#Rare Earths
cognitivejustice · 4 months
To build all of the solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicle batteries, and other technologies necessary to fight climate change, we’re going to need a lot more metals. Mining those metals from the Earth creates damage and pollution that threaten ecosystems and communities. But there’s another potential source of the copper, nickel, aluminum, and rare-earth minerals needed to stabilize the climate: the mountain of electronic waste humanity discards each year. 
Exactly how much of each clean energy metal is there in the laptops, printers, and smart fridges the world discards? Until recently, no one really knew. Data on more obscure metals like neodymium and palladium, which play small but critical roles in established and emerging green energy technologies, has been especially hard to come by.
Now, the United Nations has taken a first step toward filling in these data gaps with the latest installment of its periodic report on e-waste around the world. Released last month, the new Global E-Waste Monitor shows the staggering scale of the e-waste crisis, which reached a new record in 2022 when the world threw out 62 million metric tons of electronics. And for the first time, the report includes a detailed breakdown of the metals present in our electronic garbage, and how often they are being recycled.
“There is very little reporting on the recovery of metals [from e-waste] globally,” lead report author Kees Baldé told Grist. “We felt it was our duty to get more facts on the table.”
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
The ice in the arctic is melting, revealing huge amounts of fossil fuels, rare earths and new shipping routes. And the rush to secure these has already begun. Will countries continue their race for economic and militaristic advantages or will they finally work together to solve the global problem of climate change?
Reporter: Monika Sax
Video Editor: Markus Mörtz
Supervising Editor: Joanna Gottschalk, Kiyo Dörrer & Michael Trobridge
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our channel explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
#PlanetA #Arctic #FossilFuels
Special thanks (for research support and background information):
The Arctic Council: https://www.arctic-council.org/
GRID-Arendal: https://www.grida.no/
Malte Humpert, The Arctic Institute: https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/
Dr. Nina Döring, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS): https://www.iass-potsdam.de/de
Andreas Østhagen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute: https://www.fni.no/
Elena Tracy, Arctic Programme, WWF: https://www.arcticwwf.org/
Dr. Sanna Kopra, The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law Arctic Centre, University of Lapland & The Arctic Institute | Center for Circumpolar Security Studies: https://www.thearcticinstitute.org/ex...
Dr. Volker Rachold, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung: https://www.arctic-office.de/
Dr. Michael Paul, SWP Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs: https://www.swp-berlin.org/
Read more:
Status of offshore oil and gas activities and regulatory frameworks in the Arctic (May 2021): https://pame.is/document-library/pame...
Various arctic fact sheets: https://www.arctic-office.de/en/publi...
Impact of Arctic Change: https://arcticrisk.org/latest-data/
Information about arctic peoples, biodiversity, climate, ocean, pollutants, emergencies: https://www.arctic-council.org/resour...
00:00 Introduction
00:28 The run to the melting Arctic has begun
02:44 Why the Arctic is so important
04:13 Political leaders and their plans
05:55 Arctic players today – where are they?
06:57 How scientific guess became fact
07:34 The people & habitat of the Arctic
09:00 Effects of traffic in the Arctic
10:52 Introducing the Arctic Council
11:17 Conclusion
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ufotomorrow · 2 years
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comic for a newspaper about rare earths and digital carbon footprint
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nicolae · 2 months
Rare Earths in Other Countries Except China
Dobrescu, Emilian M. (2024), Rare Earth in Other Countries Except China, Intelligence Info, 3:3, ppp,   Rare Earths in Other Countries Except China Dr. Emilian M. DOBRESCU[1] [email protected]   Abstract Bolivia has large deposits of Rare Earth Elements (REE), Canadians already explore in the south of the country in search of REE. Australia and Brazil have recently identified such deposits; but…
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hsmagnet · 4 months
HOW TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN BONDED AND SINTERED NEODYMIUM MAGNETS? Neodymium magnet, referred to as NdFeB magnet, is a general term for strong magnets. Its chemical formula is Nd2Fe14B. It is an artificial permanent magnet with the strongest magnetic force so far. The material grade is N35≤N52. It can be processed into different shapes according to different requirements Magnets, such as tiles,…
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mpcomagnetics · 6 months
Exploring the rich potential of copper and rare earth elements
Exploring the rich potential of copper and rare earth elements: A deep dive into Rincon Resources’ West Arunta project Rincon Resources’ exploration of Australia’s newest critical mineral province, the West Arunta Region, has yielded highly promising results thus far. Rincon Resources is an Australian minerals exploration company with a keen eye on Western Australia’s mineral-rich landscapes,…
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faultfalha · 11 months
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Long forgotten secrets will soon be unearthed from the depths of the Kerala-Konkan basin. ONGC, a harvester of ancient knowledge, is about to embark on a dangerous journey, dimly hoping to excavate the precious rare earths hidden there. But what else will be discovered? Countless unknowns lie in wait, some promising untold riches, others, untold terror. What is the price of progress? One can only anticipate the answer.
