#Raffaela Carrà
ellethetrashpanda · 9 months
Non Italians of Tumblr
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frying-panties · 1 year
Tag Game 10 Songs to Help Put You in a Good Mood
Thank you @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend for tagging me in this game. It's perfect for my current insomnia rush lmao
1. White Room (Cream)
2. West End Girls (Pet Shop Boys)
3. Cumberland Gap (David Rawlings)
4. Forget Me Nots (Patrice Rushen)
5. I just Want to Celebrate (Rare Earth)
6. Puppet on a String (Sandie Shaw)
7. Pedro (Raffaela Carrà)
8. Penthouse Pauper (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
9. That's Entertainment (The Jam)
10. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (Cockney Rejects)
Tagging my lovely @switchyfox a
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Raffaella Carra
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Raffaella Carrà, la artista de éxito que defendía los derechos laborales y cantaba sobre la masturbación femenina
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gotskamstuff · 3 years
✨Queen Raffaela ✨
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“How was your family like?” “I’ll tell you what: I was raised without a father. He was a wealthy man but too much of a playboy so my mom divorced him in 1945. She was ahead of her time and it stuck to me. I never felt the desire to get married and it always angered me not being able to adopt without the obligation of a ring! Today when we discuss adoption by same sex couples and straight couples as well, I give this a thought: “Who was I born with? And who did I grow up with?” and I answer those questions: with two women, my mother and my grandmother. Get kids out of orphanages, they won’t grow up badly with two fathers or two mothers, I had two women. Does it look like I came up badly?”
This was Raffaela Carrà, a woman so ahead of her time, an outspoken mind for what was right even if it meant going against popular beliefs and shocking the public. She rose to stardom back in a time when Italy was still drowning in bigotry, when women were still seen as a possession of their husbands, she openly spoke about same sex couples in a time when just the existence of the LGBTQ+ comunity was erased and denied. She sang “se ti lascia lo sai che si fa? Trovi un altro più bello che problemi non ha” [“if he leaves you, you know what you’ll do? Find a better looking one who doesn’t give you problems”] in a time when Italy’s law still allowed “il delitto d’onore” or honor killing, she dressed however she wanted to because she owned herself, even if it meant wearing costumes that were considered outrageous.
When the news about her passing came out yesterday the instinctive and collective reaction was “NO. It can’t be true”…and that’s right, it’s not true because legends like her never die. She will forever be an icon and a pillar to the world of entertainment as we know it today, she was one of those women who paved the way for many others in generations to come, she advocated for important battles at a time when freedom of expression was not so granted, she was a necessary figure along the way to get to where we are today in our culture. An impressive artist who used her art and platform to change the tide, an impressive woman who meant so much for our country to people of all ages. She was, she is and she will be forever a timeless icon.
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kritikei · 2 years
Explota Explota
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María abre mão de um casamento para seguir o seu sonho de ser dançarina na televisão. Mas cercada por uma sufocante censura, seus movimentos são frequentemente monitorados e boicotados por serem considerados sensuais demais. E à medida em que tenta romper as barreiras sociopolíticas do canal onde trabalha, ela também encontra em Pablo a chance de viver o amor verdadeiro. O único problema é que ele é o herdeiro da emissora, onde também ajuda a controlar as rígidas políticas de censura sustentadas avidamente por seu pai.
Muito colorida, o filme apresenta um pouco de história ao público, e podemos conhecer um pouco mais da trajetória musical de Raffaela Carrà, tão amada na Espanha, mas quase nada conhecida por aqui e da história da televisão espanhola e sua censura. 'Explota Explota' conta com belíssimos figurinos, só que no fim, o longa vem falar de amor em seu maior clichê.
