#Ranaa Mhigo
leejafythe · 2 years
One Last Dance
FFXIV Write 2022 Entry Prompt: Break a Leg Word Count: 167 CW: None AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42368832
Leeja stood backstage, nervous as she could hear the crowd out in main hall. It was her last performance with Ranaa before she left Thavnair with the dance troupe she had been picked up by. It was her dream and Leeja was all for supporting her friend’s dream. She wouldn’t admit that she was jealous. At one point, her dream was to join a dance troupe with Raana. As the pair waited, their ears flicked to the sound of someone approaching them “girls, I am so excited to see you both perform.”
“Madam Nashmeira! You didn’t have to come all this way, I know you’re a busy woman” Ranaa beamed at the hyur while Leeja smiled politely and thanked her.
“Of course I did. Now, I best take my seat. Break a leg, ladies” she smiled and left as they were called out onto the stage. They took their marks and looked at each other.
“One last dance. Let’s give them a hells of a show.”
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inkedinfantasy · 24 days
FFXIVWrite #1: Steer
Rowan and Ranaa face their doubts.
Read on AO3 here.
Nashmeira left the two of them alone on that windswept cliff, and his gaze immediately turned to Ranaa. The anxiety, the nagging doubt he saw on her face was all too familiar. Wordlessly, she turned, pacing a few steps closer to the edge of the hillside before sitting, staring over the view of the ocean.
He followed, seating himself beside her. “How are you feeling?”
“Overwhelmed.” She brushed a strand of hair out of her face, one hand propping up her head as she contemplated, her foot tapping out an unheard rhythm on the ground even as she was still. “A tour of Kugane—it’s the opportunity of a lifetime, but…I don’t know how Nashmeira could be so sure I could lead the troupe in her place.”
That, he could understand. Responsibility was often a heavy weight to bear. “I confess I’ve felt much the same lately,” he said. “Unsure. Directionless. Things in Ala Mhigo have been...fraught, I suppose is probably understating it. I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Ranaa’s laugh was humorless. “Gods, if you of all people are still consumed by doubt, what hope is there for the rest of us?”
It was clearly meant to be a lighthearted remark, but the sentiment hit a nerve. “Don’t,” he said, quiet but sure.
Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but rather than say anything, she merely tilted her head in question, an invitation to go on, should he wish to.
The Ranaa of but a few weeks ago would have pushed, would have questioned him immediately. He had seen how their all-too-short time together had tempered her headstrong nature with patience and consideration. He wasn’t being asked to justify himself before the Scions or the leaders of nations. He was being given the space to unload some small part of what had been burdening him solely to Ranaa. His troupe mate, his friend.
His dance partner.
“It’s...things like that are part of the problem, I think,” he began, haltingly. “It’s like nobody ever expects me to be unsure, or scared, or have no idea what to do. I’m expected to be so many things to so many people, to have the solution for everything. And maybe...” He sighed. “Maybe I should’ve told them that. Instead, I ran away to join a dance troupe.”
Ranaa couldn’t help but laugh a little at that, the sound warmer this time. “Well. We’ve seen firsthand what the Kriegstanz is capable of. So!” She sprang to her feet, reaching a hand out to pull him up with her. “Dance with me. See if we can’t let go of some of our own doubt, hmm?”
She was already dashing away, chakrams in hand as he stood unhurriedly, stretching out his limbs. “Very well, then. I suppose its worked out for us so far.”
They stood in the middle of the open hillside, gazes locked, poised in their starting positions. A flash of the eyes, the smallest nod from Ranaa, and they burst into motion.
There was something undeniably comforting in the practiced steps, synchronized perfectly with Ranaa in every dip and flourish and twirl. They matched each other footfall for footfall with the confidence born of instinct, and he could feel that security chipping away at his fear little by little.
He wasn’t sure how to tell if the dance was working its magic on him, but perhaps there was something to the thought merely in trying. He stared out at the sun dipping just below the horizon as the dance slowed into its final steps, heart beating strong and vital and his breath coming in cleansing, chest-filling pants. The pink and gold of the sky, the light reflecting off the calm water of the sea filled him with an all too uncommon peace, and he felt more clear-headed than he had in some time.
Ranaa mirrored his bow as they slowed to a stop, a grin spreading across her face. He could feel himself smiling as well.
“Thank you,” he said. “I needed that more than I thought.”
“I think I did, too. It’s moments like these that remind me why I wanted to be a dancer. To uplift others, to aid in chasing their doubts away—it’s the best sort of life I could wish for myself. Thank you, for helping me remember that.” Her gaze turned softer, her smile a touch sadder. “Though I imagine you won’t be sticking around much longer?”
She was right. He had somewhere he needed to be, somewhere he needed to have been for some time now. His uncertainty had not been entirely banished, but right now, the prospect of returning sounded far less daunting. “I…yes. I know where I need to be now.”
She nodded, as if this were exactly what she expected. “Would you at least return with me to Limsa to speak with Nashmeira? See us off?”
“Of course.”
Ranaa beamed, and stepped forward to pull him into a hug. “For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you. Keep dancing, all right? Until we meet again.”
He hugged her back, tears threatening to prick at his eyes. “I will.”
She withdrew, still smiling brightly. “Now, then. Let’s be on our way.”
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eorzeanchronicler · 11 months
I am reminded of the Archer questline and I would like to not have Leih Keeper of the Moon-splain me, a Male Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. It also reminded me of Ranaa Mhigo Duskwight-splaining to Duskwight characters.
At this point, Duskwights and Moon Keeper Miqo'te can have a solidarity march through Gridania
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thebmatt · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #16: Crane
Crane - stretch out one's body or neck in order to see something.
