#Project Reiko
sonicfangamebot · 1 year
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'Project Reiko' by Bakayote (Demo Hack) A hack of 'Sonic 2' on the Master System with new stages. https://archive.org/download/shc-2014/
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dvlwablu · 6 months
Onmyoji Manga List
Back at it again, this time with all the Onmyoji novels series based manga I'm aware of! You can purchase all of these from Bookwalker without needing to be in Japan as for as I'm aware, but your experience may vary. Note that none have official English translations as of 2023.
Reiko Okano's Onmyoji This series is apparently the manga adaptation for Onmyoji - it won the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Grand Prize (yes, that Osamu Tezuka) in 2001 and the Seiun award (think Japan only Hugo awards) for best comic in 2006. I haven't read much of it unfortunately (I can't afford to buy all the volumes!) It has 13 volumes and a sequel (where you get to see Seimei's son!!!) A few volumes of this manga have been translated in French, but I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy :(
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Mitsuki Munku's Takiyashahime A mostly straightforward adaptation of the two-part novel series Takiyashahime. If you can't read the novels, you can read this and get a rough idea of what's going on if you can't read much Japanese (or watch the drama special I mentioned in this post!)
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Itou Sei's Takiyashahime aka 瀧夜叉姫 陰陽師絵草子 (Takiyashahime Onmyoji Ezoshi) Okay okay SO THIS MANGA. It adapts Takiyashahime, but puts its own spin on the characters. Seimei is now Haruaki (which is just the kun'yomi reading of 晴明 - Seimei is the on'yomi reading. I could talk about nanori and azana more but that's for a separate post), a young, talented onmyoji who is nonetheless still a mere apprentice. He's a lot more hot-headed and kitsune-like, but also a lot more insecure with being friends with Hiromasa due to his social status. Yasunori also plays a larger role in this as Haruaki's main mentor/shishou instead of senior disciple, probably because the author had a previous manga that involved him as a character (unrelated to the Onmyoji series) I have MANY words about the flavour of Seimei/Hiromasa in this, but it's hard to explain without context!!!
This manga has absolutely GORGEOUS art - beautiful lineart, dynamic panelling, and lovely watercolour splash pages. However, it does not shy away from graphic violence, with multiple instances of animal death, human death (including children) and one instance of graphic sexual assault (which is in volume 3, pages 109-111, if you would like to skip it) It is currently ongoing as of 2023, and you can follow it here.
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thereikoproject · 4 months
When i saw the TADC teaser the other day, it inspired me to draw my TRP girls Claire Clairmint and Athena Rosenberg. Their dynamic reminds me of Pomni and Caine in the canon. (Claire being the more reserved one and Athena the loud one)
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Fun fact: because of Caine, I wanted to give Athena some elements to a ringmaster's uniform. Probably need to give her a redesign, i can't remember what her current design is so i made a new one up.
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iliketangerines · 4 days
Hola! You’re freaking awesome and I’m loving your writing. I’m amazed you can put out so much and I hope you ain’t overdoing it. Seeing that you can do Rain I was wondering if you could do something with him meeting an Earthrealm woman with a fuller figure (larger chest, wider hips, plush thighs) you could also say chubby (definitely not me projecting). He is surprised he is kind of into that and how desperate he is to put his face in between her tits. He gets curious and wants to know how she feels and maybe figure out why he is so desperate, saying it’s just a little experiment. He manages to charm her into going to bed with him and he finds out he’s hella into it. Just loving how soft she is and how he is able to squish almost anything on her body. After that his perception on Earthrealm is that they aren’t all that bad and he will do anything just to see her again and have her in bed.
