#General Questions
darkfictionjude · 6 days
Hii in wretched creatures who are the love interests? Is it just nia and the two guys? Also what's Sally's deal? I've noticed some asks saying he's controlling? Do we only see that in the patreon updates? Also why do people think he's sleeping with mc 😐
i feel like I should make a discord for all the readers to tell new readers the gossip haha
Yes the three LIs are Nia and the guys
So there are moments of controlling stuff in the game I thought it was obvious but perhaps not 🤔
People think he's doing that because their relationship is odd to other people and because of the instances it's happened in the family history
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orufreyweek · 1 month
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
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yall this is araki’s new art work, and they talk ab the rest of the stands in the article but is this not literally heirophant ?? am I stupid
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which of the oceanfalls cast would be most likely to play their soundboard at you when something happens. who would boo-womp you after you fuck something up. i need to know
Selene definitely would try to live life with *background music* on, so her having the power of sound effects is also incredibly plausible. She'd just go around playing whatever suits the situation on her phone and nobody would be able to stop her. I'm sure Kaji would beg for mercy every time the two of them meet up in person.
Another good candidate to give a soundboard to: Mei, Mei, MEI. Just imagine how she'd torment Nino with it every time he acts like a smartass.
But those are hypothetical possibilties, so here's a real answer. Reed's arm actually has built-in soundboard capabilities, courtesy of Eidolon. Comes loaded with a vast library of royalty free stock sound effects too. But good luck convincing him to even acknowledge its existence...
...Which is maybe a good thing. I don't know about you Anon, but I think there is NO recovering if any of these three tormented you with their soundboards.
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jerzwriter · 2 months
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danceofthefallen-if · 2 years
Hi hello everyone! Wow I can’t believe that there’s over 300 of you already 😳 that’s pretty crazy aha! Thank you so much for the support 💞
Anyway, I think this covers most general questions that people might have, but feel free to send in any others!
-> DotFD will be written on CScript to start with, but will likely be ported to Twine once I figure it out fully and can create a UI that is suitable for those with sensory issues.
-> It will always be entirely free. While it would be cool to make money off of writing, it’s not something I want to do full-time, nor do I want that extra pressure.
-> As things stand at the moment, we will be hopefully be wrapped up in two books. I haven’t quite finished plotting the chapters out yet, so I’m iffy on how long they will be, but I want to say about 15 chapters each.
Mini progress update:
The prologue and first chapter should be out by December. I’ve coded half of the prologue in, but the first chapter is being difficult (why is the beginning always so hard?).
+ a snippet from the prologue
Quick note: the mc’s personality is pretty basic in the prologue, but it happens about 500 years before chapter one and the mc is pretty young. Things will be more open in terms of personality once past the prologue. This is the sarcastic version because it’s my favourite:
“$mc_deity $mc_name,” the Voice rings out. “Step forward.”
A small part of you wants to disobey, just to see what would happen, but the larger, more insistent part of you already has your feet moving towards the basin. You step up close and peer in, wondering, not for the first time, how exactly a small and rather ugly basin filled with what appears to be off-colour water will be able to tell you which Deity you will be serving under.
The Voice, now with a slight edge (perhaps it doesn’t like you insulting its basin?), pipes up again, “concentrate, $mc_deity $mc_name.”
Right. Concentrate. You can do that.
Screwing up your brow, you give the water– uh Blessed Liquid– your full focus. You can almost feel your bearer’s eyes boring into you, no doubt wanting to lecture you about potential wrinkles.
You don’t know why they’re so worried about you, they should be more concerned about their own wrinkles. There’s enough of them.
The liquid ripples suddenly, and you nearly jerk back in surprise when your core hums in response.
The Goddess Aeryn.
The words are but a whisper, and yet were clearly heard by all if the envious murmurings behind you were any indication.
The Voice grunted.
“The Vessel of Blessings–” it’s clearly a basin– “has spoken, $mc_deity $mc_name, you are hereby a $mc_deity of…”
[choice] “Fate.”
