#Rhaenys x oc
Snakes and Flames
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pairing: Fanon!Aegon i Targaryen x Female OC
summary: Ashara Martell was not happy about being used as a peace treaty.
Word count: 3,5K
Warnings: Angst, incest, Jealousy
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
"Ashara, your grandmother is coming" Ashara groaned at her friend and handmaid's words. Her grandmother only personally visited her when she wanted something.
"Alright" Ashara pulled her feet out of the bath where another maid was waiting to dry them. Ashara always had a small foot bath before bed to keep her feet fresh and with rose petals to give them a scent.
Just as the maid was done drying Ashara's feet and rubbing some oils on them her grandmother or also known as the yellow toad of Dorne walked in. Her demeanour serious as ever, her mere presence demanded respect and fear. She was over eighty years old and yet in her full health and strength.
"Leave us" The Princess of Dorne demanded. The two maids bowed their heads before leaving, they feared her and did not dare even looking her way. Ashara slipped her shoes on before getting up from the stool.
"Grandmother, what a surprise" Ashara plastered a smile on her face. She has always admired her grandmother, she was an amazing woman to say the least.
"Granddaughter" Meria Martell greeted. Meria moved to stand by Ashara's mirror with a silent order. Ashara moved to sit on the ottoman in front of her mirror and handed her brush to her grandmother.
"What beautiful hair you have, dear" Meria let her wrinkled fingers run through Ashara's silk black strands. Ashara smiled lightly and nodded her head giving her grandmother permission to proceed. Meria ran the brush carefully through Ashara's hair.
"When I was your age I had double the hair and length" Meria pointed out. Ashara believed her a hundred percent, her grandfather had ordered a painting to be done of his wife that Ashara knew her grandmother still had for she had shown it to Ashara and her siblings before.
"I remember" Ashara nodded. Meria swallowed thickly but her fingers remained steady as she brushed Ashara's hair.
"Where is Dyanna?" Meria asked, noticing the lack of the toddler running around yelling and screaming.
"She is asleep, grandmother" Ashara responded. Her face brightened at the mention of her daughter, a bastard but there was no shame in that, not in Dorne, no Dyanna was loved and cherished by everyone especially Ashara and her father.
"After the chaos she inflicted today I can only imagine so" Meria joked half heartedly. Her eyes wandered lazily around the room but there was no use, her blindness did not cease and she was used to it, sometimes Ashara wondered if her grandmother was truly blind, she saw things others did not, she spoke of things happening before her eyes as if she could truly see.
"You came here for a reason, grandmother, what is it?" Ashara was not scared to ask. Her relationship with her grandmother has always been one of mutual respect and care, maybe not love but they cared for their family.
"We have come forward with a peaceful solution with the Targaryens" Meria answered. Her brushing stopped and her blind eyes stopped their movement. Ashara looked at her grandmother through the mirror, waiting for her to continue.
"A marriage of peace" Meria explained. Ashara's whole body went rigid, she should have known the second her grandmother mentioned peace.
"No" Ashara denied, standing up from the ottoman and turned to face her grandmother.
"You must" Meria insisted. Ashara snatched the brush from her grandmother's aging grip. She slammed it down on the vanity table loudly.
"No, I will not go" Ashara moved away from her grandmother to sit on her bed. Yet again Meria moved to face Ashara sending shivers down her body when she realised that her grandmother knew of her every move even when blind.
"This is the only way to peace or we will end up in a long and bloody war and we never know who will win" Meria stepped closer tot he bed. Ashara though being Dornish meant some freedom from such a fate, they mostly married for love like her grandparents, her parents and her older sister but it seems that fate never favoured her. The man she loved died weeks before their wedding leaving her pregnant with Dyanna and lonely.
"What about Dyanna?" Ashara asked worriedly. Meria looked away for a second as if she was debating what to say before turning back to look at Ashara.
"They know not of her existence and it is better if it stays that way" Meria spoke. Her words echoed in Ashara's head for a couple of seconds. She debating pulling out her dagger from her side and stabbing her grandmother and end her regency leaving her father to become the Prince of Dorne, he surely would not send her away against her will.
Or maybe she could unleash one of her many snakes at her grandmother. Ashara's eyes slid to the other side of the room where small cages of glass sat with more than ten snakes slithering about, tongues hissing out and back into their mouths, poisonous teeth poking out. She could kill her grandmother and play it off as an accident, one of the snakes escaped but everyone would know that was a lie, snakes listened to Ashara, they followed her like slaves and she a goddess.
"You want me to leave my child?" Ashara whispered, her heartbreaking at the mere thought of being away from her child.
"For Dorne" Meria answered. Ashara clenched her fists trying to compose herself if that was possible.
"Alright" Ashara sighed defeated. Meria left without another word or even an embrace of comfort. Ashara's whole body trembled with anger, she hated her grandmother, she hated Dorne, she hated everyone for forcing into being away from her child but mostly she hated the dragons for trying to conquer her homeland forcing this decision upon her grandmother.
"Princess" Ashara looked at the door where a small maid had slipped through with a small box in hand.
"From King Aegon" She squeaked when Ashara shot up from the bed so fast it was like lightening had struck. The maid staggered back as Ashara stalked closer with a glare that if it could kill the maid would be dead on the floor.
"Leave" Ashara ordered snatching the box from the maid. The maid did not have to be told twice. Ashara snickered when she opened the box and found a necklace in shape of a dragon inside, a small letter by its side. Ashara pulled the small parchment out and unrolled it to read it.
A token to you wife
Ashara walked over to her desk and pulled open her drawer, she pulled out a small piece of paper and some ink. She scribbled down three words before shoving it inside the box and went in search of a maid to give it back to Aegon fucking Targaryen, the blonde piece of shit that had ruined her life.
The same squeaky maid was a couple of corridors away whispering with some other maid, probably about Ashara and how scary she was. It was not the first time, servants feared her for her short temper and only her personal handmaiden was used to her and understood her without her having to speak, Wylla, a bastard of s distant cousin who was happy to be a handmaiden for she was close to Ashara when they were children.
"You" Ashara hissed, earning the attention of the two girls. They jumped at the sound of her voice and the squeaky maid started trembling again.
"Take this to your King and make sure he open it" Ashara held out the box. The maid shakily took the box making sure not to touch Ashara's skin. Many believed that Ashara had poisonous skin because of her ability to tame snakes.
"O-of course" The maid hurried down the corridor to do so. Ashara at least was thankful that the Targaryens were not staying in the castle and instead had decided to sleep somewhere else, she did not care where.
However their dragons were circling the skies still, all three huge and intimidating, especially Balerion the black dread. The roared and growled every once in a while to remind people of their presence overhead, threatening to burn everything to the ground. Ashara knew they were here and she was waiting for the fighting begin when her grandmother sent news that they were to live one more day.
Instead of going to her room Ashara instead made her way to Dyanna's room. The small girl was snoring away in her bed, small and perfect for her size. Only four she had a bedtime and even when most adults were awake she had been asleep for hours now. Ashara sat down on the edge of the bed trying not to wake the sleeping toddler. Dyanna sighed happily but did not wake.
"My little snake" Ashara whispered, tears building in her eyes. Her hand raised to touch the fat on Dyanna's cheek, flushed from the heat. Dyanna's eyebrows wiggled slightly and a smile slipped on her face as she dreamed.
"Oh my littlest snake" Ashara slid down on her knees beside the bed. Her face inches away from her daughters. She leaned her head down burying her face in the sheets letting the tears slip out and soak the golden coloured blanket.
"How will I ever survive without you?" Ashara questioned. If she could she would stay in that moment forever but the sun slowly rose in the distance and Dyanna's sleep became restless and just as the first rays of sun slipped through the sheer curtain Dyanna's eyes fluttered open.
Ashara was sat there still watching her sleep, watching her breath. Making sure she was alive, making sure she was having good dreams. Making sure her littlest snake was happy.
"Mama!" Dyanna explained happily. She threw the blanket off to throw herself at her mother.
"Oh my love" Ashara faked a smile and hugged her daughter back. Her heart was tearing on the inside but she refused to show her daughter.
"I missed you mama" Dyanna whispered. She pulled away to look at her mother in the eyes.
"I was right here the entire night, my snake" Ashara kissed Dyanna's forehead.
"Then I did not miss you as much" Dyanna pouted. Ashara laughed, a real laugh.
"How about you get ready and we will talk later?" Ashara asked. Dyanna nodded her head happily. Ashara placed Dyanna back in her bed and stood up from the floor, her arms and legs were stiff and she could no longer feel her back or bottom but watching her daughter sleep those couple of hours was worth it.
Ashara found Dyanna's handmaiden and wet nurse standing outside waiting for her to leave before stepping into the room. The two woman were shocked when Ashara did not let them past into Dyanna's room.
"Take care of her, make sure she never needs anything no matter what" Ashara was not ordering, she was not demanding but she was pleading, a mother's plea.
"Do not worry princess, she is more precious to us than life itself" Dyanna's wet nurse spoke. She had been a broken woman once, having lost her child to a fever and her breasts were still swollen and full of milk so she was brought to feed Dyanna whenever Ashara could not, she had raised Dyanna alongside Ashara.
"Thank you" Ashara whispered before moving to her own room. Her maids were already there packing her things. Ashara did not want to leave so quickly but if her maids were packing it meant her grandmother had already decreed for her to leave quickly.
"Goodmorning, princess" Wylla greeted. Ashara nodded her head moving to the full body length mirror to take her dress from the day before off.
"What am I to wear today?" Ashara asked making sure her weapons were still strapped to her below the fabric and secure.
"Riding gear" Wylla answered. Ashara nodded and let her slid the yellow cloth followed by the brown leather on. She looked ever the Dornish woman, brown tan skin, black hair straight as ever, that was what was unique about Dornish women some had curls and some had straight hair, Dyanna had curls like her father who she did not even know.
"All done, princess" Wylla announced as she tied the last braid in Ashara's hair. Ashara liked it away from her face when she rode and its length could get in the way as well.
"Very well" Ashara nodded. She looked at herself one last time before turning to her snake corner, all the glass cages were empty, Wylla probably moved the snakes to portable cages instead for them to be moved.
"You should have waited for me to say goodbye" Ashara scolded Wylla. She would be riding her horse while they will be in their cages in wagon houses, she would not be able to see them for hours.
"Sorry princess" Wylla smiled lightly. Ashara sighed but nodded her head anyways. She took a deep breath before leaving her room.
She could hear Dyanna giggling in her room when she passed by the door causing tears to build up in her eyes but she pushed them away. She had not cried in front of anyone in over four years, ever since Dyanna's father passed. The corridors were filled with servants and people from their army making sure everything was secure.
"Princess" A guard greeted Ashara by the gates. Her grandmother was standing beside her along with her sister and father.
"I wish you luck, sweet Ashara" Her father pulled her in for a hug, never one to show much emotions but was still very much a loving father. Ashara hugged him tightly, savouring what she could imagine was the last time they would see each other.
"Give me a turn, father" Her older sister teased trying to lighten the mood. Their father pulled away with a small smile giving her space.
"Take care, sister" The two girls hugged tightly. They were not close in age, no there was a huge age gap in between them but they loved each other dearly nonetheless.
"Take care of my littlest snake for me" Ashara begged in her sister's ear. The latter nodded her head with a soft smile. She was already married with three children of her own, from mother to mother they understood each other.
"Good luck, sweet Ashara" The sisters pulled away from each other. There was nothing sweet about Ashara, everyone knew that but still her family liked to call her so. The people of Dorne called her the tamer of snakes.
"Grandmother" Ashara nodded at the yellow toad before turning to the gates. The guard pulled them open in front of her letting her pass. To her shock three stark white headed people awaited her with their beasts not far away, and no horse in sight.
"Princess" The only male stepped closer to her and nodded in greeting. She raised her eyebrow at him and looked around at his soldiers surrounding them.
"Targaryen" She greeted back. He smirked amused at her greeting and as if he had a sixth sense he held his hand out stopping one of the two women behind him from approaching.
"Visenya, calm down" He called, without turning to face his first wife. Ashara eyed the two women behind him, his sisters and wives.
"Are you ready, princess?" he asked holding out his hand for her to take. She did not and instead asked "Ready for what?"
"To ride to King's landing of course" He answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her eyes snapped behind him to the great black beast.
"On that? No" She shook her head. She was not afraid but she did not feel safe riding a beast she did not control.
"Afraid? Do no worry he will not harm you" Aegon chuckled. Ashara's face scrunched up in disgust at the fact that he was trying to reassure her, comfort her that he will care for her.
"No, I am not afraid of an enlarged lizard, I do not fancy riding something I am not familiar with" Ashara shook her head. Aegon this time did not give her a choice and instead took her hand into his own and began pulling her to the beast. His hand was rough probably from sword fighting and it was larger than her own.
"I told you he will not harm you" Aegon tried assuring her. Ashara could not help but laugh at his attempt, he stopped his walking and turned to face her.
"I am not afraid, Targaryen, in fact I would not mind him attacking" Aegon frowned at her words. She preferred dying to marrying him. Or at least she preferred getting harmed than to marry him.
"Martell" Visenya hissed through gritted teeth, warning the younger woman to watch what she was saying but Ashara did not care.
"What Targaryen?" Ashara turned, hissing right back at the blonde woman. Patience was not something Visenya had so in seconds her sword, Dark Sister, was out and ready to attack.
Rhaenys gasped in shock moving back but Ashara was ready, she was always read, she pulled out her large dagger from its hidden place inside of her jacket and held it up to deflect Visenya's attack making the steel sing and echo around the area.
"Enough!" Aegon yelled pulling Ashara back and away from Visenya. Ashara grunted pulling away from his touch and hid her dagger back inside of her jacket.
"Control yourself, ābrazȳrys" Wife. Aegon whispered to Visenya. She nodded respecting her brother's wishes and put away her sword.
"Watch what you say next time, Martell" Visenya spat in Ashara's direction.
"Or what Targaryen?" Ashara smirked in Visenya's direction trying to rile her up. Aegon pushed Visenya back when she tried to get to Ashara again.
"To your mounts, now" Aegon ordered the two blonde women. Rhaenys pulled Visenya away from Aegon and made her walk in the direction of their dragons not far away from there, in a clearing fitting their sizes but still close that they were seen from there.
"Come on" Aegon nudged Ashara to follow the sisters. Ashara huffed and obliged but kept a good distance from them. They were muttering to each other but Ashara did not care to hear what they were saying to one another.
"Was that really necessary?" Aegon questioned, after a couple of minutes hating the silence that followed them.
"Did you receive my letter yesterday?" Ashara asked, changing the subject. Aegon sighed annoyed with her. Well too bad for him because they were meant to spend a life time together.
"Yes along with my gift" Aegon replied. Ashara smirked when she noticed the troubled look on his face.
"I did not like it" Ashara shrugged. Her eyes trailed to the dragon that stood proud in front of her. His eyes watched her and Aegon approach. Aegon moved a pace or two in front of her, holding his arm in front of her as a signal to stay back.
"Lykirī, Balerion, rȳbās" Calm donwn, listen/obey. Aegon called in a language Ashara did not know but knew of, High Valyrian, a language she did not speak herself.
