#Pure hedonistic chaos
soulfulazrael · 3 months
My Hellaverse Religions and Marriages. Or how my Asperger made up some odd worldbuilding over the dumbest reason imaginable.
We all know this shot. We all hate this shot (well... I do)
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And it's for one, big reason... what the hell are marriages in Hell? Well. I was wondering that too and honestly the answer is very simple... Who gives a shit? Viv wanted a contrived story with forced marriage where Moxxie looks like a total bitch so she did it as well as she could and since she could not do it well it came out how it did.
But it did made me think at least. What would marriages in Hell look like? And that lead me to a downward spiral of thinking up in a few hours how it works and why it works. And here is the result. Ladies and gentleman and all the inbetweens (I don't judge) I present my first rewrite post which I mostly do for myself as a note for future in case dementia catches me like it did with my grandparents. One is dead, the other is dying, but enough about my happy life. Let's get into autistic rambling.
So, before we get to the marriage system I have in mind, first let's delve into another thing. God. Or in this case. Deities. As in my version of HB/HH I write about in my AU there are several of them. All of which are different High authority figures of which the main ones are five and I will name all of them: First one is Lucifer
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Who in this version is... not as nice. In fact he is very, VERY cruel being. One that has little qualms about lives of anyone else. A being of Chaos from the times of the Rebellion in Heaven which he lead against God after he corrupted humanity to prove to The Almighty of his superiority, of that he is deserving of love much greater than mortals. Cast out from Heaven alongside all those that took side with him.
Now in Hell he embodies Pride that shaped the top layer of Hell. He is a Deity that preaches ultimate freedom. He preaches the idea of that you deserve all that you want. That every feeling, every desire you feel is correct and that you alone are deserving of those no matter what anyone says, no matter who it hurts. All that is important is you. That is the crux of those who follow him. Hedonists, narcissists, cruel, chaotic beings of pure selfishness who believe in righteousness of their desires and standing up against any authority that wants to keep them away from fulfilling their dreams and when all dreams become reality, there is no other outcome than Chaos which Lucifer adores.
They are called Light Takers. For Lucifer is one who brings light and those who follow him, take said light and all that they want.
That is Lucifer and now let's get to the Deity right under him that sides with him more so than the other one, another creature of Chaos (also be mindful that this is just short summary of those things, I can go more in depth about each one in other posts). Satan:
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I don't have a better image as my idea of how he looks is pretty different. I imagine him as a centaur like being with a lower body similar to a bull, more human like torso, a head similar to one on this app with mighty wings and 4 arms. A brutal, relentless deity, one who's philosophy is to spread death and prepare for fight against the Heaven. To drown the world in the blood of his enemies and for the bodies and blood to rise so high so that he can approach the Heaven's gates.
His followers are mostly Imps. Many of them sharing to lesser or greater extent this philosophy of slaughter. It gives them meaning to kill and make their own trail of Blood as they follow in the hoove steps of the Lord of Slaughter. Followers of Blood they are called. A numerous force of berserkers devoted to mindless murder and Chaos.
With all this Chaos there has to be a balance point though right? You'd be correct. As on the opposite end of the Chaos spread by Lucifer and Satan is The Lord Governor:
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Lucifuge Rofocale. He is in my version very similar to this depiction, although he very rarely smiles. He is known also as Bitter Governor for his rivalry with Lucifer in which he is mostly ignored by the latter as he tries to gain control over the Chaos of Hell.
He is the creature who values Order more so than anything. He is the Lawmaker. He is the lord of Laws that he writes into his Great Book, many laws there are, some of which contradict each other, some forgotten, other irrelevant. All his. He is the cruelty of order and subjugation incarnate. His name itself Lucifuge is one that was given to him after rebellion in which he took side of Lucifer in order to create a perfect society of his own. A society that was never to be. He who runs from Light for he was a Throne Angel of greater light than any other, a Light so strong he could never know even a smallest shadow. Light that he hated above all and could never fully rid himself off of it's taint.
When he came to Hell his Pride alongside Lucifer's shaped the Entire Ring. Lucifer controls the Central parts where Pentagram City is located and Lucifuge controls outer rings of Pride where his 5 towers on borders of Pride spreading to the blood sky surround the Chaos of Lucifer. His desire of control made manifest. A control he spreads with his Emissaries. Those who follow him and his laws faithfully and spread them with unmatched zeal. And his most faithful and powerful servant is the 4th of the Main Deities. The Silent King of all Ars Goetia.
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King Baal. His version in my AU is based on this picture. A creature with lower body of a Spider and torso of a man with head of a King with long hair at the top. Which ever direction he looks, his face changes shape, if to his right it takes form of a cat and left is the frog. Among the deities he alongside Satan were born in Hell and were since time of their Hell's manifestation bitter rivals and his beloved is Queen of Gluttony Beelzebub which is often a target of mockery. A spider who beds a bug instead of eating it, but no care to those words are given, no words... Only silence. Pride was originally meant to be his as it would embody his silence, but it was not to be as the Fall happened and Pride was born from the quiet grounds.
He was named an Ars Goetia by Lucifuge to whom he pledged allegiance to in Silent Promise and ever since his invisible web spread across skies of Pride, woven from threads attached to every life among Ars Goetia and to cut it is to be a Heretic condemned to suffering at the hand of Silent King. Baal's Faithful who are his followers are mostly Ars Goetia. All believing in Hell's security to be utmost priority. To make it safe at any means necessary. To make sure that Hell will be eternal and all who fall into it's flames will never escape it's torment. He is the one who keeps the Ars Goetia in check to follow the laws Lord Lucifuge laid out. For maybe side of Chaos has numbers and ferocity, but Order has power and stability.
A balance that is most crucial to never ending conflict festered by the most enigmatic and possibly most terrible of the Five. Mephistopheles.
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Who's looks are as everchanging as interpretations of how he looks. A Demon who fooled the world into believing he was, but a made up Demon in a story about Faust. Always cloaked in shadows creature, that despite looking a lot of times like the most basic denizen of Hell, is anything, but. As his nature is a mystery to all who inhabit it. A creature of Darkness that remembers the time of the first words that is alien to both Heaven and Hell. One that gave Hell it's currency made of Souls it caught with contracts they make on earth. A Creature that always maintains the balance of both sides. Making sure there is never a conclusion to this bitter conflict and flames of Discord never fade. Something that is cherished by his Brethren in Dark.
To be Mephisto's Brethren in Dark is to commune and listen to Mephisto's words. You are what you are. There is no change to that. So live your life as you see fit. Make of your life anything you want. Be it for order or chaos. Be it for your desire or duty. What is important is to know who you are and to believe in his words. It is to be on the side of yours and his and all that you must have will come to you, but the price will have to be paid, but it does not have to come from you now has it? No... You use others as much as you are used. You know that very well. You always will. For you are rotten, but so is everything else. So is that so bad?
There are many other deities. Such as King Paimon, by many considered as one of the if not the mightiest among Kings. A being who's promise of seeing his Labyrinth makes many shudder at the mere thought. Or the Sins who's patronage seek those who live on their rings. But the choice is up to the Hellborn... aside from mostly Hellhounds, who mostly only reside and do labor for the Beelzebub. A Cerberus insect of endless hunger.
But there is one more path. On the side of neutrality is also another side. Hell. To listen to the will of Hell.
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Listeners of Hell are those who feel the very wind among the bloody streets. To know intimately the desires of the ground you walk on. To serve Hell as it's listener and to reinforce it's will. This is path for those who seek a different path from all other deities. But to do so is to give all that you are to the home you have. Not to protect, but understand it. Breathe with it and to be a true part of it. Closer than many others.
These are all the paths Hellborn can... or rather have to choose. Because atheism is not possible in this realm. Hellborn have to believe in something otherwise it means they are a traitor to the Hell itself. Whatever one believes in it is up to the Hellborn in question. But the choice it is one Hellborn MUST make.
