#Rasie's Edits
zetasxphotos · 1 month
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Bald Eagle
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hello, K! Hope you are okay! ❤️
This is a gif blurb female edition, I'm sending you the beautiful May.
Not rush at all to write it! Just have fun ♥️
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Ahh thanks for sending this in, Flor!! How did you know May was my favorite?? ☺️☺️ I had this idea immediately after reading the line that accompanied the gif - I hope you enjoy!
Something to Think About
Warnings: mentions of drinking
(Y/N) takes an opportunity to inform an upperclass woman about the man she’s been getting involved with.
(Y/N) fussed with her fingernails, appearing uninterested with the party that she’d found herself at. Who’d ‘ve know that your father’s horse winning a few derbies gets you into a room like this?
Regardless, (Y/N) didn’t want to be here. She much rather perferred being at the stables or the track, caring for the beautiful beasts that were the reason behind this gathering taking place. Hell, the auctions were even better than this.
But she had to play the part. Not only was she an owner’s daughter, but she also played an integral part in the horse’s success. Her father wanted her to be present at the event, and she couldn’t say no to him.
So here she was…bored as ever.
She looked around the room as she sipped her champagne, seeing if anyone looked familiar. It took her two passes over the crowd before she found someone that she recognized.
May Carleton was standing alone by one of the tables. Remembering something that she’d been wanting to share with the other horse trainer since she’d caught wind of the news, (Y/N) abandoned her place to go and greet her.
“Ms. Carleton…” (Y/N) started as she came up to the other woman’s table, “I’m glad that I was able to find you,” she added, a friendly smile on her face.
“Ms. (Y/L/N), it’s lovely seeing you again,” May greeted with a similar smile, “how has your night been?” she asked then.
“Lovely so far,” (Y/N) embellished the truth, not wanting to subject the other woman to listening to how her night was really going. Besides she wanted to get right down to the matter of business that she’d come over here with; and that matter was certainly not to make small talk. “Would you happen to know if Tommy Shelby is present at this party?” she asked then, her eyebrows rasied as she watched intently for May’s reaction.
“I wouldn’t, is he?” she asked, sounding intrigued as her eyes widened the slightest bit.
(Y/N) tried to contain her smile as she continued in, “oh, I figured you would know…given the fact that he’s taken a shine to you,” she dipped her foot into the water again, seeing how far she could push it.
“What do you mean?” May questioned, her brows furrowing slightly as she spoke.
“I’m referring to you training his horse for him. A lot of owners have been invited to this gala; I just figured that he’d be on the list now, and that you would be the one to know if he were here,” (Y/N) explained (some of) her reasoning behind the direction their conversation had taken.
“I wouldn’t know if he was here. I have no access to the guest list nor the ability to add anyone to it,” May told her, her confusion still slightly present in her voice as she had no idea where this conversation had come from.
“Hmm…” (Y/N) pondered for a second, “I just thought that with your prestige it would have been different,” she stated before waving her hand in the air, “but it’s no big deal, really,” she then brushed the topic off before leaning in closer to the other woman, “I should warn you about Tommy Shelby though…” she trailed off, her voice now lower than it was before.
“What do you mean?” May asked for the second time in a matter of minutes.
“He’s known for having other…reasons…behind choosing the person he wants to train his horse,” (Y/N) finally dropped the bomb she’d been wanting to since she laid her eyes on the woman she was talking to.
Surprise flashed across May’s face as she heard what was said. “I’ll have you know that he chose me to train his filly because of my knowledge of the sport and what it entails,” she defended herself in the most formal manner that she could.
“Ah, ok. And the other…things just came as something to do after the house was squared away?” (Y/N) didn’t let the topic go just yet, asking her question with her eyebrows raised in intrigue. May narrowed her eyes at (Y/N) as she heard what she had to say, and (Y/N) took that as her just about being finished with the conversation. So she knew that she had to deliver the final blow now. “I only ask this because he had done those other…things with me too, only until I found out that he’d started talks with you about training his next horse.”
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here, Ms. (Y/L/N)…” May trailed off, an evident air of uncomfortableness slipping into her words as she said them.
“I’m trying to say that you should never find yourself comfortable with a man like Tommy Shelby,” (Y/N) more clearly summed up her previous statements as she then saw her father waving her over, “you’ll never know when he’ll find the next, new thing to move on to,” she paused so that she could look at May again, seeing that her mouth was parted slightly and that there were hints of shock in her features. “That’s just something to think about, Ms. Carleton,” she finished off her statement with a smile, that could also be described as a shit-eating grin, before she left the surprised woman’s side to go meet up with her father.
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mamamittens · 10 months
by the fire with Crocodile and Dragon and Luffy in an au where they rasied Luffy together
That one's already taken! All that's left is Santa/Krampus and Whiteout!
