#RIP little robit I loved you so
toadtusks · 5 months
I'd always hoped it wouldn't end that way for FCG, despite the endless warning signs. So fucking sad. But at least he took out one of their greatest threats with him and ensured their friends live on another day.
Will there ever be a campaign where Sam's character doesn't make everyone cry at some point? Probably not. Gonna lay in bed and stare at the wall the rest of the night.
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blairtrabbit · 8 years
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Thoughts under the cut. Aka Why am I such a fucking downer on this why can’t I just enjoy things. Why must I be a nerd like this.
I have been trying to just let this image go because its an illustration out of context and we have no idea what they will look like rendered and moving in universe but there are a couple things really bothering me about this I have to talk about. 1. Why in the ever loving fuck does Danger Deux have a core reactor? Remember in the first movie when they were making their last stand pulling all the old guys out of retirement and the movie made a point of talking about how the Danger having a Reactor Core made it an obsolete model? The Gipsy Danger ran on nuclear power like the older units Cherno Alpha and Coyote Tango and the big glowy center on its chest is basically like a gigantic cooling unit. Its dangerous and was eventually changed because a. Having human pilots in a nuclear robot is incredibly dangerous if the shielding is faulty or something happens and it overheats during a battle. I recall Stacker suffering some repercussions because of that. b. Nuclear Robots blow up and could potentially hurt the environment or civilians. I vaguely recall the Danger doing something like that at the end of the movie. The Striker and the Typhoon were digitized being newer and better models. Its less dangerous for the pilots and for the area they are fighting in. So one would assume these brand spanking new robots are the latest and greatest models right? Thinner, lighter....so I repeat- Why. THE FUCK. Does Gipsy Danger 2:not-electric bugaloo run on a NUCLEAR CORE? probably because it looks good and no other reason and that pisses me off. 2.THEY DIDN’T JUST GIVE IT ONE CORE THEY GAVE IT TWO I AM DYING INSIDE. Actual conversation in the art department. Artist 1: Guys I am working on Gipsy 2:Back 2 tha Hood and I want it to look like the first one but different. How can I make it the same but..different. Artist 2: Mmm Well the first one had that cool nuclear core right? Artist 1: Yeah? Artist 2: How about. TWO CORES.
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3. If they made Dangeresque 2 nuclear because of what happened with Striker and the electric pulse why aren’t all the Jaegers nuclear? So. When Newt drifted he gave the Precursors all this info about the Jaegers and Leatherback was able to use an electronic pulse to knock out the Striker and temporarily disable it. If the PPDC assumes this will happen again then wouldn’t they make all the Jaegers nuclear? Then why does only one have any kind of indication it runs on nuclear power? And why only Gipsy Danger 2:this time its personal? The answer is there is no reason. They just wanted people to be able to tell this robit was Gipsy Danger 2:I still know what you did last summer. I feel like Del Toro thought out almost every detail in the first movie  and worked to make each Jaeger unique. This doesn’t bode well. 4.Why did they have to give these Jaegers almost identical color schemes to the Danger The Typhoon and the Eureka? In fact if you look at them for a few minutes you realize it's just the Danger The Typhoon and the Eureka with less personality. why did they remake three previous Jaegers instead of creating new original ones?  You know why? Because they think we’re stupid. They think we’re stupid and we won’t know these are Jaegers 2 fast 2 furious without some painfully obvious references to the original film. Just like they think we needed Stacker to have a son otherwise we might have wandered into this movie and thought we it was Transformers 12:Age of Fucktron and wandered mindlessly away to see whatever Dreamworks movie is out. Why can’t you give me more credit Hollywood. I don’t need to have Khan to be the villain in my Star Trek movie to know that its a Star Trek movie. I don’t NEED to have a fugitive droid on a desert planet to know I’m watching a Star Wars movie. STOP TREATING ME LIKE I’M FUCKING FIVE YEARS OLD. I DON’T NEED A JAEGER WITH TWO CORE REACTORS. I CAN HANDLE NEW THINGS. 