lanalightspeed · 12 days
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lil eye study <3
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 days
117 of 2024
Created by --rainboweyes--
i'm female. i like cheese. i like my independence. i'd be lost without my phone. i want to have kids one day. my best friend is male. i love cookies. i don't have a favourite animal. i have had swine flu. i'm afraid of spiders. i have a brother. i have a sister. my dad is between 45-50 years old. my mum is between 40-45 years old. i want to learn how to drive. i have had a tooth taken out. i horde money. my best friends parents love me. my hair is brown. my eyes are green. i dislike the colour blue. i wish i was younger. i have been to australia. i live outside the US. i love being hugged. i would rather shop than dance. i'm good at singing.(debatable) i wish i could be less clumsy. i like my hair being played with. my oldest cousin is over 30. i like card games. i can't stand opera. i like the sound of my own voice. i can't stand my name. i fear being rejected. i've eaten chicken today. i've stolen money off someone. my best friend is my partner. i enjoy cycling. i'm an artsy person. i have a large dvd collection. i have a large cd collection. i am a virgin. i want to get married one day. i believe in god. i have lots of close friends. i wish i was more sporty. i love perfume. i like shakespeare. i like dickens. my hair is long. i have a favourite tv series. my lips are chapped. i don't like beer. i love apple juice. i drink wine. i drink vodka. whiskey makes me sick. i like cocktails. i have a niece or nephew. i like irish music. i have irish descent. i don't wear makeup often. i wash my hair at least 3 times a week. i like pizza. i love pasta. i hate olives. i've dyed my hair an outrageous colour. i eat too much chocolate. i have natural curls. i wish i had a pet horse. i have a cat. i have a dog. i love swimming. i live in a town. i live in a flat/apartment. i've had chicken pox. i find golf boring. i hate boxing. i get jealous easy. i love fantasy films. i love harry potter. my friends would say I'm caring. i once wanted to be a teacher. i have a low attention span. i am an avid reader. i am not easily frightened. i'm very philosophical. i am or intend to study psychology. i would say i am unique. i have more than 3 aunts. my skin is pale. my birthday is in less than 3 months time. i feel sleepy right now. stars and hearts are pretty. purple is my favourite colour. i wish unicorns existed. i have a specific, actual, phobia. flying frightens me. i would rather listen to music than watch tv.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
survey by --rainboweyes-- which is meant to be answered in future tense but i’m making it a recap instead because travel hangover is real :) :) :)
Firstly, what's your name? Robyn.
Secondly, what is your age? I’m 25. 
Thirdly, where do you live? The Philippines.
You & Your Trip
Where are you going to? I went to Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur, consecutively.
Is it just you or is someone else going? Who/come many? Thailand: I was with Angela, Reena, and Hans. Malaysia: I was with my entire immediate family; five people total.
What type of accomodation are you going to be staying in (hotel, cabin etc) Thailand: We stayed in an Airbnb. Lovely, quaint loft in the middle of a super local area where we lived on 7-Eleven and the various food stalls the whole time we were there. Also, we were just a 1-minute walk away from the nearest train station so commuting was super easy! Malaysia: So my mom fucked up the booking for this because we were meant to stay at a hotel for our whole trip, but turns out she only punched in the first two nights...we ended up hurriedly booking an Airbnb for our last two nights. At the end of it all I was SO much happier in the Airbnb. Just less fancy, less pretentious, and it let me appreciate the local life more.
What country/state/area is the place you are staying? Thailand: We specifically stayed in Talat Phlu.  Malaysia: Jalan Pinang for the first half, Bukit Ceylon the latter half of the trip.
