bestfattsong · 8 months
Qualifiers round 1, part A
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The top two characters will be eligible to proceed into the bracket!
Propaganda under the cut.
Do you know what you have to do to hurt someone in a fight if your whole power is “controls bugs?” It’s never pleasant. And this is a girl with an almost pathological drive to fight people theoretically much stronger than her. Much maggots-in-eyes and spiders-on-dicks ensue. Committed to being a hero initially, ends up becoming warlord of a whole city while defending it from super-poweeed spree killers, monstrous kaiju, and timeline-severing mobsters. Saves humanity through mass mind-control.
Shes so fucking morally ambiguous I don't even know where to start. She wanted to be a hero and then over the course of 1.7 million words she tricked me into thinking she was rational and ethically sound when she cut out someone's eyes, held someone's dying son hostage in front of them as leverage (she was killing the son), put maggots in someone else's eyes to eat them slowly, shot a fucking toddler with no hesitation, and she's such an amazing unreliable narrator that you root for her. She's genuinely so good at convincing herself that she's morally sound that she convinces the reader of it as well most of the time, but despite the atrocities (and there's a fucking ton of atrocities) she's genuinely a girl who wants to do good and help the world. She fights serial killers, provides food and water and shelter for people who need it, gets her back broken trying to save people, and is generally willing to do whatever it takes to help no matter what that entails. She's a girlboss who is terrifying and determined enough to kill god, she's willing to do anything for the greater good, she has a fucking orphanage as the bottom floor of her supervillain lair. She's so so complicated and such a twist of good and brutality and I cannot stress enough how compelling and morally ambiguous and girlboss she is. I have never seen a character who fits the title "morally ambiguous girlboss" more in my entire life and frankly I doubt I will, no one does it like her.
she went from aspiring hero > supervillain > warlord (still a supervillain) > hero > mind-controlling every cape in the multiverse to kill god. and she did kill god. so. girlboss. but on her first night out she used her bugs to bite a man's dick off. that man? trying to kill kids. those kids? teenage supervillains. she initially joined their teen supervillain group to betray them to the heroes, then joins for real. their boss kidnapped a preteen girl and got said girl addicted to drugs. he used a heist taylor was in as a distraction to kidnap the girl. taylor becomes a warlord and does all sorts of awful things to the other gangs in the city (including putting maggots in a guys eyes, and carving another man's eyes out (bug dick guy) (everything grew back)). the reason she did this? so she could kill her boss and free the preteen girl. She's taken over the city at this point, she's a warlord running a supervillain gang. what's she doing with this power? improving the city's infrastructure. she runs her territory like a panopticon, if anybody who can work isn't working they get the bugs. she's also running an orphanage out of her home. she decides to step down as warlord and join the heroes. while she's in custody, what does she do? that's right. kill superman via dry land drowning in bugs. now she's a superhero. she does stakeouts and pursues gangs to force their younger/more sympathetic members into superheroism. why? to fight the end of the world. the end of the world comes, god is killing every earth in the multiverse and things aren't looking good. what does taylor do? she asks a bio-kinetic who got sent to supervillain alcatraz for sister rape to give her on-the-spot brain surgery. this brain surgery lets her control any person within like 18 feet of her. she uses a portal guy to manage to ensnare every cape in the multiverse and unite them in her fight against god. One cape has a stress induced aneurysm. how do they ultimately defeat god? she makes large-scale replicas of his dead wife everywhere, making him so sad he becomes killable. girlboss. (sorry this was so long! i started and then just kept going. worm is 1.68 million words long and a lot happens in it)
Holy Shit. Holy SHIT dude. She rotted a man's dick off with spider venom. and then she did it again (it grew back). and then she cut his eyes out. this is the first guy she meets. she mutilates *so many* people. one time she withheld a life-saving epinephrine shot from a dying man (he was allergic to bees. she controls bees.) as extortion material. she shoots a baby (it was a mercy). She cut a girl in half (which was actually pretty high up there on the "most heroic things she did" list). She was Seinfeldian rivals with the most dangerous serial killer in existence, until she trapped him in Hell Forever. He's like still there by the end of the second book. she kills God by bullying him to death. All* of this was probably the best thing she could have done in the situation. the tagline of the book is "doing the wrong things for the right reasons." The worst thing she ever really did was to pretend she was straight though.
Did she kill an orphan? Yes. Did she put maggots into a man’s eyes? Yes. Did she do all of this while having intense homoerotic tension? Yes, and that is why she is a girlboss. She also killed Jesus
She has a power and her power is being an asshole. Her supervillain name is Tattletale because she will not shut up about things you didn’t want the world to know. I mean yes she does try to save people but she’s mostly saving them because less people means less lives to ruin!
Miss Militia was submitted without propaganda.
Bonesaw was submitted without propaganda.
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freibleibend · 4 months
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Worst GMMTV BL Series - Qualifiers Round
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Dark Blue Kiss VS Fish Upon The Sky
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the winner of this poll will be on the final bracket!
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panpanlikesesc · 2 months
My prediction for the first semi-final
(I left it for the last minute but better late than never)
•Qualifiers :
Croatia / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Serbia / Ukraine / Slovenia / Cyprus / Finland / Ireland / Portugal
•Non Qualifiers :
Australia / Azerbaijan / Poland / Iceland / Moldova
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E i dieci paesi che si qualificano per la finale sono.....
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Qualifier 1
The winner of this poll qualifies to the tournament. The second one will compete in a final poll. The others are eliminated.
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fuckbarca · 4 months
ollie did such a fantastic job today by the way,
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angelicswagsummit · 1 year
Qualifiers: Supernatural
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Oui, elle est magnifique 🥹
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bestfattsong · 8 months
Qualifiers round 1, part B
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The top two characters will be eligible for entry to the bracket!
Propaganda below the cut.
Riza Hawkeye:
The best sniper in the Amestris military and the common sense of Team Mustang. Would be a war criminal if there was a geneva convention equivalent in Fullmetal Alchemist. Her goal is to make the things she did in the Ishval civil war illegal and face trial for them. Fights with guns in a setting with monsters and people with alchemy magic.
Lust was submitted without propaganda.
Izumi Curtis:
She always introduces herself as "just a housewife" but is in fact an extremely powerful alchemist and fighter. She met her husband when she was walking through town carrying a bear she defeated with her bare hands. She is the teacher who taught the protagonists how to fight, and can still kick their asses to this day.
Olivier Mira Armstrong:
The general who commands the forces at Amestris northern border. Believes in survival of the fittest, thinks alternative perspectives are important to lead and says that racism is a luxury they can't afford. Once took a tank in an elevator to shoot it at a monster on another floor. Fooled a corrupt superior officer into thinking she was interested in joining his side to get him to divulge their plans, then killed him, buried him in cement and took his seat in central command to infiltrate the corrupt upper ranks as a double agent. Fights primarily with a sword in conflicts including people with magic alchemy powers and monsters created with those powers.
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Disney Parks Attractions showdown qualifers #3! Battle of the Indiana Jones Adventures
Qualification polls: 3/8
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Which should be in the bracket:
Videos under the cut!
Indiana Jones adventure: Temple of forbidden eye - Disneyland
Indiana Jones adventure: temple of the crystal skull - Tokyo DisneySea
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Worst GMMTV BL Series - Qualifiers Round
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A Boss and A Babe VS Vice Versa
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the winner of this poll will be on the final bracket!
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