#Reddish Burgundy has always been her favorite color
deva-arts · 10 months
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Testing out CSP Assets hehehe
The city can be pretty beautiful with enough distance and a nice view.
Oh. I forgot what kind of story this was.
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She ends up short circuiting the main terminals and letting it crash into a processing facility. Then she takes a stress nap and worsens her insomnia.
#sera in her big girl suit- one she designed herself for once#Reddish Burgundy has always been her favorite color#And the gold comes from the suit's integration with her weapon#There's a very specific reason why all of her weapons are made of that “gold”#One of the rare times you get to see her back for once#That big weaponized drone is an OVR-S; also known as overseer sentinels. They are the eyes in the sky keeping count of everything for OS.#They are rarely used for combat due to the size and inconvenience in battle#but certain exceptions are made for threats like Sera.#She took something far too important from the main OS to be left with all her limbs in one piece and a head full of eyeballs#No opportunities will be wasted. Sera hates these because they rarely have a pilot and often take ages to hack into.#plus they fail spectacularly#one crash from these ships is enough to destroy a city district- they're easily the size of a football field#Even worse yet are the rotary blades used to rudder the ships. They could easily slice her in half- armor and all#She has thankfully managed to avoid dying to them thus far. they usually end up crashing into the ocean and ruining variant imports#sentinels will usually monitor under a more advanced cloaking than the kind given to protected variants#Just under the cloud cover. Sera's cloaking functions the same way if not better thanks to her personal touches on it#Hers is a mix of both illusion and cloaking. in an emergency she could technically walk into a human space as long as she isn't touched#she would be okay unlike most variants who have trouble fitting in because of the city's mandated infrared cameras.#suffice to say there's a lot of things going on in this city that most people- humans and variants alike are none the wiser about.#ARK_SYSTEMA#Seraphinatag
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #124
Do you like pineapple on pizza? To be entirely fair, I don't think I've tried it, but considering I'm generally not a fan of sweet and savory combos, I'm doubtful I would enjoy it.
Do you like milk? I do, but only legitimate, mammalian milk. No oat, soy, etc. stuff; trust me, I've tried it because the dairy industry is actually fucking horrible and rooted in awful abuse & I want NOTHING to do with it, but I just don't like non-dairy alternatives, like in the way that I have to aggressively fight spewing it out - which I don't always succeed at. I just hate it. I am so, so sensitive to tastes I dislike.
Do you like syrup or powdered sugar on your french toast? Uh I guess a bit of both is ideal, but I could see me going for one or the other depending on my mood.
Do you put jelly or butter on your toast? I honestly don't really eat toast. But if I DO have it for whatever reason, I'm gonna want grape jam on it.
Do you like baking? Never done it. I really should learn, though... I just need to learn cooking in general.
What are you grandparents' names? Right now I only remember my mom's parents' tbh, which were Cecelia and William.
If any, how old are your siblings? Ashley is 29, Nicole JUST turned 25, Misty is 35, Katie is 39, and Bobby is... oh, he doesn't have his birth year on FB, so idk lmao, but younger than Katie. Full disclosure I looked up Misty's and Katie's too bc I'm awful and don't remember my half-siblings' birthdays/ages like a literal asshole <333333
What color is your dad's hair? So he was born blonde IF I remember his childhood pictures correctly, but it became totally black for the majority of his life. It's pretty much entirely gray by now, but you can see the hue kinda peppers in lightness in a sorta way where at least to me, you can tell his hair is supposed to be black, he's just old.
How old was your mom when she had you? FUCK my mom doesn't have her birth year on FB either, but I THINK it was 1961, so if that is the case she would've been 34. It's somewhere around there.
Do you live with any of your family members currently? Just my mom.
What is your favorite cousins name? I don't have a close relationship with any of my cousins, honestly.
Who are you closest to in your family? My mom.
How long have you and your partner been together? It's been around a year and a half now.
Do you live together? Not currently, but I'm aware that when he has his own place again, he wants me to come with him. His mom is in a stable enough place and has been for a long enough time where he's comfortable leaving her with the house, but because of just how fucking CLINICALLY INSANE the housing market is right now, he just hasn't found a decent place that's priced even remotely reasonably. It's just financially intelligent to stay where he is until the market gets better or an incredible deal falls into his lap.
What is the first movie you watched together? As a couple? Technically, I think it'd be Coraline, which I know we watched once at my place the first time we tried dating in '17. Oh wait... or it mighta been the remake of It, which we watched in theaters.
How old are they? He's 29 and convinced he's basically on this deathbed age-wise lmao sir your life has JUST started
What are some things you enjoy doing? Primarily computer-related stuff, like watching videos or listening to music, socials activities, RPing, editing various things, playing WoW, doing surveys... but I also like to take photographs, read, draw, play video games (these days primarily with others), and I would absolutely adore going on nature walks and things of the like if I was in better shape (one day!!), and it wasn't hot. I also love learning about and watching animals.
What is your favorite color? Pastel pink is #1, followed by... many other pink shades, haha, like coral, rose gold, neon, fuchsia, etc. etc. I also like deep, regal reddish-purple colors, like maroon and burgundy, and lighter shades of purple, like lilac, orchid, and such.
What state are you from? North Carolina.
Have you ever adopted an animal? I'm assuming you don't mean truly "purchase" from a breeder or something, in which case, yes.
Have you ever taken in a stray? That's how our outdoor cat infestation from my childhood started, haha. I know my family (myself 100% included) has ZERO regrets over rescuing Chance, but yeah, it was a massive problem. Even after her, when we'd entered a phase of having no cats, we took in two kittens (Aphrodite and her sister whose name I just can't remember anymore) that were LITERALLY thrown out of a car in a plastic bag. Aphrodite started a fresh chain of having way too many cats, but not nearly as many as we had with Chance's family. They were still taken by animal control, though, because of wildly shitty neighbors that never communicated "hey they keep wandering into our yard, stop this or we're calling somebody." Coming home from school to every single one of them gone was one of the worst days of my fucking life (I was literally shrieking curses and sobbing on the porch), and I still grieve Aphrodite especially; I adored that cat. BUT ANYWAY, DO NOT keep your cats outdoors, and even when solely indoor pets, spay/neuter them, PLEASE.
What is an animal you are scared of? Whale sharks. It's funny, I like them, they're such peaceful animals, but their mouths just REALLY freak me out. I'd actually like to swim near one one day, maybe kill the fear.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Not a serious bite, no. Just a couple nips from nervous ones, the kinds that never even drew blood. My sister has been bitten by a German shepherd though on the hand; it belonged to her friend, and for some reason I don't remember, the dog just attacked her. She wound up needing stitches, and bless her friend, poor girl was sobbing because she felt so bad. It didn't affect Nicole's love for dogs though, and later in life she basically owned a German shepherd named Zeke. Maybe she sorta still does, idk; he was her ex-boyfriend's, and even after the split I know she's always been allowed to see him and I THINK bring him to her place occasionally? That dog is literally the child of divorced parents lmfao
Is Halloween your favorite holiday? Concept and aesthetic-wise, absolutely yes. I LIVE for the vibe, but as far as celebrating the holiday goes, it's not; I really don't do anything, pretty much ever. Christmas is definitely my fave celebratory-wise, because my family gets together and I just love seeing Ash's kids be so overjoyed about it all. It's just one of those days where you really, really focus on the love you have for the people you choose to spend your life with.
Do you like to watch scary movies during October? Meh, I'm just not a movie person, at least when it comes to watching them alone. I'd totally be done for like, watching them with Girt. Primarily because he hates horror/is a total pansy about it and it's hilarious lmfao
What are a couple of your favorite horror films? The original The Blair Witch Project is #1 (I like the sequel too), and I also totally adore The Crazies; maybe tied with the former mention, actually, idk. I thought The Boy was EXCELLENT, that's actually a movie I'd love to watch again. You can't go wrong with The Shining, either! The acting is just historical, plus I'm really into the concept of hysteria building off of what is technically nothing; I think that's also why I love The Blair Witch Project so much, at least the explanation behind it (collective hysteria, overreacting to certain things). The mind is SUCH a powerful thing.
What is your favorite Halloween treat/candy? Pumpkin-shaped Reese's, haha.
Do you often find yourself eating just because you’re bored? I used to be really bad at this, but not so much anymore. I'm not gonna say it NEVER happens, but I've gotten way better about reinforcing to myself "no, you're not hungry, you're bored."
