thedigitallink · 2 months
herissmon line but with fury mode's colors?
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This took, uh...forever. Anyway, here's Herrismon's line in Fury Mode's colors (except for Rasenmon, but I can do that one later if you want). Thanks for the request!
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digimon-smashorpass · 2 months
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lavoszero · 1 year
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Going to try and doodle all the In-Training I digimon!  And then do the next evolution sets probably.  Been busy job searching (and dealing with some interviews) so I haven’t been really be able to do big scale drawings lately.  
Interested In Commissioning? Check out my Ko-fi :) Also all these can be seen as Timelapses over on my Youtube :D
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lopmonappreciation · 11 months
Digimon sonic the hedgehog au evolines: silver and his herissmon
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Fresh: pusumon
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In training: pusurimon
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Rookie: herissmon
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Champion: filmon
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Ultimate: stefilmon
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Mega: rasenmon
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1ggyness · 2 years
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Some secondary characters for my FDD fic I'm working on, Digimon Gestalt!
We have the mysterious quiet bird Oskamon, The strong and brutish hedgehog Herissmon (black), the sly and snarky squirrel Nydemon, and the vain and meticulous fruit bat Zarzamon!
Oskamon’s evolutions are unknown.
Herissmon’s evos are Pusumon and Pusurimon, but ya;ll should know that already because these are just recolors lol.
Fumemon -> Toximon -> Nydemon
Barbmon -> BlackBerrymon -> Zarzamon
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flufferbakura · 2 years
Kuni doesn't apricate you messing with his partner
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
Digimon Tamer ZERO
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Chapter 11 Awakening of Belphemon
Aichi looked up into the murky grey sky listlessly. He seemed younger than before, but not quite as young as in his previous Digital World visions. He wore a grey jacket zipped with grey pants and a red turtleneck though you couldn’t tell. Everything and everyone around him including himself was gray like an old movie. Aichi looked back down to eye level seeing the faceless people walking through the streets not to any real destination instead just existing to go forward. All just existing rather than living.
Though he thought he wasn't much different from them. He came home from school simply spending the day studying since he had nothing better to do, eating, then sleeping and going to school the next morning. He just did the same routine everyday not because he was enjoying it or anything just to not cause trouble. That’s exactly why he was still here he guesses. He didn’t want to cause his family any trouble. He currently sat on his bed staring up at the ceiling.
“Why am I even here?”, Aichi thought, his expression bland like everything else.
“My vanguard!”, he heard a voice he could swear he’s heard before.
He flinched when he suddenly felt a strange warmth. He took something glowing blue out of a small case. It was the only thing in the world that had any color. A card depicting a knight in silver futuristic armor with green eyes. His eyes lit up when he looked at the card.
“Wake up!”, he heard the same voice and his eyes widened.
In reality Omnimon faced the massive demonic Digimon.
It released black flames from the chains around its body. Omnimon flew out of the way of the flames. It was so fast it looked like a flash of light. It steadied its cannon, aiming it at Belphemon. As the fire cleared up it quickly fired its cannon.
“Transcendent Cannon!”, Omnimon called out.
Olivier watched the movements of Belphemon closely. The hulking Digimon narrowly avoided Omnimon’s fire. He made sure Omnimon kept his distance knowing the overwhelming strength Belphemon possessed. The beast swiped at Omnimon with its claws as the knight fired at it continuously. The swings of its claws released black flames.
Oliver sweated intensely when the flames passed him. Despite the distance between him and the flames he sweated intensely from the overwhelming heat of the flames. Trees, rocks, and any Digimon unfortunate enough to be hit by the flames instantly disintegrated into data. When it hit the ground it created massive craters that he couldn’t even see the bottom of.
Thankfully, Omnimon was very swift, skillfully twisting and dodging the flames. Due to Belphemon being such a massive target it was easy to hit it with Transcendent Cannon.
With Kourin…
Crusadermon and the mind controlled Dynasmon braced themselves to fight. Gatomon sweated nervously as the two knights circled each other.
“I’ve gotta get out of here. This might be my chance.”, Gatomon thought as she stepped back slowly nearing the door.
“Aichi!”, Kourin called out with concern, hastily getting herself up.
The void rolled Aichi’s eyes very annoyed by all of this.
“Dynasmon, get rid of them.”, the void ordered, pointing at them with Aichi’s finger.
“Aichi, you have to snap out of it! You can’t let Link Joker co-”, Kourin said.
Dynasmon and Crusadermon fists crashed causing the room around them to tremble. Kourin and Gatomon ran for cover as a fierce wind blew from their attacks. Dynasmon growled mindlessly trading blows with Crusadermon. Crusadermon sweated nervously as she was pushed back by his blows. She could feel his attacks were more powerful now.
“Now, Dynasmon is even more stupid that usual…”, Crusadermon snickered.
“Wait…maybe I can use that.”, Crusadermon thought.
She moved away from Kourin and Gatomon trying to lead Dynasmon away from them. Kourin realized what Crusadermon was trying to do. Dynasmon flew at Crusadermon with blinding speed.
“Laser Lattice!”, Crusadermon said as she created a laser net to catch her fellow royal knight.
Dynasmon flew through the barrier, easily tearing it apart as the void smirked.
“Fist of Athena!”, Crusadermon called out as she punched Dynasmon.
To her shock Dynasmon easily caught it growling.
“Unfortunately for you guys you don’t stand a chance against the power of Sendou’s partner.”, the void said as Dynasmon tightened his grip and slammed Crusadermon into the wall making her cry out in pain.
