#Puyo puyo theory
random Research, this time about the Tetra Crew, and Tee’s concept art
my research is typically about Squares, but I’ve had these thoughts for quite a while now and want to get them out there. The research will be under the cut!
So to start off I have to explain a little bit here. So, Jay and Elle don’t have a very important role aboard the S.S. Tetra, their just described as the twins or tricksters instead of captain, engineer, protector, second in command, etc. And their outfits are pretty simple, and they aren’t too obvious that their based on the J and L tetrimino’s respectively. (Image provided to explain what I mean)
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Now, on to the research related to Tee! Remember what I’ve explained about the twins, it’ll be important.
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With Tee’s concept art he has with Ando Ringo, he has similar traits to that of the twins canon designs. Such as his shoes lack the T tetrimino shapes on them, as do his gloves. His shirt also is not obviously related to a T tetrimino either.
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However, Ess and Ai — the two other humanoid characters of the crew, have shoes and outfits that make their tetrimino obvious (as Tee’s canon design also has that trait they do)
So, why would Tee’s concept art seem as though he was originally going to be like the twins? Well, I have a theory about that.
What if Tee was originally wasn’t going to be the captain? Okay, I’ll explain my thoughts now.
Okay, so what if Tee wasn’t going to be a captain of the ship in PPT, and was going to be just a member. And someone like Ess (look at her shoes compared to Tee’s canonical shoes) was going to be captain instead.
Ess is the first mate, and is in charge when Tee is not around, and she is Ex’s daughter. So it’d make sense if she was going to be the captain and Tee was going to not have a job.
In the Ex EX chapter of PPT, you can see the crew of the Tetra PRIOR to Tee becoming a crew member or becoming captain (I do not remember). And all of the members apart from Tee where part of the Tetra’s Crew.
Which, why is this the case? Why would they make Tee the last one which canonically joined and he became captain instead of Ex’s own daughter? Maybe it’s because it could have been changed during the games creation, to make Tee the captain due to the fact the game “Tetris”’s iconic shape is the T one of the T tetrimino which is what Tee is based off of.
Well, if you have any ideas on this or even comments, please put them in the reblogs, replies, or even my asks!
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dailywatchersiblings · 3 months
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i love lovestruck Marle, i just feel we were a bit robbed of a real Marle alt. i mean she just put on an apron. she deserves better
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
So I was thinking about what Klug could realistically know about the book demon and its connection to Sig, given that it's so rarely elaborated on, and my conclusion is: more than he wants you to think he does.
Exhibit A: the ending of Fever 2
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The first thing that needs to be addressed is the fact that Klug is Right There while Ayashii is monologuing. I guess we don't really know what it's like to be trapped in a book, so there's nothing to suggest either way if he can hear anything... but we do see him look at stuff. Even if he can't hear, he can definitely see, so I think it's reasonable to assume that he'd notice a shift in Aya's demeanor when it sees Sig.
And if he wasn't looking at Aya, then surely he noticed that Sig's hand started glowing and his other eye turned red, right? Hopefully? If he wasn't too busy wallowing in despair, I suppose. Oh, the limits of character portrait-based cutscenes...
He doesn't seem to forget that the possession happened, though. When he's returned to normal, he's not confused about what's going on, he just tries to save face by saying it was all totally according to plan. And while he never brings it up again, I don't think it's ever been strongly implied that he forgot about it - if he did, one would assume that it'd be mentioned in his new Puzzle Pop bio, since it already references the event directly.
So, he likely remembers this, and if he was being observant enough, he could've at least noticed something was up with either Sig or Aya - maybe even both of them.
Exhibit B: Sig's story in 20th Anniversary
So, this part of the theory relies a lot on Klug's line delivery, so I'll include a link to the scene I'm going over. (It's got the timestamp ingrained in the link, but just in case, it starts at 12:49)
Structurally, this scene is... kind of odd, if you take Klug at face value? He's quick to ramble about everything he knows regarding Sig's arm when prompted, no arguments involved, but then he just. says that he doesn't know what any of it means, and demands a Puyo Battle as compensation for wasting his time.
