delphoart · 12 days
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family photos, Delmare family and Pryte family
Delmare from left to right: Selva, Gattino, Chiara, and Forte Pryte: Elheard, Gytha, Rebecca (Becca), Skinna
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sorelymisinken · 1 year
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Tail Chair
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someawesomeamvs · 2 years
Warning: Spoilers
Editors: Xiera, TechnyNerdGirl, Daisaki, llCatchMe, xDarkwolf, shadoefax, Pink2646, LillieJuxx, Melete, Stray Mylse, XxAngry PotatoxX, Pryte, theargnt, Sayu, xBlueSenpai, CoffinAMV, HiikaryLi
Studio: AnimeEditorStudios
Song: You Only Live Once (cover)
Artist: Kuraiinu
Anime: Akatsuki no Yona, Yuri!!! on Ice, Diamond no Ace, K-On!, Love Live! Sunshine!!, Hibike! Euphonium, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kuroko no Basuke, Howl's Moving Castle (film), Kamisama Hajimemashita, Kimi no na wa (film), Violet Evergarden, Boku no Hero Academia, Nisekoi, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Touken Ranbu, Kizumonogatari (film trilogy), Uchouten Kazoku, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc, Little Witch Academia
Category: Drama
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bonniebelleklyde · 4 years
Okay, so a non-zero number of people seem to be interested in listening to me ramble about the space au, and I really wanna talk about Patton, so let’s talk about Patton! (Again, if you know nothing about this AU, check out the first three chapters here! I’ll be continuing the story via hcs, drabbles, etc. on this blog.)
Patton— like Logan— grew up very poor but with a superhuman of a mother, so he never wanted for any necessities, and his childhood was chock full of love. Patton genuinely views his childhood before The Explosion as perfect. This is all Priscilla’s doing.
Patton was very much the sunshine child in his early years. He inherited his mother’s thirst for life and found joy in absolutely everything. He was always bright smiles, silly jokes and lots and lots of hugs. As far as he was concerned, he never had much to be unhappy about. His world was small-- condensed to his happy little home with his mom and his best friend’s house next door. As a result, his life was beautifully simple, filled with people who loved him completely and unconditionally.
Speaking of love...
Patton adores Logan. Given their mothers’ friendship, they’ve been best friends since literal birth. They’ve depended on each other since day one.
I mention somewhere in the first three FTWP chapters that most kids in Iolara don’t go to school because they can’t afford tuition (nothing is free on Iolara). Patton’s entire education comes from listening to Logan’s impassioned ramblings about the things he teaches himself from the books Sybil spends her last time to buy him. 
As a result, Patton knows an Awful Lot about the things that Logan finds interesting-- among them, astronomy, intergalactic history and politics, and mechanical engineering. That last one will come in handy time and time again.
Patton is in awe of how much Logan knows without anyone around to teach him. He thinks his best friend is the coolest person in the whole damned universe, but he just can’t seem to convince Logan himself.
Patton spends a great deal of his time gardening. His mother paints flowers in her spare time, and Patton started his garden to grow her new flowers for inspiration, and he fell in love with gardening in the process. Logan took note and began studying botany with an aim toward helping Patton maintain and diversify his little garden.
Patton regularly makes bouquets of flowers and gives them to all three of his loved ones. Logan has pressed and preserved a flower from every bouquet Patton has ever brought him. Every. Single. One. Patton has no idea.
Logan is obsessed with clear nights. They are his very favorite things in the entire world. (For those who haven’t read FTWP, Iolara’s sky is almost always thick with clouds. Once or twice per year, there will be a Clear Night, and you can see the stars. Before The Explosion, Logan never missed one). Consequently, Patton arguably loves clear nights even more than Logan because he’s never seen his best friend quite as happy as when he’s looking at a sky full of stars. It was actually Patton who first came up with their big dream to build a ship that would launch them into space so that Logan could look at the stars anytime he wanted.
Patton develops a crush on his best friend at around age thirteen, though he doesn’t recognize it until their last Clear Night together roughly two years later. (*Sob*). 
Priscilla very much recognizes Patton’s crush and is not exactly subtle about it. Priscilla has always known that Patton and Logan would end up together and Very Much Approves. She ships them so hard, you guys.
Then...well, then The Explosion hits.
