#eliza cadash
senshis-tenshi · 2 months
Most of my OCs don’t have their real names I just realized. More like nicknames or changed names. Sooo yeah… their real names…
- Eilidh’s name was given to her by Senshi, means “Radiant One”. Her real name is a combination of trills and clicks that humans can’t replicate so 💀
- Passion Fingers is something you can call a person who ruins everything they touch. Her real name is Damna Moore. But if The Dag got to choose, she would have called her Liliana or Lilie. Simply, Lily.
- Chahna’s real name was once Sai’ri. Chahna means “to want” or “to desire”, and the name was a ‘gift’ from Scrotus so she would always know how he feels about her.
- Emmelin the Grateful was also a ‘gift’, either from Immortan Joe or Cazador Szarr, depending on whether we’re talking Mad Max or Baldur’s Gate lmao. Either way she doesn’t remember her old name anymore, or her family, she firmly believes she was “saved”.
- Ellie’s full name is Elysea Cadash, but she much prefers Ellie. Most people just keep mispronouncing the dwarf variant of Eliza.
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shaperoforzammar · 7 years
“Being untouchable”
Eliza Cadash has a big, silly crush in Dust Town. The wonderful Fenny Brosca belongs to @fairithilien . Thank you for sharing her with us, both me and Eliza love her. Happy birthday!! <3 (slight warning for gore)
Eliza remembers being just a child - of fear, of flesh, of nothing, of anything but Stone, she used to tell herself- buried in the tunnels of Orzammar. In those awkward years when she was sprouting into adolescence, she was stretched in all sorts of uncomfortable proportions: large ears and long arms, a smile too large for her face.
Her thick brown hair was pulled into a curtain of dozens of braids that framed a timid, dirty face. It was something of a ritual in her family, where they would braid each others’ hair. A middle child, she had only ever had responsibility over her youngest brother, but took her turn at feeling small sitting at the feet of her oldest sister.
One day, at the age of nine or ten - the years in Dust Town blur - her sister had been caught in a moment of equipment failure in the tunnels. Her hand had been crushed in a pulley, her fingers miraculously still attached but bent out of shape. Eliza, one of the carta’s smallest runners, had been much further down, spelunking in a claustrophobic cave where the light of a sole torch exaggerated shadows on the walls. But she heard her sister’s screams.
Days later, the screams were still echoing in her head, ricocheting inside of her skull. Her sister’s hand would never recover, wrapped in strips of cloth that her mother had torn from her tunic, the room, packed with family members eerily silent. For the first time, Eliza had sat down, her sister on the floor between the curve of her legs, and took the older woman’s darker hair into her fingers and wrapped a strand of it around them playfully. When her sister complained about her tugging too tight, she offered a teasing remark about about how all of her life had been. It didn’t land well, and she grit her jaw to swallow down the numb that worked its way into her bones.
Immediately after she was done, Eiza bolted outside, into the dim corridors of Dust Town. Stumbling as she did, gasping dramatically for breath caused a few heads to turn. They were all opportunists, gang members and the devastated alike, looking for fresh prey. She raised the scratchy tan of her tunic, stained repeatedly from various substances, over the waistline of her pants to reveal a dagger strapped to her hip. They immediately turned back to whatever they had previously feigned interest in.
She was thankful she didn’t have to fight. Her heart wasn’t in it today, and this was her last good tunic left. Not knowing where to go, she took a sharp turn and began heading somewhere, the small corner of Orzammar that was Dust Town hardly something new to explore. Part of her wanted to go run through the Diamond Quarter just to see the rich stone-kissers squirm at the sight of her. Maybe she could spit in their drink. They’d surely die from the shame of it alone.
She almost laughed at that, kicking up dirt as she walked past the tavern where drunkards hollered, their distorted voices echoing in the cavernous ceilings. She wondered if the drunken laughter of the Diamond Quarter elite sounded as much like the howls of a darkspawn in the dark. Pausing for a moment, she rested on the step of an abandoned ruin, exchanged by various different businesses over the years but empty at the moment.Leaning her head against the faded white stone, turning brownish yellow with decay, she looked at the stalactites that speared down towards them from far above as the ceiling vaulted to an apex above the Commons, further backing them into a corner.
Nah, those snobs would laugh like the squeals of a dying nug.
