#Quin's Head Canons
quinloki · 1 year
ABC Head Canon - Eustass Kid
SFW Alphabet!
18+ only
-:- Table of Consent -:-
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Kid is surprisingly affectionate. He's all about holding hands and snuggling, but unless he's being a cheeky bastard he's not going to do it in public much. He has a reputation to maintain (one that no one who knows him actually takes seriously, but still).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Kid as a best friend is 100% ride or die. He's going to be gruff, but he'll have your back in everything. He might be a dick about what he says or does, but at the end of the day you'll know that it was the best advice/action for you that he could provide.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I view Kid as a mult-tasker cuddler. He'll play video games while you're snuggled with him, or even read – if you're willing to hug onto like a reverse backpack he's even been known to work on tinker stuff, tilting his head down from time to time to kiss the top of your head while he fiddles with a project.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Kid is awful at cooking. He's surprisingly good at cleaning, even if he's not a fan of it, it's gotta get done. He'll pay for someone to keep common-areas clean, but his work spaces have lots of rules for cleaning and organizing (for safety and sanity reasons). He'll say he doesn't want kids or a family, but if the situation fell into his lap he'd be terrified and excited at the same time. He'd end up doing hours of research so he didn't mess anything up.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Eustass Kid breaking things off with someone would be cold and cruel. He'd want you to hate him by the time you walked away from it so that you wouldn't dwell on things and could move on faster. He'd be a real bastard, but then he'd be on a rage-bender for days or weeks because it would mess him up – even if he absolutely knew it was for the best. He's a soft-heart even if he'd die before he'd admit it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Kid doesn't think anyone is going to want to keep him around for forever. He would blow off concepts of commitment and marriage and be really flippant about them, but it's really just him trying to keep himself from getting his hopes up. He would be a nervous mess if he risked popping the question, but I think he would be completely okay with being asked.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Almost no one is going to equate GENTLE with Eustass Kid. He has the emotional subtly of a hammer, but he's painfully aware that he's a big, bulky, scary looking guy with scars and a gruff voice. Usually he utilizes this to keep people at a distance, but once he realizes you aren't afraid of him you'll see all the parts of him that are physically gentle. He struggles with emotions a lot, but he does try.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Kid loves hugs, but he's not one to initiate them. There's an emotional component to them, and he's not comfortable with that, so he'll hug when asked, but unless he's fired up and caught up in a celebration, he's not going to scoop someone up into a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Kid will swear you will never hear him say such a useless sappy word, and if you stick with him for forever you might only hear it a handful of times over the years, but his actions will speak for him long before he finally gives in and says it for the first time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Kid gets jealous easy, and it's a weird kind of jealous. It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust the world. If he cares enough about you To Get Jealous in the first place, then it's because you're a special person and he knows if he can see it, other people can see it. Since he doesn't think he's the kind of guy anyone wants to stay with, he gets tangled up in jealousy easily.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kid's more action than talk, and while hugs leave him feeling emotionally vulnerable, kisses are a way for him to show his skills, and he is not shy about showing off. He could write a book on different ways to kiss someone and be set for life.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Kid is a kid. He's a big kid. He's going to be young at heart for the rest of his life, and he's really great with kids. He's not entirely sure exactly what to do with kids that are too young to communicate, but loose a gaggle of 7-12-year-olds onto him and your biological clock will assure you he'll make a Great Dad™.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Kid are like being around a teddy bear. He doesn't say much, he'll cuddle you on reflex if you get too close, and if you want him to wake up faster you're going to have to consider some NSFW things.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
... Oh I can't really answer that safely, but, outside of Kid's favorite night time activity, he gets more energetic as the day goes on, so if you're too tired at night that's probably when he'll exercise, just so he can burn off enough energy to go to bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He's more upfront about things he thinks will scare you off at the beginning. If you stick around and get past that you'll slowly learn everything about him. It might take some time, but it won't necessarily be because he's embarrassed or secretive. He just doesn't think anyone would find him that interesting.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Kid's temper is like flash paper – it's easy to ignite and burns bright, but it doesn't last long. He can smolder about something for Weeks if it's really important, but if things get resolved he's not holding onto things. He only gets physical when there's a need for it – like an actual fight or conflict that requires it. As loud as he gets during an argument with a friend or partner he never lets it turn into a physical fight.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Kid doesn't want you to know that he knows, but he doesn't forget much of anything. His hobbies are detail-oriented, and so is he. But remembering things is sappy sucker stuff, so he's not admitting to any of it – but hang around him long enough and you'll realize he knows everyone's favorite drink, gives little random "whatever" gifts for every birthday, and certainly remembers to get tickets for the thing you mentioned that one time, and it's really no big deal.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There's that moment when even Kid can't argue that you like him. A touch, a phrase, an event, something where even the most oblivious person on the planet would know – that's his favorite moment. When there was no room for him to argue how you've felt about him and not even the worst of his brain weasels could convince him otherwise.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Kid's almost too protective. He's big and bad. The world's big and bad. And you're not. Not compared to him, not compared to a cruel world. He doesn't want to lock you away in a tower, but it's a tempting idea. He really struggles with letting you have healthy freedoms and such, balanced against making sure you're safe.
And while he can't stop you from protecting him in return, he won't be happy about it. I mean, he will be happy that you care enough to want to protect him, but he's the big bad tough one in the relationship, and he's supposed to protect you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As loud and proud as Kid is, his gifts and dates and such are surprisingly lowkey. He's not a shout from the mountaintops kind of guy when it comes to his love for you, but he doesn't forget. Even if he might let you think he has forgotten.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Kid doesn't handle his emotions well. As much as communication helps, sometimes you just have to let him fume for a while or cool off before you can do anything about it. It can be frustrating, but there's a lot of trauma behind it, and considering his size and strength, it's amazing that as ugly as it gets, he's never hurt anyone physically. He's hurled items around and punched holes in walls, but he's never even punched Killer during the worst of his fits, and Killer could legitimately take it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Kid is surprisingly well-groomed. He looks rough and tumble, and he's not walking around smelling like strawberries or anything, but he keeps things trimmed and keeps himself clean. Tinkering and robotics are easier when you're not grimy.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Kid can move on, and eventually he will if things don't work out, but if things last you'll get him to admit that he didn't even know he was missing something until you came along and like, don't let that go to your head or anything.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I don't think Kid ever knew a family before becoming friends with Killer. I feel like his name is Kid because he had like "Eustass" on a tag on a basket and the street people called him "That Eustass Kid" and he just decided his name was Eustass Kid. So when it comes to family stuff he's super awkward, but he always wanted one, so when it happens for him he's a mix of excited, happy and terrified he'll mess it all up.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Indecisiveness. Being wishy washy about things will drive him to making the choice for you, and neither of you are going to like that because he'll choose to cut his losses before things go any further.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Kid snores unless he's snuggling something. Doesn't matter if it's you, a pillow, a teddy bear or what. It's weird and you don't know why it works that way, but it does.
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punks-never-die205 · 5 months
Many people prefer Law over Kid viewing him as more attractive 🥴. What makes Kid in my eyes much more attractive is his passion and temper. While Law is kinda cold and distant with a low sexdrive Kid is very loving, affectionate and likes to show it. He enjoys showing his emotions through his body and sexuality. This makes him incredibly hot in my eyes 🔥🔥🔥
Those are very interesting head canons for those two characters \o/
I think one of the best parts about One Piece is that the cast is so vast there is always *someone* a person can connect with - in a lot of different ways too!
The other great part is that Oda’s continued insistence to avoid much canon romance is that it makes a MASSIVE playground for everyone to have fun in.
Sex god Eustass and awkward, easily flustered Eustass are both valid (and both plausible within the same head canon, people are complex like that!)
Awkward, nerd Law who can’t game his way out of a wet paper bag isn’t necessarily exclusive from dom Law who has your face buried in the mattress singing his praises like he’s your savior and this submarine is church.
But they can be \o/
I love no rizz nerd Law who talks about his figurines for three hours before your first kiss, and I love quiet and calculating Law who is walking you into his room so easily you think it was all your game. >.>
I love awkward virgin Kid, cumming in his pants when he makes you moan, promising he has stamina to keep going, and the King of Kink Kid who has you speaking in tongues before he’s even started prepping you.