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Kugane tended to get very warm this time of year, and Ranaa Mhigo was grateful that the casual attire she wore was so breathable. It did an excellent job of keeping the sun from her bronzed skin, but let those all-too rare cool breezes grant the full measure of their cooling relief when they did show up.  
One was arriving now, and she let out an enjoyable sigh as it passed through. Unfortunately she also raised her her ever so slightly, and the movement sent a small stab of pain through her neck muscles. With a small exclamation of pain, she reached up to rub the pain away.
Makoto, who was sitting at the table of one of Kugane's smaller teahouses with her, looked over to her with concern in her eyes. "Are you well, my....friend?"
The small hesitation told Ranaa that she'd almost finished that sentence with "heart" as she often called Ranaa in private, but that she'd stopped herself from doing so. Public displays of affection were somewhat frowned on within Hingan culture, and relationships with foreigners or people of the same gender were even more so. Makoto occupied a somewhat prominent position within Kugane as captain of the Sekiseigumi, and so she had to keep their relationship private. Sometimes she went a little overboard on the caution, but Ranaa couldn't be too mad about it. After all she was very affectionate in private.
"I'm fine, just a little neck cramp." she replied. She leaned in and whispered "Between all his training we've been doing for our next performance and all the times we have to crane our neck to look up at Fearless, I think maybe it's gotten more sore than the rest of me!"
Makoto giggled quietly, smiling even as she cast her eyes around, confirming that no one else was within earshot. "You might jest, but honestly mine has been hurting me more than usual lately as well! But I don't think I can ever really complain about it. Seeing her look down back at me with all of that love in her gaze....it is very much a worthwhile trade."
Ranaa smiled back at her. "It really does. Hey, I'm curious, actually. What was your reaction the first time you ever saw her?"
She thought back to those days when she had traveled to Eorzea, seeking the legendary samurai Musosai, hoping he might be willing to rejoin them in bringing the insurgent who wanted to burn the city they all now called home to the ground.
"I will honestly never forget the sight. I was right outside the tavern known as the 'Quicksand' in Ul'dah, hoping to catch sight of Musosai, when this absolutely massive woman approaches me. I remember being equally terrified and entranced, my very breath taken away by how beautiful she was, to the point where it took me a few moments to realize that she was both wearing a katana at her hip and addressing me by name. I remember keeping my eyes absolutely fixed on her own, but my mind was practically begging me to allow myself to admire just how well her armor fit her!"
She looks down at her teacup. "Of course, it was then that I had learned that the man I had pinned my hopes on was no longer among the living, so that did put somewhat of a damper on my traitorous mind."
Makoto shook her head and looked back to Ranaa, smiling. "No. I'm not getting lost back there because it has led me here, and here, in my greatest happiness, is where I wish to be. So, now you must tell me, my dearest Ranaa. What was your own reaction to meeting "our girl" as you are fond of calling her?
Ranaa laughs. "Well, I'll be honest, I don't quite remember the first real time I laid eyes upon her. She was just another member of my first audience in Eorzea. Said audience was quite large, as a Thavnairian dancing troupe performing is hardly a common occurrence in Limsa Lominsa and there was no shortage of beautiful girls watching, both Roegadyn and otherwise. I make it a habit of catching as many eyes as possible when I dance, if only for a brief few seconds. I remember seeing her in the crowd, mostly cause of her axe. She was carrying a real big one"
"But then afterwards, Mistress Nashmeira brought her over to the Troupe and introduced her as her new protege and my new dance partner." Ranaa blushed a little. "I tried so hard to come off all smooth and confident when I talked to her, but inside, I had two conflicting thoughts going through my head. The first was 'How is this mountain  of muscles and tits ever going to have the grade needed to learn the Kriegstanz?' The other was 'Oh, Twelve, I'm going to get to look up at this gorgeous mountain of muscles in a dancer's costume...a lot...'"
Both of them erupted in laughter. Makoto managed to regain control of herself first. "We should make our way home, dearest. Perhaps we can convince our 'gorgeous mountain of muscles' to put them to good use in giving us a shoulder massage"
Ranaa smiled coyly at her. "I love you and your brilliant mind. Let's go!"
A short walk to the ferry and a ride across the river later, the pair arrived in their neighborhood, walking hand in hand. Unlike Kugane, Shirogane was reserved exclusively for foreign inhabitants, as well as any citizens who were invited to live with them. The pair were known to a few of their neighbors, but no one else even bothered the pair. Makoto thoroughly enjoyed being able to let her guard down at the end of the day. No one here knew she was a part of the Sekiseigumi, and unlike most Hingashi natives, the residents were not bothered in the least by "less traditional" romantic arrangements.
Ranaa had stopped to speak with a Lalafell neighbor of theirs, a man employed by the East Aldenard Trading Company in the city, and was just catching back up to Makoto when she noticed a familiar person walking up the road. "Wait....why is Franks here?"
Sure enough, the "Old Man" as he preferred to be called, was  indeed walking up the road, away from their home. He was carrying a large satchel which Makoto could see held all manner of tools. "Franks, is that you?" Makoto called. "What brings you here?"
Franks waved. "Ah, ladies! Well met. You're just in time, I just finished the addition!"
Ranaa and Makoto exchanged glances. "Addition? What addition?" Ranaa inquired.
He smirked "Ooooh, she didn't tell you! Well, I'll say nothing more, lest I let the rest of the metaphorical couerl out of the bag! Enjoy it!" With that, he gave them a wave goodbye and sauntered onward,
"What in the star was THAT about?" Ranaa wondered as they watched Franks head for the ferry.
