#Rajas seat garden
alezangona · 8 months
The Shadow of Khansar (Salaar Fic)
Part 8 - Dawn of a New Empire
Part 7 | Part 9
Note: Slight NSFW I think?
If Varadha was being honest with himself, he didn’t really know how they’d gotten to this point. The last vivid memory he had was of Deva being worshiped like a god in Mahit’s garden. Then the space cleared, leaving him and Deva behind as silence surrounded them like a blanket, unable to voice the emotions bubbling beneath the surface. The stillness continued to unfurl, shrinking and expanding in its journey, till finally they found themselves navigating an unexpected terrain, together yet alone. 
Then came the days of battle, where they had gained and lost so much in the span of so little time. There were many moments of glory that brought the men together in celebration and fewer moments of loss. Those are what stood out the most at the end of it all, where soldiers mourned for their fallen comrades, their will to fight vanishing just as fast as it would reappear when the unquenchable desire for vengeance was reignited by Varadha’s rousing speeches. 
Through many of those moments, Deva was physically next to Varadha, refusing to let any harm come his way. Yet, there was a fragile distance between them that he wasn’t able to give name to. Maybe he could’ve if he tried hard enough, but it scared him beyond measure to even consider it. Not when it had been days since they’ve felt each other… since they’ve held each other. 
So, their army continued to fight. Varadha and Deva continued to stay at a loss for words.
Now they are here, in his father’s throne room: Deva holding his sword to Raja Mannar’s neck. 
Varadha considers if he should be feeling more anger after their earlier interaction where his father expressed his disdain towards Varadha, how he regretted having him as a son, how he was a shame to the Mannar clan. Even now, Varadha knows he should be irritated as Raja Mannar refuses to dignify his presence by keeping his gaze firmly on the fuming outline of Radha Rama, his pride and joy, who stands by the entrance of the hall, unable to act. But at the moment, he feels nothing. So he gives the order and his father’s head rolls to a stop at his feet.
A few days later, the scene would appear in his sleep. He would startle awake and cry as regret consumed him. He would wish that he could somehow rewrite the past. He would wish he could’ve stopped his father from killing the Shouryanagas and that he could’ve preserved the loving relationship they had during the first ten years of his life. 
That was to come in a few days' time. 
Then it would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life.
For now, Deva removes the large bracelet from Raja Mannar’s arm and throws the husk of his father’s body across the room. Varadha doesn’t look, but he hears the corpse thud loudly against the wall. Deva steps to the side, gesturing for Varadha to take a seat on the throne marred by blood. He tries not to think too hard about the squishing sound that envelops him as he takes a seat… or about the barbaric scene in front of him, where so few people were alive to witness this hoax of a coronation. 
“All hail to Khansar’s rightful heir!” Deva’s voice booms through the room as he holds up the thick bracelet. “Your Kartha– Varadha Rajamannar!” 
Varadha hears shouts of joy from his soldiers and friends as they go down to their knees. The only emotion he feels in that moment is relief when he sees that his family is okay, bowing towards him with large smiles on their faces. Then his hand is lifted from its position on the throne and Deva slips the heavy band on his arm. Their gazes catch for a moment, grasping on with steadfast determination, forcing time to stand still. Varadha isn’t sure what Deva sees in him though, because within seconds, he’s also kneeling by the foot of the throne.
The only person who remains standing is Radha Rama, pure hatred oozing from her striking eyes, clouding the room in a dark fog that jostles Varadha to his core. He knows at that moment that he should let his guard execute her. That it would be the only way to quell the tempest that would approach in his future. Except, he’s sickened by the massacre and tired of how alone he feels in a position he firmly believed he wanted just a few days ago. 
So, he continues to stare at her, unfeeling and uncaring as he waits for the inevitable consequences that will follow.
He doesn’t know how it happens, but within the next few days, the palace is cleaned up so well that there isn’t a trace of blood to be found. Even the streets are spotless, soon filling with the chatter of people milling about in their daily lives, the gore of turmoil forgotten easily. The change in atmosphere is enough to give Varadha whiplash, but there’s no time to ponder it for too long.
Preparations are made promptly for his official coronation. Amidst that and all the meetings with delegates to figure out the logistics of his court and new policy implementations, Varadha doesn’t have time to breathe, much less relax. Even the evenings, where he should technically be free, are spent holed up in a room with Baba and Mahit as they draw up plans for the future of Khansar. 
When he does have time to let his thoughts wander, he thinks about Deva. Deva who he hasn’t seen or talked to in weeks. Not properly anyway. They would see each other during certain weekly meetings, where they would be situated on two different ends of the room, speaking no more to each other than was necessary. Then, Varadha would leave with his team to handle his duties as Kartha, and Deva with his own team to handle matters of national security. 
With how much their army and people admired him, it was a no-brainer to appoint Deva as the Commander in Chief. At least it was to Varadha. The look of disapproval on Mahit’s face made it obvious he believed otherwise. He later approached Varadha telling him it was a bad idea to let Deva hold so much power over the whole of Khansar. His opinions on that particular matter were never brought up again after Varadha’s angry rebuke. 
Finally, a few days after his coronation, Varadha catches sight of Deva wandering in the palace gardens and gives up on maintaining any semblance of aloofness. He pulls on a thin, black robe and makes his way through the wing, a single destination in mind. 
“Why won’t you talk to me?” Varadha believed the question would come out sounding a lot harsher and a lot more annoyed than it did. He just sounds tired.
“You’ve been the one keeping me at a distance for weeks now,” Deva doesn’t even seem surprised by Varadha’s appearance, turning to face him slowly. “So maybe I should be asking you.” 
“I haven’t been-”
“Don’t.” It’s the first time Deva has ever spoken to Varadha harshly, and it’s enough to stop him in his tracks when he hears bitterness layered beneath the word. “Don’t lie to me. You haven’t talked to me or looked at me the same way since that morning.” He runs his hand through his hair, tugging at it in frustration. “I was hoping we could fix it, but you gave me nothing. What was the point of trying after it became obvious that what we had was over? You made it obvious that it was time to move on.” 
“Over?” Varadha flinches harshly beneath the moonlight, the pleasant breeze suddenly unbearable against his skin. Deva doesn’t say anything, staring blankly at Varadha and it infuriates him that he can’t read the thoughts running behind those charcoal eyes. 
Still, the phrase is enough for a sudden barrage of memories to dance across Varadha’s vision. Every moment since that morning, seen in a different light than before. 
Nausea begins to set when he thinks vividly of his coronation ball. It was nothing more than an event Baachi insisted he throw to celebrate their victory and build his network within the inner circles of Khansar. Yet, every time he would jump from conversation to conversation, he would catch a glimpse of Deva sitting in the furthest corner of the room. At first, he was alone more often than not, a relaxed set to his shoulders that signified to Varadha that he was happy not being bothered. 
Then, at some point of the night, there was someone else. They were draped elegantly in a smokey, silver sari, thick hair plaited together in a braid that dropped over their shoulder, a bright red rose tucked into the top. They were introduced to him at some point as Ila, a journalist there to cover the event. Varadha didn’t think much of it then, mind filled with a checklist of duties to complete. But now, he remembered the way the two of them sat together the entire night. The way that Ila waited with Deva till the very end of the party, following him out the door… 
“Moving on as in, you’ve been seeing someone else?” Varadha whispers into the darkness. Deva’s brows pull together. 
“That journalist from the party? Ila.” Varadha can’t control the sharp edge to his voice, his eyes narrowing accusingly in Deva’s direction. “Or if not them, other people? Is that what you’re telling me?” 
“That’s not what–” Deva suddenly sucks in a sharp breath. “Hilarious coming from you when you’ve been attached to Mahit’s hip for weeks now. What right do you have to be mad at me?” 
“Stop it,” Varadha takes a step forward, hands fisting at his sides. “I would never do that. I would never insult what we have by moving on the second there’s a bump in the road. I wouldn’t do that to you because I’m not capable of forgetting you as easily as you did me!” 
They glare at each other, bodies wound tight with frustration as the sounds of night surround them. From far away, an owl hoots into the night, its melodious cry carrying gently in the breeze. Every so often, bats pass overhead, the strong beat of their wings echoing in waves around them. As the crickets chirp, uncaring for the plight of humanity, the fresh, green smell of the garden inhabits the space between them, imploring them to break their silence and join the conversations of night.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did,” Deva starts, hands tucking into his pockets. “It would kill me, but I wouldn’t stop you from being with someone you deserve. Not when I’ve been a monster… and I don’t regret it for a second, Varadha. When I found out Rudra was the reason you got hurt, I couldn't think beyond that. I told you before and I’ll tell you again– no one is allowed to touch you, to harm you. If they try, they won’t make it a step past me. They both had to die that day.
“Then you came down that morning, and you didn’t know how to react. You didn’t know what to do. I never meant to put you in a position where you couldn't recognize who I was. Where you were scared of me. And I tried, I tried to come talk to you… but you looked at me differently than before and it broke me. I thought it’d be best to give you space, to let you approach me.” Deva shrugs. “You don’t owe me anything Varadha. I have no right to be mad. Regardless, I’m still on your side, I always will be. In whatever capacity you want me.” 
