autoacafiles · 3 months
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theweepingprince · 7 months
Why are both the male ROs princes and the female ROs are peasants who seem unimportant?
The companions have their own backgrounds, wants, and needs that are important to the plot. I think it'll help if you think of them less as ROs and more as characters that drive the plot forward. The background however for both of the female ROs is far more than what the eye meets; and the MC will have ample time to explore such.
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adonis-koo · 5 months
Fantastic chapter as always! 😭👏🏼
Just wanna’ lay down a few points:
• JK being the first to confess and fall in love with MC is evidence how far he has come from the first few chapters. Also, I noticed that MC hasn’t even told him she loves him yet maybe because she hasn’t had closure with Seokjin. Which will bring us to the Yule!
• The smut is 😙👌🏼💯
• I have this theory (even though it’s a stretch but hear me out) that maybe MC isn’t meant to heal but to fight/kill. Basically, the blood and fury of those before her is manifesting in her unconsciously. It’s like Celestia is inside her (want to point out also what MC’s mother said in “Of Bones and Gods how “she holds the wrath of the gods in her bones). What she did to Di Jin was self-defense but listen, the flashback to her being taught healing by Baba Enàir and not really getting it or being proficient in it is maybe because she wasn’t meant for it. MC may be looking up to Galadria and what the current Eunoia stands for, but something tells me that the old Celestial is slowly coming out of her.
- me a nerd for the worldbuilding in a fic
• On a non-serious note, when will MC give the JK the succ of his life? 😏
Again, thanks so much for gracing us with more Wicked content! 🫶🏼
!!! I love nothing more then an E2L where he falls harder it’s just UGHHH and I’ve been patiently waiting for people to point out that MC has yet to return an ‘I love you’ it might have to do with Seokjin, it might be because of her own self loathing, what counts is Jungkook may not have heard it yet, but he feels it strongly with her and he’s very patiently waiting for when she’s ready to say it back 🥹
I also LOVE your theory!!! omg makes me squeal when people start theorizing events to come or why things are or what it means, her being unable to successfully heal like her dryad kin and her unbridled rage are definitely connected and the parallels to old Celestia is not a coincidence, how so however??? Is yet to be revealed! What we do know is Galadria and Celestia were sisters and directly related to MC so it’s not too far off the mark to assume that there is definitely some kind of ancestral related influence, especially when it came to Di Jin attempting to kill her and it triggering such a violent reaction from her.
I love when people give extra love and attention to the world building side of things 🥹 does it make me sweat a little because there’s definitely a few plot holes in my world building due to pure laziness on my part?? yes….does it still make me IMMENSELY happy to see YES!!!
as for your last question…😏 you guys can expect to not wait too long for that
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axibaximillion · 3 years
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Visionaries_Galadria vs Virulina_Doodle01Jul2021
Here's my a combination of my two Visionaries doodles I put up previously, Here we have both Spectral Knight Galadria vs Virulina the Darkling Lord both in their element battle for dominion of the sea! This was alot of fun, it took a while to crop both girls and their Totem projections out in Photoshop but the results look great. The Background was accomplished with an old technique I have used before I wanted to dust off, being inspired by some ol cartoons that did some trippy looking backgrounds with what look like water colours, I used soft pastels, getting darker and darker to make it look like the sea and I flicked a pair of paintbrush bristles together with white ink to get those white dots to make it look kinda like bubbles or sorta general undersea current, that kind of thing. Anyway Hope you enjoy this was alot of fun, the girls slot together very well, Enjoy!
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singloom · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cryotek/Galadria (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light) Characters: Cryotek (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light), Galadria (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light) Additional Tags: Fic Exchange, Rare Pairs Exchange 2021, Urban Legends, Mystery, Magic, Investigations, Established Relationship, Ghosts, Curses, Curse Breaking, Winter, Snow and Ice, lake, Original Character Death(s), Skeletons, Worldbuilding, Hopeful Ending, Bittersweet, Dolphins, Animal Transformation, Don’t repost to another site Summary:
Cryotek and Galadria investigate a mysterious woman in white haunting the lake of a mountain village plagued by a never ending snowfall.
Written for Rare Pairs Exchange 2021.