Are you a sex addict? lmao if you know me at all, you know I'm definitely not.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend taken from you? No. She tried, but I know Juan didn't date her after a lie she made up DID make me say "you know what fuck this I'm done with this whole drama bye" and break up with him. The lie she'd told was very believable for him honestly, and even though I DID know it could be a lie, Rachel had caused enough stress for me already and I wasn't confident enough of how into Juan I was to put up with it. To this day, I consider that lie a saving grace. I know Juan's done bad things that I don't know about (it's specifically stuck with me to this day that his answer to me asking about a stab wound scar he had was "I deserved it"), and bad things I do know about. It says something when your teacher pulls you aside when she noticed him visiting me a lot in art class to tell me to stay away from him. I'm pretty sure she did this literally twice, but for certain once.
If so, what would you like to do to the person who took them from you? Even in the hypothetical of Juan getting back with Rachel after that incident, Rachel is actually my friend now and I think she's fantastic (people grow, I will not hold her past against her). I wish her zero harm at all, only good things.
Have you ever been cheated on? If so, have you forgiven them? No. To mention my last survey, I DO sometimes wonder if Jason and the girl he dated after me (Ashley) had something stirring before we even split, but in total honesty, I don't think so, I really don't. I don't think that's the kind of person Jason was. But it WAS definitely alarming just how quickly he was onto someone else after we split following dating super seriously for over three and a half years.
Quick! Tell me the name of your favorite movie. The Lion King and The Meerkats 2008 documentary. I forget to mention the latter a lot, because it's an obscure movie barely anyone you will ever meet probably even knows, but it is simply phenomenal.
Do you wear water bras? ... What the fuck is a water bra?
Have you ever sent an anon hate message, be honest now. Nope.
Would you let someone give you a golden shower for a million dollars? I had to look this up and hell fucking no.
Name a band that you think is beyond overrated: I don't care man, let people enjoy whatever art they want. I really don't even know who's "in" these days anyway.
Who is the last person you said goodbye to? My PT therapist for today. She was new for me and is already tied with one other woman for my favorite, haha.
Who can you not live without? Nobody. PLEASE, don't adopt this mentality. I know it's hard to, but think realistically: you, in all technicality, CAN live without any one person, and I think this is so important to remember for when one day, you do lose them in one way or another, and you have to continue living without them. I totally used to believe this when it came to Jason, and I know it played a massive role in the severity of the breakup aftermath, but look at who the hell is living just fine - even happily - without him now.
What’s your favorite sea creature? Giant whales like blue whales top the list, but I also deeply love sea turtles, sea lions, seahorses, jellyfish, and dolphins. Sharks are also very cool and VERY unfairly villainized!!
What’s your favorite acoustic song? The "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" one by Sleeping With Sirens, I think. That's been a high wedding song contendor for years now, lmao.
What’s your favorite riddle? Okay so this is really just because of context/plot; it's from God of War: Ragnarök, where Brok asks, "What gets bigger the more you take away from it?," and Mimir realizes the answer near the end: a hole. You'd have to play the game to understand and feel the sheer weight of it, which I HIGHLY recommend, the game is fucking brilliant, I cried SO much through it.
What do you think happens after we pass? I just don't know. I know I don't believe in some perfect paradise and a wicked hell for suiting people, but I DO believe we're still... there somehow, but definitely not with the level of sentience and awareness that we do while alive. I like to think that it's a peacefulness, a feeling of wholeness with the world.
^ Is it different from what you’d like to happen? I don't know, really. It's like, on the surface, the idea of a Heaven sounds fantastic, but... to live in nothing but flawless harmony for all conceivable eternity? That just doesn't sound ideal for me. And I ABSOLUTELY don't believe in/want a Hell-like realm to exist, because like I mentioned earlier, people change, grow, and are ALWAYS (well, I suppose almost always) deserving of the chance to redeem themselves. Eternal punishment so severe that our human minds can't even interpret it is just purely fucking diabolical to me, I want that for nobody.
How do you feel about people self-diagnosing themselves with disorders? Hear me out: it depends. In MOST CASES, I absolutely hate this, especially when the person acts like it is stone-hard fact while holding an unconvincing amount of evidence. However, there are plenty of people who just don't have access to doctors capable of properly diagnosing, and then there's also worth mentioning that you know you more than anybody else does. Just depends on a lot.
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novarasalas · 5 years
Synesthesia, One of the Reasons I’m So Weird
My experiences with synesthesia are something that I’ve written about on this blog before, though I believe it was back when I had a whooping 0 followers.
If you don’t know, the official definition of synesthesia is “the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.”
That is, when a person “hears” color or “sees” sounds. 
If you go digging on the wikipedia page for synesthesia, you’ll find all different categories for the phenomenon, from grapheme-color synesthesia, to  auditory-tactile synesthesia, to ordinal linguistic personification. 
But before all of that, there are two forms of synesthesia, as quoted from wikipedia cause I’m lazy and this isn’t for a grade:
projective synesthesia: people who see actual colors, forms, or shapes when stimulated (the widely understood version of synesthesia).
associative synesthesia: people who feel a very strong and involuntary connection between the stimulus and the sense that it triggers.
For years I thought that maybe I’d been making these things up, that maybe I was just bored and tasting words was just me letting my mind wander too much.
But no, it’s real, and it impacts my everyday life. Numbers and letters have color and personality, words and sounds can have their own mouthfeels, and sometimes I get the urge to listen to music that’s hot pink. Now, I don’t actually see the shapes and colors: those are associative. I do, however, taste and smell sounds and words.
Here’s an example: At work, I have to remember a few company names and the phone numbers that go with them. Most are easy, but there are two that mess me up.
Here are the numbers:
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And here are the names:
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All of the other names and numbers match up to one another. Not these, though. Usually, the synesthesia helps with pattern recognition -- It helps me organize and categorize things. But there’s not always rhyme and reason to it. Sometimes, it’s just a mess.
One of the first times I experienced this, I was watching “The Little Mermaid”.
At the end of the film, when Ursula makes herself gigantic, she creates a whirlpool that raises a ship from the depths. When Eric climbs aboard, you can see this on the side of the boat.
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Yeah, the quality is crap, but I’ve highlighted it for you.
This stuff is kinda green, kinda creepy looking. And to me, it tastes sharp and sour, like accidentally eating bread mold. I told my mom about it, asked her why it tasted like it did. She didn’t have an answer and only gave me a weird look.
Later on, when I was in the first grade, there was some sort of class participation thing. There was a board at the front of the class with a pie chart on it. The different sections were felt sheets velcroed down, and when removed, they revealed a part of the lesson we were learning. 
To my horror, I was picked to call out the color of the section of the chart to remove next.
“Blueberry!” I shouted. The second largest piece of the chart was a nice, medium to dark blue. It also tasted like the Pop-tart I’d had for breakfast that morning.
“I...what?” the teacher asked me.
“It’s blue! God, you’re so stupid!” came a harsh whisper from that kid who’d been sitting next to me.
“Um...the blueb...the blue one.”
“...you’re always so stupid like that...”
Kids are mean, man.
But I wasn’t stupid; I knew that even back then. But I was weird. And even though that was neither the first nor the last time I’d be called out for my oddity, I still had no idea that other people didn’t experience the world like I did.  I thought that maybe everyone else was able to, I don’t know...hide it better? 
I was 25 years old when I realized that yes, it was just me.
-- --
It’s not just taste, though. I also experience ordinal linguistic personification -- that is, numbers and letters can have their own personalities. Throw that in with  grapheme-color synesthesia, which is when number and letters have colors, you can get some pretty interesting things going on.
For instance, the number 3 is green and brown, It’s kind and caring, maybe a bit naive. But it will mess you up if you hurt their friends or family.
The number 5 is your best friend/rival, and is colored somewhere between maroon and burgundy.
The best part is that not only do I have numbers that have personalities, I’ve started assigning these number to people with these personalities.
9 is a bit shady and sarcastic. You can’t help but feel like he’s up to something, yet he’s somehow charming, and you can’t help but like him anyway.
He’s also a fiery red-orange.
Remind you of anyone?
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I mean...he’s a 10, really. But whatever.
Aerith is a 3. Riku is a 5. 
It’s such a weird thing. And there’s more.
How do I explain that Owl City’s first album sounds like pastel watercolors? How do I tell you that “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga is a bright, hot, energetic pink? Could you understand me when I say that the sound from an acoustic guitar is reddish-brown waves?
-- -- --
And now I get to the part where I tell you why I’m writing all of this now.
There’s a great article on Psychology Today called “Michel Gagne Animates Synesthesia for Major Films”
If you don’t know Mitch Gagne is, you may know his work from this:
As I watched these moments in this movie, I was nodding along. It can be just like that.
You see, Mitch Gagne is a synesthete, just like me.
In his interview, he mentions not knowing the exact thing to call what he was experiencing, which is a very common occurrence for synesthetes. After all, it’s not like they teach about this in school. It was never mentioned in my psychology classes either. Those classes, by the way, were the ones I took in art school when I was an animation major.
