#Lil Rasie
Townsperson: So, wait...you're telling me that you're his father...AND his mother...AND his brother...AND his...caretaker???
Caleb: In a way, yes.🙂
Pip: Don't forget bestest friend!
Caleb: (*playfully ruffles his hair*) Right! Can't forget that. That's the most important one.
Townsperson: (*Stares at them in total confusion*)
HC: Joking aside, Caleb really is kinda like Philip's dad, mom, brother, and caretaker rolled into one if you really think about it.
Being that he took care of Pip all his life, he had to take on all four roles since they either A. didn't have any parents or B. neither guardian was around.
For father, I like to think that Caleb taught Philip how to fish (LITTLE GUY LITERALLY CAUGHT A BIG ONE WITH HIS BARE TEETH) and chop wood (though one time Pip tried using his head to split the wood and Caleb had to stop him lol).
For mother, Caleb was the one to provide Pip his meals and even showed him how to care for his hair and tie it in a ponytail.
For brother, he did the big bro basics like play with Philip and spend time with him. Even carved him a mask! You know the one. Probably carved him a bunch of other neat stuff too. Philip looked up to him so much!
And caretaker? That's easy! HE TOOK CARE OF PIP. Caleb always did everything in his power to make sure his little bro was happy and healthy.
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Is it just me or has vizie given us more actual intrest in husks and angles realation ship then THEN THE ACTUAL COUPLE
Not hat to mu huskerdusts
( im pretty sure i did not nail that ship name )
but then again vizie has kinda hd struggle when it comes to female characters in her stories so having a sapphic relationship as her main couplr so far has been a little bit of a dry well
So far its
Charile says something
Vaggie: aw i love you beb
Charlie: GASP i love you too
But i need more actual intimate interactions the final episodes actually gave us something which im so happy about so i'm hoping for season two i get my fill
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Like i need spice (not meaning 🥵🥵 necessarily )
But like some flavour EVEN IF ITS SALT
Cause so far i've on been skip on Chaggie content on tumblr 👁🫦👁
Or just new takes on the relationship
Maybe some lil quirks
( the ship name makes me throw up in my mouth alittle🥴)
So yea welcome to my ted talk 🌚👋
And remember i love the music in hazbin hotel
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Please help suport palestine
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And hey bbg
While your at spam your local representatives
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mikalame · 1 year
Strip Poker
btw this is my first smut dont exspect it to be good lol btw idk how you play poker 
*hic* you hiccup you and bill giggle as you stumble through the door. The others have gone with someone else tonight so its just you and bill.Tripping around you feel around for the light switch quickly closing you eyes as the blinding light feels like its gonna kill you. You open your eyes and see bill lying down on the bed you see his star tattoo and his v line as his jeans are sitting low on his hips. You flop down on the bed neck to him groaning you hear bill giggle a bit before getting up before resting your eyes closed. “You wanna play” you hear bills voice you open your eyes again seeing bill ontop of you made you stomach flip in circles and made you blush, you push him by his chest “yeah, sure” you say not even see what he wanted to say “where you even listening to me” bill says with attitude “yea of course i was bill” you roll your eyes
This was not your were exspecting you were currently in your bra and underwear and bill was in his boxers. The game had started like normal poker then when you had lost bill looked at you with a rasied eyebrow before saying “you werent paying attention omg we’re playing STRIP poker” “yeah i knew that” before taking your socks off. You started to beathe heavy as the round progressed feeling like bill could see all of you you shook your head not wanting to lose.
You had won the round feeling happy but it slowing strating to melt into embrassment as you realised bill was gonna be naked “oh fuck this” you hear bill groan before felling a pair of lips on your own after the shock wears off you kiss back with the same amount of passion that he did. You groan as he kisses down your neck and onto your collar bones you lean back more to give him more acess you grip onto his hair. Feeling a warm hand slowly climb up your thigh and rest outside of your inner thigh you look down and see his eyes on you “can i “ he asked panting a bit signalling that he wanted to touch you more “yes, please bill” you groan back wanting to feel him on your skin again. He moves his hand down more pressing down on you feeling his other hand open your bra, you move it down your arms. His lips attach to your nipples instantly sucking more hickeys onto your skin. You flip yourself to be ontop of him “your taking to long bill” you moan grinding into his boner you pull down his boxers feelin abit exsposed seeing as you were the only nude one there. His cock istantly flopping on to his stomach you grab in moving your hand up and down slowly seeing the pre-cum drip slowly and stick to your hand, you hover over him and slowly sink down his dick feeling him go in inch by inch you both groan togther bills hand flinging to your hips to steady you, you reach over and grab a pillow for bill head to lay on. 
You start to grind slowly feeling his cock throb inside you bouncing after awhile both of you moaning at the feeling bills fingers rubbing at your clit making your orgamim come sooner “b-bill im gonna-” “I know its okay come for me baby come on this dick” “Ahhhh fuck” you moan the knot in your stomach snapping as you cum on his cock. Bill keeps thrusting up “ah-ah baby mmh gon come hold on just a lil more” he whines after a bit his thrust get sloppy and he stills feeling his cum drip out of you and seeing his face screw in pleasure he looked like an angle sent from the heavens his sweat dripping down his face his hair messed up sprawled on the floor looked abslutly amazing.
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plutonium-sky · 2 months
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Here's Aine!
She lived in the Forgotten Ark for most of her childhood, rasied by a retired solider and that's where she fell as a starchild.
She was raised in Eden, before the Shattering, for the rest of her childhood after the death of her father, and eventually became a Messenger for Feyra delivering correspondence between Elders.
The markings on her body are a result of magic, sort of like scars, she and her father were attacked when she was young. Her father made alot of enemies when he was a soldier.
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They look a lil feral and get to have glow in the dark markings for their tattoos. Btw even tho they’re aquatic doesn’t mean that they canter fly or walk on land. Its just a lot more awkward
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rubianarosevine · 1 year
StickminTober2023 + OC-Tober Prompts 3
Right, prompts were Superstition and Police Force. Gotta have Johnny when it's about the police force lmao.
You can tell I lost motivation here, I finished this like an hour and a half after midnight of Oct. 3-
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So little lore on Rasi rq, as a replacement for art quality from me, lmao. They're non binary cause idk what they really wanna be yet, they're a lil skrunkly, a lil scrimblo, bean, chaotic gremlin, etc. They got banished from the physical realm, spirit tied to an acorn that grew around a dragon graveyard kinda. Fun fact, they built their own new physical form with a dragon skull, wood, nearby animal fur (maybe like a panther? Still figuring out their backstory lmao) and other things I've yet to figure out to create a raptor-like appearance. Another fun fact, they literally fall apart. Useful for escaping cages in Murder Drones. *Cough* Magnets *Cough* wHaT-?