I marked em out on the OG post but it's possible edits don't translate well to reblogs, sorry about that
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serapicsite · 8 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"The Creative Mind"
Siang ini hari Sabtu akan mengadakan rapat pertemuan untuk membahas perencaanaan projek karya yang dibuat oleh tim divisi kreatifitas tentunya aku bersiap menggunakan pakaian yang rapih untuk menghadiri keikutsertaan-ku sebagai staff editing yang terpercaya di perusahaan dalam proyek tersebut, rapat pun ku hadiri hingga selesai kira kira pukul 17.30 kemudian aku pun meninggalkan kantor tersebut karena sudah waktunya untuk pulang. Sebagian dari rapat tadi membuatku pusing karena banyak desgin yang harus aku buat dan aku coba hingga akhirnya lah aku memutuskan untuk bekerja sama dengan Micassa Audrey meskipun dia lebih kecil dengan ku dia terlihat sangat profesional hingga aku mempercayakan untuk bekerja sama dengan dirinya, Setelah rapat pertemuan selesai kita pun mampir di tempat cafe terdekat yang berada dekat di kantor kami suasana pengunjung pun tidak ramai seperti biasanya kali ini sunyi dan sepi sehingga membuat kita fokus untuk bekerja mengembangkan sebuah ide.
"kok cafe nya sepi ya?" ucapku kepada mikasa
"iyaa, tumben nih kayanya karena udah malem deh ini kan udah jam 20.29" ucap mikasa kepadaku
"iya hampir larut malam ayo kita bahas team desgin nya kayanya kak gentala sama rasi jago dibagian buat bangunan ini" ucapku
"iya mereka berdua pinter gambar otaknya jenius banget!" ucap mikasa setuju
"terus julian sama naomi finishing nya gimana? kita nanti bagian ngatur seni desain grafis nya buat projek tim kreatifitas" ucapku seraya memberikan saran
"kalo bagian finishing nya kakak amou aja, kakak lebih teliti buat dibagian finishing karya, kaya kemarin sebelum kita mulai projek editingnya untung kak Amour tau ada bagian yang kurang dari editan itu" ucap mikasa membantah
"oke boleh aku setuju jadi dibagian finishing aku sama julian yaa, kamu sama naomi bagian desain grafisnya" ucapku menambahkan
"oke nanti kalo kakk genta udah kirim file ke aku aku akan menyelesaikan desainnya abis itu kirim ke kak amour, okee?" ucap mikasa
"oke mika, terimakasih ya atas waktunya kita bisa diskusi sedikit biar tim kita sukses besar besok, nanti sisanya aku akan chat mereka ber-lima buat kasih tau hasil diskusi kita hari ini." ucap amourie
Hari pun sudah kian melarut dan mereka memutuskan untuk pulang kerumah masing masing sambil melanjutkan pekerjaaan mereka.
Hari senin pun mulai tiba setelah mereka bergelud dan beradu pikiran mereka pada hari minggu kini mereka melakukan fiks projek yang akan di lakukan oleh tim kreatifitas karena keuletan dan ketekunan mereka dalam menghadapi pekerjaan tim mereka akhirnya sukses besar dalam projek kali ini, mereka akhirnya memutuskan untuk merayakan makan malam sebagai pesta perayaan kecil ini.
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Sedang cuba kemaskini layout tumblr sebab semalam ada cuba tukar layout blogger dan rasa macam bagus juga ada tema baru untuk semua blog (blogger, tumblr etc) sebab kebetulan macam tengah rasi pula dengan warna putih. Tapi lepas tu rasa tumblr agak leceh juga nak kemas kini sebab ada macam-macam jenis layout nak kena betulkan, ada mobile layout, web layout dan tumblr layout sendiri. Dan tema percumanya juga agak susah nak nak edit sebab banyak had. Jadi saya pilih guna tema rasmi tumblr dan buat seminimal boleh untuk layout web (walau ada rasa ia tak begitu cantik sebab ada gambar header yang lari dan tertutup - mungkin ia tak jadi masalah untuk yang selalu melayari tumblr melalui aplikasinya sendiri, sebab ia macam susur masa twitter saja dan tak selalunya akan pergi ke layout web untuk lihat profil).
Lagi satu agak menjengkelkan untuk tumblr ialah entrinya tak boleh susun justify. Nantilah kalau rajin baru cuba cari tema percuma tumblr di internet.
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a-canceled-stamp · 2 years
Unshaken (Amidst a Crashing World) is also such good whump and such a good mystery that I can't resist asking about it...!
Thank you so much 🥺<3
LISTEN. I love this story, and I do have plans to finish it, but it just…keeps GROWING. I thought it would be like five chapters long, tops, and now I'm stuck with an outline with 17+ chapters. That doc alone is 10,000 words long, and I still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing lmao. BUT! Things are looking up. I’m slowly getting over the phase where I hate everything I write and cursing the gods for not being fluent in English, so when I’ve changed some things in previous chapters (and finshed editing the future ones aaaah the terror) I’ll def start posting again. Until then, here’s a potential scene from the upcoming chapter!
In the back, another song picked up, the plucking sound of a banjo and piano joining the lead singer.
“Right, and for—” The waiter’s gaze flickered up from his notepad, and wasn’t able to hide the double take as his eyes landed on Tim. Tim felt pinned under his gaze, at the slight narrowing of his eyes.
He swallowed, stuttering out a, “you…you should see the other guy,” and was then barely able to hide the flinch as Jason aimed a sharp kick at his shin. He didn’t have to see his glare; he could feel the heat from it, envisioned it searing a hole into the side of his skull.