Leia a crítica completa aqui: https://www.kritikei.com.br/post/explota-explota-cr%C3%ADtica
Insta, Face, Pinterest, Tumblr e Twitter: @kritikei
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effyeffa · 3 years
@virginwhoredichotomy tagged me to post 13 songs i’ve been listening to! here we go thanks nele come get your top 13 current eva traxx
billy joel zanzibar & vienna, lucy dacus next of kin, claudia com mais de 30, peach prc symptomatic, raffaela carrà a far l’amore comincia tu, von wegen lisbeth l.ost, caroline rose i took a ride, franco battiato cuccurucucù, dave matthews band two step, willie nelson blue skies, lukas nelson forget about georgia, simon & garfunkel homeward bound
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codexnoirmatic · 4 years
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New page of my webcomic Terra Hypnagogica
English: https://tapas.io/episode/1881543
Español: https://tapas.io/episode/1881546 Today: Klaus Deum, Raffaela Carrà, and watchful eyes on Mephitior.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision: 110 - 106
110. Hotel FM - “Change” Romania 2011
“Oh what a lame. It’s just a lame 😍” -- Bendik Singers, BorisBubbles
God what an unabashedly ANNOYING song LOVE!!! 😍 I should leave it at that, probably, but since we are at #110 so I shall elaborate a bit further. “Change” is a barrage of OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD PIANO PANDAEMONIUM, blasting everyone’s eardrums with its irritatingly sweet / sweetly irritating charity clamours. 
This however, is a good thing, because “Change” is also refreshingly cheerful and unpretentious, and, yes, incompetent. 😍 It is basically a very, very rambunctuous take on the Banality Anthem. David adds to the hilarity by donning a pair of unsightly pin-striped trousers, punctuating the lame libretto with dopey smiles. However, the 2011 Mini Babuskha Award for Best Supporting Character goes to GABRIEL, whose attempts at mugging the camera during the endgame are even more conspicuous than his piano soundtrack. 
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In the vote tally, Hotel FM took the lead briefly when Raffaela Carrà cheerfully awarded them 12 points, completely oblivious to which song she awarded points to <3 and then they quickly dropped the bottom of the scoreboard, earning ONLY diasporia votes and little else. Crusaders of incompetence. 😍
109. Safura - “Drip Drop” Azerbaijan 2010
Did someone say... Safura?
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OMG I do love me some Safura though. I spoke earlier that ZENA might be the Eurovision equivalent to Veruca Salt but Safura was definitely the the original Veruca. Privileged upper class brat who bought her way to Eurovision with a Beyoncé reject of a song, despite having ZERO singing talent. 😍 And she was a FAVOURITE TO WIN!!!! 😍 Finishing 5th place based on scrumptitude alone. 😍 Actually, “Veruca” might be underselling it. Safura is our PARIS HILTON. 😍
108. Chingiz - “Truth” Azerbaijan 2019
When Chingiz was first announced as the Azeri entrant my friend André remarked that he at no point resembled an actual living person in the videoclip and he and I would soon spend our days joking that Chingiz was a mere figment of our imagination, a glitchy hologram constructed from adobe photoshop pixels and leftover scraps of Kirkorov cartilage, a mirage conjured up by horned-up instaquacks. Imagine our reaction when this happened:
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“Truth” has everything I’d want in a modern Azeri entry: An utterly nonsensical title, a deceptively addictive beat, a song that tries way too hard to be current, but is in fact utter gutter trash,  an overstaged and oversung hot mess of an act, backed by a press mill that would of course overpimp it like nobody’s business. The fact that Azer actually USED a digital virus/laser/hologram as the means to portray the song’s message (which was... um... :pages through notes:, ahem, a “toxic relationship”, in which THE WOMAN is the toxic one, might I add 🙃), added an extra layer of amusement.
In conclusion, um... I’ll let this “fan account” draw the conclusion. Take us away, chingizmustafayevfan:
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107. Amandine Bourgeois - “L’enfer et moi” France 2013
The second Amandine blessed us with a psychedelic rock song about a toxic relationship (um... also one in which the woman is the toxic one? 😂), I knew she would blow my socks off. And I mean, what else is there to add than to say that Amandine delivered EXACTLY what I expected she would? I’ll let the gifs speak for themselves:
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Deliciously delirious, Amandine delivered a top tier acting perfomance. The only really downside is the she was perhaps a bit too realistic. She was such a convincing Arkham Asylum escapee, many of the casuals probably believed she was An Actual Crazy person and didn’t vote for her. Bless you, esoteric princess. 