The words ring strongly just as they did that first night between them. It takes all of Varadha’s strength not to drop to the ground. Instead he moves closer to Deva, coming to stand chest to chest, his hand gripping the arm with the tattoo. 
“What made you think I was scared of you?” The incredulity rings strong. “I was taken aback because it’s always been too much for me Deva. Every time I start to believe I know who you are, that I know what your limits are, you do something I never could’ve expected. Every moment from the electrical shock, to Naarang’s head, to Rudra’s death… you go so far for me, and I can’t even begin to fathom why.” 
“You know why.” Deva turns his face up to the sky, begging for strength. “There’s no one else for me but you, Varadha. Your name is carved into every inch of my being.” He brings his hand up to Varadha’s neck, pulling him so close that their bodies finally align, slotting together perfectly. “You are my sun and I am your shadow… I simply don’t exist without you, ra.”
“Deva, I–” Varadha gives in, finally understanding the extent of Deva’s devotion, and reaches up to press their lips together. The feeling of being able to do so after so many days makes his knees quake and within seconds, Deva’s arms are wrapped around his waist, supporting him. “I love you.” He allows himself to say it, to voice the emotion that has consumed him since he was a child. 
Deva’s grip around him turns to vice, a strangled sound leaving his lips as he really looks at Varadha. Then he’s back to where he was before, devouring the taste of Varadha in the cold of night. He refuses to break, hands moving across the planes of Varadha’s body, re-exploring the length of him in fervor, and attempting to melt into him. By the time Deva pulls away, his thumb rubbing gently against his pulse point, Varadha’s pleasantly light headed, choosing to support himself by grabbing onto Deva’s bulging biceps. 
“I love you too, Varadha. So damn much…” 
“There’s a swing in your step today.” Mahit raises a brow at Varadha when he steps out onto the balcony for their meeting.
“What?” Varadha questions, blinking at the man through his sunglasses. “No there isn’t.”
“Mhm, could’ve fooled me.” Mahit doesn’t push him too much though, nodding at the seat across from him. “Anyway, I was going through the Nibandana and am worried that some of these regulations clash against a few of the laws we’re trying to implement. I wanted to discuss a couple of thoughts and concerns I had with you before my meeting with Krishnakanth and the legal team.” 
They spend the next hour diligently looking over any and all issues, cross referencing them with the pages of notes they had taken down, before putting together a file of information for Mahit’s meeting with the legal team. Anand approaches right on time, bringing with him a tray of coffee that Varadha downs all too happily.
“Okay come on, now that we’re done with this, what’s with the sudden burst of energy?” Mahit’s lips quirk up into a teasing grin.
“Is it a crime to be happy, Mahi?” Varadha shrugs, looking away as he feels himself flushing lightly. 
“No, not at all. Not when you look like this.” His eyes sweep up and down Varadha’s form approvingly. 
“Okay, that’s enough of that.” Varadha rolls his eyes and sits up a little, fixing his posture to be less casual.
“Fine, your wish. But I hope you know I’m just telling it how it is. Happiness is a good look on you.” Mahit shrugs casually. Then he notices something behind Varadha and his face brightens even more. “Devaratha! Come, join us!”
“Baba’s calling you Mahit,” He responds dryly, coming to stand being Varadha’s chair. “Something about drafting the trade agreement with the Russian Bratva.”
“We did that already, I thought?” Mahit frowns, pulling out his notes and flipping through them. “Did he say what exactly about them?” 
“No, just that he needed you.” Deva rests his hand on the back of Varadha’s chair and leans casually to the side. Mahit groans, standing up and grabbing the necessary files.
“Fine, feel free to make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back as soon as I’m done with Baba.” Once he leaves, Varadha turns to look at Deva, skepticism written on his face.
“I thought Baba was supposed to have a meeting with the Ghaniyaars today?” 
“He does.” Deva shrugs, coming to stand in front of Varadha. 
“Then what was that about?” He flicks his chin to the side, staring up at Deva in amusement.
“He was getting a little too comfortable with you,” Deva steps forward, leaning down to pull Varadha’s sunglasses off his face. “It was getting on my nerves.”
“Oh?” Varadha observes with open interest as Deva straddles him in the chair, placing the sunglasses off to the side, wrapping his arms around Varadha’s neck.
“Yeah…” Deva leans in, kissing him with teasing nips and licking between his lips. Varadha’s fingers dig themselves into the flesh of Deva’s hips, a low rumble forming in his throat.
“Not that I don’t appreciate this, but he’s going to catch us when he walks back in.” Even as he says it, he doesn’t really make an effort to nudge Deva off. 
“So? Maybe he’ll finally get it into that thick skull of his that you’re mine.” Deva gently bites into the flesh of Varadha’s bottom lip, pulling it out slightly before releasing it. He watches greedily as the skin begins to swell, sensitive to the assault, particularly after the events of the previous night. Varadha meanwhile, swallows hard.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep Deva.” His hands lift higher, making their way to rest under Deva’s shirt, coming into contact with his warm skin. “If you’re going to show him I’m yours, I expect you to do it properly.”
Deva’s pupils darken and without further prompting, he tugs at the gray scarf wrapped around Varadha’s neck, peeling it away to reveal the love bites he had peppered on his skin earlier. He places soft kisses across the length of his neck, coming to nibble gently at his earlobe as he brings his hands under Varadha’s shirt to run his nails over the muscles of his abs. Varadha lets out a sigh of pleasure, tilting his head back against the chair and allowing for Deva to explore his body as he sees fit. 
Deva slips himself out of the chair, getting to his knees in front of Varadha, who acknowledges the action by gazing hungrily at him from hooded eyes. Deva wastes no time in reaching under Varadha’s black dhoti, wrapping his fingers around his hardening cock to pull it out. He runs his thumb over the tip of Varadha’s head, leaning down to blow at it softly and bites back a smile when Varadha twitches with anticipation. 
Deva begins to lick at the tip while his hands pump the length of his cock leisurely. He tightens his lips, inching his way down Varadha’s shaft, pulling back up before going back deeper each time. Soon, he’s bobbing his head at a rapid pace, his tongue exploring every inch of sensitive skin, lapping up pre-cum as the hairs of his beard scratch teasingly across the surface of Varadha’s dick. 
Varadha moans at the feeling, fingers twisting themselves into Deva’s hair as he begins to thrust up into his mouth, impatient and desperate to chase his pleasure. Deva hollows out his cheeks immediately, allowing Varadha to take control and to use him for his own gratification. Deva begins to play with Varadha’s balls, tugging and squeezing, while running his other hand across the skin of his inner thigh. 
“Fuck,” Varadha whimpers, his cock twitching between Deva’s glistening lips as he continues to shove his dick into the warm cavity. “God, Bangaram. You’re the only one who does this to me. You’re the only one who drives me crazy with need.”  
Deva watches from below as the Varadha’s face twists with pleasure. His eyes are closed, lips forming a small O, and chest heaving with aroused breaths. Deva slowly swallows around his cock, savoring the salty taste of him against his tongue as he manages to pull another groan from between Varadha’s lips. 
That’s when he catches sight of Mahit frozen in the room overlooking the balcony, shock painted across his features at the unexpected sight. Their eyes meet and Deva feels a burst of possessiveness overtake him. Instantly, he hollows out his cheeks further, taking Varadha so deep into his throat that his nose touches against his stomach. Two more thrusts is all it takes for Varadha to come crying in his mouth, falling back against the chair and swallowing heavily as he tries to control his breathing.
Deva meanwhile, keeps his gaze fixated on Mahit, swallowing the musky taste of Varadha, his tongue darting out to swipe away at any excess lingering on his lips. Mahit’s eyes snap to capture the gesture, his eyebrows furrowing for a second before he turns to leave the room, the door closing quietly behind him. 
“Come here,” Varadha grabs Deva by the collar, pulling him back into his lap to steal eager kisses. He then buries his face into the crook of Deva’s neck, laughing to himself. “God, I love you. Do I tell you that enough? That I love you so fucking much?”
“I think you could stand to tell me a little bit more, actually.” Deva replies, a burst of happiness exploding within him upon hearing the words from Varadha’s mouth. 
“I’m glad I have your permission, because I’m going to spoil you rotten with those words. I love you, Bangaram.”
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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Her Royal Highness visited the iconic and much= beloved cultural heritage site in northern Simdia, The Lotus Palace. 
Aside from the postcard-worthy palace itself, which boasts three massive sparkling domes, the sprawling complex also features multiple gardens, fountains, and a world-famous reflecting pool. 
The Lotus Palace, built some 400 years ago, was a present by King Raja to his wife, Queen Rani. Legend has it that The King, so in love with the beautiful young Princess Rani from a neighbouring kingdom, had an entire lake covered with beautiful lotus blossoms, his beloved’s favourite flowers. Touched by the King’s dedication to win her affection, Princess Rani finally accepted his proposal and the two wed in a lavish ceremony, with celebrations that lasted for a month. 
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(Above: The Crown Princess was given an exclusive tour by the palace’s head curator. The entire palace complex was closed to the public, giving HRH a very rare and intimate look at the cultural treasure.)