Patton is forever changed when the bomb goes off, killing his mother and (as far as he knew at the time) Logan. To the point that, after their reunion, Logan struggles a bit to reconcile his memory of his childhood best friend with the man he is now.
But Patton is still Patton. The compassion, the empathy, the sky high emotional IQ, and the terrible dad jokes-- they’re all still there.
But his love of life is gone. His belief in the goodness of the world is gone. He is no longer, at his core, the happy carefree Patton he once was. He lost two of the people he loved the most to a bomb in a horrible, pointless war. He lost the third a year later. He is...not doing well.
When Patton built the Sybil (yes, named for Logan’s mother, who he lived with in the year following the blast), he didn’t really believe he’d ever use it to get off Iolara. Where would he even go? He built it more as an homage to Logan than anything else.
When Patton ran into Logan, he really didn’t know whether the Sybil was ready-- whether it could even fly. He saw Logan-- saw him in his full mechanical glory-- and knowing full well about the anti-Cyborg decree, was hit with the immediate need to get Logan the hell off-planet, no matter the consequences. Like hell was he losing this man a second time.
Consequently, he has No Idea how to actually pilot a ship. But he built the damn thing, so if anyone’s going to fly it, it’s going to be Patton. There is a Learning Curve.
Patton struggles with black and white thinking throughout this story. Having had his sunshine-and-roses worldview flipped on its head, he develops a passionate hatred for the C’Klanii (the race of people who dropped the bomb and are responsible for the war). He blames every scrap of his unhappiness of the whole of the C’Klanii people. 
That’s gonna be real difficult for him when he meets Janus. Janus is a grumpy teenager with an attitude that someone needs to shake out of him. He’s also a highly traumatized kid in real need of love and affection. Janus is C’Klanii. It will be A Time.
In a similar vein, when Patton finds out that Roman Erilleyan-- long lost Crown Prince of Oberon-- is alive and well, Patton genuinely believes and expects Roman to be the solution to the world’s problems-- the great savior of the universe. Lord knows Roman will try...but those are unfairly lofty expectations to put on anyone’s shoulders.
Please please please feel free to send me asks! About Patton, about the AU in general, or let me know what you want to hear me ramble about next-- I would love to hear from you! :)
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leguin · 4 years
“sigh” for the ask game!
really telling number of results for this in my notes app lmao. anyway, from a weird little magicians books oneshot i never put on ao3:
As far as prophetic dreams go, they’re deeply cliche - blood, fire, brimstone, earthquakes, voices chanting ominously in the background while Whitespire crumbles, etc, etc. Disturbing, sure, but Eliot knows disturbing. Increasingly, as the days pass, they just become mundane.
Their mundanity, unfortunately, does not preclude them from also being deeply inconvenient for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that they result in Quentin moping about with a sort of passive-aggressive malaise that Eliot cannot tolerate for more than fifteen minutes at a time. When asked, Quentin denies that his extended sighs, gloomy looks, and continual pacing have anything to do with dreams of any sort, but Eliot knows better. He has nearly four years of co-existing with - and thus, managing - Quentin, and he’s very nearly insulted by the implication that he’s incapable of reading Quentin like an open book when the occasion demands.
also, from an actual wip (an epilogue for my first disco elysium playthrough):
“Vacation,” you say, and the voice on the other end of the line sighs and says, “Yes, vacation.”
“It’s just that I haven’t even finished processing everything from the case -“ you start, and immediately hear another sigh.
“You’re on mandatory unpaid leave, Du Bois,” the voice - Captain Pryte, allegedly, and something at your core recognizes the nasal tone - snaps. “You lost your badge, your service weapon, and, according to Vicquemare, your memory. I’m putting you on leave while the precinct sorts out the administrative quagmire that is justifying your continued employment to the Coalition.
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writernotwaiting · 8 years
The Book of Phillip Sparrow
BY JOHN SKELTON -- [side note: John Skelton wrote in the early 1500s before a bunch of high falutin’ snooty university boys decided what English verse was “supposed” to look like, so he wrote the way he wanted -- meaning, he wrote in a sing-songy rhyming tetrameter that makes fun of everything that smacks of authority, including the church, even though he was a priest himself. His verse is playful and silly and serious all at the same time -- everything that I think makes for good poetry. In the poem below, he writes a lament for a dead pet sparrow.]
