father-of-the-void · 11 months
Egyptian priest: Oh Solon, Solon, you Greeks are all children, and there's no such thing as an old Greek. Solon: What do you mean by that? Egyptian priest: You are all young in mind, you have no belief rooted in old tradition, and no knowledge hoary with age. And the reason is this ... With you, and others, writing and the other necessities of civilization have only just been developed when the periodic scourge of the deluge descends and spares none but the unlettered and the uncultured - so that you have to begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what happened in early times ... You remember only one deluge, though there have been many...
— Plato, Timaeus
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Pre-Flood Castles Discovered Still-Standing?
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dykejugheadjones · 4 months
you guys ever think what if dean went to jail. like… what if when he’s like 15-17 he takes the fall for some bs john did and goes to jail for at least a year. and leaves sam alone with him. like…
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whitherwanderer · 2 months
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Galena, a Rusty Reforger & Pyrite, a Deliberate Deadeye feat. @shroudandsands
In one of worlds fourteenfold, a hyune reforger scales the crags of Alexandria's cliffs and ruins in search of precious electrope, artifacts, and other reusable materials. A scope is trained on him, a voice in his ear, coolly reminding him to watch his footing (as if it needed to be said).
The spotter is an ex-hunter who keeps the levin-cursed monsters and defective sentries off his back with a careful eye and a dead aim. She's also his wife, which makes it that much harder for her to watch him test his scavenging prowess over the deep canyons and crumbling spires that scar the land. Trust him as she does, she has her reasons to be wary.
Galena's methods are unusual. Instead of combing the ground, he climbs. The old kingdom's ruins hide valuable artifacts and electrope caches that would be out of reach for most, but more worrying is his choice not to wear a regulator despite the many obvious dangers. Among the reforgers, it's not wholly unusual for someone to refuse a regulator, but those who know the two hyune know well: it's not a choice made lightly.
Deep in the heart of Everkeep, Pyrite stalks the alleys of Solution Nine with a portion of the materials her husband gleaned from the old kingdom. It's how he can offer his support for the organization Pyrite now dedicates her time and talents to.
And an ex-hunter always finds ways to keep herself sharp; sentries vanish, dismantled and sold for parts in True Vue's less reputable markets. Weapons from the manufactories on the lower floors go missing and wind up in rebel hands. Credits grease the palms of the right people for the right intelligence and the doors of high clearance warehouses are left unlocked—by accident, of course.
As an agent for the rebel group Oblivion, the regulator Pyrite wears is a compromise allowing her to take advantage of Everkeep's systems while avoiding suspicion. But for all its conveniences, the regulator is also a grave reminder. Should Galena's hands ever slip, all she'll have of him is the recordings and images hidden away on encrypted data shards—assurance that they'd keep their promise never to forget again*.
No mourning, and yet no relief from the aching holes in their memories. All they have is the hints of a loss whose shape they can identify by feeling around its dark edges: an empty room, a closet full of clothes too small for either of them. A name that Pyrite herself chose, always lingering in the back of her mind but slipping through it like a sieve. An image of shade—a face that Galena chases through dreams and wakes up with no recollection of.
Loss enough to take immortality and toss it into a canyon. Pain enough to use that immortality as a weapon against the system that stole from them something so precious it becomes their reason and their resolve. Something that would be worth dismantling a miracle. *OOC Note: This was drafted before the Arcadion raids came out, which answers a critical question I had about the regulator mechanics. A person wearing a regulator will, in fact, remember someone who does not wear one after their death. So that final bit in Pyrite's section is wrong! Oh well.
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Sharing a couple of Darkwing Duck LGBT headcanons, to celebrate this month!
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(Darkwing and Negaduck are Queer, so I found rainbow fitting)
(Also Liquyi is Demiaroace, he just so happened to cover all the colours lol)
Backgrounds made with shrubbery's picrew
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kungseyesfr · 2 years
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Archaeologists still don't know how to solve the riddle of Göbekli Tepe (12000-10000 BC), in Türkiye; that predates Earth's great civilizations by thousands of years.
( simply history has to be rewritten )
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zmpl · 3 months
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littencloud9 · 6 months
hope i am not just a tumblr user to you but also your kunichuu mutual
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father-of-the-void · 11 months
To dive at Chatan is to be reminded of an episode in the Nihongi, one of Japan's most ancient texts, a chronicle of the earliest times. Here, in a long introductory section entitled 'The Age of the Gods,' there is a passage that describes how a deity named Ho-ho-demi no Mikoto climbed into an upended waterproof basket and descended to the bottom of the sea. In this makeshift submarine 'he found himself at a pleasant strand ... proceeding on his way he suddenly arrived at the palace of the Sea-God. This palace was provided with battlements and turrets and had stately towers.' No doubt the many curious things that the Nihongi has to say about the Age of the Gods may all be explained as mythology and imagination. Still, I find it curious in Japan, where there are so many underwater 'anomalies,' that such a venerable ancient text contains a clear tradition of submerged structures that can only be visited by divers.