Now... after this little mythology lesson where does this lead in terms of marriages? Well. The marriage in itself is also a deal between deities. Each side has their own contract that has to be signed by the priest of their respective deity. And each priest is of different kind. Emissary is a political for the most part. Mephisto's Brethren could be of any kind. A soldier of Baal. Hedonistic royal of Lucifer. Berserker of Satan. If both sides worship same deity it means less issues, but both contracts are still required.
Both sides need to sign their respective contract and then place their cut hands on those contracts as they are connected by their blank sides. Letting their blood seep into them as both of them touch them. Letting their blood, believes and word to connect them forevermore, for them both to be servants together. That is unless one has a change of faith which may require redoing of the process at the chance of being shunned by everyone around. For it is a shame to be someone to turns away from their God.
So yeah... This is how I would personally write certain part of Mythology of Hell. I know I did not elaborate on certain other things like Paimon or Sins, but I think this is a good enough of a starting point to the mythology I want to make with 3 sides here. Chaos, Order and Neutrality. All with their own strengths and weaknesses. All with their own stories and people who worship them. All with their own traditions, beliefs and personalities... All of it... because I was iffy by the fucking Exs and Ohs priest. I need serious mental help. This is just sad to look at. Then again if you read this far, I guess we all lost here. Or maybe you liked it. If so then please leave a comment or something. I cherish those. And maybe think of who you would choose to follow.
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cilil · 5 months
AN: Alright, my dear @fraeuleinfriedhof, I am a woman of my word. I decided to choose one of the dark romance prompts to create this little gift for you and hope it is to your liking!
dark romance prompts
♡ prompt: marked ~ Melkor x Mairon ♡ synopsis: While the Ainur of Utumno feast, Melkor makes sure everyone knows that Mairon is his and his alone. ♡ warnings: Smut(ty), not-too-explicit public sex, possessiveness, a hedonistic hell party going on in the background ♡ short oneshot (~600 words)
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A snowstorm raged outside, pelting the frozen north of Arda with a furious flurry of hail and ice. 
The halls of Utumno, however, were filled with warmth, laughter and music, and the Maiar of Melkor celebrated their lord's glory and generosity. Fires burned freely between mighty pillars of obsidian, wine, blood and meat were served in abundance and all indulged in whichever pleasures of the flesh they craved. It was a wild and frightening spectacle to behold, like a dance of maddened, frenzied beings that had once been holy and pure, and the scent of ash filled the air. 
Amidst the chaos stood the throne of Melkor where he lounged, watching his people with idle amusement. On his lap, seated proudly and clinging to his form like a precious piece of jewellery, was a Maia unlike any other, one bright and beautiful among creatures of darkness, with hair of copper, eyes of gold and lips like liquid rubies. 
One of Melkor's hands held onto his slender waist possessively, and the other was interlaced with his, each adorned with a black and golden ring, as if he needed to stake his claim on the wondrous creature he had chosen as his consort – though all Ainur who had ever come across He who arises in Might knew better than to covet what was his. 
Mairon had long since learned to ignore the stares. He had learned to smile and giggle and bat his eyelashes whenever Melkor's hands began to wander. His entire being lit up with perverse, triumphant euphoria as he felt cool fingers slip underneath his luxurious robes and search for bare skin; on Almaren, he had been a mere apprentice of a smith, and now he was the consort of a king. His best, his brightest, his favourite, his *precious*. 
Melkor's grip on his hand tightened just as his wandering hand cupped his ass. "I want you." 
A clear, brilliant laugh filled the air, teasing to the point of mockery, and Mairon threw his head back to cheekily evade a greedy kiss – only to bare his neck, deliberately. 
"Right here? Right now?" he asked, pretending to swoon at the mere idea. 
"Yes." Melkor pushed him down harder onto his lap and pulled him in at the same time. "You may keep your robes, as the sight of your true beauty is mine alone as well, but I *will* have you." 
Impatient, impulsive, insolent. Any other Ainu would have felt Mairon's wrath for such audacity, Vala or not; but his beloved he would indulge. Letting himself fall so he could lie on Melkor's chest, he looked up at him through long eyelashes. 
"Take me then," he challenged, "show them that I am yours and you are mine."
"Be careful what you wish for. You might yet sing louder than they do."
"Make me."
And so it came to pass that even though the two lovers fell silent for a while as their lips met in a heated kiss, Mairon's song would eventually echo through the hall with such exuberance and ferocity that many turned their heads to behold the spectacle on their lord's throne and watched their feverish coupling. Blood-red robes pooled around his hips, concealing where their fánar met, but the force of Melkor's thrusts and his own frantic movements left little to the imagination. The fingers of their ringed hands remained intertwined as if to repeat the vows they had exchanged and sharp teeth and claw-like nails left marks on unblemished skin, like quiet, breathless whispers saying mine. 
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Thanks for reading!
taglist: @angbangbaby @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-big-tits @melkors-defense-attorney @singleteapot
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animalpetcel · 6 months
Hey! AK EN translated the Arturia manga! I think some of these are the panels that spoke out to me
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When she used her magic on her parents, esp the contrast between it. The first encounter with her mother even establishes that Arturia, with a somewhat childlike yet well-meaning understanding of the difficult situation her mother is in emotionally and decides that if her mother can do what makes her happy, that is what is most important, even if it lead to her death.
And for her father, it shows how it could look to an outsider someone who knows what her power is and fears what they would do if no longer held together by their inhibitions and society. It is obviously a terrifying thought and rejecting it is the logical(?) course of action.
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Everything unfettered is not always kind and it is not always cruel. It breaks the social contract everyone agrees to follow in order to live but it is not something that I think is a purely evil action because we all know how the social contract can put the same people it exists to help into horrible binds.
Also Executor explains her motivations better then me:
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she's like, an emotional hedonist whose somewhat childish beliefs would always lead to chaos bc society would never work if people just said what they felt and did what they liked but she's not pursuing this out of some malice for the world or a desire to see people succumb to chaos or pain, at least imo.
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charmstrangebeauty · 7 months
So I know they keep calling Loki the god of mischief but the whole arc of the show is all about him being the god of chaos.
Like the show in S1 starts out with him talking about his attempts at ruling as a desperate attempt at control (because his life feels chaotic and out of control). His little smile when everyone is screaming and running around isn’t because he enjoys hurting people, it’s because of the chaos. A little chaos is fun, it’s his thing - but Loki is surrounded by it constantly and he knows it can be damaging. Chaos is neither purely good nor purely bad. Everything Loki does is whatever causes the maximum amount of chaos at any given time. Of course there are tons of Loki variants and they can’t agree on anything. Of course Loki is gender-fluid and bisexual. Of course Loki gets drunk and starts a bar fight during the apocalypse. (Calling Loki hedonistic in the same episode that he comes out as bi always irked me - in addition to the biphobia, I think the real reason he messed up the plan is because that was the most chaotic thing Loki could do in that moment.) This principle of maximum chaos continues throughout the series - Loki and Sylvie’s romance causing a nexus event, all of the wacky variants at the end of the universe, Loki time slipping out of control so even the order of time is thrown into chaos. Even visually in the way the scenes are shot, you can watch the chaos literally following Loki around - it’s especially clear in the TVA where everything is otherwise so ordered.
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Loki’s role as the god of chaos is also why he is the one to protect free will and save all the timelines. What’s more chaotic than an infinitely branching multiverse? It’s such a beautiful character arc, but it’s also why Loki turns out to be so fucking powerful. Chaos is central to physics - it is a fundamental part of what makes the universe run. Thunder and lightning are loud and flashy but without chaos the universe literally can’t exist in its current form. When Loki figures out the crucial role of chaos in the multiverse he is able to become the god he needs to be and be the ultimate complex hero we all deserve.
*Chef’s kiss*
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convex-solos · 2 years
hi. time to talk about some of my general takes on convex, the vex and vex magic because i need to share my ramblings with the world (beware this might be. kinda long.)