The place you are staying, what are the most popular 'things to do'? Thailand: The local culture is fan-fucking-tastic and you can do everything from going to museums, restaurant-hopping, binging on local street food, experiencing the night life, and visiting their night markets. I feel like we just barely scratched the surface of what you can possibly do in Bangkok even though our itinerary was packed to the brim and we averaged 10k steps/day. Malaysia: Just shopping and malling, really. But the thing is they don’t have spots where you can shop for cheap like in Bangkok...you can really only do your shopping in KL if you can afford your Louis Vuittons and Rolexes. I did see some nightlife but I think it’s only centered in Changkat Bukit Bintang.
What are YOU planning to do on this trip? Thailand: I remember making it a goal to do three things in Bangkok: see Yoongi, eat tons of street food, and go to a redlight district. I did the first two and we ended up not having time for the third. We also went on a cruise along the Chao Phraya; shopped at Chatuchak; visited the Maeklong Railway market and one of their many floating markets; and visited Wat Pho. On our final day, Reena and I made a stop at the BTS pop-up store that was stopping over at Bangkok at the time. Malaysia: I didn’t exactly have plans for this trip in the beginning. I honestly wasn’t too excited for it either as it was back-to-back with my Bangkok trip and I felt like I was going to be dead exhausted after the latter – and because I kind of had a feeling that I was gonna spend most of my time missing my time in Bangkok with friends. Anyway, it all changed when I found out that Kuala Lumpur is home to a beautiful, gigantic park and I spent nearly every day I had in KL staying in that park and admiring everything about it.
Are you flying, driving or going on a boat to get there? I flew to both countries.
How long will the above journey take? Thailand: By plane, it took a little under three hours. Malaysia: Four hours.
How popular is the destination you are going to? Thailand: As far as I know it’s a major tourist destination all year long. I saw SO MANY non-Asian people in my time there. It just so happens to be a bonus that there was suddenly a large wave of Filipinos there because we were all there to see Yoongi, hahaha. Malaysia: Slightly less popular than Thailand, but I saw lots of tourists nonetheless. It’s particularly a popular destination for Filipinos and I overheard a good amount of Filipino being spoken while I was there.
The Place Itself
Is there a beach nearby? Thailand: As far as I know, no. Malaysia: Definitely not. There was talk within my family of going to the beach, but it was quickly canceled when we realized that the nearest beach was like 400km away.
How far away are the nearest shops? Thailand: We lived in the outskirts of the city center, so the malls were actually a good 30-minute drive away if the traffic was a little forgiving. The cheaper night markets, around 45 minutes to an hour away. Malaysia: When we stayed at Hyatt we were like a 2-minute walk from Suria KLCC, their most popular mall. When we moved to the Airbnb, the nearest shops and malls were around a 20-minute walk away.
Is it a pub/club area? Thailand: Talat Phlu isn’t exactly one, no. It’s a quiet neighborhood. Malaysia: I’d consider it one, yes. We stayed very close to Changkat Bukit Bintang but I never got to experience the nightlife as I was with my family, none of whom drinks. The rest of Kuala Lumpur, honestly a bit disappointing as everything closes by 8 PM hahahaha
What are the locals like/supposed to be like? Thailand: EXTREMELY friendly and helpful. There were only two or three times that locals didn’t try to strike a conversation with us. Everyone is approachable and even most of our Grab drivers were super open to telling us about their country, their culture, how their monarchy works, etc.
I had a wholesome experience with a local coffee stall manned by someone who didn’t speak a word of English. She was trying to ask me how much sugar I wanted and I, not speaking a word of Thai, just told her “many many many” while making this grand motion with my arms. My group and she had a cute chuckle about it and to her credit she did make my drink extremely sweet! Haha. At the Chatuchak night market, too, we saw this kind old man selling handpainted shirts and we ended up having a short talk with him about this hobby of his, when he started, etc. It was awesome. Malaysia: They’re much like Filipinos in that they like to keep to themselves. Nothing bad about it, it’s just that they won’t go out of their way to talk to you and stuff. Only our first Grab driver (who drove us from the airport to the hotel) initiated a conversation with us.
