#Prumano is so real honestly
satyrcatartz · 4 months
u guys know those “giving my Italian husband (x) food/(x) American thing” tik toks. well yeah Hetalia Prumano semi-rare pair attack
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my friend and I have been. Obsessed with those. Why does she. Why. It’s like aggravating a chihuahua for views and it’s the most entertainment. Tbh. This art looks SO shitty but the Prumano brain rot is too real for me… Also I saw the pizza burger irl the other day and I don’t wanna talk about it
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keiksy-cake · 4 years
8 - Russia and the Axis (Hetalia Doujinshi)
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Adorable Russia doujin that is purely about friendship, nothing romantic, nsfw or gore, but there is blood so read with caution if you’re sensitive!!
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*In the dub he says “I had stop tanks with my bare hands” but in the translated manga he says “I had to stop live tanks with my body”, I wasn’t really sure which one would be best to put
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*I honestly have no idea what the line was but it seemed to be a reference to something Italy did in the past so I made a guess.
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*I think Prussia was saying some sort of famous movie quote and Romano was pointing that out but as the quote would be different in English, I just had him say “don’t be overdramatic”
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*Germany says “kakukaku shikajika” which seems to be a japanese filler phrase to cover up part of the conversation, the “blah blah blah” wasn’t just me being lazy or anything, I promise XD
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Taken from the Hetalia wiki page for those who didn’t know
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I am just now realizing that I kept the romaji for “omake” instead of translating it to “extra” TwT
I put in a lot of Translator Notes this time, I feel it is respectful to the original writer and the language to point out when I’m unsure of something, also it’s fun to write, but I’m worried people might them disruptive. Let me know in the comments please if you find them disruptive, or maybe I should just put them at the end, idk ^^;;
As a disclaimer, I honestly found this doujin a little sus as it portrays the axis in such a positive light that Russia considers joining them. I even considered dropping it but I decided to just read it as solely a portrayal of the characters, not the actual countries. Thinking about it, it could also be trying to say the countries are good despite their governments (as aph Germany canonly hated his boss), I honestly don’t know
Anyone who follows my insta knows just how much of a leftist I am, oof. Since I am still an amateur in Japanese (I use several translating websites to help me), I never fully know what a doujin is about until I start translating it so that’s why I run into these issues. I hope everyone reading this knows that my translating this doujin is not a political statement in support of the real axis or anything! ;;
Anyways, despite the above, I really really loved this doujin! Everyone knows how much I love Ivan, and I’m also a HUGE multi shipper! This adorable doujin appealed so much to me with scenes of rusita, rusmano, pruita, prumano, ruspan, and ruspa! >w<
Ofc this doujin is only about friendship but my heart can dream TwT
Please support the original artist (ID: 58208279), they should be linked in the source section!
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shakaxmoon · 2 years
Gerita and Prumano
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my dear anon!!! your mind is wide and vast like the universe, and deep like the ocean. thank you for the prompts. sorry it took me so long, real life + uni work have been kicking my ass lately. that being said, i HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT REGARDING THESE FOUR. this might be a bit long...
Yep. I know. It's complicated...
Obviously I have working eyeballs and these two have great chemistry and I do ship it, but only under certain conditions and it comes and goes. It's undeniable that there's something between them, but for me, I personally don't think it should be romantic (but it can be, and depending on my mood sometimes I watch some videos and I squeal like the 14 yr old brainrotten hetalian I used to be (good times). THEY ARE SO CUTE MAN. THE YOUTUBE COMPILATIONS LEAVE ME BRAIN ROTTEN ON THE FLOOR. The sugar high, it killed my poor brain cells. I love fluffy ships so this is a good thing. There are just so many different dynamics with them. You have the comedic potential alone, which the official material explores very well, you have the friendship, you have the childhood-friend-turned-lover trope (if you believe HRE=Germany), you have the oH GOD HE WENT TO WAR AND NEVER CAME BACK AAAAAA (tragic and traumatizing but a lot of fun to read, so juicy), you have the incompetent-lazy-ass VS hard-worker-serious-guy, you have ...and then you have Germany proposing to Italy?!!? Yeah. That one was kinda weird to me. I'm still trying to understand what exactly Himaruya meant by that strip. On one hand it's obviously indicative of sth going on that's beyond mere deep friendship, on the other... the way Italy reacted was very inconclusive. (understandable bestie, being proposed randomly by your co-worker/boss/best-friend is a little overwhelming). Did he turn Germany down? Is it more like a "I turn you down now but maybe it can happen later, timing was not right" type of deal? Or is it "shit man you have all these feelings and Idk what to do with them???"? And so since his answer is so ??? I don't know what to do with that either. But, if you want my opinion, I don't think he's in love with Germany... at least not has smitten as Germany is. :( Maybe it's one of those cases where it can grow. (I'd be interested to read that, if anyone has recs, hmu). So idk, since Italy doesn't seem excited about that particular instance, I'm a little skeptical. BUT, that being said, that strip is one against the hundreds of others that feature them acting like a cute little couple, so I'm still confused, but I'm not against it. Sometimes I don't like Gerita because honestly, it's a little predictable and stale. I already know their dynamic very well and it doesn't fascinate me. It's cute, but that's it. Even the angst is something I'm very used to. Perhaps if they were written differently sometimes but I'll admit I rarely read fanfic for them anymore, if I do it has to have a very interesting premise and most of the time it doesn't work for me. Unfortunately I cling faster to new ideas than things I already know, which leads us to Prumano down below. Another thing is... I'm just not very big on Germany as a character? The more I read about him, however, the more I understand that the stereotype is really just that, and he's actually got a lot more going on under the surface. The stereotype is extremely off-putting to me, however, and that's why I haven't gone deeper. It's slowly changing, I think. Overall, I can see reasons for all of their different dynamics, including HRE-Chibitalia (something I might talk about later), but I don't actively ship it. Sometimes I do watch youtube compilations of them, however, and it's very soothing for the soul. The comedy is impeccable and that alone is worth it lol. A character like Italy really needs a foil like Germany to work at full power, they really compliment each other in that sense. For me their relationship reads as platonic, a very deep friendship, but I'm not opposed to seeing them written as a bg couple. Now, onto the chaotic bitches...
