#Purple-bellied Lory
theteasetwrites · 2 years
The Dixon Problem
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 1 (The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning series) ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: swearing, mild violence ❧ Word Count: 5k
❧ Summary: Not everyone is happy with the Dixons’ presence in the camp, especially Shane. When things go haywire, the only solution is a compromise, and to let Daryl know you care.
❧ A/N: I realize I’m posting this after a weird little argument over the ethics of zooming in on a man’s crotch but here we are. This is a fanfiction blog, believe it or not. Anyway, here’s another fic set in the same universe as The Beginning (I really like doing these ok), and this one takes place between Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. I really wanted to do some oneshots that would’ve happened before they got together because idk it just seems to cool to read about them before they kissed at the CDC and sort of build up to that. I find it fun to hint at their burgeoning attraction to one another, and how they’re both kind of in denial about their little crushes lol. We all know it was love at first sight. Also I loved writing Daryl fighting with Shane it was so fun. Daryl should’ve punched Shane in the show don’t @ me.
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A deep huff escaped your lips as the back of your hand wiped the dripping sweat from your brow. The sun was a few hours from setting, but Georgia summers were unforgiving, and even a setting sun would prove to be dangerous if you didn’t hydrate.
Taking a sip of water from the crinkly plastic bottle, you watched Lori skillfully sew up the rips in one of Shane’s shirts. It was a skill you had neglected, but at one point, you were pretty good with a machine. Hand sewing was something else entirely.
“You’re so good at that,” you said. “How’d you learn?”
Lori smiled as she looked at you, staring in awe. “My mom sewed, my granny sewed, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my great granny sewed, too.”
“That’s sweet… Maybe you could teach me sometime?”
“Sure, but I thought you were trying to get Mr. Crossbow to teach you how to hunt?” She spoke with a crooked smile, on the verge of laughing. You failed to see what was so funny, frankly.
But mostly, you were embarrassed. The warm blush on your cheeks and the butterflies doing somersaults in your belly betrayed you, though you just pretended none of it was there.
“Well, he, uh, said I should learn how to fight first. He said he’d teach me that, though.”
“Mhm… Why are you laughing?”
Lori lowered her head until her hair covered her face, but you heard a few snorts and giggles from beneath the dark curtain.
“You’re so cute,” she said. “That’s all.”
“Cute? Why am I cute?”
“You just are…” She leaned closer to speak in a quiet voice. “I bet Daryl thinks you’re really cute.”
You scoffed, trying to laugh it off as you awkwardly nudged her shoulder with yours. “Stop. That’s not funny. Not true, either. I think he finds me annoying.”
“Oh, really?” she asked. “What about the little rock he cracked open for you? That doesn’t sound like the actions of a man who’s annoyed.”
That “little rock” was now your prized possession. You had one half, and you’d let Daryl keep the other. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to you. That rock was a geode, something your father would’ve added to his extensive collection. Maybe you were thinking too much into it, and maybe it was cliché, but you liked to think that it represented the last beautiful thing in the world. You kept it by your cot, on full display so it was the first thing you saw each morning. Sometimes, the translucent purple shards would catch the new light that streamed through your tent in just the most perfect way.
“He was just being nice,” you said. “Daryl’s… really nice. I mean, he’s a little… grumpy, but he’s got a good heart. I can tell. I wouldn’t have brought him here if I didn’t think so.”
Before Lori could respond with another teasing quip, you both flinched at the sound of Daryl, the man you were just talking, and thinking a little too deeply, about. His voice was raised, one decibel away from being a yell. It sounded like it was coming from the center of camp, near Dale’s RV, so you both jogged over, anxious to see whatever was causing Daryl to yell a series of curse words and a few other words you couldn’t yet make out.
“Stupid cop!” you heard, now getting closer. “Who the hell do ya think you are?! This ain’t Miami Vice.”
You stumbled upon Daryl, with his chest puffed up and his hands moving vigorously along with his hostile words, in some kind of argument with Shane, who only shook his head with his hands on his waist as the bowman hurled insults his way.
“Listen, Dixon,” replied Shane, who was visibly also beginning to lose his temper, “we gotta maintain some order ‘round here. Now, I don’t give a shit ‘bout what you and your white trash redneck brother used to get up to in bumfuck nowhere, but there’s women and kids here, and I don’t want this shit ‘round ‘em.”
Oh, noble Shane, you thought to yourself, but then again, you still had no idea what the men were arguing about, so maybe he had a point. Still, you did take some issue to being compared to a child, but you weren’t about to jump in the middle of a fight between two burly, hotheaded men for the sake of feminism.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?! It ain’t nothin’, Merle goes off into the woods to do it! Ain’t no women or children gonna get hurt. You’re just as stupid as you look, Columbo.”
“It ain’t them seein’ the drugs I’m worried about,” Shane replied, getting closer to Daryl until their chests were nearly touching. “It’s you and your ugly ass brother.”
Drugs? You knew Merle had a stash of drugs, including crystal meth, and most others figured it based on, well, everything about him, but you didn’t think Shane would pick a fight with Daryl over it. Maybe Merle himself, but not Daryl. Merle wasn’t even there that day, having taken his turn to go hunting, though he never brought back nearly as much as his brother. You weren’t sure if it was because Merle wasn’t a very good hunter, or because he just didn’t care enough to bring back food for your group, but either way, it was clear which brother was better.
“Man, that’s bullshit,” he replied, narrowing his eyes at Shane. “You wanna see a threat then look in the mirror. There’ll be a big arrogant prick starin’ back at ya.” Daryl punctuated his sentence by shoving the other man backwards, but before Daryl could strut away as he planned, Shane shoved him back.
“Watch yourself,” Daryl warned, voice low and raspy. “I don’t want your pig blood on my hands.”
He tried to brush past Shane, but the man was fuming. He shoved Daryl back once more, knocking him to the ground.
A puff of dirt swallowed his body as you let out a small gasp of disbelief. No one in the group had gotten physical with anyone like this yet. Maybe it was only a matter of time before it happened. After all, a group of several strangers under incredible physical and mental stress in the middle of the end of the world was a recipe for disaster, but you’d hoped it wouldn’t happen so soon.
All you could register was the sound of Daryl’s grunting before he sprung back up to sock Shane across the face, disorienting him. He soon struck back, but Daryl ducked and delivered a blow to Shane’s stomach.
Shane had managed to deliver a few blows of his own, but at this point, all you could focus on was thinking of a way to break them up without getting hurt yourself.
“H-hey!” you shouted out, along with Lori and several other women who’d gathered around, yelling to the men to stop. “Stop it!”
Dale was frantically climbing down the ladder of the RV, then greeted the scene with wide eyes. “Hey, hey! Break it up!” He managed to get his arms between the two of them, but he could only keep Shane back. Daryl even tried to get around Dale so he could deliver one last blow to Shane’s face, but T-Dog came up behind and pinned the enraged man’s arms back.
“Get offa me!” he yelled to T-Dog, then turned his attention back to Shane. “I’m gonna beat your ass, you hear me, bacon bits?!”
Dale stood between them, holding his hands out to keep them both at bay. Their chests swelled with heavy, panting breaths as their faces molded into their own unique scowls. Shane’s was terrifying, much more than Daryl’s. His dark brown eyes didn’t need to narrow at all, they were just as terrifying in their wideness. His mouth wasn’t agape, it was sealed shut as the breaths pumped out of his flared nostrils. He stood completely still, like a ticking time bomb. You’d never been more terrified of the man.
Daryl paced back and forth for a few feet on each side of him, his face much more natural looking, but still enraged. At least you could make some sense of Daryl in his anger. He didn’t send a shiver down your spine like Shane did. Well, and maybe you were a little partial to Daryl now, since he’d shown you kindness. In any case, the awkward silence that permeated the stiff, humid air was excruciating.
“Just calm down,” panted Dale, arms still outstretched between them. “What the hell is going on here?”
Shane huffed before speaking. “I was just tryin’ to have a civil conversation about the drug use goin’ on in this camp.”
“Drug use?” questioned Lori. “No, no way. No drugs, not around the kids. That’s the last thing we need right now.”
Daryl turned to look at Lori, not with anger, but confusion. He seemed troubled, unable to reconcile something in his head. His eyes squinted shut as he wiped his nose, which had just begun to bleed from the punch. He spat a glob of pinkish saliva onto the dirt ground, then turned back to face Shane.
“Talk to Merle,” was all he said. His voice was quieter now, almost timid, but still with an air of defensiveness.
He turned back again, in the direction of his tent. You met his glance for a moment, at which point he seemed to stop in his tracks. His foot backstepped, flashes of blue still on you until they averted to the ground. When he regained his focus, he moved quicker, more determined. Still, his confidence seemed drained after he looked your way, but all you could pay attention to now was Shane, who was walking directly towards you, huffing and puffing.
“What the hell were you thinkin’, bringin’ those meth heads here, huh? You stupid or somethin’? I thought you were some kinda… librarian.” He ended his sentence with a sarcastic chuckle.
Before you could respond, Lori spoke up, and thank God she did. You were still petrified by Shane’s aggression, and Lori knew him from before the fall. Maybe he’d actually listen to her.
“Stop it, Shane,” she scolded in an almost motherly tone. Fitting, since the argument between him and Daryl seemed more like that of children than two grown men in their thirties. “It’s done. No point in arguing about it.”
For your part, you took a moment to collect your thoughts, then spoke to Shane with as much bravado as you could muster. “It’s because of Daryl that we’re not starving to death,” you said.
Dale stepped forward, hand outstretched slightly to gesture towards you. “That’s a good point, but what about the drugs?”
You shook your head profusely. “I don’t know anything about any drugs.” That wasn’t true, you knew Merle was getting high, and that he was a dealer, but that honestly didn’t matter to you much at this point. As far as you were concerned, everything that had ever separated the human race from each other was out the window. Drug addicts were no different from Mormons now. Granted, Merle could be unpredictable, and you hated him, frankly, but Daryl and Merle seemed like a package deal, so you’d have to deal with both of them if your group was to reap the benefits of having a skilled hunter.
Plus, you might’ve fostered a bit of admiration for him. Friendly admiration, of course.
“Well, I just ain’t havin’ no crystal meth in this camp,” replied Shane. “And I’m about this close to killin’ your buddy, so’s as far as I’m concerned, this is your problem to solve if you wanna keep them here.”
Diplomacy wasn’t your strong suit, but if it kept Shane from kicking out the Dixon’s, you’d try your best to find some common ground.
“Compromise,” Dale said with a nod. “(Y/N), you should talk to Daryl, ask him to talk some sense into Merle when he gets back to camp. We give them shelter, they get rid of the drugs.”
It sounded more like an ultimatum than a compromise, but you were perhaps the only person who’d had any meaningful contact with the slightly more tolerable brother, so you put aside your reservations to head to the Dixons’ camp, several yards away from the rest of the group.
He was on one knee as he chopped the head off a squirrel on the sawed log he was using as a butcher block. The sound of the axe slicing through the flesh and digging into the wood was so powerful that you flinched, alerting the hunter to your presence.
Though he didn’t look your way. He simply set aside the axe and continued skinning the creature as if you weren’t there.
“You want a piece of me, too, woman?” he asked. “Whatever you gotta say, I ain’t in the mood.”
You bit your lip as you stood still, thinking of what to say. Daryl was tricky, you knew that. Sometimes he was nice to you, and sometimes he wanted nothing to do with you. No one in the camp knew how to deal with him, really. You only knew a little because you somehow found yourself trying to ingratiate yourself with him, but why? You still weren’t exactly sure.
“May I sit down?” you blurted out, thinking that might be the first step to talking to him.
He looked up at you then, with a suspicious glare.
Just as you were still trying to get used to talking to him, he was still trying to get used to your desire to talk to him in the first place. Why would a woman like you want anything to do with a man like him, anyway? Surely you had an ulterior motive, though he couldn’t deny there was something genuinely kind and soft about your face. Maybe even, dare he say, pretty? Not just physically, though he was painfully aware of that, but through and through, you were quite lovely. Well, that’s how it seemed, anyway.
