#Pre Thor I
tyrannuspitch · 6 months
every so often i remember the proposed childhood flashback scene in TR in which loki would have bullied thor and i get so angry steam starts coming out of my ears. mhm yeah that's totally the power dynamic at play and would not be retconning anything significant at all, that's why the scenes that made it into the movie include one where thor casually threatens to murder loki using the symbol of his superiority in the eyes of their father, one where thor bulldozes over loki's protests about "humiliation" and uses him as an inanimate weapon by physically throwing him across the room, and one where thor just straight up tortures loki while giving him a smug speech about how LOKI needs to do more self-reflection 👍 i know it's literally not real and can't hurt me but jesus christ the amount of victim blaming you have to be doing to even come up with that concept...
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
marvel fell off but i’ve always LOVED heroes and the steve rogers/captain america heroism was always so well done to me- i have to say it
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mothocean · 11 months
Forever sad we don't have fictions for the bifrost incident
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“I loved my husband. I loved him, and I married him, and I wanted to be a good wife. That was all I was raised to be. Can you imagine what that’s like?” “No. I wasn’t raised like that. But I did love my husband all the same.”
Gah .. my heart. 
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Imagine starting to befriend Loki while spoiled, pre vanishment Thor is all over you like
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magnusmodig · 3 days
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whispers in magic is just science your earth hasn't explained yet...
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nostalgia-tblr · 10 months
Not now, plot-bunny! I have enough to be getting on with!
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worstloki · 8 months
creating an insular echo chamber of resounding shared and overlapping voices of opinion to enjoy a blorbo worth maybe half a moment of thought bc that’s what you do when you care for something even when canon has desecrated the character and played it as a puppet on strings for the townsfolk children to enjoy for years rather than let the body be washed and buried
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
HOWEVER. if THOR were queer odin would do so much conversion therapy on him. :/
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Can we just appreciate Avengers 1 and Dark World era Thor..
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violentdevotion · 8 months
i have likes and interests the same way the fandom interpretation of a character has likes and interests
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luvsavos · 8 months
unironically bossgat lives in my brain rent free
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me, putting on my clown makeup, telling myself that because they're continuing the loki show there's still a chance we get a frigga appearance at some point
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constantvariations · 1 year
Just finished Wild Pork and Watercress, the book that Hunt for the Wilderpeople is based on. It's a fairly dry and straightforward read. Very much an "and then" book
What really astounds me is the changes Waititi made to the story. Outside of the beginning focus on Aunt Bella and keeping Ricky fat the entire movie, I do not care for a single thing he altered. Some I outright despise
I could talk at length about them all, but probably the most detrimental to the story and themes is the how/why Hector and Ricky got to/stayed in Ureweras
In the movie, Hector isn't willing to fight Social Welfare to keep Ricky around because Bella wanted the kid, not him. So, Ricky fakes his death by burning down the barn before running into the wilds. Hector discovers the false body and tracks Ricky down to take him back. The two spat, Hector gets pissed and attempts to attack Ricky only to break his foot on the terrain. He can't walk, so inexperienced Ricky has to hunt for them both to survive the weeks it'll take for Hector to heal
During that time, Social concludes that Hector has abducted Ricky in a grief-fuelled mental break and begin hunting them, forcing them to remain in the bush to avoid arrest
In the book, however, the two of them decide together that they'd live in the wilds until Ricky, at the time age 13, would be old enough to grow out of the system at 15. Ricky already knows how to skin game, shoot a rifle, and has taken down many animals on his own with Willy the dog
Hector later reveals he thought Ricky would call quits immediately and he would have taken the boy back had he asked. When Ricky stuck it out and even excelled in the wilds, Hector was proud
Waititi’s version strips the two of them of all agency in their situation. Sure, the upped ante of hardcore charges and a gung-ho antagonist is more exciting than two blokes roaming the countryside because they want to, but it's worthless when it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't have the emotional punch of two people choosing to stay together even if it means going hungry or sleeping in the rain
Which kind of makes the movie's ending a slap in the face. The overly dramatic car chase, Hector giving himself up, Ricky turning on him by calling him a sex offender, and then shoots him by accident. All they can do is react to a situation far out of their control
Meanwhile, Book!Ricky, upon hearing that Hector would get approximately 6 months of suspended sentence if they turn themselves in, convinces Hector to cooperate with the law so they'll both be free at the same time (Ricky is 14 1/2 at this point). It takes a few conversations but Hector agrees. They take their sweet time returning to society, and Hector gets to visit Ricky on the weekends until both their times are done
For 5 months, Movie!Hector and Ricky are stuck together as they run and hide from the law
For 19 months, Book!Hector and Ricky get to chose family right up to the very end
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transheimdall · 1 year
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convinced theyd be absolute best friends
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel)
First Thor notices that Loki is drunk. And then that Loki can't stop drinking. No really, he can't. (one-shot, pre-Thor 1)
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