"Bisa iksis ñuha future ābrazȳrys, Balerion" This is my future wife, Balerion. Aegon turned to her urging her to step forward. He held out his hand for her and she placed her own in his, letting him guide her hand to touch the scales of the dragon.
The second her hand touched the scales she felt like all air was pulled out of her lungs, her entire body shook for a second. Balerion's eyes snapped down to look at her. He lowered his head to her level and looked her up and down trying to study her. He pushed his head in her direction almost knocking her off her feet if Aegon had not held her waist stopping the movement.
"He likes you" Aegon pointed out, his eyebrows pinched in confusion.
"All snakes do" She smirked at him. Balerion growled a little when Vaghar and Meraxes took the skies with loud roars.
"He is no snake" Aegon hissed moving to climb onto Balerion's back. He offered her his hand to help her up but she ignored him and climbed on her own, taking her place behind him and held on to his waist so she would not fall.
"Everything and everyone have their own snake hidden away" Ashara whispered. On Balerion's back she could see the castle again through the tops of the trees there, despite the heat some trees survived giving the scenery more beauty.
"Shall I chain you or will you hold on?" Aegon asked, smirking over his shoulder. He had chained himself to Balerion for more stability.
"I won't make promises..." not to jump. But she did not finished her sentence, he was already chaining her to him. Chaining her to him forever, until he dies or she dies.
"Sōvēs" Fly. Aegon ordered ending the conversation. Balerion grumbled loudly moving a couple of feet before taking off after Vaghar and Meraxes easily catching up to them and taking the lead.
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sunnytarg · 2 years
Okay hear me out on this one but what about being Princess Rhaenys’ mistress? How does Rhaenys treat her or do Corlys try and get in on it?
Some Princess Rhaenys appreciation! The queen of my heart ❤️
Rhaenys her husband takes lovers while away at sea. She knows without him telling her that he has had many women to warm his bed while away from driftmark.
The thought of taking on a lover of her own had crossed her mind from time to time but she never acted on it. That was until she saw a beautiful women in Kings Landing whilst visiting her cousin. By the way she was dressed and the way she smiled at men as they walked past the building she was leaning on, Rhaenys knew she was a whore.
It didn’t take her long to decide to cross over and approach the woman who blinked up in surprise to be met with the Princess Rhaenys. She was even more surprised when the Princess handed her a bag that was worth far more than the one night she requested.
Rhaenys had not intended it to go further than that one night but after spending the whole night tasting every part of the other woman’s body and being ate out repeatedly by her Rhaenys offered the woman a job as a personal maid to herself in Driftmark.
It didn’t take long for the woman to agree to the Princesses offer. After all, why be a whore and fuck several people for the same amount she could make by being a “personal maid” for the Princess.
The first thing Rhaenys does when she and her new mistress arrive in Driftmark is to sit on the throne and have her new lover eat her out. Having this new woman between her thighs is almost as good as dying Meleys. Having her soft hands grip her thighs and her tongue delving in and out of her wet cunt and her moans make her feel like she’s flying and sinking in pleasure all at the same time.
They eventually settle into their roles. Rhaenys ruling over Driftmark as her husband is away and her mistress relieving her stress when she comes to her at night.
When Corlys eventually does return home from the sea he immediately notices the new addition to his household. The woman is very clearly not from Driftmark and is not a Velaryon. She is beautiful, though, and the dress of red satin is so low cut and tight that it leaves little to the imagination.
After he beds his wife after months at sea and sees that she has fallen asleep he leaves his room in search of this new mysterious woman. When he finds the room she’s in he’s in slight shock. When he asked a passing servant who she was the answer was that she was a new maid but no maid would be given clothes so fine, jewelry so rich and a room so large.
The woman wakes with a start when Corlys enters the room. He immediately notices the night dress she’s wearing and thinks she’d be better off sleeping in nothing. The nightgown is so sheer that he can not on see her breasts and her harden nipples but the patch of hair at the apex of her thighs.
He hardens immediately at the sight of her.
“Who are you?”
“The Princesses personal maid, my lord.”
The way she bows her head makes him want to grown. “You must be a very good maid to my wife to have such fine things.”
“The Princess enjoys my services.” She says and Corlys can’t tell if he is imagining a blush blooming on her cheeks.
He unties his breeches and the woman watches him the whole time. Not stopping him but not moving to help either, “let’s see if I enjoy your services as much.”
The next morning Rhaenys comes to offer a good morning to her lover. She’s not one to feel guilty but she does about not visiting her last night because ever since her lover has joined her here there hasn’t been a day where she hasn’t spent the night with her mistress. Whether they have sex or not.
When she enters the room her lover is laying naked and asleep in her bed and Rhaenys can feel her heart swelling at the sight of the beautiful woman. She has grown so very fond for her.
She sits on the bed beside her and dances her fingers across her smooth skin. Her lover blinks up at her and at the sight of her Princess she smiles. It’s then that Rhaenys sees the bruise on her lovers hip. A frown finds its way on her face. She knows she didn’t leave that there.
When she asks what happened, her lover tells her that the lord Corlys had come into her room last night and had taken his pleasure from her. When Rhaenys’s frown deepens her lover quickly tries to relieve any anger, “I am a whore, my love, I am used to the way men are.”
Rhaenys turns her hard look on her liver and says, “You are no longer a whore. You are mine.” Rhaenys grabs her chin and pulls her in for a kiss and pulls away slightly to say more quietly. “You are mine to please and to have. Corlys and any other man or woman to touch you again, I will feed to my dragon.”
Suffice to say, after she leaves her lover to bathe she goes to her husband and as a talk that frightens him enough not to even think of the new member of their household.
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the20thangel · 3 months
The Dragon and Raven: Chapter 6 (The Wedding)
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Chapter Summary: The day has arrived, the day the princess and her lord come to marry.
Notes: There is a steamy session, so MDNI !!! 18+ for this chapter,
Word count: 4275
Keep track of the story: masterlist
The camp was busy in the week leading up to Queen Rhaenyra’s arrival at Harrenhall and the Crown Princess’s wedding. Aemma herself scarcely saw Benji throughout the week, having to make quick preparations for her three ceremonies. They concluded Cregan would officiate the ceremony in front of the weirwood tree, Maester Gerardys would do the Seven Faith ceremony, and Princess Rhaenys would officiate for the Valyrian. Rhaenys, being the eldest of the Targaryen clan and grandmother of the bride, had the privilege and right to see her granddaughter bound her heart and soul to her new husband. Baela and Aemma worked on her maiden cloak. A beautiful black cloak with red accents that weaved along the edges, and in the middle is the sigil of House Targaryen, a three-headed dragon embroidered in red thread. To honor her Velayron's heritage, Aemma decided to replace one of the dragon heads with that of the seahorse. Alysanne Blackwood took the liberty to create Aemma’s marriage cloak, which the princess had yet to see, claiming it was her wedding gift to her and her nephew. 
Benjicot and Jacaerys finally seemed to bond with one another, with Benji helping Jacaerys train each day whenever they had the time. Aemma knew she should be happy that her older brother finally accepted her future husband. However, she was annoyed; she had hardly seen Benji this week due to the wedding preparations and any free time instead of spending it together. Benji is occupied with her brother or father. 
Aemma sighed in her bath. She got a letter from her mother stating that they were only a few days away and that she had a special surprise for her. She wondered what it would be; it couldn't be Rhaena and her three youngest siblings, for it was too risky. Maybe it was her wedding gown? Nevertheless, she would soon find out. Aemma stepped out of her bath and quickly threw on a silk chemise, for it was too humid for something thicker. As Aemma walked into her makeshift bed chamber, she gasped at feeling two strong arms around her waist. She soon leaned into the arms, catching the scent that can only be connected to Benjicot. 
“You shouldn’t be in here..” whispered Aemma, not meaning her words as she turned to face Benji. 
Benji smiled crookedly at her as he brought her closer and kissed her. Aemma threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed her body to him, deepening the kiss. After a while, Benji’s arms snaked down to her thighs as he raised her, with Aemma hooking her legs to his waist as he led them to her bed. Laying her bed, Benji kissed her neck, careful not to leave any marks. Then, to her cheeks before placing one on her forehead. They never went further than kissing, as much as they both wanted to. Aemma smiled at him; she would never tire of his kisses. Benji lay next to her, bringing her body to press against his as he drew imaginary circles on her thighs. This is how they usually spent the night: Aemma or him sneaking to each other's tents, sleeping in each other's arms, and quickly sneaking back to their own in the morning. So far, no one seemed to catch what the princess and the lord did each night. 
“How was your day today?” asked Aemma, looking up into his stormy eyes. 
“It was fine; your father and brother were explaining to me what to expect from the Valyrian wedding, but after a while, it grew awkward, and Jace practically ran out of the tent.” Chuckled Benji, remembering Jacaerys’s face turning bright red once Daemon explained the last portion of the ceremony. 
Aemma giggled. Yes, she supposed it would be embarrassing to hear that after the blood bonding and vows, Benjicot had to quickly bed her in the middle of the fourteen flames to ensure the gods of Old Valyria would bless her marriage. Usually, it would be done on top of the altar, but since they were in Harrenahll, after the vows, the flames would be taken to a tent, where Benjicot and Aemma would spend some time there before the feast. 
“What about you, my love?” Asked Benjicot as he pressed another kiss on her crown. 
Aemma sighed; she loved hearing those words come out of his mouth. 
“Aly and Cregan walked me through the ceremony that would take place in front of the weirwood tree…. They asked me who I wanted to present me… Jace or Daemon.” Aemma sighed; she was unsure. 
Technically, it should be Jace since her birth father was gone, but Daemon has been her father ever since. She did not want to disrespect Laenor, but she also wanted to honor Daemon. Benjicot thought for a second, knowing her words and concerns were valid. 
“Why don’t you let Jace do the Northern ceremony and have Daemon walk you to the Valryain one? That way, you honor both sides of your family without causing strain?” advised Benji as he was met with another kiss to his mouth. 
Aemma smiled at the kiss as she pulled away, laughing at him when he tried to continue kissing her. “You do know how much I love you?” 
Benjicot smirked, “Yes, but I never grow tired of hearing come out of your pretty lips.” 
Aemma giggled as she placed her head on his neck, “We should sleep if you are going to sneak out before the others wake tomorrow morning.” 
Benji, hmm, and he made himself more comfortable; he couldn’t wait until they could stop sneaking and sleep in the same bed.
The following day, everyone was off doing their daily routines; Benjicot and Jacaerys were training with Daemon and Cregan. Baela was checking with Alysanne about the marriage cloak. While Aemma decided to patrol in the sky, she felt guilty about neglecting Sliverwing and decided to fly over the camp. Just because her wedding was coming soon did not mean the war had paused; they needed to stay vigilant. Aemma was about to turn back when she heard a  Dragon shrill, whipping to the sound. Aemma scanned the air around her… When then, a golden blur soared out of the clouds. Syrax, her mother’s mount, greeted Sliverwing and her rider’s daughter. Then came out the Red Queen herself, Meleys, with her grandmother on top and someone behind her grandmother. Aemma gasped as she commanded Sliverwing to land, seeing a crowd gathering to greet the queen and her party. 
“Mother!” exclaimed Aemma and Jace, each running to their mother. Rhaenyra, teary-eyed, embraced her two eldest children in her arms. Baela ran to Rhaenys, hugging her grandmother. 
Rhaenyra took Aemma’s face, caressing her daughter’s cheek. “Oh, how much I missed you, my Pearl,” whispered Rhaenyra as she kissed her daughter’s brow. 
“I have missed you as well, Muna…” replied Aemma as she looked behind her mother, gasping at the man hugging Baela. 
“Gransire?” questioned Aemma as she saw Corlys smile at the princess. Aemma squealed with delight as she ran to hug her grandfather, who welcomed the princess into his arms and kissed her crown. 
“My little Sea Dragon, you did not think I would miss your wedding now, did you?” questioned Corlys as Aemma stepped back with a massive grin. 
“Oh, I am so happy you are here!” exclaimed Aemma, truly happy that Corlys’s health became well enough for him to travel away from Driftmark. 
Aemma led her family towards the camp as the Vale, Northern, and Riverlands men bowed to the Queen and her royal party. Benjicot was highly nervous; Queen Rhaenyra, Princess Rhaenys, and Lord Corlys were all a force to be reckoned with, especially concerning Aemma. Luckily, before Rhaenyra reached him, Daemon walked up, bowing to his wife. Rhaenyra froze. She was still upset with his decisions regarding Blood and Cheese. Aemma looked at her two parents and sighed. She, too, was upset with the events, but she also did not want her wedding to turn ice cold with two parents awkwardly dancing around each other. 
“Please, can we not make this awkward for a few days? Allow me to have a happy wedding, and then, if you want, you can continue ignoring each other, just not during my wedding?” Aemma pleaded with her parents in High Valyrian. 
Rhaenyra took a deep breath, nodded to her daughter, and gave Daemon a strained smile. “Of course…. Now introduce me to the lord who managed to win your heart.” 
Aemma smiled as she extended her hand as Benjicot took it, being led to the Dragon Queen. Benjicot gave a nervous smile as he clumsily bowed to his queen. 
“My queen, House Blackwood is honored to fight for you.” he greeted shakenly. 
Rhaenyra smiled at the young lord, finding it endearing how nervous he was. 
“Lord Blackwood, thank you. Again, I want to express my condolences to your father and brother. House Targaryen grieves with you.” 
“Thank you, my queen,” replied Benji as he bowed to her again. 
Rhaenyra nodded as she addressed the rest of the camp, asking them to stand and dismiss them so they could return to their previous activities. Rhaenyra then turned and motioned for her family and the young lord to follow her. Once she entered a tent set up for her, she sat and asked how the wedding preparations were going. 
“They are all set for tomorrow, Mother,” replied Aemma as she held Benji’s hand on her lap. 
“Although I did want to clear up one more thing now that grandsire is here,” she further explained as everyone turned to her and waited for her to continue. 
“Since I have three ceremonies, I need someone to present me for each one, and now I feel confident with my decisions on who I want for each. For the Northern one, I want Gransire to present me, the faith; it will be Jace, and the last one will be Daemon… each representing the most important men in my life,” she whispered, staring at each man, all who seemed surprised but overjoyed in being a part of her wedding. 
Rhaenyra's eyes watered, knowing that Aemma was missing Laenor and Lucerys more than ever. They should have been here witnessing her marriage, but fate was cruel. Everyone else in the room agreed with these decisions, and Corlys asked when the ceremonies would begin. 
Benji cleared his throat, capturing the room's attention. " The first ceremony is based on the old ways of the north. We usually do them at night. It will be small, and only family will be present.” 
“Then we should rest; we have a long day starting tonight. We need to make sure we are not exhausted before reaching the last ceremony,” commanded Rhaenyra as everyone stood leaving the tent.
“Aemma, please stay; I have something to give you,” asked Rhaenyra to her daughter. 
Aemma nodded, smiling at her betrothed as he left the tent. Turning to her mother, she gasped. Her mother held a beautiful ball gown, a black dress with red accents and sheer sleeves. The dress was gorgeous and would greatly complement her maiden cloak. 