However, a massive cyclone tore through the country and left the lake -and the flowers- in ruins. The royal priests claimed that the destruction was a sign that the gods did not approve of the royal union, and they called for the dissolution of the King and Queen’s marriage. Outraged, the King instead ordered that the lake be filled in, and a massive palace be built in his Queen’s honour. The resulting structure was a marvel to behold, and at that time, was the tallest and largest building in Simdia. The domes are made to resemble lotus blossoms, and the building itself features thousands of carvings of lotus motifs, hence the name, “Lotus Palace.” 
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(Above: The Crown Princess strikes a pose in front of the reflecting pool. Typically, the queue to have a seat and to have one’s photo taken by the pool could take up to three hours on busy days!  Being a visiting royal apparently has its perks!)
The King famously remarked: “No cyclone is strong enough to destroy this palace, just as nothing in this world will ever destroy my love for my Queen.” True enough, the Lotus Palace still stands with its limestone domes and marble walls, just as beautiful as the day it was completed. And what of King Raja and Queen Rani? The two had a happy and peaceful marriage, and was blessed with thirteen children. The King died at age 82, less than a month after the Queen’s passing. It is said that so strong was their love for each other that neither cyclones nor death could tear them apart.
With such a romantic backstory, it’s no wonder that the place is frequented by lovers -and singletons- from all over the world who wish to find true love and happiness with their soulmate. We can’t help but wonder if Crown Princess Anya made a wish by the reflecting pool to finally meet her true love?
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(Above: Beautiful in Pink! HRH added a splash of colour to her white dress by pairing it with a pink tailored blazer with gold accents, and a matching pink head scarf.)
Well, wish or not, one thing’s for sure, Her Royal Highness looked beautiful during her outing. The Crown Princess wore a white pleated dress, which she paired with a pink blazer and a matching pink head scarf. HRH wore her grandmother’s gold watch, and finished off her ensemble with a pair of nude pumps.
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apinchofm · 2 years
The Sharma family and the friendly turtles
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Edwina adored small animals - there was nothing wrong with horses or elephants, they were beautiful, but she liked creatures that could hug her back.
At four years old, she is sitting with a picture book in the royal garden, waiting for Kate to finish her lesson
She picked it up. He was so small and his shell was surprising gentle to touch but still hard as her appa described. It was a protective shell.
"It is okay. I will bring you home." She whispered, feeding it a bit of leaf she plucked off a bush. She was pleased to see him eat it.
"Edwina!" She turned around, hearing her sister and saw her run to her, "There you are!" She saw the turtle and gently stroked it, "Who is this?"
"I do not know; I have not named him yet."
"He looks like a Manesh or a Raza?" Kate suggested, wrapping her arm around her and guiding her home.
"Raza." She chose.
Edwin was confused about what Edwina was doing. Whilst Kate told Mary of her lessons that day, his keen eye noticed her twice take some spinach from her sambar - which Mary had taken care to ask it be cut to make it easier to eat - and put it seemingly on the floor. He knew she had an aversion to greens, but this was new.
"Chottu, do you not wish to be as tall as your sister?" He asked her and her little eyes widened. He could not help but laugh, and Mary smiled at her littlest one.
"Yes, appa." She replied and spooned some dinner into her mouth, "Amma, I'm finished."
"Okay," Mary sighed. Fighting with Edwina over food was a battle they would lose. She would sit at the dinner table for hours if she wanted to, perhaps with the book she kept under her seat cushion.
"I'll help her get ready for her bath and bed." Kate volunteered. She had finished her dinner and accidentally dropped a spoon when she stood. They noticed how she quickly turned around when she stood and the two quickly left the dining room.
Edwin and Mary looked at one another, "Your daughters are up to something," He mused. She scoffed.
"My children? If I recall, I was not the one who told Kavita she could learn how to shoot at ten." Mary scoffed, stacking the plates.
"It was the only way she would go to her flute lesson!" He argued, kissing her on the cheek.
Edwin checked on his daughters, stepping over a doll and tea set Edwina and Kate must have been playing with.
The bath was out and Kate was trying to wash Edwina's hair but she was rather distracted by her new friend, singing to him quietly and holding him in her little hands.
"What is a turtle doing here?" Edwin asked. A sentence he did not think he would mutter, but children were there to test.
He was so confused to see the turtle in the bath. And it was not a wooden toy but a rather live turtle in the bath with his four-year-old.
"Where did...?" He asked.
"I found him!" Edwina proudly told him and he sighed.
"I see that. And you brought him home?" He asked.
"Raza was lonely." She justified with a small pout that melted his heart. God, he was terrible at saying no.
He looked at his eldest daughter, who just shrugged, "He is a cute turtle and friendly. Can we not keep him?"
"We already have two cats who come and go," He pointed out, referring to the kittens his daughters were given by the Raja's wife when her Grey Persian gave birth. He doubted Mary would go for a turtle.
Edwin sighed and looked at his youngest again, "I bet Raza has an appa and amma that miss him."
Edwina bit her lip, "Just for now, then I can give him back tomorrow?"
"Alright. But he must stay in the bath." He ordered, and she grinned, nodding eagerly, and Kate kissed him on the cheek, "Help your sister get ready for bed or no book!"
Early in the morning, Mary was halfway between sleep and waking up when she felt what she thought was her husband.
"Edwin, go..." She murmured tiredly, waving her hand. It was when she felt something tough and bony. Not her husband's hand. She opened her eyes.
She screamed. Loudly.
"How did a turtle get in here?" Mary demanded, running down to the courtyard where Edwin was sitting with Edwina on his lap, reading whilst Kate was dressed, ready for her schooling today.
"Raza!" Edwina picked him up from the floor as if nothing had happened, petting him, "I am going to take you home today."
"I told you to keep him in the bath!" Edwin whispered.
"He was lonely," Edwina protested.
"Girls, my question has not been answered," Mary said.
"Appa said we could keep him for the night," Kate said, going after her little sister to help her dress for the day.
Edwin did not look at her until she walked in front of him, "Chellam, have I told you how radiant you look in the morning?"
Mary narrowed her eyes, "Your children are a menace." She sat in his lap, and he chuckled, kissing the side of her head, "You owe me a boon, husband. For I awoke to a turtle and not my husband.
Edwin chuckled, "I can think of many ways to repay you, wife."
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katyliz415 · 2 years
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had to get this photo from the vogue photo shoot because SOMEONE never gave us any visuals! | my favorite songs from this year, in non-spotify wrapped form
2021 playlist | 2020 playlist | 2019 playlist | 2018 playlist
full tracklist under cut
midnight rider / sharon jones & the dap-kings // soul makossa / manu dibango // knowing me, knowing you / angie mcmahon // the ectasy of dancing fleas / penguin cafe orchestra // little ghost / the white stripes // loving arms / elvis presley // love you for a long time (live) / maggie rogers feat. sam gendel and sam wilkes // in my baby's arms / the california honeydrops // deep in love / bonny light horseman feat. anais mitchell, eric d. johnson, and josh kaufman // girls night out / the judds // iriomote rainforest / shiitaki // first in flight / don mccloskey // bianca stratford / bb bean // (i'm gonna get over this some day / logan ledger // best kept secret / neko case, k.d. lang, and laura veirs // angel from montgomery / bonnie raitt // coming thru / lido pimienta // turns out i'm senitmental after all / sondre lerche // king / florence + the machine // running red lights / the avalanches feat. rivers cuomo and pink siifu // loyalty / gabriels // fill into me / anju // be gentle / danielle ponder // heal / jax anderson // i'm goin' down (live) / vampire weekend // atlantic city / river kittens feat. g love & special sauce // never enough / sleepwalkers // don't go puttin wishes in my head / torres // be alive / beyonce // purple hat / sofi tukker // two fine people / cat stevens // rewrite / paul simon // free / florence + the machine // bullet / johnnyswim // catching on / elephante feat. nevve // orphan annie / punch brothers // beside you / dustbowl revival // old sob story / birdtalker // michigan cherry / river whyless // only for tonight / pearl charles // silk chiffon / muna feat. phoebe bridgers // no one dies from love / tove lo // love is strong / cospe // walden pond / atta boy // laugh track / ben hopkins // fire (harp version) / ayla nereo // dancin' around my grave / andy frasco & the u.n. featl susto and doom flamingo // the air that i breathe / the hollies // shook / raja kumari // break my soul / beyonce // trouble / shampoo // when we drive / death cab for cutie // the oil slick / frightened rabbit // silence is golden / the beths // trouble / cat stevens // laidu / rokia traore // sand / benny rogers // your arms around me / jens lekman // golden years / car seat headrest // a little tune / bret mckenzie // pure/honey / beyonce // to the desert / branches // follow me like the moon / sammy rae & the friends // dirt boy / peach face feat. not charles // the garden / basia bulat // pale blue light / jessie ware // in my eyes / best coast // the otter / caamp // knees deep / the beths // broken / hot chip // hello sunshine / aretha franklin // madison (orla & friends version) / orla gartland // tupelo pine / tuba skinny // stupid love / lady gaga // you and me on the rock / brandi carlile feat. lucius // digital love / daft punk // the seeker / the who // blood upon the snow / hozier & bear mccreary // world service / gilligan moss feat. betsy // blush / dessa // crop circles / odie leigh // stole my heart / sabine mccalla // the disco / ttrruuces // my lover man / bruce springsteen // the loneliest time / carly rae jepsen feat. rufus wainwright // something in the orange / zach bryan // a little bit of love / weezer // sauna / vulfpeck feat. vulf // if i were a carpenter / johnny cash & june carter cash // that's where i am / maggie rogers
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ttelangana · 14 days
Best Tourist Places in Coorg Karnataka
Coorg, also known as Kodagu, is a scenic hill station in Karnataka, India, renowned for its stunning natural beauty and pleasant climate. This charming destination is famous for its lush coffee plantations, mist-covered hills, and breathtaking landscapes. Among the best places to visit in Coorg are Abbey Falls, a mesmerizing waterfall surrounded by spice and coffee estates, and Raja’s Seat, a beautiful garden offering panoramic views of the hills and valleys. The Namdroling Monastery, also known as the Golden Temple, is a serene Buddhist monastery that showcases vibrant Tibetan architecture. Adventure enthusiasts can explore the Brahmagiri Trek, while nature lovers will enjoy a visit to Nagarhole National Park, home to diverse wildlife. Coorg also offers a taste of local culture with its unique Kodava cuisine and traditional festivals. With its blend of nature, adventure, and cultural heritage, Coorg is a must-visit for any traveler.