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At least with the events of Transformers vs Visionaries, there is an actual habitable place to stay on Cybertron for the Elonian refugees now there:
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To clarify for those who have not read the series: after the planet of Prysmos was destroyed, a series of events lead to a number of the survivors establishing a city on Cybertron. “New Prysmos”. 
Rendered just about barely habitable by a mystic artiact of the mystic population known as the “Talisman”.
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But there was conflict between the residents of New Prysmos.
Some, namely most of the Spectral Knights, wanted to try make peace and establish relations with the locals, along with simply improve the conditions of the city they had.
But others, such as the Darkling Lords and the majority of the civillian population, were not happy with the arrangement.
They wanted the entire planet terraformed into a new world for them, not viewing Cybertronians as people and as such not caring that the process would kill them all.
Things escalated because of that.
Eventually however, the combined efforts of some Cybertronians and Spectral Knights detonating a counter bomb of sorts to prevent the terraforming, along with Galadria and her attempts to use magic to save Ironhide’s life- all of that reacting with the Talisman:
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Well, in the words of her and leader Leoric, this happened:
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It will be very cramped. 
It already was, even with just the Prysmosians residing in it, but we know the Knights will be willing to help the best they can, along with Cybertronian efforts to assist and it will be something habitable for the Elonians at least.
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the-06 · 3 years
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bifinmediasres · 5 years
Started bingeing Visionaries. Trying really hard to fight the urge to make "Galadria you're hallucinating" a thing I say now.
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joghs · 6 years
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31.3.18 My OC Galadrias
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soupwife · 2 years
one thing I think is a bit odd about scifi/fantasy is that there's this unspoken agreement that monotheism just doesnt exist anywhere else except earth. at the very least when it comes to colloquialisms. Like if there are elves or aliens nearby you HAVE to say shit like "thanks the gods" instead of "thank God" otherwise it's supposedly immersion breaking or something. But. like what, NO ONE in the entire,, realms of galadria or whatever the fuck was like "actually I think it's just one guy"? Nobody??
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opheliableeds · 4 years
I love dramione fics where hermione gets along with the whole slytherin gang; I'm reading The Order Of The Serpent by Galadria and I just love how they help each other, I love flirty Blaise, snarky Theo, wholesome Crabbe and Goyle and well obviously I love our slytherin Prince♡
I hope that in this fic Pansy and Hermione will get along too because I also adore when they get portrayed as best girlfriends
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Custom Galadria for the Dagger Assault dungeon. #visionaries #visionariesknightsofthemagicallight #hasbro
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precuretwinkle · 5 years
there's this weird hyper romanticization of heterosexuality in fiction that ironically ruins any kind of depth they could have in some media right. instead of showing us they earned their closeness they just have it (thats their privilege afterall)... and it can come off as weirdly cold/distant but the overt text is like constantly reminding you or throwing in FYI "btw these two people are deeply in love" bc otherwise youd forget i guess since they dont feel that way sometimes. and it's funny bc with that probably means there will be more fulfilling same-sex friendships that explore more nuance between characters that can be easily read as subtext for romance and thusly more SATISFYING as a romance than whatever purity bullshit you get with the straight main couple. now when you throw in writers who are bad at writing female characters and including them in the story at all in these sort of situations, stuff gets really messy really quick when it comes to fandom interpretations of why some ships are better than others. sometimes this misogyny vs homophobia tension appears within the fanbase when it comes to ships and characters but it's always funny to me because the problem is the writers/creators of this media being consumed. cant fucking write an interesting "main" couple, can't fucking write female characters as interesting individuals. what did you think would happen John? you write about the deep emotional bond between Ethentrol and Myrdefy, who have stated they would die without the other constantly, but Myrdefy and Galafdria have barley spoken a few sentences in your 400 page book. God, if you have to torture us with this annoying straight coupling at least give Galadria a cool wyvern princess mech friend so we can have Galafdria with some actual depth and another gay ship too smh. Also Galafdria and Ethentrol would be friends, not enemies. I hate (some of) your fans John.
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magicalmonsterhero · 2 years
Visionaries reboot trailer
A trailer for a reboot of the 1980s cartoon Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light. While this is intended to be for a movie, said movie could double as a TV pilot.