Merle always said that women couldn’t be trusted, that if they weren’t childlike and dumb, they were manipulative and cunning. Nothing else, nothing in between. Of course, Daryl had a hard time believing that. People weren’t that simple, and Merle’s authority on the topic of women was questionable at best. Still, old habits die hard, and maybe he was just a little skeptical of your intentions. After all, no woman or man had ever shown this much interest in talking to him.
Daryl was, for all intents and purposes, a loser. He still felt like one, though he had to admit, when you brought him to your camp, insisting that your group needed him, he did feel a small sense of real, genuine pride, for the first time in his life. Maybe he had something to offer, something good he could do. Maybe you really wanted him there, and he wasn’t just a loser with a bad temper and a meth head brother.
His deeply ingrained insecurity, though, told him otherwise, and that you were only kind to him because of what he could offer your group, not because you actually appreciated him. But then again, the rest of the group had all but ignored him since he arrived, and you were the one who’d spoken more than five words to him at a time. That had to mean something, right?
“I want to talk to you,” you said simply. “So, can I?”
He chewed his lip as he looked you up and down, as if inspecting you. Wordlessly, he nodded, then lowered his head again to focus on the mutilated squirrel.
As you cleared your throat, you sat yourself on a dinky camping chair across from the fire pit. Both of you were silent for a little while, with only the sounds of flesh tearing from the muscle of the little furry critters Daryl was skinning. You watched with furrowed brows, though at a certain point, you had to stop looking, otherwise you’d get a little woozy, so you lifted your gaze to the top of Daryl’s head, covered in short, choppy brown hair.
Surprisingly, just before you were about to say something, Daryl spoke first. “I ain’t no meth head,” he said abruptly. “I don’t touch that shit.” Not anymore, he thought, but something stopped him. Could it be… embarrassment? Maybe shame. All he knew was there was a part of him that cared what you thought, for some odd reason. He’d trained himself not to give a damn about anything, though it was in his nature to. Why was your presence bringing out his sensitivity? It was a blessing and a curse. It hurts to care, he’d always thought. Nothing good could come of it. He cared once, before he knew how cruel people could be.
“I never said you did.”
“S’what you all think,” he replied. “Y’all think I’m some kinda… stupid redneck bastard.” Wouldn’t be wrong, a voice inside him retorted.
“I don’t think that.”
He finally raised his eyes again, glowering at you. “You will.”
It shouldn’t have hurt you, but it did, just a little bit. “I bet you I won’t.”
He shook his head and stood up to retrieve the red rag that was often dangling from his back pocket. Wiping his hands, he nodded towards you. “What’d ya really come over ‘ere for? They send ya over to kick me out?”
You shook your head immediately. “No, no. Not at all. Just… You need to tell Merle to quit with the drugs.”
Daryl scoffed, almost a laugh. “Askin’ Merle to give up crystal’s like askin’ him to cut off his own hand. ‘Sides, ya don’t think I’ve tried? Ain’t no use in it. Might as well jus’ kick us to the curb ‘cause it ain’t gonna happen.”
His apathy frustrated you, and you let out an exasperated, now quite irritated, puff of air. “So you’d rather live out in the woods by yourselves than in a group, with people who will look out for you?”
“None of these people will look out for me,” he scoffed.
“Well, I would.”
He looked your way again, this time not suspicious, but confused. “Why’d ya bring me and Merle here in the first place? All ya got to show for it is bein’ yelled at and bossed around by that asshole Shane.” He spat the man’s name out in obvious distaste.
“I told you,” you said, “I thought you would be able to help us… And you saved me. I’d be dead right now if it weren’t for you.”
He lowered his head again, busying himself by cleaning between his fingers with the rag in the hopes of distracting you from the obvious blush on his cheeks. When he didn’t respond, you realized you hadn’t asked him a similar question.
“Why’d you save me, anyway?” you asked, your voice a little more quiet, as if afraid of him even hearing it.
After all, you were a complete stranger, why should he have helped you? What you knew from human nature was that people often only helped others if they knew there was something in it for them. True altruism was hard to come by, and often not evolutionarily beneficial. Those who helped others and put themselves in danger often died out before their lineage could carry on. Well, that was your vague memories of anthropology class resurfacing, but it still applied.
Indeed, you yourself hadn’t been acting out of true altruism. You had decided to bring Merle and Daryl into the fold because they were hunters, and they could benefit your group by providing your people sustenance. But Daryl’s motivations were less clear.
He swallowed hard as thought for a moment, himself now forced with the reality of facing that question. Why did he help you?
For the next several moments, he transported himself to that day just a month ago, when he was trudging around in the woods outside Atlanta, listening to Merle ramble on about some drunken memory, a relic of his “glory days” that he seemed unable to forget about. They had no destination, no idea where they were going. They’d tried the refugee center in the city, but that had been overrun about as soon as it was set up. Merle was quite content to rough it, and so was Daryl, so long as there weren’t flesh-eating monsters roaming around.
When he heard the rather faint sound of a woman screaming, somewhere ahead in the maze of aspen trees dotting the humid forest, something in him switched, and though he remembered the muffled sound of Merle’s protesting, all he could hear at the time was the scream getting closer and closer.
Soon he was in a small clearing, setting sight on a decrepit creature. Below it were two squirming legs, belonging to the screaming woman who was just inches away from becoming something’s lunch.
Without hesitation, he lifted his bow to shoot, snagging the creature in the head until it fell less than gracefully onto your chest. Pushing the body off, you faced him, mouth panting and eyes hazy with tears.
He tried to think of what he thought then, but it was difficult to put himself in that position again. He only remembered your face, how scared you were. You seemed so fragile, and yet somehow brave enough to look him in the eye. Most of all, you were peculiar to him, different from anyone or anything he’d seen before. Of course, there was nothing particularly strange looking about you, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. You were just… special, with a calming aura of warmth around you, something he was instinctively drawn to for whatever reason.
So, how was he supposed to explain that? You seemed special, important, warm… Creepy. He knew that would’ve sounded creepy. He was already embarrassed from Shane’s display earlier, and his stomach stung to think of you seeing that cop strike him across the face, to appear weak. Once again, he wondered why he cared in the first place.
He finally settled for a somewhat satisfactory explanation. “S’just what people do.”
Indeed, he would’ve done it for anyone. That wasn’t the issue Daryl struggled with, he knew right from wrong, for the most part. He struggled with understanding why you looked at him the way you did, and why he found himself wanting to keep you safe even after the creature attacking you was long dead.
At least you seemed happy with that answer, as one corner of your lips upturned into a small smile. “Well, I am sure some people wouldn’t have done anything. I’m really grateful… And I really don’t want you to go. Merle… I will put up with him if it means you stay here, but if you could please talk to him, try to get him to at least hide the drugs better and maybe go further away from camp to do it, I’d be even more grateful.”
Though he had no idea how he was going to get Merle to agree to changing anything about himself, he couldn’t deny that you were convincing. Something about your wide, almost pleading eyes. Somehow, making you happy seemed to make him happy, too.
“I’ll try,” he said. “But I ain’t promisin’ anything. Merle don’t care ‘bout what I got to say.”
“Well, he should,” you said as you stood to your feet. “He’s your brother… I have a brother, too. We used to talk all the time, though we sort of lost touch before all this.” You gestured around vaguely, ending your sentence with a small nervous chuckle.
Daryl almost didn’t speak, didn’t want to ask what he was thinking, but the look on your face as your lips began to droop and your eyes became vague made him wonder if maybe you needed to talk about it.
“Where is he?” he asked simply, though he immediately began to regret it when he noticed you shifting awkwardly where you stood. “I mean… I, uh… Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you replied with a shake of your head. “No, it’s fine. He’s, well… I don’t know where he is. Last time we talked he was in Atlanta. Actually, that’s why I was headed there when it happened.”
“It’s okay,” you replied with a shake of your head. “No, it’s fine. He’s, well… I don’t know where he is. Last time we talked he was in Atlanta. Actually, that’s why I was headed there when it happened.”
It seemed to be a universally agreed upon signifier. The fall, the turn, the apocalypse, the plague… Everyone called it something different, but what it all came down to was The End, or The Beginning, depending on who you asked.
“Sorry,” was all he could reply, though he found himself going further, speaking more than he normally would’ve. “Hope he’s all right.”
That meant more to you than anything anyone had ever said to you since the world turned. You hadn’t told anyone about your brother, and you weren’t sure why you decided to tell Daryl, but it felt right. In a world where everything was suddenly wrong, lots of things still felt right, all of which had to do with him. Strange.
“Thank you. I do too. He means a lot to me… I’m sure your brother means a lot to you, too, so I understand why you care so much about him. He’s lucky to have you as a brother.”
If Daryl wasn’t so strangely calmed by your presence in this moment, he might’ve protested to the assertion that Merle meant a lot to him, but he supposed he really did, whether or not Daryl liked it.
As he shifted his shoulders, he raised his hand to scratch his neck, chewing the inside of his bottom lip all the while. The unique little nervous mannerisms he had were already becoming part of your ever-growing encyclopedia of quirks Daryl displayed, and you had to say you found that quite endearing. Indeed, you truly felt that Daryl could become a friend. You wanted him to be a friend.
It reminded you that Daryl spent almost all of his time alone. Whenever Merle was gone or at the edge of camp getting up to his illicit activities, Daryl was by himself. You figured he had to get lonely, and surely the sole company of a man like Merle would eventually drive him insane, even if he was his brother.
“Daryl?” you asked, moving closer as you tried to telepathically direct his gaze up at you.
He did, and a flash of silvery blue eyes that caught little sparkles of light from the sun looked up at you. His eyes were quite deep set and narrow, making them seem at first glance to be cold and uninviting, but that wasn’t really the case at all. Now that you saw them in full view, there was mystery there, something waiting to be revealed. You had a feeling whatever it was, it was something lovely. Your curiosity made you eager to get to the bottom of it.
Even the strange softness of his often rough, gravelly voice struck you. As he licked his chapped lips, you found yourself trailing your eyes to his light stubble, sparse on his cheeks but more concentrated around his lips, which weren’t particularly full, but beautifully sculpted as if by delicate, intentional little hands. You found his face much more tolerable than his brother’s. Handsome, even. Perhaps not an A-list Hollywood movie star (certainly no one so clean-cut as Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, both of whom you had at one point hung posters of on your closet door in the mid-nineties) but he had been blessed with good proportions and a pleasant visage that you only dwelled on for a moment until your subconsciousness took the image into its darkest recesses. The last thing you needed to do today was to admire a man’s physical appearance, though it did tempt you for just a few seconds. Maybe a few more.
“You should really join us for dinner tonight,” you said. “You know, around the fire… Dale’s going to make something special. I have no idea what, he says it’s a surprise.”
When his breath seemed to hitch and his muscles flexed in seemingly anxious response, you quickly tried to explain yourself. “I mean, I know it’s awkward, with the Shane thing… but Shane has watch during dinner tonight. Maybe you can just… talk to me, and Dale, Andrea, Amy, Glenn, Jacqui… We all sort of congregate, talk a little bit. I’m sure they’d like to get to know you more.”
He found himself wondering how to respond, how to tell you that he hated talking, especially to people he hardly knew. Then again, he liked talking to you. That was clear to him.
“Maybe… I dunno.”
Though you didn’t want to pressure him, it was hard not to try to convince him. You were shy sometimes, too, but the older you got, the more you realized that you needed people, and that couldn’t be more evident than right now, when people were hard to come by.
“All we have is each other,” you said. “You told me that the world’s never gonna be like how it was, and you’re right. We should never take people for granted anymore.”
He’d never wrap his head around the way you spoke sometimes, how you could be so articulate and intelligent, and at other times, so high-strung or bubbly or aloof… You were about as hard to read to him as he was to you.
“I’ll try,” was all he replied.
“That’s all that matters.”
When he briefly lurked around the fire that night, exchanging a few brief words with Dale and Andrea (and you, of course), you felt like you’d gotten somewhere further with the temperamental hunter.
He didn’t stay for long, and hardly ate any of Dale’s “mushroom mash,” but it was something, and though the day started with a fight between Shane and Daryl, it ended with the latter feeling just a little more welcome.
Most of all, you had no regrets about bringing Daryl Dixon to your camp. You had a feeling it was the right thing to do.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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Heaven, Hell, and Fallen angel cats.