I have to wonder how many of us end up as artists in one way or another.
But the thing is, for me, it all started with taste. And here’s where the associative part of associative synesthesia comes into play, because language is a funny thing.
The word marble can mean several things. A marble statue, decorative marbles, marbled brownies.
If the context of the word is say...a playing marble, I feel it in the back of my mouth, as if I’ve almost swallowed something hard and spherical. If the word is to mean more like a marble slab, it tastes cold and sweet, like if you went to Cold Stone Creamery and licked the marble they mix the ice cream on.
The word ‘bar’ is a bit different. 
If I hear the word ‘bar’ in reference to, say, a steel bar, nothing happens. And you’d think that if I heard ‘candy bar’ or ‘chocolate bar’, I’d taste something, but no.
No, instead if you say ‘bar’ and you mean ‘place where people are served drinks’, I feel a pressure on my back teeth, as if I’m biting down on something hard. I also hear, alongside the word, some sort of phantom sound, as if someone’s just clumsily set down a heavy glass on a wooden table.
And here’s the one that’s really been getting me recently: the word “bistro”.
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Looking at the word here doesn’t do anything -- it’s not spelled right. But when they say it...
Imagine a tomato slice. Not just any tomato, but a big, thick slice, perfectly red and just ripe enough to be acidic in just the right way. Now imagine someone has sprinkled dried italian herb mix on it. 
That’s what the word bistro tastes like.
And it honestly drives me crazy. Like...the dried herbs alone are too sharp. Throw some olive oil on there, or a fresh mozzarella slice for god’s sake.
-- -- -- --
Numbers have personalities, sounds have flavor, and when I want to hear something green, I listen to ambient trance.
When people think about their favorite food, they might say “Oh man...I can practically taste it!” I always thought that was weird, because I can taste the food I think about.
It’s so odd, the way my brain works. Whether or not it’s all synesthesia proper or just a strange cross-wiring of senses, I’ll never know.
But I can tell you this: I don’t want to be any different.
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hideandseaking · 6 years
could you please expand on your kacchako matching theory?? it's too good and it'd be great to see all your thoughts ;;
Thank you for sending this! Let me elaborate, this is just a theory on kacchako’s basis within the manga, and I am in no way saying that it’s canonical evidence for kacchako but it’s just a weird and fun theory I have based on what I’ve seen! Also, this is no way to bash on other ships, I’m just a kacchako shipper trying to make sense of a pattern I’ve seen! You do not have to agree with it and that’s okay!
First of all, these come from mostly splash pages and promotional artwork, but keep in mind that most of these are digitally drawn and can be color-picked. So let’s start with what made me double take in the first place. This picture:
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So in this picture, you notice that everyone is dressed up in colors matching their hero outfits/themes/both from the manga. Some of these make sense like All Might wearing yellow (we see this a lot with suits), Kaminari’s hero outfit is black and white with his blonde hair accenting this, Koda is wearing green to represent nature and trees, Aizawa is an abosolute madman as usual, etc.
One of the weird things about this is only five sets of characters potentially match in this picture. Todoroki and Momo, Kirishima and Mina, and Ochako and Izuku are the obvious ones. TodoMomo, KiriMina, and Iz*ch*, are all potential ships or at least character sets with significant connections between each other, as we know now where we are in the manga (189 as I’m typing this.) Todo and Momo are a little iffy cause it could just be them matching the other’s hair colors, so I’m not sure if it counts. Kirishima and Mina are definitely wearing the matching outfit to the other, as it’s blue and orange in the same colors and shades, and these are not colors present in their hero outfits. So it’s obvious they’re matching each other. Ochako is wearing a green armband that matching Izuku’s suit. This makes sense because she is the projected love interest with Izuku. Perfectly fine, because they’re probably going to be the canonical ship at the end!
Deku and Tokoyami also match, which is pretty funny in itself. But they are friends so idk what’s really going on there. But hey, it’s a cute ship so if you need something to push you, here it is! It could also be used a red herring for the last of the five matches.
But here’s the thing: the fifth set is hidden but it’s Ochako and Katsuki. They’re both wearing maroon. And not just any maroon, but:
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These are almost the same shade of maroon. Almost exactly the same shade of maroon. Bakugou is wearing orange to represent his hero outfit, and Ochako is wearing pink to represent hers. But why are they both wearing maroon as their base color, when that color is not present in their own outfits? Because they’re matching too. Kirishima and Mina are matching in the same way, but Bakugou’s blue and Ochako’s pink divert from the mainpiece maroon on their outfits. And Kirishima breaks it up. But this is a digital piece and the colors are almost identical. Horikoshi could’ve picked a different shade of maroon for them, but he purposely did this for them. Or this could be the red herring for Tokoyami/Deku! Who knows!!
So that’s a little weird right? Well here’s my next picture:
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I love this picture, it’s so dynamic and fun. Anyway! Here we have the characters in alternate outfits again. Izuku is in a similar outfit as the first picture, as is All Might, which is to keep the focus on them of course and keep them in consistency with character design. Everyone else looks like they’re in non-matching outfits though. Except Kacchako.
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Now this is more of a stretch, but it won’t feel like it after my next example. Anyway, both are wearing buttons down the front in two sets, and both are wearing orange, though the orange does not match as much as the maroon in the picture beforehand. Katsuki is wearing orange loaders and Ochako’s entire outfit is orange, and black, with pink accents. Where have we seen orange and black before?
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Katsuki’s hero outfit is black, orange, and green. The green would match with Izuku, and if Horikoshi wanted them to match, then he would put Ochako in anything but army green right? But no, he put her in orange. And furthermore, Katsuki’s boots have the “double button” design going down, and mimics it throughout his hero costume, which both of their outfits in the current example picture are presenting. And if you look at the first example as well, Ochako is wearing the double button down design on her dress there as well.
Some strange coincidences here. But I can’t say they’re not intentional, as we’ve seen Horikoshi’s character designs and they’re all very well-researched for the character. He is intentionally designing the outfits this way. There is no way that he got just lazy enough to design Ochako and Katsuki similarly.
My third example is from the recent movie promo:
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We’ve all seen this one recently, which is really the nail in the coffin for me here. This is harder to see so I did crop it out, but I want you to look at Ochako and Katsuki here:
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We noticed recently that Ochako is wearing the same flower in her hair as is embroidered on Katsuki’s vest. After seeing the last two examples, it isn’t weird that they are matching. But here’s the second kicker that I didn’t notice since people were cropping out their feet: Ochako’s shoes match Katsuki’s red shirt.
UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that the flowers symbolize “waiting”. Which may indicate more about the future of the ship that I put in the closing paragraph of this post. Source: https://vanillafriedlover.tumblr.com/post/175412600634/mystery-of-white-flowers
Now the lighting is iffy here, and Deku is wearing a burgundy/reddish suit, which could indicate that she is matching with him. But looking at this:
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It looks pretty damn close with Bakugou and Ochako but also Ochako and Deku! Now, a disclaimer to this is that this is a very pixilated picture with some color issues (look at Deku’s hair) so we’ll need the movie to come out to really fathom what’s going on with the colors here. But Deku’s does lean towards brown whilst Kacchako looks… matching with reds….
Now I just came across this while looking for something else, and I did make the argument earlier about if Ochako were to match Izuku, they would use green, except for the army green. And here is this picture:
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Ochako is wearing army green in this page. I know that one character doesn’t own any colors, but Horikoshi knows what colors represent and again he’s deliberate on the colors and outfits he chooses, but these two seem to match with lots of reds and maroons as a sort of “color” that represents them, and Ochako is wearing army green (Katsuki’s outfit) with a red inscription on her shirt, and Katsuki is wearing a maroon belt. Not the strongest thing, but it’s there.
Like any good thesis statement, I must put the antithesis. So here is a picture that could offset this theory a lot:
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If you recognize this splash page, that’s great! It’s from chapter 23, and that’s the chapter after when the Sports Festival Arc starts! It’s my personal favorite that’s been done so far. But Ochako is wearing a green bandana around her neck that does match Izuku’s hero outfit. This did come out when the sports festival arc was being drawn, and the Iz*ch* hints were very heavy at the time, so that may be what it’s referring too. Though Izuku is not wearing his hero outfit in this picture, but Katsuki is wearing his green as well. So it could be referring to either/or, but I think it’s probably for Iz*ch*.
But I’d also like to point out, in an off-topic manner, Ochako does look like she’s enjoying the explosion from Katsuki, which probably hints at their fight in upcoming chapters. But this is a digression paragraph.
Next up on some weird and iffy choice is this picture:
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Ochako is wearing a bandana, which is orange and green. Funnily enough, this matches Deku’s outfit in the splash picture, but also matches Katsuki’s regular hero outfit. Also, her clip going across her chest matches Katsuki’s clips on his pants, and no one else has a clip that matches similarly like this.