The Vex
i guess i should start with the vex? yes. so basically vexes are a hivemind: sometimes i just refer to them as The Vex because they are a single entity to me. vexes are hedonistic, they are greedy and vicious creatures who only seek satisfaction for their own needs.
they’re bloodthirsty, sadistic, power-hungry and they thrive in chaos. vexes need an evoker, or at least someone to leach onto, to be bid to the physical world. they can possess people and only have complete loyalty to themselves and their evoker, no one else.
they are driven by their desires and are very volatile, moody and can be quite frivolous sometimes. dealing with them is tricky, they’re easy to anger.
scar and cub have precise motivations for making a deal with the vex and become the convex.
cub is kind of like marlow’s dr. faustus, who in order to have access to all existing knowledge he makes a deal with the devil. yeah that’s cub. he’s a magician in the renaissance sense of the word, he sees the world as something ruled by laws that he can understand AND bend to his will.
as of scar, he joins first and foremost because of cub, he’d follow him to the end of the world (and vice versa). but that’s not the only reason, because the vex promises scar that his life, already very precarious, will be sustained by vex magic and as long as he’s bound to them he will not die. he accepts of course but there’s a catch: scar’s life is entirely in the vex’s hands (why else would he be so loyal to them?). the vex have control over cub’s life as well, but that bond is a lot less constricting than scar’s.
they also both have a penchant for violence and pranks. so it all works in their favor (if you don’t count the dubiously consensual possession in S5). in exchange for their bodies (literally) and their unquestioned loyalty they will have unlimited access to vex magic and become vexes themselves. so yeah they accept.
i also have this idea in my head that turning into a vex hurt A LOT because their dna (code??) was completely rewritten. so it’s gory and not pretty. they also ate each other’s hearts at some point because of freaky cult-ish vex rituals i guess.
scar and cub are soulbound after becoming vexes. since they were originally humans they now both have a physical and incorporeal form and they bound each other to the physical plane.
the vex took scar’s right eye and cub’s left one and replaced those with Their eyes to stake a claim on them and to bind them to the hivemind forever. yeah it’s a cult i cannot stress this enough. once a vex, always a vex.
it takes a while for them to get used to being possessed (they never remember much) but it’s evident that after S6 they become fully in control of their powers and magic (the masks aren’t necessary for magic anymore). i like to believe that it’s because they have proven their loyalty so now they can be more independent from the hivemind, but the line between the vex’s will and their own becomes progressively blurrier.
Vex Magic
ohhh vex magic is fun to talk about. so.
cub stated that vex magic it’s inherently powerful, as it’s stronger the more you believe in it. it’s pure, raw energy that only chosen ones can control and manipulate to their will (e.g. convex).
scar and cub’s wings are illusions (unless they need to fly obviously) but if you try to touch them you will quite literally get electrocuted. they can phase through walls and can turn into actual vexes (tiny little guys <3). they have cold blood, which is blue, fangs, claws and their skin has a kind of ashy undertone.
scar is more magically inclined than cub, but the latter makes it up in physical prowess and fighting skills, they perfectly balance each other in battle.
vex magic is addicting, it tastes sweet and scar and cub are naturally attracted to it. all shiny objects, especially diamonds and crystals, have a very similar taste to it so that’s why scar is so fond of eating them (cub eats them too but he does it when he thinks no one is looking). the same goes for cake of course.
vex magic also works like poison: they can influence their “preys” with it and basically paralyze and then kill them. it’s overall a very versatile magic that can be used for anything and everything if they try hard enough.
so yeahhh these are some of my major headcanons/views on my favorite little guys, feel free to ask about them though i’d love to talk about this more :)
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millenniumfae · 1 year
Hades Headcanons P.2: Life In The Underworld
As we know, death is cheap to every denizen of the realm. Including the natural fauna and the human shades. The pain of injuries isn't lessened, but the distress and panic associated with wounds are gone, 'cause there's no more consequences for the body to instinctively react towards. You can imagine mortal injuries to be nothing more than a rush. For Zagreus and his ADHD brain, it's probably one heck of a stim. No wonder he hints at liking pain.
Same with all the bosses you slay, all minor enemies eventually reconvene whole and hearty upon their death. Their respawn point is whatever they'd call their 'home' in the underworld, same with Zagreus and Megara in the House Of Hades. A Lout wakes back up in his cell. A Wavemaker finds themselves back in their (flooded) apartment. If pre-reunion Patroclus was slain, he'd pop back into his glen, but if he and Achilles eventually decide to find proper housing like we see in the distance of Elysium, his respawn point would change. Only administration like Hades himself can override this.
This respawn mechanic applies to the fish, too, 'cause they're natural to the underworld. The head chef cooks a Chlam, and that very Chlam would later respawn in the Lethe. Little known to Zagreus, but he's caught the same Scuffer 20 times in a row. Don't worry, they don't particularly mind.
And speaking of fish and food, sustenance in the underworld function like video game logic, through pure energy rather than as nutrition. Unlike us, who digest food and shit the waste, those gyros directly transfer their calories into an immortal/shade's energy, whether the energy is spent healing wounds or increasing their martial prowess. Zagreus downs a HydroLite Energy Drink and 10% of his wounds heal upon leaving a room. The Ignited Ichor Caffeine Shot make him run faster. But taste buds are still active, so bless Eurydice and her cooking skills.
But all those onions you see? Those aren't natural to the underworld. Or, rather, they're plain ol' onions, growing in the UV-emitting light of Ixion's Wheel. In fact, many underground root or bulb crops can be found naturally growing throughout the underworld, like carrots and turnips, playing to the idea that their bounties grow 'below the earth'. They don't particularly thrive, since there's less natural pollinators, but with Persephone's influence they can be plentiful. These vegetables naturally migrated below the Temple of Styx on their own, and throughout the centuries became part of the flora.
In the lore of Hades (2018), gods like Thanatos, Aphrodite, Nyx, even Chaos- they aren't pure embodiments of their domain. They're also individual people with personalities and obligations. But there's one exception - the Styx itself. Like a blood vein, the Styx endlessly flows through the afterlife and delivers its yoke upon the current. All afterlife rivers spawn from it, and hence its the same river no matter if its the calm and foggy Lethe of blessed, hedonistic Elysium, or the hot and churning Phlegethon of limbo Asphodel. Charon is Like That 'cause he's one step away from being a pure 'embodiment' because of his relationship to the Styx.
Following the artsy symbolism, the devs made Hypnos the first npc you see upon death because he's the god of sleep. The ancient Greeks liked to symbolize Sleep as Death's cousin, or sibling. That's why he has that weird admin job in the House of Hades, rather than his canonical abode up in Elysium.
All the immortals in-game wear leggings, which was unheard of in Classical Greece, whose textiles sucked. Life in the underworld introduces luxuries to shades they've never experienced in life - indoor plumbing, flawless glass and mirrors, clothing finer than anything a mortal king would have had. Hades, is, after all, the richest of the pantheon thanks to his domain including gemstones. A newly-dead shade is relocated to their new condo in Asphodel, and freaks the fuck out about the bed having a mattress stuffed with down, rather than just a blanket covering straw.
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sleepyfan-blog · 18 days
Author’s Note: Zagan part three! I hope you enjoy :D first. Previous
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel@whorety-k 
Warnings: murder, religious zealotry, Grey Knight Shenanigans
Summary: Zagan slaughters his way through a small cultist compound.
“Please… Please spare us! What have we done, to bring your holy wrath upon us and our people?” One of the Slaaneshi cultists pleaded as Zagan glided towards the cowering and bleeding mortal, sword in hand. 
The large mer tilted his head a little, considering the whimpering mortal’s words before rumbling “You have sold your soul to dark powers and to seek the ruination of the souls of the innocent who live on this world. The rot you indulge in hedonistically will try and spread past this world and cause further harm to the Imperium. I have been sent to strike down those who have turned from The Emperor’s light. You and your co-conspirators will all be killed, to contain the Chaotic taint.”
“But… But all we wanted was to enjoy ourselves and one another! To freely express our love and physical wants for each other! All of us are consenting adults, we have safeguards in place! We are no evil, vicious deniers of His Light, Lord Astartes, of that I promise! The nights on this world are long and cold, and we have little to cling to but to one another and the distant light of Him on Holy Terra!” The cultist wailed, tears streaming freely down their face. 