In the end I just want peeps to enjoy their head canons and stories and day dreams without feeling like everyone has to agree with them for it to be valid. Variety is the delight of living and creating \o/
So delight in it and keep creating 🥰❤️😍
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Do you have any strawhat cuddle puddle thoughts?
Cuddle piles on the Straw Hat crew are relatively small.
Zoro, Luffy, Chopper
Sanji, Usopp, Chopper
Jinbei, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper is the biggest one.
Franky, Usopp, Luffy, Chopper
I think Robin and Nami will lean against someone and nap, but they don't risk a pile with the boys because Luffy's a bit like a cat and tosses and turns a lot and neither are willing to risk his foot in this face XD
Brook refrains from cuddle piles, but he has been pulled into a few and he appreciates the inclusion.
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north-blue-hearts · 1 month
How many hours of sleep do you think Law gets in an average night? I'm guessing maybe four hours, five or six if he's super exhausted maybe?
Two to three hours and he'd need a long nap halfway through the day, don't ask me how I know that.
Given the bags under his eyes, and the fact that he seems to nap on Bepo whenever the opportunity arises, I doubt he's seeing much more than 2-3 hours solid a night.
If that.
Away from the crew Law probably pulls all-nighters like his life depends on it - and you know he was NOT sleeping soundly while he was on Punk hazard. He was surviving by naps alone, and the few times his body pulled him into a deep sleep he likely woke with a start, angry to have fallen asleep at all.
He certainly strikes me as a "I'll sleep when I'm dead" type.
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palfriendpatine66 · 3 months
My headcanon: Obi-Wan definitely panicked the first time he thought about his ex Padawan in a not platonic way.
The shot of whatever Quin had pressed into his hands burned as he tossed it back, but Obi-Wan barely noticed. His attention was fully devoted to the blond with the long legs he spied across the dance floor, a human practically bathed in glitter and wearing pants so tight Obi-Wan wasn’t sure how it was even possible for the being to move. It had been a long time since Obi-Wan had been afforded the luxury of appreciating such a sight, of imagining how satisfying it would feel to temporarily lose himself and the burdens of war in that that body — and longer still since he’d had any ability to act on that fantasy.
Quinlan gave a brief salute and a knowing wink when Obi-Wan stood and ran his hand through his hair before stepping forward with a pickup line on the tip of his tongue that died in a strangled snarl and thankfully never made it past his lips.
As Anakin turned and zeroed in on the pair from across the room his smile of recognition shifted to confusion followed by concern when Obi-Wan backed away in apparent abject horror and crashed into the table behind him, spilling the array of drinks over himself and Master Quinlan Vos, who was doubled over in laughter.
Ask and you shall receive: send me a nsfw head canon and I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet
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hollywoodfamerp · 8 months
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Pack your bags, Famers! Our annual winter trip is taking place in Ireland! On February 17th, all celebrities will be arriving at the Adare Manor to kick off our trip! Named the #1 resort in Europe in 2023, Adare Manor sits on 840 acres of pristine parkland.
"It’s prestige without pretense and magic without nonsense. Above all, it is the sense of belonging. You are known. You are family. You are home."
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Addison Timlin & Sabrina Carpenter
Akanishi Jin & Lee Sunmi
America Ferrera & Ben Feldman
Andrew Garfield & Elizabeth Lail
Angourie Rice & Chris Evans
Anne Hathaway & Jenna Coleman
Ariana DeBose & Mason Mount
Ashton Irwin & Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight & Miley Cyrus
Bae Joohyun (Irene) & Dove Cameron
Barbara Palvin & Maxence Danet-Fauve
Beyonce Knowles & Chloe Bailey
Brie Larson & Brittany Baker
Callum Turner & Chace Crawford
Camila Morrone & Jessica Chastain
Cari Fletcher & Victoria de Angelis
Carrie Underwood & Gigi Hadid
Cate Blanchett & Ellie Bamber
Cha Eunwoo & Glen Powell
Choi Minho & Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San & Danielle Campbell
Choi Soobin & Rylee Arnold
Cody Christian & Lucy Hale
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) & Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Danny Amendola & Olivia Culpo
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) & Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dua Lipa & Joseph Quinn
Emma Stone & Chris Daughtry
Ethan Torchio & Damiano David
Florence Pugh & Cillian Murphy
Gareth Southgate & Byun Baekhyun
Harry Kane & Charlie Hunnam
Harry Styles & Mazz Murray
Hayley Williams & Luke Hemmings
Hwang Hyunjin & Bang Chan
Jackson Wang & Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower & Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Jenna Ortega & Halle Bailey
Joey King & Nick Robinson
Josephine Skriver & Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) & Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi & Jung Wooyoung
Kelsea Ballerini & Joe Keery
Kendall Jenner & Liam Hemsworth
Kim Hongjoong & Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo & Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu & Sana Minatozaki
Kit Connor & Gong Jichul (Gong Yoo)
Kylie Jenner & Christina Aguilera
Lauren Jauregui & Bill Skarsgard
Leati Joseph Anoa'i (Roman Reigns) & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Lee Felix & Dakota Johnson
Lee Jeno & Na Jaemin
Lee Taemin & Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock & Alycia Debnam-Carey
Lily James & David Tennant
Logan Lerman & Jeon Jungkook
Louis Tomlinson & Phoebe Bridgers
Lucas Wong & Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o & Tessa Thompson
Billie Eilish & Ryan Gosling
Madelyn Cline & Chase Stokes
Maika Monroe & Dylan O'Brien
Mark Lee & Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Min Yoongi & Kim Namjoon
Niall Horan & Matt Smith
Nicholas Galitzine & Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Jonas & Selena Gomez
Nina Dobrev & Sofia Carson
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) & Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha Banks)
Park Seonghwa & Lewis Pullman
Pete Davidson & Naomi Scott
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) & Taylor Swift
Renee Rapp & Olivia Cooke
Ross Lynch & Anya Taylor-Joy
Sam Claflin & Riley Keough
Samantha Gibb & Sydney Sweeney
Saoirse Ronan & Jack Lowden
Sarah Paulson & Jessica Lange
Sebastian Stan & Margot Robbie
Tom Hardy & Elizabeth Olsen
Tom Holland & Natalia Dyer
Tony Goldwyn & Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Travis Kelce & Romee Strijd
Troian Bellisario & Joshua Hong
Vanessa Hudgens & Matthew Macfadyen
Wong Kunhang (Hendery) & Jensen Ackles
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) & Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao & Noah Beck
Yoo Bora & Joe Burrow
Yoo Siah (Yooa) & Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zac Efron & Sophie Turner
Zendaya Coleman & Paul Mescal
Zoey Deutch & Dacre Montgomery
Zoë Kravitz & Lili Reinhart
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Does anybody know the name or have a copy of this fanfic where I believe lwj is a Lord and he has 5 wives. I believe wwx was the 2nd wife and lwj didn't really notice him until one day he saw him playing with the other wives children. And I think one of the wives either the 1st or 3rd tried to kill him for favor. @teamironman98
2. hello! I’m looking for a certain wangxian fic that crosses over with the tgcf world i think? Anyways it’s an au where wei ying is a former prince turned calamity and lan wangji is continuously reincarnating but a piece of his soul isn’t with him. I think there was a saying in the fic that goes “If you see a path of spiderlilies you’ll meet someone again.”
Anyways thank you for your time!
FOUND? A Path of Red Spider Lillies by glowingreverie (M; 208k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, hualian, TGCF fusion, angst w happy ending, comedy, mild sexual content, gore, death, past child abuse, supernatural elements, slow burn, WIP)
3. Hello, I'm trying to find a fix where WWX was raised by a family of prostitutes that eventually free themselves of their contract and made a living teaching their arts. One of them married a rogue cultivator that makes jewelry and taught it to WWX. Eventually he meets LWJ and they get together relatively quick. WWX never gets that much involved with the Jiang Sect other than saving it during the war and JC loses his core and never got involved in the war. @justscribblingnonsense​
FOUND? Flowers Blooming by Ilona22 (M, 35k, WangXian, Adoption, Prostitution, Family Fluff, Family Drama, Growing Up)
4. Hi can you help me find a fic about wangxian.. is that wei ying want work shop for all his crazy idea.. and wangji said make a space place in his arm sleeve because wei ying will safe with him... and wangji put his head down there to make sure it was safe for wei ying. To breath.. And I think later wei ying head pop out and kiss.
