soulofart-blog1 · 1 year
Lily's Courageous Battle: Overcoming Depression On Her Own Terms
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Once upon a time, there was a brave girl named Lily. She was always happy and cheerful
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but one day, she started feeling sad and hopeless. She didn't know what was happening to her, but she knew she didn't like it.
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 She decided to go to a doctor who diagnosed her with depression, Lily was scared, but she decided to face her depression and overcome it by herself.
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Lily started by talking to her friends and family about how she was feeling. She realized that she wasn't alone and that many people go through the same thing. She also started doing things that made her happy, like reading, drawing, and spending time with her pets. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to overcome her depression.
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With time, Lily started feeling better. She still had bad days but knew how to deal with them. She learned that it's okay to ask for help and that it's important to take care of herself. She was proud of herself for facing her depression and overcoming it by herself. And she knew that if she ever felt sad again, she would be strong enough to face it once more.
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To support those you care about and those who suffer from depression and are going through difficult times by gifting them something that reminds them that you are with them. just visit our shops 👇
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1: 2017/09/13(水) 04:53:02.53 ID:Q4Kz+rO2M 23:00 出勤 23:05 ドリンクバーを適当に清掃 23:10 味に問題がないかチェックする だいたいカップ3杯くらい 23:30 サンデーマガジン等を入荷 23:35 雑誌に問題がないかチェックする(落丁落書きなど!) 3:00 ドリンクの味に異変がないかチェックする 3:15 なんJ、Amazonプライムをみながら適当にレジを捌きつつ部屋の掃除(だいたい1分くらい) 4:30 ドリンクの味に異変がないかチェックする←いまここ 続きを読む Source: はーとログ Source: 2CH-EVERYアンテナ Source: まとめのまとめ速報処
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1: 2017/09/13(水) 08:22:56.21 ID:Q4Kz+rO2M 風呂といれ別 続きを読む Source: はーとログ Source: 2CH-EVERYアンテナ Source: まとめのまとめ速報処
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reachoutusa · 8 years
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Support can make a huge difference when someone is hitting a rough patch. Why wait until then to let your friends know you’ll be there? Share this for someone you care about to let them know you have their back. ‪
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reachoutusa · 8 years
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Support can make a huge difference when someone is hitting a rough patch. Why wait until then to let your friends know you’ll be there? Take a stand for Mental Health and reblog this for someone you care about to let them know you have their back. ‪
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