razorpoint0 · 2 years
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Closing the Gap in the Modern Industry | Diversity in Technology
We want the next generation of female leaders to thrive and realise their full potential. Through our Fursa programme, we are helping to build the foundations they need by ensuring they understand the diversity in technology and have access to opportunities that will help them reach their full potential.
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tf2emporium · 5 months
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New Map, [GunGame] Razorpoint! Vote now on Steam Workshop This item was created by: FGD5 (https://steamcommunity.com/id/fgd5) Pheディア (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198104501269) Kim (https://steamcommunity.com/id/iiboharz) Gravidea (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gravidea) Lizard Of Oz (https://steamcommunity.com/id/LizardOfOz_) Stachekip (https://steamcommunity.com/id/iherduliekmudkips)
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stereotype-comics · 7 years
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"StereoType: poison" #inktober #inktober2017 day 3 . #sketch #drawing #drawstyle #illustration #bw #ink #paper #kuretake @kuretakejapan #brush #brushpen #pilot @pilotnordic #razorpoint #comics #carachter #sketchbook #poison #smoke #fumetti #illustrazione #disegno #personaggi #carta #pennello #pennarelli #inchiostro #StereoType
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katyrose9-blog · 7 years
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Memories 💙 * * * * * * #torreypines #torreypinesstatebeach #california #socal #southerncali #californialove #razorpoint #rattlesnake #hiking #hikingadventures #adventure #adventurer #travelingram #traveler #nature #naturelover #ilovetotravel #travelphotography #hikingtrail #beautifulday #nostalgia #nostalgic #twitchstreamer #girlgamer #beachtrail #californiagirl #instafun #scenery #scenic
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onisuu · 6 years
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pen / june.4.2018
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whataboutfractions · 3 years
finally got some “universe reset where everyone keeps their memories” writing down today! ft. birdy/mighty
The sky goes bright, fresh-snow white, and Birdy feels his heart imploding in his chest.
Please, he thinks, in the absence of vision save for light, in the absence of feeling save for desperate animal hurt. Please. Another word, another rasping breath flickering without air through the projection. If Birdy keeps watching, if he keeps hearing his voice and seeing his face, maybe it'll be as if he was never gone at all.
That weak, trembling whisper promising itself only a little more before this would all be over—it has to be wrong. Please, please, please.
He shuts his eyes so tightly they sting and his jaw so hard he feels the razorpoint teeth lining his beak draw blood where they scrape past each other to bite into his gums. If the world ended now, at least he wouldn't have to say goodbye.
Slowly, the ruddy dark of his eyelids fades fully black again. The blown-out audio static dissipates into mundane quiet. Breath coming in ugly, hitching bursts, Birdy buckles into himself and does not open his eyes. His knees hit the cool, artificial smoothness of a tile floor before, with a thunk and a dull splash, so does something else.
Everything smells abruptly, powerfully of coffee, and—on sheer bewildered reflex, Birdy blinks away the film scalding over his eyes to look. Barely a meter away from him is a rapidly-emptying espresso cup, Birdie still legible on the side in spite of stains where it'd rolled sluggishly into the puddle spreading across the museum floor.
The museum floor.
He remembers this place, how he'd found the little in-building cafe only a short meandering way from his watchpoint. Where he'd bought a coffee that he'd only drink after returning to the Cosmo Diamond exhibition so he could call—
He stares sightlessly at his own misspelled name beginning to bleed marker ink down the cup and can't breathe. Blurry uniformed shapes in his peripheral vision, a handful of Bomberman security guards have gravitated into a tentative group mumbling confusedly among itself.
When he turns his head, noon sunlight is reflecting a prism-perfect rainbow off the Cosmo Diamond in its display case.
His body can barely move as fast as he's bolting it upright, throwing it forward, one foot and then the other against the ground only long enough to coil momentum into his stride—faster, faster, faster, slam against the floor push off burst the door open—
Takeoff rams the weight of the air against his wings so hard it feels for a moment they might snap, crumple brokenly backwards with the current, but they don't so he doesn't care. He climbs higher, higher, until the museum and the Cosmo Jetter parked next to it look little more than a Saturday-morning-cartoon playset, and he's lucky he remembers the right direction from here, he's gasping for air like a man nearly drowned. Lightheaded. Grasping for any of this to feel solid. The altitude is doing him no favors. He doesn't care.
It comes into view and he recognizes it. Two-story house on the top of a hill with way too many stairs to the summit, just like he was told those years ago over past-midnight text conversations.
At the top landing of the stairs are two toy-sized blue-and-white figures.
He can't think. The world blurs and thrums in time to his pounding heartbeat and ragged gulps for air as the figures stop looking toy-sized anymore. He lands.
