autoacafiles · 7 months
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Has any bot try to poison Unicron, as he eats a planet. If he is planet eater, why not feed him something he can not process…presumably something explosive/hazardous?
Dear Crafty Concoctor,
Alas, Unicron is more than just a mindless eating machine—he is an intelligent being capable of devising counter-stratagems against those who would impede his rampage. Some Cybertronians have tried this very tactic: the Shockwave of one universe went as far as poisoning Cybertron's energon with corrosive Prysmosian magic, but the planet-eater quickly saw through the gambit and simply ripped the planet in half with his bare hands.
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bowling-with-ham · 1 year
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so i saw this post by @the-06 …
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dynared · 8 months
With the Energon Universe in full swing and actually beginning to sell people on GI Joe’s concept (replacing Murican soldiers and evil terrorists with a military based spy thriller and an ancient conspiracy of snake people respectively), some people are inevitably wondering what other franchises Hasbro will try to ask Kirkman to put into the universe. So far he has been adamant that Skybound will only publish four Energon Universe comics at a time, but given that the Joe miniseries will eventually lead into a single ongoing, as well as Hasbro presumably wanting to sell more properties for toys and/or future media, it’s worth looking at what they still have the rights to and the odds of them showing up.
MASK - The trademark was just renewed today, and is probably the most likely thing to appear. Funny thing is Hasbro aren’t even the original owners, having acquired MASK and the GoBots in the purchase of Tonka. For years there have been attempts to merge MASK into GI Joe as one of its many, many sub-divisions (alongside such real toy lines as Battle Corps, Mega Marines, Ninja Force, Eco-Warriors, and Star Brigade) and the ground-up approach of the Energon Universe makes it really easy. Humanity studies Cybertronians, and soon an elite force has vehicles that turn into other vehicles, with pilots that use the trademark masks. Best part is as a Joe subdivision, they won’t even need a new book.
Action Man - Another “we could throw it into Joe if need be” license, although one that may seem far more redundant. Funny enough, Action Man started as the European brand of GI Joe’s original toys (because they wanted a less American centric name in foreign markets) but unlike MASK, they add little to Joe as it exists. Not a likely addition.
Visionaries - Here’s one that likely won’t be seen unless they cameo in Void Rivals. Visionaries was re-introduced in IDW’s continuity in a crossover with Transformers that was widely reviled by just about everybody and failed to spark interest in a brand revival. While the Void Rivals crew might end up near Prysmos, it’s highly unlikely.
Jem - The red headed stepchild of Hasbro’s brands, Jem hasn’t been touched since a very poorly selling IDW comic series that was divisive to put it mildly and a movie that made made $2 million on a $5 million production budget and was widely reviled. While there is some merit to the idea of having a comic looking at society while both the Transformers are on Earth and Joe is fighting Cobra from a civilian perspective, Hasbro will probably be loathe to use Jem again. The ONLY way I can see Jem appearing is in a one-shot akin to Neon Genesis IMPACTS, an Evangelion one shot made for the Japan Animators Expo about an idol group making a go at a career during the events of Evangelion that ends with them all being killed during an episode of the series proper. If Hasbro signs off on a one shot comic about Jem and the Holograms getting killed by Decepticons, it’s probably them washing their hands of the franchise.
As for other franchises? Hasbro no longer has the rights to the Inhumanoids, ROM the Spaceknight is back at Marvel where they’re reprinting his iconic 80s run, and My Little Pony is still at IDW. So unless I missed something, those are all the major Hasbro franchises that could end up being put into the Energon Universe unless Hasbro wants to try scraping their board games for ideas.
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hasbr0mniverse · 11 days
The Visionaries Gallery - Marvel Books Visionaries Knights Of The Magical Light - The Mystical Mirror Of Prysmos 1987
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classicanime79 · 5 months
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evilmidnightlurker · 2 years
"Know, oh Prime, that between the years when the oceans drank Cobra-La and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Colton, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Tlalakan, Lanarq, Eurythma, Alaxuu, Thrull with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Prysmos with its chivalry, Odessix that bordered on the pastoral lands of Lithone, Tyxlara with its shadow-guarded tombs, Nebulos whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Menonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Grimlock, the Cybertronian, steel-faced, glowing-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a T-rex, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his durabyllium feet."
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This motivation actually explains another bit of motivation too.
Because this poisoning he’s referring too?
At least part of it’s because of the effects of these Prysmosians settling on Cybertron, after their own planet was destroyed:
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Their equipment and relics and general magic all being anathema to mechanical life and having to be careful with it because of that has been consistently established. 
They also had not expected Cybertron to be like it was when they first used the Talisman to arrive on an expected to be uninhabited planet:
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And guess where this Talisman came from?
This thing fully capable of destroying and terraforming anything mechanical and nearly actually doing so to Cybertron itself in the mini series?
