#Prince Snow White is Taken by the Queen
neil-gaiman · 5 months
Hello Mr. Gaiman, I have recently read your story "Snow, Glass, Apples" for my Folklore class. I found the concept of an evil snow white and the story being told from the perspective of the queen really interesting. I do have a question though, why did you feel the story couldn't be properly brought to life without the strange sexuality? I understand that the purpose of literature is to get your audience to feel something or be able to take something away from it and that definitely happened with "Snow, Glass, Apples". I do think, however, that this goal could have been portrayed without the sexual references and rape allegories. Is there a reason you decided they were necessary to your story?
Well, if the prince (for example) isn't a necrophile it makes his being overtaken desire over the corpse of the young princess in the glass coffin and him ordering it to be taken back to his castle rather hard to understand. And so it was necessary to establish his kink as part of the story.
Mostly it was just trying to follow through the central question of "What if the Wicked Queen actually wasn't wicked? What if we got her story? What if she was justified in cutting out Snow White's heart?" The central idea wasn't "How can I do weird sex stuff in a story?" It was "How can I make this feel real in a story about a woman dealing with a young vampire princess and a necrophile prince."
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Snow Drop Part 1
Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Description: Jacaerys Velaryon finds himself taken by a pretty handmaiden who he catches watching him reading every evening in the library at Dragonstone. Jacaerys assumes the maiden takes an interest in the books, but what if it's the prince himself that keeps her returning to the library?
Author's note: first part of my Jace series, which will be loosely based on Snow White.
Warnings: Female reader.
Shards of moonlight entered the arched windows, casting shadows across the flagstone floors of the library of Dragonstone. Lanterns attached to dragon shaped hangings lining the walls cast a warm glow over the cold, grey stone walls, curls of smoke dancing from the flames. A figure melded with the shadows of the darkened hallway outside the library. The castle maid peeped from behind the arched oak door on the threshold of the library. She found herself, not for the first time, observing Prince Jacaerys as he turned the pages of an ancient tome. A frown furrowed his brow and downturned his lip, and Y/N found herself wishing she could smooth his expression. She longed for him to smile at her, but immediately rebuked herself for her presumptuous thought. Since she had fled from King's Landing to Dragonstone, eager to show her loyalty to the true Queen, she had found herself mesmerized by the young Prince. Try as she might, she could not tear her gaze away from him, as he passed her in the hallways, or she would observe him reading in the library every night, from the safety of the shadows. Her awareness of the foolishness of her fascination was not enough to prevent her eyes from following him, or her heart stuttering at the sight of him, at the sound of his voice. While she lived, her mother had gently chastised Y/N for her preoccupation with tales of princes and princesses, of castles and romance. Prince Jacaerys seemed to embody the princely qualities of honour, loyalty and gallantry, which she had always believed to invest royalty with the mandate to rule. The gentleness and respect that he always directed towards the Queen and his cousins, as well as the female servants, was evidence of an elevation of moral character which raised him above all other men she had met. One interaction she had had with him, in particular, had catalysed her senseless admiration for him.
When she had first begun her duties at Dragonstone, she had been skittish and nervous to be in the presence of royalty, having been previously confined to the lower levels of the Red Keep. Her shy and nervous manner had caused her to drop an empty flagon when attempting to remove it from the table of the Council Room. At the loud clatter which resounded through the room, Ser Alfred Broome rose from the table in indignation and began shouting at her in a booming voice, which left her wincing and cowering.
“Stupid girl, you dare interrupt the proceedings of this Council with your clumsiness. Remove this mess!”
Nodding her head sharply in apology, unable to look him in the eyes, she began to pick up the spilled flagon and cups from the floor, ready to flee from the room, when she heard another voice intervene.
“You dare raise your voice to a lady, Ser? I would advise you to remember your manners and your position in this Council, and to address the members of the Queen’s household with respect.” He almost spat out the last word, in his anger, and Y/N’s eyes tentatively rose to meet those of her defender. She watched in horror as Prince Jacaerys turned from Ser Broome and began to walk with slow, measured strides in her direction, as if worried he would frighten her. Lowering himself to her level, occupied as she still was in gathering the evidence of her clumsiness from the floor, he met her eyes with his warm, brown ones. The gentle expression and reassuring nod he met hers with had her heart stuttering, as he began to assist her in picking the remnants from the floor, their fingers brushing as he did so. Once all the cups and flagon were on the tray, he took it from her, to her surprise, and called for one of the manservants.
“This tray is far too heavy for a lady to be carrying, no wonder it fell. Please remove this to the kitchens.”
With one more gentle, reassuring smile in her direction, he returned to the head of the table, as she wandered from the room, in a half-dazed state.
Since then she had found herself unable to prevent herself from watching for him in the hallways, in case he passed her, and she returned to the library every night just to see him. She knew her actions were foolish, but she convinced herself that there was no harm in indulging her fascination with him from a distance. So it was, that she found herself watching as a lock of his curled, ebony hair fell into his eyes, and he turned the page. When he closed the book suddenly, she almost jumped, but she steeled herself, watching as he rose from the oak table he was seated at, leaving his book open upon the table, as he always did. Waiting a few moments after he had left before making her way into the library, Y/N walked quietly up to the table the Prince had been seated at mere moments ago. She cast her gaze down at the page he had been reading from, as she did every night, curious at what subjects held his interest enough to keep him returning to the library. Bending her face lower to examine a rich illustration of Targaryen history, her hair fell in a curtain around her. As she continued to gently turn the pages, becoming lost in the histories, she did not hear the soft tread of footsteps behind her.
When Prince Jacaerys had vacated his seat in the library, he concealed himself behind the door of the other entrance to the library, watching as the pretty maid who had held his interest from the first moment he had seen her cross him in the hallway, emerged from her hiding place at the other end of the library. Despite her quiet disposition and unobtrusive presence behind the door, he had heard her soft sneeze on one such night, and had been aware of her presence ever since. Curious at why she was hiding, but nonetheless unwilling to frighten her by revealing his awareness of her presence, he had determined to simply continue to read. Upon leaving the library the first time he had observed her watching him, he had secreted himself behind the other door to the library, as he had left the room, and watched as she emerged into the room and walked to where he had just been seated. He watched, in fascination, as she looked hesitantly from left to right, before looking down at the book he had been reading, and began to turn the pages. Ascertaining that it was probably the books the maid held an interest in, and that she was perhaps too shy or unsure to ask if she could borrow any, he resolved to leave the books he read out for her to read, should she so wish. Each night, as he would leave the library, he would leave the book he had been reading from open, so that she might read from it herself, since these books seemed to hold so much interest for her. Each night, he would silently watch as she turned the pages of the book, unable to repress his own smile as he saw a look of intent concentration on her face, as she became immersed in the histories of his House.
The first time he had seen the maid, he had passed her in the hallway and found himself looking back despite himself, struck by her pretty features. Rebuking himself for his behaviour, he had continued on his way through the ancient halls of Dragonstone, but had found himself looking out for her in the following days. Each time he would pass her and she would give him a small bow of her head, he would smile back at her. He could not deny to himself that he found the blush that would dust her cheeks as she scurried past him, as quickly as she could, inexplicably sweet. His anger at Ser Broome a few weeks ago at his harsh manner towards the girl was only partly propelled by his belief that all members of his mother’s household, especially those who had chosen to leave King’s Landing to come into her service out of loyalty, should be treated with respect. He was also partly motivated by a sense of protectiveness towards a lady whose gentleness and shyness left her cringing at Ser Broome’s outburst. Jacaerys had frequently struggled to repress his irritation at Broome’s attitude towards his mother, the Queen and the other women of the Council and the household. His rude behaviour towards a maid who had only been doing her best to serve them, and who was clearly frightened by him, was the final straw.
He had attempted to approach the girl with caution, lest she think that he meant to antagonize her in the same manner as Ser Broome, immediately offering her what he hoped was an encouraging smile. As he began to help her to collect the fallen cups, he regretted to see that her hands trembled, making a mental note to rebuke Brooke further, after the Council session. Removing the tray from the girl’s shaking hands, he had immediately sought out a manservant to take charge of it, surprised that such a heavy load should have fallen to her in the first place. He felt an uncomfortable feeling In his chest as he saw the girl half run from the Council, fearing that he might have embarrassed her by pointing this out, having only intended to aid her and defend her from Broome’s harsh rebukes. Nevertheless, she had continued to greet him affably when she passed him, always respectfully curtseying and bowing her head, to which he lowered his head in respectful greeting. She had not seemed to fear him, as she did Ser Broome and the other raucous members of his mother’s Council, although the fact that she would never enter the library when he was in there, waiting for him to leave before she entered, could suggest otherwise. Tonight, he was determined to find out if such was the case, and to offer her the use of the library, should it please her.
Slowly approaching her, in an attempt not to startle her altogether and have her flee from him immediately, he was a pace behind her before he spoke.
“The histories of my house are of ever growing interest to myself as well. Ah, I see you have been reading of Jahaerys and Alysanne, worthy rulers.”
He was surprised when she whipped around in shock at his voice, emitting a small shriek before curtseying frantically with an apologetic “my apologies, my Prince. I hadn’t meant to disturb you or be presumptuous.”
He realised his approach towards her had only served to alarm her, as she turned to flee. Reaching his arm out quickly he arrested her flight by gently wrapping his hand around hers, turning it over in his hand.
“Apologies, my Lady, I had not meant to startle you. You have not disturbed me and there is no presumption. I meant only to enquire as to whether you might want to borrow a few copies that interest you, should it please you.”
Seeing that her look of alarm had turned into one of confusion, he continued.
“All members of the Queen’s household are welcome to make use of the library, particularly when they seem to have taken such a keen interest in our own histories,” he added, with a gentle smile.
Seeing that she was beginning to relax in his presence and was no longer likely to run from him, he slowly lowered her hand back down to her side.
Looking up hesitantly at him, she bowed her head once again. “Thank you my Prince, you are most gracious. I am grateful for your kind offer….you are sure it would not be an imposition? I should not like to borrow a book you were reading.”
“It would be no imposition at all. You are also free to enter the library when I am present, you will not disturb me. Please feel free to borrow any book that should interest you.” Seeing that she looked flustered at the realisation that he had been aware of her presence the entire time and seeking to alleviate her embarrassment, as he saw her cheeks burning, he tilted his head respectfully in her direction before taking his leave. As he made his way through the dark, flagstone halls of Dragonstone, back towards his own chambers, he was unable to repress a smile at the thought that the pretty maid with the shy disposition and the interest in Targaryen histories might return to the library again. Except, this time, she would not do so clandestinely. Perhaps she might converse with him or, at least, he hoped that such might be the case.
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goldenocie · 21 days
Yo I forgot about this draft but essentially: fablesmp fairy tale AU but I try to connect everyone somehow. All of the player characters are here so it’s sort of a long post
Fable- evil king. The snow queen. Witch. Motive unclear but he’s trying to amass more magic for…something??
Icarus- Snow White. They lived a comfortable life in the palace until they showed power of their own and the king ordered them to be killed. Now lives with a bunch of birds in the woods
Rae- Cinderella. Despite being the late queens son, he is treated more like a palace maid. As kids, he and Icarus had a bad relationship but it got better as they grew up. He finds comfort by going down to the sea and speaking to the nice mermaid who shares stories of their life and by also sneaking chats with his fathers huntsman
Momboo- Sleeping beauty. The oldest of two sisters who were born of pure magic and somehow nothing else. She was able to escape the king when she was younger and he attempted to capture her, though he still managed to place a curse on her. Her life force is directly connected to a tree he planted and once it grows to full size she is destined to prick her finger on one of the branches and fall into a death like slumber. She lives in hiding now, the fairies that saved her are still around her occasionally
Ocie- Rapunzel. The younger of the magic sisters, she was not as lucky as her older sister and was locked in a tower by the king at a young age. It overlooks the sea and that’s all she’s ever known. She truly believes the king cares for her like family and that she is locked in there for her own protection.
Wolf- the Huntsman and the wolf. The former huntsman of the king, the king sent him to kill Icarus but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He lied to Fable, however this was found out and he punished him by turning him into a wolf.
Oscar- somehow all of the three little pigs in one. He made all three houses and got chased out of all of them :(, a wolf chased him to a tower which he climbed up and found a lady inside!
Centross- Robin Hood. Is definitely in love with one of the kings huntsmen. Centross witnessed him get turned into a wolf and tried to kill the king over it. However, the king framed him for Wolfs disappearance and guards chased him out of the city. He got chased out into the woods where he came across a weird guy with a lot of birds who definitely looks a little familiar. They fought for a bit until he got chased again to a tower that looks like it might hold something valuable
Jerry- Guard archetype. This criminal he’s chasing has been blamed for the disappearance of his best friend and while Jerry doesn’t believe that wolf is dead, he does believe that centross is to blame.
Athena- Little Red. A Prince from a now destroyed land being raised by their mother in the woods. She warned them not to stray from the path but damnit there were shiny things out there… They were chased by a large wolf before running into a strange person with many birds. He’s staying with them for the time being until the coast is clear…
Jamie- Goldilocks/beast. Jamie woke up one day as a small bear cub with no memory. Unbeknownst to them, they used to be a prince but was cursed by the king to become a bear. They broke into the house of some humans but was quickly shooed out after trying their food, chairs, and beds. They found a small cottage shortly after with a nice lady inside
Easton- jack and the beanstalk. Following the death of their parents, Easton had to sell their favorite cow (rip Martin) at market. They were offered three magic beans in return and…for some reason…agreed. Easton planted them but for a while nothing happened. A week past and suddenly- big beanstalk sprouted. Easton found a city in the clouds and attempted some theft, much to the dismay of the giants. Along with numerous other injuries, they lost their sight escaping but was taken in by a kind woman who brought them to her home.
Ven- Kai (The snow queen) Broken shards of the kings shattered magic mirror embedded into Vens heart and eyes. He now serves the king faithfully. The shards have turned him cruel and he can no longer see the beauty in anything besides the kings magic. Only those who have been at the castle for a while know about the kind natured person he used to be. Icarus was able to slightly melt the shards in his heart but was unable to completely do so before their father found out.
Caspian- Prince Charming 1. The brother in a set of two siblings sent by Queen Soraza as a peace envoy. He is adopted by the queen though still has rightful claim to the throne. While at the castle he has been seeing some odd things…perhaps more will be uncovered at the solstice ball that he’s attending. He is here for diplomatic reasons and to keep the allusion of peace. He’d much rather be doing anything else as this trip has already been taxing on him. He also was thrown from the ship while coming into port and considers it nothing less of a miracle that he didn’t drown…now if only he knew how.
Arisanna- Prince Charming 2. The only biological child of queen Soraza, nonetheless she does not wish for the throne. Ari does not trust anything here and the tree in the courtyard has particularly caught her eye… the flowers are gorgeous and it’s so vibrant. It’s almost…magical. She is here to investigate the claims that the king is putting curses on people.
Aax- the little mermaid. Interested by the humans, aax has been sneaking up to talk to a boy named Rae who’s he’s pretty interested in. However things take a turn when he watches a man get thrown overboard off a large ship during a storm. The man he saved was dressed very fancy and Aax left him on the beach despite wanting to stay and talk. Aax was told later by rae that this was actually the visiting prince! He wants desperately to follow Rae, to actually meet the man he saved, to not be stuck in the sea. When going to meet Rae on the beach later he finds a different man who offers him a deal in return for legs.
Ulysses- Triton/ the sisters(the little mermaid). Aax’s adopted parent, Ulysses is not very fond of Aaxs decision yet he is still trying to look out for them. After finding out about the deal, Ulysses looks more into it and finds a way for Aax to get out of it in time without losing his life. He’s not super ethical about it but he’ll be damned if he loses another family member to these humans.
Addie- Miss muffet. She owns a spider themed cafe! It’s called “the web” as she’ll always have information for you…just bring something to share as well! Addie lives on the outskirts of the kingdom as she does not wish to be anywhere near the king.
Haley- the mad hatter. A frequent customer at The Web, nobodies actually seen her out of it… most of her rambling means nothing you’re sure…hopefully. The king cursed her with madness long ago but that curse seems to actually have given her a large amount of knowledge of things she shouldn’t know.
