#Regione veneto
bottegapowerpoint · 6 months
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Pietro Barucci, Chioggia
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assowebtv · 9 months
VENEZIA: VII edizione dei Bandi Compraverde Veneto per le Stazioni Appaltanti e le Imprese
Le azioni di Piano prevedono anche per il 2024 l’assegnazione del Premio “Compraverde Veneto” per Stazioni Appaltanti e Imprese giunto alla VII edizione Per valorizzare e diffondere le buone pratiche in tema di Acquisti Verdi, le migliori iniziative per l’economia circolare e per sperimentare approcci innovativi in tema di sostenibilità, vengono pubblicati annualmente due bandi che assegnano un…
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fabriziosbardella · 2 years
La Regione Veneto ha arricchito l’Adige veronese con due nuovi ponti in acciaio a Basso Acquar e Santa Caterina investendo 1,2 milioni.  #pontiinacciaio #adige #bassoacquar #santacaterina #sicurezzaidrogeologica #verona #regioneveneto #fabriziosbardella
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europeposts · 2 months
Venice, Italy: Venice is a city in northeastern Italy and the capital of the Veneto region. It is built on a group of 126 islands that are separated by expanses of open water and by canals; portions of the city are linked by 472 bridges. The islands are in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay lying between the mouths of the Po and the Piave rivers. Wikipedia
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revelisms · 1 month
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Ministry Aesthetics — 1: The Abbey You hear a faint ringing of bells, the haunting echo of a choir. Mountain air seeps through the pores of the stones like a crisp fog: scents of pine, cedarwood, sweet juniper, dew. Fresh-cut gardenias soak up a haze of sunlight in the main halls. The chapel ebbs a steady bloom of frankincense. Even in the day's silence, magic hangs in the air. The evening mass will soon begin.
Image sources under the cut
Cistercian Abbey of Saint Mary of Follina (entrance), Depositphotos
The Met Cloisters, Vogue
The Met Cloisters, Country Life Magazine
Cistercian Abbey of Saint Mary of Follina (chapel entrance, dias and front window), Raccontaviaggi
Cistercian Abbey of Saint Mary of Follina (cloister), Depositphotos
Cison di Valmarino, Raccontaviaggi
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St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, Veneto region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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chickypooky · 2 months
I don’t get why so many people draw Nico with an Italian flag patch on his jacket. Like he, Bianca, and their mother fled from Italy during WWII, abandoning everything to get away from the fascist government (and monsters too). I don’t think Nico would have nice feelings or pride about Italy as a whole. Plus he’s from Venice which has a distinct identity and language (dialect?) apart from most of Italy. If he were to claim his heritage with a patch I think it should be the Venetian flag, which is just 100x cooler:
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Just thinkin.
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aphfroghat · 3 months
Out of context things my OCs have said
Lombardy: i killed his balls
Veneto: did you just call me Lombardy's bitch...
Piedmont: at least I don't flood all the time
Romagna: at least I can top decently
Guangdong: he looks like a homosexual hobo!!
Scandinavia: That guy looks like he's over 15. You should send him to war, Norge.
Provence: better than being related to Italie and that one guy who borders with me..
Piedmont: Sicilia and Calabria are actually greek !!!!!! fake italians
Marche: How do I tell someone they're annoying politely?
Abruzzo: you don't
Umbria: I'm not a simp
Trentino: once Alto Adige killed a squirrel with her own hands because we were lost in a forest
Südtirol/Alto Adige: ... Trentino is a threat to world peace
Calabria: auguri e figli maschi
Lombardy: why'd you glare at me. I'm calling 1522.
Lombardia: what--- who the fuck would want to fuck you anyways you ugly ass
Brazil: is this the middle ages
Valle d'Aosta: why do they always want to kill each other??!!
Piedmont: lo vuoi sto trapezio?
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✯ Round 4 ✯ Match 4 ✯
The current flag of Venice, Veneto, Italy
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It might break every rule, but it is one of the most unique and creative flags out there.
The current flag of Karakol, Ysyk-Köl Region, Kyrgystan
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Tournament Policies:
✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you!
✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary!
✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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travelella · 8 months
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Verona, Veneto Region, Italy
Evgeny Matveev
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International Forum on IYF+30 Achievements.
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The presentations of International Forum on IYF+30 Achievements by the representatives of: The National Population & Family Development Board of Malaysia (LPPKN); The Doha International Family Institute (DIFI); The International Federation for Family Development (IFFD); The Consortium of Family Institutes in Asia (CIFA); The Instituto de Análisis de Política Familiar (IAPF); The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR); The Generations United Regional Council of Veneto Region.
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assowebtv · 1 year
La Regione del Veneto ha approvato il bando per la concessione di contributi a sostegno di attività culturali e di spettacolo dal vivo a tema welfare negli istituti e luoghi della cultura in base al Piano annuale degli interventi per la cultura 2023 di cui alla Deliberazione della Giunta Regionale n. 235 del 07.03.2023. Per welfare culturale si intende: azioni che, promosse da soggetti sia…
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gobelluno · 5 months
Meteo, temporali in arrivo nelle prossime ore
BELLUNO – Il servizio Meteo regionale comunica che dalla tarda mattinata di domani, martedì 16 aprile, è prevista una crescente instabilità con probabili rovesci/temporali sparsi tra Prealpi e pianura. Le temperature diurne saranno prevalentemente in calo; previsto un significativo rinforzo dei venti da nord-est su pianura e costa fino a forti specie nel pomeriggio lungo la costa e la pianura…
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Good Evening from the Castle of Monselice (aka Castle of Sept Tours in ADOW)!
"Monselice is the most picturesque town I have seen in Italy. It has an old ruin of a castle upon the hill and thence commands a beautiful and extraordinary view. It lies in the wide plain – a dead level – whereon Ferrara, Bologna, Rovigo, Este, Padua stand and even Venice we could dimly see in the horizon rising with her tiara of proud towers. What a walk and what a wide delightful picture. To Venice 38 miles." Ralph Waldo Emerson Journals (31 May 1833)
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Canal scene in Venice, Veneto region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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justaholeinmysoul · 1 year
Italy is funny because sometimes a person from another region talks and says something about food/habits/culture etc and you look at them completely clueless so much that if an alien was there he would make a lot more sense. I love it so much
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