“Usually, Highborn ladies would wear white to their weddings, but you are a Valyrian princess; you do not need to follow the ways of the seven,” explained Rhaenyra. 
“It's gorgeous, Mother,” whispered Aemma as she ran her fingers on the red accents. 
“I’m glad you like it. Now go rest; your grandmother, Baela, and I will go later to help you get ready.” 
At the hour of the wolf stood the Targaryen, Velaryon, and Blackwood families beside the weirwood trees, all holding torches to light the darkest hour of the night, with Cregan Stark standing before Benjicot waiting for the Princess. It did not take long before they gasped at the sight before them. Princess Aemma truly lives up to her moniker as the Realm’s Pearl. Her beautiful pale hair was pulled into intricate Valyrian braids, her dress showing off her shoulders as it beautifully flowed down her body. Her maiden cloak proudly shows her Targaryen and Velayron heritage. 
As Corlys walked his granddaughter up to the tree, his eyes glistened with tears. Once they reached Benjicot, Cregan cleared his throat. 
“ Who comes before the Old Gods this night?” 
Corlys puffed up, “Crown Princess Aemma, of the Houses Velayron and Targaryen, comes here to be wed. A woman has grown trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods.” 
Cregan nodded as he turned to Benjicot, who glanced at him, gulping before nodding to continue. 
“ Who comes to claim her?” 
Benji inhaled as he stared at his princess and her grandsire, “Benjicot Blackwood, of House Blackwood, lord to Raventree Hall. 
“Who gives her?” asked Cregan, looking at Colrys. 
“Corlys Velaryon, of House Velaryon of Dritmark,  her grandsire in place of her father, Laenor Velayron,” stated Corlys. 
Rhaenys sniffed as she closed her eyes, remembering her sea dragon, as did everyone else. 
Cregan smiled at the woman he considered his sister, “Aemma, do you take this man?” 
Aemma smiled, looking in her beloved eyes as she answered, “I take this man.” 
Aemma reached out to grasp Benji’s hand as Cregan asked the couple to kneel and hold for a few minutes in silent prayer. Aemma and Benji both kneeled in front of the hearttree. Aemma stared at the face, closed her eyes, and prayed to the old gods, asking them to bless her marriage. After a few minutes, the couple stood as Aly Blackwood stepped forward, holding the marriage cloak that would replace the current one Aemma was wearing. Benji removed Aemma’s maiden cloak before handing it to Corlys, who stepped forward. Then Benji took the cloak from his aunt, smiling in gratitude, as she unfolded the cloak and draped it on Aemma’s shoulder. The Targayens and Velaryons gasped at the marriage cloak. The cloak was House Blackwood red, with a Black three-headed dragon in the middle; around the dragon were ravens that looked like they were flying around it. Rhaenyra, feeling moved, looked at Alysanne, mouthing a thank you as Aly bowed to her queen. With that, Aemma and Benji shared a sweet kiss, sealing their union in the eyes of the Old gods. 
As the families returned to the camps, Benjicot took hold of his bride and carried her bridal style through his tent. They would not consummate the marriage yet, waiting for the Valyrian ceremony later. Morning came faster than they thought, with Aemma changing her hairstyle to loose waves and wearing a tiara her grandsire brought from one of his expeditions. 
Both Aemma and Benji were nervous. This ceremony was the biggest out of the three, with everyone in the camp joining to watch the union of the Dragon Princess and her Raven lord. Maester Gerardys was waiting in the clearing as he would officiate the ceremony in the eyes of the seven. Again, Benjicot was waiting for his bride, feeling more nervous than last night with all eyes staring at him; he hoped he would not mess up the vows. 
Again, gasps were heard as Princess was led down the aisle, Prince Jacaerys walking his sister; both looked like dragon twins. As they reached Benjicot, Aemma kissed her brother’s cheek, whispering a thank you. Jacaerys kissed his sister back and clapped Benji on the back, nodding to him as he joined his family. 
Maester Gerardys clears his throat as he begins the sermon. 
“You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection.” Once again, this allows Benji to cloak Aemma with her marriage cloak. 
Then Gerardys speaks to the crowd, “We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever.”
The Maester then takes a cloth and binds the hands of the princess and lord as he says, “Let it be known that Crown Princess Aemma of Houses Velayron and Targaryen and Lord Benjicot of House Blackwood are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words.”
After he speaks the word, he motions for the couple to begin their vows. Turning to each other, Aemma and Benji talk simultaneously. 
“Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger… “I am hers, and she is mine. From this day until the end of my days… “I am his, and he is mine. From this day until the end of my days.”
Both staring at each other, Benjicot ends with reciting, “With this kiss, I pledge my love,” taking the princess’s face into his hands and placing a kiss, causing the whole camp to cheer for their princess and her lord. Benji flushes as he bows his head while Aemma bites her lip, trying to hold her giggles. 
As the camp makes way for the feast, the Valyrians walk towards a hill where all their dragons rest with fourteen flames in a circle. Rhaenys takes the center with Benjicot, and Daemon leads his daughter to the middle. Again, for the last time, Aemma is handed off to Benji; Aemma teary grins at Daemon and throws her arms around him. 
“Thank you for stepping up and being my Kepa,” she whispers to her father, 
Daemon huffs, trying to hold his own tears, and kisses Aemma’s brow. “I love you, my little sea dragon. Thank you for accepting me as your kepa.” 
Aemma turns to her grandmother, who hands her a dagger; Aemma creates a cut on Benjicot’s lips, taking the blood and rubbing it on his forehead after Benjicot does the same to Aemma. Then Aemma and Benjicot each cut their hands, pressing them together, allowing their blood to mix, creating their blood bond; then Rhaenys hands the cup of wine to the couple. As the couple drinks from it,  Rhaenys starts reciting the vows.  
“Hen lantoni ānogar, Va syndroti vāedroma, Mēro perzot gīhoti, Elēdeoma iārza sīr, Izulī ampā perzī, Prūmī lanti sēteksi, Hen jeny māzīlarion, Qēlossa ozūndesi, Syndroro ōñō jēdo, mazvestraksi.  (Blood of two, joined as one, Ghostly flame, and song of shadows, Two hearts as embers, Forged in fourteen flames. A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness. The vow is spoken through time, of darkness and light.”)  
Benji felt an immense heat grow in his stomach as the candles around them grew taller, signifying that the Valyrian gods approved of this union. Aemma and Benjicot kissed more passionately, knowing that their blood had to mix, and Benji couldn’t help but feel a hunger erupt within him, tasting his wife’s blood in his mouth. Soon, the pair separated as the Valyrians each took hold of a few candles and placed them around the bed in the middle of the tent. Rhaenyra, gave a quick kiss to her daughter as she took her husband's hand, laughing as Jace practically dragged Baela as he ran away from the tent towards the feast. 
Once the tent closed, Aemma, also feeling the heat, turned to her husband; grinning widely, she practically jumped him, kissing him with so much hunger that Benji led them towards the bed. 
Benjicot couldn’t understand the heat building up in him as he began fonding Aemma, moving from her lips and kissing down her jaw and then neck, spending time sucking and biting where her pulse was. Aemma gasped at the feeling, spreading her legs, allowing him to rest more easily in between her legs.  
Benji moved his mouth on top of her bosom, Aemma’s corset pushing them up for him to kiss. Aemma mewled, pulling at his hair and making Benji groan at the sensation. Sitting her up, he began to unlace her dress, pulling it off, exposing her body to him and the night chills; Aemma, in turn, took off her husband’s shirt as Benjicot kicked off his trousers, leaving him in his breeches. 
Laying his wife down again, he took one of her perky breasts into his mouth, his hands slowly traveling in between her legs. Aemma gasped his name, running her hands through his hair. 
“Ben…please… yes..” whispered Aemma, feeling his fingers slowly tease her soaking cunt.
Benjicot grins, enjoying the sweet sounds coming out of his wife’s mouth before moving his fingers away, which makes Aemma whine. 
“Please, what, my love? I can’t give until you ask.” taunted Benjicot as he traced her thighs. 
Aemma playfully glared at him, “Touch me, Ben; I want your fingers inside of mhm.”  
She couldn’t finish as Benji slammed his mouth to hers, slowly easing one finger in her and pulling it out, adding another, and pushing in and out until he felt he could add a third. Aemma was withering underneath him. The feeling of his fingers going in and out of her was overwhelming. She gave a loud moan once she felt him use his other hand to rub her clit. Benji grunted, his own hard cock twitching with everything delicious sound coming out of the princess's mouth. Aemma felt a growing sensation in her stomach, nearing her climax before Benji stopped. 
“No, Please,” gasped the princess, watching as Benjicot removed his fingers and placed them in his mouth, sucking on them.  
Then Benji kissed her, letting the princess taste herself, and he rubbed his clothed bulge on her soaking cunt. Aemma whined again, closing her eyes as she grabbed onto his shoulder. 
“ Tell me what you want, my princess, for I am just your lowly servant meant to serve you,” whispered Benji as he placed his forehead. 
Aemma shuddered as she forced her eyes open, staring into her husband’s eyes. 
“Take Ben, Take me, let the whole camp know I am yours,” commanded Aemma.
Benjicot growled as he ripped off his breeches, releasing his weeping cock, and rubbing it on her entrance. 
Aemma nodded and sharply inhaled, feeling him enter her; he was large and thick. It was painful and pleasurable at the same time. Benji waited for a moment, allowing her to get used to him. Closing his eyes, he nearly finished her; she was warm and tight. Afterward, Aemma permitted him to start moving, groaning, and feeling him move steadily. Benji also groans, her walls clenching him with every thrust.  
“Faster…” commanded Aemma, to which Benji was more than happy to comply; moving faster and harder, he grabbed one of her breasts, fonding it as Aemma began meeting him with each thrust. Soon, both felt warmth growing in their bodies and the room as they chased their release. 
Benji groaned, picking up one of Aemma’s legs and placing it on his shoulder, going more profoundly inside of her, making Aemma moan loudly. Aemma began whispering yes as she dragged her nails down his back, giving him painful pleasure; feeling his release, he lowered her legs and kissed her as his thrust started moving choppily. 
“Yes, Ben, please, please, finish inside me…. Give me your babe. I need your babe.” Pleading Aemma as her climax washed over her. 
Benjicot soon followed after, shooting his spend inside her walls, moaning out her name, picturing her heavy with his babe. During their Climax, the fourteen Flames rose exceedingly before extinguishing, leaving the couple gasping in the dark.  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome back~~~~~~ 
Aemma held her husband close to her, feeling incredibly warm. All she wanted to do was sleep, but she knew they had to make some appearance in the feast. As she moved his sweaty hair from his forehead, she kissed him before trying to get up. Benji whined, not wanting to move, huffing as Aemma explained that they needed to be at the feast. Sitting up, he gave his wife a quick kiss before dressing. 
Once the couple finished dressing, they walked hand in hand to the feast; once the Blackwood knights saw their lord and princess, they began whistling, causing Aemma to blush. 
The royal family smiled at the couple, with Corlys, Daemon, and Jacaerys not making eye contact, to the amusement of the women. Aly Blackwood embraced the couple, and Aemma joked as if she should call her lady aunt now. Rolling her eyes, she explained that Aly was just fine. 
Everyone was enjoying the feast, making toasts and jokes around the camps. Unbeknownst to them in the dark distance was a knight wearing green with a golden dragon, staring at the celebration before galloping away, never being noticed. 
The festivities went well into the early morning before anyone went to bed. Aemma decided to sleep in her husband's tent, feeling whole. In what seemed only minutes, Jace awoke Aemma harshly, staring at her worriedly.
“Jace, what’s wrong?” asked Aemma as she sat up, noticing Benjicot still sleeping beside her. 
“Get dressed, wake Ben, and come to our mother’s tent quickly!” he stated, rushing out of the tent. 
Aemma’s heart was beating fast with worry. She woke Benji, quickly explaining while dressing in a red tunic and riding pants. Benjicot also followed as the two ran to the Queen’s tent. Rhaenyra let out a breath, seeing the couple enter. 
“Muna, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” asked Aemma, looking around the room and seeing grim faces. 
Rhaenyra turned to her daughter. “A letter came in this morning. Lord Darklyn is dead, Duskendale has fallen, and Lord Staunton has asked us to help him. The greens are moving,” the queen explained to her daughter and good-son, seeing both pale. Let the Game of Thrones begin.
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maidragoste · 11 months
The One He Really Wanted
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Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
The scene I left out of chapter 5 of "The Sea Dragon, the clubfoot and the green queen". Laena deserves a better husband 😔
Sorry, I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I came back tired from university
Comments, reblogs, likes are always greatly appreciated 🥰💖💖
My inbox is open so I'm always willing to read your headcanons, opinions and answer your questions 💖
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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It was strange to see Daemon so calm. You never thought you would see him holding your son so carefully or see the softness in his eyes. You never saw him interested in Jacaerys or any of his nephews so you thought he would be just as indifferent to your children. Well, Alyn didn't seem to be of Daemon's interest but Aethan was another story. Whenever Daemon came to see you, he preferred to hold him in his arms instead of Alyn. You have the feeling that it has to do with your youngest child having different colored eyes. One purple, like you, and one blue, like Larys. You knew that Daemon's mother also had different colored eyes but unlike your son, her other eye was green instead of blue.
“Does he remind you of her?” you asked, drawing the prince's attention and making him take his eyes off the baby to look at you. “Your mother,” you clarified just in case before he decided to play dumb.
“I've long forgotten what her face looks like,” Daemon confessed and you didn't even think about it when you took his hand and squeezed it. You felt sorry for him. Your mother was one of the most important people in your life, you wouldn't know what you would do without her. You couldn't imagine growing up without her.” When Viserys saw Aethan he said that he reminded him of our mother. I thought that maybe if I looked closely at it at some point I would remember her. I know, it's something stupid” a bitter laugh escaped his lips.
“I don't think it's something stupid,” you said firmly as you caressed his hand with your thumb. "You shouldn't feel ashamed for thinking about your mother. But you can stay calm. I won't tell anyone that the great Daemon Targaryen has feelings" you said in the last part with fake exasperation making the prince smile. It didn't take you long to mirror his smile. You liked this Daemon better, not the idiot who had spent months being a damn bother with his comments about Jacaerys' true paternity. If Larys were with you he would tell you not to be stupid, that the prince would probably return to his old attitude when Rhaenyra's other bastard was born.
Aethan complained seeing that he was no longer the center of attention making you laugh.
“He's demanding like you,” Daemon said, reluctantly letting go of your hand only to rock the baby again, quickly calming his whining.
“You're good to him, you know?” The softness in your eyes didn't have to mean anything to Daemon but everything about you matters to him. Again he wondered what things would be like now if he had shown up to your wedding with Harwin Strong, if he had let you know that it was an option, that he wanted you. Maybe it would be your child and his that he held in his arms, maybe Aethan would have a green eye like his mother. “You and Laena should give Aethan and Alyn cousins to play with.” At the mention of your sister brought Daemon back to reality.