Another strange matching example:
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Ochako is clearly wearing a black tank top here, which is canonical and part of her style, and Katsuki is wearing some random black armband? Sure, Momo is wearing black too but Katsuki and this random black armband? A little suspicious
Finally, here are some common examples that people reminded me of, in case you weren’t aware of these already:
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We all know that the Two Black Dots are the symbol of Katsuki and Ochako’s designer.You can argue that the dots on Ochako and Katsuki’s outfits in the previous examples are a callback to their designer, but… to stan a designer that much… both of them? Strange.
Also, they are the only two characters who match in the Volume 13 introduction page, which has them both wearing black tank tops. Sure, it’s a common fashion choice, but no one else shares any other outfit design so clearly. 
Finally, in a personality swap AU, Katsuki is in Ochako’s body. A weird choice when it could have been anyone out of anyone in this series. But he chose to put Katsuki in Ochako.
They also tend to stand next to each other frequently, even if they’re not matching:
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I’m sure I might be missing something here, or the colors are a little off or something, but that’s pretty much my post! If more stuff comes out, I’ll add it in here, but that’s my kacchako matching theory! Horikoshi is very delierate about what he is doing and why when it comes to this series, and it seems a little suspicious that they’re almost ALWAYS matching each other in some way in the pages, even when no one else is matching, and with little potential for anyone to be matching with anyone else. It’s honestly got my brain-gears turning. Even if it doesn’t indicate towards canon shipping, I definitely believe that Ochako and Katsuki may get a deeper friendship eventually in the series! If not, well, hey this was still fun. (:
If you want to see the original thread that started this, look here: https://twitter.com/hideandseaking/status/1012943972329762816
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driftingglass · 7 years
Weird 92 Question Thing. Not Important. Just Random.
Been tagged by a lot of random people and I’m taking a brief break from writing and totally being smart about not going to sleep yet with my 5:00 AM schedule starting tomorrow...
1. Drink: Green tea.
2. Phone call: My therapist.
3. Text: A person who honestly shouldn’t be texting me.
4. Song you listened to: Too many songs to list here. I’ve created a playlist for NaNoWriMo that’s almost one hundred songs in length, so... that monster track. Instrumental, EDM, J-pop (usually theme songs from anime shows), classical, random remixes, film/game/television show tracks...
5. Time you cried: Today. Whoops.
6. Dated someone twice: Yes.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Um. Somewhat.
8. Been cheated on: Yep.
9. Lost someone special: Everyone has.
10. Been depressed: Hasn’t everyone at some point...? Some worse than others, of course, but this is a pretty standard question.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never.
12-14: Navy blue, indigo, teal, burgundy, silver, coral. (Changes frequently).
15. Made new friends: I’ve made friendships this past year that have changed my life. Very humbled and kind of flabbergasted about it. Blows my mind.
16. Fallen out of love: Yes. 
17. Laughed until you cried: Not that I can remember, no.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Sure.
19. Met somebody who changed you: Yes.
20. Found out who your friends are: Um?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Haha, well, they’re not that list anymore, exactly.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I dunno, some of them?
23. Do you have any pets: My siblings have a dog and two cats. I have none. But I like those pets when I see them, most of the time.
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah.
25: What did you do for your last birthday: Maybe something mildly interesting? Can’t remember.
26. What time did you wake up: 5:00 AM.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking to a friend on the phone, polishing up writing, then trying to sleep unsuccessfully.
28. Name something you cant wait for: I’m going to my first concert ever on the 25th and I could not be more excited and amazed. I honestly can’t even wrap my head around it still...
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Huh...
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Not sure if I’m in the mood to answer this rather loaded question. You take what you have, you learn from what happens, and you progress further into life with a mindset that’s open to changing, growing and developing from these occurrences. That’s how I’ll answer this, I guess.
31: What are you listening to right now: My NaNoWriMo playlist. But this song, specifically.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nah.
33. Some thing that is getting on your nerves: Selfish assholes hurting the few people who I hold close and dear. Fuck ‘em.
34: Most visited website: YouTube, HubSpot, Tumblr, AO3...
35. mole/s: *Blinks*
36: mark/s: I have a small birthmark on the bridge of my nose, scars and callouses, bare/raw spots of skin on my knuckles and thumbs, and freckles.
37: Childhood dream: Novelist, movie critic, traveling journalist, paleontologist, marine biologist, architect, graphic designer, painter, artist, screenwriter, editor, film director, cinematographer...
38: Hair color: Auburn. Reddish-brown. Whatever.
39: long or short hair: Long.
40: Do u have a crush on anyone: Nope. It happens once in a blue moon. Like, the bluest fucking moon.
41: What do you like about yourself?: Hahahaha--
42. Piercings: Nope. Not even ear piercings.
43. Blood type: I don’t remember, but this is probably something I should know...
44. Nickname: Squeakums, Dani, Buttons, Tay, Scottish Goblin (by me, :P) and Freckles.
45. Relationship status: Single! 
46. Zodiac: Uh... Gemini Sun, Leo Moon?
47. Pronouns: She | Her.
48: Favorite tv shows: Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Hunter x Hunter, Westworld, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood...
50. Right or left hand: I have both, thanks.
51. Surgery: Hm. Ask me another time.
52. Hair dyed in a different color: Nah. You went from asking about surgery to hair color? 
53: Sport: Tennis, crossfit, distance running, and yoga.
55. Vacation: Last amazing “vacation” was when I left the country to go to Europe. Was a worthwhile experience I’ll never forget. I want to go back.
56: Pair of trainers: Nike, yo. Wear them pretty much every day.
57. Eating: Nothing. Sometimes I forget. Ugh.
58. Drinking: Water.
59. I’m about to: Finish editing and hopefully sleep.
61: Waiting for: ...
62: Want: So. Many. Things. Wish I could actually summarize everything coherently onto one post, but... that would take way too long. 
63. Get married: Nah. I’m content.
64. Career: Too many dream careers to count, but I’m very lucky at the moment. Copywriting and content writing is the main thing at the moment.
65. Hugs or kisses: Neither? If you hug me, man, we must be inseparable friends who’ve known each other for at least two years. And if you’re kissing me, I would hope that we’re dating. If not, get the hell away, ya weirdo. I have no preference for either. I tolerate hugs from my best friends only, pretty much.
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. Definitely. Probably the most intimate and naturally beautiful aspect of any human, in my opinion. 
67. Shorter or taller: Taller. 
68. Older or younger: Same age or a couple years older.
70. nice arms or nice stomach: I’m shallow, I guess, and too picky for my own good... athleticism is nice. But, no one should care unless it’s a health hazard. 
71: sensitive or loud: Both and neither?
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship or nothing at all. Honestly doesn’t cross my mind unless I form some kind of attachment and general platonic understanding/relationship with the person first. Hookups have never been of interest, and never will be.
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Oh I’m such a rebel. *Turns up the volume on TV to just over twelve notches.* See? I’m being a rowdy neighbor. (... I’m turbulent as fuck, okay?)
74: Kissed a stranger: Nope. Strangers have tried to kiss me, though. Was not pleasant.
75. Lost glasses / contact lens: Nope.
76. Turned someone down: Not that I know of.
78. Sex on the first date: No.
79. Had your heart broken: Absolutely.
80. Broken someone’s heart: Yes.
81. Been arrested: Nope.
82. Cried when someone died: One time.
83. fallen for a friend: I’ve only fallen for my friends. Both relationships I’ve had started as friendships. This makes it better and so much worse at the same time.
84. yourself: If I said yes, I’d be lying. It’s a process.
85. Miracles: No.
86. Love at first sight: Nope. 
87. Santa Claus: No.
90. current best friend name: Not gonna disclose that here.
91. Eye color: Brown.
92. favorite movie: My current favorite movies (off the top of my head) are Your Name, Whiplash and Baby Driver. This is always an almost-impossible question.
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
15 Incredible examples of magenta hair color
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/15-incredible-examples-of-magenta-hair-color.html
15 Incredible examples of magenta hair color
A magenta hair color blends seamlessly with both red and purple tones for a striking, sensual look. Fashionable girls who dare and are not afraid of attention (and commit to!) Are great for this election.
Dark, medium or light – all skin colors have a place in the magenta spectrum. As the A-listers Georgia May Jagger and Little Mix's Jade Thirlwall prove in a fabulous way, this wine-red color is a real eye-catcher!
If you're trying to get a jewel-colored hue, remember that your threads need to be lightened before they're tinted for a livelier finish. This means you need the following: a professional hair colorant, color-fast and heat-protective products, and a lot of patience and TLC for your hair! Prepare yourself for many treatments and hair dyes to get the perfect magenta hair color.