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sceneloc8official · 22 days
Coorg: The Ultimate Destination for Your Pre-Wedding Shoot
Known as the “Scotland of India,” Coorg is a haven for nature lovers and a perfect location for a dreamy pre-wedding photo shoot. This picturesque location, which is tucked away in Karnataka’s Western Ghats, is known for its verdant hills, gushing waterfalls, expansive coffee plantations, and quaint colonial buildings. Coorg is the ideal setting for couples hoping to document their love journey in a scenic setting because of its gorgeous scenery and calm ambiance.
Abbey Falls
Abbey Falls is one of the most well-known sights in Coorg. It is a breathtaking waterfall encircled by thick vegetation. Capturing moments of adventure is made possible by the peaceful atmosphere created by the sound of the water trickling down the rocks. Couples can take dynamic and romantic photos that showcase the beauty of nature by posing against the backdrop of the falls.
Raja’s Seat
A charming vantage point, Raja’s Seat provides amazing all-around views of the nearby hills and valleys. The exquisitely designed gardens, featuring colorful flowers and fountains, provide the perfect setting for taking heartfelt couple photographs. This location offers especially captivating views of the sunrise and sunset, creating a dreamy setting for your pre-wedding photo session.
Dubare Elephant Camp
Couples can interact with elephants at the Dubare Elephant Camp to create memories that will last a lifetime. This camp gives you the opportunity to interact with these kind giants, making wonderful moments that make for stunning visual documentation. Your pre-wedding album will look lovely with the lush surroundings and the lively elephants.
Coffee Plantations
Coffee plantations, which are well-known in Coorg, offer a calm and beautiful setting for your photo shoot. Amidst the sweet scent of coffee flowers, couples can lose themselves in the splendor of undulating coffee farms. A beautiful scene ideal for capturing private moments is created by the verdant meadows and the rustic appeal of the plantations.
Iruppu Falls
Nestled amidst lush trees, Iruppu Falls is a hidden gem that presents a magnificent waterfall. Couples can take beautiful pictures in a serene setting while enjoying the less crowds at this spot. Pre-wedding photos with a natural theme will love the falls’ scenic grandeur and the surrounding foliage.
Creative Shoot Ideas
Nature’s Embrace
Plan outdoor photo sessions amid the breathtaking waterfalls and verdant surroundings of Coorg to make the most of the area’s natural splendor. Capture the essence of the area with images that draw attention to the vivid sceneries, letting the surrounding scenery intensify the romantic atmosphere of your picture session.
Adventurous Spirits
Coorg has a wide range of activities, including hiking, trekking, and river rafting, for couples who are feeling daring. By including these activities into your shoot, you may produce dramatic photos that highlight your adventurous side and unforgettable moments. The untamed landscape and magnificent vistas offer the ideal setting for sharing exhilarating moments.
Romantic Escape
Take couple photographs against the tranquil backdrop of the coffee fields to capture the allure of the highlands. These romantic moments, whether they involve a leisurely stroll around the plantation or a cozy picnic among the coffee bushes, will be captured in your photos in a way that will leave you with priceless memories.
Colonial Charm
Adorn yourself in retro attire and strike graceful poses against the backdrop of colonial architecture to embrace the rustic allure of Coorg. Coorg’s historic landmarks and charming architecture offer a singular backdrop for encapsulating the spirit of romance and nostalgia.
Wildlife Encounter
Visit Dubare Elephant Camp to capture exceptional moments with elephants. The amusing exchanges with these magnificent creatures might result in endearing pictures that portray a tale of romance and exploration.
Tips for Your Coorg Pre-Wedding Shoot
Pack Comfortable Clothing: Coorg experiences good weather most of the year, though it can get chilly at night. It is best to dress comfortably so that you may move freely during the photo session.
Comfortable Footwear: Choose cozy footwear appropriate for touring the hilly areas. This will help you move across different sites more easily and enjoy your photography without any discomfort.
Permits: Verify if you need any permits, particularly if you intend to use drones or fire in particular areas. This will guarantee a hassle-free shooting session and help you prevent any last-minute issues.
Local Vendors: To get the real Coorg appearance, work with makeup artists, hair stylists, and clothing designers in your area. Professionals from the area can offer advice on the newest fashions and trends that fit in with the local way of life.
Respect Nature: Keep an eye out for wildlife and try not to disrupt it. One of the main draws of Coorg is its natural beauty, which must be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
Coorg’s tranquil ambience and captivating beauty make it the ideal location for an enchanted pre-wedding photo session. The varied scenery, which ranges from lush coffee plantations to tumbling waterfalls, offers a plethora of chances to take breathtaking pictures that capture your romance. Allow the vibrant atmosphere and stunning scenery to inspire your imagination as you explore the hills of Coorg. This will guarantee that your pre-wedding session is as unforgettable as your shared love. Couples looking to celebrate their love in the glory of nature will surely find Coorg to be an ideal destination because to its stunning environment and rich cultural heritage.
AdventureCouples, Best places for pre-wedding photoshoot, CoffeeEstate, ColonialCharm, Content Creation, CoorgPreWeddingShoot, CouplesPhotography, Destination pre-wedding shoot in India, DestinationWedding, EngagementPhotos, film shooting, film shooting location, IndiaTravel, Location for photoshoot, LoveStory, music videos, NatureLovers, Photography, photography location, PhotographyLocations, photoshoot location, Pre wedding shooting location, pre-wedding shoot, pre-wedding shoot venues, preweddingshoot, RomanticEscapes, Scene Locate, SceneLoc8, ScotlandOfIndia, TravelPhotography, vloggers, WeddingPlanning, WildlifeEncounter
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hulikallu · 22 days
Explore Nature's Best-Kept Secrets: A Travel Guide to Sakleshpur, Dandeli, Madikeri, Chikmagalur, and Ooty
If you’re looking for a perfect escape into nature, South India offers an abundance of scenic spots that will leave you mesmerized. From misty hills to dense forests, these destinations promise serenity and adventure in equal measure. Let’s explore five captivating places—Sakleshpur, Dandeli, Madikeri, Chikmagalur, and Ooty—that should be on every traveler’s bucket list.
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Sakleshpur: A Tranquil Retreat Sakleshpur, located in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, is a hidden gem that enchants visitors with its rolling hills, coffee plantations, and unspoiled landscapes. If you're a trekking enthusiast, the scenic routes around Sakleshpur, such as the Bisle Ghat and the Green Route Trek, will reward you with breathtaking views of the lush surroundings. For history lovers, a visit to the Manjarabad Fort is a must—it offers panoramic vistas of the Western Ghats. If you want a peaceful escape with a blend of nature and luxury, staying at one of the local resorts with private pools is the perfect way to unwind.
Dandeli: Adventure in the Wilderness For those seeking a thrilling adventure surrounded by nature, Dandeli is your go-to destination. Nestled along the banks of the Kali River, Dandeli is famous for its white-water rafting, kayaking, and wildlife safaris. The Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary is home to leopards, black panthers, and a variety of bird species, making it a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts. If you prefer a more relaxed pace, enjoy nature walks, birdwatching, and serene boat rides on the river. Dandeli’s unique combination of adventure and tranquility makes it a favorite among nature lovers.
Madikeri: The Crown Jewel of Coorg Madikeri, the charming hill station in Coorg, is known for its lush coffee estates, misty mornings, and scenic beauty. As you wander through Madikeri, the cool air and verdant surroundings will rejuvenate your senses. Don’t miss Raja’s Seat, a popular viewpoint offering panoramic views of the Coorg valley, particularly during sunset. Another must-visit is the beautiful Abbey Falls, surrounded by coffee plantations and dense greenery. Madikeri’s rustic charm and delicious local cuisine make it a perfect getaway for those looking to relax while soaking in the natural beauty.
Chikmagalur: Coffee Estates and Trekking Adventures Chikmagalur, also located in Karnataka, is known for its coffee plantations and trekking spots. A visit to one of the region’s coffee estates allows you to experience firsthand the journey of coffee from bean to cup. If you love hiking, the Mullayanagiri Peak, the highest point in Karnataka, offers incredible trekking opportunities with panoramic views of the Western Ghats. For those wanting to connect with nature, the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary offers wildlife safaris where you might spot tigers, elephants, and numerous bird species. Chikmagalur is a dream destination for adventurers and coffee aficionados alike.