— Graham Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization
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crepusculum-rattus · 10 months
got so overly excited abt ender king mention that i am Still vibrating
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aropride · 10 months
Where do you get most of your autism info?
oo good question,, tbh a lot of stuff i just know cuz my both my brothers are diagnosed + my best friend growing up has it, so a lot of stuff i just kinda absorbed over the years from my family + friends. usually with factchecking that stuff i just google it and scan a couple sites that look trustworthy to see if it's something that seems widely agreed on or not before i say it conclusively
for specific online sources, i know the autism self advocacy network has a lot of good info, and embrace autism is also good. also spectrumnews.org and autistic women and nonbinary network <- these r all as far as i know but also i havent done like, a full background check on all of them so i might be incorrect
i think the main thing is double checking anything from social media or any article/news story/whatever with big red flags- it definitely varies and most of these things arent like, 100% indicators that something is wrong, more that the source might be biased or ableist or just outdated. but for me big red flags are -> allistic writer/speaker insisting on person-first language (tho thats still very common in psych spaces unfortunately), calling autism a "disease"/"epidemic" or saying it needs to be cured, the puzzle piece logo and "light it up blue" (red instead is the alternative movement for that, it's for autism Acceptance rather than awareness which is the movement with weird ableist undertones (overtones?)), that sort of thing. also checking for things written by autistic people or with imput from autistic people
also academic papers can be super dense (and somewhat ableist tbh) but they also have good information sometimes, so again just checking and seeing if there's other sources for stuff & if those look reputable
+ id say just in general be especially careful with stuff on social media bc ppl will Lie or misinterpret stuff or misremember or whatever and misinformation gets spread very very quickly . but also community is nice & can be incredibly helpful so it's difficult to completely disavow it yknow .
but yeah a lot of stuff ive learned from my family & friends over the years, and dont have super good specific sources for learning that sort of thing other than just hanging out with autistic people and absorbing stuff via osmosis HAHA but i hope some of that helps :}
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sunrisetoday2024 · 9 months
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
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Once upon a time, Lugarhoo traded obedience to the Shadowkeeper for the power to rend his foes with tooth and claw. Now freed from that pact, it may appear that little remains of the elf he once was ─ but, in truth, the thirst for violence was always at the heart of him.
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xbraveheartx · 10 months
Honestly kind of glad over the immense feeling of despair that comes with trying to find LoP merch? Because it truly just means... Neowiz had a passion for their game, having focused all energies on creating it rather than trying to market something to people.
It shows their love and dedication to their game rather than wanting to make a profit from merch (I'm looking at you, indie horror scene).
They believed in their creation, and as a result, we all want the merch that'll inevitably be made in the future for us. That's the difference between making something out of love, and making something out of profit.
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grahamkennedy · 4 months
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Oh my God how have I not seen this one? He's so small. I can see why mums across Australia wanted to adopt this man.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
I am a former Abeka student here, and currently have an education degree and just wanted to weigh in. Their grammar and math curriculum for elementary school students is actually fairly comprehensive and rigorous- provided you have someone guiding you through the work and aren't just popped in front of the video curriculum. I would say the rest of their curriculum is disappointing to downright infactual. There were several times as an adult or even an older student using a different curriculum that I had to relearn various historical facts or scientific principles. Their history curriculum really emphasizes a white Christian nationalist view of American history (and world history- which only covered "Western" civilization no Asian or African history) and their science textbooks hammered home that God created the world and some of the information in them was straight up false.
So yeah, I'm not mad at Carlin for using Abeka if she wants to introduce basic grammar and math concepts because it actually does that very well! I wouldn't touch the rest of the curriculum with a 10 foot pole.
Yea I guess my point moreso was that I assume any involved homeschool moms are going to care enough about the curriculum they choose to properly vet the organization it comes from. Obv someone like Carlin is already familiar with Abeka, I'd assume.
So regardless of which ages she's using it for, I don't know why she'd pick that particular evangelical organization to support if she didn't agree with their core values. My point is more about that choice being indicative to me of where she stands ideologically, which I know a lot of people speculate about since outwardly she appears pretty progressive.
I mean even if she's only using it for pre-k that's still her making an active choice to support that organization when she has a lot of other options, you know? My point wasn't that it's impossible to learn anything from Abeka and I appreciate you sharing your personal experience, it was more about gauging where she stands in the fundie/fundie lite universe since she doesn't really talk about her beliefs in depth.
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