#Regularly-shaped Nugs
stonedcoast · 1 month
420 All Month: Headbanger, and Happy 420!
SativaHigh THC (26% – 30%)Flower Happy 420, everyone! Before I get into the review, I wanted to take a minute to answer the question: What exactly is 420; and where, when, and how did this number come to represent cannabis? The really short version is that it started being used by some high school students in San Rafael, California in the early 70’s as simply the time of day for cannabis-related…
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My Hero Academia - Dragon Age AU.
Bakugou and Izuku are childhood friends. Bakugou's are armorers and Inko was a servant for a noble family.
Izuku gets taken away when he gets presented as a mage, locked up in a Circle tower. Bakugou hounds the templars until he gets taken in as a trainee and eventually in his adulthood gets assigned to Izuku's Circle tower.
Bakugou gets a little bit miffed because he thinks blowing up shit with fireball is cool and he wishes he could do it. Deku does it for him even though its not really his favorite spell.
A lot of people are worried he's gonna be taken and be made into one of those emotionless husks that i forget the name of because he's wayyy to emotional so they're all surprised he passed the Harrowing.
Izuku passes the Harrowing way too easily by being a Cinammon Roll and making friends with all the spirits, and maybe making a promise that he would take them out to play once he's not at threat of being bludgeoned by Templars as soon as he wakes up. (Because Izuku does think its so unfair that spirits are discriminated against, and not all spirits are demons).
Izuku and Bakugou jumps at the chance if being recruited by Grey Wardens because Bakugou also promised Inko that he would someday bring Izuku back to her.
Knight Commander Endeavor and his son Shouto also reluctantly training as a Templar. Touya, who was also a templar, has long since run away with Apostate Hawks. Natsuo and Fuyumi have also presented as mages, to Endeavor's displeasure. Healing mage Fuyumi?
Shouto as a higher ranked Templar sometimes just covers for Bakugou and Izuku being dumbasses just to piss his dad off. Sometimes he joins in. When the grey wardens come he begs to join them just to get away.
U.A. could be a particular section of Grey Wardens led under a mysterious Nug shaped person called Nedzu. They come recruiting.
Iida Family are a Human Fereldan Noble House. The Yaoyorozu Antivan Merchant Nobles. Fereldan commoner Uraraka lmao. Orlesian Royalty Aoyama. Human Trader Sero that regularly helps Grey Wardens.
Qunari Mercenary Shouji. Tevinter Mage helping Grey Wardens, Tokoyami.
Chantry Sisters/Bards/Spies Jiro and Mina. Actual Innocent Chantry sister/medic Tsuyu. Alternatively Apostate Witches Mina and Jiro.
Kirishima is already a Grey Warden, picked up by them from young.
Dalish Elf Kaminari! City Elf Shinsou(which is why he's so jaded)?
Tevinter Magister All For One/Original Darkspawn. The Corypenis.
Common Human Ojiro that scavenges battles for sellable armor etc.
One For All is an Old God that inhabits Grey Wardens to fight against the Blight. All Might is a Warden Commander though really its Nedzu taking command, but no one takes a talking Nug seriously. U.A. teachers are all part of U.A. Grey Wardens, and all other heroes are part of the other Grey Wardens.
Surface Dwarf/Hunter Koda, Dwarven Noble Mineta that gets forced onto Grey Wardens by his own family to get rid of him. Dwarven Merchant Satou.
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whereismywarden · 6 years
3, 4, 17, 35 (modern AU) - Lavellan; 9, 13, 27 - Hawke; 11, 15, 22, 49 - Surana
Thank you for asking :)
Answers are under the cut, as usual.
Athim Lavellan:
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Athim had a happy childhood overall. He remembers fondly on it. He remembers sitting by the fire as a child and listening to the elders’ stories with eagerness. He remembers playing in the woods with his siblings and training in the use of magic with the Keeper. He was a bit of a troublemaker during his childhood (playing pranks on the elders was one of his favorite pasttimes) but could almost always get away with anything.
His worst memory is of getting lost once after straying too far from camp when he was twelve years old. He was found by a shemlen who turned out to be a templar chasing an apostate. Athim was terrified. As a mage, he’d been told what Templars did to those who showed signs of magic. The man, however, helped get him back to the camp. Despite the man’s kindness, Athim didn’t dare leave camp on his own again until a few years later when he heard the stories of the Hero of Ferelden, an elven mage like him, who was strong and fearless. He decided he wanted to be just like her and started to take his magic training more seriously. His hard work paid off when he was appointed First to the Keeper.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Athim loves his parents even though they don’t always get along. He is closer to his mother than his father with whom he argues a lot. Not because their opinions diverge (although that happens sometimes), but because his father can be a little too overprotective towards him, something that Athim finds infuriating because he doesn’t act like that with the rest of his children. So Athim ended up thinking that his father just doesn’t trust him, which is a fair assumption since he can be a bit reckless at times. A good example would be when Athim was sent to the conclave. His father argued with the Keeper that he souldn’t be the one going to the conclave, on the grounds that he is a mage and would therefore be in more danger than a scout or even a hunter, and they couldn’t afford to lose their First if anything bad were to happen. Athim ended up leaving in the dead of night without so much as a goodbye.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Modern AU: Athim would be the kind of person who keeps a photo diary. He would take pictures of everything: a selfie in the morning, his food, a weirdly shaped cloud…
Canon Universe: He actually keeps a small notebook in which he sketches pretty things he finds in his travels: animals, rivers, rocks, Dorian, fruits, Dorian…
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Athim doesn’t feel guilty or ashamed about the things he likes. That being said, he probably won’t mention how much he enjoys shemlen food unless someone brings it up first.
He also loves being the Herald of Andraste, which is weird for someone who isn’t Andrastian at all. In truth, he just likes the attention that comes with it and he doesn’t hide the fact that he is mostly in it for the glory (at least at first).
Alwyn Hawke:
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Hawke loves animals. Now, do animals love him? That’s another story. Carver, his mabari (yes, yes, Carver), loves him. Other animals aren’t quite as friendly. That’s because Hawke has a bad habit of trying to pet or hug dangerous creatures who don’t like being approached, let alone touched, by weird strangers.
13. What is their least favourite food?
Anything Anders cooks. Alwyn loves him, but damn… It’s not so much that Anders can’t cook, it’s that his skills are limited to soup and stew… rat stew more often than not. Mostly because it’s a survival skill he learned while on the run from the Templars, and perfectioned with the Wardens (not much else to eat in the Deep Roads).