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Mafia's omertà by climate activists
68%#Canadians:no paying more for #gasoline(carbon tax) due to #climatechange
proof all those #summer #fires were #arson not climchange: "The Fall of the Cabal" new film
#mining for clean energy minerals(#rare earth #lithium etc):toxic #waters hit millions
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pom-pomelo · 9 months
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Illustration I created for @zukozine
Just thought it'd be nice to see a peaceful Zuko going about daily life in Ba Sing Se :')
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prose2passion · 1 year
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The meeting also touched upon cooperation in critical raw materials, including rare earth metals. The sides confirmed their willingness to develop a strategic partnership in this field. They welcomed the signing of the memorandum of understanding between Kazakhstan and the EU on a strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials, batteries and renewable hydrogen value chains.
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emacrow · 2 months
Commander Johnson, I-I think I found what or who been stealing our extra spare material supplies
Astronaut Jennifer said in the com as she stared, standing stiff as a board if it weren't for the gravity of Mars making it difficult.
What she was staring at couldn't be human but yet so close and eldritchic- alien like as the inner part of her mind was screaming danger danger, That Is Not A Human Being, Run RUN RUN,HIDENOWHIDENOWNOWNOW
It's look like a adult, a very slim and very tall adult if it weren't for the fact that his skin was tanned with a bit of splash of starlights all over, wearing a suit made of galaxies covered in red Mars rocks, his hair was white, whiter then the clouds on earth, ears pointy and curled a bit as if it wa to shield or reflect to what its was hearing(but they has moved back in a aggressive manner thar remind her of snuffles when threaten) and eyes glows so ominously Neon Green with black instead of white surrounding the iris, splatter of star like freckles that looks like he almost has two pupils mixing into a slits like in each of them.
Teeths razor sharp and thick, as the thing looks like it was growling at her with his body arch over, hands with extra digits of long blacken claws like nails dig into the dirt, hiding all the stuff that the alien had stolen along with a lil head of another mar baby, it weren't for the fact there was no sounds in space, she would've been screaming float running back to her headquarters base.
She was only patrolling the part of the base where they were trying to grow plants in one of the green houses they painstaking made on Mar, but then she saw the glow of unnatural green slipping out of the sealed tight glass.
Curiosity took the best of her as she put on her suit and went to check at that spot is where she find what seem to be a native Mar creature and its baby hoarding all the missing stuffs that they had lost in the base, along with the missing robot, opportunity as the top of it's hoard pile in a makeshift hole(it's a Nest and she has enter this creatures domains) near a small pool full of of oddly frozen water that glowed luminous.
It was a stand off between her and the creature not moving an inch until Jennifer's coms responded back as she flinched, her heart dropping snd face paling dramatically when the creature's ear flick a bit as it heard the static electric device.
"J-J-J-Jennifer, do you copy? I repeat, Do you copy?!?" Commander Johnson spoke a bit frantic.
Unawared of the danger he had put Jennifer in when she flinched, the creature lunged, Jennifer scrambling to turn around and hop/run back into the safety of the base as fast as she could.
Like inspiration for @tinycoded360
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
I'm worried about electronic waste, e-waste recycling, and such loss of resources.
That's real. For what it's worth, I think it's something we're going to get a LOT better at. The raw materials - and even partially depleted materials that can be downcycled - are too valuable to be left forever.
Tip for anyone worried about e-waste or looking to be more environmentally conscious: Whenever I have something electronic that dies (this includes batteries, power cords, string lights, and vapes), I stick it in an out-of-the-way drawer, and then once every year or two, I bring it all to either an e-waste recycling place or an e-waste disposal place (which, my understanding is most e-waste disposal places do a lot of materials reclamation as well, though if I'm wrong someone please correct me). I just look online to find a place.
Sometimes it's a bit of a drive, but it's so worth it. I encourage others to do the same!
Anyway, here's some headlines about e-waste to hopefully lift your spirits:
^That's Western Australia, not Washington state.
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nicolae · 1 year
The Importance of the Rare Earths for the World Economy
Dobrescu, Emilian M. (2023), The Importance of the Rare Earths for the World Economy, Cunoașterea Științifică, 2:2, xxx,   Abstract “Rare earth elements” (REE) is a frontier discipline between economics as a generic science and the economy of rare earth elements, which studies the production, the distribution and the circulation of the rare earths. On our planet, over a quarter of the new…
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hsmagnet · 8 months
Working With Magnets in High or Low Temperatures
Working With Magnets in High or Low Temperatures The ambient temperature surrounding your magnets during work impact their strength significantly, but each magnetic material is different. Which magnet works best in your conditions? High or Low Temperatures | Get the Right Magnets for Your Application in High or Low Temperatures Temperature and magnetic strength have a turbulent relationship. Some…
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