Like. ???
You mean to tell me that Klug, the guy who's obsessed with gathering knowledge, who prides himself on being the know-it-all who can answer any question thrown at him, would be satisfied with saying he doesn't know something? Yeah, I don't buy it.
Let's go over what he says in more detail, and pay special attention to those line deliveries.
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Klug speaks very softly during this whole section, as though he's lost in thought. I want to draw special attention to the line, "in comparison to the book I have here..." It's subtle, but his voice actually wavers a little bit on the last syllable. And he all but whispers the last half of "It's as if it's identical in nature," as if he's talking more to himself than Sig at this point.
He keeps up this vaguely ominous, deep-in-thought tone for the rest of his dialogue, until something very interesting happens.
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As he's going on about the Weird Vibes he gets whenever he's around Sig, he seems like he's about to go into more detail... and then Sig makes an innocuous "huh" sound.
Which is exactly when Klug pivots to sharply saying that he has no idea what they are. He doesn't sound irritated or panicked, just... I dunno, comfortably back in his usual, uppity tone.
Amitie proceeds to theorize that the blue thing that sometimes comes out of Sig's back may have a connection with the red thing in Klug's book, and what do you know, Klug actually stutters when he denies the possibility.
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Awfully bold of Klug to say that there's no way the two things could be connected after he just said that Sig's arm and his book feel like they have the same power, by the way.
This whole exchange reads to me like Klug got carried away with the topic of Sig's arm, and ended up saying a lot more than he planned to. He only snapped out of it when Sig's voice alerted him to what he was doing, and then he started hastily covering up his tracks. He had to dismiss Amitie's theory, not because he genuinely thinks she's wrong, but because he knows she's right.
And for some reason, he can't let them know that.
So I gotta ask. Why? What's he trying to accomplish by covering up what he knows? He likely doesn't even know the full story, so what does he think will happen if other people find out?
Maybe he just doesn't want anyone else learning about the book before he can make its power his own. He is rather possessive of it, continuously renewing it from the library with no intention of ever giving it back. Even with his tendency to blab, I could see him wanting to keep something like this a secret. Not just for the eventual power, but as a special something he knows that nobody else does - anything to boost that sense of superiority, even at risk to himself.
...And maybe, in the depths of his tsundere heart, he's trying to protect Sig a little bit, too. He knows that the demon is dangerous, and probably doesn't want to find out what would happen if Sig started pursuing it for answers. Plus, if he did notice Aya gunning for him back in Fever 2, then all the more reason to be wary.
(I'd still posit the idea of him trying protect himself as his primary motivation, and the only one he'd ever acknowledge, but I'm taking my "Klug cares about his friends" crumbs wherever I can, okay)
Of course, if his ears were working in spirit form, then that suggests he knows way more than I've been assuming, but. I'm not sure his behavior really matches up with that idea? He sounds like he's genuinely speculating about Sig and the book here, which would be a little weird if he heard it point and shout "AYO THAT'S MY DESCENDANT AND/OR TRUE FORM. GIMME"
...not that Sig himself seemed to hear that either, but that's besides the point
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can you do tee from puyo puyo tetris? he definitely specializes in probability, i mean its tetris
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Tee is a math major!