Pla ce bo, Who is there, who? Di le xi, Dame Margery; Fa, re, my, my, Wherfore and why, why? For the sowle of Philip Sparowe, That was late slayn at Carowe, Among the Nones Blake, For that swete soules sake, And for all sparowes soules, Set in our bederolles, Pater noster qui, With an Ave Mari, And with the corner of a Crede, The more shalbe your mede.
Whan I remembre agayn How mi Philyp was slayn, Never halfe the payne Was betwene you twayne, Pyramus and Thesbe, As than befell to me: I wept and I wayled, The tearys downe hayled; But nothinge it avayled To call Phylyp agayne, Whom Gyb our cat hath slayne.
Gib, I saye, our cat, Worrowyd her on that Which I loved best: It can not be exprest My sorowfull hevynesse, But all without redresse; For within that stounde, Halfe slumbrynge, in a swounde I fell downe to the grounde.
Unneth I kest myne eyes Towarde the cloudy skyes: But whan I dyd beholde My sparow dead and colde, No creatuer but that wolde Have rewed upon me, To behold and se What hevynesse dyd me pange; Wherewith my handes I wrange, That my senaws cracked, As though I had ben racked, So payned and so strayned, That no lyfe wellnye remayned.
I syghed and I sobbed, For that I was robbed Of my sparowes lyfe. O mayden, wydow, and wyfe, Of what estate ye be, Of hye or lowe degre, Great sorowe than ye myght se, And lerne to wepe at me! Such paynes dyd me frete, That myne hert dyd bete, My vysage pale and dead, Wanne, and blewe as lead; The panges of hatefull death Wellnye had stopped my breath. Heu, heu, me, That I am wo for the! Ad Dominum, cum tribularer, clamavi: Of God nothynge els crave I But Phyllypes soule to kepe From the marees deepe Of Acherontes well, That is a flode of hell; And from the great Pluto, The prynce of endles wo; And from foule Alecto, With vysage blacke and blo; And from Medusa, that mare, That lyke a fende doth stare; And from Megeras edders, For rufflynge of Phillips fethers, And from her fyry sparklynges, For burnynge of his wynges; And from the smokes sowre Of Proserpinas bowre; And from the dennes darke, Wher Cerberus doth barke, Whom Theseus dyd afraye, Whom Hercules dyd outraye, As famous poetes say; From that hell-hounde, That lyeth in cheynes bounde, With gastly hedes thre, To Jupyter pray we That Phyllyp preserved may be! Amen, say ye with me!
Do mi nus, Helpe nowe, swete Jesus! Levavi oculos meos in montes: Wolde God I had Zenophontes, Or Socrates the wyse To shew me their devyse, Moderatly to take This sorrow that I make For Phylyp Sparowes sake! So fervently I shake, I fele my body quake; So urgently I am brought Into carefull thought. Like Andromach, Hectors wyfe, Was wery of her lyfe, Whan she had lost her joye, Noble Hector of Troye; In lyke maner also Encreaseth my dedly wo, For my sparowe is go.
It was so prety a fole, It wold syt on a stole, And lerned after my scole For to kepe his cut, With, "Phyllyp, kepe your cut!"
It had a velvet cap, And wold syt upon my lap, And seke after small wormes, And somtyme white bred crommes; And many tymes and ofte Betwene my brestes softe It wolde lye and rest; It was propre and prest.
Somtyme he wolde gaspe Whan he sawe a waspe; A fly or a gnat, He wolde flye at that; And prytely he wold pant Whan he saw an ant; Lord, how he wolde pry After the butterfly! Lorde, how he wolde hop After the gressop! And whan I sayd, "Phyp! Phyp!" Than he wold lepe and skyp, And take me by the lyp. Alas, it wyll me slo, That Phillyp is gone me fro!
@philosopherking1887 -- I lik the bred!
