#Pvt. Hudson
videoviolence · 1 year
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slushi-chan · 9 months
I need edits of Hudson from Aliens please send me or tag me in Hudson edits I need more
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 3" Colonial Marines - Various...
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
The girls were still feeling a little off, like they had forgotten something big. Something related to the goofy knight that had captured all their hearts. But for the life of them all they couldn't put their finger on it, plus there was a sudden distrustful jealousy of Cheerleaders that they couldn't explain. So they just chose to go along with Jaune's suggestion to get some lunch.
As they were moving past the various booths on their way to the Food Court, they passed a very militaristic booth. It instantly reminded Ruby of the Mobile Infantry Recruiting Booth from Day One of the convention. She shivered, knowing that through her inaction she had allowed Jaune to enlist.
????: Jaune? Jaune is that you?
Jaune: Huh? Did someone call my name? That voice. It couldn't be?
????: It is.
Jaune: (Turns to his right) Aunt Ripley? When did you get back?
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The girls all turned to their right, following Jaune's lead.
Ripley: Recently, and my, my you have gotten so BIG since the last time I saw you! Come give your Auntie a hug!
The girls watched as Jaune hugged the older woman, a bright smile on his face. When they ended the embrace, Jaune stepped back to stand with the girls.
Ripley: Now, who are these young ladies?
Jaune: Some friends from Beacon. Ruby Rose, team leader of team RWBY.
Ruby: Hi.
Jaune: Pyrrha Nikos, my partner and temamate on JNPR.
Pyrrha: Hello.
Jaune: This is Emerald Sustrai, she's from Haven and a member of team CMEN.
Emerald nods.
Jaune: and a pair of old friends from Ansel. You should remember Tiny Tina.
Ripley: I do. Good to see you again, Tina, and if my memory serves me correctly, you should be Jinx.
Jinx/Tiny Tina: Ms Ripley.
Ripley: So what brings you to this event, Jaune?
Jaune: My friends have talked me into getting a ranged option to round out my arsenal. Right now I'm only using Crocea Mors, so they think I should look at getting a gun.
Ripley: Not a bad idea. So, have you thought about what you want to get?
Jaune: A few people, I know, suggest a shotgun, but I'm still open to other ideas.
Ripley: Well, maybe I can help you. Come with me.
Ripley led the sextet towards the booth she had been at. As they closed the distance, they saw two armoured men, standing behind the display counter.
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Jaune: They look a little serious.
Ripley: Hicks and Hudson are good guys, and don't let their appearances fool you (whispers to Jaune) They're big softies.
The girls spread out to look at the display case as Jaune was introduced to his Aunt Ripley's companions.
Ruby: They do have a pretty good selection.
Pyrrha: They all look pretty sturdy and robust.
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Tiny Tina: What's this one? Here at the end.
Hudson: That's a M134 Motion Tracker.
Jinx: Motion tracker?
Hudson: Provides a 180 degree sensing hemisphere in the direction the operator is facing, that indicates the presence of anything moving, with distance from the operator. Great for watching for unseen or hidden threats.
Ruby: Is that a M41A with under barrel U1 grenade launcher?
Hicks: (Moving from Ripley and Jaune as they continue to talk.) You have a good eye. I have a feeling you know the specs too.
Pyrrha: She does. What about that big one? Looks like a machine gun.
Hudson: The M56 Smartgun.
Tiny Tina: Smartgun? How is it smart?
Hicks: Mounted on a self stabilizing arm that auto-tracks targets with an infrared target tracking system.
Jinx: So it would be good for someone with, like, NO firearms experience?
Hudson: It would. Takes the guess work out of hitting a target.
Tiny Tina: And this one here, next to the rifle?
Hicks: M240 Incinerator Unit. (Noticing the looks of the girls) It's a flamethrower.
Ruby/Pyrrha: Nope. Too brutal.
Hudson: When you're taking on Xenos... anything goes girlies.