Gatomon was rather impressed seeing the entity controlling Aichi had taken complete control over his partner. It would be good for her to side with him. Right now it controlled both Tamer ZERO and Dynasmon.
“Let him go!”, Kourin growled raising up her deck, making the void more amused.
“Oh…? You intend to cardfight me with the power I gave you? I thought your partner being torn to shreds was enough humiliation for you.”, the void replied in a condescending tone.
“I’m going to make you let him go.”, Kourin replied.
“Really now? Do you really think things will go as you hope?”, the void questioned.
“Lightning Paw!”, Gatomon called out and Kourin nearly dodged out of the way, falling on the ground.
“You!”, Kourin said, before looking up at the demon lord.
“Ha, this is the perfect opportunity to turn the tables on you humans. I’ll be siding with him!”, Gatomon replied.
“I will be as well.”, Barbamon said as he revealed himself going to the void’s side.
“No…”, Kourin said, paling seeing she was faced with the void and two demon lords.
“I thought so.”, the void replied.
Kourin looked over to see Crusadermon’s head being pushed into the wall by Dynasmon to the point her helmet cracked.
“S-scarlet Tempest!”, Crusadermon said, using the wind from her pile breaker to try and push back Dynasmon.
However, to her and Kourin’s dismay Dynasmon didn’t even flinch. With his other hand Dynasmon clawed at the pile bunker. He pushed it down harshly as he pushed Crusadermon’s head further into the wall.
“Come on, Crusadermon!”, Kourin thought.
“You’ve beaten Link Joker before Aichi! You can do it again! Aichi!”, Kourin said.
In the strange grey world…
Aichi sat down, going back to his studying confused. He rubbed his head and he didn't understand that feeling he got before. He didn’t know why he found himself almost compelled case after that, especially after how it made him feel.
“Don’t listen to him…just close your eyes and give in…”, Aichi heard the voice of the void whisper in his ear but he didn’t recognize it.
“My vanguard!”, Aichi heard from the card again.
Aichi held up the case again. His mind felt cloudy as the void spoke again.
“Get rid of it…”, the void whispered.
Aichi hesitated as he found his grip on the case getting unconsciously tighter. He held the case close to his chest. The void grumbled in annoyance at Aichi’s disobedience. His heart beated loudly against his chest. He felt like he couldn’t part with the card in the case.
“Kai is never coming back…so why don’t you just give up?”, the void whispered.
Aichi didn’t respond honestly, not knowing why himself. He just had this feeling that one day…especially when he heard the card. The void growled when a rainbow spiral flashed in Aichi’s eyes. He found himself in a field which felt oddly familiar to him.
“My vanguard, you have to wake up.”, the knight on the card said, standing across from him much to his amazement.
“What…? What’s going on?”, Aichi questioned, completely confused.
“Your friends are in danger. They are still alive right now. But, if you don’t wake up soon…”, the knight said.
The knight suddenly tensed as darkness in the form of a black and red aura appeared behind Aichi. Aichi looked back at the aura that seemed to be trying to pull him away from the knight. The knight gritted his teeth then reached out to Aichi and pulled him away from the aura which hissed at him. He held Aichi close to his chest protectively as he glared at the aura.
“Ahmes…You meddling…Get out of my way!”, the void hissed.
Aichi looked back, seeing the aura which Ahmes drew his sword on. He felt so safe with the knight like he could trust him. He was his friend. He felt….though he couldn’t exactly remember. Lightning danced along the blade in a threatening manner. He noticed the knight now had some gold parts on his armor and a majestic white cape. Ahmes raised up the cape covering Aichi.
“Why are you doing this…? Why are you trying to protect me from…whatever that is?”, Aichi asked.
Ahmes smiled at Aichi warmly. Aichi froze, never recognizing anyone looking at him with such care outside his family. It was like he was looking at the most precious thing in the world. It made Aichi feel warm inside to think someone cared about him that much…to look at him in that way.
“Because you are my vanguard. As I promised you during the Asia Circuit I will stay with you. Till the end of your days.”, Ahmes replied as Aichi’s heart seized.
A memory of the silver knight lightly bowing to him appeared in his mind.
“Blaster Blade…”, Aichi murmured.
The void didn’t like this swirling and twisting into a different form. It grew bigger and Blaster Blade shot a bolt of lightning from his blade at it. When it cleared the void appeared as the massive form of Imaginary Plane Dragon. Aichi sweated nervously in fear and Blaster Blade glared at the dragon.
“Aichi…he can’t protect you from me…You will be mine.”, Imaginary Plane Dragon said as Blaster Blade squeezed Aichi’s shaking hand reassuringly.
It reached for them with its giant claws.
“Forget about me. You should just run. I don’t want someone like you to get hurt.”, Aichi said as Blaster Blade jumped back still holding him.
He shot lightning at Imaginary Plane Dragon from a distance. The cyber dragon roared, swiping at them again.
“I won’t abandon you.”, Blaster Blade replied even as the force of one of his swings blew them off their feet.
Blaster Blade still covered Aichi protectively. Tears stung Aichi’s cheeks not understanding why the knight kept trying to protect him. He said he was his vanguard and he had a strange flashback. Blaster Blade looked up challengingly at the void covering Aichi with his body.
With Olivier…
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The knight hastily flew out of the way of a sea of flames Belphemon fired at them. The tips of its cape were lightly burned. Omnimon raised its cannon again under the cover of the flames. Oliver ordered it to shoot Belphemon in the eye, partially blinding the beast who seemed to become more enraged.