“Your little group may have started out like that, innocently, but I can smell the chaos that has tainted your soul, and the souls of the others. If you truly do believe that your still under the light and guidance of The God Emperor, He will prevent me from striking you down.” Zagan responded back, amused at the other’s pleading attempt to save their own sorry life. He raised his power sword and swung down, aiming for the other’s neck.
“No!” Another cultist who had been badly hiding in the curtains wailed, charging forwards and throwing themself in the path of the blade “Esthi, r-run! I’ll stall him for as long as I can!” 
Zagan did not change the trajectory of his blade, asi it bit into the flesh of the foolish but bold Slaaneshi cultist “Esthi as you call the other cultist will die soon. Although I do not mind slaughtering you first, as that seems to be your wish.” With the slightest bit more effort, Zagan bifurcated the foolishly bold cultist in half, their torso flung into one of the gaudily painted and decorated walls, their lower half halling across the badly injured legs of the second cultist.
“Mika! No! No no no no… Mika! My love, my life… My light and joy, w hy did you do that? You could have hidden from this death-dealing demon and lived…” The first cultist sobbed, crawling on bloodied hands and knees over to the top half of the second cultist, cradling Mika’s head in their lap.
Zagan arched a brow, amused that the weeping cultist had seened to have entirely forgotten about his presence. “Fool.” He muttered, stabbing the first cultist through the heart before cutting their head from their shoulders.
The Grey Knight stalked to the second room in this foul den of sin and debauchery, finding a half-dozen slumbering cultists tangled together on two large beds in perverse poses. Thanking HIm on Terra for easy kills, the Astartes swiftly decapitated and stabbed each of them through the heart, striking with silent speed, leaving their despoiled bodies to bleed into the sheets.
The third and fourth rooms were empty of people, but the heretical instruments of their debauchery were standing proudly on display. This entire building would be put to the purifying light of Promethium-based flames, but Zagan wanted to make sure all of the cultists were dead first. Low-level worshippers of the Ruinous powers very rarely had any of the twisted gifts of their chosen patron or patrons, but that did not mean none of them could be granted such a thing, especially under attack or at the whims of the capricious monstrosities they’d been enslaved by.
The fifth room was also empty, but had a hatch on the floor, which Zagan lifted up, activated a flash-bang and rolled it into that underground space before shutting the hatch again as the blinding weaponry went off, not wanting to mess with his own senses. He waited two more seconds after that before descending into the underground space, slaughtering the dazed and panicking cultists with effortless ease.
He checked each room thoroughly with both his mundane senses and the psychic gifts he’d been blessed by, before calling you “Did any of them escape either entrance, while I slaughtered their fellows?”
You answer immediately “No, none of them were able to escape you. I sniped several stragglers as they attempted to enter their sex lair. Did you find any documents noting just how many of them, or who all might be involved in this particular cult?”
“No, though given the size of the villages on this world, if they were any larger, this world would have started to corrupt to it’s very foundations, favored hunting terrain of a first founded chapter be damned.” Zagan responds. 
You and he had been staking out the movements of the suspected - and now dealt with - Slaaneshi cultists for several weeks, getting a feel for their disgusting habits, their foul rituals and their numbers. “Anything of use that should be brought back to headquarters, sanctified and studied cautiously?”
“No.” Zagan answers bluntly “Nothing of value is in this place. Do you have the promethium canisters ready? I’m about to come out.”
“Ready and waiting to set them off.” You respond. You’d brought a couple of promethium canisters to be used in the burning of this heretical building, and to destroy the bodies of the cultists. You had rigged them to blow up and burn, engineering to make it look like an awful cooking accident, as the innocent locals could not know why some of their friends and neighbors had been killed, lest they be tempted by the Ruinous Powers in a time of weakness and sorrow. 
“Excellent.” Zagan rumbled, exiting the building, having used some of the cleanest sheets to wipe the blood off of his power sword. He’d rather not have tainted blood on his weapons for longer than absolutely necessary. “By all means, set this foul place ablaze.”
You nod, pressing the detonator button as Zagan scoops you up and flies you away from the explosive boom! And he was swift enough that neither he nor you were rocked by the force of the compressed heat rushing out in all directions like tidal waves. 
“My ship has room for another, and Grey Knights often work alongside the Ordo Hereticus, as you mentioned that your ship was currently inoperable. I will be leaving this world and heading back to base.” Zagan offered, smiling a little at you as he held you close.
“I would be very grateful for the ride, actually. Anything truly of value or use I keep on me at all times.” You respond, leaning into his comfortable warmth, looking forward to spending more time with the handsome astartes… And in a lower stakes setting.
Zagan nods as he flies you to where his ship is waiting.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
Tell us more about Satellite and the world he lives in, please
Happily! Apologies, this story gets pretty long.
Satellite's a Dutch Angel Dragon, with all that this implies, and in his younger days was known for his stormy coat and his strong diligence when it came to his work. He was exceptionally good at being a guardian angel, which earned him the approval of both the Ancient Beings and his fellow angel dragons. This was not the same as being happy.
Dutch Angel Dragons have the (canonical) ability to possess a newly born foal and hitch a ride for life, and it was through his time spent doing this that Satellite acquired his first taste for the mortal world and for mortal pleasure. He started to fall passionately in love with all the little things that came to him through a horse's eyes...the taste of a wild apple, the smack stupid bliss of rolling in grass, the feeling of tearing out of the barn after a long winter and into the sunlight. He learned that he loved sex, how messy and complicated and simple and alive it was.
He wanted more. He wanted to get out into the living world, to take a bite of it.
Absolutely none of this was acceptable thinking for a Dutch Angel Dragon, which are meant to be genderless, sexless, pure beings. It's for this reason that Satellite's true loyalty always rested with the Chaos Being -- the only entity to ever reassure him that his imperfections were beautiful. When the great war broke out, Satellite fought for the Chaos Being, but in the end it wouldn't have mattered who he fought for. Like all the angel dragons, he was cast out of Paradise for taking a side at all, stripped of his muzzle ring.
Eventually, aimless and left alone between Heaven and Earth, Satellite decided there was never going to be any better time to do what he'd always secretly, desperately dreamed of doing. He took the plunge, broke down his ethereal form, encased himself in crystal, and rebuilt his body from the ground up in a way that no Dutch Angel Dragon had ever done before. It was an incredibly dangerous, painstaking process and a lot could have gone wrong, but when he emerged, two things had changed. The first was that he had a full-blown mammalian reproductive set, just as he'd planned...the second was that his coat had exploded madly into color, a reflection of his heart.
The Chaos Being reached him through the cosmos one last time, drawn to him by the weight and sheer universe bending lawlessness of what he'd done. At Satellite's imploring, the being gave him a final parting gift in the form of a true paradise ring around his muzzle, immovable and eternal and marking him as the being's forever. It was the last time they ever saw one another.
Satellite's choice cost him his family, his status, and his place among his fellow dragons. After all, he'd sacrificed his perfection, his purity, and in their eyes, he was no longer a Dutch Angel Dragon. But he's never regretted it for a moment.
Ever since then he's roamed the earth, carrying out the same angelic guard duties he still considers his true purpose, but living life on his own happily hedonistic terms. It doesn't matter if it's a hot bath, a bag of cotton candy, a walk in the sun, or an orgy...Satellite loves it all.
He simply is what he is, and he's finally at peace.
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britany1997 · 1 year
Bands the modern Lost Boys would listen to
(Feel free to add your own Lost Boys music headcanons!)
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•Father John Misty- FJM writes music for male manipulators and people with religious trauma, of which I believe David is both. His favorite album is Fear Fun because it’s more centered on chaos and atheism, as opposed to FJM’s later albums which are more about love and himself. His favorite song is Fun Times In Babylon because it’s a song about good times in the Biblical archetype of an evil, hedonistic city and that sounds like a fun time to him. He also enjoys listening to You Can Do It Without Me, and God’s Favorite Customer because they feed his god complex. He loves that FJM sings quite a bit about smoking, sex, and death, all things David is totally down with.