Makoto took her hand again. "I suspect we shall find out when we get home, love."
A few less eventful minutes later, they arrived at the home they shared with Fearless to find her waiting for them at the gate. "Oh, good, you're home!" she said, kneeling down to embrace the pair, one under each arm. "I have a surprise for you, come on!"
Fearless stood and  spun around, grabbing one of their hands each as she did, and quickly walked around to the house, Both Ranaa and Makoto stumbled as Fearless almost dragged them behind her, but they quickly adjusted their pace and caught up to her.
Around the back of the house, up against a small rocky cliff that gave them some privacy, Makoto spotted a feature that had not been there that morning. It was a large rectangular wooden structure built onto a series of carefully sculpted rocks that gave an illusion of being naturally shaped. On the far end, a taller wooden structure rose, topped by a black tiled roof. Steam rose from the structure.
Ranaa gasped. "Is...is that a personal hot spring? Do we have a HOT SPRING in our backyard??"
Fearless smiled at her. "We do! I've wanted to take you both to one for so long, but the only ones I know of are in Eorzea, and we haven't had time for an extended sojourn there. I haven't been able to find one in Doma, and I know going to any of the ones in Kugane would be too risky. I mentioned it to the others, and Franks came up with this wonderful idea. He crafted it entirely himself. Fire crystals keep it heated, water crystals continuously replenish the supply and keep it clean. Now we can enjoy it whenever we like!
Ranaa lept up into her fellow dancer's arms. "And I'm sure getting to see us in swimwear a lot didn't factor into your decision at all" she teased.
Fearless kissed her. "Well, I see you in minimal clothing a lot as it is, sweetling. Makoto on the other hand? Yeah, totally did all this just to see her wear swimsuits more often
Makoto blushed and smacked her on the arm. "Do you want to tease, or shall we go inside and change and see how nice it is?"
A few minutes later, Makoto found herself loving the addition to their home as she leaned back against Fearless' legs while strong but gentle hands massaged all the aches out of her neck and shoulders as Ranaa sat next to her, awaiting her turn with her usual amount of patience. Which was to say, none at all. She continuously tried to distract her with kisses and teasing touches, waiting for the moment she could slip into her spot and begin receiving Fearless' ministrations.
Though it had not ended as she hoped, Makoto was very glad she'd made that first trip to Eorzea. It had changed her life in ways she never could have imagined, all for the better.  
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faelune-home · 4 years
Shall We Dance?
(A/N: I told myself I wouldn’t join ffxivwrite cos i don’t write that often, plus being able to do something in one day would be difficult for me...and yet I wrote this just today :’D idk now if i will try any ffxivwrite prompts, and im not submitting this for today cos it doesn’t fit the prompt and wasn’t written for it in the first place, but i’m considering it a bit more
Personal rambling aside; while I as a player stuck with Bard all the way through my msq playthrough until i finished shadowbringers, and didn’t switch to maining dancer till about 5.2, i figured for character timeline’s sake, I wanted to look at when miqo!Fufu might’ve first found the dancer troupe. It feels fitting that they’re based in Limsa at the level to start Stormblood, so this little story shot is set just before the trip to Kugane
No direct story spoilers brought up here, not even for the dancer questline
“I’m still not happy about this. They can dress themselves up as ‘privateers’ all they like for whatever loophole, it doesn’t suddenly change the fact that they’re pirates.”
Alphinaud sighed, “As you have said so many times now, sister. And I shall remind you again that they were the only crew available on such short notice, and it affords us a chance to travel under Garlean radar.”
“And yet we still have to wait for them to prepare the vessel. If we weren’t so pressed for time I almost wish we could’ve asked the Admiral to remove her colours from one of her own ships for this-”
“With what hands? Most of her men are now in Gyr Abania aiding the Revolution, and what few remain here would be beholden to the citizenry. I know you’re frustrated with the current terms but at least be reasonable. With any luck we can secure a different ship for coming home at least.” Alisaie shot him a look, eyes narrowed and lips pressed thin, however she didn’t comment further.
The bustle of the market crowds passed them by, paying the siblings no mind as they waited. A flash of red broke through the crowd, and a little pink blur behind as Lyse and Tataru joined the two, boxes in hand.
“We’re all stocked up on supplies for the trip. No word from Carvallain yet?” Lyse asked, placing her own crate stuffed with foods on the ground. Heads shook, and the woman shrugged nonchalantly, saying, “Well, a little while longer to wait isn’t going to hurt. We’re getting a ship either way, and for now, we have good weather at least, and I heard there’s a show going on today.”
“What kind of show?” Alphinaud asked.
“Clearly the kind that can empty a market,” Alisaie observed, and indeed when the group looked around, the formerly swamped stalls were barren, leaving vendors to restock after the rush, the thundering of cobbles having faded further into the city.
“Well, Fufu isn’t back yet, so maybe it’s her little show?” Tataru chuckled, knowing of the Bard’s tendency for sudden musical moments. “You three can go and find her and enjoy the fun. I can take our supplies to the ship and fetch you once we’re ready to set off.”
The group split, with the Lalafellen woman heading for the docks, while the trio went back through the market, keeping an ear out for any activity or music. The closer they got to Bulwark Hall, the buzz grew louder, many a person chattering excitedly. A faint tune drifted over the sound of the crowd from the southern docks.
“It doesn’t quite sound like her kind of music,” Lyse mumbled, cupping her ear to strain over the din.
