#Princess Rhaenys mistress
sunnytarg · 2 years
Okay hear me out on this one but what about being Princess Rhaenys’ mistress? How does Rhaenys treat her or do Corlys try and get in on it?
Some Princess Rhaenys appreciation! The queen of my heart ❤️
Rhaenys her husband takes lovers while away at sea. She knows without him telling her that he has had many women to warm his bed while away from driftmark.
The thought of taking on a lover of her own had crossed her mind from time to time but she never acted on it. That was until she saw a beautiful women in Kings Landing whilst visiting her cousin. By the way she was dressed and the way she smiled at men as they walked past the building she was leaning on, Rhaenys knew she was a whore.
It didn’t take her long to decide to cross over and approach the woman who blinked up in surprise to be met with the Princess Rhaenys. She was even more surprised when the Princess handed her a bag that was worth far more than the one night she requested.
Rhaenys had not intended it to go further than that one night but after spending the whole night tasting every part of the other woman’s body and being ate out repeatedly by her Rhaenys offered the woman a job as a personal maid to herself in Driftmark.
It didn’t take long for the woman to agree to the Princesses offer. After all, why be a whore and fuck several people for the same amount she could make by being a “personal maid” for the Princess.
The first thing Rhaenys does when she and her new mistress arrive in Driftmark is to sit on the throne and have her new lover eat her out. Having this new woman between her thighs is almost as good as dying Meleys. Having her soft hands grip her thighs and her tongue delving in and out of her wet cunt and her moans make her feel like she’s flying and sinking in pleasure all at the same time.
They eventually settle into their roles. Rhaenys ruling over Driftmark as her husband is away and her mistress relieving her stress when she comes to her at night.
When Corlys eventually does return home from the sea he immediately notices the new addition to his household. The woman is very clearly not from Driftmark and is not a Velaryon. She is beautiful, though, and the dress of red satin is so low cut and tight that it leaves little to the imagination.
After he beds his wife after months at sea and sees that she has fallen asleep he leaves his room in search of this new mysterious woman. When he finds the room she’s in he’s in slight shock. When he asked a passing servant who she was the answer was that she was a new maid but no maid would be given clothes so fine, jewelry so rich and a room so large.
The woman wakes with a start when Corlys enters the room. He immediately notices the night dress she’s wearing and thinks she’d be better off sleeping in nothing. The nightgown is so sheer that he can not on see her breasts and her harden nipples but the patch of hair at the apex of her thighs.
He hardens immediately at the sight of her.
“Who are you?”
“The Princesses personal maid, my lord.”
The way she bows her head makes him want to grown. “You must be a very good maid to my wife to have such fine things.”
“The Princess enjoys my services.” She says and Corlys can’t tell if he is imagining a blush blooming on her cheeks.
He unties his breeches and the woman watches him the whole time. Not stopping him but not moving to help either, “let’s see if I enjoy your services as much.”
The next morning Rhaenys comes to offer a good morning to her lover. She’s not one to feel guilty but she does about not visiting her last night because ever since her lover has joined her here there hasn’t been a day where she hasn’t spent the night with her mistress. Whether they have sex or not.
When she enters the room her lover is laying naked and asleep in her bed and Rhaenys can feel her heart swelling at the sight of the beautiful woman. She has grown so very fond for her.
She sits on the bed beside her and dances her fingers across her smooth skin. Her lover blinks up at her and at the sight of her Princess she smiles. It’s then that Rhaenys sees the bruise on her lovers hip. A frown finds its way on her face. She knows she didn’t leave that there.
When she asks what happened, her lover tells her that the lord Corlys had come into her room last night and had taken his pleasure from her. When Rhaenys’s frown deepens her lover quickly tries to relieve any anger, “I am a whore, my love, I am used to the way men are.”
Rhaenys turns her hard look on her liver and says, “You are no longer a whore. You are mine.” Rhaenys grabs her chin and pulls her in for a kiss and pulls away slightly to say more quietly. “You are mine to please and to have. Corlys and any other man or woman to touch you again, I will feed to my dragon.”
Suffice to say, after she leaves her lover to bathe she goes to her husband and as a talk that frightens him enough not to even think of the new member of their household.
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addamvelaryon · 1 year
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Rhaenys & Marilda
(because Corlys definitely had a type...)
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scentedmiracleobject · 3 months
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Maybe it's just me and I'm the only one hearing it but Lady Mysaria had toned down her accent a bit. Didn't she?
Because, ohh boy, I couldn't stand her talking in S1. Now I'm like: Go ahead, girl, tell me more about it 👀
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If I'm not imagining this, then I'm glad they listened to the criticism because a lot of people thought the actress was overdoing the foreign accent.
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baelarys · 10 days
jealous aemond at their twin daughters or their other child nameday…when the reader be ask dancing with some lord. And BAM jealous husband moments…
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Aemond targaryen x reader velaryon ¡Niece!
Word count: 3222
Warninig: Jealousy, fluff
Pt1,pt2 & pt3(I will continue with this dynamic until I die or you get tired hahaha because I love this little family, don't be shy and make more requests for whatever you want!)
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Everything had to look impeccable, perfect like in a fairy tale, and you had worked hard to make sure it was so. The castle halls and gardens had been adorned with millions of flowers, each one carefully selected to harmonize with the colorful and majestic tapestries hanging from the stone walls. The servants had worked tirelessly under your watchful supervision, ensuring that not a single detail was out of place.
You had eagerly awaited this day, your princesses' name day, an event that brought together the most powerful Lords and Ladies of Westeros. The sun shone high in the sky, blessing the celebration with its warm light, while the tables in the gardens filled with delicate dishes and golden cups of wine.
You stood by the grand doors of the hall, attentively watching as the guests arrived. Elegant laughter and lively conversations filled the air as ladies in silk and brocade dresses gracefully paraded, followed by knights whose armor gleamed in the sun. The banners of the great houses fluttered proudly in the wind, each a reminder of the nobility and power gathered at your celebration. Every courteous gesture, every measured smile, and respectful bow reflected the harmony you had worked so hard to achieve.
Your daughters, Vaera and Vaerys, were the very image of joy and youthful pride. Clad in matching dresses, their golden hair crowned with flower garlands gleamed under the light. They walked confidently through the hall and gardens, their small steps filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, as if they were truly the mistresses of the place. The laughter of both mingled with the soft music accompanying the event, as they played carefree among the guests, who were quick to praise their charm and beauty. The attention they received pleased them immensely, their childish smiles lighting up every corner they passed.
Aerion, on the other hand, did not share his sisters' festive spirit. Since waking up, he seemed to carry a cloud of discontent that darkened his little face. He had not left your side all day, and his irritability became evident whenever you tried to step away for even a few minutes. As soon as you were out of sight, his cries echoed through the halls, a constant reminder of his foul mood. Your attempts to soothe him with sweet words and caresses seemed to have only a temporary effect, as any interruption of your presence turned him into an inconsolable baby.
The hour of the banquet had finally arrived, and you found yourself seated next to Aemond, who, despite his well-known aversion to such events, wore an expression of patient resignation, trying his best to appear comfortable in the midst of the celebration. The great hall was filled, with the royal family occupying the seats of honor. To your right, Queen Alicent exchanged solemn glances with her children, while your mother and grandmother, Rhaenys, and the Velaryons sat at the main table alongside your maternal relatives. The torches illuminated the room, casting golden reflections on the goblets and platters overflowing with delicacies.
You, for your part, tried to remain present, though your attention was divided between the banqueting bustle and Aerion’s persistent restlessness, still nestled in your lap. With gentle movements, you stroked his golden hair, trying to soothe him as the little one emitted soft sighs of exhaustion. It was a fragile, temporary comfort, as if at any moment the child's bad mood might resurface.
Suddenly, an unsettling feeling crept over you, as if a burning gaze was resting on your skin, piercing through the warm atmosphere of the hall. At first, you thought it was Aemond, watching you as he often did when he thought you wouldn’t notice. You turned your head slightly, expecting to find his one eye fixed on you, but to your surprise, he was engrossed in a whispered conversation with his mother, Queen Alicent. Their words were barely audible, but his concentration seemed complete.
Confused, you glanced away, discreetly searching the nearby faces. That’s when you saw him. It wasn’t Aemond watching you so intently, but Lord Donald Tarly, whose position at the table gave him a clear view of you. His penetrating green eyes were fixed on you with a mix of curiosity and something more—something difficult to decipher from across the distance. It was a gaze laden with intentions you couldn’t interpret at that moment but which undoubtedly made you uncomfortable.
The lord, heir to one of the oldest and most respected houses of the Reach, had only recently arrived at court after several campaigns on the western border. His reputation as a formidable warrior and strategist preceded him, and although his public demeanor had been impeccable, that insistent scrutiny from the other side of the room made you feel vulnerable.
Instinctively, you adjusted Aerion's position in your lap, using the movement to divert your gaze and cover up by appearing focused on your child. However, the discomfort remained. Lord Tarly's gaze was unyielding, as if he was waiting for some kind of reaction from you.
Aemond, despite his apparent detachment from the surroundings, noticed the change in your posture. "Is everything alright?" he murmured, his deep voice barely a whisper as he leaned closer to you, his expression unchanging. There was no need to explain the situation to him; his keen perception seemed to have sensed your discomfort even before you fully understood it yourself.
The banquet continued, with the atmosphere growing denser and more charged as the food came in endless trays of roasted meats, golden breads, and fragrant sweets. However, your attention was far from the feast. Aerion, still in your arms, was beginning to fidget, his heavy eyelids struggling against the sleep that wouldn’t quite come. His sisters, not far off, had started to sway in their seats, their eyes heavy with sleep after a day of games and excitement.
With a gentle gesture, you leaned toward Aemond. "I think it's time to put the children to bed," you whispered, watching as Aerion nestled closer to you, seeking the warmth of your body. Aemond nodded slightly, a sign of approval that needed no further words. With one last look at the hall, you carefully stood up, holding Aerion in your arms while summoning one of the maids to help with the girls.
You left the hall, leaving behind the growing clamor of the evening. The sounds of laughter and animated conversations were muffled as you walked away, and the echo of your footsteps resonated in the wide corridors. The torches illuminated your path as the girls, tired but obedient, followed closely.
You finally reached the children's rooms, where the maids had already prepared their beds. Gently, you placed Aerion in his crib, caressing his forehead with a tenderness only a mother could offer. His eyes, now almost closed, sought yours for a brief moment before surrendering to sleep. The girls, between whispers and soft giggles, were guided to their beds by the maids, who soon dimmed the lights and left them to their dreams.
Once you ensured that everyone was peacefully asleep, you paused for a moment to watch them. Aerion breathed calmly, and his sisters, wrapped in their blankets, looked as innocent and peaceful as the day they were born. You sighed, letting go of some of the tension you had accumulated throughout the night.
When you returned to the great hall, the atmosphere had changed dramatically. The festivities had evolved, shedding the formalities that marked the ceremonial dinners. Now, laughter was louder, wine glasses were raised more frequently, and the sound of music blended with the clinking of glasses and the rhythmic footsteps on the marble floor.
The center of the hall was cleared, turned into an improvised dance floor. Pairs of nobles, some visibly affected by wine, spun and laughed, their garments shining under the torchlight. The music, once soft, had come to life, with violins and lutes setting a livelier rhythm, suited for the occasion. The younger guests, those who stayed away from the stern gazes of the older ones, seemed to embrace the celebration with a freedom you had not seen earlier in the evening.
Determined to return to your seat next to Aemond, you maneuvered around the edges of the dance floor, avoiding the couples spinning and laughing in their intoxication. The hall vibrated with the lively music of the lutes and violins, and the atmosphere, filled with wine and laughter, seemed to intensify by the second.
However, just before reaching your destination, an unexpected obstacle appeared before you. As you looked up, you came face to face with Lord Donald Tarly. His smile was wide, and the warmth with which he regarded you suggested more than mere courtesy. His eyes roamed your face with a familiarity that made you uncomfortable, but there was no way to avoid the encounter without appearing rude.
"My lady," he greeted with a courteous bow, though his tone held a confidence that bordered on insolence. "It would be an honor to invite you to dance."
You hesitated for a moment, feeling the urge to decline his offer to avoid stirring Aemond’s displeasure. However, given the public nature of the event and the presence of nobles and allies, you decided to maintain appearances. After all, it was just a dance, and courtesy dictated that you should not refuse without a clear reason.
"Of course, Lord Tarly," you replied with a nod, taking his hand when he offered it. You knew Aemond wouldn’t be pleased, but you trusted he would understand; after all, some formalities were unavoidable in court.
Lord Tarly’s fingers gently closed around yours as he guided you to the dance floor. The music continued to resonate, and the violins began a softer melody, fitting for a quiet conversation. As you started to move to the rhythm, Lord Tarly broke the silence.
“It’s an honor to dance with you tonight, my lady. I must confess I’ve been looking forward to this moment since I arrived at the banquet,” he said, his tone kind but with a hint of flirtation.
You managed a courteous smile. “It’s a pleasure, Lord Tarly. I hope you’ve enjoyed the festivities.”
“I would enjoy it more if every night included the privilege of your company,” he replied without losing composure. You could feel his gaze examining you with interest, and you decided not to respond to that.
However, as the dance continued, you found yourself laughing at one of Lord Tarly’s anecdotes. Despite your initial reservations, the conversation turned out to be more pleasant than you had anticipated. His humor was subtle, and his ability to keep the conversation flowing made time pass quickly.