curious about your softness
a/n: was feeling rather fluffy as i wrote this
pairing: rain x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you arrive with the rest of the Earthrealm defenders, tagging behind Raiden and taking your time to survey the surroundings of the throne room
your eyes only skirt over him, taking in his broad shoulders and mage staff before you observe the rest of the Outworlders, but he cannot take his eyes off you
you look so different from the rest of the Earthrealmers, softer and rounder, but he can see the strength in your body as you cross your arms and give Reiko a hard glare
while the rest of the defenders certainly had their fair share of softness, muscles protected by thin layers of fat, they were lean, thin, slim, just like most of the Outworlders
however, you do not fit the archetype of a typical warrior, and Rain only watches you as Raiden battles Reiko the court and wins every single fight
he wonders if you’re just as soft as you look, what you sound like, what you look like underneath all the armor, if you had freckles, moles, marks on your skin
at the banquet, he tries to sit as close as possible to you, but you’re sandwiched right between Kung Lao and Kenshi
every time he tries to get close, someone always blocks his way, and he was starting to feel desperate to even talk to you
why was he so desperate to talk to you?
Rain shakes off the thought as he walks through the imperial gardens, trying to rid you from his mind
he has plans with General Shao and Shang Tsung, and he must concentrate on harnessing his powers and not getting distracted by the curves of your body
his training had taken a toll ever since you had arrived, and he could not afford to fail his mission because of you
he turns the corner in the path toward the waterfall to listen to the sound of rushing water and trickle of water to calm his mind
the sound of water starts to fill the air along, and he lets out a breath, feeling the familiar power of water fill his veins
brushing past a bush, he freezes when he sees a figure by the water, shoes discarded and legs swaying in the water of the lake, and his heart stutters when he realizes it’s you
you turn your head at the sound of the leaves rustling, and there’s not a single expression on your face to indicate surprise when you see him in the bushes
you simply turn away from him and continue to look at the water sparkling underneath the moonlight, and Rain doesn’t know whether he should continue with his plan or retreat
he cannot retreat, if he is to have bravery to try and usurp the throne, he could not back out of his safe space simply because someone else was there
walking up to the edge of the pond, Rain puts down his staff and sits cross-legged near you but not next to you, and he places his hands on his knees and closes his eyes
he tries to meditate, to focus on the flow and power of the water rushing through him to tweak his own powers
but his thoughts are polluted by thoughts of you, thoughts of you in the water, droplets clinging to your skin and sliding down your curves
his eyes snap open as he realizes a warmth covers his cheeks, and he would not be able to concentrate on honing his powers with you around
Rain presses his lips together, not wanting to leave so early because he didn’t want to offend you, but he wouldn’t be able to concentrate with you here
glancing over to you, he sees you aimlessly staring at the water, and he can’t help but turn to stare at your beauty, how the moonlight frames your hair and your face perfectly
you look relaxed, content without the usual stress he saw etched into your face as you watched the fights or anytime you were out in public
then, your body turns to him, and your eyes stare directly into his, piercing through him and staring right into his soul, as if digging out his innermost secrets and his forgotten ambitions and dreams
you ask him if he needs anything, and he lets out a strangled sound to stall for time as his tongue stumbles for articulated words to try and impress you
except no words come to him, so he just stares at you dumbly with an expression that makes you snort
his face flushes, and he’s started to sweat underneath his hood
you hold your hand out to him, introducing yourself and giving him your name, and Rain takes it, giving you his name and hoping his voice didn’t sound too scratchy
turning back to look at the water, you ask if he also couldn’t sleep, and he wants to say he can’t sleep because you plague his every thought
Rain bites his tongue and just agrees softly, saying that he’s been troubled and the waterfall helped to calm his mind
you hum in agreement and splash your feet in the water, a silence falling upon the two of you, but he wants to hear you more, wants to hear your sweet voice
running through questions in his head, he blurts out the first one he can think of: how were you liking Outworld so far
you look back at him, humming as you think, and then you finally answer that you like the food here, it’s different from your hometown but very filling and delicious