The waiter’s gaze darted briefly over to Jason, unimpressed. Then he turned back to Tim, raising his palms. “As long as you two keep it outside my diner I ain’t asking any questions,” he drawled, once again consulting his notepad with a weary sigh. “Now what’ll it be?”
Clearing his throat, Tim shifted in his seat awkwardly. “Um,” he rasped, swallowing thickly as his stomach flipped again. “Actually, I don’t think I—"
“He’ll have the same.”
The two of them turned to Jason, the waiter with a rasied eyebrow, Tim with a look of thinly veiled frustration. The waiter – Mike it said on the crooked nametag pinned to greasy apron – only hummed, seemingly relieved to get an answer as he scribbled onto his notepad. Tucking his pen back into the breast pocket, he collected the menus from the table, muttering a quiet, “I’ll be right back.”
Tim’s ‘wait,’ died on his lips as Mike made himself sparse, disappearing behind the counter. With frustration building, Tim turned to Jason – who had yet to stop glaring at him.
“Do you have any social cues at all?” he snapped, before Tim could open his mouth. The scar on his cheek jumped at his sneer, skin pulled taught.
Tim stared at him. Then he let his shoulders fall, suddenly tired beyond reason. The momentarily forgotten headache was making a reappearance, creeping up his neck. “Um, no, not...not really,” he drawled, rubbing his temple. “Conforming to social norms isn’t really high on my list of priorities at the moment.”
“Oh for the love of—" Jason sighed sharply through his teeth, reining in his obvious frustration. “You’re such a baby.”
Tim stopped rubbing at his temples to scowl at him. “Am not.”
“No, seriously, this—“ Jason gestured agitatedly at Tim, “—is what I’m working with? Out of everyone, you’re the best replacement Bruce could find? It’s pathetic.”
Tim’s heart plummeted, and for a surprising moment, he couldn’t breathe. He was blindsided by a rush of memories: the feeling of a hand ruffling his hair; the whiff of cedar wood cologne; sunlit hair peaking up over the top of the morning’s newspaper. Then he blinked and it was gone, and left behind was an all-consuming ache in his chest.
The pain was so unexpected, the words ringing in his ears as he lowered his eyes to the table, willing the burning of his eyes to go away.
Thanks for the ask!
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lilrasiesworld · 3 years
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Lil Rasies World!
About Me And DNI Under Cut!
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♡❀About Me!❀♡
Name ~ Rasazy
Nicknames ~ Ras, Raz, Razie, Asie, Ajax
Pronouns ~ She/Her, They/Them, He/Him, ro/rose/roses/roses/roseself, star/star/stars/stars/starself, mew/meow/mews/meows/meowself, cat/cats/cats/cats/catself, kitty/kitty/kittys/kittys/kitself, 🌸/🌸s/🌸s/🌸s/🌸self, Ajax/Ajax/Ajax's/Ajax's/Ajaxself
Age/Little Age/Birthday/LGBTQ+ Labels ~ Minor, Probably around 5-8ish, May 25, Pansexual, Neopronouns
Caregiver ~ No one yet, I may let people request to be one in the future though!
I Like ~ My Little Pony, Odd Squad, Wild Kratts, Genshin Impact, Doraemon, Pokémon, Anime, Video Games, Animals, Nature, Stuffies, Bunnies, Cats, Stickers, Keychains, Drawing
Aesthetics ~ Pastel, Flowercore, Agere, Sanriocore, Rosecore, Cloudcore, Kitty Aesthetic
Other Blogs ~ I don't want to associate this blog with any of my other ones it makes me very uncomfortable so I won't link it here, feel free to ask though :3
Other Info ~ I'm currently a closeted age regressor so please be kind to me. If I need to, I will block you!
I sometimes use big words so if it ever gets confusing please ask for clarification when I'm not regressed or I'll get confused.
Please don't make me go through your blog to check if I need to block you or not, as I have other things to do.
If I reblog something from a bad source, please tell me!
If I accidentally say/post something against my DNI, please notify me as regressing can often mess up my brain. This is not a poor excuse to get out of bad or serious situations.
Tags ~ Original content is under Rasie Posts, edits are Rasie's Edits, art is Rasie's Drawings, random text posts are Rasie Talks, reblogs are Rasie Reblogs, and semi or fully regressed is Lil Rasie!
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G0re/S3lf H4rm
Anti/Pro Shippers
Political/Religious Extremist
There is definitely more that should go on this list but I can't list them all or the list would be too long so please be considerate!
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messofneutrellas · 5 years
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Episode 1 Epilgoue Spoilers below the cut
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rosesootgold · 3 years
Welcome To The Family//SBI
Pairing: platonic!SBI (Wilbur, Tommy, Technoblade, and Philza)
Genre: a bit of angst to fluff, Soulmate AU (colors), High School AU 
Requested for @basilly​'s event!
Warnings: none
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When you were rasied to see only gray, while older people could see colors, you were shocked. Then, once you were of age, they told you about soulmates, romantic or platonic. 
You were finally getting the chance to see colors, to see what everyone was talking about. 
Then, your dream got crushed as your parents were found dead, killed by a car. 