But then, as you gently twirled to the music, you felt a shiver run down your spine. It was as if an invisible force compelled you to look across the room. Raising your gaze, you met Aemond’s eyes on the other side of the hall. He was seated, his posture rigid, his expression grave. The tension in his jaw was evident, and though he hadn’t said a word, his gaze conveyed everything you needed to know. Aemond’s lips barely moved, but the fire in his eyes indicated that the scene before him displeased him greatly.
Your heart skipped a beat. Aemond was not known for his patience when it came to you, especially when someone else showed interest in your attention. His gaze was a mix of jealousy and barely concealed anger, and you could see how his fingers tightened around the goblet he held, as if trying to contain himself.
“Are you alright, princess?” Lord Tarly’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
You forced a smile, though your attention was no longer fully on the conversation. “Yes, of course. Just a bit distracted.”
“I see that Prince Aemond is watching you quite intently,” Tarly remarked with a barely perceptible smile. “I hope I’m not causing any misunderstandings.”
You tried to laugh lightly, though you knew the situation was becoming more tense. “No, of course not. Aemond is… very protective, that’s all.”
“Protective?” Lord Tarly’s smile widened a little. “I can’t blame him. There’s certainly much to protect.”
You felt uncomfortable at the double meaning in his words, and as the music began to slow down, you decided it was time to end the dance. “It has been a pleasure, Lord Tarly, but I think I should return to my husband.”
You stepped away gracefully, determined to return to Aemond. When you sat next to him, you hoped he would break the silence, but he did not. He didn’t even look at you. His jaw was tight, and the jealous glint in his single eye was unmistakable, though he made no effort to conceal it.
Frustrated, you took his hand in yours, trying to smooth over the situation. However, his rigidity remained. “Do whatever you want,” you said, your voice tinged with a mix of irritation and exasperation.
You hoped for a reaction, a word, something that indicated he was willing to discuss the issue, but Aemond simply continued to stare ahead, his silence more stubborn than ever. You bit your lip, suppressing the urge to keep pressing the issue. You had no intention of arguing over something so trivial. Not here, not now, and certainly not over a minor courtly dance.
His jealousy seemed, at that moment, rather childish. You stood up firmly, adjusting your dress with a decisive gesture. There was no reason to prolong the discomfort of the situation, especially not in public. You decided that it was best to retreat to your room. If Aemond wanted to maintain that absurd attitude, you would not waste your energy discussing it at a banquet full of onlookers. Not for something so insignificant.
Aemond did not stop you, which irritated you even more. Without looking back, you left the hall. As you made your way through the torch-lit corridors, you felt the tension in your shoulders beginning to ease slightly. You repeated to yourself that distance would do you both good and that tomorrow, things would surely look clearer.
You reached your room, closing the door softly behind you, though more decisively than you had intended. Silence greeted you, and the tranquility you had longed for during the hectic night began to settle. You removed your jewelry with methodical movements, letting your thoughts drift away from the previous scene.
But the echo of your thoughts was soon interrupted when you heard the door open with an almost imperceptible sound. There was no need to turn around to know who it was. Aemond.
You turned slowly, finding him in the doorway, his expression a mix of wounded pride and barely contained regret. There was no need for immediate words; his presence said it all. He couldn't bear the idea of letting you go like this, just like that. And although he was a man who rarely apologized openly, you knew that his way of following you was, in itself, an acknowledgment that he had let jealousy overpower him.
"Are you going to say something?" you asked, keeping your gaze fixed on him. Your tone, though controlled, had enough acidity for him to know you weren't willing to let the matter pass easily.
Aemond stopped a few steps away from you, his gaze locked with yours, but the silence continued to fill the space between you both. He seemed to be torn between his pride and the desire to make things right, a tug-of-war that you knew all too well in him.
"What do you want me to say?" he finally murmured, his voice low but charged with barely disguised tension. "That I didn't care to see another man approaching you as if he had any right? That I should have stood idly by while he looked at you that way?"
You sighed, crossing your arms in front of you. "Aemond, it was a simple dance. Nothing more. You can't react like this every time someone speaks to me. This isn’t the battlefield, and not everyone is an enemy."
"A simple dance?" he retorted, taking another step toward you, his eyebrow raised. "I saw what I saw, and it wasn't just a dance. That man has no idea what respect means, and I'm not going to tolerate anyone even thinking they can..." He stopped, his words hanging in the air as he struggled to contain the rising heat of his temper.
"Can what?" you challenged, shaking your head, frustrated. "What do you think is going to happen, Aemond? That I’ll leave you for Lord Tarly? For a man I barely know and, to be honest, means absolutely nothing to me? You can’t keep acting as if any interaction is a threat to you."
For a moment, his eyes showed something more than jealousy: there was insecurity in his gaze, a shadow that he rarely revealed. You knew it wasn’t just a matter of wounded pride; there was something deeper affecting him.
"I can’t stand the idea..." he started to say, his voice softer now, almost broken, "that someone else might even imagine having your attention, your closeness. I’m a man of war, but with you... I don’t know how to handle this."
The echo of his words hit you hard, disarming any defenses you had built. Aemond, however fierce he was with people or in court, found himself lost when it came to expressing what he felt for you.
The echo of his words hit you hard, disarming any defenses you had built. Aemond, however fierce he was with people or in court, found himself lost when it came to expressing what he felt for you.
You looked at him for a moment, letting your shoulders drop, tired of the argument and knowing that despite everything, there was some truth in his fears. "You don’t have to handle anything. I’m not going anywhere, Aemond. I’m here, with you."
There was a silence loaded with emotion before he took the final step toward you, closing the space between you both. His hand slowly rose to your face, his fingers brushing your cheek with a tenderness that always surprised you in someone like him. "I’m sorry," he murmured, almost in a whisper, his gaze searching yours.
Before you could respond, his lips met yours in a kiss that, although starting softly, soon grew more intense, filled with a mixture of regret and need. Your hands clung to his clothes, responding with equal fervor, allowing the tension that had filled the space between you both to dissolve in that intimate moment.
When he pulled away, just a few inches, his eyes shone with a silent promise. "It won’t happen again," he assured, his forehead resting against yours. And in that moment, you knew that, as complicated as the emotions you shared were, you would always find your way back to each other.
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thevelaryons · 3 months
The thing about pitting Rhaenys (show) and Catelyn (show & book) against each other, in their reactions to their husband’s bastards, is that it completely ignores the context of their situations.
Many men fathered bastards. Catelyn had grown up with that knowledge. It came as no surprise to her, in the first year of her marriage, to learn that Ned had fathered a child on some girl chance met on campaign. He had a man’s needs, after all, and they had spent that year apart, Ned off at war in the south while she remained safe in her father’s castle at Riverrun. Her thoughts were more of Robb, the infant at her breast, than of the husband she scarcely knew. He was welcome to whatever solace he might find between battles. And if his seed quickened, she expected he would see to the child’s needs.
He did more than that. The Starks were not like other men. Ned brought his bastard home with him, and called him “son” for all the north to see. When the wars were over at last, and Catelyn rode to Winterfell, Jon and his wet nurse had already taken up residence.
That cut deep. Ned would not speak of the mother, not so much as a word, but a castle has no secrets, and Catelyn heard her maids repeating tales they heard from the lips of her husband’s soldiers.
— A Game of Thrones, Catelyn II
Catelyn understands the social rules of the society she lives. She’s been taught the belief that men having affairs and fathering bastards is normal. But even in such a patriarchal society, there has to be a level of respect afforded to the wives of the men that cheat (especially if they’re noblewomen from powerful families). In Catelyn’s case, she feels slighted because her husband raised his bastard in the same household. It is considered a social insult to Catelyn that her husband did this to her.
She had come to love her husband with all her heart, but she had never found it in her to love Jon. She might have overlooked a dozen bastards for Ned’s sake, so long as they were out of sight. Jon was never out of sight, and as he grew, he looked more like Ned than any of the trueborn sons she bore him. Somehow that made it worse.
— A Game of Thrones, Catelyn II
Obviously it’s not fair to Jon that Catelyn takes out her resentment on him. Though from her POV chapters, it’s shown that she holds no negativity towards Ned’s mystery mistress despite hating Jon. It’s impossible to hate someone you don’t even know. Meanwhile, Jon is a living, breathing reminder of her husband’s infidelity. While it would be a more reasonable reaction for her to dislike Ned rather than misdirect her negative feelings towards Jon, Ned is still her lord husband. It is easier for Catelyn to hate Jon.
When it comes to Rhaenys, her husband’s mistress and bastards are relatively unknown to her, even if she is aware of their existence. They were kept far away from her. So Rhaenys is less likely to resent them. That’s why Rhaenys addresses only Corlys with barely concealed anger but Alyn doesn’t earn her scorn. The scene between her and Alyn in episode 4 appears to be the first time those two have ever interacted. Rhaenys has not had to live every day with the reminder of her husband’s betrayal. If it’s out of sight, it can be (relatively) out of her mind.
I’m sure that the way this show characterizes its female characters as more gentler/calm individuals definitely plays a part with how Rhaenys reacts here too. Which is why the viewers are led to assume Rhaenys just quietly accepted the fact of her husband cheating on her.
In the book, Corlys never dared have his bastards around whilst his wife still lived. He kept the affair so discreet that had it not been for him personally presenting the boys at the Red Sowing, no one would have assumed him to be the father. Both Addam & Alyn were staying with their mother and serving in her fleet. In the show, Alyn is in Corlys’ fleet, and therefore more likely to come under notice (and that’s exactly what happens).
Princess Rhaenys, his wife, had the fiery temperament of many Targaryens, Mushroom says, and would not have taken kindly to her lord husband fathering bastards on a girl half her age, and a shipwright’s daughter besides. Therefore his lordship had prudently ended his “shipyard trysts” with Mouse after Alyn’s birth, commanding her to keep her boys far from court. Only after the death of Princess Rhaenys did Lord Corlys at last feel able to bring his bastards safely forward.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Not only did Corlys have an affair with a young girl (coincidentally the same age Rhaenys was when she married him), but said girl is also a commoner. Rhaenys is a princess who could have been a queen. For Corlys to make his affair public would have been a huge insult to his wife, even if he never brought up the matter of his bastards. Rhaenys would have been rightfully furious at the shame her husband’s actions bring upon her. She was the first to speak up when her position as heir was usurped so that suggests she’s not the type to just turn a blind eye to anything she considers an injustice against her. Book version has a far more fiery personality than her show counterpart. Her reaction to the truth would probably be different too.
A detail in episode 4 which I did like is when Rhaenys corrected Alyn about her title. Princess not Lady. She’s asserting her position and status in that moment. Alyn serves the Lord of Driftmark so naturally his Lord’s wife would be a Lady to him. By correcting Alyn, Rhaenys places him in the position of an ignorant who does not even know the difference between the titles. Perhaps a subtle expression of classism towards another who is very much beneath her. But the glimmer of antagonism is gone as soon as it appears. Their interaction is not simply Rhaenys welcoming her husband’s bastard with open arms.
The show leaves Rhaenys’ original reaction, when she first finds out about the affair, to the imagination. So it’s difficult to say what exactly she felt in the moment. Unlike fiery tempered book!Rhaenys, the show version is more calm and collected. She is a person who seeks peaceful resolutions to problems (similar to Catelyn) so her reaction in the show makes sense for her even if it’s different from how the book version of her may have reacted. In the HOTD canon, we’re basically getting an interpretation of how Catelyn might’ve reacted to Jon had he been raised away from Winterfell.
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vanilleandclove · 3 months
the meadow in which you lay | 2
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ser erryk cargyll x arryn!reader | chapter two: lady arryn, oathbreaker
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More years have past, when the sworn shields of Rhaenyra shift to that of Viserys's sons, Aegon and Aemond, both young and sprouting boys, the houses gather for the funeral of Lady Laena Velaryon. Only, the funeral is yet once again marked with violence from the interference of the young and old, greens.
word count: 2k | warnings: oral sex (female receiving), slight insults to one's gender and sexuality, the reader hates the greens (her vibes are off) | a/n: two parts in one day woop woop!
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taglist: @wolvestitches @holb32 @callsignwidow
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"A raven has come in for you Lady Arryn" Margot lightly curtsied, "My deepest condolences my Lady, I know how much you and the Lady Laena accompanied each other with Rhaenyra".
As you read the raven's word, you surely wondered if it was pure farce, 'Lady Laena Velaryon, wife to Daemon Targaryen, mother to the Ladies Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, has passed in her labors'. Your knees faltered, wondering if it was a curse to the years, you have not spoken to one another; Laena became a wonderful mother to her two beautiful and fierce daughters she shared with Daemon. The Velaryon blood is known to be kind, fierce, and strong, you know for certain her dearest daughters will be an image of that. You looked up from your hands as they held the message, glassy irises, blinking away the tears, your throat scratchy and dry- as if sandpaper was cutting into your larynx.
"Margot" you spoke up before clearing your throat, "Would you kindly see to it that two ravens are sent. One to the Princess Rhaenys and her Lord husband Corlys, sending my condolences for their loss. The other to my cousin Princess Rhaenyra, telling her I will be voyaging to Driftmark and will meet her and her sons there".
"You are missing one person I am afraid" Margot insinuated, you looked into her eyes, and gave her a slight nod.
"And to Ser Erryk and his brother".