then you go on and say that the culture here though is beautiful and full of colors, and it’s very captivating to see what you had learned about at the Wu Shi Academy but in real life
Rain nods as you keep talking, drinking in every word you speak, and he moves a little closer to hear you better
the moon passes overhead as the two of you talk and talk, and soon the sun peaks over the horizon as you two get back up to head to your respective rooms
before you can go, already back toward the bushes to leave, he asks if he can see you again here tomorrow night before you go back to Earthrealm
you face him again and nod, telling him to meet you here when the sun goes down, and then you leave, quiet as a murmur back to your room
Rain looks into the small pond and sees his reflection and nearly cringes at the sight
he looks like a mess, dark eyebags and slightly mussed hair from taking it out of his usual ponytail, and he quickly hurries back to his room to make himself look presentable for the court
the day was long and exhausting, and he was just about over it
still, there was a festival tonight, and he had to be present for the opening ceremony at the very least
donning his nice robes and checking that his mage staff still looked presentable, Rain made his way to the heart of the town and stepped up onto the stage near the princesses
his eyes looked upon the crowd, the sun starting to dip below the horizon, and he waited for Empress Sindel to give her speech and to let the festivities start
the second they cleared him to leave, Rain nearly sprinted off the stage, feeling rather uncomfortable with the amount of eyes on him
too much studying and not enough socializing had left Rain with little to no social skills, and yet he was still able to bring you back for another conversation tonight
he rushed off to the gardens, the sky a brilliant collage of dark reds and yellows colliding into a simmering sunset
making his way through the brush, Rain spotted you with your feet in the water, wearing something much fancier than last night
it hugs your curves, showing off every bit of you, and he feels his mouth go dry when you turn and beckon him over to sit next to you
he does so gladly, crossing his feet and setting his staff off to the side, and you start with small pleasant conversation
the two of you exchange useless meaningless conversation, but he collects every drop of information he can get from you: from your favorite time of the day to your favorite color
he listens until the moon is high in the sky again, and the conversation lulls into a comfortable silence
you’re leaning back, hands in the stone flooring that encircles the pond, and Rain’s hand is right next to yours
if he just moved it slightly, his hand would be on top of yours
his heart nearly beats out of his chest at the thought, and he instead draws his hand a little further from yours
he wanted to feel your softness, your fullness, your everything
he wanted every part of you dearly, and his eyes travel over the patterns and details sewn into the outfit you have on
you sigh and hum, kicking the water with your feet and move your hand, fingers brushing against his, but you don’t move them
they’re warm compared to his skin, and Rain doesn’t move a single muscle
the two of you just sit side by side in silence until you move your arms and stretch out your back, groaning at the feeling before standing up
you say that you need to start heading back, Liu Kang was expecting you and the others to be back in about an hour, and Rain quickly stands up next to you, brushing off dust from his pants
he holds out his hand, not sure why he does so, and you have a confused look on your face, brows turned upward with a small nervous smile
you still take his hand, and Rain kisses the back of your fingers, heart beating much too fast and face much too warm to be normal
your face has gone warm as well, and your mouth is slightly parted as you look up at him with wide eyes
he asks you when he can see you again, he’d love to show you around Sun Do properly instead of being cooped up in the palace due to safeguarding
you say you’re not sure, but you take your hand away from his and dig into your pockets and hand him a small charm
in a soft voice, you tell him that you had just bought it at the market during the beginning of the festival for some reason, and now you know why
Rain holds it up, and it glows a light purple, like him
you tell him that you’ll be coming back for it, so he better be here when you come and visit again
Rain holds the charm and asks to walk you out, and you hold your arm out for him to take
the two of you walk back to the portal with dopey smiles on your faces
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bozers · 2 months
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I wrote a fic about Rain and Reiko in prison together after the events of MK1! Four months ago I posted the first chapter, and 61k words later we have reached the end! Here is some new cover art to celebrate!