This gaudy color is unstoppable on the way to the most popular hair colors of the season and is worn by smooth, wavy or curly hair. Blonding specialist Danielle Nicole shows how famous her customers have become after joining the magenta trend!
Do not wait any longer and start this journey as fast as possible by scrolling down through the updated magenta hair photos!
Magenta and Blue Balayage
How would you describe this look?
This magenta hair color was made with all Pulp Riot direct dyes. I have individually mixed each color range to create a unique and bespoke color creation that ensures that every single customer is never the same but still receives a beautiful magenta hair color.
I have worked with the existing hairstyle and worked with the length to give the color work a certain dimension.
My favorite thing about this magenta hair color is the seamless mix between each color melt and how the colors complement each other to burst the entire look. I always love to finish with a curl to see the end result with all the colors intertwining.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Being committed to a color like this can be exciting and entertaining. However, you must commit to giving her the required TLC. Retaining these beautiful colors can throw a spammer into the work of your existing hair care program. Professional products are a must to ensure the life of the paint. It can be quite a process to achieve the perfect result.
Ideally, a customer should have blond hair or be prepared to lighten it to a desired level. Direct dyes can be heat sensitive, so those who frequently use hot styling tools must consider minimizing use and lowering the temperature. Swimming pools are also not a friend of your hair and will seriously endanger the integrity of the color.
Short faded hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is bold and fresh for the girl who wants to have fun with her usual highlight date. My favorite thing about this hue is that it's a brave change for a blonde but with no commitment.
These colors only last a few times and you are blond again in no time! I mixed the magenta Pravana hair in Olaplex number 2 to thin the color and used it as a toner in the bowl for my client. The color deposits on the levels of Blonde are different and the styled waves really accentuate the different magenta shades!
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Remember that fading out is very fast! To keep the magenta hair color longer, I've created custom color masks that I can use for my clients at home. If you're like me and have a hard time separating from your blonde, this look is perfect!
Purple to Magenta Ombre
How would you describe this look?
This magenta shade is perfect for someone who wants to try a splash of color without feeling too loud. This customer trusts me and gives me creative freedom with her hair. So, with its root color, I chose a permanent darker purplish red to cover its shades of gray, blending it into the lighter magenta toward the ends. Your cut is made with seamless layers so that it rebounds as it curls in and displays the dimension within the color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
I let all my customers know who want to consider bold, vivid colors that it is a maintenance service. From the first service, having to pre-brighten the hair (yes, you have to make your hair blonde to make the colors burst), and many customers do not realize that. The durability of the color depends on how often you shampoo or shampoo your hair, the less the better. Use color locking shampoos and conditioners such as Vibrant Sexy Hair and Color Refreshing shampoos and conditioners like Celeb Luxury Viral Magenta, which add magenta pigments every time you use them.
This color suits the customer who is not afraid to make a statement and enjoy expressing herself through her hair color.
Magenta highlights
How would you describe this look?
For me, this look is very versatile. It's rocking, sexy, chic and romantic and I love it!
The cut is a fantastic bob, one of the most versatile cuts and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful!
The color magenta is a bright reddish color and a luminous character. It is a color for those who deviate from the usual colors, but do not want to exaggerate. For the styling, I made waves to emphasize both the cut and the color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Just do it! It's a look that looks good on all types of hair, skin color, face shape, character and lifestyle. It is necessary to take some precautions and have more time to wash. Use products to keep the color beautiful and brilliant.
With this look, you are always on top!
Light magenta hair
Do you have any doubt about which color to try? This bright, burgundy color is not a problem for beginners in the field of hair coloring.
On naturally curly hair
Curly hair means extra protection. And coloring your hair in a wild color may be a supplement to this. But as you can see, paying your hair extra time and attention when you see the beautiful end result pays off.
Mid-length Magenta burgundy
This only shows that this deep plum color is also suitable for medium-length hair!
Dark magenta
The wine Balayage worked wonders on this fantastic, long hair! Wispy Ends balanced the bold look for a subtle feminine touch.
With dark skin and dark roots
If you are a brave woman, this magenta hair color is just right for you! Bring these pinks to burst and give you a bronze glow.
Pastel magenta hair
The blunt cut, the wavy ends and the fuchsia hair are all about this millennial energy.
Bright pink
Let yourself be intoxicated with this kind of wine! Purple-red shades that have been carefully painted over wispy streaks will definitely attract you.
deep red
Well, that succulent cranberry is done right! The colorist Melissa has not missed a spot and created this intense red on thick, full hair.
Brown and Magenta Balayage
Magical magenta coming at you from these authentic brown roots. What a stunning combination!
Dark purple and magenta
Violet colors sneak up against you!
Ombre Magenta hair
The coloring on this is so great, damaged ends were nowhere to be seen. Colorist Elizabeth has that magical touch!
0 notes
15 Incredible examples of magenta hair color
A magenta hair color blends seamlessly with both red and purple tones for a striking, sensual look. Fashionable girls who dare and are not afraid of attention (and commit to!) Are great for this election.
Dark, medium or light – all skin colors have a place in the magenta spectrum. As the A-listers Georgia May Jagger and Little Mix's Jade Thirlwall prove in a fabulous way, this wine-red color is a real eye-catcher!
If you're trying to get a jewel-colored hue, remember that your threads need to be lightened before they're tinted for a livelier finish. This means you need the following: a professional hair colorant, color-fast and heat-protective products, and a lot of patience and TLC for your hair! Prepare yourself for many treatments and hair dyes to get the perfect magenta hair color.
This gaudy color is unstoppable on the way to the most popular hair colors of the season and is worn by smooth, wavy or curly hair. Blonding specialist Danielle Nicole shows how famous her customers have become after joining the magenta trend!
Do not wait any longer and start this journey as fast as possible by scrolling down through the updated magenta hair photos!
Magenta and Blue Balayage
How would you describe this look?
This magenta hair color was made with all Pulp Riot direct dyes. I have individually mixed each color range to create a unique and bespoke color creation that ensures that every single customer is never the same but still receives a beautiful magenta hair color.
I have worked with the existing hairstyle and worked with the length to give the color work a certain dimension.
My favorite thing about this magenta hair color is the seamless mix between each color melt and how the colors complement each other to burst the entire look. I always love to finish with a curl to see the end result with all the colors intertwining.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Being committed to a color like this can be exciting and entertaining. However, you must commit to giving her the required TLC. Retaining these beautiful colors can throw a spammer into the work of your existing hair care program. Professional products are a must to ensure the life of the paint. It can be quite a process to achieve the perfect result.
Ideally, a customer should have blond hair or be prepared to lighten it to a desired level. Direct dyes can be heat sensitive, so those who frequently use hot styling tools must consider minimizing use and lowering the temperature. Swimming pools are also not a friend of your hair and will seriously endanger the integrity of the color.
Short faded hair
How would you describe this look?
This look is bold and fresh for the girl who wants to have fun with her usual highlight date. My favorite thing about this hue is that it's a brave change for a blonde but with no commitment.
These colors only last a few times and you are blond again in no time! I mixed the magenta Pravana hair in Olaplex number 2 to thin the color and used it as a toner in the bowl for my client. The color deposits on the levels of Blonde are different and the styled waves really accentuate the different magenta shades!
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Remember that fading out is very fast! To keep the magenta hair color longer, I've created custom color masks that I can use for my clients at home. If you're like me and have a hard time separating from your blonde, this look is perfect!
Purple to Magenta Ombre
How would you describe this look?
This magenta shade is perfect for someone who wants to try a splash of color without feeling too loud. This customer trusts me and gives me creative freedom with her hair. So, with its root color, I chose a permanent darker purplish red to cover its shades of gray, blending it into the lighter magenta toward the ends. Your cut is made with seamless layers so that it rebounds as it curls in and displays the dimension within the color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
I let all my customers know who want to consider bold, vivid colors that it is a maintenance service. From the first service, having to pre-brighten the hair (yes, you have to make your hair blonde to make the colors burst), and many customers do not realize that. The durability of the color depends on how often you shampoo or shampoo your hair, the less the better. Use color locking shampoos and conditioners such as Vibrant Sexy Hair and Color Refreshing shampoos and conditioners like Celeb Luxury Viral Magenta, which add magenta pigments every time you use them.
This color suits the customer who is not afraid to make a statement and enjoy expressing herself through her hair color.
Magenta highlights
How would you describe this look?
For me, this look is very versatile. It's rocking, sexy, chic and romantic and I love it!
The cut is a fantastic bob, one of the most versatile cuts and, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful!