-minor: aerospace engineering
-specialization: probability
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greendog3 · 1 year
lilith is marle confirmed?!!!?!?!?!!/1/1/1/!?1!/1/!??!?!?1/1
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kirstenonic05 · 3 months
Theory: Legamünt is Schezo from the future
That is all
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hannahlovesluca · 7 months
Hi!!Can i ask for LUXIEM(or just ike) hcs with an s/o who's just insanely good at suika or puyo puyo even though they just played the game once or twice?:D
i had to write this ASAP i love writing ab reader playing games LMAOO
Luxiem + S/O who’s good at Suika
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• he’s mediocre at suika, so normally he wouldnt join any tostus while the other is playing (i hardly see him join totsus in general so-)
• however if its YOU whos hosting any kind of tostu or just anything, HES JOINING INBA HEARTBEAT
• yk how he is with ike? all simp-y and always looking for a way to spend time with him? yeah he does that to you too
• anyway, when he sees you get 3000+ points your FIRST TIME PLAYING
• his face: 😧
• he probably doesn’t believe that its your first time LMAOO - you probably have to prove it to him off stream somehow
• if you’re his kouhai: “y/n, i’m your elder you can’t be embarrassing me like this…”
• if you’re his senpai: “…you know what they say; the elder, the wiser.”
• “oh god, please don’t bounce up…” “PLEASE BOUNCE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” - guess which one is vox
• anyway, afterwards, he’ll probably force you to watch him play fnaf afterwards so he has sone sort of pride in being able to out-do you somehow
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• the mf sings to try and distract you to get you to mess up
• change. my. mind.
• “country rooooaaaaadssss, take me hooooooooome, to the plaaaaaceeee i BEEEELOOOOOOONGGGGG”
• getting 3000 first time hes just like ?????
• probably has that one face with the wide eyes and mouth wide open (like that one clip of sonny during the game show off collab w/ noctyx)
• and if you’re like him and start spewing nonsense to focus better, he’ll be laughing so hard
• “hey, chat, do you think anal hurts that bad?”
• “what???”
• if you have his fugi on your head whilst streaming he’ll probably pretend to punch it now and then just to get a reaction out of you
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• mf is okay at suika but not like terribly amazing
• that being said hes rooting for you and will probably be so amazed at you repeatedly getting over 3000
• if there ever is a point where you’re malding he’ll either - A: Mald with you - B: Laugh his fucking ass off
• definitely literally says “lmao” if you fail
• will bring up the most random things to talk about!!!
• “y/n have you seen that food theory video where he tried to cook his steak in the dryer??”
• “luca wtf are you talking about?”
• if you recently had an off collab he’ll also be telling embarrassing stories about you
• “[insert fan name] did you guys know that Y/N eats their oatmeal dry?? like no water.”
• anyways all around, hes amazed and he probably sends you a sweet discord message after stream
• “you’re so good at suika!!! :D”
• FOLLOW UP MESSAGE: “ew that was cringe ignore that”
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• he just sucks at suika so hes just like: :0
• “y/n??? this isn’t like…pre-recorded?”
• im running out of ideas for them uhhh
• when you get over 3000 your first try hes genuinely so amazed
• say he has a zatsu the next day, if someone superchats him about the totsu the night before he’ll go on a rant about how jealous he is that you’re so good at Suika
• “yeah, Y/N is like Shu and Mari with Tetris, they need to teach me their ways.”
• “an akasupa! ‘honest opinions on Y/N?’ Good question!”
• and then never elaborates
• uhhhhhh
• will most likely start bringing up either super philosophical topics to talk about or it’ll end up just being about miku
• “yeah- so ike sucks at this game HAHAH-“ *ike joins* “SAY IT TO MY FACE”
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• as soon as you sent the message you were doing a totsu he reacted to the message with that pepe side eye emote they have in the NIJI discord
• probably doesn’t join first, he waits for others
• claude: “y/n how do you feel about patriotism?” shu: “frick the patriarchy” y/n: “????”