FOUND? My heart in my sleeve by exmanhater (G, 2k, WangXian, Crack, Qiankun Sleeves, Sleeve Husband, LWJ's Fondest Dream, Let LWJ Spoil His Husband, Post-Canon)
5. Hi! I'm hoping someone can help, please! I'm looking for a fic like The Yu Temper by madwriter223, where shortly after WWX frees the Wens from Qiongqi Path, JC decides instead to hell with it, flips, and promptly decides to start aggressively supporting WWX instead, along the lines of 'who are you to tell me what to do?!', resulting in the Wens being rehomed in Lotus Pier. This particular fic has JC swearing every sentence, even in his head, and potentially endgame Wangxian and Chenqing. I can't remember much more than that, I'm afraid but I'd be happy to receive any similar recs if you would rather make this a ITMF request instead! @katonahottinroof
Might be one of snowberryrose's 🤔
FOUND! With Such Impossible Conveyance by Comfect (T, 99k, JC & WWX, wangxian, JC/WQ, major character death, canon divergence, fix-it, angst w happy ending, anger management, canon-typical behavior, swearing, fluff, romance, everyone lives au, humor, podfic)
6. Hello - I’m trying to find a fic on the archive where Lan Zhan has full memories as a child and leaves cloud recesses and takes his mother with him. Then succeeds at finding Wei ying as a street child.
Eventually there is an entire Wei sect and wangxian ends up with a ton of kids via several women including wen quin. @soconfuzed​
FOUND? The Dreams of Youth by sami (E, 86k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, family, not lan sect friendly, canon typical violence & gore, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, mothers who live, some people live/not everyone dies)
7. Hello! I’m hoping you can help me find this fic. I remember so much about it apart from the name and tore through my bookmarks with no luck. It was a modern AU where WWX was a celebrity of some sort (idol/actor) and LWJ was a pet store owner. The two end up crossing paths and end up falling in love. I vividly remember the two of them going out with A-Yuan & being swamped by paparazzi and another scene where WWX is at a modeling shoot and LWJ steps in to help. I think it came out around 2021-ish? @heedoyurims
FOUND? I think number 7 is off-key by geragrena, which I am perpetually sad that I never downloaded a copy of before it was hidden.
ittybittywwx: i have a pdf copy off-key by geragrena so they can message me if they want it!!
8. Hello! Please help me find a fic/tell me if you remember it and it was deleted or something 🙏 My search through ao3 bookmarks and tags was unfortunate but the work was really interesting and I sudeenly remembered it some days ago and can't calm down still. Thank you!!
Possible but maybe not really used tags: arranged marriage, misunderstandings, political intrigues
As far as I remember, there was an arranged marriage between wwx and Iwj, but on the next day/a week after the wedding Iwj goes to see wen qing, which makes wwx miserable and yzy mad because of his "incompetence" as a spouse. Then there was a discussion between sect leaders, including wrh, where wrh announced that wq will become Iwj's concubine and their children will be considered Iwj's and wwx's. Wwx accepts the terms, but is shocked, mad and heartbroken beecause he concludes that it was planned in advance and Iwj is in love with wq. He does not try to listen to lwj, warns him not to touch him and runs away to a cottage in yiling (maybe? And maybe owned by jc or jyl) where he usually resides when mdm yu gets mad at him and kicks him out of the main sect territory
He takes in some homeless kids, including xy, as his little students?/adoptees? and i think mm is his servant, and he chills with them and makes talismans for common people maybe, remaking his reputation which suffered after the marriage fiasco. There was also a ghost of a woman who was in the house and was looking at wwx silently but in a very sad way (maybe possibly it could be madam lan or just undisclosed ghost lady)
There was a scene when wq comes to visit him. She has a lan ribbon on her arm which makes wwx heartbroken again. She somehow explains without apologising that everything is not as it seems and that it had to be done to save her family. It all makes wwx feel like he was outcasted by everyone in the knowledge of the situation for no real reason and with no care for his own reputation and life. Also I think mm who previously thought that she and wq were maybe friends says after the talk that it seems like they are not really friends because wq seems to treat her not as an equal but as a friendly servant instead
Then something something with wc and I remember a scene in a cave where wx and Iwj are trapped and somehow kiss, and then Iwj is like pulling himself away and mentioning wq, which makes wwx miserable because there is possibly a soulmate thingy? btw them and he feels awful
And then i remember jzx, who is maybe friends with Iwj, being mad at wwx for something and asking if he knew what Iwj did for him and wwx has absolutely no idea
The latest chapters I remember included some nsfw, more angst and misunderstandings, and possibly Iwj blaming wwx for pretending to ignore/knowingly hiding the fact that they are soulmates and wwx being scared that his kids will be taken away from him and given to the lans. And there was a heavy sence that there are lots of things happening wwx has no idea about, including (possibly) lwj's letters to him
Thank you for your work!! @shellennium
FOUND! No. 8 sounds like A Price to Pay by Wangxianist but it was deleted.
9. Hello! Thank you do much for all your hard work
I was wondering if you or any if your followers could help me find the fic where wwx is the God of the new moon. I tried looking in the tags for diety wwx but either I missed it or it's not tagged that way. I'm pretty sure he turns into a human later on but I don't remember much else. Thank you!
FOUND? A Secret Never Shared by Vrishchika (T, 28k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, frankencanon, Pining, Soft LWJ, Deity WWX, BAMF WWX)
FOUND? Of Destruction and Rebirth by demoniqt (M, 77k, wangxian, slow burn, god wwx, bamf wwx, grieving lwj, angst, hurt/comfort, fix-it, happy ending, attempted non-con, blood & gore)
FOUND? Lying on the Edge of a Star by Suspicious_Popsicle (T, 75k, WIP, WangXian, Universe Alteration, Slow Burn)
FOUND? A Wish For The Moon by PixieLeader (G, 15k, WangXian, Fantasy, Soulmates)
10. hihi! I had wanted to rec this for #1 on the previous itmf (March 25th) but I realized I never saved it to my read list so I can't find it anymore!! 😭 it was a 3zun fic where I'm pretty sure jgy was forced by jgs into marrying warlord nmj. the rest of the world believed that the nies, esp nmj, are barbarians and super evil. so when jgy gets sent to the nies, he's mentally preparing himself to be raped or killed by nmj, but turns out nmj is super nice! and when jgy meets lxc (who is already married to nmj), lxc is really kind to him. and slowly jgy opens up to both of them and I think at one point they all go on a picnic date at a mountain? and later they get attacked while they're riding on horseback? honestly it's been so long I'm having trouble remembering the details skdjskd. also btw even though the plot sounds somewhat similar to the nielan fic soaring, carried aloft on the wind, that's not the one! this one was definitely 3zun and also from jgy's pov. hopefully someone knows the one I'm talking about!😭 @cryiling
FOUND! Perhaps Plural by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf and tardigradeschool (E, 77k, 3zun, historical, arranged marriage, established nielan, developing 3zun, romantic comedy, angst w happy ending, hurt/comfort, pining, slow burn, misunderstandings, smut)
11. I'm looking for a fic where wwx died during some point in the burial mounds and became a god of death or something similar. In one part he figured out or was taught how to take a female form. He could visit people in their dreams as well. I swear I had it bookmarked, but can't find it. Thanks!
FOUND! Of Destruction and Rebirth by demoniqt (M, 77k, wangxian, slow burn, god wwx, bamf wwx, grieving lwj, angst, hurt/comfort, fix-it, happy ending, attempted non-con, blood & gore)
12. hi! this my first time sending an ask to this blog so I'm a little unsure if I'm doing this correctly but I'm trying to find this fic where JC noticed an older disciple acting weird/inappropriate with WWX at Lotus Pier when they were kids so JC informs JFM and JFM gets super angry and kicks the older disciple out of the sect or something along those lines. I can't remember if JC had travelled back in time and that's why they were kids again or if it was just JC remembering something from his childhood. I unfortunately don't remember anything else about the plot 😔
thank you for your time! 🧡
FOUND! chapter 4 of Cotton Wool by incendir (M, 34k, WangXian, LJY/OMC, ZhuiLing, JC & WWX)
13. Somewhere on AO3 there is a fic where LXC and NM threw the yin iron into the volcano and now the world is ending and they ask WWX about saving it and he's like yeah, we're doomed... @mreisse
FOUND! built by the fires of volcanoes by isabilightwood (T, 26k, wangxian, time travel, crack treated seriously, canon divergence, fluff & humor)
14. Hey there! I’m having trouble finding this one specific fic. It is wangxian. Wei Ying sent Lán Wangji his drawing of a field of white bunnies (and I belief his donkey was in the picture as well?) and a letter. This was the last thing he sent to Lán Wangji before he disappeared. I remember Sizhui being with Lan Wangji and other junior disciples in the search for Wei Wuxian. Cut to them finding the white bunny field, they still don’t find him. As they return to Cloud Recesses, it turns out that Lan Sizhui took a bunny from that field. Specifically a non white bunny. That is all I can remember… thank you for the help!