Omnimon flew back as its attacks became more wild. It then shot Belphemon’s other eye leaving it completely blind. As the demon lord grabbed its eye in pain Omnimon chopped up its other arm before dashing forward with its blade. Distracted by the pain and unable to see Belphemon couldn’t stop Omnimon from piercing its chest with its sword. The demon lord roared loudly as Omnimon pushed the sword in deeper. Flames started surrounding them as they got nervous.
“Use Transcendent Cannon to blow us back!”, Olivier ordered through the former v-pet.
Before the flames could get to them Omnimon shot a beam from its cannon allowing itself to be blown back by the recoil. Olivier clung onto dear life as he heard a loud roar from Belphemon. He sweated nervously covered in sweat as his heart jackhammered against his chest. He looked over Omnimon’s shoulder to see Belphemon disappearing into data. Omnimon flew down feeling exhausted as well. The second it landed on the ground it reverted back farther than expected. It defused and BlitzGreymon reverted to Agumon and CresGarurumon reverted to a lizard-like Digimon wearing a wolf’s pelt, Gabumon. Olivier sat his head against the wall.
“I’m glad. I could defeat one for all you guys.”, Olivier thought as he imagined the massive tombstone from before.
He looked down at his partners who were completely exhausted. He petted their heads as they slept.
“You did really good guys.”, Olivier said.
He returned them back to his former v-pets in case they got ambushed. Olivier around the top floor of the lab before sitting down.
“I have to be careful. Agumon and Gabumon can’t fight right now. I’ll just have to wait for Kourin to return with Aichi.”, Olivier thought.
With Kourin…
Crusadermon was thrown next to her harshly crashing into the ground.
“That’s some fire power…Link Joker is it?”, Gatomon said, whistling.
“You may call me the void. Honestly controlling that buffon is child’s play especially compared to this one.”, the void replied, pointing at Aichi’s chest.
“Oh really now? I have heard that Sendou has a strong will from Demidevimon.”, Barbamon replied as Dynasmon landed next to the void.
“It’s true! I experienced it first hand when I tried to control him with Darkness Love! I shot him with it countless times and he still wasn’t under my control. That’s why this is rather impressive.”, Gatomon replied, referring to the void at the end.
Kourin sweated nervously as Dynasmon stared down at her and Crusadermon with his glowing red eyes. It raised up its hand about to fire at her.
“Is this it?”, Kourin thought.
However suddenly a barrage of green energy blasts stop past her. Dynasmon hastily flew in front of the void to guard. The void narrowed his eyes in annoyance as it already knew who it was. Kourin looked back to see glowing gold eyes from the shadow of a knight. Heavy armored steps clattered on the ground. She could make out there was someone else with the knight riding on it. Her eyes widened as the shadows cleared revealing Alphamon and Ren.
“Suzagamori Ren…”, the void said, glaring at the redhead.
“Hello, there ‘Aichi’!”, Ren replied in a cheerful tone.
This made the two demon lords sweat drop however the void was unamused.
“Or should I say the void…”, Ren said, his tone changing to become more serious as he glared at the void.
With Aichi…
The cyber dragon reached out for the two and Blaster Blade refused to move. Aichi wanted desperately to help him. To fight. Aichi touched Blaster Blade’s chest plate as a light blue aura surrounded him and the rainbow spiral in his eyes returned. A bright light enveloped the two, blinding the cyber dragon.
After the light dissipated Aichi seemed to stand in Blaster Blade’s armor. No…it was his height and build though Aichi’s face. A bit of his blue hair poked out from the helmet. Aichi was surprised by what happened looking at his hands. He could still feel Blaster Blade though it was like he was inside him. Memories started to flood into his mind as he wore the armor. Memories of fighting no cardfighting…Aichi gasped in shock as he regained his memories.
“Let’s do this, my vanguard.”, Blaster Blade said in his mind.
“Another costume change for the weakling knight?”, the cyber dragon taunted.
“You’ll find it's far more than that!”, Aichi said, as he gazed at the cyber dragon with determination.
The wind blew, making his cape flutter dramatically. Aichi charged at the dragon who fired an energy blast from its hand at him. He used the cape as cover before stabbing the dragon in the stomach. It growled angrily, swiping at Aichi.
“I will not lose! Not with my friends waiting for me to return!”, Aichi said as he jumped out of the way.
His jump was far higher than a normal human shoulder be capable of. He twisted in the air shooting lightning at the cub dragon’s eyes to blind it.
“You little…Do you really think such a trick will be enough?!”, Imaginary Plane Dragon questioned, before firing more energy blasts around.
Aichi’s blue aura swirled around him after he landed on the ground and he charged again.
“With this blade courage becomes power!”, Blaster Blader said as Aichi’s aura grew massively.
The blade soared with power due to being powered by both Aichi and Ahmes’ courage. Aichi dodged around the energy blasts with the skill of a trained warrior. He moved at blinding speed weaving through the blasts. He jumped onto the cyber dragon’s arm and ran up it preparing his blade to strike.
With Kourin and Ren…
The black and white knights sized each other up. Dynasmon growled lowly at Alphamon who tensed. Crusadermon’s unseen eyes widened seeing the black knight.
“Alphamon?!”, Crusadermon questioned.
Alphamon looked down at Crusadermon looking over her wounds.
“Don’t worry. Kourin, you should try to treat her quickly.”, Alphamon replied.
Kourin nodded, returning Crusadermon back to the v-pet and getting behind Alphamon.