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“The ancient artifact code designated "Talisman" is a maddeningly mysterious object. A fusion of several different alien technologies—incorporating Cybertronian science, control hardware scaled to Microspacial standards, and Dire Wraith biomatter—the Talisman also possesses ties to Onyx Prime and the Cybertronian colony of Eukaris.”- TF wiki
Meaning that not only do we know now that Shockwave evidently interfered with how things went down on Prysmos, but with the poisoning motive revealed we also now know why.
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brandxspandex · 7 years
After First Strike #6, it seems like a pretty good bet that the Visionaries’ planet Prysmos was devoured by Unicron, which is why they’re homeless…but what if instead, Unicron is Prysmos? After all, it seemed to be the Visionaries’ magic that woke him up, and it wouldn’t be the first time Unicron has been presented as the homeworld of organic life. Furthermore, the only Visionary we’ve met so far seems to really fucking hate Cybertronians on principle, so what if this is an expression of a fundamental bone-deep hatred between the spawn of mortal enemies and cosmic opposites? On the subject of opposites, we saw that the Visionaries’ Talisman could knock a Cybertronian stone dead as though its energies were a natural anathema to Cybertronians, which would make sense if it were an artefact of the Cybertronian devil. In fact, what seems to be a Science vs. Magic motif with the Transformers facing off against the Visionaries might actually be a sort of Essence of Primus vs. Essence of Unicron thing. After all, Unicron is the Chaos Bringer, and magic is often associated with chaos, while science is generally aligned with order.
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45blac · 6 years
earl sweatshirt solange knxwledge stay inside
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convoy914 · 3 years
Okay, so, RWBY/Hasbro Universe/RT Universe concepts:
The Transformers are still aliens who instead of finding Earth, find Remnant. Same for Rom and the Micronauts. Remnant itself is much the same, but with a few additions…
Delta Six is an international strike force formed from the Vytal Pact, Cobra is a religious cult turned terrorist organization who view themselves as the successors to Old Mantle and Mistral (The God they were formed in honor of before the latest Commander reforged them; Koh-Buru-Lah, may actually be real. There’s more than JUST the Two Brothers, after all…)
M.A.S.K. is an Atlas project, V.E.N.O.M. are secret Cobra agents who infiltrated it
The Action Hunter is Mistral’s one person answer to Delta Six
Jem and the Holograms (also the Misfits, the Stingers, etc) are a band from Vale
Prysmos was a city time tossed from the First Age (where everyone had magic, remember. The Local King Merklynn doesn’t like this new technological world)
The Inhumanoids were the Gods’s first attempt at collaborating (they can relate to the Grimm’s feelings of abandonment by their creators)
Also: Atlas has a Simulation Trooper program run itself by a secret research project, and rivaled by a corporate/political mix thing as well
An ancient Nomad from well before even Ozma and Salem’s era resurfaces and the dream city of Maktaba somehow becomes reality-in a sense
Summer camps on a chain of islands prove…an interesting experience, & taking the Paladin project even further to just a mind in the machine is being researched, tho the original abusive prick in charge was fired. Sorry, it’s just Season 2 hasn’t come out yet so my Moral OCD needs reassurance
As for more general plot ideas, here’s some I’ve thought up already:
Baron Karza forms an alliance with Atlas/Ironwood
The Dire Wraiths have a sort of alliance with Salem. She also has secret talons in Cobra.
Cybertron & The Pony Dimensions were both created by associates of the Brother Gods. Said Brother Gods are also remnants of the One, tho the god forms of Primus and Unicron also exist here
And because I’m me, GoBots, Robotix, Xevoz, Air Raiders, Rock Lords, Battle Beasts, Sectaurs, Starriors/Commandrons/Converters, all of these kinds of other Hasbro Properties as alien powers and all. Speaking of, other hostile powers include the Intruder Empire, the Sangheili, and so on
(Yeah so this is separate from my strictly RWBY/Transformers thing (the G1/IDW/Aligned one anyhow), where I had it that the Two Brothers were the ones who created Cybertron as well. In this universe I’m thinking they’re sort of like cosmic counterparts to the ones that did, or something)
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autoacafiles · 6 months
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askvectorprime · 4 years
Considering it's proximity to the Quintesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, are you worried that the Quintessons may make a move on Earth?
Dear Quintesson Questioner,
Many times have I wondered that same question myself! However, the Quintessons of this reality rarely go in for open warfare; generally, they acquire new “client worlds” through a combination of subterfuge, trickery, and economic destabilization. Only when a partially-annexed planet mounts a significant resistance do the Quintessons deploy their shock troopers—armies of highly trained Sharkticon troopers supported by ravenous Taxxons and Prysmosian warrior-monks—in coordinated surgical strikes.
Additionally, the Quintessons are no fools. They are quite aware that the Autobots have established a presence on Earth and taken up the duty of protecting it from extraterrestrial threats. Should the Quintessons attempt to annex Earth, I have no doubts that Optimus Prime would marshall the resources of the Autobot Commonwealth to fend off the invaders.