• but, if the other leaves and its just you two, since hes pretty good at the game as well, he’ll probably help you with where to drop it
• and again, like luca, will probably bring up random topics
• and ligma jokes
• lots and lots of ligma jokes
• will also send messages in the discord server like:
• Shu Yamino: “y/n is too good someone plz trash talk them”
• Shu Yamino: “oh frick y/n’s good”
• Shu Yamino 👟☯️: y’all cant compare what the flip is this
notice how luca and ike’s are the longest
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klug · 2 months
So Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop is out and I see a lot of theories going around… This is half a self-indulgent post for me and half a poorly thrown together essay reviewing Sig and Aya's and the blue soul and the crimson soul's, relationship to each other. because boy is it a bit of a complex web. @_@
Some people were talking about their relationship today in EPPC, and I'm bad at talking to people, so I decided to put my thoughts in a post + touch on some misconceptions (I guess?) around since the game just came out and it relies on knowing information presented in extra material like the audio dramas and the (sega) novels.
And of course, spoilers for the first 4 main routes of Puzzle Pop.
some quick bullet points before I start… you can skip this if youre fairly familiar with fever 2, tetris 2, and the novels
is Aya possessing Sig?!
how did Sig's power get unleashed by Meena? are they super ultra powerful??
no, Aya is clearly still imprisoned safely contained in the tome of sealing, so it probably isn't behind this. We also know in Lidelle's route that it and Klug were having some kind of argument after he ran into Sig.
Well, in the game, Lemres establishes that Meena normally is not that powerful… Rather, it's been a bit implied over the course of the games that his powers have been growing stronger, so I think that it's more that Meena broke down a dam that was already barely holding itself together… a brief timeline…
Puyo Puyo Fever 2 - Sig transfers to Primp Magic School and his hand suddenly turns red. This can presumably be linked to his proximity to the tome of sealing. Akuma attempts to prevent further resonation by using the Ito Hairito enchantment. Attempts at "curing" his hand are touched on in Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
Sig's Secret happens a bit before Puyo Puyo!! 20th Anniversary, and he has the incident of his powers being awakened by Witch's potion. This is the first time we actually see the "Demon part" of him take over, and it turned both of his eyes red when this happened. (src)
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 - Sig and Klug are protected by a certain power from being influenced by Marle when she's causing mayhem in Primp Town. The crimson spirit was potentially protecting Klug in this situation, but what about Sig? I theorize that his own demon powers, which have been growing stronger, actually protected him as well. (Lemres' substory, PPT2)
Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop - Sig befriends Meena and offers to share some of his power. This seems to open the floodgates and allow the demon parts of him to take over.
fun fact: The words for "arm" and "hand" are the same in Japanese, so a lot of fans were actually surprised when they saw that his entire arm is red and not just his hand when his art in 20th came out.
Now, with those bullet points out of the way… the meat of this post is focusing more on Sig and Aya/Strange Klug/Possessed Klug/Crimson Spirit/Whatever name you want to call its relationship.
I think most people take the text in the games at face value, though the editing choices in translation don't really help I guess...the first instance of "red power" being translated as "evil power" will never be forgiven, but it's okay since Lemres and Schezo get it right--. I see a lot of people think that Aya is somehow influencing Sig in this story, but it has been established that Sig has the potential to tap into the full power that Aya probably wants access back to in Sig's Secret when Witch's power potion spills on him.
Back then, Sig and Amitie's friendship, and really any of his friendships, weren't very well-defined. However, she was able to bring him back by reminding him of their friendship...
Hey, Sig! …Let’s go back to café prep, alright!? I mean, Raffina’s gonna be super mad if you don’t show up! And then Klug’s gonna go all sarcastic on you again! Do you want that!? And, and, we haven’t even figured out what to put on the menu for our Special yet! If you really want me to, I’ll let you put whipped cream, for real!” I just kept screaming one thing after another as it came to me. Please, please, please… Please, let Sig hear my voice! “Please, come back to us! I promise, we all love you, so, so much! And I know, I know that deep inside, you really, really want to stay with us, too…!”
He manages to regain control of himself though clearly Amitie reminding him of everything isn't working in Puzzle Pop.