•Radiohead- Also music for male manipulators. His favorite songs are Burn the Witch (ironically since the song is about a society plagued by paranoia, but in David’s case it’s not paranoia, he actually IS a supernatural evil creature), Karma Police (because everyone who messes with them WILL get what’s coming to them) and Paranoid Android. One time a guy on the boardwalk said to him, “oh you like Radiohead? Have you heard Creep?” And David ate him almost immediately.
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•Hozier- I just think Dwayne likes woodsy deep voice folk rock guys so he’d vibe with Hozier. Also I think he cares about female pleasure more than any of the other boys and so does Hozier. His favorite album is Hozier’s self-titled album and his favorite songs on the album are Work song, because of the promise of devotion and love from beyond the grave, Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene, because of the juxtaposition in the song between the pure and the cruel, and Arsonist’s Lullaby, specifically because of the lines “Don’t you ever tame your demons / But always keep them on a leach.” Unlike his chaotic brothers, Dwayne is a bit more calculating in his debauchery, like the main character of that song. He also enjoys NFWMB and Shrike and is eagerly awaiting Hozier’s new album.
•The War on Drugs- Listening to them almost makes Dwayne feel nostalgic for the 80s as The War on Drugs are the self-proclaimed rock n roll synthesists of the century (reminds him of the pre-Michael days🥲). His favorite album is A Deeper Understanding and his favorite song on the album is Pain, a song about losing a struggle against the darker side inside a person.
•Lord Huron- More woodsy folk rock. He’s a romantic at heart so he loves She Lit a Fire, Fool for Love, Ends of the Earth, and The Night we Met. His favorite song by Lord Huron is Meet Me in the Woods, especially the lines at the end: “Follow me into the endless night / I can bring your fears to life / Show me yours and I’ll show you mine / Meet me in the woods tonight.” There’s a strong possibility he’s quoted those lyrics to a meal
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•Greta Van Fleet- They’re like a modernized Led Zeppelin, they make him nostalgic. AND they’re four guys with cool jackets in a band together!!! Paul’s like, ‘guys they’re us:)’ He loves how the band’s albums flow and tell epic stories about worlds plagued by war, destruction, and waiting for peace. His favorite album is the Battle at Garden’s Gate, he likes the instrumentals better on that one and he thinks the vocals are more raw and throaty. His favorite song on that album is Stardust Chords, especially for the lines “Even sinners go to drink the wine / Break the bread” reminding him that even as an evil being, he’s still able to indulge in life and community. He also loves Highway Tune, a song about falling with a beautiful girl while driving on the highway (literally him on his motorcycle every night)
•Lady Gaga- Paul loves the Glam pop-rock of early Lady Gaga, he loves how revolutionary her music is for it’s time, and he appreciates her loud and unique style as well. Also, I HC that Paul is bi (he loves people and not genders, he just like me) and listening and dancing to Lady Gaga let’s him express and celebrate his sexuality! He sees no reason to hide who he is. He loves Poker Face, Born this Way and Monster
•I also think he listens to female rappers and R&B artists who are open with their sexuality and sexual pleasure like Janelle Monáe, FKA Twigs, Doja Cat, SZA, and Nicki Minaj he’s all for the sexual liberation of women in the modern era. Especially Janelle Monáe though for her songs about sexual expression and gender identity. Janelle has described herself as “a free ass motherfucker” and Paul vibes with that energy. He loves Americans, a song about subverting traditional American values in favor of loving people for who they are, I Like That, a song about sexuality and self-acceptance, and Make Me Feel, a song celebrating bisexuality. He also enjoys Django Jane, Pynk and Tightrope.
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•ALL pop-punk, all of it. But especially Fall Out Boy- He’s not a huge fan of MANIA but he loves the other albums, especially the older stuff. His favorite album is Save Rock And Roll the instrumentals of the songs on that album are his favorite AND Elton John and Courtney Love are featured on the album and he loves them both. His favorite song on the album is Death Valley. He likes their older stuff as well like Sugar We’re Goin Down (he doesn’t care that people think it’s overplayed, it’s a banger) Of All the Gin Joints In The World, Fame < Infamy, and Immortals (for obvious reasons)
•Tally Hall- He’s like, a band that writes songs about existential chaos? Sign him the fuck up. He loves Ruler of Everything, he finds it sort of ironic because the song is about the frivolity of life and inevitability of death, yet for him, death is not inevitable. He also loves Cannibal (obviously) it’s a metaphor for the singer, it is NOT a metaphor for him >:) and Turn the Lights Off, especially the lines “Everybody wants to get evil tonight / But all good devils masquerade under the light.” Marko has the face of an Angel, but is usually depicted as the most brutal of the boys, he literally is a devil that masquerades under the light.
Bonus: All the boys listen to the Killers, for their grunge rock music (their favorite songs are On Top, Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll, and The Man), Muse for their anti-government rock (Their favorites are Uprising, Supermassive Black Hole, and Resistance) and Thrice for the woodsy rock (Their favorite songs are Black Honey, Blood on Blood, and Beyond the Pines). And of course, they listen to all the same bands they listened to in the 80s as well: Mötley Crüe, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Van Halen, Echo & the Bunnymen, Metallica, etc…
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the-institute-rpg · 2 years
Reblog to participate in the Magical Chaos event! Players with multiple muses, please reblog to one character and tag the other characters participating, to avoid flooding the dash. Remember, you’re encouraged to send as many anons as you can to your fellow members! All anons last 24 hours, though players may shorten or extend them as desired.
This is the third and final set of anons. Don’t worry--sets one and two may still be reblogged. 
TRADING PLACES: Muse has swapped bodies with another character, who may be specified by the asker or chosen by the receiver. Both muns must agree to the swap.
HAUNTED: Muse is haunted by visions of a specter from their past, who no one else can see. Asker may specify, or mun may choose.
RUNNING ON FUMES: Muse is exhausted to the bone, but they cannot get to sleep no matter what they try.
HEDONIST:  Muse is seeing temptations everywhere, and they’re not interested in resisting them. Anything that would give the muse pleasure is irresistible. Will Power? Who’s that? Never met him.
PAINLESS: Muse experiences painful sensations as pure pleasure, and instead of fearing pain, may begin to crave it.
TOUCH-STARVED: Muse is desperately aching to be touched. Every touch is amplified, and the more they get, the more they need. They might not be able to satisfy their need for touch, but they’ll exhaust themselves trying.
SPECIES SWAP: Muse has been turned into a new species, to be specified by the asker. Slaves who receive this anon will be temporarily unbound, but only for the duration of the spell; remember the binding spell is not linked to the collar, so slaves who remove their collars while unbound will still be bound again when they return to their original species. (Please note that the following species are ineligible to be chosen for this anon: androids, angels, berserkers, demons, dragons, fallen angels, nephilim, reapers, revenants, witches.) 
IRRESISTIBLE AURA: Is it their perfume? Is it their smile? Something about this muse is making them absolutely irresistible in a way they can’t control. Everyone who comes within a few feet of them finds themselves absolutely taken with them, wanting them desperately, regardless of their usual preferences.
CODE-WORD: Muse will orgasm every time someone says a particular word, to be specified by the asker.
SCHWASTED: Muse is extremely inebriated and can’t seem to sober up. Hey, at least there won’t be a hangover in the morning, right? Asker may specify a particular intoxicant if desired.