Isla- fairy god mother. Nobody knows how she achieved this power nor how she escaped the king. The common people believe her to be dead. She has created a flaw in the kings otherwise unbreakable curses, causing true loves kiss to be the remedy to all of them. Perhaps she has experience of her own to speak from?
I didn’t wanna add too many gods cause honestly that would just make this so much harder but I did try to include all the players! This is already a very long post. Go ahead and try to add the existing gods in if you’d like! I just ask if you’re adding onto my stuff not to move anyone out of a slot
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sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere King x Queen reader
(Usual warnings guys yandere behavior betrayal and mass murder REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN, and this is a bit like my other yandere King story)
You were the ruler of a strong kingdom you were admired by all due to your wisdom and independence there weren't many other Kingdoms ruled by a woman without a husband, so you were made famous for this, but you constantly got marriage proposals from Princes Dukes and Kings of many Kingdoms, but you refused each one which only made them desire you more and the proposals kept on coming but there was one man who you thought was different he was the King of a nearby Kingdom that you had an alliance with.
You met him at a ball you came only for trading opportunities and kept to yourself until a drunk man grabbed you by your waist and tried to lure you into the bedroom and touched you inappropriately and naturally you struggled and resisted him, but he didn't like this, and he was about to hit you when a tall gentlemen stopped him and escorted you away from him you thanked him and you two spoke for the rest of the night and you learned he was king Félix the ruler of a very strong Kingdom nearby yours you two soon started an alliance and became good friends what you really admired about Félix is that he never tried to make a move on you and u thought you thought that he had absolutely no romantic feelings for you so you trusted him very much that was your first mistake you were in your throne room discussing matters with your staff when Felix decided to pay you a visit.
You went to the garden with him like you usually did and Félix said.
Félix: Y/n you are an independent and beautiful woman, but have you ever taken a liking to someone.
You were taken back b his question and had a bad feeling about this.
Y/n: No why do you ask?
Félix then sighed and looked you in the eye.
Félix: Y/n we've known each other for a while now and want you to know that the moment I laid eyes on you at the ball I wanted to make you mine.
You were really starting to get nervous, and your stomach dropped when he went down on one knee.
Félix: So, Y/n (last name) will you marry me?
Y/n: Felix I'm sorry but I refuse I only see you as a friend, but you will find someone.
Unbeknownst to you something snapped in him, and he wanted to forcefully take you right then and there, but he kept composure and politely excused himself and went back to his carriage. Of course, you felt bad for rejecting Félix, but you never saw him in a romantic way, but you were sure that everything would go back to normal, but it didn't.
Félix didn't come back for a while after that and naturally you worried about him but what happened next was something that changed your image of Félix forever.
You were in your chambers reading but you were interrupted by your frantic staff saying that your Kingdom was under attack, so you rushed outside only to be met by around 5000 armed knights who were led by none other than Félix and when you saw this you were speechless the feeling of betrayal was overwhelming.
Y/n: Félix what is the meaning of this?
Félix: Y/n I tried to make you mine the nice way, but you rejected me so now I have to take matters into my own hands so choose my dear will you marry me and save your Kingdom, or do you refuse and risk getting all of your beloved subjects killed.
Y/n: Fine Félix you win I will marry you.
you hated the smirk of satisfaction on his face but what could you do you can't let these people get hurt it was your job to protect them, so you went with Félix, and on the day of your wedding your subjects decided to try and rescue you and for a second you thought they would win but that was until you saw the smirk on Félix's face and he snapped his fingers and his thousands of guards came in and mercilessly murdered every single one of them your snow white wedding was painted red in under 5 minutes
"don't worry my dear I'm all you need"
Is what he said before he kissed you now your married to the man who causes you the most pain.
hey guys I think I'll make more parts of this stay hydrated and safe love you guys♥
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shady-tavern · 2 years
Winter Star
Some children were born touched by nature, carrying the warmth of the sun, the brightness of spring and the gentle patience of the earth. They were rare, but everyone knew their stories and knew how wonderful they had been. 
They knew about the girl touched by summer, who had been taken by a fae woman, the Stag Queen. There was the boy of autumn, who the stars had lured away, never to be seen again and a handful of others, whose fates had been the same.
One day, a girl came into this world with hair as white as snow, lashes like frost and skin as pale as the moon she was born beneath. Everyone who laid eyes on the babe knew immediately she was one of those special ones, beautiful as flowers in the middle of winter and as elegant as drifting snowflakes on cold winds.
Her parents worked hard to keep her safe and raise her to be kind and clever, spending much of their hard earned coin to dress her well and see her educated, knowing a great future would await her. So long as no one took her. 
They warned her of the dangers of the world as she grew older, to mistrust strangers and duck out of sight should someone peer at their humble home. However, not even their best attempts to shield her from the world could stop the spreading rumors.
"She is as lovely as snow in the sun," the baker would tell anyone who'd visit his shop, proud of the special girl that grew up down the street of their cozy village.
"Do you know these wonderful early mornings where the light looks gold and pink and everything is so so beautiful it steals your breath away?" the cobbler would sigh dreamily to everyone who'd listen to her. "That's how it feels to look at her."
Soon people came to see the girl touched by winter, the one who was rumored to walk as though she was floating and she was said to possess such graceful manners it would make royalty turn green with envy.
People started to grace the steps of their home in growing numbers with gifts and sweet words carried on silver tongues. Hopeful fathers with curious and often infatuated sons, merchants who donned their finery in hopes of looking more enticing. The parents refused them all, citing that their daughter was still too young to chose.
It became a sort of contest amongst the curious and hopeful, to try and glimpse even a hair of the rumored maiden. Those who did manage to see her for just a moment left smiling dreamily and spreading ever more rumors.
The girl soon grew into a young woman and now her suitors were no longer just merchants and local business owners. Now she received letters and gifts from wealthy traders and even nobles.
One day, a messenger of the prince of their lands stood at their door, offering a chest of jewels and a richly embroidered dress deserving of a future queen. The young woman refused him gently and with kind words, as she had refused all other gifts.
Shortly afterwards, a holy knight asked for a moment of her time, offering his blessed castle to guard her from all evil and unbreakable vows of devotion. She gently and kindly refused him as well. 
He vowed to win her heart and return with better offers just as the prince did, who would not give up so easily, soon sending another messenger.
She refused their gifts of riches and protection anew with a kind word, while her parents debated. Her mother, ever worried about her safety and wanting the best possible future, grew fond of the idea that her daughter might become a princess. One day even a queen. This would certainly be a dream come true for any parent.
Her father, pious and ever concerned about the magical dangers of the world, was particularly fond of the holy knight. He was rather taken with the idea that his daughter might one day live in a place no evil could reach while also receiving enough money to be comfortable.
"The prince is said to be a handsome, well mannered young man," her mother said while they baked for the harvest festival, autumn coloring the landscape outside. Winter was approaching and whenever it did their daughter seemed to grow all the more beautiful for it. "He would be good to you."
"The knight is strong and well versed in the dangers of the world," her father countered that evening, as he whittled and she embroidered the hem of a new dress with fine, delicate stitches. "He would keep you safe."
Soon the gifts changed from material goods to whatever strange and magical things her suitors could find. They hadn't given up on her yet, on winning the Winter Bride, as they started to call her.
"This owl loses gems whenever it shakes its wings," the prince's messenger said with a proud flush to his cheeks, as though he was courting the young woman himself, not his prince. The owl was a gorgeous animal, as frost colored as the young woman herself, housed in a small cage made of pure gold.
"His Highness says you may keep it," the messenger held the cage out, nose and forehead bitten red from the cold that had settled over the land. "So you may think of him whenever you look at it and your heart may grow as fond as his has grown of you."
The young woman accepted the cage with soft words and the messenger left grinning from ear to ear. Her parents were delighted, chattering about such a special gift while their daughter took the owl out the kitchen door to the backyard.
While her parents were busy discussing the merits of her becoming a princess, she opened the door of the cage and carefully helped the owl out.
"That's better, isn't it," she said softly as she watched the owl fluff up and shake its body in relief, gems falling from between its feathered wings. It turned its head to watch her for a long moment and she held her arm a little higher, uncaring that the talons of the owl left bleeding scratches along her arm.
"Go, if you wish," she told it with a smile as light as fresh snow. "Be free."
The owl gave her a regal nod and took off, disappearing swiftly. The young woman smiled, her heart glad and she returned inside to find her parents dismayed. They couldn't stay angry for long, however, sighing after scolding her for wasting such a precious gift. 
Her father muttered afterwards that maybe the prince didn't know what a woman's heart truly wanted. Her mother, fiddling with the wool she was knitting socks out of, countered that he would find something to win their daughter's heart soon.
The holy knight arrived the next day with a cage woven out of brambles and he presented her with a snow-white fox with eyes of molten gold.
"This one will warn you of dangers and tell you if you are in the presence of evil minds," the knight offered, bowing deep as he held out the cage. "This is a mere gift, no strings attached. May it protect you in my absence and may you find you desire my presence instead one day."
The young woman took hold of the cage and as the knight left, her parents cheerfully discussed weaving a leash for the fox and where to keep it. Her father was nearly dancing with joy as he praised the knight for his thoughtfulness and what this in turn promised for their daughter's future.
The young woman smiled and left them to it, taking the fox out to the backyard. She ignored the way the brambles scratched up her hands as she unmade part of the cage and let the fox jump out, it's snout bloody from trying to bite its way to freedom.
"Go, if you wish," she told it with a smile as lovely as frost flowers. "Be free."
The fox bowed its head in gratitude and ran, swifter than any mere animal and it was soon gone with long strides that looked as though its body weighed no more than a feather. The young woman returned inside and once more her parents were quite upset at having lost such a precious gift.
They couldn't stay angry for long again however, and sighed. Her mother suggested the knight might need to choose his next gift more smartly, while her father grumbled that there must be something out in the world their daughter wanted.
"You must choose who to marry one day," her father told her gently, as though he could soften the order into a plea. "You must stay safe. I'm sure you'll chose well when the time comes."
He cast a significant look to the holy symbol over their hearth, while her mother nodded, tipping her head tellingly towards the small pouch holding the gems the owl had dropped.
The next day, after a night of the season's first snowfall, the young woman woke to find frost covering her windows entirely. It looked as though the snow had piled up all the way to the roof outside.
"I thank you," an ice wind whispered when she opened the windows to peer outside, a thick blanket of snow covering everything. "You returned my dearest friends to me after they were taken when I wasn't there. Two wishes I grant you for saving their lives, use them well."
She felt the magic settle over her as the wind finished blowing past and she couldn't help but peer out into the winter wonderland, as though she could catch a glimpse of whoever had spoken to her. It must have snowed very thickly that night to create that much snow, a quite unusual thing.
Seeing nothing and no one, she rubbed the frost off of the windows and went about her day, two wishes cradled close to her heart. They felt like a refreshing coolness within her, the way a bath in the river was revitalizing during hot summer days.
As winter settled over the land like a content cat in front of the fireplace, she received more gifts. A nightingale who sang so sweetly it made listeners cry, a white hare with fur so fine it was considered the softest in the world. She let each of them go and every time she opened a cage, she felt a change in the winds.
They grew colder each time that presence was back, the one she had felt during the first day of winter.
"Why do you not ask for anything?" the ice wind wondered one day after she unbridled a unicorn the holy knight had captured for her. It paused just long enough to press its velvet-soft nose against her cheek, thanking her silently, then it took off, trailing whispers of magic behind it. "Why not keep the wondrous ones you are offered so freely?"
"Would you like a cage?" she asked in return, watching in quiet awe as the unicorn disappeared. "Would you enjoy a leash or collar, to be bound to the whims and wills of those who hold you in their hands?"
"No," the wind answered in a solemn tone. "You are wise and kind, not many would do as you do."
Maybe, maybe not. She had no way of knowing, having never left the village. All she knew about the world were the things she had read in books she had managed to sneak away and what other people had told her. 
She had found, however, that people tended to paint the world dark and evil whenever she listened, to warn her of its many dangers. To ensure she would not set a single foot into the forest, to ensure she would not walk beyond the village border, to ensure she would not chat with strangers the villagers hadn't vetted. 
She still vividly remembered how panicked and worried her parents had been. How they had cried bitter tears when she had fallen asleep in their neighbor's hayloft, reading a book of fairy tales, and they hadn't been able to find her for hours. 
"Good wind," she spoke up. "Might I bother you to tell me about the world? You must have seen much of it."
"I have," the wind answered. "Is that your first wish?"
She was quiet for a long moment, then she smiled. "A true story, every night for a year. That is my wish."
"I will bring cold with me whenever I visit," the wind warned her. "For I am ice and snow, frost and blizzard. I am winter itself. Are you certain?"
The young woman turned to look back at her humble, warm home and thought of her mother's beloved flowers and her father's meticulously tended herb bed.
"Two true stories every night for as long as this winter lasts," she amended. "Will you accept my wish?"
"I accept," Winter answered solemnly. "Light a candle at your window, when it is the only light that still burns in your home, I will come."
The wind blew away and the young woman returned inside, her parents sighing, rueful and exasperated as they accepted the bridle with gold decorations and spun out of enchanted silver thread.
"Always giving away what would enrich your life," her father grumbled, rubbing his forehead as though getting a headache. "But it's alright, if this is not what you want, surely someone will find a gift soon."
"Our beautiful, strange girl," her mother murmured fond and wry all at once, kissing her on her brow. "Will one of them ever make you happy one day?"
"We'll find the right one," her father said reassuringly, pulling them both into a hug. He turned to look at his daughter, "And we'll make sure you never have to fear being taken."
That night the young woman lit a candle and waited. She had almost fallen asleep when the window slipped open a crack and she felt icy winds brush through the room, trailing a handful of snowflakes in its wake. Immediately the windows frosted over to pure white and any warmth was gone between one breath and the next.
"A wish is a wish," Winter said. "And here are your stories, as promised."
Winter first told her a story of lands beyond the mountains, of tall cliffs and hardy forests. It told her of raging oceans that froze solid whenever autumn passed and the reindeers that thundered across it to different lands. 
Winter was kind enough to answer any questions she had and she soon knew why the reindeers did what they did, how the ocean froze.
The second story was rather sad in her opinion, it was of two lovers who had run from an abusive father and a loveless marriage respectively. They had escaped into the night by the skin of their teeth and Winter told her of their journey through snow and ice. They lastly died, two miles from home, holding each other, smiles frozen unto their faces.
"Have many people died this way?" the young woman couldn't help but ask.
"Yes," Winter answered. "And many more will. The cold is no place for those who need warmth to live. Good night now, you who shines like a star, I shall see you again tomorrow."
She fell asleep to the soft whistle of air as Winter left, gently pulling the window closed behind it. Her dreams were filled with wondrous sceneries and people wandering through a snowy forest, away from their warm and yet unsafe homes.
The young woman soon looked forward to Winter's visits the most, eagerly going to sleep each night and secretly she hoped this winter might last just a little longer. The prince and holy knight, as well as many of her other more persistent suitors were quickly forgotten when confronted with stories of the world at large.
And finally she got to know what the world truly was. It was indeed dangerous, but it was also incredibly wonderful. Every story filled her with wonder and longing, chasing away the wariness her parents had painstakingly instilled within her.
The young woman felt as though she had forced herself to be a frozen lake all her life, still and quiet and unmoving, never leaving and never changing. Now, however, it felt as though the thrum of reindeer hooves had made the ice tremble and with each story she wanted more. 
With each story she felt her childhood dreams emerge, that deep seated adventurous spark she had smothered upon seeing her parents' tearstained, panicked faces. She had loved them too much to cause them grief and so she had made sure to be obedient and sweet at all times.
She also hadn't wanted to be taken away, to live a horrible life and to never see her parents again. She hadn't wanted to upset them and make them cry or discuss strategies to keep her safe until late at night.
But deep down, beneath the stillness she forced upon her soul, she had never quite stopped looking beyond what she knew. To peer towards the woods and wonder what laid there, to watch travelers and dream of the lands they must have seen.
"Thank you," she murmured as Winter left, sleep rising to claim her. "You're the only one who doesn't tell me everyone wants to hurt me."