You moved from home, to home, everyone either hating you, or you hating them. You eneded up not caring if you'd see colors, instead, you wanted to just find a good home.
Sighing as you sat in your history class, five minutes away from freedom, from running aroud the town, and getting home super late, only to wake up in the crack of dawn and leave again, you twirled your pencil, ready to punch your teacher. 
As the bell rang, you stood up and left as soon as you can, not noticing the blonde boy right infront of you. You ended up bumping into him, standing quicking, and dusting your pants. 
You say the boy still on the floor, and you rolled your eyes, holding out your hand.
As you looked at the boy, suddenly your world wasnt as gray, splashes of the color you were taught to indentify as red, was glinting at you. It was fiery like a warm fireplace, or a fresh cup of cocoa. 
You both stared at each other, trying to speak, but instead you were pushed into him, as he had stood up. 
"Come on." The boy said, grabbing your hand and walking down the hall. As people walked by, you noticed a brunette boy, and a pink haired boy that looked like a pig. 
You noticed you were walking towards them, and as you looked at both of them, colors of yellow, pink, brown were now shown to you, most of the colors were now, available to you..but one. 
Talking to the two boys, you had confessed to all three of them that you could now see colors, and the had said the same thing. Thats when it hit you, all three of you were platonic soulmates. 
Eyes shining, you excitedly told them, and it excited them too. They asked if you wanted to join the for dinner, and you agreed, asking to go and grab your bag.
You walked toward the lockers, noticing people that you'd rather forget. 
Trying to slide by, you couldnt, being smashed into the lockers. You whinced a bit, trying to hide the pain, as they laughed and mocked tou for having multiple soulmates. 
As you tried to fight to no avail, you heard someone screaming, and another punching the bully. 
Looking, it was your new found platonic soulmates. You thanked them and walked towards their house, telling them your story. 
"I can't see one color.." You said, touching the vibrant pink flower with a gray stem.
"You mean green? That means youre missing a soulmate!" Wilbur, the brown haired boy explained.
"LETS GO THEN!" Tommy yelled as he grabbed your hand, rinning towards his house. 
As you were gretted into the house, you noticed a man, well older than he looks, setting the dinner.
Wilbur and Technoblade, the pink haired boy, explained while Tommy just tried to explain excitedly.
"Well, hello then, [Name]" Philza, you were told, said. When you looked at each other, siddenly the color green was sprung into the air, like smelling flowers in a crisp morning. 
He laughed, hugging you tightly, "Welcome to the family, [Name]." 
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h0ly-fire · 3 years
Chapter 1
Hi! So this is the first chapter of my Loki x reader fic based off the show! Its really long because its basically the entirety of the first episode. The reader will have Female pronouns in this story solely based on the fact that this will be very self indulgent and I identify as Female. So im sorry to those who do not identify as such. Also this has no editing or proof reading.. so there will probably be a lot of mistakes.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t supposed to be here. Loki was a God how could these people think that they could ever capture him! Strip him of his clothes and make him wait to stand trial? On top of all that they made him question wether or not he was a Robot.  Unbelievable!
 Now here he was with a man in front of him when a guard near by told them to take a ticket. “ Take a ticket.” the guard told them“ What is this a deli?” the man questioned the guard  “ No!” the man said rudely and walked off. “ Take your ticket” the guard said towards Loki as he stepped up. Loki looked at the guard with an are you serious look “ there’s only two of us in here.” Loki said looking around the room. The guard once more told him to take a ticket and Loki huffed grabbing a ticket and shoving it in the Guards face before walking away and shoving it in his pocket. 
“ This is an mistake I shouldn’t be here!” Loki shouted at the guard. Loki turned around when a strange voice sounded around the room “ Hi there! You’re probably saying ,this is a mistake I shouldn’t be here, “ . Loki then saw a television with a clock on it explaining the “ Time Keepers” and how they protect the flow of time and everyone and everything. Apparently he now has to stand trial for his “ crimes”. Loki chuckled before disbelievingly saying “ Time Keepers?” “ The sacred timeline?” he swung his arms out before yelling “ who would actually believe this? “ 
A guard once again asked for a ticket. Loki turned around to see a guard talking to the other man . The man started yelling “ That man didn’t give me a ticket! I tried to ask for one!” The guard rasied his voice “ ticket sir!” “ I tried to asked that guy for a ticket.” Loki then saw the guard pull out a baton and disintegrate the man out of existence. Loki , shocked, searched for his ticket pulled it out and heled it in the air.
Loki was escorted to a court room where women sat up front. “ Variant L1130, aka Loki Laufeyson. Is charged with sequence violation 72089. “ The women sat the paper down as Loki stood on the podium. “ How do you plead ?” she asked him. Loki looked up laughing “ Madam , a God doesn’t plead. “ “ Look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime , but i’d like to go home now.” “ Are you guilty of not guilty,sir?” the women asked . Loki laughed again “ Guilty of being the God of mischief , yes.” “Guilty of finding this all incredably tedious, yes “ “ Guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline? Absolutly not , you have the wrong person.” 