“Maybe in a long time from now” you couldn't help but be disappointed when you saw her non-existent excitement at the idea of starting a family with your sister, you knew that Laena longed to have her own family. You and Laenor had noticed how loving she was with your children and how she would stare longingly every time Daemon picked up one of the twins.
“Aethan would be angry if we took the focus off of him,” the prince excused himself as he saw the disappointment in your eyes. “He can barely share my attention with you, imagine with another baby.”
Before you could tell him that he was talking shit the doors opened revealing your mother. You watched in confusion as she narrowed her eyes in the prince's direction. What did Daemon do to upset your mother? Had he fought with your sister?
“What did you do?” you whispered.
“Your mother is only bothered by my simple existence” he replied although he knew why Rhaenys was looking at him like that. His cousin always knew that the one he really wanted was you. Laena could pretend to have never seen him look at you but Rhaenys didn't so she was always aware of his interactions with you.
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blxkstar · 3 months
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POV: You're in House of the Dragon
The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon was itself
I made a playlist for House of the Dragon. Please check it out!
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If the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne
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Hands turn loom, spool of green, spool of black, dragons of flesh, weaving dragons of thread…
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councilofcastamere · 4 months
wouldn’t Zaar Goedemans make a great fancast as the daughter of Laenor and Rhaenyra had they ever been able to conceive? ♡︎
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xxpeppermintxx109 · 15 days
chihiro by billie eilish | green lies black hearts
did you take
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my loves
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from me
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maryonaccross · 1 year
Dear fellow team green fans, I’ve finally managed to make a list of fanfictions on AO3 that every team green fan should read;
(Most of these aren’t aggressively team green but focus on team green characters and explore them in interesting and respectful ways )
Fist we have the holy trilogy:
1. Burning Jasmine by our national treasure @scalyfreaks and literally anything else that she writes (BJ is a beautifully written Aegon centric alteration of the dance of the dragons)
2. See, what happened was by @daylander1000 / Daylander on AO3 (the best Aemond centric fanfic I have ever read. If you dislike the strong boys and how Baela and Rhaena were done dirty in the show and love angsty preteens and “dark fluff” as the author herself describes it this is the jam)
3. All of @dulcewrites fanfictions are an absolute must for any team green fans (she handles the characters with such care and the humor is amazing)
Then we have the category that I like to call JUSTICE FOR ALICENT:
1. Springs end by Navree (long one shot that explores Alicent’s feelings at the beginning of her marriage to Viserys, beautifully written, I cried)
2. Give me back my girlhood it was mine first by JustA_Person (beautiful multi-chaptered fic that dives headfirst into Alicent’s depression at the beginning of her marriage and does not shy away from roasting the fuck out of Viserys and is currently heading towards a rekindling of the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra)
3. In your grave by 136108 (short but brilliant one shot on what Alicent should have told Viserys on his death bed)
Then we have Daemon and Viserys haters must read section staring;
1. Sins of the father by SelfProclaimedUnicorn ( ABSOLUTE MUST for any Daemon haters out there, this is the best there is. This fanfiction centers around two children Daemon has with Rhea Royce at the beginning of his marriage and follows them in their childhood and teenage years (the children are the same age as Rhaenyra and Alicent). This is one of the best written team green fanfictions I have ever read and it tells the story in such an intelligent and thought out way with some perfectly seasoned Daemon bashing sprinkled all over it. It also holds up so well considering that its plot is unlike any other team Green fanfiction out there and centers around characters that aren’t really explored enough. Oh and it also addresses the suffering Aemma went through trapped in marriage with Viserys which is always a great touch)
2. Out of the mouth of Babes by UnknownEnigma ( beautiful six chapter fanfiction exploring Aemonds relationships with Viserys that shows Viserys’ neglect and cruelty in all its glory and ends in a very satisfying way)
And then we have a few more brilliant fan fictions that I don’t really know how to sort into a category:
1. Lose your Ego by Fjlh (this series just started and is about Aegon USING HIS BRAIN and fighting for his claim. Very promising so far)
2. The sky is always red above Valyria au by Aifsaath (beautiful series of one shots about Aegon x Baela that explores the trauma of growing up with a father that maritally rapes your mother)
3. Lady Dreamfrye by Ai_Megurine (story about Sansa Stark being reborn as Helaena)
4. I’m never gonna love ( again ) by @crescenthoax (very interesting Aegon x oc fanfic )
5. My hand was the one you reached for by haught_hightower ( explores Alicent’s relationships with Criston and her children )
6. a poison tree by Juliet_Capulet ( very detailed and well written story about the younger brother of Daemon and Viserys returning to the capital with his daughter, after the death of his wife and witnessing Viserys’ brain dead decisions unraveling while forming a bond with his nieces and nephews. Full of Daemon and Viserys Bashing)
I hope you enjoy, it took me a real long while to find some of these gems
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escespace · 3 months
Addam: We all agree that it's emotional when the compliment comes from a grumpy older lady?
Laenys: She was not a grumpy lady. that was my mom (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)
Addam: So... Aren't we denying that she is old?
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Rhaenys Targaryen Masterlist
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Kinktober 2023-2024
Requests: Open
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Rhaenys Targaryen:
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cregan-starks · 3 months
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Thank you so much for 600 hits on Flames of Deceit on ao3, everyone!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’m so glad and so grateful that you enjoy my silly story 😭 Your comments, reblogs, and feedback mean the world to me, I literally can’t put it into words 🥺 I cherish each and every one of them, and I do my best to respond… coherently 🥴
I’m taking this opportunity to announce that I AM, in fact, working on a sequel for Flames of Deceit 🙈 It’ll be titled Hour of the Wolf, and deal with the immediate aftermath of the Dance. And, of course, it’ll heavily feature Cregan Stark (in the flesh) 👁️👄👁️
If anyone has questions, headcanons, theories, or simply wishes to talk about Flames of Deceit and/or Hour of the Wolf (or anything else, really), my inbox and DMs are always open! 🥰
In the meantime, here are the tumblr and ao3 links to Flames of Deceit, for those who are curious and might want to read it🥂
Thank you so much, forehead kisses for everyone!! 💖
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Conquerors and Immortal Modern Reader cute scenario.
Yandere Visenya, Aegon and Rhaenys being busy with the Conquest and talking about laws and other royal stuff, until they hear a few knocks on their door.
Immortal Modern Reader stands near doorway, with a sleepy look on her face.
Yandere Aegon: Y/N, love. What’s wrong?
Immortal Modern Reader: It’s just… can you cuddle me?🥺
P.S.: Omg, I can’t help but imagine how cute Immortal Modern Reader is.
Can you write a continuation of this scenario? If you can of course
The reader is the sweetest person in the world. No one can deny this.
When night falls, you need to find one of your dragons. It is very difficult for you to sleep alone. Anyway, one of the Conquerors always finds you before it's time to sleep. This time it took too long. When you enter the throne room, you attract the attention of all three Conquerors. Visenya is the first to reach you.
"I'll join you tomorrow morning. I now have an appointment with this beautiful lady."
Meanwhile, Aegon and Rhaenys are sulking at their older sister. After you both put on your comfortable nightgowns, you go to bed. Visenya pulls you into her chest. Listening to her heartbeat while stroking your hair is very relaxing. After a while, you fall asleep with trust and a warm embrace.
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the20thangel · 3 months
The Dragon and Raven
Chapter 7 (The Battle of Rook's Rest)
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Chapter Summary: The Greens have made their move; it's time for the Blacks to defend. Aemma and Benjicot will lead their men in supporting Princess Rhaenys.
Note: There will be spoilers if you have yet to read the books or see ep 4.
Tags: Fluff with angst
Word Count: 2766 words
Keep track of the story: Masterlist
A war council was immediately called, and Aemma was frustrated. She barely had enough time to enjoy her night with her husband before the greens had to ruin it. As she waited for the council to start, Benji’s hand caressed her inner thigh, trying to relax her and ground himself. Rhaenyra walks into the room, prompting everyone to rise and bow to her before sitting back down in their seats. Rhaenyra sits at the top of the table as she signals for Jacaerys to start the meeting. 
Jace clears his throat, “We apologize for the early morning, but we received a letter from Lord Staunton, stating that the greens, specifically Criston Cole, have murdered Lord Darlyn and taken hold of his castle in Aegon’s name. He has pleaded for help to free him from their clutches, promising to join us in the fight for the Iron Throne should we succeed.” 
Everyone looked at each other tensely as the letter’s contents were read to the room. Aemma felt that something was not quite right. Why would the greens ransack Duskendale? She assumed they would have tried to avenge little Jaehaerys instead. Poor Jaehaerys, the little boy, was more Heleana than Aegon, another innocent lost to this war because of Queen Alicent’s delusions, thought Aemma as she closed her eyes. Benji, seeing his wife’s distress, squeezed her thighs, trying to ground her, receiving a slight grin. 
Aemma took a small breath and asked what the council was thinking, “Are we going to answer the call? This sounds like a trap…”  
Rhaenyra nodded. “Indeed, but trap or no trap, we need to show the people that we will support them in their struggles and not sweep away or ignore them. I will not start my reign ignoring my people like my father…. I loved my father, but he tended to ignore his oath as a protector of the realm.” 
The only one who outwardly agreed with the Queen’s statement was Daemon, who was always the one with first experience in those situations. 
“Who will be sent out to liberate Lord Staunton and his people?” asked Cregan, turning to the council, asking them more than the queen. 
Rhaenys raised her head proudly, “I will go in the queen’s name to liberate them; Meleys is one of the fastest and largest dragons we have.” 
As Rhaenyra fully agreed, four others did not agree Jacaerys, Aemma, Balea, and Corlys. They could not deny the Red Queen’s power, but they thought it was too risky to send just one dragon. 
“ Mother, I think we need to send more than one dragon… I do not doubt Meley’s power… but if Vhagar is there…having two or three dragons against one… it can ensure we finally get Aemond and avenge Luke.” Explained Aemma, knowing how to play her mother; if she saw it as the plan to get Aemond, she would be more easily influenced to allow other dragons to go and support her grandmother. 
“Yes, but sending three dragons would prove too risky, princess. Should the green knights harm a dragon, it will cause the possibility of losing more allies and dragons.” countered the knight representing the Vale. 
Aemma huffed; these knights have never seen dragons up close or the power of them. She understood their worries, but if they lost Meleys and Rhaenys, they would lose a significant advantage on the greens. 
“Then we don’t send the dragons alone. Allow me and my men to be the ground support for the dragons,” replied Benjioct, staring at the knight, tempting him to counter back. 
The Knight wisely bowed his head and returned his attention to the queen, who was trying not to smile at her good-son. 
Daemon agreed, “Then, with the Blackwood knights, we need to send another giant dragon and one of our juveniles; I wil-” 
“ Doar, Kepa , I will accompany my grandmother and husband. Sliverwing, is larger than Caraxes and can take on Vhagar if need be.” Countered Aemma, holding Benji's hand and quickly squeezing it. 
As much as both Rhaenyra and Daemon wanted to argue, they could not; Aemma made valid arguments on why Sliverwing should go and not Caraxes. Rhaenyra nodded as she turned to Baela and Jace, the only ones with Juveniles. 
Baela, noticing, quickly answered, “I will go with my cousin to protect our grandmother-” 
“No!” exclaimed Daemon, “I will not send out two of my three daughters!” 
Rhaenyra tried to comfort her husband, knowing that Daemon loved all three of his daughters fiercely. 
Aemma rose, “We are your daughters; you taught us the Creed of Prince Baelon. You taught us how to sword fight. We are the blood of the dragon and are ready to defend our family from those trying to cause harm; you cannot stop Baela or me.” 
Baela looked at her step-sister with gratitude. Aemma always had a calm fire compared to her raging fire. Aemma had enough of Daemon, Leanor, and Rhaenyra. While Baela had more of her father. 
Daemon and Aemma stared at each other, neither wanting to back down. Benjicot could only move his gaze to his wife, then to the prince, and back to Aemma. He was often pleasantly surprised with how much fire his wife burned. Benji then glanced at the queen, who made eye contact with him. Rhaenyra, noticing Benjicot, could only grin, sighing as she shook her head fondly. She knew who would break first. Then, after another beat, the council saw Daemon grumble before sitting down and taking a gulp from his wine. Aemma gave a victorious smile that many people stated looked like her mother’s as she backed down and turned to her husband, who could only smile loving back at her. 
Rhaenyra cleared her throat, attracting the attention back to her. “Then it's been decided: Princess Rhaenys, Princess Aemma, and Lady Baela will all go to Rooks Rest, with Lord Blackwood’s men following on the ground. My ladies and lord, I wish you a safe journey and swift victory for us. May you come back safe.” 
The four stood, bowed to their queen, and then walked out to prepare for the journey and potential battle. Aemma noticed her husband walking with her to her dragon; she raised an eyebrow in confusion. She wasn’t complaining about spending time with him but assumed he would have gone to his men. Benjicot noticed his princess’s confusion and grinned but didn’t answer. As Aemma came to her dragon, she noticed that her dragon looked different. Aemma greeted Sliverwing with a rub under her chin, causing the dragon to purr in delight. 
Walking towards the back, she noticed the difference. Her saddle had been replaced with a new one. It was still black and red but had little ravens etched in the sides. Her saddle was also wider than before. Aemma gasped at the beauty and turned to her husband, who let Sliverwing sniff his hand. 
“Was this your doing, Ben?” questioned Aemma. 
Benji smiled at her, a dazzling smile that made Aemma’s heart flutter. He walked towards her, placing his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. 
“Yes, it is my wedding gift to you. I hope you like it...” Benji said as he stared into his wife's violet eyes, seeking approval. 
“I love it, and it's wider… possible to allow the said lord to accompany me more on flights,” answered Aemma, staring lovingly at her raven. 
Benjicot smirked before leaning closer towards her, the lips barely touching as he replied, “That was the plan, my wife…” 
Aemma hmmed as she closed the gap between them, passionately kissing her husband. Benjicot answered by playfully biting her lip, asking permission to enter her mouth. Aemma allowed her husband as their tongues danced with each other, placing her arms around his neck. Both felt the fire in their bellies grow again, Benjicot growling as he continued to devour his wife in kisses. Aemma was about to unbutton his shirt when they heard a sharp cough. Aemma and Benjicot jumped and turned; to their horror, Princess Rhaenys was staring at them with a brow raised. Quickly, the couple separated from each other. 
Rhaenys chuckled, “Lord Blackwood, I would assume you would be with your men preparing to depart for Rooks Rest, no?” 
Benjicot gulped as he nodded. Glancing at his wife, he gave a wistful smile before turning and rushing back to camp. Aemma sighed, watching Benji leave in a hurry before smiling bashfully at her grandmother, who turned and came to her and caressed her face. 
“I’m glad you and your lord husband are growing to love each other, but I need to remind you duty must sometimes come first, sweet girl. Do not get distracted, especially when going to battle.” 
Aemma nodded, understanding her grandmother, as she turned to her dragon, ensuring Sliverwing was prepared. Baela later came with Moondancer, and her lips also looked slightly swollen. Aemma gave her a knowing smirk as Baela's eyes widened before turning away. Rhaenys stared at her granddaughter before chuckling again. 