Winter was silent, the window cracked still and she wasn't sure if she imagined it or not, but it almost sounded as though they said, "You can count on my aid for as long as I am here, should you need it."
She smiled and felt the furs she had started to take to bed being pulled up to her chin by what seemed to be hands. She was asleep the next moment, unable to open her eyes once more and check.
Winter soon had to move on, however and she mournfully said goodbye to her new friend.
"If you wish it, I can ask my friends to visit," Winter offered on the last day, only snowy slush remaining on the ground and water dripping off of trees. The only spot where there was still true cold was where the wind blew and she swore she could almost make out a shape as it moved. "They could tell you about things I have not seen."
"Then let this be my other wish," the young woman agreed, a glad smile brightening her face. "I would happily welcome the company."
"A wish spoken is a wish granted." She felt cold brush past her cheek, almost like a caress. "I will see you again soon," Winter promised. "If you wish."
"Oh, I very much wish so," she reassured them, reaching out to find invisible strands of wind weaving around her fingers, cold gently brushing her skin. "Will I ever see you in full?"
"Maybe one day." With those words Winter left, trailing the last bit of ice of the year in their wake.
And as promised, the young woman wasn't without company. Spring spoke to her through blooming flowers and invited her to playful dances in moonlight by luring her out the window, promising to look after her.
"There is no joy in never getting to laugh," Spring told her, a grin bright in that sweet, often mischievous voice. "Come, jump and let me catch you!"
Spring was bright and joyful and taught her much about the world. It told her of large meadows that bloomed so brightly one saw only color as far as the eye could see. It told her funny stories of silly animal antics and where it could find acorns and seeds buried in the ground to be raised up into new plants.
The knight and prince were still persistent, hoping to win her heart with more magical creatures and even a few enchanted items, which the young woman refused. She had no need for a necklace that made her sing like a siren nor for bracelets that teleported her to the knight's side in case of danger.
After spring came summer, full of warmth and sweetness. Summer winds encouraged the young woman to walk barefoot outside, to turn her face into the winds and smell all the scents that could be brought over. To dare and set foot into the forests to find the most wonderful berries to pick and to watch deer graze peacefully.
Her parents never knew, she made sure not to worry them, but with each day, with each thing she did, she felt her heart grow. And with it, her yearning for more. To see the places she had been told of, to hear the sound of the ocean and smell a valley of flowers.
The prince and knight started to grow impatient, wondering what it took to make her their bride. They became more insistent, their words losing their sweet tone bit by bit.
"You're not getting any younger my dear," the baker told her when she came to pick up bread, her pale dress making her look like a walking piece of winter in the middle of summer. "They're soon going to change their minds and then where will you be? Filled with regret. So take an old man's advice and be smart."
"Surely one has made you fall in love, either with them or their riches," the cobbler said as she passed by. "You should let them know and arrange a wedding. We're all looking forward to the festivities."
She had no idea how to tell them that she hadn't chosen any of her suitors, that none of them had won her heart. Not with coin and not with living beings caged and collared. How could she have kept a single one of them, or fallen in love for that matter, if she felt trapped herself?
A comfortable, pretty cage made by loving parents, the bars wrought out of worry and kindness, but a cage nonetheless. And they were seeking to put her in another one, bigger and prettier, but just as locked up tight. All in the name of safety. All so they could have the winter girl and not someone else.
The young woman wondered if such a thing must be necessary. If there was a way to live free without fear. Surely there must be one.
She asked Autumn, for Summer had left before she could put her feelings properly into words. Autumn was busy as a bee, zipping from place to place to ensure harvest would be done in time, talking so fast she sometimes couldn't quite follow entirely.
"Of course you can go wherever you want," Autumn said while rustling leaves artfully, only to change its mind a moment later and turn it into cheerful chaos. "There, that's better. Winter Star, you are indeed unusual, that is true, but that is nothing bad. You can always call on us if you find yourself in trouble you can't solve alone."
"Are you certain?" she hadn't expected such an offer. The seasons had come in response to Winter's wish, after all. Autumn laughed, the leaves rustling around them, some more falling off trees.
"We have grown fond of you, worry not. Winter might have been able to ask us to say hello, but nothing beyond that." The winds tucked bright red and orange and yellow leaves into her hair until they looked like a messy crown. "Live, Winter Star. Life is too short to spend it cowering."
The young woman couldn't help but look past the village and to the forest beyond, the riot of colors autumn had brought and how it had even coaxed some trees into making their leaves especially pretty.
"Where do I go?" she couldn't help but ask, suddenly overwhelmed with all the options that seemed to lay themselves at her feet.
"Anywhere," Autumn answered with excited cheer. "Whenever you pack your bag to leave, you'll find that you have more friends than you thought and you will always find more. Go on, try it."
She couldn't simply up and disappear, of course. Not when it would ruin her parents. However, the next time she received gifts from the prince and knight, an idea sparked.
Autumn laughed when she talked about her plan and gladly agreed to help. Soon, gifts of a secret admirer appeared, promising all the things her parents were looking for. A home warded against evil, enough coin to keep their daughter happy and clothed and fed to the end of her days.
It took some finagling to make gifts for herself, but soon the young woman was caught by the idea of what made her happy. She gifted herself books and hardy boots and a bracelet made of colorful river stones. Her parents were befuddled at first, but seeing as she finally seemed to fall in love with someone, they were relieved.
The entire village spoke about it now, wondering who this mysterious stranger was and if they would get to meet them soon. The young woman made a marriage offer to herself and laughed when she accepted it in front of her parents.
"They will pick you up, won't they?" her mother fretted as she helped her pack. "I can't believe my little girl is getting married. We'll meet them soon, won't we? And don't you forget to invite us to the wedding."
"I'll be sure to visit," she promised and later asked Autumn for advice. "I can't just grab my things and leave like any old traveler, after all."
"Leave it to me," Autumn answered, before breezing away, muttering about stubborn berry bushes who really ought to know better by now.
A few days later, a young adult knocked at their door, dressed in fine autumn colored garb. They wore dark green breaches, earth-brown boots, a dark red tunic and a cloak of bright yellow wool, embroidered with dozens of fallen leaves in multiple colors. They bowed, hair windswept and eyes honey brown.
"It is an honor to meet you, I've come to pick up the young lady in the name of my master," the person said in Autumn's voice and when they met her gaze, they offered a quick little wink. The young woman couldn't help but grin, swiftly hiding it behind her hand when her parents glanced over.
"Oh, that is so lovely," her mother gasped when peeking outside and the young woman stepped forward to look as well.
Outside stood a gleaming carriage in gold and red-brown colors and it was pulled by none other than a unicorn. The very unicorn she had once freed. It looked at her, no bridle on its head and she felt as though it was smiling as it dipped its head a little.
The bags were swiftly loaded onto the carriage and a tearstained and heartfelt goodbye later, the young woman left for the first time in her life.
As soon as they were away from the village, she managed to clamber up onto the driver's seat to hug Autumn tight.
Autumn laughed, ruffling her snowy hair. "Now, you best learn how to drive because I do not have the time to take you anywhere, I still have to wrangle some lazy mushrooms."
After a quick couple of lessons, Autumn left, disappearing in a flurry of leaves and rustling clothes to continue on as it always did.
The young woman's heart was racing as she traveled on and on. Autumn visited often and in brief bursts, but soon the air grew colder and colder. The young woman felt excitement rise within her at the thought of Winter's return.
And then, one day, she felt ice winds brush past her. "I see you have found your freedom. I am glad."
"Welcome back," she breathed, her breath fogging in front of her. "I missed you."
Coldness that felt like fingertips brushed her hair back. "And I you. I am glad to see you well."
The young woman happily told Winter all about her plans, while Winter guided her to a place she could stay as it was too cold to travel. A cottage, recently abandoned, but it was easily made ready again. The young woman sold the carriage in a nearby town and the unicorn left after nuzzling her cheek.
She made sure to write home to her parents, while she explored the world around her temporary home with Winter often at her side. Sometimes Winter's other friends showed up, the fox hopping around playfully and the owl watching kindly from its perch in the trees. Winter told her stories all without prompting and showed her the hidden beauty of their season.
"If you wish, travel north," Winter told her as they laid together in the snow, watching bright, bright stars above them at night. "I will be able to show you dancing lights in the sky."
"Yes," she said and slowly, carefully, inched her hand across the space between them, until she felt that special kind of cold breeze. The wind slowly settled and she swore, from the corner of her eyes as long as she did not glance over, she could glimpse Winter's shape once more.
It was the best winter she had ever had and when it became clear her dearest companion would move on soon, she promised to meet the season halfway.
"Go north," Winter reminded her once more. "If you wish, I will wait for you."
She reached out and closed her eyes and this time she felt proper hands close around hers, though they weren't as icy as the blowing winds. Still cool, but she felt soft skin and elegant hands, the brush of a fur lined sleeve. "I will be there, I promise."
"Soon, then," Winter whispered, a smile in their voice, and she felt the brush of cool lips and a cold breath upon her cheek, smiling wide. When she opened her eyes again, she watched ice winds blow away, looking joyful as they trailed snow in their wake.
The young woman set out as Winter left, buying herself a horse and using the rest of the money from the carriage to have her things put in storage until she sent for them.
She left on her very first adventure, Spring urging her on, showing her the meadow of flowers and guiding her way across the land to where ocean waves lapped against fine-sand shores.
She got to meet and speak with many different people and sometimes Spring and later Summer warned her away from certain folks. But mostly, people did her no harm nor wished harm upon her. If anything, many approached her, concerned about her safety and offering to help her get where she wanted to go. She always declined kindly and smiled.
The young woman got to truly experience the world, listening to new music, visiting theatres when she came by cities and towns and eating food she had never dreamed of could exist.
She headed north at last, cutting her time with Summer short and meeting Autumn sooner. And then, the air grew cold and she felt a familiar, very dear presence.
"Hello," she said with a wide, happy smile appearing on her face. "I came, as promised."
"Let me show you everything," Winter breathed and there was excitement in that beloved voice. They traveled onward together and if the young woman tipped her head the right way, she saw Winter beside her, riding on a horse of snow and wind.
Soon she got to see the ocean frozen, as it had been in the very first true story she had ever heard. She watched reindeer trot across in big herds, holding out her hand and smiling when Winter took it, her heart so warm the cold around her might as well have stopped existing.
"Why chose me?" Winter asked as they settled down on a snow covered hill to watch the sun set. It looked truly beautiful. "There were many who tried to win your heart."
"But none understood it," she answered and when she looked up, she saw Winter truly for the first time, not as a season, but as the spirit it was. 
Tall and slim, with hair as white as hers and eyes as dark as the frozen ocean. Ice earrings as blue as glaciers dangled from their ears and snowflakes were woven through their hair like the finest veil, ending in a crown of icicles. Clothes in white and light blue draped across their form, lined with fur and half covered in frost.
"Maybe I would have fallen in love with one of the others, had they not offered me another cage," she admitted, giving that cool hand in hers a gentle squeeze. "But instead of expensive gifts and captured magical beings, you gave me stories and shared your friends with me."
One of those slim hands rose to cup her cheek, feeling a little frosty but not stinging her with its coolness. "You shine so brightly, I would never think about forcing you to dim."
"Then you have your answer." She tipped her head into their hand, letting it cradle the side of her face. "I have an idea. Let's make this place our home, so I can be with you for many months."
"Yes," they answered, brushing a cold kiss against her forehead and she could feel them smile against her skin. "And the rest of the year you'll get to be the adventurer you always wanted to be, my star."
That did sound like the best future.
"They'll love you, I promise," the young woman said, giving Winter's hand a gentle squeeze. "They've been asking to meet you and when our wedding will be."
"They will know what I am the moment they see me," Winter sighed but followed her up the path to her parents' house. It was dark and thick snow covered everything.
"They will, but they will also see that you never took me they way they feared and that I am happy." She looked up at the love of her life, the one who loved her for who she was in return. "Trust me."
Winter softened and pulled to a stop in front of the door, cupping her cheek in one elegant hand and leaning down to brush the loveliest of kisses upon her lips. "Always, my star."
The young woman grinned, happy and bright, like ice in the sun and cheerful snowfall. Then she raised her hand and knocked.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Impossible Choice (22)
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: angst, violence, domination ]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm’s End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
Aemond's journey on Vhagar to Winterfell, which would take a week on horseback, took him two days. The North was like a white, glistening wilderness to him, once in a while small, grey villages and the strongholds of minor lords could be seen on the ground.
When he finally reached his destination he had to admit that Lord Stark's fortress impressed him − his great stone fortress floated among the snow-covered hills.
Vhagar's arrival led to panic and the local population fleeing away from her resting place − Aemond ordered her to stay where he thought that her large body would do the least damage, on a hill away from the stronghold.
He was welcomed by the guards, to whom he announced who he was and to whom he was coming.
He was received with honours and hospitality; the young lord, Cregan Stark, sat with his advisors behind a long wooden table, looking at him with concern.
Aemond knew that the Starks had never broken their promises, and his father had sworn allegiance to his whore-sister.
He had to change his mind.
"My Lord." He said lowly, nodding. Lord Stark also nodded in response.
"My Prince. I must admit I am surprised to see a messenger from the Red Keep in areas so far from King's Landing. Explain to me with what matter you come with." He said calmly, but also with a kind of suspicion that he did not like − he knew that he had to be careful with his words.
"I come on behalf of my brother-king, who has expressed his wish for you to pay him homage in King's Landing, along with the other lords." He said matter-of-factly, not taking his eye off him.
He, however, did not lower his gaze either; he furrowed his brow, surprised, glancing quickly at the maester, who whispered something in his ear. There was a commotion behind the table.
He found with amusement that the word of his brother's coronation had not reached Winterfell before he arrived.
He thought this was a good thing, as he had taken them by surprise and could press them.
Cregan Stark grunted loudly, looking at him uncertainly.
"What of your half-sister, the legitimate heir to the throne established by your father-king?" He asked, trying to hide his nervousness and stress, his hand clenched into fist on the table in front of him.
He pressed his lips together, wondering how much he could allow himself with him.
He figured that the boy was about Jace's age.
"My father, on his deathbed, decided that he would not go against the will of his ancestors, and that his first-born son should sit on the Iron Throne." He said with certainty and smirked, seeing the commotion behind the table again, the tentative conversation distracting the young lord.
"Silence!" He called out loudly, raising his hand, the men around him fell quiet. Lord Stark hid his face in his hands, letting the air out quietly. He wanted to say something, but didn't have time; a guard stepped inside, bowing low.
"My Lord, forgive my boldness, but a messenger from Dragonstone has arrived." He said quickly, his heart pounding fast in anticipation, a cold sweat run down his back.
He prayed it was Luke.
He pressed his lips together as Jace was led inside; the boy stopped abruptly, clearly frightened at the sight of him − he felt like laughing at this pathetic sight. Jace, however, pulled himself together and walked closer, still at a safe distance from him, bowing to the young lord.
"My Lord. I come by order of my queen-mother to remind you of your father's oath of allegiance to her years ago." He said in trembling voice, straightening up.
This was something that he had not anticipated.
Lord Stark stared at them with his mouth open, himself not knowing what to make of the situation, horrified and confused. He shook his head, pressing his fingers together between his furrowed brows, letting the air out with impatience.
"I'm lost. Do we have a King or a queen then?" He asked, clearly upset and frightened by the fact that a skirmish was about to take place in his court that completely did not concern him. He grinned mischievously at his question, looking at Jace with a satisfied expression on his face.
"My bastard nephew is flying around the kingdom, trying to steal my brother's throne." He said lightly. Jace lit up with a blush of shame and clenched his jaw, looking away, intertwining his hands behind his back in an attempt to calm himself.
"My uncle and his family have committed treason, planting a usurper, drunkard and rapist on the throne." Said Jace, looking at the young lord.
Cregan Stark laughed at their words, shaking his head, clearly disbelieving what was happening before his eyes − his advisors also seemed confused, looking at them uncertainly.
He thought with rage that it had become a spectacle.
"After your whore mother, who should sit on the Iron Throne? You, Lord Strong?" He asked tauntingly; Jace almost threw himself at him but the guards stopped him, catching him under the shoulders. He laughed out loud, shaking his head, furious and amused at the same time.