But enough about the blorbo, it art teim
Rasi on left, Johnny Panzer (THSC) on right, and a grumpy Rupert Price in the middle.
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squeak-art · 11 months
whats the day to day in miitopia verse for ur folks
Depends on the person! readmore bc im goin through most everyone lmao. For some info tho, my main verse takes place roughly 2 years after the events of the game
For the 'main' postgame team of Mim, Calia, Dela, and Kets, if they don't have some kinda quest stuff going on (the occasional face and/or monster incident still happens, funni postgame plot antics i came up with so that i could do more silli stuff w writing the lads still) they tend to hang around the Travel Hub and just sorta do whatever--
Mim tends to team stuff or the horse (named Creamsicle) and also just likes to socialize at various lil cafes and such, and if Calia isn't keeping to herself she likes to follow Mim around. Calia, being near-blind due to... reasons, as well as just being a very likes-her-own-space sort, tends to prefer to just stay in familiar locations and do whatever activities it is a cleric does
Dela's also fairly social, but aside from that she tends to spend time semi-training Kets in how to be better at sneaky spy and info-gathering stuff-- she's the thief and he's the intel, more or less. They also do their own more private 'quests' on occasion for ppl who may need information or certain objects taken from another-- assuming the person isn't doing anything too bad and they pay decently, or if it's a special case that they feel they need no pay for.
The rest of the main 10 are not always available, and tend to stick to their home locations-- they do occasionally join up for various quests and all and still all maintain a lot of contact with eachother, but the others have their own lives to live too and can't just always dedicate to being part of the active party.
Quarty and Rasi, on top of being an active couple and doing Couple Things, tend to also like to help eachother with their careers on occasion! Although he isn't much the performer type, Rasi helps Quarty with practice and rehearsal performances and testing new songs out, and Quarty helps Rasi with certain knight-in-training tasks, though he isn't very good for combat practice help since bladed weapons were never really his thing.
They're not always together though, and while Rasi often has to deal with knight things, Quarty is also helping in teaching Dinzy in Popstar music type stuff! Dinzy otherwise does normal school-aged kid stuff, but she loves going to Quarty to learn his ticks and help out.
Val and Nal-- the twin brothers of Neksdor-- actually run a business together! A sort of weird combination restaurant and tech help place, though part of the gimmick is that if someone isn't really in a position to pay they'll "accidentally" charge less or even "forget" to charge, since in the end their ultimate goals is simply to help the people of their communities who need it. Every since being part of the main team, they've more than had the funds to be able to sustain this sort of thing.
Aside from their work, they also deal with Micha-- an android from Nimbus who was rescues and now stays with them, mostly on account of Nal knowing how to manage all that techy stuff. It's sort of like raising a kid if that kid was a very learning-how-to-be-a-person robot with dangerous weaponry on hand. She's friendly, just... needs a bit of direction.
Zinni and Sprout, the weird sibling-like duo of the Fey Realm, don't really have any specific tasks they tend to-- they just sorta play the part of secondary protectors to the place, in the even that they're either better suited for something or the Fab Fairies aren't available. The two also have a lot of learning how to be in an actual community to do, seeing as Sprout is a wild child from the forest, and Zinni is a cult escapee
There's also Hazari, who is Kets' half-sister, and she's... got issues. Mostly relating to some not very kind views held by some parts of the Fey folk, and also havin the complex of being all mature and cool and smart at the ripe old age of like... 14-16 or so. Zinni and Sprout at least try to rein her in a little, seeing as she does need to be able to get along with the others on account of being one of the 4 new recruits to the team. She's also concerning obsessed with getting the approval of the Great Sage, much to Marin's dismay.
Visula, a semi-Vampire (as there is two flavors of vampire) from Peculia, mostly spends her time away from home for... reasons, and usually is in the traveler's hub somewhere doing her own things, and occasionally pestering Mim and Calia, the later being due to them being childhood friends before Calia had moved to Greenhorne! Honestly out of everyone Visula probably has the most normal day to day, just hang out and vibe and talk to friends.
Most of the Origins team is uh... dead people. Ghosts. Save for Vivo, due to him being a True Vampire and thus an ageless entity. He prefers to be active at night (The sun isn't all that dangerous, but True Vampires are at least mildly bothered by it and him having albinism doesn't help) but for the most part they all just stay at his place, hidden away and playing games and chatting and all that-- he hasn't gone out much since the events that went down roughly 200 years ago (though to be fair, he spent most of that asleep)
Marin and Nori live in a cabin in Powdered Peaks, near the edge closest to the Travel Hub, seeing as that's Marin's home before everything as well. Although they do both travel between the various other places often, in part due to that simply being what Marin does, and in part to help with Nori's atonement and rehabilitation, they spend a decent amount of time at home too. Marin does a lot of personal studies on magic and nature-related stuff, as well as a lot of magic training to keep her skills and spells sharp, and Nori just... kinda does whatever. She hasn't figured out her place or herself out enough to stick to one thing quite yet.
Much to their activities when traveling, aside from... well, traveling and camping and such, also involved helping people out as they go in typically small ways, though larger situations to also arise at times. Though, Marin does tend to avoid the more populated places, on account of not really being much of a people person, despite her reputation and how she acts,and wanting to not get caught up in too much weirdness that results from basically being the land's equivalent of a celebrity.
And... Trence. He used to live alone, but in more recent times Hasal, a living ghost not unlike how Nori now is, ended up showing up and opting to stay with him in Lumos. There's not much to do unless you count dealing with all he monsters and the very much vengeful ghosts there, but while Hasal does who-knows-what like the mysterious lil freak he is, Trence likes to tinker around with robotics and tech and program and stuff in his freetime, and has also taught himself how to fight enough to manage his job and situation, even eventually making himself a custom scythe that has a flippable blade! He's a bit of a workaholic too, though, and... doesn't treat himself the best, but Hasal has been trying to help with that.
Oh, right. and Vigil is... a necklace ghost man. Guardian Spirit. He just sort of vibes with Mim most of the time lmao
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learningarabic20 · 2 days
5 Common Arabic Idioms You Need to Know
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Welcome to our language journey as we delve into the vibrant world of Arabic idioms!  The cool thing is that even an idiom consisting of 2 words could be used to express what you want or fully describe a situation.