5.Look I know they’re just ripping off Manga/Anime Mech and Kaiju movies to begin with but at least the first time they tried to cover it a little better. The Crimson Typoon had a headlight for a head and three arms. The Cherno looked like a nuclear plant that could walk and even the Gipsy and the Striker had a very thick well thought out and original look. They moved ponderously and with weight. They were made too look like a person could wear them as a suit. Even if these are newer models all I can see is someone  looking at Evangelion’s paper copying chunks of it and presenting it to their teacher expecting an unearned A+.I get it you guys took the original designs and threw some Gundam darts at them. You did your re-runs of Macross homework. I’m just...unimpressed and I bet you anything these things will move like they weigh four pounds. Oh god please let me be wrong on this. This leads me to my next question. 6. Why did all of them go on such dangerous diets? Did the Iphone teach us nothing? Making technology thin doesn’t make necessarily make it BETTER. Striker Eureka 2: The Squeakuel is the worst offender on this front. Its got this top heavy box sitting on top of an itty bitty waist. You know what I would go for if I was a Kaiju? Probably that waist. I mean i know its bikini season Striker 2: Back in the Habit but eat a fucking sandwich. 7. It better be just the illustration that has them looking this goddamn clean. Jaegers get dirty and rusty and covered with battle damage.Even Gipsy who was renovated and rebuilt from top to bottom had patches of paint and scratches and chips in places. These goddamn things look like toys. They look like plastic fresh out of box toys. In the movie they had better look at least slightly weathered even if they are new or I will glare at them the entire two hour running time. I will give them smouldering glares the likes of which has never been seen before or since. God please let the movie be more impressive than this. Also as an aside. Why are all the Jaeger pilots so young? Why is no one drifting with their parents? I feel like i’m seeing behind the scenes of fucking Pacific Rim babies or Pacific Rim High School musical. I have a feeling somebody higher up pressured them about using more of the young people to get those sweet tween dollars. But at least they hired a diverse cast. Are all the previous generation dead? Is Herc going to come back and train any of these people? Seems like a bit of a mess at the ole PPDC.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Captain Falcon: The Last Mimeosome Chapter 3
Chapter 3: To Republic City! (Diaslaimer! I own nothing of Nintendo, Xenoblade X, or Korra) The sun started to go down as Cross and I finished my errands. “Still no luck finding anybody who knows anything about me,” said Cross. “That’s ok, maybe it’ll come back on its own,” I said, “Remember anything yet?” “No,” said Cross. I had a feeling that something was wrong. “Cross get down!” I said. I pushed him down and a gunshot was fired. We both got up. “Are you alright?” I asked. “Yeah I’m fine,” said Cross. I saw somebody in the shadows. He jumped away but I managed to get a snapshot of him. Cross’ arm was missing. “Oh my god,” I said, “Ok, I can get you to Luna and…..” I turned back around and saw Cross’ arm regenerate. “What the…..” I said surprised. Even Cross was surprised at this. “Let’s head back to Blade HQ,” I said. We made it to the barracks where Colleen and Elma were resting. “”Whoa, what’s the rush?” asked Colleen. “Where’s the secretary?” I asked. Cross was being diagnosed. “Intriging,” said Alexa. “What is it?” I asked. “Well, it turns out that Cross isn’t actually a human,” said Luna, “He happens to be a mimeosome.” “Mimeosome?” I asked. “They’re programmed to mimic human emotion as closely as possible,” said Alexa. “He can also take battle chips and such,” said Luna, “Secretary Nagi provided us with this one.” She pressed Cross’ access point and I saw a blue chip. “Its programmed with dozens of B.L.A.D.E procedures.” “Now I know all about B.L.A.D.E and what it stands for.” We were in the Blade Office explaining everything to Secretary Nagi. “According to this picture, it looks like he’s working for C.H.A.O.S,” I said. “Its much more than that,” he said. “What do you mean?” asked Colleen. “He means it’s the work of a double agent,” said Commander Vandham. “You mean you’ve got a spy?” I asked. “Yes,” said Nagi, “He goes under the codename, ‘Yellow Devil’.” I thought for a moment. “Something wrong?” asked Cross. “That name… it sounds really familiar,” I said. Colleen was pin pointing the location. “Thanks to the picture, we can see exactly where he’s hiding,” said Colleen, “I got it!” It was Republic City. “Then it looks like that’s where we’re heading,” I said. “Um…” said Cross. “Something up?” asked Elma. “If you’ll allow it Ms. Elma, I’d like to accompany your squad,” said Cross. “Hold