Come Laena's funeral, you took note to Daemon's shock of death, everyone grieves differently especially how he was the one who stumbled upon the Lady as she wanted to die a dragon-riders death but laid to rest as a Velaryon. You dressed in your late mother's dress, attending Laena's funeral with your brother. You donned in a black dress with blue, almost white accents that were meticulously sewn into the fabrics. Your brother and his dear wife Lady Tully- now Arryn- showed upmost respect to your mourning.
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"You are rather looking stunning Lady Arryn, welcome back to Driftmark Lord Arryn and your Lady wife" Lord Corlys smiled somberly, giving your hand a tight squeeze, your father always took company with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, them being a close ally to the point of family. "We already made sure to secure your sleeping arrangements for the week, the journey must have been taxing".
"Anything for the Velaryons, you are a close to kin to us Lord Corlys" you nodded, "Where might Laena's daughters be, I would like to comfort them?"
Princess Rhaenys directed you to the benches, seeing the beauty that has become of Laena's children. They truly were an extension to their mother. Giving them a tight and lasting hug, the girls further sobbed into your arms, gripping onto your dress, you lightly cooed into their ears to soothe them; looking out to the view in front you, the tides were rather high.
As you left to seek business elsewhere, glancing over to Aegon and Aemond to their sworn shields, now Ser Erryk and Arryk. You gave them a light nod before furrowing your brows that met the gaze of Criston and his mistress, Alicent. You owed them no respect, especially from the events that followed but more because of how Alicent insulted your choice to not marry in order raise rumors of your sexuality and perhaps if you were born a man. You've heard it all, since then, you have not spoken a word to the Queen, nevertheless you did not give a fuck about simple formalities, she was no Queen, she was a consort whom whispers tyrannical rulings alongside her poor excuse of a father into the Kings ear, granted he was also a sad excuse of a man.
"Dear cousin" you hugged Rhaenyra, lightly petting the heads of Lucerys and Jacaerys, they have grown since you've last seen them, freckles kissing the kids face, "How is Laenor?".
She nodded, keeping a hand on your wrist, "Cannot seem to find him cousin, though, how was the journey?".
"Far too long I am afraid" you chuckled, your eyes wrinkled at the answer, you greatly enjoyed ventures from the Vale, noting that Kingsroad had beautiful scenery. "I am grateful to be staying here, Jeyne prefers to be left at home alone, she is one to be riddled angst. My brother and I tried to persuade her to come to company Jace and Luke, perhaps they'd become close friends".
Rhaenyra lightly smiled, "I'd prefer them to be in her company than that of the Queen's children" noticing the refusal to call her kin, her siblings. Jeyne was quite the cunning and caring girl, though it was not a weakness but a skill.
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The night ventured on, losing sight of Rhaenyra and making your way to the Kingsguard, taking company in Ser Erryk. You took in his appearance, his beard no longer just stubble and his hair had grown, it's copper tones being kissed by fire in the dim light. How handsome he has aged, you cannot shamelessly admit how much the heat grew within your legs, may you see it to your chambers alone in the later hours. You were seemed to be a horny-stricken teen who ached to be felt and known.
"My brother and I received your raven" Erryk started, your face could not resist to smile. "Did not think you'd send one my Lady Arryn".
"You know my name Ser Erryk" you lightly snickered, "No need for formalities… my love".
You searched his eyes for an answer that his mouth could not give, your foreheads lightly touching one another, wondering if you could allow yourself to give up decency and let him break an oath, one of the highest in the realms. A complete lapse of judgement that it was, the pool that soaked your dressing underneath your dress, your heart betraying you in the way you could not understand, begging it to silence itself for you could not dissuade the knight into bedding you and breaking his oaths to the King.
"I cannot- We cannot continue" he lightly murmured, grabbing at your waist, you shuddered in the halls of Driftmark, "You make it hard to maintain a sworn oath my love" the way his affections rolled off his tongue.
"Leave me" you choked out faintly, your lips almost touching his, "Erryk. Leave me" your hand grazing his cheek. "I cannot bare to see you and not have you, need that be in love or in friendship. You make it hard to resist".
"I cannot do that either I am afraid" her whispered, finally kissing your lips just as he did when you were the age of 16, but with a harsher undertone of lust and the years of pining for one another. "I cannot please you in the means of pleasing me. Though, I can please you my Lady".
You quickly opened the door to your chambers, rushing in Erryk in order for no one to question. As you allowed the knight to undress you, you worked on his breeches. "Stop" he delicately paused your advances "This is solely for you my love". You panted as the knight's ease into undressing you, furrowing your brow as you wished to please his just as much. Your cunt quickly became exposed to the knight, his mouth salivating, begging to taste you.
As the knight firstly started with spitting on your heat, even if your wetness was sufficient enough to grant ease, he wanted to mark you, however he can. Your moans cascading through your quarters, gripping onto the table he sat you at as he devoured your cunt. His mouth sucking onto your bud, his nose inhaling the most delicate scent of you. You found yourself raking your hands into the knight's head, his locks being entangled into your fingers. Your thighs faintly shaking around Erryk's head as he held them down with one arm, the other finding purchase onto your stomach, your other hand finding his own, hoping he would please you with your fingers once more.
"Erryk" you moaned, your voice breaking as pleasure overtook your bones, "Please, take it".
"Use your words" Erryk teased, his beard tickling your inner core. You gripped onto his hair once more, in order to raise him once again to kiss him.
"Take my maidenhead" you spoke into the kiss, he simply shook his head, "Not with your cock my love".
"That is a pleasure for your husband to take".
"I do not wish to be wedded, my line ends with me, my brother suffices" you challenged. "Please" you pleaded again, he lightly smirked, before opening your legs once more and thrusting a singular finger into your cunt. Your pleasure led to you knocking over several cups and almost a candle. Staring into the eyes of the man who was the perpetrator of your ecstasy. "I'm going to finish Ser".
"Erryk" he corrected as he then added an additional digit, sending you over the edge. How beautifully you came, gripping onto his arm for dear life as no man has ever made you cum. Wishing you were to never be parted from your dear lover. Kissing him once more, you bit onto his lip, afraid of losing him to law.
"I love you" you quietly spoke, kissing his forehead, then his cheek. Finding his affections once again, painted in his eyes.
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Later in the evening, as Erryk cleaned you up, clamoring interrupted, Erryk quickly grabbed his swords and left your quarters, "Stay here" was all he could muster though he could not stop you from wondering what has happened.
"You do not listen do you?" Erryk teased as you ran behind him quickly surpassing his place, despite the limp he now gave you from overstimulating your cunt, your urgency was one that led the knight to have a strain in his breeches.
As you both stumbled into the halls, clearly gaining a view of the violence, your heart leaped as you saw Jace and Luke's bloodied face, looking ahead to see Aemond's now swollen face with stitches upon his eye. You gracefully entered the hall, much to Alicent's distaste as she noticed Erryk trailing behind you, her stares stabbing daggers into you. Her spats of insults and verbal fighting with Rhaenyra as she pleaded for Lucerys's eye to be taken as a debt to be paid. You quickly defended yourself to that of Jace and Luke, forcing a barrier between the two.
"If the King will not seek vengeance, the Queen will" Alicent spoke up, a near act of treason. As she grabbed Viserys's blade, seeking her own form of revenge. You nearly were pushed back by the ideals of the Kingsguards, you saw Criston Cole rushing up to you, seeing that Daemon and Ser Erryk immediately pushing him back. You saw the gaze Criston gave the two of you, his smirk being one of a jester. The smug look being an insult.
When blood was drawn from Rhaenyra, your place with the boys was replaced by Lord Corlys. You quickly forced Alicent away. "Your insolence does nothing Alicent, the honor and dignity you parade about is gone, no longer the piss poor lady you once were, nothing more than a fake Queen who hides behind her father who hides behind the King" you wildly spat at her face, as Rhaenyra began her own testament to her once friend. How the times have changed greatly.
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novaursa · 14 days
Gwayne Hightower Masterlist
main list
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- A Rose in Oldtown - Gwayne steals a rose and allows it to grow strong in Oldtown. - mature 16+
- The Crimson Sky - When Gwayne was ordered to go to Rook’s Rest, you followed him. - explicit 18
- Down by the River - After a forgotten betrothal with Aemond, you found love and comfort in your uncle's arms. - explicit 18+
- In Defiance of a Dragon - When your uncle, King Viserys, promised your hand to Gwayne, your father was least pleased about it. - explicit 18+
- Of Gods and Blood - Your mother, Alicent, sent you to Oldtown, to protect you from Rhaeyra's whims. Only for you to find comfort in your uncle’s arms. - explicit 18+
- A House Divided - During a tourney your father organized for the birth of his heir, your heart found a flame in Ser Gwayne Hightower. - mature 16+
- A Flame in Exile - Your mother and grandsire have sent you away to Oldtown. You were too unruly like your uncle Daemon, they said. But Gwayne never shied away from fire. - mature 16+
- The Wild Heart - You introduce Gwayne to your dragon, Grey Ghost. - mild 13+
- The Big Bad Wolf of Duskendale - You and Gwayne tell your children a bedtime story about the dragon princess and her knight. - mild 13+
- Divided Banners - When the Dance came you picked your half-sister. And now you have to face a price for choices made. - mature 16+
- The Kiss of the Hightower - On your way to the capital, you and your uncle had other intentions than observing the road. - explicit 18+
- Behind the Chamber Door - Ser Criston was appointed to guard you by your sister, Queen Alicent herself. He overhears something that makes him confront both you and his heart’s desire. - mature 16+
Works (targ!reader/Gwayne Hightower) below are listed in chronological order:
- Echoes of a Promise - When Prince Daemon Targaryen challenged Ser Gwayne Hightower during the tourney, that King Viserys I orginazed for birth of his heir, it was not just to humiliate and spite Otto. It was because of you. - explicit 18+
- Chains of the Crown - Gwayne promised to marry you. A promise he couldn't keep. - explicit 18+
- Between the Flames (1) - You and Gwayne see each other after years of separation, as King Viserys I organizes a hunt for his son's nameday. But time is a cruel mistress. - mature 16+
- Between the Flames (2) - Gwayne and you rekindle your flame as a celebratory hunt proceeds. - explicit 18+
- Skyfall - Baela and you chase after Cole and his men. You fall from the sky straight into Gwayne's arms. Literally. - explicit 18+
- The Flames We Carry - Ser Criston Cole expected for Rhaenys and Meleys to appear over Rook's Rest. To Gwayne's horror, Rhaenyra sent her sister instead: you. - mature 16+
- Where Banners Fall - After your fall at Rook’s Rest, Gwayne takes you to safety and some hidden things come to light. - mild 13+
- The Blood We Choose - Gwayne brings you to Dragonstone, to your sister. But it is Daemon who awaits you both. - mild 13+
- The Flames We Share - You tell your son the truth. He has more than the blood of dragons in his veins. - mild 13+
- The Chains We Break - Otto Hightower comes to negotiate the release of his son. Daemon does not humor him. But you and your sister are dragons as well, who answer to neither gods or men. - mild 13+
- Where Honor Burns - After the tragedy Above the God's Eye, you decided to go to King's Landing, in hope to prevent more bloodshed. Even if it means your death. - explicit 18+
- The Cost of Fire - The conclusion of the Dance. Where Gwayne and the reader married under watchful eyes of the Seven. - explicit 18+
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alienoryva · 8 months
Targaryen women who are described as very beautiful ;
🪻Queen Rhaenys Targaryen
youngest child of lord Aerion Targaryen and lady Valaena Velaryon also sister-wife of Aegon i Targaryen/The Conqueror
🪻Queen Rhaena Targaryen
First child of King Aenys i Targaryen and Queen Alyssa Velaryon and sister-wife of Prince Aegon Targaryen/the uncrowned and niece-wife of King Maegor i Targaryen.
🪻Queen Alysanne Targaryen
Fifth child of king Aenys i Targaryen and queen Alyssa Velaryon and sister-wife of king Jahaerys i Targaryen.
🪻Princess Viserra Targaryen
the tenth child of King Jahaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne Targaryen, Never married and died at the age of 15.
🪻Queen Rhaenyra i Targaryen
The only daughter of King Viserys I Targaryen and Queen Aemma Arryn, wife of her cousin Laenor Velaryon and niece-wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen.
🪻Queen Daena Targaryen
Third child of King Aegon III Targaryen and Queen Daenaera Velaryon, sister-wife of King Baelor I Targaryen.
🪻Queen Naerys Targaryen
The youngest child of King Viserys II Targaryen and Lady Larra Rogarre of Lys and sister-wife of King Aegon IV Targaryen.
🪻Lady Shiera Seastar
The only child and bastard daughter of King Aegon IV by his last official mistresses Lady Serenei of Lys and the paramour of her half-brother Lord Brynden Rivers.
🪻Queen Daenerys i Targaryen
The youngest child of King Aerys II Targaryen/the mad king and Queen Rhaella Targaryen.
note: It is common knowledge that all Targaryen women are beautiful but above is a list that has very beautiful visual descriptions
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The Dragon's mistress
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Warnings: death of characters, war, HOTD, Dance of the dragons spoilers
You had cried so much you didn’t have any more tears. Being the last child of Rhaenyra Targaryen was a heavy burden
Everyone in your family was gone, dead, buried, burned, eaten… Your siblings, your mother, your father, your stepfather… everyone you ever met
All because of the Iron Throne, and because your uncle had decided to usurp it, and war ensued after that
The first to go was your younger brother Lucerys… killed as a messenger by Aemond Tagaryen, your uncle, they said they couldn’t find his remains, that they probably were inside of Vhagar’s stomach and the very thought chilled you to your bones on this rainy day.