106. Kaliopi  - “Crno i belo” F.Y.R Macedonia - 2012
You know we are getting to the high quality when I have to park the LEGEND that is Kaliopi a breath away from the top 100. “Crno i belo” is very good, but it doesn’t hold up to the remaining songs and even some of the songs I ranked before it. It does a great job at showcasing Kaliopi, but otherwise it’s a fairly standard rock ballad.
However I have nothing but praise for the magnificent artrock maven that is Kaliopi, obviously. She was a glorious presence, both off stage (Telling off xenophobic Greek reporters  😍 / finding true love with Can Bonomo 😍 / Presumably other great moments which are now sadly buried underneat the sands of time) and on the stage, delivering a powerful, emotional, fiercely real performance, topped by her characteristic shrieking. 😍 
Don’t get me wrong, it’s mostly my respect for Kaliopi that made me rank her this high, but I’m not the only person who feels that way. Only a true Eurovision legend could inspire a vid such as this one. Regardless, it’s her time to leave this ranking. 😭
(Congratulations JANA for being the highest ranked Macedonian entry ^__^)
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tmnotizie · 4 years
PESARO – Torna la rassegna poetica “Vaghe stelle dell’orsa”, promossa e sostenuta dall’Assessorato alla Bellezza e Vivacità, in collaborazione con la BibliotecaArchivio “Vittorio Bobbato” e Sistema Museo. In programma per la VII edizione tre appuntamenti, curati come di consueto dalla poetessa pesarese Laura Corraducci, che si terranno a Palazzo Mosca – Musei Civici, venerdì 12, mercoledì 17 e mercoledì 24 giugno alle ore 21.
La seguitissima rassegna ha sempre richiamato un folto pubblico di appassionati e quest’anno, per via delle disposizioni anti-assembramento, avrà un format speciale per consentire a tutti gli interessati di seguire l’evento. Ogni incontro coinvolgerà tre poeti che saranno collegati via streaming sulla pagina Facebook di Pesaro Musei; la prima serata si potrà seguire solamente on line, mentre gli appuntamenti successivi del 17 e del 24 giugno, saranno fruibili anche dal vivo nel cortile di Palazzo Mosca, nel rispetto dei distanziamenti per la sicurezza sanitaria (massimo 25 persone, prenotazione obbligatoria Tel. 0721 387541 [email protected]).
In sei anni, “Vaghe stelle dell’orsa” ha accolto le voci più importanti del panorama poetico contemporaneo; più di sessanta poeti, italiani e stranieri (da Stati Uniti, India, Inghilterra, Bulgaria, Turchia, Germania, Spagna, solo per citare alcune provenienze), sono passati con i loro versi a Pesaro.
Nel 2020 si è voluto pertanto ricordare una parte di storia, invitando ad ogni appuntamento un autore intervenuto in una delle edizioni precedenti, a dimostrare che la poesia non ha data di scadenza e, soprattutto, a sottolineare quanto ciascun contributo sia stato prezioso ed unico per la crescita dell’evento.
La musica non mancherà e sarà protagonista accanto alla poesia anche in questa edizione on/off line, grazie a musicisti che sapranno creare cortocircuiti incandescenti fra versi e suoni. Ecco il programma.
Si parte venerdì 12 giugno con la poesia di Lucianna Argentino, Filippo Davoli e Anna Toscano. Fabio Generali con la sua chitarra si occuperà degli intermezzi musicali.
Mercoledì 17 giugno è la volta di Luca Benassi, Raffaela Fazio e Gianni Montieri. Al duo oboe e chitarra Ilaria De Maximy e Anna Carrà, sarà affidato l’accompagnamento musicale.
La rassegna si chiude mercoledì 24 giugno con Maria Borio, Massimiliano Bardotti e Annalisa Teodorani. L’arpa di Monica Micheli sarà la cornice musicale di questo ultimo appuntamento.