"Laugh, uncle. Unlike you, Lord Stark and the North know what honour and loyalty are. The North never forgets. Luke will remind your wife's father of that as well." He said with satisfaction, as if he thought that he had found his soft spot and made no mistake.
He tried to do his best to restrain his involuntary reaction but couldn't, his eye widened in shock, his brow furrowed in concern.
Luke will remind your wife's father of this as well.
Luke flew to Storm's End.
He no longer cared about Lord Stark's decision, whether he would support his brother or not − he felt like rushing out and flying on Vhagar straight to Lord Baratheon's stronghold.
"Enough of this childish pushing. My father supported the heir chosen by King Viserys and I will not question his decision. Is there any document confirming the King's change of will or am I merely to take your word for it, my Prince?" Lord Stark asked him, and he pressed his lips together, turning his head away impatiently.
He had nothing to back up his words, because he didn't believe them himself.
He saw Jace throw him a look full of satisfaction and thought that he would pierce his skull with his sword one day.
"If my words mean nothing to you, Lord Stark, so be it. However, be prepared that when me and Vhagar return, not even a stone will be left here."
He left the stronghold angry and bitter; he thought that until Jace arrived everything had gone according to plan and cursed loudly at the thought that he would have to return to King's Landing reporting his failure.
His brother ordered him to return to the Red Keep immediately after his conversation with Lord Stark, but he made a different decision.
He ordered Vhagar to fly to the skies and headed for Storm's End.
Through the storms and heavy rains, the journey took him longer than he had planned and he wondered if he would still find his wife there.
He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to arrive unannounced, but he was too desperate to wait for her to return to King's Landing.
He would go mad if he had to wait any longer.
When he arrived the weather was similar to when he had come to choose his future wife; all wet, he called out to the guards to lead him inside, and they immediately obeyed his command, recognising him.
It was the middle of the night, and his unannounced visit had brought everyone to their feet − Lord Baratheon was waiting for him in the throne room, dressed hastily in his daytime attire, clearly unhappy to be awakened from his peaceful sleep.
"Forgive me this intrusion, my Lord. I wish to see my wife." He said quickly, water dripping from his wet, white hair onto the stone floor − only now did he feel that he was trembling all over from the cold.
Borros sighed heavily and ordered his servants to take him to his daughter's chamber.
As he stepped inside, his wife jumped up, terrified, looking at him with her mouth parted, lightning and heavy, gusty rain outside the window − it seemed to him that she was not sure whether she was dreaming or not.
"Aemond?" She asked quietly, uncertainly, and for a moment he could not move.
He looked at her gentle face, her large eyes, her loose, shiny hair wonderfully framing her soft cheeks; he could see the outline of her girlish silhouette through the thin material of her nightgown, a body that belonged only to him.
He realised with pain how much he wanted her, the separation of a few days had made his cock pulsate painfully in his breeches.
"Did you speak to him?" He asked impassively, looking at her as if he wanted to devour her.
He felt like throwing himself at her, but he needed to hear it.
To hear that she had obeyed, that she had done what her husband would have wanted her to do.
He saw her press her lips together and tense up all over.
He did not like it.
He felt his heart pounding hard and stepped closer to her; she moved back, looking at him pleadingly, sitting down on her bed.
"We only exchanged a few words, I didn't expect him to come here." She said horrified, clearly noticing on his face how slowly rage began to pulse through his veins − he felt that he was so tense that something in his body was about to burst.
"What did you discuss, sweet wife?" He sneered, a malicious, poisonous threat in his mouth, evidence of the madness that lurked in his mind and heart.
He saw that she feared him now, that she could already see right through him.
"I told him to send my condolences to his mother for the death of her child." She whispered quietly, trembling all over, frightened, waiting anxiously for his reaction.
He felt that if he could, he would have breathed fire with rage.
What right did she have to meddle in these matters?
What right did she have to sympathise with his enemies, to speak to the bastard who had disfigured him for life?
He felt all his frustration, the failure of his mission in Winterfell, his failure as brother and son crush him under its own weight, the fire that burned within him was as black as his heart, consuming even its light, turning everything into a void.
His lips curved in a dangerous, animalistic grin.
"I'd rather you concentrated on giving an heir to me, instead of considering the offspring of others. You're not very successful at it so far, are you?"
He felt his own heart stop when he heard what he left his mouth and he regretted his words immediately.
He saw in her gaze that she didn't believe it either − her face took on an expression that he had never seen before; her eyebrows arched in pain, her eyes looking at him in disbelief as if he had just his her in the stomach with all his strength, her body trembling on the verge of sobbing.
He wanted her to say something.
For her to say that he was a fucking bastard.
For her to ask how dare he speak to her like that.
"Forgive me for being a disappointment to you, my Prince." She said so painfully calm that he couldn't get anything out.
My Prince.
Not my husband.
He stared at her, unable to move, having a complete blank in his mind − his wife lowered her gaze, letting the tears of humiliation and pain leave the corners of her eyes and run down her cheeks.
He wanted to approach her, to wipe them away, to place tender kisses full of devotion and longing on her sweet, soft face, to tell her that he didn't think so, that he had said it in rage only to hurt her.
He couldn't get the words out.
He lowered his gaze, swallowing loudly, horrified by what he had just done.
He had destroyed everything.
Everything they had built together.
He had crushed her, hit her most sensitive spot because she had dared to show compassion to his nephew.
Because she wasn't as cold and calculating as he was.
Because she was a better person.
He saw her turn over on the bed, laying with her back to him; he knew that she was crying, that he had hurt her, stabbed her in the back.
He wanted to approach her and had already taken a step towards her when he heard her voice.
"− please, don't touch me −" She mumbled and he felt the cold flowing through his body, the tightness in his chest from which his brow arched in pain.
"− return with me to King's Landing −" He choked out pleadingly, wishing only that she would forget what he had said.
That he could go back to the moment that he had walked into her chamber and begin all over again, just throw himself on top of her, panting with longing as he had desired.
"− no −"
He stood for a moment longer looking at her with a blank stare, then turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.
He flew through the skies, screaming along with the lightning in the heavens, furious and distraught, pressing his face against his saddle.
He was a mere fool, a weak brat who destroys everything in his path.
He walked into the Red Keep furious, tired and discouraged, the thought of not seeing her for a few more days drove him mad.
He laid down on the bed in his chamber, trying to sleep, exhausted − however after moment his servant entered his chamber, saying that the King was expecting him.
He thought that in the state he was in now, without his wife being able to calm him down, he might have killed him.
Aegon welcomed him in his chamber, sitting at a large table, having just eaten his morning meal.
"Welcome, brother. Sit down and speak." He said lightly, taking a sip of wine, wasting no time since the morning.
He, however, just stood, looking at him indifferently, thinking on whether if he cut his throat now he would be able to throw it at one of his servants.
"Jace came to Winterfell right after me. Fucking honourable Starks don't forget their oaths." He said dispassionately − Aegon sighed heavily, stroking his chin.
"Grandfather will not be pleased." He said lightly, as if his younger borther had just broken a very valuable vase and was about to be punished for it − he chuckled under his breath at that thought.
"Of course. He's the one who actually wears the crown, not you." He hissed; Aegon looked at him warningly, and for a moment they stared at each other, tension hanging in the air between them. Finally, however, his brother grinned as if remembering something.
"I am sending you and Criston to Harrenhal." He said calmly, and he froze, looking at him in disbelief.
"An uprising has broken out in support of our sister-whore. They've hanged our Lord Strong in his castle. You have to deal with it, because I don't think we want the other Lords to consider revolting as well?" He asked, plucking one grape from the bunch, taking it into his mouth with a loud crunch of juice.
He looked at him horrified and pale, unable to utter a word.
"For how long?" He asked uncertainly, and his brother laughed under his breath as if he found his question amusing.
"As long as you deal with it." He said softly, taking another grape in his hand. Aemond thought for a long time, looking at him.
"In this case, I'm taking my wife with me as soon as she returns from Storm's End." He said with emphasis, intertwining his hands behind his back, impatient.
He couldn't allow her to be left alone with his brother, much less after the way he had treated her.
He knew that he had to try to make it up to her, but he didn't know what could make her forget such hurtful words.
"You are to set off immediately." Said his brother in an unobjectionable tone, raising an impatient gaze at him. "Your wife will be safe here and will wait patiently for you."
He looked at him with his lips pressed together, his heart pounding like mad.
He was doing this on purpose.
He wanted to push him away from her, so that she would remain in the keep completely defenceless.
"No." He hissed low, squinting. "I will fly with my wife, or not at all."
Aegon stood up slowly, walking around the table, watching him closely. He smiled broadly.
"Be careful or I'll think you've fallen in love with her. Don't be silly. It wasn't a request. Do you want your wife to become a widow?" He asked lightly, raising an eyebrow, waiting for his answer.
He looked at him in disbelief, his lip parted slightly.
The power drove him completely mad.
He wondered what they had done, putting him on the throne, placing a crown on his empty head.
Aegon, seeing his lack of response, patted him on the shoulder, exactly like the day that he'd taken him to the brothel.
"Get that matter sorted out and go back to fuck your wife as much as you like, brother."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @tempt-ress @blairfox4 @crazymusicgirl104 @ahristata
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Descendants Headcanons
While all of the kingdoms are united, each of the smaller regions are still ruled by their respective royalty. In places like Charmington, I see it has multiple rulers that work together.
Out of all the royals, Kuzco and Snow White are taken the least seriously. They are seen how they were in their respective stories instead of how they are now, adults in their thirties.
I see Snow and her prince being divorced in the Descendants franchise. It’s not advertised, and Snow drives from her kingdom to Charmington for her reporting job. If it wasn’t for that job, she would rather not be there.
The Dwarves help run Snows kingdom. I see her turning to them after the divorce and they all have high ranking advising jobs in the kingdom.
Snow dose not hold Evie accountable for the Evil Queen’s actions, and gives her the biggest hug when Doug brings her home to meet the family. Snow sees how happy she makes Doug, and that’s all she needs to know about her to accept her.
Kuzco and Snow also have the most protected state forests in the kingdom. Snow wanted a place for all the magical animals to live without fear as the other kingdoms developed more and more while Kuzco knew that overdevelopment would destroy the beauty his kingdom. Both kingdoms have seen an influx of people who want to live simpler lives or lives that reflected what they used to do before the United States of Aurudon was created.
Kuzco was 100% against sending people to the isle. Like, some people only worked for the villains because they really needed a job. His best example would be Kronk, who is a sweet soul and could do no real evil.
For the heroes that didn’t come from royalty and then married into royalty had quite a hard time adjusting to being in a world of politics and royal courts. Most times they focus on being a voice for the people who have to deal with the fallout of their leader’s decisions.
Eugene and Aladdin are best friends when it comes to boring meetings and political parties. They like to steal each others stuff the entire time and by the end they give everything back. There are things that both have noted as off limits in their unspoken rules of the game. When the two were first starting the game Jasmine was mortified while Rapunzel was happy that Eugene is making friends.
Jay wants to play the game with Eugene and Aladdin but Evie won’t let him.
Eugene, Aladdin, and Cinderella are the most likely to take things from the hotel. Cindi will stick to things like soap or pens, but Eugene and Aladdin will take anything not nailed down that they can sneak past their wives.
Eugene has pens and paper pads on him at all time so Rapunzel can doodle whenever she wants. All of these items are off limits in the game, because they aren’t his they are his wife’s.
Rapunzel and Mal love talking about different types of art at royal events, and Rapunzel has invited Mal to Corona so they can work on a Mural together. Eugene has given Ben the wisest advice about always having art supplies on him.
For Mother’s Day, Eugene works hard on making Rapunzel duck tape and paper flower pens because he knows she would like them more than real flowers. Rapunzel refuses to throw any of them away. She stores them in a special vault. May their be mercy on any poor soul that tries to break in and try to steal any of them.
Dude is very protective of Carlos, and barks at any dogs that try to get near him. As a stray who found a loving boy, he would protect this boy to the very end. Even against things that are not a threat.
I see Rodger Radcliffe being Aurudon prep’s music teacher and brings some of the Dalmatians during midterms and finals as a way to help out kids that are stressed.
Anita Radcliffe sees how talented Evie is and would support her business as a fellow designer.
I do want to talk more about these Headcanons as well as develop some aus for this series. Feel free to ask me anything about these or the aus I want to develop.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Hi, I love your blog! On the subject of "one bed", what do you think of this: reader is kidnapped. Aemond happens to find her. They're too far from the city, so they must set up camp in the woods/cave. His sword is placed between them (like Jon & Ygritte), but it's really cold, windy and rainy, their fire dies. 😮 They must share their body heat, and Aemond's extra warm bc of his dragon blood. 🥵 Even better if they're childhood enemies. I'm a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope. lol
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Oooh, yes, I love the enemies to lovers trope more than anything. Let me see what I can cook up here! This is also the longest fic I've written in a WHILE lol
word count: 2,664
Aemond x fem!reader | enemies to lovers | 18+ only | there be a lot of SMUT | hot spring smut
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The wind whipped about you, causing your cloak to flutter and swirl, the snow landing in thick white flakes on your shivering head and shoulders.
“Aemond, it’s close to nightfall!”  You shouted to the distant figure ahead of you. “We should make camp!”
“We don’t stop until we reach White Harbor!”  Came the muffled reply, his voice almost carried away on another strong gust of chill air.
“When will admit you got us lost?”  You jutted out your chin in defiance as the prince rounded on you, striding through the deepening snow to approach you.
He was taller than you, stronger too by the looks of him, but you refused to be intimidated even when he loomed into your personal space, forcing you to look up at him. “You are a traitor and now a prisoner to the Crown.  I have been tasked with bringing you back to King’s Landing.”
“And we aren’t going to get there if we freeze out here!”  You interrupted, glaring into his one eye. “I thought you were the smart Targaryen.  At least you were last I saw you…” You continued to taunt as Aemond took your elbow roughly, shoving you to walk ahead of him. “But I guess a lot can change in ten years.”
“Keep moving.”  Was your terse reply, you could almost hear his teeth grinding and you smiled to yourself in satisfaction.
“Oh, come on, Aemond!”  You looked over your shoulder, momentarily taken aback by how close he still was. “We were friends once, remember?  What’s changed since then?”
“What’s changed?”  Aemond echoed your question, incredulity and anger lacing his every word. “You fed information to the Black Queen and her allies.”  He touched the pommel of his sword with a gloved hand, staring daggers at you. “You are a spy charged with treason, and my brother entrusted your retrieval to me alone. Now walk.”
“How clever of him.”  You resumed trudging through the snow, it was up to your knees now.  Aegon had known your one weakness would be his brother, the boy you remembered so fondly as your childhood friend.
It has been easy for Aemond, tracking you down, asking after you under the pretense of reuniting.  You had fallen for it, of course you had.  Now your hands were bound in front of you with thick rope, and you were being led back to the Capital like a lamb to the slaughter.
“We will take shelter in those caves.”
Darkness had descended quickly as the snow continued to fall, you squinted, making out the shape of several large rock formations ahead of you.  
Aemond scouted out the shallowest of these caves, laying out the bedrolls and handing you some dried meat to eat.  You tugged dismally at the jerky.  It tasted terrible.
The winds seemed to be driving the storm away, soon enough the clouds dispersed, leaving a clear sky and a full moon above.  Your predicament momentarily forgotten you looked up in awe at the stars and the way the silver light of the moon reflected brightly off the white blankets of freshly fallen snow.
You felt Aemond’s gaze, turning your head to catch his eye.  His long hair was bright under the clear night sky, the light reflecting off the paleness of his skin.  You looked at each other, in heavy silence, for a long while.  Aemond gave nothing away, his expression smooth as marble.  Only his eye moved as it roved across your moonlit features.  
“You don’t have to wear that.”  You broke the silence, motioning to Aemond’s leather eyepatch. “I’m sure it’s soaked by now.”
His mouth thinned as he continued looking at you, not deigning to reply.
“I was there when it happened, Aemond.”
Another beat of silence.
“I recall.”  His voice was low, clearly audible now that the winds had abated.