Males: Angels, these sweet boys reside in Heaven and are typically  light, white, or pastel colors. Their wing size range from small and light to big and fluffy. They're normally very friendly and it's rare for them to be aggressive.  It's also rare, but still possible for a Heaven cat to be dark colors, or a mixture of dark and light colors.
Females:  Devils, these lovely ladies reside Hell and are typically dark, murky, or  monochrome colors. Wing size range from small and thin, to large and thick. They're normally aggressive, rude, sassy, and unkind and it's very rare for them to act in any positive way but not unheard of. A hell cat can very much feel love or form bonds but their way of showing it is not in the typical way (I.E normally show it subtly or Tsundere like.) It's also very rare but very possible for a Hell cat to have light, pastel, and monochrome  colors.
Non-binary and other: Fallen Angels, these beings of other gender identity (or multiple pronouns such as They/them and She/her) can live anywhere really. Hell, Heaven, Earth, they typically do not care as long as they find the environment comfortable enough. They're a mixture of both, having feathered demon wings and no restriction on color shade. They have both halos and horns as well. Fallen angel cats body can actually change and shift based on gender identity (Example: Non-binary would have no sex organs and reproduce through recycling genetic material)
Breeding/The Mating Frenzy: Heaven, Hell, and Fallen angel cats reach sexual maturity at 100 years of age and their breeding season starts in June and ends at the beginning of August. The kits are born in October and depending on the gender, they will grow up in either Heaven or Hell. If they come out as the Fallen angel the parents will actually stay on Earth together to raise them. After kits are born,  the partners will normally leave each other, but even though it's rare it's still possible for the partners to stay together some just get along that well if none of the kits are Fallen angels. The females are the stronger and bigger of the species and they attract males with their fluffy tails that get exceptionally fluffier during breeding. Here's where the mating frenzy comes in, during the season Hell cats and sometimes the Fallen angel cats are VERY irritable from sexual frustration and need to reproduce (asexuals are exempt from this), If a male comes and they don't think he matches the cat's standards they will attack until either the Heaven cat leaves...or dies.
Sexual dimorphism:
Hell cats: Females of the species have arm and leg fur that resemble formal gloves and thigh high stockings, they also belly fur that wraps around the back that resemble a corset. Their tales are typically large and fluffy but can be thin or sleek. They have large venomous fangs and can even spit this venom at others. Hell cats can choose to not inject venom if they just want to give a warning bite. They typically stand to 6'6 ft tall but the tallest recorded stood at 7'6 ft tall.
Heaven cats: Males have arm and leg fur that resemble simple men's gloves and boots, they have belly fur that wrap around to give the appearance of a formal vest. Their tales are often thin and sleek but some have longer fur. They have a heal kiss that can repair small or minor injuries and some rumor that their tears can revive the newly deceased. Typically males stand at 5'1 ft tall and the tallest recorded stood at 5'5 ft tall.
Fallen angel cats: They're appearance actually remains rather androgynous, they have arm fur that resembles fingerless gloves and the leg fur would be different depending on the pronouns used, leg fur for non-binary would actually be different based in the cats personal style preference. Their height ranges from 5'1 ft to 6'6 ft, though the current tallest stands at 7'1 ft tall.
Extra info: Heaven, Hell, and Fallen angel cats don't really interact with other species, especially humans though that's not always the case. Hell cats typically act aggressively if  they sense danger or any other species near them. Heaven cats will either fly away or turn invisible until either the possible threat leaves or he senses no ill intentions. Fallen angel cats react really just based on the individual's personality. Heaven cat's powers include,  invisibility, healing, singing that can make anything fall asleep, and teleportation.  Hell cat's powers include, invisibility, teleportation, mind control, possession, super strength, and super speed. Fallen angel cats can mix of both while a shared power is shapeshifting/perception manipulation for all three.
Monarchy: Heaven and Hell cats have a rather simple leadership system and very similar to humankind. Heaven cats are ruled by a King and or Prince, said leader is born into the position. Due to the fact that Hell cats do not live in Heaven, there has never been a reported  Queen or Princess in Heaven. Hell cats are ruled by a Queen and or Princess, once again said leader is born into the position. There has never been a reported King or Prince in Hell. However, if the King of Heaven cats or Queen of Hell cats do not have an heir to their throne by the end of their lifetime (Which is rather rare), then a new heir will be born into a lower or middle Heaven or Hell cat family. The child is easily recognizable and their position is known since the  moment they are born, though the parents will show some shock due to them not knowing they would bare the new heir to the throne. Fallen angel cats really have no leader and only follow the current ruler if they're in Heaven or Hell.
Heaven cat heirs:  When or if a Heaven cat has to be born outside the royal family, then they tend to look very different from their normal Heaven cat counterparts. When the heirs are born in a normal family then they will always be a combination of purple, yellow, and blue (including shades of said colors). They will also have two halos instead of one. Said halos will float around their ears. Next, the heir with have four wings instead of two, these wings are very large and tend to droop on the ground are golden with a colored tip. In VERY rare cases, the heir will have six wings and a third halo floating around their tail.
Hell cat heirs:  When or if a Hell cat has to be born outside the royal family, they will look different from their fellow Hell cat counterparts. When the heirs are born into a normal family, they will always be a combination  of warm sunset colors, mainly orange, red, and blue, However, raspberry,  yellow, and yellow-green are also possible, along with the occasional purple. The young princess will also have large fluffy bat-like ears and a very large fluffy tail. Gradients are very common with these heirs. Their wings are are rather boney and they also have boney plating here and there around their body like a type of armor. In very rare cases, the heir will have a  second set of horns on the sides of their head.
Birthright age:  The heirs of course do not get the throne until they reach a certain age, but the age is still rather young because of their species. Heaven cat heirs can assume the throne when they are 90 years old. Hell cat heirs assume the throne when they are 85 years. A council of five rules until the heirs have reached the proper age.
Health and life expectancy: Heaven Hell, and Fallen angel cats are near immortal beings and can live for a very long time. However this can  change due to how healthy they are, this range is different for the  males and females.
Males low health/below average: 9000-10,000 years
Males normal health/average: 100,000-200,000 years
Males very healthy/above average: 500,000-900,000 years
Females low health/below average: 9000-10,000 years
Females normal health/average: 700,000-820,000 years
Females very healthy/above average: 1,000,000-1,800,000 years
Fallen: Age averages for Fallen angel cats are generally in between both Heaven and Hell cats, though sometimes they can live a bit longer than an above average Hell cat.
Heaven, Hell, and Fallen angel cats rarely reach a point of low health due to their abilities  and special endurance, they also have a powerful immune system. Hell cats also eat a healthy diet of souls, magma, and meat. But, they can eat other things liked baked goods from time to time. Heaven cats eat a healthy diet of veggies, fruits, and positive feelings, they don't like  meat but adore baked goods. Fallen angel cats eat just about anything they want with no strict diet restriction but healthier food is still recommended or constant unhealthy food.
Classes: The Heaven and Hell cat species have a variety of classes, some roles only going to certain classes. These will be listed now. (Fallen angel cats typically have no classes, they're either on Earth with no strict society or just found their place in the classes of Heaven or Hell)
Heaven commoner: Any class
Heaven merchant: Middle or high class
Heaven orphan: Low or middle class
Heaven outlaw: Low class
Heaven mage: High class
Heaven shop keepers(varies): Middle or high class
Heaven council: High class
Heaven royalty: Ultimate authority
Hell commoner: Any class
Hell merchant: Middle class
Hell orphan: Low or middle class
Hell outlaw: High class
Hell mage: High class
Hell shop keepers(Varies): Low or middle class
Hell council: High class
Hell royalty: Ultimate authority
Religious stand points: Depends on the individual and views on religion.
Conclusion: This use to be a closed species of mine but now this is a species and lore ref for me to use. Though if anyone wants me to make them a Heaven, Hell, or Fallen angel cat let me know and I'll think about it. ----- Random oc facts: Ireland: My sona and the mascot for Hell cats. Lory’s most trusted. Rogue: Bad bitch, Ireland’s friend. Takashi: Better than my real brother. Queen Lory: Wings and bones are made of gold, dominatrix that’ll step on you and make you like it but secretly has low self-esteem. King Arkus: Golden feathers and markings, scared of Lory.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 5 years
Strawberry Cream and BBQ - 25 (Final)
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Pairing: Hybrid Hoseok and Human Reader
Overview: Your best friend knows she can count on you for anything, so when she asks you to watch her hybrid while she’s gone for a study abroad trip for four months, you can’t say no. But when these four months are over, things have changed in a way no one expected.
Word Count: 6,716k
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Future smut, Angst, Best friends to Lovers
Warning: It’s the end
A/N: I hope y’all enjoy this final conclusion of Strawberry Cream and BBQ! Thank you everyone for sticking around and reading this, much longer than anticipated, fic lol.
Master List
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 (Final) - Move in Day: A SC&BBQ Drabble
©thatmultifandomhoe Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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It was with a groan that you set your backpack on the seat next to you, propping your legs up on the basic white coffee table that was placed in front of the couches in their lounges. Classes were officially over and you were free for the next four months until the fall semester. You could do whatever your heart desired.
Instead of hoping into the car and taking the first exit to the beach, you comfortably settled yourself onto the couch and slipped in a pair of blue earbuds. The chatter of college students relieved to be done with the semester and the squeaking of sneakers against the tile floor was silenced by the music playing. More specifically, it was the song that Hoseok had chosen for his solo dance in The Dance Studio’s May show.
“Things are, improving,” Hoseok said. The camera moved on his end and he was briefly out of focus as he adjusted on his bed. It was late and while the two of you should have been sleeping, you wanted to see him one last time.
You forced yourself to smile, running a hand through your hair and wishing that he was playing with it instead. “Enough that we’ll be able to see each other again?” You asked.
Time had been passing slowly since Sue removed Hoseok from your life, and every day that went by felt like a piece of your soul was being ripped to itty bitty pieces. The hope of Hoseok one day walking back through the front door and healing you back together felt more like a dream the longer you were apart. You didn’t want to be dramatic, but that’s how it felt.
The small smile that had been on his face slipped, and you had your answer before he even spoke. “We’re going to be together baby; I promise.”
Hoseok wasn’t the type to feed you empty promises, he always kept his word, but it felt like he wasn’t even sure this time. Whether or not he wanted to admit it out loud, the idea of being together again seemed only possible in dreams.
The conversation always shifted to a new topic that you, or him, quickly came up with until your eyes became too heavy to keep open, and it was only with his coaxing that you got under the blankets and went to bed. He usually ended up promising to not end the video call until you were asleep.
He was trying so hard and you understood why he wasn’t pushing things, but you missed him so much. Which is why you weren’t going home just yet. With school out, there were no more tests and papers to focus your attention on, allowing your mind to wander to these last few months.
Your life had been completely flipped upside down, and yet despite all the worry and trouble, you didn’t regret a single moment. The only thing you wished for was more time. If Hoseok had discovered the truth earlier, there would have been plenty of time to tell Sue, to be together, and to not worry about whether or not there was a future instore for the two of you.
With earbuds in, you didn’t hear Johnny call your name or see him wave his hands to catch your attention. For a good moment, he stood across the room and watched, wondering if you were purposely ignoring him, but when he only sensed your lingering emptiness, he figured that you hadn’t seen him at all.
He sighed, ears twitching underneath the beanie he wore on his head. Unlike a month ago, your emotions were no longer suffocating to the hybrids that attended the college, and more specifically, the ones who shared classes with you.
Johnny remembered the first day you came back after the fight. After skipping classes for two days, you came back on the third. The instant you entered the classroom, him and the few other hybrids in the class had to fight back against their natural instincts to whine and whimper in empathy. Lori, a gentle bunny hybrid, had to leave with her belongings and tears in her eyes because your emotions were so overwhelming.
While the humans in the class barely gave you a second glance, the hybrids were squirming in their seats, their own hearts breaking alongside with yours. Every hybrid learned about mates when they were around fifteen years old – in some rare cases even when they were children if kids found their mates by accident – allowing them to comprehend what having a mate meant. Every hybrid’s worst fear was either having their mate removed from them, and losing their mate to death. And even though Hoseok never died, you were grieving the loss of him no longer being by your side.
It made every hybrid long for their mates whether or not they had met them, simply so they could hug them tight and make sure they were safe.