A trail of footsteps jerked her instinctively out of her thoughts, one hand instinctively reaching for her waistband as her head snapped upwards. And when she saw who was walking by, she sunk lower down the wall, as if willing herself to disappear in case she could glance over.
She wasn’t sure the older girl knew she existed, and if she did it would be for the time she had dropped an entire crate of freshly mined lyrium ore and, in her blubbering, had begun picking up the pieces with her bare hands. That had been nearly a year before, the first time Eliza could remember seeing the older girl, and had been so stunned it struck her silly. The emotions and urges of adolescence had not so much snuck up on her as slammed her over the head. A furious blush crept up her cheeks at the memory of the events, and she buried her face in her hands.
Every time she saw the woman, it was as if she got more beautiful. Eliza scooted further down the wall, until she was nearly laying flat on her back. How could everyone else not react in a similar fashion, she wondered. Brosca, someone else in the carta had called her. Her older siblings had talked of her approvingly once as Eliza listened in, pretending to be disinterested as her heart pounded loudly in her ears.
Brosca had broad shoulders, sturdy, and even through her armor the outline of her muscles was clearly defined. Her legs were especially astonishing, exerting great power with every stride through the dirty streets. Each step seemed powerful. She glistened through a layer of dirt and sweat, the majesty of the statues of the damned Paragons pulled into flesh and breathing before her.
Climbing out from under her collar and dotting the tan skin of her face was a scattering of freckles, like she had ground a deep amber into dust and blown it across her form. Some of the older dusters, bent into the corners they had been forced into, had told her stories growing up of the great big sky on the surface, and how it regularly got dark and patterned with lights the humans called stars. Eliza imagined it looked something like Brosca’s freckles.
Though she hardly ever met eye contact with anyone from what Eliza had noticed - and Eliza noticed a lot where Brosca was concerned - the one time she had seen her eyes had been stunning. Deep brown, but with a flare to them, like the flash of a forge when a sword was being willed into being at the brunt of a hammer. They were framed by stern, arching brows. Though dark, the hair that grew, incredibly short, on the top of her head was an even darker color. Eliza still remembered her awe that a woman could have so little care for her hair and be so beautiful. That it cut the lines of her face into sharp relief. It was a bold choice, and one that made her jaw drop.
Maker, she had it bad. As Brosca left her frame of view, Eliza found that she was propping herself up on her elbows, not wanting to lose sight of her. Her braids fell into her face, and for the first time that day, she felt like laughing. In fact, she almost felt a little bit brave.
Standing up with a hop, she followed the direction Brosca went, a spring to her step. “Hey, what’s shaping?” she called, voice cracking embarrassingly. A couple thieves in cracked leather armor walked in front of her, and she pushed impatiently past them. Bouncing after Brosca again, Eliza wondered if she should appear casual, maybe ask her about her about the day, any gossip, how the carta was going…
How the carta was going?
Slamming her face into her hands, she groaned, exaggeratedly. Following her further into the dilapidated city, Eliza wondered what kind of things Brosca would seek out to buy, or who she would spend her downtime with. She seemed to walk with a steely determination, as if a new rage had overtaken her.
And it had, as the older woman appeared to be on a warpath towards a man with blunt, almost smeared looking tattoos on his face. Ducking behind a crumbling pillar to watch, Eliza saw that the man was crooning over a woman with fiery red hair pulled up into what were clearly very practiced buns made of smaller braids.  She had seen Brosca with that woman a lot, and had deduced that they were sisters. The redhead was scowling, batting away the man’s hands. He seemed annoyed at her rebellion, and with a yellowing grin snaked his hand up her neck and tugged at the knots of her hair. With a shriek, some strands of the red fell free not just from the buns but from her head.
Hands balling into fists, Eliza wanted to leap out of her cover and launch all of her too-small body at the man who was likely double her weight due to muscle alone. But she froze as Brosca instead grabbed the man’s arm and twisted it behind his back. His ghoulish face contorted in pain as a sickly pop came from his shoulder. He moaned in agony as the arm hung at a strange angle, still trapped in the form of his armor. Eliza’s jaw dropped.
Brosca growled something that she couldn’t make out and dragged him to his knees, pushing his head into the dirt. The man was wailing pathetically now, and Brosca couldn’t pay him any notice. She turned immediately to the redhead, who looked as pale as a newborn nug, tears welling in her eyes. Breathing fast from both anxiety and relief, Eliza raised a hand to her chest, wanting to be that bold for her own sister, for anyone who deserved it. She watched, feeling like she was intruding on something deeply private, as Brosca cupped her sister’s face in her hands, and drew their foreheads together for the briefest of moments. It was such a fleeting and unsuspected moment of gentleness that Eliza gasped in awe, then ducked behind the pillar and sunk towards the ground again, hands spread out in the dust.