So, in this blog post, How to learn arabic 5 Arabic idioms commonly used throughout Arab countries, explain them, and give an example of each to know how to utilize them.  Let's dive in!
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1. On my head / على راسي
3ala Rasi is a polite idiom said to someone who asks you for a favor, as a reply, you say “3ala Rasi” which means “Anything for you!”
“Teqdar ta7milli haada al-Sandooq al-thaqeel min fadlak?” “3ala Rasi, 3ammi Rami!”
تِقْدر تَحملّي هذا الصندوق الثقيل من فضْلك؟ على راسي، عمّي رامي
“May you please carry this heavy box for me?” “Ala Rasi, uncle Rami.” 🙂
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2. His brain flew / عقلو طار
3aqlu Taar idiomatically means that someone became mad or lost his mind!
Ahmad 3aqlu Tarr la’anno fashal fi imti7aan kteer muhim, wil-7een ma bikallim 7ada!!
أحمد عقلو طار لأنّه فشل في امتحان كتير مهمّ، والحين ما بكلّم حدا
“Ahmad 3aqlu Taar because he failed a very important exam, and now he’s not talking to anyone!!” 😡
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3. Movement is a blessing! / الحركة بركة
Al-7araka baraka can have 2 almost identical meanings:
1- There’s good in being determined to get things done, continue to have a stabilized lifestyle, and keep going strong in life.
2- Doing regular exercises, like walking, and having a healthy body is very beneficial for the person because your greatest wealth is your health!
Yalla ya Fadi, ta3aal nathHab wa natamasha 3ala al-shati’. Al-7araka baraka!
يلّا يا فادي، تعال نذْهب ونتمشّى على الشاطئ. الحركة بركة
“Come on Fadi, let’s go walk on the beach. Al-Haraka baraka!!” 🏃‍♂️💨
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4. My leg on your leg / رِجلي على رِجْلك
Rejli 3ala rejlak is a nice idiom said to another person letting them know that wherever they go, you are going with them!
“3andi khoTaT 7ilwa lil-ri7laat haada al-3aam!” ”Rejli 3ala rejlak, i7sib 7isaabi ma3ak!”
عندي خطط حلوة للرحلات هذا العام رجلي على رجلك، احْسِب حِسابي معك
“I have nice plans for travels this year!!” “Rejli ‘ala rejlak, count me in!” 🏖️
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5. Brought the festival / جاب العيد
Jaab il-eid is an idiom used in Saudi and Emirati dialects, jokingly, to say that someone “Messed up”
Hadaak al-dahhan Jaab il-eid, waqa3 3ala jismo daluw min al-dihaan al-abyaD.
هذاك الدهّان جاب العيد، وقع على جسمه دلُوْ من الدِهان الأبيَض
“That painter Jaab il-eid, a bucket of white paint has fallen on his body.” 🤦‍♂️
This Article was  originally published in 3 Arabian official website in 2 Feb 2024.
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lilrasiesworld · 3 years
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Lil Rasies World!
About Me And DNI Under Cut!
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♡❀About Me!❀♡
Name ~ Rasazy
Nicknames ~ Ras, Raz, Razie, Asie, Ajax
Pronouns ~ She/Her, They/Them, He/Him, ro/rose/roses/roses/roseself, star/star/stars/stars/starself, mew/meow/mews/meows/meowself, cat/cats/cats/cats/catself, kitty/kitty/kittys/kittys/kitself, 🌸/🌸s/🌸s/🌸s/🌸self, Ajax/Ajax/Ajax's/Ajax's/Ajaxself
Age/Little Age/Birthday/LGBTQ+ Labels ~ Minor, Probably around 5-8ish, May 25, Pansexual, Neopronouns
Caregiver ~ No one yet, I may let people request to be one in the future though!
I Like ~ My Little Pony, Odd Squad, Wild Kratts, Genshin Impact, Doraemon, Pokémon, Anime, Video Games, Animals, Nature, Stuffies, Bunnies, Cats, Stickers, Keychains, Drawing
Aesthetics ~ Pastel, Flowercore, Agere, Sanriocore, Rosecore, Cloudcore, Kitty Aesthetic
Other Blogs ~ I don't want to associate this blog with any of my other ones it makes me very uncomfortable so I won't link it here, feel free to ask though :3
Other Info ~ I'm currently a closeted age regressor so please be kind to me. If I need to, I will block you!
I sometimes use big words so if it ever gets confusing please ask for clarification when I'm not regressed or I'll get confused.
Please don't make me go through your blog to check if I need to block you or not, as I have other things to do.
If I reblog something from a bad source, please tell me!
If I accidentally say/post something against my DNI, please notify me as regressing can often mess up my brain. This is not a poor excuse to get out of bad or serious situations.
Tags ~ Original content is under Rasie Posts, edits are Rasie's Edits, art is Rasie's Drawings, random text posts are Rasie Talks, reblogs are Rasie Reblogs, and semi or fully regressed is Lil Rasie!
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G0re/S3lf H4rm
Anti/Pro Shippers
Political/Religious Extremist
There is definitely more that should go on this list but I can't list them all or the list would be too long so please be considerate!
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prettyvacanttt · 5 years
Oh my god lucifer is so close to having her kittens!! Im so fucking excited
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lgcjunkyu-old2 · 3 years
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hello hello it’s blossom, junkyu and sehoon’s mun !! i am back with a third muse... so here i welcome you ahn jisoo !! i am v excited for her bcs she’s polar opposite of sehoon but also not similar to junkyu, so i can’t wait to plot and everything :D i won’t ramble too much and just get into it skjdfhks but say hello to jisoo !! she’s 24, and she’s aiming to be a rapper ( yay to a 2nd rapper muse ) and wants to do variety too !! below the cut i’ll leave some information about her, and if you’d like to plot with her then give this a LIKE and i’ll message you !! i’m also on discord and twitter ( @/247K1HYUN ) if either are easier !!
stats / connections
jisoo is the elder sister of jaesun and jaehwa !!!