FOUND! Yiling Patriarch Gone Missing, or: a series of missing person cases by oyan (T, 16k, wangxian, post-canon, case fics, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, body dysphoria, mystery, slow burn, petty LWJ, protective LWJ, JC & WWX reconciliation, protective JC, rabbit & paperman shenanigans, eventual relationship, protective JL, WIP)
15. Hello! I'm looking for a fic that I'd seen in a recent ITMF list but couldn't find it again. It was about lwj dealing with the aftermath of wwx's death and the discipline whip. Canon-compliant, and I believe it was an entire series of one-shots where the first fic focused of lwj and I believe the second one was about lsz
Hello! I'm #15 on the lastest fic finder. I'm afraid that's not the work I was looking for. The one I wanted wasn't a locked piece and I believe it dealt mainly with "chronic grief", but thank you for your efforts :)
NOT FOUND! The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide)
FOUND! no new age Series by everythingispoetry (M, 145k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Permanent Injury, Recovery, Disability, Parenthood, Character Study, Thirteen Years of WWX's Death, Growing Up, Family Dynamics, Character Study, Self-Discovery, Mental Health Issues, Developing Relationship) although this isn't one-shot
NOT FOUND! Velle: to will, to wish by Aerlalaith (T, 30k, wangxian, angst, hurt/comfort, blood & injury, injury recovery, canon temporary character death, single parent LWJ, family issues, character study, healing, grief/mourning, trauma, nightmares) could be mine: "Velle: to will, to wish" where the first one is LWJ grieving/healing after the discipline whip and the second one is a oneshot about LSZ's courtesy name.
16. Hello, for fic finder I want to find a short story set post canon where Wei Wuxian is transformed into a cat and keeps Jin Ling company, I vaguely remember a scene where Wei Wuxian in cat form bapped Fairy on the nose with his paw and stared in wonder at his paws possibly realising he had claws or in wonder that he touched a dog without running away screaming. I think he later figured out how to transform into his cat form at will to nap in sunbeams. Finding this story has been driving me nuts any help is greatly appreciated. @sorathemasterofmasters
FOUND? deep and inscrutable by twigofwillow (T, 1k, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, LSZ & LJY show up briefly, poor JL suffers so much, WWX does not care for Fairy at any time, it is a beautiful morning in Lanling and you are a horrible cat, Humor) this sounds like "deep and inscrutable" by twigofwillow, it doesn't have him figuring it out but he's definitely thinking about it, and the other details match
17. Hello, I recently remember this fic that ive read months ago and im not sure if i remember it correctly, i cant find it anymore so i hope u guys can help me with this.
- its a modern fic. wei ying is sick then he lives with the lans. i remember him going to the same school(?) with lan zhan. i think lqr told lz to take care of him smth like that. then there's a girl that is also sick(?) there's a scene where wy asked lz to stay with him but then lz left and chose the other girl (lz didnt know that wx is sick and he was like the girl needs me more than u) there's a confession on a radio station(?) then when lz found out that wy is sick he ran back to him. there's also jiang-wen family connections. wy is cousins to the jiangs and has a connection with wens, im not sure if rouhan is his grandfather or uncle or smth. then they found out there's a scene where madam yu slapped the girl because of what she did (hurt wy) and they cut off ties (business/job) with their family
im not sure if im talking about one story or two.
For #17 I'm sure I've read the fic but it was when I was early into fandom and new to AO3. Also the girl is engaged to LWJ or something. WWX already is in love with LWJ,  but he's sick and gonna die in a year
18. hi, can u guys help me to find this: lwj is a doctor, lxc and nmj are i think cops(?) detectives(?) smth like that then wwx is a fox. they rescued wwx from the basement where someone cuts off his fox tails to sell. he was badly treated. lwj is his doctor and wwx somewhat attached to lwj. wwx also has a doll(?) or smth named wen qing. he's very protective of it. lwj is the one taking care of him. its not yet completed when i first read it.
FOUND! sounds like the deleted "Dragon's Nestling" by the deleted user "TheAcademy".
The work ID was /42035667.
19. I’m looking for a wangxian modern with cultivation fic where WWX was kicked out of yunmeng for something that Jiang Cheng did. He wound up having most of his golden core removed but was able to recultivate one. Cultivators had to wear body cams when on assignment, and someone hacked into the files and released the film of what actually happened during the night hunt that WWX got kicked out for.
I didn’t actually read it, I saw the summary and tags and planned to go back and read it later…and now I can’t find it. 90% sure it was complete and it’s on Ao3.
Thanks for the help! @worthlessnepenthes​
FOUND! Hey hey I'm almost certain 19 of the very recent fic finder is Truth Will Out (when caught on video) by KizuKatana (E, 25k, wangxian, WN & WWX & WQ, modern cultivation, YZY abuses WWX, caught in camera, partial core removal, WWX expelled from Jiang sect, live streamer WWX, meet-ugly, dual cultivation, WIP) I was literally just reading the new chapter right before this. It's still a WIP.
20. Hiya! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic where wwx tried to commit suicide and jc finds him in the bathtub and it's kinda about him recuperating, and lwj helps take care of him? Its a modern au and wwx initially lives with jc and jyl. I'm pretty sure I've seen it here, but I can't for the life of me remember the name. Thanks for your help!
FOUND? 总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note)
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quinloki · 1 year
ABC HeadCanon - Eustass Kid
NSFW Alphabet!
18+ only
-:- Table of Consent -:-
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NSFW Alphabet!