Then your “grandmother” Rhaenys, lost in the battle of the Gullet, killed by Aegon and… Aemond Targaryen
Then It was Jace, your big brother, your protector, he died fighting valiantly in the Narrow Sea, a great and gruesome Naval Battle, he died half drowned and as the target from numerous arrows from the enemy flee.
Then it was your stepfather Daemon, but you knew he wasn’t your stepfather, he was your true father, and you were his bastard child with RHaenyra, he confessed as much before he departed to take Harrenhal, he cradled your face in his hands, he looked deep into your eyes and promised he was going to come back to you, but he never did, he was killed, also by Aemond Targaryen.
But your mother was already settled in the Red Keep, with Joffrey and your baby brothers, he had insisted you remained in Dragonstone, she thought you would be safer here, as the princess of dragonstone, next in line to the Iron Throne, so you had to protect your seat, at least until all the Greens were dead…
You thought this was over, but the people of King’s Landing didn’t think so, they rebelled against your mother, the Dragonpit was assaulted, and that resulted in the slay of all the dragons of the side of the Blacks inside, and in the death of your baby brother Joffrey.
And that gave Aemond and Aegon Targaryen the advantage that they needed, being the riders of the last remaining dragons, they took the capital, they murdered your mother, and they sunk the ship your baby brothers were scaping in… they locked up Baela and Rhaena, and you didn’t know anything of their whereabouts
So here you stood, the last of your house, a false Velaryon, the defender of Dragonstone with only one living dragon, and a castle filled with fearful people, not warriors, no soldiers, but servants, maesters and maids.
So you waited for your fate, your heart broken, your eyes dry, and any instinct for survival killed.
You could ride your dragon to the other point of the Earth, you could have run away, you could have escaped, but at that moment, you didn't quite find a reason to. You knew it was a matter of time… so you waited
A whole moon later after the murder of your mother, you saw in the horizon upon the waves, five huge war vessels, the golden three headed dragon flaming over a black field. 
And the Monstrous Vhagar flying above them. 
They had come for you, and for your seat
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thedeathlysallows · 6 months
Is It Over Now? (9)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: And did you think I didn't see you?
Warnings: Canon typical Targaryen incest. Simp!Aemond. Brief mentions of violence. Aemma is getting pretty depressed and desperate tbh
Tag list: @callsignwidow (I’m so sorry I forgot originally. I promise it wasn’t intentional)
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"What do you mean I'm not allowed to see my own grandmother?" You glare up at Criston Cole, the smug bastard. The joy of denying you and confining you to your room, as if you're some petulant child that wouldn't eat their vegetables rather than a princess and heir to the throne that you are, is all over his face.
"Princess Rhaenys is confined to her room as well. Neither of you are permitted to see your dragons either. Your lord husband has commanded you to prepare for the coronation." Cole bows stiffly before turning sharply on his heel and marching off, sword clanging at his side.
Your hand falls to your stomach as a wave of nausea washes over your body.
So, this is it.
You're well and truly a prisoner as your uncle seizes the Iron Throne.
You want to scream and rage and slit Aegon's miserable throat all at the same time. Most of all you want your mother. It should be her coronation you're commanded to prepare for... and it wouldn't need to be a command either. You'd do it happily. Dutifully.
But you won't do it now. Not for Aegon. Never for Aegon. You're finished allowing him to use you as it pleases him. He'll never lay a hand on you again, and neither will Aemond. How could you be expected to debase yourself in such a way? To give the brother of your mother's usurper children? No, you won't. If Aemond expects it he can take a mistress for all you care.
With your mind made up on the matter, your eyes flit over to the dress some maid or other had laid out on your bed before your kicked all of them out in your rage upon returning to the Keep. The material is long and flowy, meant to drape over your body in a way you'd find attractive if your weren't so upset. The color is the same deep green of House Hightower that you always see Alicent in.
You hate it with such an intense passion that you subconsciously find yourself reaching for the small dagger on Aemond's desk.
"Don't," comes the cool voice of your husband. His fingers wrap around your wrist and he pulls your back to his chest. His other hand splays across your stomach, warming your skin beneath his touch. "The dress is too pretty to ruin."
"I have no need of it as I won't be attending this joke of a coronation. Aegon can choke on his wine."
You feel Aemond's lips twitch against your hair. "I'm sure His Majesty won't be happy to hear his favorite niece say such a thing."
"But his brother is?"
"Or perhaps his brother is simply relieved to find a chasm growing between his wife and the King."
"The chasm is big enough to swallow you as well, Aemond. Do you think I'll ever forgive any of you for this? Do you think I'll happily fall in your bed after this?"
Aemond's hold on your tightens. "Our bed. We are married after all."
"Yes, but for how much longer?"
"What does that mean?" His voice is icy. Dangerous even.
Aegon’s promise before he dragged you back to the Keep with him bounces around in your head. No one can stop me from taking you for my own.
"Nothing," you find yourself reassuring Aemond. "It's only... you're all starting a war. I don't understand how none of you see it. What will the first casualty be? Me? You?"
He turns you around to face him, his hand moving from your stomach to your cheek. "You're safe here."
"Am I? I'm confined to our room, unable to see my grandmother or Vermithor-"
"How old were you when you claimed Vermithor?"
You blink in confusion, uncertain of Aemond's sudden question. "Young. Too young perhaps."
"You were five." His violet eye seems to stare into your very soul as he speaks, laying your very essence bare before him. "It was impossibly brave of you. And idiotic."
"What's your point."
"You wanted Vermithor and you claimed him by any means necessary. That is why my grandfather deems you important enough to imprison. You truly are the blood of the dragon and he's terrified."
Your brow furrows as you take in Aemond's words. "I think you place too much importance on me."
"I could never. You're everything to me. I've waited for you for years and I won't let anyone take you from me now. You're safe with me, my love, this I promise." His gaze flicks down to your lips as he draws you closer, craning his head down.
Your earlier promises of never letting him touch you again fly from your mind as you melt into the softness of his hands. He holds you like he's unworthy of you, like you're something so unbelievably precious to him. He kisses you in the same way. Aemond's lips are gentle and loving as they move against yours. He rushes nothing and savors everything.
"Let me keep you safe," Aemond whispers against your mouth.
The desire pooling between your thighs almost drives you to distraction, but you muster enough focus to nod before wrapping your arms around his neck and stealing another kiss. Aemond reciprocates in kind, his cock throbbing in his trousers as you whimper and grind yourself against him.
Aegon had once told him pretty words could get him anywhere with a woman, but everything Aemond said to you he meant. They were more than pretty words. Every single bit of it was true. He loves you and he'll make you love him in turn no matter what.
"We need to get dressed," Aemond finally manages to say between kisses.
Your hand trails down between your bodies, resting on his hard cock. "And if I would rather get undressed, husband?"
Aemond has to resist the urge to bend you over his desk and fuck you senseless until that pretty little mouth of yours can only say his name. He wants it so badly he can practically feel your cunt around him, but you don't deserve to be fucked like some common whore. No, you deserve to be worshipped. Ravished.
"We don't have time." He hates the way your face falls when he says it, but it's true. There's no time for everything he wants to do to you. "Afterwards, I promise."
"You're making a lot of promises today." Your attempt at humor falls a bit flat as neither of you are in the mood for it. "Aemond, please, don't make me watch."
His thumb traces your cheekbone softly. "You're attendance is required; however, I'll see what I can do about reuniting you with Vermithor if you'll come."
You aren't stupid enough to believe you'd be left alone with your dragon, but it's a step in the right direction. Maybe... maybe this is how you should play their little game. Let them think you've been tamed and domesticated until you can earn enough of their trust that you can get back to your mother.
A plan starts to form in your head.
"Alright," you say to Aemond. "I'll attend."
Aemond kisses you briefly. "I'll wait for you just outside the door."
You nod, watching him leave before heading to your closet and selecting a different dress. This one is a deep red that clings to your body and ends in a long train. It's slightly difficult to get it on by yourself, but you somehow manage, meeting Aemond in the hallway. He observes you with a raised brow though says nothing about your choice of attire. Getting you to agree to come was tricky enough. He isn't about to demand you change clothes.
"Come," he says as he offers you his arm.
The two of you walk in silence to the dragon pit where you join the royal procession, standing on the dais in front of the smallfolk. Many whisper and point at you until Aegon enters and begins walking towards the Septon. Swords clang as he walks beneath, coughs and sniffles coming from the crowd. In the distance you think you can hear Vermithor's mournful cry echoing the hollow feeling in your heart. Aemond, for his part, seems to sense this as well and holds your hand in his.
Aegon's crowning passes in a blur. You hear little of it and completely ignore when he looks in your direction for some sort of sign you accept him. Unlike Alicent and Helaena, you don't curtsy. You don't even nod as Aemond does. You stare straight ahead into the crowd, a few faces staring straight back with pity.
As the crowd cheers Aegon's name you feel as though you'll pass out. That should be your mother wearing the conqueror's crown. All of this is so, so wrong-
Screams cut off your thoughts as debris scatters across the room. The dust settles and you see your grandmother astride Meleys. She meets your eyes and smiles sadly, mouthing the words be strong. You take several steps forward before Aemond wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back.
"Let me go," you cry out. "Let me go!"
Aemond shakes his head. "No. You let her go."
You wail and kick, fighting against him with everything you have, but it's no use. Aemond is much stronger than you and keeps you in place easily until Rhaenys flies off.
Without you.
You collapse against Aemond's chest and sob until he has to carry you out.
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witchofhimring · 11 months
Loyalty (chapter 6)
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Tyrell Reader
Aemond Targaryen x Ellyn Baratheon
(more to come!)
Y/n Tyrells Profiles
Warnings: Angst, heartbreak, childbirth, emotional turmoil, death, unrequited love?, humiliation by Ellyn Baratheon, marital abuse, marital consummation, misogamy (internalized as well as external), brief depictions of smut, Plot twist at the end!
Synopsis: Loyalty is the string that binds us together. But that same string may very well be used to hang you.
And as news heralds of Princess Rhaenys falling in battle Vaeron Velaryon arrives at Casterly Rock.
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"The father looks upon all his children with good will." The Septon spoke to the small congregation in front of him. The only think you liked about this sept was that you could hear the waves. Dowager Queen Alicent's personal sept had been small, plain. But there was something about it that she loved. You supposed it was because it was small and isolated, a place where she could briefly get away from the world. You could never say that a sept made you feel at home. Yes, there was a familiarity to the seven statues in the Red Keep. But never had you truly loved the place. Maybe that was why the First Men loved their Weirwood trees so much. If you had such a sanctuary you might treasure it forever.
When the final prayer was concluded everyone rose to their feed, eager to head for more pleasurable activities. As you wondered how you might spend your time Jason Lannister placed a hand on your shoulder. "My Lady, I request your presence in my chambers. You may eat first, but attend to me." A request meant you had a choice, this was an order. Jason Lannister had never mentioned your argument about Lady Reyne. He seemed content to ignore it and you were too proud to bring it up again. Lady Karina helped you dress into a nightgown and robe. After the events of two weeks ago you had hardly spoken a word to Lady Mari, who seemed for willing to be absent as of late. Good. You walked down to your husbands chamber. Normally he requested your presence at this hour. You supposed that he spent his nights with the Reyne woman. His lady, wife, took second place to a mistress. While you had to lay beside one of your ladies so that you might not sleep with another man Jason Lannister slept with his whore. Such was the way of the world.
Your couplings with your husband were not as bad as the first time. At least there was no one else to witness it. Sometimes he touched you, a few times he kissed you. It was not very pleasant but it could have been worse. At least he was gentle enough. You pumped these thoughts through you brain as he had his way with you. You lay on your back and stared at the canopy above. You stared at the canopy and counted the lions embroidered on it. Was this how Johanna Lannister had felt? Or perhaps it had been different. Maybe as the second wife you held little importance in your husbands mind. After all, he had done this once before. Once he was finished Lady Alana came to collect you. A daily ritual of cleaning commenced. Only Lady Alana and Karina were permitted to attend you during these vulnerable moments. You were normally worn out after these encounters, so you would order food from the kitchens and lay down for a while.
Despite the war raging all around Casterly Rock somehow felt safe. Or, at least as safe as could be with Lady Mari breathing down your neck. While the outburst two weeks ago had been her last she still had an eye on you. Ever vigilant she had been. Even when she was absent you felt the eyes of her informants on your always. Even when you lay in bed and they were gone. You hoped to be saved from Ellyn's torment, only to fall into a far greater trial. At least at night you were amongst allies. Not here in this ancient fortress.
You were surrounded. And yet all alone.