was born and rasied in los angeles
parents split up when she was fourteen and her, the other sibs and their mother moved to seoul
tbh she kinda ??? took the split hard, and then moving to seoul was just a lot for her and she felt like she needed to be strong
but eventually she came to terms with it and a couple years later, their father moved to seoul and !!!! they got back together . a win win
was always and has always been a big . personality, jisoo is like that cheers you on to do things you probably shouldn’t ...... HHHH
grew interested in music when she was in seoul through buskers !!!! and started learning how to rap through youtube vids 
auditioned for legacy in jan 2019
she joined just to spy on her little sibs no i’m kidding they’re better behaved than her
started learning taekwondo when she was young ( she’s now a red belt do not mess w her )
she’s a rlly fun person to be around, deffo radiates big sis vibes
always up for a lil adventure
a tad bit of a rebel
but despite that side of her, she’s still rlly hard working and she tries her best to make the trainee life not feel like a job ??? in a way, especially on those rlly down days
but tbh she’s really nice to basically everyone but if you’re mean or rude or anything like that, naturally she will make it known she doesn’t like you by glaring at you
this is a garbage intro post i’m so sorry i’m like falling asleep rn i’ll add more to it tomorrow ;’;
but pls check out her plots page if u wanna plot and if nothing works we can always brainstorm!!! :D
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stillwithvsblog · 4 years
1) great minds think alike 2) you have rasied some excellent points. Jimins slytherin slide defently screams buttercup , Tae dealing with delulus and his humor, and vibe check gives off buttercup while I see jimins babie side is obvi bubbles but like when Tae tae dose lil games on weverse with us it is bubbles and when he some on his solo songs give off bubbles. ( correct me if i am wrong).
We truly do 😌 you are definitely on to something! We cannot deny jimin got this sassy/ I’m gonna end you look when he gets mad just as tae, their eyes tell us everything... but at the same time they are both so angelic and sweet and baby and yeah...
Conclusion: We are both right and we should say it!
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thinkaboutdobrik · 6 years
Treat Me Better, Part 1 of 2 - Jeff Wittek
Requested by Anonymous: Jeff dating a reader where he babies her and spoils her and when he's alone with the guys they make fun of him for it so he stops and starts being more cold with her and maybe she confronts him all teary eyed in front of everyone and he cracks right then and there?
A/n: i've been feeling rusty w my writing ?? so sorry if this is bad??? literally roast me lmao or if you have any constructive criticism, feel free to inbox me!!
Warning: a little angsty
Part 2 <- 
The best part about Jeff was how he would treat you like a princess. A queen, even. Yes, the masculine, tough, bad boy looking man was soft as a bunny on the inside. Sure, this didn't shine through as much when you were around everybody in your friend group, but for the most part he loved spoiling you.
He loved treating you to things, whether that was new shoes, or making you dinner every night, he insisted on you not lifting a finger.
Even though you had let him know he didn't have to treat you like this, he wanted to show his love and affection for you, and how could you say no to that?
He'd always cuddle up next to you, leaving soft kisses all over your cheeks, or offer to give you a massage after a long day or rub your feet, and whenever you were spending the night at his apartment he'd always make sure you got breakfast in bed.
Spending the day at Heath and Mariah's new place, you and Jeff were sitting together on their couch, listening to Heath talking.
Leaning your bodyweight on Jeff's side, you rested your arm gently on his thigh, looking at him, puckering your lips and leaned in as you waited for a kiss.
He raised an eyebrow at you and let out an awkward chuckle, shaking his head as he shot you a funny look before facing the other way.
"Just gimme a lil' kiss.." you whined, jokingly pouting at him.
Jeff shook his head and laughed, brushing you off. You swallowed hard at his response and looked at him in confusion.
"No, c'mon. Stop." Jeff awkwardly laughed and brushed your hand off his thigh.
You looked at him in confusion, wondering why he wouldn't return your kiss as he always did. Normally he'd attack you with kisses, wrap his arm around your neck and pull you close, but not this time.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him and shifted in your seat, propping yourself up on one hand on the couch as you looked at him. You ran a finger down his chest, trying to catch his eye, but nothing you did seemed to make Jeff's eyes meet yours.
Jeff let out a loud laugh at something David had told everyone, leaning forward and supporting himself with his elbows on both of his knees, as he chimed in on the conversation.
You scoffed at how he was acting and stood up from the couch, using Jeff's back to push you up. You felt Jeff's eyes looking at you as you walked away, but you didn't turn around to look at him.
Once you got to the kitchen, you grabbed yourself a water bottle and leaned up against the kitchen counter.
"You okay, bubba?" Mariah asked as she approached you, examining your entire body language and facial expression.
You let out a sigh before taking a sip from the water bottle. "Jeff's acting weird. I don't know what's going.." you whispered and looked at Mariah.
Mariah looked over her shoulder and landed her eyes on Jeff before turning back to you. "Just ask him. He's coming." she said and cocked her head to the side.
You ran a hand through hair as you let out another big sigh, looking down at the ground.
Jeff came up to you, and you looked at him hopefully, only to realise he wasn't coming over to you but to the cupboard next to you.
"What are you so moody for?" Jeff mocked as he reached for something next to you and shot you a weird look.
You shook your head and gave Jeff a mean look, feeling the blood in your body starting to boil a little as you clenched your jaw.
"Nothing." you replied quickly and crossed your arms, staring down at the ground.
"Cheer up a little. Don't be such a downer."
"Whatever." you scoffed in return and pushed yourself away from the counter, slamming the half empty water bottle down and headed to the couch.
Crashing down on the couch, you leaned back and rubbed your eyes, trying your best not to let your tears spill. The tears were dwelling up in your eyes - not from sadness, more so frustration and confusion because of how Jeff was acting.
You didn't know what was going on or why he was acting so strange with you. Even though you loved Jeff with all of your heart, the relationship almost seemed too good to be true sometimes. He'd treat your so well, in privacy, and it wasn't new to you that he'd be distant with you when your were around your friends. Everything about him was complicated, but a little part of you enjoyed the thrill of it.
Jeff crashed down on the couch next to you, making you jump a little and you looked at him. He gave you a half heartedly smile before pulling up his phone from his pocket.
Most of the night was spent in silence. You sitting next to him, you'd expect to get some attention from him, but Jeff was too busy talking with the guys.
At some point during the night, David brought along Heath, Mariah and Zane to film a bit for his vlog in the other room. You were left alone with your boyfriend, crossing your fingers, hoping he'd give you anything. Anything, now that your friends were gone.
"What is going on with you today? Why are you being so moody? You haven't smiled once since we got here." Jeff asked after turning towards you.
"Jeff, don't even start with me right now. You know what's going on." you mumbled, keeping your eyes away from his.
Jeff threw a hand in the air and looked at you confusingly. "How would I know that? Come on, tell me what's wrong. I'm here."