Tiny Tina/Jinx: Xenos?
Hicks: Screen on the side of the booth, next to the armour display.
Girls: What the hell are those?
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Hicks: Xenomorphs, or Aliens. Steel like exoskeletons and molecular acid for blood.
The girls all grew wide-eyed. Those things made the grimm look like stuffed animals. Ruby and Pyrrha grew even more concerned, knowing that the last time Jaune visited a booth about a military style unit, he ended up enlisting.
Jaune: So, what do you think? That shotgun looks promising.
Hicks: Solid and true. War Era M37 pump, modified with a short barrel, capable of slam-firing.
Jaune: The pistol looks nice too, but I think I'd go with the shotgun.
Hicks: It's my personal favourite. Like to keep it nearby for ... "close encounters"
Ripley: So, see anything that tickles your fancy, Jaune?
Jaune: I think I'll get the shotgun.
Hudson: Okay, just some paperwork to do and...
Pyrrha/Ruby: NO! (Each girl taking a side and hooking Jaune under his arm pits, and before Jaune could struggle, Tiny Tina and Jinx moved in and lifted him by his legs.)
Hicks/Hudson: (Shouting as they watched a potential customer being hauled off) What are you doing?
Ripley: Put him DOWN NOW!
Hudson: I don't get it? It's only forms to get the proper licences. That's an over reaction, if I ever saw one.
Emerald: I'm sorry, but Jaune already enlisted with the Mobile Infantry. Thank you for your time.
Jaune: (in the distance) I'm sorry?
Hicks: United Federation, those blood suckers always looking for fresh meat for the grinder.
Hudson: Game Over, man. Game Over.
Ripley: (Whipping about to face the two marines) Get hold of Gorman. Tell him personal favour. Find a way to get Jaune out of the that enlistment!
(So I'm giving up on the Bolding of all the speakers. If this you find it is better with the bolding, DM or comment, and I'll edit this, and continue the practice in further posts. Hope you enjoyed.)
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bluecoolr · 1 year
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Me when he:
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bitchshitdewdrop · 2 years
I just think that them
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rock-n-macabre · 9 months
A PDF /screenshot I found online with some behind the scenes PvT Hudson info....
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theactioneer · 1 year
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Emma Porteous "Pvt. Hudson" costume from Aliens (1985)
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Bill Paxton as Pvt. Hudson in James Cameron‘s ALIENS (1986). So good!
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neon-green-reagent · 2 years
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Bill Paxton as Pvt William Hudson in Aliens (1986) 
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strictlyfavorites · 19 days
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BILL PAXTON was born on this day in 1955. A much-missed and popular actor, he's still the only person to be killed on-screen by a Terminator, an Alien and a Predator.
Pvt. Hudson scenes from Aliens in HD (Tribute to Bill Paxton)
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bluecoolr · 1 year
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Lock me in a room with this mf and watch us have the wildest fucking emotional breakdown together
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hiddennotions · 1 year
Pvt William Hudson/Bill Paxton in Aliens fancam (because I love him)
Song: 3005 by Childish Gambino
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Just for fun, if “Aliens” was made today (I picked actors who would’ve been around the same age as the original 1986 cast):
1) May Calamawy as Ellen Ripley
2) Josh Hutcherson as Cpl. Dwayne Hicks
3) Violet McGraw as Rebecca “Newt” Jorden
4) Michael Fassbender as Bishop
5) Amber Midthunder as Pvt. Vasquez
6) Thomas Mann as Lt. Gorman
7) Dacre Montgomery as Carter Burke
8) Joe Keery as Pvt. Hudson
9) Omar Sy as Sgt. Apone
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borom1r · 1 year
sorry at this point ik nobody cares abt me Aliens-posting but shoutout to @cary-elwes​ for hooking me up with a 4k screenshot of Hudson’s arm so i could figure out what his tattoo was.
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it’s a hinge on the inside of his elbow. Pvt. William Hudson for funniest man in the universe?
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