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tieflingteef · 7 months
so Serpent Kadigan’s deal is they’re a snake demon who was born a landless noble of Hell with so many siblings that they had zero chance of ever becoming landed as well as getting basically zero attention from their mom, or much of anyone really, leading them to become deeply existentially bored and attention-seeking. this intermingled with the power and wealth of being a lord of Hell in some fucky ways, ie, they basically spent millennia as an amoral hedonist
eventually their ennui got so bad that they invoked the powers of the Abyss, the primordial chaos and darkness, in an attempt to gain magic “older and deeper than that of Hell” (Hell magic beng based around Light of Lordship, the light of Lucifer and his tower of Pandemonium that orders the chaos of the Abyss into the reality of Hell). so some Abyss spirits showed up and basically went “oh yeah we’ll give you Abyssal powers if you feed us your Light of Lordship so we can properly exist.” so Serp got their Light of Lordship eaten by an Abyss spirit, losing their lordship and in the process winding up with a shadow spirit familiar/adopted child named Ablanathanalba “Abbie” Kadigan, who was created by one of said Abyss spirits eating Serp’s Light and thus attaining a form of actual existence
unfortunately, because Hell is an artificial world, created and maintained purely by Lucifer’s light, Serpent invoking the Abyss was a fucking bad move and could’ve easily had disastrous consequences, so their mother Lilith banished them from Hell, after which point Serpent became an assassin
eventually, they accidentally got hired to kill one of their own relatives and realized that hey wait people are like, people, oh shit. so they quit being an assassin and instead became a professional shaman (meaning they deal with magic problems like curses and evil spirits for pay), using their magic and their knowledge of the occult to try and help others in the hopes of starting to repent for their many, MANY evil actions
as ya do
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amateurhour24-7 · 1 year
Months later I reemerge A deformity in the darkness Shapeless, yet caged Intangible, yet chained Beyond fear lies pain Beyond pain lies exhaustion Beyond exhaustion lies boredom Beyond boredom the billion-fold world is revealed We are our own masters, serving fools We are honest hearts, working for charlatans Sovereign spirits crushed by mere pretenders Disproportionate is the amount of blood, sweat and tears shed by the people One man rises, another man falls One woman excels, another is chained against her will All of creation arises mutually The human zeitgeist chokes the planet And as the world is dying, my body is racked with insecurity I dare not tread beyond the door, lest the chaos consumes me I hate my body, its hard-wired faults and hedonistic addictions My soul may not be pure, but it is genuine and kind Even as the storm rages, the white rose remains hopeful for the sunshine of tomorrow
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explorya88 · 8 months
Interlude: One month later.
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Fang: Wonderful, this is the response.
Fang usually say when `her red flower bloom` or her stomach put `dislike` on foods but this time...she discover she's pregnant with Darius child, she didn't know how to break the news to her mother and Darius.
Fang: One month and according the pregnacy tester i am on the third month....this is anomal!!! I wonder if this because his father Darius is a lust demon? I need to ask...No! I will never to speak to them ever! Luckly i can ask to Lazareth, since he know almost everything on this crazy stuff.
Tyrant Darius stood on the highest point of the skyscraper, looking at Las Vegas Strip with evil smile.
Tyrant Darius: First the sin city then the world. What do you think my friends? The world as our playground and our subjects as our playthings? Yvette, Vinca, you first! What are your thoughts on our grand ambitions for the world?
Yvette: How about a casino where every bet is a roll of the dice, where you can gamble everything even your soul consequences be damned? Let the thrill of chance rule!
Vinca: And let's not forget a gladiator arena, where anyone can enter the fray, embracing the chaos with no regard for consequence. The new world, a realm of freedom and unbound pleasure!
Tyrant Darius: Excellent ideas, my friends. The world shall become our playground of unpredictable delights. What's about you Cal? I've hear from Avi that you're builing several Game centers and Luna parks, they sound intriguing. Can you elaborate on your vision for them?
Cal: Certainly, Tyrant. Imagine spaces where every step is a dance with excitement. The game centers are designed to be arenas of challenge and reward, where individuals can test their mettle against the unpredictable. As for the Luna parks, they're immersive realms of amusement, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.
Tyrant Darius: Ah, an exquisite blend of challenge and amusement. But what about the risks involved?
Cal: Tyrant, the essence lies in the risks. In the game centers, participants tread the fine line between triumph and setback, for it is in those moments of uncertainty that true exhilaration thrives. Luna parks, on the other hand, present a tapestry of experiences where the boundaries of consequence become a canvas for unrestrained enjoyment.
Tyrant Darius: Intriguing, Cal. A world where every venture is a gamble, and every moment a celebration even in death. Malakai, Lazareth, your departure from the duty no fun to only fun is intriguing. How do you see this lifestyle contributing to our grand design?
Malakai: Tyrant, the world is a canvas waiting to be painted with the bold strokes of our desires. By embracing the chaos, I become a living testament to the audacity of freedom. Our grand design is not just about conquering; it's about rewriting the rules and savoring the exhilaration of pure, unbridled, hedonistic existence.
Tyrant Darius: A poetic perspective, Lazareth. How do you envision your role within our dominion?
Lazareth: Tyrant, I'll be the harbinger of disorder, the force that challenges the status quo, stealing, devouring, and conquering. I become the embodiment of survival and raw power. As I assimilate defeated enemies, their essence becomes a testament to our supremacy.
Tyrant Darius: Your philosophies aligns with the essence of our rule. Let chaos reign, Collins, for in the pandemonium, we shall find the true essence of our dominion. Onyx, word has it that you've stirred quite a commotion in the dream world.
Onyx: Oh, just a fair arrangement, you see. Sweet dreams abound for all, as long as they play nice with me and my mistress. But, cross those boundaries, and nightmares become the currency of the night. Am I not benevolent?
Tyrant Darius: Your generosity is unparalleled, Onyx. The delicate balance between dreams and nightmares adds a unique touch to our dominion. Ah one more question Onyx, tell me more about your dealings in the dream world. How do you ensure compliance?
Onyx: It's a delicate dance, Tyrant. I weave dreams like a tapestry, granting tranquility to those who play by our rules. But for those who dare defy us or harbor ill will, nightmares become their constant companions. Fear is a powerful motivator, and in dreams, it's my currency.
Tyrant Darius: Ingenious, Onyx. Your mastery over the dream realm adds a layer of influence to our dominion. How do the inhabitants of the dream world perceive you?
Onyx: To them, I am both the architect of bliss and the harbinger of terror. I am the shadow that dances between their aspirations and fears. It's a delicate balance, and through it, I cultivate allegiance and obedience.
Tyrant Darius: A master manipulator of the subconscious, indeed. Your artistry in the dream world aligns seamlessly with our pursuit of dominion over all realms. Keep weaving the threads of dreams and nightmares, Onyx. Wrath, your transformation is remarkable. What prompted this shift from relentless to a life of regrets, sadness and emptiness to a life of madness, mayhem and merriment?
Wrath: Darius, I grew tired of dwelling in the past, shackled by regrets. Life should be a cacophony of chaos, a riot of madness, and a celebration of pure, unbridled joy. My focus now is on creating mayhem for the thrill of it, all for myself and my beloved, Onyx.
Tyrant Darius: Erasing the past by embracing the present and future with a fervor for chaos. How does Onyx feel about this new chapter?
Wrath: Onyx shares my desire for a life of absolute freedom with no limits. Together, we revel in the ecstasy of madness, finding bliss in the pandemonium we create. It's a partnership of passion and insa that defines our existence now.
Tyrant Darius: A dynamic battle couple indeed. May your journey be filled with the madness and merriment you seek, Wrath..
Back to Fang...
Fang: Hello! I'm here...there isn't anybody here?
Trudy: They're on the way to brought Darius here.
Fang: This is a wondeful news, i feel sleepy.
Trudy: Go to sleep on your room, i'll wake you up when Darius is here.
Fang: You're a gem, Trudy.
Then she heads towards her room and rest on her bed.
Trudy (Whispering with zealous fervor): Ah, the tapestry of fate is unraveling! Fang's dreams, a mere prelude to the chaos that Darius will unleash to the weaks, fools and unworthy. The very air vibrates with the promise of madness, hedonism and freedon, and I, Trudy, am a willing acolyte to the crescendo of the revolution!
Her eyes gleam with a touch of insanity as she paces, caught in the rapture of impending events.
Trudy: In the corridors of destiny, the footsteps of our Tyrant echo! The world will shudder as Tyrant Darius graces it with his presence. Let the chaos unfold, and it consume all who dare stand in our way!