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Johnny headed back to the ice cream vending machine he had passed on the way to the lobby. Luckily, it had been restocked the other day and he knew that you loved a classic ice cream sandwich. The one with the two chocolate chip cookies. He was waiting for the machine to drop the dessert into the pickup slot when a purple sign caught his eye.
It was tacked up on the board among a dozen other posters advertising events on the campus, but this one stood out. In black bold letters, it announced the Dance Studio’s annual May show. It listed some of the groups that were going to be performing as well as some of their well-known soloists. Hoseok’s name was the third one printed out, and with a glance at the date, he grabbed the flyer along with the ice cream for you.
“Hey!” Johnny shouted, ignoring the strange looks he received as he made his way back to you.
With the music playing loudly, you were startled to suddenly hear shouting. Only when you looked up, you weren’t surprised upon seeing that it was Johnny. He didn’t have a filter all the time.
“Why are you shouting?” You slowly asked, zipping the earbuds back into your bag for safe keeping. He didn’t answer you. Instead, once you looked back up at him, he tossed the ice cream sandwich at you, forcing you to react so it wouldn’t hit the wall behind you and break. “Don’t you know it’s rude to throw things?” The packaging crinkled as you tore it open, happily taking out the dessert to munch on.
“And don’t you know it’s rude to not say thank you when friends buy you things?” He settled in the seat next to you, putting your bag on the floor as he mimicked the position you sat in.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, taking a bite out of the ice cream.
Satisfied, Johnny gave you a moment to enjoy the treat before placing the flyer on your leg.
The ice cream was in your mouth when he did that. At first, it looked like another advertisement for Disney Trivia that the student council regularly put on. It was one of the more popular events, especially when they went all out for the prizes. One time, there had been a Michael Kors hand bag as a first place winning.
All it took was reading Hoseok’s name however, for you to realize this wasn’t an on-campus event. Butterflies erupted in your belly as you stared at his name. The Dance Studio usually only listed the names of their most popular dance groups and soloists. To see that Hoseok was the third one to have his name on the flyer, said so much about his dancing abilities.
Johnny silently watched as your thumb absentmindedly ran against the letters spelling out Hoseok’s name, a soft smile appearing. “Why don’t we go?” He gently asked, nudging your shoulder when you didn’t look up. “It starts at seven, plus…I think it’ll do you some good to see him.”
“Sue might be there,” you automatically replied.
His insides cramped up at the mention of Sue. He never had any beef with her before, and it wasn’t like him to automatically dislike someone before meeting and getting to know them, but knowing what she did to you and Hoseok, he couldn’t help but dislike her. As a hybrid himself, what she did was vile and the worst possible thing in the world.
“You can’t let that stop you,” Johnny argued. “He’s your mate, you have the right to be there and to support him for when he goes up on stage. Plus, she doesn’t have to know you’re there. She’s human. She won’t be able to smell your scent like we can.”
He made a decent argument.
Hell, Johnny made an honest argument.
You didn’t have to tell her that you were going to be there. She couldn’t stop you. The Dance Studio was always open to the public and with the show, they encouraged everyone to come out and watch as the dancers performed. Not only to see how hard they’ve been working on the choreography, but because it also helped to raise funds for the building and other miscellaneous things.
Taking another bite of the softened ice cream, you continued to look at the flyer, your heart absorbing the fact that you were seeing his name written out. Jung Hoseok. Your sweet, precious, loving mate, was going to have his chance to show everyone what you already knew he was capable of being: an amazing and incredibly talented dancer.
Were you really going to let your life be dictated by Sue and her anger?
You crumpled up the empty wrapper as you swallowed the remaining ice cream, tossing the wrapper in the trash. It wasn’t until you were back at the couch that you spoke.
Johnny – who was casually taking a deep breath – could smell a difference in your emotions. They weren’t heavy with sadness and fear. For once, they were lifting up with hope.
“Let’s go,” you decided, smiling when you made eye contact with him. He was already grinning from ear to ear. “This is Hoseok’s big night, and we’re going to be there.”
* * *
Hoseok took a deep breath as he stared at himself in the mirror. It was the big night that he’s been waiting months for, and it was finally here. The outfit he had decided to wear was simple: black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, black sneakers, and an untuck white button up dress shirt with the cuffs unbutton. It was basic and not at all glittery or sparkling under the lights, but that’s exactly what he wanted. He wanted the music and his dancing to speak a thousand words.
Simple, but on purpose.
He was standing backstage waiting his turn. The soloists and groups were alternating their appearances, that way the audience’s attention would remain captive throughout the show. Rocking back and forth on his heels, he smiled when a group of girls in sparkly dresses ran by barefoot, quickly throwing a wave to him over their shoulders. They were regulars at the Dance Studio and usually would have stopped to shout his name, but they were on after his performance, so he understood the rush.
Stepping away from the corner, he neared the edge of the stage and stood next to the stage manager, watching the performance. It was a contemporary dance with students ranging from sixteen to twenty years of age, and while it was beautifully done, his mind continued to wander.
Sue was sitting somewhere in the audience. After arriving, he had gone backstage to get ready and she had gone to get a seat before they were all taken. There had been one year where there was only standing room left.
Even if he closed his eyes and inhaled, he wouldn’t be able to find her in the crowd. There were too many different scents, perfumes, makeup, and snacks floating around in the air, that hers was lost. He could only hope that she hadn’t left.
Then he wondered if you were there. Craning his neck so he could look out into the audience, without being seen of course, he tried to spot you before settling back into the shadows. He had heard once that when a couple was mated, their scents were easily detected even in large crowds like this.
The temptation to try and seek you out was so strong that he contemplated sneaking out to the sidelines to try and find you, but he held himself back. He knew, that you knew how much this meant to him. At the same time, with Sue being here, he hoped that you stayed home. He hated not seeing you, hell, his entire wellbeing needed you by his side, but he couldn’t risk you getting hurt.
The memory of you crying in bed as Sue yelled at the two of you, and then again when you stood at the doorway as he left with her was forever seared into his mind. He had physically been right there and still; he couldn’t protect you. If keeping you away from Sue for the time being meant that you’d be safe, then he was willing to keep you at an arm’s distance even as it killed him.
As the violins came to a sudden finish, Hoseok blinked as he rolled his neck. It was only a few minutes now. Once the kids ran off to the other side of the stage, it was all on him. He had no idea how anyone would respond to his performance. It was darker, and with the exception of a few lines, the song wasn’t even in English. He knew that you had liked the song because of the heart emojis you sent after listening to it, so your response had reassured him a little. Now he was about to find out the truth.
“Just pe-performance jitters,” he murmured to himself.
Shaking his head, he closed his eyes as the audience’s clapping filled the room along with their cheers. The thumping of feet hurrying off the stage reached his ears first before the sudden gasps as the room went dark and the curtains closed. He couldn’t help the little grin when he reopened his eyes and saw the backdrop getting wheeled in place. It was a brick background with cement blocks positioned around the stage meant to look like the underground.
He walked out to the middle of stage and positioned himself on his knees, the squeaking of the curtains recapturing everyone’s attention. With the lights still off, a soothing voice rang out over the speakers.
“My scene, was not specifically this or that, but consisted of having shaken hands with the devil. The devil held me in his clutches. The enemy, was behind me.”
A purple stage light focused on him as the music started to play, light magenta and purple fog entering from both sides of the stage. In that moment, he forgot about everything as he danced. He had been preparing for this for months, each move coming with well-practiced ease that it was second nature. This is what he lived for.
When he did his flip and the audience gasped as the stage was no longer dark, but red and green black light paint suddenly appearing against the floor and background as his white shirt glowed. He wanted to break character and smile like no tomorrow, but he refrained from doing so, especially when he saw fingers pointing at the image of angel wings being reflected behind him for a brief moment, before they too disappeared.
Landing on his knees once more, his chest heaved as the room went black again, ending his performance. It was only dark for a second before the lights turned back on and he was standing up for the cheering of the audience. When he had come out, everyone had been sitting in their seats. This time however, they were all standing.
It was only now that he grinned, waving and bowing while wiping away the sweat that dripped down the sides of his face. The performance was only two, maybe three minutes long, but it felt like a lifetime to him. From coming up with choreography and spending all those extra hours practicing, for those two minutes, it was worth it all the long nights and aching pains he pushed himself through.
Straightening up, he smiled as he took a deep breath to even out his breathing, when his heart suddenly stopped. No. That couldn’t be...he had to be imagining things. Keeping the smile on his face, he slowly made his way to the side of the stage as he inhaled once more, focusing on a single scent.
He hadn’t smelt that scent in a while, but he recognized the smell of strawberry cream as it enveloped his senses.
* * *
As soon as the lights were down for the second time signaling the end of Hoseok’s performance, you were up and wildly clapping for him. There was no way he could see you. The only spots that you and Johnny were able to snag weren’t even seats at all. The two of you were standing against the side wall, but up until Hoseok’s performance, you had been sitting on the floor.
You had been late to arriving and thought you had missed it, but when you were given a program of the performances, you sighed with relief when you saw that Hoseok was going up sixth. It was a little disappointing to miss the opening performances, but as you took the bouquet of roses back from Johnny, it was all worth it.
“He knows,” Johnny spoke, stealing your attention away from Hoseok who was now exiting the stage.
Turning to face your friend, who had forgone the beanie tonight and allowing the tips of his ferret ears to appear, you frowned. “What are you talking about?”
Johnny shook his head as he placed a hand on the middle of your back, guiding you away from the wall. “Hoseok knows you’re here.”
“How?” Despite not knowing the answer, you followed Johnny as he maneuvered his way through the crowed.
Johnny glanced at you before leading you up the stairs to the side of the stage, ducking out of sight of the crowd. “I saw it on his face. It was when he exiting and he stood still for that split second. Because you’re his mate, he can smell your scent in the crowd. He’ll always be able to find you.”
It took a second for what he was saying to make sense, but when it did, it made your heart flutter. No matter what happened, he was always going to find you.
“Do you think we can find him?” You eagerly asked, looking around Johnny’s body in an attempt to find your Hoseok. Just knowing that you were in the same building as him had your body feeling more alive than it has in these last few weeks.
“I can try,” Johnny answered, guiding your backstage. He was already a step ahead of you and had been planning on leading you to Hoseok after his performance. You didn’t know it, but with Hoseok’s scent intertwined with yours, he was able to pick up the faintest scent of Hoseok backstage, and it was growing stronger.
Taking a deep breath, Johnny hurried as the scent led him out to a hallway that was away from the auditorium that the show was being held in. Your footsteps echoed against the tile floor, a vast contrast to the pulsating hip hop music that was currently being played as another group took to the stage.
You stopped moving when Johnny stood still, not entirely sure if the two of you were going in the right direction or not since he didn’t come here often. You knew where you were though. This was the hallway that led to the dance room that Hoseok used to teach his classes. It was the same room that he spent countless hours practicing in, and was the same room that the two of you shared multiple dinner dates in.
Without saying a word, you handed the bouquet to Johnny to hold, and walked to the room. The light was already on as you entered, your eyes watering up as you looked at the mirrored wall.
Standing there like he knew you were going to come, Hoseok smiled as he pushed off the mirror wall.
“Hoseok?” You whispered.
Hoseok nodded, stretching his arms out for a hug as you hurried into his embrace. Hugging you tightly to his chest, he buried his face in your hair as he felt your hands clutch onto the back of his shirt. You were here, you saw him perform, and he was holding you again.
Against his own will, tears slipped out of his eyes as he straightened up, whines escaping immediately at the small distance that only ceased when he picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist and without hesitation, he was kissing you like there was no tomorrow.
He was covered in sweat but you didn’t care. All you could think about was how right this, how at home it was to be in his arms, and to kiss him again. Sliding your arms across his shoulders, you held tightly to the man you called your other half, your mate, shivering when he pulled back to kiss your mate mark.
“Oh God you’re here,” Hoseok murmured, his lips still kissing the mark as his arms tightened around you. “I can’t believe you came Strawberry; I’ve missed you so much baby.”
Burying your face in his neck, you hummed in agreement. You were afraid that if you tried speaking that instead of words, tears would be flowing out. Somehow sensing your predicament, Hoseok gently kissed the side of your jaw as he rubbed your back.