Without the rush of wind in his ears, he can hear leaves rustling and songbirds chirping even through his heartbeat, his breath, where he folds his wings back against himself and stares into the cracked stone landing. A dandelion is flowering from the widest furrow. Some of the tears overflowing down his beak drip off and spatter into little darker spots on the stone.
He's scared. More than he's ever been in his life, he's so fucking scared that when he looks up there won't be someone there.
Two dark spots.
Four. It jostled a dandelion petal on the way down.
Birdy looks up.
From the other end of the landing, Mighty looks back at him, badge clutched to his chest in one trembling hand, watery-eyed expression wobbling in a pathetic attempt to keep from crying. White Bomber is holding his other hand; Birdy sees the way his tiny, mittened fingers grip tighter when Mighty tries to shrink from Birdy's stare, flinching like a cowering dog. Turning his face away, retreating behind a visor and a cape he isn't wearing.
"Big brother," White Bomber says, quietly.
"I'm sorry," Mighty says, barely audible, his voice nearly blending into the rustling of leaves. Nearly, but not quite.
Birdy only notices his legs shaking from exertion after he's sprinted the distance to Mighty, but he doesn't care. All he needs to stay upright is the way he's wrapped his arms around Mighty as tightly as he can, as firmly as he can, clutching him close in all his soft, simple shapes warm with the pulse of a living heartbeat like if he holds on, maybe Birdy won't ever lose him again.
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deadbloodcells · 5 years
Beach Glass
We talk a lot about love expanding, like the liquid pool from a broken vessel Spreads evenly in all directions... Spreads around all the broken shards, spreads around all the internal obstructions that we couldn’t see inside our opaque selves.
Now being lapped at, being sick and swollen as a sore, being overtaken by the sea.
Love is a maelstrom for conquering all of this pain, but where did my pieces go? Where is my fracture now? Where has my broken glass found its rest if not in a tideline, beneath precarious pedestrian crossings? Surely the softened and disendangered edges of beach-glass came once from such toxic razorpoints. Surely it came from one self-hating weapon --so angry and vicious as it broke free from its indigenous purpose of protecting innocence. Of stemming a heartbreak tide instead of being eroded by it.
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thesutterking · 6 years
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Hiking throughout Torrey Pines. Listed as one of the best hiking areas in San Diego, Torrey Pines offers many hikes that take you throughout a variety of different breathtaking views of the beautiful San Diego coast. Currently, just south of this area is the golf course where the PGA Tour is holding its annual golf tournament where one can see the best golfers in the world play. So whether it's for the scenery or getting out for some exercise, if you're in the area, check out the Torrey Pines State Beach and the hikes it offers. #torreypines #lajolla #hiking #trails #beachtrails #beach #nature #scenery #california #sandiego #southerncalifornia #cliffs #beauty #beautiful #love #sky #landscape #golf #fit #earth #life #adventure #journey #travel #explore #razorpoint #socal #sunny #retreat #holiday (at Torrey Pines State Beach Hiking) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEjfTZgem2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p2qci9yqe6d0
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dbethelcomics · 7 years
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Sketch Fridays #39 - Shockwave
As mentioned last week, Shockwave rounds out the roster of the team Josh Tobey and I created together in high school––as early as 1994, it seems––and have been redesigning for the last month or so using my (our) modern aesthetic sensibilities and tastes. The last remaining character to redesign was one called "Shockwave," or "the character with electricity powers." And, as such a description indicates, he was a bit underdeveloped as a character, but they all kind of were. I think that the only character on the team to have a full name (outside of the code name) was Razorpoint (Shane Yashido) and, even then, Shockwave had the most hazy backstory/development of all the characters (with the exception of, perhaps, Backfire because girls are scary).
To that end, Shockwave––who started life as, apparently, a character named "Firespark" who then became "Firestorm" before settling on "Shockwave"––was mostly a tabula rasa character when approaching the redesign. Last week we saw the character's creator share his crack at the redesign and, this week, I round out this trip down memory lane with my interpretation.
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Firestorm, the prototype for Shockwave, drawn in 1994.
Unlike Katana before him where I designed my interpretation before seeing Josh's reimagining, this time I had seen Josh's version beforehand and tried my best to not be influenced by what had already been done.
The original character's power set was basically electricity-based. For the redesigns, both Josh and I started from that foundation. In fact, both he and I had the same thought: as a character that generates electricity, think of him as a conductor––what kind of design could we come up with that could contain that amount of power?
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Another (blurry) Firestorm from '94, based on a pose by Jim Lee.
