Melbourne short rental management. This guide aims to provide actionable tips for property owners to optimize their short-term rental operations, ensuring they not only attract guests but also maximize their revenue.
Understanding the Melbourne Short-Term Rental Market
Overview of the Current Market Trends
The short-term rental market in Melbourne is booming. With the rise of platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com, travelers increasingly prefer the personalized and unique experiences that short-term rentals offer over traditional hotels. Recent trends indicate a steady growth in demand, especially in areas close to major events and attractions. The market is also seeing a shift towards longer stays, driven by remote work and digital nomadism, making it essential for property owners to adapt their strategies accordingly.
Popular Areas for Short-Term Rentals in Melbourne
Melbourne boasts several prime locations for short-term rentals. The CBD remains a top choice due to its proximity to business districts, entertainment venues, and public transport. Suburbs like Fitzroy, St Kilda, and South Yarra are also popular, offering a mix of trendy cafes, boutiques, and nightlife. Coastal areas such as Brighton and Port Melbourne attract guests seeking a beachside retreat, while inner-city suburbs like Carlton and Richmond are favored for their cultural and dining experiences.
Key Demographics and Target Audiences
Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective Melbourne short rental management. The primary demographics include tourists, business travelers, and students. Families looking for vacation rentals and digital nomads seeking longer stays are also significant segments. Tailoring your property to meet the needs of these groups, whether through specific amenities or marketing strategies, can significantly boost your booking rates and profitability.
Setting Up Your Property for Success
Furnishing and Decorating Tips to Attract Guests
First impressions matter. A well-furnished and aesthetically pleasing property can attract more bookings and justify higher rates. Opt for a modern, clean, and functional design. Choose durable furniture that can withstand frequent use, and incorporate elements that reflect Melbourne’s unique charm. Adding local artwork, comfortable bedding, and thoughtful touches like indoor plants can create a welcoming atmosphere that resonates with guests.
Importance of Professional Staging and Photography
Professional staging and photography are critical components of successful short-term rental listings. High-quality photos can significantly impact a guest’s decision to book your property. Consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in real estate to capture your space in the best light. Staging your property to highlight its best features can also make a substantial difference, showcasing its potential and appealing to a broader audience.
Essential Amenities to Offer for a Competitive Edge
Offering essential amenities can give your property a competitive edge. Wi-Fi, air conditioning, heating, and fully equipped kitchens are basics that guests expect. Additional perks like coffee machines, laundry facilities, and entertainment options (e.g., Netflix, board games) can enhance the guest experience. Providing toiletries, extra linens, and a welcome pack with local recommendations can also leave a lasting impression and encourage positive reviews.
Pricing Strategies
Dynamic Pricing: How to Adjust Rates Based on Demand
Dynamic pricing involves adjusting your rates based on demand, seasonality, and local events. Use tools like Airbnb’s Smart Pricing or third-party software to automate rate adjustments. By monitoring market trends and competitor pricing, you can set optimal rates that maximize occupancy and revenue. During high-demand periods, such as major sporting events or festivals, increasing your rates can significantly boost profits.
Using Pricing Tools and Software
Pricing tools and software can streamline your pricing strategy. Platforms like Beyond Pricing, PriceLabs, and Wheelhouse offer insights into market trends and competitor rates, helping you set competitive prices. These tools can also automate rate adjustments, ensuring your property remains competitively priced without constant manual intervention.
Offering Discounts and Special Deals to Attract Longer Stays
Offering discounts and special deals can attract longer stays, which are often more profitable and less time-consuming to manage. Weekly and monthly discounts can appeal to business travelers, remote workers, and families. Special deals during off-peak seasons can also help maintain steady bookings. Highlight these offers in your listings to attract guests looking for extended stays.
Marketing Your Property
Effective Use of Online Platforms
Online platforms like Airbnb, Booking.com, and Vrbo are essential for marketing your short-term rental. Ensure your property is listed on multiple platforms to reach a broader audience. Optimize your listings with detailed descriptions, high-quality photos, and accurate information. Respond promptly to inquiries and maintain a high rating to improve your property’s visibility in search results.
Creating Compelling Property Listings
Creating compelling property listings is an art. Write engaging descriptions that highlight your property’s unique features and benefits. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for potential guests. Include key information such as location, amenities, and nearby attractions. Incorporate keywords like "Melbourne short rental management" to improve search engine optimization and attract more views.
Utilizing Social Media and Local Advertising
Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your short-term rental. Create accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your property. Share high-quality photos, guest testimonials, and local tips to engage potential guests. Collaborate with local influencers and tourism boards to reach a wider audience. Local advertising, such as listing in tourism guides and collaborating with nearby businesses, can also drive bookings.
Leveraging Guest Reviews and Testimonials
Guest reviews and testimonials are invaluable for building credibility and attracting new bookings. Encourage guests to leave reviews by providing excellent service and following up with a polite request. Highlight positive reviews in your listings and on social media. Address any negative feedback promptly and professionally to demonstrate your commitment to guest satisfaction.
Streamlining Operations and Guest Experience
Implementing Efficient Check-In and Check-Out Processes
Efficient check-in and check-out processes are crucial for guest satisfaction. Consider implementing self-check-in options like keyless entry systems or lockboxes to offer flexibility. Provide clear instructions and communicate these details in advance. Ensure the check-out process is simple and straightforward, with clear guidelines on what guests need to do before leaving.