In a fluid movement, Aemond lifted the patch off his head, still watching your face unblinking.  Despite yourself, your breath caught in your throat at the sight of what lay beneath.  A multi-faceted gemstone of rich blue caught the light and refracted into a thousand sparkling moons.  
“It’s beautiful.”  You breathed, entranced by the sight.  You laughed suddenly. “Of course, you would choose the most beautiful gem.”
“I’d much rather have my eye.”
“Of course.”  You repeated, feeling foolish.  You looked down at your hands, resting in your lap, still bound by rope.  “Is there any chance you can untie me?”
“Great!”  Your eyes narrowed at him. “Can we make a fire?”
“Well, you’re just a ray of sunshine.”  
“A fire would act as a beacon, drawing unwanted attention.”  Aemond rolled his eye, shifting to lay down upon his side. “At least I am not a traitor.”
“I had no choice, you insufferable upstart!”  Anger bubbled in your chest, your words cutting through the still night air. “I did it to save my family.”
Aemond was silent, he turned onto his back, looking up at the dark ceiling of the cave.
You took the opportunity to at last retrieve the small knife hidden in your boot, sawing slowly at the rope that bound your hands. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, privileged as you are.”  The bindings began to loosen. “But I refuse to play the pawn in someone else’s game.”
With a snap your hands were free.  You came to your feet suddenly, turning to run in the direction you knew to be shelter and freedom.  The moon shone bright overhead as you ran through the snow, making your surroundings almost as bright as in daytime.  
You prided yourself on being fast and agile, however Aemond was still faster.  You felt a heavy impact at your back as he tackled you face-first into a snowbank.  You lashed out, making impact against some part of him that gave you an advantage, allowing you to wriggle out from under his weight, rising back to your feet.
“I thought you were clever.”  Aemond panted, facing off against you, his sword still in its sheath. “I suppose much can change in ten years.”  He mocked, tilting his silver head at you, a grim smile upon his lips. “Didn’t occur to you to wait until I slept before trying your escape?”
He approached you, deflecting your attacks as you tried to fend him off.  Aemond grabbed your elbow, practically dragging you back to the cave. “You are more trouble than you’re worth.”  
“Then why don’t you just kill me and be done with it?”  You collapsed against the stone ground as Aemond released you with a push. “Death is what I face at King’s Landing.”
“Indeed, it is.”  Aemond’s stance was still defensive as you struggled back to your feet. “My brother wants you to be an example to the people.”
“What do you want, Aemond?”  You asked, spitting your damp hair out of your mouth.
The prince didn’t answer you, busying himself instead with patting you down for more weapons, you little knife was lost in the snow.
His dexterous hands moved across your body, probing your clothing for more hidden daggers. You inhaled sharply as he pressed his fingers to the inside of your thighs. “Buy me a drink first.”  
He looked up at you, his prominent brow furrowing. “Do you feel that?”
“Yes, that’s why I-”
“Hush.”  Aemond interrupted you, straightening and looking intensely over your shoulder, deeper into the cave.
He stepped passed you, and you followed his movements with a quizzical quirk to your eyebrow.  Then you felt it.  Warm air. Seeping from somewhere deeper inside the dark cavern.  
Aemond muttered something unintelligible, returning to his pack where he rummaged a while.  Flame sparked as he struck stone upon stone, igniting a makeshift torch, holding it aloft and returning to where you stood watching.
“Ladies first.”  He motioned for you to walk ahead of him, deeper into the cave.
“Very well, but if I get eaten by a bear, I’m coming back to haunt you.”
“Promises, promises.”  Aemond half-laughed, his breath tickling the back of your neck as you explored further.
The warm air blew stronger against your face as you picked careful footsteps forward, the way ahead illuminated by flickering firelight.  You descended through rough walls of black stone, ducking every so often to avoid a jagged overhang.  Soon the sound of water met your ears, the air around you very warm and humid, the stone beneath your feet glistened and little puddles of water lay around the small cavern you found yourself in.  
“An underground spring!”  You exclaimed, excitedly turning back to Aemond. “I’ve heard of there being hot springs in this area, but have never found any.  Thank the gods!”
You shifted off your heavy cloak, beginning to undo the fastenings of your clothing, eagerly looking at the clear water and the coils of steam rising off its shimmering surface.
“What are you doing?”  Aemond sounded rather perplexed behind you, still holding the torch aloft.
“Drying my clothes and taking a bath, what does it look like?”
Your hands, which had been undoing the lacings of your tunic faltered, hearing your name upon his lips for the first time in over a decade.
You turned to face him; jaw set determinedly. “You can turn around or even leave me here in darkness, I will get into that water.”
Aemond looked away as you shuffled off the rest of your clothes, spreading the soaked fabric out on the stone to hopefully dry a little.  You splashed into the hot water, sighing loudly as your chilled body was enveloped by warmth.  “Aemond you’ve got to come join me.  It’s unreal.”
You looked over to where the prince still stood rigid, facing diligently away from where you bathed. “You can’t see me, silly.  The steam covers our bodies as good as clothing.”  A playful smile tugged at your lips as he finally looked back over to where you sat.
He lay the torch upon the ground, the firelight illuminating the small cavern in a cozy glow.  You watched as Aemond removed his cloak as well, only looking away politely when he started unbuttoning his shirt and trousers. You heard the water splash and felt little eddying waves as he entered the spring, choosing to sit as far from you as possible.  
You glanced over at him before laying your head back against the stone, watching how the torchlight cast dancing shadows on the jagged dome.  
“Who threatened your family?”  The question was soft, you almost didn’t hear it over the sound of dripping water.
“I’m not sure who, exactly.  Just the Blacks.  They knew of the position I held in the Capital, and how valuable the information I received could be for them.”  Unbidden tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you continued looking up at the ceiling. “They made gave me a taste…an example of what I could expect should I disobey.”
“What do you mean?”  Aemond’s voice was a little closer, concern lacing his words.
“No.”  Aemond was next to you now, you could see him in your periphery. “Y/N, look at me.”
You raised your head, fresh tears falling down your cheeks to mix with the steaming water.  Aemond looked crestfallen, his eye sorrowful upon your face. “I loved your sister like she was my own.”
You nodded, your face crumpling, hugging yourself under the water. “I know, Aemond…but a lot can change in ten years…”
Light fingers grazed your cheek. “Where is the rest of your family now?”
“Still at home.”  Your lips parted slightly as you looked at the intense expression on Aemond’s face.
“We will retrieve them.”  He spoke firmly, his mouth shaping the words carefully. “Bring them to safety.  And you…”  His wandering fingers traced your jaw, his thumb brushing your lower lip.  “Y/N.”
You leaned into his touch, your gaze falling to his plush mouth. “What of me?”
“You will not answer to my brother.”  Aemond took your chin in his hand, tugging you still closer until you overbalanced, catching yourself against him with a hand to his bare chest.
“Aemond…”  You breathed out his name, whatever you intended to say forgotten as he pressed a kiss to your lips.
You moaned into his mouth as his hands skimmed down your sides to grope the flesh at your hips.  He pulled you flush against him, your breasts pressing against the planes of his chest. The water enveloping you in silky caresses as you moved to straddle Aemond’s lap.
He nipped at your lower lip, coaxing your mouth open to allow his tongue to roam and taste you.  You ground yourself against his hard arousal, frowning down at the prince as he stilled your movements with a firm grip.  
Aemond pulled away to look up at you through his hooded eye. “I will not take your maidenhead tonight, for we are not yet wed.”
The “yet” lingered in the air as he moved to place wet kisses to the hollow of your throat, sucking bruises to the soft flesh of your neck.  
“Then what-ah!”  You gasped, your hips jerking Aemond’s fingers brushed against your slick center.
“I want you to ride my fingers, Y/N.”  He mouthed at your breast as your rose up to position yourself over him.
He helped guide you down, his longer fingers entering your core, moving and curling inside of you as you began rocking against him.  Your body jerked as Aemond’s thumb brushed your clit, rubbing circles against the swollen bundle of nerves.  
“You’re so beautiful.”  He breathed, licking and sucking your pert nipples into his hot mouth while palming the swell of your breasts with greedy hands.
You moaned, arching into him, your eyes shut and mouth open from the pleasure of feeling him stroking deep inside your cunt.  The water splashed over the stone rim of the pool as you quickened your pace, your hands coming to grasp at Aemond’s strong shoulders for support.
“Aemond I’m going to-” The walls of your quim clenched around his fingers as, with another stroke to your clitoris, he sent you over the edge.  You rode out your orgasm on the prince’s hand as he continued kissing every inch of skin his mouth could find.
With a sudden movement, and the splashing of hot water, Aemond stood, holding you to him by your thighs.  He turned, placing you gently down upon the stone floor, spreading your legs wider before he knelt, still within the water, burying his face into your spasming cunt.  Your cries of bliss echoed off the rough walls as you felt his tongue licking up your juices, fucking into you with wild abandon. Aemond moaned against your heat, his fingers still gripping your shaking thighs, forcing them to remain apart as you writhed atop the ground.  Your fingers buried themselves in his silken hair, though you did not know whether it was to push him away or pull his face deeper into you.
With a lewd wet sound, Aemond released you, licking his lips and watching your wanton expression with a small smirk.  “It’s demanding all of my self-control not to take you right here, on the floor of this cavern.”
“I wish you would.”  You slid back into the water, kneeling to face him.  You pressed a kiss to his mouth, tasting your release still upon his tongue.
He groaned, cupping the nape of your neck with his hand. “You’re not making it any easier.”
“I know.”  You slid your fingers along the hard length of his shaft, before stroking him fully in your hand. “Stand up.”  He obeyed, the water dripping off his body, revealing his rigid member.
You bit your lip, admiring the sight of him fully bared to you.  The rivulets of water running down along the contours of his muscles, shimmering golden in the firelight.  
“We aren’t done yet, my prince.”  You leaned forward, placing a kiss to the leaking head, looking up at Aemond’s face through your long lashes. “You’ve been so generous to me.”  You licked a long stripe along his twitching cock. He hissed, grabbing a fistful of your damp hair in his hand.   
“Allow me to return the favor.”  The water lapped at your waist from where you knelt in the pool, you smirked up at his entranced expression, before sucking him into your greedy mouth.
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gloomy-prince · 7 months
To celebrate RAINBOW!'s release today, I'm going to go over all the daydream references that have been made so far, since it's fun for me to sneak them in 💖 there's a lot of them though, so it's gonna be under the cut!
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Episode 1-- Kiki's Delivery Service and E.T.! People focus on the Kiki reference so much that the other seemed to be missed.
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Episode 2-- Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion, Sailor Moon. Another one obvious enough to be called out in some comments. It was referenced again in episode 54, where this panel was taken from.
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Episode 5-- Marceline, Adventure time. One of the few reference that isn't an outfit specifically, but a character.
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Episode 11-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Not necessarily supposed to be the characters themselves, just the outfits.
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Episode 11-- Minako Aino, Sailor Moon. In hindsight, I don't remember why I chose this specific dress to reference and not the maid outfits from Sailor Stars or the fruits maid outfits from the manga... especially since I think the fruits maid outfits are adorable.
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Episode 11-- Catra, She-Ra reboot. I kind of regretted this one immediately just because like 80% of the comments on the episode were "CATRA SUIT!!!" as a result...
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Episode 18-- Sailor Moon manga. I was always intrigued by the way characters would be dressed in dreamlike/ethereal sequences in the manga, so this reference was a must for me. I went with the version that is a full dress with straps rather than the dresses from other moments in the manga that have no discernible top half.
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Episode 30 and 31-- Not a reference to any specific film or character, but just film noir in general. I do remember referencing a female character specifically for this but sadly I couldn't find it again.
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Episode 40-- Pomeranian scene, IT Chapter Two. Surely you saw this coming (or maybe not?) I don't think I got the camera angle good enough to really sell this reference, but I couldn't resist it anyways.
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Episode 43-- Adult Losers, IT Chapter Two. The only reference besides Marceline that references the characters themselves, since I normally use our other characters for background character purposes. Also one of the only references that isn't a daydream.
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Episode 54-- Disney's Snow White and Cinderella. I couldn't decide which to reference, so I ended up leaning mostly into Cinderella, but referenced the Evil Queen's crown as well. Boo's dress is also somewhat referenced from the the live action Cinderella dress instead of the animated version, just because I liked it.
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Episode 54-- Treasure Planet and Treasure Planet 2 concept art. Treasure planet is one of my favorite movies, so there was no way I was missing out on referencing it. A few people brought up some wlw pirate webcomic(s?) in the comments of this episode, but the actual reference seemed to be mostly missed. The sash around Boo's waist is also meant to be fabric from her princess dress in the previous panels.
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Episode 54-- Revolutionary Girl Utena. Another one I was kind of surprised wasn't called out just because of how iconic the whole clothed shadow/silhouette thing is.
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Episode 55-- Saint Tail. I couldn't reference this one as closely as I would have liked since it probably wouldn't have been very readable as a magician's costume to someone who didn't know it, so it mostly references the brooch from the anime and her hat.
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Episode 61-- Jane Fonda in Spirits of the Dead. A super random and out there reference, especially to end on, but I liked the outfit so much that I couldn't help it. Maybe Boo used to fall asleep to old movie channels, lol.
That's it, at least for now! We'll have to see what shows up in future episodes~
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callmekenya · 2 months
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Pairings: Evie Grimhilde x m!y/n
Warnings: None
The garden party at Rapunzel and Flynn's Castle was a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The lush greenery, adorned with twinkling lights, set the perfect atmosphere for an elegant evening. Guests mingled, laughter echoed, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air.
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Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen, stood beside her boyfriend, Y/n, the son of Queen Rapunzel and King Flynn. Everything about their relationship seemed perfect, almost too perfect.
Rapunzel, who had grown fond of Evie, treated her like the daughter she never had, and Evie cherished their bond. For her, meeting Y/n was a dream come true—a prince who loved her for who she was, despite her past. But dreams have a way of turning into nightmares.
As the evening unfolded, an unexpected guest arrived—Lily, the daughter of Queen Snow White and King Florian. With her raven-black hair and flawless skin, Lily was the epitome of beauty, but her demeanor was anything but sweet. She was accompanied by Princess Josaphine, the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin, who introduced Lily to Evie with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Lily, this is Evie, Y/n’s girlfriend," Josaphine said, her voice dripping with a false sweetness.
Lily looked Evie up and down, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Ah, the infamous VK. How quaint."
Evie, caught off guard, forced a polite smile. "Nice to meet you."
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Lily leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper, yet cutting like a knife. "You know, Y/n is just going through a phase. He'll never truly fall for someone like you. A wannabe princess will never be an actual princess."
The words stung more than Evie would care to admit. She tried to shake off the comment, but the seed of doubt had been planted. The rest of the night passed in a blur. Y/n noticed Evie's sudden change in mood and gently took her hand. "Evie, are you okay? You've been quiet all evening."
Evie gave him a tight-lipped smile, hiding the turmoil inside. "I'm just tired. Can we go home?"
Concerned but respectful, Y/n drove her back to her dorm. The silence between them was deafening. When they arrived at her door, Evie turned to him, her smile forced. "Thank you for tonight. I just need some time alone."
Y/n wanted to press further but saw the resolve in her eyes. He nodded, brushing a kiss across her forehead before watching her disappear behind the door. Little did he know, that night would change everything.
Alone in her dorm, Evie couldn’t shake off Lily’s words. They echoed in her mind, driving her to the edge. In a moment of desperation, she decided to make a change. She bleached her signature blue hair to a brown hue and swapped her vibrant blue outfits for muted, traditional princess colors. When she looked in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself but convinced herself it was for the best.
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The next day, Y/n was taken aback when he saw Evie’s transformation. She looked stunning, but something about her new look felt off. It wasn’t the Evie he fell in love with, but he kept his thoughts to himself, not wanting to upset her.
Weeks passed, and tension grew between them. The Tourney tournament, the highlight of the season, was around the corner. Auradon’s team was pumped, and the cheerleading squad, including both Lily and Evie, was ready to energize the crowd. The game was intense, but Auradon triumphed, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
As the cheerleaders rushed onto the field, Lily saw her chance. She ran straight to Y/n, wrapping her arms around him and planting a kiss on his lips. The crowd fell silent in shock, all eyes on the couple.
