shooting-stars01 · 5 years
Temptations of Time (Pt.5)
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Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
A/N: Hello everyone!  This week has been crazy for me.  I am currently sick so this chapter took longer to put together than I thought it would.  I apologize if there are any mistakes that I didn’t catch.  I promise that the next chapter will have more “steamy” moments.  As with the other chapters, this is not canon, just a story I created using characters from the MCU.  Hope you enjoy!  
Synopsis: You were taken from your home when you were too little to remember the truth.  You are the last surviving royal from your home, and in an attempt to continue the royal bloodline of your family, Odin, King of Asgard, arranges a marriage between you and his son Thor.  Despite this, over the years, you have culminated a friendship w/ his brother Loki, and though you are promised to Thor, you long for something more between you and his mysterious brother.  
Pairing: Loki X Reader/ A little Thor X Reader 
Chapter: 5/? 
Words: 4.1K 
Warnings: Arranged Marriage, a little smut ( I will put an asterisk [*] when the smut begins and ends so that those who wish to skip it may) 
“I felt the cold settle in my bones, fearing for the worst, that Loki would never speak to me again, that it was over, but as I sat down at the table and began to eat, a heated determination began to settle within me.  Two could play at his game.  He wanted to be stubborn, well so could I.”
I awoke to the feeling of heat against my skin, the light from the sun cascading down through the open window and landing on the length of my side.  It was calming and I felt lethargic, wanting nothing more than to bask in the sunlight with Loki by my side.  He was still asleep, his face peaceful and angelic.  His hair splayed out underneath his head and I ran my fingers through it, enjoying seeing him without his usual facade.  I leaned over and pressed a light kiss to his forehead and moved my lips to ghost over his.  His eyes fluttered open, still adjusting to the bright light and I lowered my head back down to the pillow, waiting for him to wake up completely.  
I wanted to stay like this forever, basking in the afterglow of the most perfect night I ever had, but I needed to leave soon.  My maid would be coming back to my room any minute if she hadn’t gone in for the morning already, and if I wasn’t there, I wasn’t sure I would be able to come up with a good enough lie as to where I had been.  Loki would be perfect in helping me come up with something clever to say.  He always handled such situations with an elegance that was both mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time.  
“It’s time for me to head back now.”  I lay my head on his chest, holding him close, not ready to say goodbye just yet.  
“I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”  He ran his hands through my hair, pulling out some of the knots that formed during the night.  
“Me too.”  I didn’t know what else to say.  I was helpless against my own fate, unable to fight destiny, and it was my fault that Loki had been caught up in the mess.  In a few weeks, I would be married to his brother, and though I wanted whatever ‘this’ was with Loki to continue, I didn’t know if I had it in me to go behind Thor’s back.  Technically, I was doing the same thing now, but it was different.  Thor and I weren’t married yet.  I hadn’t made a vow to him, but when I did, I knew it was bound to change everything between Loki and me.  Would he constantly be angry I was married to his brother?  Would he be able to look at me the same?  These questions haunted me now in the aftermath of what we had done, but nothing had ever felt more right, more perfect than his arms wrapped around me, his mouth on mine, his fingers inside me.  Loki and I were made for each other, but this whole marriage thing was in the way of that and all we could do was sit back and spend what time we could together, waiting for the inevitable to happen.  
I lifted myself from Loki’s side, using my elbows to help prop myself up from the bed.  I let the sheets slip away from my naked form, allowing the sun to dance on my bare skin, the warmth making me feel sleepy once again.  I entertained the idea of staying, of letting Odin find me here in bed with the son whom he had grown to resent.  It thrilled me and I found a feeling of wetness growing between my legs.  As if Loki could read my mind, he maneuvered his way on top of me and placed his lips on mine.  At some point in the night he must have removed all his clothes and his bare skin on mine felt like heaven.  Last night I had been denied access to almost all of him, only being allowed to explore his chest, but I would take advantage of this morning to prove my love, my desire, my devotion.  With all the strength I could muster, I caught Loki off guard and flipped him over so that I was on top of him.  He let out a gasp of surprise and I used the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth.  When he regained his bearings, the fight for dominance began.  This time, I did not give in as easily as I had the night before.  He seemed unwilling to give up and I eventually broke away, needing to take a moment to breathe.  He seemed rather pleased with himself and it was at that moment it became my sole purpose to wipe the smug grin off his face.  I began to move my way down his body, tracing the path with small kisses.  His eyes grew wider as he realized what I was about to do.  When I finally reached his manhood, I saw in the daylight how truly large it was for the first time.  I felt the slick wetness sliding between my thighs as I imagined all the different ways he could take me. 
I took his member in my hand, not entirely sure what I was doing, but I knew I was doing something right when I placed a soft kiss on the tip and his eyes fluttered back into his head.  I moved my mouth, attempting to take as much of him in as I could, and placed my hands around what I couldn’t fit.  I moved up and down his length, drawing out the pace, wanting to tease him as he had done with me the night before.  I could feel myself growing more and more aroused with each stutter and moan that left his perfect mouth.   
He soon grew frustrated with my slow pace and gripped my hair in his hands, encouraging me to move faster.  I felt I had teased him long enough and decided to oblige, wanting to see and hear him as he came.  I sped up my actions, doing my best to take as much of him into my mouth as I could as he steadily began to lose control.  It took only a few more seconds before he fell over the edge, moaning out and cumming into my mouth.  I swallowed, not wanting to leave behind any evidence of our encounter.  I removed myself from him, laying back on the bed beside him.  He moved his hand over my breast and began to massage it, attempting to pay me back for the pleasure I had given him, and as much as I wanted to stay, we had already pushed our luck a great amount.  I placed my hand on top of his, brought it to my lips and kissed it before placing it on the bed.  I turned so I was facing him in the bed and looking into his eyes, I had all but decided this was how I wanted to wake up every morning, but I knew I had to face reality eventually.  I pulled him into a soft kiss, taking the time to memorize everything about it from the way his mouth tasted to the way his lips were a touch cold, creating a wonderful contrast on my heated skin.  
I pushed myself from the bed and retrieved my nightgown which had been tossed into a corner of the room in the heat of last night.    
“I don’t want you to go.”  He pleaded with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.
“I don’t want to go either, but we both know I have to.”  
“We could just run away together, find some far off place.”  He was practically begging.    
“Yes, I’m sure that would go over quite well...  Please, can we not ruin the moment?  I just want this feeling to last a little longer...okay?”  
“Okay.”  He looked somber, resigned.  I knew he wanted to fight me on this, to find some way for us to be together away from all this mess, but I didn’t want to think about it at the moment.  We could wish all we wanted, talk about it all we wanted, plan to get away all we wanted, but nothing was going to change the fact that I was promised to his brother.  I might have agreed to run away, but I needed this alliance, my people needed this alliance.  My home had been in a state of weakness for so long after the rebellion which claimed my parent’s lives, and almost mine, and the only thing keeping my people and my home safe was this very marriage.  Without it, my home would collapse into nothing.  I would not turn my back on my people no matter how I personally felt about the marriage.  
“I promise we’ll be together again soon.  We’ll find a way.”  I wanted to leave it on a hopeful note.  I wanted to believe what I said, but as I said the words, I felt they held no truth and it seemed that even Loki didn’t believe it either, but he gave me a small smile, the glimmer in his eyes steadily returning.  
I opened the door of his room and before stepping out, blew him one last kiss and quickly shut the door behind me.  
I could tell it was still early in the morning by the angle of the shadows cast throughout the hallway.  Perhaps, if I hurried, I could make it back to my room before my maid got there.  I scurried throughout the corridors as fast as I could, trying to make myself as invisible as possible.  When I reached my room without bumping into anyone, a great weight was lifted off my shoulders and I entered, hoping nothing had been disturbed.  I found the curtains were still closed and nothing had been set out of place, which meant my maid had not yet entered.  I let out a sigh of relief.  I was in the clear.  
I practically threw myself on the bed, feeling the stress slowly melt away into the darkness of the room, the smell of lavender calming my nerves.  I felt tired, both from the stress of coming back to my room and from not getting much sleep.  I found within a few minutes of laying on the bed, I began to fall back to sleep, that was until my maid burst into the room, startling me from my blissful haze.  
“Morning M’lady.”  She moved to draw back the curtain, allowing the sun to cascade through the window and fall right into my tired eyes.  Shielding them from the sun, I struggled to pick myself off the bed and move to sit in front of the vanity mirror.  My maid came up behind me and began to brush my hair.  
I grew bored of the silence quickly and hoped starting a conversation with my maid would be an easy way to keep from falling back to sleep.  
“Do you ever wish you could do something else?” 
“M’lady?”  She looked entirely taken aback by my question, as though it were some kind of trap.  
“Just a bit of light conversation.” 
“So do you?”  
“No M’lady.  My service is to the King and his royal family.”  I wasn’t sure if she was saying what she thought I wanted to hear or if she had been trained to respond that way.  I could tell by the stiffness in her voice she didn’t mean what she said and I wondered if she had spoken the truth what her answer would have been.  I wished to have her as a friend, not just some poor girl who dressed and bathed me.  I craved some other sort of companionship in this castle, someone who I could trust and confide in.  I needed someone whom I could talk to but it seemed I had been looking in the wrong place.  Of course my maid could never see me as a friend.  
When my maid was done prepping my hair and face for the day, she moved to the closet and retrieved a dress for the day.  It was a beautiful green and reminded me of the color of Loki’s bedsheets.  My cheeks flushed at the thought of his bed and I had to suppress a smile.  I was dressed quickly and left to go to the dining hall for breakfast, looking forward to getting something to eat.  I was absolutely starving.  
When I walked into the dining hall, I was met with a smiling Thor and a gloomy looking Loki.  I had been expecting Loki to look at least a bit happier after the night we had and I felt my joy fade a little, becoming a bit more unsure of the situation.  Had he resigned to thinking our situation was hopeless and had decided to give up?  I felt my stomach drop at the thought, knowing that no matter what happened, I never wanted him to give up on us.  I suppose it wasn’t fair of me to expect him to wait around for something that may never come, but my heart longed for him, longed for him to long for me.  I wanted to be desired by him, to drive him crazy by the simple thought of me.  
Thor greeted me by taking my hand in his and kissing the top of it lightly.  I smiled at him, wanting to appear as polite as possible, after all, I had acted so strangely the night before at dinner.  I didn’t want to let on that anything out of the ordinary was happening.  
“How are you today Lady y/n?”  Thor pushed my seat in after I sat down, being as gentlemanly as possible.  
“Quite well.  And you, your Grace?” 
“The same.”  His grin seemed to grow even wider which I didn’t think was possible; his charm practically tangible at this point and I found the tension I felt upon arriving slowly melt away.  
I risked a quick glance towards Loki, hoping to catch his eye, to find some sort of assurance from him that things were still fine between us, but he was busy staring down at his plate.  His demeanor made me feel strange and empty.  The contrast between how we had been together this morning, happy and light, in love, to how we were now, isolated, not allowed to show any sort of connection, left me feeling uneasy.   I didn’t know if I could continue on like this, sitting together, but somehow separated.   