Your mouth formed an o at his words and you glanced over at him, lightly furrowing an eyebrow.
"You're here? Sure, you're here when everybody's gone, but when I try to make any sort of contact with you when they're around you just brush me off! Why, Jeff? What did I do to you?" you snapped, finally spilling your thoughts and expressing how you felt.
Jeff rolled his eyes before tilting his head at you, resting his hand on your thigh. "C'mon now-"
"No! I'm done with this, Jeff!" you cut him off, standing up from the couch as you threw your hands in the air out or frustration.
Tears started forming in your eyes and your palms were sweaty. The little vain in the middle of your forehead appearead and you clenched your firsts, looking at him in dissapointment.
"What's going on here?" a voice came from behind you. You looked over your shoulder, eyes landing on David and Heath peaking their heads through the door.
"Nothing, she's just making a scene-" Jeff assured the guys.
Your heart felt like it dropped and you swallowed hard. Your heartbeat rasied and you felt your whole entire body tense up.
"Fuck you, Jeff. This is what you do to me? This is how you're gonna treat me? You put your hands all over me in private, but the minute we're around your friends you act like you're a stranger to me." you cried, throwing your hands in the air, yelling at him, telling him exactly how you felt.
Turning around again to land your eyes on the crowd behind you, you buried your face in your hands, wiping away any tears that had spilled. "Sorry, I-I gotta get out of here." you continued and rushed past your friends and out the door.
"Y/n, wait!" Jeff yelled from behind you, reaching his hand out trying to grab yours but you firlmy pulled away from his grip.
After chasing you out the door and into Heath and Mariah's driveway, Jeff finally got a hold of your arm, pulling you close with a firm grip around your wrists, forcing you to look at him.
"Look at me." he whispered. "I'm sorry. I know you're sad, and I didn't realise how bad it hurt you until now. I am so sorry, y/n."
You pulled away from his grip, not wanting to listen to what he had to say. "I get it. I gotta go, Jeff." you replied quickly and walked towards your car as you felt a tear streaming down your cheek.
"Would you just listen to me for one second?!" Jeff yelled and threw both of his hands in the air, practically running after you.
You stopped mid way and turned around to look at Jeff who was right behind you with a sad look on his face.
"I'm sorry! Sometimes I let the guys get to me. I'm supposed to be the tough guy. The tough, intimidating guy that went to prison, not a lovey dovey type of guy, and I let that get to my head. I promise I won't ever to that again, y/n. I promise." he begged for your forgiveness.
Initially you hadn't planned on your night ending like this. You were excited to spend every second you could with your boyfriend. You enjoyed being in his presence. But this time he had really hurt you, and all you wanted was a breather at this point.
You looked up at Jeff, even more tears dwelling up in your eyes than before. "I don't believe it until I see it. I'll talk to you tomorrow or something. Tell everyone I said bye." you whispered and turned around before finally getting in your car and driving off.
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daggerzine · 5 years
Lots of lists! DAGGER’s favorites of 2019 (and more lists to come)
MY 20 FAVORITE  RECORDS OF 2019  (in no particular order)
Jeanines- S/t (Slumberland)
Purple Mountains- S/T (Drag City)
Monnone Alone- Summer of the Mosquito (Lost & Lonesome)
Mick Trouble – Here’s the Mick Trouble LP (Emotional Response)
Pernice Brothers-   Spread the Feeling (Ashmont)
The Resonars- No Exit (Trouble in Mind)
Rocket 808- S/T (12XU)
Thigh Master- Now For Example (Goner)
Seablite- Grass Stains and Novacaine (Emotional Response)
Ex Hex- It’s Real (Merge)
Versus – Ex Voto (Ernest Jenning Record Co)
Nots- 3 (Goner)
Rocketship- Thanks To You (Darla)
Dream Syndicate- These Times (Anti)  
The Paranoid Style – A Goddamn Impossible Way of Life (Bar None)
Business of Dreams- Ripe for Anarchy (Slumberland)
The Safes- Winning Combination (Bickerton Records)
The Gotobeds- Debt Begins at 30 (Sub Pop)
The Black Watch- Magic Johnson (ATOM Records)
Comet Gain- Fireraisers Forever!  (Tapete)
Vivian Girls- Memory (Polyvinyl)
Bob Mould- Sunshine Rock (Merge)
Modern Nature- How To Live (Bella Union)
Robert Forster- Inferno (Tapete’)
David Kilgour- Bobbie’s a Girl  (Merge)
Piroshka- Brickbat (Bella Union)
The Armoires- Zibaldone (Big Stir Records)
Dark Blue- Victory is Rated (12XU)
The Persian Leaps- Electrical Living (Land Ski Records)
Sasha Bell- Love Is Alright (Both Sides Now)
Frankie Cosmos- Close It Quietly (Sub Pop)
USA/Mexico- Matamoros (12XU)
Moving Targets- Wires (Boss Tuneage)
Red Sleeping Beauty- Stockholm (Matinee)
Redd Kross- Beyond the Door (Merge)
The Treasures of Mexico- Everything Sparks Joy (Shelflife)
In Deed- Everest  (Big Stir Records)
The Catenary Wires- Til the Morning (Tapete)
Foxhall Stacks-  The Coming Collapse (Snappy Little Numbers)
The Vandoliers- Forever (Bloodshot)
Tiny Ruins- Olympic Girls (Bada Bing!)
Bruce Springsteen- Western Stars  (Columbia/ Sony)
Sebadoh- Act Surprised (Dangerbird) 
Le Superhomard- Meadow Lane park (Elefant)
James Clarke Five- Parlour Sounds (The Beautiful Music) 
The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness – Dead Calm (Pretty Olivia)
Tennis Club- Pink (Elefant)
Parsnip- When the Tree Bears Fruit (Trouble in Mind)
The Muffs- No Holiday (Omnivore)
The Kyle Sowashes-  I Don’t Know What To Tell You (Anyway Records)
The Vapour Trails- See You In the Next World (Futureman Records)
Jason Hawk Harris- Love and the Dark  (Bloodshot)
Trip Wire- Once & Always (Big Stir Records)
Lloyd Cole- Guesswork (EAR Music)
Mike Krol- Power Chords (Merge)
Bubblegum Lemonade- Desperately Seeking Sunshine (Matinee)
The Silent Boys- By the Light of the Moon (Bossy Lil Thing Records)
The Pearlfishers- Love and Other Hopeless Things (Marina)
Spray Paint- Into the Country (12XU)
The Ocean Blue-  Kings and Queens/ Knave and Thieves (Korda)
  I also really enjoyed records by……Unhappy Fly, I Was a King, The Hussy, 75 Dollar Bill, Snail Mail, Apex Manor, Mike Gale, Rob Laufer, Richard X, Heyman, Skull Practitioners, Todd Herfindal, Young Guv, New Pornographers, Scott Gagner, The Memory Fades, Mudhoney, The Well Wishers, Golden Pelicans, The Reds, Pinks and Purples, Lucille Furs, The Umbrella Puzzles, Westkust , Mondello , Johnny Couch, Weyes Blood, Spearmint, Corridor, Joy Cleaner, Elva, Possible Humans, Blue Jeans,  the BVs, etc .etc.