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I NEVER WOULD HAVE DREAMED OF SHIPPING THIS, tbh. But here we are. I love them. They’re beautiful and their dynamic melts my heart.  On one hand I was like ??????, but the curiosity won and I ended up checking out a few fanfics and strips and oh boy I was not ready. That strip where Prussia finds Romano in a dumpster, on a rainy day (the most depressing scenario ever), crying his eyes out (like I said) because he didn’t get a movie role (my poor baby), and Prussia rushing in like a fucking knight in shining armour to not only tell him it’s gonna be alright, but also that he’ll make the movie with him so he can feel better????? (make of that what you will lmao)  BEAUTIFUL, SHOW STOPPING, WHAT’S THIS IN MY EYE YOU ASK? OH, IT’S SWEAT. ;_; That scene was too adorable for me. Romano desperately needs someone (like Spain, who I also ship him with but in different canons, obvs) to be consistent and dependable when it comes to showing affection. My boy’s got abandonment issues galore and an inferiority complex the size of the Colosseo to boot. I love him so much and I think Prussia does too (isn’t it canon that he’s as fond of Romano as he is of Italy? I know he only asked Italy out, but idk, my man has two eyes, he can look at them both...) 
He makes Romano laugh (very important bc he’s a grumpy ass bitch most of the time) and honestly Romano seems to not only tolerate him but also admire him (see: those strips where he runs around like a crusader, influenced by Prussia’s stories lol). Which is even better when you think about how much Romanito goes on about Germans this and Germans that... Him falling for a Germanic nation is just funny af. Prussia is also seen checking him out in one strip I think, when he’s working at America’s house barefoot and he asks Romano about his shoes. He’s teasing him, but he’s also genuinely concerned.  They make me very soft haha, sorry about that. And I know this reason is weird, but the fact that they’re both the “outcast” older brother (Romano obviously dealing with it a lot worse; I think Gilbert doesn’t care, until he breaks down one day and he does) really gets to me. Two men left in the shadows that come together in the shadows but become each other’s fucking morning sun? Have all my money. (Oh, did I mention that they’re both old, tired and broken? It’s a feast in here, ladies and gentlethems.) There have been a few fanworks exploring the moment when the unified Italies dissolve and become only one (spoiler: it’s Veneziano who lives ;__;) and the fact that in the canon Prussia has kinda gone through a similar thing before makes them very relatable. I think they would have relatable angst to bond over, tbh, but maybe I’m wrong! I want to read more of them when I have time. 
They also work well as good friends. Idk, the two of them seem to have compatible personalities and similar life circumstances to bond over. I really like them! Thanks for asking!!! We should do this more often, it’s fun!!! (sorry for the length but I talk a lot lol!!) 
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feliciohno · 4 years
for the ship thing, nedcan, prucan, ruscan, canmano, norway x canada, canada x lithuania, prumano, gerita, itapan, ameita, rusame, fruk, ruseng, rusfra, and ameice. you said to send in a lot so i'm sending in a lot, but i apologize if this is too much
i mostly meant like a lot of asks lol but its okay!