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Thinking about his family brings out some bittersweet feelings. He doesn’t cry much unless he’s alone, which is why he always surrounds himself with a lot of people. He hasn’t cried in front of others since his father died, except perhaps in front of Anders once or twice after his mother’s murder.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nah. Ana can eat pretty much anything. One of the advantages of being a Grey Warden I suppose. Although she hasn’t eaten anything nug-related since gifting Schmooples to Leliana.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
I’m laughing so hard right now because Ana is probably the worst cook you’ll ever meet. They don’t teach you how to cook in the Circle, and there weren’t that many opportunities for it during the Blight either. When she tries to cook, it often turns out completely inedible. She’s the kind of person who mistakenly puts salt in her cake instead of sugar and then adds even more of it after tasting the batter because “It’s not sweet enough”.
She brews great teas though.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Ana doesn’t insult people much. She’ll usually just make offhanded remarks that will make the person feel stupid or angry. However, she can be… colorful when it comes to swearing, and it applies to insults to. She doesn’t have a favorite insult because she’ll make up something on the spot, usually something crude and weirdly specific like “You look like a bronto’s disproportionate left testicle,” or call someone “Oghren’s inebriated brain cell.”
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Ana has very few personal possession, probably due to her Circle upbringing. But there are a few keepsakes that she can’t seem to be able to part with:
A copy of History of the Fifth Blight in which she’s scribbled a lot of personal notes. It’s actually so black with ink that you can’t read it anymore, and she had to tie a ribbon around it to keep the pages from falling off. But she keeps it close because, most importantly, she’s tucked Alistair’s rose in between its pages.
A red shawl, gift from Carver for her birthday, that she wears all the time. She’s had to mend it often, but she still wears it everywhere she goes, even in the Deep Roads. Depending on the weather, she wears it on her head, around her shoulders, or around her hips. She may have used it as an arm sling more than once.
A yarn bracelet handmade by her daughter. A friendship bracelet, if you will. She keeps it tied around her wrist until it falls off, at which point her little girl offers her a new one.
[Ask me about my OCs]
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shaperoforzammar · 6 years
“Being untouchable”
Eliza Cadash has a big, silly crush in Dust Town. The wonderful Fenny Brosca belongs to @fairithilien . Thank you for sharing her with us, both me and Eliza love her. Happy birthday!! <3 (slight warning for gore)
Eliza remembers being just a child - of fear, of flesh, of nothing, of anything but Stone, she used to tell herself- buried in the tunnels of Orzammar. In those awkward years when she was sprouting into adolescence, she was stretched in all sorts of uncomfortable proportions: large ears and long arms, a smile too large for her face.
Her thick brown hair was pulled into a curtain of dozens of braids that framed a timid, dirty face. It was something of a ritual in her family, where they would braid each others’ hair. A middle child, she had only ever had responsibility over her youngest brother, but took her turn at feeling small sitting at the feet of her oldest sister.
One day, at the age of nine or ten - the years in Dust Town blur - her sister had been caught in a moment of equipment failure in the tunnels. Her hand had been crushed in a pulley, her fingers miraculously still attached but bent out of shape. Eliza, one of the carta’s smallest runners, had been much further down, spelunking in a claustrophobic cave where the light of a sole torch exaggerated shadows on the walls. But she heard her sister’s screams.
Days later, the screams were still echoing in her head, ricocheting inside of her skull. Her sister’s hand would never recover, wrapped in strips of cloth that her mother had torn from her tunic, the room, packed with family members eerily silent. For the first time, Eliza had sat down, her sister on the floor between the curve of her legs, and took the older woman’s darker hair into her fingers and wrapped a strand of it around them playfully. When her sister complained about her tugging too tight, she offered a teasing remark about about how all of her life had been. It didn’t land well, and she grit her jaw to swallow down the numb that worked its way into her bones.
Immediately after she was done, Eiza bolted outside, into the dim corridors of Dust Town. Stumbling as she did, gasping dramatically for breath caused a few heads to turn. They were all opportunists, gang members and the devastated alike, looking for fresh prey. She raised the scratchy tan of her tunic, stained repeatedly from various substances, over the waistline of her pants to reveal a dagger strapped to her hip. They immediately turned back to whatever they had previously feigned interest in.
She was thankful she didn’t have to fight. Her heart wasn’t in it today, and this was her last good tunic left. Not knowing where to go, she took a sharp turn and began heading somewhere, the small corner of Orzammar that was Dust Town hardly something new to explore. Part of her wanted to go run through the Diamond Quarter just to see the rich stone-kissers squirm at the sight of her. Maybe she could spit in their drink. They’d surely die from the shame of it alone.
She almost laughed at that, kicking up dirt as she walked past the tavern where drunkards hollered, their distorted voices echoing in the cavernous ceilings. She wondered if the drunken laughter of the Diamond Quarter elite sounded as much like the howls of a darkspawn in the dark. Pausing for a moment, she rested on the step of an abandoned ruin, exchanged by various different businesses over the years but empty at the moment.Leaning her head against the faded white stone, turning brownish yellow with decay, she looked at the stalactites that speared down towards them from far above as the ceiling vaulted to an apex above the Commons, further backing them into a corner.
Nah, those snobs would laugh like the squeals of a dying nug.
A trail of footsteps jerked her instinctively out of her thoughts, one hand instinctively reaching for her waistband as her head snapped upwards. And when she saw who was walking by, she sunk lower down the wall, as if willing herself to disappear in case she could glance over.
She wasn’t sure the older girl knew she existed, and if she did it would be for the time she had dropped an entire crate of freshly mined lyrium ore and, in her blubbering, had begun picking up the pieces with her bare hands. That had been nearly a year before, the first time Eliza could remember seeing the older girl, and had been so stunned it struck her silly. The emotions and urges of adolescence had not so much snuck up on her as slammed her over the head. A furious blush crept up her cheeks at the memory of the events, and she buried her face in her hands.
Every time she saw the woman, it was as if she got more beautiful. Eliza scooted further down the wall, until she was nearly laying flat on her back. How could everyone else not react in a similar fashion, she wondered. Brosca, someone else in the carta had called her. Her older siblings had talked of her approvingly once as Eliza listened in, pretending to be disinterested as her heart pounded loudly in her ears.
Brosca had broad shoulders, sturdy, and even through her armor the outline of her muscles was clearly defined. Her legs were especially astonishing, exerting great power with every stride through the dirty streets. Each step seemed powerful. She glistened through a layer of dirt and sweat, the majesty of the statues of the damned Paragons pulled into flesh and breathing before her.
Climbing out from under her collar and dotting the tan skin of her face was a scattering of freckles, like she had ground a deep amber into dust and blown it across her form. Some of the older dusters, bent into the corners they had been forced into, had told her stories growing up of the great big sky on the surface, and how it regularly got dark and patterned with lights the humans called stars. Eliza imagined it looked something like Brosca’s freckles.