What is the first language of this place? Thailand: Thai. Malaysia: Malay. A bit easier for me this time around as Filipino does have a good number of similarities to Malay, like how ‘masuk’ in Malay means entrance. ‘Pasok’ in Filipino means ‘to go in.’
What about the secondary language? I wanna say it’s English for both? I’m not entirely sure though.
What is the currency that is used? Thailand: Baht. Malaysia: Ringgit.
Is there any fields/woods nearby? Thailand: I didn’t find any, at least. Malaysia: Well they do have a park, so there’s that.
Is this place in the city or is it more rural? Both were urban spaces.
What countries/states/islands surround the place you're visiting? Thailand: If my memory in geography classes serve me well, there’s Myanmar, Laos, and Malaysia. Malaysia: Thailand and Singapore. Indonesia too I think?
What type of food is the most popular there? Thailand: Mango sticky rice, tom yum soup, and pad thai I feel are major pillars of their local cuisine. Malaysia: Nasi lemak and rendang.
Can you smoke/drink/wear a bikini there? Thailand: You can smoke cigarettes and weed, but not vape which was a major struggle for me hah. You can drink, too, and I imagine you can wear a bikini given how accepting the country is as far as freedom of expression. Malaysia: Yeah people were fucking smoking and vaping everywhere. Yes to drinking as well but I imagine it’d be a bit touchy with bikinis considering the women are very conservative.
What religion is the main religion there? Thailand: Buddhism. Malaysia: Islam.
How Many...
Days are you going for? Thailand: I was there for technically 5 days, but it felt like 4 only because our arrival was at 11 PM and we had barely anything to do the first night. Malaysia: 5 days. It was nearly the same situation as Thailand, except we had more to do the first night since we arrived earlier, around 5 PM.
People are going? Thailand: There were four of us. Malaysia: Again, there were five.
Suitcases are being taken? I didn’t bring any extra luggage for both, just my handcarry.
Handbag/extra bags being taken? I just had one small suitcase then my belt bag.
Adults going? Thailand: Four. Malaysia: Five.
Children going? None for both.
Miles away is it from where you live? Thailand: Around 2,200 km.  Malaysia: Around 2,400 km.
Stars is the resort if a hotel or motel? Thailand: We were in an Airbnb. Malaysia: 5-star for our first accommodation, then we had an Airbnb for the second half of the trip.
States or country do you have to pass over to get there? We flew.
Colours are in that country’s flag? Thailand: Blue, white, red. Malaysia: Blue, white, red, yellow.
Things you plan to do:
Go swimming? Eh I’m not big on swimming if it’s not on a beach, so I didn’t do any swimming for both trips.
Go on the beach? ^ That.
Go to a bar? We did go to a local bar in Thailand, right after the concert since we wanted to shake off our concert high/adrenaline. Most bars were closed after midnight, but we found this one spot hidden in some building with a local band playing. Music was awesome despite us not understanding a word of their songs. What baffled me though was the lack of seats in the bar. Like we had tables to set our drinks down, sure, but no seats? What a unique experience haha.
Didn’t do any drinking in Malaysia as I was with family.
Go clubbing? Didn’t go clubbing for either trip.
Play a sport such as golf, volleyball etc? We didn’t have time for sports, haha.
Walk around the shops? Definitely. The glaring difference is that I shopped til I dropped in Bangkok, and only went window shopping in Kuala Lumpur also just because I wiped out my shopping budget from Bangkok. This is besides the fact that KL mostly had high-end brands anyway.
Go to a spa? I’m not a fan of spas and massages so no.
Go to a zoo? Zoos are a no-no for me. We had talk of visiting an elephant sanctuary in Bangkok, but the ethical ones were understandably considerably expensive so we had to pass on it.
Go to a museum? I actually was never able to! In Bangkok we simply didn’t have time to do so; although on our last day when our schedule was kind of freer, I did try to visit the Bangkok Art & Culture Centre...only to find out they’re closed on Mondays :( In the end, zero museums were visited for both Thailand and Malaysia.