He was here and this time, he wasn’t letting anyone split the two of you up again. A soft rumble escaped his chest the longer he held you, the familiarity of your body and scent truly relaxing him for the first time since he was separated from you.
This time, you lifted your head, slowly smiling as looked at Hoseok. His brown eyes warmed your heart as the fire ignited in your veins.
“Um guys, I hate to interrupt but…”
You knew that Johnny wouldn’t have spoken unless it was extremely important, but even though logically you should have listened to him, your heart denied logic as you leaned down to kiss Hoseok once more. It had been too long since you went without his kisses and his touch and right now, you wanted to be selfish and take what he was giving.
Hoseok growled against your lips, tilting his head for the perfect angle. He knew who was there with Johnny, and despite having the heart to heart moment with her, his instincts were still upset that she had split him from his mate. It was his instincts that were enhancing his emotions to take what was his and prove to everyone that you belonged to him and no one else. As barbaric as it sounded, in a way, it was true. You were his mate, and he was yours. Your souls were meant for each other the day you were both born. You weren’t meant to be separated like you had been.
“Don’t worry Johnny,” Sue spoke, her heels echoing as she entered the room. “Let them have their time together.”
In contradiction to her words, your body froze. You hadn’t expected it to be her that Johnny was warning you about, you thought maybe it was a staff member or a wandering performer.
Fear washed over Hoseok, forcing him to break the kiss as he looked up at you. It wasn’t him who was afraid though. Seeing the tears form in your eyes, your bottom lip trembling, he shook his head immediately as his arms tightened even more around you as he felt your legs grip his waist.
“No Strawberry,” he murmured, kissing your mark to reassure you. “I’m not leaving you again baby. I don’t care what happens, but I’m staying with you no matter what. Just relax for me hun. Take a deep breath, it’s going to be okay.”
As you did what he said, he glanced over your shoulder to see Johnny and Sue standing at the entrance. He nodded at Johnny, who based off of his scent, was the same Johnny that he smelled at your apartment all those months ago.
Johnny apologetically smiled as he gestured towards Sue with a small nod of his head, but Hoseok didn’t blame him. It wasn’t his fault that everything had happened. He was just grateful that you had a friend like him around. With the exception of that one time, but that was in the past.
Focusing back on you, Hoseok gently kissed you once you were calmed down, carefully lowering you back on the ground. Like he figured, you pressed against his side as he slid his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close.
Sue, sensing that it was better to approach you now, made her way over. The entire interaction between you and Hoseok hadn’t fallen on blind eyes. Considering everything that she’s done, it was almost surprising that she hadn’t interrupted the second she entered the room.
You watched as Sue stopped in front of you, her hands holding onto the large purse she had sitting on her shoulder. Figuring she wanted Hoseok, you wrapped your other arm across his stomach, gripping on to the fabric of his shirt. It was a pitiful attempt, but if it came down to it, you weren’t letting him go without standing up for yourself.
“Look, I’m just going to get straight to the point here,” Sue said. Releasing on hand, she ran it through her hair as she looked at Hoseok. “You two are mates, and I shouldn’t have separated you from each other. It was wrong of me, and I can see that now.”
Licking her lips, she glanced at you, her eyes softening for the briefest moment before hardening once more. “I hurt you in more ways than I expected, and because of that, I lost two of the most important friendships that I ever had because I couldn’t see past my own pain.
“You don’t know it, but a lot happened in Hong Kong besides the breakup with Colin, and in all honesty, being on my own was actually good. I made a lot of friends there, and I think I had started to find out who I am as a person. Which is why, I’m planning on moving. To Hong Kong.”
The room was silent as her declaration settled in everyone’s mind. Sue was moving, half way across the world. Your mouth dropped open and if it weren’t for Hoseok holding you, you would have fallen on your ass. If she was moving, then was she taking Hobi with her?
As if she knew where you mind was heading, Sue opened her bag and after some ruffling, she pulled out a packet. “While in Hong Kong, I got to start my life over. I wasn’t the girl whose parents died in that car accident. Nobody knew who I was or that I was loaded. Instead, they just knew me as Sue, the girl who was studying abroad in a foreign country. Right now, that’s what I need…because I’m not the same person I was when I adopted Hoseok, nor am I the same person I was before I left. And I need to figure out who I am before doing anything else. So, this is for you.”
Waiting until you removed an arm from Hoseok, she handed the packet to you and took a step backwards. She wasn’t surprised when you gasped, the corner of her lips twitching upwards for a brief moment.
“You’ll see that my signature is in every spot that it’s required for. All you have to do is sign it yourselves and bring it to the courthouse. I already checked, I don’t have to be there when you bring it and they’ll mail the official documents to your address within a period of time after it’s been approved.”
You tightly held on to the paperwork for the Mate Act, leaning into Hoseok’s side even more. With shaky fingers, you flipped through the papers to see that she was telling the truth. Every line that required Sue’s signature was already filled out.
This is what you’ve been wanting for weeks. Ever since Hoseok told you about the Mate Act, really. Blinking, you slowly looked back up at Sue. You didn’t understand where this was coming from. After everything, why was she now changing her mind?
Sue held onto her elbow, looking at the wall behind you as she avoided eye contact with either of you. All the years that you’ve known her, Sue wasn’t usually sentimental. The last time you actually saw her cry had been that day when her parents died. After that, it was like a wall had been built that not even she had been able to break down.
Hoseok carefully took the packet out of your hands, scanning through it himself or otherwise he would think this was simply a dream. He didn’t know what to think. While yes, he wanted to be with you and wanted Sue to sign, it was the sudden decision of her moving to Hong Kong that had him hesitating.
“Where is this coming from?” He asked, feeling your gaze on him as he focused on Sue. “Moving to Hong Kong. You…you never even mentioned permanently moving there, let alone a vacation.”
“I know,” Sue answered. “But I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Ever since I came back actually.” Running a hand through her hair, her face softening as she shrugged. “All I know is that it’s time I focused on myself, and this really is the best way for me to do that.”
Taking a shaky breath, you tried to wrap your mind around what Sue was saying, but it all kept coming back to the fact that she was leaving. “When?” You finally asked.
“Before the start of the new semester. Mid-August. I’ll be putting the house up on the market in June.”
That meant that there were only three more months until she was gone.
“Are, are you sure about this Sue?”
She raised an eyebrow at you. That was a question she had been expecting to come from Hoseok, but the more she thought about it, it made sense that you would want to make sure she was positive about this. Even though she had emotionally detached from your friendship, you always made sure that she was doing okay. Whether it was by bringing her favorite snack and stopping by her house, or a simple phone call and text to check on her. It wasn’t like you to ignore someone else when they weren’t okay.
For the first time, Sue smiled. It was small and a little awkward, but she did it. “Yes. I’m absolutely positive about this. You did an amazing job out there Hoseok, and I really am proud of how far you’ve come with your dancing. Go home with Strawberry tonight, you earned it. I’m going to head back home.”
She had started to step away once more, but before she could make it far, Hoseok moved to her side and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. It shocked her so she didn’t return the gesture right away, but she slowly hugged him back.
“You gave me a whole new life,” Hoseok murmured in her ear, knowing that she was going to take this to heart. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. This last month hasn’t been easy but, I’m gonna miss you. We’re, going to miss you.”
Biting down on the inside of her cheek, Sue kept her tears out of sight as she squeezed Hoseok. The decision to fill out the paperwork hadn’t been easy, but then she remembered how to easily she reminded him that he was just another hybrid, and it made her feel sick inside. He wasn’t less of a person because of his genetics, and she never used to think that way.
Adopting Hoseok had been a major change in her life. So wasn’t moving to Hong Kong. It wasn’t only necessary, but something that she wanted. Besides, he didn’t belong in Hong Kong with her. He had a life, a job, and his friends were all right here in this town. Most importantly, he had you here. She had already tried splitting the two of you up once, and that was a lesson she never wanted to learn the hard way again.
“I’ll miss you too,” Sue whispered back. “But I need to do this for me.”
Hoseok leaned back, sadly smiling as he squeezed her shoulders. “I know. You need to take care of yourself, and that’s all that matters.”
Letting go of Sue, Hoseok made his way back to you. Your emotions were all over the place: One second they were happy, the next they were sad, but ultimately, they were conflicted. On one hand, your best friend was moving away. On the other, she had been the one to hurt you.
“It’s okay,” he murmured. Cupping the back of your head, he gently kissed your temple. “Do what you need to do. I’ll be waiting outside with Johnny by the car.”
You lifted your head, catching his smile before he turned and went to Johnny and walking out into the hallway. Their footsteps and voices carried out in the silence before a door slammed shut, leaving only the two of you in the dance room.
The silence was awkward. Neither of you knew what to say to the other. What was there left to say, after everything that’s happened? Sue was right, she wasn’t the same person she used to be, and neither were you. In these last few months, it wasn’t just the small things that changed. Everything had changed.
“Sue I…” You paused to lick your lips. This was the first real conversation you’ve had with her in a long time, and you wanted to make it right. “I really, really do appreciate this. It means a lot to us. It couldn’t have been easy.”
Sue nodded in agreement; her lips pressed together in thought. With Hoseok, she knew what to say and where they stood, but with you…it was like walking blind. She didn’t want to hurt you anymore than she already did.
“And I’m sorry, that you found out like that. We should have called and told you when we found out.”
“Thank you,” Sue spoke, her voice wobbling for only a second before she regained control of her emotions. “I know I haven’t made things easy for anyone. I just wanted to do something right before I leave. These next few months are going to be busy with preparing to move, finding a place to live in Hong Kong and everything else.”
That makes sense, you thought. “Well, good luck in Hong Kong. Although, I know you’ll do great. You always liked going on adventures.”
It was a weak attempt at an old inside joke the two of you once shared. Sue had always been the more adventurous between the two of you, while you preferred staying in with a close group of friends. The joke resulted in a small chuckle from Sue and that made you smile. There was still a part of her that you knew after all.
Saying goodbye didn’t last much longer after that. Sue left shortly after, leaving you alone in the practice room. With only your thoughts and the paperwork, you took your time walking out to the parking lot. The sound of your heels clicking against the tile floor were comforting as your feet led you out, the path automatically ingrained in your memory.
The interaction with Sue had gone a lot smoother than the last, and you were grateful that it wasn’t anything like last time. Her decision to move away made sense, and speaking from the heart, you were happy she was going. The Sue that had stood there wasn’t the same woman you’ve called your best friend for years now.  Instead of seeing her standing in front of you, it was someone who resembled her and had similar interests, but she was someone you didn’t really know anymore. And you were willing to bet she felt the exact same way about you.
For some reason, that was okay with you.
As the breeze met your skin, your body shivered and your heels weren’t loud anymore, but a thoughtful click against the pavement. It didn’t hurt to think about Sue anymore, and you weren’t sad or angry. A nostalgic feeling settled in your heart as your memories with Sue came to mind, and you decided you liked that better.
“That’s not your car Strawberry.”
Glancing up, you were surprised to see that your feet had led you to a pickup truck. You shook your head in amusement and went to your car, which was parked only two spots over.
Hoseok grinned as he leaned against the trunk, his arms crossed over his chest. “I saw Sue come out, how’d everything go?”
“It went good,” you answered.
He uncrossed his arms as you neared, wrapping them around you to bring you against his chest. With a glance through the back windshield, you saw the bouquet of roses carefully placed on the passenger seat.
“Johnny already headed out,” he explained. “Said he figured that you’d want to head on home and that he didn’t live far from here.”
“Ah.” With the paper work still in hand, you carefully hugged Hoseok once more. After weeks of not being in his embrace, it felt like you were overdosing on all the affection you were receiving from him. “You know, you were amazing on stage. Correction, you’re always amazing when you’re dancing.”
He laughed at your compliments but was quick to rapidly kiss your cheek when you pouted up at him, making you giggle in his hold. “I’m just happy that you came. That’s the only thing that matters to me baby.”
If he didn’t already have it, he should add professional at melting hearts on his resume. You tilted your head and stood on your toes, capturing his lips into a sweet kiss. It was like heaven was brought down to Earth, all just for you.
“Ready to go home?” You whispered, leaning back only a smidge so that you could gently run your nose against his.