Though she hardly ever met eye contact with anyone from what Eliza had noticed - and Eliza noticed a lot where Brosca was concerned - the one time she had seen her eyes had been stunning. Deep brown, but with a flare to them, like the flash of a forge when a sword was being willed into being at the brunt of a hammer. They were framed by stern, arching brows. Though dark, the hair that grew, incredibly short, on the top of her head was an even darker color. Eliza still remembered her awe that a woman could have so little care for her hair and be so beautiful. That it cut the lines of her face into sharp relief. It was a bold choice, and one that made her jaw drop.
Maker, she had it bad. As Brosca left her frame of view, Eliza found that she was propping herself up on her elbows, not wanting to lose sight of her. Her braids fell into her face, and for the first time that day, she felt like laughing. In fact, she almost felt a little bit brave.
Standing up with a hop, she followed the direction Brosca went, a spring to her step. “Hey, what’s shaping?” she called, voice cracking embarrassingly. A couple thieves in cracked leather armor walked in front of her, and she pushed impatiently past them. Bouncing after Brosca again, Eliza wondered if she should appear casual, maybe ask her about her about the day, any gossip, how the carta was going…
How the carta was going?
Slamming her face into her hands, she groaned, exaggeratedly. Following her further into the dilapidated city, Eliza wondered what kind of things Brosca would seek out to buy, or who she would spend her downtime with. She seemed to walk with a steely determination, as if a new rage had overtaken her.
And it had, as the older woman appeared to be on a warpath towards a man with blunt, almost smeared looking tattoos on his face. Ducking behind a crumbling pillar to watch, Eliza saw that the man was crooning over a woman with fiery red hair pulled up into what were clearly very practiced buns made of smaller braids.  She had seen Brosca with that woman a lot, and had deduced that they were sisters. The redhead was scowling, batting away the man’s hands. He seemed annoyed at her rebellion, and with a yellowing grin snaked his hand up her neck and tugged at the knots of her hair. With a shriek, some strands of the red fell free not just from the buns but from her head.
Hands balling into fists, Eliza wanted to leap out of her cover and launch all of her too-small body at the man who was likely double her weight due to muscle alone. But she froze as Brosca instead grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back. His ghoulish face contorted in pain as a sickly pop came from his shoulder. He moaned in agony as the arm hung at a strange angle, still trapped in the form of his armor. Eliza’s jaw dropped.
Brosca growled something that she couldn’t make out and dragged him to his knees, pushing his head into the dirt. The man was wailing pathetically now, and Brosca couldn’t pay him any notice. She turned immediately to the redhead, who looked as pale as a newborn nug, tears welling in her eyes. Breathing fast from both anxiety and relief, Eliza raised a hand to her chest, wanting to be that bold for her own sister, for anyone who deserved it. She watched, feeling like she was intruding on something deeply private, as Brosca cupped her sister’s face in her hands, and drew their foreheads together for the briefest of moments. It was such a fleeting and unsuspected moment of gentleness that Eliza gasped in awe, then ducked behind the pillar and sunk towards the ground again, hands spread out in the dust.
A few minutes passed before Eliza could compose herself enough to peak out. Brosca was completely stoic again, across the square as she seemed deep in negotiation with a trader. Her sister appeared to have left, and she hoped it was to somewhere safe, if such a thing existed in Dust Town.
When Brosca left, unceremoniously turning on her heel back towards the “neighborhood,” Eliza couldn’t help but trail behind her, wanting to return to her own home as well. The older girl plowed through the crowds of tired, broken bodies expertly as Eliza struggled to keep her in sight. Leaping forward at one point to avoid being trampled, she instead found her footing confused by the uneven levels of the dirt. She fell hard on her hands, wrists already aching as she let out a small shout.
The sound of it was enough that Brosca turned around quickly, hand straying to her own blade.
Eliza froze at the girl’s gaze, unsure of what to do. Was there recognition in her eyes? She couldn’t tell. They were thrillingly unreadable. “Hi!” She shouted finally, just as Brosca started to turn back around. “I don’t know if you know me, but, uh, I just wanted to say…” she trailed off in a panicked hush. What did she want to say? What was her objective here? “You...are so...you’re very strong!”
Brosca raised an eyebrow, and Eliza was shocked to see in the girl’s face a trace of amusement. The blush returned to her cheeks and she was sure she was more red than hurlock blood.
“I just…it’s, I...” She looked at the ground, at a trader whose worn down wares were laid out on a tarp behind Brosca, anywhere but at her face, and then said loudly “THOUGHT THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW!” Eyes growing wide, she forced her voice down and whispered, “because, you know, it feels...good. To know how you’re, just, the absolute best of the vein.”
Oh, she was on loose sand now. Hopefully it would just swallow her up, and then she could join the stone like all the elites said she couldn’t do. “BYE!”
Eliza stood there awkwardly for another second, painfully aware of how many eyes were on her. Sod it, she thought, and took off running, tripping over her own feet again as she urged herself out of there. If the stone didn’t take her, maybe she could claw to the surface and fall into the sky. The stars wouldn’t know about how embarrassing Eliza was around pretty women.
Turning corners instinctively, Eliza quickly fell into her own house, breathing hard as she collapsed against the door of rotting wood. Just her luck, every single member of her family was inside, and turned to look at her, clothes dirty-stained and eyes wild with excitement as she let out an excited giggle.
Her younger brother threw a ball composed of flexible tubers gathered by her in the side tunnels straight at her face. Eliza couldn’t stop grinning even as it hit its target and bounced off of her cheek. Her mother and father laughed and her brother jeered. Sitting in the far corner, her oldest sister sat, nursing her injured hand, but still smiling. Finally, Eliza was able to look at her and admire the dark black braids her fingers had sewn, and had been tied into a bun on top of her head since she had left.
“She only has that face when she’s seen Fenny Brosca,” her older brother jeered. The whole family erupted into laughter. It made the small, confined, roughly hewn walls of their home feel fuller, softer.
“Her name is the Paragon of Beauty!” Eliza said, playing into the jokes, but not giving them the satisfaction of knowing that that was how she learned Brosca’s first name. If she couldn’t stop it, she thought, she might as well have a good time with it.
“What do you know about beauty?” her brother joked.
“More than you do,” her mother cut in, drawing a gasp from around the room.
The banter carried on, light hearted and teasing. Eliza wondered, looking at the crowded room of everyone she was related to, what kind of home Fenny returned to. The redhead seemed to be the only sister, or sibling at all, that Eliza had ever seen her with, and she didn’t know anything about her parents. She hoped that that girl had laughter in her life, though the hard line of her mouth seemed to hint that she did not.
Sitting on the floor, sweeped clean by someone in her family, she pulled her youngest sister, face still rounded like a baby, into her lap. Her hair was not braided, and she wore the dark brown curls like a small crown. Burying her face in her sister’s hair, Eliza whispered, “You listen close, okay, Kata? This might be the most important thing you can learn. And I’ll tell this to you your whole life.”