The Springfields- Singles, 1986-1991 (Slumberland)
The Victims- S/T (In the Red)
Dream Syndicate-  The Days of Wine and Roses (Fire)
Stephen Duffy- I Love My Friends (Needle Mythology)
Human Switchboard- Who’s Landing in my Hangar (Fat Possum)
The Dum Dum Boys- Let There Be Noise (In the red)
Soul Asylum- Made to be Broken & While You Were Out  (Omnivore)
Holiday Flyer- The Rainbow Confection & Try Not To Worry (Darla)
Metz- Automat (Sub Pop)
The Toms- The 1970 Sessions (Futureman Records)
In a not-so comprehensive (mostly desultory) manner I have thrown this list of current zeitgeisty kinds of things that I encountered in one way or another that had various compelling bits, chunks, and other substantial nuggets (if not their complete entirety) of a musical persuasion that provided something engaging, amusing, enlightening, challenging, discordant, or otherwise worthwhile for my freaky mind, body, and soul to chew on in this last year of 2019. There are always tons and tons of things that I missed and/or never got to (but always meant to) so not exhaustive whatsoever. More a reflection of where I’ve been these days and how I’ve gotten here... (and will try to remain, if circumstances allow.)
 Some Recorded Albums:
●     Sneaks: Highway Hypnosis (Merge)
●     The World: Reddish (Microminiature)
●     Sacred Paws: Run Around the Sun (Merge)
●     Trash Kit: Horizon (Upset the Rhythm)
●     A-WA: Bayti Fi Rasi (BMG)
●     Sleater-Kinney: The Center Won’t Hold (Mom + Pop)
●     Ex Hex: It’s Real (Merge)
●     Angel Olsen: All Mirrors (Jagjaguwar)
●     Vagabon: s/t (Nonesuch)
●     GRLwood: I Sold My Soul to the Devil When I Was 12 (sonaBLAST!)
●     Girl Friday: Fashion Conman EP (Hardly Art)
●     Tacocat: This Mess is a Place (Sub Pop)
●     Karen O/Danger Mouse: Lux Prima (BMG)
●     Cherry Glazerr: Stuffed and Ready (Secretly Canadian)
●     Habibi: Come My Habibi single (Muddguts)
●     Haim: Hallelujah EP (Columbia)
●     Grimes: “We Appreciate Power”/”Pretty Dark” demo/”4AEM”/”Violence”/”So Heavy I Fell Through The Earth” various pre-album release singles (4AD)
●     Madame Gandhi: Visions EP - Extended Versions (self-released?)
●     Chai: PUNK (Burger)
●     Kero Kero Bonito: Civilisation I single (Polyvinyl)
●     Solange: When I Get Home (Columbia)
●     UT: Conviction reissue (Mute)
 Some Live Performances (mostly in Denver, CO):
●     Hadgaba/Hal Aqua and the Lost Tribe (Denver Klezfest 2019 at Mercury Cafe)
●     Jonathan Richman (Swallow Hill)
●     Kristen Hersh (Hi Dive)
●     Ex Hex/Moaning (Bluebird)
●     Sleater-Kinney/Joseph Keckler (Ogden)
●     Angel Olsen/Vagabon (Gothic)
●     Holygram (Oriental)
●     Cellista (Mercury Cafe)
●     The Beths/Girl Friday (Globe)
●     GRLwood (Globe)
●     Tacocat/Paranoyds (Larimer)
●     Short Shorts/Potty Mouth (Lost Lake)
●     Nots (Lost Lake)
●     Spiritualized (Gothic)
●     Breezy Porticos (Chez Hinely)
●     Church Fire/Glitter Vomit (Rhinoceropolis)
●     FemmeFest 2019: Rare Byrds (Museum of Contemporary Art Denver)
●     Love Languages/Teenage Fanclub (Bluebird)
●     Girls Rock Denver Showcase 2019 (Summit Music Hall)
●     Vivien Goldman (in-store at Rough Trade Records NYC)
●     Imperial Teen (in-store at Twist’n Shout Records)
 Some Books:
●     Women Who Rock by Evelyn McDonnell
●     Dayglo: Poly Styrene by Celeste Bell and Zoe Howe
●     Revenge of the She-Punks by Vivien Goldman
●     Why Karen Carpenter Matters by Karen Tongson
●     Hardcore Anxiety: A Graphic Guide to Punk Rock and Mental Health by Reid Chancellor
●     Liz Phair: Horror Stories (memoir)
●     Frame of Mind: Punk Photos and Essays From Washington DC (and Beyond) 1997-2017 by Antonia Tricarico
●     Girl in a Girl Band by Malia James
 Some Film/TV (if not content relevant entirely, for its soundtrack minimally):
●     Judy (BBC Films)
●     Transparent (Amazon Series, Season 5/Musical Finale)
●     Dolemite is My Name (Netflix Original Film)
●     2 Dope Queens (HBO Season 2, Episode 3)
●     Trinkets (Netflix Series, Season 1)
●     Blinded by the Light (New Line Cinema)
●     Shrill (Hulu Series, Season 1)
●     The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Series, Season 3)
●     Big Mouth (Netflix Series, Season 3)
●     A Handmaid’s Tale (Hulu Series, Season 3)
●     GLOW (Netflix Series, Season 3)
●     Orange is the New Black (Netflix Series, Season 7)
 Some Radio/Podcast Outlets:
●     She’s A Punk (podcast)
●     Indie 102.3 FM (local station formerly Open Air CPR)
●     KGNU 1390 AM (local station)
●     Radio 1190AM KVCU (local station)
 And to go full circle around in the weird miasmic disorientations of blogs/zines, and every tool in between...I could mention the writers at Bust, Bitch, Pitchfork, even… DAGGER. But credit for discoverability also includes the vending platforms of Spotify/Bandcamp/Apple Music/Soundcloud themselves (and their haunted algorithms) as well as musicians’ various social media counterparts (which may or may not include their publicists) on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. (and where does YouTube fit in exactly?) which means the industry will eventually eat itself. Happy New Year, ladies and germs. Who knows what the next decade will bring? Whatever it may be, let it be progress rather than random changes for no apparently good reasons.