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Un Ave Maria era el mayor castigo divino. Donde las colas se hacían en la Iglesia y se repartía más de una ostia por creyente. Cuando aquellos que tocaban la guitarra en misa parecían de algún grupo a lo Jesucristo SuperStar. Melena al viento y camisa de cuello de monje, una paja por año y tocándosela de refilón en la ducha.
Se aclaraban las gargantas para proceder a la unión en Santo Matrimonio. Siempre el llanto de un niño o una teta fuera no desprendía ninguna incomodidad entre los presentes. Se tiraba arroz a joder, a dar a los novios, a los recién casados. Jugabas con tus primos debajo de la mesa del restaurante y los padres ya iban a cubatas en los entrantes. De los Chichos a Rumba 3, pasando por Raffaela Carrà y Paquito el Chocolatero.
Vamos a lo de siempre, al seré tu amante bandido o al será maravilloso, viajar hasta Mallorca, sin necesidad de tomar el barco o el avión, sólo en bicicleta, caminando o autostop. Porque cuando llegaban los postres los invitados iban a lo seguro, a la Contesa, al Crocanti y, ya no te digo, la Copa Brasil, suprema. Con ese aire de fiesta gitana, donde tu tío se te acercaba y te daba veinte euros, pero en pesetas, así, por la cara, y el pestazo que pegaba de Larios te movía el tupé de lado.
En aquellas celebraciones donde todo el mundo cogía el puro, pero nadie fumaba en el banquete. Era por coger algo gratis, luego resulta que aparecía en algún cajón de la cómoda de casa o en el mueble bar del comedor. Cuando la gente le daba a la laca, no al gel fijador, ni a la crema hidratante, sino que a la laca en plan fumigador de plantas. Uno, se solía tapar la cara con la mano, a riesgo de que los párpados se le pegaran. Y una cazalla por aquí y otra por allá, daban forma al tren del tractor amarillo, que ya presionaba a más de uno para participar en la conga.
Había orquesta del pueblo y los tuneros hacían su mejor aparición para pagarse el viaje de fin de carrera o el de primer curso, la cuestión era beber, sabiendo los litros que uno se metía, porque bien claro lo ponía en la botella. Todos eran valientes y gritaban desde el final de la sala, el típico: “¡Qué se besen, qué se besen!” y para rematar: “¡Los padres, los padres!”. Los macarrones iban de primero y luego se tocaba cielo con el entrecot de carne. Con colores algo llamativos entre las camisas de los presentes, ese verde flojo y ese amarillo dejado, despistaba, ¿era nuevo o era usado? Para mí, ya la habían llevado en la comunión de la Pili.
A día de hoy, la cosa ha cambiado. Para empezar, todos somos paparazzis. El móvil se ha convertido en el instrumento para capturar el momento. Los banquetes se hacen delicados, vamos, que te quedas con hambre. No se llega al altar, se va también por lo civil. El DJ te pincha seré tu amante bandido y, luego, tres, que ni flowers, pero sigues bailando a riesgo de perder fuelle. Nadie grita y al que lo hace se le mira de refilón, pensando: “Ya está el típico gracioso…. Y, ¿se va a callar el puto niño que llora? Si us plau, que estamos en un acto serio, ¡enseñando berza joder! Madre mía, donde se ha comprado el vestido la Pili, iba mejor en su comunión”.
Si hay Wi-fi en el banquete ya hemos tocado techo, todo el mundo ha ido al mismo evento en facebook y en instagram. Joder, si que tengo pocos amigos, qué triste…Ahora se cuenta en euros y el tío borracho no hace su aparición. Menos alcohol, pero más coca y cristal sin etiquetas. Si que vamos mal: “Mira ese que ya va tó trufao.” El protocolo marca el tiempo y se da algo a las futuras parejas, con una especie de teatrillo que merece la pena pagar los ciento cincuenta pavos del menú.