They continued on arguing until the women once again asked him how he pleads. Loki said guilty and then streched his arms out trying to summon his powers. He tried a few times , but each time he failed. The women told him that magic was no good in the TVA. She sentenced him to be reset . Loki freaked out asking what reset meant before being grabbed by the guards. “ You ridiculous beauracrates will not dictate on how my story ends!” Loki screamed. The women said it was never his story . “ You have no idea what I’m capable of!” Loki yelled out in frustration. A man wearing a suite then stood up “ I think I do.” “ I have an idea of what he’s capable of” he said pointing at Loki. He then walked up and stood in front of the women. 
The two talked in whispers before the man turned to Loki. Loki breathed heavy before starring the man down “ and who are you?” the man smirked before leading Loki towards his office. “ I’m gonna burn this place to the ground “ Loki said walking next to the man. “ I’ll show you where my desk is you can start there.” Loki looked out of the hall to see a grand city. Filled with lights , floating buildings, flying cars, the giant statues of the Time Keepers. “ Home sweet home” Loki looked to the man “ I thought there was no magic here.” the man shook his head “ there isn’t.” 
Loki found himself in an elevator with the man. Said man stuck his hand out for Loki to shake before telling his name “ I’m agent Mobius by the way.” Loki looked down at Mobiuses hand before looking back up at him. “ Are you taking me somewhere to kills me?” Loki asked. “ No” Mobius answerd “ thats where you just were. I’m taking you some place to talk.” “ I don’t like to talk” Loki said shaking his head. “ but you like to lie “ Mobius told him “ which you just did. Cause we both know you love to talk.” Loki looked at mobius with a scowl on his face. “ How Long have you been here? “ Loki asked him. “ I don’t know its hard to say time passes diffrently at the TVA.” Mobius replied. 
They stepped out the elevator ,Loki asking Mobius about the three space lizards and how its absurd how they decide the lives of millions. They then step into a big spacious room with a table and two chair in the middle. Loki made the comment on how it really feels like Mobius is going to kill him. Mobius fiddled with a device that sat on the table. Loki tried to attack Mobius, but he didn’t get far when mobius pulled something out and sent him back to where he was standing. Loki looked annoyed before he finally took a seat. 
Loki sat crossing his arms. “ If looks could kill.” Mobius said smartly. They carried on their chat as Mobius pulled a drink out explaing he specializes in dangerous variants. Mobius then started to ask Loki a seires of questions. Loki explained how he wanted to be King of Midgard and the nine realms. How he would have made it easy. “ People like easy.” Mobius said. Loki looked down at the table “ The first depressing lie ever uttered was the song of freedom.” he said before looking back up at Mobius. Mobius continued to write Loki’s answers down as they continued on their chat. Mobius then clicked on the red device in front of them and then it played something catching Loki’s attention.
It started to play his life. It showed him killing Coulson, Mobius asking if he enjoys killing people whilst the video showed Loki destroying NewYork. He then showed Loki in Germany taking out the eyes of a man. “ Look at that smile.You are enjoying that. “ Mobius stated. “ Did you enjoy hurting them?” Loki looked at the floor shaking his head. “ I don’t have to play this game.” Loki told Mobius. “ I’m a God.” Mobius looked at him before replying “ Of what? In mischief right? “ “ yeah, I don’t see anything mischievous about this.” He paused the video before talking about Loki’s escapes. Loki called himself a mischievous scamp and then Mobius continued the video . It was Loki on a Plane . He was D.B Cooper. Apparently he had lost a bet to Thor. Mobius brought the conversation back to Lokis escapes. Loki tried to get up but was brought back to his chair.
Loki was frustrated beyond belief. Mobius showed him another clip agreeing with what his past self had said . Mobius asked if he was finished before showing him what would have happend if he hadn’t taken the Teseract. It showed Loki in chains walking towards his mother. Mobius mouthing “ thats you” towards Loki. Loki looked up starring at his Mother. “ Have I made you proud?” “ Please don’t make this worse.” Loki stood crossing his arms “ What is this? It’s nonsense.” He asked Mobius. “ More tricks this never even happend.” He sais gesturing the the video. “ Not to you, not yet “ Mobius said. The video continued on showing what would have been had Loki stayed within his timeline. He watched as his mother died. How he lead the dark elves to her. How HE killed her. 
“Do you enjoy killing!?” Mobius asked Loki. “ I’ll kill you!” Loki stated. “ What like how you killed your Mother.” Mobius told him. Loki then the the chair at him. Mobius moving out of the way and the chair going through the picture of his dead Mom. “ You weren’t born to be King Loki. You were born to cause Pain and suffering and Death. That’s how it is that’s how it was and that’s how it will be.” Mobius told him. Loki sat on the ground in a mix of grief and anger. He watched the Avengers fighting each other. All of them on the screen. Including you. Oh how he wished to see you right now . Taking him away from this terrible place. You were next to Steve and Natasha, eyes glowing yellow while power surges through your hands. You looked so powerful in that moment. A moment he’d never be able to truly witness. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of you joining the avengers though.