She breathed deeply, amazed at how fresh and clean the small child smelled. “Don’t let anyone touch you. Don’t let anyone ever make you theirs. And if someone tries to, Eliza’s gonna make ‘em eat dirt.” She absentmindedly drew her hands to her own head and ran a hand through her braids, and found herself humming a lilting tune, rocking back and forth to draw giggles from her squealing sister.
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sternenstaub28 · 6 years
A little something I wrote for our discord secret santa gift exchange feauting my not-quite warden Declan Aeducan and Sedda from RavenZaiyo.
Declan looked around, left was a street he did not recognize, to his right was a mountain range with a small path he could not remember seeing  before either. How could he have overlooked a whole mountain while travelling? Scratching his head, feeling the fine braids with a smile, thinking back to the qunari couple he had left this morning, waking up in their bed sure had been an experience, but even better was them taking care of his hair, he couldn't remember the last time someone had cared enough to do that. They had mothered him without making him feel crowded. Sometimes he wished he would find a steady traveling companion to share with and not only these short visits. But that thought did not help his current problem, not that it was a new occurence that he did not know where he was, actually that had been the very reason he had been washed up at the qunari tavern a week ago.
Shrugging and going with the wind, he followed the better street and walked merrily in the sun, well, as merrily as he could with the clouds slowly darkening and watching for rustling bushes, bandits were not an unusual occurrence in these parts of Thedas, what would be every part of Thedas to be honest.
Watching a bird, Declan was suddenly pulled out of his musings rather loudly, something was screeching in a tree, it sounded like an animal in pain. Looking around, in a big apple tree something small was running on a branch up and down, looking towards the earth, like it wanted to jump but then always hesitating at the last moment and screeching like the height had personally insulted it. Laughing, he walked closer, Either he would find something entertaining or his dinner on this branch.
Looking closer, a small rodent with big black circles around its eyes was sitting in the tree, it looked visibly distressed. Thinking back to his school days, Declan remembered a surface animal called a racoon, mostly that one could not eat them. But it's fur looked fluffy, maybe a new hat? Just when he stood right before it, having to crane his neck, the branch sure was some way up, he noticed a staff standing next to the tree and the racoon was wearing a small scarf? What kind of rodent was wearing clothes?! And it did look a lot more intelligent than normal rodents did, well most, he had once encountered a very special nug wearing a crown in the deep roads and wondered for years if that one had been a shapeshifter or some kind of deity for years, thus he had read a bit about shape shifting, even if a dwarf could never learn it, it was still a handy skill to know about, especially when encountering an angry bear in a swamp who had been a black haired beauty who had let him go with a scathing remark not to come back and to steer clear of Ostagar.
Declan was pretty sure, he was standing in front of a shape shifter, apparently one who could not change back on the branch, because it would break and they would fall and could not get down in their current form.
“Want help?” he shouted up, seeing the racoon stop and stare at him. A tiny nod could be seen. “Wait a minute”, with that Dec turned towards the staff and tried reaching the branch with it, so the racoon could climb down but it was way to slippery, the shifter did not even try to climb on it, looking at him with a expression one could just describe as unimpressed. “Well, then it's gonna be this way.”, he mumbled. Taking his sleeping bag out and taking all kinds of soft materials, he made a big pile under the branch, “You gonna jump or should I help?” he asked with a grin people could take as threatening.
The little rodent did in fact not jump, rather it screeched at him indignated, it sounded terribly like “You wanna kill me, idiot?”
With a grin, Declan took his sword out of its sheath and threw it at the branch. With a crack and a loud screech all three, branch, sword and racoon landed on the pile. “See, still alive and not a scratch even, I really outdid myself there.”
The racoon shook his whole body and with a last glance and a puff a naked man was sitting in front of Declan, funnily enough his eyes were still circled black and the little scarf was lying around his shoulders. Sitting in the pile of clothes and other soft things, including leaves and moss Declan had built, he looked quite comfy. Inspecting Declans sword, he used it as a mirror, eyes lighting up at the shine and sharp edges. “Well, you got me, now what are we gonna do?” Declan heard from in between the pile.
Smirking, he came closer, looking up at the sun, and sat down on a free spot, “How about lunch?”, the pile really was quite comfy and warm. Getting bread and a bit of cheese out of his satchel, he offered the stranger some food. His eyes seemed suddenly a lot warmer. Snatching the food, he sat up, surrounded on all sides by different clothes, barely covered in his nakedness, and started nibbling on the food. “A racoon alright.” Declan thought, trying not to smile or laugh too much, he did not want to intimidate anyone but this was actually quite funny and cute.
Suddenly, shadows were stealing their warmth, the sun was now hiding and far away thunder could be heard. “Better hurry and help me packing, if you don't want to end up drowning in a pile of leaves and wet unwashed underwear.” Declan quipped, seeing the other man get up with a pout, he threw a bag for the clothes at him. “And while I don´t mind your state of nakedness, maybe put on a cloak or something if you don't want to get pneumonia.” He never could quite stop being a big brother sometimes. In the cold without a jacket, no that was not alright. “I´m Declan by the way.” the dwarf finally introduced himself, while frantically packing his things. A wet sleeping bag could make your nights miserable for days, weeks if you caught a cold in it. He heard a grumbled “Sedda” between two bites, his new companion was still happily munching on his bread, even while using both hands to messily push clothes into the bag Declan had thrown at him.
They barely managed to put everything into it´s place before the first drops started falling. “I don't suppose you have a tent hidden somewhere in your pockets?” Declan asked, looking at the others decidedly lack of pockets or garments of any kind, just to be met with a knowing smirk. “Would a cave please your noble self?” he was asked in a very much not reverent tone that made Declan smile widely. And with that he took off, Declan scrambling up behind him. “Not so fast, I´m not a frigging rodent, scrambling through the woods!” he could barely puff but managed to keep up.
They came up at a small cave full of furs and hunted animals, a few herbs were hanging in one corner and even a fire was still burning, barely but enough to make the cave warmer than the way too wet outside. Rain. Declan could still not understand why people lived on the surface when said surface decided to surprise you with pouring water down your neck regularly, sometimes even using frozen water. With a shudder and a sigh, he sat down at the fire, seeing his new companion whose guest he now was, doing the same.
Sitting there, he still felt cold and soon both were huddled together in different states of undress, wet clothes really were the worst. All cuddled together, Declan enjoyed the warmth and let his thoughts and let his guard down. He was pretty sure he was save here. His eyelids soon felt heavy.
The next morning, after a surprisingly restful night, Declan woke up from the sun tickling his nose through a small crack in the cave and saw the last drops of water glint in the first light of the day. Sitting up, he noticed a raccoon curled into a ball in front of him, seeking heat from his body. With a smile, he lay down again, maybe they would travel together for some time?