“Go say your goodbyes. We will be departing soon.” 
Aemma turned and returned to camp, looking for her husband, bumping into Aly. As she hugged Alysanne, she asked if she had seen Benjicot, who pointed out that he had turned to his tent after preparing the men. Nodding in thanks, she walked to the tent. Entering, Aemma noticed many gifts laid out in front of the bed. Benjicot was clamping on his red cape with the Blackwood clamp, seeing his wife. 
“They brought in the gifts from last night; I haven’t looked at them. I wanted to wait until you came.” 
Aemma nodded before going towards him, ignoring the gifts. She straightened out his cape before taking his hand and kissing it tenderly. 
“You will be careful. Don’t do anything rash, and come back to me.” She whispered, staring at her husband's eyes, who softened and stared back. 
“As long as you keep your promise as well.  If Vhagar is there and it seems too dangerous, let Sliverwing roar as a signal to fall back and turn to camp,”  Benjicot replied as he placed his forehead to hers. 
For a moment, a dragon princess and her raven lord stood there. Taking solace in their company before, Benjioct gave her one more kiss and walked out to his men. As Aemma followed, she saw him get on his horse, his aunt next to him, before he waved at her and commanded his men to start riding. 
Aemma and Baela were flying around Rook’s Rest, High enough to be safely covered by the clouds as they waited for their Grandmother and the Blackwood army to arrive. They did not need to wait long once, hearing Meleys roar and seeing the Red Queen dragon burn a lot of machines from the green’s side. Aemma squinted and noticed in anger they were scorpions. Those nasty worms wanted to use scorpions on their dragons. Aemma had to breathe; she knew the plan and would only fly down if Vhagar appeared. She saw red and black men meet green, and Aemma wondered how Benjicot was doing. Before she could wonder more, in the distance were two dragon roars, one smaller than the other. In shock, Aemma and Baela turned to see Sunfyre and Vhagar flying towards Meleys. 
Aemma turned to Baela, “Let me go first. I will catch them from behind. After a moment, join us, but stay away from Vaghar. Keep your attention on Sunfyre.” 
Baela nodded as she watched Aemma fly away, passing Sunfyre and Vhagar before turning around and down. As Aemma came behind the two dragons, Aemma and Rhaenys shouted Dracarys. Fire came from both sides, causing the Green brothers to swerve, trying to avoid the flames. Aemond turned to Aemma angrily as the dragon princess smirked tauntly, the same one that reminded him of Lucerys. Aemond turned Vhagar to Aemma and commanded the giant dragon to attack. Sliverwing, swifter and younger, turned away. Aegon stared at Aemma. She was here, fighting against him, but she was here nevertheless. She was so beautiful and fearless in fighting his brother. He knew his duty was to fight her, but he couldn’t as Meleys and Sliverwing continued to fight Vhagar. Aegon heard another flap close, turning he saw Baela speeding toward him. Aegon turned and shouted Dracarys, grunting as Moondancer easily dodged the flames. 
As the Dragons danced and screeched a head, Benjicot and Alysanne led the assault on the ground, killing as many green knights as possible. With their arrows and swords, both Blackwoods led a bloody mess. Benjicot grinned wildly, eyes rabid, noticing Ser Gwayne Hightower and Ser Cole becoming more upset with their armies. Benjicot commanded his aunt to send another wave of arrows as he rode forward, trying to reach the two knights. Then, Screams were heard from the sky, making everyone pause and stare in horror. 
Baela, at one point, flew too close to Vhagar and retreated to get away, causing Vhagar and Sunfyre to get to Meleys and rib the wings from the she-dragon. Rhaenys slipped from her saddle, and Aemma and Baela screamed in horror and anguish. Baela commanded Moondancer to fly fast, trying to reach her grandmother. Aemma made Sliverwing send fire to Vhagar, causing Aemond to turn. Moondancer scratched Sunfyre’s side when the dragon passed, causing Aegon to lose his balance and nearly slip off. Aemma, in anger, commanded Sliverwing to attack Sunfyre. When Sliverwing clamped her jaw on the yellow dragon, Aegon’s leg was close to Sunfyre’s side. Aegon let out a heart wretched yell as he and Sunfyre crashed to the ground. Aegon's last sight before blackening out was seeing Aemma's eyes filled with Hatred, and he thought, was that hatred for him? Baela yelled faster, and at the last second, she could catch Rhaenys, her grandmother’s body, crashing into Moondancer’s saddle unconsciously. Aemma breathed in relief before noticing Vhagar coming back. 
“Baela, take grandmother back; let a maester or healer look at her. We need to fall back. Go!” Aemma ordered. 
Baela nodded as she flew away, tears streaming down seeing Meleys’s body in flames. 
Benjicot raised his head as everyone in shock stared at where the two dragons had fallen. Cole rode off to get to Aegon. As Sliverwing screeched, Benji knew that was the signal. 
“Fall Back, we need to fall Back! Return to camp!” Shouted Benjicot, upset at the retreat but remembering his promise to his wife. He turned him and his aunt and led their troops back to Harenhall. It was a defeat for the Blacks but a small victory as well. 
Aemma reported the events to her mother. Everyone was upset at Meleys death but happy that at least Rhaenys had survived. Aemma tiredly walked back to the tent, seeing Benjicot in the tent taking off his cloak. Aemma sighed as she hugged her husband from behind. 
“How is your grandmother,” asked Benji, turning to Aemma, who smiled weakly. 
“She is unconscious but is expected to have a speedy recovery,” Aemma commented, leaning her head to his chest and breathing in his scent, a woody scent mixed with blood from his clothes. 
“Come join me in a bath; I think we both need it,” asked Ben as he walked to the washing room, Aemma eagerly following him. 
Once bathed, Aemma, only wearing a silk and robe, began looking at the gifts they had; she noticed a small green box with a card attached to it, as she began to open the letter. When one of her mother’s ladies came in. Aemma walked towards her, with Benjicot coming to stand where she was, looking at the letter; as he listened to the news of Rhaenys waking up, he could not feel joy for his wife; he felt cold, staring at the letter before him. 
Aemma was overjoyed that her grandmother had awoken and told the lady that she would visit her in the morning, wanting to let her rest. She turned to Benji, smiling, but quickly lost it when she saw her husband's hardened eyes staring at the gift she had been looking at earlier. 
“Ben…. what’s wrong?” asked Aemma worriedly, flinching as his angered eyes turned to her. 
Benjicot closed his eyes and breathed. He did not mean to make her flinch. 
“Benji…” whispered Aemma. 
He opened his eyes, “What does he mean by ‘You know my heart is yours as yours is mine?” Benjicot asked, his eyes turning to hurt. 
Aemma stared at her husband and then to wretched gift, for she knew who sent it…. Aegon.
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Jaehaera Targaryen (oc)
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How did everyone react to her growing up and becoming more… scandalous? (Part 1)
Warning: small intervals of absolutely filthy smut— you’ve been warned.
Post “brothel incident”
Where to begin…
The man man was absolutely belligerent when he found out about the small “trip” Daemon had taken Jaehaera and Rhaenyra on.
I think we all know that Daemon would get the brunt of it. He gets banished, as we know, and Rhaenyra is given the moon tea— which Jaehaera witnessed.
The banishment she did not. She would find that out later, early in the morning.
No, she was with Rhaenyra all the way through. As Viserys chewed into his heir more viscously than he’d ever before. I’m fact, Jaehaera may have even viewed him as a threat; the feeling would nullify not to long after however. She sat back, out of respect and some fear by the hard glare her father had given to her when she tried to argue for Rhaenyra. There she sat, until her father left— without a word said to her— and she watched as a cup was placed in front of Rhaenyra by one of the maesters.
Thus her hatred for them intensified ten fold.
She saw the way Rhaenyra’s eyes welled up with tears, and Jaehaera even offered to toss it out the window.
“No one need know Nyra. Just ask me so and it’ll be done.”
Rhaenyra shook her head and downed it in one gulp. A single tear trailed down the girls cheek, flicked off by the soft pad of Jaehaera’s thumb. She kneeled before the other princess, holding her face close to her own, whispering sweet nothings and hymns in valerian. It only took a few minutes for Rhaenyra to fall asleep, like putty in the magical girl’s hands, and that’s when Jaehaera bid her goodnight with a kiss.
Jaehaera would then seek out her father, pinning the growing knot to the depths of her stomach. This would be one of the moments the girl had ever felt truly scared after being rescued. Treacherous thoughts bubbled at the surface of her anxiety like clockwork.
You’ve done it now.
You’re spoiled goods.
You’re repulsive, and there’s no getting your reputation back.
He’ll toss you aside now.
He finally sees you as you are.
She simply swallowed them back the best she could as she twisted the door knob of the hidden entrance, leading to Viserys chambers, tight enough to tame the tremor in her hands.
“Father I know I have shamed you, I come to apologize. Please do not blame Rhaenyra, she would not have gone if I had not agreed, and Daemon—,”
“He’s been banished.”
Jaehaera would be taken back by the information, but then thought she should have known. She’d stare at the back of Viserys head, for he would not look at her. So she did the only thing she knew. She groveled, and she pleaded.
“My king, I understand if you wish me gone. Just order me to do so and I’ll be gone by daylight. All I ask is that I be allowed to take Shrykos with me. We’re bonded, and I’m afraid of what she might do if separated from me—,”
“What in the seven hells are you talking about child?!” Viserys would suddenly be in front of her, eyes wide, eyebrow furrowed, and mouth agape in disbelief to what he was hearing.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I swear I would never use her or any other dragon against the royal family—,” Jaehaera carried on, misunderstanding his expression for outrage due to her request.
“You’re family,” Viserys interrupted, grabbing the girl by the arm to hoist her up, “You are royal. You are a dragon. You are a Targaryen— my daughter.”
His nose would scrunch up in disgust. Not at her, never at her, but at himself. Had he truly made her think such a thing? That he would give her up? After all this time, he’d at least thought he made it clear how much her cherished her.
“I am merely angry my dear,” he scoffed, “and truly not even for your actions, nor Rhaenyra’s. You’re both children and wild, so was I. I am angered by your reputations being questioned, and so easily at that. I was only hard on Rhaenyra because she is my heir. Her reputation being at stake puts her hold to the throne at risk.”
Viserys would spend hours trying to convince Jaehaera that this would mean nothing. That this event would go by, that all would be well, that she would need not worry about leaving or being asked to do so. He’d continue to remind her that this was her home. Her family. Until the sun rose, he’d tell her that. It was only when she fell asleep at his feet, after fiddling with a new wooden project, that he realized that it was himself he was trying to convince.
Were his words enough.
Viserys would from then on put a warning on Jaehaera’s name. The first time someone else questioned her honor after that day, they were dismissed, dismembered, or disappeared. This brought a hushed whisper when the princess was brought into conversation at court. But she could feel their eyes. Jaehaera just chose to ignore them, later finding it funny to wink or bite jokingly at them— making most of them flinch either way.
And when it came to favors or requests… well Jaehaera had never been denied before.
It was rather easy to have Edeline become her private maid. (The princess had offered ladyship, but the girl refused, wishing to not take part of court. However, Jaehaera forbid her from actually ever working without getting paid.)
Holy shit this man would not get off Jaehaera’s back.
Spies would always try and follow her around, find out information on what or who she was doing. Key word being try.
Jaehaera knew about them of course. You can’t exactly sneak up on a shadow. They were playing her game; they were bound to lose.
So— naturally, Jaehaera took this as an act of war, and she did what she did best… making Otto Hightower look irrelevant.
Whatever he knew, she knew first. Whenever he was conjuring up a scheme, she was there to stop it. And if he even dared to whisper in the kings ear in order to persuade his opinion— let’s just say Jaehaera was standing on the other side of her father, listening, and laughing at his audacity. Particularly when it came to the affairs of her beloveds.
“You’re majesty, you’re brother is far to rash, even if he wins the war what would stop him from creating another one from within these very walls—,”
“I could always go.” She’d suggest, practically scaring Otto out of his skin.
“To war?” Both men would ask, their tones differing greatly.
Calming the smugness threatening to rise up her cheeks, the princess nodded. “I’ve enough skill in strategy, and I’ve bested every soldier you’ve put in front of me. This is a small war as well, it should be a great one for me to begin with.”
“We’ll that would be preposterous—,”
“Very well.”
Otto almost lost his eyes due to shock that day. A woman— a princess was allowed into battle, to accompany the Rogue prince, and then proceeded to win AND rekindle the peace between the two siblings.
He was livid.
Oh and how he hated as she got closer to Alicent. His daughter had always adored the younger girl, finding no flaw. She would not here of any slander, not even from her father. Which only grew worse after he pushed her to marry Viserys.
He’d hoped that this would have put some rift in the girl’s relationship, it had with the other, Princess Rhaenyra. But no matter how hard he tried to place wicked thoughts of doubt into Alicent’s head regarding the raven haired dragon, she would become deaf to his words. She drifted from his control, became more independent. More defiant.
The only thing that brought him ease was the thought of his grandson succeeding the throne. But Jaehaera seemed to kill that dream as well.
“Perhaps if the princess were to marry… prince Aegon?”
A gagging noise came from behind him and Viserys, who also looked disgusted by the notion. Jaehaera quickly wrapped her arms around the back of her fathers chair, “The boy is barely two! That is foul.”
Viserys would hear no more of it.
All of this only egged Otto on to take revenge. And he only knew one way to do it.
He went for Jaehaera’s cherished handmaiden, Edeline.
He thought it would be the easiest, for she were a mere servant.
First, the plan was simple. Expose the true nature of the princess and the maid’s relationship to court, that way Viserys could no longer turn a blind eye, and he’d have to banish the girl from the grounds.
Yeah that didn’t work out to well…
Their breathing was haggard, filling the palace hall’s shamefully with desperate whines and the slapping of skin. Lords and Ladies passed by with burning cheeks, while others simply stopped to watch as the couple pleasured themselves— in their own room. The door was left open, inviting any onlookers to watch as the princess tossed the girl around like a rag doll. She held her thighs firm to the mattress as she ravaged her maid, before pulling away and turning her over to show the audience her weeping cunt. Or she’d bend her over the mattress, slapping the same sensitive area, then fucking her relentlessly with her fingers. Only to flip her over once again, after she had cum for the fifth time, to ride her Edeline’s face, making sure to make a good show for Otto’s spies— who had in fact opened the door (not knowing that she had left it unlocked for that very reason).
Let’s just say, she wasn’t reprimanded— and Viserys had Otto’s spies trialed.
Since that didn’t work, Otto thought he’d have someone — paid off knights— harass the poor girl instead until she finally left on her own accord.
Yeah… those guys ended up dead.
And it was only until a certain incident that he’d be able to hurt Edeline. That would also be the day his death sentence was written.
Rhaenys and Corlys
Literally could not give a shit. I stand by my statement that Corlys is an ally. He had a rough patch at first but as time past, let’s be real— he’s an ally. (He is in my story cause I said so)
Man believes in equal chances, so if men get to sleep around, then so do women. Simple as that. (Unless if they’re married and have promised to be loyal— not a Laenor and Rhaenyra situation— cause he doesn’t fuck around with infidelity.) I swear if Daemon had cheated on Laena, all hell would have broke loose.