He shook his head and looked up at Mobius sticking his hand out for him. He stood and then the door opened. In came the women guard “ what are you doing?” she asked Mobius. “ My job” Mobius said as if it was obvious. “ Is it yours to interupt?” he asked her. She looked at him before she spoke up “ We have a situation.” she told him. Mobius and the women left, leaving Loki to his own devises. Outside the room Mobius and the women were in a heated argument. “ We just lost another unit!” the women yelled at him. Mobius sighed before walking back in the room. “ Okay Loki I think we can finish up tomorrow and just-” Mobius stopped mid sentence when he noticed Loki was no where to be found. 
Outside Loki wandered around until he ended up in an office like room. TVA workers going about . “ Hey!” Loki shouted in a whispered tone towards the man he saw at the front desk. “ Hey I know you!” the man shouted. Loki grabbed him, pulling him down to keep him quite. “ What’s your name?” Loki asked, the man looked confused before replying “ Casey” he told him. “ Get me the Tesseract or i’ll gut you like a fish!” Loki threated him.” What’s a fish?” Casey loudly asked. Loki sushed him before asking “ how do you not know what a fish is?” “ i’ve lived my entire life behind a desk” casey said. 
After Casey agreed to comply he got up and pulled open a drawer. He pulled out the Teseract and handed it off to Loki. Finally, Loki thought, I have it. he helled it in his hands before glancing down. He saw infinity stones. A lot of them, just sitting there useless. “ What? Infinity stones? “ Loki asked him self, gently touching them as if they weren’t real. He stumbeld over his words “ how do you have these ?” he asked. “ Oh” Casey said “ We actually got a lot of those. Some of the guys use them as paper weights.” he said smiling to himself. Loki stood up and then walked in front of the big television. The weight of everything catching up to him. “ Is this the greatest power in the universe?” Loki questioned. 
The women guard came charging towards Loki with her weapon, but Loki teleported before she could hit him. He went back to the room Mobius had taken him to earlier. Out of breath, Loki got up looking at the Avengers still on the video along with you. He sat in the chair before rewinding the video and playing it again. He saw his life. What happened and what would have happened. 
He saw his Mother, dead on the floor. He saw his Father saying he loved them both. He saw you, your hands intertwined. Bodies pressed together and sweet kisses. He saw a ring on your finger and your smiling face looking up at him. He saw a version of himself being loved by you and living a life together. A life he’d never get to live now. He was crying , his tears streaming down his face. His breathe was shaky as he continued the video. He saw his brother, the two of them, fighting side by side. The video then showed him in front of Thanos. Thanos grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up. Loki stood up walking closer to the screen. He was struggling to breath as Thanos squeezed the life out of him. He could hear your cries of anguish as you pleaded for Thanos to let him go. You ran and banged on Thano’s back to stop him, but it was to late . A crack sound could be heard and he was dead. His body dropping to the floor. You came running up to him , cradling his limp body. Thanos looked down at you in disgust before stabbing you. Your body laying lifelessly next to his. As dead to the universe has he was.
Lokis face was one of fear, shock, and sadness. Seeing his death was teirrble enough, but to see you die was something else entirely. It broke his heart. The last thing he saw was Thor holding on to both your bodies and then the screen said end of file. Loki laughed at himself and then the women stepped in. “ what’s so funny?” she asked. Loki shook his head “ Glorious Purpose “ he turned around starring at her and then marched towards her. He threw a punch but she retaliated. The two fought but Loki brought her down attaching the collor to her neck. He fiddle with the remote causing her to go this way and that before she left the room completly. 
Mobius ran into you in the hall way telling you the Variant “ Loki” as he was called had escaped an he needed your help to find him. “ Mobius how many times do I have to tell you to keep watch of variants?” you huffed. “ I mean isn’t that your job?” He looked at you before pleading “ Please just help me Red, I’ll make it up to you.” “ fine” you pointed your finger at him “ but you owe me” the two of you set a brisk pace  and made it to what you usually call the showing room. It usually just shows the lives of people and variants, but TVA workers were not allowed to look at their own files. You and Mobius both pulled out your weapons entering the room. “ Loki” Mobius said, causiously walking towards him. You trailed behind walking behind Mobius . You moved to stand next to him as you got closer to the variant. He was sitting with his hands over his face.” No where left to run.” you said. Loki looked up hearing your familiar voice. He looked at you in disbelief.  