Communication Tips for Interacting with Guests
Effective communication is key to a positive guest experience. Be responsive and available to answer questions before and during their stay. Use messaging platforms provided by booking sites to keep all communications in one place. Personalize your interactions by addressing guests by name and tailoring your messages to their needs. Providing a local guide or personalized recommendations can enhance their stay and leave a lasting impression.
Ensuring High Standards of Cleanliness and Maintenance
Maintaining high standards of cleanliness and maintenance is non-negotiable. Hire professional cleaning services to ensure your property is spotless between guests. Regularly inspect the property for any maintenance issues and address them promptly. Provide cleaning supplies and instructions for guests to use during their stay. A clean and well-maintained property can lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings.
Providing Exceptional Customer Service to Encourage Repeat Bookings
Exceptional customer service can set your property apart and encourage repeat bookings. Go the extra mile by offering personalized touches, such as a welcome note or a small gift. Be proactive in addressing any issues and ensure guests feel valued and appreciated. Follow up after their stay to thank them and invite them to return. Building a rapport with guests can lead to long-term relationships and consistent bookings.
Legal Considerations and Compliance
Understanding Melbourne’s Short-Term Rental Regulations
Navigating Melbourne’s short-term rental regulations is essential for staying compliant. Familiarize yourself with local laws and zoning regulations that apply to short-term rentals. Some areas may have restrictions on the number of days you can rent out your property or require permits. Staying informed about these regulations can prevent legal issues and fines.
Licensing and Registration Requirements
Depending on your location, you may need to obtain a license or register your property as a short-term rental. Check with your local council for specific requirements. Completing the necessary paperwork and displaying your registration number in your listings can demonstrate your commitment to legal compliance and build trust with guests.
Ensuring Insurance Coverage for Short-Term Rentals
Insurance is a critical consideration for short-term rentals. Standard homeowner’s insurance may not cover short-term rental activities. Look for specialized short-term rental insurance that provides coverage for property damage, liability, and loss of income. Having the right insurance can protect you from potential risks and give you peace of mind.
Managing Finances
Tracking Expenses and Revenues
Effective financial management involves tracking your expenses and revenues meticulously. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to record all income and expenses related to your short-term rental. This includes booking fees, cleaning costs, maintenance expenses, and utilities. Regularly review your financial statements to identify trends and areas for improvement.
Budgeting for Maintenance and Upgrades
Budgeting for maintenance and upgrades is essential for keeping your property in top condition and competitive in the market. Set aside a portion of your rental income for regular maintenance and unexpected repairs. Plan for periodic upgrades to furniture, appliances, and decor to keep your property appealing to guests. Investing in your property can lead to higher occupancy rates and increased revenue.
Tax Considerations for Short-Term Rental Income
Understanding tax considerations is crucial for short-term rental income. Keep accurate records of all income and expenses to report on your tax returns. Consult with a tax professional to ensure you’re aware of any deductions you may be eligible for, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation. Staying compliant with tax regulations can prevent penalties and maximize your after-tax profits.
Leveraging Technology for Management
Property Management Software and Tools
Leveraging property management software and tools can streamline your operations. Platforms like Guesty, Hostfully, and Lodgify offer features for managing bookings, payments, and communications. These tools can automate routine tasks, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors. Explore the available options to find a solution that fits your needs and budget.
Automation of Bookings, Payments, and Communications
Automation can significantly enhance your efficiency in managing short-term rentals. Automated booking systems can synchronize your listings across multiple platforms, reducing the risk of double bookings. Automated payment systems ensure timely collection of rental fees and security deposits. Automated communication tools can send confirmation emails, check-in instructions, and follow-up messages, improving the guest experience.
Smart Home Devices to Enhance Guest Experience
Smart home devices can elevate the guest experience and improve your property’s appeal. Keyless entry systems, smart thermostats, and smart lighting can provide convenience and comfort for guests. Devices like noise monitors and security cameras can help you manage your property more effectively and ensure guest safety. Investing in smart technology can lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings.
Partnering with Professionals
Benefits of Hiring a Property Management Company
Hiring a property management company can take the hassle out of managing your short-term rental. These professionals can handle everything from marketing and bookings to guest communications and maintenance. While this service comes at a cost, it can save you time and reduce stress, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life or business.
How to Choose the Right Property Manager
Choosing the right property manager is crucial for successful Melbourne short rental management. Look for a company with experience in managing short-term rentals and a proven track record of success. Check reviews and ask for references to ensure they provide high-quality service. Discuss their fees and services in detail to understand what you’re getting for your investment.
Outsourcing Cleaning and Maintenance Services
Outsourcing cleaning and maintenance services can ensure your property remains in top condition. Professional cleaning services can maintain high standards of cleanliness between guests. Hiring maintenance professionals can address repairs and upgrades promptly. Establish a reliable network of service providers to handle these tasks efficiently and cost-effectively.
Partner With Melbourne Professionals
Maximizing profits in the competitive Melbourne short-term rental market requires effective management and strategic planning. By understanding the market, setting up your property for success, implementing dynamic pricing, and leveraging technology, you can optimize your operations and enhance the guest experience. Staying compliant with legal regulations and managing your finances diligently are also crucial. Partnering with professionals can further streamline your operations and ensure your property stands out. Implementing the strategies discussed in this guide can help you achieve sustained success and maximize your profits in the Melbourne short-term rental market.
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Darts Every Thursday Night!
Welcome to Port Phillip Darts League
Darts Every Thursday Night!
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66 Fitzroy St, St Kilda VIC 3182, Australia
03 9534 5229
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