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another little guy <3 yelled at us when we picked him up. pretty sure it's a california root borer, a species of longhorn beetle. (found in cali)
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
today’s best bug encounter was this Prionus laticollis. a large longhorn beetle that feeds on dead tree roots, they are one of the largest commonly encountered beetles around here.
some impressive shearing jaws on this lady
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my favorite cerambycid trait is their wraparound eyes, which curve from the top of their head around the base of the antenna to the bottom surface of the head.
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next time I’m in the milkweed field I’ll try to find another commonly spotted longhorn with even stranger eyes!
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followthebluebell · 2 months
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Anyone know what kind of bug this is? Ruler for scale because I couldn't find a banana.
Edit: has been identified as prionus, a long horned beetle. I believe he's a California long horned beetle.
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laurelnose · 29 days
Coworker: Soooocks are you any good at identifying beetles D:
Me: I’m okay at it. Where beetle?
*three minutes later*
Me: *holding out 2" beetle* Oh, this is a California root borer, Prionus californicus! One of our largest native beetles. You only see them in August when they emerge to mate. This one is female, she has smooth antennae. Look at her big mandibles for digging!
Coworker: *observing mandibles from about 10 feet away* I can’t believe you just picked up a strange beetle like that.
Me: Well, she isn’t strange to me.
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onenicebugperday · 11 months
Hi! We already identified this bug but I thought you'd want to see him. (Prionus coricarius.) Spotted in north Idaho. He a chonk.
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Large and lovely! If you meant Prionus coriarius, they only occur in Europe and into Asia. Your friend here is probably Prionus californicus.
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amplexadversary · 1 month
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I've been putting it off, since this is new territory for me, but I've finally pulled my California Root Borer Beetle (Prionus californicus) out of his hydration chamber and posed him.
This guy (antennae are thicker and more prominently barbed) was found in my great uncle's pool; he's a natural death. Aside from figuring out how to keep the wings and legs out of each others' way, he was a pretty easy specimen to work with.
I didn't know what kind of position would be the most natural for his antenna that wouldn't lead to them going limp, so I kind of gave them a little twirl like a dandy's mustache.
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glossapples · 2 months
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More of the crechurs I found. Crab. Idk wut that is but it's cute,like a isopod I think. My bess beetles. And a eyed click beetle. I also found a giant long horned prionus beetle but I was alway angry so I never got a vide of him. Also click beetles bite, But my bess beetles don't, their so cute I love them so much. I also plan on getting hissing cockroches hehe
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forestkodama · 3 months
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I found a big ol' Prionus laticollis lady struggling on her back in front of my garage. These fantastically large longhorn beetles take a couple years to develop as larvae, eating tree and shrub roots. Entirely harmless gentle giants, the adults seek mates and good egg-laying soil before fading out over a period of a few weeks.
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zoology-time · 1 year
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Broad-necked Root Borer, Prionus laticollis
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bytesizeambs · 7 months
Beetle | Root Borer #shorts #cute #bytesizeambs #beetle #cutecritters #rootborerbeetle
This Broad-necked Root Borer Beetle was chilling on my glass door one night, staring into our souls.
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stinkyofficial · 1 year
the top identifier of
Broad-necked Root Borer (Prionus laticollis)
on inat confirmed my observation yesterday : )
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creakture · 2 months
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California Root Borer Beetle (Prionus californicus)
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
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a lucky five minutes of walking turned up four beautiful deceased insects!
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these four are a two-spotted bumblebee (Bombus bimaculatus) queen (?), a reddish-brown stag beetle (Lucanus capreolus), a broad-necked root borer (Prionus laticollis) and a rainbow dung beetle (Phanaeus vindex), the first I’ve ever seen
the Prionus is missing several parts and the Phanaeus was stepped on, but the other two are pristine. I’ll try to clean up and pin all of them! much more so than killing and pinning live insects, I enjoy fixing up a dusty old dead bug found on the street or in a windowsill. it’s sort of like antique restoration…
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visualpoett · 5 months
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Sabertooth longhorn beetle, Macrodontia cervicornis (Prionus cervicornis)
English School
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krillbot · 1 year
Reason 38 why I grow my nails out: Pick Up Bugs
The dead spider I picked up wasn't dead, he was pretending, turns out he's a male black widow and I so did not like seeing that hourglass. I wasn't in danger because males don't usually bite but it's still nice to know that he would have hit keratin before he hit skin.
Also I can pick up grasshoppers and stuff and let them try and chew on my fingernail while I'm looking them over
I found a Tile Horned Prionus once, which is a beetle with a wild bite force apparently because he actually managed to bite through the fingernail, but again, couldn't reach my actual finger
Aside from defense, I can scoop up really tiny bugs with my nail, like there is no way my fingers can pick up a baby isopod but I can scoop them up and hold them gently in my nails
Basically I have to pick up every bug I see and I kinda have built in forceps for safe creature poking. I'll bet you ten bucks that's why Moira's nails are so long too, we're both diagnosed with Pick Up Bug Disease
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
Hi! The bug identification submits aren’t working for me, so I’m just gonna slip this in here. Found this chonker in central Maryland a couple days ago, after it scared the bejesus out of my mom when she took the dog out lol. It is by far the largest beetle I’ve ever seen in my life! Any clue as to this buddy’s identity?
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Big man! Or woman idk. It's a prionine longhorn beetle for sure and probably a broad-necked root borer, Prionus laticollis :)
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