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newsunbow · 4 years
Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light
On the distant planet of Prysmos, the line between magic and technology is blurred. The three suns of the planet provide unrivaled solar energy that allowed the Prysmosians access to technological advancement and innovation, as well as acting as the focus of their unique religion and culture. But now the, the suns will align in a great conjunction, and that can only mean one thing – the return of the power of the Visionaries.
The Visionaries are masters of the art of Holomatter manipulation, given magical totems that allow them to summon animal familiars composed of solid light. The great wizard Merklynn, guardian of the ancient art, arranges a great trial to test the people of Prysmos and choose those most worthy to wield the ancient art. Prysmosians thus flock far and wide to claim the title of Visionary for themselves, but in the end, only fourteen individuals are able to claim the prize.
Seven of these individuals, led by Prince Leoric of Valarak, swear an oath to use their new Visionary powers for the good of all Prysmos, protecting its people from harm and providing whatever aid they may need. These seven noble Visionaries are the Spectral Knights.
However, the other seven’s motives for obtaining the power of the Visionaries was entirely self-serving. This group are the Darkling Lords, and their leader Darkstorm is determined to bring the entirety of Prysmos under his control by whatever means he can.
It is only natural then that the two groups would come to oppose each other, with the Darkling Lords scheming to gain power, and the Spectral Knights thwarting them at every turn. The Darkling Lords grow increasingly frustrated with this seemingly never-ending stalemate, and soon start to seek new sources of power to tip the scales in their favor. The Darkling Lords thus begin investigating tales of ancient Prysmos. One such legend is of the legendary Sun Imps, a race of beings made of the same solid light as the Visionaries’ totem familiars. Another story is that is of the mysterious floating city of Airlandia, ruled by the Tyrants of Wind – the dogmatic Emperor Aerozar and his four Barons – who are opposed by the Air Raider rebels. And yet another tale tells of the ancient Visionary warriors, the first to ever wield the art over ten thousand years ago, and were divided into the armies of the heroic Ramak and the malevolent Dracluan, who faced off in a mighty battle for control of the planet.
The two rival Visionary factions battle for the fate of Prysmos will take many unexpected twists and turns. Who knows what sort of unique challenges await our heroes?
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shanascarlett · 4 years
Cyber-DNA in Hasbro Universe.
This idea came from Transformers (2007) and Transformers: Revenge of Fallen.
Cyber-DNA appears when human has phisical connect to cyber-technology or energon. Most of humans with that DNA lose mind and suffer of hallucinations. Only strong-spirited ppl can adapt with that DNA. Plus mutants. Do their children have that DNA? Yes. But they live like normal ppl. Until they have physical connect with cyber-technology or energon. They began to see dreams about Cybertron and symbols. If they’re weak-spirited they can lose their mind. Strong-spirited can use their DNA in use and see clearly.
Unfortunately these ppl are source of power for ppl from planet Prysmos. They use their magic to take all life from ppl with cyber-DNA. And ppl with cyber-DNA dont survive.
Here cyber-DNA humans:
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Snake Eyes.
He was born with that DNA. Thanks to his mom who accidently found energon. She didnt lose her mind bc she was strong woman who managed to travel the world despite that her father forbid her to leave farm. Snake Eyes and his sis grew up like normal humans. Until Snake Eyes touched Cobra Commander’s gun who was Megatron. After this Snake Eyes began to see weird dreams of Cybertron. In Arashikage clan he managed to let his sister go. After that he was free and became strong-spirited. He still saw those dreams of Cybertron, but he didnt take serious. Until he met Decepticons (and realised that Cobra Commander wasn’t so nuts). With training at ninja clan Snake Eyes can go to medicate stasis where he can still talk (his soul has voice). There he can see other cyber-spirits or magician Merklynn.
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Cobra Commander
Cobra Commander found gun who turned out to be Megatron. Cause Cobra Commander was half-human (his great-great-great-great grandfather escaped from Cobra-La bc he felt in love) he didnt lose mind. He heard Megatron’s voice. The death of brother broke Cobra Commander. This is when he began to lose his mind bc of grief. His snake-DNA saved him from fully cyber-DNA. Cobra Commander wanted to share cyber-DNA with Billy, but boy escaped when he heard the voice from gun. Billy claims he doesnt have cyber-DNA bc his mother was pregnant when Cobra Commander found gun.
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Kicker Jones.
Son of dr Jones. His father experienced on him when he was in mother’s womb. So Kicker born with cyber-DNA. His father continued to experience on him. Boy had a lot trauma and phobias. Plus hallucinations. At 15 Kicker was sent to mental hospital and his mom divorced with father. There Kicker became more angrier and hated everyone. He escaped during riot. Now Kicker knows about Transformers, G.I. Joe and everything. But he has gone nuts and this is why he blames everyone in human’s agony. He wants to destroy every alien and military forces. So he’s basically Alma from F.E.A.R. (bc his father brought a lot traumas. like Alma’s. WHY NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT?!)
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hasbr0mniverse · 2 years
The Visionaries Gallery - Art By Earl Norem (The Mystical Mirror Of Prysmos) 1987
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