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you know, its absolutely crazy how one little event can alter the rest of your life. the event im going to talk about here is fourth grade. i was sitting in the back of the class, stuffing my sillybands into a dumb lil pencil box i stole from the lost and found. it was almost ssr, but my dumb self hated reading. i found it so boring. unless it was goosebumps, of course. my teacher got the class' attention to announce the new books to the class library. one was some book about volcanos. the other? some weird book called "the lightning thief." despite me, hating reading, i thought that was a cool as title. and i DID need a book for SSR. So when he asked who wanted it, i rasied my hand. from that day on, i spent six hours reading a day. My mom was absolutely amazed, her kid who'd cry over homework was reading WILLINGLY. i fell in love with fantasy books. i studied greek mythology. i found friends. my favorite song in middle school -move along all American rejects - i found in a Percy Jackson video on youtube. My long term online friends, found in a Percy Jackson roleplay server. I found my passion, I found my favorite teachers, I got into art, into writing. All because of some dumb book my teacher held above his head and offered to the class. I am the way I am today, writing on my Percy Jacksin blog, while listening to my old middle school song I found by this book, talking to my best friends who I found through Percy hecking Jackson. What would happen if I hadn't read that book? Genuinely? I hated reading. I was a cheerleader. I didn't have friends. Things could've gone a completly different way. It's just the small choices you make in life really do matter. I know he'll never ever read this but I'd genuinely like to thank @rrriordan for making me who I am today. For giving me the chance to find my talents, for handing me my passion for Greek mythology, for shaping my friends who I love so much, for unlocking my creativity, for giving me something I could cling onto for the last 10 years. Something I can proudly say I am a fan of. Something that is apart of me.
Edit: id also like to point out i got my hardcore step dad to name a dog after a gay italian without him knowing lets all give a big round of applause to nico
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erhiem · 3 years
As the world of rapping is at the peak of its popularity, some rappers have established themselves in the music industry and one of them is the accomplished rapper Katrina LaVern Taylor, better known as “Trina”. She rose to fame and gained huge popularity following her appearance on the single “Nun Nigga” from Trick Daddy’s second studio album.
She fell in love with music, dancing and rapping from an early age. When she released singles like “The Baddest Bitch” and “Pull Over”, the world came to know about her rapping skills and she amazed everyone with her talent.
After that Trina never looked back. She seems to be benefiting from her hard work as she has become an international hip-hop sensation.
Born on December 3, 1974, this beautiful rapper has turned 46 in the year 2020. Her height is 157 centimeters and 5’2 inches in feet and inches. Her dark brown eyes and shiny black hair add to her beauty.
She seems fit with a weight of 59 kgs and 130 lbs pounds. Her figure has 36 inch breast, 28 inch waist and 37 inch hips.
She has earned a decent amount and salary from her profession as a rapper and TV personality and has a reported net worth of $6 million.
Trina was born and raised in Miami, Florida, USA, and belongs to Afro-American ethnicity. She is born to her father Malik Wade and her Vernesa Taylor. She grew up with her brother, Vilbrent Bain, but her brother was murdered when he was just 19 years old.
As for her education, she was a Major from Miami Northwestern Senior High School in Miami, Florida. However, she did not reveal much information about her higher educational qualification.
birth name Katrina Laverne Taylor Surname Katrina, Trina, Diamond Princess, The Worst Chick birth place Miami, Florida, USA Date of birth 3 December 1974 Ages 46 years (as of 2020) height in centimeters – 157 cm
Feet Inches – 5’2″
weight In kilograms – 59 kg
in pounds – 130 lbs
eye color dark brown hair color Black profession rapper sexual orientation Straight School Miami Northwestern Senior High School University not known Religion Christianity the nationality American hometown Miami, Florida, USA First entry album – Da Worst Bitch (2000) father’s name Malik Wade
Trina Rapper with her father
Mother’s name vernessa taylor
Trina Rapper with her mother
Brothers vilbrent bann
Trina Rapper with her brother
Sister not known
As for his career, he began his career in rapping with Slip-n-Slide Records with distribution from Atlantic Records and his first studio album The Baddest Bitch in 2000. The album was preceded by singles such as “The Baddest Bitch” and “Bridge”. Over” which reached #46 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart, #93 on the Hot 100, and #41 on the Rap Songs chart.
Subsequently, she released her second studio album Diamond Princess in 2002. She released her third album and final single “Br Right” the same year, which also featured Ludacris. She released her third studio album, Glamorest Life, in 2005, which sold 77,000 units in its first week.
She left Atlantic Records in 2007 and signed to EMI with Slip-N-Slide Records. He released his fourth studio album, Still the Badest, in 2008, which reached #1 on the Top Rap Albums chart. They released their fifth studio album, Amazon, in 2010, which reached #1 on the Billboard Independent Albums chart.
She released the mixtape Diamonds Are Forever in 2011, which was preceded by the singles “Ghetto”, “Can I” and “Waste So Skinny”. She released the mixtape Back 2 Business in 2012, which was preceded by the singles “Beam” and “Bad Bitch”. She appeared as a co-host on the Tiny Tonight Show! In the same year.
She released the promotional single “Real One” in 2015. She released the single “Forget That” in 2016 and participated in Missy Elliot’s tribute to VH1’s Hip Hop Honors: All Hell the Queens that same year. He released his sixth studio album, The One, in 2019.
Considering her personal life, she is not married yet but she once got engaged to rapper Lil Wayne but the couple split after the miscarriage of their child. Currently, she is involved in a romantic relationship with Raymond Taylor and they are happy and enjoying their love life happily.
Prior to this, he dated several celebrities like Missy Elliot, C-Murder, Rasie Baker, Kenyon Martin, Soulja Boy, French Montana, James Harden, and Tory Lanez.
Lover Raymond Taylor
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Raymond
Missy Elliot
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Missy
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend C-Murder
Baker’s constellation
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Rasik
kenyon martin
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Kenyon
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Soulja
french montana
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend French
James Harden
Trina Rapper and James Harden
tory lenz
Trina Rapper with her ex-boyfriend Tori
ex fiance Lil Wayne
Trina Rapper with her ex-fiance Leila
marital status Single Husband None
Here we are providing you the list of his favorite things.