Ooty: The Evergreen Hill Station Ooty, also known as Udhagamandalam, is a popular hill station nestled in the Nilgiri Hills of Tamil Nadu. Its cooler climate, tea gardens, and picturesque landscapes make it a favorite vacation spot for families, couples, and nature lovers. A visit to the Ooty Botanical Gardens and the sprawling Ooty Lake is essential for first-time visitors. The Nilgiri Mountain Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers a scenic train ride through tunnels, bridges, and stunning hill views, making it an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or a bit of nostalgia, Ooty never fails to impress.
Conclusion From the verdant coffee plantations of Chikmagalur and Madikeri to the adventure-filled wilderness of Dandeli and the serenity of Ooty and Sakleshpur, these destinations represent the best of nature’s beauty in South India. Each location offers a unique blend of tranquility, adventure, and scenic landscapes, making them perfect getaways for every type of traveler. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or an action-packed adventure, these hidden gems have something special to offer. So, pack your bags and set out to explore the incredible natural wonders that await you!
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tourismirctc · 1 month
Explore south India tourist places packages with IRCTC Tourism
South India is a treasure trove of scenic places. It has a rich cultural heritage, charming places, and stunning landscapes. This scenic destination captivates every kind of traveller seeking to explore the charms of south India. One can explore serene backwaters and renowned beaches in addition to majestic temples and bustling south Indian cities. IRCTC Tourism brings forth the South Indian tourist places packages for every avid traveller seeking to explore this beautiful land full of many wonders.
Some of the south Indian destinations that are a part of the best tour packages in India are as follows:
Kerala- Kerala is known as God’s own country and it is blessed with beautiful backwaters that add to its alluring charm. There are many beautiful locations that one can visit in this state such as Munnar, Alleppey, Kumarakom, etc. 
Karnataka - Karnataka is a diverse state in India, offering a wide range of stunning landscapes and cultural experiences. Here are some beautiful places to visit in Karnataka:
Coorg (Kodagu) - Known for its lush coffee plantations, misty hills, and pleasant climate, Coorg is among the top tourist attractions in Karnataka. Popular spots include Abbey Falls, Raja's Seat, and the Namdroling Monastery. 
Hampi - It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its well-preserved ruins of the Vijayanagara Empire. The ancient temples, boulder-strewn landscape, and the stunning Virupaksha Temple are highlights. 
Tamil Nadu – Some of the most prominent places to visit in Tamil Nadu are Ooty, Kodaikanal, Madurai etc. Ooty (Udhagamandalam), known as the "Queen of Hill Stations," offers stunning views of the Nilgiri Hills, lush green tea estates, and various attractions like Ooty Lake and the Botanical Gardens, that you can witness with IRCTC’s south Indian tourist places packages. 
Kodaikanal - Another beautiful hill station with attractive landscapes, waterfalls, and tranquil lakes. Popular spots include Kodai Lake, Coaker's Walk, and the Pillar Rocks. 
Madurai - It is famous for the Meenakshi Amman Temple, an architectural marvel with elaborate sculptures and vibrant culture. The city is also known for its rich history and traditional South Indian cuisine. 
South India Honeymoon Packages: South India has some majestic destinations that can be explored for couples going on a honeymoon. These destinations will add a touch of charm to your itinerary and leave you spellbound. Explore the essence of South India with dreamy backwaters, beautiful hill stations, 
vibrant towns and famous monuments that have withstood the test of time. 
So, Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of the place through accurately crafted itineraries with IRCTC, and explore the vibrant South Indian culture like never before.
Source: https://tourismirctc.blogspot.com/2024/08/explore-south-india-tourist-places.html
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Best Hill Stations to Visit in the Western Ghats
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Here are some of the best hill stations to visit in the Western Ghats:
Munnar, Kerala
Famous for its sprawling tea plantations, misty hills and pleasant climate. Key attractions include Eravikulam National Park, Mattupetty Dam and picturesque waterfalls like Attukal.
Coorg (Kodagu), Karnataka
Known as the Scotland of India, Coorg offers lush coffee plantations, Abbey Falls, Raja’s Seat and the Namdroling Monastery. Ideal for trekking and nature walks.
Ooty, Tamil Nadu
A popular hill station with colonial charm, known for its Botanical Gardens, Ooty Lake and Nilgiri Mountain Railway. Surrounded by eucalyptus trees and tea estates.
Lonavala, Maharashtra
Famous for its scenic views, waterfalls, and caves. Must-visit spots include Bhushi Dam, Karla Caves and Rajmachi Fort. Ideal for a quick getaway from Mumbai or Pune.
Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra
Renowned for its strawberries, viewpoints like Arthur’s Seat and historical sites like Pratapgad Fort. Offers cool weather and lush greenery.
If you are planning to visit the best hill stations then you can book 9 Seater Tempo Traveller on Rent at affordable prices.
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vibhuti01 · 1 month
Places to Visit in Coorg: A Nature Lover’s Paradise
Nestled in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, Coorg is a picturesque hill station often referred to as the "Scotland of India." Known for its lush green landscapes, coffee plantations, and serene atmosphere, Coorg is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or someone looking to unwind in a tranquil setting, Coorg has something for everyone.
Before diving into the beautiful places you can explore in Coorg, check out these related blogs for more travel inspiration: Places to visit in Coorg and Best Places to Visit in Kolar.
Abbey Falls
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Abbey Falls is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Coorg. Located amidst coffee plantations, the waterfall cascades down from a height of about 70 feet, creating a spectacular sight. The walk to the falls is equally enchanting, with a hanging bridge offering a breathtaking view of the falls. The best time to visit Abbey Falls is during the monsoon season when the water flow is at its peak, and the surrounding area is lush with greenery.
Raja’s Seat
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Raja’s Seat, literally meaning the "Seat of the King," is a stunning viewpoint in Coorg. Historically, it was a favorite spot of the Kodava kings who enjoyed watching the sunset from here. The spot offers panoramic views of the mist-covered hills and valleys, making it a perfect place for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. The well-maintained garden with colorful flowers adds to the charm of this place.
Namdroling Monastery (Golden Temple)
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Located in Bylakuppe, the Namdroling Monastery, also known as the Golden Temple, is one of the largest Tibetan settlements in South India. The monastery is a beautiful representation of Tibetan architecture and culture. The 40-foot tall golden Buddha statues are a major attraction here. The peaceful environment and the spiritual aura of the monastery make it a must-visit place in Coorg.
Talacauvery and Bhagamandala
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Talacauvery is the source of the river Cauvery, one of the most sacred rivers in South India. It is located on the Brahmagiri hill at an altitude of 1,276 meters above sea level. The place is not only a pilgrimage site but also offers stunning views of the surrounding hills. Nearby, Bhagamandala is another sacred site where the Cauvery river meets its tributaries, Kannike and Sujyoti. The area is also known for its Triveni Sangam, a confluence of three rivers.
Dubare Elephant Camp
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For wildlife enthusiasts, Dubare Elephant Camp is a must-visit. Located on the banks of the river Cauvery, this camp offers an opportunity to interact with elephants in their natural habitat. Visitors can participate in various activities such as elephant bathing, feeding, and even a ride on these gentle giants. The camp also provides insights into the daily routine and training of elephants.
Coffee Plantations
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Coorg is synonymous with coffee, and no trip to this hill station is complete without a visit to its sprawling coffee plantations. Many estates offer guided tours where you can learn about the coffee-making process, from bean to cup. The aroma of fresh coffee and the scenic beauty of the plantations make this an unforgettable experience.
Madikeri Fort
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Madikeri Fort, built in the late 17th century by Muddu Raja, is a historical landmark in Coorg. The fort has witnessed several battles and has been rebuilt by different rulers over the years. Inside the fort, you’ll find a palace, a church, and a museum that offers a glimpse into the history and culture of Coorg. The fort's elevated position provides a great view of the surrounding area.
Nagarhole National Park
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Nagarhole National Park, also known as Rajiv Gandhi National Park, is a haven for wildlife lovers. The park is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including tigers, leopards, elephants, and deer. A jeep safari through the dense forests is the best way to explore the park and catch a glimpse of its inhabitants in their natural surroundings.
Iruppu Falls
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Iruppu Falls is another mesmerizing waterfall in Coorg, located on the Brahmagiri Range. The waterfall is not only a scenic spot but also holds religious significance. It is believed that a dip in the Iruppu Falls can cleanse one of their sins. The best time to visit is during the monsoon when the falls are at their full glory.
Chelavara Falls
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Chelavara Falls is a hidden gem in Coorg, known for its pristine beauty. The waterfall is formed by a tributary of the river Cauvery and is surrounded by dense forests. The trek to Chelavara Falls is an adventure in itself, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The waterfall is also a great spot for picnics and nature walks.
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mysoretocoorg · 2 months
Tour Package from Mysore to Coorg Cab in a 1 DAY
A one-day tour package from Mysore to Coorg Cab is perfect for travelers seeking a quick yet enriching escape into nature. Known as the "Scotland of India," Coorg boasts picturesque landscapes, lush coffee plantations, and tranquil spots that promise a rejuvenating experience. With the right planning and a reliable cab service, you can cover the key attractions in Coorg and still have time to relax.