Y/n immediately pushed Lily away, his eyes searching for Evie. He found her across the field, her face a mix of shock and heartbreak. Without a second thought, she turned and ran, tears streaming down her face.
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Y/n sprinted after her, calling out her name, but she didn’t stop. He caught up to her just as she reached her dorm, grabbing her arm gently. “Evie, please, let me explain. That kiss meant nothing. You’re the one I love.”
Evie looked at him, her eyes filled with hurt. “It’s not just the kiss, Y/n. I thought I could be someone I’m not. But I’ll never be a real princess, not like Lily. Maybe she’s right, maybe you deserve someone better.”
She pulled off the promise ring he had given her, pressing it into his hand. “I can’t do this anymore. We’re done.”
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Before Y/n could respond, she turned and disappeared into her dorm, leaving him standing in the hallway, heartbroken.
In the days that followed, Y/n tried reaching out to Evie, but she blocked him on everything. She avoided him at every turn, and Y/n found himself spiraling into despair. Lily, meanwhile, reveled in the downfall of their relationship, always lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.
The Royal Ball hosted by Mal and Ben was the final event of the season, a grand celebration where everyone would be present. Y/n arrived with Lily on his arm, but his mind was elsewhere, his eyes scanning the room for Evie. Then, the announcer's voice rang out.
"Please welcome Princess Evie and her date for the Royal Ballet, Doug!"
The room fell silent as Evie entered, her hair once again a vibrant blue, and her dress matching the hue. She looked every bit the princess she was meant to be, reclaiming her true self. Y/n’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. She was stunning, a vision of everything he had fallen in love with.
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As the night wore on, the band was set to perform. Y/n, desperate to win Evie back, made his way to the stage. Taking the microphone, he addressed the crowd. "I’d like to dedicate this song to someone very special to me. Someone I should have never let go.”
[Verse 1: Y/n]
"If I could do it all over, baby, I'd do it different
Maybe I wouldn't be here, in this position 
I found you, then I lost you, looking back is torture 
And it hurts to know I let you go, you live right around the corner
Y/n’s voice was filled with emotion as he sang, his eyes never leaving Evie’s. The room was silent, captivated by the raw sincerity in his voice. Evie, standing at the edge of the room, felt her heart breaking all over again, but she couldn’t look away.
[Pre-Chorus 1: Y/n & Evie]
"And I could've had it all, could've had it all
True love, I know I had it
True love, was so hard to find
True love, if I could get it back, I'd never let it go this time
(True love) is an inspiration
(True love) it was mine, all mine
(True love) I'd never let it go
I'd never it go
I'll never let it go
I'll never let it go this time.
As Y/n continued, Evie felt her resolve weaken. The love they had shared was real, undeniable. Slowly, she began to move towards the stage, drawn to him by the pull of their connection.
[Verse 2: Evie]
"Feeling it all around me, wondering how I blew it”
And I wanna know the secret, of how they, do it
There's no such thing as perfection, I'm still learning that lesson
To forgive is key to forgetting me
And I'm staring at my reflection
And I could've had it all, could've had it all
Evie’s voice joined his, soft at first but gaining strength. The harmony between them was perfect, a reflection of the bond they once had. The crowd watched in awe as Evie walked toward Y/n, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
[Pre-Chorus 2: Y/n & Evie]
True love, I know I had it
True love, was so hard to find
If I could get it back, yeah
I'd never let it go this time
True love, is an inspiration
True love, it was mine oh mine
True love, If I could get it back, yeah
Never let it go, I'd never let it go this time
[Verse 3: Y/n]
If I knew then what I do now, I'd be with you tonight
If I knew then what I'd do now we'd be alright
And I could've had it all
True love (x3)
By the time they reached the chorus again, they were standing face to face, their voices blending in perfect harmony. The emotion between them was palpable, and the audience could feel it too. As they sang the final lines together, the weight of their feelings hung in the air.
[Bridge: Y/n & Evie]
I'd never let it go this time
True love, it was mine oh mine
True love, If I could get it back, yeah
If only I could get it back, yeah
(Never let it go this time)
True love, I'd never let it go
True love, it was mine oh mine
True love, I could've had it,
Could've had it, could've had it all
True love, is an inspiration
True love, it was mine oh mine
True love, yeah
If I could get it back, yeah
(If I could get it back, yeah)
Never let it go
(I'd never let it go, this time)
I'd never let it go, this time
True love, yeah
The song ended, and for a moment, the room was completely silent. Then, without a word, Y/n reached out and pulled Evie into a kiss, pouring all of his love and regret into it. The crowd erupted into cheers, but for Y/n and Evie, the world had faded away. There was only them, and the love they had fought so hard to reclaim.
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Lily, seething with jealousy, started to make her way toward Evie and Y/n, a glass of champagne in her hand and mischief glinting in her eyes. She intended to cause a scene, to tear them apart one final time. However, before she could take more than a few steps, she found her path blocked by Audrey and Mal.
“Not so fast, Princess,” Mal said, her voice icy with authority. “Leave them alone. You’ve done enough.”
Audrey crossed her arms, nodding in agreement. “You might want to rethink what you’re about to do, Lily. I guarantee it won’t end well for you.”
Lily hesitated, her eyes flicking from the two girls in front of her to the couple on the dance floor. The room’s attention had shifted away from her, and it was clear that if she tried anything, Mal and Audrey wouldn’t hesitate to stop her. Grudgingly, she lowered her glass and took a step back, her lips curling in distaste.
“Fine,” Lily spat, her voice low. “But this isn’t over.”
Mal leaned in, her glowing eyes narrowing. “It is, Lily. Move on. You’re not wanted here.”
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With one last glare, Lily turned on her heel and stormed out of the ballroom, her frustration and anger evident in every step. Audrey and Mal exchanged a satisfied look before turning their attention back to the celebration.
On the dance floor, Y/n and Evie were lost in each other’s eyes, the world around them fading into a distant hum. The cheers from the crowd only heightened the joy that surged between them. Y/n gently cupped Evie’s face, brushing a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb.
“I’m so sorry, Evie,” Y/n whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “For everything. For letting you doubt yourself, for letting Lily come between us. I never stopped loving you. I never will.”
Evie placed her hand over his, holding it to her cheek as she leaned into his touch. “I should’ve never let her words get to me. I should’ve known better, should’ve trusted in what we had. But when I changed, I realized I was losing myself. I just… I just didn’t know how to get back to who I was, or if you’d still want me when I did.”
Y/n’s heart ached at the vulnerability in her voice. He shook his head, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Evie, you’re perfect just the way you are. It was never about being a princess or a VK. It was always about you. The girl I fell in love with, who’s brave, smart, kind, and so incredibly strong. The girl who’s never needed to be anyone other than herself.”
Evie’s lips trembled into a smile, her blue eyes shining brightly as she met his gaze. “And I fell in love with the boy who saw all of that in me when no one else did. You’ve always been my true love, Y/n. I never should’ve doubted that.”
As the music played on, they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world spinning around them but never touching the bubble of peace they’d created together. The crowd, sensing the moment, began to pair off into their own dances, leaving Y/n and Evie to share this time together.
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From across the room, Doug watched with a satisfied grin on his face, his earlier role as Evie’s date simply a way to remind her of her worth. He caught Ben’s eye and gave a small nod, acknowledging the part they’d played in helping the couple find their way back to each other.
Ben, standing with Mal at his side, couldn’t help but smile. “I think everything turned out just as it was meant to,” he said, giving Mal’s hand a squeeze.
Mal smirked, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Of course it did. I mean, when have you known me to be wrong?”
They both laughed, and for the rest of the night, the ballroom was filled with joy, music, and the celebration of love—true love that had been tested, but never broken.
As the evening drew to a close, Y/n and Evie slipped away from the crowd, finding a quiet corner of the garden where the twinkling lights of the party cast a soft glow around them. Y/n wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.
“You know,” Y/n murmured, his voice tender, “I don’t need a kingdom or a crown. As long as I have you, Evie, I have everything I could ever want.”
Evie smiled, resting her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. “And I have you, my prince. That’s all I need.”
They stayed like that for a while, holding each other under the stars, secure in the knowledge that their love was true, unshakable, and everlasting.
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esther-dot · 8 months
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Cinder-Jaehaerys 5k by @wendynerdwrites
A gender-flipped Cinderella Story
Lavender's Blue 4k
Once Upon A Time, in a faraway kingdom, Sansa Stark was humming a song while she swept the floors of Winterfell. Her face was covered in dirt and ashes. Her hands were dry and wrinkled from washing clothes and doing the dishes. But her hope and kindness had not been damaged by all those years of being ordered around by Ramsay Bolton and his girlfriend of the week.
The Weirdwood, the Wolf, and the Glass Slipper 5k
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a girl who loved her father very much….A Cinderella version of Jon/Sansa, mixing elements from the Cinderella stories as told by the Brothers Grimm and the film Ever After.
Together All the While incomplete 28k
Sansa Stark wanted to keep her household together. She borrowed a dress. Prince Jon wanted to escape his fate. He stole a horse.
Cinderella gifset by @yenstarkofrivia
Past Our Satellites 140k
Inspired and loosely based on the tale Thousandfurs (from Allerleirauh: All-Kinds-of-Fur) and Cinderella by the Brothers Grimm Rough summary of the tale for those who are unfamiliar with it: "A king promised his dying wife that he would not marry unless it was to a woman who was as beautiful as she was, and when he looked for a new wife, he realized that the only woman that could match her beauty was his own daughter." (from Wiki)
Princess Furball 9k
When Sansa's father announces his intent to marry her, she attempts to trick him out of it, demanding impossible gifts. When her father inexplicably succeeds in fulfilling her requests, Sansa fakes her death and flees her father's kingdom in a coat of many pelts. Sheltered by her trusty direwolf, Lady, Sansa is found by the prince of a foreign realm, who christens her "Furball". The former princess hides out working in the king's kitchens as a curiously humanoid animal as war looms. But things change when two kings and a prince die…
Swan Princess
The Little Bird Princess 18k @captainbee89
When Rhaegar defeated Robert Baratheon on the Trident, he only spared Ned out of love for Lyanna. And on the condition that Stark's eldest daughter would one day wed his son and quell the fighting between the North and the Crownlands for good.
This isn't my idea (this is my idea) of fun 10k orphaned
Their eventual marriage is meant to strengthen the Northern/Southern alliance, but Jon Targaryen and Sansa Stark can hardly stop bickering long enough to make peace with each other, let alone their kingdoms. But it only takes a few meddling parents, suggestive friends, and a jealous sorcerer's magic spell to show this couple that what they've been dreaming of has been there all along.
Moodboard and ficlet by @otp-that-was-promised
Every summer since they were children, Princess Sansa and Prince Jon are brought together in hope that they will fall in love and marry, uniting their two kingdoms. When they meet for the first time, the royal children take an immediate dislike towards each other, but as the years pass they gradually fall in love.
Snow White
Younger More Beautiful Queen 1k by @captainbee89
If the rumours were true, Jon Snow would be Sansa's cousin, a suitable match in both name and blood. Together, they could bring the whole of the seven kingdoms together peacefully. With Jon, Sansa would be Queen. As Queen, Sansa could order the death of Joffrey as revenge for Ned Stark's death. And what of her other children? Tommen and Myrcella would be taken from her, labeled as bastards and stripped of all their prospects. How dare this silly little girl be the more beautiful Queen she had feared? She would not have it.
The Dragonknight 7k
The day that Sansa got her moonblood, Queen Cersei's magic mirror named her the most beautiful woman in the world. There was only one thing to be done with the imprisoned Queen of the North... the child had to die. Cersei hadn't counted on her twin's soft heart or the wolf in the woods.
Little Red Riding Hood
Throw me to the Wolves 2k
Winter had been hard on Old Nan and everyone in the village worried about her, so it was decided that Sansa should make the trip to her cottage on the other side of the woods to bring her some bread and ale. On her way there, she meets a stranger…
In the Company of Wolves 10k incomplete
Fair of face and kissed by fire, Sansa Stark is a force to be reckoned with—with a feisty spirit to match the flare of her flaming hair. Still, there’s no shortage of suitors vying for the hand of the eldest daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark—but despite all their clever plans, Sansa vows she will only marry for love. A chance encounter with a mysterious stranger in the woods, sets her on a path of passion and dangerous intrigue. Is Jon her salvation or her damnation? Perhaps he is both.
Red Riding Hood Gifset by @dcbicki
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Tin, Paper, Snow 17k incomplete
“Brave soldier, never fear. Even though your death is near.” The flames danced as high as a dream in a million, billion colours- scarlet, orange, purple, even blue, casting rich shimmering shadows on their faces and their hands and their hair. He steadied himself, stood upright, held onto her for dear life. "Would that we were made of glass," he thought. "Tin doesn't do well here. Nor paper." Higher and higher, the flames rose, crackling, singing. Tin, Paper, Snow, they whispered. It's time to let her go.
12 Dancing Princesses
Drifting through the halls with sunrise 3k
They were selfish girls, it was their choice that sentenced these men to death, month after month. The cycle would continue, soon the girls behind her would forget about the man on the stone steps, they would don their masks and new shoes and dance until the sun rose over the Narrow Sea.
The Little Mermaid
only a salt kiss remains ficlet by @flibbertigiblet
He was drowning, and then he was not. (He hears her before he sees her, his angel.)
wish i could be 10k by @theshipshipper
"Oh dear, you look cold," Queen Cersei said softly, floating next to her. "Come, come. Let's get you inside." The Queen led her into the dark cave, offering her a seat. "Now, then. I'm told you're here because you desire to be with your Prince?" She flicked her hand and an image of Prince Jon erupted from thin air. "Hmm. I see now... Quite a handsome fellow." Sansa couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. She'd wondered how he was faring after the shipwreck and ached to check for herself. She was relieved that he seemed alright. "My sweet summer child, you have it bad," Queen Cersei informed her, a smile in her voice. She blinked. "I -- what?" "You're in love," she clarified with a laugh before swimming towards a tall shelf in the corner. "I know exactly what you need."
Mermaids Have No Tears ficlet
Little Mermaid AU, specifically the Hans Christian Andersen version.
Gifsets: Part of Your World by @tatesharon The Little Mermaid by @swainlake The Little Mermaid by @dcbicki The Little Mermaid by @sardoniyx
Jonsa fairytale ficlet and gifset by @thewindsofwolves
Even though Sansa is now fourteen, she still feels a special enthousiasm for magic. And as Jon likes nothing more than pleasing Sansa, he shares the same enthousiasm. Then, as they are both bored during the great annual Christmas party hosted by Sansa’s dad, she asks her cousin to make one of his trick so the night can be less boring. Taking her outside, he brings her to the well, and asks her one of the ribbons she wears in her hairs. He asks her then to close her eyes and make a wish, before dropping the ribbon into the well. I wish we could go into an adventure.
The Snow Queen and the Huntsman Gifset by @dcbicki
Jonsa x Disney gifset by @amandapeetshusband
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xbomboi · 4 months
how do you think the charmings and snow react to darling being Apple's true love
lowkey i think it’s two entirely different cases in book canon vs show canon but the way most people treat it is very inline with what i think would happen in book canon so i wanna talk about show canon.
so if you read Fable Fest you kinda know that i sorta loosely imply that really the only people who actually know darling woke apple up were the ones who were there. and i think the students were all way too shaken up by the other stuff going on at the time to dwell on it or more distracted by how daring wasn’t apple’s prince charming (no thanks to him making such a big deal of it). and i’m sure dexter would do his best to help darling keep it from their parents. apple just straight up doesn’t know, so neither does snow white.
i actually have this idea for when it finally gets revealed. i’m not going to spoil much about it because there will be a time when it comes into play, but they’d all be in the same place when it does happen.
and at that point, i can say at least lance charming would have the most tame reaction. he’ll still be surprised, but he won’t be angry or anything. but he’d be worried about how queen charming would take it.
so the thing is with queen charming, i want her in show-canon to be more focused on power than anything. so daring not being apple’s true love infuriates her, because she wants her family to have influence over ever after from the top. then you have darling who doesn’t want to be in a position of royal authority, but the moment queen charming finds out, she insists darling and apple be betrothed IMMEDIATELY and that darling assume her spot on the throne. she wants influence more than anything, even if that’s not what darling wants. that’s the conflict i want to come from that.
meanwhile, snow white is really going through it (mostly deserved if we’re being honest). but i plan on exploring her knowing a lot more than she lets on, and keeping many secrets that would otherwise make her a hypocrite or paint her in a bad light. so by the time she finds this out, she refrains from commenting publicly, only to then speak to apple in private. at that point, she’d be asking apple several questions to determine her standing, before trying to reason her best options as future ruler in the situation. because, after all, she’s a very business oriented person.
see, at this point in the story, with all i want to do with it in mind, ironically the biggest relationship the reveal is going to put a wrench in is apple and darling’s. and i can’t explain just why yet right now, but i have my reasons.
my perspective on this comes from where this reveal would happen in the timeline that i have sorta mapped out in my head, so if this doesn’t exactly make 100% sense, it’s probably due to the fact that in my mind at that point in the story there are a handful of things that have already taken place prior to the reveal that influence the reactions.
thanks for the ask!
