#Predator movie
ninjigma · 4 months
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They’re having their clone wars moment~
More Master Pia’itzi with his padawan Naru and clone Captain Orca. They’re learning a lot together, including the exact right amount of annoying to be endearing (in other words, family XD).
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verywolf589 · 2 months
It just warms my heart that both Alien and Predator was played by black men. Bolaji Badejo and Kevin Peter Hall.
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fanofspooky · 8 months
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Carl Weathers behind the scenes of Predator
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the-cannibal · 2 years
“Clicky papa!”
Predator/Yautja x (platonic) child! Reader
Summary: what happens when a small three year old child gets attached to a big killer alien?
Female reader - she/her and you is used
Yautja is male in this one - he is also unnamed so if you wanna imagine him as a specific Yautja or an oc feel free! :)
This is a platonic oneshot!
This is also very short, but I hope you like it anyway!
Warnings: Some violence and what not in the beginning, blood/gore
It was a simple job. One that he was going to get in and out quickly. The big alien let out a screech as he ripped open another human, blood splattering all across his armor and mask. He was surrounded by a field of pure gore as he continued his mission, a mission that we won't go in specifics as to what exactly it is. But to summarize it he had to kill people. A lot of people. Which wasn't out of the ordinary. Rapid foot steps came up behind him and before he knew it his precious mask was ripped off of his face and carelessly tossed to the side. The Yautja slowly looked down at the frightened human, who stood shaking as he realized the mistake he had made. "N-no please!" But before the poor human could make anymore pleas, the Yautja had sliced open its throat, watching as the body fell limp to the ground, twitching and pouring out blood. The strong alien quickly wiped down all his tools and was ready to leave the scene. That was until he felt someone tapping on his leg. "Boo!" The alien looked down to see a small human girl, around the same size as the young Yautja pups he sees running around his planet. The alien tilted his head in confusion, making a clicking noise with his mandibles as he picked up the girl to examine her. The child giggled and attempted to copy his noise, getting drool and spit down her chin, as she made grabby hands towards his dreadlocks. The Yautja couldn't keep the small smile from spreading across his face. He had to admit, they were quite adorable. But the smile quickly fell when he remembered what they were. A human... But they were so small! How could he harm such a thing? Looking down in his arms and seeing the child holding her fingers up to her face in an attempt to make her own mandibles, he knew he couldn't hurt her. And it wasn't like he could go find the humans that made said offspring. They were probably in the carnage that laid around them... "Clicky papa!" That made him freeze up. His eyes were wide in wonder and curiosity as he looked down at the giggling toddler in his arms. She really wasn't afraid of him, what's so ever. Which really surprised him. Every human he has ever come across scream in horror when they see him. They scream louder when his mask is off and they see his true face. But here he held a small human that called him papa.
"Clicky papa?" The child said confused. The big alien sighed, moving the child so they were resting their head on his shoulder. He made up his mind. She was now his pup, his child. He was going to take care of her, no matter what the other Yautja say. Climbing into his ship and getting ready to fly back home, he knew the risks he was taking. But one look down at the child in his arms, sound asleep with a gentle hand wrapped around one of his dreads, he knew he couldn't just leave them behind.
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deerlytoasty · 26 days
Yautja study!
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sweet-mary280 · 8 months
Literally no one:
Yautja's Pov & Human:
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I love it when the Yautja boyfriend holding a human's neck in some movie 😩🫶✨
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But... what about us??? 🫣❤️‍🔥
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sy-tech · 4 months
Finally I have time to myself to draw!!! The first thing I make- A yautja. Of course. Her name is Akuiatn but I often call her Akula.
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Akula is made out of my frustration with the Predator 2018 movie. One day I'll write out all my opinions about that movie and more about her and her story but for today y'all get art.
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araghorn07 · 1 year
my bestfriend bought me the predator art and making of the film book and it’s soooo cool so I want to share some pictures of it !!
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“Martin Whist has done the Predator ships so spectacularly. These bio-mechanical sets, it’s like being inside of a giant insect.” - Fred Dekker
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“We called the Predator dog Marley, because of his hair.” - Augusto Aguilera
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ALSO 💀💀 this made me laugh
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porgatino · 1 year
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Put him in dead by daylight already
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thenomadclan · 7 months
For those who don’t know, Dan Trachtenberg, the one who directed and made PREY has officially announced that they are working on a Predator Movie known as (or place holder name like how PREY was called SKULLS) BADLANDS. As far as we know it will possibly take place in the future and set to have a Female Lead Character. There is also talks of a Sequel to PREY that will continue Naru’s story and how the pistol got into the hands of Greyback (or Golden Angel)!!!