ngl I had to look up the tag cause I didn’t know what this was. I think I saw it as a side ship in a fic once and it seemed kinda cute not sure what vibe I get from it but it’s nice It’s good to see more canada ships he deserves more love
This was like one of my main otps when I was a litol kiddo. It still holds up ngl I love it and I love the vibes with the two of them. I will say though that some people get a bit hetero with it and make mattie and uwu baby which is like headache-inducing 
I fully blame @bogbees (go follow her) for my Ruscan addiction [pensive emoji] It’s probably one of my faves atm it’s just SO GOOD though I’ll be frank I don’t like how a lot of people write/interpret russia some fans act like he's the fucking spawn of satan and it gets on my nerves also? this ship needs more love? def underrated 
Mattie and Lovi? never heard of it but I guess it’s cute (look ill be real ill ship borderline anything) 
again, never heard of it but seems cute 
at this point I'm just writing these down for a Canada harem /j
VERY GOOD SHIP its an underrated fact that Prussia simps for the Italy brothers f in chat for Gilbert but like really I think Prussia and Lovi is cute and also kinda funny 
100% OTP HOWEVER I hate most of the fan content I find. This ship has so many people being heteronormative clowns with it it makes me lose my goddamn mind I can’t stand it. Feliciano is a grown ass man people I’ll admit he's a bit of a soft boy but he's still an adult also whos dumb idea was it to make Germany the top? pft Ludwig radiates virgin bottom I’m so sorry but it’s the truth I love this ship so much I will go into ever site with content of them even the smallest bit of art or story because I love it so much. I honestly just hope that with the new season coming out that new fans will not make the same mistakes as the old fandom with this ship because I’m begging this fandom for good gerita content that doesn’t make me want to pull out my hair But real talk I could go on for hours about these two (especially if you subscribe to the ‘Germany is HRE’ thing which I do 100%)
VERY GOOD VERY GOOD UGH I love this ship so much like I can’t even explain how much I love it it’s right up there with Gerita and Ruscan ITS SO GOOD GUYS please don’t sleep on this ship there’s almost no fics with them please I’ll sob 
This is an underrated favorite of mine. I’ve always headcanoned Alfred and Feliciano as bffs but I also ship them so much They’re both so friendly and outgoing I think it’s be so cute 
VERY GOOD however I’m not a fan of most of the fan content like some people go way too far and make it like borderline abusive again with me disliking how the fandom sees russia it’s just really toxic most the time but otherwise I do love this ship 
DADS DADS DADS DADS this ship is so good I love them and I love FACE fam aus so so much UGH DAD CONTENT I will say some people do go a bit too far with it like Rusame but not too much that I’ve seen. Though just like with russia I don’t like how people write France (tho I don’t think people do it as much as It was in the old fandom which is good) anyways A+ ship 
Never heard of it But I can see it as being kinda cute probably try to one up each other in magic all the time lol 
again, never heard of it personally I can’t really see it but I’m a huge multi shipper so if you show me some cute art or a good fic I’m all for it
I haven’t seen much content of them But I can def see it and it’s super cute! 
I’m still doing brutally honest ship asks if anyone wants to send in any more!! 
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daretoshipromano · 4 years
I dare you to draw Prumano! (Prussia/Romano) If you take scenario requests... which would wear the wedding dress?
I'm so sorry this took so damn long,
Prussia x Romano
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I was having difficulty trying to figure out what to do for a background, until it hit me. Why not do a Halloween picture....in Spring...like a damnass. I ended up saying fuck it and made a stupid little story for it as well that can be summed up as, "America had a Halloween party going on, invited some friends over and had a card game that goes wrong real quick."
Also fuck dude, you dared my OTP! All I saw from my notification bar on my phone was, " I dare you to draw Pur-" and I instantly wanted to do this. I had a permanent grin on my face during the first week of making this! Thank you so much for it, and yes, I can do scenarios. I find them easier to do than making them up on my own, takes me longer to complete the dare.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this card game gone wrong, extremely-early Halloween picture.
P.s. It was real hard to figure out which one of them would be in that dress, so I went basic and picked Romano. Also sorry for my rambling midway through, I was honestly surprised and happy to see someone dare my OTP.
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lovi-chan · 5 years
14 people I would like to know better
@conver-wearing-girl kindly tagged me to do this little challenge! Thank you!! ^^ I invite anyone to join in if they’d like!
ONE / name/alias My real name is Layla but like everyone calls me nicknames- my favorite being Lay
TWO/ birthday April 30th!
THREE/ zodiac sign Taurusss
FOUR/ height I thiiink I’m about 5’6”
FIVE/ hobbies Hmmm drawing, photography, video editing, writing, video games...I’m kinda like mediocre at a bunch of things lmao
SIX/ favorite colors Grey and black but if you’re like my friends and don’t consider those colors, then peach or crimson
SEVEN/ favorite book Oof well like if graphics novels count then it’s Wolf Children but if not then...In Search of Time by Dan Falk (it’s like nerdy nonfiction about time that’s borderline academic but I like it)
EIGHT/ last song I listened to Two Time by Jack Stauber
NINE/ last film I watched I just watched The Revenant today
TEN/ inspiration for muse Referring to my boys Prussia and Romano? Honestly, mostly their canon characters but also high school kids I remember from when I was in high school lmao (as far as dress and personality)
ELEVEN/ dream job An orthodontist (but in my absolute dream a herpetologist because I love reptiles and amphibians v much)
TWELVE/ meaning behind your URL Not much meaning there! It’s just part of Lovino’s name and the Japanese honorific “Chan” which is like an informal honorific for someone younger or like a really close friend
THIRTEEN/ top 3 ships Oof ok gotta say two from Hetalia- Prumano and GerIta. Third would be AshEiji.
FOURTEEN/ lipstick or chapstick Hmmm I use both but probably chapstick
FIFTEEN/ currently reading Not reading anything but have been obsessed with Manhwa’s like Killing Stalking so if anyone has recs let me know!
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