The color magenta is a bright reddish color and a luminous character. It is a color for those who deviate from the usual colors, but do not want to exaggerate. For the styling, I made waves to emphasize both the cut and the color.
Any advice for someone who thinks about it?
Just do it! It's a look that looks good on all types of hair, skin color, face shape, character and lifestyle. It is necessary to take some precautions and have more time to wash. Use products to keep the color beautiful and brilliant.
With this look, you are always on top!
Light magenta hair
Do you have any doubt about which color to try? This bright, burgundy color is not a problem for beginners in the field of hair coloring.
On naturally curly hair
Curly hair means extra protection. And coloring your hair in a wild color may be a supplement to this. But as you can see, paying your hair extra time and attention when you see the beautiful end result pays off.
Mid-length Magenta burgundy
This only shows that this deep plum color is also suitable for medium-length hair!
Dark magenta
The wine Balayage worked wonders on this fantastic, long hair! Wispy Ends balanced the bold look for a subtle feminine touch.
With dark skin and dark roots
If you are a brave woman, this magenta hair color is just right for you! Bring these pinks to burst and give you a bronze glow.
Pastel magenta hair
The blunt cut, the wavy ends and the fuchsia hair are all about this millennial energy.
Bright pink
Let yourself be intoxicated with this kind of wine! Purple-red shades that have been carefully painted over wispy streaks will definitely attract you.
deep red
Well, that succulent cranberry is done right! The colorist Melissa has not missed a spot and created this intense red on thick, full hair.
Brown and Magenta Balayage
Magical magenta coming at you from these authentic brown roots. What a stunning combination!
Dark purple and magenta
Violet colors sneak up against you!
Ombre Magenta hair
The coloring on this is so great, damaged ends were nowhere to be seen. Colorist Elizabeth has that magical touch!
15 Incredible examples of magenta hair color
0 notes
gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
30 Wonderful Purple Hair Color Ideas
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-wonderful-purple-hair-color-ideas/
30 Wonderful Purple Hair Color Ideas
Anjali Sayee Hyderabd040-395603080 July 19, 2019
Purple is the color of feminity and royalty. It is one color that any woman would love to sport. Whether you like rock n’ roll or prefer lying in a meadow and reading your favorite novel, there is a shade of purple for everyone.
So get behind the trending purple hair craze now! Scroll down to find out what you need to consider before picking a shade of purple for your hair.
How To Choose The Right Shade Of Purple For Your Hair
Keep Your Skin Tone In Mind: When choosing a hair color, make sure you keep your surface skin tone and undertone in mind. If you have a warm undertone, opt for golden hues of purple. If you have a cool undertone, go for darker or more intense shades of purple.
Keep Your Daily Wear In Mind: The clothes you wear should look good with the shade of purple you choose. Figure out if you wear more warm, cold, or neutral colors and pick a purple accordingly. Don’t Forget Makeup: If you spend a good amount of time in front of the mirror, making sure your face looks perfect, it is important that you read this. Imagine spending all that time doing your makeup only to realize that it doesn’t match your new lilac hair!
Figure Out What You Want: Do you want a complete hair color change? Or are you just looking for some playful streaks? Maybe some face-framing highlights? Do you want to get on the two-toned look bandwagon? Or is a dimensional purple look what you are aiming for? Make sure you check out all your options, so you pick the best shade for you!
Consider The Amount Of Maintenance You’ll Need: Think about whether you want to spend a lot of time on maintaining that fresh purple shade. You may have to keep recoloring your hair as frequently as every three weeks. If you are not up for it, consider just getting some streaks.
Here are a few popular purple hair dyes options you can check out if you are planning on coloring your hair at home!
Now, let’s take a look at the trending ways that purple hair is being styled right now. Keep scrolling!
30 Wonderful Purple Hair Color Ideas
1. Deep Lilac
Kylie Jenner rocked this lilac hair at the MET gala this year. While she did remind all of us of one of the step-sisters from Cinderella, she totally owned the look. This deep lilac looks blended and natural and is perfect for winter.
2. Light Purple With Blue Highlights
Purple and blue are a pair to be reckoned with. If you have colored your hair a nice light purple, here’s one way you can jazz it up. Add some bright blue highlights at the ends to bring out the purple. Don’t use a very bright blue as it can look tacky. Opt for a more subtle blend.
3. Pastel Lilac
Pastel purple has taken the world by storm, from hair to interior decor and more. This pastel shade suits all skin tones and looks great in summer and fall. The light tips help in framing your face and highlighting your facial features. They also soften your face shape.
4. Intense Light Purple
Looking for a drastic makeover this year? Go the Keke Palmer way! Get a buzz cut and color it purple. But I must warn you – as cool as this hairstyle looks, it comes with a lot of maintenance. You’ll need to get your hair redone very frequently to prevent your roots from growing out. I wouldn’t advise anyone with wide cheeks or a large forehead to go for this hairstyle as it can make your face look larger.
5. Blonde Purple Ombre
If you want an edgy look, go for these platinum highlights with purple ends. The platinum highlights contrast beautifully against the vibrant purple shade. This color combination works well with cool undertones.
6. Shock Meadow Purple
Purple blended with hints of pink and lavender creates this stunning color palette. If you have a wide face, the dark roots will make your face appear longer and slimmer. These colors will make green, blue, and hazel eyes pop.
7. Super Bright Purple
This is one way to really jazz up your look. The bright purple here is accentuated with some lavender highlights. If you have hazel eyes, this color blend is sure to bring out the golden flecks in them. This hair color goes well with neutral-toned skin and works with all surface skin tones.
8. Dark Purple
Katy Perry is the queen when it comes to hair colors! In this hair look, partial highlights are done on only one layer of hair, which help with framing her face. These highlights add texture and shine to your hair.
9. Unicorn Purple
Unicorns are said to be the life of the party. This is because the color purple makes people think of happy and bright things. This look is perfect for brunettes with cool undertones.
10. Purple To White Ombre
Keeping the top of your hair brown, get a blonde ombre that matches the hue of your undertone. To add intensity to this ombre, color it purple and lighten it as you reach the ends. If you have a square or diamond face shape, this color blend will soften those sharp facial outlines.
11. Rose Purple
I love this hair color! It is a rosy mix that has a reddish-purple hue. Pair these highlights with light brown highlights to add some dimension and texture to your brown locks. Style your hair in waves to make it look flowy.
12. Bright Purple Highlights
Bright purple symbolizes celebration and is often used to portray a rebel. Take that extravagance to your hair with these stunning twirls of bright purple highlights. Style your hair in curls to finish off the look.
13. Deep Plum Purple
Deep plum purple – the color that has every woman in the world asking for more. Keep your roots dark and color your brunette locks this deep plum shade. Get ready to make some serious heads turn!
14. Vampiric Purple
If you have cool-toned skin and are looking for a costume this Halloween, look no further. This stunning vampiric purple will make you look like a modern vampire.
15. Pale Lilac
These pale lilac highlights look stunning. Usually, dark means dull, but these lilac highlights are bright. They go well with medium brown hair with dark roots and also with blonde locks.
16. Deep Pinkish Purple
When you have light brown hair, adding some purple and pink to the mix can give you a whole new hair color like this surreal blend. While dyeing your hair, make sure you blend the dye evenly. This will make the hair change seem more natural.
17. Brown And Deep Lavender
If you have deep brown hair, highlight it with an intense lavender shade. This will give your hair more texture while also showcasing your natural brunette locks. Opt for a balayage look as it will blend the highlights with your natural hair seamlessly.
18. Burgundy Purple
This is the perfect teen rebel blend a girl can get. Bright pink and intense purple blend to create a candy mix that looks incredible in the sun. It is the perfect hair look for those summer holiday vacays you have planned.
19. Light And Dark Purple Highlights
Leave your roots dark, and add some light and dark purple highlights all over your hair. The dark roots will elongate your face while the light and dark highlights will accentuate your eye color and soften your face shape. Remember to match the highlights to your skin’s undertone to get the best out of them.
20. Wild Purple
Heavy but muted purple highlights can add oodles of texture to your hair. This means that they can make your hair look thicker than it is. This is the best hair look for fall and winter.
21. Shocking Lilac Ombre
Blonde at the top that fades into a light lilac at the bottom – this ombre is another perfect summer hair color mix. The sun rays will reflect off this color combination well to give you many Instagram-worthy pictures.
22. Rose’ Purple
I have a friend who recently got a brown ombre done. Over time, she felt it was too plain and needed just a dash of spice. Her hairstylist suggested adding some purple to her ends to take the look up a notch. If you to jazz up your plain brown hair, go for this color look. It will not disappoint!
23. Glossy Purple
Transitioning to purple is no joke, especially if you’ve never colored your hair before. Keep in mind that not all shades of purple suit everyone. I cannot stress this enough: talk to a hairstylist before taking the plunge. They will guide you in picking the best purple shade according to your skin and hair color.