A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
He's never been exhausted after sex. You'd probably have to use toys on him to wear him out without also wearing yourself out, but because of that he's got plenty of energy to take care of you both. He gets you and himself cleaned up, being really warm and gentle in the shower or bath. He's really easy to rile back up, and he'll only give you one chance to let him know if you're legitimately too tired – it's a surprisingly sweet mix of cocky and gentle.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
Kid likes his right hand – in AUs where he has both flesh hands he'll say he likes his tongue. For you it depends on where you are in the relationship. He'll say you have a nice ass at the start, admit you've got really beautiful eyes when he's admitting that he's caught feelings for you, and after that he'll admit that it's that one space he found on accident the other night that made you make that sound, and now that's his favorite part of you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He just wants to cover you in it or fill you up with it. He swears that you sound different when you orgasm right after he fills you up, but you think he's just being a bastard about teasing you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I... cannot imagine Kid having a dirty secret he wouldn't be willing to share. Which then wouldn't make it a secret. The trick would be figuring out if everything he's admitted to is legit, or if some of it is just him being a cheeky bastard.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
Kid growing up on the streets mean he's got experience. His mouth probably got him into an intimate situation more than once because he wouldn't back down. He doesn't equate sex with love, but when he loves someone he tends to let them set the pace so he doesn't run them off by coming on too hard too fast.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any way where he can see your face. Whether via mirror or whatever, just being able to watch your face as he messes you up with pleasure is a real ego boost for him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's probably had a couple moments where things went goofy unintentionally, but giggles would be turned back into moans real quick.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Kid keeps himself trimmed and clean. He wants the focus to stay on yours and his pleasure, and not get derailed by errant hairs or anything else. If you like things hairier though, he'll let himself go feral. He won't shave or wax though, he doesn't like what it does to his skin.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's an action over words kind of guy, and that means he'll do a lot of little gestures and shrug them off if you point them out. Like bringing you a drink when you were just thinking you were getting kind of thirsty, or splitting his fries without you asking, or skipping a song because the last time it came on he saw you made a face.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He certainly does, but he almost never mentions it to you. He doesn't want to accidentally guilt you into sex if you aren't up for it. He's a big boy, he can take care of himself when he needs to – and if you're up for it after he's already taken care of himself? Well, there was gonna be foreplay anyway, so he'll recover.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I've said before, and I'll say again – Kid's kinks have kinks. He's got you comfortable with safe words for months before he does anything to even get you to say one of them. No matter what you ask for or want to try he's always up for doing it at least once.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's not much of an exhibitionist – only because he doesn't want anyone else to see you looking and sounding like that – but he'll let you think he is one, if teasing you about it will turn you on more. Aside from that, he's up for any place and time, though one of his favorite places is the workshop.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's up for a good romp without prompt 99% of the time, but when you come to him and ask for it, there's a sweet chill that runs up his spine and he's struggling to restrain himself for the first few minutes, so he doesn't accidentally hurt you.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Choking – it's not that he's exactly against it, but he's worried about getting caught up in it or doing it wrong. He'll steal your breath and make you dizzy in other ways, but unless he makes a prosthetic specifically optimized for it, he'll shy away.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kid takes pride in his oral skills. You make the mistake of doubting him at one point and he goes down on you for so long you were begging him to stop. He does like receiving as well, but you get the impression he'd rather give than get – not that he'd turn it down, but he rarely prompts you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
His default is fairly rough, but he has the skills to run the whole gamut. You riled him up one time for an entire day and by the time he finally snapped he was rough and unforgiving. It was still hot as hell, but he was grumbling for a couple days afterward because you were too sore and needed to heal up. He'd rather do it every day than have to hold back, so you don't push him that much too often.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Despite his personality, Kid doesn't care for quickies. He's not a fan of rush jobs in any sense of the word. The quickest he cares to go is somewhere around the 20 minute mark, and if things wrap up that fast there's going to be a round two or three afterward. (Good meals take time >.> )
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Eustass is open to a lot of things, and is certainly a "try something once more if you like it" kind of guy. The only thing he prefers to avoid is anything that you'll have to spend a day or two recovering from. Certain things can be worked around, however, and you'll get to see his softer side if you're only dealing with rope burns the next day.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Eustass is a machine. He loves machines, he builds machines, he's part machine, and even his flesh parts seem to be machine too. You aren't sure what it would take to wear him out, but after a while you're convinced the answer is a harem.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Eustass doesn't just own toys, he builds his own. He seems to make more the longer you two are together, and he's scary good at tailoring them. He does have toys for himself, but he generally uses them to calm himself down when he needs it and you're either not available or there's not enough time and he needs to focus.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eustass loves to tease. He generally uses it to rile you up and then make you a mess afterward, but he'll certainly tease you to tears with edging if you've, um, "earned" it. He'll bring toys into it, everything from feathers to a custom built sybian.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He likes to talk dirty, but aside from the commentary he doesn't make much noise. You can hear him grunt and hiss from time to time when something hits particularly well, but usually he's enjoying the sounds he's making you make, and he doesn't want to miss those.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He enjoys being pegged. He walked you through the whole process and you have to admit you were a little drunk with power making him cum that way. He fucked you for so long afterward you could barely move the next day, so it's not something you do often.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
I don't see there being much of anything going on under Kid's clothes. If it's an AU where there aren't any devil fruits, then he probably has some interesting piercings, but if he has his DF he's completely unpierced. He'd be too eternally embarrassed if he yanked a piercing outta himself because of a surge or awakening.
ETA: I have learned this is referencing one's size/shape and look – Eustass is big. Thick and definitely pushing the upper limits of "is that going to fit!?"
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He's got a healthy sex drive, but once he got attached to you it's gone up. He does his best to restrain himself so you aren't put off/exhausted/bothered by it, but if you vacation with him and there's nothing solid planned, then you can expect to have rounds and rounds of sex for days straight before he's slowing down.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He doesn't fall asleep after. He's usually wide awake after you're both done, and sometimes he'll even go work in the shop for a while because he's too energized. If you're not teetering on the edges of passing out he'll bring you with him to keep you nearby, but he'll also stay in bed and snuggle you until you fall asleep before he'll go burn off his excess energy on his own.
When you wake up, here's right there by you, so you're not sure how often he goes to the workshop.
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punks-never-die205 · 1 month
Who among the core four has the lowest tolerance for the cold?
I can see Kid being on one end of the scale being like "Pfft, this is nothing." while on the other end we have someone else shivering and chattering his teeth "Dude, how long before the log pose resets? I'm turning into an icicle over here."
I actually think Kid's more the wimp about the cold than any of the others. He won't admit - he'll let his lips turn blue before he'll put anything on to keep warm.
Sure, he runs warm, you can watch the steam roll off him in the right conditions, but he's freezing his damned ass off.
Wire's second to him, but Wire'll voluntarily bury himself under any number of blankets, coats, Killer's hair, etc. he can get his hands on.
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Xam you are feeding me tonight with this Ace Werewolf stuff. Like, not just the smexy parts, but the world building too <3 (Poor Thatch, come here my barrel chested cook, I will pet you.)
But I just wanted to toss my appreciation at you <3 I love all your head canon stuffs ^_^ (And your art... Okay, I just really enjoy you and your blog, NGL).
MUAH QUIN UR SO SWEET blows kiss at u platonically
Marco introducing Ace to Thatch like my furry boyfriend if you will and its like a switch flipped
Thatch ends up bawling his eyes out like holy shit you— this guy understands me what the hell
Ace is like yooooo dogbro yeah ask me anything im an expert lol
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cottonraincoat · 4 months
wip wednesday
aromantic obi-wan & quinlan edition. yeah I'm still writing that
I think by the time I'm happy with this I will have posted every scene in these snippets
“Do you ever wonder?” Obi-Wan asked, one Love Day Dex’s Trip or another, “What all this,” he gestured around them, “is about?” 
Quinlan blinked.
“What do you mean?”
“You know,” Obi-Wan shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “The ‘love’ thing.” 
Quinlan immediately grimaced, which made Obi-Wan hide a smile. 
“Do you have to ask?” he said, as if offended and betrayed that Obi-Wan should say such a thing. 
“Why, what’s wrong with it?” 
“Hm, a path to the dark side, it is.” Quinlan harrumphed, making a funny face.
“Not even try, you did.” Obi-Wan snarked right back, “come on, answer the question.” 
Quinlan’s mouth twists around a new mouthful of burger. “It just creeps me out.” he swallows, “I mean, if you’ve touched the wrong wedding ring or a locket, you’d agree with me. It kriffs you up. You know what I mean, don’t you? It makes them so… sad, and makes them willing to cut off an arm and a leg just for a feeling. I mean, sure, they’re happy sometimes, but it’s like you become obsessed— possessed, even. You turn into someone you can barely recognize.” The young man shook his head. “That’s no thanks from me.” 
Obi-Wan stuck his tongue into the side of his cheek. So, the story books and old folks on their porch liked to say, the galaxy was full of young men declaring that they too didn’t want this until it found them. But it was rare enough that Quinlan took the topic seriously, and Obi-Wan had no doubt he knew exactly what he wanted. 
Obi-Wan wasn’t satisfied, however. A part of him, the part that knew by then how much sadness his heart was made of, went quiet. Something didn’t add up. As much as he knew what Quinlan was talking about, it wasn’t… exactly what he asked. 
After all, people were meant to come into each other’s lives and shuffle the parts about, weren’t they? 
“Now, see,” Obi-Wan leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table and crossing his hands, “if I hadn’t dragged you to the Lothal natural history museum, you wouldn’t have ever seen yourself doing that,” he grinned triumphantly when Quin rolled his eyes, “much less realize how much you’d love it. Hasn’t that turned you into someone you don’t recognize?” 
Quinlan snorted. “Lothcat aren’t people.” 
“Well but I am!” Bold now, and pushing his luck with the funny word, “don’t you love me, Quin?” 
Quin’s expression in reaction was appropriately bemused, before it turned thoughtful. He seemed to push it around his head, while leveling a curious look at Obi-Wan, understanding, perhaps, more than he let on. 