A few minutes passed before Eliza could compose herself enough to peak out. Brosca was completely stoic again, across the square as she seemed deep in negotiation with a trader. Her sister appeared to have left, and she hoped it was to somewhere safe, if such a thing existed in Dust Town.
When Brosca left, unceremoniously turning on her heel back towards the “neighborhood,” Eliza couldn’t help but trail behind her, wanting to return to her own home as well. The older girl plowed through the crowds of tired, broken bodies expertly as Eliza struggled to keep her in sight. Leaping forward at one point to avoid being trampled, she instead found her footing confused by the uneven levels of the dirt. She fell hard on her hands, wrists already aching as she let out a small shout.
The sound of it was enough that Brosca turned around quickly, hand straying to her own blade.
Eliza froze at the girl’s gaze, unsure of what to do. Was there recognition in her eyes? She couldn’t tell. They were thrillingly unreadable. “Hi!” She shouted finally, just as Brosca started to turn back around. “I don’t know if you know me, but, uh, I just wanted to say…” she trailed off in a panicked hush. What did she want to say? What was her objective here? “You...are so...you’re very strong!”
Brosca raised an eyebrow, and Eliza was shocked to see in the girl’s face a trace of amusement. The blush returned to her cheeks and she was sure she was more red than hurlock blood.
“I just…it’s, I...” She looked at the ground, at a trader whose worn down wares were laid out on a tarp behind Brosca, anywhere but at her face, and then said loudly “THOUGHT THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW!” Eyes growing wide, she forced her voice down and whispered, “because, you know, it feels...good. To know how you’re, just, the absolute best of the vein.”
Oh, she was on loose sand now. Hopefully it would just swallow her up, and then she could join the stone like all the elites said she couldn’t do. “BYE!”
Eliza stood there awkwardly for another second, painfully aware of how many eyes were on her. Sod it, she thought, and took off running, tripping over her own feet again as she urged herself out of there. If the stone didn’t take her, maybe she could claw to the surface and fall into the sky. The stars wouldn’t know about how embarrassing Eliza was around pretty women.
Turning corners instinctively, Eliza quickly fell into her own house, breathing hard as she collapsed against the door of rotting wood. Just her luck, every single member of her family was inside, and turned to look at her, clothes dirty-stained and eyes wild with excitement as she let out an excited giggle.
Her younger brother threw a ball composed of flexible tubers gathered by her in the side tunnels straight at her face. Eliza couldn’t stop grinning even as it hit its target and bounced off of her cheek. Her mother and father laughed and her brother jeered. Sitting in the far corner, her oldest sister sat, nursing her injured hand, but still smiling. Finally, Eliza was able to look at her and admire the dark black braids her fingers had sewn, and had been tied into a bun on top of her head since she had left.
“She only has that face when she’s seen Fenny Brosca,” her older brother jeered. The whole family erupted into laughter. It made the small, confined, roughly hewn walls of their home feel fuller, softer.
“Her name is the Paragon of Beauty!” Eliza said, playing into the jokes, but not giving them the satisfaction of knowing that that was how she learned Brosca’s first name. If she couldn’t stop it, she thought, she might as well have a good time with it.
“What do you know about beauty?” her brother joked.
“More than you do,” her mother cut in, drawing a gasp from around the room.
The banter carried on, light hearted and teasing. Eliza wondered, looking at the crowded room of everyone she was related to, what kind of home Fenny returned to. The redhead seemed to be the only sister, or sibling at all, that Eliza had ever seen her with, and she didn’t know anything about her parents. She hoped that that girl had laughter in her life, though the hard line of her mouth seemed to hint that she did not.
Sitting on the floor, sweeped clean by someone in her family, she pulled her youngest sister, face still rounded like a baby, into her lap. Her hair was not braided, and she wore the dark brown curls like a small crown. Burying her face in her sister’s hair, Eliza whispered, “You listen close, okay, Kata? This might be the most important thing you can learn. And I’ll tell this to you your whole life.”