For my redesign, I again went into the character and how he relates to the premise of this reboot. If all of the members of the team (except Katana, though he may be revealed as a possible source) are infected by this techno-biological virus, then how does it manifest differently for Shockwave against the rest of the team?
My first thought was to go full John Carpenter, body-horror with Shockwave, to make him a mass of banded steel and pipes that was a cross of the blob (from the classic horror movies) and Tetsuo's final form in Akira. After thinking about that for awhile, I came to a few conclusions: first, that's gross and hard to draw. Second, of the redesigned characters so far, what hasn't yet been done? To this point, all of the characters (Backfire and Razorpoint, specifically) have a visible manifestation of the virus and their bodies have become modified amalgams of biological growth and techno-organic infestation.
Which led me to  a simple question: what if you couldn't see the infection? Which begged the follow-up: what if the reconstitution of flesh into bionics were completely internal?
So, the basic interpretation is that, of all the members of the team, Shockwave looks "uninfected" in that no real techno-organic material has surfaced. Instead, it's his internal systems and organs that have been affected, the consequence of which seems to allow him to generate massive amounts of electricity. However, as is the case with electricity, it is difficult to manage or control through basic willpower. So, he wears an insulated suit that has technology built into it that allows him not only a modicum of control over this energy, but also allows for a variety of uses.
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Development sketches and notes for the Shockwave redesign.
I wanted him to fly, since that was integral to the character back in the '90s, so I tried to (with my limited knowledge about electricity) reason out a way to do that. So, the gauntlets he wears, with the bar across the palms, allow him to basically act as an electromagnet. He can pull things toward him and push them away and, after much practice, can allow him to levitate, at first, and ultimately fly. On his thighs and on his back are actually batteries that allow him to store excess energy generated as well as to tap into them to give his own systems a boost when he needs extra speed or to let out a huge blast of electricity.
Ultimately, it was fun adding accoutrements to the suit and not have it look too silly (to me) and I feel he has the most overlap, visually, with his old self's costume. That makes sense because, for both Josh and me, we both apparently had a lot of fun drawing this character in high school and he was basically just a costume.
Looking at these characters now yields a very unexpected response. I thought it would just be a throwaway exercise but, for all of them, I look and see four characters I would actually like to draw and write, to flesh them out (give them names, for one!) develop backstories and a team dynamic and, perhaps, tell their story. I don't know, but the surprising fallout of this experiment was how inspiring it ended up being. There are more characters in my sketchbooks from that time, but I'll wait on bringing them out and try doing some other stuff for Sketch Fridays for awhile.
I'll wrap up with one last really old, embarrassing drawing that has Josh and I drawing our respective Mary Sue characters on the same page. Those early drawing years were fascinating because I was drawing so much and, looking through these sketchbooks, I was improving so fast (the leaps I made in 1994 alone are staggering) that I kind of almost wish I could travel back in time and watch happen in real time. I kind of wish I still had that amount of gusto, but I also know that even though it's more incremental now, I'm still improving. One thing I know for sure is that if I went back in time and showed fourteen year old Dan the work I'm doing now, he'd hate it. Top to bottom. And then he'd go right back to drawing, getting better with every line.
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My character, Venture, with the medieval version of Josh's character, Katana, in a collaborative drawing from 1994.
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razorpoint0 · 2 years
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Learn More About Us | Tech Recruitment Agency | Razorpoint
Looking for a new job? We're the experts in finding your perfect role. With a reputation for delivering excellent candidates, we're known for being a specialist in our area. View this infographic to learn more about us or visit the website here: https://bit.ly/3hzxwPn
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stereotype-comics · 6 years
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"StereoType: poison" #inktober #inktober2017 day 3 . #sketch #drawing #drawstyle #illustration #bw #ink #paper #kuretake @kuretakejapan #brush #brushpen #pilot @pilotnordic #razorpoint #comics #carachter #sketchbook #poison #smoke #fumetti #illustrazione #disegno #personaggi #carta #pennello #pennarelli #inchiostro #StereoType
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razorpoint0 · 2 years
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Let us introduce you to our team of experts. Let us help you find the right career move to suit you and your lifestyle. As Tech Recruitment Agency we specialise in educating companies, mentoring tech professionals, and sourcing hard-to-find talent through partnerships with like-minded groups. Check out our website now to know more about us.
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razorpoint0 · 2 years
Top Technology Recruitment Company in London | Razorpoint
A Technology Recruitment Company helps individuals find and secure jobs. Razorpoint does this by matching job seekers with employers and also by conducting research on the best industries to target for candidates. View this infographic to know more and visit the website here: https://bit.ly/3ULVJ3f
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razorpoint0 · 2 years
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