#Published: 2017
dhr-fics · 2 years
Author: LovesBitca8
All Right (18KB - 7 Chapters - NC-17) A collection of drabbles and short stories Post-TRTTD/ATWT. Marriage, kids, Grandpa Lucius, babysitter Harry, Draco raising a teenage girl, etc.
All the Wrong Things (92KB - 24 Chapters - NC-17) Sequel to "The Right Thing to Do" - Draco's POV. Part 2 of the "Rights and Wrongs" series.
apples & cream (10KB - One Shot - NC-17) She could have taken her things and gone through his Floo without a word. She could have ignored him on Monday morning, as though last night had been no more than a fever dream and too much Firewhisky. But she’d come back to bed.
The Auction (796KB - 41 Chapters - NC-17) In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places.
brandy, apricot, and spice (12KB - One Shot - NC-17) There’s a Christmas pudding in his cupboard. It was made by warm hands with strong fingers, kneading into the mix and chopping quickly as she had in Potions. It was made before. And now, he supposes, it is after.
dancing bears, painted wings (17KB - One Shot - R) Hermione stared at him. And in a flash, something blurred in front of her eyes — some refraction of the light, like a prism of colors splashing over him. She remembered him from school so clearly for a moment. As if he had ever swept his arm out and allowed her to walk in front of him anywhere. It felt like another life. A different universe of events. "Granger?" She blinked, and it vanished. Malfoy was frowning at her.
Every Day, a Little Death (160KB - 11 Chapters - NC-17) It has become common knowledge that Hermione Granger cannot have an orgasm. Many have tried, none have succeeded. Can Draco Malfoy offer his assistance? // 8th Year AU
familiar faces, worn out places (24KB - One Shot - NC-17) “You are at St. Mungo’s. You were in a coma.” He looks me over again, taking a pause. “I am a Healer here now,” he says, like it explains something. My fingers stretch, drifting across his sleeve. He looks down, like I’ve thrown mud at him. Forcing my vocal chords together for the first time, I whisper, “What’s your name?”
Good (84KB - Incomplete - NC-17) He stood, buttoned his robes, and came around her desk to lean against the front. “Blaise told me you’re looking for something specific.” She blinked at him, wondering if she could reach for the emergency Portkey she kept in her shelves and disappear to St. Mungo’s before he could stop her. Her mouth opened, voice beginning to squeak a response. “And I just wanted to drop by,” he cut her off and tilted his head, “and say that I’m flattered. But I won’t be taking you on.” “That’s—that’s not—what?” “I don’t think we’d be a good fit,” he said simply, like he was interviewing her for a secretary position.
I Think It Might (21KB - One Shot - R) If Floo calls are similar to Muggle phone calls, then can I suggest you all to ruminate on the equivalent of a Muggle dick pic? Perhaps you are sitting by your fire. You hear the whoosh of a Floo call, and you look over to find AN UNWELCOMED TURGID MEMBER IN YOUR FIREPLACE. The audacity of these wizards, am I right? Hermione Granger keeps a pail of freezing water next to the fireplace.
Kiss Me, Haunt Me, Kill Me (18KB - One Shot - NC-17) "So," she said, and her voice was just as he'd remembered it, "you've chosen to haunt the castle as well?" She lifted her brows. "I'm dead. What's your excuse?" Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts as Potions Master to find the ghost of Hermione Granger floating through the halls.
Mistletoe Woes (26KB - 3 Chapters - NC-17) At the Ministry's Christmas Masquerade, the enchanted mistletoe branches are fun in theory.... A grumpy Hermione resigns herself to standing alone and un-harassed, watching Draco Malfoy enjoy himself, and decidedly NOT thinking about what an excellent shag he'd been.
Nothing Good Happens After 2AM (28KB - 2 Chapters - NC-17) And in the heartbeat that he didn't return the kiss, Hermione saw the rest of her school year flash before her eyes. The embarrassment, the teasing. Her chest constricted at this terribly awful thing she just did — kissing Draco Malfoy.
oh my god, they were roommates (24KB - One Shot - NC-17) "I'm not going anywhere, Granger." He gave her a smile that crept up his pointed features. "I am living in my court-ordered exile in my court-ordered flat. You're the one choosing to live here." "I'm not leaving, Malfoy." She planted her hands on her hips and her feet on the floor. He tilted his wine glass back, his long throat swallowing every last drop as he glared at her. Smacking his lips, he stood from the table and strutted down the hall with a "We'll see," tossed over his shoulder.
Ribbons Down Her Back (15KB - One Shot - PG-13) The unintentional annual seduction of Draco Malfoy through a series of ribbons and bows - or - Christmas Fluff with a dash of Secret Santa.