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dab4dabdates · 5 years
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New Blog Post has been published on http://www.dab4dab.com/Blog/513-2/
The main objective of most cannabis growers is to grow the most prominent and healthiest buds possible in their gardens. Although some cannabis strains are naturally low-yielding, growers should always be able to generate the biggest marijuana buds by following the right steps.
There exist numerous ways to increase the size of your buds. Pruning, training, feeding, and lighting are popular ways to regulate the growth of your plants. Nutrients have developed the perfect nutrient mixture to grow the biggest marijuana buds and produce ample THC!
Cannabis buds will rise at any of the plant’s nodes. Larger plants usually have more nodes, meaning your plant will produce different spots where buds can grow.
Some people believe that more nodes mean larger buds, but this is just a myth. Nodes carrying buds that are far away from the plant’s canopy will start to develop in flowering but will take longer than expected since they lack enough light.
Those willing to have high yields should preferably prune away any plant matter that lacks enough light. Cut the buds and foliage sitting under the canopy. This method will transmit most of the energy into the canopy where the buds are gaining enough light, therefore leading to bigger and denser nugs.
Another means of increasing the size of your buds is by training your cannabis plants. Single cannabis plants usually grow one large central stalk with other small stalks surrounding it. A cannabis plant grows in a menorah shape, where the tallest leaf represents the main large stalk. Although this main stalk usually grows a decent large cola, the height of this one cola can determine the intensity of the lights during indoor growing. This makes the lower branches to receive significantly less sunlight as compared to a canopy.
Methods including super cropping (high-stress training) or using LST (low-stress training) which involves tying down the top branches, will facilitate the growth of the surrounding branches, thus generating a more level canopy. When you train your plants, the growth hormones found on the main stalk are redistributed to the surrounding branches, facilitating bigger buds. This leads to an evenly distributed canopy of branches that will produce big colas while maintaining a stable distance from the sun.
When you feed your plants correctly, it will potentially lead to bigger buds. Nitrogen is closely linked with vegetative growth, while phosphorus is a common nutrient that is associated with flowering plants. Continuously feeding a plant during its vegetative stage leads to a healthy, vibrant plant that rapidly grows and leads to high yields.
When your plant begins flowering, lower your nitrogen levels, and maximize the phosphorus levels to make the buds completely mature and denser. If you are using soil to grow, then ensure to top dress the soil when switching from vegetative growth to flowering. This increases the phosphorous levels while the liquid feeds your plant with other nutrients.
Regularly feeding your soil with compost tea also leads to bigger buds. Compost teat can establish healthy mycorrhizal connections between the soil and mycelium. High amounts of mycelium in the soil, leads to more nutrients in the plant and therefore bigger buds.
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cannasseurcouncil · 5 years
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- http://www.cannasseurcouncil.com/507-2/
The main objective of most cannabis growers is to grow the most prominent and healthiest buds possible in their gardens. Although some cannabis strains are naturally low-yielding, growers should always be able to generate the biggest marijuana buds by following the right steps.
There exist numerous ways to increase the size of your buds. Pruning, training, feeding, and lighting are popular ways to regulate the growth of your plants. Nutrients have developed the perfect nutrient mixture to grow the biggest marijuana buds and produce ample THC!
Cannabis buds will rise at any of the plant’s nodes. Larger plants usually have more nodes, meaning your plant will produce different spots where buds can grow.
Some people believe that more nodes mean larger buds, but this is just a myth. Nodes carrying buds that are far away from the plant’s canopy will start to develop in flowering but will take longer than expected since they lack enough light.
Those willing to have high yields should preferably prune away any plant matter that lacks enough light. Cut the buds and foliage sitting under the canopy. This method will transmit most of the energy into the canopy where the buds are gaining enough light, therefore leading to bigger and denser nugs.
Another means of increasing the size of your buds is by training your cannabis plants. Single cannabis plants usually grow one large central stalk with other small stalks surrounding it. A cannabis plant grows in a menorah shape, where the tallest leaf represents the main large stalk. Although this main stalk usually grows a decent large cola, the height of this one cola can determine the intensity of the lights during indoor growing. This makes the lower branches to receive significantly less sunlight as compared to a canopy.
Methods including super cropping (high-stress training) or using LST (low-stress training) which involves tying down the top branches, will facilitate the growth of the surrounding branches, thus generating a more level canopy. When you train your plants, the growth hormones found on the main stalk are redistributed to the surrounding branches, facilitating bigger buds. This leads to an evenly distributed canopy of branches that will produce big colas while maintaining a stable distance from the sun.
When you feed your plants correctly, it will potentially lead to bigger buds. Nitrogen is closely linked with vegetative growth, while phosphorus is a common nutrient that is associated with flowering plants. Continuously feeding a plant during its vegetative stage leads to a healthy, vibrant plant that rapidly grows and leads to high yields.
When your plant begins flowering, lower your nitrogen levels, and maximize the phosphorus levels to make the buds completely mature and denser. If you are using soil to grow, then ensure to top dress the soil when switching from vegetative growth to flowering. This increases the phosphorous levels while the liquid feeds your plant with other nutrients.
Regularly feeding your soil with compost tea also leads to bigger buds. Compost teat can establish healthy mycorrhizal connections between the soil and mycelium. High amounts of mycelium in the soil, leads to more nutrients in the plant and therefore bigger buds.
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weedrobo · 5 years
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New Blog Post - https://wp.me/p8YJil-9x
How to Grow the biggest Marijuana Buds
The main objective of most cannabis growers is to grow the most prominent and healthiest buds possible in their gardens. Although some cannabis strains are naturally low-yielding, growers should always be able to generate the biggest marijuana buds by following the right steps.
There exist numerous ways to increase the size of your buds. Pruning, training, feeding, and lighting are popular ways to regulate the growth of your plants. Nutrients have developed the perfect nutrient mixture to grow the biggest marijuana buds and produce ample THC!
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Cannabis buds will rise at any of the plant’s nodes. Larger plants usually have more nodes, meaning your plant will produce different spots where buds can grow.
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Some people believe that more nodes mean larger buds, but this is just a myth. Nodes carrying buds that are far away from the plant’s canopy will start to develop in flowering but will take longer than expected since they lack enough light.
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Those willing to have high yields should preferably prune away any plant matter that lacks enough light. Cut the buds and foliage sitting under the canopy. This method will transmit most of the energy into the canopy where the buds are gaining enough light, therefore leading to bigger and denser nugs.
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Another means of increasing the size of your buds is by training your cannabis plants. Single cannabis plants usually grow one large central stalk with other small stalks surrounding it. A cannabis plant grows in a menorah shape, where the tallest leaf represents the main large stalk. Although this main stalk usually grows a decent large cola, the height of this one cola can determine the intensity of the lights during indoor growing. This makes the lower branches to receive significantly less sunlight as compared to a canopy.