“It was an easy guess. Considering Aichi likes to protect his friends not hurt them.”, Ren said.
“Who’s this Ren guy?”, Gatomon questioned.
“Another human like Sendou. Dynasmon, get rid of him.”, the void replied, pointing at Ren.
“My comrade please come to your senses.”, Alphamon pleaded calmly.
Dynasmon simply growled in response, lunging at Alphamon.
“Divine Sword Grade Alpha!”, Alphamon called out as it created a blade of light.
Alphamon used the sword to make his range better. Dynasmon swung its fists wildly which Alphamon narrowly avoided.
“Oh…Aichi’s partner is fast. Alphamon is using Alpha InForce right now. It seems to be the only way for him to dodge his attacks…Aichi you never disappoint do you?”, Ren thought, smiling in excitement despite the situation.
Kourin watched, not wanting to break Ren’s focus from the battle especially as she saw how close the clash was. Aichi’s former v-pet glowed as Dynasmon tried to blow Alphamon away. However the knight dug its heels in.
“Digitalize of Soul!”, Alphamon called out, shooting energy blasts at Dynasmon from a magic circle again.
The wyvern knight was bombarded with countless blasts that it guarded with minimal damage. Dynasmon stood tall despite the barrage of blasts like a century. Its wind swirled into a vortex trapping Alphamon.
“Dragon Collider!”, Dynasmon called out, shooting phantom dragons at Alphamon.
Alphamon blocked the attack knowing it would be unable to dodge. Before the blast hit he relapsed the battle back to before he blew his wind. Alphamon stabbed at Dynasmon’s chest.
“Dark Inferno!”, Barbamon called out, firing a dark flame at Alphamon.
Dynasmon used this opportunity to blow Alphamon back. Ren tried to look for a weak point, but Dynasmon’s movements were like a blur to him.
“You can’t win, Suzagamori. No one can defeat me with Sendou’s body.”, the void said as Alphamon tried to relapse time again.
“We’ll see about that, void. You seem rather cocky for a force that’s lost twice already.”, Ren replied as the void’s eye twitched.
“That was to Sendou and he’s under my control now. You know your pitiful planet’s only hope. We both know if he wasn’t there Earth would have fallen.”, the void replied.
Alphamon fired at Dynasmon more who blew him back again with the wind. He could keep himself in place, but it was difficult to go forward especially as Barbamon fired at him.
“I suppose that’s a good point. But, this isn’t a cardfight. This is a Digimon battle and my Alpha-Chan is the strongest Digimon there is.”, Ren replied as Alphamon tried to move forward, swiping away Barbamon’s attacks with his blade.
With Aichi…
Aichi stabbed the cyber dragon in the chest who roared in pain.
With Kourin and Ren…
The void suddenly grabbed Aichi’s chest, recoiling in pain. Kourin noticed this seeing the void sweat.
“Sendou Aichi…I won’t let you defeat me again.”, the void thought.
“What happened?!”, Gatomon questioned.
“As I said, Sendou Aichi is difficult to control. I can feel him trying to break free as we speak. He is no ordinary human…at this point he’s already outlasted his predecessor the Concert Master, the one who watches fate.”, the void replied.
“Sendou Aichi seems to be rather powerful then. We’ll have to deal with them before he can awaken.”, Barbamon replied.
Dynasmon tried to punch at Alphamon as he got close. Alphamon sliced at him, stopping the wind. As the void struggled in pain Dynasmon was left directionless simply punching mindlessly at Alphamon. This was more manageable for it. As it tried to get in some hits with its blade.
The void struggled as the light briefly returned to Aichi’s eyes before disappearing. His former v-pet reacted as a light blue aura appeared around Aichi. The intense power surprised the two demon lords recognizing this as Aichi’s power rather than the voids.
“H-how can a human have so much energy?! This must be what Daemon feared!”, Barbamon thought, raising up his hand to guard.
“What kind of human is Tamer ZERO?! You could fuel digivolution with this kind of power! It’s just like the legend!”, Gatomon thought.
The egg the void was carrying reacted by feeding off this power. It started wiggling much to Barbamon’s shock. The egg started to crack open as they were suddenly blinded by the light. Barbamon quickly grabbed Gatomon, deciding to make a strategic retreat. They winced feeling the purifying light trying to envelop them. Aichi’s power seemed to enhance the capabilities of the former v-pet. It seemed to be the former v-pet that triggered it drawing from Aichi’s power.
The symbol on the former v-pet was not the crest, but the circular symbol from before instead. Aichi sweated intensely as he held his chest. His vision was blurry as his consciousness returned. Dynasmon’s eyes stopped glowing and he stopped mid punch completely confused. Then Aichi noticed something strange. He felt something soft on his head. It was a grey furry ball with light blue eyes with a strand of blond hair. It had a binky in its small mouth. Aichi gaped, completely stunned and confused.
“It’s so cute!”, Ren said, drawing Aichi’s attention.
“When did Ren get here?!”, Aichi questioned.
“It’s the egg!”, Kourin said.
“What egg?!”, Aichi questioned as the small Digimon jumped into his arms.
“Mommy?”, the small Digimon questioned, looking at Aichi.
“I think it has…imprinted on you.”, Alphamon said, sweat dropping as Dynasmon looked around confused.
“Who are you?”, Dynasmon questioned cluelessly.