Por parte del padrino, se tira de texto de Internet y ya no hay puros. Se da algo de golosinas, aunque no todos son niños. Me he tirado una semana para escoger traje y llegaré sin manchas hasta el final del convite, cueste lo que cueste. Encima, hoy me he peinado con gel hidratante. Suena Carros de Fuego de fondo y hace su aparición el pastel, con algún gusto a fresa exótica, y con más de un animador sociocultural contratado, porque esto no lo levanta ni Peret resucitado. No hay Contesa en la carta y se juega a las parejas. A ver si nuestro amigo “el soltero”, deja de estar solo.
Lo mejor es hacer lo que a uno le dicta la patata, el corazón. Pasar de los paparazzis, centrarse en el disfrute y en algo de beber para las gargantas resecas. Bailar con la madre del novio y, si hace falta, con la de la novia. Perder la corbata. Gritar con aspavientos, recitando un texto propio. Y es que si vamos a lo que vamos, mejor ir con todo y sin reservas. La vida es un suspiro, lo de antes era como era y lo de hoy es como es, pero hicieras lo que hicieras o hagas lo que hagas, pon todo tu amor, sin buscar la más mínima compensación en esos ciento cincuenta pavos. ¡Ave María! ¡Sin pecado concebido!
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movinglikeclouds · 10 years
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adribosch-fan · 10 years
El vídeo de la monja de «La Voz» arrasa en YouTube con millones de visionados
El vídeo de la monja de «La Voz» arrasa en YouTube con millones de visionados
Después de que Sor Cristina dejará a los jueces de la versión italiana de «La Voz» con la boca abierta, el vídeo de su actuación se ha convertido en lo más visto de los últimos días.
  La monja de la versión italiana «La Voz» dejó a todos con la boca abierta y ahora el vídeo de su actuación se ha convertido en uno de los vídeos más…
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giallofever2 · 7 years
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1969 (Italian Lobby's & German Post Cards) Professione bigamo Also Known As (AKA) (original title) Warum hab ich bloß 2 x ja gesagt? Confessions of a Bigamist Why Did I Say Yes Twice? Argentina Profesión: bígamo Austria Warum hab ich bloß 2 x ja gesagt? Brazil Bígamo Germany (DVD title) Warum hab' ich bloss 2 x Ja gesagt? Spain Profesión: bígamo Greece (transliterated) O polygamos Greece (reissue title) Polygamos... kai keratas... Ireland (English title) Confessions of a Bigamist Italy Professione bigamo Portugal Profissão: Bígamo USA The Viking Who Became a Bigamist West Germany (alternative title) Der liebestolle Schlafwagenschaffner West Germany (video title) Doppelt verheiratet hält besser Release Dates Austria August 1969 West Germany 5 September 1969 Italy 11 October 1969 Argentina 25 February 1971 UK 10 October 1974 (London) Germany 24 October 2003 (DVD premiere) Directed by Franz Antel ... (as François Legrand) Music by Gianni Ferrio Writing Credits Günter Ebert ... (writer) Mario Guerra ... (writer) Kurt Nachmann ... (writer) Vittorio Vighi ... (as Vighi Vittoriano) Cast (in credits order) Lando Buzzanca Lando Buzzanca ... Vittorio Coppa Raffaella Carrà Raffaella Carrà ... Teresa (as Raffaela Carra) Teri Tordai as Terry Torday ... Ingrid #professionebigamo #landobuzzanca #raffaellacarra #raffaellacarrà #movieoftheday #filmoftheday #italiancultmovie #italianmovie #italiancomedy #italiancultcomedymovie #commediaitaliana #commediaallitaliana #teritordai #franzantel #gianniferrio (presso Cinecittà, Lazio, Italy)
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lagaleriadetuyyo-blog · 11 years
escuchar en spotify
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dovetosanoleaquile · 12 years
Raffaela Carrà - Tanti auguri 1978
Comè bello far lamore da Trieste in giù comè bello far lamore io son pronta e tu tanti auguri, a chi tanti amanti ha tanti auguri, in campagna ed in città.
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