“We won’t know till we actually check,” Alisaie stated, already beginning to push past a pair of Roegadyn toward the music. The crowd only grew thicker as the music got louder. True to Lyse’s observation, the vibrant guitar and violin was unlike their miqo’te friend’s usual style of lively harp music. A swift schwing of metal against metal cut through the music, bringing out a cheer in the people. With a final push, the Scions broke through the final row to view the spectacle, ignoring the annoyed mutterings from behind them.
A miqo’te dancer spun in steady steps with the music in the centre of the plaza. It wasn’t their own miqo’te friend, yet the fire in her movements caught their attention all the same. The grace in her steps, the power in her swinging arms, chakrams in hand, one could understand the crowd’s zeal at the mesmerising movement.
Yet all too soon after the Scions’ arrival, the music came to a bombastic close and the woman struck her finishing pose, another schwing ringing in the air from her chakrams brushing against one another. The roar of the crowd was deafening, forcing an applauding Lyse to lean closer to her friends and yell, “She was quite good, wasn’t she?”
“Yes, though she isn’t who we were looking for,” Alisaie shouted back. The throng of people had already parted, the excited buzz fading with the people, and with the freed space at the plaza, one other figure stood other than the Scions, her face the picture of awe even with the broad smile she wore.
Alphinaud noticed her first. “There you are.” Fufu’s ears flicked, suddenly looking sheepish.
“Oh, I didn’t even realise the time,” she chuckled nervously, “Sorry, I only meant to check in on some spots here in case people needed my help while we were waiting, but I got a little distracted.”
“I can see why, it was very impressive,” Lyse smiled, patting the miqo’te on the shoulder. Fufu nodded, almost bouncing on the spot as she exclaimed, “She was! I haven’t seen that dance since before coming to Eorzea, but it was still as magical as I remember!”
“Hold on, you’ve seen it before?” Alisaie asked, to which the woman nodded again, her eyes glittering. Alphinaud spoke before her, having spied the baggage the troupe used, “It appears they’re from Thavnair. You’ve said you’re from there yourself, or at least raised there.”
“Yup! They’re Troupe Falsiam, and they generally only perform in Radz-at-Han. At least I haven’t heard of them doing many tours in my lifetime. My tribe lives pretty far from the city and most trade is done with travellers, but sometimes they’d plan special trips for certain goods or just to treat the younger kids, and I always loved watching the Troupe when I went.” Fufu let out a happy sigh, caught up in memories. The group jumped however when another voice chimed in.
“You seem very familiar with our troupe, my dear.” They turned to see a woman walking over to them. If the metal rings hanging at her own hips didn’t betray her as a dancer, the way she moved with elegant poise and grace would have instead. She gave the Scions a polite bow in greeting.
“Forgive the interruption. I’m merely surprised that we already had a familiar fan on these shores. Troupe Falsiam hasn’t visited Aldenard in a long time, as you so rightly said. Ah, but I forget myself; I am Nashmeira, leader and teacher of the troupe. The young dancer here with me is Ranaa, one of my brightest stars currently.” Ear flicking from having heard her name said, Ranaa turned away from the boxes she was helping to pack, still dressed in her dancing outfit, and gave the group a wave.
“She’s very good,” Fufu quickly complimented, eyes wide with glee at the turn of events. Ranaa smiled back, then wandered off down the path, taking a bundle of clothes with her.
“Hmm, good, but ever still learning,” Nashmeira nodded. Alphinaud stepped forward and gave a polite bow of his own, prompting an eye roll from his sister behind him. “Tis a pleasure to meet you. We are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.” 
The woman tilted her head, recognition flashing in her eyes as she responded, “Aye, I’ve heard of your organisation. Though if you don’t mind my saying so, a job such as yours wouldn’t leave much free time. I’m curious then that our show caught your attention.”
“You’d be right. We’re unfortunately caught waiting for our vessel to be ready before we depart for the Far East,” Alisaie answered, then motioned to Fufu with a small smile, “Well, that and we were looking for this one here. She was taken in by your performance before the rest of us.” Nashmeira herself looked closer at the miqo’te, as though appraising her.
“Hmm,” she hummed, “Actually, you have quite the presence…” Then she nodded.
“Might I request a dance of you?” she asked. Surprise crossed all of the Scions, even more so the one addressed. “I’m well aware that you’ve clearly pledged yourself to another organisation, so despite any reverence you would have for our Troupe, your priorities lie elsewhere and I wouldn’t wish to ask you to join us and leave them behind. But I see in you the grace of a dancer and I would call myself a fool if I let you leave here without even trying to unlock that potential.” Nashmeira unhooked her chakrams from her hips and held them out to the miqo’te.
Fufu hesitated at first, a blush spreading across her cheeks, however Lyse spoke up, laughing, “Don’t go pretending you’re shy now, you’ve never let a chance to perform slip past before.” The twins seemed to show their approval as well, with Alisaie watching with an expectant smile and Alphinaud saying, “Tataru hasn’t come to tell us the ship is boarding yet. A quick presentation should be fine.”
Finally bolstered by her eagerly waiting companions, Fufu took the chakrams, testing the weight of them in her hands. They swung gently on her fingers, yet the rhythm made her arms bounce as well. Nashmeira motioned to her musicians, who scrambled to take their instruments out of the bags, and said, “Do not feel as though you have to copy Ranaa’s dance. It would take a lot more training and skill to be able to perform that to its full potential. For now, improvise as you see fit. I wish only to see how you move.”
The first strums of the guitar were matched with hesitant footsteps and stiff arms kept close. The joining of the drums saw her test a swing of the arm, though the weight of the chakram almost threw her halfway across the plaza, only righting herself with a clumsy shuffle. Yet as the music built up, the keeper found her rhythm, getting bolder with her kicks and jumps, and freely waving her arms around her, and where she had started with a mask of nervous concentration, she now laughed with joy. 