Because, well, for all that Obi-Wan found the holodramas frivolous and vain, thought himself steadfast and unwavering in his march towards the goal, the dream of becoming a Jedi Knight— he hadn’t realized just how much he was inclined to give his heart away. Melida/Daan was the first time. And even that was only a variation on the theme of his reaching towards Qui-Gon, a Master that, in spite of everything, showed so little love, and being needed. 
This was why Obi-Wan wanted another loose canon to check himself against, knowing what he by himself was susceptible to. It’s been many years and many Love Days of eyerolls, but Obi-Wan could not shake this damning knowledge of himself. That he loved, and loved deeply. In a way he couldn’t explain, a way the rest of the world and their flashy Love Day adverts thought inconsequential, or unseemly to talk about.
“Does it have to be called love?” Quinlan said then, a bit softer. “Maybe it’s just me,” he conceded. “I’m always spending time with the evidence of how it twisted and hurt them. It’s not the happy endings that needed investigating. But still…”
“But still,” Obi-Wan crossed his arms, feeling irrevocably exposed, “Love isn’t always about lovers.” 
“Maybe you’re right,” Quinlan took another bite of the burger, pulling out a bit of leafy green and twirling it between his fingers. “You can call it anything else. I trust you, with my life, and I admire you. I enjoy hanging out with you, because you say stuff like this. I look up to you, even though you have to stand on a chair for it, and I am proud of you for how far you’ve come since the day I met you.” He grinned, “See? And it makes you squirm just as much as if I’d said I love you.” 
“Now you’re just being stubborn.” 
“And so are you.” Quinlan pointed at him with the floppy leaf.
Obi-Wan grimaced, and Quinlan laughed.
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Welcome to the Soneva Jani! 
“Soneva Jani is nestled within the tranquil waters of the Noonu Atoll, where sun-drenched blue skies and azure seas stretch out in every direction. One of the world’s lowest density resorts, there are just 51 over-water and three island residences, the largest and most luxurious villas in the Maldives, each designed for the ultimate privacy, space and breathtaking ocean views. Relax in iconic Water or Island Villas for the ultimate indulgence.”
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Alexis Kaufman (Alexa Bliss) and Taylor Swift
Ana de Armas and Eiza Gonzalez
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Andy Biersack and Camila Mendes
Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow
Anya Taylor-Joy and Renee Paquette (Renee Young)
Ariana Grande and Florence Pugh
Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair) and Billie Eilish
Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings
Austin Butler and Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Ava Max and Geoff Wigington
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Nick Robinson
Ben Platt and Emily Bett Rickards
Beyonce Knowles and Gong Yoo
Bill Skarsgard and Lucy Hale
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
Brett Tucker and Sarah Drew
Brittany Baker and Tyler Hoechlin
Bruno Mars and Shelley Hennig
Byun Baekhyun and Timothee Chalamet
Camille Rowe and Elizabeth Gillies
Carrie Underwood and Molly-Mae Hague
Cate Blanchett and Julianna Margulies
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) and Jackson Wang
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San and Jeon Junkook
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Christian Yu and Kim Jisoo
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Cindy Kimberly and Niall Horan
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Crystal Reed and Valentina Zenere
Damiano David and Olivia DeJonge
Diamante Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie) and Kim Hongjoong
Dove Cameron and Noah Cyrus
Dua Lipa and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe
Dylan Sprouse and Madelyn Cline
Eduardo Franco and Peyton Meyer
Emilia Clarke and Jake Gyllenhaal
Emily Osment and Meryl Streep
Emma Mackey and Nick Jonas
Emma Stone and Maura Higgins
Florence Welch and Gigi Hadid
George MacKay and Saoirse Ronan
Grace Van Dien and Harry Kane
Grace Van Patten and Lily Collins
Hailey Baldwin and Joey King
Huh Yunjin and Jerome Flynn
Jamie Campbell Bower and Zendaya Coleman
Jesse Lingard and Ryan Gosling
Jessica Chastain and Robert Pattinson
Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson
Joe Keery and Maya Hawke
Joseph Quinn and Riley Keough
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Karlie Kloss
Kathryn Hahn and Liam Hemsworth
Kehlani Parrish and Selena Gomez
Kim Jongin and Lee Taemin
Kim Jungwoo and Lucas Wong
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Kim Taehyung and Jung Wooyoung
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) and Mark Lee
Lee Felix and Lee Know (Minho)
Lili Reinhart and Zoe Kravitz
Louis Tomlinson and Ross Lynch
Lupita Nyong’o and Tessa Thompson
Madelaine Petsch and Otto Wood
Maia Mitchell and Mike Faist
Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan
Mason Mount and Taylor Hill
Mazz Murray and Shay Mitchell
Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion) and Park Seonghwa
Meghann Fahy and Victoria De Angelis
Mercedes Varnado (Sasha Banks) and Pamela Martinez (Bayley)
Natalia Dyer and Tom Holland
Perrie Edwards and Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn Mendes and Sydney Sweeney
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Xiao Dejun (Xiajun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Lauren Jauregui and Elizabeth Olsen
Zoey Deutch and Park Jinyoung 
Alycia Debnam Carey and Hailee Steinfeld
Pedro Pascal and Sadie Sink
Avril Lavigne and Olivia Rodrigo
Sarah Hyland and Jenna Ortega 
Jade Thirlwall and Kathryn Newton
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Naivi Becoming a Protagonist
Content warning for suggestive themes. I really wanted to imagine the scene where Naivi finally realizes she was wrong and joins Chess. So, I wrote this! It’s fun! Basically canon, but will probably be different when I finally write it, lol. Almost 2,000 words.
Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout, and @grailfish!
I crouched taut and nervous, staring out into the crowd heading to the square. The leaders were going to announce that humans were equal to the other species. Quin had worked so hard to get here. We all had. I couldn’t let anything happen now.
As the crowd thinned and the leaders started the announcement, I saw her, and my chest ached. Naivi was here to stop all of this. Everything we worked so hard for.
I jumped down, landing right in front of her. She didn’t flinch as she stared me right in the eyes. “You don’t know what you’re doing, Chess. The species will never keep their word. They’re going to condemn all humans, and you’ve let them!”
I shook my head. “Just listen. Please! We’ve worked so hard for this. Before you do anything, please listen to what they have to say!”
Naivi snarled at me, and tears blurred my vision. I didn’t want to fight her. “They always lie! They’ve always used humans as just their toys, something to use and dispose of! They took away your memories and put you back in the enclosure! You should understand what I’m talking about!”
I blinked away the tears and glared at her. “Do you think that the species are the only ones that have done horrific things? Humans have as well! Some of the worst things I went through were at the hands of humans! Why should they deserve to live if you think all the other species should die? I think that all of them deserve to live, Naivi. And working to live together is much better than thinking a whole group of people should just die.”
She wavered. I could see it in her expression. But she just fucking shook her head and held out a phone. “I have people from the experiments waiting to attack. Take this from me, or they will ruin everything you’ve worked for. If the species won’t anyway.” She sneered. “Let’s see if your foolish belief is strong enough to defeat me.”
I glared and screamed and lunged for her, but she stepped out of the way. Why was she doing this? Why couldn’t she listen? I didn’t want to hurt her! But I couldn’t let her ruin everything we worked for! I couldn’t let humans become worse off because of my fucking love for this stubborn woman!
She tried to move back away from me even more, but I activated my magic—that damn magic that she had allowed me to use without hurting myself—and I blocked off any escape from the alleyway we were in. She glanced back at the flames and looked back at me with awe in her eyes as I ran at her, my blue fire dragon wings spreading to touch both walls of the alleyway.
I tackled her to the ground and pinned her. She just stared at me, and I grabbed the phone, melting it into a puddle off to the side. I glared down at her, starting to cry. My friends would want me to kill her. She was dangerous. She could just come back and attack again. The people from the experiments who had been with her could just attack whenever, and I probably couldn’t stop all of them. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t kill her. She had shown me care and kindness. She had told me that I needed friends. She had fixed my prosthetics so that the magic wouldn’t hurt me anymore. All she had to do was fucking listen!
“You’re throwing away any chance for humans to be seen as equal to the other species for this! It’s what Maisa wants! Aeflin is a part of it too! And you’re throwing your life away doing this! There will still be individuals in the species who won’t agree with this. Who will stop them and keep people safe if you’re dead? Damn it, Naivi! You talk all about friends and how important they are, and then you do everything by yourself, and you won’t listen to anyone else!” She stared at me, but I continued before she could speak. “And you want to lose, don’t you? Why the fuck would you not really fight back? If you want to lose so badly, listen to what is being said.”