Anyway— his son is also gay, and Laena is bi, so at this point he just has to expect that fruitiness is in his genes. And he treats Jaehaera like a daughter, so it’s not that big of a deal.
ALSO he hates Otto. So does Rhaenys. Because Jaehaera definitely talks shit about him to them all the time. There’s no doubt in my mind that she has in fact just traveled over to see them to vent and rant about how much of a pain in the ass Otto has been.
Oh, and they both know Edeline– everyone does let’s just clear the air. Corlys is kinda neutral about his feelings toward the girl. He doesn’t think anyone is good enough for Jaehaera, but Edeline makes her happy so he likes her in that since— and is kind to her/protects her when he can because Jaehaera cares for her.
Rhaenys, however, more of a love-hate relationship. No matter how hard she tries the only fault she can find in the girl is that she wished Jaehaera to be with Laena more. Selfish reason she knows. But she ships hardcore. But she definitely wouldn’t go out of her way to be cruel to her either.
(We’ll get more into that later.)
He loves it… kinda.
Daemon revels in Jaehaera’s mischief, chaos, and numerous of scandals, which only grew after the whole brothel incident. But what he loved the most is when he’s apart of her shenanigans.
When he was banished, in the beginning he would live for the stories of what Jaehaera would do. However, as time passed and the tales grew wilder, Daemon became restless. Soon what had become fun and humorous was now something he envied and longed for.
And he promised himself that after he won the war, he would never be without the girl for too long.
Although, he didn’t expect her to appear in front of him before the battle began.
“Have you missed me, my Prince?”
The way he would have RAN to her.
It didn’t matter that she was now his height, or that she was clad in armor— begrudgingly due to her father’s request. Daemon was simply elated and showed it by tossing her in the air, before engulfing her in a hug.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.” She’d joke, petting his head like an excited dog. “You know this would not have been a problem if you would simply stop getting banished.”
“I might have to take your advice.” He whispered, laying dozens of kisses along her neck, cheeks, and finally her brow.
“Would you kindly unhand my dear friend, Prince Daemon?” Laenor would interject, only earning a glare and a shove from Corlys. “What?! We need her to debrief!”
Oh and during the battle he’d gossip like a young lady in court, wanting to know if all the rumors were true.
When he returns to court, he keeps his promise and doesn’t get banished. He leaves on his own accord, often after Jaehaera would leave as well. He couldn’t stand being in court without her. Everything always seemed rather…dull. He had Rhaenyra of course, but she felt like forbidden ground. No matter how much he wished, Daemon couldn’t bring himself to go to her. He thought he was sparing her, taking away the temptation. As if he did know what went on between her and Sir Strong. Nor did she seem to acknowledge whatever relations he had.
Speaking of relations… Daemon and Laena.
That incredible ship is also thanks to Jaehaera.
The night of Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding, that obviously went to shit, Jaehaera danced with everyone she found pleasant. Yet she saved the most for Daemon and Laena. She had caught the looks shared between them, and found herself intrigued. It wasn’t long before Jaehaera left the cloak that had been wrapped around her frame go, revealing a dressed made specially from this very occasion— a gift from her father.
It was rare that the princess wore a dress, and for most a once in a life time opportunity.
The silk hugged her body until it reached the end of her spine, flowing out enough for it to take up a third of the floor when she spun. It was scarlet red, to no surprise, and accented with the finest gold, highlighting the glided plates covering her breasts. She look like a temptress, ready to plunge her sword into your heart if you dared to come too close.
This caught the attention of almost every lord or lady, and Jaehaera couldn’t help but grin as she watched Daemon and Laena’s gaze flicker between her and each other. Therefore, it almost shocked the girl when Lady Laena was the first to move, making her way toward the princess with those flirtatious eyes.
Gods she was gorgeous.
And if Jaehaera hadn’t cared for Daemon, she may have simply stolen the lady away to have her all to herself. That did give her an idea though.
In between the midst of a feverish dance, the eighth of the night for the inseparable trio— where touches had grown all consuming and more persistent in nature— Daemon finally relented to the constant teasing Jaehaera inflicted on them both. He halted their movements when it was his turn with her, whilst she kept an eye on their prime target of infatuation.
“What are you playing at Issa jaesa?”
“Why? Do you not wish to play anymore?” She asked with a teasing look.
Growing increasingly more restless, Daemon gripped the back neck to cease her wandering gaze. “I don’t like being left out of the rules.”
“Aw Dae,” she cooed at him like a child whilst running her nails through his recently cut hair. “You should know by now that there’s no rules.”
She’d escape his grip with a quick, hard tug of his hair, sliding under his arm to retrieve the Lady Laena. The daughter of the Lord of Driftmark giggled as Jaehaera pulled her close, swaying to music with playful sensuality. Soon the Princess would shift their feet in a new direction, disguising it with twists and twirls, and in a few seconds the girls had escaped the frenzy of the lively dance floor.
Daemon watched closely as Jaehaera led Laena away, hand firm on her waist while continuing to whisper in her ear. He didn’t miss the wink she sent him before they made their exit however.
It too him longer to make his way through, another way for the gods to punish him once again, because every lady of age wished to seduce the rough prince who was free of engagement. And every othe lord w wanted to congratulate him on his successes or talk his ear off for a proposal.
When he finally broke free to, one might say he was running out the door. The Prince walked furiously, keeping his ears open for an either of their voices— until he noticed a crack in the wall.
Sneaking his way through the small, practically unnoticeable, entryway, Daemon finally heard them. And what he saw matched the obscenities he had been imagining all afternoon.
Hidden in the darkness of the secret passageway, Laena was pressed against the cold stone walls. Her skin was flush, matching her shallow breathing and mewling whispers muffled by the back of her own hand. Small spots of red and purple decorated the top of her breast— low enough to hide later but not now when they pressed firmly against her bodice. Whilst her dress was bunched up at her hips, which were being pinned down by Jaehaera as she ravaged the girls wetness as if it were the elixir of life.
All of this was no shock to the Prince; he knew that that the fellow dragon’s hunger battled his. Yet he couldn’t help but laugh at the position she had contorted the Lady in.
It would seem the Princess would kneel for nothing other than her duty or honor, for rather than stooping to devour Lady Laena’s cunt, she simply elevated her lover. She held the woman firm to the wall, legs laid atop her shoulders, as she held her hips and the plush of her ass. The sight drove Dameon mad with lust, and he could feel as the blood rushed to his cock, leaving a bulge for both the women to notice as proof.
“Isn’t she wonderful Daemon?” Jaehaera asked, humming each word to make Laena’s head rush with ecstasy. “Look at how she quivers against my tongue.”
Daemon did as he was told, watching as Jaehaera’s tongue pressed and prodded against Laena cunt, before answering in a low tone. “You’re both magnificent.”
Laena let out a cry at the sudden sting against her swollen bud, looking down at the princess with pleasing eyes.
“He gave us a compliment, Issa gevie nymph. Be a good girl and thank him.” My beautiful nymph
Daemon groaned at the order, rubbing himself shamelessly through his pants. And he swore under his breath as the lady followed it without hesitation.
“T-thank you my prince, you are en-enchanting as well.”
“Oh look at her Daemon,” Jaehaera cooed with a patronizing tone, “talking like a proper lady. As if she isn’t getting herself off by riding my tongue as you watch.”
Her point only being proven as Laena whines and bucks her hips up as Jaehaera pulled her face away.
“Oh don’t act like a brat now,” she said, pushing two fingers into the Lady’s mouth for her to suck on. “Not when you’re doing so well.”
At some point Daemon couldn’t take it anymore and rid of his pants, stroking himself at the filthy sight. Glancing over at him, a sinister smile makes its way up the princess’s face.
“Don’t worry Daemon, you can have fun with her after I get another one out of her.”
Another one. Daemon hand stopped at the base of his cock, knowing he would cum just at the thought if he didn’t pace himself.
“She’s already cum?” He asked, just to torture himself further.
“Yes,” Jaehaera purred, testing Laena by pushing her fingers even farther back, until she was satisfied. “She’s rather sensitive Dae, it was only seconds before you joined us.”
Removing her drenched fingers for Laena’s mouth she spread them, watching as threads of spit spread across them. “Well done love, I suppose you deserve your reward now.”
Without a seconds notice the princess curled her fingers into Laena’s warmth, watching intently as her eyes were level with the woman’s sex.
“Lo ao lua bona bē nyke’ll spill isse issa ondos.” If you keep that up I’ll spill in my hand. Daemon spoke in an array of grunts and moans as he kept fucking into his fist.
Paying no mind, Jaehaera responded simply. “Umbagon.” Wait.
Her tone didn’t help at all.
Mercilessly, Jaehaera continued to curl her fingers just right, attacking Laena’s place of pleasure just right until she could barely think for herself.
“Do you fancy Prince Daemon?” Jaehaera asked with genuine inquiry. “I saw the way you were staring at him,” she glanced over at the him for a moment as well, “and you know he fancies you.”
“Yesyesyes—,” Laena sputter as Jaehaera pressed the pad of her thumb against her clit.
Smiling adoringly at the answer, Jaehaera nodded, making sure to drive the lady before her dumb with pleasure. “Would you like to marry him?”
The question made Laena and Daemon glance at each other before looking at Jaehaera with the same confusion.
“Oh don’t look at me like that. It would be great for the both of you,” she commented with an unfamiliar twinkle in her eyes, “Daemon wouldn’t have to deal with constant annoyances, and you would be married to someone interesting rather than a simple, mediocre lord.”
Jaehaera lifted her up farther, as if she were a feather in her hand, and used the leverage to thrust her fingers into her faster, harder. Laena’s eyes went white.
“I asked you a question.”
“Dameon?” Jaehaera question with a the same smile he saw that day during the festival as she danced with him for hours. “I am quite fond of her.”
He couldn’t say no.
It wasn’t too long after that Laena came, her body quivering against Jaehaera’s, and whimpering as she felt her fingers leave her empty.
“No need to cry Issa gevie nymph, Daemon’s gonna take care of you now,” Jaehaera comforted her, caressing her thighs and face as she lowered her down. “And he’ll stuff you full again, if you want him to.”
Daemon’s jaw practically unhinged as he threw back his head at the idea. The most he had expected was for her mouth wrapped around him, but it would seem Jaehaera had other plans entirely.
“Is that what you want?” Jaehaera asked with a softer tone as Laena’s head bobbed incoherently. “You want him to fill you up? That way the King and your father would no longer have a choice but to wed you.”
That’s exactly what happened.
Jaehaera held Laena from behind, teasing her breasts and clit as Daemon fucked her relentlessly. He became crazed by the sight of the two women, as one crumbled between them, and the other touches were Daemon and Laena’s bodies merged. And in the end, all three shared a kiss of their own, and the two dragons helped Lady Laena become presentable once again.
When they returned to the banquet, both escorted her to her seat, whispering sweet nothings in her ear along the way. Laenor was the first to notice, and he couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief.
Later he would come up to Jaehaera as Daemon and her split ways after what seemed to be a intense conversation, and she returned to the festivities. He would pull her arm over to his side of the table with drink in hand, letting out a yelling-whisper.
“You sisterfucker!” (He would call her that from then on whenever they were bickering.)
And… we all know the rest of the night went to shit.
Daemon would also know of Edeline, and he liked to keep their interactions to a minimum because he knows how much Jaehaera cares for her. Which means to keep his jealousy at ease, he distances himself from the trigger. Not to mention… she kinda terrifies him. Jaehaera is extremely protective of her, and he didn’t want to at the wrong end of her fury… as Otto had.
Sorry but it needs to be said. Like don’t get me wrong, Rhaenyra wouldn’t be too obsessive or anything, but she would get jealous easily. Especially when she’s younger, first few times seeing Jaehaera sweet talk women and actually mean her flirtations— it would drive her crazy and most of the time she would just take it out on the Ladies by disregarding them in court and refusing their friendship. Don’t even get started on Edeline.
She hated the way she was constantly by Jaehaera’s side after the brothel incident. Rhaenyra was already a bit emotional after the scene because of the confrontation with her father, so seeing this random girl suddenly appear out of nowhere— who became Jaehaera’s prized, personal maid in a fortnight— really sent her over the edge. Now she had to deal with Alicent and this girl named Edeline, and Daemon was banished so she had no help to cope.
However, one could call it a little melodramatic because Jaehaera gave her the most attention between the three without any coercion.
But Rhaenyra couldn’t get over how Jaehaera began to pull away from her during the night. She would begin to not share her bed more and more frequently, until Rhaenyra inevitably married Laenor. Then she stopped sharing it entirely.
Something else that also irked the Princess a bit was when Jaehaera started to push Rhaenyra toward Sir Harwin’s advances. Of course, this wasn’t because Rhaenyra didn’t like the night, quite the opposite actually. She had fancied him before she did Sir Criston, and only Jaehaera knew. She was the only way for the two to send each other letters or gifts, yet as Jaehaera became more occupied by Edeline or someone else who caught her eye, she seemed to approve of the pair even more than before. And while Rhaenyra would pursue the relationship further later on, she thought this was Jaehaera’s way of further distancing herself.
Harwin, after the he and Rhaenyra became more intimate, would later discourage the thought. He knew them both well enough, and Jaehaera had always been honest if nothing else. So he insisted that Jaehaera simply wished for Rhaenyra to be happy as she was.
Innocent and helpful in his mind, but in Rhaenyra’s it just seemed to confirm her own paranoia: Jaehaera was drifting from her and to make up for it she gave her Sir Harwin as a substitute.
And it didn’t help that Jaehaera began to leave, or voyage more frequently after she got married— not to mention Daemon had left and married Laena, who Jaehaera adored as well. (But it’s canon that Rhaenyra also really liked Laena too, because I will have no Laena hate in this universe.)
Again— here’s where the babies come in.
She noticed after she had Jace that Jaehaera spent increasingly more time at Kings Landing when she had a baby, which she did not do for Alicent’s children— which filled Rhaenyra with delight. A tiny victory in her eyes.
Although, no matter how hard she’d try to seduce or captivate Jaehaera’s full attention—
By unabashedly flirting with her, and holding her in private or public it mattered not.
“Rhaenyra!” Jaehaera would whisper loudly in playful scolding, as the other Princess’s hand had snuck its way down to squeeze her ass as they walked down the corridor.
Giggling maniacally, Jaehaera asks, “What’s gotten into you Nyra?!” She squeals as Rhaenyra kissed her where she were able. All while she stares directly at Alicent who sat only a few feet away from the pair, next to Viserys.
Oh and the “innocent” favors she asks for…
“Thank you for doing this Issa qēlos,” my star Rhaenyra said with a relieved sigh as Jaehaera’s hands massaged into her naked skin.
She was laid out bare, covered in the finest oil breast to thighs, while Jaehaera stood a over her skimming across her skin. Rhaenyra had asked her to massage where she had collected stretch marks from pregnancy, and she didn’t hesitate to help.