“So Lady y/n... I was thinking that perhaps today we could visit the lake together.”  Thor, ever so polite.  I saw Loki from the corner of my eye, his hands gripping the underside of the table attempting to control the angry shake in his hands.  I didn’t want to upset him, but I couldn’t turn down his brother.  Thor was a prince and not just any prince, he was next in line for the throne and my fiance.  I did not have a choice in the matter.  It was expected of me to follow and so I did.  
“That sounds lovely.”  I feigned a smile and to end the conversation, I took a bite out of my food.  When Thor began a conversation with his mother and father over some detail in the wedding and those at the table became fairly distracted, I, as stealthily as possible, stretched my hand over to Loki and took his hand in mine, attempting to reassure him that nothing had changed between us and nothing would happen between his brother and me.  It was a silent promise.  His hand clamped down over mine and though we couldn’t look at each other or speak to acknowledge the moment, it felt special and I felt comfortable in the bond we had.  
Breakfast ended quicker than I wanted.  I was not eager to begin my day with Thor, not because I didn’t enjoy his company, but out of the fear it would destroy the progress I made with Loki.  At the breakfast table I felt how fragile the string was which held us together and I didn’t want to go back to the way we were before.  I think it would kill me to pretend as if nothing happened between us.  Last night would be burned into my memory for eternity and nothing made me happier than the feelings of comfort that thought brought.  
Loki was the first to excuse himself from the table, leaving without a single glance in my direction.  I tried to convince myself it didn’t mean anything, that he was just trying to make it appear as it always had been between us, no affection, no affiliation.  I was sure it was nothing, but that didn’t stop my brain from thinking of all the worst possible things.  I was ripped out of these thoughts when Thor got up from the table too.  He pulled out my chair for me and held out his hand, helping me to stand.  We said our goodbyes to the King and Queen and then he led me out of the dining hall and into the halls of the castle.  The sun cast beautiful shadows into the halls, making the palace seem even grander than it already was.  
“What exactly are we going to be doing at the lake today?” 
“Well, that is a surprise.”  
“A surprise?”  I was not one for surprises.  I had been kept in the dark for so long in Asgard and for too long forced to deal with the deception in court, so the idea of a surprise did not arouse feelings of excitement in me.  Thor could sense my apprehension and moved to grab my hand in an attempt to reassure me.  
“It’s nothing bad.  I promise...nothing too grand, just a nice day to get away from all ‘this.’”  He gestured to the palace.  I never thought about how much all this political stuff must take a toll on him.  This whole time I imagined he thrived on it, that it was like second nature to him the way it was to his father.  It was one of the reasons I never sought further connection with him, I felt his love for the palace and the people in it separated us beyond reconciliation.  It was refreshing to see this side of him and I wondered if his father hadn’t encouraged the separation between him and Loki if they would get along better than they thought.  
When we reached the lake, I was taken aback by its beauty.  I wasn’t allowed to wander this far away from the castle usually so I had never seen the lake before.  There were many moments in the castle when I often thought about the many things on Asgard I had been denied to see because of my position, but never before had the extent of my captivity and what exactly I had been missing out on hit me so hard 
“Do you like it?” 
“It’s very nice.”  I wanted to appear reserved in my reaction.  I didn’t want to give Thor the false impression this would be a successful attempt at the two of us growing closer.  
“Are you going to tell me now what our day has in store?” 
“Ah yes!”  His face lit up with excitement.  “I was thinking we could take a boat out on the lake and have lunch.” 
“But we just ate breakfast.”  
“Well, I thought we could do some paddling first.  Takes a lot more energy than you would think.  I guarantee you’ll be starving in no time.”  He was so cheerful and I suppose I let it get to me a bit.  I felt drunk off his enthusiasm and was rather excited to begin our day on the lake.  Perhaps I had been too callous and cold in my approach to this.  Just because I was having a good time and making a connection with Thor didn’t mean anything had to grow into something more or change between Loki and me.  
We walked towards a small boat that was stationed near a tree at the bank of the river.  It looked rickety and I was not too eager to step onto it.  Thor climbed into the boat first and then offered his hand to me, steadying us and I stepped in.  It was a rocky ordeal as I tried to find my balance and eventually settled into the seat, still feeling unsteady.  He pushed off of the shore with the oars and we began to drift off into the water.  
“It’s rather beautiful outside today.”  He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to respond, hoping I would end the awkward silence.  
“Please tell me you didn’t drag me all the way out here so we could talk about the weather.”  
“No, of course not.  We can talk about other things like…” He paused for a moment, trying to come up with something interesting to say.  
“Why don’t we start with something simple.  You could ask me what I like best about Asgard or something like that.”  He smiled and nodded his head.  
“What do you like best about Asgard?”  I let a weak smile overtake my face.  
“Well, I like the gardens, love the gardens actually.  And the royal library is fascinating.  Some of the books are even older than Asgard, gathered from all across the universe.”  
What’s your favorite kind of book to read?”  
“I love reading books about my home.  I was too young when I was taken to remember much from it.  Reading about my traditions and cultures, the life I would have had if the rebellion hadn’t started, I don’t know, in some ways it gives me a sense of comfort.”  I leaned back against the seat of the boat, not knowing how Thor would respond to my answer.  
“I’m sorry about what happened.  Sometimes I forget the reason you’re here, what the rebellion did to you, your family.”  I tried to avoid his gaze, not wanting him to see the vulnerability in my eyes.  
“Yea.  So what about you?  What’s your favorite kind of book?” 
“Oh.  Well, I don’t really have much time for reading.  I’m mostly dealing with my father and issues of the court.”  
“I’m sorry.”  His eyes seemed glazed over.  
“No, it’s fine.  It’s what I was born to do.”  
“Yes, but don’t you ever wish you could do something else?” He looked up and stared directly into my eyes.  It was a piercing gaze and I felt as though he could read every thought I ever had.  
The day had been truly wonderful.  We talked about so many things.  I had started off the day wanting a friend in which I could confide in, find some sort of companionship, and now I believed I had found it in Thor.  Granted, I couldn’t tell him everything, but I felt like I understood him and he understood me.  We made it back to the castle just as the sun was about to descend behind the last hill.  We walked towards the entrance to the dining hall at a hurried pace, past the point of starving and practically jumping at the thought of food.  
Just outside the door, right as we were about to enter, Thor gently put his hand against my arm causing me to stop.  
“I just wanted to let you know I had a really great time today.” he gave me his big smile which I had grown so accustomed to.  
“I did too.”  He looked relieved.  
I was about to turn to walk into the dining hall when Thor leaned down and placed his lips on mine.  I was caught entirely by surprise.  In all the ways I had imagined today going, I had not pictured this.  
It was a simple quick peck, nothing invasive and I figured nothing could be wrong with that, but I immediately realized my mistake in thinking so when I turned and saw Loki standing a few paces back.  Thor turned around to see his brother and greeted him with a large grin, not knowing how deeply Loki had been affected by what he happened to witness.  Loki began to move towards the two of us and I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise and goosebumps begin to break out on my skin.  When Loki reached us, Thor gave him a quick slap on the back and then opened the doors, walking into the dining hall where the King and Queen were already waiting.  I tried to grab Loki’s hand or even just catch his gaze before he entered the room, hoping to show with my gestures that the kiss was not my doing, but he walked past me, leaving a wide space between us, avoiding my eyes at all costs.  I felt the cold settle in my bones, fearing for the worst, that Loki would never speak to me again, that it was over, but as I sat down at the table and began to eat, a heated determination began to settle within me.  Two could play at his game.  He wanted to be stubborn, well so could I.  
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
New chapter for Temptations of Time coming Monday!
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
Temptations of Time (Part 4)
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A/N: I am finally back with Temptations of Time!  I kind of forgot how much I loved writing this series.  I’ve actually had this written for a long time but was afraid to post it, but here it is finally.  If there are any mistakes, I am sorry, and please feel free to let me know.  As with the other chapters, this is not canon, just a story I came up with involving characters from the MCU.  Hope you enjoy!  Also, any feedback is greatly appreciated.  :) 
Synopsis: You were taken from your home when you were too little to remember the truth.  You are the last surviving royal from your home, and in an attempt to continue the royal bloodline of your family, Odin, King of Asgard, arranges a marriage between you and his son Thor.  Despite this, over the years, you have culminated a friendship w/ his brother Loki, and though you are promised to Thor, you long for something more between you and his mysterious brother.  
Pairing: Loki X Reader/A little Thor X Reader 
Chapter: 4/? 
Words: 3,600 
Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Smut (I will put an asterisk [*] when the smut begins and ends so that those who wish to skip it may) 
“ If my time spent with Loki had taught me anything, it was to live in the moment and accept the consequences later.  There was nothing I loved more than the thrill it gave me to be in his presence, and tonight we had shared something more intimate than I ever thought possible.” 
The door whipped open, leaving me no time to prepare myself for what I would say.  I had spent so long waiting for this one moment,  but I never thought about what exactly I was going to tell him, though I had given a great deal of thought about how he could react badly to what I said.  I felt the anxiety building, realizing there was no turning back now.  I would have to face this because he would know if I was lying or hiding something from him.  
    He stood in the middle of the doorway, looking mildly annoyed by the intrusion, but a small smile grew on his face when he realized it was me.  
    “Hello, Lady y/n.” 
    I smiled at him, feeling overjoyed to hear my name fall from his lips after a whole week of not speaking with him.  
    “Hello, Prince Loki.”  
    He stepped back out of his doorway and further into his room, beckoning for me to follow him.  I had never been in his room before and was a little nervous as to what I would find inside.  I had always imagined it would have a dark atmosphere and be filled with a great number of his favorite books.  When I entered, I was slightly surprised.  There was a plethora of books as expected, but the room was much lighter than I thought.  The walls consisted of a light stone.  His bed had been made with a dark- colored wood, contrasting beautifully with the walls, and the sheets were a luxurious emerald satin.  I walked around, admiring his room, as he had done with mine.  His room smelled faintly of mint and it made me feel more awake than I had in a long time.  Something about the atmosphere was calming and homey, and I felt more at peace than I did even in the privacy of my own room.  
    He sat down on the foot of his bed, smiling as he watched me admire his room from a distance.  I walked out onto his balcony which overlooked the gardens.  I had always wondered which room this balcony had led to when reading out in the gardens, and now I knew.  I was jealous he had such a view.  I loved the gardens, and he got to see them all the time.  I took a deep breath in, smelling the flowers from below, but a hint of mint still remained in the air.     