I didn’t move from her, but I did get rid of my fire so she could hear what the leaders were saying.
“We will allow humans to be released from the enclosure as soon as possible. We are talking with the human leaders through their representative, Vesper Ilios, and we will work on taking down the wall and letting humans go wherever they want. To help with this transition, we’ll make volunteer places where humans can volunteer to be fed on, with rules and protections in place. We will work hard to make this process as painless as possible while also keeping the humans as safe as possible. It is now a punishable act to take a human without their permission.”
I looked back at Naivi, and she was staring towards the square. Her eyes widened, and she shook her head. I frowned. “Naivi…”
“No!” She kicked me off of her and backed up, shaking her head. “They’ll…they have to be lying! I…I’m wrong?” Her voice got small, and tears streaked down her cheeks.
I reached out to her. “Naivi, Aeflin is using you. I promise. She wants to use you as a scapegoat. Please, believe me.”
She shook her head, her eyes glazing over, and she just ran away. Creed ran up to me, pulling out a gun, but I took it from him, shaking my head. “Please. She might have actually listened to me.”
They looked over at me with a frown, but they shrugged. “Fine. We were able to get the leaders on our side, so she’ll hopefully see that the species are changing.”
I nodded, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from where Naivi had disappeared. She would realize how wrong she had been. Wouldn’t she?
We were back at Killian’s house, trying to figure out how to fight against Maisa and Aeflin. They would still be fighting to enslave humans, and they would be the biggest resistance to the leaders’ announcement. Everyone else was exhausted and had gone asleep, but I couldn’t.
So, I walked outside and sat in the darkness alone. I just closed my eyes and listened to the nighttime sounds. I hadn’t heard from Naivi at all. She had probably run back to Aeflin and had listened to her. I’d have to fight her again probably. Would I ever be able to get her to listen?
I hissed out a breath and opened my eyes, bringing a small flame to my fingertips. She’d die. She’d die if I couldn’t get her to change her mind.
I jumped up and looked around, and…and she was walking towards me. Naivi. I frowned and stayed back. She looked disheveled, and there were tear stains down her cheeks. “What…what are you doing here?” I couldn’t help but tense up. “If you’re here to fight, I’ll—”
“I had nowhere else to go!” she cried. She ran towards me, and I brought my hands up in a half-hearted fighting stance, but she just hugged me and buried her face in my shirt.
My cheeks burned, and I relaxed and hugged her back. “What happened?” I whispered, rubbing a hand over her back.
“You…you were right. About everything! Aeflin is a Shade. I researched and found out and confronted her about it, and she laughed at me. She wanted to use me as a scapegoat to cause all humans to be deemed dangerous and enslaved. I’ve been so stupid. This is all my fault. I’m sorry!”
I hugged her tighter. She had listened to me. I had been able to do something good. I had helped her. I blinked back tears. “You’ve been manipulated, just like all of us have been at some point. I can’t speak for the others, but I forgive you. Will you help us keep convincing the species and fighting against Maisa and Aeflin?”
She looked up at me, tears streaking down her cheeks. “But I have hurt you so much. How could you forgive me so easily?”
I smiled. “Someone once told me that friends are very important, and that I should try to trust that what they say, they mean. But! I will not hesitate to punch you in the face with my prosthetic if you are a bastard to me or my other friends again.”
She laughed a little. “You better. But I want to do better. I want to trust the other species. And I want to stop Aeflin and Maisa. I promise.”
“And I trust you.” I took her head in my hands and kissed her forehead, and my cheeks burned. We just stared at each other with wide eyes for a bit before I could find my voice. “I’ll…I’ll sneak you in. You can sleep in my bed, but that’s it. We…we can cuddle.”
Naivi nodded. “With everything that’s happened, that’s all I really want right now.” She took my hand, and I led her back to the house. I opened the door as quietly as I could…and Killian was standing right there with his arms crossed but a smile on his face.
We both froze, and he laughed. “Glad you found your way here, Naivi. You’re welcome in my house as long as you would like to stay.”
I frowned. “Oh yeah! How’d she find this place anyway? You’ve always said that only the people you want to find this place can find it.”
He nodded. “And I wanted her to find it.” He bowed his head with a smirk. “Have a good night, ladies. Please don’t be too loud.” With that, he fucking waved and walked off, looking all smug.
I scoffed after him. “That man infuriates me, but he’s nice and a good cook. You’ll be safe here.” I glanced back at Naivi.
She was crying again. “I’ve only met Killian a few times, and he thinks that well of me.” She sniffled. “I can’t believe it.”
I laughed a little and tugged her along. “Of course. You’re a good person. Even if you had some fucked up ideas.” I brought her up to my room and took off my jacket.
I walked over to the closet and pulled out a tank top and shorts for me and a set for her as well. “I know I’m smaller than you, but I think this will still fit well enough.” I started getting changed, and Naivi stuttered and quickly turned around. I smirked. “C’mon. We’ve had sex before. How are you still all flustered about seeing my body?”
She stuttered, and when I was done changing, I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. “Are you sure you’ll be able to cuddle tonight?”
She nodded. “I…I need to go change.” She ran off for the bathroom, and I chuckled. I was just so damn happy that she had finally listened. It was so nice to finally not be fighting against her.
She finally came back, and the clothes were just tight enough in all the right places, and my cheeks burned. Naivi bit her lip and looked at the bed. “Let’s just try to sleep, okay?”
I nodded, not able to find my voice. And we laid down under the sheets, and I immediately hugged her close, burying my face in her shoulder. She was here. She wasn’t fighting me anymore. I could hug her and love her and not feel bad. I started falling asleep, but before I did, words just slipped out of my mouth. “I love you…”
I was asleep before she could respond.
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
I cannot explain enough how amazing your art is! Each piece is phenomenal in the detail, the expressions, the little touches, the use of color & shading. I could stare at them for hours.
The Commanders in The Unlucky Ones?! The entire story you manage to convey with one drawing for each of them?
Your Quinlan Vos drawing slays me every time I see it. Yes, he's breathtakingly gorgeous but also! The incredible attitude conveyed by the head tilt?! The absolute badass strength & competency he displays?! Amazing! Most of all, the specific gold used for his markings is perfection. The glaring yellow you see everywhere is appalling. Your absolutely perfect shade of gold against his skin is stunning! Thank you for sharing your talent!
Nonny 💜💜💜 Thank you so much heeeeeeh 💜💜💜
With Quinlan, I thought, yes, alright, cool, yellow. And, usually, I am rather anal-retentive about keeping details like that in their canon appearance (we ignore the fact the shoulder markings are on his left arm, not the right one like in the loud!Quin WIP lol I’ll change that and tattoo the shoulder guard sun image there instead) but, well, I thought, metallic almost gold would be a better fit for my style’s version of him? I quite like it like that so I kept it.
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littleladymab · 7 months
FebruarOC - Uriah
Hey hi hello did you know i'm obsessed with this guy? As I said in SWBC, I can't stop spinning him around like a rotisserie chicken in my head. 
I created his counterpart Kaedmon a few months ago (and I'll talk about her at the end of the month as a bonus character) and came up with Uriah in January! He's only slightly less new than Quin and Horatio, but I named them all at the same time. 
For January in SWBC, we read Phasma. My thoughts on the book aside, the framing narrative was someone in the First Order apprehended a Resistance pilot and then fudged the paperwork or something I guess so that there was no record of her being arrested and held on the ship and dragged her away to question her about Phasma. I have so many questions, but the biggest one came down to: Why are you going to nickname your rival Resistance spy/pilot Starling and the all-red armored NOT Elrik Vonreg from SW Resistance First Order guy Cardinal and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT? Honestly I got a lot more mad about that than I did anything else in the book, because everything else I just shrugged off but that was the biggest missed opportunity. Also his "I love the First Order and everything it stands for" to "what am I doing with my life (but I still love the first order)" took a grand total of like 48 hours TOPS and wasn't... good. It just wasn't well done. 