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berrychanx · 1 year
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I feel like this scene/transition was made with Ikumi in mind. It’s a simple way to represent her life project, her passion, her and reiko yoshida story and characters. Her girls <3
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lilborealis · 4 months
Some MK1 headcanons
Multiverse (as in the characters that are your allies or you have to fight at the end, from different timelines)
I have had so many thoughts about what these guy’s timelines are like you have no idea-
-Kitana Khan and Jawspell (Kitana+General Shao and Mileena+Quan Chi fusions) are from the same timeline. Kitana overthrew her mother and she rules Outworld with an iron fist while Mileena, (who tried to use dark magic in an effort to cure herself of Tarkat) is the Royal mage and is her sister’s trusted advisor
-In Titan Kitana’s timeline, the umgadi doesn’t exist. Her version of Tanya is similar to MK10 Tanya, who wishes to separate Outworld from Edenia
-Johnny Savage (Johnny Cage+Baraka fusion) comes from a reality where tarkat spread to earth. He is the leader of his universe’s tarkatans, and despite his monstrous appearance, he’s actually pretty similar humor wise to Liu Kang’s Johnny Cage
-he is ultimately more angry and wishes to spread Tarkat, wanting people to suffer as he does
-in Firefly’s timeline (Li Mei+Scorpion fusion), she was instead claimed by the Lin kuei instead of the Umgadi and was taught pyromancy (instead of having it innately like Kuai Liang)
-Screen Demon (Ashrah+Johnny Cage fusion) and titan Kung Lao are from the same timeline. This version of Kung Lao helped Ashrah escape from Quan Chi’s control, but was ultimately powerless as she became consumed by the fame Hollywood brought her
-Titan Subzero’s version of Kuai Liang was murdered by Shang Tsung, causing him to fight his version of the sorcerer for the hour glass to become its keeper, ultimately killing him. He is horrified when he meets Liu Kang’s Kuai Liang, seeing his scar and learning that another version of himself was responsible
-Frostbite (Nitara+Subzero fusion) learned cryomancy in an effort to help defend her people
-lizard queen (Sindel+Reptile fusion) comes from a timeline where centuries ago, Zaterrans overthrew the Edenian lineage and took the crown for themselves, thus resulting in a Zaterran lineage ruling Outworld
-Quantom Chi (Geras+Quan Chi fusion) is from a reality where Geras rebelled against Liu Kang, tired of servitude. He learns dark magic and kills his version of Liu Kang
-the good versions of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (those who fight evil Titan Shang Tsung and Titan Quan Chi)are also titans, but are also reformed as they both started out like their current MK1 counterparts
-if you picked Reiko in the final Armageddon sequence, it’s obviously not the current timeline’s Reiko. This version of Reiko comes from a timeline where he was raised by a version of Baraka who never got tarkat and is still a soldier. Therefore, he’s much more merciful but still a very deadly soldier
-Dark Thunder God Kung Lao (I think it’s Kung Lao? I couldn’t tell during the Armageddon sequence) comes from a timeline where he grew extremely jealous of his version of Raiden. Influenced by his timeline’s Quan chi, he kills his best friend and steals his amulet in his pursuit of power
-The Shao that aids Liu Kang in the end (the one that appears if you pick general Shao) comes from time line where he and Liu Kang have swapped places. A former Outworld soldier, he saw the beauty of earth and decided to protect it. Liu Kang, hungry for power, became a conquerer who shows no mercy
Bonus! Zaterrans!
-there are variations among their species that make them look like other sorts of reptiles in their regular forms, for example
-crocodile-like Zaterrans having longer, more v-shaped snouts, visible lower teeth, and a much slimmer build for moving through the water
-Zaterrans resembling thorny devils being a bit shorter than most other Zaterrans, but being able to defend themselves with their thorny spines and is able to project blood from their eyes
-Komodo dragon Zaterrans with longer tails and having a bite force and jaw strength that is stronger than most Zaterrans. Their jaws open extremely wide
-then for chameleon-like Zaterrans (such as Khameleon herself) , they have their crests, curly tails and independently mobile eyes in their reptile forms
-in their reptile forms, Zaterrans can survive EXTREMELY long periods without air in frozen water (or colder weather). (Some reptiles can go up to 3-4 months without air!) if their variation doesn’t permit this, than they can hunker down in safe places, slowing their metabolism and limiting their movement, waiting for the cold weather pass
-this is basically a process some snakes go through call brumation-in human or reptile form, Zaterrans commonly sleep with heated or weighted blankets, just on warm surfaces in general
-females are usually bigger than the males
-there’s really no “mix” of variations, as if a “regular” Zaterran would have children with a more crocodilian-like Zaterran, then those children would exclusively look like one parent in their reptile forms
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
If deku were a member of class b, what would each members opinion of him be? Like neutral, best friend, dekusquad member, rival, etc
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - friends - idk why i just feel like awase and midoria would get along pretty well.