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Why Choose a Cab for Your One-Day Tour from Mysore to Coorg?
Opting for a cab is the most convenient and comfortable way to travel from Mysore to Coorg. Here are some benefits:
Flexibility and Comfort: You can plan your itinerary as per your preferences without worrying about public transport schedules.
Scenic Route: The road from Mysore to Coorg is scenic, offering beautiful views of the Western Ghats and lush green forests.
Safety: With experienced drivers, your journey is safe, especially on the winding roads leading to Coorg.
Door-to-Door Service: A cab provides the convenience of door-to-door service, saving you time and hassle.
For reliable cab services, you can contact Mysore to Coorg Cab or call them at +91 9480735315.
Itinerary for a One-Day Tour from Mysore to Coorg
Early Morning: Departure from Mysore
Start Time: 6:00 AM
Pick-up Location: Your hotel or residence in Mysore
Starting early ensures you have ample time to explore Coorg. The distance between Mysore and Coorg is approximately 120 km, and it takes around 3-4 hours to reach Coorg by cab, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Stop 1: Abbey Falls
Estimated Arrival: 9:30 AM
Duration: 1 hour
Abbey Falls is a must-visit spot in Coorg. The cascading water surrounded by coffee plantations and spice estates offers a refreshing start to your day. A short trek through the plantations leads you to the falls.
Stop 2: Raja's Seat
Estimated Arrival: 11:00 AM
Duration: 45 minutes
Next, head to Raja's Seat, a popular viewpoint offering panoramic views of the valleys and mountains. The garden is beautifully maintained with seasonal flowers and artificial fountains, making it a perfect spot for some memorable photographs.
Stop 3: Omkareshwara Temple
Estimated Arrival: 12:00 PM
Duration: 30 minutes
Visit the Omkareshwara Temple, a beautiful temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple's architecture is unique, blending Gothic and Islamic styles. It's a serene place to spend some time and soak in the spiritual ambiance.
Lunch Break
Estimated Time: 1:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
Stop for lunch at a local restaurant to savor authentic Coorgi cuisine. Don't miss trying dishes like Pandi Curry (pork curry) and Akki Roti (rice roti).
Stop 4: Madikeri Fort
Estimated Arrival: 2:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
After lunch, visit the historic Madikeri Fort. This 17th-century fort houses a palace, a museum, and a chapel. The fort offers insights into Coorg's history and heritage.
Stop 5: Dubare Elephant Camp
Estimated Arrival: 3:30 PM
Duration: 1.5 hours
A visit to Dubare Elephant Camp is a delightful experience, especially for families and animal lovers. You can interact with elephants, participate in feeding sessions, and even enjoy an elephant ride.
Stop 6: Coffee Plantation Tour
Estimated Arrival: 5:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
Coorg is famous for its coffee plantations. Take a guided tour to learn about the coffee-making process, from bean to cup. The aroma of fresh coffee beans and the lush green surroundings make this tour a delightful experience.
Evening: Return to Mysore
Departure Time: 6:00 PM
Estimated Arrival in Mysore: 9:00 PM
After a fulfilling day exploring Coorg, start your journey back to Mysore. Enjoy the scenic drive and reflect on the day's experiences.
Tips for a Smooth One-Day Tour from Mysore to Coorg
Book Your Cab in Advance: Ensure you book your cab well in advance to avoid last-minute hassles. Contact Mysore to Coorg Cab or call +91 9480735315 for reliable services.
Carry Essentials: Pack essentials like water, snacks, a first-aid kit, and necessary medications. Also, wear comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for short treks.
Start Early: Starting early helps you make the most of your day, allowing you to visit all the planned attractions without rushing.
Plan Your Meals: Coorg has some excellent eateries, but it's a good idea to have a few snacks and water bottles handy, especially if you're traveling with kids.
Stay Informed: Keep updated on weather conditions, as Coorg can experience sudden showers. Carry an umbrella or raincoat if traveling during the monsoon season.
Why Choose Mysore to Coorg Cab Services?
Choosing the right cab service can make a significant difference in your travel experience. Here’s why Mysore to Coorg Cab services stand out:
Professional Drivers: Experienced and courteous drivers who know the route well.
Well-Maintained Vehicles: A fleet of clean and well-maintained cabs ensuring a comfortable journey.
Affordable Rates: Competitive pricing with no hidden charges.
24/7 Customer Support: Round-the-clock customer support to assist you with your queries.
For bookings and inquiries, call +91 9480735315.
A one-day tour from Mysore to Coorg by cab is an excellent way to experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Coorg. With a well-planned itinerary and a reliable cab service, you can enjoy a hassle-free and memorable trip. So, pack your bags, book your cab, and get ready for an exciting adventure in the heart of Karnataka!
For any further assistance or to book your cab, reach out to Mysore to Coorg Cab or call +91 9480735315. Safe travels!
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rajasthanroyal · 2 months
Jaipur Sightseeing :Rajasthan Royal Tourism 08209423763
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Jaipur Sightseeing: Rajasthan Royal Tourism
Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is a thrilling mix of imperial heritage, architectural marvels, and lively society. Called the "Pink City" because of its distinctively colored buildings, Jaipur sightseeing is a keystone of Rajasthan Royal Tourism. This blog site will certainly lead you through several of the must-visit destinations and experiences that make Jaipur a jewel in the crown of Indian tourism.
1. The Majestic Amber Fort
Perched on a hill overlooking the Maota Lake, the Amber Fort is a magnificent example of Rajput architecture. Built in the 16th century by Raja Man Singh, this fort integrates large ridges, numerous gates, and cobbled paths with a series of magnificently decorated palaces. The Sheesh Mahal (Mirror Palace) inside the fort is particularly fascinating with its intricate mirror work.
Visitors can enjoy an elephant ride up the hill to the fort or opt for a jeep adventure for a more modern experience. The sound and light show held in the evenings tells the fort's history in an exciting manner.
2. The Resplendent City Palace
Situated in the heart of Jaipur, the City Palace is a sprawling complex that houses several courtyards, gardens, and buildings. It was the seat of the Maharaja of Jaipur, and a part of the palace still functions as the royal residence.
The City Palace Museum showcases an extensive collection of royal costumes, Pashmina shawls, Benaras silk saris, and a range of ancient weapons. The Chandra Mahal and Mubarak Mahal are the main attractions, reflecting a perfect blend of Mughal and Rajput architecture.
3. The Iconic Hawa Mahal
The Hawa Mahal, or the "Palace of Winds," is one of Jaipur's most famous landmarks. Built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh, this five-story palace is made of pink and red sandstone and features 953 small windows or jharokhas. These windows allowed royal women to observe street festivities without being seen, maintaining the purdah system prevalent in those days.
The Hawa Mahal offers a spectacular view of the city from its top floors. The play of light and shadow through the windows creates an enchanting effect, making it a photographer's delight.
4. The Jantar Mantar Observatory
A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Jantar Mantar in Jaipur is the largest stone astronomical observatory in the world. Built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in the 18th century, it houses nineteen architectural astronomical instruments.
The Samrat Yantra, the largest sundial in the world, is the most striking feature of Jantar Mantar. The observatory is a testament to the scientific prowess of ancient India and is a must-visit for anyone interested in astronomy.
5. The Charming Jal Mahal
Set in the center of the Man Sagar Lake, the Jal Mahal, or "Water Palace," is a lovely five-story palace, four floors of which remain submerged when the lake is full. The palace and the lake around it were remodeled and enlarged in the 18th century by Maharaja Jai Singh II.
While access to the palace is limited, visitors can enjoy a boat trip in the lake and view the palace from close quarters. The view of the Jal Mahal at sunset is particularly breathtaking, with the palace seemingly floating on the lake's tranquil waters.
6. The Lively Bazaars of Jaipur
No trip to Jaipur is complete without exploring its vibrant bazaars. Johari Bazaar, Tripolia Bazaar, and Bapu Bazaar are some of the most popular markets in the city. These bazaars offer a wide range of traditional Rajasthani jewelry, textiles, handicrafts, and souvenirs.
Johari Bazaar is renowned for its exquisite jewelry, especially Kundan and Polki work. Tripolia Bazaar is famous for its lac jewelry and bangles, while Bapu Bazaar is the place to go for textiles, especially the famous Jaipuri quilts and Bandhani fabrics.
7. The Cultural Experience at Chokhi Dhani
For a taste of Rajasthani culture, a visit to Chokhi Dhani is a must. This ethnic village resort offers a unique experience of rural Rajasthan with its traditional mud huts, folk dances, music performances, puppet shows, and camel rides.
Chokhi Dhani also offers a delectable Rajasthani thali, allowing visitors to savor the authentic flavors of Rajasthan. The hospitality, ambiance, and cultural activities make it a memorable experience.
8. The Royal Albert Hall Museum
The Albert Hall Museum, also known as the Central Museum, is the oldest museum in Rajasthan. Located in the Ram Niwas Garden, the museum boasts an extensive collection of artifacts, including paintings, ivory, stone, and metal sculptures, carpets, and crystal works.
The museum's Indo-Saracenic architecture is a sight to behold, with its intricate design and grandeur. The Egyptian mummy and the Persian carpets are among the highlights of the museum's collection.