Ability explanation: Precognition.
[choice] “Love.”
Ability explanation: Empathy.
[choice] “Justice.”
Ability explanation: Truth Inducement.
[choice] “Animals”
Ability explanation: Beast Tamer.
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invisobang · 1 year
Hello, I know I have probably just missed a confirmation or denial but will there be a zine/art&story sale for the Invisobang?
There will not. Since Invisobang is just a big bang event, we do not distribute our participants' works beyond sharing their posts to the blog. However, there is a spreadsheet linked in our pinned post with links to all works ever created for IB.
It will be updated to include this year's works some time in the next two weeks.
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so Tumblr what's our opinion on 9/11
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aroarolibrary · 2 years
General question that I am legit curious about:
What animal/plant do you associate with each gender/sexuality/romantic identity/otherwise that you ID as?
For example:
I associate aromantic with garter snakes 🐍
(I don’t have a sexuality so skipping)
I associate my intersex-ness with moths
I associate my aplatonic ID with apples (for obvious reasons >> 🍏 )
I don’t really have an association for my non-binary identity though but I would be interested in knowing if other people do!
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ganeshkfp · 6 months
Hello Pjo fandom! I never made a post about this fandom before but I have been in this fandom since I was 9 and I have a few questions, I would be so happy if someone enlight me 💗
First, last year and this year is big for us! New series and the tv show, I couldn't have been more happier. I just wanna go and hug uncle Rick for his great services XD
I adored the tv show and couldn't wait for season 2! Kids did an amazing job, so did the adult cast ^^ Especially Sally, I was so hyped for her.
But to my questions, I noticed some fights going on in this last months? Why do people seem attacking book fanarts in this days? Didn't we accept and know we have the BOTH books and the tv show now. I am seriously asking if this is a new thing? Can't we have two versions? Both black haired and blond haired Percy? Both blond and black Annabeth? Why people keep fighting for this? It was bad enough that people harassed an innocent 12 years old at the beginning. Now we harass artists who draw the book versions? Did Rick said something like: Books never existed, now we only have the show. Forget about them? Lmao
To me, I grew up with the books, now my inner child is happiest with the show. Both book and show versions are living with me. I just don't understand the rude behaviour of this fandom in this last days...New and younger fans? I am not sure. But I would be so happy if someone can explain what is going on and what happened to our fandom 😭
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lonelyredninja · 7 months
This is an ask blog where I write as Obito Uchiha and where he answers questions and draws (awfully hahaha) you can dm and you can also send anonymous asks as another character 😉
This blog is postwar Obito, Bourito stuff wouldn't be answered because I've never read or watched the show, hope you understand.
English is not my first language.
--- Obito
This is my first post... I have to 'spread my wings' or something. I'm on house arrest.
Here's a drawing of my team. First Rin, then Bakakashi.
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Honestly, I'm expecting zero interactions. I'm just doing this for Sakura and Naruto, and Kakashi .
Well, I'm done.
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orufreyweek · 1 month
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I just had a thought.
Rather than make a new blog for whatever poll comes after this, would do you think I should just change this blog to be a more uniform hub to general polls?
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Yeah, so I have a question.
Is anyone else suffering from Tumblr links not working? Whenever I click on a link from someone’s masterlist, it keeps redirecting me to google and says that the link on the persons page can’t be found, or just comes up blank.
What am I supposed to do because it will just automatically take me to google? Is there a way to fix this? Or are other people experiencing the same thing?
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Mr. Roo thinks Mr. Sholmes is being very rude by refusing to let Iris keep the bazooka. Mr. Roo wants to challenge Sholmes authority by fighting him. The bird flies at Mr. Sholmes crowing loudly as he attacks.
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frenreyzine · 2 years
If fanart for any of the fics is made, when are they allowed to be posted?
Whenever you want!! No restrictions on fanart :) Feel free to tag the writer as well as the zine account!
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