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opsikpro · 4 years
VA – Ims Ibiza 2020 / HouseBeat Records
VA – Ims Ibiza 2020 / HouseBeat Records
Ims Ibiza 2020 VA
LABEL: HouseBeat Records GENRE: Progressive House RELEASED: 2020-05-15 DOWNLOAD SIZE:: 154,10 MB
Alberto tagliaferri – Free Again 08:18 123bpm/
ANDREA VERONA – KingKung 06:29 124bpm/
Demarkus Lewis – No Sense 07:21 122bpm/
Marques Skot – Your Voice 08:29 125bpm/
Pryte – Time (Re-Edit Mix) 05:13 120bpm/
Riccardo Lippi – Save Me 04:41 111bpm/
Ricky KK– Emphasis…
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mojomediapro · 7 years
When Facebook goes shopping. 65 Facebook Acquisitions – The Complete List (2017)! [INFOGRAPHIC]
Good people of TechWyse – produced this infographic last year. Its a few month old but still so much relevant as Facebooks race for word domination keeps getting stronger.
  Facebook or should we say, “The Facebook,” was created by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. Initially created solely for college students attending specific schools, Facebook reached one million users in just 10 short months after its inception. Eleven years later in 2016, Facebook has nearly 1.7 billion users! And this doesn’t include its other properties like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger just to name a few.
During this wave of extreme growth, Mark Zuckerberg has acquired 68 companies till date. Facebook’s largest acquisition so far has been WhatsApp Messenger, which they purchased at $19 billion in February 2015. Other notable acquisitions include Instagram ($1 billion in April 2012) and Oculus Virtual Reality ($2 billion in March 2014).
Some of Facebook’s smaller purchases include the domain fb.com, which it bought for $8.5 million in November 2010 and the hosting and sharing platform Drop.io, which it bought for $10 million in October 2010. Just a few million dollars each, no big deal for Facebook, whose IPO started out at $38 per share (in May 2012), which sits at roughly $93 per share in mid/late-August 2015.
This infographic contains the complete list of companies acquired by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg from August 2005 till date.
A big thanks to the TechWyse Team who helped to design and manage this infographic. Well done guys!
      AboutFace, August 2005 – $200 K
Parakey, July 19 2007
ConnectU, June 23 2008 – $31 Million
FriendFeed, August 10 2009 – $47.5 Million
Octazen, February 19 2010
Divvyshot, March 2 2010
Friendster, May 13 2010 – $40 Million
ShareGrove, May 26 2010
Nextstop, July 8 2010 – $2.5 Million
Chai Labs, August 15 2010 – $10 Million
Hot Potato, August 20 2010 – $10 Million
Drop.io, October 29 2010 – $10 Million
FB.com domain name, November 15 2010 – $8.5 Million
Rel8tion, January 25 2011 – Undisclosed
BELUGA, March 2 2011 – Undisclosed
snaptu, March 20 2011 – $70 Million
RecRec, March 24 2011 – Undisclosed
DayTum, April 27 2011
Sofa, June 9 2011
MailRank, June 9 2011
Push Pop Press, August 2 2011 – Undisclosed
Friend.ly, October 10 2011 – Undisclosed
Strobe, November 8 2011 – Undisclosed
Gowalla, December 2 2011
Instagram, April 9 2012 – $1 Billion
Tagtile, April 13 2012 – Undisclosed
Glancee, May 5 2012 – Undisclosed
Lightbox.com, May 15 2012 – Undisclosed
Karma, May 21 2012 – Undisclosed
Face.com, June 18 2012 – $100 Million
Spool, July 14 2012 – Undisclosed
Acrylic Software, July 20 2012 – Undisclosed
Threadsy, August 24 2012 – Undisclosed
Atlas, February 28 2013 – Less than $100 Million
Osmeta, March 2013
Hot Studio, March 14 2013
Spaceport, April 23 2013
Parse, April 25 2013 – $85 Million
Monoidics, July 18 2013
Jibbigo, August 12 2013
Onavo, October 13 2013
SportStream, December 17 2013
Little Eye Labs, January 8 2014 – $15 Million
Branch, January 13 2014 – $15 Million
WhatsApp, February 19 2014 – $19 Billion
Oculus VR, March 25 2014 – $2 Billion
Ascenta, March 27 2014 – $20 Million
Liverail, August 14, 2014 – $500 Million
ProtoGeo Oy, April 24 2014 – Undisclosed
Pryte, June, 2014 – Undisclosed
PrivateCore, August 7 2014 – Undisclosed
WaveGroup Sound, August 26 2014 – Undisclosed
Wit.ai, January 6 2015 – Undisclosed
Quickfire, January 8 2015 – Undisclosed
TheFind, March 14 2015 – Undisclosed
Surreal Vision, May 26 2015 – Undisclosed
Pebbles, July 16 2015 – $60 Million
Masquerade, March 9 2016 – Undisclosed
Two Big Ears, March 23, 2016 – Undisclosed
Nascent Objects, September 19 2016 – Undisclosed
The total cost of Facebook’s acquisitions to date is $ 23,124,700, 000. And that’s just from the acquisition costs they disclosed!