24. Muted Purple
If you have dark hair, lighten it with some muted purple highlights. Add a nice purple touch to add gloss to your tresses, and you’ve got one stellar hair color blend. Looks pretty wild, doesn’t it?
25. Dirty Blonde Purple
You don’t need to bleach your light brown locks to acquire this color blend. All you need are some lavender highlights and hints of dirty blonde. Keep your roots dark to make the colors blend better and use cool tones to give it that metallic feel.
26. Rebel Purple
Be a rebel and go for an all out contrast. An electric purple will blend well with brown locks. If you have blonde hair, you will need to go a bit lighter. The highlights frame your face beautifully.
27. Blue And Purple Highlights
Honey blonde hair with blue and purple highlights looks divine! If you are petrified of coloring your hair but want to try something new, opt for partial highlights. Contrasts always grab attention, so go for a purple and blue blend that merge in places to create pink.
28. Glossy Deep Lavender
There is a reason purple is the color of royalty. It is because it looks stylish and stunning. Keep your roots your natural hair shade and gradually blend it into purple. To create a dimensional effect, keep your ends choppy and light.
29. Deep Dark Plum
This hair color mix is to die for. It has got the perfect amount of black and plum. The colors have been blended so naturally that her hair looks like a curtain. It’s perfect!
30. Deep Ashy Purple
Step aside ash blonde, brunettes are ecstatic about this deep ashy purple trend. Straight hair works beautifully with this color. Notice how you see black hair at the front? It helps in framing your face.
Now that you know some great ways to style your purple hair, here’s how you can take care of your hair once you color it.
Hair Maintenance For Purple Hair
Oil your hair often. Colored hair needs heavy maintenance, so give it all the nourishment it needs.
Use a color protect shampoo to prevent your hair color from fading quickly.
Consider using a deep conditioner once every week to nourish your hair right from the roots.
Use a protein-based hair mask once every two weeks to restore all the nutrients you lost when coloring and bleaching your hair.
Oil your hair after you return from the salon. Do it gently because your hair will be fragile at this point. After that, keep oiling your hair on a weekly basis.
When you first color your hair, don’t style it in tight hairstyles. Allow it to hang loose to avoid breakage. Also, keep your hair protected at night if you have curly hair. Follow the pineapple method to maintain the definition of your curls.
Are you ready to take the purple plunge? Which of these purple color styles would you like to try? Comment below to let us know!
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Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/purple-hair-color-ideas/
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
15 mahogany hair color ideas that you will love
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/15-mahogany-hair-color-ideas-that-you-will-love.html
15 mahogany hair color ideas that you will love
A mahogany hair color is a bright hue that is a blend of browns and reds. This luxurious shade is not surprisingly the most desirable hair color ever, because it fits both cool and warm skin tones! It is bright and yet cool, lively and yet subtle, and elegant and relaxed. It's everything a stylish and casual girl would want for her clothes! Along with a matching hairstyle, this woody shade provides a beautiful sheen and a sexy finish.
The brunette celebrities Isla Fisher, Sofia Vergara, Demi Lovato and Priyanka Chopra all had their strands of mahogany. They have proven that their choice of brown is the best! You can wear it as a highlight, as a spot color or in an ombre, as the famous Utah hair dye Jessica Powers does with her clients!
The brunette celebrities Isla Fisher, Sofia Vergara, Demi Lovato and Priyanka Chopra all had their strands of mahogany. They have proven that their choice of brown is the best! You can wear it as a highlight, as a spot color or in an ombre, as the famous Utah hair dye Jessica Powers does with her clients!
Take a look at the humblest examples of mahogany hair color that are currently the most popular!
Deep mahogany with highlights
How would you describe this look?
I would call this look very trendy. It is subtle, not too sociable or loud, but also very unique and beautiful and seems to fit almost any skin tone. I love how much dimension this color gives the hair. Some brighter pieces of my client's hair before the service absorbed more of the red like tones. Others absorbed more of the mahogany tones and gave it a beautiful dimension. In addition, the Beach Wave look helps to get so much more dimension!
Any advice for someone considering it?
Advice is the most important part of the service! Talk to your stylist about any questions you have. This color looks fantastic and long hair, and beach waves are trendy even on any length.
If you are trying to achieve the beach wave look, use dry shampoo and hair spray. My favorites are Arrojo dry shampoo and Kenra 25 hair spray with a light mist of every kind of shine spray. Guy Tang's is my personal favorite. The look is fantastic for any casual outfit or perfect for a night outfit.
Dark to light mahogany ombre
How would you describe this look?
This look is a classic ombré look – darker at the top and lighter at the ends. I love how the mahogany color blends harmoniously into the golden blonde. I also gave my client a fresh haircut, followed by the use of a large curling iron.
Any advice for someone considering it?
This look is perfect for a customer who is less likely to enter the salon. You do not have to refresh the roots so much. This color combination would look good on any skin color and hair length. To get the color, I recommend sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Also get haircuts often, which prevents breaking and splitting. This color is pretty, fun and looks great even in the sunshine!
Cherrywood mahogany
How would you describe this look?
This look is a dimensional mahogany reverse Ombré. Most traditional ombrés begin dark at the roots and merge to a lighter color at the ends. This ombre goes from bright at the root to darker at the ends. It's because my client had an earlier black box hair color that we had to correct and work with.
My favorite thing about this paint job would be that it is very multi-dimensional, rich in tone, unconventional, and worked out with a previously used canvas. Ombré, highlights or lowlights are a great way to give your hair dimensionality, depth and luminosity, as opposed to a solid color. It shows that there are still ways to recycle or improve a paint job with a previously used canvas.
Any advice for someone considering it?
Any advice for someone will receive a full and correct advice from a professional face to face. The consultation will confirm what is possible with your current canvas, which colors complement your skin tone and your personal style (bold and subtle). It will also cover how often you need to return to the salon, what's in your budget and how you would like the color to progress over time for future hair changes?
The advice can also reveal tips that help to preserve and protect your new hair color. These include color-fast professional shampoos, heat-resistant products for heat styling and SPF-treated leave-in products to protect against the sun. It can also cover how often you need to wash your hair and the water temperature used to wash the hair. Here are some other important factors to consider when it comes to hair color: hot tool usage, chlorinated pools, prolonged sun exposure, hard water and overworked hair.
This professional advice will give you a better understanding of what you can expect and how you can tailor things to your needs and desires. Every person is different. Therefore, every consultation varies from person to person.
Mahogany Balayage
How would you describe this look?
This look is a strong mocha-copper color. The highlights are warm and brighten the skin without being too bold. The style consists of soft layers and finger-combed curls to give the hair, which can be too heavy to hold a tight spiral, movement and body.
Any advice for someone considering it?
For this style (and blow-drying in general) we like to use Matrix Biolage Avocado Smoothing Cream. This product was made with coarse hair in the back of the head, but it is a wonderful product that is suitable for all hair types. This style is a wonderful option for women with thick, heavy hair. Often the weight of the hair makes it difficult to hold a curl or waves, but this style gives the wavy, wavy look without looking too old.
Mocha tones and deep copper tones are a great option for people who want a pop of color but do not necessarily want to be super bright like a blonde. "It's important to remember that highlights are not automatic mean", "and this style is a perfect example of that.
I would consider this as a hairstyle and color with low maintenance. The color stays bright and warm for weeks using the right products. I would suggest that Matrix Keep Me Vivid Shampoo, Conditioner and Velvetizer Leave-In Cream be used.
Mahogany burgundy blend
How would you describe this look?
This look is a soft look with a lively look. My favorite part about it can play with the color dimension. The mixture of muted red and a continuous berry red is so pleasing to the eye. For this style he was loosely lured and combed apart to create more sounds. So her length stays visible and gives her a very casual glam look.
Any advice for someone considering it?
It's about the product. If you could get your hair, invest in the right shampoo, conditioner, hair care (colorant). Also, consider investing in appropriate styling tools to keep the hair healthy and happy.
This guest had the previous balayage I had done some time ago. She had light at the ends that made this look possible without a double service. Someone who wants this look would need to be prepared for a whitening service before the color service has the dimension.
This product line is Eufora. It is a remarkable color and style line. This guest left the house with the "Color Lock System", which is used after each wash and keeps the paint 30% longer. Products such as the "color elixir" liven up these tones with the comfort of your shower, are used as a conditioner and give your hair a red glow every time.
Without the right products, red is not guaranteed to last. Their type of water, bad product or too frequent washing, this can expect a higher care effect.
This color is so soft that it fits many personalities. It's great for someone who needs change and wants something brave, but not over the top. The placement on the vivid tones can be adapted to any face shape.