To be continued…
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Digimon Best Baby 1/Fresh Contest
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Vote for your favorite, doesn't have to be the strongest
Bracket 1: Curimon vs. Pafumon vs. Paomon
Bracket 2: Yuramon vs. Puwamon vs. Popomon
Bracket 3: Pitchmon vs. Puyomon vs. Poyomon
Bracket 4: Algomon vs. Kuramon
Bracket 5: YukimiBotamon vs. Pupumon vs. Botamon
Bracket 6: Pyonmon vs. Relemon/Reremon vs. Punimon
Bracket 7: Dokimon vs. Pusumon vs. Pururumon
Bracket 8: Leafmon vs. Pipimon vs. Nyokimon
Bracket 9: TorikaraBallmon vs. PetiMeramon/DemiMeramon vs. Choromon/MetalKoromon
Bracket 10: Fufumon vs. Sakumon vs. Tsubumon
Bracket 11: Puttimon/Puttomon vs. Keemon
Bracket 12: Mokumon vs. Bombmon vs. Bommon
Bracket 13: Petitmon vs. Ketomon vs. Jyarimon
Bracket 14: Chicomon/Chibomon vs. Chibickmon vs. Dodomon
Bracket 15: Sunamon/Sandmon vs. Zurumon vs. Bubbmon/Pabumon
Bracket 16: Cocomon/Conomon vs. Cotsucomon vs. Zerimon
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elecmon · 2 years
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We watched like an hours worth of "drawing X character in Y style" videos last night, so here's a quick one (the hands and shoes aren't big enough LOL)
So far for Yugi I'm thinking
Pusumon -> Pusurimon -> Patamon -> Nefertimon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon -> Susanoomon
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Ni's list of favorite digimon 💖
※ I'm using official names, and some dub names. Please check the visual list of digimon from Wikimon page for deets on them.
※ BTW, no order in particular; Long List. Also it might get updated every time i remember of a mon or a new mon is announced and becomes a fave.
[Latest update: May/22/2024]
Baby I
Sunmon & Moonmon
Zerimon & Conomon
Baby II
Gummymon & Chocomon
Patamon (+ Tsukaimon)
Terriermon & Lopmon (+ Terriermon Assistant)
Falcomon (both versions)
Kudamon (both versions)
Agumon (+ BlackAgumon/YukiAgumon)
Elecmon (+ Elec Violet)
Impmon (+ Imp X)
Muchomon (+ Penmon)
Bokomon & Neemon
Sitermon Blanc
Coronamon & Lunamon
Gabumon (+ BlackGabumon/Psychemon)
Burgamon (+ EbiBurgamon)
Pawnchessmon (both)
XV-mon & V-dramon
Tailmon (+ BlackTailmon (Uver.)/Mikemon)
Greymon (both versions) (+ Grey virus)
Garurumon (+ BlackGarurumon/Gururumon)
Seadramon & Airdramon
Betel/Kaus/Wezen/Gulus Gammamon
Galgomon & Turuiemon
Kyuubimon (+ Youkomon/Kyuubi Silver)
Shoutmon King ver.
Wizardmon (+ Sorcerimon)
Leomon (+ MadLeomon)
Firamon & Lekismon
Knightchessmon (both)
Burgamon Adult
Tyranomon (+ DarkTyranomon)
IceDevimon (y'know the joke on "Ace" part lol)
Firamon & Lekismon
Starmon & Revolmon
Perfect (dub-Ultimate)
Paildramon & Dinobeemon
Archnemon & Mummymon
MetalGreymon (+ MetalGreymon Virus) (both)
WereGarurumon (+ BlackGarurumon)
Canowissmon & Regulusmon
Flaremon & Crescemon
SuperStarmon (+ DarkSuperStarmon)
Rapidmon (perfect) (+ BlackRapidmon)
Taomon (+ Doumon)
Aegiochusmon (+ Holy/Dark/Green/Blue)
Meicrackmon (normal & Vicious Mode)
Ultimate (dub-Mega)
Imperialdramon (DM/FM/PM) (+ Imperialdramon Black DM/FM)
Ophanimon (+ Falldown Mode)
Seraphimon (+ BlackSeraphimon)
Cherubimon (+ Vice)
Rasielmon (+ Raguelmon)
Kuzuhamon & Sakuyamon
WarGreymon (+ BlackWarGreymon)
MetalGarurumon (+ BlackMetalGarurumon)
Beelzebumon (both versions) (+Blast Mode)
Agumon - Yuuki no Kizuna-
Gabumon - Yuujou no Kizuna-
Siriusmon & Arcturusmon
Apollomon & Dianamon
Mervamon & Minervamon
Ancient Garurumon
Ancient Irismon
Ancient Sphinxmon
Ancient Wisemon
Ancient Mermaimon
Lilithmon (+ Lilith X)
Rosemon (+ Burst Mode)
Ravmon (+ Burst Mode)
Mercurymon (dub- Merukimon)
Gaioumon (+ Itto Mode)
Holy Beasts (Qinglongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon, Xuanwumon, Fanglongmon)
MetalSeadramon & GigaSeadramon
All V-mon armor!
Thunderbirmon & Rinkmon
Rapidmon Armor
Loweemon & Duskmon
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
Considering I grew up with Digimon alongside Pokemon, it was common for people to think Digimon was ripping off Pokemon when it really wasn't. There's a lot amount of differences to completely split the two.
I like to share a straightforward line on one of my favorite Digimon: the Herissmon Line.
Top left to bottom right: Pusumon, Pusurimon, Herissmon, Filmon, Stefilmon, Rasenmon and Rasenmon Fury mode.