Then she go to Dracaena, seeing her friend, the woman from a future and...the daughter Fang and Darius. She remember when the first Dracaena reveal this "plot twist" one month ago, the fact that she tried to stop Kozholok from taking over the world. When the seed of Divashma tried to merge with her, she express skeptcism about the seed of Divashma and her father intentions, but when they promise her that her bad future will not come to pass, she agree like e daddy girl.
Trudy: Dracaena, my cherished friend, behold this convergence of fate! Do you recall the moment, just twenty seven day. ago, when you unraveled the threads of our destiny, attempting to thwart Kozholok's dominion and the fact that Tyrant Darius and Fang are your parents?
Trudy eyes hold a spark of recognition as she reminisces while watching over her sleeping friend.
Trudy: Skepticism danced in your mind when the seed of Divashma sought to merge with you. You questioned its intentions, doubted your father's grand design. Yet, when promises of averting your ominous future were whispered, you, like a devoted child, merge with the seed of Divashma. Now, as the past echoes in the corridors of the present, and futures entwine, shall we face this temporal tapestry with the same determination that led you to rewrite the script of our destinies, my dear friend Dracaena?
Then Trudy softly sings a haunting lullaby, weaving a melody with words as the anticipation of a momentous father daughter reunion unfolds.
Trudy (🎶): Dracaena, in shadows you rest. Close your eyes, let the merging begin, a dance with fate, Tyrant Darius, your father so near, in the melding of realms, his presence will appear. Fear not, dear Dracaena, destiny's kin, for when the time of reunion is complete, joy shall begin. In the union of souls, a connection so divine, with Tyrant Darius will recognizes you as his daughter and heir. Rest now, in the arms of this lullaby, as destinies unfold, under the night sky. The echoes of a father, whispers soft and near, in the realm of dreams, his presence will soon become reality (🎶).
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mywifeleftme · 1 year
50: My Blood Valentine // Loveless
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Loveless My Bloody Valentine 1991, Creation
Since every Loveless review turns into a soup of adjectives, I collected all 593 adjectives I've used in the previous 49 reviews in this series and bolded the ones that apply to this record:
Fun, diesel-powered, affable, strutting, crooked, deranged, maudlin, endearing, bald-faced, serviceable-at-worst, dollar bin, rabid, vast, empty, folky, sublime, earwormy, intuitive, high, clear, clean, blue, tense, urgent, nervy, ecstatic, great, glum, boyish, chiming, insistent, operative, bare-assed, incongruous, sincere, passionate, deeply felt, stomping, joyous, slower, melancholic, funereal, heart-rending, echoey, overt, stunning, straight, simple, popular, shot, mild, in-the-pocket, gnomish, stern, strict, self-imposed, underrated, deconstructed, long, moody, intuitive, desperate, blueish, deeper, fond, cosmic, bigger, stoned, economical, driving, blistering, sedate, tentative, pretty damned good, hidden, opposite, elemental, amphetamized, duff, satisfying, mixed, dismal, fresh, stone, radiant, perfect, silken, delighted, spellbound, minor, charming, superb, funky, polyrhythmic, light-and-shadows, needless, dyspeptic, profound, most-spun, experienced, good, nostalgic, masculine, music-as-healing-ritual, granola, fervently-wanking-chaos-magic, drifting, moaning, shifting, droning, extraordinary, spare, hushed, silverene, bloody, hunted, icy, singular, pure, pensive, fine, increasingly-gnarled, sucks, Joy Divisiony, extremely sweet, gripless, gloomy, exhausting, rich, high camp, ambiguous, distant, regal, enormous, unearthly, cold, adventurous, inscrutable, cerebral, robotic, landmark, cavernous, cyborgian, nearly-lost, vintage, lyrical, unpredictable, tuned-in, vivid, stretchy-faced, EC Comics-y, state-of-the-art, DIY, talented, metallic, gangrenous, niche, stark, outsider, minimally-arranged, amelodic, piping, windburned, sinister, unsettling, loose, imagistic, oblique, surreal, fully-realized, excellent, expanded, skeletal, entrancing, solemn, buzzing, intense, key, quirky, revered, true, anointed, durable, going-nowhere-and-loving-it, woolly, unique, infectious, goofy, ferocious, valuable, searing, slick, sporadic, nocturnal, satiny, tragic, high-thread-count, theatrical, mournful, acrid, dramatic, fallen, expansive, confrontational, blunt, palpable, subtle, melodramatic, incestuous, trauma-dumping, erotic, heartfelt, beautiful, melodic, drifty, flighty, sad, oppressively sincere, life-changing, trenchant, wreathed in ritual smoke, crackling with spiritual lightning, unruly, madcap, mind-bending, raucous, thrilling, idiosyncratic, striking, bludgeoning, fucked up, choreographed, discomfiting, walloping, deafening, glitchy, chill, tweaky, archetypal, harder-edged, stately, audiophile's dream, mangy, hallucinatory, strafing, high-octane, winsome, hyperactive, irresistible, indelible, deathless, casual, disjunctive, winkingly earnest, faint, uncanny, perpetual, traditional, stranger, megawatt, queer, velveteen, definitive, cutesy, irksome, satisfying, sentimental, introverted, psych-y, rambling, wistful, confident, twinkly, loopy, smeared, ramshackle, reverb-washed, tie-dyed, emblematic, frenetic, rusty, steam-driven, recursive, mesmerizing, unobtrusive, special, bespoke, lesser-known, rare, popular, gentle, tropical, lilting, ebullient, svelte, percolating, obscure, fantastic,
sweat-soaked, drum-driven, cardiac, giddy, sugarcane, charismatic, pan-Black, white, beloved, considerable, pretty funny, moderately offensive, legendary, snarky, just fucking fine, dogshit, scathing, amusing, awkward, replacement-level, cromulent, left-field, psychedelic, burly, bad, dunked upon, seedy, modest, hedonistic, sock hop vibes, peaceable, immaculate, sodden, unquenchable, galvanizing, warlike, leftist, fuzz-drenched, fiery, swashbuckling, heartfelt, frosty, forlorn, far-right, intelligible, powerful, unforgiveable, militant, fulfilling, wonderful, sweaty, righteous, dashing, rustic, clumsy, soulful, gushing, stupid, generous, weird, dumb, highly defective, new-dime, candy-eyed, weary, miserable, idiot, loudest, imperious, gender euphoric, good-natured, hilarious, deviant, compulsive, dimwitted, blind, unappeasable, important, cigarette-smelling, elaborate, impossible, virtuosic, bitter, gifted, religious, absurd, naughty, leaden, adolescent, brilliant, skewed, greying, golden, horniest, explicit, blithe, comic, well-lubricated, sepia-toned, disreputable, frigid, hygienic, grimy, kinetic, cramped, pitiless, pulverizing, soothing, agitated, stabbing, intricate, strong, smoldering, cyberpunky, towering, lukewarm, unmissable, clever, hot-rodded, impersonal, garage-y, tender, bottle rocket, unflappable, noisy, apocalyptic, primal, song-like, formless, fascinating, blobby, resplendent, dreamy, rawer, full-bodied, pitchy, spacy, catchy, sorely missed, startled, maximalist, uninhibited, gargantuan, turbulent, insular, sedate, rapturous, exquisitely-arranged, sensitive, melismatic, intimate, smoky, slow-developing, distinctive, beguiling, abstract, conventional, languorous, foggy, hazy, fetching, ambient, breathy, salival, opaque, concrete, urban, herculean, ass-kicking, nimble, technically proficient, sledge-assed, steely, poppy, unfaltering, Hendrix-pilled, divebombing, frizzy, anthemic, crusading, acid-scarred, spiraling, hair-raising, outraged, minimal, sick ass, dazzling, abominable, smooth, pretty, serene, personable, organic, ambling, overwrought, anachronistic, back porch, Appalachian, death-shrouded, sun-dappled, haunted, existential, straight up and down, starry-eyed, flashy, timeless, odd, ur-technical, Queensrÿche-adjacent, darker-hued, bonkers, tortured, plodding, groaning, busy, old, iconic, aphoristic, gusty, small, sexy, feathered, cool, exécrable, stolid, matter-of-fact, squinting, rumpled, abject, homeliness, unmatched, stacked, entry-level, de rigueur, reliable, working-class, scratchy, aspiring, feral, plaintive, quavering, venomous, scuzzy, balls-to-the-wall, professional, weakest, passable, immortal, subdued, worthy, heavy, powerfully Afroed, languid, string-sweetened, deft, gliding, lapidary, pizzicato, stirring, pogo-powered, lyrics-forward, deadpan, passé, strange, head-spinning, immense, endless.