    The post When Facebook goes shopping. 65 Facebook Acquisitions – The Complete List (2017)! [INFOGRAPHIC] appeared first on mojo media.
from mojo media http://www.mojomedia.pro/facebook-goes-shopping-65-facebook-acquisitions-complete-list-2017-infographic/
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delphoart · 3 months
Skyte trivia!!
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As requested on twitter, here's some Skyte trivia for you all!
Her birth name is Skinna Pryte. She hates it.
Knows how to play the organ.
Gets cranky if she doesn’t get exactly 8 hours of sleep.
Getting magic for the first time dyed her hair black and made it spike up. She prefers it down and has tried everything to fix it.
Has neck pain from having to look up at everybody (shorty).
Fully believes she came up with the S, and anything before her time was just prophesizing her coming.
Bisexual, with a strong feminine preference.
Favorite foods are pork adobo and cherries.
Horoscope is Scorpio, which checks out from what I've gathered lol.
Absolutely refuses to swear, she will however come up with colorful ways to insult you otherwise.
She is chronically OFFline. Mostly anti-tech. She somehow still needs to touch grass.
Active minimalist, other than books and CDs.
She has made most of her clothes by herself. Sewing is one of her hobbies but she's very self-conscious about it.
Hate lawyers. They usually out-word her lmao.
Refuses to use written contracts when making deals, only verbal. This both goes in her favor and backfires on her.
Secretly a big punk/metal/industrial fan. She will take this to the grave.
Drink of choice is absinthe.
Magic only works on things with a soul, she is SOL with robots and such.
She does have a small nub for a tail, hidden by her clothes.
Her whole family is quite small, she is still the smallest though.
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sorelymisinken · 2 years
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I need to do more of these
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someawesomeamvs · 5 years
Warning: Spoilers, potential seizure trigger, violence, sexual imagery
Title: 80s Remix - VHS MEP
Editors: SeikiYukine, Kamideres, OkamiRissi, xPyrrhic, PrincessMaiyami, Apple core, YatoSwag Amv, haruiko, Pryte, xAquarius (formerly known as xKairibrunette), Anime_Rainbow_Kitty, X1xSakuraYukkix7X, Megane Ayumi, AnEroticHomo
Studio: DelusionalStudio
Audio: “We found Love (Rath 80′s Remix)” by Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris, “Somebody That I Used to Know (80′s Remix)” by Gotye feat. Kimbra, “Teenage Dream (80′s Remix)” by Katy Perry, “Shape of You (80′s Remix)” by Ed Sheeran, “Just the Way You Are (80′s Remix)” by Bruno Mars, “Sledgehammer (80′s Remix)” by Fifth Harmony, “Into You (80′s Remix) by Dangerous 80s, “Wrecking Ball (80′s Version Remixed by Geickolawd)” by Miley Cyrus, “Closer (80′s Remix)” by The Marlboro Smokers, “What Do You Mean It’s 1985? (80′s Remix)” by Justin Bieber, “This is What You Came For (80′s Remix)” by Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna
Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena, White Album 2, Clannad, Girl (music video), Mawaru Penguindrum, Kyoukai no Kanata, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Yamada-kun and the 7 witches, Mekaku City Actors, Hibike! Euphonium, Tamako Market, Steins;Gate, Ao Haru Ride, Koe no Katachi (film), Say I love you, Soul Eater NOT!, Kimi no na wa (film), Kuzu no Honoki, Oregairu, Yuri on Ice, Nisekoi, Kiznaiver, Hybrid Child, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Sailor Moon, Buddy Go!, Doukyuusei (film), Hitorijime My Hero, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Onegai Twins, Kimi ni Todoke, Toradora!, Fullmetal Alchemist, Garden of Words (film)
Category: Freestyle
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bonniebelleklyde · 4 years
I think it’s high time we got more of the gang onto this spaceship of ours, don’t you? Let’s talk about how Roman gains passage aboard The Good Ship Sybil.
First, let’s recap what we know about Roman so far from the first three chapters.