You weren’t real. How could you possably be here? He saw you die along with him! He saw you being carried away in shackles back on Midgard before he stole the Tesseract and ran off. There was no way that this could be you. He looked away from you and stared back at Mobius “ I can’t go back can I? “ it was more of a statement then a question though. You looked at him feeling some sort of sense of familiarity but sook it off as nerves. “ back to my timeline” Loki continued. Nither you nor Mobius said anything as Loki continued. “ I don’t enjoy hurting people.” he looked back at you “ I don’t enjoy it.” He looked in your eyes “ I do it because I have to. Because I had to.” Mobius shook his head and you spoke up. ‘Explain that to me.” Loki still couldn’t believe you were here right in front of him, but he pushed on anyway “ because it’s part of the illusion. “ “ It’s the cruel elabrate trick, conjured by the weak to inspire fear.” Mobius spoke this time “ a desprate play for control.” “ you do know yourself.” Loki sighed again “ a villain” he stated. “ That’s not how I see it” you said. Loki once again looked up at you . That since of familiarity coming back to you. “ 
Loki grabbed the Tesseract and spoke“ The TVA is formidable” Mobius shook his head in agreement “ that’s been my experince.” Mobius spoke to him,offering him a deal. You grabbed a hold of Mobius arm before yelling at him “you’re not doing what i think you’re doing are you?” Mobius shrugged your arm off before saying yes and then looked back at Loki. Loki got up walking towards the both of you. “ Fugitive Variant has been killing our minutemen” Mobius told him. “ and you need the God of mischief to help you stop him.” Loki said.” That’s right “ “ why me?” Loki asked .You butted in , standing infront of Mobius , looking up at Loki “ the variant we’re hunting is you.” “I beg your Pardon?” Loki asked. You chuckled,not suprised by his reaction. “ I’m sorry , but I think i’m in even more shock as to why you’re even here.” he gestured towards the room and then pointed at you stepping closer. You were face to face , noses almost touching. “ why’re you working for these people?” he furrowed his brows at you “ what are you doing here y/n?” You looked just as confused as he was and uncrossed your arms. “ I’m sorry, but who’s y/n ?” 
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littlemisslol-fic · 4 years
Fic Masterlist
Might as well get all my garbage together for the sake of organization. Links to everything I’ve ever written under the cut!
Longer Fics:
Like a Rowboat On an Angry Sea and its sequel Set the Kindling, Strike a Match
Varian with an edited family history. Lots of angst and kidnapping for those who want a good cry.
Dear Fellow Traveller
A Varigo centered, Moonstone!Varian AU. Lots of angst here as well, but this one has a lot more bickering and sass. 
Alone We Have No Future
Apocalypse AU, focused on the Team Awesome dynamic. Mild angst, but a lot of physical violence and generally precarious scenarios.
Cor Meum
A Steampunk AU, co-written by myself and the beautiful @izaswritings​! Also has a tumblr devoted to itself over here for organization’s sake!
The Silent Opera
Varigo soulmate au! Lots of angst, an arranged marriage, and shakespearian level melodrama.
Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be)   
Varigo week 2022 submissions! 7 days, 7 prompts, 1 overarching narrative linking them all together. Hugo tries to propose to Varian, and the universe kind of smacks the hell out of him for it lmao
A Thousand Lifetimes (And I'll Always Love You)
Varigo Week 2020 submissions, 7 days, 7 prompts. Cozy/Soft, First Kiss, Betrayal/Possession, Campfire, First Meeting/First Date, Flirting/Teasing, and a free day!!
The Dating Game
Also called “Fantasy Bachelor” by my friends on discord. Varigo. Rapunzel tries to find Varian a boyfriend, not knowing that Varian already has one. Generally light hearted shenanigans ensue.
Save Your Convictions (They Never Will Do)  
Also Varigo. Canon verse. Varian and Hugo return to Corona after the events of the Varian and the Seven Kingdoms AU, with mixed reception on Hugo’s part.
Now That You’re Here (It’s Time for You to Go)
Team Awesome with a twist! Based off of Finnoky’s AU, where the Dark Kingdom never fell, and Eugene and Varian were rasied as brothers. Eugene gets a new baby sibling, and is less than stoked about it.
Your Blood’s Gone Bad (I Knew It Would)
Based on the absolutely AWESOME/SAD comics by the illustrious Dr-Chalk on tumblr. Cassandra uses the mind-trap early. It doesn't end well for Varian. (Warnings for Major Character Death)
Things I Almost Remember
Varigo Anastasia AU! A birthday present for my beautiful friend jjgg_art
The Idea of One
A Trigun Fic! A Post-Fall Vash gets his hair cut and has a crisis about it.
Fic Answers for Tumblr Asks (Unnamed):
Prompt: Fever and Shackles
Eugene and Varian end up caught by the Saporians. They’re not very good hosts. Angst ahoy.
Prompt: Varigo and Puppy Love
Varian and Hugo break into an abandoned amusement park for a cute little date. Very fluffy!
Prompt: Rowboat!Verse, “Weight of the World”
Rapunzel watches over Varian after the evens of Like a Rowboat. A little angsty, but mostly introspective. Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be) 
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lilbombus · 3 years
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Au: crisis countdown (ccd)
New Players’ names and age (from youngest to oldest)
Jael Harley - 12 (turns 13 a month after the entry of the game - younger brother of MayMay Jona) Kaseli Vantas Strider- 15 Malaine Jona Harley- 16 (older sister of Jael) Corail Piexes- 16 Lilac Maryam Lalonde - 16 (twin sister of Ross) Ross Maryam Lalonde - 16 (twin brother of Lilac) Tiempa Medigo-16 (going on 17) Achero Captor- 17 Cirrus Nitram - 17 Vritra Serket Pyrope -18 (younger sister of Vesper - only 11 month difference) Gwymon Ampora - 18 Vesper Pyrope Serket - 18 (older sister of Vritra - only 11 month difference) Frolne Maraka - 19 Torrec Zahhak - 19
*the children of the gods were created (though ectobiology) due to the birth of the descendants from the Mother Grub.*
Vesper and Vritra are descendants of Vriska and Terezi but they’re rasied as sibling.
