#RPG Characters
maniakmonkey · 9 months
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Super self indulgent art time!!! This is a new OC I've been doodling a bunch over the past few months. Her name is Winter, she's a Frost Giantess who's not to kind to the smallfolk that live below her mountain.
One of my goals this year is to get better at drawing backgrounds for my art. I'm actually really happy with how this one came out!
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jawnressources · 4 months
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— parce que parfois comme ça, la petite inspiration du ship du moment. et pour une fois j'suis pas dégoûtée par mon propre taff Plusieurs colorings parce que, comme toujours, j'étais incapable de me décider pour un seul.
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forthegothicheroine · 2 months
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RPG Characters
Firebird | System: Henchwoman RPG
Former henchwoman to a ballet-themed supervillain, Firebird is now working freelance for the union, armed with a gun, endless enthusiasm, and an obsession with revenge on her traitorous ex-boss.
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lilletam · 1 year
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onebigsword · 5 months
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Hey! I’ve been out of work for a little while due to an injury, so I’ve opened some character commissions!
Linked below is a commission request form with more information! :) (if you’re having trouble accessing it, lemme know!)
Here’s some examples of some cool art that you could have of YOUR OCs 🫡
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orangerfrosch · 8 months
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I saw these skrunglies from @squillflower-art and was inspired to draw our DnD group in that style 🧡
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seths-art-suffers · 19 days
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Collection of meme and serious sketches I did for NPCs in my masks campaign
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lacklusterhero747 · 2 years
Strategic Simplicity
I've spent several posts now talking about the game world that my players and I are building, but I thought it might be nice to take a bit of a side track and talk about why I'm so taken with Fabula Ultima as a game, which as the title suggests, is in the simplicity of it all. But this is not to suggest that the game is necessarily without depth to it's mechanics. Rather, I find that there is more depth in the doing.
Take this snippet from one of the pregenerated characters as an example:
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The game only has four stats, weighted from a d6 to a d12, and an array of status effects that can be inflicted on your character that have both narrative implications (how you're feeling, how you might behave) and mechanical implications (in so much as checking one of those boxes makes the relevant stats behave as though they were one step lower.
The stats are essentially everything, as far as the game is concerned. Your hit points are derived by adding your level to 5 times your character's base Might die size and the same is true for your Mind Points, though using your Willpower die size instead, and that's really it as far as math goes. Beyond this, there is no extensive list of skills into which you must invest points. No stealth or diplomacy. Instead any test you might wish to make is going to based on rolling some combination of two of those above stats and comparing the total against a Difficulty Level, hoping for the best.
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Where I find this becomes the most interesting is when we reach the intersection of Intent and Task.
What I mean when I say this is that when it comes time to make a roll (specifically outside of combat at least), the game really asks both the player and the GM to determine what the character is hoping to accomplish (the intent) and by what means (the task), because this is going to inform what you might roll and what the difficulty level should be.
The book suggests that Moving Silently might be DEX + DEX, but in a slightly different situation, you might roll DEX + INS instead, to represent tailing someone without being spotted. Intimidating someone with brute strength might be MIG + WLP, you you might try to demonstrate your martial ability instead and be called upon to roll DEX + WLP instead. Only once you've determined what you're going to roll does the GM set the difficulty level, and this is where another key to character creation enters the picture.
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Every character has an Identity, a Theme, and an Origin, all working together to create the core of what your character is. Where is the character from, what is their driving emotion or ideal, and how does the character present themselves to the world. You're actually told to decide these three things about your character before you even decide where to assign your stats because they matter more than the numbers in a lot of ways. The book makes a point to say that background, context, and circumstances are the most important parts of determining how difficult a check should be.
"An aristocrat will have little to no trouble securing an invitation to a court ball but a heavily armed mercenary with no past experience with courtly intrigue might."