    I walked back into the room, feeling satisfied that I had seen everything his room had to offer.  I sat on the edge of the bed next to him, letting the silence flow between us.  I  wanted everything to feel natural, hoping to understand how I felt with him, and how that compared to what I felt with his brother.  I hadn’t spent much time with Thor compared to the time I spent with Loki, but I liked the way Thor made me feel.  Loki overwhelmed me with lust and need.  I felt reckless when I was with him, and he made me feel dangerous like I was powerful.  Thor made me feel special.  He was kind and careful, mellowing out all the rebellious thoughts I had, and in turn, it made our time together feel more loving.  I felt passion with Loki.  There was no passion with Thor, but there was a deeper feeling and I wasn’t sure what it meant.  This was my chance to figure it out.  I loved the way Thor made me feel...safe, admired, loved.  Loki made me crazy, but he never wanted others to know the extent of what he was feeling.  He could never put himself on the line like Thor did.  Loki and I had been flirting for years, and only the other day, with our relationship on the line, had he said anything to me, whereas it had only taken one day of talking with me for Thor to tell me his thoughts.  Tonight, I would put it all on the line with Loki.  I would tell him what I thought, I would tell him about his brother and I, and I would tell him what I needed, and then, I would listen.  
    I took his hand in mine and looked over at him.  He seemed at peace, something I knew I was about to ruin, but I had to for both of our sakes.  His eyes reached mine, and I saw them change from peaceful to concerned when he saw the expression on my face.  He must have thought I came to tell him that nothing could happen between us, and maybe I was, but I was hoping this conversation would end on a better note.  
    I told him about my feelings, knowing that he reciprocated them, wanting to get the easiest part out of the way first.  I was dreading telling him about my conversation with Thor and the way he made me feel.  If Loki’s reaction to Thor talking to me at dinner taught me anything, it was that Loki was extremely jealous and protective, and he did not like the thought of his brother and I interacting.  I took a brief pause after I finished the first part, giving him time to take in what I said, and also giving myself more time to prepare for what was coming next.  
    “Your brother and I had a very interesting conversation today.”  
    “What about?”  He seemed rather displeased by this news, which I had been expecting.  
    “About our feelings.”  
    “Oh, is that where you got this little idea?  Talk about your feelings and it will make everything better.”  His words were filled with venom, but I didn’t take it personally.  He was upset, and I understood why.  Normally, I would be upset if someone showed this much possessiveness, but Loki had never shown this much disdain whenever I spent time with other men and women, and I knew it was only because I could never truly be his, that he was reacting this way.  I was promised to Thor.  Thor had always gotten everything Loki wanted, and I was another thing Loki could add to the list.  
    “I know you’re upset, but this is important to me, so please just try and be civil.”  
    He collected himself and nodded, showing me that he was ready to listen again.  
    “He thinks there can be something more between us.”  I could see Loki visibly grow angry, his hands shaking.  I took hold of them, pressing them to my lips.  His eyes met mine and I could see some of the anger melt away.  
    “I told him I didn’t think it was possible, and he respected that, but he’s persistent, and I don’t think he’s going to give up that easy.”  
    “That’s why he was all over you during dinner then, I suspect.”  Loki grimaced.  
    “He was not ‘all over me’.  He was just being kind, something you should learn.”  
    He grew quiet, not knowing what else to say without starting a bigger argument. 
“I felt happy when I was with him.  He made me feel safe.”  I immediately regretted my words, as Loki exploded with rage.  
“As compared to me making you feel...what?  Afraid?  Frightened?” 
“That’s not what I meant.”  
“I think that’s exactly what you meant.”  He got up and walked away from me, unwilling to continue the conversation, but I needed to say what I wanted.  
“Ok, fine.  You know what?  You do make me feel afraid.  You scare me so much that most of the time I don’t even know what to do with myself.  I’ve never met a person who makes me as crazy as you do.  Every time I’m around you, I lose myself in you.  I’m afraid of what I might do.  I could be killed if I was caught with you like this, but for some reason, here I am, doing stupid, crazy shit because I love you.  I love that you make me feel this way, but I need something more if I’m gonna stay.  I need to know this is more than surface level.  I need to know that I can feel both passion and love.”  
He still didn’t turn around.  My heart dropped.  It was all over and there was nothing I could do to salvage it.  I got up off his bed, taking one last look around his room, committing it to memory and walked towards the door.  Before I could reach it, a pair of hands wrapped themselves around me.  Loki’s chest was pressed up against my back, sending a shiver throughout my entire body.  I could feel my knees grow weak and if he didn’t have his arms around me, I’m not sure I would have been able to stand.  
I manipulated myself so that I was now facing him, my heart racing in my chest.  I looked into his eyes, feeling for the first time I could actually tell what he was thinking.  It was complete vulnerability.  There was no front, no hiding, it was just pure Loki.  I melted into him, burying my face in his chest the way I had when we first confessed our feelings for each other in the gardens.  
“Whatever you need from me, I will be it.  I don’t want to lose you.  I know I can be intense and I tend to hide away, but you’re right.  It takes two to make something work, and I can’t just expect you to always wait for me to figure things out.  I’ll show you things can be different...I promise.  Just, please don’t give up on me yet.”  
“Don’t give me a reason to.”  I held him tighter, letting him know that I wasn’t ready to let go of him just yet.  His promise to try was a lot better than I was expecting; a few seconds ago, I believed our relationship was ending before it had even begun.  He had shown me tonight that he cared enough to listen to what I had to say and wanted to do whatever it took to make me stay with him.  It made me feel like I had with Thor, maybe even a little better.  I felt loved, special, safe, but there was still that hint of unknown adventure, a wild passion that ran through both of our veins, something that was entirely missing in my brief interactions with Thor.  
I pulled away from Loki.  I needed to head back to my room.  If someone were to enter Loki’s chambers now, there would be no possible way to explain this without it ending in both of us in prison, that being the best case scenario.  
As I went to head for the door, I was again held back by Loki.  He pulled me back and the momentum sent me reeling towards his bed.  I fell down onto it with my back pressed against the cool satin sheets.  My heart was racing in my chest, threatening to escape.  He slowly walked over to me, dragging out the heavy tension hanging in the air.  I could hear my rapid breaths, and my mind was becoming hazy with need.  
I was growing impatient, and when he finally reached the bed, I pulled him down on top of me in a rush and pressed my lips to his, hungry for his touch.  He seemed stunned by my eagerness for a moment but soon began to move his mouth against mine.  We were both so starved of affection from our week of not speaking to each other, making the kiss more hectic than I wanted it to be.  We both fought for control, and eventually, I let him win, knowing he was never going to give up until he got what he wanted, and I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted as long as it continued to feel this good.  
    *** He ran one of his hands down my side, keeping his other hand next to my head.  His hand traveled down further, reaching down to the hem of my nightgown.  He lifted it up, allowing his hand to graze the side of my leg lightly.  I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips.  My cheeks flushed red, embarrassed with the sound, but Loki just smiled and continued to push the nightgown further up until it was fully removed.  I lay completely naked, but he was still covered in clothes, not a single item removed.  I had never been this exposed in front of anyone, except for my maid, and it made me feel vulnerable.  I moved my hands to cover myself and looked away, trying my hardest not to look Loki in the face.  I was far too embarrassed to face him right now.  It wasn’t as though I was ashamed of the way I looked, I just hadn’t expected things to go this far with Loki tonight.  It was true what I had said to him earlier, he made me do crazy, stupid things.     
    “Y/n, look at me...Please?” 
    I turned my head towards him slowly, still not ready to face him yet, but realizing I couldn’t lay like this forever.  
    “You don’t have to hide yourself from me.  If you don’t feel comfortable with this, all you have to do is tell me.  We can stop whenever you like, but you have to tell me how you’re feeling.”  
    “I’m fine… I guess I just didn’t expect this would be happening tonight.  I half expected to come here and it end with you blowing up the castle.” 
    He chuckled, moving to a sitting position on the bed, leaving me lying on the bed next to him.  
    “You know that we can’t um...go all the way.  With Thor and everything… I mean, it’s expected that I uphold my...um... virtue.”  
    It was strange to talk to Loki about this.  Here we were, I was completely exposed, and he was being more emotionally vulnerable than he had ever been, and we had to talk about how we couldn’t really “be together” until after I was married to his brother because he would know if I had been with someone else.  It was a conversation I never expected to have with anyone, and I especially didn’t want to have to tell Loki, though I’m sure he already knew what was expected, but I felt I needed to remind him, and myself, before we got too caught up in the moment.  
    “I know.” He said.  The mood of the room fading into something more melancholy, the heat of the moment draining away.  I wished it would come back, it wasn’t like I had wanted Loki to stop, it was going just a little fast for my liking.  
    I reached out and took his hand in mine.  
    “I didn’t mind what we were doing before though, as long as we take it a little slower this time.”  
    Loki chuckled, and before I realized what was happening, he had flipped me over on top of him.  I was straddling his lap, his clothes providing some much-needed friction.  I let out a soft moan, still not used to these sensations.  He smirked and pressed his lips against mine, the heat that was lost before quickly returning.  I was happy to be back in the moment, feeling I could forget about all the stressful things that were a part of my life.  It was just Loki and me, and there was not a thing that could ruin this moment.  His hands on my body felt like fire, every nerve ending being set aflame by his simple touch.  I let out a moan when his fingers pinched around my nipple.  I felt my need growing with each new movement of his hand.  ‘   
    He untangled his mouth from mine and replaced the fingers around my nipple with his mouth, moving the fingers to the other breast.  It was entirely overwhelming and it felt like the room was spinning.  I closed my eyes, taking in all the different sensations, small sighs and gasps falling from my lips intermittently.  He smiled to himself against my skin, seemingly very pleased with the responses he was dragging out of me, but who was I to complain.  
    He moved his mouth away from me, and before I knew it, I was flipped over again with him on top as he had been before.  He took off his shirt, leaving himself in his pants.  His chest was a sight to see.  It was toned, though not as defined as someone like Thor’s might be, but still impressive.  It was also pale, a result of his staying inside on most days.  
    I pushed myself up and ran my hands across the expanse of his chest, wanting to feel as much of him as I could.  He had been touching me this whole time, and I had not once been allowed to put my hands on him.  I replaced my hands with my lips, kissing every inch of skin there was, wanting to prove how much I loved him, how perfect he was to me.  
    He slowly pushed me back down so that I was lying flat on the bed, but instead of kissing me like I thought he would, he began to kiss his way down my body until he finally reached the place where I had been craving him the most.  
    I looked up at the ceiling, trying to calm my nerves.  I didn’t know what to expect, but when his tongue met with my sensitive bundle of nerves, it was like the whole world shattered.  I snapped my head back, screwing my eyes shut.  Nothing in my entire life had ever compared to how good this felt.  He licked a long stipe through my folds, enjoying the mewls that escaped my mouth.  
    He worked me over with his tongue until I was a shaking mess underneath him, overwhelmed by the sensations.  Just as I was beginning to feel like I was falling over the edge, he removed his mouth.  I moaned in frustration and opened my eyes.  He began the tantalizing crawl back up my body and placed his lips on mine.  I could taste myself on his lips as he moved his hand back to where his mouth had just been, placing his index finger directly on my clit. 