I kind of resummarized the climax of Sig's Secret because it felt important to contextualize his behavior, how its different in Puzzle Pop, and how people tend to conclude that "he must be possessed by Aya" as the first thought in Puzzle Pop. I also did this, though it was because I watched the routes out of order (lol). The behavior of this not!Sig is reckless, power-hungry, very very very gloating (just read the novel), and doesn't see any importance in friendships when it comes to Amitie and Meena (Lemres' route in Puzzle Pop). Meanwhile Aya, who has a very clear outlined goal of getting Sig back is…generally levelheaded, calm, and although angry about its situation, doesn't always charge straight for Sig whenever it's unsealed ("Amitie and Lidelle's Primp Tour", Puyo Puyo!! Quest story mode, etc.) So I think the binary the game presents of Aya being "evil" and Sig being "not evil" is not necessarily true considering how unreliable the narration of the "tome of sealing" is. I find it more accurate to say that they're power/impulse and control/logic, or you could argue they're a conscious and an unconscious.
I theorize that a piece of their original power lies dormant in Sig, and it is this power that Aya specifically wants back because it's…pretty powerless in its current form. This power, possibly the "crimson power", drives the "blue soul" in Sig a bit power hungry when its unleashed, and it has no conscious to control it because the "crimson soul" isn't in the vessel. I also think Sig and the "blue soul" are separate entities to an extent.
“Stop talking… Be quiet, just shut up! Gh… With every word you say, the voice in my head, it…GAAAAHHHH…!” “A voice, in your head? T-That’s gotta be Sig! Hey!! Sig!! If you can hear me, say something!”
The best comparison I have to this situation is Cinderpelt's reincarnation into Cinderheart in the book series Warriors. Cinderheart inherited Cinderpelt's soul after the latter's death, but because Cinderheart's grown to have her own experiences and is a separate entity while Cinderpelt lay dormant in their mind, they will separate in death. I think this "copilot"-ish situation is the case with Sig and it's why they're vying for control a second time in Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop.
I think that's why not!Sig is so "evil" and also gives people the impression that it might be Aya -- considering I also thought this -- though it's probably not the case since this story follows a similar formula to Sig's Secret with some tweaks to reflect a lot of subtle character growth, which is the subject of the next section.
Now, people might ask…why aren't Sig's eyes red and his hair dark like they were in Sig's Secret? Well, I think this is due to texture limitations for one, but I also think this is a sign of Sig's personal identity growing stronger over the course of the games. He has relationships he wants to hold onto, his own experiences, his own life, so he wouldn't just easily give up control of his physical vessel, even if he hasn't been speaking as himself in Puzzle Pop so far… This story's already done a lot with establishing Sig as a character and the importance of his relationship with Amitie, and he hasn't even actually spoken, which I find impressive. I also just like that all this stuff is only clear if you pay attention to the steady build up of the stories from the past few years… well, they were just breadcrumbs, I guess...Listen I've been following this plotline for 7-8 years and its been in the works for like 13? So you have to forgive me for feeling happy about having all the pieces of the puzzle.
As for what this means for the role Aya/the crimson spirit will play in the story… I'm not sure. I honestly don't expect it to appear at all since all the models/animations are recycled from Puyo Puyo Chronicle with some touch ups save for Meena. It has been referenced though, and the profiles in-game go in-depth on who it was and is, but I can't say if it'll actually make a fully story appearance…Especially since Klug was relegated to a side story role. Which is fine, I don't really care despite my URL. it was a good story. I do however expect this story to shed a lot of light on the relationship between the Sig, blue soul, and the crimson soul once its complete. I haven't even touched on my personal interpretation of Amitie and her hat, so maybe I'll make another post about that in the future? I think her situation is meant to parallel Sig's, but I'll save that for another time if people are interested...
As usual some of this is my interpretation, but everything I sourced is real and true and I'd never lie to you, etc.