“the Celebratory Gods of Earth C”
Guardians ( + means they’re together and parent their respective kids) Mama Harley + Renny Strider Leijon (Strijon/ Leider??) Dad Strider + Papa Vantas Mom Lalonde + Mother Maryam Vriska + Terezi (gotta find parental terms for them maybe Ma Serket and Terezi maybe having a badass Title like her Ancestor idk)
Extended Family List Jake English Dirk Strider Roxy Lalonde Calliope Jane Crocker Jasperose June Egbert Nannasprites
Outside of the Family Aradia Sollux
Some Infor of Crisis Countdown
the main crisis is the kids being thrown into the game that was once completed by their parents and finding a way back home
The game is not like the humans’ and trolls’ sessions it is a “tainted version of both” (idk how to describe it but its like “Very Hard Master Mode from the DLC Package Edition” idfk dude)
in this session there’s no sprites (rather help is from the gods outside the game) the players have to find their personal quest on their own
the majority does not know how the game session started without them knowing - one minute they’re simply on Earth C and the next gone to their respective Lands ripped away from everything they known
one of them is not suppose to be in the game and one of them made the session without the others knowing
theres eyes everywhere
There is no “big bad” - the main focus is finding a way back home against all odds while combating what the game entails. Also group conflicts and strained family relationships within and outside the game.
the kids and parents are completely separated from each other for the duration of the game. the only contact they have with each other is though phone and Alchemisization of objects though the connected Alchemiters.
As the kids try to find a way out from within the game they discover some secrets previous players hide from them and new problems, while the gods tries to find a way to get them out while finding information on how the game evolved even tho the game was concealed from the public since the “new beginning of Earth C” only known though history and historical remnants of its existence (like the house door)
the “kids team storyline” and the “adult team storyline” will always find the same major points but from different sources.
The gods have a celebrity-like status on Earth C- But all gods have to have contact with major earth organizations in means of improving and advancing life socially, environmentally, medical, astro sciences, etc in means of peace. They are restricted of some powers due to their status as gods (example: if u have life powers u cannot relive the death or if you have a company you cannot hold a position/ representative position in gov) essentially the gods are bounded by law to preserve peace and natural order
they cannot make major decisions except in environmental crisis and to save lives, they can only advise
they could also live a life outside the public eye but they still have to answer to other gods and public officials in means of public service (which is how the majority of the gods live)
(in crisis countdown) the major job of the gods to the public is finding information of the phenomenon caused by the game and shielding the public from harm.
lol here a sketch dump of all of the new players
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Arabic DJ Mix Live Mix Top Party Songs - Quarantine 2020 / ميكس عربي رقص حجر كورون
Dj Nicolas Al Najjar
If you enjoy this mix mention me in your stroy on Instagram @nicolasalnajjar and I will reshare it
1. 3younik 7elwin rabih baroud i steve salameh remix
2. Usher - Yeah (Cristian Tomas 2k17 Remix)
3. Enta m3lm masri
4. Mohamed Ramadan - Mafia - JO MK EDIT
5. Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke (Kees Sjansen Remix)
6. The Black Eyed Peas, J Balvin - RITMO (Fran Garro Moombahton Remix)
7. Nassif Zeytoun - Shou Helo Remix Nicolas
8. Fares karam - Badna Nwallea
9. Anas Kareem B7bek Mn Ba3ed Allah
10. JABiD - caramela
11. Sefer Nafsiete AWS Remix
12. Intro To Shamstep - 47Soul
13. Zlm jd ljd - mijwiz trap remix
15. Amr Diab ft R3HAB - Yom Talat (Remix)
16. Arabic Remix - Ya Lili ( Sozer Sepetci Remix )
17. Saif Nabeel - Fog El Qema
18. Tyga - Ayy Macarena (Juanfran La Clave Moombahton Remix)
19. Hazem Elsadeer Fe Mnk Ala Freez Anthony Abu Jaudeh Remix
20. Ammouna Fi Alsaiid
21. Jinak bhaya Orginal
22. Get Low For What VS. New Thang ( TiTi Mashup )
23. Wadi3 el sheikh – Mrt snin martin bel Remix
25. Abbass Jaafar - Rasi B3albakeh ( JO MK EDIT )
26. HalA Bl DeiF- DJ Fox Anthony Abou Jaoude
27. Tones And I - Dance Monkey (Soner Karaca Remix 2019)
28. Wafeek Habib Sabaho
Thanks to @Anthony abou jaoude @djjomk
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oriensworld · 4 years
Sekilas cerita di balik foto ini
"Kak, aku ada foto lagi."
"Mana sini."
"Belum edit."
"Tak usah diedit."
Lalu dikirimlah foto ini, foto rasi bintang. Halohaa, walaupun aku suka orion tapi sirius masih selalu nomor satu. Bintang paling terang❤
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agusdx · 4 years
Sarab - Rasi Z & Pandhora (Mèraque edit) - SoundCloud
Escucha Sarab - Rasi Z & Pandhora (Mèraque edit) de Mèraque en #SoundCloud
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fdmlovesmusic · 4 years
Sarab - Rasi Z & Pandhora (Mèraque edit)
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