Joy that was mirrored in the cheers of her friends to the side, the encouragement from a returned and newly dressed Ranaa, and the curious mumblings of a returning crowd, albeit smaller than the one the original performance had garnered. Unaccustomed to dancing to music not of her own playing, Fufu was still in the middle of a spin when the final drum beats landed, ending the song.
“Whoops,” she giggled, stumbling over her own feet when she finally stopped. The gathered crowd clapped politely, evidently pleased at the amount of entertainment on show that day. They dispersed quicker than before, though that afforded the troupe teacher a chance to step forward with her observations.
“As I expected, on many fronts. You do have a dancer’s grace to you, though as evident by one that hasn’t been trained, there’s a heaviness to it all. Some clumsiness as well, though whether that was nerves or again, lack of training... But your energy was spectacular as well, even through the rough of it all. Not just anyone can draw in a crowd the way you did, even with an unrefined style like that. With some work you could be a fantastic performer.”
“I’d like to think you already had a headstart on performing,” Lyse added, the Scions rejoining the centre plaza as well, “all that work you’ve done with the old Bard in the Shroud, I’d say you already had plenty of stage presence without having ever stepped on a stage.”
“That was incredible!” Everyone turned, seeing Tataru at the entrance to the plaza.
“How long have you been there?” Alisaie asked as the smaller woman walked up to them.
“Since I think halfway through all of that. You were amazing!” she praised, making Fufu smile. Alphinaud however looked serious, asking, “I take it the ship is ready then?”
Tataru jumped. “Oh right! Yes that’s why I came here. We have to go now.” A solemn look came across the Scions as they nodded. Fufu herself pouted, ears flat against her head.
“Definitely now?”
“Unfortunately. As nice as this little detour has been, we are still on an important mission. My apologies, friend,” the boy said, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. Yet as she smiled back, albeit still looking crestfallen, Nashmeira spoke up herself.
“Actually, if you were so taken with dancing that you would wish to continue it all the same, I do believe I have a solution that could benefit us all here. Your companions included.” Curious looks were shared among all while one of the musicians, at Nashmeira’s whispered request, went searching in one of the bags.
“You see, the dance of Troupe Falsiam is not like most others in the world. It is suited not just for the stage, but also for the field of combat.” The woman’s smile grew as she saw the mixture of impressed yet curious looks on the younger folks’ faces. “Although I would prefer to teach you myself, in lieu of that, I would offer you this instead as a substitute.” At this, the returned musician held out his hand, a glittering pink stone laying in his palm and a spare pair of chakrams hanging from his fingers.
“A soul stone,” Lyse gasped.
“Aye, one with many past dancers’ experiences etched into it, going back generations. I would like for you to practise without it, but should you have need of the skills in a pinch, or even a desire to dance freely without inhibition, you will have it with you.” Fufu had already grabbed the crystal and the metal rings, smiling widely as she admired it.
“Thank you so much! I’ll practise as much as I can, with and without it!” she gushed, bowing deeply. For that, the woman smiled back warmly.
“I shan’t keep you any longer, since your business is clearly important. You make for the Far East you said?” They nod. “Then I wish you luck in whatever it is you are off to do. And to my new pupil I say that whenever you return, if we yet remain here in Eorzea, I would very much like to see how much you’ve grown while you were away.” Fufu nodded feverishly, mumbling more thanks as she bowed again.
Even as both groups finally went their separate ways and the Scions followed after a now hurried Tataru, the Bard and newly christened Dancer didn’t take her eyes off her new Soul Stone, not until they had boarded the ship and sailed far into the waters, where she had plenty of time to practise with her new skills.
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glitchy-npc · 3 years
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miqo-tales · 3 years
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Scarlet Rose
Female, Au Ra, 20 years old
Bisexual, submissive
Dancer, Monk
Hair color: Light pink
Eye color: Gold, with light yellow limbal rings
Skin color: Dark brown
Scale color: Wine red
Taken from the Azim Steppe as a child by Garleans.
Ship sank and she ended up at Thavnair.
Adopted by Nashmeira and raised as a dancer.
Member of Troupe Falsiam.
Friends/lovers with Ranaa Mihgo.
Began training in hand to hand after meeting a group of pugilists in Ul'dah. Later becomes a monk after a trip to Ala Mhigo.
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elfyourmother · 5 years
Prompt #16: Jitter
Standing within the circle of stones, the only rhythm Gisele could perceive was the steady clinking of the golden charms on her bracelet against the razor sharp steel of her chakrams. Her heart pounded an even faster one within her ears, her bronze skin glistening with beads of sweat upon her brow before she’d even taken a single step.
One might never guess that such a woman as she would be so disconcerted upon a stage; not Gisele, who craved attention as others craved air or water, a woman who performed in every sense of the word for a myriad of lovers without an onze of shame, a woman who thrilled to have eyes upon her, enthralled and enchanted. One would expect it even less of a woman who stood upon far greater stages than this humble beach of Costa del Sol: Fort Drakon in burning Denerim, the Praetorium, the Steps of Faith, the Nadaam field upon the Azim Steppe, the Royal Menagerie of Ala Mhigo.
The stakes were tremendous in each of these battles, and many more, yet in each of these struggles, Gisele never faltered as she did now, with the wealthy Lalafell’s eyes upon her. The fate of nations was naught beside the fate of one small Hannish dancing troupe, yet Gisele felt the dire gravity of it all the same, and she held it in the palm of her silken hand. One false step, and their fortunes would be sealed. Gisele could not afford the missteps of green novices, but Troupe Falsiam truly could not.