Methods including super cropping (high-stress training) or using LST (low-stress training) which involves tying down the top branches, will facilitate the growth of the surrounding branches, thus generating a more level canopy. When you train your plants, the growth hormones found on the main stalk are redistributed to the surrounding branches, facilitating bigger buds. This leads to an evenly distributed canopy of branches that will produce big colas while maintaining a stable distance from the sun.
When you feed your plants correctly, it will potentially lead to bigger buds. Nitrogen is closely linked with vegetative growth, while phosphorus is a common nutrient that is associated with flowering plants. Continuously feeding a plant during its vegetative stage leads to a healthy, vibrant plant that rapidly grows and leads to high yields.
When your plant begins flowering, lower your nitrogen levels, and maximize the phosphorus levels to make the buds completely mature and denser. If you are using soil to grow, then ensure to top dress the soil when switching from vegetative growth to flowering. This increases the phosphorous levels while the liquid feeds your plant with other nutrients.
Regularly feeding your soil with compost tea also leads to bigger buds. Compost teat can establish healthy mycorrhizal connections between the soil and mycelium. High amounts of mycelium in the soil, leads to more nutrients in the plant and therefore bigger buds.
  (function($) $(document).ready(function() ); )(jQuery); (function ($) var bsaProContainer = $('.bsaProContainer-2'); var number_show_ads = "0"; var number_hide_ads = "0"; if ( number_show_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeIn(); , number_show_ads * 1000); if ( number_hide_ads > 0 ) setTimeout(function () bsaProContainer.fadeOut(); , number_hide_ads * 1000); )(jQuery);
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love-in-nature · 7 years
OUAD Chapter 56: Cats Don’t Always Land On Their Feet
Full work on my AO3.
Emma set on a log near the cliff edge, her eyes occasionally looking up from the pages she read to check the area where they’d agreed to meet up again.  The gentle breeze making her curls tickle her face as little specks of shadow from the leaves above her swayed over the pages of the book.  This spot had been a good find.  It was tucked away from the hustle and gave a beautiful view over the cliff edge of the water below.
A perfect place to go over the small book of poems she’d gotten from the Dwarven bookseller.  Her eyes had immediately gone to it at the man’s stall and thought of Solas.  When she opened to a page that had a poem by someone named Paragon Suess about nugs she had to get it for him.  She just hoped he hadn’t read it already.
At the very least he won’t have read the small poem she’d written and tucked inside.  Her fingers flipped through the pages till she found the little slip of parchment.  Her fingertips tracing the words she’d written.  She had second thoughts.  This was probably foolish, cheesy at best; she should just take the stupid thing out.
A shadow fell over the book blocking out the small specks of light, “I see you found yourself a book.”
At the sound of his voice, she immediately snapped it closed.  She tilted her head bringing a hand up to shield her eyes as she looked up at him, “Yes well… I---”  She stood feeling the familiar heat in her cheeks as she held the book out to him, “Actually, I got it for you.”
“You..” His eyes widened, and then his smile grew as he took the book from her, “There is no need for such things, vhen’an’ara, but I thank you.”  His eyes went to the title, “A book of Dwarven poetry.  Fascinating.”
As he started to open it, her hand shot out stopping his, “No wait.  Don’t read it.”
He looked from her hand on top of his to her eyes, his mouth still quirked into a smile and eyes bright with amusement, “I was under the impression that reading it was the point.”
“It is but... just don’t read it now.  Wait for a while.”  She sighed and started to pull her hand from his.
Before she could remove her hand completely, he had brought his other hand up to take it.  He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb as he spoke, “If that is your wish.”  His eyes glanced to where they were going to meet the others before he quickly pulled her hand up brushing the back of it to his lips before he released her.  “Shall we?”
As they walked over to the arch they were to meet everyone at, Emma spoke, “So what did you get up to in your little pocket of free time?”
“There were ruins we had passed nearby; I wished to get a closer look.  They are in remarkably good shape.  I am curious what stories they hold; if time permits, I would like to enter the Fade there eventually.”  They came to the arch, and he turned to look down at her, “If you would, I would enjoy your company.”
Her stomach fluttered, and she beamed at him, “I’d love that.”
His expression softened, and he leaned closer to her, “Emma, I--”
“Ah good you’re both here.”  
As soon as Ivy’s voice reached them Solas straightened and turned towards her, Sera, and Cassandra.  Emma’s brows furrowed as she looked at the other two.  Sera looked like she’d just bitten into a rotten fruit and Cassandra’s brows were creased in thought.
When they were close enough Emma asked, “Something happen?”
Cassandra took a deep breath and rubbed the back of her neck, “We came across a cabin filled with the skulls of Tranquil.  It appears they are being used as ocularum.  I believe it is now more important than ever that we discover what that shard is the Herald found previously.”
Solas frowned, “I had wondered what had become of them after the mage rebellion.  What a tragic waste.”
Her body had gone cold, “Wait… what?  They’re using human skulls for these ocularum things?  What is an ocularum?  And how does something like that happen?  I mean how do they get away with--”
Solas placed a hand on her arm to help ground her, “What we know of the ocularum is they are devices used to find shards.  We have yet to discover what exactly these shards are, but I have my suspicions and am looking into it further.  As for how they get away with it,” He gave a soft sigh shaking his head, “It is a time of war.  The tranquil are easy victims; it is not surprising they would be targeted for such.”
“That’s so…”
“Fucked up?” Ivy offered.
Cassandra’s face had smoothed, and Ivy was looking pointedly at Emma’s arm with a raised brow.  That’s when she realized that Solas not only still had his hand on her arm but was stroking her softly once more with his thumb.  He must have realized it at almost the same moment because his hand left her.  
He kept his usual calm mask and demeanor before he spoke again, “I imagine you are eager to be on the way, Herald.”
Sera gave a loud huff, “You’re both so deep in it.  Just stop being stupid about it.”  At the look from Ivy and Cassandra, she shrugged, “What?  We all know it, yeah.”
Emma flushed and started to open her mouth, but Solas spoke first, “Do not concern yourself.  She is… apart from herself.”
“Your face is apart from… itself…” Sera humphed.  
“I was unaware that was a possibility.  If that is indeed the case, perhaps I should see a healer.”
“Or just come out with it and have her wa---”
Cassandra gave a disgusted, “Sera.  That’s enough.”
“It’s not me.  It’s him.” She gestured to Emma and Solas, “Them.”
Emma could practically feel her face on fire.  Meanwhile, Solas remained completely passive as he said, “Only one of us is looking sad and foolish, Sera.”
“Oh, go twang your ears.  Arse.”
“And on that note,”  Ivy turned to head back out of Redcliffe.  “Let’s go see Dennet and get us some horses.”