So we know that Roman Erilleyan is the Crown Prince of the Oberonian royal family, who are, to put it simply, a Big Deal. Oberon is the wealthiest and most influential planet in the known universe, and the Erilleyans have been ruling for centuries.
But we also know that Roman only lived as a royal for the first four years of his life. The war began on Oberon, when the C’Klanii invaded essentially out of nowhere and easily overtook the palace, the rest of the planet falling very quickly. Among the casualties was King Theseus Erilleyan, Roman’s father. He was murdered by a C’Klanii warrior named Brutus Baltha...remember that name, y’all. It’s coming back in a big way. 
Roman escaped and made it off-planet with the twins’ nanny, Valerie. For twenty-three years, Roman has no idea whether his mother and brother made it out alive. 
He’s been living in obscurity under the name Rory Grey. He works as a bartender and spends all of his life daydreaming about reuniting with his family and restoring the Erilleyans to power and glory. In short, Roman believes it’s his destiny to save the world. Twenty-three years after the invasion, he finds out via a newspaper headline that his mother Hippolyta and brother Remus are, in fact, alive and were sighted on planet Torrac. It’s a comfort to know they’re out there, but he has no way of getting to them. The C’Klanii occupiers on Kore (and throughout the known universe) have outlawed all air and spacecrafts-- absolutely no one gets on or off planet.
So that’s where we left our dear prince. Enter Patton and Logan...
Roman is bitter as hell after learning his surviving family is out there but totally unreachable. He is royalty, for crying out loud, and it’s looking more and more likely that he’s going to live and die dealing with asshole customers in this godforsaken bar. 
So on the night in question, Roman is in a Bad Mood. He is exhausted. It’s half an hour to closing, and he’s thinking about locking up early when of course two idiots decide to saunter into the bar. Awesome.
The two idiots would actually be pretty unassuming if one of them didn’t have an eye patch. Which, Roman begrudgingly admits to himself is pretty cool and makes the more scruffy guy look like a pirate. But whatever. He should still get the hell out of Roman’s bar.
The two idiots, of course, are Logan and Patton. Unbeknownst to Roman, the eye patch serves a pretty vital purpose. Logan lost his eye in the blast that should have killed him, and evil personified, or Dr. Orin Hoort, stuck a big golden orb in the socket when he manufactured Logan’s artificial parts. It gives Logan away pretty quickly as a Cyborg, which is a Problem, so Patton found and stole the eye patch pretty quickly after landing on Kore.
Roman plasters on his Customer Service Smile and quickly takes their order-- Patton orders a Darkoma (very, very potent alcohol--  Logan is floored). Logan orders a water he won’t drink.
Roman’s on his way over with their drinks when he overhears the tail end of something Logan is saying: “...and we are not on Iolara anymore, Patton.”
Roman’s barely heard of Iolara, knows essentially nothing about it. Doesn’t matter. Iolara is not Kore. Iolara is another planet. These guys have found a way to travel from one planet to another. They have a ship. They can take him to Momma; they can take him to Remus. He is absolutely not letting them leave without him.
He is not subtle in his approach to this situation. He sits down at their table beside Patton, passes them both their drinks and literally says, “So you have a ship. I need you to take me to Torrac.” As if that’s going to be the beginning and end of the conversation.
Neither Patton nor Logan has any intention of leaving with this random stranger bartender dude. They both have zero reasons to trust anyone at all, and all they’re trying to do is survive at this point. Roman is persistent. He tries every argument-- I need to find my family; I can pay you; people here want to kill me; I have a map. While Patton and Logan could use both money and a map, they’re not budging. This argument lasts over an hour.
Finally, Patton stands up and gestures for Logan to follow him. He makes his apologies, and he does genuinely feel bad-- Roman is obviously desperate-- but they’re not taking any chances.
With nothing left to lose, Roman identifies himself. “No, wait, please. You don’t understand. I’m Roman Erilleyan! I’m the Crown Prince of Oberon. It’s my destiny to save the universe from these villainous C’Klanii! Don’t you want to be a part of that?”
And Logan doesn’t care. He really, truly doesn’t give a shit who this guy is. But Patton does. And Patton can be very persuasive, especially to Logan.