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Casterly Rock held an impressive library. Over the many years it stood past Kings and Lords added texts to its ever expanding depths of wealth. You were careful to handle the delicate parchment with great care. Your two lady friends attended you as hours were spent amongst the old pages. When you were not in the library time was spent with the ladies of Casterly Rock. There was some joy to be found amongst their company. It reminded you of simpler times in the Red Keep. Sometimes when the Dowager Queen had been in a good mood musicians would come and play music. You, Lady Flora and Lady Catrina along with the other ladies would dance. So amongst your ladies you made merry. Lady Katrina skipped to a light hearted tune with one of her cousins. Beside you another lady named Lady Dara sat laughing with a goblet of wine. According to talk she made freely with wine and was a horrid gossip. She went on about a rumor taking place with your husbands uncle. Apparently he had taken a peasant woman to wife. He was a man who drank deeply from the cup of pleasure, just as Lady Dara did with wine. "And they say she is a whore from the brothels!" Cackled Lady Dara. "No, where did you hear this!" You gasped, listening in wrapped attention. To hear of such a lose woman being part of house Lannister was unthinkable. On pillows by your feet were other great ladies, most about your age. The older ones were in the corner discussing some issues you had little mind to pay head to. Lady Karina fell with a giggle onto the pillows. You reached for a goblet and flagon of wine and handed it to her. Greatfully she drank. You looked around and suddenly noticed Lady Alana was missing. "Has anyone seen the Lady Alana?" Her golden curls were not to be seen. "She may be tired." Suggested one Lady. "I believe she had important matters to attend to. Interjected Lady Karina. With a sigh you leaned back. This was far better than your husband or Lady Mari's company. Maybe you could be alright here. Listening to music, drinking and making merry with these ladies did not seem so bad. And with that though your thoughts left Lady Alana.
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Your coupling ended with him spending himself inside of you. He pulled out and you got up. Beside the bed was a basin of warm water. You wiped the excess off of your thighs and made ready to leave. But suddenly he commanded you to stop. "My Lord." Jason Lannister gestured towards the vacant chair by the fireplace. Obeying, you sat opposite from him. In the glow of the fireplace he looked handsome, in his way. "I hope that we can come to an understanding. May I call you Y/n in private." Suddenly feeling hot inside, you shyly smiled and nodded. Although you could not say you were in love, or even really liked your husband, getting on good terms would make everything so much easier. Maybe you could grow to love him. However the ghost of Aemond's shadow loom. Or rather, the love you once held for him. What you felt for Aemond now was something you could not quite place a finger on. You could not say the feeling was gone, more like buried under hurt and pain. But compared to the love you had held, you knew anything for Jason Lannister would be less. And it saddened you greatly. "I miss my late wife." His comment made you feel uneasy. Then, you felt guilty. As his wife was it not your duty for him to lay his troubles upon you? You remembered only seeing Johanna Lannister once. No words were exchanged. Though you remembered her to be quite beautiful with a tall figure and golden hair. You supposed he should miss her dearly. After all, they had been married more many years. The though made you feel very lonely. While marriages were made of convenience you had hoped you might marry for love, or at least that such feelings might manifest over time. But as you thought about it that possibility seemed unlikely. You would spend your youth stuck in a loveless relationship. "It is understandable my Lord." Was all you could say. Jason Lannister simply sighed. "Now, there is one matter I wish to address. And I do wish to speak of this matter in the most plain terms." You suspected what this was, and you were so tired of it. But you decided this conversation needed to happen. "It is about Prince Aemond." You spoke before he did. Jason Lannister nodded and took another glass of wine. "I must confess that I did not believe the rumors. Dowager Queen Alicent insisted they were simply rumors. Princess Ellyn has been jealous after all." A spasm stabbed your mouth. But this was bound to happen at some point. Instead of letting your rage take over, it was best to deescalate the situation before it got out of control. "I admit that I know the Prince as well. Nothing inappropriate had ever taken place however. I can assure you of that, My Lord." "Then why did Princess Ellyn take such a dislike towards you?" "She was jealous of any lady who held the Princess attention. You should have seen the way she looked at Queen Helaena." The last part was a lie. But if it served your purpose so be it, Ellyn deserved no sympathy from you.
Jason Lannister leaned back with a curious look on his face. "You mean his own sister? I know Targaryens marry their siblings but she is married to her brother Aegon." You filled your goblet again. "You know, I did hear from her sister Lady Cassandra that she is quite the jealous woman." Jason Lannister pondered. Feeling much more relaxed you went on. "Really?" The idea of getting dirt of Ellyn was absolutely intoxicating. "I heard that when a knight she took a fancy to asked for her sister Floris's hand, Ellyn did not speak to her for a week. Quite unbecoming for a woman. Perhaps.......wait no! That knight was Ser Harwin Strong!" You laughed. Well it seemed Harwin had a taste for highborn ladies. Everyone knew Rhaenyra's sons were bastards. "Mayhaps she wanted his bastards as well." Jason Lannister roared with laughter at your comment. "It tell you Y/n, some women are absolutely uncontrollable. Rhaenyra was a real cunt as a girl, did I ever tell you that?" "Not surprised. Her sons are little better. Such is their bastard nature." Jason Lannister found himself quite agreeing with your statement.
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A messenger arrived at dawn the next morning. You were woken to abrupt knocking at your door. "Please go get it." You groggily asked Katrina. With little grace she slipped out of bed and opened the door. Lady Mira rushed in. "My Lady, there is an emergency. Your husband is waiting in his study. Wide awake, you were out of bed with Karina throwing a shawl over you. "Are we being invaded?" Lady Mari rushed you out the door. "No I do not think so My Lady." As you ran through the hall all possibilities came to mind. What had happened? Was the King dead? Was Rhaenyra dead? You hoped to any gods out there that Jaecerion was safe. Jason Laanister was at his desk, dead in hands. "My Lord?" The newly build fire hurt your eyes from its contrast to the darkness. Jason Lannister straightened and and brushed his hair out of his face. A crumpled letter was on his desk. Whatever its contents were boded ill. "The King has been injured. They don't even know if we will survive." "How?!" Dread pooled in your stomach. If the King died now then a boy would be on the throne. You thought back to the two little children, Jaehaera and Maelor. Were they to lose their father as well? While Aegon might not have been the most attentive father it was a horrible thing to lose your father. When your own had died...well, you really could not remember much of it. You just remember feeling so terribly sad and then burring it beneath a blanket of facades. The truth was, now that you thought of it, you had hardly thought about hin these days. You did not want to think about him. Because then your mind would drift to "what ifs' and you did not want to dwell on such sad things.
"Aemond has been named regent." So Ameond will be getting what he always wanted. Briefly you wondered if he had his own ambitions to take the throne. While you knew he craved power there were some limits not even he would cross. Although, it did suddenly cross you that Jaecerys was not named regent. He was the older brother after all. Although perhaps he did not want it. Somehow you had difficulty imagining Jaecerys sitting in the council signing papers. He was the energetic son of Alicent Hightower. The one who took to his dragon and disappeared for days at a time, he had no head for ruling. Then, you thought about how this made Ellyn the second most prominent woman in the realm. You hoped she never sat that throne.
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An uneasy silence broke out over Westeros. A sudden cold wind had rolled down from the north. Fearing that winter might set in, the combatants laid low with the exception of the north. "Damn maesters didn't even know winter was coming!" Jason Lannister had complained. But it soon came to pass that the worry was for naught. The winds went as summer resumed. Most of your days were spent with the ladies, enjoying copious amounts of delights, trying to forget the war raging outside. You had settled into a sort of routine. Despite this there were those you did not wish to remain. Tyshara still obviously hated you, and the sight of Lady Redwyne was nearly intolerable to you. She wore beautiful jewels that Katrina told you belonged to the original lady of Casterly Rock. How she had the nerve you never understood. She had been mistress to the lord since before Lady Johanna's death, and now her spirit was exist with the knowledge that her rival was wearing her jewels.
You received another letter from Lady Joan. As usual, her clipped tone could be heart through the parchment.
It is a good thing you have started to settle into Casterly Rock. The reports I receive on your behavior are favorable at the moment. As I expect them to be. In your last letter you requested I find where Lady Elinor has gone. Well I am to tell you that there is not point in finding that woman. She has brought disgrace on our family through her foolish actions. So it is as well that you forget about her. What you should be worrying about is the lack of an heir. It has been four months and I heard you had your blood last month. I will remind you that a woman's sole function is to provide said heir. Your own mother had you within a year, so I see no reason why you should not. Write to me soon about the mood at Casterly Rock.
Lady Joan Tyrell
You knew the chance of Lady Joan making an effort to find Elinor were slim. She was simply not worth the effort in her eyes. But you would be a poor friend if you did not at least try. Nevertheless bitterness stung. All she had done was serve you well. And for that she was banished because of that Baratheon bitch. Deep in your heart you wished you had the ability to curse that woman. You hoped that Ellyn would find someone she cherished very much, and that you would be the one to take it away from her.
It took you time to compose yourself enough to put pen to parchment. Despite everything you were still a scion of of the house of Tyrell. From the day you were born loyalty had been welded into you, as it was for all.
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"Why is kinslaying so abhorred?" You had asked Aemond one day. The two of you had found a secluded spot in the library. Aemond was probed up on the window while you lounged on a pile of pillows. "It is killing ones own family." Aemond turned a page of his book. "I know. It is just that in almost every religion.....not that I am committing heresy I just read about them in the library, kinslaying is the greatest crime. Even those who worship the Drowned God hold such views." Aemond looked up from his book, and pondered. "I once read that it is because the Seven despise it so much that even false Gods will not object." You leaned back against the pillows, satisfied with his answer. But in the coming years, as you sat in your room at Casterly Rock, suddenly felt unsatisfied with his answer.
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You had embroidered a handkerchief with golden roses for your husband. Jason Lannister was to meet Rhaenyra's forces in the field. After the brief spell of cold the ground had softened making it harder for the northern forces to advance. What also barred their way was the fires that now roasted the Riverlands. You heard stories of entire towns being burned by Vhagar, and a shiver that you suppressed nearly overwhelmed you. He was the most powerful man in the realm and had now put it to the torch. Sometimes, unbiddenly, you wondered which side was worse.
Prince Vaeron's army was marching on Casterly Rock. Eight thousand men from the Riverlands. The Greyjoy's had now thrown in their lot with the Blacks. Jason Lannister said that it was likely they would attack on both sides, from the water and land. All joy had stopped as battle loomed closer. Stories were told of the Ironborn and how they raped and kidnapped women. You had nightmares of them barging in and slaughtering everyone. In the morning you had nearly thrown up from the anxiety.
The day the men were to head out you got up early and attended to your duties. By sunrise everyone was hurried out onto the yard to bid the army farewell. Deciding to hand you favor to your husband in private. You requested that all your ladies but Katrina wait outside. "Do you think he will like it?" You asked Katria, showing her the stitching. "Very." You walked to his bedroom. A hallway down you heard Jason Lannister's voice. Hurrying up, you picked up the train of your dress. Suddenly, you stopped. The other voice was Lady Redwine. "I hope you will take this as a token of my affection." Your hands wrung the cloth as Lady Redwyne's voice permeated the air. You felt Katrina's hand on your shoulder but hardly cared. Wheeling about, you stormed right back to your room. Katrina followed silently all the while. The doors to your room bust as you stormed in. Two maids tending the fire leapt up in alarm. You said nothing, because you did not need to. They scurried out as if one fire leaving only you and Katrina. "Y/n-" The favor crumpled in your hand, you walked towards the fire. The golden thread shinned in the firelight as it was hurled into the flames. With grim satisfaction you watched the white and gold smolder and blacken.
You were cordial with Jason Lannister when he left. But all words of comfort had fled from you in your bitterness. "I hope you have a successful campaign." Was all you said. He looked miffed. You wanted to tell him you knew. But not in front of all these lords and ladies. Just because he humiliated you did not mean the rest of the court could laugh at you. As he mounted his horse you wondered where her favor was on him. Mayhaps near the heart, where you would never be. The horses mane flowed elegantly in the air as all the horses turned. Banners were hoisted in the air. Cries were called out as wives and daughters called out to their loved ones. You said nothing. Why would you?
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The Sept became the sanctuary. You would rather stay in the castle but you also did not want to be left alone. Most days were spent in the Sept praying for the Greyjoy's to be defeated on the sea. You wished they would not. It was much harder to shake off the fear that something might go wrong when that was all anyone was talking about. Besides, praying did nothing for you these days. Where once the Seven had been your sanctuary it now felt foreign. You would look out one of the small windows and watch the trees eerily move with the breeze. You had never gone into the forest, with the rumors of witches and robbers inhabiting it. But there was a strange urge to do so. Maybe you would feel safer there than in here.
Soon however, you wished to be left alone. The perpetual anxiety was too much to bear. You sympathized, but could no longer take it. So you retreated to a smaller room, a private place of worship. Most days you spent looking out at the forest. You wondered what took place in the dark. Rather than frightening you it intrigued you. attempts were made to ask about the forest. But a lifetime of being told its horrors made the ladies warry of even speaking about it. "We best not speak of it. We could get their attention." "Who's." They would look around and then whisper. "The witches." "Have they ever caught one?" "Never. Or at least not in a long time. But odd things happen in that forest." You did not question any further. Who needed to? Anyone who took a look at those trees knew there was something otherworldly about it.
You were walking through the forest with purpose. It was with the intensity of one who knew where they would end up, yet this path was unrecognizable. Alone you went deeper and deeper. Faces stuck out of the bark, eyeless with sap like blood oozing out of them. They looked so real, more than the statues in the Sept. When you did reach the destination there was a circular clearing. You had the sensation, although there was no evidence, that you were at the very heart of the forest. A Weirwood tree was in the middle, its branches stretched outwards towards you. Walking forwards, you stretched your arms out. The branches drew you in closer and suddenly you were pressed against the tree. "Change. Change. You must shed it." And blood poured from your wrists.
You woke up on the ground. Sore, you stumbled to your room. A sharp wrapping was heard at the door. With as much composure as you could muster you walked to the door and opened it. Katrina stood on the threshold, she looked almost worn out. But there was a flush of jubilation in her face. "My Lady, it is your husband! He has vanquished Prince Vaeron's army and taken him prisoner. And the Greyjoy's have been pushed back. We are saved!" With a scream you jumped up and pulled her into a hug. You were saved. The pair of you ran downstairs to see the ladies hugging, crying and praying to the Seven. With a relief greater than one could imagine the doors opened and a windy sky hailed you.