As was their habit they broke into clusters for the trip to the farm.  Solas stayed with Cassandra mostly in silence but occasionally exchanging a few words.  Ivy and Sera were having loud discussions about random things including a competition on who had the worst joke which was getting lewder by the minute.
Emma stayed alone this time taking up the back.  Her eyes took in the landscape around them searching for any herbs she could collect.  When she found any, she’d veer off to grab them before jogging to catch up with the others.  
Even though she had jogged regularly in her world, she imagined she would feel all this in the coming days.  It had been a while since she’d been backpacking and her legs weren’t used to the constant walking at the moment.  Much less all the new muscle uses that came with her magic and the fighting they’d done.
A shame she probably wouldn’t be keeping these muscles when she went home.  She imagined by the end of all this she’d be very nicely toned.  Especially if what she had seen of Solas’ body was any indicator.  He must be glorious completely naked.  A sight she intended to partake in before she left.  If he would let her at some point.
All they had done was good.  Alright very good, amazing really.  Just... if only doing that was that incredible she could imagine what it would be like to be with him completely.  To be full of him in more ways than one and…
And she had gotten completely sidetracked.  This was seriously becoming an issue.  She’d never been this bad about stuff like this before.  It was delicious and annoying all at once.
She sighed and looked back where she had come from.  In the midst of wandering thoughts she had meandered further off the trail then she should have as she followed one herb after another.  Now she’d have to haul ass to catch up with the others.  
Before she took off in their direction, her eyes caught something growing on a small overhang of a nearby cliff face.  The stalk was a thicker one thinning out at the top.  The leaves were what gave it away to her; deep green tipped in a color that was close to purple.  Royal elfroot.
She hesitated.  The ledge wasn’t that high, maybe 10 or so feet.  It looked like there would be a good amount of places for her to find foot and hand holds also.  Still, it would take her a few minutes.  She wasn’t one hundred percent sure where the farm was either…
With a shake of her head, she turned from the royal elfroot, took two steps in the opposite direction, and then sighed turning right back around.  Only a moment.  It’d be fine. She’d just have to run to catch up instead of jog.
Going over to the cliff face she eyed the various crevices and paths she could choose from.  When she’d decided her best course, she reached up.  Adrenaline pumped through her body part excitement at the find and part the chance to climb some.
She reached up gripping her first hold.  The rock was jagged under her fingers, which was bad in that it could be somewhat painful, but she would take that in exchange for a firmer grip.  Her foot lifted to find the next hold.  Her boot going into the crevice but promptly slipping when she started to put her weight on it.  
Irritation and impatience surged through her, and she quickly stepped back from her climbing long enough to make herself barefoot for a better grip.  When she did the benefits were instant and in no time she was making her way at a steady rate.
As she neared the overhang, she was more focused on how close she was to the herb then her footing.  When she went to pull herself up, she gripped the wrong spot and her hand slipped making her start to fall an inch or so.  Just as she caught herself from that, she heard a whistle of wind near her ear.
Immediately after there was a sharp pain cutting through her upper arm muscle as an arrow grazed through her flesh and hit the rocks next to her with a clack before falling to the ground.  It was enough of a shock between the arrow and the pain itself that she lost her footing completely.
Before she knew it, she was following the arrow to the ground.  She tried to think fast and throw up a barrier as her heart raced.  Everything seemed in slow motion suddenly but still she wasn’t fast enough.  She managed to get one thrown up, but it was too last minute.  The impact still hit hard.  The result was her landing on the arm that hadn’t been hit with an arrow.  
There was a loud crack.  Instantly pain shot through her.  It wrenched her insides.  She heard a scream, and it took her a moment through the haze to realize it was her own.  Spots danced in her vision.  She shut her eyes and clamped her jaw shut, staying completely still as the pain washed over her in nauseating waves.
Her body was moved somehow and she cried out again at the injury being tousled.  Then something warm combating the pain.  She could feel it weaving through her.  Even feel her bone try to mend itself.  
Then as the comforting warmth chased away the pain, she started to register the world around her again.  A familiar smell filling her nostrils as she was cradled against a body she’d come to know well.  Her eyes fluttered open to find herself held in his lap.  Her forehead cradled against his shoulder as he held her to him.
Her voice came out barely audible, stating something that was clearly obvious but seemed reasonable to point out in her current state, “I fell.”
Then his voice soothing over her as his magic did.  Hushing her and saying, “I know, ma vhenan. Just bare it a moment longer.”
She was barely able to register the words, but they comforted her all the same.  In no time the pain had completely left her.  She looked up to find Solas looking down at her face, concern turning to anger.  He wouldn’t release her when she attempted to wiggle free from him.
“What were you thinking?”
“There was a royal elfroot.”  She pointed to the herb, “It’s so rare I just thought---”
“You did not think.  If you had, you would not have---”
She frowned, “For your information, I was doing fine.  I would have done fine if not for the arrow.  It isn’t like---”
His voice was almost predatory when he spoke next, “Arrow?”
She had to swallow down a primal fear despite knowing that his anger was no longer aimed at her, “Yes it… that’s what the cut was on my arm.  I--”
She was off his lap, and he was standing before she could take another breath.  His eyes scanned the area, and she felt his magic sparking to life.  He was searching for whatever idiot had shot her.  In another circumstance, his protectiveness might have warmed her.  Now, she was afraid he would hurt some random person who’d simply made a mistake.
“Solas, I’m sure it was an accident.”  She shook her head, “I mean not like I’m a target for anyone.  I’m not the Herald.  Probably some hunter loosed it wrong or, I dunno, something.”
He must not have been able to sense anyone because he pulled his magic back now turning his eyes to the ground in search of the offending arrow.  “Not being the Herald does not make you immune to attack.”
She stood and dusted off the back of her pants, “I’m not even from this world, not like I can have my own enemies here, and whoever brought me here wants me whole, undamaged.  What reason would anyone have for targeting me?”
His lips thinned but he didn’t answer.  After a moment he found the arrow.  He picked it up and examined it closely, even using his magic to check it.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, really.  I’m fine, thanks to you healing me.  And…”  She sighed, “I’ll admit I probably should have come back with you or Ivy or something but I mean… royal elfroot.”  Her eyes went longingly to the beautiful plant so close yet so far.
“I can not detect anything unique with the arrow.”  He looked at her then at the elfroot and sighed.  Then he tossed the arrow down and started to take off his outer layer of armor.
She blinked, “What are you doing?”
“Getting you your herb.  My armor is not ideal for the task.”
Her heart swelled, chest constricting from the feelings he brought to her.  Even know he was going to get that stupid herb.  Just because she wanted the thing.  She really should stop him.  Not like she couldn’t come back later to do it herself.