    His motions were slow at first, a pace that frustrated me more than anything else.  I wanted him to move faster, I would have done anything if it got him to move faster. I sighed into his mouth, hoping it would encourage him, but he knew what I was up to and drew out his pace even longer.  I huffed in frustration, removing my lips from his and laying back on the bed.  He moved his mouth back to my breast, and just when I felt like I was about to lose it, he began to move faster.  His finger quickly tracing my clit, leaving me breathless and shaky wanton pants and moans shamelessly flowing from my mouth.  
    My back arched off of the bed, pressing my nipple further into his mouth.  I could feel the growing sensation again, the feeling of a rubber band about to snap.  My skin felt like it was on fire and my mind was so clouded with lust, there was not a single straight thought in my head.  His teeth scraped my nipple and his fingers pinched around my clit in one quick motion and the band snapped.  My thighs trembled and I threw my head back, feeling the waves wash over me.  His fingers were still working against me, helping me through the orgasm.  As soon as my body stopped trembling, he removed his hand and lay down beside me.  
    *** I lay still for a few minutes, regathering myself, taking long, deep breaths.  I couldn’t help the smile spreading across my face, and when I felt strong enough to move, I rolled myself over, snuggling up next to Loki.  He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.  I felt safe, comfortable.  For the first time in a long time, everything felt right, like I was exactly where I needed to be.  There was still so much that needed to be dealt with, but that could wait until later, for now, I would just enjoy what had happened.  If my time spent with Loki had taught me anything, it was to live in the moment and accept the consequences later.  There was nothing I loved more than the thrill it gave me to be in his presence, and tonight we had shared something more intimate than I ever thought possible.  
    I closed my eyes for a quick second, losing myself to sleep quickly, feeling more rested and calm than I had in months.  Most nights, it took me ages to even begin to feel the effects of sleep wash over me, but Loki had managed to grant me a restfulness I had been chasing my entire life.  It was definitely not a good idea to fall asleep here.  In the morning, my maid would be coming into my room, preparing to get me ready for the day, and I would not be there.  I could feel my eyes growing more and more tired with every passing second, and though I knew I needed to get up and go back to my room, I couldn’t find the strength to move, and instead, fell asleep in the arms of the man who held my heart in his hands. 
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
I’ll See You at Three
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A/N: Sorry I’ve been gone for so long!  I started college and wanted to get back into writing these things.  I’m hoping this will be an interesting series, not really sure where I’m going to take it yet.  If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.  I also want to start doing requests soon.  Not sure if I have the following for it, but I’m up for trying new things.  Anyways, message me if you have a request and I’ll get back to you.  This story is non-canon, just a story I came up with involving characters from the MCU.  Hope you enjoy!   Also, any feedback is greatly appreciated. :) 
Pairing: Peter Parker/Spider-Man X Reader 
Chapter: 1/? 
Words: 2,133
Warning: None, some cursing 
College was a fucking nightmare, and nothing could convince her otherwise.  Ever since she could remember, everyone had told her she would love college.  They fed her lies, saying it would be the greatest experience of her life. Granted, she had only been in school for two months, but she felt it was enough to make the educated decision that college fucking sucked.  The weekends were the worst.  Unless you were an avid partier or had friends who knew where the parties were, there was nothing to do, except listen to everyone else’s parties. She hated the constant noise on campus.  Whatever was happening, there was always noise, never a single quiet moment.  It wouldn’t have been such a problem if she could just learn to let things go like everyone else could, but for some reason, she hated when people couldn’t think about others around them, and causing a large amount of noise and being generally annoying, was one of the things she hated most.  Y/n just liked the quieter side of life, and that did not include people running around outside her dorm at three in the morning with a megaphone shouting.
It was early in the morning, too early for the sun to be out, when y/n decided she couldn’t take the noise anymore.  She hadn’t slept in fourteen hours but decided to take a walk anyway, hoping it would bring her past the point of exhaustion and allow her to rest when she got back to her dorm.  It was a Saturday, and for some reason, Saturday’s were the worst.  People decided to be extra loud, especially on the floor above hers (she got stuck on the first floor of freshman dorms as if things couldn’t be shitty enough).  That wasn’t even the worst part. The worst being that her roommate would stay out until god knows when with friends.  Y/n loved having the room to herself but hated the fact that her roommate never bothered to include her in anything.  It made her feel less than, just as she had felt with most other people in her life.  She had learned a long time ago to let go of people that made her feel that way, but how was she supposed to stay away from her roommate.  She tried to convince herself this walk was just to reach exhaustion, but it was also a spite walk.  Y/n hoped her roommate would get back to the dorms before her and feel left out herself.  Y/n hated the idea that her roommate might think she had no friends or didn’t do anything fun, and so far, y/n was pretty sure that was the exact impression she had given her roommate. 
Y/n put on some leggings and a hoodie and walked out of her dorm room, trying not to look as petty and sulky as she felt.  At this moment, she felt spectacularly pathetic, but it was her first semester in college, and who could blame her for being so fucked up in the head.  This was her first time away on her own and she always thought she would love it, but so far it had been one major disappointment, and all she wanted to do was turn around and go straight back home.  Two months and it still didn’t feel any better. 
The air was briskly cold which was a nice contrast to how it usually felt.  She had to admit that she hardly ever actually went out of her dorm at night.  She wondered if it was cold like this all the time at night and made a mental note to go out more.  Y/n loved the cold weather, and she didn’t get much of it here, one of the main reasons she had come to hate college so much.  She was used to much colder weather back home, and at least when it was hot where she lived it was a dry sort of heat instead of the humid kind here.  The winds did help to cool things down sometimes, but for the most part, she hated every single sunny day.  
There were some students still meandering about, talking loudly around campus as they drunkenly stumbled their way to another party or back to their dorms.  As she walked, she thought about what it might be like if she had that same type of energy, if she could just run around from one party to the other, mingling with boisterous people as if it were second nature.  Y/n wished it could be easy to blend in with people, to have a good time without worrying about what to say next or if she looked good enough to be talking to the hot guy in the room.  She hated the way she didn’t feel good enough to even look some people in the face, which was funny considering they probably wouldn’t even remember her.  
Y/n looked up at the sky hoping to catch a glimpse of the stars, something that reminded her of nights spent outside having long talks with her sister.  There were no stars in the sky tonight, or rather there were, but she couldn’t see them through the thick smog that seemed to stick around all the time, another thing she could add to the list of reasons she hated college. 
Y/n didn’t know exactly where she was headed on this walk, perhaps to her new favorite spot, a hill overlooking the city.  She liked to watch the illegal things that cars did on the street below and sometimes she would watch the airplanes fly overhead.  There were so many of them, taking off at least every ten minutes from the airport.  They were beautiful in a way which is something she never thought she would admit.  When  one would pass, she would think about each person on the plane, where they were going, and what they were thinking. Every time she was on a plane, she was always able to find a new perspective, looking at the world from so high up.  As she approached the bench she usually sat at to look over the hill, the height did not give her new perspective, but rather reminded her she was stuck in a city she hated more than anything and promised she would never move to.  How did she become one of these people?  I guess it wasn’t so bad, but at the same time, all these people were so different from her.  Every time she headed out of her dorm, or encountered her roommate, she was reminded of this fact, that she was nothing like the people who went to this school.  On many occasions, she had spoken on the phone with her mom about it, but over and over again, her mother told her she just needed to find her people, that they existed, and as the weeks dragged on, y/n felt it more and more hopeless.  
Y/n was taken out of her thoughts when she heard someone approaching behind her.  She expected the sound of their footsteps to fade, but they continued to get closer until they were almost right behind her.  Could they not see her sitting here? Y/n thought about saying something but decided it would make the situation awkward.  She should have realized how awkward it would be when the person approached and went to sit down but then realized that someone was already sitting on the small bench.  Granted, there was room for two people, but they would have to sit rather close, too close for two people who did not know each other.
“Oh sorry.  Didn’t see ya there” the dark figure said.  Y/n could tell that they were smiling, probably from the awkwardness.
“It’s ok” she replied, not wanting to start anything, though she wondered how they really couldn’t see her. 
“Didn’t really think anyone would be out here at this time,” they said.  “Usually this bench is empty.” 
“Do you always come out here at three in the morning?” she said sarcastically. 
“Yea.  Why not?  It’s far away from all the noise, plus it’s a nice place to relax.”
“Yes, but at three in the morning?”
“Well you’re out here at three in the morning, aren’t you?”
“Yea, but this is a first time, one-time thing.”
The figure moved out of the shadows and into the light coming off from the city and went to sit down next to y/n, which unsettled her less than she thought it would.  So far, this was the easiest interaction she had with someone. 
“Yes, well I promise you that you’ll become addicted.  I thought the same thing too the first time I came out here, and now look at me, I’m a regular.”
In the light, y/n could see that the figure was a boy, which she had guessed by the voice, but in the light, y/n could see that he was a rather attractive boy.  
“So, what’s your name?” he asked, casual as if he was not talking to a stranger on a bench at three in the morning. 
“Y/n.  What about you?”
“Parker, Peter Parker”
Y/n liked the way he smiled.  He seemed to smile with every word he said.  It wasn’t the fake two-faced smiles she had been seeing all around campus, but rather it was the first genuine smile she had seen in a long time, except from the few friends she had made.  He kind of reminded her of a character she liked in a book she once read, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.  His presence brought her a weird sense of calm, which she liked because all she had felt since arriving on campus was an extreme feeling of panic and dread.  She felt protected with him. 
“What year are you?” His tenor voice melted into the distant sounds of the city. 
“I’m a first-year, what about you?”
Y/n suddenly felt extremely self-aware.  She had never talked with a Junior, and it made her feel inferior in so many unreasonable ways. 
“Have you been coming out here for three years now?”
“Yea, every Saturday since my third week here.”
“You don’t go to parties or anything?”
He gave her an incredulous look.  “Of course, I go to parties, when I feel like it, but I just always leave before three and come here.  I need this time to just slip away.  If I didn’t, I don’t know what I would do.”
Y/n knew what that was like.  She suddenly realized she should probably leave and let him get his alone time. 
“Well, I should probably get going then.  Wouldn’t want to ruin your Zen or anything.”
“Oh no, please stay.  It’s nice to have someone to talk to.”
“Really?  Even out here in your spot?”
“Well, it’s your spot now too.”
“I would hardly say that.”
Though she wouldn’t admit it, she was mildly flattered he was so willing to share his special spot with her. 
“Nonsense!  Besides, sometimes it’s better to have someone to talk stuff out with, you know.  Someone who you feel comfortable with.”
Y/n had missed this.  Even with the friends she had made, she still felt like she had to hold back a part of her personality with them.  Here, with him, she hadn’t felt that for a single moment, and they had hardly exchanged any words.  He was friendly and accommodating.  What could be so bad about staying to talk with him?  Perhaps she would make a new friend and a third-year at that. 
“All-right.  I’ll stay.”  
He smiled at her and it made her stomach flutter.  She could get used to this, to him.  