For those wanting to read the source of the news you can find it here ⬇️
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kazekage-libra · 2 months
All I can think about is what the Yaujta smell like??? Yeah hot aliens daddies okay that's cool. Whenever I'm reading Yaujta smut my second thought is always, "I bet it smells crazy in there." Am I the only one thinking about that??
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ninjigma · 4 months
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Yautja Jedi Master Pia’itzi
Recovering from a real rough patch but hoping to be well enough to join in on Jedi June, which I figured meant it was about time to share my Jedi OC that I’ve been hiding a bit.
Always really nervous about OC sharing and such; but it has honestly been really fun designing this character and slowly making sketches to expand on him, and his life as a Jedi (plus my own headcannons and world building for the Yautja themselves hehe). So… I guess here is the first piece of the puzzle, a quick character sheet that I have been using for reference on the Jedi June art :3
Hope you enjoy! And if you have questions feel free to ask
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Naru - Prey by Sassafras
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fanofspooky · 11 months
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Kevin Peter Hall behind the scenes of Predator 1987
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the-cannibal · 2 years
“I would never leave you.”
Yautja x female Reader
Summary: your mate has been gone for two weeks on a hunt, and you begin to question if he is ever coming back to you, or if he’s finally moved on and got bored of a simple human like the others suggest…
okay so this may or may not be kinda self indulgent in how I hate it when people say one thing and then plans suddenly change, if that makes sense? Anyway hope you enjoy!
Reader is female - she/her and you is used
Yautja is male - no specific name is used so feel free to imagine them as whoever you’d like!
I wrote this on my phone so apologizes if it gets laid out weird.
You happily hummed as you helped a female Yautja clean and put away the training weapons. You loved to help them in any way you could. After all, it was sort of like a thanks and payment for letting you stay. And also for not killing you… Not that your mate would let them of course! But it was still a kind thing you enjoyed doing for them.
As you were putting a spear away, the sound of some yautja behind you, clicking their mandibles at you caught your attention and made you tilt your head at them.
“Don’t you find it strange, ooman?” One of them spoke. You raised an eyebrow at them confused, which made the other two laugh at you.
“I told you she wouldn’t understand! Oomans are such idiots.” The way that yautja rolled the last word off her tongue hurt. It was bad enough that she was calling you and your kind dumb, but the venom in her voice made sure it really stung.
“Your mate,” Your head jerked up to look at the tall maroon yautja that spoke. “Been gone for long time, yes?” This yautja didn’t seem as fluent in the “ooman tongue”, like what the other two are. It sort of reminded you of your mate, when you first met him. Speaking of mate, the maroon alien was correct. It had been a long time since you had seen your mate. Two whole weeks to be exact…
You could only nod at the aliens, making their mandibles trill as they laughed at you.
“How pathetic,” The female spat at you. “But not at all surprising. I mean, did you really think they would stay with you forever?”
“What..?” Your voice wavered as you looked up at the tall female. She towered over you, making you feel small and weak. The female Yautja’s were bigger than the males. So you could only imagine how tall they were when the males also towered over you. Their heights always slightly intimidated you, especially now…
“Oh don’t seem so surprised!” The first yautja chuckled. “I mean. You are just a simple minded ooman. You really didn’t think that someone of our kind would be mates with someone of yours, did you?” They asked you in such a way that sounded almost scolding. They talked down to you like they were talking to one of their pups and scolding it. “I bet they left to find a new mate.”
Your eyes widened, clenching your fists until your knuckles turned white. “That isn’t true! He wouldn’t do that!” He wouldn’t. Your mate loves you!
“Oh but how could he not? How could you expect an expert hunter to stay with a simple ooman? You oomans are weak,” They continued to belittle you.
“Slow.” The maroon alien added.
“No where near our intelligence level.” The female included.
“And you can’t even give him an heir to secure his bloodline.” They whispered in your ear, making you freeze up and glare at them.
“Shut up…”
“You know it’s true.”
“I said shut UP!” You screamed at the group of aliens and stormed off towards your room. The sound of their laughter mixed with clicks and trills could be heard getting quieter and quieter until finally, when you entered your shared room, silence.