“You don’t have to…” He had taken off his armor and started up the cliff.  The movements showing off his thigh and arm muscles beautifully even through his clothing.  She swallowed and continued, “do that.”
She heard him chuckle and knew he had noted the pause, “I would not wish to deprive you of your desires for the herb,” then he added voice teasing, “or the view.”
She watched him closely and without shame, “Yes well if I recall you were enjoying the view just the other day, so it’s only fair.”
“I have enjoyed that view many other times, and intend to continue doing so, for as long as I am able.”  He was at the ledge now, and his hand reached over to pluck out the herb as he said, “I will drop it to you.”
She smirked, “I’m assuming you are talking about the herb now.  The view might be a bit much for me to try to catch.  Although... I would take almost any excuse to get my hands on it.”
“Behave, my Emma.”  
She moved towards the cliff and caught the herb as he dropped it, tucking it in her bag, then she picked up her discarded boots slipping them back on as she said,  “I believe you started this one, dearheart.  My only intent was to finish it.  In more ways than one ideally.”
He had started making his way back down speaking as he went, “You do realize I am still displeased.  You can not seduce me to forgetfulness, ma haurasha.”
She finished putting on her second boot and straightened, “That’s a new term.”  When he didn’t answer, and instead chuckled, she knew she’d have to find the meaning elsewhere.  She redirected, “Is that a challenge then?”
He jumped down when he was close enough to the ground and went to put his armor on once more,  “Is this declaration of challenges a habit of yours?”
She hummed in the back of her throat, “Never had the tendency much before, now that I think of it.  Mon loup must bring it out in me.”  
He put on the last part of his armor and turned to her his face serious once more, “It is dangerous here, Emma.  You can not do things like this, even ignoring the climbing, how did you intend to find your way to the farms?”
“I planned on running to catch up with you all.”  At his look, she amended, “Running really fast?”
She took a deep breath, “Look; I already said I knew it was stupid.  I’m sorry.”  She looked to the side, “It doesn’t escape me how lucky I am that you noticed I wasn’t there anymore.  If you--”
His fingers were on her chin turning her face so that he could look in her eyes before he let his brow rest against hers, “I will always notice.  I-- You are--” He took a breath, “When I heard your scream--”
She thought about how she would feel had their roles been switched and guilt immediately twisted her stomach.  True she couldn’t have known that a random arrow would happen but still…
She tilted her head up kissing the bare skin at his neck and up to his jaw.  Her hands came up to cradle his face, and she pulled back so she could look at him, “I’m ok dearheart.  I’m truly sorry; I never meant to--”
His mouth took hers, and the kiss was crushing.  Even so, she welcomed it.  Knew that he needed to feel her.  Her hands stayed on his face holding him to her as his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her up and against him.
After a moment he pulled away, once more letting his brow rest against hers, as they both caught their breaths.  One of his hands came up to brush a curl from her face before sliding down to the curve of her neck and shoulder, stopping on the area of her arm that had been cut.
He pulled back so he could look at the area and the damage done to the fabric, “This will need mending.”
She turned her head to try and see it, “Pity it didn’t hit a bit higher or it would have grazed off the shoulder armor.  Then again, if I hadn’t slipped some, it would have hit me in the back.  So, I guess good luck anyways.”
She could feel him stiffen, “You did not mention that.”
“It didn’t seem relevant.”
His eyes turned to hers now, “You truly believe it an accident?”
“Yes, well... that or a random homicidal maniac.  Not a target hit.  Like I said what possible reason would someone be after me for?”  Her brows furrowed and she took a step back.  It was hard to think sometimes with him so close, “Why are you so convinced otherwise?”
He put yet more space between them, “I have my reasons.  Let us hope I am wrong.”
“Being grim and fatalistic are we.  Are you hoping the broody act will get you into my bed?”
The start of his emotionless mask had slid back into place but was now shed in favor of a warm smile, “I am always grim and fatalistic.  Getting into your bed is an enjoyable side benefit.”
“One you should really consider taking advantage of.  Soon.”
He chuckled, “Difficult to get into your bed now, given that it is all the way in Haven.”
“Bedroll then.  There is bed in the name after all.”
He shook his head before starting forward, his hand taking hers as he passed, “Come.  I imagine the others are near the farms by now.”
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stonedcoast · 2 months
420 All Month: Super Lemon Haze
420 All Month! Today is Super Lemon Haze.
SativaModerate THC (18% – 22%)Flower Super Lemon Haze is an old (relatively speaking) favorite, one of the first strains I fell in love with when I started working in the cannabis industry. Just as I was starting my budtending job, a friend had introduced me to a different lemon strain (a story for another time), which was the first time I connected flavors with effects, even before we were…
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madaverage · 4 years
Wrote a song last night. Threw together an instrumental that had a sort of reflective vibe to it. Got me thinking about something I think about more as time goes by; Every single detail of every single thought/event/decision led me precisely where I am right now. The same goes for every person who has ever lived or who will ever live. It may be strange to associate a seemingly trivial decision you made when you were 5 years old with where and how you exist in the present, but when you deconstruct the branching decision tree of life, that 5 year old's future leans on his decision between the dinosaur shaped chicky nugs and the tiny tree vegetable. I encourage you to reflect however far back you want about a crossroad you came to. Think about what you decided to do and how that decision led you to where you are now. Think about how life could look if you acted differently. The ‘small’ details are most important. For me, an example of just how far you can go with this would be reflecting on the how I used to never eat dinner. Regularly not eating dinner had led me to where I am right now but maybe if I had gotten into the habit of eating dinner I would’ve felt less depleted as the night concluded. If I had felt less depleted maybe I would’ve felt up to seeing through the tasks/projects I started earlier in the day. If I had finished up the things I started in the day maybe I wouldn’t have this feeling of discouragement when starting a new thing.If I didn’t have this sense of discouragement when starting new things maybe there would be less doubt in my subconscious, allowing or even encouraging me to begin more ambitious things. If i’d complete these more ambitious things then maybe … I could go on forever. I just threw this example together but most of the time when I think like this it’s with a positive angle. Like how things could have ended up much worse, with me in a mental or physical place that's more undesirable. Either way I think these thoughts are important for me to recognize that whatever it is I am doing in the moment will inevitably result in where i'm going. It’s best I try to make sure that’s a place I want to be. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Lbe1HDlDN/?igshid=t9rfds46yxmf
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stonedcoast · 2 months
Khalifa Kush, Dreamer Cannabis, and the Joy of Contrast
Khalifa KushHybridHigh THC (26% – 30%)Flower About a month ago I had the opportunity to visit a cannabis dispensary outside of Maine for the first time. If you read the previous two posts about the LotR Bowl (and if you haven’t, please do), that’s where I was (Western Massachusetts) and what I was doing (LotR Bowl). It was glorious. I hadn’t seen Aaron – one of my very best friends in the world…
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