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Jason Lannister looked well enough. He was exhilarated by his success. And it had the added effort of him being most eager to give you attention. Couplings were becoming more tolerable. You learned to favor the touches he gave you in bed. He even stayed with you for a time afterwards. Even if it was just to keep you compliant it was better than nothing. And it did nothing to soften you towards Lady Redwyne. You took notice of the two children he had fathered with you. Jason Lannister had three baseborn children. One of them to some kitchen maid and the other two by Lady Redwyne. You felt dissatisfied by your lack of an heir. You wanted a child, not just to provide and heir. But because you truly wanted a child of your own. The idea of having a beautiful babe to hold filled you with longing. Your ladies had started to ask you questions such as "do you feel well in the morning" to "do you feel any changes"? You were not sure. There was no sickness, although your period had come late. But you knew this was no surety. Women's bleedings did not happen always on time. And besides, the pressure could also be getting to you. But at least now there was hope.
Despite the victory, war was far from over. The Kings forces were trying to break the blockade house Velaryon had over the sea. At least no town or cities would be in danger. There was great pity in your heart for those men and boys who could not escape the battle. And just such a boy currently resided in the prison cells of Casterly Rock. You did not see Vaeron when he was first brought in, only when he was forced to stand before your husband. It was just two days later. When you first entered it struck you how young he was. Vaeron was younger than yourself. There was still a smidge of baby fat left to his gentle face. Creeping anxiety immediately made you want to turn away from this. This eye met yours for the first time in years. Your memories of your shared youths were mostly distant. In fact you had hardly thought of him these past years. But suddenly they all melted away and you were left standing before a boy you had known since childhood. You had never liked him, but seeing the boy in chains brought you no joy.
Vaeron was hauled before the chair. Despite the haughty look on his face you noticed a quiver in his eyes. Fear. Boys his age fought in wars. But now at nearly twenty suddenly he looked too young. You thought of all the young ones who would die before even truly tasting life. Then images of a boy, not much older that the one before you, falling from the sky in pieces. And then those pieces were shallowed by the ocean, like war sweeping away lives. If you bore a son what would happen to him. Until now you had not considered the possibility of him fighting wars. It was every mothers desire to have a son. But with that came the fear of losing that boy in some far off land. Just as Dowager Queen Alicent would likely spend her days waiting for news on her four boys. Just as Rhaenyra's thoughts constantly encircled the memory of the children she had already lost. You prayed that such a horror would never come to you.
"Vaeron-" Jason Lannister started, only to be cut off. "That is Prince Vaeron Velaryon to you. Ser." You had to admire him for his braver at the very least. You gasped as a knights fist collided with his face. Vaeron stumbled but did not cry out. "You are no Prince. Only the bastard son of that whore. Do you know what they call your mother? Maegor with teats. And like him it seems that one man is not enough." "As one woman is not enough for you." But that was not said aloud. "At it seems like him you will not have a male heir. Tell me, is Y/n with child yet?" A hot rush went through you. Despite being lady of Casterly Rock he still disrespected you. Memories of a boy who hardly acknowledged you came to mind and all pity evaporated. "As a matter of fact, Vaeron, the maesters suspect I may be. And even if I do have a girl, at least none shall question the validity of mine." Jason Lannister turned to you, shock and relief on his face. "Are you sure?" The look on his face caused a more pleasant warm to stir within you. "It is not yet assured. But there is a good chance I am." Jason Lannister gave you the brightest smile you had ever seen on his face before taking your hand. You looked at Vaeron right in the eyes triumphantly. It gave you immense satisfaction to be able to finally show him your worth. Here he was a mere prisoner, a nobody compared to the lady of Casterly Rock.
Only a smile came onto his face. Or rather, a smirk. A malevolent gleam glinted in his eyes. "Are you quite so sure of that?" Breathed hissed between your teeth. "Last I heard your eye was on my uncle. Perhaps if the babe came out with white-" "Silence!" You had risen to your feet, composure lost. Jason Lannister, however, was the one to come to your defense. "Princess Ellyn is known for having a lose tongue. So you will forgive us if we do not believe the gossip you so willingly lapped up." There was laughter that grated your nerves. Hatefully you looked down at him.
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Vaeron's fate hung in the balance. Some felt that the boy should be executed, one less heir for Rhaenyra. Others felt that as she was still at large they could use her son as a bargaining chip. You just wished they would leave the boy down there to rot. Now that they suspected you were pregnant the attention paid to you increased. Ladies who originally shunned you suddenly showed up at your tea parties. Each night and morning you would neck your linen and sanitary wear. The fear that one day you might find blood between your legs petrified you. It gave you great joy to finally write to Lady Joan that you were with child. She was quick to reply.
It is very well that you have become with child. If you have a son we may betroth Malinda to him. Be careful of what you eat as a healthy baby is crucial to our plan. I was most relived to hear of your husbands victory and the apprehension of Vaeron. You must convince your husband to execute him. The boy may undo all that we have strived to achieve. If not for the family, do it for the sake of your child. Remember. This is your duty.
Lady Joan Tyrell
Sickness caused acid to burn the muscles of your throat. As much as you reviled Vaeron the idea of being the one to kill him was horrifying. And the truth was you did not really want him to die. But Lady Joan's letter cause to cause to think. She was right, you thought. Your child would be in danger with the boy still alive. And it was your duty to take your houses side. Would it be wrong for you to do so? While you might not be the one swinging the sword you still would be the whistleblower. Abstaining from the killing blow would make you no less guilty. And did he truly deserve it? Had Lucerys deserved it? "No." You mumbled to yourself. Lucerys had taken Aemond's eye. But was it right? You thought of the little boy who hid behind his mother after he maimed Aemond. You had never felt pity for him. All you saw was the little bastard to mocked and maimed Aemond as a child. How could such a person be worthy of sympathy? Now that you thought about it, Lucerys had the slight marking for boyhood on his features. Just as Vaeron did. No! You could not think like that. You would be turning your back on family and your child if you did this. And for what? Two boys who meant nothing to you.
It was night outside. Lady Alana was asleep in your bed. Quietly you padded across the wooden floor, your thoughts like thunderous bells. You wanted to sleep so badly but could not. Your nails indented the soft skin of your hand. The moonlight cast flickering lights across the black water. You smelt its salt from up here through the open window. The crashing of the saves competed with the rustling of the trees. Like two great armies battling it out bellow. Just as two sides of yourself waged war.
Sometimes one had to make choices for the greater good. But none of this felt good. The letter lay on a table near the fire. You were oh so tempted to burn it to ashes and never revisit it again. But that damn nagging whispered to you, telling you that it was your duty. Duty bound you to loyalty. Loyalty ensured that forever your fate would be with your house. The sound of the trees went out and the waves overtook them. By the morning you had made your choice.
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"He should be put to death." The words fell out of your mouth. Jason Lannister looked surprised at your words. "I would never have imagined such a thing could come from you, Lady wife." You tried to play it off as something simply to be done. "Such is war." Was all that passed from your chapped lips. Jason Lannister reached for some parchment. He wrote several sentences and then ceiled it with wax before summoning a maester. "The King is of the same mind." This did nothing to assure you of what was going to happen. The wax cooling on the parchment eerily reminded you of blood.
Even there everything seemed to speed up. A gallows had been erected in the front of the castle. But nevertheless there was to be a show of it. And Jason Lannister had one last dramatic flair. The Battle of the Gullet, as they called it, hailed a black victory. But Jaecerys, heir to Rhaenyra, was dead. At eighteen he was shot full of arrows and sunk into the sea with his dragon. Vaeron was not yet informed that now he was heir. Though not for much longer. The day was cold and all you could hear was the crashing of waves. The forest on the other hand, was completely still. You can under a canopy, decked out in splendor. Like a true Lannister you looked. Vaeron was lead out in chain, thin and gaunt looking. Yet he had on his bearing an admirable amount of bravery. More than you would have had. He was forced to stand before a crown of lords and ladies. You wondered if his mother knew by now. Consciously your hand went to your own belly. "Vaeron. You stand here a condemned traitor to the crown. Do you have any last words to say?" Jason Lannister stood tall beside you. "My mother and brother shall avenge you. And so my death goes with no apology." Jason Lannister let out a loud that chilled the bones. "Only your mother I am afraid. Your brother went down with his dragon in battle." Vaeron's façade faltered. "You are as much a liar as your wore-mongering King. Although he is doing less of that these days from what I hear." Jason Lannister beckoned and a large piece of fabric was brought. Or at least that was what you thought until it got closer. The hide of Jaecerys's dragon had been shorn off and was now grasped in Jason Lannister's hands.
The wail that Vaeron let out made all the breath in your body escape. Any feeling you once possessed had fled. You could not even look at he screamed curses in his language. His cries revealed the deepest anguish one could posses. His brother and prince was gone. And at this time there had been no opportunity to avenge him. No. Not this time around. You could not even look as they dragged him to the place and his head way lain down. It was only when that dreadful screaming stopped did you know that Vaeron, the only possible trueborn son of Rhaenyra Targaryen, was dead.
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You were a caterpillar in your dreams. A bright green colour that encased your body. Above you soared a blue butterfly that beat its winds high in the sky. You looked up and wished to join it. But you could not. And then a thunderous voice broke across the sky and the butterfly was only smoke.
You did not wake up in fear. Instead an intense sadness spoke to you that morning. You walked over to the window and opened it. Only the waves could be heard. You slipped on shoes and a cloak before slipping out. Celebrations could be heard from the great hall. Such was a time when butchery was celebrated and men were cruel. You stepped out onto the grass outside through a hidden door and walked towards the sept. It was empty although not of contents. Lonely candles sat at the feet of the Seven. You just stood there and thought. Then thoughts of fealty prevailed and you turned away.
You would burn no candles for Lucerys or Vaeron tonight.
Note: So we have a chapter without Ellyn or Aemond in it. But that won't last very long. So I know that the reader feels a bit off this chapter since she is fairly extroverted and mingling amongst her ladies. In my mind the reader is extroverted in nature but really only gravitates to a few people.
Also sorry for the late update the past few weeks have been busy. Also I reworked some parts of this chapter because I was not happy with it. I wanted to get into why Y/n was so loyal to her house despite everything. We have to remember that in those times fealty to ones house was everything and to not due so was very taboo. Part of the reason why the dance of the dragons was so horrible was due to the fact that so much kinslaying took place.
Also you-know-who is showing up next chapter!
If you want to join the taglist please let me known!
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sunnytarg · 2 years
Princess Rhaenys being jealous when someone flirts with her mistress and she has a strap?
Hell yeah! Princess Rhaenys and her strap are back! I’m very invested in Rhaenys and her mistress at this point lol.
Princess Rhaenys is very secure in herself. She very rarely finds herself getting jealous. Of course, early on in her marriage when she was still young she was often jealous of anything that caught her husband’s eye but she has learned to live with it. To have a husband that is a sailor is to have a husband who can never stay in one place.
She had thought that her jealous tendencies had gone away as she got older but after she brought home a beautiful mistress of her own she realized that she had only buried her jealous tendencies and they would only bubble to the surface when she saw something she didn’t like.
Her new lover was beautiful all on her own but once Rhaenys brought her to Driftmark she quickly got rid of the dresses she wore as a whore and adorned her in only the finest and best fit outfits she could get a hold of. Her mistress had different jewels to wear for every day of the week and Rhaenys knew that the people of Driftmark suspected something but she also knew they would never outright question the Lady of Driftmark and the queen who never was.
Rhaenys knew that the men of Driftmark were greedy and liked to take pretty things. She should have known that eventually one of them would try and seduce her lover.
At a feast, Rhaenys held for high-born sailors returning back from the sea she sat and watched as one of her husband's nephews approached her lover. She was stunning tonight, her dress was silk and cut almost scandalously low so anyone could see the soft shape of her breasts. She wore the colors of the House of Velaryon and a beautiful sapphire necklace hung around her collarbones. She looked like a goddess that had emerged from the sea.
Rhaenys sat and watched as her nephew's hand was placed low on her lover's hip as he spun them around during a dance. She watched as he leaned in and whispered in her ear, tucking a thick, silky strand of her hair behind her ear as he did so. Rhaenys gripped her golden goblet of wine tightly as her lover laughed warmly at whatever the man whispered and finally she shot up when he saw him watch her breast hungrily as she continued to laugh.
Rhaenys made a beeline for her mistress before she had to watch this scene unfold anymore. When she finally approached them her nephew bowed his head in respect as did her lover, although she saw a sly smirk on her plump lips before she bowed her head.
“Nephew, while I would love to stay and talk about your adventures out on the sea I need my personal servant to help me with a few things.” She said, and she couldn’t bring herself to care that she sounded annoyed as she spoke.
Her nephew had barely nodded before she had a hand around her mistress's arm and was dragging her out of the hall and up to her chambers.
When they reached the princess's chambers, her lover was giggling as she flopped down onto the large bed. Rhaenys walked over to her large wardrobe and pulled something out that she bought in the markets of King’s Landing. She strode over to the bed and she’s her clothes slowly as she looked down at her mistress.
She was smiling up at the princess with tinted cheeks and her hair fanned out around her. The dress she wore was already rumpled. Rhaenys swore her heart always skipped a beat every time she looked at the other woman. She was enchanting and being around her always made Rhaenys feel warm.