Favourite Actor not known favorite actress not known favorite musical instrument not known favorite rapper Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Roxanne Shante, Lil Kim, MC Light, Salt-N-Pepa favorite male rapper the notorious BIG favorite food seafood favourite colour) not known
Her full name by birth is Katrina Laverne Taylor.
She is known by different names like Katrina, Trina, Diamond Princess and The Baddest Chick.
Their zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
He won the ACE Award in 2010 and the Willboard Music Award in 2001.
He was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by All-Star Susies in 2014.
She was nominated 10 times for the first BET Award in the category of Female Seer-Sor from 2001-2015.
She is the founder of Diamond Doll Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps little girls in their life struggles.
Apart from rapper, he also worked as a foreign dancer.
She has her own perfume line called “Diamond Princess”
instagram — @trinarockstarr
Twitter – @TRINArockstarr
Facebook — @TrinaRockstarr
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emly4 · 3 years
pt.1: last year kont msahba mea soufiane, soufiane adani bzaf, makanch 3atini w9eti, kan khayb meaya, kont dramatic w kan kijibli lah kanbghih walakin mabghitoch kan fhal lwelf wsafi, hit maknch binatna chi love w knt kan3sr rasi fhala khasni nbghih bzez, knt ghada w n3awd ela love li adani, kan howa soufiane ugh, mhm wa7d nhar fdek mouda, kan dkhal elia ashraf, ashraf li ba9i taldaba mansitochi wl wa7id li bghito fl7a9i9a, saraha mn a7ssan nas li 3raft taldaba, lmohim ana w achraf madwznach bzaf together but wkha haidak he will stay a legend in my mind, hdarna nhar 08/02/2020 bdabt, kont 3mlt dak “ask me question” f instagram w howa ja khlali cross.. dak nhar fach knt kanjawb, knt maja mn centre american f mssala, then i answerd fstory “3andi masi7ien f acc” as a dump kant awel mara hdarna ba9i 3a9la kan dkhal eliaa prv w b9ina kanhdro bzaf, 10/02/2020 kona ana w manal w aida w mido mchina nchofo nata2ij dyalna, whowa kan labs srwal f byat w whd khirsi mchart ms kaml byat, w fo9 mnom labs kabot fbyat tahowa, nhar 11/02/2020 f mdrasa awl mra anhdro, ja yhdr meaia ! kan tlat ba9i 3a9la ela dak nhar fhal daba w 3omri kandn ghansah, kan labs kmama w w7d capuchon f sfar, kan wa9f 9balti f sport w kan kichof fiya bzaf.. w rdit bal kan9ul malo hada elach kichof fia ? kan howa w joj d shabo, wa7d 3ayno khoudar w wahd nsito .. lmohim kona ana wmanal, my ex best friend, khrjna mn sport w homa tb3ona ja dak lwld li 3ayno khodar hdar mea manal 9ala khsni nhdar meak, b9it ana bo7di w ja 3andi ashraf, 9ali wach 39altibi b9it kanchof fih hit ma3rftoch, wdiksa3 habt lkmama ! w 9ultlo ah ashraf ana gha sybta saraha, hit ma3rftoch walakin dak ayam knt knhdar m3ah ghi bo7do howa w soufiane safi.. lil assaf matwlnach f hdra hit kifma 9lt 9bila kont dramatic, b9it kn3awdlo ela soufiane w dakchi.. we ma3jboch l7al, pov kont kan3jbo .. elmohim saraha ana maknch ki3jbni wkmlt elia manal kant kat9uli khayb, finma knfkr lhadra dyala kankrha wakha sabab howa ana ma3ndi elach nlsa9 fchi wa7ed akhour but knhs biha sbab! ela a9al kant t9uli chofo hsn mn soufiane akikhrj elik, lmohim dazet lmoda m3a l quarantine wdikchi aslan makontch b9it knfta7 w wjhi kan 3waj w kan daz elia k7al ms zwin in the same time saraha, mhm ana w ashraf mab9inach kanhdro ga3 w7ydtlo follow finsta bidon sabab whta howa kan 7aydali mohim rjeat mdrasa w kan bali wa7d nhar w 3jbni, kan labs tshirt k7la mktob f tahra, i m bitch, mohim rjeatlo follow f insta, w tahowa rdali w whd nhar eml sondage f ig ela hassab chkon kil3b among us, w bsara7a ana makntch kal3ba bsaf kan khsni ghi nhdar meah so i said yes.. dkhal elia w ana ba9ili cnv dyalna 9dima ms howa ela mabalia ms7a hit nsa ismi w nsa wach hdrna 9bel ma3rftch saraha wach nsa wla gha3ml haydak, anyways rjaena kanhdro bzaf dak liyam wbda ki3jbni bzaf.. w kona kan 9ulu sweet words to each other omri nsa kif kan ki9uli babe, bae, my girl, ay haja 9ala ba9i kadorli f rasi daba, we promised.. wba9i kan39l 9ultlo daba hna chno? 9ali idk, so mn ba3d he said finally do u wanna be my gf?, kent elain ntir blfr7a dak nhar.. for the first time kn9bl ela chi msahba wana frhana biha bzaf ! n3asst frhana dak nhar, frhana bzaf, dak lfr7a mn dak nhar mazidt hssit biha :), elmohim tsahbna w9ali ela chhal hadi bli kan kifkar fiya dima w kont kan3jbo 3awdli feelings dyali wkifach kan ki7s mn jihti saraha, mn dak nhar l daba wana ba9i kan blame f rassi, mohim kano w93o binatna chwia d machakil li makanoch khsom yw9e3o flwel like kona dabzna hit b9it wa9fa f mdrasa wmaejboch lhal.. w mara tania hit kan baghi ytla9a chi girl friends dyalo wana mabghitch but i was dumb kan elia nkhlih flwl yeml li bgha, lmohim whd nhar kona ghntla9aw hit kan w9a3lo mochkil fdar wbghit nw9af meah so dekchi li drt tla9ina we started kanjbdro topics asf but fhala ma3jboch lhal howa.. anyways nhar 01/10/2020 kan lkhmis wkont galsa fdar egzt nmchi lmdrasa, fe 4 de 3chya sardli message fih “we broke up” b9it kantr3ed makntch bagha njawbo deksae walakin dkhult sardtlo ok li bghiti .. wakha saraha ana makntch bagha.. walakin ma3andi man3ml...
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