But she did not come to this pivotal moment blind and flailing. Mistress Nashmeira was as hard a taskmistress as she had ever known, but she relished the challenge, and took to her crash lessons in short order. In truth, Gisele welcomed the distraction of learning a new Art; it was better than idly awaiting word from Cid and his Ironworks regarding their search for the beacon with nerves fraught and frayed. And she threw herself into it with abandon as she always did, practicing with every free moment, hours upon hours repeating the drills Nashmeira imparted to her until her arms felt like lead, her legs were near to collapsing, and her delicate feet were bloodied and blistered more than they had even been in battle.
These things, she thought upon, as her blood raced and she could scarce hear Ranaa’s instructions in quiet conference even with the sharpness of Elezen ears. Again and again, she remembered the toil of her lessons, of the endless practice. She mused in silence, calming herself.
She chose you for a reason. You have trained and trained nigh unto madness; these steps live within you as air, or light. Trust in the Kriegstanz, trust in your Art!
Gisele closed her eyes, taking a deep and steadying breath.
And when the drums and the timpani stirred, the flautists raised their pipes, and seductive yearnings beckoned through strings, Gisele raised her head high, and held her chakram aloft to the light, with her gilded sandals pointed just so, as Nashmeira taught her.
Across the stone circle of that makeshift stage, Ranaa grinned in approval.
And Troupe Falsiam would know the worth of the Warrior of Light, even as their prospective patron would know it, that day beneath the burning La Noscean sun.
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thebmatt · 2 years
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Rehearsing with the girlfriend.  Not pictured, their other girlfriend Makoto watching from just offscreen and fanning herself. Just cause La Noscea is warm, certainly not the performance in front of her. Nope.
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thebmatt · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022 Prompt #20 – Anon
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Troupe Falsiam had just completed an extended tour of practically every Thavnairian village that still stood in the wake of the Final Days, and now it was time for their own spirits to be lifted – with a celebration at Mehryde’s Meyhane, the place that Ranaa swore was home to the best food in all of Radz-at-Han.
That would be an extremely tall order, as far as Makoto was concerned, because she had been to every single one of those villages with the Troupe, and even participated in some of their performances (primarily helping them battle the manifestations of the Totentanz, but Ranaa had added in sections to their routine that allowed her to demonstrate her skill with a Katana in less lethal formats as well), and she’d been served some of the most exotic and best-tasting food of her life in those villages.
She loved her girlfriend’s homeland. The people were warm and welcoming, the lands were beautiful even in the aftermath of the tragedy wreaked upon the, and perhaps best of all….the three of them did not have to hide who they were.
Ranaa had introduced both her and Fearless as her girlfriends in every location they visited (among all of their other titles, because Ranaa loved bragging on them), and no one had even blinked at the idea of the three women being in love. It had initially triggered her old fears, but over time, she’d been able to move past that and just enjoy the acceptance.
She almost hated that she felt so strongly about protecting her home city, that she was the one tying them to a particular location. And soon enough, she would be the one asking them to say goodbye, to return to their home in Shirogane.
“Stop that”
Makoto jerked her head upward into Fearless’ caring but reproachful gaze. Kami, had she been sulking??
“Fearless, I, um…stop what?”
Fearless sat down next to her and brought her into a hug.
Stars, Makoto always felt safe in her muscled arms.
“Stop beating yourself up. Stop thinking it’s your fault we can’t stay here. Stop thinking we don’t choose to live in Kugane every day because we love you and entirely support your work with the Sekiseigumi. That we resent you. Should I keep going?”
Makoto huffed a small chuckle. “No, no, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m sorry. How did you know?”
“You’ve been doing it for the last third of the tour. It wasn’t hard to understand why.”
Makoto stilled as she felt panic rise in her stomach.
Fearless hugged her harder, not-so-subtly adjusting her head position to nestle in between her breasts. Though she was wearing simple local clothing, it was still thin and soft, and it had the immediate effect of distracting Makoto from her fears. “I said stop it, silly.”
“Oh, are we hugging Makoto’s fears out of her? I’m in!”
Makoto felt the squish of her other love pressing into her other side, and she had to smile. “All right, all right! I suppose it was silly to expect my two very smart and insightful loves to not notice. I apparently have no ability to hide emotions from you two.”
Ranaa scooched herself in closer, resting her chin on Makoto’s head to look at Fearless. “Still worried about going home, is she? Thinks we’ll resent her or something cause we gotta go back to hiding our relationship when we do?”
Fearless chuckled, nodding.
“You told her to cut it out, I assume?”
Fearless nodded again.
“Makoto, love, darling, we love you, we both absolutely respect what you’ve done with the Sekiseigumi, we’re proud of-and support your- ambitions to do even more, and while I love every moment we’re here in my city of birth, our house in Shirogane is my HOME now, got it?”
Makoto laughed. “Okay, okay, I believe you. Thank you both. As always, you know how to make me feel better.”
Ranaa went still.
The miqo’te shook herself out of her thoughts. “Sorry. Um….I just had an idea. I don’t….I don’t know if it’s terrible or brilliant….no, forget I said anything.”
Fearless released Makoto as the pair leaned in towards her.
“Come on, Ranaa, you can’t just say that and expect us to not pay attention to it” Fearless said to her.
“She is right, darling. Please, tell us. We won’t think worse of you, you know that.”
Ranaa looked up to them, a sheepish expression on her face and a bit of fear in her eyes. “Um….well, If…if you wanted, before our trip ends….we could get married.”