Hoseok smiled, his lips curling up into a heart as his hands gave your sides a sweet squeeze. He has been wanting nothing more than to go home with you for so long now. Tomorrow, the two of you could finish signing the paperwork and bring it to the courthouse. Or maybe even the next day. All he wanted was to sleep in bed and hold you in his arms for the next twenty-four hours.
“Strawberry, you are my home.”
You giggled at his cheesy words, but you treasured them anyway. As you got in the car, the flowers now sitting in Hoseok’s lap, you drove with one hand as he held your other, and you were smiling the entire time.
People were like books. There were twists and turns that caught you off guard, and sometimes you were blind to obvious hints that had been purposely placed to surprise you later on. Then you reached that last page, and it was all over.
With real people, it wasn’t the end of the story, but simply just the end of a chapter. There were more pages than you could see, and so the story, and life, continues on.
And having Hoseok by your side, you were ready for that new chapter.
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rhinocerosproject · 5 years
Sewing Circle Participants
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Sewing Circle Participants
Thank you to everyone who participated in sewing the rhinoceros! We could never have finished it without you. You are forever in our hearts.
Deanna Cruise                   back
Juliana Pennington            shoulder
Yue Yang Caigla Zou          back
Yuen (Jessica) Chen           back
Kelly White                         shoulder
Athena Johns                     leg
Antoinette Barton               head
Erica Lipshultz                   rump
Marc Fletcher                    back left foot
Siobhan Cassidy               front right leg
Elisa Li                               head
Harry Yu                             head
Beth Thomas                     snout
Erica Barajas                     forehead
Vivian Romney                  shoulder
Zoe Walker                       head
Amy Khalmann                 rear flank
Alina Hayes                      feet
Janice Wood                    rear flank
Barb Bakun                      head
Andi Wong                       rear flank
Sarah Stein                      back, thigh
Chloe Marrinstein            head, foot, outline, da booty
Sadie Marrinstein            thigh
Amanda H. Johnson       head, foot, outline 
Kaila Wood                     head, foot, outline
Leah Johnson                 head, foot, outline
Ani Mukerji                      back leg
Inka Mukerji                    back leg
Winnie Ding                    rear flank
Jennifer White                back feet
August White                 back feet
Neve Schmitt                 head
Michelle Schmitt            head
Sigrid                             foot
Leah Anderson              foot
Mary Kenny                   rump
Isle Oritt                         rump
Olga                              back leg
Dustin                           rhinobum!
Linnea Furlog                head
Pam Deluco                  rear leg, haunch, elbow, letters
Jeff Thomas                  back
Bryan Barkley               rear
Mary Wheeler               back top flank
Teri Gardiner                tail hair, rump, belly, ridge of back
Robin Hill                     rump
Darcy Padilla                stomach
Emily Clark-Krasner     rear
Yuen Chen                   leg
Jodi Connelly                back
Noah Greene                belly
Ryan Meyer                  belly and back
Arielle Rebek                belly
Muzi LaRowe                eyes
T. Blackmon                  bottom
Bettina Pauley               tail
Allyson Feeney              rump
Mark Baugh-Sasaki      back foot
Dox Lorax                     haunch
Kelli Rae                        rump
Cesar Rubio                  unknown
Ho Yan Nip                   unknown
Frank Merritt                all over, circles, edges, hindquarters, shoulder, rump, dark purple bottom edge of shoulder armor, behind the ear
Kim Miskowicz            rump, right foot, rear/rump
Julia Langer                buttocks
Jonathan Coignard     buttocks
Suzanne Gore             haunch
Kelly Wang                  from hip to buttock
Steve Rasmussen       rear leg
Bob Rocco                  rump
Odysseus Wolken       upper rump
Juliette Langley           lower rump
Fehim Haelzic              crown/forehead
Leyla Haelzic               crown/forehead
Tanja Gels                   head
Lisa Ekstrom               from right leg, forehead
Eva Walker                  front leg
Sara Wright                 eye
Karrie Hovey               shoulder
M. Dym                       a wrinkle on the head
Amy M. Ho                  front foot, forehead
Dave Lyons                 just below eye
Mel Day                       forehead
Heather Peters            ear
Helen Hiebert              butt
Alyssa Casey              neck, horn
Vanessa Gingold         rump
Mary V. Marsh             front right toe, ear
Antonio Guerra            letra C
Jenny Phillips               hands
Ingrid Rojas Contreras hoof
Maia Wachtel                 lines on the back
Roli Douglas                  the top line
Noga Wizansky              rump
Suzanne Forester          border line
Cindy Steiler                 face
Alexa Boromo               behind
Amber Hoy                   back
Melody Dalton              back
Cheyenne Dalton          rear feet
Elizabeth Boyne            ear
Teddy Midler                front foot
Drew Cameron            face
Cathy DeForest            front left hoof
Leah Korican                face
Mayumi Hamanaka       r - text   
Dana Zed                      shoulder
Erin Sheanin                  knee
Alisha Funkhouser        front foot
Debbie Walker              unknown
Nancy Marriner            tail
Summer Om                face
Eraden Wordal Chesh  face
Isle Oritt                       knee
Mary Grace Tate          toe
Sophia Auen                face
April Marriner               tail
Charlotte Semmes       snout
Andre Chevonier          foot
Jane Cassidy               foot
Kellen Rhoda               foot
Meiasha Gray              border
Samantha Bankston    back foot
Winship Varnes            hindquarters
Miranda McFarland      belly
Susan Paigen               nose
Kevin Holmes               ear
Jackie Wallowheng       plants
Beta Heist Morello        edge
Elaine Todd                   nose and edge near nose
Lori Chambers              back foot
Mickie McCormic          foot scales
Jeremy Logan                ear hair
Brook Craddock            mythical horn!
Morning Hullinger          toe jam back foot, shoulder flank, final inner
C.C. Chaya                    scales
Lolli Jacobsen                back
Sarah Crews                  rump
Connie Burket                ears
Debbie Divine                rear leg
Martha Rhea                  hindquarters
Donna Sandberg            along the top of the back shoulder and letter H
Pam Morgan                  back
Ruth Cathcard Rake      front leg and letter R
Gretchen Boyum           front leg, front foot
Rachel Butler                 front leg
Lucy Butler                    front leg
Bill North                       butt, ground, back right foot
Caroline Stoll                 head
April Engstrom              back right leg/hip
Connie Wilson              close to face
Gloria Gonzalez            hind foot
Judy Nease                  chin
Alleigh Weems             horn
Lyndsi Weems             back foot
Karla Prickett               rump
Jennifer Baker             back
Kent Manske               spots
Susan Tuoley              back foot and butt
Susan Paigen             nose
Christina Steinbrecher       pfrandt (lower leg)
Yeqi Song                    legs
Yuan Luo                     legs
Jenny Chin (Kuan-Jen)    legs
Jingying Liang             back leg
Jianguyin Reng           back leg
Beth Abdallah             back flank
Rebecca Redman       back leg
Michael Seidel            kidney lining
Rita Hsing                   head
Sandy Lee                  back
Chelsea Herman        back
Marie Kidd                 right front foot
David Kidd                 right front foot
Amy Whitcomb          rump
Bob Carpenter           nose
Barbara Carpenter     nose
Cynthia Beecher        ear
Leteb Beecher           ear
Susan Sweet             ear
CK Itamura                hamhock
Dionne Thornton       front left foot, butt edge
Robert Wuilfe            da booty
Gina Ching                front foot
Jordan Juel               front foot
Anne Ingraham         front foot
Michelle Waters        butt
Elizabeth Addison     foot
Lydia Nakashima Dagarod        shoulder
Linda Joy Kettwinkel                 snout
Peggy George          butt
Maryly Snow            scales
Zelisa                       back end
Scott Partch            back end
Chin Cox                 head
Hada Marshall Booth            head
Eduardo Arenas       leg
Luna Gomez            head
Sauita Patel             gog (back)
Brian Lease             back leg
Islonia Hasbrim       frente
Guadalupe Portillo             espalda
Queen Krubally       back
Bridget McCraken             back
Margaret Coston     back
Kathleen Murphy     belly
Julie Grigoryan        ear
Joyce Subel            border
Yatit Maidorh          head
Omer                      head
Alon                        head
Rooek                     head
Eli                           head
Posja Mahushwai            neckline
Talia                        nose
Ella                          ear
Jonathan                nose
Nancy Brunn          back
Sabina Brunn         ears
Judith Fast            back
Lindsey Stoll          hoof
Emily Marks           head
Victor Vargas          chin
Britt-Marie Alon      horn
Al Bloch                  horn
Alyssa Flores          horn
John Hoffmeyer     border
Madison Cockrum             head
Anthony Murillo      border
Sheri Simons          front legs
Emily Matherson     face
Hana Jones             hoof (back foot)
Angela Kirchebel     bottom left corner border,
                                 small area of right foot, scales
Adele Etcheverry Sheets        upper border rear and rear of Rhino
Leslie Jurado            back leg, hoof scales
Jaime Muñoz            shoulder
Aiden Ginn                back leg
Sheecid Lopez          border and back leg
Sophy Hock              shoulder
Nancy Scott Patton            rump
Hana Beaty                  shoulder, back leg
Eric D’Alessandro        lower jaw
Betsy Copeland          leg and hoof
Kylie McCloskey         horn
Dellanira Carrillo          butt
Jose Llamos                hoof (back foot)
Timothy Clancy           forehead
Kobley Benjamin Mona        shoulder
Alicia Ramirez              foot
Kim Green                    upper thigh/butt
Francesca Figone        left back
Josette Stokes             shoulder
Mercedes Yatta            foot
Luis Medina                 booty
Shane Geoge               face (under eye)
Ellen Baird                    foot
Daria Booth                  shoulder
Adria Davis                   backside
Johnny Bruno               back foot
Brianna Warren             leg
Adrienne Glatz              forehead
Mallory Frucha              bum
Kelly Weber                  front and back legs
Carissa Duggan            booty
Jasmin Gonzalez          foot
Francis Newsom           rear end
Shari Maxson Hopper        shoulder
Veronica Brenck            butt
Marie Fox                     rump, front foot, back foot
Chloe Taylor                 root
Marissa Winslow         rump/tail
Shai Porath                 head
Linda Bea Miller          tummy
Tom Seoul                  rump
Kathleen Ritchie         unknown
Sue Bottom                front leg
Lisa Chu                     forehead
Anne Ingraham           hind foot
Chris Voisard              rump
Jane McLaughlin        front foot
Malinda Thompson    rear leg
Mallory Nomura Saul        tusk and back
Judy Shintani             tummy and rump
Kevin Austin               top of nose, bottom of horn
Claudia Molley           top of head, behind ear
Kate Oltmann             butt
Amanda Bosma         wrinkle on face
Xittaly Vasquez           back leg
Emily Murray               torso wrinkle
Julia Albo                    border
Miriam Hassman         neck/face
Ryan Patton                back left leg
Alexa Weber                chin and left front leg
Jiovanny Soto             forehead
Jenny Harp                 lower back
Steven Garen              nose/head
Tallulah Terryl              leg
Johanna Arnold          back
Sean Olson                 muzzle
Emma Spertus            back
Chris Challans            loin, belly
Susan Kanowith-Klein        rump
Christina Aumann       eyelashes and forehead
Ruth Souza                 misc dorsal area
Phuong Pham             booty
Laurie Crogan             shoulder-scales
Lorna Turner               armpit
Eva Hausam               chin wavy lines
David Reiman             shoulder
Lanqin Wang              forehead
Camryn Travis            belly
Jennifer Munnings     eye/cheek
Brooke Sommers       belly
Katie Gallagher          ribs
Sariah Gonzalez        forehead
Anthony Isenhour      shoulder
Berenika Boberska    the bottom!