Go to other sights to see? Thailand: Yeah in Bangkok we went full tourist mode – booked a couple of Klook tours that I already mentioned earlier, and also did a temple visit on our own. Malaysia: It was honestly a bit harder to go sightseeing with family since we don’t share the same stamina. I couldn’t get them to walk as much as I would’ve wanted to or experience the nightlife, but we did try to visit as many spots as we could together. We saw the Petronas Twin Towers (but never went inside), went to Suria KLCC, the KLCC Park, Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, and Petaling Street. The four of them also went to Central Market on our penultimate day but I didn’t join in as I worked from Malaysia that day.
Go kayaking/boating? Yes we rode a boat in Thailand as part of our floating market tour :) They took us along the markets and several spots along the river where fireflies would start to light up when the sun goes down.
Go skiing/skating etc? Nope.
Go to a church/temple to pray? In Wat Pho we paid our respects, yes.
Go to a local restaurant? For sure. Our only exception was to try the local McDonald’s in Bangkok for the sole purpose of trying out products that weren’t in the Philippine menu. None of us got what we already have over here.
Are you going on this trip for a tan, for fun, to explore or what? Thailand: The premise of this trip is endearing to think about now. We definitely wanted to go for the Yoongi concert, but considering how hard it was to secure tickets and how many Filipinos (and even people from neighboring countries!!!) were planning to go, we literally made a vow among ourselves that 1) we were going to try our best to get tickets, and 2) if we didn’t, we were going to treat our trip like a normal, leisure trip and no one is going to be a debbie downer about missing the concert. That said we booked our flight before the tickets, but we were very fortunate to get tickets so the trip turned out to be both for the concert and so that we can finally travel as a group, out of the country, for the very first time. Malaysia: For vacation. Also I think partly because my mom had been jealous of my Bangkok trip so she ended up booking KL on a whim.
You are most looking forward to...? Thailand: It was excitement for both seeing Yoongi and traveling overseas with my closest friends. Malaysia: I was excited to keep going back to the park, as soon as I discovered it for the first time.
What clothes/accessories have you bought especially for this trip? Thailand: You wouldn’t believe the shopping I did for this trip. I got so many new tops, bottoms, even a new pair of sneakers. It’s the first trip I funded entirely on my own, so I wanted it to be special and for the photos to be great. Malaysia: All the clothes I didn’t get to use in Bangkok. Literally didn’t even unpack since there was a lot of leftovers haha.
How long is it until your trip? Thailand: Thailand has been a month ago, now. We flew out June 8th. Malaysia: The trip was around three weeks ago.
Are there any diseases/terror threats you have to be careful of there? As a Filipino, I fear nothing.
Give us an interesting fact about this place: Thailand: I learned from one of our tours that Bangkok was built on a delta. That was very fascinating to hear. Also the fact that weed stores are super common there was a major culture shock. OH you also can’t buy alcohol past midnight; I learned that the hard way when I was barred from buying soju at our local 7-Eleven and was told I can only do so again by 10 AM the next day lol. Malaysia: I didn’t really pick up any fun facts while I was there haha.