Both Fearless and Makoto sat back, glancing at each other in shock.
“It…it was a dumb idea, I know! It’s not like it would even be recognized as binding in Kugane. I don’t even know if the Eorzean city-states would, either. And, and, and, we don’t need ir, right? We’re all absolutely committed to this relationship, we don’t need a document to prove it, just just forget I said anything”
The next thing she knew, she was being squished just as Makoto had been moments earlier.
“Ooooof, Sisters save me, why do I have to have a pair of MUSCLEHEADS for girlfriends, you’re gonna pop my head off!”
“Oh shush, you love it. And we love you, silly.”
“So….is that a yes? A no?”
Fearless looked down on her. “I would absolutely love to marry you both, sweetling, but we don’t have to do it now. If Makoto agrees….I think we should make an annual vacation here, and the next time? Let’s do it then, but I want all of our friends and family there. I want my sister and brothers and the rest of the Scions to come.”
Makoto chiumed in “And while I don’t have any blood relatives I want to join, some of the other samurai in the Sekiseigumi. on the other hand? I would like them to be able to make it. I agree with Fearless. A year to plan this and look forward to it? That I think we can do. And I agree, I would love to call you both my wife!”
Makoto yelped in joy. “Oh, I can’t believe it! We’re gonna get married!! Okay, I have to properly propose to you both if we’re doing this, but I can do that in time. Oh, wait.” she paused, resting a chin on her fingers as she glanced upward. “Hrm…there may be a wrinkle I haven’t told you about. Something you’ll need to tell your invitees.”
“What’s that?”
:Well, um….it’s less practiced in the smaller villages, but for a proper Hannish wedding? Well, we believe that we bare our love for our betrothed before the divinities, and to symbolize it….we bare our bodies.”
Makoto was shocked. “Wait…you mean-“
“Yeah, Hannish weddings are entirely in the nude. Participants and guests both”
Fearless and Makoto again looked to each other, but this time the horrified looks they wore prevented either one of them from looking away.
Ranaa began cackling “AHAHAHA YOUR FACES! Priceless.
Fearless glared at her, than picked her up, tossing her over her shoulder. “Makoto, love? I think we need to find a fountain to toss this one in.”
“I could not agree more! I do believe I saw one outside.”
They began walking towards the door, Ranaa still held firmly over Fearless’ shoulder, yelling for help all the way. “NOOOOOO NOT THE FOUNTAIN! Help! Someone help! Save meeeee! Mehryde! Call the Radiant Host!”
But of course everyone simply laughed at her antics, making no move to aid her.
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thebmatt · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #9: Friable
Word count - 1550
Friable – easily crumbled.
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“Makoto, what’s going on? Why are we at this random warehouse?”
Makoto briefly stopped as she walked down the offices. She didn’t like lying to her girlfriend, but it wasn’t the right time yet to tell her the full truth. “You’ll….you’ll see, Fearless. Please, just trust me.”
“I do trust you, you know that. Oooh, is this a secret midday rendezvous?” Fearless’ voice became sultry. “Dilapidated office, eh? Didn’t know you’d be into this kinda thing. I like this side of you!”
Makoto giggled, in spite of her apprehension. “No, no, my love! We’re not here for that! Just…through here, please.” She gestured to a door.
Fearless opened it. Inside was a conference room, occupied simple table, chairs, and two miqo’tes seated at them. “Well well, Ranaa and Rheika? Okay, clearly not a midday rendezvous. So uh….why exactly are we all here?”
Ranaa Mhigo, her other girlfriend, stood up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was attired in casual Hingan dress. The blue tones matched well against her darker skin tone, Fearless noted. She’d have to remember this shade when buying her gifts.
Ranaa quickly embraced Makoto, and then she gestured for Fearless to sit in the chair opposite Rheika, dressed in one of her shinobi outfits. She and Makoto sat in the chairs that were flanking her.
Rheika smiled. “Heya hon.”
“Hiya, Rheika.” Fearless replied. She looked between the other two women. “You uh…wanna tell me what I’m doing here? What we’re all doing here? Why are you in Kugane anyway, I thought you were busy coordinating with the Bozjans?”
Rheika waved her off. “Things are currently cooled off there. Gave me a chance to deal with another matter. Remember those mercenary gangs that kept coming after you every so often?”
“The ones my parents kept sending after me? Of course I do. But they stopped. The last one was that Ala Mhigan outfit, right after the liberation. They confessed when they realized I was a Warrior of Light and said they would tell them they couldn’t find me. Why, did something happen?”
Rheika nodded. “A few days ago, Makoto’s people stumbled onto evidence that a mercenary group called the Emerald Marauders had arrived in Kugane in secret. Nasty bunch operating out of the fringes of the Shroud. She brought in a few of their people, and they confessed under interrogation that they’d been hired to retrieve someone. Someone that matched an old description of you.”
Fearless stood, slamming her hands onto the table. “Did they say where the rest of them are? We have to take them down, I’m not letting these scum-“
Rheika held her hands up “Hold on, let me finish, girl.”
Fearless sat down, but the determined and angry look on her face didn’t go away.
“The Sekiseigumi raided the warehouse they gave up. This warehouse, actually. The Marauders….did not go quietly. You can imagine how things went down. The Sekiseigumi killed them all”
Fearless turned to Makoto “Did anyone get hurt? Please tell me no one died!”
Makoto smiled lovingly at her. She would never stop being in love with her and her caring heart. “No, my love. A few minor wounds, nothing our healers couldn’t handle.”
Fearless sighed in relief, then turned back to Rheika. “All right. What happened next?