Taylor Hoogsteden    hip
Carmina Ellison         sideburns
Nicole McHale           shoulder blade
Preeva Tramiel           back leg
Jessica Bernhardt     front leg
Milldrid Thompson    ear
Sharon Robinson       front leg
Timiza Wagner           back leg
Bobbie Jeffery            rear of body
Joanne Landers          ear
Sylvia Stanger            front leg
Paula Landers            back leg
Charlotte Jacobs        front leg
Mavis Brown               front shoulder
Cheryl Batrato            haunch
Kathy Goldmaker        shoulder
Liz Matthews              back leg above the foot
Sailee Pawar               back leg
Andrea Fleiner            belly
Marina Taniform         leg
Andres Taniform         leg
Rose Nguyen             ribs
Marco Chavez           ribs
Lily May Larson         cheek
Rachel Williamson    back leg
Cheryl Zuur               above the eye
Kathy Willis               hindquarters
Martha White            hindquarter
Artemis Koren          head
Anika Sykora            tummy
Irene Floyd                hindquarter
Ming Zhou                head
Max Koren                front leg
Dinah Irino                 ear
Maya                          leg
Morgan Carter            head
Ava Kasim                   the hinney
Isabella Anderson       back
Ian Kussi-Gillu            shoulder
Viyada Satyapan         upper front back
Mahvash Salehpour    back hip
Christina Bayley          back foot
Pam Schwartz             left leg
Lynn Koolish                back leg
Sandra Duncan            front hoof
Emily Rosenberg           right leg
Gina Dixon                    back leg
Tamara Sommerfield     neck
Diana R. Reton              rear leg
Candace Kling               shoulder
Cindy Jacomette            head
Nicki Hitz Edison            front leg
Toru Sueto                     front left leg
Jeanne Sueto                under eye, along lower jaw
Linda Goss                    rear hip
Kim Meuli Brown           back ribs
Michael Chin                 chin
Kasla Melton                 right back leg (pierna derecha)
Vanessa Herrera            right back thing
Wendy Brown                back leg
Jack Fleig                      front leg
Amanda Fleig                front leg
Shobitha                       belly
Sasha                           back
Marilyn                         rear haunch
Caden Jo Hartdegen            head/neck
Yolanda Araujo            unknown
Meredith Payn            unknown
Tiffany Hartdeger        unknown
Richard                       cheek
Hanna Peacock          shoulder
Juan Manuel Gutierrez        rear hip
Paola Valencia             head
Jesus Castillo              head
Diego Barregan            shoulder
Hernandez Irvin            belly
Cindy Simmons            cheek
Ginna Sierra                  upper leg 
Carole Walters-Cook     face
Angela Etsey                 back leg and thigh
Victor Navarro IV           V neck
Elizabeth Finkler           ear
Jennifer Lu                   lower tummy
Kylee Dougherty          neck
Jada Wong                  stomach
Kerwin Azores             back knee
Hugo Jimenez             head
Becca Wong                neck
Breanna Estrada          unknown
Candaces Perrault       shoulder
Kevin Liu                      belly and front of leg plates
Michael Huang Mil      back leg
Natalie Diazza             chin hairs
Eliza Villa                     dorsal neck
Steve Dellicalpini        in that neck tho!
Michelle van Eyken     right flank
Leslie McLaughlin       shoulder circles
Angela Acosta            front leg
Allison Acosta            front shoulder circle
Rebecca Bui              upper back leg
Barbara Post              back foot
Irene Caravajal           back leg
Gabrielle Koizumi       neck
Clayton Bavor            front leg
Ava Eui                      front leg
Judy Diamond           upper shoulder
Mhanna Kutras           front leg
Liam                           neck
Leona                         neck
Leana Olliffe                stomach
Patti Samuelson          right leg
A. Manley                     neck plates
Donna King                  right shoulder
Becky Leech                right hindquarters
Raymond Mueller         front left leg
Timmy                           shoulder
Asher Fleig                    front leg
Julia                               back leg
Nicole B                        chest
L. Hum                          hind leg
Alice Schwegman        shoulder
Gail Blackmarr             unknown
Christina Truong          neck
June Dao                     scale
Ellie Reese                   a rear leg
Susan L. Goranson     left rear leg
Marci Ariagno             breast shield
Maya                           unknown
Diane Mestu               head
Claudia Havah            back leg
Mickey Guffin              right upper hind leg
Annalise Sailen            unknown
Jennifer Schaeffer       front right leg
Mia                              rear leg
Joe Ranish                  right shoulder
Ann Ranish                 rear leg
Anthony                      left leg
Leslie Nobler               neck
Anne Trickey                back leg
Maris Kaplan               neck fold and front shoulder
Paula Bohan                neck fold
James Brooks              neck
Amanda Briggs            back right foot
Andrew Briggs             back right foot
Miriam Briggs              back right foot
Willow Yamaden          cheek
Sarah Bartman            neck
Bridget McMahon       flank
Amy Brown                jowl
Vanessa Dion Fletcher        jowl
Denera Gains             unknown
Justin Gains               unknown
Kurt Salinas                stomach/inner thigh
Randall Harrison         upper mid bicep
Ivy Moya                      back foot
Pam Lonero                 breast plate
Molly Olsen Roush      shoulder/neck area
Brook Olsen Roush     shoulder/neck area
Susie Miller Roush      shoulder/neck area
Reyhon Ertekin            unknown
Torres Leck                  shoulder
Anna Banancks           shoulder
Emily van Engel           front leg
Silvia Eckert                cheek
Davis Watson              breastplate
Debachree Ghosh       breastplate
Jessica Jane Jennings       cheek
Kimberly Ann Piper      shoulder
Alisa Murray                cheek
Jennifer Hill                 breastplate
Susan Ady                   cheek
Chris Washburn          neck
Janet Ady                    flank
Louise Horkey             border
Nupur Kamat              front shoulder
Tamela Holmes            ear
Tameyah Holmes         cheek
Ruth Tabancay            upper leg
Teddy Midler                shoulder
Jerry Majors Patterson        cheek area
Susan Afell                  eye area
Elaine Todd                 neck
Senator Jordan           cheek
Meadow                     unknown
Lori Chambers            neck
Josephine Tumova      neck
Fynn Tuma                   chest
Diana Dominguez        chest
Jason Godeke             neck
Cristina Mathews        belly and front right leg
Jody Alexander           neck, chest
Elaine Todd                 belly circles
Raquel Marquez          belly
Josslyn Robles            chest
Rhea Rynearson          shoulder
Valerie Frey                  shoulder
Aidan Parker                shoulder, right shoulder
A. Parker                      right shoulder
Seraphine Ries            belly
Lid. C.                          belly
Jamelie                        whiskers
Carolyn Schneider       upper shoulder
Josh Morsell                lower front shoulder
Lia V. Wilson                middle breast
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jontycrane · 5 years
Port Moresby Nature Park
Port Moresby Nature Park
Understandably one of the most popular places in Port Moresby, the Nature Park is the best (or at least the easiest and cheapest by some margin) way to see the incredible native animals of Papua New Guinea up close.
The first enclosure was a converted WW2 structure relocated from downtown Port Moresby. It was home to some of the most colourful birds in the park, such as the Eclectus Parrot,…
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onpurposebreezy · 6 years
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After the many times, I've dreamed this, I never imagined it happening. Cody and I were in my room after making out. I sat on the edge of my bed with Cody standing naked between my parted legs. I couldn't get enough of his sexy body and how turned on I was just looking at him.
I looked up at him taking in the serious look on his face as he gazed down at my body. His face so handsome, lips swollen from kissing, beard trimmed but enough to scratch my skin and give me goosebumps, and his eyes shown how turned on he was too. I let my eyes wander down to his chest ad his tattoos. I ran my hands over his chest, I glanced back up at him but he was still watching me, letting me explore. My hands slowly moved south, following the trail of hair down to his groin. I bit my lip out of nervousness and excitement. I had been looking forward to seeing him fully naked, always wondering what he had hidden under his pants. After yesterday's make out session in his office I knew it was big, but I wanted to see it. My eyes watched my hands as they kept moving downward. I smiled as I reached my destination and was ready to see...
Slam, slam, slam... the noise erupted around me pulling me from my daydream. I glanced around to get my bearings and realized I was still in class. I watched as everyone slammed their books shut, gather book bags, and walk out of the room. I quickly grabbed my stuff and made my way out along with the rest of them.
I shook my head as I walked to my Jeep. My body was on fire from the day dream. I smiled to myself, I couldn't believe I drifted off in class. It wouldn't be the first time it happened but still. My mind was stuck on Cody. The dream felt so real to me. I could feel his kisses and his chest under my hand. I wonder when I would have the chance to do it.
When I reached my Jeep, I hopped in and headed home with the hopes of beating the traffic. I wanted to shower before Cody got home. I needed to figure out what I was going to wear. I know I requested a movie but I had no idea if he was planning dinner too.
I showered and dressed into causal tight jeans and a light purple camisole. The camisole felt soft and silky against my skin, in a way it reminded me of lingerie but it was meant to be worn casually. I glanced at myself in the mirror and smiled. I liked how I looked and felt beautiful.
I was working on some homework when I heard footsteps going up the stairs. I was about to open my door when the person on the other side knocked three times. I opened the door to a single red rose held out to me. I smiled at the person behind the rose. Cody looked so handsome in jeans and a button up shirt. He leaned in for a kiss as I took the rose and thanked him for it.
"You look beautiful, Lori," Cody looked me over with a wide smile.
"Thank you. You look handsome," I stepped closer to him and pulled him back down for another kiss. "What's the plan for tonight?"
“Just come with me love" smiled taking his hand he walked us downstairs and out the door and around back to the back yard then walked me on the porch and what I saw made me smile.
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"What's going on?" I asked as he took my purse sitting it aside.
"Netflix and Chill" he said helping me sit down as he sat down next to me we scooted closer to each other.
"Okay cool well at least I won’t get pregnant from this" I said we both laughed and picked something to watch, not a fancy date at all but all I know is I like it.
Sitting out here with Cody was fun we was watching a movie but the movie we was watching I was looking at the woman more than really the movie they was all skinny and beautiful and here I am... I felt huge and tired, unsexy and like the pregnancy had swallowed up my femininity.
"You look nice." I laughed
"I feel like a wrestler." rubbing my belly...
"You were beautiful before but you're twice as beautiful now. Don't forget it." he said and I looked at him gave him a smile looking back at the laptop.
"Making a fat woman smile with all this but please no more lying to me"
"I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true." I looked at him and turned my head blushing.
"You're making me blush."
"I would happily make you blush whenever you wanted."
"Cody look the truth is..." but was cut off.
"Lori, I think you're gorgeous."
We discussed things we missed for the past few weeks. I felt like crap a few times when I realized if I had just let him talk to me that one day, we would have been able to spend a good amount of time together.
"I'm cold," I finally stated to Cody and rubbed my arms. I was still in my camisole and thought maybe I should change into a different shirt. I was about to suggest that idea when Cody spoke up.
"We can move to my room if you like. It is the warmest room in the house and we can always cover up with a blanket if you get cold again," he offered as an idea.
At first, I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness about the idea. I quickly thought it through and decided it wasn't a bad idea. I'd be warm and could finally see his room. I tried not to think about the possibility of us having sex. I knew I wanted Cody to be my real first Mark didn't count. However, it seemed unlikely that sex would occur so soon but it didn't stop me from hoping.
Cody picked our drinks up and led the way inside and to his bedroom. We reached the room and walked in. The room was bigger than I had expected but given the size of the house, I should not have been surprised. When I first walked in I automatically noticed the king size bed with black and red bedding. On both sides of the bed stood bedside tabled with a small lamp. I figured out which one was his by the clutter that sat on top of the left one. An entertainment center stood across from the bed with a flat screen television in the center. On the left side of the room there were two tall bookcases adorned with pictures, books, and miscellaneous stuff.
I glanced at the right side of the room and near the entertainment center was a small desk with mail scattered about and a small chair. Next to the desk were a door that opened to a big closet and another door leading to the master bathroom. The bathroom held the biggest tub I've ever seen, you could fit a four or five people in it, a roomy standing shower was next to it, and the rest resembled a typical bathroom. If I wasn't alone with Cody, I'd probably take a long soak in the tub.
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shimmershae · 7 years
"I can't see anything."  (a Walking Dead ficlet, Caryl AU).
Because I'm in a sappy mood and wanted to play pretend, lol, have a dash of married Caryl with a whole lot of sugar, a little bit of spice, and everything nice. 
 AKA, Shae's little fic of unicorns, rainbow cupcakes, and Caryl babies. 
 You're welcome. 