Sen - friends/ rivals - i do think this would be a pretty one sided rivalry but the friendly rivalry is what sparked their friendship in the first place so
Kamakiri - rivals - these two would fight all the time. I mean Kamakiri is shown very little throughout the show but he proves his strength easily each time hes on screen. Hed be able to hold his own for a little while at least.
Kuroiro - neutral - i just dont think they would talk all that often
Kendo - dekusquad - if kendo and midoria hung out at all I think kendos older sibling energy would end up rubbing off on midoria slightly.
Kodai - acquaintance - i feel like theyve spoken once or twice (probably for an assigned project or something) but they haven't talked enough to consider eachother friends.
Komori - dekusquad - he takes notes while Komori tells him about every type of mushroom she can make with her quirk
Shiozaki - neutral - other than questions about her quirk i dont think theyve interacted all that much with eachother.
Shishida - acquaintance - they get along but they dont really hang out with eachother all that often ya know?
Shoda - neutral - shoda is very reserved and Id think it would take a bit for him to really consider someone a friend ykyk? So they may be friends one day but not yet.
Pony - friends - i just think they would be a cute duo lmao. They would be silly friends lmao
Tsubaraba - neutral - i just cant see them being friends lmao
Tetsutetsu - rivals - Tetsutetsu wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. So its no surprise that he wants to train against someone strong like midoria. Not to mention midoria can go almost all out and he can work on his quirk control when against Tetsutetsu.
Tokage - acquaintance - I think they have a silent respect for eachother but they havent interacted much. They could be good friends though
Manga - dekusquad - manga draws detailed versons of everyones hero costumes (mostly just the fancy gear that helps with their quirk and what not) so midoria can make more detailed notes around it all
Honenuki - dekusquad - idk i just think they would get along well
Bondo - acquaintance - midoria probably approached him once earlier in the year to ask him a dozen or so questions about his quirk but thats as far as their interactions have gone
Monoma - rivals - even if midoria was in class B i think they would be rivals. Monomas quirk is really impressive and if used correctly he could be really strong so i think they would train together every now and then
Reiko - neutral - i think itd be funny if midoria was slightly scared of her simply because she looks intimidating to him but I doubt it lmao. Either way i dont think they would interact much.
Rin - acquaintance - i do think they hold a silent respect for eachother and their strengths. (Midorias strength vs rins calm nature during stressful situations ect.) But i dont think theyve interacted much if at all.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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wtheckzukasubs · 4 months
Why I've been away
I've been postponing this post for reasons of having to write it, and I'm glad I didn't do it before because it would have probably sounded much worse.
You've probably noticed I haven't been releasing much, and for the same reason I haven't been replying most of the messages I get, so I thought I should be more honest with all of you.
Be warned for drama, or just skip to the end for the news. Or just scroll down to the next post.
Of course the state of Takarazuka doesn't make me so happy. Even if we don't touch the elephant in the room since the end of September, so many of my favorites are leaving this year. Sora is taidaning at this very moment actually. People leaving without having been able to shine their most is just the bitterest part of this, though Sora still got to do a whole lot, unlike my other favorites leaving. Too bad she had her chance too late for more. From time to time, Takarazuka makes me feel like it doesn't want me following, and with everything happening irl, it's even harder. However, that hasn't been the reason for my distance from here.
