ladyespera · 25 days
smile! it's their last week together (probably) :)
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soldier-lodbrok · 17 days
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Glenn and Refu
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altocat · 14 days
does sephiroth holding the dog count as him petting the dog
This is your basic "is a hotdog a sandwich" argument. It's subjective lmao
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dovewingkinnie · 10 months
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glamrock chica loses her friend can you tell im devastated by montys death in ruin
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denzartriste · 4 months
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I wanted to say "It's valentines day somewhere!!!" but that is factually incorrect and i cant do my little ha ha funny. @mcyt-valentines for @swellsha ! did two drawings, i am an overachiever but we all benefit don't we
I reallyyyyy like the first drawing, the second one needs more contrast with Pearl's undershirt and her hair and i forgot the large majority of Cleo's accessories BUT I REALLY LOVE THE FIRST DRAWING SO IT DOES IN NO WAY MATTER
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saw this masterpiece today and so ive decided for the rest of the week i’ll be imagining daigo in brother-bear-esque hijinks
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ghostlyfanparadise · 2 months
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Maurice Perron :: Françoise Sullivan exécutant « Danse dans la neige », février 1948
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Maurice Perron :: Françoise Sullivan exécutant « Danse dans la neige », février 1948. Montréal (Otterbern-Park) et Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), Canada. | src Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec
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Maurice Perron & Françoise Sullivan :: « Danse dans la neige », de la maquette du manifeste « Refus global » [manifeste du groupe des Automatistes], février 1948
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taegularities · 8 months
Not cmi oc being in the fashion world and dressing up as tetris blocks on halloween that is so funny and unserious 🤣
I bet one more thing about her that jk LIKES (i avoided the other L word because the author here dont wanna give it to us yet smh 😒)
they say, separate your personal life from work am i RITE lol but uhm..🤨 you're telling me that's not a god tier fashion choice?
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also i've no clue why they aren't wearing shoes
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ladyespera · 25 days
some sketches from the library where i am going insane (send help)
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soldier-lodbrok · 3 days
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Glenn and Refu / Haunted Sketch
Because 100% did what happened on Rhadore and to Rosen haunt Glenn for a good while - especially with keeping Refu around. And yet he still needed that puppy.
You can partly thank Muddy for this and partly that Wild.cat docu I really love.
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uneessencesensible · 5 months
N°0046 – Année 2010
Devenir adulte, c'est être enchaîné à la réalité sans moyen de pouvoir rêver pour y échapper le temps d'une seconde.
Tes yeux d'enfants plein d'innocence me rappelaient combien être un enfant, c'était merveilleux... Je l'avoue. L'avenir me fait peur. Je n'ai pas envie de grandir. La réalité des choses n'est pas si belle que ça. Le monde des adultes est dur à comprendre, dur à suivre. En vieillissant, les gens deviennent de plus en plus simplets et se basent que sur des futilités. La politique de leur monde est « Tais-toi et marche droit dans le rang qu'on t'a dicté ». Mais ils ne font qu'exister. Alors que le plus important c'est de vivre. Je refuse de grandir. Mais il le faut alors, je leur prouverai qu'ils ont tort. Tort de ne faire qu'exister, de penser qu'à leur travail, à leur monde, au lieu de profiter de la vie. De profiter de ceux qui sont autour d'eux, avant que le drame arrive.
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montrealmagique · 8 months
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Hyatt de la Place Dupuis.
📷 @wittylittle
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je-suis-ronflex · 9 months
J'ai demandé à m'absenter au travail la semaine pro pendant quelques heures car un ami est admis à l'hôpital car il rentre en cure, et ça m'a été refusé car une amie / collègue l'accompagnait déjà alors que nous ne sommes pas dans le même service ???? Genre ça suffit ça tombe un mercredi mon absence ne se verra pas
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basilepesso · 8 months
Hi to all, Very numerous persons (about one thousand) here and there have recieved serious slander about me by my wife and collaborator Anne Pangolin Guéno (The Soft Pangolin), disappeared two years ago, having stopped her career, having destroyed many of our collaborations and our relationship with many partners. Under guardianship, has lost her mind. Am in daily contact with her but refuses to get cured. Has started the slander back recently, towards women of whom she's jealous. JUST DON'T BELIEVE HER, don't unfollow me, dont block me, dont' stop talking to me. BP.
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iamacolor · 3 months
the french senate just voted yes to add the freedom to get an abortion to our constitution - the national assembly also voted yes in a previous vote so now it's official and will be added to the constitution in a few days!! this is a huge win when the current government has mainly been making things worse for women so far (and everyone else that isn't rich and racist basically) and helping the rise of the far-right. I kept doubting we'd get it (recently the president of the senate declared that the right to abortion wasn't threatened in France - which sadly isn't true - so he didn't see why the subject should be discussed) and just a few days ago the worst news channel we have - cnews is our fox news basically - presented abortion as the main mortality cause in the world before cancer or tobacco (which is a lie - the number wasn't even about the women who die getting an abortion but the number of abortion in the world. an embryo isn't a person) and I still can't quite believe it's real. the constitution will now states that " the law determines the conditions under which can be exercised a woman's guaranteed freedom to resort to voluntary termination of pregnancy"
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