These details that you flesh out in character creation could mean the difference between a Difficulty Level of 7 or 13. Or, perhaps, if your background is particularly slanted in one direction or the other, you might not even have to roll! Perhaps you simply have what you need to succeed unchallenged (and you are encouraged to help narrate how and why) or you might find that you simply cannot take the approach you were trying. All because what might be settled by points invested into skills in other games is instead determined by the background you've created for your character.
The game assumes the Player Characters are Heroes. It assumes that they are capable of accomplishing the things that their backgrounds say they should. You are simply asked to consider "would this character actually be good at this task?" and then set the difficulty accordingly.
Of course, all the above is really just me gushing about the very wonderful way in which the game embraces fiction first game play outside of combat. Once the swords come out, that's why the game's mechanical depth emerges, and the reason is say the game is strategically simple.
The combat side of the game includes 15 classes in the core book alone, along with the necromancer which was published for free on the game's website, and a further 11 classes if you include all the play test material that one can find for the game. 27 classes, all with varying amounts of spells and abilities that you can choose to learn for your character as you level up, mixing and matching what you want to fit your particular vision, and wide selection of Heroic Skills you can learn upon mastering one of the classes to top it off.
There is so much depth of customization about how your character plays in combat that it creates an interesting mechanical mirror to the free form nature of the rest of the game. You only drill down into the nitty gritty for the life and death moments of conflict in Fabula Ultima, and even then the game is still played without grids or miniatures, instead asking you to describe what you're trying to accomplish and how cool your actions look before you pick out just the right attack skill or spell and make the appropriate roll to see if you succeed or not.
There's certainly a lot more I could say about the system (and probably will say) but I hope this gets my point across. I think this game just keeps gnawing at my brain because I find it's approach to game play refreshing in the same ways I found Powered by the Apocalypse and Forged in the Dark games refreshing. Fiction Matters. Backgrounds Matter. The depth, at least to me, is in the doing.
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laureliere · 6 months
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Realized it's been a hot second since I last posted adoptables here - so here are some of the ones I've made recently: RPG Characters adoptables, an Elven Herbalist and Half-Elf Traveler. Available for 65USD and 55USD respectively!
You can grab them on Ko-Fi through the provided links.
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orange-orchid · 8 months
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omg not me posting art here for once tehe
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maniakmonkey · 2 months
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Lady Alienor for @ribstongrowback, she was a lot of fun to draw, I was so hype to see some Turnip28 OC's on Art Fight!
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luxshine · 9 months
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Some of my favorite commissions to make are those of original #rpg characters, like Magnolia here. She was so fun to draw, and her design was an unique challenge due to her dark colors and colorful personality! So today, on commission saturday, I wanted to give her another shotout! And remember, if you want your own #OC in my style, commissions open at
https://artistree.io/luxshine !
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forthegothicheroine · 10 months
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RPG Characters
Kokoroko | System: Cities Without Number
Kokoroko is the first True AI in the world- an artificial brain, fully sentient- and she's also a pop star. Created to love music above all else, she just wants to experiment in every genre and share her compositions with her fans. When her creators are murdered and her technology stolen by a megacorp, what is there for a holographic starlet to do but engage in magical cyberpunk heists?
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tavi-arts · 1 year
It's been a while,l since I've done one of these.
All of my current RPG characters! I am technically in 5 games at the moment, but GMing the other two.
From Pathfinder, Hitomi - Kitsune Oracle (Strength of Thousands AP)
From D&D, Kala Drakken - Tiefling Warlock
From freeform PBP, Lilith Sionnach - Red Fox Design Student
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halfelf558 · 1 year
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Art Attack for @dungeonmistrix
I think this is easily my favourite attack, so much went right with this even though half the time it felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. But I had an image in my head when I read the character concept that I just had to try it and I’m so glad it worked. Ghosts be hard, yo!
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orangerfrosch · 6 months
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Switcharound Meme with @saltkingdom-blog and @xyrinwrites
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