Copper mahogany shade
Interweaving of chocolate and caramel colors, which are tempting due to the big waves. A silky hair that is cut with such layers makes everyone look younger with its soft gradient.
Dark mahogany
Whether it's a professional dye or dye application at home, you can never hide the beauty of such a natural hair color. Together with an a-line bob, layers and curls, this shiny hair shines wonderfully through and through.
Bright mahogany
A red color to brown hair is always a good idea when experimenting with hair colors. The Bob is a perfect canvas for this color choice and also fits perfectly to her skin tone.
Brunette red wine
Dark plum hairs on the brown side of the spectrum always bring a strong, sexy mood. Lush waves on long hair help to enjoy this mood even more.
With caramel highlights
Long, thick, wavy hair is the right canvas to paint on your chosen brown color with some caramel highlights.
Dark chocolate mahogany
Be the envy of every lady with her luxurious, rich, brown hair that easily falls! A beautiful mahogany ombre makes the master, along with big curls that are the definition of sexy.
With blond highlights
Light blonde highlights that run over brown curls are a great variation for your mahogany hair! Change your hairstyle by having a bob and blow-drying it for a nice, hopping look.
Reddish brown
Unique styling that gives you rich brown roots to an ombre burgundy wine-colored finish. A good choice to curl it for an extra eye-catcher.
Dark brown mahogany
Simple brunette locks that look gorgeous with a shoulder length bob. Shaft ends, which are very manageable every day.
Brown plum
Ebony roots with purple and orange endings are a unique style. Layers and curls reinforce this kaleidoscopic effect for a younger, more vibrant feel.
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qualitytacolover · 5 years
11 Amazing examples of black cherry hair colors
New Post has been published on https://www.easypromhairstyles.com/11-amazing-examples-of-black-cherry-hair-colors.html
11 Amazing examples of black cherry hair colors
Black Cherry Hair is a hair color that mixes dark, ruby ​​red colors onto a black hair foundation. It gives a dramatic flair to anyone who wears it, even with a dainty touch of sweet reddish tones! Anyone who wants a bold change can deviate from the usual dark brunette hair colors by adopting this wine-inspired color.
Who is rocking black cherry hair
There are so many ways to add black cherry hair color, including highlights, ombre, balayage and slides, and celebrities are perfect resources to see how to do it right. The singer-songwriters Cheryl Cole, Demi Lovato and Rihanna have undoubtedly shown us how Cherry Cola Hair complements a wide range of skin tones excellently! San Antonio barber Brittany Banda is known for creating delicious black cherries, and it drives everyone crazy about this luxurious color!
Maintaining a regular hair care ritual is important to bring the luscious pops of Burgundy to life at all times. It is also fitting to combine your locks with strong and energetic make-up. Dark red hair can make your skin radiant and radiant! There are some hair dyes that can help you achieve this hair color, most are not permanent, but to get the most out of this awesome color, a hair dye can mix and adjust hair dyes to match your base color and your skin tone.
All you need is the personality and inspiration to rock this beautiful hair color! For more ideas on hair color Black Cherry, scroll down to see the latest and trendiest styles on the web!
How would you describe this look?
This look is for sure black cherry hair! A rich blend of natural and fashion tones perfect for work-life balance! My client had virginal hair and wanted something new but did not have much time to look after it. We decided to use Matrix Sored instead of Lightener to make it fade in tone. Then we went in with a red glow and used Matrix ColorSync above all else. This helps to increase the red and increase the longevity. This also gives your natural hair that amazing red shine.
Her hair is quite thick, so I've just cut her circumference wet to create movement. The layers are cut with longer scissors using point-cutting techniques, so I can create "invisible" layers instead of shelves (which they used to have). This gives us movement and dilutes the hair. I think haircuts should focus on "feeling" as well as precision. If it feels "heavy" at one point, I work on it. If it feels balanced, I leave it.
My favorite is how lush it looks! It is so important that you balance your cut and your color!
Any advice for someone considering it?
We used inhabited or secluded highlights (think of Balayage) so she had time to "build in" her natural color. That way she did not have to rework her highlights very often. We have decided to give everything a red glow to help the red's longevity and shine. From here, it will be easy for my client to go for her normal 10-12 week haircut and add another quick red glow (think 15 minutes) to improve her red and restore shine! The secret to keeping the black cherry hair rich and alive is to take good care of it.
I love the idea of ​​keeping their base natural, especially because it's so dark. That does not worry about brass colored hair! Red hair looks fantastic and lives well on darker levels due to its undertones. As long as she takes care of her, she should have beautiful hair for a long time! Another option for darker hair customers looking for something else without becoming dramatic is Plum!
It will be extremely important to use a colorfast shampoo – one of my favorites is Matrix Keep Me Vivid Shampoo and Conditioner. I am also a big fan of heat protection! This can be done in a hair dryer cream like Biolage Foehnlotion (which has a heat protection for up to 450 def for up to 4 days) or a spray like Matrix style link heat buffer. Artificial reds tend to fade quickly with heat tools, hot showers, and fake shampoos, so it's important to keep the hair color of the black cherry intact.
Chocolate cherry red
How would you describe this look?
This chocolate cherry balayage is a favorite of mine for my clients who work in a professional environment, but try to change things a bit. It's a subtle look that's ideal if you want to explore the world of fashion colors without the constant care of vibrant tones.
The layers in the cut frame the color and curl it with a large iron. They really show the whole dimension of hand-painted balayage. The black cherry hair fits very well to the layering and is very noticeable at the ends.
Any advice for someone considering it?
These black cherry hair color and style are perfect for clients who want to change their look while keeping it subtle. The shape of the cut is easy to style, no matter what look you're looking for, and the color flatters most skin tones and makes it really versatile! I always recommend to my clients the use of a colorfast shampoo + conditioner (Kevin Murphy is a personal favorite) and styling with a dry texture spray is a fun way to add a lanky, disheveled finish to any look!
Dark to light cherry mouthpiece
How would you describe this look?
In the hairdresser's jargon, this is considered a balayage ombré, a gradual blend of one color tone to another. In this case, my client came in with virgin, middle brown hair. I made balayage ombré to lift her to a middle blond woman and then applied my paint. This is a dark plum at the roots to a black cherry at the ends and has the two mixed together. And voila! My favorite part of Balayage-ombré is the blend that makes it just so satisfying to see the gradient effect and movement in the hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
My best advice I can give to a customer considering a Black Cherry hair made by Balayage or Ombré Balayage in general is easy to do it! It is perfect for the ideal customer who wants something very easy to care for and can be adapted to the color scheme, face shape and personas of the customer. The great thing about this special look is that it grows so nicely and has no lines of demarcation.
However, if you are considering doing black cherry hair color, it will eventually fade out after a few washes. But all you have to do is book a color service for your next appointment instead of the chemistry service. What money is in the bag and who does not want that!
Wild black cherry tones
How would you describe this look?
I like to call this color "Black Cherry" because it reminds me of the black cherry Kool-Aid. I did not want the color to look like a flat color, so I used two different colors of a purple red, (a base color that is blunted at the ends to a slightly lighter hue) to get many dimensions.
My client here has very long hair, but very fine in texture and wanted to maintain her length, so I kept her length and added a few long layers to give her a little more shape while maintaining the density of her hair.
Any advice for someone considering it?
I would recommend this black cherry hair to anyone who wants something a little bit sharper but still needs to maintain a slightly conservative color. My client wanted something really naughty, but she works as a medical assistant and can not do it and do something "crazy". So this would satisfy anyone who has a naughty streak and needs to govern soon.
Deep Burgundy cherry on shoulder-length castles
When the sunbeam hits your hair, the red color immediately shines through dark spots. Medium-length hair gives your already brittle hair color charm.
Black cherry balayage
Fascinating long curls that ripen like fine wine with a dark plum color.
Dark cherry tree Pixie
Ooooh, the red lady must be jealous! Long, laterally split hair trumps every other cut for this sensual red. The combination of black cherry hair with a short elf brings out a lot of color and also the natural skin tone.
Black cherry highlights on dark brown hair
Coffee-colored hair written in Dr. Pepper soda is dripping. Stylist Destinee masters the art of dark balayage with this hair color of black cherry.
Black cherry and brown on medium-length locks
You may not notice the color combination at first, but with the texture and shape offered by this mid cut you will appreciate such a beautiful style.
Bright Black Cherry Hair Balayage
Do you hesitate a strong color change? Stylist Keera shows how a gentle sweep of reddish color can make a difference to dark-haired ladies.
Living highlights of the black cherry
Stylist Kelsey may have magical powers to create black cherry hair that is so mind-blowing! Exactly the right mixture of black and plum, which fits to some beach waves.
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