#Probably less
messyscarletdreams · 3 months
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is this anything
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By the way internal bleeding would make hypothermia worse (lack of heat) and hypothermia would make internal bleeding worse (lack of blood clots). Charles was FUCKED fucked
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mayasaura · 1 year
Actually. Looking at the chronology. The last time Gideon and Harrow talked alone before the pool scene, Gideon accused Harrow of being a jealous creep for telling her to stay away from Dulcinea.
A whole lot of stupifying things happened in between, but really, it wouldn't be surprising if her first panicked reaction to Harrow disrobing was to think Harrow was making a move on her. Relationship definitely hurtling toward something.
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ridragon · 1 year
You guys should read 17776. It's best to go in blind. It's about how football will look in the future.
(Warning that there is a very fast moving part specifically in the beginning in case you have photosensitivity, and the story includes gifs and videos. If you are sensitive to unreality some parts may bother you.)
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is this a red flag be honest 👉🏼👈🏼
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 2 months
Fuck I definitely need a new laptop and a new pair of glasses why is this happening during the literal worst month financially I've had all year
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
Making gifs for this website is wild because you will spend hours making something for it to get 50 notes and then you throw the most random idea ever together in 30 minutes and it will get 1k. What is it about that??????
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djarinova · 6 months
okay pls help me!!!!
so i was planning to go to the aquarium tomorrow for my birthday but the weather is supposed to be absolutely terrible, rainy and windy all day, and id have to walk 20 minutes in order to get there... i cant decide whether to go or not, and if today has been any indication then the wind will truly be very crazy but 🥺 aquarium
if u pick stay in pls feel free to reply with some ideas of what i could do instead!! bec im desperate not to waste my birthday and i would like (surprisingly) to celebrate my birthday for once:)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 5 months
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earendilsass · 1 year
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Day 1 of inktober: Dream
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
So maybe I cannot update at a regular schedule but I can bang out a 4K chapter in two days
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warm-bread-posts · 11 months
Have some garbage I made
I made a Youtube video that is just me rambling about Pokemon Shit nobody cares about. Watch it. Or don't. Probably don't.
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aster-is-tired · 2 years
i honestly have no idea how this works lmfao
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krabmeat · 2 years
hey fellas just wanted to let you all know that i wont be posting for a bit !!! ive been having a really hard time as of late and things have happened that have really fucked me over so maybe a break is due.
im not leaving or anything i assure ill be back, i just really need some time to regather myself a bit because ive been really, really upset lately. im in another depressive slump and being on here as much as i have makes me feel like its making everything worse.
if you have my discord feel free to chat with me on there !!! i wont respond immediately but ill be active on there if anyone needs me or just wants to chat :]
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wizard-laundry · 2 months
In the US: threatening government officials is a felony under federal law (the president in particular is protected under 18 U.S.C. § 871). Even memes.
be careful with your jokes if they spill over to active officials.
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wanologic · 2 months
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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