#Ra mistakes danny for a member of the batfam
Danny steals Tim's splean
So Ra al ghul is a petty asshole, everyone knows that, so it's not that far fetched that when he cut out tim's splean he had someone collect it, put it in a solution and keep it as a trophy
This is where Danny comes in
So Clockwork send Danny to clean up some corrupted ectoplasm that leaked into one of the universes in the infinite realms
When he was there saw some weird crap but he didn't bother taking much note
Until he saw the organ in a jar, it was interesting and he wanted to show it to Sam, she would loose her mind over this
The Batfam had no idea how to react when Ra's Al Ghul and a group of his assassins barged into Wayne Manor and asked which one of them took Tim's splean back
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