on there,” said Vandham, “I understand you’re eager, but you don’t have any armor.” “Well he does know a little about combat,” I said, “While doing some errands we visited the training grounds, but as for the armor, just leave that to me and Alexa.” Nagi nodded. “I think he should go,” said Nagi. “You won’t regret this sir,” said Cross. “He’ll start on your team Elma,” said Vandham. “Will do commander,” said Elma. “I’ll try not to get in the way Ms. Elma,” said Cross. Elma chuckled. “There’s no need to be formal with me Cross, I may be your leader but I’m also your friend,” she said, “Besides its weird to hear you call me that.” “Right,” said Cross. We were heading to a chopper. “Doug,” said Colleen greeting someone. Doug Barret, the colonel of Harriers greeted her. “Its been a long time since you’ve been around,” he said. He looked at me. “My name is Nicholas Shay, and this is Cross,” I said. “Yeah, and?” he asked. “Well, it looks like Nagi has given us permission to accompany you on the mission.” He scoffed and turned around. “The Yellow Devil is mine alone,” said Doug. “Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. “I don’t need help from any S.M.A.S.H soldiers to take him out,” he said getting in the chopper. “Hey Flat top!” I said getting angry, “This is NOT a request!” He turned around. “You want him taken down right?” he asked, “So what’s the problem?” “Nicholas don’t let him get to you,” said Colleen, “He’s been through more than you know.” We both went inside. “So what’s this idea you have?” asked Alexa. I handed her a piece of paper. “That’s ingenious,” said Alexa, “This just might work.” “What are you guys talking about?” asked Cross. “You’ll see later on,” I said. The secret agent was speaking with someone in the shadows. “Agent Zero,” he said, “I trust you sent the invitation?” “Yes,” said Agent Zero, “They’re heading to Republic City now.” “Good,” said the shadow man, “While they’re busy there, I can finally find that secret battleship, and demolish B.L.A.D.E.” “I shall deal with the soldier,” said Agent Zero. “Good,” said the shadow man, “When the time comes, I will reveal myself to the ones that got away…..”
We landed in City Hall. The mayor greeted us all. “I’ve been expecting you all,” he said, “I hope you enjoy your stay here.” “Thanks Mayor,” I said. Someone saw me. It was Korra. She gave me a grin. “You changed your hair,” I said. “Same robitic arm,” said Korra. “No, new robotic arm,” I said, “I can tell its been a while.” “2 years,” said Korra. “Ok, let’s skip the greeting and get to work,” said Doug. “What’s his deal?” I asked. “You remember Connor don’t you?” asked Colleen. “Of course,” I said, “He was like a brother to me.” I started to remember all the good memories I had hanging around him and Colleen. “When Doug and he went on a mission to fight off those C.H.A.O.S soldiers, he was killed by ‘him’,” said Colleen. “The Yellow Devil,” said Elma, “He killed his best friend Bexley Wilson, and Colleen’s cousin, Connor Kelly.” “I had no idea,” I said, “But that still doesn’t give him an excuse to act like this.” “I said move your feet, not your mouths,” said Doug. We were at a hotel. “This looks like a cool place to kick it,” said Link as he sat on a bench. “So why are we here?” asked Cross. “To get more intel on the Yellow Devil and that double agent,” said Elma, “The more we know, the better shot we have at fighting him. “That makes good sense,” said Cross. I looked outside and saw somebody’s car stuck in a yellow goop. I went outside to see if somebody was stuck inside. “Good thing nobody’s in there,” I said. I summoned my blade and cut the substance off the car. Somebody saw me and thanked me. “Who did this?” I asked. “The Yellow Devil,” said the pedestrian, “He’s been plaguing Republic City ever since his arrival, him and his servant.” I looked around to see that others have suffered what he did. “Someone’s gotta help them,” I said. “No, no, no,” said Doug, “We can’t waste our time here.” He started to go back inside. “We have a mission that requires our absolute focus,” he said, “These people are on their own!” I finally got fed up with his attitude. “These people have been attacked by an unknown suspect but you turn your back on them?!” Irina asked stopping him, “How can you be so cold and heartless?” “I’m not turning my back Irina,” said Doug, “I’m just being real.” “Real about what?” I asked. “I’m saying we can’t go around saving every city we come across,” said Doug, “Besides we’ll be doing this city a big favor by taking down the Yellow Devil.” Link covered his mouth. “You shouldn’t blabber about this especially if that double agent could be anywhere,” he said. Doug turned to me. “You know the mission comes first Nicholas,” said Doug. He went