Misc. Fun Stuff
These were things I liked about Aya and Sig's imagery/motifs but I wasn't able to fit into the post concisely.
not!Sig uses the same pronouns as Aya, 我 (wa) and お前 (omae), though they're written in hiragana as opposed to Aya's kanji. This is actually why I thought he was possessed because I walked into a stream in the middle of Ringo's route, haha.
My theory of Aya and Sig being a conscious and an unconscious are actually inspired by one of Aya's spells anima. Now in Latin this really just means "soul" which is fine, but in Jungian psychology the anima and animus are a dualistic archetype…which is cool, though this would potentially mean the crimson spirit is the unconscious part, haha! Technically they'd align more with Freud's concept of an id and a superego as I explained them, but I always like pointing out the possible Jungian reading of Aya's spell Yes, I realize I'm grasping for straws
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douglasanondr · 11 months
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On a positive note, The S' are no longer Doomed by the Narrative. Unless you believe the theory that Maguro becomes Ecolo in the Future, and that Thousand (Big Bad of Puyo Quest) is a future Seo, and that will never get a Chronicle S, than in that case never mind they were doomed from the start.
Also R might be a bit of a stretch, but I think I got A spot on.
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winbee-10 · 1 month
So, let's go...
(everything I'm going to say now was taken from the puyo puyo 20th anniversary. So if there are any errors or holes in the script, please tell me in the comments or reblogs!)
So, in Lidelle's campaign in the game, in its 2nd phase, in which we face Draco Centauros, we noticed some hints that perhaps she is someone very close to us or a lost family member, or something else that follows more or less this principle. As you've probably heard, there's a theory that Lidelle, Draco and Satan/Dark Prince are more or less "Pokémon evolutions" with each one being a different evolution in 3 stages.
but not going too much into the theory itself, I want to point out a very obvious fact about both of them: they have horns, even though Lidelle hides them with her hair, she still has horns just like Draco, and she also notices during the dialogues her sample horns
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I wanted to talk about the dialogues that you have when Lidelle faces Draco Centauros.
so, if you've played the game you'll probably remember that she calls Draco "Big sis", "Big horned sis" and etc... (what makes me most nervous is that Draco DOESN'T CATCH THE FACT THAT SHE IS CALLING HER BIG SISTER! AHHHHH-)
So, heres the headcanon:
So, after a slight change in Canon, in which Draco ends up not paying so much attention to the fact that Lidelle is considering her as an older sister, she ends up sympathizing and having a great affection for her, and ends up that she kind of "adopts" "/offers to live with her as if she were a younger sister.
Another headcanon too, in addition to her being very shy, she has a very large emotional dependence on Amitie, and this was based on the fact of this dialogue:
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and then, along with the headcanon that I ended up mentioning earlier, Lidelle ends up mentioning the fact that she's kind of afraid of having an emotional dependence on Draco, but still likes having him as an older sister. and also, Draco doesn't care so much if she's going to have any problems like that, she'll still love her like a little sister :]
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chromiusmixin · 3 months
Being a new Sorcery/Madou/Puyo fan in 2024 is fun because you get to realize you probably aren't getting Sorcery Saga/Madou 4 in the west or really in english in any capacity whatsoever and SEGA can just pull stuff like Puyo Puyo on a platform 0 people asked for, all after just dipping your toes into this franchise
Conspiracy theory: SEGA hates this franchise
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nenilein · 11 months
Is the main PPQ story still ongoing? Or has it concluded and we'll have to wait some other time to see Thousand's true face. Speaking of them, do you have any theories/fan designs as to how they may look like?
The first season of the main story of Puyo Puyo Quest finished last year, and we have no idea if there will be a second season, since it ended on a couple of cliffhangers (Thousand escapes from the cops and Eight and Zero strike a deal with Seo to try and locate them, Atari never realizes that Seo was the detective who saved her life when she was a child, Ecolo's history with Seo is not elaborated on, Rokia starts a personal side-quest to learn about magitech and how it could threaten the spacetime continuum, etc.)