Rheika continued on. “After everything went down, they started going through the papers the mercs had left behind. They found copies of letters…sent to your parents. Ones that told them everything about you. What you’d done as a Warrior of Light, what you were capable of, and worst of all, who you lived with. These people knew you were in love with two women, and they passed that information back to your parents.”
Fearless gripped both of her girlfriends hands. “Oh, Twelve. If they decide leak that…”
Rheika shook her head. “Not good. But they also got greedy. They tried to shake your parents down for more money. Claimed that you were too tough and had too many allies for them to risk it at the previous fee. They demanded double.”
“Doesn’t matter how much they ask for, cause thei diots were never going to collect.” Ranaa snarled.
“They also found a reply from your father. Among a whole lot of language calling their claims about your deeds and strengths nothing more than lies, it was also full of veiled threats, and a notice that he was coming to Kugane to personally oversee your capture. He told them the exact day and time to expect him….and it was the afternoon of the same day as the raid”
Fearless looked confused. “Wait…my father is already here? When was this raid??”
Makoto gently squeezed her hand. “It was yesterday, dearest. And we….already handled it”
“What do you mean?? What…what happened?”
Rheika leaned forward. “Makoto called me. She wanted our help dealing with your father without endangering anyone in the city. So Franks, Dahk, and I teleported to the city and we quickly threw a plan together. I’d pose as a member of the Marauders, tell your parents we found out about their leader’s attempt to extort more money from them, and got rid of him and took over the crew. It worked, he bought it. Your mother was there too.”
Fearless’ grip tightened around her girlfriends’ hands, but she didn’t respond. Rheika continued.
“I brought them here, where we had the rest of ‘the marauders’, actually Franks, Dahk, and members of the Sekiseigumi. I separated them from most of their bodyguards to discuss the final plan to capture you, and we took them all down.”
“I gave your folks a choice, sweetie. I told them they were going to leave you alone, permanently. They could do so of their own volition, and never bother you again, or they could refuse and the Sekiseigumi would find them guilty of smuggling weapons into Kugane intended for the Garleans and bar their company’s ships from docking here. I’d recommend the Eorzean Alliance do the same.”
She folded her hands in front of her face, and closed her eyes. “Honestly, I fully expected it would provoke some kind of emotional reaction.Like….maybe faced with the real choice of giving you up forever or having their business ruined, they’d have some kind of epiphany and start to make amends. Maybe scream threats or whatever. But…they didn’t. They just crumbled. Gave up in the face of the loss of their business. I was shocked.”
Rheika reached over and covered Fearless’ hands. “Twelve, honey, I really don’t want to tell you this, but I don’t feel right keeping it from you. Your mom….she said ‘Syhrwyda is dead to us’. I remember being so angry, I wanted to just punch her. Instead I threw it back in her face. Said that ‘Syhrwyda’ died a long time ago, and the woman who rose from her ashes was someone they should have been proud of, and it was disgusting that they wouldn’t be.”
Makoto smiled at Fearless. “The exact words Rheika used were ‘confident, kindhearted, caring, and strong’.”
Rheika chuckled “Yeah, okay, that. Well it’s true. You are all of that. And they’re idiots for not realizing it. Or caring. Anyway, yeah, that’s the whole story. We wanted to tell you together, but we had to wait until Ranaa was available for us to bring her up to speed. Didn’t want to hit you and her with this at the same time.”
Fearless glanced over to Makoto, her face hurt. “Why would you not bring me in? Why keep me out of it until now?”
“I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t know how they would react upon seeing you. We felt it was best to keep you out of the situation so we could best control how and when we would stop them. You and I both know you wouldn’t have accepted that, and would place yourself at risk rather than us.”
Fearless looked down again. “No, I probably wouldn’t have. And yeah…you were right. You stopped them without risking any civilians or getting anyone seriously hurt.”
Ranaa wrapped her arms around Fearless’ bicep. “How…how are you doing, baby?”
Fearless turned to her and smiled. “You know what? I’m fine. I’m actually great. Honestly it feels really good knowing it’s over. They never cared what I want, I’m not surprised they didn’t believe what I’ve become, what I’ve done. I was nothing but another tool for them to use. Well, they haven’t been able to hurt me for a long time, and now they can’t ever again. So yeah, I’m good. Honestly? Thank you all for getting them out of my life. You guys are the only family I want or need. So, hey, ramen lunch on me!”
Fearless stood up, smiling, and held out her arms for her girlfriends to take. They both looked over to Rheika, who nodded happily. Ranaa and Makoto stood up and took her arms, and the quartet left the office to enjoy a lovely lunch together.
That evening, Fearless lay in bed at her home in Shirogane, quietly weeping as her lovers held her, stroking her hair and murmuring soothing sounds. Although she was not surprised by this outcome, the finality of that severed bond would likely always be a dull ache as time passed.
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thebmatt · 3 years
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@gandr-official said I was an official member of the pretty roe lady club! Oh and I have a new AST glam for Fearless now that it’s next on the “get to 80″ list.
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Stopping to visit Makoto (aka girlfriend #1) at work, who is absolutely on duty and not at all distracted by her very tall and very buff girlfriend wanting attention. Fearless will very likely pay for this attempted distraction when Makoto’s shift is over. Fearless will not mind this at all. 
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And of course she’s gotta go say hello to Ranaa Mhigo (aka girlfriend #2) as she advertises Troupe Falsiam’s show tonight. Fearless won’t be dancing in this one, but she’s still gonna go with Makoto to cheer/admire their girlfriend on. They’re supportive of each other like that!
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