back inside. I went to the chopper. “If this is the only way I can convince him, then so be it,” I said. I sabotaged the chopper’s tech. Boze saw me. “Uh…. I can explain,” I said. “You’ve got determination, and the heart of a great warrior Nicholas,” said Boze, “You just need a little push.” He damaged another part. I smiled. I then called Alexa on my cell. “Alexa, get Cross and meet me at Future Industries labs tonight.” “Got it,” she said. Later that evening, we were at the lab center at Future Industries. “Glad you two could make it,” I said. “So what’s this about?” asked Cross. “So you remember when we had you analyzed and it turns out you were a mimeosome?” I asked. “Yeah?” asked Cross. “Well check this out,” I said. I showed him the testing room. “Amazing right?” asked Asami, “Nicholas had this idea to turn you into the best soldier in the field.” “So are we making weapons and such?” asked Alexa. “You bet,” I said, “But unfortunately its not skell weaponry.” “Aww,” said Alexa. “Basically if you’re gonna take on the Yellow Devil, you’ll need some upgrades,” I said. I grabbed a scanner. “Arms up,” I said as I scanned him. “So doing what you’re planning is gonna make me a good soldier?” asked Cross, “You bet,” I said. I looked for a martial arts video and dragged it to another screen. I then grabbed a chip. Whatever it Takes from Evolve Falling too fast to prepare for this Tripping in the world could be dangerous Everybody circling is vulturous Negative, nepotist Everybody waiting for the fall of man Everybody praying for the end of times Everybody hoping they could be the one I was born to run, I was born for this Whip, whip Run me like a racehorse Pull me like a ripcord Break me down and build me up I wanna be the slip, slip Word upon your lip, lip Letter that you rip, rip Break me down and build me up I then took Cross’ skeleton and placed the video next to it. All the footage from the video was being transferred into the chip. “Now let’s get you some armor,” I said. Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Yeah take me to the top I'm ready for Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes I looked around for ideas for Cross’ costume. Just then it hit me. “Every devil needs an angel,” I said. I started putting armor parts together to make Cross’ costume. Always had a fear of being typical Looking at my body feeling miserable Always hanging on to the visual I wanna be invisible Looking at my years like a martyrdom Everybody needs to be a part of them Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son I was born to run, I was born for this Whip, whip Run me like a racehorse Pull me like a ripcord Break me down and build me up I wanna be the slip, slip Word upon your lip, lip Letter that you rip, rip Break me down and build me up Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Yeah take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes I started spraying an angel on the chest plate. Asami and I worked together to place each part on Cross. “I have one concern,” said Cross, “It seems like this armor is starting to cover my body.” “That’s kinda the idea man,” I said, “How does it feel?” “It feels…. Cool,” said Cross. “Every soldier needs a good weapon,” I said, “Which is why I modified your longsword to match the color scheme of your armor.” I gave it to him. “Data transfrer complete,” said the computer. I took out the chip and pressed a switch. There were more installment spaces and I decided to place it next to Cross’ blue chip. Hypocritical, egotistical Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical Working hard on something that I'm proud of, out of the box An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost I'm an apostrophe I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see I'm just a product of the system of catastrophe And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased And when I am deceased At least I'll go down to the grave and die happily And leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee I do what it takes Cross started to analyze and know everything installed on the chip. “So how does knowing martial arts and blade arts help me become a better soldier?” asked Cross. “Well, you gotta know how to fight if you wanna help people right?” asked Alexa, “Chop this with your sword.” He chopped it with ease. “Whoa!” I said, “Awesome.” I was training him and showing him the moves. “Assault hammer!” I said, “Rising Blade! Furious blast! NUTTY BARS!” He got a pack of nutty bars from a snack machine. “Yes,” I said. Soon afterwards he was ready. Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Yeah take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes
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