I haven't been well in my mind. I wasn't fine before because of how unstable my job was and how I couldn't find something else no matter how many resumés I sent out, and then I eventually did lose my job, and still couldn't get anything. It's been almost a year now. A whole year of questioning my whole life path, of trying to follow each advice and still not get anything. So yeah, I'm far far far from being well. I'm lucky enough I get to live with my parents even if that is also some curse when you don't have an alternative when it becomes too much. I'll stop here because you probably got the picture already and this is making my mind go places.
And no, I'm not here to ask for money lol Anyway, everyone in the fandom already helps me enough with anything I ask. I'm really grateful!
The intention is to first, let you know I'm not gone. I busy like crazy trying to stay together, and the times I'm not, I'm simply drained from living my life. So even if I did have projects I could be working on, I can't do it as much as when I was feeling better. For you to have an idea of how my rhythm has been, Yukinojo was the only one I did since I lost my job. However, I also still don't have the resources to fulfill the commitments I've made—Blackjack, missing the closed captions because Sky Stage never shows it, and Flügel, missing the script—so there is that too. It's the reason I dared try Yukinojo actually. (Though deep down I'm just too sad about Reiko's taidan to be going actively after it all...)
In sum, here's the state of things,
Blackjack - waiting for Sky Stage to get it back from war
Flügel - I don't have the script yet
Hoshi's Memy - some have asked me if I'll do this one. Hibiscus is already working on adapting the subs, so I'm gladly sitting out lol
Hanafubuki, Koi Fubuki - I've checked these subs so long ago and I still haven't gotten myself to work on the release. Shame on me.
Ai, Futatsu (from Yukigeshiki) - I was timing the Koma version to Chigi's so I could check them and see if I could get some more words, as I've done this by ear, then I ended up changing so much of the translation I'll have to retime them back to Koma's. Who knows when that'll happen... Even though it's just an hour long show, the lines are sooooo long and quick and crazy, speeding the video up to time faster won't do.
Prisoners of the Lilac Walls - unless you like checking my Next page, this will probably be news to you, but I've been low-key wanting to work on it for a long time. Now I've finally fulfilled my dream of finishing Yukinojou, I thought I could try this one. I'm doing Teru's version (the Bow one) solely by ear. I'm far enough to know I will release it so just have to cross your fingers I don't need to fanfic my way out of the ???'s. Despite the Nazi parts, it's a nice story, and I fell in love with Beni and Otoha since the first time I watched this. I know it's years too late, but I hope you can see what I saw.
Next? I've got my eyes on this or that, but I'm always hoping someone else will do it instead, so I'd better not say it and let others thinking I'm claiming anything.
Anyway, thank you a lot for following this blog, for your words, for your reblogs, for your messages. I'll do my best not procrastinate replying.
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dragon-in-a-mug · 12 days
Hey, @confusednymphinayellowdress, I'm your gift giver for @natsume-ss spring exchange! I went with the time travel prompt. I hope you like it!
Rating: general audience
Warning: none
Relationship: Natsume Reiko & Fujiwara Touko
Characters: Natsume Reiko, Fujiwara Touko, the black and the white crow
Additional tags: time travel, good parent Fujiwara Touko, slightly ooc Reiko, yokai shenanigans
Summary: No one said having a son with secrets was going to be easy. And while Touko would never pressure Takashi into telling her anything, her crow friends disagree. Fortunately or unfortunately they decide to give Touko some pointers, if she wants them or not.
Or: Local crows decide to involve the mom™ in some timey wimey shenanigans, leading to an unlikely meeting.
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versaphile · 6 months
After Takashi opens up to his family and friends, life for him and Kaname has never been better. But as graduation looms, their futures are uncertain. They visit nearby Kumamoto to see the universities and Natori-san, but following in Reiko’s footsteps reveals old pain and new peril.
A post-Reveal adventure featuring Natsume and Tanuma, the Fujiwaras being the best, the Horrible Exorcists being only sometimes the worst, the impending end of the Book of Friends, the dangers of feeling bad things for too long, and Nyanko-sensei having to do all the work around here.