(Shots of the planet Prysmos in chaos. All but the simplest of machines have ceased to function, provoking mass panic, though somehow there is minimal loss of life.)
Merklynn (v/o): Centuries ago, the first age of magic ended when the three suns of Prysmos aligned.
(Shots of civilians attempting to either provide aid to others or take advantage of the chaos. In doing so, many discover that they now possess the ability to use magic. Cut to Damian Darkstorm standing atop a heap of rubble, with Annabeth Mortdredd at his side.)
Darkstorm: We’ve lost our technology, but we’ve gained much more in return.
Merklynn (v/o): Now, magic returns to this planet...
(Shots of Arthur Leoric, Luther Cindarr, Craig Lexor, and Ryder Arzon shifting into their Totem forms for the first time. Leoric and Lexor look surprised, but Cindarr seems intrigued and Arzon is delighted.)
Merklynn (v/o): ...and man will have to be strong to survive.
(Cut to Joanne Ectar, Zack Feryl, and Gail Witterquick shifting into their Totem forms. Leoric, also in Totem form, stands at the base of a rocky outcrop.)
Leoric: Follow me! This way!
(Shot of Ricky ‘Reekon’ Kongrenn placing his hand on a wall, watching as it changes color to blend in with the wall. Shot of Lee Cryotek lifting an enormous chunk of debris that had been pinning Julia ‘Galadria’ Landon to the ground. Shot of Galadria healing Cryotek’s wounds with a touch. Shot of Victoria ‘Virulina’ Landon firing a beam of pale yellow light from her sword.)
Merklynn (v/o): I am the last of my generation, and it is my sworn duty...
(Cut to Galadria and Mortdredd engaged in a sword fight. Shot of Paige Cravex helping Virulina onto the back of a large horse-like animal. Shot of Reekon tossing a small metal object like a baseball. Shot of Ectar holding her hands in front of her, creating a magical force field. The object hits the field, bounces off, and explodes as it hits the ground, the shards unable to pierce the field.)
Merklynn (v/o): ...to guide the next into this brave new world.
(Shots of the knights in action. Cut to Darkstorm and Mortdredd looking out at the small city built from the remains of New Valarak.)
Mortdredd: Soon, my Lord, it will all be yours.
(Cut to Leoric, Ectar, Feryl, Cryotek, Witterquick, Arzon, and Galadria—the Spectral Knights—entering a vast chamber, followed by Darkstorm, Reekon, Mortdredd, Cindarr, Cravex, Lexor, and Virulina—the Darkling Lords.)
Merklynn (v/o): So tell me, young visitors...
(Cut to Merklynn standing in front of an enormous tapestry. He slowly turns to face the camera.)
Merklynn: ...what path will you take?
(Brief shot of the Spectral Knights facing the Darkling Lords in a traditional ‘mirrored confrontation’ shot. Cut to title card.)
(Cut to the Spectral Knights pursuing the Darkling Lords, both factions aboard magical transports. As Ectar, driving the “Spectral Speeder”, makes a sharp turn, Feryl holds out a hand.)
Feryl: Draw upon the breath of stars, and scorch the skies with fiery scars!
(The Speeder’s cannons immediately begin shooting fireballs, while the other Knights [aside from Ectar] give Feryl incredulous looks.)
Feryl: What? I thought it sounded cool.
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axibaximillion · 3 years
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Visionaries Galadria Doodle01_Jun2021
Here is another doodle from the Visionaries series here featuring the female member of the other team, the Spectral Knights. Here featured with her Dolphin Totem emerging from her hologram chest ready to battle. This was another fun one, had fun trying something different with the background to achieve a water effect, turned out great! Hope everyone enjoys! ^_^ Massively underrated show from the hayday of cartoons!
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singloom · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cryotek/Galadria (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light) Characters: Cryotek (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light), Galadria (Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light) Additional Tags: Fic Exchange, Rarest of Rare, Rare Fandoms, Summer, Skinny Dipping, Forests, Fluff, Love, Don’t repost to another site, Naked Cuddling, Sweet Summary:
On a muggy summer night, Cryotek and Galadria cool off in a woodland lake together.
Written as part of the Rarest of Rare Exchange.
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