So I came away from that book CRAVING spy v spy content. And, well, my Jedi OC is also a Fulcrum agent, so like, it made sense, right, to then make an ISB agent to be against her? 
I settled on his ISB designation before I did a name and it was mostly as a joke that had made sense to me at the time?? But now he's ISB-789 and Kaedmon calls him "Hungry 8's" and when he goes "???" she says "you know, because seven ate nine?" and he asks "Not to encourage this but then shouldn't I be hungry 7's?" and she says "No :)"
He's 20 at the end of the clone wars, and a full agent of ISB by 25, so that makes him about 40 by the end of the galactic civil war. He's from a planet at the far end of the Outer Rim, close to Wild Space but still part of the imperial "jurisdiction" (I haven't settled on any currently existing planet or not), but because he's great with accents to help him blend in, he's able to immediately adapt the core world accent. (he's not that great with the languages tho) He has a younger sister who he helped put through a fancy school on Coruscant and she's a nature photographer; their parents still live back on their home planet, despite Uriah offering to help them live in the Empire. 
More recently for SWBC we read Battlefront II: Inferno Squad and that is truly what made me start rotating him around even faster in my brain -- they're not ISB, but they're working for ISB and they go undercover into a rebel op to try and destroy it and/or find a data leak and now THAT IS THE SPY SHIT I WANTED and so instead of creating a character out of frustration I just started spinning him at warp speeds to pick up any of the stray pieces of inspo floating around. But more to the point, it was a good exercise at listening to Imperial minds in a way that didn't make them see like big joke clowns like can happen. 
So it'll be fun to lean into that when writing for Uriah because you get to see him fully believing in what he's working for, as a field operative infiltrating smuggling rings and drug gangs etc to make the galaxy a better place in the early part of the Empire -- but then as it goes on longer and longer and he gets more involved (tangentially) with the rebellion through Kaedmon, and ISB/the empire being less and less interested in investigating corruption in certain aspects, that building disillusion with their place and so on. 
And not to "diversity win!" the empire, but he's a trans guy! He gave himself the gift of top surgery after being accepted into the Imperial Academy. 
In my thoughts about how they interact with canon, I did jot down that Uriah probably knows Kallus as they're about the same age and ISB agents -- though while Kallus went on to be as you see him in Rebels, Uriah does mostly undercover work. So when Kallus joins the Rebels, Kaedmon will get to know him... and when Uriah finds out that Kallus is also Fulcrum, he about loses his whole damn mind and probably pulls a muscle laughing so hard. 
I did write like 2200 words of an outline for him and Kaedmon, and I was fully going to sit down and write how the two of them met but my brain has been absent like all evening so I'll probably do a double big drabble for the two of them at the end of the month.
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enigmatic-robin · 2 years
Hannibal but with Scriddler
Jonathan is Hannibal (duh) Edward is Will, and maybe Steph brown is Abigail Hobbs
Haven’t watched in two years but I wasn’t going for exact so yknow …
Implied Edward Nygma/Jonathan Crane
Edward Nygma & Stephanie Brown & Jonathan Crane
Words: 1023
CW: canon typical violence (both canons), gaslighting, manipulation
“You see similarities between yourself and Arthur Brown?”
Edward shifted in his seat, refusing to let their eyes meet.
“I see myself as better. I am better.”
Edward was insistent, his heart traitorously skipping at the upward twitch of Jonathan’s lip into a small smile.
“So you are. He thought himself clever, but you outsmarted him. You’re everything he wanted to be but better- and now you want to be a better father to his daughter.”
His freckled face flushed, and he looked down at his hands.
“It’s alright, I understand. She’s ours, now- to nurture, to protect. But Gotham’s own Bat has been setting his sights on her, you feel helpless.”
Jonathan voiced his thoughts, and Edward found himself nodding along.
“Cluemaster worked alone. The Bat- he’s delusional, you know how he gets in his paranoia. He’ll rip her to shreds and she isn’t ready to shield herself from that. Grown men who’ve been at it for years still get scarred for life by him. She needs guidance.” The redhead blurted out, lifting a hand to tug at his hair, but paused when two of Jonathan’s fingers rested on the pulse point of his wrist.
His hand slowly lowered, but the tension hung, thick and heavy between them.
“I can offer it. To both of you. Protect you.” Jonathan offered in a hushed voice, and Edward shook his head, standing to pace.
“I don’t know. I’m not used to not knowing.” He admitted, not stopping his paces as Jonathan stood to trail behind him. He brushed his fingers delicately over a bronze crow statue, barely bothering to turn away his attention from it.
“I know. You’re a brilliant man, Edward. But you expect too much of yourself even still; you’re still human.”
“Are you human, Dr Crane?”
There was silence for a moment, before he sighed.
“I’m a protector. For you, for Stephanie- striking fear in those who would harm you.”
“And what do you get in return?”
“Their fear- the most base and powerful tool to learn or mold a mind, a young mind to nurture- and, of course, You.”
Edward paused as he tried to catch up, not used to struggling to keep up with someone else.
“A once-in-a-century mind.” He praised, and Edward felt a hand rest on his cheek- cold, but he didn’t flinch away.
“Your mind is incredible, but locked shut. You don’t let anyone close enough to see into it. You’ve been burned before, belittled for it- so you don’t share it anymore. Your father’s work, I’d assume?”
“Oh we’ve been over this, Jonathan. don’t… psychoanalyze me. You won’t like me when I’m psychoanalyzed.” He spat, but when the hand on his cheek moved, Crane’s thumb stroking along his cheekbone, he quieted immediately.
“I believe I always like you, despite your best efforts to remain independent, push everyone away. You’re very vulnerable under that shell of yours.”
Edward didn’t bother to repeat himself; Crane would say whatever suited his fancy. He instead leveled him with a glare, pretending not to be off put by the almost dead, unblinking brown eyes that met his. Eye contact came easy with Crane, usually. Edward usually saw too much about a person from their eyes, made himself uncomfortable. Jonathan, though? Edward saw nothing that he didn’t freely offer.
“This isn’t about me. Or- it shouldn’t be, in any case.”
Jonathan, to his credit, nodded in agreement.
“Now, I think our girl is waiting for us.”
The girls in the facility fawned away from Crane and himself in a way that made Edward mirror their nerves, following Jonathan out to the garden with his head ducked down. His nerves didn’t last long, though.
Stephanie sat directly in the sunlight that shone off her blond hair, purple cardigan that had likely once been Dr. Quinzel’s clutched tightly around her.
She looked serene. Strong.
She opened the eye in their view when they were close enough to hear, taking them in with a wary defiance before deciding to humor them.
She turned to them properly, and immediately Edward was aware of the bangs; new, and covering the bandage on her forehead. Unbidden, the memory rose in Edward’s head; entering the Brown home, Stephanie curled in on herself and only held up by her father’s arms stilling her. The gun to her head, the way he hadn’t even thought before lashing out with his cane, her father falling forward.
The gun going off and grazing her forehead.
He’d hit her father until he stopped wheezing and his cane had gleamed red instead of gold, then held her head until the paramedics came. Jonathan had been there too but…
But he couldn’t recall what he’d done. But he’d done something, surely. Edward had just been occupied.
He was shaken from his musings by Stephanie settling herself in front of them hesitantly.
“How are you, Ms. Brown?”
“Not broken. I shouldn’t be here.” She insisted in a soft voice, wavering only slightly.
“No, you’re not broken. But this is complicated.”
“What, because I’m an orphan now? Because no one wants to take in a killer's daughter? Because people think I helped him?” She hissed back fiercely despite her glassy eyes.
“The Bat won’t give us the details, but I promise, people are advocating for you” Jonathan placated, though his accented voice seemed to unsettle her slightly, her eyes immediately darting to Edward, who pushed down his discomfort to look back at her as calmingly as he could.
“Us, and Dr. Quinzel. We’re going yo take care of you. You’re not alone, even if you feel it.”
He held out a hand, and she took it hesitantly. The fierce protectiveness was unlike anything he’d felt before, and not for the first time he felt gratitude for Dr. Crane’s guidance.
They’d make an odd little family, but they’d be okay. Maybe Edward was more lost than his pride would ever let him admit. Maybe Stephanie would need time to accept help, accept she deserved it. But Jonathan brought them together, he’d take care of them.
So why was a part of Edward so hesitant to trust him?
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