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I know this isn't a hamster
But all I could think about when seeing the little guy is
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sonicasura · 1 year
Jim's Familiar: Path of the Beast
Just like Path of the Blade, I'll be adding small snippets to help people vote. I probably make at least three more paths for the Jim's Familiar Polls. They are: Dragon, Darkness and Memory. It will share the same number of events like the Blade Path here. Now let's get started shall we?
Drilling Through Destiny, Rasenmon/Rasenmon FM
Nickname: Spike, Species: Mega Level Digimon/Rasenmon, Gender: Male, Size: 16'3(True)/32'9(Fury Mode), Size with the Compression Program: 8'2(True)/16'4 (Fury Mode), Element Alignment: Earth/Darkness, Terms for Children: Hoglets(term for baby hedgehogs) or Pusumon(Fresh stage of the species)
Jim slips away to the creek so he could let out his frustration. He accidentally stumbles upon a meditating Rasenmon and is surprised when the Digimon asks if he wants to join in meditation. Jim obliges, his frustration simmering down as he shares what happened.
Spike takes him back home leaving a small red scarf behind. The boy continues to visit the Digimon after their faithful encounter. Their familiar bond fully forms when Jim comes face to face with Rasenmon's monstrous Fury Mode and accepts the 'beast'. Two flavors of hedgehog dad? Yup.
In his true form, Spike is a soft kindhearted individual although he's quite awkward when it comes to Jim and Toby's interests. Gun Robots? The Digimon doesn't fully grasp the series but will still watch it with the boys. If they need to vent about a problem, then the Rasenmon will lend a ear and advice.
Fury Mode is more like an oversized puppy that is quick to go mama bear mode. Spike definitely carry Toby and Jim on his back or nuzzle them both(very mindful of the spikes). A purring mess if given pets and especially chin scratches as he will be down in seconds. Spike is fully aware of his actions in this form, albeit can get quite embarrassed when he does something dumb.
Some quirks Jim taken from his familiar are quite noticeable. He goes to martial classes(half the reason being for self defense), tied his bangs yellow, wears fingerless gloves and a hedgehog pendant.
Archie teaches the Rasenmon to take a human or hedgehog form if he doesn't want to do the 'plush' disguise as Herissmon.(Quite a common gag where certain Digimon pretend to be plushies and people in costumes.) Jim learns some basic earth spell under Douxie's tutelage but masters it thanks to Vendel. Spike helps manage the dark magic.
Trollhunter Jim: He assists in not only Jim's training but everyone else as well. Spike wants to cover all bases so if one member of Team Trollhunters is in trouble, they can at least escape. He avoids Strickler for awhile as Fury Mode is less forgiving and eager for vengeance. Spike only cuts him some slack cause the Changeling is trying to better himself. Jim has to keep the Digimon away from Merlin because the wizard will trigger a shift.
Whether by the one-sided bias or tricking his little Pusumon to become half troll, the man has way less sway when it comes to Spike's forgiveness. Absolutely adopted Draal who laters gets dragged into Fury Mode shenanigans.(He can't believe something so huge and scary acts like a puppy.)
Jim's Trollhunter Armor bears makeshift fur scarf, six drill like spikes on the shoulders(half purple, half red), gold spiral cuffs around the wrists and the sword's blade is shaped like a drill.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Spike was on early morning run when he came across the clash between Kanijar and Bular. He chases off the latter due to his bloodthirsty nature then leaves before the Trollhunter could follow. Kanijar doesn't know Spike is a familiar but kept running into the Digimon multiple times. It's only when Jim gets poisoned is what leads Spike to take him to Trollmarket.
In battle, young Lake is a fighting monk who mainly uses his magic to enhance his strength and bring out other spells should the need arise. He wears a customized gi similar to Spike but with added flairs such as shoulder armor to enchanted brass knuckles.
Troll Jim: Has silver thick fur around his chest, back, feet and back of his hands with small yellow quills amongst it. Three long tails with a red-purple spiral drill pattern although there are some "void" splotches of dark blue outlined by red similar to a data frame from Spike's Fury Mode. Even more frame splotches on the stomach, shoulders and elbow. Has hedgehog like ears alongside nose. Jim is often called 'Trollhog', 'Glitchstone' and 'Prickleback.'
Bond of Flame, Komadoros
Nickname: Missy, Species: Evolved Spectrobe/Komadoros, Gender: Female, Size: 10'9, Element Alignment: Fire, Term for Children: Pup or Komainu(child form of the species).
Jim had gotten her charm from his mother and accidentally summoned Missy when a harsh fire broke out in the house. The Komadoros saved the now mother-son family although had to pretend to be a very lifelike statue once the firefighters arrived. (Only thing that got completely wrecked was James' gift.)
Missy is quite silly and playful when she isn't in 'mama mode' i.e soft to her children but quite vicious to strangers. Every cat in Arcadia often go to her for protection if they don't feel safe(obvious reason being trolls.) This usually leads to Jim and Toby helping strays find loving homes, the Lakes getting two cats(Missy adopted orphan kittens, they were named Toffee and Beans), alongside feline meat being rare in Trollmarket. Every troll is terrified of the Komadoros or the "Cat Guardian".
Missy has a homemade dog house, a fire pit to lay on and bamboo has been added for extra privacy. Jim took up knitting so any shed fur is made into fireproof items such as clothes or blankets. He wears gloves made from Komadoros fur alongside a dog charm.
Jim is taught basic fire spells alongside charm making by Douxie that are later refined with help from Vendel and Archie. The draconic familiar tends to the visit the Lakes in his free time mainly cause Missy being troll repellant for cats is hilarious. He isn't breaking Merlin's rules as Archie's just watching the show.