“Why don’t you have your handmaiden do this?” The raven haired girl mused, hands moving up and down her thighs— threateningly close to where Rhaneyra wanted her to touch the most as she ghosted passed to her stomach.
Gulping, the princess answered with a short laugh. “Their hands were to dainty.”
“Oh?” Jaehaera asked, squeezing harder below Rhaenyra’s breast— making her squeal.
One time she talked Jaehaera into bathing with her, leading to her making a whole hot spring for the two of them to enjoy while she was there for a month.
“Isn’t this fun?” Rhaenyra asked as the two women washed each others hair.
Humming, Jaehaera nods. “Reminds me of when we were younger. We were always with one another.”
There’s a brief moment of silence between the two, both reminiscing the past with fondness while brushing through the others hair. Something else they would often do in their youth, refusing all others who wished to do their hair.
“Don’t go.” Jaehaera stilled her movements, glancing back at Rhaenyra, who was already staring at her. “It could always be like this if you stay, so just don’t go.” She begged.
“I have to Nyra.”
“Why? Because father said so? You know he’d change his mind if you were to ask—,”
“Rhaenyra,” Jaehaera hand cupped her cheek, her voice growing firm. “I am going.”
Leaning into her touch, Rhaenyra looked at Jaehaera in confusion. Why would she leave me..if she knew she could stay?
It wasn’t long until her thoughts consumed her, and all she could think to do was press her lips against Jaehaera’s quickly. Maybe then she would see? She thought to herself, holding Jaehaera tight so they were chest to chest, mouths intertwined with every ounce of passion Rhaenyra could give.
And when she noticed that Jaehaera made no move to stop her, she only continued. Within seconds their bodies were entangled, making the heat almost unbearable. Eventually, Rhaenyra would find Jaehaera losing herself as well— pushing her tongue passed her teeth to battle her own. Never had Rhaenyra been so happy, never had she felt such excitement residing in the pit of her stomach, traveling to her core.
Soon, her hands began to travel, and all was well before she reach between Jaehaera’s legs, pressing her palm flat against her sex.
That’s when it all ended.
“No—,” Jaehaera tore herself away from Rhaenyra’s feverish lips. “Not yet.”
Shaking out a disappointed sigh, the princess whispered, “When?” As her lips hovered so close to the ones she had longed for, for years.
“When everything is done.” Jaehaera answered softly, a small smile putting Rhaenyra to ease, even when she had no idea what she was speaking of.
However, the next day, Jaehaera had left— three days before she had told Rhaenyra she would leave. And suddenly, Otto was banished, and Rhaenyra was told of the horrible tragedy that took place mere hours after they returned back to the palace.
Jaehaera didn’t return for a long time, only making a brief appearance at Laena’s funeral, then to leave before Rhaenyra and Daemon married.
Only one letter seemed to bring her back, mentioning of treason, and that Otto had returned. And she came back with a new vengeance in her eyes.
Laenor and Laena
To start off.. I put these two together because first, Laenor is the reason Laena knows of Jaehaera’s scandalous behavior, before she meets her of course. The man can’t keep his mouth shut, especially if he’s drunk. Plus— he’s a gossip girl, and super close to his sister.
So Laena had heard of Jaehaera’s silly antics, chaotic mischief, and promiscuous activities. And in the beginning she’d be lying if she didn’t say she was a little skeptical about meeting her. But after a while the idea of meeting the princess made her antsy.
Which brings me to this— Laena did NOT meet Jaehaera at the wedding. Just to clear the air. Jaehaera might be forward, but she also understands boundaries. And as charismatic and charming Jaehaera is, Laena would not put out on first meetings.
They would have met one of the many times Jaehaera visited Driftmark, whether it be just to visit and rant or rave, or to chart a course for a new voyage Viserys had ordered or let her envoy.
At first they’d be introduced by Rhaenys, who practically pushed them into each other every chance she got. Then it would lead to flirtatious stares, inside jokes about Laenor or one of their other family members, and talking for hours through the day into the night whether it be about literature, philosophy, or even strategy (which intrigued Laena to no end). Later the two would often sneak off together, and could be found jumping into the sea together with little clothes on, perhaps feeding the other fruit as the other read aloud. And they would ride dragons together all the time.
Oh, and during all of this (post brothel obvi), Edeline was with them. And Laena could care less. In fact, she was rather fond of the girl, and not just because Jaehaera was.
Unlike most maids, Edeline was aloud to speak her mind freely— Jaehaera had forbid anything less. (Which was another reason a lot of people didn’t like her *cough cough* Otto *cough*) Which meant when the girls discussed philosophy or topics of politics, she joined in immediately. Laena always found her perspective as a “commoner” to be refreshing and eye opening. And she loved how honest she was without feeling pressure. Edeline never even amused being interested in strategy or anything to do with combat. So whenever Jaehaera began to ramble about it, she’d simply sing out a tune Laena heard Jaehaera hum every now and then and braid the girl’s hair.
Then, if she had already finished using up all the hair she could— and Jaehaera was still going on about it— she say, “As attractive your passions make you My Highness, if you don’t stop soon I will be as dry as Kings Landing.”
Laena went into a fit of laugher after that.
Laena could never quite figure out why Edeline had become so vital in Jaehaera’s life, but in the end she didn’t need a reason. She grew to love them both, and was content in both their company. (She’s definitely the most civil of the bunch.)
And second, Laenor finding out that Jaehaera slept with Laena on his wedding night was honestly ironically funny. BUT he would be shook after hearing from his father that Daemon was to be wed to Laena because well— he knew for a fact Laena was in love with Jaehaera and he thought his bestie felt the same way.
He’d burst into Jaehaera’s chambers and yell something along the lines of:
Then she’d tell him that she knew, and she’s the one that set them up.
Jaehaera would explain what their plan was, because Laenor would be a confused mess, and he’d finally be like: ohhh, that makes more sense.
Sir Harwin
This man>>>>
Jaehaera, Laenor, and Harwin are besties. The best trio I WILL HEAR NO ARGUMENTS
First of all, he’s definitely a feminist. So Harwin is all for Jaehaera getting her some just like the other lords of court. He would for sure be her wingman, and they would have a game to see who could get a girl to blush the fastest. (They both thought it a fair competition because he was an man, which went with the Hetero normative, but she was royalty so it kinda evened out the scales.) They would also have a ton of inside jokes about status and social norms.
“Oh fuck off!” Jaehaera would shove his arm off of her, laughing as she tried to walk away.
“Please be more specific your highness, I merely wish to abide by your commands properly.” Harwin would retort back in a prim and proper voice, bowing jokingly to her.
“Seven hells you’re a terror.” - Harwin after she jumped on his back because she didn’t want to walk down the stairs.
“Better than being a proper lady of court.” She’s remarked, not caring that people would gawk at the pair.
“Yes, I don’t think you have the temperament for it.”
Jaehaera hummed, “That and any lord I’d be sold to would feel inadequate after seeing how much bigger my co—,”
He’d also find everyone’s reactions or whispers about Jaehaera’s behavior hilarious. And he would probably tell her most of them, and they’d laugh together about it.
BUT— even though he knows she can take care of herself— I do think Harwin fight a bitch if they ever said anything that went too far. Once he heard a lord say call her the “common whore of the realm”.
Man lost his shit.
I will say that these two had a small moment when Jaehaera first started training with him, but from that moment on they were like, “You’re hot but no thanks.” (Plus Rhaenyra) And decided to just be friends.
He definitely knows about how Rhaenyra feels about Jaehaera, because let’s face it she’s not exactly subtle. However, he doesn’t feel intimidated by it because he knows that Jaehaera’s the very reason they can be together for the time they are. Not to mention, she cares about both of them, so she wouldn’t do anything to hurt them.
Oh and he pretty much knows everyone she’s slept with, because bro talk. (Laenor too)
Which brings me to Edeline.
Much to Rhaenyra’s disappointment, he’s friends with her. There’s no way he couldn’t be because if Jaehaera’s with him 9/10, Edeline is to. Plus, they definitely tease Jaehaera together; they have all the dirt.
They definitely had this conversation though:
“You do know if you hurt her I’ll have to kill you.” -Harwin as they watch Jaehaera train a young Aegon.
“You as well.” Edeline replied, sewing up a shirt Jaehaera had managed to rip right in half.
Raising an eyebrow he’d ask, “Oh? And how do you plan to do that?”
“There are more ways to kill a man then a sword,” she’d say, grinning to herself.
Basically, Harwin is the best and deserves better than his ending.
Low key hypocritical.
Alicent would defend Jaehaera against anyone, even her own father. If her actions were deemed scandalous or promiscuous then she’d blame the other parties, or say that she could do whatever she pleased because she was royalty and it was her right.
“She’s a disgrace to the royal reputation.” Otto muttered, watching as Jaehaera stood in a corner of a banquet— letting various ladies lean, hold, and practically grope her frame, and she did the same as well.
“They are the ones to blame father,” Alicent practically hissed, unable to decide if she was more mad at her father or the ladies. “They’re very purpose is to be looking for a husband, not fraternizing with the Princess. It is their own doing.”
And at the same time, she’d shame Rhaenyra for having an affair with Harwin and producing “bastards”.
Her reasoning was simply, Jaehaera wasn’t bound by marriage or duty to produce heirs, and the King— her husband— permitted her the same right as a Prince. Not to mention, she brought good fortune to the kingdom everyday through her excursions, battles, treaties, voyages, good political standing with nobles and great social status amongst the commoners.
However, if she were truthful, Alicent would say that Jaehaera was gifting their kingdom by merely breathing in it.
And sometimes, when bold enough to allow her mind to wander, she’d dream of what life could have been if it were Jaehaera she had married.
It would have been no question if Jaehaera were a man, and Otto could have very easily made the argument to place Jaehaera as heir. In another reality, Viserys may have done so. Yet, even if Jaehaera were a man, she’d never rule.
Alicent knew that.
No matter how hard she tried to weasel the thought into Jaehaera’s mind, praising her intellect, her strength, and her popularity— the princess would not hear any of it. She refused the notion as if it were a plague, a fate worse than death. The first time Alicent did it, the young dragon merely brushed it off. Then, several times more she let her off easy because she was a dear friend, but finally, she lost her patience.
Nudging her chin upward, Jaehaera held the sides of her jaw— it didn’t hurt, but she gripped hard enough that Alicent could feel the pressure in her bones— and crouched low so they were at eye level. Her body, almost twice the size of Alicent’s in stature and muscle, looked over the young queen enough to send a tremor down her spine as her back pressed into a tree. They were in the garden this time, taking a stroll, when Alicent hinted at legitimacy again. She could see— feel, that was a mistake.
Alicent’s eyes were wide as she stared up at her friends, feeling weak in the knees at this new aura. She had only ever been treated with kindness; she only knew the sarcastic, flirtatious, yet sweet part of Jaehaera. Never had she been subjected to this. Not even that time when Jaehaera saw her in Viserys room for the first time.
“Wha-what are you—?”
Tsking at her like a child, Jaehaera placed her finger against Alicent’s lips. “Don’t play like this with me Ali. I am not in the mood, and this oblivious façade doesn’t suit you.”
Gulping back her nerves she nodded, her gaze flickering between the tall girls eyes, hand, and lips that were close enough for her to feel her breathing.
“Thank you,” Jaehaera said in a more genuine tone, removing her hand from Alicent’s mouth— almost making the young queen the whimper— but remained still to cage her between the tree.
“You know,” she let her eyes travel, followed by her hands, “I really hate when you do this Ali.”
“I don’t like it when you let yourself be so easily manipulated,” Jaehaera twirled one of Alicent’s free curls with her fingers, before finally looking back at her with a ferocious expression. “So stop talking like him.”
To the present, Alicent felt herself quiver at the memory, and she didn’t know why. Or rather, she just didn’t want to admit that she did.
Later on as she develops more as a queen, and has her children, she becomes more possessive. Her and Rhaenyra are similar in this aspect. Oh, and don’t think she doesn’t notice how Jaehaera would dote on Rhaenyra when she was pregnant, and how she coddled her children.
To be fair, she acknowledged that anytime Jaehaera was home she made sure to give Aegon and Aemond as much attention as she did Jace and Luke.
However, her emotions were more selfish in a way. She wanted the same treatment Rhaenyra got during pregnancy. Maybe more.
She wanted Jaehaera to be with her throughout her days, and most night, as she went through the stages. She wanted to be doted on, coddled, given plentiful affection, and even babied at times.
Jaehaera would literally break her back to do everything for Rhaenyra when she’s pregnant. Alicent envied that to no end. And one day her temper got the best of her, and she asked.
“Why do you only stay for Rhaenyra’s pregnancies?”
Jaehaera coughed, setting the cup of tea back on the table before she could make a bigger mess. “That’s one way to clear the air Ali.”
Blushing profusely, she looked down. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I asked that I just—,”
Tilting her head to look down at the woman, Jaehaera let out an abrupt laugh. “You’re mad at me.”
Snapping her head up Alicent’s immediately rebuttals. “No! I am not! I just—,”
Chucking at her friends sputtering, the princess leans back in her chair. “You’re actually, genuinely mad at me. Wow, I never thought I’d see the day.”
“I am not mad at you!” Alicent argues with growing aggravation.
“Then why are you yelling?”
“I’m—!” Alicent sighed, “I’m sorry, but I’m not mad at you. I just find it odd.”
Humming, the dragon nodded. “You wonder why I hadn’t been there for yours? Is that right?”
Alicent licked over her lips, placing her own cup down to not show her shaking hands. “Yes.”
“Well, for one, you’ve never asked.” Jaehaera stated rubbing her palms against her spread thighs. “From what I heard you wanted no one in the room with you for Aegon. So I assumed Aemond was be the same since you didn’t send for me. And I sadly wasn’t here for Heleana—,”
“Rhaenyra didn’t have to ask.” Alicent said bluntly, taking Jaehaera by surprise. “And I would have never asked you to leave.”
Sighing, Jaehaera gave her an understanding nod. “You’re right.”
Alicent furrowed her eyebrows. “Then why?”
“If— if you had asked I would have been there. But,” Jaehaera huffed, “You are my father’s wife.”
Alicent felt her heart stop.
“I do not hold you to it as a fault. I am glad that you have brought each other some semblance of happiness, but,” Jaehaera winced, “he is still my father. And you are still my childhood friend. I cannot tell you why, but it is different. It feels different. But I still have all the love for your children, my royal siblings.”
Alicent would also never forget that.
She feel contempt, though she would not know who to aim it at, so she found the easiest target. Someone that was in the way of what she truly wanted, and that could easily be disposed of.
Marching into Otto’s room, Alicent was practically fuming, breath shaking, face bright pink, and eyes watering. And before her father could get a word of question out, she simply said…
“I want her gone.”
Looking at his daughter in confusion, Otto raised a brow. “Who?”
A/n: Younger ones will be in part 2, which is pretty important because it has Edelines key parts in Jaehaera’s story, and what the whole “event” was that made Otto get banished and Jaehaera to leave for a while, and Alicent being Alicent.
Make guesses in the comments, I’ll tell you if you’re close.