I took a short break from the rest of my life and wrote a 54k Natsume Yuujinchou novel! I’ll be posting a chapter a day for the rest of December, and the first two are already up. Please enjoy!
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oroontheheels · 7 months
Check out my General Shao x Reiko fanfiction!
This is my first ever fic in English. Written with a help of an editor.
Hope you’ll like it!
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bozers · 29 days
My Rain and Reiko Headcanon Masterpost!
-Rain loves his mom very much. She babies him, but is not afraid to give him a piece of her mind if he acts foolish.
-Reiko might be afraid of Amara
-Rain owns a lot of fine clothes, both masculine and feminine. Likes to mix it up with different jewelry and makeup.
-Reiko has the bare minimum of clothes. Routinely repairs what he has, and only gets new if absolutely necessary. Has ONE formal parade/ceremonial uniform.
-Rain will get so absorbed in a book or study he forgets to eat sometimes. Doesn't like to be constrained to a schedule.
-Reiko's entire life is based around routine. From waking up, eating, training, to sleeping. It's all on the dot at the same time every day. Dislikes spontaneity.
-Rain hates admitting when he is in the wrong. And he is not quick to apologize either, unless he is close to the person.
-Reiko will seek immediate conflict resolution. Hates having things hanging over his head and will say what he needs to resolve it.
-Rain has no issue walking away from a boring conversation. If forced to play nice, he will say things like "That's so interesting." (is not interested at all)
-Reiko is an intense listener. But if he gets bored he might zone out or try to change the subject to something more exciting.
-Reiko is still learning that he can have his own interests and hobbies, and has picked up reading a wider range of books besides the kinds Shao made him read. He even started practicing whittling because he wants to make Rain a little frog figurine.
-Rain has an insatiable curiosity and once he zeroes in on an interest he will commit to it 100%. Definitely hops from one hobby to the next and has a room full of past “projects” that sit dormant. Learned book binding to preserve his own studies, he proudly displays them.
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kathyna · 2 months
Hey, check out my new work, chapter 2 should be on its way shortly.
Hidaka Reiko is not a detective, but when all the Tokyo detectives she knows are wholly indifferent towards the disappearance of Kudo Shinichi what is she to do but pick up the mantle?
Or: Mouri Ran suspects that Conan is Shinichi and this time? This time it goes somewhere.
Or: Strangely, it starts with yarn, will it end with it too?
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madamealtruist · 6 months
The cast for my Mortal Kombat high school AU, Mortal Kombat: Skool Days! The artwork for this series will be handled by my amazing friend @laismoura-art, so thank you so much! This project has been a long time coming, so I hope you all enjoy!
Xiuying Oniro/Frost, younger cousin of the Oniro Brothers and novice cryomancer (ice). Would never admit it, but she has a huge crush on Cassie.
Cassie Cage, younger sister of Johnny Cage and huge smartass. Social media addict.
Jacqui Briggs, younger sister of Jax and tough as nails techie. Has a dorky crush on Takeda.
Takeda Takahashi, strained younger half-brother of Kenshi and Hanzo’s best friend. Is completely oblivious of Jacqui’s crush on him.
Hanzo Hasashi, “apprentice” of Kuai Liang and unpredictable umbramancer (shadows). For reasons he doesn’t want to explain, he doesn’t trust Bi-Han.
Kung Jin, younger cousin of Kung Lao and talented archer. Openly gay, but doesn’t let the haters drag him down.
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, adopted brother of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and incredibly sneaky typhomancer (smoke, mist and vapors). HUGE dork.
Raiden Watanabe, humble optimist and focused electromancer (lightning). Liu Kang’s teaching assistant.
Fujin Watanabe, Raiden’s twin sister and unpredictable aeromancer (wind). Easily embarrassed by Kung Lao, who she has a dorky crush on.
Kung Lao, eagle-eyed dreamer and owner of a razor-rimmed hat. Too cocky for his own good.
Kurtis Stryker, son of an Earthrealm police chief and loyal friend. Hopes to one day join the police force.