When she was undressed she pulled on the item she had bought from a former Madame of a brothel. She had been told that it was another way for a woman to give pleasure to another woman. She was hesitant to use it at first, but Rhaenys was never one to shy away from something new just because she didn’t know much about it and within the first week of owning it she already had her love moaning and clawing at her bedsheets begging for release as Rhaenys thrust into her.
When her mistress saw what her lover had just pulled out she sat up immediately with a smile similar to a cat that had gotten the cream.
“Pull your dress up, my dear, I want to see your pretty pussy.” Rhaenys said and watched as her lover followed her instructions. When she could see her already wet cunt Rhaenys leaned down and kissed her lightly. When she pulled away her lover followed after her lips but Rhaenys didn’t give in, instead, she brought her hand to the wet cunt and slid her middle and ring finger through the slick. She wanted to groan at how wet the other woman already was but instead, she only pushed her back so she was laying flat down so Rhaenys could delve her fingers into her. The intrusion caused a small, surprised moan.
Rhaenys brought her thumb to her lover's clit as she thrust her fingers into the warm heat. She watched attentively as the woman moans started to become louder and her legs spread further. Just as her cunt clenched around her fingers again Rhaenys pulled her fingers away before she could cum. When her lover looked up at her a pouted her lips at her and whined, Rhaenys only slipped her wet fingers into her mouth and used her other hand to guide the item she was wearing into her lover's cunt.
“Your pretty little cunt help but be hungry for a cock. I saw how you flirted with those soldiers, hoping one would be able to fuck you nearly as well as I can,” Rhaenys said, as she set a brutal pace. Her lover could only shake her head and moan as Rhaenys grabbed ahold of her calves and spread her legs further so she could take Rhaenys’s toy deeper inside of her.
“That’s not-“ she whimpered, “that’s not true. You’re the only one I want, my princess.”
Rhaenys leaned down to kiss her lover's neck and a thought flashed through her mind. If she marked her lover up they would all know she belonged to someone. They could stare at her all they wanted but they wouldn’t dare approach. She chuckled lowly before she kissed the spot on her neck again before biting down and sucking until she pulled away and saw a purple bruise forming she did the same at her collarbone and by the time she reached those soft ample breasts and started to mark them, her lovers moans grew louder and she dug her fingers into the princesses hair.
Rhaenys eyes flickered upwards to stare at her beauty and saw she was seconds away from coming. Instead of teasing her and dragging it out like she would usually, she pulled her hips back quickly and thrust harder. The woman under her practically screamed as she began to twitch under Rhaenys. The princess pulled out of her and kissed her cheek wear a stray tear fell.
When her lover finally opened her eyes and blinked up at her breathlessly, all Rhaenys said was, “If you want to get fucked by a cock all you need to do is tell me and I’ll do it because no man here can fuck you better then I can.”
Her lover nodded and Rhaenys pulled her toy off of her and tossed it on her bedside table. She looked down at her mistress who was covered in sweat and new markings and smiled at the sight. She looked like she was ready to fall asleep but Rhaenys wasn’t done. She may enjoy it when Rhaenys fucks her with a cock but she came along to Driftmark because she should her how much pleasure she could give her with just her mouth.
And Rhaenys planned on doing that tonight. She helped shed her lover of her dress and folded it neatly on the table in her room before she crawled between her legs and lowered her face to the weeping cunt in front of her. She had plans to stay there until the feast ended.
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (Pre-Lucemond, if Rhaenyra drove Alicent Mad)
The moment Alicent has birthed a boy, Rhaenyra knew she had to fight dirty for her throne, and to do that, she must destroy all possible enemies. And as of now, her worst enemy would be her old friend, and dealing with her was proving to be easier than expected. First, she ruined her reputation. It was surprisingly easy. So, so easy. It was so simple, to ask her dear uncle to ruin Alicent's reputation, and he did it so well, with the whispers of her entering Viserys' chambers not even a day after good Queen Aemma passed, with the whispers of her half-brother Aegon being created out of wedlock, which meant that he, is a child born out of sin. A woman's reputation is fickle and needed to be kept clean and pristine, and when it comes to a Hightower, the ones so close to the Faith of the Seven, they were to be judged twice as hard. Those who originally liked her for her steadfast belief of the Faith, and for her reputation of being a pious noble lady immediately turned away from her in disgust. Those who's daughters were turned down for the daughter of the second son of Hightower scoffed, saying it all made sense now, how the Hightower used his status to push his daughter to the throne. The Velaryons and the Arryns in particular didn't hide their extreme dislike for the new queen, especially since the Velaryons were snubbed for an Andal, and the Arryns find it extremely disrespectful for her to seduce the king not even a day after their Queen, their kin, has passed, and for the King to accept her after their Queen's death for a child he wanted, well, it was not a good look at all. Even the smallfolk began to dislike her, favoring the good Queen Aemma more than this hypocritical, holier-than-thou highborn lady.
Then she increased the rumors. Nothing too outlandish, of course, but enough to be believable and newsworthy for the people to spread with energetic tongues. Apparently, Alicent has been sleeping with the King long before the death of the Queen. In fact, while the Queen suffered in her difficult pregnancy, Alicent, using her position as the Princess's friend and handmaiden, began seducing the King, and he took her as a mistress. When Alicent showed signs of pregnancy, her father arranged for Queen Aemma to be murdered, forcing her into labor and ordering the Maesters to do what they can to cut her open even before trying to help birth the babe. More and more rumors like this made the new Queen and Hand, and even the King, look less and less favorable, and Rhaenyra absolutely enjoyed watching her nervously bite her nails as whispers against her continued from most of Westeros, and while Otto can argue all he likes, urging the King to find the root of this rumors, it only made him look even moreso suspicious.
Then Rhaenyra began urging her father to worship the Fourteen Flames with her, for they were both Targaryens of Old Valyria. And let it not be forgotten what the Faith of the Seven did, going against Targaryen rule, killing most of the Targaryen lines until only he, his brother, and Rhaenys was left. They may respect others' wish to worship the Seven, for they are their gods, but the people of Old Valyria had always worshipped the Fourteen Flames. Her father, wishing nothing but to reconnect with her daughter, willingly agreed, much to the disgust of Alicent, who still acted like she was the Maiden reborn. Soon, Rhaenyra started whispering suggestions. Maybe add more decor of their religion, a bit of them here and there. Maybe a symbol of all fourteen of them, so it would not seem like they only favor some. Soon, the entirety of the Red Keep looked like a place of worship for the Fourteen Flames, with every twist and turn, their symbols, their paintings seen. Alicent could barely breathe looking at them, anger in her heart and mind. Though when she tried to take down the symbol of Meleys to place the star of the Seven, she was harshly chastised by the King, to Rhaenyra's delight. Then Rhaenyra suggested the Alicent should begin to learn more of the Fourteen Flames, seeing as her children would be worshipping them as the Targaryens they are to be. As expected, she was angered, saying her children would worship the real gods, and not the ones who were not real enough to stop the ruination of Old Valyria. That, in turn, angered Viserys, who saw the Fourteen Flames as the reason for his daughter forgiving him for his betrayal. He punished the Queen by locking her up in her chambers.
Rhaenyra then began asking her father to allow her to follow in his footsteps, to learn how to rule, since she would be the future Queen of Westeros, she would like to be prepared. She also suggested calling for Rhaenys, who was better trained to rule as she was taught by her father all those years ago. It was not that she finds her father's knowledge lacking, no, of course not. It is just that she wishes to learn from someone who was taught to face the difficulties she no doubt will have to face in the near future. Her father, always the willing man, agreed to it.
She studied, she followed her father, she gave helpful advice, to the point not even the staunchest of Hightower supporters could ignore her words. Soon, Otto was removed as Hand, replaced by Rhaenyra, as part of her training. Alicent was definitely not pleased, but could do nothing, as the Rhaenyra began to gather supporters of her own. Rhaenys has proven to be the better tutor when it comes to that of ruling the kingdom. Rhaenyra began to battle with the Queen using words in almost every small council meeting, and often win, showcasing their difference, making Alicent seem like a child who knows nothing compared to her. Slowly, the words of the Queen looked less and less important in comparison to the words of the Heir.
Then came the need for her to be married. By then, she had made quite the name for herself, the true Heir of the Targaryen Dynasty. Most of the people tend to ignore Aegon II, as the rumors of him possibly being a child of such a scandal made it hard to want him as King. The King ignoring his only son seemed to strengthen such rumors, and Otto, despite his best abilities, could not cut every wagging tongue. Helaena was even less of a choice. It was Aemond, the last son, that Alicent and her family placed all her hope to.
Here, Rhaenyra claim to want to re-establish polygamy back into the Targaryen household, to the shock of the entirety of Westeros. The Faith immediately wish to condemn her, but she responded that she is a dragon who worships the Fourteen Flames, that her ancestors have done it before, why shouldn't she. To no one's surprise, the king agreed. Fret not, she told them, for she will only marry those who are willing to accept the situation.
In the end, despite protests from the Faith, and from the Queen, she married three men, Ser Harwin Strong, Lord Laenor Velaryon (at the behest of Rhaenys) and her uncle Daemon (Viserys argued against this, but Rhaenyra stood her ground, causing him to reluctantly allow it). She could care less when the Queen wore green in her wedding, they were at war long before that.
And now that she has their backing, she slowly began to pull her strings. When she told her father it was time to teach her other siblings the ways of Old Valyria, including the worship of the Fourteen Flames, Alicent acted extremely unlike her old self. Gone was the picture of the perfect highborn lady, in her place was someone who acted like a smallfolk woman. Cursing at Rhaenyra, claiming her children would never worship such false gods, that her children will be true warriors of the Seven, that the Targaryen queer customs shall not touch her children. She was raving loudly, for all to see and hear. She has reached her breaking point for all to see. And what a sight it was.
Her father declared her unfit to choose who would tutor their children, as she has shown great dislike towards their family's ancestry and religion. He gave Rhaenyra full control over her siblings' education, and she took great advantage of this, allowing them to see in the eyes of Targaryens rather than that of Hightowers. Slowly, she proved herself to be unlike how Alicent painted her as. Seeds of doubt were sown.
By now, the Queen's reputation has been muddied so much no one could see her as the pious highborn lady she used to be. No, they see her as a seducer of married husbands, a mistress turned queen, and now, rumors began calling her the mad queen, a title befitting her, if Rhaenyra do say so herself.
Even her children were afraid of her ravings, Aemond crying when she grabbed him, saying Rhaenyra would murder him, that he needs to be king so they would not be murdered by her. After hearing what happened, the King ordered for the Queen to be permanently locked up in her chambers, no visitors allowed, a beautiful prison cell made just for her, stripping her of all her powers for the act of treason. She was now only a Queen in name alone.
Rhaenyra gave birth to a total of six children, and raised them alongside her half siblings. When her father passed, she had already ensured her siblings' loyalty to her, pairing her own Heir, Jacaerys, with Helaena. She had noticed how close Aemond was to Lucerys, a closeness her husband Laenor recognizes, and she allows it, she has many children after all. It will not really matter if one of them decides to follow one of their father's footsteps.
And Alicent, well, in one of her insane bouts, she happened to fall from her window, and got impaled by the rocks below. Otto? Daemon found evidence against him, concluding that he was the one who ensured the death of good Queen Aemma. This resulted in him and his entire family's execution. Whether the evidence was true or not did not really matter in the eyes of Rhaenyra.
She has won the game, the Iron Throne was hers, with no one else going against her claim. She regrets nothing.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
requests are still open right?? 💓 if not i'm sorry and ignore this but if yes can i prompt: corlys and rhaenys had a fight and bc he doesn't want to be rough with her he as angry sex with reader maid (not non con but still dark) and afterwards he has regrets for cheating. bonus if afterwards he goes to rhaenys. if u don't like it you can also ignore it! 💗😊 thank you sm!
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“You are useless! It’s pathetic.” You heard the sound of your lady mistress from inside their private chambers. You knew you should leave but the idea of being punished by the head maid had you shivering. So you stayed just outside the door and waited as the arguing inside continued. 
You began to chew nervously on your plump, bottom lip as you looked over your shoulder. You should leave, you thought to yourself. It was as if fate was not on your side as you moved to step away and the door quickly opened. “My Princess..” You softly whispered; bowing your head politely. 
Her face softened if only slightly as she nodded towards you. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you finally stepped inside. “My Lord…” You gasped out nearly as you allowed your arms to fall to the side. The door fell shut behind you. “I can come back later?” You whispered out as Corlys turned around.
“No…you can stay.” His voice was rough and dark. You couldn’t understand the look in his eyes either. “In fact…” Corlys hummed; his voice deep as he stepped closer. “Turn around.” Your Lord ordered. You could only do as you were ordered and soon his body was brushing against your own.
“My Lord…” You whispered out shyly. His hands slowly moved up your sides and had you shivering. Corlys only hummed as his hands were soon on your breasts. “Please..” You wiggled into his embrace. He only moaned and you could feel his fat cock brushing against you from behind.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me.” He purred into your ear as he slowly pushed you onto the bed. Your face flat against the sheets; you could smell him and his wife on it. You could not deny his words and Corlys knew it. His dark chuckle told you as much as his hand moved to his pants.
You whimpered and softly gasped out when you felt his fat cock brush through your weeping folds. There was no pretending now. “Good girl.” Corlys purred; his hand coming down on your now bare arse. The slap sounded out and had you whimpering even more into the sheets in front of you.