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aerltarg · 7 months
thinking again about my sad boys, aegon and rhaegar, the dragonbane and the last dragon, being depressed since childhood, finding solace in their happy ladies, daenaera and lyanna. but while aegon's older siblings died, rhaegar lost his younger ones. but hey, at least aegon got to be close to his dear younger bro viserys! meanwhile, rhaegar just couldn't have a chance to build any proper relationship with his younger bro viserys, with everything between them. also to think that daeron the young dragon was aegon and daenaera's son and jon, rhaegar and lyanna's son, admired him and considered him one of his heroes... oh bless them, i love them so much
[...] As she stood before the king that Maiden’s Day, clad in pale white silk, Myrish lace, and pearls, her long hair shining in the torchlight and her cheeks flush with excitement, Daenaera was but six years old, yet so beautiful she took the breath away. The blood of Old Valyria was strong in her, as is oft seen in the sons and daughters of the seahorse; her hair was silver laced with gold, her eyes as blue as a summer sea, her skin as smooth and pale as winter snow. “She sparkled,” Mushroom says, “and when she smiled, the singers in the galley rejoiced, for they knew that here at last was a maid worthy of a song.” Daenaera’s smile transformed her face, men agreed; it was sweet and bold and mischievious, all at once. Those who saw it could not fail to think, “Here is a bright, sweet, happy little girl, the perfect antidote to the young king’s gloom.” (Fire & Blood)
When Aegon III returned her smile and said, “Thank you for coming, my lady, you look very pretty,” even Lord Unwin Peake surely must have known that the game was lost. (Fire & Blood)
[...] Hope and good feeling reigned over the Red Keep as the new year dawned. Though younger than her predecessor, Queen Daenaera was a happier child, and her sunny nature did much to lighten the king’s gloom…for a while, at the least. Aegon III was seen about the court more often than had been his wont, and even left the castle on three occasions to show his bride such sights as the city offered (though he refused to take her to the Dragonpit, where Lady Rhaena’s young dragon, Morning, made her lair). His Grace seemed to take a new interest in his studies, and Mushroom was oft summoned to entertain the king and queen at supper (“The sound of the queen’s laughter was like music to this fool, so sweet that even the king was known to smile”). (Fire & Blood)
[...] “But I am not certain it was in Rhaegar to be happy.” “You make him sound so sour,” Dany protested. “Not sour, no, but… there was a melancholy to Prince Rhaegar, a sense…” The old man hesitated again. “Say it,” she urged. “A sense…?” “…of doom. He was born in grief, my queen, and that shadow hung over him all his days.” Viserys had spoken of Rhaegar's birth only once. Perhaps the tale saddened him too much. “It was the shadow of Summerhall that haunted him, was it not?” “Yes. And yet Summerhall was the place the prince loved best. He would go there from time to time, with only his harp for company. Even the knights of the Kingsguard did not attend him there. He liked to sleep in the ruined hall, beneath the moon and stars, and whenever he came back he would bring a song. When you heard him play his high harp with the silver strings and sing of twilights and tears and the death of kings, you could not but feel that he was singing of himself and those he loved.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
“At the welcoming feast, the prince had taken up his silver-stringed harp and played for them. A song of love and doom, Jon Connington recalled, and every woman in the hall was weeping when he put down the harp.” (ADWD, The Griffin Reborn)
“The dragon prince sang a song so sad it made the wolf maid sniffle.” (ASOS, Bran II)
“By night the prince played his silver harp and made her weep. When she had been presented to him, Cersei had almost drowned in the depths of his sad purple eyes.” (AFFC, Cersei V)
“No one knew,” said Meera, “but the mystery knight was short of stature, and clad in ill-fitting armor made up of bits and pieces. The device upon his shield was a heart tree of the old gods, a white weirwood with a laughing red face.” (ASOS, Bran II)
“Whoever he was, the old gods gave strength to his arm. [...] the common folk cheered lustily for the Knight of the Laughing Tree, as the new champion soon was called. When his fallen foes sought to ransom horse and armor, the Knight of the Laughing Tree spoke in a booming voice through his helm, saying, 'Teach your squires honor, that shall be ransom enough.'” (ASOS, Bran II)
“He could hear her still at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave her his word, the fear had gone out of his sister’s eyes. Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black.” (AGOT, Eddard I)
“Robert will never keep to one bed,” Lyanna had told him at Winterfell, on the night long ago when their father had promised her hand to the young Lord of Storm’s End. “I hear he has gotten a child on some girl in the Vale.” Ned had held the babe in his arms; he could scarcely deny her, nor would he lie to his sister, but he had assured her that what Robert did before their betrothal was of no matter, that he was a good man and true who would love her with all his heart. Lyanna had only smiled. “Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man’s nature. (AGOT, Eddard IX)
“It was said that Rhaegar had named that place the tower of joy.” (AGOT, Eddard X)
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deadlyflames · 2 months
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and the world has somehow shifted
Swanfire - Tangled AU - role swap
Snow White and Prince Charming are unable to beat the Evil Queen and King George after the monarchs align themselves with a dragon and a sea witch. Years later, Snow White and her husband live as outlaws at the edge of the enchanted forest, with a band of rebels as their subjects. Their daughter, Emma, is known as the rebel princess, and she takes up her parents' mantle of fighting against the tyrannical rule of the evil queen.
After centuries in Neverland, Baelfire is rescued by his father and taken back to the enchanted forest. To keep him safe from Regina, who grows more powerful by the day, and any of his countless enemies, Rumplestiltskin ensures that his son remains hidden away. For the past 4 years, Baelfire has been locked in a tower, in a deep valley surrounded by steep cliffs and mountains, protected with a powerful barrier spell.
And both their worlds were shifted when the princess without a crown managed to break through the spell that kept the boy in the tower separated from the rest of the world.
Lots of people in the swanfire au have the tangled au with Emma as Rapunzel (lost princess) and Neal as Flynn Ryder (thief using a fake name).
But Emma has canonically cosplayed as Flynn Rider.
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Plus Neal is an artist like Rapunzel, and his dad would absolutely lock him in a tower to keep him safe. So i think this version works too
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- pregnancy, 18+ words and themes overall, family death. Description of dying, description of decapitation, mention of sexual assault, blood, male castration, nudity (non sexual)
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
previous chapter here.
Chapter 20
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You watch as the snow covers the entire fields much farther out than the horizon allows your vision. The cold pricks at your skin but you do not budge. The feelign is most welcome if anything. Something, anything, that can allow you to continue to feel with out letting you go insane is welcome. Your finger tips numb as you took off your gloves hours ago. 
The only thought are flashes of sandor. The short time you spent together but your feelings for him oh so true. For the passed week you’ve taken the liberty to sit outside on the balcony way, for hours, and watch the lifeless wasteland of white powder upon the once green lands. if it was ever green at one point. If the green had been frosted over just as your heart breaks upon it. 
Your hand rests against your raising stomach as the tears dry-freeze against your cheeks the second they fall from your eyes. the well threatening to freeze your eye itself if your body did not persist on blinking every few seconds. Regardless of your tone your cheeks ears and nose are blushed pink with the frost. Already a widow when you and your love had such little time. 
“Your grace...” You hear joss’s voice but it leaves you to frown at the high title he called you. Your gaze doesn't budge from the scape as he speaks however.
“Your grace? i…” he trail off looking down. Normally around this time joss would come and collect you to head inside as the fear of you getting frost bite is one of most concern. However, the tone of his voice has a worse meaning than simply helping you back to your room. 
You take your eyes off the land to turn your head to him looking up to him from your seat. He holds a small scroll in hand, most likely from a raven. He fiddles with it between his fingers before taking notice that you want him to read it to you. 
“First…p-prince marco has arrived and is getting his quarters set up…” he trails off again knowing that’s not the new you care about nor want to hear. 
“Whats in your hand joss?” You ask. He sighs knowing the enviable was to pass and once again unscrolls the paper piece. He quietly clears his throat before beginning to read it. 
“As of Earliest of November…in the evening. H-her grace, first of her name, queen of volantis, mother of the side tides has passed away due to the illness that has plagued the regions of the east essos sea…” Joss reads.
”….She went peacefully in her sleep and was found by her ladies in waiting. This notice herby declares, her highness y/n vixen of house vixen, first of her name, princess and heir to the throne and essos sea, Queen of volantis…H-hence forth ravens have been sent out to all parties of land to inform those of the recent and sudden crowing of her new grace.” He finishes. 
There was some part of you that new your mother would not survive the sickness that was brought onto the east as she began showing signs not soon after your fathers death, and you begged her all the more to come to the north and let the illness die out against it. Alone. Scared. Queen. Mother. All the things that could now define you. 
A princess, now queen, with a sickly home, no husband, child on the way, living in the most male dominated part of the north side. And the next time you face on of those men they are obligated to bow at the thought of you an preach out ‘your grace.’
”joss.” You say looking back to the snowy land. 
“Y-yes your grace?” He asks. 
“I am your friend. Am i not?” You ask 
“yes your grace you are.” He replies. 
“And i am your queen, as of now.” You say 
he nods once more. 
“Yes. Your grace.” He replies again. 
You turn your head looking at him once again before your eyes grow cold and your gaze hardens. 
“Tell me…do you know of any living reltives prince marco has?” You ask 
“His father your grace, he however has succumbed to the illness on the eastern essos and should meet the gods not so long.” He replies to you. 
“Hm and…what should happen if he doesn't rise to king?” You ask once more. 
“The palaces should join under the vixen name your grace. Her or his grace should rule over the rest of essos.” He says 
“hmm..Have seven men strip and beat the prince marco in middle of courtyard. Pay them well. On account of the attempted rape and abuse of her grace and her squire, as well as the mistreatment of the staff and harbinger.” you order. You stand up taking the blanket from your lap and wrap it around your hands to warm them back up. 
“And, how severely would you like it, your grace?” He ask trying to hide the smirk on his face. 
“Until he begs, cry, urinates, and dies screaming out for mercy.” You say. He takes a short bow before turning and walking back presumably to gather the men. Were you being cruel? Yes, some might not think it so and you were one. You have a new power, unfortunately this cannot bring back your husband… but you can treat your threats as he would. After all he split a mans jaw for you, killed for you, threatened for you. What better way to ode his memory than make a sacrifice of something he would fo none the less. 
Almost as fast as you had it ordered you heard men laughing and yelling. You began your walk down the outer hall of the fort following and watching as three men dragged the prince out of wherever he was placed before hes thrown into the muddled snow. 
“HOW DARE YOU HANDLE ME WITH SUCH DIST-“ he cut off by a swift punch to his face. 
“Shut the fuck up.” One of the men laughs leading the others to do so. Three of the men are men of the nights watch and the other four are both guards that came with you and thier ‘beloved prince.’ You hear foot steps as joss makes his way to you and taking his rightful place next to you. 
Marco is grabbed and his clothes are taken by the men, the expensive fabric ripped and cut from his body. More and more men gather around to watch the spectacle of the prince being mistreated. As per your orders he stripped completely nude and thrown into the ground when the men kick and hit him picking him up throwing him around each other like a doll.
When he cannot stand the force him up and toss him back and fourth each taking turns to punch or abuse him. The red stains of blood on the snowed ground mixed with the mud underneath are bright against the white. The sound of heavy footsteps on the wood turn your head as you see john walk up to you. As the blood curdling scream of Marco is wailed out as the men cut off both his cock and balls.
“Did you order this!?” John exclaims. You put your hand up as the men stop leaving Marco clutching his crotch bleeding profusely into the snowy ground.
“yes.” You say without any hesitation. He double takes back to you in surprise that you didn’t hesitate.
”you’re humiliating and killing a prince, You’ve castrated him! In side the wall of castle black.” He says 
“yes..yes I am.” You answer. 
“Why? With all do respect your grace you do not have to explain your self but-“ 
“you are correct my lord, i do not have to explain myself so i will not. He’s been stripped of his title and dignity and i plan to strip him of his life.” You say harshly. 
“You cannot!” John pleads. 
“And you care for him how?” You ask he’s quiet as you wait for an answer. 
“your grace i-“ he begins. 
“Are you protesting?!” You snap at him. He dosnt answer just goes quiet. 
“Y/n.” You see Sansa walks up behind john you look at her as she walks up to you taking your hands in hers. You look down at them before looking back up to her face your eyes dulled as she stares back to you. she isn’t going to tell you to stop, not because you are queen and no matter how much she were to yell you would do so anyway, but because she would, and has, done the same thing. 
She lets go of you moving to your other side before linking arms with you. and looking down everyone looks up to you waiting for any sign of your approval. 
“Kill him.” You speak. Bloody and battered barley able to make function Marco is pulled up by his hair and is dragged over to a stump. He begins to plead but his yelps are cut short by the quick slicing of metal against his skin as his head rolls off his body and onto the ground with a thud. 
“You protest with any other of my decisions. It will be your head that rolls in the courtyard next.” You say to john before lets go of Sansa and walking to your room joss following close behind. 
The days and weeks pass on slow. The same pace following the day. You’ve had some of the knight teach joss basic fighting skills in case they are needed. John has left to convince the dragon queen to help fight in his war against a winter zombie hes adamant about. You help Sansa in the kitchen once in a while as castle black doesn't have much staff. You quite enjoy the slight cooking and cleaning give you something todo, and the men enjoy it all the more having a true woman’s cooking. 
Your ladies in waiting have been a help as well for you and your ever growing state. The next few days you will be coming up on 7 months pregnant. The fear of giving birth and raising your child with out his father becomes more and more real. 
As john left you, Sansa and the others have begun to pack thier things to make way back to her home, winterfell as now needed to be rightfully claimed back by the family. Sansa cannot stop raving on about the new gowns and winter clothing she wants you and her to match in. Whenever she is with you all the trauma and pain she's endured the last new years has completely disappeared. She’s once again the happy little girl when you both first met. 
She goes on and on about the bakery in the town side, that serves the best raspberry cakes. And how the snowbells bloom regardless of the ice sheet that covers the road way.
Your things are placed onto the back of the cart as you and Sansa mount horses as riding in the cart or carriage would be a bit too dangerous as the wheels might come from under it and topple. 
Joss rides behind you staying close to you on his own horse monitoring your every move growing more and more worried with your state everyday. He makes sure you're warm, and well taken care of especially more so now with the soon upbringing of a prince or princess. 
“Joss.” You say his name. He hurriedly kicks up on his horse coming closer to you. 
“Yes, your grace?” He asks eagerly. 
“You need not ride so close. I'm fine, i'm pregnant, not elderly.” You say. He gulps awkwardly before moving his horse back a bit. 
“Yes, your grace.” He says once more. Sansa glances at joss before rolling her eyes which makes you laugh. 
You arrive at winterfell and youre carefully helped off your horse. Sansa is eager to grab you and give you a tour of the entire thing. It seems to have been cleaned and prepped for the arrival as the Boltons betrayal of it couldn’t be seen as kind. She shows you everything from the outer courtyard, the garden, the walls, and all the rooms including the servant quarters but your most favorite is the weirwood tree that grows in the back of the center. 