Jaime Kabal, former Black Dragon lackey and speedy smartass. Has a specialized mask and apparatus as an asthma inhaler (he thinks it’s cool).
Erron Black, mysterious loner and owner of the “Big Boot” fighting style. Held back at least twice.
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, second son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and skilled pyromancer (fire). Has ways of making you get over here.
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, first son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and master cryomancer (ice). Bit too ambitious.
Harumi Shirai, Earthrealm’s first Umgadi student and owner of a supernatural garden. Part of a polycule with Hanzo and Kuai Liang.
Johnny Cage, former child actor and social media star. Ladies man waiting for the perfect girl to fall for him.
Sonya Blade, daughter of a Special Forces commander and Johnny’s crush. Has a strong hatred for Kano and ALWAYS suspects he’s onto something.
Jax Briggs, Sonya’s best friend and moral support. Incredibly defensive and loyal.
Kenshi Takahashi, rebellious son of a Yakuza leader and a blind swordsman. Owner of a magic sword that helps him see.
Sullivan Kano, leader of the Black Dragon and Sonya’s number one target. Particularly repulsive.
Sektor Zheng/Nine-Tee-Nine, son of the Lin Kuei’s Master Armorer and owner of an incredibly strong robotic suit. Hopes to take over the Lin Kuei.
Cyrax Braam/Four-Dee-Four, daughter of a Lin Kuei enforcer and owner of an incredibly fast robotic suit. Weary of her best friend’s actions.
Reiko, adopted son of Shao and newcomer to the sports team, the Wu Shi Tigers. Massive superiority complex.
Aylkra/Skarlet, adopted daughter of Shao and horrific gothic blood mage. Has been known to terrify most newcomers with a single glance.
Dairou/Havik, Seidan cleric and known anarchy fueled troublemaker. Despite his appearance, he’s not completely evil.
Zeffeero/Rain, Mileena and Kitana’s cousin (on Sindel’s side) and talented hydromancer (water). Gifted mage and will not let ANYONE forget it.
Nitara, Vaeternian femme fatale and has a particularly loud shriek. Beyond bitchy.
Ashrah, older sister of Sareena and repentant demon. In a loving relationship with Syzoth.
Sareena, younger sister of Ashrah and a demon attempting to repent. Has an obsessive crush on Bi-Han.
Mileena, older twin of Kitana and heir to Outworld’s throne. Has to take medicine to control her Stage One Tarkat, or risk going feral.
Kitana, younger twin of Mileena and heir to Outworld’s army. Is aware of Raiden’s crush on her, but is waiting for him to act.
Syzoth/Reptile, Zaterran loner and excellent observer. Uses invisibility to avoid bullies.
Goro, Shokan prince and captain of the Wu Shi Tigers. The kind of jock you want to be friends with.
Jade, Umgadi student and best friend of Kitana. Hides her depression behind cheerful optimism.
Tanya, Umgadi student and lover of Mileena. Carries some of Mileena’s Tarkat meds with her at all times, just in case.
Baraka, Daybreaker student and has Stage Two Tarkat. Loyal till the end to those he trusts.
Sindel, current Empress of Outworld and caring to all those under her care. Headmistress.
Liu Kang, fire demigod and infectiously optimistic. New history teacher.
Shao Kahn, general of Outworld’s armies and plays favorites. Gym teacher.
Shang Tsung, pretty shady alchemist and skilled sorcerer. Science teacher.
Quan Chi, mysterious former mortician and Eldritch sorcerer. Science teacher.
Li Mei, Sun Do’s guardian and former leader of the Imperial Police. School resource officer.
Sheeva, Shokan queen and proud soldier. Gym teacher.
Madame Bo, kind old soul with a feisty attitude. Owns the Teahouse on campus.
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wing-dingy · 2 months
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whatever. cutesy pink reiko. mostly inspired by rhea ripley's makeup at wrestlemania :V
and yes. the lipstick mark is important and necessary and not at all just me projecting wanting to kiss reiko
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