Or simply, as friend and critic MJ O’Neill once put it, the sound of lipstick smeared in a dream.
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twinpeaksrecord · 2 years
creatives and pieces i adore
ᓚᘏᗢ xi ( main ig | youtube | pinterest )
slowly but surely building a platform for herself is art student xi. her work is avant-garde and explores womanhood and sexuality in an intimate, sometimes macabre, fashion. and speaking of fashion! xi's distinctive and eclectic style is influenced by vivienne westwood and the characters of the ai yazawa manga nana, in which one of the main characters shares xi's affinity with the british designer. if you want to see more of her fashion taste you can check out her recent paris haul!
another thing that inspires xi are the philosophies surrounding women, notably their bodies. fascinated by the historical comparisons between women and fertile, digestible organic matter in art (pomegranates, in particular), xi's methods and work draw acute focus on different areas of the body, her abstract interpretations of the power they hold and the sensations she ties with them. a great introduction to her artwork is her video displaying her gcse art projects.
being able to read her ideas and see her work progress is inspiring for me as another young creative!! the process behind her work has provoked a profound way of thinking in myself, which i am grateful for as i'm always looking to explore new perceptions of themes i find present in my own life as well as the lives of others that aren't discussed with the openness they deserve.
ᓚᘏᗢ dakota warren ( ig | youtube )
dakota's debut book on sun swallowing (available here!!) is a collection of poetry and prose about girlhood and gore and the devil and sex and a kind of existentialism that is both entirely nihilistic and wholly hedonistic. it's the first book i've ever written in and annotated and it was a great book for me to start with. dakota is fond of the idea of chaos and pure, unfiltered self-expression. the idea of indulging in your self. it's an accumulation of hair ribbons, religious imagery, love's many hues, the trials and tribulations of relationships all glazed in the blood of pomegranates.
"she has quickly cultivated an online presence that is that of a true artist: giving her followers small glimpses into her life but still maintaining an air of allure and mystery around herself." — kaiya shunyata in dakota warren is your new favourite poet.
ᓚᘏᗢ ethel cain ( @mothercain )
gritty and hazy and elegant. ethel makes the perfect music for running to nowhere in particular. you have energy and pain but you don't know where to put it? ethel cain. dealing with fractured relationships? ethel cain.
released a week ago today is her song american teenager. the southern gothic aesthetics of ethel's music and the nostalgia in the lyrics are paired with an audio that elicits the same emotions of teenhood — a warm-coloured memory for some and a fuzzy reality that is hard to decode for many.
ᓚᘏᗢ mitski's stay soft and working for the knife
blood, sexuality and femininity. y'know the triangle that shows how fires need three things to stay lit? well these three things are the triad of themes found in my favourite media texts. mitski's work, to me, is like a museum that doubles as a theatre but if you push down the handle of one of the seats it lowers into a library. she's a storyteller who isn't afraid to show her humanity.
working for the knife is a cynical tale about aging and persona. it's about "being confronted with a world that doesn’t seem to recognize your humanity, and seeing no way out of it." mitski writes of escaping confined identities that you didn't forge for yourself and putting energy you don't have in places you don't want to go.
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stay soft was written about "hurt people finding each other, and using sex to make sense of their pain." while being dark and personal, the sound is grungy with an "inviting dance beat." the music video is aggressive and a little gory — a colourful, abstract visual display of the song.
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ᓚᘏᗢ andrea arnold's fish tank (2009)
making your way through life alone can be difficult, but for 15 year old mia, it's the only option. her neglectful mother then meets conor o'reilly. this film hurt but it is one of the most visually stunning and powerful films i've ever seen. it's one of the most accurate insights into lower class teen life in britain, particularly into the life of teen girls. fish tank is equal parts beautiful and disturbing. and i think everyone should watch this film.
"encompasses the rage, confusion, horniness, and passion of being a teenager. this film is uncomfortable, gross, and angry yet manages to become one of the rawest coming of age films i've ever seen." — holli on letterboxd.
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Okay. I don’t think anyone has said it yet, so I guess it’s up to me.
look, I remember when I first heard of the Good Omens fandom, and naturally, Aziraphale’s name, I was struck frozen like, “Wait, I know that name. Israfil, that's a first. Which is what reluctantly pulled me in
(I’m a Muslim)
See, growing up, we have this nursery rhyme for the 10 most important angels that you have to know, and Israfil’s name was right up there (if you want to know, the other nine are Jibril, Mikail, Mungkar, Nakir, Raqib, Atid,Ridhwan, Malik andIzrail)Christians to mention some of them in movies, I mean, you guys have versions of them too, right? So I’ve naturally heard the mentions of Jibril (Gabriel), Mikail (Michael) and Izrail (Azrael), but I was kind of stuck at the mention of Israfil of all angels, so throughout all 6 episodes  I kept trying to remember what his main purpose was, in the nursery rhyme (you know that thing that you can’t think of something purely due to the reason because you’re looking for it?). As the story progressed I began to recall that he was a pretty big deal for starting Doomsday, but it wasn’t until this scene happened;
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that it occurred to me what Israfil’s purpose was, in Islamic terms-
He blows the Sangkakala
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Right, you guys don’t know what the Sangkakala is, of course. 
The Sangkakala is basically this musical instrument that Israfil was tasked with to blow to start Doomsday, nothing can begin without it. In fact, the blowing of the Sangkakala basically does half of the job.
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is basically what it looks like, and what could possibly be the approximation of its size. There are, even, entire theories circulating to whether or not the blowing of the Sangkakala was also behind the Scientific theory of the Big Bang. The closest I’ve ever heard of another mythology or religion that has someone that more or less has someone tasked with this is Heimdall, in the Norse mythology (thank Magnus Chase for that one). Basically, In Islamic terms, At the Beginning, and the End of All Things, the Big Star of the show is, and always has been, Aziraphale. 
That, my friends, is how big of a deal he is.
Which, by the way, makes this scene all the more hilarious and scandalous, to me at the same time;
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because to me, what it looked like is basically that these angels, irritated by Aziraphale’s behavior and fraternizing with a demon and whatnot, had decided to, against God’s rule, just give the job to someone else. And if that wasn’t crossing a line, I don’t know what is. I genuinely thought this, which makes his look of scandalized offense, after the sound of the trumpets, make much more sense. Doomsday, the End of All Things, had been tasked to Israfil (Aziraphale) since before the Beginning of Time. He was one of the earliest angels to have been created, due to this fact. Which meant, that God said, in the Beginning, Doomsday won’t start until Israfil says so. It wasn’t until Israfil says so, that things can proceed accordingly. I really think that this is why God made it so that he, Crowley and Adam
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had managed to avert Doomsday so successfully. And why Death, when the Them had managed to beat the other three Horsemen, went peacefully. He knew his place. Aziraphale/Israfil said ‘no, Not Today,’ so Izrail/Azrael/Death just went ‘Fine. Hit me up when it is.’ He remembered his place. The other Angels did not. Aziraphale/Israfil just did his job-God would probably contact him personally should the End Times were ever to come about-so he wasn’t punished. What is there to punish? I wager God probably thought that the resulting Chaos and Humiliation on Both Sides were enough of a punishment to just let things be, after that.
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Which, you know, ends my take on why God let Aziraphale and Crowley get away with living the rest of their lives on Earth like the hedonistic, naive Ethereal and Occult creatures they are. 
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End Scene
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