Trollhunter Jim: Keeps an eye on the house and Barbara whenever she isn't summoned. Missy knows that their enemies would go after Jim's loved ones especially if they're unaware of the troll world. Tolerant of Strickler but has growled at the man and ruin his shoes. Missy tried to maul Merlin on sight multiple times as she can only handle one manipulator. Draal is her new pup instantly and she often carries him by the scruff like a kitten much to his embarrassment(alongside Jim's amusement.)
Jim's Trollhunter is adorned with spirals that lead turn into flames at the end, the chestplate looks like a beast face, gauntlets bear claws and Daylight's hilt is adorn with spirals while the blade is wavy like fire.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Super protective of Jim and Toby's families as events. Two certain trolls clash had disturbed some nearby cats during a weekly visit so Missy ran out to give both fighters utter hell. (Just know scorched troll hide smells terrible.) Kanijar gets put on bed rest so Draal, AAARRRGGHH and Blinky search for the Komadoros. Neither expected the beast to be a familiar as Jim summons her when accidentally coming across goblins. He stumbles upon Trollmarket by mistake and is put under house arrest.
Troll Jim: Thick red fur covering his back, shoulders, chest, feet and wrists. Has a second pair of small black spiral horns in front the larger pair. Two more tusks that curve outwards at the edge of his mouth. Eyebrows are light blue and now spiral similar to clouds. Has a red fluffy curly tail. Troll Jim is often called 'Fluffy', 'Komatroll', or 'Stone Hound'.
Lord of Lightning, Zinogre
Nickname: Wolfie, Species: Zinogre/Fanged Wyvern, Gender: Male, Size: 42 ft, Element Alignment: Electric, Terms for children: Pups
Jim came across a quite ill Wolfie in the woods and help nurse the Zinogre back to health, a familiar bond forming between the two. Barbara finds out when a bear attacks the two during a camping trip only for the Fanged Wyvern to chase it off. A tree house was set up in the woods so both boys can visit the Zinogre and hang out.
Wolfie is a calm yet mischievous monster who indulges in Jim and Toby's antics. Whether it be games of fetch, give them rides or watch something on a portable DVD player. He often slips into Arcadia at night for surprise visits at either boy's house especially if one is having a bad day.
Wolfie was given the ability to disguise himself as a wolfdog with help from Archie. Douxie taught Jim a few electricity spells that are later refined under Vendel's watchful mainly cause electric magic is quite dangerous to teach without supervision. Taken martial arts as the Zinogre's movements are similar to one, wears a wolf and some clothes that have lightning bolt patterns.
Trollhunter: Wolfie usually accompanies Jim whenever Barbara is as at work. The Fanged Wyvern knows the workplace is much safer and has too many witnesses for any enemies to cause trouble. Destroyed Strickler's clothing or knives a lot outta spite. Wolfie definitely tried to electrocute Merlin as the Changeling learn from his mistakes via harsh karma. Draal got adopted in seconds and Jim has pictures of the two doing stuff together.
Trollhunter armor has spikes hidden by fur jutting out on the shoulders, knuckles and back. A false tail similar to a Zinogre that functions with electric magic. Daylight's blade is jagged similar to a lightning bolt.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Bular, on his way to confront Kanijar, got a bit too close to Jim's house. Wolfie chases him down and the Trollhunter gets dragged thanks to 'Wrong place, wrong time.' Both end up taking shelter in two different not connecting sewers so that fateful battle doesn't even occur. Kanijar investigates Wolfie for answers as the the beast's behavior is similar to a wolf protecting their den of pups. The Trollhunter discovers the monster's familiar nature with Jim when Wolfie leaves to fetch a gift. Of course, the young lake gets kidnapped and taken to Trollmarket. Barbara later busts in with Wolfie.
Jim is a beast rider who works together with his monster in complete unison. Without Wolfie, he's a monk style fighter that enhances his abilities via lightning magic. He wears light armor made from Zinogre scales and fur.
Troll Jim: He has white fur going down his back, upper chest, hands and feet with green scales following after. Two large yellow front horns awkwardly merged to his main pair while his nose is wolf like. Short yellow spikes grow from knuckles, back, tail and chin. Jim's nicknames are 'Wolf Troll', 'Howlstone' and the embarrassing 'Thunderwhelp'.
Heel Against Destiny, Incineroar
Nickname: Pepper, Species: Pokemon/Incineroar, Gender: Female, Element Alignment: Fire/Dark, Size: 6'9, Terms for Children: Kittens and Littens
Jim snuck out to go to the forest but ends up taking shelter in an abandoned fitness center thanks to a goblin run-in. He's rescued by Pepper and has an emotional breakdown once safe. A bond forms between the two while the Incineroar takes him home.
Just like her namesake, Pepper has a fiery personality but also a sweet side. Often reassuring Jim and Toby on their days or join in on their antics. A cat magnet since the felines seek Pepper for safety and sometimes babysitting kittens although the Incineroar doesn't mind. Barbara finds out when Jim forgets to disable the fire alarm one night during the weekly 'sneak over'.
Pepper has a "fire pit cat bed" with some added bamboo stalks around the fence for privacy. Jim might've taken a few wrestling classes than just watch the show, he's a bit more bold against Steve's bullying, and usually wears a tiger bracelet.