The Right Thing To Do (443KB - 36 Chapters - NC-17) Hermione felt the pounding in her ears again. She would see him for the first time since the Great Hall, gaunt and stricken at the Slytherin table with his mother clutching his arm. She hadn't meant to look for him. Not in the corridors, not beneath the white sheets of the fallen, not on the way to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron, but she was a stupid girl.
Sock It to Me (9KB - One Shot - NC-17) A love story between Draco Malfoy and his socks. Oh, and his girlfriend is there too.
A Stake of Holly Through His Heart (27KB - One Shot - NC-17) The one thing Draco Malfoy hated more than Christmas was snow. Snow had a habit of ruining your plans, causing delays, and generally making you damp. But this Christmas Day blesses him with his third and fourth least favorite things as well: crying girls and Hermione Granger.
We’ll Always Have Paris… (20KB - One Shot - NC-17) Witch Weekly's "129 Ways to Woo Your Wizard" has some pretty outlandish suggestions. But Hermione is determined to woo her recently divorced co-worker. Even if she has to drag him to a different continent.
When What's Right Is Wrong (20KB - One Shot - NC-17) “There will be a medical examination tomorrow morning.” Her breath hitched, and something stuck in her throat. She waited calmly, trying not to betray her frantic heartbeat. “Alright,” she managed. “Is there something you need me to do?” A breath left him, almost a laugh, and he spun to stare at her bookshelf, like he couldn’t bear the sight of her. “You are a virgin. Still.” Realization cracked over her like an egg against a bowl. Her skin was tingling and numb as she took a deep breath. “Will they check for that?”
Whiteout (16KB - One Shot - NC-17) Detention with Draco Malfoy shouldn't be this complicated, should it? || Seventh Year AU
Wrong Time, Wrong Place (10KB - One Shot - NC-17) "Satisfied, Granger? That makes one of us." Draco is a little riled up after one of Hermione's "practice sessions." A companion piece to The Auction
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feralchaton · 1 month
“What art does is to coax us away from the mechanical and toward the miraculous. The so-called uselessness of art is a clue to its transforming power. Art is not part of the machine. Art asks us to think differently, see differently, hear differently, and ultimately to act differently, which is why art has moral force.”
— Jeanette Winterson (Winterson, 2006)
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everydaythings7807 · 1 month
Ducktales Fics
~ long but good edition ~
Masks within Masks by Kyprish_Prophetess
• super long but I love it…. I never regret picking up this book ever ever ever.
• Donald Duck personas all into one fic… glorious
• got me into PKNA comics and I will never regret that
• author is amazing and constantly updates on this thing and I love that
• I started reading this when it had around 61 chapters and now it has 81… :,) they grow up so fast…
And a Sixpence in Your Shoe by justaboot
• I’m a scroldie fanatic and there is like a few mentions of Goldie and one appearance yet she’s omnipresent… it’s the vibes!!
• HEAVY family hurt/comfort… especially Della and Scrooge. But it’s cool ‘cause they defeat the villain and it’s a big party we love that.
• once again I have reread this thing at least 4 times. Never regretted.
• I am obsessed with every masterpiece posted by justaboot. Obsessed. Every little character arc gives me a heart attack then I’m comforted with fluff.
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so i just published on ao3???
i guess i should be advertising this a little more confidently, but this is kind of a strange experience for me so there you go.
i wrote a 2.7k losers club fic as a method of procrastinating nanowrimo, and now it’s actually out there in the world so,,, check it out!!
it features all of the losers, it’s based almost entirely upon the book as opposed to the miniseries/films, and it’s pretty much just me filling in the gaps (episodically and emotionally) between them fighting it and leaving derry ⤵️
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rainbowsuitcase · 9 days
WHY did i not know that the platonic trio of steve&bucky&sam is called "foxhole bros"
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #52: "From the Shadows (Part 2)"
Writer: James Asmus
Pencils/Inks: Tony Fleecs
Colors: Heather Breckel
Letters: Neil Uyetake
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dayurno · 2 months
do u know how aftg became popular back in the day? i always hear that it blew up on tumblr around 2014 but like... how, this was a random self published trilogy (book? idk if tkr & tkm were out when it gained traction) like theoretically how would we (we the collective not we me n you) go about possibly finding another self published hidden treasure like this series
I DONT anon youre overestimating how long ive been around i read aftg in the later half of 2020…!! my guess is that nora’s presence on tumblr discussing the series gathered some onlookers that then created the momentum for the fandom, but i genuinely have no idea. my friend who was into it in 2016 said once that it was in good part because aftg was thought to be dead dove, which stood out from the mostly sanitized lgbt representation at the time, and i’m sure neil being acespec also played into it. but i really do not know… x___x mon dieu…. aftg fandom deep dive soon
as for reading self published novels, there are plenty of sites online for that all over the world! i don’t know where aftg was first published, and i can’t believe i’m saying this, but if you want a better answer you should consider directly asking nora on her twitter or tagging her in a post here when she’s online
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umseb · 8 months