A sharp gasp escaped you when your Lord roughly pounded inside you. He completely bottomed in one thrust; impaling you on his fat cock. He took your breath away but Corlys gave you no rest. His hands stayed on your hips and forced you down as he silently pounded away at you.
Your soft, ample breasts bounced as you moved roughly back and forth. His fat head pushing against your spongy spot with ease. “Oh - oh gods..” You whimpered out as the pleasure only grew more intense. His thrusts only quickened as he harshly pushed deeper. The tight hold he had on you would leave bruises, you were sure of it.
“Fuck, that’s it..you take me so well.” The only thoughts in his mind was how good you felt around his cock. Corlys leaned in; burrowing into your neck as your whines of pleasure echoed around. Your eyes widened at the stretch as he pushed deeper. Your eyes rolled back as your stomach tightened some more.
Your toes curled once more as your pleasure began to move through your body; your climax soon approaching. His cock was soaked with your wetness as Corlys looked down and watched. He pushed you further into the sheets as you grabbed them as he began to lose control. 
His thrusts quickened and became harder as he fucked you up the bed. “Yes..oh gods…” Your cries of enjoyment easily fell from you. His dark chuckle only grew louder before his moans took over. Your toes curled as his hand moved into your locks once more and pulled you back. Your soft, ample breasts are easily bouncing.
“Oh, I might just keep you.” Corlys purred. His arms wrapped around your body and kept you against him. His words pushed you over the edge as you shook against him. You squirted around his cock as he roughly rubbed at your clit. It only had you clamping down on his cock harder.
“Fuck! Gods..” He moaned out as his own release ripped through him. Usually he could last longer but not this time. Corlys thrust hard one last time before his warm cum was flooding you. He thrust again and again; pushing it deeper before removing himself. All you could do was collapse onto the bed.
Rhaenys knew something had transpired as soon as she returned to their shared room that evening. Her husband had his head in his hands as he stared at the floor. “Corlys…” She whispered. There was no answer as the Princess gracefully stepped to him; closing the distance.
“I’m sorry..” Corlys finally whispered out as his mind began to quieten down. Still, his heart pounded. His words only had the Princess confused as her eyes moved towards the bed - the bed that was more messy than it should be. “What did you do?” Rhaenys asked; her voice calmed for him.
“I did not want to do it to you – so I found someone else.” Corlys whispered out; shame littering his body but a darker part of him that grew by the seconds wanted to do it again. “Who?” The Princess asked; her heart racing as his hands found hers. It was not as if this was the first time he had done so.
Just never under their roof..never in their bed. “Our maid…” Corlys whispered out. His dark eyes staring towards the bed. He hated himself as he found himself growing hard at the memories. “At least you picked the prettiest.” She purred and her hands slowly moved up and down his thighs.
“I’m sorry…” He hummed; hardly knowing what to say to his wife as she slowly moved to her knees. “You should invite me, next time you take her…” Rhaenys whispered; a smirk dancing on her face as she slowly moved her hand into his pants. “Tell me about it.” The Princess ordered as she leaned in and hotly took his fat cock into her mouth.
If she focused - she could taste you. The thought alone only had her moaning around Corlys whose hand moved into her locks and his head fell back. Gods, he was so lucky, he thought to himself.
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bonniebird · 2 years
Forgotten Part 1 (Smut)
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Daemon Targaryen x Targ!Neice!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Warnings: Daemon sex with sex worker, pillow house, Targcest
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“Go. Go and tell him now. I will not have the King coming down on us all over this.” The owner of the pillow house said as she pulled one of the men who worked for her aside. They watched the curious girl walk through the pillow house in awe before the man hurried away.
Daemon glared at the man who hurried into his room. The woman beneath Daemon hadn’t even noticed him, continuing to moan irritatingly as his hips rutted into hers. “I have paid for the evening. What do you want?” He snapped out.
“The princess…. She… she is here. Alone. My mistress is worried of the trouble it will cause." The man stuttered out. 
"Rhaenyra?" He asked the man who shook his head. Rumours of the older princess visiting the pillow houses were many but few ever proved to be true. 
"The younger princess, my prince." The man said quietly. Daemon swore under his breath in velaryon as he pulled himself from the woman, tossing coins at her as he fixed his trousers and followed the man. 
 He spotted you immediately. Shining like a beacon for anyone who wished to force a lewd act on a Targaryen. He imagined your innocent face startled and afraid of what you saw. Rhaenyra was all fire but you were quiet, never commanding a room the way that your sister did. Rhaenys had once said that you were a fire caught in a closed-off room. One day the walls would crumble and Viserys would not be ready for it. A ridiculous thought Daemon had muttered. 
He reached you as you slipped between two curtains and found you staring at several people who were writhing and grinding against each other.
“What are you doing here?” He said quietly as he grabbed at your arm and leaned in.
“The same thing as you… I assume.” You looked up at him boldly. He was surprised when he could see that you were flushed with lust and overstimulated by your own arousal. 
“Who brought you here?” Daemon demanded as he glared down a man that tried to approach the two of you. His beady eyes on you with a heavy pouch of gold in his hands. 
“I came alone.” You said as you tried to pull your arm from Daemon’s grip and stop him steering you away from a woman astride a man like a horse. 
“You came all this way alone?” He pressed. People turned to look as he led you to his private room hoping to take you away from the prowling men that had suddenly become fixated on you, abandoning whoever they were with, perhaps hoping that the least favoured princess would be obtainable. “Why would you do such a thing? You should not be in a place like this!” He realised that taking you up to his rooms would put him in more trouble with his brother than he had been before. Every mistake Viserys felt he had made with Raenyra was not repeated with you, his brother was convinced you were quite innocent. Up until now, Daemon had been convinced of the same.
“Because you would not.” You said and held his gaze. His eyes darkened as he frowned at you.
“What?” He snapped and tilted his head, leaning in in case the people around the two of you were listening.
“I am three years older than Rhaenyra was when you brought her here. If you would not do it then I shall do it myself.” He was so surprised by what you said that he let you slip through his fingers. He hurried after you but the crowd of people stumbling into the pillow house got in his way and he had no choice but to watch you hurry out the door and out of sight. Growling under his breath he shoved his way through the crowd and ran after you. Weaving your way through the crowds of people you watched the chaos of the street. It was nothing like the Red Keep. Bustling and moving constantly.
“Princess.” Someone said as they held out a drink for you, another person hurried to give you a strip of fabric with flowers embroidered into it, more tried to offer you food, to lure you inside nearby buildings. Then they scattered as Daemon moved through the crowd.
“You cannot be out here alone.” He snapped and tried to make you leave, he took the drink from you and sniffed it before tossing it aside.
“Rhaenyra comes here alone.” You snapped and glared at him.
“She is different. You are…” He was cut off by a sharp slap across his cheek again you hurried off but this time he managed to catch you before you got too far and threw you over his shoulder, sick of having to run around after you when he should have been enjoying his evening.
“Let me down.” You wailed and tumbled your hands against his back as he walked towards the keep. “I am so sick of all of you forcing me to be locked up and never speak.”
“You have had quite the adventure princess.” Daemon said as he grabbed at your feet to stop them swinging in fury.
“I have had no adventure. None of you will let me do anything. I have a dragon I am forbidden to ride, Rhaenyra and father spend all their time together, Alicent only speaks of Rhaenyra, Sir Cole called me a whore when I asked him to… to… and you…” He dumped you down on the road leading to the gates of the keep so you were in a heap at his feet.
“I what? What is it that you wish from me, princess? Is it Alicent that has you wishing for me in a pleasure house? My brother filling your head with tales of my misdeeds?” He was angry now. He would no doubt be accused of many things by Otto and Alicent. He simply wished for one evening to do whatever he liked before arriving at the Keep to do what was demanded of him.
“You are second born too. You know what it is like to be unimportant, forgotten, the last thought. No one cares about secondborns. No one loves us. I thought you would understand.” You said and sniffled as you got to your feet. Daemon’s resolve softened as you turned and hurried the rest of the way to the gates which opened immediately for you. As he entered the castle he was immediately accosted by Otto who had him marched to the council room.
“What is the meaning of this?” Viserys asked.
“Your daughter felt neglected and decided to run away. Given that Sir Cole is, as ever, shit at his job, I thought it would be best to return her before she got into too much trouble.” Daemon said calmly as he sat back in his seat.
“Ridiculous! Seducing another princess into shame!” Otto snapped. Daemon turned to glare at him and Viserys could see the angry slap mark on his brother's face.
“I can assure you that it was not I that drove her out there. Perhaps if any of you recalled that Rhaenyra is not the only princess here, you may be able to keep her entertained. If I were you brother, I would fix the door to the side of the kitchen. I assume that is how she got out.” With that, he got to his feet and started to leave.
“Daemon. She said… she feels forgotten?” Viserys asked. Daemon sighed, his room at the pillow house would no doubt be given away by now, he would have to stay in his rooms at the keep.
Unimportant, forgotten, unloved.” Daemon said as he stopped and looked back at his brother who was fiddling with the marbled ball on the table before him.
“Will you do something for me?” He asked and Daemon sighed. 
“Whatever the king wishes.” He answered, grateful that only Otto seemed to have some issue with the events of the evening.
“We have several events, tourneys, feasts. Such… they are for her sister. Mending bridges between families, trying to encourage favour for Rhaenyra and her claim to the throne with the small folk. I fear (Y/N)’s feelings will only worsen over the next few months. Watch her. Look after her, and make sure she is not forgotten. If it were not too late then perhaps I could cancel and…” Viserys spoke as if he had suddenly realised he might lose his youngest and Otto immediately cut him off.
“Your grace. Daemon is a Ne'er-do-well. Find a nice young lord who will defend her honour…” Otto stepped back when Daemon took several steps towards him and Cole had to step in.
“DAEMON! Control yourself. Otto… I trust my brother to take care of (Y/N). Keep her safe, happy.” Viserys asked and Daemon inclined his head.
“You have my word. She shall be safe and happy.” He answered. Then he sighed and frowned. “She complained about not being allowed to ride the dragon that hatched for her.”
“Yes… Alicent does not like it. Her being alone up there.” Viserys answered as if he disagreed with the rule.
“Well, she shall not be alone up there so there is no need to worry. After all her sister was far younger when she first began flying Syrax.” Before Otto could say anything else Daemon marched out of the room and towards his own. He heard light giggling as he climbed the stairs and looked up to see you and Rhaenyra peering down at him through the bannisters. The giggling grew louder as he caught the two of you and you both hurried backwards out of sight.
“Goodnight.” He called which only caused a round of squeals to echo down the staircase followed by the slapping of bare feet on the floor as the two of you hurried to Rhaenyra’s room.
Daemon tags:
@the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @lightqueen16 @savagemickey03 @evattude @kaitieskidmore1
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thevelaryons · 2 months
How fucking long are the writers going to drag out the deadbeat father shitck with Corlys, do you think? He leaves his black children from his mistress to rot on the streets but his mixed kids with the white wife are living it up in the castle life.
I am loath to defend any writing choices made by Condal and his team but Corlys IS a canonical deadbeat father to Addam & Alyn. It’s just that the show has changed the context from the book, as it always does, so now everything looks far worse (for dramatic effect because the writing on HOTD is soap opera quality).
Though yeah, the writers are definitely dragging out the whole deadbeat father thing because soon after his wife died in the book, Corlys was bringing his sons forth to be legitimized and made his heirs:
None dared name her liar, however…for it was Laenor’s own father, Lord Corlys himself, who brought the boys to Prince Jacaerys for the Sowing.
Not long after Addam of Hull had proved himself by flying Seasmoke, Lord Corlys went so far as to petition Queen Rhaenyra to remove the taint of bastardy from him and his brother. When Prince Jacaerys added his voice to the request, the queen complied. Addam of Hull, dragonseed and bastard, became Addam Velaryon, heir to Driftmark.
There was no hesitance in what he was doing:
The Sea Snake seemed more than eager to accept these newfound grandsons.
Only thing that was really stopping him from acknowledging the existence of his bastard children before is that his wife would never have tolerated it:
Only after the death of Princess Rhaenys did Lord Corlys at last feel able to bring his bastards safely forward.
In the show, he’s just floundering around and getting shamed by various family members one after another.
Personally, I do think Alyn deserves to vent out his anger at Corlys, for all those years of neglect. But with how the writers have been handling Corlys’ characterization so far, the situation still leaves much to be desired.
I’ve been saying this for a while but Corlys was a fairly decent father to Laena & Laenor in the book but a deadbeat to Addam & Alyn (until the war at least and then he’s very ride or die for them). In HOTD, he’s kind of a deadbeat to all of them. Also, a deadbeat to his wife in the show whom he constantly abandoned but supposedly understands her value now that she’s dead.
I guess HOTD erased Marilda’s existence so they can push the idea that Addam & Alyn grew up in poverty. While they certainly weren’t living a lavish lifestyle in the book, their mother was a successful businesswoman (and before her, their other grandfather who owned the shipyards at hull) so they would’ve been provided for at the least:
When Addam was ten and Alyn nine, their mother inherited the yards upon her own father’s death, sold them, and used the coin to take to the sea herself as the mistress of a trading cog she named Mouse. A canny trader and daring captain, by 130 AC Marilda of Hull owned seven ships, and her bastard sons were always serving on one or the other.
I don’t know what it is with these writers making everybody more miserable than they ever were in Fire & Blood.
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