Douxie teaches young lake some fire spells alongside charm making but Vendel and Archie help handle the rest. Jim is guided through dark by Pepper. Archie tends to visit the Lakes mainly to see the Incineroar be a terror to a trolls wanting cat for a meal.
Trollhunter Jim: The group's personal trainer specifically AAARRRGGHH and Toby's(given some gauntlets to fight with until he gets his hammer). She teaches the Krubera some throws or maneuvers to use that don't go against his pacifist nature. Quick to show her distaste towards Strickler and ruin some of the man's stuff. Pepper tried to pile drive Merlin on multiple occasions. Congratulations Draal, you are the first troll whose been adopted by a feline Pokemon. (They definitely bond via roughhousing.)
Not Trollhunter Jim: Ran into Bular and Kanijar during one of her goblin hunts(Pepper can hold a massive grudge too). She violently chases them off as a troll had hurt a cat two days earlier so the Incineroar assumes one is responsible. Both escape but were injured enough to be put on bed rest. Draal is sent to investigate(hunt for him) Pepper with Blinky and AAARRRGGHH's assistance. They find out the Incineroar is Jim's familiar when the teen gets attacked by a Stalking. He's taken to Trollmarket by Pepper due to a nasty injury from the fight.
Jim is a berserker type fighter who enhances his attacks with dark or fire magic. He wears a luchador outfit that resembles his Incineroar companion alongside metal gauntlet claws.
Troll Jim: Carvings that resemble Pepper's own stripes cover his body. Thick red fur splotches cover his cheeks, back hands, feet, and dip of his chest. Black fur cover his back, waist, but also arms. Jim's ears are cat like, eyes are slits, has paw pads and a tiger tail. Often called 'Catroll' or 'Stripes'.
Tear Apart Fate, Fluffal Leo/Frightfur Leo
Nickname: Simba, Species: Duel Monster;Fluffal/Frightfur, Size: 8 ft(Fluffal)/12 ft (Frightfur), Gender: Male, Element Alignment: Earth(Fluffal)/Dark(Frightfur), Unique Magic: Patchwork, Term for Children: Cubs
Jim received Simba's plush form as a gift from Toby, who was unaware of the item's true nature. The boy summons Frightfur Leo to defend his mom against James' anger. His father is chased out while a familiar bond forms between Jim and the Duel Spirit.
As a Fluffal, Simba is a cuddly sweetheart ready to brighten up everyone's day. Jim and Toby are often cuddled next to the giant toy with Barbara joining to destress. In Frightfur form, a playful prankster who has a huge pranking streak. Simba tends to prank the boys' bullies or anyone that gives Barbara or Nana a hard time.
He has a homemade scratching post, cat bed to even cat nip which can also be used for Frightfur mode. Jim makes n repairs toys and clothing in his spare time, one article being a beanie that depicts both of Simba's forms in a two face style. He usually does this for free of charge although will only accept cash to help out his mom.
Douxie taught Jim a few earth spells although the young lake transformed charm making into Patchwork Magic. A unique magic that utilizes various crafts and crafting tools for various uses such as toy golem creation. Vendel helped refine Jim's earth but Simba guides him with dark magic.
Trollhunter Jim: A spy during the daytime since the monster can disguise himself in as a Beanie Baby toy and slip through small crevices. Simba usually protects the house at night unless summoned by Jim. Ignores Strickler in Fluffal form and destroys the man's stuff as a Frightfur. Completely hostile towards Merlin. Quite protective of Draal in both forms, quick to ease away his stress or rough house.
Jim's Trollhunter armor bears multiple colorful patches that hide mini sawblades, crimson claws on the gauntlet knuckles, a false lion tail that ends in a saw blade, and Daylight's blade is serrated with a keychain lion hanging from the hilt.
Not Trollhunter Jim: Simba was stalking around in Frightfur form to find someone to scare but ends up finding two certain trolls instead. He chases them both which has Bular and Kanijar retreat from the hostile killer toy. The Trollhunter deduces a wizard must've made Simba so he searches for them. Although the Duel Spirit remain hidden in plain sight as a Fluffal until Toby and Jim run into Bular one night. During the clash, Kanijar takes both boys to Trollmarket where they were put on hostile arrest.
Jim is a Crafter who creates various toy golems or enchant various craftsman tools such as scissors with dark and earth magic. He wears a patchwork wizard's robe while his weapon is a staff topped by a toy lion.
Troll Jim: Various gray and light yellow cloth patches are scattered haphazardly on his body. Slot like carvings that conceal mini sawblades can be found at the center of his chest, knuckles, alongside palms. Fake greying yellow fur on his back, feet, wrists, and waist. Jim has a plush lion tail that ends in a sawblade. Often called 'Plush Troll', 'Lionstone' or 'Toy Maker'.
And that's it! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Arcadia!
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electronic-star · 2 years
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Custom Pusumon and Pusurimon with Anniversary colors^^ Was about time I drew em~ 
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graciellasamma · 2 years
Danganronpa x Digimon: Ryoma Hoshi
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Ryoma Hoshi:
Crest: Patience Digimon Partner: Pusumon => Pusurimon => Herissmon => Filmon => Stiffilmon => Rasenmon
Crest made by Wooded-Wolf
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pandabachimon · 3 years
Look at him!
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Precious little baby Pusumon!
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I love that he removes his pacifier to much.
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It lowkey bothers me that we may never get to fill in the entries of the digidex for herissmon's in-training forms.
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I would honestly love it if they just gave all members a free egg that hatches into herissmon's baby line and can evolve into some form of rasenmon, maybe tenacious or devote.
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