It was nearly dawn when they both said their goodbyes and headed to their separate dorms.  They had talked for nearly three hours and even in the silence between their words, there wasn’t a single moment of awkwardness, but rather a feeling of comfort.  She was in a state of bliss and her head was buzzing at a thousand miles an hour but she was too tired to comprehend any of it.  When she got back into her dorm room, her roommate still had not come back from wherever she had gone to earlier in the night.  Y/n was glad.  She had the whole space to bask in what happened.  She wanted to stay up the whole night so as not to let the feeling of magic escape her, to live in it as long as possible, but as soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep, her dreams filled with Peter Parker, the boy on the bench.  
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
Temptations of Time (Part 3)
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Chapter 1   Chapter 2
A/N: So sorry it’s been so long since I’ve uploaded.  It’s been a crazy summer for me.  I’m hoping from now on to upload at least one chapter a week.  I’m also hoping to start taking requests for stuff.  Hope that this is a good chapter.  If there are any mistakes, I am sorry, and please feel free to let me know.  As with the other chapters, this is not canon, just a story I came up with involving characters from the MCU.  Hope you enjoy! Also, any feedback is greatly appreciated.  
Synopsis: You were taken from your home when you were too little to remember the truth.  You are the last surviving royal from your home, and in an attempt to continue the royal bloodline of your family, Odin, King of Asgard, arranges a marriage between you and his son Thor.  Despite this, over the years, you have culminated a friendship w/ his brother Loki, and though you are promised to Thor, you long for something more between you and his mysterious brother.  
Pairing: Loki X Reader/A little Thor X Reader 
Chapter: 3/? 
Words: 4,337
Warnings: Arranged marriage  
 “I had been selfish... I had, but I was in love, and I had come to the conclusion long ago that selfishness and love come hand in hand.” 
The sky was ominous, full of dark clouds casting oblong shadows throughout the garden.  The wind whistled through the trees, thrashing hair into my face as I tried to read my book.  It wasn’t like I was focusing on it much anyways.  There was too much going on in my head to focus on anything.  Loki hadn’t spoken to me since the night he came into my room a week ago, in fact, he hadn’t even so much as looked in my direction.  I suppose he was going to the extreme of giving me space to think, or this was his own special way of punishing me.  If it was, it was working.  The last time I had felt this alone, this afraid, had been when I first laid eyes on the giant doors that led into the Throne Room.  They had seemed to go on forever, and I was too young to understand then the depths of what they made me feel, but as time went on, they became a steady reminder of how small I truly was in this vast kingdom.  
This whole week had been nothing but wedding planning.  I had been in multiple fittings for my bridal gown, and every time I slipped into one of the gowns, it felt like I was slowly drowning in a sea of fabric, the dress becoming the symbol of my prison cage.  Nothing about this made me feel as a bride should before her wedding.  I was supposed to be happy, glowing with joy, but instead I sat here sulking, thoughts plagued by another man.  Falling for Loki was something I never imagined would happen, especially because I prided myself on my good morals, and falling in love with your husband-to-be’s brother is not something someone with good morals does. Despite this, I was happy I had found someone who made Asgard feel somewhat like a home.  When I first came to Asgard, everything about it frightened me.  I was too young to remember any vivid details about when I first arrived, but instead, every time I think about that day, I am overcome with a feeling of uneasiness, a feeling that has grown with the passage of time, but falls apart in Loki’s presence.  
 I look up from my book, enjoying the feel of the wind dancing across my skin, imagining that someone is breathing fresh air into my lungs.  I grip the book with two hands, attempting to gain more focus, only to lose it when I am greeted by an unexpected guest.  Thor stands in front of me wearing a nervous expression.  It’s a new sight, seeing him all out of sorts, especially at the prospect of meeting with me, but I guess it makes sense considering the awkward circumstances.  We hardly ever exchanged words, and we had made an extreme effort to avoid one another ever since learning about the new date of the wedding.  I always thought he was quite like me when it came to opinions on the wedding; in fact, his choice had been taken away as much as mine had, and sometimes, when I had drank enough wine during supper, I would begin to feel the slightest bit sorry for him, though I would never admit that to Loki.  
The silence between Thor and me began to grow awkward, and I almost thought about saying something to break the silence, but he opened his mouth first.  
“Hello, Lady y/n.”  
It was an uncomfortable beginning, and I wasn’t sure how I could exactly make it any better, but I wanted to try and at least be friendly.  
“Hello Your Highness.” I moved to get up from the bench to bow, as was the custom, but he stopped me before I could.  
“There’s no need for formalities.  Please, call me Thor.”  
“As you wish, Thor.” 
He smiled at my words.  It reminded me of the way a child smiles when they finally accomplish something they have been struggling to figure out.  He was so different from his brother; he felt brighter, like the air around him wasn’t so heavy.  I could understand why his people loved him; charisma beamed out of him, and it was easy to feel the awkward tension melt out of my body as the exchange went on.  
“I just thought that we should talk about everything that’s happened.  I just don’t want you to feel like I’ve been avoiding you.”  He fiddled his fingers against his clothes, trying to release some of his nervousness.  
“But you have been.”  I retorted.  
“No, I haven’t.” He moved back, a bit defensively, trying to hide his lie.  
“It’s okay.  I’ve been avoiding you too.  I mean...This is a bit strange, isn’t it?” 
He seemed to mull it over for a second, pausing to take in what I had said, the honesty and bluntness being something new in his life, a rare occurrence in court. 
“Yes... yes it is.  I honestly don’t know what to think.  I really came over here to figure out what you were thinking.  I thought it would be a lot harder.  You always seemed like someone who kept to themselves.”  His expression grew lighter again, but it was still weighed down by the circumstances.  He was just as lost as I was, looking for some kind of validation in all of this.  I had never truly considered his side.  Sure, there were times when I felt sorry for him, but even then, those moments were outshined by my own self-pity.  All this time, I had been acting out with Loki, rebelling any way I could behind closed doors, and Thor had stood as the honest and true Prince of Asgard, prepared to do anything for the sake of royal duty.  I mean, I was more than positive he had found other means to break out and rid himself of frustrations about the marriage, just as I had, but he was bound, perhaps even tighter than I was, by a father who cared only about the blood that ran through his veins.  I had been selfish... I had, but I was in love, and I had come to the conclusion long ago that selfishness and love come hand in hand.
 I wanted to hide away.  Thor was going out of his way to be kind, something that not many princes would do.  He cared about what I felt, and he was attempting to at least make the situation more bearable for the both of us, and the whole while, I had been going behind his back, pining after his brother.  I fought back the feeling of nausea growing and attempted to tell him my feelings about the wedding without being too harsh.    
“When I was first told we would be married, I had no idea what to think.  We were both small children, and I had no concept of what it actually meant then.”  
I gave him a small smile, hoping it would make him feel a little less nervous. 
“I used to dream about what my dress would look like, and I used to practice walking down the aisle, imagining my father by my side.  It was so perfect, all of it.  The only thing that I could never picture was you waiting for me at the end of the aisle.  It seemed out of place to me, and as I grew up, I learned things, and we never even dared to be friends.  It became even less real to me, and then suddenly I’m being called to the courtroom and your father is telling me that we’re to be married far sooner than expected.  Nothing ever happened between us, and I don’t know if anything ever will... that’s what I’m thinking.” 
There was a long pause.  The only sound resonating between us was the shaky breaths leaving my lungs.  I tried not to be nervous, but I had no idea how Thor was going to respond.  I don’t think anyone had ever been so forthcoming about anything in his life, and I had experienced first hand how jarring new things can be, especially when they aren’t exactly pleasant. 
 I smiled a little, trying to relieve some of the tension, but he wasn’t paying attention.  His eyes darted back and forth, his mind elsewhere, like he wasn’t standing in front of me, but instead witnessing something extremely perplexing, or perhaps my mind was over exaggerating the situation, making it worse than it was.  I hoped that after this rather unpleasant talk, we could at least try and build somewhat of a kinship, after all, he wasn’t as bad as I had thought him out to be.  
I was beginning to wonder if I should walk away.  The silence had lasted too long for my liking, and I wasn’t sure if my saying anything would make it better.  I didn’t see any way this conversation could get resolved, but I didn’t want to leave him here, giving him cause to think I didn’t care about what he thought after he had been so kind to me. 
He continued to stare into nothing, contemplating what I said, and I came to the conclusion that maybe saying something would snap him out of it, and bring an end to the uncomfortable silence.  
“What are you feeling?”  He raised his head and brought his eyes to mine, finally looking at least somewhat grounded.  I wrung my hands back and forth, hoping he wouldn’t say anything too harsh. I didn’t know if I could handle it.  I had been in a rather fragile state these last few days.  Being unaware of where I stood with others for so long made me feel uneasy about being open and honest. 
“Hurt.” He whispered the word, barely loud enough to hear over the wind, but for some reason, I found my mind scrambling for some inner balance.  The word had left me reeling, spinning off into space and I didn’t understand why.  This man had never had much emotional value to me, he was a mere person in the background, but for some reason, this one word had been a dagger.  I never had any intention of hurting him, I never even believed I held that sort of power over him.  He took a deep breath, preparing to speak again, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to listen to what else he had to say.  
“I never thought I would feel hurt, after all, I hardly know you.” He walked over to the bench and sat down next to me.   
“Can I be honest with you?” He spoke the words so carefully, like if I said no, it would break him.  
“Of course.”  I tried to make myself sound confident so he would feel more inclined to be open with me.  
“I’ve always wanted to get to know you better.  You’re beautiful and funny and kind and I’ve always admired you.”
I couldn’t help the blush beginning to spread its way through my cheeks.  It felt nice to be appreciated, especially after an entire week of feeling neglected by the one person who I thought had my back.  
“I know you said you don’t think anything will ever come out of this, but I think we owe it to ourselves to try.  We were both forced into this, but that doesn’t mean we have to be miserable.  I respect what you said, but I also think that we don’t know each other well, and there’s room for more to grow.  I thank you for your honesty, and I hope to speak to you again soon, but now I am needed in the throne room.  Goodbye Lady y/n.” 
He got up from the bench, bowed before me, and then left, as abruptly as his brother had a week earlier, leaving the same bittersweet taste in my mouth.                            ___________________________________________
The last remaining light cascading through the open window finally began to fade out as the day drew to a close.  The wind was beginning to pick up again outside and was making it difficult to keep the candles in my room lit.  The maid was running around frantically, relighting candles every time one blew out while trying to tighten the strings on my corset.  I was expected at supper in a few minutes, but I had my doubts about whether or not I would be arriving on time.  I tried never to be late, always the perfect guest.  I would have told my maid to shut the windows if the candles were such a problem, but I tended to like them open when my corset was being fitted because it often made me feel like I couldn’t breathe and the fresh air coming through the windows helped me feel better.  The lavender smell in my room was beginning to fade, but I didn’t mind tonight.  The blowing wind brought in the smell of flowers from the garden and added a different aura to the room.  