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ao3feedmarcoreus · 2 years
by rainboweye
Words: 989, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: Men's Football RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thomas Müller, Marco Reus
Relationships: Thomas Müller/Marco Reus
Additional Tags: Gender or Sex Swap
from AO3 works tagged 'Marco Reus' https://ift.tt/fFsiHAq via IFTTT
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i-phu · 3 years
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The moment i saw doma i knew i would want to draw him, his eyes make him so much more interesting to draw, love his color palette 🎨
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roquesox · 4 years
when you're emo, but your soul is a rainbow #rainboweye #kaleidoscopeeyes #panicatthedisco #patd #tiktok #emo #alternative #geek #youtuber #planetroquesox #kitaroque #fangirl #dreamer #entertainer #witch #alternativenormal https://www.instagram.com/p/B-jX6WBjkbz/?igshid=1pauj7ri692t4
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m2creation · 3 years
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Day 75/100 of #100dayschallenge ❤️ . . Eyes talks👀✨ . Tried to Paint an eye..🥰 Swipe for Closer look🥺❣️ How's it??comment your views!!😍❤️ . . . . Don't forget to Check out the other Days💞 Follow @_.manviiiii._ 🤗 . . . . Tags #m2creation_ #aesthetic #aestheticpainting #aestheticeyes #aestheticeye #eyepainting #eyespainting #artistryjems #ftmeasr #acryliccolors #rainboweye (at Aesthetic Eye) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQdTNe_nArb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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saminsays · 4 years
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🌼🍃HAPPY SPRING, BESTIES 🌿🌻 blessed to share this fun colourful look for y’all now that all the bad bitches are defrosted 🔥🔥 ♈️♈️ inspired by @katiejanehughes . . #kjh #kjhtaughtme #kjhacademy #katiejanehughes #katiejanehughesmademedoit #rainboweyeshadow #rainboweye #colourfulmakeup #brightmakeup #rainbowmakeup #creativemakeup #myartistcommunity #discoverunder1k #undiscoveredmakeupart #featuremuas #undiscoveredmuas #makeupartistsworldwide #makeuphum (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpyQhJggE9/?igshid=x84bua089d0v
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hueswithheart · 4 years
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I'm not crazy about the way this one turned out, so it'll be going in the clearance bin. For this year, all items in clearance remain $5 plus shipping but take note it will be increasing in 2021 (so get 'em cheap while you can!) . #eyepainting #worldpainting #vibrantpainting #clearanceart #discountedartforsale #discountedart #discountedartwork #rockfordilartist #rockfordil #rainbowaesthetic #rainbowaesthetics #vibrantcolors #vibrantart #rainboweye #surrealistart #nofilterneeded #surrealismart (at Rockford, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFQNpYwM2ql/?igshid=qm1gp96oyzza
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kiss-my-kitty · 4 years
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From a few days ago...I'm shamelessly hopping aboard the rainbow eye trend because of what it represents (pride, respect, and love for #LGBTQ), and because I love 🌈! 🏳️‍🌈 #rainboweye #rainboweyeliner #lgbtq🌈 https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOsMOGnKEe/?igshid=szcj2fneeymi
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tamaratottmakeup · 4 years
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My rainbow eye created using following products: @maxfactor Black Kohl Pencil @urbandecaycosmetics eyeshadow in Cyprus Umber @danessa_myricks ColorFix I’m Freedom @stargazerproducts neon pigments 202, 201, 203, 208, 206 @inglotuk pigment 214 @maccosmeticsuk Basic Red Pigment @kryolanofficial cream liner in Sunshine @rimmellondonuk Glam’Eyes Liner @redcherrylashes #wsp @beautydrugs_net Best Brow Pomade in Medium Brown #rainboweye #eyemakeup #happymakeup #eyeshadowuk #stayathome #makeupartistcreative #creativemakeupartist #londonmakeupartist #beautymameupartist #colourmakeup #brighteyeshadow #beonmakeuo #neonrainbow #beoneyeshadow (at Chelsea, London) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sqsTRgvsA/?igshid=1nd88jot13l9
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
425 of 2023
This one seemed fun since I miss traveling
survey by –rainboweyes–
When you think of this country, what first comes to your mind? Argentina: Muneca Brava XD I liked this TV series as a kid. Brazil: Soap operas. Canada: Maple trees. Denmark: Bornholm. England: Tea. France: Croissants. Germany: Tokio Hotel XD Hungary: Paprika. Ireland: Sheep. Italy: Pizza. Jamaica: Bob Marley. Japan: Anime. Korea: K-pop. Libya: Good food. Morocco: Dubai XD Norway: Black metal. Poland: Bigos :D and pierogi simultaneously. Romania: Sugi pula XD Russia: Vodka. Spain: Serrano ham. Tunisia: Palm trees. Turkey: Soap operas, too. And pretty women. Uganda: Africa. United States of America: Burgers and New York. United Kingdom: The Queen. Australia: Koalas. New Zealand: The end of the world.