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓛𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽
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Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon Oc
Summary: A king needs a queen, but she doesn't want to be queen. Not when her heart belongs to another man, the king's brother.
(Velaryons, are presented as in books)
A/N: Hello everyone. This is my first story posted here. I hope you all gonna like it.
Also english is not my native language, so I am sorry for any mistakes.
Part 2
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Rhaella was the oldest child of Lord Corlys Velaryon and princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
She inherited her mother's beauty. However, her character was a combination of both her parents, and it was an explosive mixture indeed.
A woman like her was a rarity and a thorn in the sides of lords who could not accepted a stubborn creature like her.
She was more a dragon than a human.
If she could, she would probably have spent her entire life on the back of a large beast. Flying between the clouds, listening to the sounds of birds and feeling of the sea breeze on her face as white as snow.
But she had to tread on hard ground that was not as lighthearted as heaven, but brutal and full of lurking dangers.
When Queen Aemma died, the entire kingdom held its breath, only to explode with a sea of a thousand voices demanding that the king would find a new queen in her place.
And then the first dangers emergeed from the shadows, attacking the white-haired girl.
For the first time in her life, the violet-eyed woman felt threatened. She felt neither safe nor at peace.
She hated that in the eyes of the kingdom, being high-born made you only a broodmare to sell.
It was a harsh reality but how realistic.
-My lady , the water is to hot. You will burn yourself- said one of her servants but Rhaella didn't listen , going into steaming water.
-I'll be fine Rosalie. You can go now- she said, dismissing the maid.
The old woman gave her one last look before she disappeared behind the door of the chamber, leaving the girl alone with her rushing thoughts.
Rhaella felt the water surrounding her body, embracing her in a warm and soothing manner, like an embrace of a mother or a lover.
At the thought of her lover, her eyes opened slightly.
Even now, Daemon haunted her mind like a plague. Her heart pounded with every second that the violet-eyed face appeared in front of her, and her skin stung at the thought of his rough hands and soft lips giving her pleasure for long hours.
Her hands involuntarily went to the necklace, which was a gift from a man and a symbol of a promise. A promise of love for a fair-haired woman.
Lavender eyes wandered to the door, then shifted their interest to the balcony in front of it.
She wondered if she had focused hard enough, Targaryen would have appeared on the threshold of her terrace, taking her far away, somewhere where they could finally indulge in their embrace without fear or apprehension.
 But no one came.
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Rhaella spent the rest of the afternoon staring out to sea. The distant sound of the waves crashing against the rocks soothed her heart, as did the gentle movement of the water.
More and more she found herself thinking, hating herself for it, hating how her mind worked, but no matter how much she tried to change it, nothing helped.
-You could not be forced to sit in the castle even for a few minutes - a male voice said behind her - You preferred to ride Jaehaeron and fly over the Driftmark. Now you cannot be forced to leave the chamber. What has changed?
The white-haired girl looked back.
Seeing her father, she smiled imperceptibly before returning to admire the view outside the window.
-People change - she said.
-Rhaella, I'm your father. If there's anything or anyone that's keeping you awake, tell me - he said confidently, standing next to her.
-You are also a Lord - she remarked listlessly. - Advisor to King Viserys -she added, and alabaster hands gripped the stone balustrade tightly.
 -Has that ever stopped me from parenting?- He asked, looking at her grim face.
 -No -she replied. -But through it you can become the cause of my downfall.
 -What do you mean? - He asked, patiently waiting for her answers.
 The young woman looked down, stroking her white hands with her fingertips, thinking about the sequence of words that had been pressed on her lips for so long.
 -I don't want to be his queen -she whispered after long minutes of silence, and even though she wanted to say so much, only this sentence came out of her mouth.
 Corlysy's eyes softened at the eldest daughter's words. Throughout her age, expectations for her were great, often overloading her small shoulders on which she had held a lot anyway.
 The man hugged her body, pulling the girl's head closer as she sobbed softly. Stroking her silver curls, he tried to soothe her.
 After weeks of agony, Rhaella felt everything leaving her body. Sorrow, fear, anger and longing came out of her body, finally giving her a moment of respite.
 Her breathing grew shallower and calmer, allowing her to hear her heart racing.
 -I would like to assure you that your wish will be granted. But if the king himself wants to have you as a wife, there will be nothing that can be done - he informed her in a calm tone of voice, combing the white waves on her head - You are the oldest candidate, besides joining our houses will give us a strong and lasting alliance.
 -I would prefer to fall off Jaehaeron's back, breaking all the bones in my body- she announced angry- Than marry a man who is not close to me.
 -So tell me who you are close to?- He asked unexpectedly.
 -What do you mean?- She asked in surprise, pushing herself off her father's torso to meet his eyes.
 -You are my daughter, my firstborn. All your life you were stubbornly persuaded that you would never marry, and your mother supported this because she loved you too much to ruin your happiness. There is someone close now, so tell me Rhaella, who is close to you? - The head of the Velaryon family asked her.
 -Is it important? - she answered the question - My happiness does not matter anyway.
 -It matters - the older man said firmly -Me and your mother, we care about your happiness -he assured.
Violet-eyed girl looked into her father's eyes, then looked down after a while, biting her lip with nervousness. She was silent until the white-haired man lifted her head up in the act of silent command.
-I fell in love with the wrong man- she confessed quietly- I can't marry him, because he is already married- she admitted honestly- But I love him and he loves me. He's the only one holding my heart in an iron grip.
 -His name -the girl's father said seriously.
 The daughter of Rhaenys looked confidently into the man's eyes. Her hard and controlled eyesight did not bode well.
-Daemon Targaryen - she announced unscrupulously, pressing the name through her teeth as if it were burning her tongue.
 Corlys sighed heavily.
 Frowning, he released the woman from his embrace and walked away from her a few steps, leaning heavily against the stone balustrade of the balcony.
The young woman looked at Lord of Driftmark unimpressed, expecting any response that did not come as quickly as she might have expected.
-Does anyone know? Anyone? -Rhaell's father asked suddenly.
-No - she replied immediately - I knew the consequences of my decision.
-And despite that, you decided to take the risk? - he asked, glancing out of the corner of his eye at his eldest child.
-If I were a man, you wouldn't be half as disappointed - she said, avoiding answering the question -But you have to understand that living in a cage wore me out. I couldn't sit back and watch the people doing what I wanted so badly.
- You wanted to prostitute yourself on the side? -he asked in a hard and cold tone.
-I wanted freedom! - she almost shouted -I wanted to try life. And I don't regret the moment or the decisions I made.
-This conversation stays between us. Not a single word has the right to leave this chamber - said the white-haired man after a while - I will discuss it with your mother. Then we'll decide what to do next.
 The girl looked annoyed at the man leaving, and her lavender eyes glazed again, but this time she did not let the tears flow out, hiding the bitterness inside her.
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What the silver-haired girl was going to do from miles away seemed stupid, not fully thought out and impetuous plan that had no right to succeed.
However, her person decided to try anyway, too stubborn to stop now.
Sneaking out of the castle was one thing, but sneaking into the dragon's pit on the pretext of an evening ride was something else entirely.
Avoiding through large groups of guardians, she hid in the shadows, trying to reach her beloved dragon.
When the black beast's head caught her eyes, a broad smile appeared on her face.
-Jaehaeron - she said softly so as not to scare the animal.
The dragon opened it’s amber eyes and heavily raised his huge head. When he saw his rider, he approached a little, nudging the woman.
His strength nearly knocked her to the ground, but at the last moment Rhaella clutched at his muzzle with her tiny hands.
-Hello, my dear - she said gently, stroking the hot scales of the reptile- We have to go- she added, staring at Jaehaeron's pupil, and he, as if understanding her words exactly, bent his head and part of his big wing so that she could easily climb on his back, sitting down in a handmade saddle.
Rhaenys' daughter gripped the reins tightly as she started forward.
The moment she got off the ground, nothing else mattered. Her dragon's wings were five houses wide, and the head was the size of a small carriage. The animal was hard to miss, but after a few flaps of its wings, King's Landing moved away a considerable distance, looking only as a blurry outline in the eyes of the fair-haired girl.
Her eyes followed the city view for a moment longer before turning to the one in front of her. As new structures began to appear in the distance, Rhaella held her breath. 
Jaehaeron knew exactly where to go, as if his mind and hers had become one.
The Dragonstone grew clearer minute by minute, making the woman's heart beat like mad again.
As her dragon's shadow enveloped the first parts of the castle, the guards were quick to notify the rogue prince who, sitting in his chamber, stared at the tongues of fire emerging from the fireplace.
-My lord, a new dragon has appeared on the island - announced one of the soldiers.
The white-haired man turned his head and looked at the man unfazedly.
-What does it look like?- He asked.
-Black, with white ends. Large -the guard said shortly, not knowing much about these kind of reptiles.
Daemon got up from his chair and left the room without a word. His steady and quick steps led him towards the exit where the white-haired beauty with her dragon waited.
Rhaella, seeing the silhouette of the prince, slowly walked away from Jaehaeron, facing the man. When she was close enough, Targaryen opened his arms for her to let her fall freely into them. Her body pressed against him instantly, like a lost piece of a puzzle.
Violet-eyed prince hugged her tightly, hiding his face in the crease of her slender neck, inhaling her addictive scent of lilac and gooseberry.
-Daemon - she whispered longingly, as he raised his head to look into her eyes.
-My little dragon- he replied, stroking her reddened cheek- What are you doing here?
-Six months ago you promised me you'd come back for me. I couldn't wait any longer -she confessed, snuggling into his large white hand.- Not when the vultures stopped feeding, looking for another prey.
-What happened? - he asked seriously, carefully studying the woman's face.
 -King is looking for a new wife - she whispered, as if the information was to be a secret.- I couldn't bear the fear that I might be one of the options. I was afraid that I would never see you again, Daemon.
-I would never allow it - he assured, and there was something dark, menacing in his voice. -I would kill anyone who stood in my way to you.You belong to me, only to me.
 -As you belong to me - she said equally possessively, brushing his lips. -And I want it to stay that way- added Rhaella, running her hand over the white-haired man's neck.
 -It will stay this way -he assured, pulling her body back against him, covering her tiny body with his.
The silver-haired girl closed her lavender irises, praying in the depths of her soul that Daemon would actually protect her from the cruel world on the ground, so that she could once again taste the carefree life in the clouds.
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nessjo · 3 months
Velaria embōñar issi
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Note: This is kinda a Fem Lucerys Story, since the OC is his twin sister. This story is inspired by the talented @thefutureibraheem please check the blog out and the phenomenal story 'A Bride for an Enemy'. (937 words)
Pairing | Aemond Targaryen x Lucerya Velaryon/Strong (OC)
Summary | Two years after the birth of her first child, Rhaenyra is about to give birth to her next children
Warnings: Friends to Strangers to Lovers Trope, Targcest, 16+, meantions of birthing, not proofread, English is not my first language
Velaria embōñar issi masterlist
Chapter 1: The birth of Lucerya and Lucerys Velaryon
Two years after Rhaenyra gave birth to her son Jacaerys she was pregnant again and by the size of her tummy the maesters believe for her to be pregnant with more than one child.
It would be a lie If Rhaenyra said, that she wasn't scared. Her first birth was a painful experience in itself, but the thought of giving birth to two multiple children just terrified her, because it reminded her of her mother's pregnancy losses and her eventual death.
Thankfully, not only was the pregnancy easy, but she also had the support of her husband Laenor but also that of her lover and father of her children, Ser Harwin Strong. These two men were both excited, even though only one was allowed to show it. But it would be another lie to say, that they both didn't imagine all the things that they would teach the children in the near future.
Laenor somehow managed to convince not only Rhaenyra but also the King and his council that the children should be born on Driftmark, since one of them would become the potential Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. At the end, Rhaenyra was happy to go through her pregnancy away from King's Landing, away from the Red Keep and most importantly away from the Hightowers.
It was a storm night and the sea was raging with waves as high as the Grand Sept when Rhaenyra gone into labour. The wind was hounding and the rain was pouring out of the sky as if the world was going to end tonight. The young princess felt as if she was burning alive on the inside with tears rolling down her red cheeks and her knuckles turned white from her grabbing the headboard of her bed while trying to stay conscious from all her screaming of pain.
After what felt like a lifetime just as the nautical dawn began the first baby came into the world and with its first cry in this world the storm outside suddenly stopped, as if the young child controlled the sea and its powers. "It's a girl!" came a joyous cry of one of the handmaidens that were there to help Rhaenyra through the birth.
But before the new mother could enjoy her little bundle of Joy, the pain started again. Thankfully this time a lot quicker, and not even 14 minutes later Rhaenyra held both her little girl and boy in her arms close to her heart after her maids cleaned both her and the children. Both of her new children shared their father's dark brown hair and light eyes.
Rhaenyra looked with nothing but pure love at her two children and whispered to them in High Valyrian, "Ñuha dōna byka zaldrīzoti. Nyke kivio ao bona nyke kessa mīsagon ao lēda ñuha olvie issare ēva mazeman ñuha mōrī jelevre." ("My sweet little dragons. I promise you that I shall protect you with my very being until I take my last breath.")
An overexcited Laenor came into the chamber, followed by his parents, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys. "I heard it was a boy and a girl." He was grinning from one side of his face to the other while approaching his wife and taking a seat beside her. "Mhm", Rhaenyra agreed, "and what an entrance your daughter made."
Corly looked out of the window at the now calm sea, "and like a true Velaryon the sea bends to her will." Rhaenys stud near her husband with a knowing look on her face, but decided not to say anything since everything was still relatively new.
Laenor and Rhaenyra both noticed Rhaenys's look but decided to ignore it and just enjoy the two new souls that are now under their care. "Have you two come up with a name for them?", Rhaenys finally spoke up, walking closer to her son and good-daughter, she could help but give a small smile while looking at her new grandchildren, no matter who the father was, and softly caresses their small chubby cheeks.
"For the boy, we decided on the name Lucerys. For a girl, I originally wanted to name her Visenya, but now that I look at her, I think Lucerya suits her better." Rhaenyra explained while looking at her husband to see if he would approve of her decision. Laenor could only nod, while looking at them with pride in his eyes, "Yeah, Lucerya is good." "Would you both like to hold them?" Laenor turned to his parents and they couldn't denied his question.
Corlys took Lucerys and Rhaenys took Lucerya and at this moment you could see the clear love they both held for their grandchildren. "Lucerya for sure is going to grow up to be a beautiful young maiden, and Lucerys is going to be a handsome young man." Rhaenyra and Laenor were both grateful for Rhaenys's kind words, that she clearly mend.
Corlys looked at both his grandchildren and spoke, "Princess Lucerya and Prince Lucerys Velaryon, welcome to Westeros."
The News of the King's newest grandchild spread like a wildfire over the seven kingdoms and everywhere the smallfolk celebrated their arrival, using these news as an excuse to get away from their day-to-day life, same as they did with the arrival of Prince Jacaerys.
In the Red Keep whatsoever, one, the Queen Alicent wasn't as pleased about the news, as for she found it inappropriate that the heir didn't give birth in the Keep, and she only hoped, that at least these children would look like Laenor Velaryon.
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