The walk down the hall to supper was awkward.  I felt as though my maid tied my corset a little too tight, making it hard for me to take a full breath in, which resulted in my having to take short, sharp breaths that made me feel a little light headed.  I suppose I should have let her close the window.  
When I entered the dining hall, everyone had already taken their seats.  Their food had been placed before them, but as I walked to my seat, I could see none had taken a single bite of their meal, obviously waiting for me to arrive.  It had been a long time since I felt this awkward and out of place.  I took my usual place in between Loki and Thor.  I had expected the usual indifferent glance from both of the brothers, but instead, this time I was greeted by Thor’s delightful smile.  I couldn’t help but smile back at him, feeling overwhelmed by his charm.  It helped me feel a little better, considering my late entrance had made me feel quite low.  As soon as I was settled in my seat, Odin made a toast, and the royal family began to eat. 
There was never much talk at the table, and if there was, it usually only lasted a few moments and consisted of either arguing or lecturing, and on rare occasions a few kind words spoken by the Queen.  I had never noticed the similarities between Thor and his mother, but after our conversation today in the garden, it became clear to me how truly alike they were in their kindness and charm.  
I looked around the table, trying to gauge a feel for the room, wondering what kind of conversation would be shared at the dinner table tonight.  The only ones seated tonight were Odin, his wife, Loki, Thor, and myself.  Most nights there was at least one guest with us, and sometimes those nights were when the worst of conversations took place, for those were the nights when Loki liked to be most mischievous.  
It always amazed me how much of a knack he had for ruining perfect moments with such grace and elegance.  I risked a quick glance at him.  He was busy staring at his dinner, twirling the food between his eating utensils like he was hoping it would give him the answer to the universe.  I had never seen him this unguarded before, except when he was reading.  He seemed peaceful for once, lost in another world, thinking of other things.  I wished that I could be where he was, unbound by my own mistakes.  I wondered for a moment if he had decided to forget everything he had said that night a week ago, if he had decided he didn’t like me after all.  I stared at my plate, praying I didn’t look too strange.  I felt like I looked guilty, which I definitely did not want to come off as.  
The silence at the table had begun to stretch for so long, I was beginning to wonder if tonight would be one of the rarest kinds of conversation to be had at the table, which was no conversation at all.  Usually, I liked those kinds of dinners; in fact, I often found myself wishing they would happen, but tonight, I felt it added to the awkward tension hanging in the air.  I just wanted someone to speak, anyone.  I thought about saying something myself, but then thought better of it.  I could feel myself slowly growing more and more uneasy, feeling like at any moment I could burst into flames.    
“Lady y/n, are you feeling alright?  You look unwell.”  I recognized Thor’s voice and looked towards him, attempting to look as put together as possible.  I didn’t want anyone to notice that something was wrong, but if this night had taught me anything, it was that I am terrible at hiding how I’m truly feeling.  
“I’m fine.  Just a bit wind blown from reading out in the garden all day.  Nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t cure.”  
I smiled at him, struggled to pour assurance into my body language, which was more difficult than I imagined.  I had watched a plethora of dramatic plays during my time in Asgard, and it had never once struck me how difficult it would be to act one way when you are feeling something completely different.  The actors made it seem effortless, like running your hands across a pond’s surface.  
Thor, thankfully, seemed satisfied with my answer and went back to eating his dinner, but instead of the looming silence from before, he decided to keep the conversation going, and was now fully engaged in a discussion with his mother about something I wasn’t paying attention to.  Instead, my focus had shifted to the hand that now settled on the outside of my thigh.  I knew it was Loki, and my first instinct was to swat his hand away, but I thought it would look strange, so I sat still, trying my hardest to make myself appear normal.  I turned my head towards Loki, trying to read his face, understand what made him do this.  For a whole week he had ignored me, and now, of all the places, he had decided to make a move when surrounded by all the people who were the most dangerous to us.  I saw a small smirk begin to form at the corners of his mouth, his beauty shining through, making me forget that we were at the dinner table at all.  Suddenly, it was just Loki and I, but I was drawn out of the moment when I heard Thor call my name.  
“What? Sorry.” I stammered.  I felt the hand on my thigh slide off, and I missed the warmth it brought.  
“Are you sure you’re alright?”  
“Perhaps it would be best if I went to bed.  I’m not quite feeling myself tonight.” 
I looked to the King and Queen, hoping they would agree.  They both nodded their heads in approval, and pushing my chair away from the table, I stood up.  
“Allow me to walk you to your room, Lady y/n.”  Thor offered a good-natured smile as he got up from his seat.  I wanted to object, wishing that I could be by myself as soon as possible, but if I did, it would look impolite, which is the last thing I wanted to come across as after all the strange behavior on my part.
I allowed Thor to take my hand with no protest and he led me out of the dining hall.  As the doors were closing behind us, I managed a glance back into the room, catching the sour expression that had settled upon Loki’s face.  
The walk back to my room was more pleasant than I thought it would be.  The feeling of Thor’s hand against mine left me feeling more assured and comfortable than I had in a long time.  With Loki, I had no clue where I stood most of the time.  He was distant most days, and even on the days where he was more friendly, he was still not comfortable with contact like this.  I never thought that I would find something as simple as holding hands so intimate, but walking through the halls with Thor, I felt like it was the closest I had ever been with anyone, at least on a physical level.  Despite having kissed Loki, this somehow felt more vulnerable, like there was something more behind it.  
“I hope it wasn’t our conversation earlier that’s upset you so much.”  Thor continued to walk forward, but slowed his pace, still holding my hand in his.  
“No… Well maybe.  It’s just a lot to think about.”  I looked up at Thor to find he was already looking at me, and we stopped walking all together.
“I’m sorry if I pushed you away.  I just thought we both deserved to know where we stand.” 
“No, you’re right.  I’m glad you did.”  He gave me one of his charming smiles, making me feel weak in the knees.  
 “I’m not sure I would have had the courage to do something like that.”  I chuckled a bit, thinking about how bold his move had been.  I knew he was nervous and it was a risky move, but I had not thought before now that if the situation were reversed, I would have never been able to even think about doing something like that.  Thor had a foolish charm to him that allowed him to do reckless things because people forgave him for it, never being able to blame him for anything too long.  He had been so sweet, so respectful in everything he had said, that I never thought twice about it.  
Thor’s smile grew at my words, drinking in the compliment.  He began to walk again, and tugged me along with him, this time at a slower pace than before, wanting to drag out our time together.  The fresh air sweeping in through the halls felt nice on my flushed skin, and made the constriction the corset placed on my chest a little more bearable.  
When we finally reached my room, Thor brought my hand up to his lips and feathered a kiss across the top of it.  I wouldn’t say I was ever a type of person to swoon over anything, but that was before this moment.  I felt like I had been swept off my feet, like the air had been taken out of my lungs.  I couldn’t help the small laugh that fell from my lips.  I felt elated, like this small moment of affection had made me drunk.  It had been a week without any attention from Loki, and I had grown absolutely weary with need.  All I wanted was to feel loved, supported...safe.  I had been starved for it, and I tried to convince myself it was the only reason that I was reacting to Thor this way.  
He said his good night to me, begging me to make sure I got a good sleep, and then turned to leave, a smile plastered on his face.  He seemed very pleased with the progress he had made in one day, whereas I was feeling more confused and guilty than ever.  I knew what I wanted with Loki.  He was the only one here who truly understood me, who knew me for how broken I was and still chose to stick around.  We understood each other, and no matter how much time I spent with Thor, I didn’t believe a connection like that could be made between us because Loki and I both shared one fundamentally important feeling about Asgard...hatred, and Thor would never feel that, he would never understand that.  He had never been the odd one out; his people loved him unconditionally, whereas for Loki and I, we were simply spectacles to gawk at.  
Thor had made me feel vulnerable today.  There was a crack in my resolve.  He was sweet and caring, and though we would never completely understand each other, there had been something that sparked between us.  I could feel it in the hallway, and I felt it even now.  I had no idea where I stood with Loki, and though he had showed at least some sort of possessiveness towards me at the dinner table when Thor had spoken to me, I still wasn’t sure if it was worth risking everything.  He had told me how he felt, and I had been sure, more than sure, that I wanted what he was offering, what held me back was my fear, but now I wasn’t sure anymore.  His affection felt entirely different compared to Thor’s, and though Thor had only held my hand and kissed it with his lips, it somehow felt altogether more intimate.  I needed answers and the only way I was going to figure all this out was if I put everything on the line.  
I waited until after my maid was gone, listening to make sure there was no one walking through the hall outside my room.  When I was positive, I opened my door, attempting to be as quiet as possible.  I slipped through the crack and made my way through the hallways, moonlight being my only guide.  It felt like forever, but I finally found myself in front of the large doors.  I felt nervous, more nervous than I had felt in a long time.  What was he going to say when he found out?  Would anything change between us?  I contemplated going back to my bed, thinking that it was too risky, that it was too stupid, but I found that my determination to figure out what I truly wanted outweighed everything else, and before I could think twice, I found myself knocking on the door, hoping this wasn’t about to be the biggest mistake of my life. 
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
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Love you 3000
37K notes · View notes
shooting-stars01 · 5 years
Temptations of Time (Part 2)
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A/N: Second chapter.  Super excited to get this uploaded.  Hope this is just as good as the last if not better.  As with before, this is not canon, just a storyline I came up with.  Hope you enjoy!  Also, any feedback is greatly appreciated.  
Synopsis: You were taken from your home when you were too little to remember the truth.  You are the last surviving royal from your home, and in an attempt to continue the royal bloodline of your family, Odin, King of Asgard, arranges a marriage between you and his son Thor.  Despite this, over the years, you have culminated a friendship w/ his brother Loki, and though you are promised to Thor, you long for something more between you and his mysterious brother.  
Pairing : Loki X Reader 
Chapter: 2/?
Words: 2,842
Warnings: None 
“I know you think it’s wrong, and maybe it is, but that isn’t for us to decide.  You love me, and I love you, and that should be all that matters.” 