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sarathyrentals · 2 months
18 days Best Kerala and Tamilnadu with Karnataka Tour plan.
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Madurai arrival - 1 night madurai - 1 night Rameshuwaram - 2 night kovalam - 1 night Kumarakom - 1 night thekkady - 2 night Munnar - 2 night kodaikanal - 3 night wayanad - 1 night coorg - 1 night mysoor - 2 night ooty - coimbatore drop
Here is your detailed itinerary based on your plan:
Day 1: Arrival in Madurai
Arrive in Madurai
Check-in to your hotel
Visit: Meenakshi Amman Temple, Thirumalai Nayakkar Palace, and Gandhi Memorial Museum
Day 2: Madurai to Rameshwaram (Approx. 3.5 hours drive)
Travel to Rameshwaram
Check-in to your hotel
Visit: Ramanathaswamy Temple, Pamban Bridge, and Dhanushkodi Beach
Day 3-4: Rameshwaram to Kovalam (Approx. 7 hours drive)
Day 3: Travel to Kovalam
Check-in to your hotel
Relax at Kovalam Beach, visit Lighthouse Beach, and Hawa Beach
Day 4: Kovalam Sightseeing
Enjoy the beaches, visit the Vizhinjam Lighthouse, and indulge in Ayurvedic treatments
Day 5: Kovalam to Kumarakom (Approx. 4.5 hours drive)
Travel to Kumarakom
Check-in to your hotel or houseboat
Enjoy the backwaters, bird watching at Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary, and traditional Kerala cuisine
Day 6: Kumarakom to Thekkady (Approx. 4 hours drive)
Travel to Thekkady
Check-in to your hotel
Visit Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Spice Plantation Tour, and enjoy a boat ride on Periyar Lake
Day 7-8: Thekkady to Munnar (Approx. 3 hours drive)
Day 7: Travel to Munnar
Check-in to your hotel
Relax or explore local markets
Day 8: Munnar Sightseeing
Visit: Eravikulam National Park, Mattupetty Dam, Tea Museum, and Kundala Lake
Day 9-10: Munnar to Kodaikanal (Approx. 5 hours drive)
Day 9: Travel to Kodaikanal
Check-in to your hotel
Relax or take a stroll around Kodaikanal Lake
Day 10: Kodaikanal Sightseeing
Visit: Coaker's Walk, Bryant Park, Pillar Rocks, and Green Valley View
Day 11-13: Kodaikanal to Wayanad (Approx. 9 hours drive)
Day 11: Travel to Wayanad
Check-in to your hotel
Day 12: Wayanad Sightseeing
Visit: Edakkal Caves, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, and Soochipara Waterfalls
Day 13: Relax and Explore More
Explore Banasura Sagar Dam, Pookode Lake, and local spice plantations
Day 14: Wayanad to Coorg (Approx. 3.5 hours drive)
Travel to Coorg
Check-in to your hotel
Visit: Abbey Falls, Raja's Seat, and coffee plantations
Day 15: Coorg to Mysore (Approx. 3 hours drive)
Travel to Mysore
Check-in to your hotel
Visit: Mysore Palace, Chamundi Hill, and Brindavan Gardens
Day 16: Mysore Sightseeing
Explore Mysore
Visit: St. Philomena's Church, Mysore Zoo, and local markets for silk and sandalwood
Day 17-18: Mysore to Ooty (Approx. 3.5 hours drive)
Day 17: Travel to Ooty
Check-in to your hotel
Visit: Botanical Gardens, Ooty Lake, and Doddabetta Peak
Day 18: Ooty Sightseeing
Explore: Tea Museum, Rose Garden, and Emerald Lake
Day 19: Ooty to Coimbatore (Approx. 3 hours drive)
Travel to Coimbatore
Drop-off at the desired location
Travel and Booking Details
• Transportation : Luxury tempo travellers with experienced multilingual driver-guides.
• Accommodation : Book 3-star or 4-star hotels based on availability and budget.
• Additional Services : Sightseeing Package tours and customized travel itineraries.
• Kerala taxi service and Tempo Traveller Rentals for Kerala and Tamil Nadu Tour:
• Dzire : For 2/3 Passengers
• Ertiga : For 4/5 Passengers
• 6+1 Innova : For 6 Passengers
• 7+1 Innova : For 7 Passengers
• Innova Crysta : For 5/7 Passengers
• Tempo Traveller: Details
• 08 — Seater Luxury tempo traveller : For 08 Passengers
• 10-seater tempo traveller : For 10 Passengers
• 12-seater tempo traveller: For 12 Passengers
• 13-seater tempo traveller: For 13 Passengers
• 17-seater tempo traveller : For 13/17 Passengers
• 26-seater tempo traveller : For 18/25 Passengers
More Destinations and Packages
Thank you for visiting our itinerary page. For more destinations and local sightseeing — customized packages, feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Cab in Kerala — Kerala Tempo Rental — Sarathy Rentals
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5-Day Golden Triangle Tour Package with Ranthambore
Start and end in New Delhi! With the Explorer tour 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore(Tigers and Taj Mahan Sunset/Sunrise), you have a 5 days tour package taking you through New Delhi, India and 4 other destinations in India. 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore(Tigers and Taj Mahan Sunset/Sunrise) includes accommodation in a hotel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more.
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On this 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour with  Ranthambore, you will visit a city rich with history, culture and some amazing World Heritage sites. The 1000-year-old fort at Ranthambore in the southeast, Rajasthan has enjoyed the luxury of royalty and faced the wrath of battle.This Tour starts and ends in New Delhi. You have 5 days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore & Udaipur taking you through New Delhi, Agra, Ranthambore, Jaipur.See the stunning examples of Mughal architecture. Go to one of the 7 Wonders of the World to admire the marble mausoleum of the Taj Mahal. Look for the Tigers on safari in Ranthambore, and explore the “Pink City” of Jaipur.
Tour India's fabled Golden Triangle to explore the forts and palaces of the Maharajas
Have an amazing time in this tour with safaris, Taj, Tigers & Lakes
Experience the vibrancy of downtown Delhi Jewel in the crown of the British Empire.
Visit the Taj Mahal, one of the 7 Wonders of the World.
Look for tigers on game drives at Ranthambhore.
Explore the Pink City of Jaipur.
Day 1 Pickup - Delhi City Tour - Overnight in Delhi
Today At your given time you will be picked up from the Delhi Airport/Hotel/Railway station or your desired location in Delhi/Noida/Gurgaon Then proceed for the sightseeing of Delhi. The capital of India which was destroyed and rebuilt several times, virtually carries in its bosom the history of 07 cities. The present New Delhi was designed by Edwin Lutyens, and its main architect was Herbert Baker. In 1911 the capital of the British Raj was shifted from Kolkata to Delhi. Today it is the seat of power of the country and a major gateway to the country for the tourists. 
Day 2 New Delhi - Agra
After breakfast, you'll be driven to Agra via a 3-4 hour drive on the expressway. Arrive in Agra, a medieval city on the banks of the Yamuna River founded by Sultan Sikandar Lodi in the year 1506. Agra achieved fame as the capital of the Mughal emperors from 1526 to 1658 and is famous for its many splendid Mughal-era buildings. Most notably the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Fatehpur Sikri, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Arrive in Agra, and check in at the hotel. After freshening up, meet your Guide in the Hotel Lobby.
Day 3 Taj Mahal - Fatehpur Sikri - Overnight in Jaipur
At 5.45 AM, meet your guide and visit the Taj Mahal at sunrise. The design of this magnificent mausoleum and four gardens are structured on the Islamic theme of paradise built by a king as the final resting place of his favorite wife. After visiting the Taj Mahal at Sunrise, come back to the hotel, freshen up, and have your breakfast. After Breakfast, check out and you will be driven to Fatehpur Sikri {36 kms/1 hour},  It was mysteriously abandoned after 15 years due to scarcity of water. Today, it is perfectly preserved as a ghost city built at the height of the empire’s splendor. See Darbar-e-Aam, Palaces, Panch Mahal, and Tansen Seat.)  Continue driving to Jaipur. Overnight in Jaipur.
Day 4 Jaipur City Tour - Overnight in Jaipur.
Today after breakfast, you will start your sightseeing tour of Jaipur, one of the most vibrant and colorful cities in India. You will first visit the Amber Fort, a majestic hilltop fort that Raja Man Singh built in the 16th century. You will then photo-stop at the Jal Mahal, a beautiful palace that floats on a lake. In the afternoon, you will visit the City Palace, a complex of palaces, museums, and gardens that was the seat of the Maharaja of Jaipur. 
Day 5 Jaipur - Ranthambore – Evening Game Drive - Overnight in Ranthambore.
Today after breakfast, you will be driven to Ranthambore home to leopards, peacocks, numerous species of deer, crocodiles, and sloth bears, and the most famous resident is the majestic Bengal Tigers – pretty much the whole Jungle Book! Arrive at Ranthambore check in to your hotel and have lunch. Later you’ll head into the park for a Jeep/Cantar safari, to observe the jungle in the evening light. After the safari, you’ll return to the hotel. Overnight in Ranthambore. 