I seriously hope we get a second season to address all of this, but so far there has been nothing aside from a couple of story events hinting at more...
I like to imagine that Thousand looks like an androgynous version of a cross between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, in Puyo style.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Just here to contribute another franchise that has very similar looking fennec fox like carbuncles! Final Fantasy! (tho the FF ones come in a lot of colors)
There are!
The reason most carbuncles have red forehead gems is because "carbuncle" is an old byname for a red gemstone, from the latin 'carbunculus' meaning 'little coal'. However, garnets and rubies can come in all sorts of colors, so why shouldn't carbuncles?
It is wild to me how, despite being vaguely described in most myths, and even the most popular publication I could find (Jorge Borges' 1957 Book Of Imaginary Beings) describing it as "nobody ever saw it well enough to know whether it was a bird or a mammal, whether it had feathers or fur", most fantasy carbuncles seem to fall into one of three categories.
The Fennec Fox
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(Final Fantasy, 1992. Cardcaptor Sakura, 1998. Pokemon, 1999. Yugioh, 2007. Elona, 2007.)
Interestingly, a lot of "classic" carbuncles are green (shiny espeon is the same lime green as the Final Fantasy and Elona carbs). I originally thought espeon's fox/cat looks came from it being partly inspired by the nekomata, but seeing that the earliest FF summon has the big ears, I'm now willing to bet that espeon owes a lot of its heritage to the final fantasy monster. That happened a lot, back in the day. A monster shows up in Final Fantasy, other critter makers treat it as public domain, despite how tenuous the connection to the original folklore monster may be. Kinda funny, because Final Fantasy frequently did the same thing to dungeons and dragons.
The Armored Fella
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(Dnd, 1978. Pathfinder, 2010. Never Satisfied, 2015)
A classic lad! The oldest fantasy use of the creature as I can find, all the way back in White Dwarf #8, though it'd see print in the Fiend Folio of 1981. My theory is that dnd took inspiration from the Book of Imaginary Beings, then Final Fantasy went on to keep the name and the gem, but the rest of it is all original creature design. And, I can't really blame the fuzzy friend for sticking in pop culture more than the shelled version, (they probably sell more plushies) but I'm actually a big fan of this og carbuncle species.
The Little Guy
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(Madou Monogatari 2, 1990. Magic Knight Rayearth, 1993. Digimon, 2001.)
The mascot type. Thought to be established in 1990 by the Puyo Puyo mascot, most cute little anime friends with a gem on their forehead can trace their ancestry back to the nineties japanese subspecies. Interestingly, two of these are creations of CLAMP, an all female manga artist group. In fact, the mascot of Magic Knight Rayearth actually shares it's name with the pen name of one of the founders, Mokona.
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marx-soul · 11 months
hi i was tagged by @sociialism !!!!!
Last song: uhhhhh I think it was a Linkin Park one? Don't remember which exactly, but it was probably the last on the Hybrid Theory album.
Currently watching: Nothing, I don't really watch TV shows. Does baseball count? I watch baseball sometimes.
Currently reading: I'm slowly working my way through The Lost World by Micheal Crichton. It's the sequel to Jurassic Park!
Current obsession: Ooh boy. There's Resident Evil, and Pokemon, and Ace Attorney (although that one calmed down more recently) and Dungeon Meshi and Puyo Puyo, more specifically Madou Monogatari (Did you know Schezo got beheaded in the PC-98 version of Madou Monogatari 2? And that his chopped off head kept fighting so you have to kill him even more? It's very gory too! I love it ^_^) and of course Metal Gear, and so many more! As for a non-media obsession, there's microbiology. Yeast rules.
Let's tag.......... @fyterx and @milkcrow226 and @treern! If anybody wanna join in, feel free! No pressure though, it's all just for fun :)
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greendog3 · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog could appear in Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage feat. Hatsune Miku and be totally canon-compliant. Hatsune Miku could also be in a Sonic game and be canon compliant.