I was distraught.  I felt like if I didn’t get out of the castle immediately, I was going to faint.  As soon as the doors to the throne room closed behind me, I rushed to the gardens, hoping that being outside would make me feel less trapped.  I couldn’t catch my breath, and every moment I breathed in felt like fire in my lungs.  When I reached the gardens, I threw myself onto the bench, knowing I could no longer support myself.  I looked up to make sure that none of the guards had followed me, and when I saw none, I began to feel the tears fall.  All the years of hidden feelings and moments that I had shared between Loki, wishing that perhaps one day we would be something more, had all disappeared within a single moment.  I had refused to believe my marriage to Thor would ever really take place, that it was just a kind gesture at the time, but maybe that was why Loki had been so distant with me the other day after he had spoken to his father.  The day we both dreaded would soon become a reality, and once that happened, there could be no future for us, no morning walks through the garden, no secret trysts in the library.  I suppose it had been a hopeless endeavor in the first place.  I belonged to someone else, and he knew that, and though I spent most of my days trying my hardest to prove to him that he was the only one I wanted, he was not as naive as I was.  I had stopped crying.  I could feel the heavy weight of this reality bearing down one me, but I could no longer mourn what might have been.  I had to face my future, find a way to live in the life that had been made for me.  I picked myself up off the bench and was focused brushing off the fabric of my dress when I noticed two feet stopped in front of me.  I recognized the shoes immediately and looked up to see Loki’s face.  He was wearing an expression of regret, and I could tell that he was here to apologize to me for what happened yesterday, but before he could even get a word in, I began to cry again, and buried my face within his chest, hugging him in an attempt to find some sort of comfort.  At first he seemed taken aback by this, and tried to pull his body away, but then, I felt his arms circle around me, which prompted me to cry even harder.  Each sob shook my body, and even though in this moment I felt so small and empty, I knew that I wasn’t alone, and a part of me never wanted this to end.  We stayed like that for a long time, and I, in every second, tried to soak up the last time we would ever have a moment like this.  When I finally pulled back I could see the concern swirling in Loki’s eyes.  
“Was this because of yesterday?”
“No, of course not!” I promised.  
He didn’t really seem to believe me, and I didn’t want to talk to him about what had happened in the throne room because I knew it would change everything between us, though I half suspected he had already found out, at least a part of it.  
“Your father said that your brother and I will be married within a month.”
There was a long pause where neither of us said anything.  He stood there, his face a mask I could not see through.  I was hoping for at least some reaction, something that would have given me a clue as to how he truly felt about me, but this face told me nothing.
“I don’t know how to feel,” I continue, “There’s so much I wanted, so much I needed, and I don’t know how to explain all of this to you, but now is as good a time as any.  I love you, I’ve alwa-”.  I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.  He pressed his lips against mine in a desperate attempt to force all the emotions that we had been hiding from each other into the kiss.  He held my face in his hands, deepening the kiss, and I, wanting to prove how much I trusted him, submitted myself completely, and became putty in his hands.  When he finally broke the kiss, I found myself unable to open my eyes, trying to stay in the bliss and completely overwhelmed by the moment.  My eyelids fluttered open, and I looked up into Loki’s smiling face.  I felt my smile grow to match his.  I had never felt so happy before, so utterly comfortable, until I was reminded that this could never happen again.  If Odin, or anyone else were to find out what just happened, both Loki and I could face serious consequences.  I could feel the smile slowly slip from my face as reality set in, and I could see the smile on his do the same as he traced where my thoughts were going.  He pulled me closer into his arms, and everything felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time.  How was I ever supposed to let this go now?  He had finally shown me that I was not the only one who had these feelings, that he loved me as much as I loved him.  
“What are we gonna do now?” I questioned, hoping that he would be able to solve all my problems, maybe give me an answer that I wanted to hear instead of the truth.   
“I’m not sure.  I’ve never really been in a situation like this before, have you?” he asked in his usual mockish charm.  
I wanted to kiss him again.  I wanted to forget all about Thor and all these promises that were made for me, promises that I had no choice in.  My whole entire life, I had lived a lie, believing that it was me who controlled my destiny, my fate, but now I realized that is hardly ever the case.  I looked at him, tying to express how lost I was, how much I didn’t understand what this meant for us now.  How could we possibly forget this ever happened?  Unless he intended that we were going to continue whatever this was, which, as badly as I may have wanted that to happen, would be a terrible idea.  He had to have known this, right?
“Loki, you know that what just happened can never happen again, right?  If we were to be discovered, the consequences would be more than a light slap on the wrist.  This would be catastrophic to the alliances that have been made between your father’s kingdom and mine.”
“How can you just throw away all of this, all of what we have?”  He was beginning to grow angry.  “Isn’t this worth the risk, isn’t it worth just trying?”
I was astounded.  How could he look at this with such indifference, as if everything weren’t on the line.  It wasn’t as if I had a choice in the matter.  
“I already am risking everything.  For you, it’s different.  You’re the Prince of Asgard. But for me, I am a guest of your father’s, a young girl who has been promised the throne.  If I were found breaking my vows with another man, I could be tried for treason!  This is about much more than forbidden love.  This is about alliances that go beyond self-indulgence.”  
He regarded me with cold eyes.  I knew by the fact he wasn’t speaking, he knew I was right.  
“I’m sorry, but you know I’m right.  I wish that things were different, but we knew that this was eventually going to happen.  I wish more than anything-” I couldn’t finish the sentence, my voice cutting out as I tried to hold back my tears.  
Loki stood still for a moment, and I watched as his eyes moved back and forth, deciding whether he should leave, hurt from the rejection, or stay and hold me one last time.  He resolved to the latter, and pulled me close to him.  I took in every feeling, every smell, every sound that I could and stored it away, knowing this was a bittersweet goodbye.  
The steam rose from the bath in hot whips, swirling around me.  The warmth from the water seeped into my skin, helping to relieve the deep ache that settled into my joints from nervous tension.  I breathed in the smell of fresh soap, and let my body slip beneath the water.  Looking up through the surface, everything appeared warped and distorted.  I closed my eyes letting my mind go blank for the first time in days, fading into the oblivion.  
I was viciously yanked out of this nothingness by a pair of sturdy hands.  They held me in a vice grip as they pulled me from the water.  When I was fully removed, I took a deep gasp of air, and saw that it was my maid who had “rescued” me.  
“My lady, are you alright?”
“Yes.  Yes, I am fine,” I affirmed, a little aggravated.
“I was just holding my breath under the water.  There was nothing wrong.” I slowly tried to get up, still feeling a bit shaken about the abruptness of what had transpired.  
“Of course my Lady.  I do apologize, it’s just when I saw you under the water like that, I panicked.”
“I understand.  It’s fine.  Thank you Elina.” I took some deep breaths in, trying to gather my thoughts.  “Do you think you can bring me some tea to help calm my nerves?”
“Yes, my Lady.”  She left the room in a hurry, eager to please.  
I pulled myself into a sitting position, and then slowly braced my arms, pushing myself up off the floor.  As I stood up, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.  My skin was a bright pink from the hot water.  My face was flushed, and I looked like I hadn’t slept in days.  I walked closer to the mirror, finding that the closer I got, the worse it was.  I pinched my cheeks in the mirror, attempting to perk them up a bit, but it did nothing.  I walked out of the bathroom, finding a pair of night clothes that my maid had left out for me.  I put them on in a hurry, not liking the sharp contrast of the cold room.  I waited patiently for my maid to bring my tea, hoping that she would be here soon.  Being alone in my room did nothing to calm my nerves.  Finally there was a knock at the door.  
“Come in,” I shouted.  
When the door opened, it was not my maid who walked into my room, but rather the God of Mischief himself, and after our talk today, I wondered what kind of mischief he was searching for tonight.  
“What’re you doing here?” I hissed in an almost silent whisper.  
“I had to come see you.”
“My maid will be here any second with my tea.  You have to leave.  If she found you in here…”  
I let my mind trail to all the horrible things that could happen, but he appeared to be phased by none of it.  
“If she comes, I will make up a lie.  After all, it’s what I’m known for.”
He gave me a cheeky smile, and I knew that it was going to be very hard to turn him away, but I had to.  There was so much at stake.  It wasn’t worth one moonlight tryst, but the look in Loki’s eyes told me that it wouldn’t be just one.  I was just about to remind him of this when there was a knock at my door.  It had to be the maid, and I turned over to Loki.  I could feel the shocked expression on my face, and I was expecting to see something that at least resembled shock on his, but his expression was calm, as if we were having a casual walk through the gardens.   The door began to open and I could feel the panic quickly rising in my chest, but just as my maid entered the doorway, seconds from seeing Loki, he disappeared into thin air.  I was amazed.  I had never seen his magic up close before.  I tried my best to wipe the surprised look of my face as my maid walked over to hand me my tea.  I took it and dismissed her for the evening, assuring her there was nothing else I needed.  She nodded her head, curtsied, and then left the room quickly, not wanting to risk further aggravating me after what happened with the tub.  As soon as the door closed behind my maid, I felt a pair of strong arms envelop me from behind.  I was immediately startled and gave a small yell.  Loki and I both stood still for a moment, not even daring to breathe, wondering if my maid was going to come barging in to see what was wrong, but after a full minute, no one came.  I regarded him for a moment, trying to think through everything, hoping to come up with a way to let him down easily, make sure he knew that this time I absolutely meant it.  He started to move around my room, giving me time to stew in my own thoughts.  He walked over to the bathroom and gazed at the large pools of water that glistened on the floor.  
“What happened here?” he questioned.  
“Nothing, it was just a bit of a misunderstanding.”
“A misunderstanding?”  He chuckled.  “It looks like a battlefield.”
“I think that it a bit of an over-exaggeration,” I expressed.
He moved out of the bathroom and walked over to my bookshelf.  It had just occurred to me that he had never been in my room before.  I realized how intimate this was.  The only people who had ever seen my room before were my maid and myself.  This room represented who I was.  I kept pieces of my past in it, pieces of a home I did not remember, and the bookshelf was the most intimate of all.  These books contained the past of my home, some contained love stories which I dreamed of living, and some were journals that I had written myself.  Loki ran his hands over the books, admiring the collection that I had built over the years, but it was nothing compared to the library that Loki had culminated, and even with all the books he had, you could still find him roaming around the Royal Library.  He carefully pulled one out of its place on the shelf and began to flip through the pages.  It was one of my old diaries, and I could not quite remember the secrets it contained.  I moved closer, wanting to pull the journal from his hand.  I didn’t want him to know that much about me.  I still had some of the cards, and if I let him see them all, then it was over for me.  Just as I was about to take the book from him, he closed the book and looked up at me with a puzzling look on his face.  
“Have you always felt this way about me? From the very beginning?” He moved closer to me.  
I didn’t want to answer, but he had seen the proof.  I didn’t matter if I said anything, he already knew the answer was yes, he just wanted to hear me say it aloud.  I nodded my head, not trusting my voice to speak.  He seemed amused my this, and took this as a cue to walk closer to me.  He stood right in front of me, close enough to reach out and touch.  I wanted to reach out to him, to hold him, to repeat what had happened in the garden earlier before reality set in, and just when I was about to, he handed me the journal.  
“I understand that you’re not ready and that you need time to think this through.  You think I don’t understand that you’re putting everything on the line because of this, but I do.  But I ask you to think about all of this, all that we could be?”
I opened my mouth to interject him, but he cut me off before I could by putting his fingers to my lips.  
“I know you think it’s wrong, and maybe it is, but that isn’t for us to decide.  You love me, and I love you, and that should be all that matters.  It’s unfair that they stole that choice from you, but this is your opportunity to take it back.  I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.”
And with that, he slipped out the door, quiet as ever.
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
Temptations of Time
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A/N: My first fanfic ever uploaded on here.  Super nervous.  Hope you enjoy! p.s this is not canon, just a storyline that I came up with, doesn’t really have anything to do with marvel except for the characters and Asgard.  Also sorry for any mistakes.  