Day 6 Morning Game - Delhi – Departure – Tour Ends
Early Morning for your Jeep/Cantar morning safari in Ranthambhore National Park. The park’s most famous resident is the majestic Bengal Tiger, though it’s also home to leopards, peacocks, numerous species of deer, crocodiles, sloth bears, and more. After the morning safari, you’ll return to the hotel for breakfast. After Breakfast, you’ll be chauffeured back to Delhi (about 5 hours). Transfer to the airport or your hotel for your onward journey. Your Ends with wonderful memories. 
For More Info :- www.rajasthanpersonaldriver.com
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kavyatraveler · 3 months
Discovering Coorg: Tourism is a must for all and every individual should make time and visit these four interesting places.
Coorg or Kodagu is a beautiful hill station located in Karnataka, in the Western Ghats region with beautiful coffee estates, rocky terrains, fog rolling down the valley, and lively tempo. This picturesque and beautiful region is also known as the ‘Scotland of India,’ a name that rings with the poetic cadence and reflects its unspoiled natural beauty and the immensely stunning and abrupt beauty that this territory His place was precisely in this natural crown of the Indian peninsula, where landscapes adorn everything and anything, and history is intertwined with natural beauty. If one has to spend a night in Coorg, a homestay is suggested because it offers an opportunity to experience true Coorg environment accompanied with friendly culture. Homestays in Coorg give the travelers a chance to understand the lifestyle of people in Coorg, taste the delicious Coorgi cuisine, and feeling of staying in a comfortable home. If you are out sightseeing in the beautiful waterfall or if you are hiking through the hilly terrain or just lounging in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings, Coorg homestay gives the guests a wonderful and fulfilling experience.
Abbey Falls Abbey falls is among the most visited tourist destinations in Coorg where you get to see splendid waterfalls which is on 70 feet high. This waterfall lies within the coffee and spice plantation and the background has been covered with pepper vines making everything very green and beautiful. Ideally, it can be visited anytime of the year, however, the monsoon season would be ideal as the waterfall would be in full strength. A hanging bridge stands opposite the falls thus creating one of the best terrains for photography and other natural related concessions. The walk to power Abby falls is easy therefore most of the visitor both young and old can be able to come for the exercise.
Raja's Seat Raja’s Seat or the Seat of the King is a garden, famous for the excellent view of the valleys and mountains which are enshrined by mists. In the past, it was preferred destination for the kings of Coorg to view sun setting and the majestic sceneries. The garden is filled with beautiful flowering plants, fountains, and the pathways are well taken care of hence would recommend tourists to take a stroll in the garden a relaxed pace. The early morning view of the rising sun and the setting sun from the Raja’s Seat is quite beautiful and tourist can capture good shots of it. A toy train available at the garden will take visitors around the garden to make the ride more enjoyable.
Dubare Elephant Camp To have a view of free ranging animals, the Dubare Elephant Camp is a perfect place to be. The camp is situated next to the river Cauvery and presents the prospect of interacting wit the largest mammals of the plant the elephants. The specific things that tourists interact with includes bathing, feeding and taking an elephant ride in the forest. It also gives a lot of information about the existence and mechanism of these beautiful animals ; experienced guides offer many important pieces of information. Besides the elephants there are other wild animals that visit the camp as well as different types of birds hence the camp provides vantage ground for natural lovers.
Talacauvery and Bhagamandala Talacauvery is a sacred pilgrimage site located in the Brahmagiri Hills and is believed to be the source of the River Cauvery. A small temple dedicated to Goddess Kaveri marks the spot where the river originates as a spring. The serene and spiritual atmosphere of Talacauvery attracts devotees and tourists alike. If you climb up Brahmagiri Hill, you'll see an amazing view of the area around, which looks especially beautiful in the rainy season. Close by is Bhagamandala, known for Triveni Sangam, where the rivers Cauvery, Kannike, and the mythical Sujyoti meet. People also visit the Bhagandeshwara Temple there, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is a really special place in Bhagamandala.
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harshal1346545 · 3 months
Escape the City: 5 bangalore 2 day trips you’ll never forget 
Feeling like going out with friends but cannot decide on what would be the perfect twosome for two days? We MUST understand you and are here to offer you a hand in designing a great time that you and all your friends will remember all your lives. 
We might list several other wonderful options to consider for the 2 day trip but due to several reasons, Bangalore has something or the other that appeals to us so much that we can’t say no. Thus, do not get confused by vague concepts of holidays and rely on us to create a stunning trip for you guys. 
Choose your desired place from the Escape the city plan if you would like to have an excellent vacation. 
Would you like to tune out from the fast paced life that comes with civilization? These are great 2-day tours from Bangalore and you should check them out. There are places of interest within an hour’s drive of Bangalore and something to suit everyone – quiet hill stations or the quietude of the sea. Pull your suitcase, step on the accelerator of your car or train to dive into these wonderful trips that will help you rejuvenate. 
Ideas of great weekend getaways from Bangalore. 
As for great two day trips from Bangalore, there are so many wonderful places to choose from. Coorg, however, is the most deserving place that provides a beautiful escape to the enchanting mountains of Karnataka.
The Scotland of India is Coorg: Coorg is a place well-known as a hill station shrouded with mist and embracing mountains and valleys nurtured with coffee estates. Oh, well, it is just a beautiful drive from Bangalore. 
For the first day, tourists can stay at Raja’s Seat and Abbey Falls places as it provides fresh air. Among the touched visits are; the interesting town of Madikeri and over eating in local meals that make you get overstuffed. 
Day 2 various to Dubare Elephant Camp fascinating with elephants and then in the morning transferring to Mandalpatti for the sunrise. 
About a two day trip from Bangalore if done by a car. 
This makes a two day tour from Bangalore to Wayanad ensure that one is going to have a wonderful time in the greenery of Kerala. Wayanad, which is situated in the Western Ghats biome, is well-known for the superb sceneries of the region along with the variety of animal and plant life. 
Soochipara Falls: This new tourist attraction in Kerala can be a next stop for many lovers of nature and it is only on the first day seeing fabulous sites including the Soochipara Falls and the naturally peaceful Pookode Lake. Touring and launching are two adventurous ways which you can do while enjoying the beautiful environment. 
Probably on the second day you might be doing some of the wildlife options in Wayanad. Wild animals that can be seen at Wayanad animal sanctuary include tigers, elephants and other wild animal species. 
It can be a two day trip to the hill Stations for the people who are sets in Bangalore 
Ooty is one of the beautiful hill stations, which has the direct link that takes one into nature’s lap and is practically a two day’s trip from Bangalore to a hill station. Tamil Nadu is among the important touristic zones in India and among the most quiet places with good climate for tourism Ooty is located at Nilgiri hills famous for its scenery with quite often sightseeing tea plantations and rather moderate weather.
Ooty: On the first day of the trip it is possible to have some impressions of the Ooty sightseeing having a look at the well-known places such as the majestic Ooty Lake, the lovely Rose Garden and the fascinating Botanical Gardens included in the Ooty tour. 
The second day can be used in relativity exploring the neighborhood as well as combining it with other nearby destinations. Watch the beautiful vales and tea gardens on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway, which is listed under World Heritage Sites. 
You could also go for a mind blowing two day trip to the hill stations from Bangalore that consists of Kodaikanal and Munnar. These places offer beautiful views, tea plantations, and a calm environment. 
List of beach destinations near Bangalore for a two day trip. 
Are you in search of two-day beach vacation ideas from Bangalore? 
Goa, India’s beach paradise: One can consider it when one is planning on having a marvelous vacation near the sea. Goa is first of all famous for its beautiful sandy coasts, rich culture, and attractive nightlife and it gives perfect chances to both relax and to explore. The first day is spent at leisure to enjoy the sun, soak in the liveliness of popular stretches of sand, and alternatively either Baga, Calangute or Anjuna. Go sightseeing at Old Goa and explore the area’s churches like the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and the Basilica of Bom Jesus on the second day of the tour to know more of Goa’s past. 
A two day trip from Bangalore by train. 
Mysore: It should be considered as one of the exciting two-days train journeys if you are looking out for it near Bangalore. This gives a pleasant journey into the cultures of Karnataka.
This paper presents a brief description of the cultures of Karnataka through the temples that were built during the times of the Chalukyas. The great view of the countryside that was also observed on the train increases the enthusiasm of the trip. 
Landing at Mysore the tourist can see the romance of the Mysore Palace, can walk through the Devaraja Market and can also witness the beauty of the Brindavan gardens passing by at night when these are illuminated. Mysore Pak sweet is a must taste while you relax with the local lively music and art forms.
Conclusion: Bangalore has all the necessary options for leisurely two day’s trips. Trekking with family, friends, as a couple or alone, there is literally something for every single person and for every single taste from a beautiful hill station break to a peaceful beach getaway to even a predominant cultural experience. Two of the best two-day trips from Bangalore are out there waiting for you, just take a car or train ride away. 
 Affordable Luxury in the Midst of Bangalore 
There is an array of cheap or relatively inexpensive hotels in Bangalore available for backpackers or anyone hoping to get good value for their money in Bangalore. They have relatively cheap rates, clean and comfortable beds, free continental breakfast, and free internet. Some of them are situated close to bus or subway stations, so one does not have to think about how to get to different places in the city. The rates of service are rather low while the level of service is very good, the staff is always willing to help and assist in the case needed. They serve well for individuals, families, and business people who seek a functional place for their stay.
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