But how the hell do they even know this guy is who he says he is? Logan asks the question. Actually, Logan demands to see the mark. Each member of the Erilleyan family are marked at birth--- you could call it a tattoo, but it’s really closer to a brand. 
Roman dashes behind the bar and runs a wet cloth over the back of his neck and sweeps his long hair back from the back of his neck-- the ornate “E” that serves as the mark of the Erilleyans is right there. And with the C’Klanii hunting down the remainder of the royal family to exterminate them, no one in their right mind would ever fake that mark. He’s telling the truth. 
Patton’s mind is made up. And in the end, that means that Logan’s is, too.
So now they’ve got a banished prince, his map, and his money aboard The Sybil. And they’re headed to Torrac.
Logan is Not Happy about it.
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emberwolfr · 9 years
Have you done 12 and 21 yet? How about 22 and 44?
Well 12 and 21 is kind of entertaining since I did 12 and 22, but here goes with Pryte
and Monelicra
They definitely have a bit more of a relationship than Pryte and Eclypsis have, at least. Whenever Pryte pushes himself to actually interact with others, Monelicra by herself isn’t such an unusual choice. If her mate is around he doesn’t bother, but otherwise the fact that she only speaks the coatl language (and therefore doesn’t speak to him...at all) is a great boon to him. They’re silent companions, if one could call them that. Pryte also has a rare interest in her time-stepping ability so he likes to keep a watch out for critical moments.
22 is once again Eclypsis
But his partner, 44, is Udwita (who just got her name because of this, ha...)
They actually get along decently. This is mostly due to the fact that Udwita is oblivious to hostility, of which Eclypsis always has some, and Eclypsis himself needing access to the archives to continue his research into his mate’s special abilities. Most of the other archivists don’t have the ability to put up with his attitude so they leave him to Udwita. It helps that she’s over double his size and he can’t bully her around. 
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wepurge-rpg · 8 years
New Haven
Buenos días/tardes/noches seres de Internet. Aquí Despair, uno de los actuales moderadores del foro de New Haven.
En primer lugar me alegra comprobar que se nos tiene presentes y no pasamos desapercibidos, eso para nosotros es de las mejores sensaciones que hay.
En segundo lugar quería preguntar a aquellos usuarios que est��n acusando de copiar código de dónde han sacado esa falacia. Sí, hemos usado un código para el tablón hecho por Pryte Wolf como muchos otros foros. ¿Dónde está el problema?
En ningún momento nos hemos atribuido el mérito ni la propiedad de dicho código. Por dios, ¿de dónde habéis sacado tal tontería? ¿No tenéis otra cosa mejor para inventar? Vamos, sé que podéis hacerlo mejor. Ya que os gusta tanto sacar captura, me gustaría que me mostrarais dónde dice tal cosa. En esa última imagen donde se nos atribuye el mérito de algo, se refiere a la skin y a las tablillas (tales como las de los registros, las tablillas de información, etc).
He de llamar a la lógica y pedir que no se saquen conclusiones por cuenta propia si no se entiende algo, porque se generan sinsentidos como este. También me veo en la obligación de pedir que si vais a pasar capturas, se pasen completas y sin editarlas. Muchas gracias por su atención y por tenernos tan presentes en vuestras vidas, eso es signo de que estamos haciendo las cosas bien :)
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estilourbanord-blog · 10 years
Facebook comprará a PRYTE para facilitar a los usuarios internet vía Wi-Fi
Facebook comprará a PRYTE para facilitar a los usuarios internet vía Wi-Fi
Los Ángeles CA.- Facebook  anuncia que comprará a PRYTE, una compañía finlandesa que facilitará la utilización de aplicaciones de internet vía Wi-Fi  para usuarios de Smartphones en lugares de difícil cobertura.
Facebook no dio a conocer los términos financieros del acuerdo, que la portavoz Vanessa Chan dijo está previsto que se cierre más adelante este mes.
El servicio de PRYTE, que aún no ha…
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delphoart · 8 months
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doomed yuri. --- Blue dog's name is Bluebell, was Skyte's first lover. And before Skyte made herself known as Skyte, her birth name was Skinna. Skinna Pryte. Bluebell found Skinna's "mysterious brooding" to be alluring. She would often try and one-up her in the classroom to get her attention. Bluebell was a smug know-it-all, she found this dark intellectual a challenge. And speaking of knowledge, what was that weird black book Skinna was always reading?...
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