Synopsis: You were taken from your home when you were too little to remember the truth.  You are the last surviving royal from your home, and in an attempt to continue the royal bloodline of your family, Odin, King of Asgard, arranges a marriage between you and his son Thor.  Despite this, over the years, you have culminated a friendship w/ his brother Loki, and though you are promised to Thor, you long for something more between you and his mysterious brother.  
Pairing: Loki X Reader                                                                             
Chapter: 1/?                                                                                                
Words: 2,393                                                                                         
Warnings: None
This was a world of games and faces, and I knew that in order to survive, I was going to have to put on the best performance of my life. 
It was my job never to question.  I sat in apprehension, waiting for him to return to the courtyard, wondering why he had been whisked away so vivaciously.  I wanted to know so badly, but I knew if I pried, he would treat me with that same cold distance he did the time I had asked about his brother.  He asked me that day to never question what happened in his life when it came to his family or the throne, and I made a secret promise to myself that I would never again disappoint him.  I had hated the way his eyes had darkened and his soft smile had then turned into a sharp frown.  I vowed to never be the cause of such an expression again.  I picked a beautiful golden flower by the side of the bench I sat on, trying to distract my mind.  I touched the velvet petal, slowing plucking one from the flower, playing the old game of ‘he loves me, he loves me not”.  I was interrupted in my game, when Loki sauntered back into the courtyard.  He had been gone for what I guessed was an hour, and I could see the lines on his face that showed, to him, it had seemed an eternity.  I wanted to make it better for him, but I found that when he came back with such an expression, there was nothing I could do to help except simply sit with him and entertain whatever he wanted to speak about.  Today it seemed he wanted to sit in silence.  I went to place my hand in his to show my support, but he moved it away, which hurt me more than I thought it would.  I could see that today there was no place for me here.  I went to move, and I half expected him to try and pull me back, but he did no such thing, and instead, let me walk out of the courtyard, leaving me feeling dejected and empty.  
    I walked back to my chambers in somber silence.  I hadn’t expected that reaction from him.  Why had he come back to the courtyard, knowing that I was waiting for him there, just to treat me so coldly, not even really looking for my company?  I resigned to the thought that I would never truly be able to know the way his mind worked, and that I would never know where I stood with him, which made me feel even worse.  Near the entrance to my chambers, I saw my maid on her way to the kitchens.  She seemed in no hurry, so I stopped her to ask if she would bring some tea to my room.  She replied with a quick chirp of “Yes Mistress” and strutted off.  I needed to take my mind off of what happened, and drinking a cup of tea while reading was perfect.  I opened the door to my chambers and was instantly comforted by the strong smell of lavender.  I insisted that my room always smell of lavender because it reminded me of my home.  The only thing I could really remember about it was the strong smell of lavender, which I had learned from many books, had grown in abundance on my home and was the main trading crop, the source of its great wealth.  I closed the door behind me, trying to trap in as much of the lavender as I could, and walked over to the towering bookshelf that stood in the corner of my room.  The books that lined the shelves were some that I had collected throughout the years, but many had been gifts upon my arrival to Asgard.  As one of the only surviving royals from my home, word got around, and many came to celebrate my survival and my new promised ascension to the Asgard throne.  Odin had sworn he would keep the treaty he had started with my father, and in a show of good faith, I would be married to his eldest son, and heir to the Asgard throne, Thor.  I had no say in the matter, and at first I didn’t really care.  I hadn’t known any different, and I was too young then to understand what marriage truly meant.  As I grew older though, I found that I learned to hate this proposal, and I grew close to Thor’s brother Loki in a mutual hatred for the family that we were brought into.  It wasn’t as if I hated Thor; in fact, I had barely even spoken to him since the first few months that I had spent in Asgard.  After that we grew distant, and though one day we were said to be married, we never really found the need to seek conversation with each other.  I suppose it would have been nice if we could have built our relationship over the years, but I enjoyed the friendship I had made with Loki; in fact, I found myself hoping that Loki and I would be something more.  I realized how long I had been standing, staring at my bookshelf when my maid came over and asked if there was something wrong.  I assured her that I was fine, and took my tea from her, promptly asking her to leave.  I gave up trying to find a book, realizing that I would probably be too distracted to read anyways and decided to take my tea out to the balcony.  The sun was in its last stages of setting, and a beautiful golden glow had settled over the gardens surrounding the castle.  I could think of no greater view.  I leaned on the guardrail of the ledge and placed my face in my hand.  I watched as the sun slowly descended, thinking about all that I wanted, and all that would never come.  
    The morning brought a harsh light in through the window.  I could hear the faint chirp of the birds outside, and the smell of lavender had all but escaped out of the room, but I didn’t mind because the smell of the morning dew brought in a sense of freshness.  I didn’t want to get out of bed, but was prompted to when my maid entered, setting today’s attire on the chair near my vanity.  I looked at the oversized dress and imagined the suffocating fabric slowly slithering around my neck, choking the life out of me.  I wished that I didn’t have to dress is such constricting dresses, but King Odin always insisted that I wear clothes that represented the wealth from my home, so that people should never forget the power that I held, and where I came from.  Today’s dress was a deep blue color.  It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever laid my eyes upon, and I found myself wondering why today’s dress seemed to be so over the top luxurious.  I pulled back the satin covers to my bed and swung my feet over the side of the bed.  I looked at my pale legs, wondering why no matter how much time I spent outside, I never seemed to gain any color.  My reflection was that of a ghost as I watched myself cross over to my vanity in the large mirror resting in the corner of my room.  I watched as I was slowly transformed under my maid's hand from a simple girl into the statuesque figure of a Queen.
It was only when I opened the door to my chambers that I understood the occasion for the fancy attire.  A guard was standing with extreme vigilance outside my door, which wasn’t unnecessarily odd, but when I went to move out of my doorway his hand shot out.  Within it contained a letter.  I recognized the King’s writing on the front, and new instantly that something strange was going on.  I hardly ever had the honor of receiving council with the King, despite who I was and the fact that I was one day supposed to be the Queen.  I opened the letter with an immense sense of trepidation, hoping that it was not something terrible.  Inside it read “Your presence has been requested by the King in the Throne Room”.  These were dangerous words that could mean a continuous amount of possibilities.  Perhaps he had decided that I was no longer worth the trouble and he was going to cast me away.  Or, maybe he had decided that I would no longer marry Thor, leaving me with no claim to any throne.  I folded the letter and handed it back to the guard, who then began to move forward, signaling for me to follow as he lead me to the Throne Room.  
The halls outside the throne room seemed disenchanting today and I passed by them, desperately trying to keep up with the guard in front of me, who wasn’t weighed down my miles of fabric.  I could feel the color draining out of me as I went through every possible scenario of what was going to happen when we reached the throne room.  The floor felt slippery under my feet, and it seemed that at any minute, my legs were going to give out underneath me.  I had made a vow to myself that I would always remain strong, but it was in moments like these that I was reminded that the smallest of things could reduce me to nothing but shaking hands and nervous twitches.  We approached the doors, and two guards standing on either side opened them slowly, making my entrance into the room look much more grand than how I felt.  What I saw inside the room made me begin to quake even more.  It wasn’t a full room as I had expected it to be, but instead just contained King Odin, and few guards who stood to the side of the room.  Out of all the scenarios, I had never imagined that Odin would have wanted to speak to me in such a personal manner.  Whenever we spoke, there were usually other subjects in the room, or at least other members of his family.  I realized that this much be far more worse that I had first thought, and prepared myself for utter devastation.  
I walked into the room, trying to hold as much composure as I could, maintaining the guise of royalty and confidence.  I wanted to appear as though this was another simple day, like this didn’t frighten me at all.  Odin sat on his throne, looking like a golden statue.  His robes glinted from the light of the sun and cast a blinding shimmer into the room.  He looked magnificent, a god in his true form.  I was captivated, and almost forgot about the doom I was approaching, until I saw his face.  He looked stoic.  Nothing would break him, and he regarded me as one regards an insect, with little or no interest, ready to smash it if it gets too close for comfort.  I felt small, weak, and insignificant.  How one person could make someone feel that way by just sitting in a chair, I would never understand.  Though I suppose I would never have to if this “meeting” was going to go the way I thought it was.  I stopped in front of the stairs that led to his throne chair and fell to my knees, bowing forward until my chest hit the cold floor.  He regarded me with cold eyes until I saw him move his hand in a gesture for me to rise.  I slowly lifted myself from the ground, worried that if I made too fast of a movement, I would upset him.  The silence in the room was uncomfortable to say the least, and I felt like I was being suffocated by it, but I could do nothing but wait for the King to address me.  At last he finally opened his mouth to speak.  
“Princess y/n, you have been requested here today to speak about the arrangement that was made between yourself and my son Thor.”
I wasn’t exactly sure if he wanted me to respond to this, so I sat in silence waiting to see if he would continue.  When he didn’t, I nodded my head in a simple gesture of understanding, which seemed to suffice.  
“It was first decided that you would be married when you turned 25, which is the customary age for royals to be married from your home, and to which I agreed because I believed that it would show the true unity of the cultures of our two kingdoms, but due to certain circumstances, it has now been decided that you shall be married within the month.”
I felt a numbing sensation run throughout my body, and a sharp ringing in my ears had begun.  I didn’t know how to respond to this, and it wasn’t like anything I was going to say would change anything.  Once King Odin decided something was going to happen, it happened, no matter what.  I wanted to escape from here.  All this time, I had never truly believed that the wedding was going to happen.  It was a part of the distant future, something that I didn’t need to think about; in fact, refused to think about.  The fact that I would now, in a month, be married to a man whom I did not know made me feel suffocated.  The only person I truly had feelings for was Loki, and I had no idea where to even begin when it came to him.  I felt like I had forgotten how to breathe, but I knew that I had to say something quick, something that would make Odin believe I was happy, despite how I truly felt, so that I would not appear ungrateful for his hospitality.  
“I thank you Your Majesty for your never ending hospitality, and am delighted to hear that our Kingdoms will soon be united.”
He gave me a wave of the hand, dismissing me from the throne room, and though I wanted to bolt from the room, I held my composure.  This was a world of games and faces, and I knew that in order to survive, I was going to have to put on the best performance of my life.  
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
me: oh hey you like [special interest]?
someone: yeah, you know it??
me, vibrating so hard i begin to clip through the floors: yeah ive heard of it
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
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shooting-stars01 · 5 years
god my absolute favorite feeling is devouring a book, when you get so into the pages and the words that you have to stop your eyes from skipping lines and force yourself to read every word, when you’re so impatient for what happens next that you can’t sit still while reading, when you have to re read whole pages because you were too busy predicting and anticipating that you missed the actual events, when you read a part that’s too good for words and you have to close the book and scream into your pillow, that’s what reading a truly great book is about and the feeling is even better when you haven’t found a book like that in a long time and then you stumble across one and something inside of you awakens
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