Shakily making your way towards your bed, you flopped down onto the fur mattress, clutching your head in your hands as silent tears fell from your eyes. You really shouldn’t let what they said get to you. Your mate loved you, and there was no way he would leave you like that… right? But what if they were right? What if your mate was bored of you, and decided he needed to be with someone like him? After all, those three yautja's were right. You are just a human. You aren't a big strong hunter like them. Curling up into a ball, pulling your knees up to your chest, you silently cried yourself to sleep. The thoughts of your mate leaving you, and all the horrible things that were said to you today never left your head...
A soft glowing light made you crack one eye open. There standing at the end of the bed, back facing you, was your mate as he put away his weapons. A small part of you wanted to jump out of bed and into his arms. But you were still feeling upset. So instead you turned your body away from him. The sudden movement made him turn to look at you. "Y/n?" He softly spoke your name. You just closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. You felt the bed dip under his weight as he moved to sit next to you. "I know you are awake." He said, brushing a hand through your hair. You pushed the hand away and stared ahead at the wall. This made him tilt his head, looking at you confused, almost like a kicked puppy. He had just returned home to you. Were you not happy? "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" He moved his hand to feel your forehead, only getting more confused when it didn't feel hot. You sat up and pushed his hand away once again. "Why are you here?" You whispered. "Shouldn't you be off with your new mate?" You practically seethed at him. The big alien slightly jumped back, eyes widened. "What are you talking about?"
"The whole reason why you were gone for so long! Don't try and sugar coat it," Angry tears were falling. "Let's just get this over with. You got bored of a silly little human, I get it." Your mate growled, making you gasp and scoot back. When he saw the scared reaction from you he calmed himself down. "Ooman," He cupped your cheek and wiped your tears. You leaned into his touch. Oh how you missed him, but oh how your thoughts were plagued at the moment... "I would never leave you." He whispered. "Who put these thoughts in your head?"
Whimpering and turning you head away in shame, you refused to answer him. You felt foolish and embarrassed. How could you let those thoughts get to you? Your mate was the sweetest, of course he wasn’t gone to leave you behind for good.
“Y/n,” Your mate trilled your name in a way that sounded like sweet honey to your ears. He always could make you swoon just by how he pronounced things, but especially your name. “Please talk to me. I’m not mad at you, just concerned.” His clawed finger softly brushed the side of you head, once again moving down to cup your cheek. You knew you couldn’t hide anything from him. He’d figure out what was upsetting you if it were the last thing he did. There was no way he was going to little his little mate sit here and sulk away and not let him help.
Sighing and cupping your hand over his as you leaned into his touch, tears being wiped away by his other free hand as they fell, you opened up. “Today when I was helping clean the training weapons there were these three Yautja’s that came up to me and said some… Not really nice things about me…” That made your mate hiss, mandibles clicking in annoyance. How dare anyone upset his mate!
“Who?” He asked.
“No idea,” you shrugged. “Look it was stupid of me to believe them so let’s just drop it and pretend it never happened, alright?”
“No,” The alien moved your chin so you were looking up at him. “I am sorry that happened to you. You are the most precious thing to me, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever lost you, be it by death or something like this.” He held his arms out, which you happily accepted as you crawled onto his big lap and curled up into his chest. His rough skin calmed you. “Silly girl,” he purred, mandibles clicking, this time in a happy way. “No one could ever replace you. I’m so lucky to have you. I’m so thankful that it was me that was sent to earth on that mission, and not someone else. I don’t want to imagine what life would be like if I hadn’t met you that night.”
“Well I do know one thing for sure,” You spoke up. “I know there wouldn’t be a big hole in my backyard from when you crashed you ship.”
Your mate playfully nipped his mandibles at you as you laughed at the thought. “I had just learned how to fly, give me some credit!”
“Alright alright! I’ll give you a pass for being so adorable.”
“You were the cutest! Don’t deny it!”
He smiled down at you, nuzzling his head against yours, which you had learned soon in your relationship that it was his way of trying to give you a kiss like “the oomans do”.
“There’s that pretty smile I love.” He practically cooed. “Don’t listen to what anyone has to say about us, love. I love you more than all the stars in the universe.”
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bellamer · 2 months
Bro my mom got into an argument with me because she claims the Predator movies and Yautja in general are some sort of space police killing and arresting people because the people are evil and they hunt Xenomorphs because they’re evil or something and I’m trying to tell her that they literally hunt people for sport and fun and cultural reasons and that they hunt people and Xenomorphs because they’re worthy prey and they like challenges but she is adamant that I am wrong despite my brother and I both telling her the same thing
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