Sonic can go to ANY UNIVERSE using Super Sonic (FTL travel, Puyo Puyo Tetris established that the dimensions can be travelled through by reaching the edge of spacetime) and Puyo Puyo (Puyo Puyo can send people to other worlds, it happened to Arle, Amitie, and Ringo and in theory it could be utilized to go to specific worlds. Sonic is in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2, and the Twitter said “everything is canon” on a picture of Sonic fighting Ms. Accord in a Puyo battle)
Sonic could go to SEKAI and travel between them by running fast enough to reach escape velocity as Super Sonic (The SEKAIs are arranged in a ring on the menu, so presumably all Sonic has to do is aim himself)
Sonic has been to multiple worlds other than his own before (Super Monkey Ball, Zelda DLC in Sonic Lost World, Smash Bros, Puyo Quest)
Hatsune Miku can play Puyo Puyo (Puyo Puyo 39!) and has been to the Puyo world (Puyo Puyo Quest)
Sonic and Hatsune Miku along with Puyo Puyo are the keys to the Sega Multiverse
I’ve cracked the code. Sega can’t stop the truth
This is all fuel for the eventual Sonic and Hatsune Miku crossover game where they team up
When I say “Hatsune Miku” i refer to Miku’s appearances in video games such as Project Sekai, not the actual synthesizer software which would bring up even more implications such as “Sonic Has Access To Our Reality”
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brashbuster · 1 year
Dual Lamia
Okay so I realize it's been twice now I've mentioned Dual Lamia like any passerby will just know what that means so lore time:
There's this RP I'm in on another site where there's this villain team I have, "Team Mecha", comprised of 3 robot Sonics (who aren't Metal Sonic): the Sonic 2 8-bit Mecha Sonic ("Silver Sonic"), the Sonic 2 Genesis/Mega Drive Mecha Sonic ("Robo Sonic"; Encyclo-speed-ia didn't exist to establish names yet so I went with his Lego Dimensions name), and Sonic & Knuckles Mecha Sonic ("Mecha Sonic"; same deal as Robo Sonic except also I feel like "Mecha" suits him the most)
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TL;DR one of their dastardly schemes involved messing with the flow of time, and while the RP mostly worked on multiverse theory instead of Back to the Future rules, they screwed up so much that time anomalies started popping up; Lamia from Puyo Quest was exposed to one, and memories of the Madou Monogatari II continuity (where there is ALSO a Lamia who's a generic enemy) messed with her mind; she started acting rude and violent like Madou II Lamia while also acting snarky and hungry like Quest Lamia
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Eventually the initial incident blows over, she calms down, and alongside another character exposed to a time anomaly (Alice Margatroid; her case was basically the same but swapping Puyo Quest/Madou II with Windows Touhou/Retconned PC-98 Touhou; PC-98 in the RP essentially runs on the logic "If it hasn't clearly been contradicted by Windows games then it still happened"), they go to find out why they remember this past that contradicts other things they know
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Turns out the pasts they learned from the time anomalies (Madou II Lamia/Retconned PC-98 Alice) were essentially retconned in-universe for reasons unknown (because I didn't want to turn complicated behind-the-scenes development history into lore), but even with this mind, they find themselves interested by how their lives have changed with what they've learned
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Dual Lamia specifically is more of an adventurer now, living in the Ruins Stage (from Puyo Puyo~n, no I couldn't be bothered to replace the "official" name even if it's so nonspecific) and sometimes exploring ruins and other places like that for fun (she still likes sweet food more than live meat); as of recently she's been on good terms with Yuuma (As I've said, Dual Lamia's the one who suggested Yuuma start with a clean slate after what happened in Touhou 17.5 and after realizing Okina is Hecked Up™), and she's probably on good terms with Chico and Nohoho too
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