  Carol’s icing her third batch of cupcakes, humming along to some sappy song on the radio when she hears him shuffle into the kitchen and sigh.  It’s a pitiful, long-suffering sound.  Almost a groan actually, and he does it not just once, but twice for maximum effect.  Her eyes are reaching skyward even as her lips are tugging into an amused smile.  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs.  “What was that, Pookie?” 
  “Said,” he draws out the word, stretches it until it’s almost unrecognizable before he finishes in what can only reasonably be classified as a cross between a grumble and a huff.  All of it somehow managed without the benefit of air.  “Can’tseeanything.” 
  Her shoulders are quaking silently before she even sets the piping bag aside.  “Is that one word?” she finally manages.  “I can’t really tell.”  His muffled Stop isn’t enough to deter her teasing.  When she finally turns around, she loses all semblance of composure, her hands lifting to her face in a hopeless effort to stem her sputtering laughter. 
  “Woman,” he warns. 
  She can’t take him seriously, though.  The giant unicorn head sitting astride his broad shoulders with its flowing purple hair band mane makes that an impossibility, and she’s thankful for the counter at her back when her limbs go weak or else she’d be a puddle on the floor.  As it is, Sophia’s baby brother doesn’t take too kindly to being roused so abruptly from his afternoon nap because he gives her bladder a retaliatory kick and before she knows it, she’s the one begging him to stop.  Or in this case, take the costume off.  Their little girl’s surprise party is still a couple hours away, after all.  “I can’t.  Daryl.  Take it off.” 
  That’s all the encouragement he needs, and he’s rounding the island in the blink of an eye, stepping up toe to toe with her.  “Still don’t know what the hell I was thinkin’.”
  His hands gravitate to her rounded belly, and the answering push of their son’s feet against his palms makes her smile and wince almost simultaneously.  He notices.  Of course, he does.  She’s the one groaning when those same hands slide to her back and press and knead at all the knots and sore spots there.  “We both know what you were thinking.” 
  He ducks his head when her hands find his hair, tenderly comb each spiky dark blond strand back into place.  “Couldn’t love that little girl more if…just…” 
  Emotion gets the better of him, and his blue eyes glitter as they gaze up at her.  “She’s just as much yours as this one is,” she tells him, gently removing his hand from his mouth and guiding it back down to her belly.  “Lori’s not going to be able to distract her forever.  You know how homesick she gets.”
  “Yeah,” he agrees.  His lips feather over the messy tumble of her red curls before he pulls back and eyes the cupcakes lining every available inch of the countertop with longing.  “Need help with those?”  He’s poking a finger into the icing on one and sucking it into his mouth before she even has a chance to decline, grinning at her in his shy, sly Daryl way.  “How many people we expectin’ for this shindig anyway?” he deflects when she attempts to glare at him.  “Just one ain’t gonna hurt.” 
  Giving in with a sigh, she grabs one of the cupcakes for herself, carefully peeling the wrapper away and taking a small bite.  “Or two.  All of Sophia’s kindergarten class at least.” 
  Her word choice doesn’t escape his notice, and mouth full of cupcake, he frowns.  “At least?”
  “At least,” she reiterates with a guilty crinkle of her nose.  “Also, I might have invited the whole church.”
  “Sophia’s entire class and the whole church?  You tellin’ me half of King County’s gonna see…” 
  She cuts him off by cramming her cupcake into his babbling mouth and smearing the icing all over his lips and scruff, then kissing him.  “Sophia’s going to love it,” she reminds him between tiny pecks to his mouth.     
  “Don’t play fair, Woman,” he grumbles as he pulls her into his arms and tucks her head beneath his chin. 
  She snorts and he tightens his arms around her in turn.  “You knew that when you married me.”  When she feels him start to vibrate with suppressed laughter of his own, her curiosity gets the better of her.  “What?” 
  “Spit it out.  Please.  Your son is tap dancing on my bladder again.”
  “My son?  Thought he was ours.” 
  “Just occurred to me.  Kids are gonna be shittin’ rainbows for a week.” 
  “How old did you say you were again?” 
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Hyperallergic: The Biodiversity of the World Captured in Five Centuries of Animal Art
“Bengal tiger,” watercolor by a Calcutta artist (1820) (Hastings Albums, courtesy British Library)
A Bengal tiger does not travel well, and especially didn’t in the centuries before sedation and airplanes. But 19th-century scientists in England could study its stripes from afar thanks to the international trade of art, long a vital medium for scientific understanding. The Paper Zoo: 500 Years of Animals in Art by science historian Charlotte Sleigh, out March 8 from the University of Chicago Press, is a lushly illustrated publication with 250 images from the British Library chronicling how scientific art has expressed biodiversity over the centuries.
Cover of The Paper Zoo (courtesy University of Chicago Press)
It has not always been kind. Sleigh notes that the original text for an illustration of a horned frog in George Shaw’s The Naturalist’s Miscellany (1789–1813) read: “Should inquiry be made, which is the ugliest animal yet known to exist? The creature here represented might perhaps with justice be proposed as an answer: an animal of such prodigious deformity as even to exceed in this respect the Surinam toad, or Rana Pipa.”
Sleigh divides her book into four sections: exotic, native, domestic, and paradoxical. That last is particularly colorful, filled with anecdotes about completely imaginary creatures that were assembled due to mangled word-of-mouth descriptions, and sometimes supported by enterprising individuals. “Cashing in on the craze for natural-historical collections in the early modern period, canny sailors and inhabitants of far-flung lands stitched together body parts to make salable, ‘real’ monsters,” Sleigh writes. Along with unicorns and mermaids, there is the more fantastic and terrifying “manticore” in Edward Topsell’s 1658 The History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents. The lion-like animal has the face of a man, with three rows of grinning teeth.
Sleigh explains that “animals began to appear in medieval works of art,” often as biblical Lambs of God or one of the symbols of the evangelists (an ox, lion, or eagle). As printing developed and became widespread, animals of varying accuracy flourished in books, whether in the form of early woodcuts or later engravings. A well-depicted exotic animal was the intellectual’s prize.
Pages from The Paper Zoo (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
Pages from The Paper Zoo (photo by the author for Hyperallergic)
“Dürer mostly produced his animal images in watercolour, and such objects, like the pictures in the collection of the Lincei, were valuable items for exchange between wealthy savants around Europe,” Sleigh writes. “In Restoration London, a painting of a lizard on vellum could command higher prices than portraits in oil executed by even the most fashionable painters.”
Naturally, there were the overachievers, including John James Audubon, who put a vibrant, life-size aviary on paper with his 19th-century Birds of America. The Paper Zoo also has glimpses of incredible naturalist voyages like those of Maria Sibylla Merian, who in 1699 set out for South America to illustrate its insects, and Ernest Haeckel, who in the 19th century created detailed drawings of microscopic animals. They had a major influence on the fluid shapes of Art Nouveau.
High-speed and high-definition photography eventually took over as a way of visually capturing wildlife in the 21st century. Still, some extinct animals like the dodo or great auk mainly survive through old illustrations. Often, though, the creator’s name is lost. “Artists are not always acknowledged — and there is even more rarely a sound grasp of the different roles played by drawers, engraves, and colourists,” Sleigh states. Below are selections from The Paper Zoo, recalling the sometimes anonymous artist’s role in five centuries of shared scientific knowledge.
Johannes Jonstonus, Historiae naturalis de insectis (Frankfurt am Main, 1650–30), illustrations by Matthäus Merian. From The Paper Zoo: “The engraver and publisher Matthäus Merian the elder was the father of Maria Sybilla Merian, although he died when she was very young. He was apparently less committed to life-drawing than his daughter, producing visual descriptions of no fewer than eight separate species of unicorn.” (courtesy the British Library)
“Purple-bellied Lory (Lorius hypoinochrous),” original watercolor, later engraved as plate 170 in George Edwards, A Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of Some Other Rare and Undescribed Animals (London, 1743–51) (courtesy the British Library)
“Horned frog,” from George Shaw, The Naturalist’s Miscellany (London, 1789–1813). The original text with the picture asked: “Should inquiry be made, which is the ugliest animal yet known to exist? The creature here represented might perhaps with justice be proposed as an answer: an animal of such prodigious deformity as even to exceed in this respect the Surinam toad, or Rana Pipa.” (courtesy British Library)
“King penguin,” from George Shaw, Musei Leveriani explicatio Anglica et Latina (containing select specimens from the museum of the late Sir Ashton Lever, Kt., with descriptions in Latin and English) (London, 1792) (courtesy British Library)
“1. The four horned Ram, 2. Horns of the Iceland Sheep, 3. Horns of the Cretan Sheep,” from Ebenezer Sibly, An Universal System of Natural History Including the Natural History of Man, etc. (London, 1794–1807) (courtesy British Library)
“Red-bellied snake,” from George Shaw, Zoology of New Holland, the first book of Australian animals (London, 1794) (courtesy British Library)
“Ring-tailed lemur,” from George Edwards, A Natural History of Uncommon Birds, and of Some Other Rare and Undescribed Animals (London, 1743–51). From The Paper Zoo: “This picture summons up the myth of the Fall: the contemplated fruit, the lurking partner, the curling, striped, snake-like tail. There is even a banished creature disappearing off stage-left. Edwards kept a ‘Maucauco’ (as the lemur was also known) alive for a while in his home, finding it a ‘very innocent, harmless Creature, having nothing of the Cunning or Malice of the Monkey-Kind.’” (courtesy the British Library)
“Octopus,” from George Shaw, The Naturalist’s Miscellany (London, 1789–1813). From The Paper Zoo: “The ocean is understandably a source of terror, and tales of giant squid or octopuses are one way of making such fears manifest. In 1802, the French naturalist Pierre Denys de Montfort posited the existence of two such species. This example from a British book of the same era is truly the stuff of nightmares, coyly curled onto the page, but threatening to escape.” (courtesy the British Library)
“Koalas,” watercolor by unknown artist, inscribed on the back, “Coola, an animal of the opossum tribe from New South Wales,” from the Marquess Wellesley Collection of Natural History Drawings. From The Paper Zoo: “A report in the Philosophical Transactions of 1808 announced a new creature, seen a few years previously and known locally as a koala wombat. ‘The ears are short, erect, and pointed; the eyes generally ruminating, sometimes fiery and menacing; it bears no small resemblance to the bear in the fore-part of its body.’” (courtesy the British Library)
“Young Sumatran tapir,” probably by J. Briois (March 1824), gouache on paper, from an album of 51 drawings of birds and animals made at Bencoolen, Sumatra, for Sir Stamford Raffles. Raffles helped establish the Zoological Society of London and its Zoological Gardens (now London Zoo). (courtesy the British Library)
“Crab (‘Cancer dentatus’),” published in “Observations on the Genus Cancer of Dr. Leach with Descriptions of three new species” by Thomas Bell, from Transactions of the Zoological Society (London, 1835). From The Paper Zoo: “Bell devoted his life to some of nature’s less glamorous creatures, amongst them the Crustacea. In his History of the British Stalk-Eyed Crustacea, he lamented that most works of natural history lacked all but the most superficial coverage of the class. This beautifully textured illustration of an exotic species helps to remedy that situation.” (courtesy the British Library)
“Red-pied cock,” from Robert Fulton, The Illustrated Book of Pigeons (London, 1874–76). Darwin once stated that the pouter “has a much elongated body, wings, and legs; and its enormously developed crop, which it glories in inflating, may well excite astonishment and even laughter.” (courtesy the British Library)
“Dodo (‘Didus’),” from Richard Owen, Memoir of the Dodo (London, 1866). From The Paper Zoo: “Founder of the Natural History Museum (as it is known today), Owen used underhand means to make sure that he acquired the first complete dodo remains to be recovered after the bird’s extinction at the end of the seventeenth century. His Memoir came out the following year, featuring this illustration of a squat, ridiculous bird – not unlike Tenniel’s illustration of 1865 for Alice in Wonderland.” (courtesy the British Library)
“The Wild Boar,” drawing by Friedrich Specht for No. 4 in Cassell’s Natural History Wall Sheets (late 19th century) (courtesy the British Library)
Charlotte Sleigh’s The Paper Zoo: 500 Years of Animals in Art is published by the University of Chicago Press and available from Amazon and other online booksellers.
The post The Biodiversity of the World Captured in Five Centuries of Animal Art appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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