List 3 movies you like in each genre. (skipping this, I don't watch movies) Action: Comedy: Drama: Fantasy: Horror: Kids/Animated: Romance: Sci-Fi: Thriller: Western:
Answer just in numbers. Number of brothers you have: 0. Number of sisters you have: 1. Number of the house you live at: 37. Number of close friends you have: 10+. Number of pets you have: 2. Number of times you shower a week: 14. Number of concerts you’ve been to in your life: 3? I don't remember. Number of cars your household has: 1. Number of serious relationships you’ve been in: 2. Number of movies you’ve seen at the cinema this year: 0. Number of people who live in your house: 3. Number of plug sockets in the room you’re in now: 6 or so.
Some more randomer questions.
What food do you have cravings for the most?
I typically don't. Just yesterday I wanted McDonald's.
What TV shows do you hate to miss on TV?
When there's YouTube and Netflix, nothing is truly missing :D
What do you tend to lose the most?
My head lol.
The last time someone shouted at you - why were they shouting?
Because I lost my savings. My husband gave me a bollocking and he was right.
Would you rather have a cactus or a bonsai?
Bonsai. Looks prettier.
What scary story freaks you out the most?
None. I like stories.
Are you better with gadgets or cooking?
Gadgets, but I'm good with both.
How would you rate your own looks? Personality?
Looks 0/10, personality 5/10.
What accent is the most attractive?
West-Flemish, but I'm biased. Also, Amsterdam accent.
Do you get annoyed when people spell your name wrong?
Not anymore, everyone who doesn't speak Dutch spells my name wrong.
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jonaa671 · 5 years
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❤️💕💞 Follow me 🔽 🔽 🔽 💥 @0nlymakeup 💥 Talent by: @suzannmakeup ・・・ #makeuptutorial #makeupjunkies #makeupenthusiast #valentines #valentinesday2020 #lovemakeup #makeuplooks #newmua #feauturemua #wakeupandmakeup #rainboweye #cloudmakeup #morphebabe #valentinesmakeup (en United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8g3xXkJ1TF/?igshid=1a1xqs0petz0s
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ao3feedmarcoreus · 2 years
by rainboweye
Words: 1737, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: Men's Football RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thomas Müller, Marco Reus
Relationships: Thomas Müller/Marco Reus
from AO3 works tagged 'Marco Reus' https://ift.tt/oRSOx8p via IFTTT
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suicidal-blasphemy · 5 years
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There's also yellow in the warm toned side but the camera can't even capture this lovely look 😻 enjoy the rainbow kitten from the @morphebrushes live in color palette 🎀 ears from @kritterklips shawl from @ragenationapparel it's literally my favorite gift ever from my boyfriend. #rainbowgoth #rainbowmakeup #motd #morphe #liveincolorpalette #rainboweye https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AX7_8lAQt/?igshid=9rsq8wgfk6i9
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happyelephantart · 5 years
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Abstract watercolor eye painting, Galaxy watercolor eye painting, for just $15.00 This unique abstract watercolor eye painting was such a fun piece to create. I created this abstract eye print from my origianl watercolor galaxy eye painting. If you would like to see how it was made you can check out my you tube channel here just copy and past ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0wbXAgzSRM&t=10s ). This unique abstract watercolor print will add interest and color to you modern home decor. I offer multiple convenience sizes that are easy to frame. All of my prints are made with high quality and come on premium card stock. The original painting is for sale. The original painting is 9x12 in size and is made on arches hot press 140 lb watercolor paper. Larger size prints are available upon request just send me a message. Thank you for looking and have a blessed day !
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