The Secret Life of… Sebastian Vettel
Q: Apart from driving a Formula One car, what is your favourite buzz? Sebastian Vettel: Speed in general. Q: Which film last made you cry? SV: Lion [the 2016 film starring Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman] Q: What are you afraid of? SV: Tyre degradation! (Laughs) Q: What was the last book you read? SV: I don't read much … Q: What did your teachers say about you in your school report? SV: As I just said: I don't read much! Q: Do you have any guilty pleasures? SV: Chocolate. Q: Do you collect anything? SV: No. That’s something I’ll keep for later. Q: What do you miss most about home when you’re travelling? SV: Home, and everything that belongs to it: my bed, my pillow… Q: What was your worst buy? SV: For sure some electronic gadget, maybe another phone charger - a bit of useless stuff… Q: What’s your ideal non-race Sunday? SV: Being at home, sleeping late and spending time with family and friends. Q: What’s the most embarrassing mistake you’ve ever made? SV: Fuji 2007 [when Vettel crashed into the back of future team mate Mark Webber, eliminating both men from the race]. Q: When was the last time you were really angry? SV: When Germany’s football team lost against France in the semi-finals of the European championships last year. Q: Which superpower would you prefer: being able to fly or being able to become invisible? SV: Being able to fly. It would make life a lot easier! (Laughs) Q: What do you sing in the shower? SV: I don't sing… Q: Do you believe in love at first sight? SV: Not anymore - I am in love. Q: What’s the worst thing about being famous? SV: Being famous! (Laughs) Q: Outside of F1, what brings you the greatest satisfaction? SV: Just unwinding and using the free time with family and friends. Q: What is on your ‘bucket list’? SV: Travel, with more time. Q: You can invite three people to dinner, living or dead. Who do you invite? SV: Enzo Ferrari, Audrey Hepburn, and Albert Einstein. Should make an interesting dinner conversation! Q: What was the best thing about being a child? SV: Not knowing how to worry. Q: What should everyone try once in their lifetime? SV: Spending a few months offline.
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elderwisp · 7 months
sweet beginnings tag
i was tagged by: @raiiny-bay thank you! :")
This tag is all about looking at your past. All you need to do is to find one of the first screenshots you ever took (preferably also published), and post it beside the recent one! And tell everybody when you took that first picture! Oh, and don’t forget to tag your posts! #sweet beginnings tag
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v 2023
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I find it interesting how in TS3 I leaned more towards muted golds and greens while in TS4 I blasted everything with color. Idk I would love to see what a combined version would look like
I tag: @lilamausmaus @stinkrascal @beebiesims @magiclabs @nectar-cellar @lynzishell
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Art Reflects Life
submitted by: anonymous
Art Reflects Life (51326 words) by @steellily Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Warehouse 13 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Myka Bering/Helena "H. G." Wells Characters: Myka Bering, Helena "H. G." Wells, Leena (Warehouse 13), Artie Nielsen, Claudia Donovan, Pete Lattimer, Amanda Lattimer, Todd (Warehouse 13), Abigail Cho, Steve Jinks, Cassandra Cillian, Liam Napier Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Fluff and Angst, the rating is for content in chapter 21 it is not E through the whole story Summary: Helena dropped her head onto her arms in front of her laptop. “Write a romance novel, he said. It’ll be great for your career, he said. Bollocks.” Helena, finding herself at a spectacular impasse on her latest novel, decides a change of scenery should help her finish the nightmare of a book she reluctantly agreed to write. Myka has been contentedly living the laid back life of a bookstore owner on the Big Island of Hawaii. Perhaps a little romance is what is missing from Helena's romance novel. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the Warehouse 13 universe and I make no claim to.
Please tell us why you like this fic so much!
A cool AU! On a vacation island, reading it feels like vacation!
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dhr-fics · 2 years
Author: LucretiaDeLis
The Art of Devotion (190KB - Incomplete - NC-17) Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. Law student Hermione Granger stumbles upon an anonymous BDSM chat group by accident. Driven by her curiosity, she joins it, discovering a whole new world. Draco Malfoy decides to help the new girl, not knowing that he is getting involved with his annoying classmate.
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kalethemonster · 8 months
dont talk to me, im miserable
(just realized that the big wound on the voodoo cursed scout soul is the same spot as when he temporarily died in the naked and the dead)
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Discovered that the Huntress (1989) writer also wrote Ducktales comic, very distracted by this fact. Need to know if other people were aware.
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dorotheashome · 3 months
Re-read the entire shades of magic trilogy for the purpose of reading the fragile threads of power. However I’m so broken from the end of acol I’m not sure if can cope
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dreamings-free · 5 months
lmaooo sure..
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charlie-artlie · 1 year
pls look at this fucking Device my library gave me when i checked out this audiobook
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