“My father would come out here with my brothers and john and give them fighting lessons. Arya would join in and of course take them all down even at her small size, but he would tell them that no matter how hard something can be you should never succumb to it. No battle lost and no lives passed in vain.” She says as you stare at its albino beauty. 
“Why does it cry?” You ask. She shrugs. 
“I dont know.” She says before dragging you back off to your chambers showing around. 
“The closet, and bed, and the fireplace, and the…closet.” She trails off leaving you both laughing. You pull her into a hug thanking her for everything so far in keeping her happy and safe. Thus far.
Next chapter here
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peachyfuck18 · 1 year
Favorite Horror Icons as Fairy Tales
For my sake I’ll be doing the original fairytales not the Disney versions. Enjoy
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Billy Loomis-Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault
-When Billy was first born the King and Queen treated him as their own pride and joy so much that they forgot to hold a festival for a legendary demon as the king put it that his son was more important than some stupid dream demon
-Of course the demon Frederick was not happy to hear this and so in the middle of the night secretly cursed the young prince to die by a spindle of a spinning wheel when he is sixteen
-But Nancy, a good fairy loved throughout the land gets wind of this and on the same night alters the curse by having his death be a long sleep for a hundred days before a prince comes to save him
-Sixteen years go by and Billy is now a beautiful young prince that all the men in the kingdom want for his beauty but he always turns them down cause he dreams of a better man despite his lady in waiting Sidney’s insistence on finding a husband
-When his parents and the guards aren’t looking he manages to get away from the palace walls and comes across a beautiful cabin and while exploring sees a spinning wheel and has fun with it trying it out before he pricks his finger and a needle is now stuck in his finger and he’s soon passed out on the floor
-It doesn’t take long before Sidney finds him and his parents soon after and in grief turn the cabin into his resting place and Nancy, hoping to never see this day decides to help Billy by making enchanted roses sprout all over the cabin so those with an evil heart will never take advantage of the young prince
-A hundred days go by and Stu, a prince from a neighboring kingdom, is out on a hunting trip with his friends when he gets separated from them and it’s about to storm that night til he finds the cabin. The roses, not seeing a threat, unravel to let him in and while looking for somewhere to sleep spots Billy on the bed
-At first he’s confused cause how could someone be sleeping so soundly as if they were dead when they don’t look dead and thinks maybe it’s a fae or a witch playing tricks but he tries to get him to wake up til he ends up seeing the needle on his finger and thinking that the beautiful boy fainted from having it in takes it out awakening Billy
-Billy is awake but is still tired and sleeping and bye the way he’s gripping onto Stu’s hand he decides to let himself in the bed and the two spend the night cuddling away safe from the storm outside
-The next day Billy is fully awake and is confused on why he’s in a bed and especially who the handsome boy besides him is
-When Stu wakes up he’s surprised that the boy from the night before is awake and is looking at him with a strange fondness
-After introducing each other Billy and Stu get to know each other for the rest of the day and it’s there Stu tells Billy about how his kingdom thinks he has died and at first Billy is distraught before Stu comforts him in his arms
-When Stu’s friends find him they see the beautiful young prince of the neighboring kingdom in his arms and Sidney reveals that she had taken a job as a handmaiden at Stu’s palace to deal with the grief but is glad that he is alive and well and Stu proposes to Billy to let him take him back to the kingdom and marry him and Billy immediately says yes
-When they get back to the kingdom Stu and Billy have a grand wedding and Billy is soon reunited with his parents after Stu invite them over for a grand dinner
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Jennifer Check-Snow White by The Grimm Brothers
-When a young queen is pregnant and sewing near an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle causing a drop of blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. She then wishes for a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony
-Sometime later the queen gives birth to a beautiful baby girl who she names Jennifer before dying a day later. A year later the king soon immediately marries a woman, Elaine Parks, who is very beautiful but very vain and is a dark witch who owns a magic mirror who she asks everyday who is the fairest of them all and the mirror always replies with her who is the fairest
-When Jennifer is seven years old the king soon dies and Elaine immediately begins to disregard her stepdaughter by removing her status as a princess and making her a servant in the castle
-When Jennifer is seventeen years olds she has grown into a very beautiful girl and one day Elaine goes to her mirror again to ask who is the fairest when to her shock and horror the mirror answers Jennifer. But the queen gets an idea to get her huntsman to take her daughter to the woods and kill her by lying that she is a succubus killing men and to kill her and bring her back her heart as proof
-The Huntsman tries to kill her but can’t bring himself to do it and tells Jennifer the truth about her stepmother and Jennifer soon runs away coming across an empty cabin where she takes a nap on one of the three beds
-The owners of the house, three brothers, Bo, a blacksmith , Vincent, a coffin builder and Lester, a miner get back from work when they see a girl sleeping in one of their beds and she wakes up and explains everything to them and the brothers take pity on her and decide to let her stay as long as she cleans and cooks for them
-Several weeks go by and Elaine thinks that the huntsman has killed her stepdaughter when in reality he actually killed a wild boar in place of Jennifer and after asking her mirror who’s the fairest of them all it answers with Jennifer again and of course Elaine decides to end this and disguises herself as a poor little girl selling apples and puts on a convicting act to trick Jennifer into eating the poisoned one she had for her and as soon as Jennifer goes down Elaine knows she had won
-Bo, Vincent and Lester soon find her and try everything to wake her up but of course nothing works and they build a coffin out of gold and glass and keep her deep in the woods where she’ll hopefully rest in piece while visiting every chance they can to mourn
-What they don’t know is a young peasant girl, Anita "Needy" Lesnicki, finds her body and after realizing she isn’t dead she decides to spend every day with her when she can chatting and being with her for a year before realizing something in her throat and immediately squeezes her to get it out and when Jennifer wakes up she’s greeted by a very pleasant sight of a pretty young peasant girl and after getting to know each other Jennifer asks Needy to marry her to which she gladly accepts and the two soon are making their back to the kingdom with the Bo, Vincent and Lester celebrating as well
-When Elaine is again asking her mirror who is the fairest of them all to her shock the mirror answers Jennifer and she dies of shock not only seconds later
-When Jennifer gets back to the palace she’s immediately given back her royal status and is soon crowned queen with Needy as her queen’s consort and the two live happily ever after with Bo, Vincent and Lester being given great riches as an award for taking care of her
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Patrick Bateman-The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
-Patrick is a son of the king of the ocean and loves hearing the stories from his grandmother and watching the daily lives of humans and on the day of his birthday he watches humans from a rock afar with his grandmother when he asks about the afterlife. His grandmother explains that a merperson can live up to three hundred years old and when they die they turn into sea foam and cease to exist forever and that a humans lifespan, while shorter, have an eternal soul that lives on in Heaven
-Thinking about an eternal soul he decides to see a boat party to get his mind off it and sees a girl Jean, a writer hired by aristocrats to provide singers with lyrics they hire at their parties. He soon falls in love with her and when the ship gets caught up in a storm and when Jean gets thrown overboard Patrick immediately swoops in to save her and delivers her unconscious to the shore to a group of sailors before going back to the ocean
-Now realizing that a mortal soul and having a human love him is now on the top of his priority he visits the sea sorceress, Amanda Young, who tells him that if the woman he loves does not marry him and give a part of her soul to him he will turn into seafoam and die and that she will make Patrick a potion to turn him human in exchange for his voice. He is soon made to cut his throat and remove his vocal cords and as soon he feels the painful transformation from merman to human soon passes out and washes up on shore where he’s found by Jean
-Patrick soon wakes up with Jean tending to his neck wound and is now ecstatic to find himself not only human but near the woman of his dreams. It’s not long before Jean and Patrick are now hanging out with Patrick helping Jean with her poems usually about mermaids and life under the sea even if he’s mute
-But only problem Patrick doesn’t realize that while Jean cares for him she doesn’t love him like a lover would but more like how one would love a brother or cousin
-It’s one day that while Jean and Patrick are walking through the streets of town that Jean bumps into the wealthiest man in town Paul Allen and they both start to fall in love pretty much ignoring Patrick and him fearing the end of his life
-It’s not long that Paul finally proposes to Jean and they soon have a boat wedding with Patrick smiling through his broken heart knowing his time has come and that not only will Jean not love him but he will never experience a mortal soul
-As Patrick’s enjoying his last night as a human he sees his brother, Sean, down below and he explains that he visited the sea sorceress and in exchange for a knife that will return Patrick to his normal mermaid form he cut off his thumb and explains that when he kills Jean he’ll be saved
-As Patrick is about to kill Jean in her sleep he realizes he can’t kill the woman he still loves and cares for and throws himself into the ocean slowly becoming sea foam
-Only instead of ceasing to exist he feels the warm sun and discovers that he has turned into an ethereal earthbound spirit known as the son of the air and as he ascends to the air he is greeted by other sons and daughters of the air who tell him because of his selflessness he has become a son of the air and he is given a year to obtain a soul and join the other souls in Heaven but for that year he decides to watch over Jean and be happy to see her happy
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Ginger Fitzgerald-Little Red Riding Hood by The Grimm Brothers
-On a sunny day Ginger and her sister Bridgette are told to bring their sick grandma wine and some cupcakes by their mom and told to stay on the path
-Of course being sixteen they decide to go off the path and have goof off instead staying out really late but things go from good to bad when Ginger is attacked by and bit by a wolf
-When Bridgette eventually gets help from a local huntsman Sam, he offers to let them stay til Gingers bite is healed
-The next day Ginger starts to get really moody and irritable but Bridgette and Sam thinks it’s just cause of the wolf bite
-It isn’t til midnight at a full moon that Bridgette hears a strange noise and goes to see Ginger twist and turn in her sleep and eventually Bridgette sees the transformation from human to wolf
-Ginger nearly attacks Bridgette but is soon stopped by Sam with his shotgun and with that Ginger escapes into the night and Bridgette and Sam give chase
-They run after the wolf only to find themselves at Ginger and Bridgette’s grandmother’s house that Bridgette knows she has to stop Ginger before she does something
-Taking the shotgun from Sam she puts a bullet in between Gingers eye killing her instantly and waking up their grandma in the process and seeing what has become of Ginger
-Bridgette decides to live with Sam and together they bury Gingers corpse and eventually two years later get married and as Bridgette is pregnant she looks up at the full moon and wonders if the name Ginger would be a good baby name
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Brahms Heelshire-Rapunzel by The Grimm Brothers
-While the Heelshires are a very wealthy family that doesn’t mean that life gets difficult especially when Mrs Heelshire, while pregnant, starts craving a very distinct cabbage that the only way to get is by the witch’s garden
-Mr Heelshire doesn’t want to do it but after seeing his wife in the state she’s in now decides to steal the cabbage and is successful at getting some without the witch noticing but after a week his wife craves it again but this time he gets caught by the witch Pearl and she makes a bargain with him. His first born child for the cabbage and he makes a deal with her
-Of course he doesn’t tell his wife until the day comes for Pearl to take the baby away and after seeing a son decides to name the boy Brahms and keeps him in a tower far from civilization and gets in with Brahms long hair that she forbids him to cut
-One ray Billy Lenz, local village idiot happens to stumble upon the tower after hearing a beautiful voice and wants to get in but can’t so stakes out for a day before Pearl comes back and tells Brahm to let his hair down that he has ticket in
-When Pearl is away again Billy manages to sneak his way in mimicking Pearls voice and sees Brahms and immediately falls in love with him
-Brahms is confused and scared at the strange man that managed to break in but after an hour Billy coaxes him out and they soon get to know each other where it’s everyday their seeing one another and Brahms soon falls in love with Billy
-The two plan to escape with one another but Pearl finds out after hearing Brahms sing about Billy and after interrogating Brahms finds out and cuts his hair off and casts him out the tower and into the woods
-Not surprisingly Billy was outside the tower waiting to runaway with Brahms but after finding out that Brahms hair was cut by the witch herself he decides to go on a quest to find Brahms
-It’s a brutal week until he sees a small cabin and there he finds Brahms and after the two embrace Brahms and Billy decide to get married and live happily ever after
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Carrie White-Cinderella by Charles Perrault
-Carrie White is a beautiful girl living with her mother Margaret White far from town and civilization
-When Margaret was horribly assaulted by her lover she became pregnant with Carrie which resulted in the town and the church shunning them and for that reason Margaret takes out her frustration on her daughter who in her eyes “something so full of sin shouldn’t even be considered so beautiful”
-But Carrie has her mice friends she managed to befriend and gives them names
Bill, Stan, Richie, Eddie, Ben, Beverly and Mike and some bird friends
-The day of the royal ball happens and each maiden in the land is ordered to attend
-Hopeful for a night out Carrie secretly makes herself a dress but on the night of the ball Margaret catches Carrie and locks her in the closet and tears the dress up and all Carrie can do is cry before the door is opened and she sees a glowing woman with butterfly wings
-The woman introduces herself as Wendy and decides to let her have a night at the ball and turns a pumpkin into a carriage, the birds into horses and the mice into her servants but also helps make Carrie a dress and shoes made of glass but tells Carrie that at midnight she must return as the magic will wear off soon
-At the ball Carrie is having a great time when Sue, a princess from another kingdom and friend of Prince Tommy sees Carrie and asks her to dance and to her delight both girls end up dancing the night away before the clock strikes midnight and Carrie immediately has to go home but Sue tries to catch her not knowing her name and the only thing remaining of the girl is just a shoe
-The next day while Carrie is doing house chores Margaret ends up finding out about the ball and goes to attack her but before she even lays a hand on her there’s a knock on the door and Sue is standing there not believing she found the girl from the ball and after asking her to try the glass shoe on and it fits Sue immediately proposes and Carrie says yes and Carrie is soon take to Sue’s kingdom where the two spend their days in happiness and live happily ever after
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Ash Williams-Swan Lake by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
-Ash Williams is the son of the town blacksmith who likes the simplicity in his life with his father Brock and his sister Cheryl
-One day he decides to walk through the forest and as he’s getting a drink from the fresh lake and it’s there he ends up face to face with the most feared creature in the land, The Deadite King
-At first Ash is terrified of the dreaded creature before the Deadite takes his hand and kisses it while the king goes on about how he had seen his beauty from afar and out of nowhere asks Ash to be his bride of all things
-Ash says no hopefully naive that the king will get the hint but instead The Deadite King decides if he can’t have Ash then no one can and kidnapped him and cursed him to be a swan by day so no one will fall in love with him and human by night to have him for himself
-A year goes bye and the young king Herbert West is doing some writing before he wants to settle down and when he sees a swan with a crown he gets curious and follows the swan only for the sun to set and to the swan turn from a bird to beautiful man dressed in all white
-Of course Ash is freaked out before he realizes Herbert is not gonna hurt him the two get to know each other through the night and Ash tells Herbert everything from the curse to the Deadite King
-Herbert immediately now recognizes him as the blacksmith’s son who went missing a year ago and tells Ash how his family has been searching for him. Ash tells Herbert that the only way to break the curse is for someone to make a vow of everlasting love to him and prove it to the world and Herbert decides at his ball to invite Ash and help him break his curse
-What they didn’t know is that The Deadite Kings daughter, Ruby heard everything and tells her father and when the Deadite King tells Ash to forget Herbert and marry him instead but Ash just says no and that Herbert is the one he loves
-Now even more angry The Deadite King locks Ash up before morning so that he can’t ever leave and that Herbert can’t break the curse
-When Herbert throws his ball he invites Cheryl after coming to her with news Ash is still alive and of course “Ash” shows up strangely with a strange man and wearing all black instead of white but he doesn’t care and dances with and makes a vow of love to “Ash”
-But when midnight strikes “Ash” reveals himself to be Ruby in disguise and the man to be the Deadite King its then Herbert realizes he made a mistake and with Cheryl rushes back to the lake only to find Ash in human form slowly dying from a broken heart
-In a fit of rage Cheryl and Herbert begin to fight the Deadite King and while their clearly outmatched Herbert picks up a large stick and drives it through the Deadite Kings heart and it’s there that the curse is broken and Ash is now fully human again
-Cheryl and Ash have their sibling reunion and Herbert takes them back to their father who’s just so happy to see his son again and of course Herbert proposes to the real Ash and have a grand wedding the following week’s living happily ever after
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