She breathed deeply, amazed at how fresh and clean the small child smelled. “Don’t let anyone touch you. Don’t let anyone ever make you theirs. And if someone tries to, Eliza’s gonna make ‘em eat dirt.” She absentmindedly drew her hands to her own head and ran a hand through her braids, and found herself humming a lilting tune, rocking back and forth to draw giggles from her squealing sister.
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biserker-kadan · 4 years
OC nicknames!
Unfortunately I'm not talking Varric-esqu, just normal shortened names. Nicknames that my OCs will answer to!
Myrinah Lavellan: Minah, Rinah, Rin, Ally (for her middle name)
Rhydian Lavellan: Rhyd, Riddy, Rhys.
Valerio Lavellan: Val.
Eirianwen Lavellan: Eiri.
Saraya Trevelyan: Sara, Yaya.
Lila Hawke: Lil, La La.
Marian Hawke: Mari, Mar, Ri, Rian.
Asher Hawke: Ash.
Briar Cousland: Bee, Bri.
Ophelya Cousland: Lia.
Eliza Aeuducan: Loga, Liz, Liza.
Meira Tabris: Mer, Me Me (Shianni and Sorris only.)
Frey: -
Harlow: -
Saoirse Lavellan: Sersh.
Riddick: -
Brenash'va Lavellan: Bren, Ash.
Heidi Cadash: -
Aliyah Adaar: Ali, Lia.
Thea Surana: Tee, Teya.
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briarfox13 · 6 years
4, 12 and 19 for the OC asks? :)
Thank you
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I haven’t spoken much about Deera, my Cadash simply because I created her while playing about in the CC, liked her so decided to keep her but I’ve not actually played much of her or gotten a feel of who she is. 
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12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Just one? There are so many I like!!! So have w few 
Your Selia
@occorner ‘s Lysette Brosca
@effelants Morgan Shepard
@a-shakespearean-in-paris‘s Sophie 
@eliza-betho‘s Lizzy (I’m a sucker for Witcher OCs)
@sovvngarde ‘s Erich
To name a few, I pretty much love everyone’s OC’s very much
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Meet Saskia! I always pick her when I’m asked this, but she really is one of my most precious OC’s
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I love her to pieces, Mass Effect was the first game I fell in love with. Don’t get me wrong I love DAO which I was playing first, but my partner made the mistake of showing me ME. 
And I fell completely head over heels with Saskia: she’s brave, strong, clever, beautiful, can help people and really make a mark-all the things I wish I was. 
That combined with the story, gameplay and Garrus Saskia is just the best and I adore her. To date, I have more commissions of her than others and I’ll always want more XD
I just love her very much =)
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zuzuthejerkbender · 7 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (I’ll tag a few, but not as many as there are questions. lol!)
Tagged by @joeshmoe189  
Coke or Pepsi: Idk man, I’m not sure. lol!
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney as a whole is better imo.
Coffee or Tea: Tea. I can’t let Iroh down. lol!
Books or Movies: I haven’t read a book in a good while, so I’m going to say movies by default.
Windows or Mac: Windows
DC or Marvel: I think that Marvel has better movies, but historically DC has had better shows.
XBOX or Playstation: Playstation. I got me a PS4 back in 2015. I’ve never had an Xbox. 
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Haven’t played either, bro. lol!
Night Owl or Early Riser: Night owl. *howls like a wolf*
Cards or Chess: Cards
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, even though I love Vanilla too.
Vans or Converse: Neither hehe!
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Not sure
Fluff or Angst: Fluff. It’s easier on the mind. lol!
Beach or Forests: I’m going to say beach, because I live in a landlocked state, so it’s a treat to get to go to one.
Dogs or Cats: DOGS! I love cats too, but I’m a HUGE dog person. I’ve recently become the proud owner of a beagle puppy! :D
Clear skies or Rain: Clear skies
Cooking or Eating out: Eating out, because I can cook only a small number of things. xD
Spicy food or Mild food: Mild food, with just the right amount of spice for a little kick. ;)
Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Ah man, I love both Halloween and Christmas a lot! I guess I’ll say Halloween because it’s getting closer to it’s season, and I’m looking forward to it. :)
Would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot?: A little too cold. You can add layers. You can only take off so many. ;)
If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Control of all four elements.
Animation or Live action: Animation. What can I say? I’m a toonhead. lol!
Paragon or Renegade: Paragon
Baths or Showers: Baths, because I don’t get to take them often.
Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Cap
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: BOTH!
Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes: Literally anything that Iroh has said. I could put them on my tombstone. lol!
YouTube or Netflix: Youtube has drained hours from me. 
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
When do you feel accomplished: When someone tells me “Good Job” :)
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
Paperback books or Hardback books: Hardback
Handwriting or Type: Type
Velvet or Satin: Search me. lol!
Video games or Movies: depends on my mood tbh.
Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: own a dragon. I’d ride it like Zuko.
Learning Chinese or Learning Spanish: Spanish. I already know a little bit.
Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to speak to animals: Talk to animals. I’d be the real Eliza Thornberry. lol!
Be front row for your favourite artists and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats : The one with the lawn chairs
Would you rather be a mutant, jedi or wizard: I was gonna say Jedi at first, but if I was a mutant, I could have a really rad power, so I’m gonna say mutant. :)
Fried pickles or Mozzarella Sticks: Mozzarella Sticks
Vampires or Werewolves: Werewolves
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza
Watching a movie at a cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed: Premiere night are the best!
What is your favourite band or singer?: We’d be here forever if I said all of the musical artists I listen to. lol!
What is your favorite fruit?: Watermelon
Fuzzy socks or slippers?: Socks, but I often prefer to set my piggies free. 
Dusk or Dawn?: Dusk
Would you rather Travel Through Time or Travel Through Alternate Universes?: Alternate Universes. That’s Rick and Morty level stuff. ;)
What’s the first book you remember reading? By myself? Probably something simple like Dr. Seuss.
Deep space, or deep sea? Deep space
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Legend claims that I’m sometimes funny. lol!
Would you rather play a physical sport or a sports video game? Physical sport. Never been big on sports video games.
Favorite baked good? homemade blackberry cobbler
My question: Pro-milk or Anti-milk? Pro-milk! Probably the most pro-milk guy you’ll meet. My parents usually get two gallons at a time from the store for me and my bro. lol!
My question is, what element would you bend in the Avatar world?  Tagging @thecaroliner, @purpleplatypusbear21, @focusas, @kuno-chan, @blue-eyed-korra @sm-over, @argyle-airbender, @metalclan, @unicorngundamrx-0, @norstrus
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by the_strength_of_the_storm
This is basically just a dump for prompt-inspired writings and such. There's a lot of tags and characters because this will be for all my fandoms, including ones not mentioned that I'll add as I go along. I probably won't update this too often, but pls know that Thomaria (Hamilton) is my OTP so lots of them. Thank
}EDIT: please do not claim i am homophobic because i have a ton of straight ships. I AM BISEXUAL. personally i am better at writing hetero ships but i am NOT homophobic or discriminating of anyone due to their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion!!{
Words: 912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Star Wars: Thrawn - Timothy Zahn, Supernatural, Transformers (Bay Movies), Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Turkey, Sadık Adnan, Mitt'hrawn'nuruodo, AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, Eli Vanto, Emperor Palapatine, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, God himself, basically everyone from spn, Optimus Prime, woops i love transformers, Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, basically everyone again, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Female Adaar, Shokrakar (Dragon Age), Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash, Fairbanks
Relationships: lots - Relationship, Turkey/Israel, Sadik Adnan/Original Female Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Martha Wayles Jefferson, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/Maria Reynolds, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Adaar/Shokrakar, Female Adaar/Iron Bull, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Fairbanks/Trevelyan, Blackwall/Female Cadash
Additional Tags: this is a prompt dump, wont always update, prolly wont post too much, just a fuck ton of tags for fun
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
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perspectiveartist · 7 years
Tagged by @essenceofspace !
1. Coke or Pepsi:
Coke, definitely. I don’t mind Pepsi and learned to tolerate it okay because that’s what my Mom likes best, but if you give me the choice I will always pick Coke.
2. Disney or Dreamworks:
They’ve both got some of my fave movies. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron and Prince of Egypt are beautiful movies. However, if I go by consistency of excellence, I’d probably go with Disney? But I don’t really have a preference in the way of “I’d rather watch one company over the other”. Dreamworks just seems to reeeeally fluctuate with quality.
3. Coffee or Tea:
I like both alright. I prefer iced coffee and bottled teas lol. I drink tea more than coffee, though. Coffee tends to make me have to shit PRONTO and sometimes when it doesn’t make me have to shit, I still end up like...kinda having an upset stomach? Which does not help my anxieties. So I drink it sometimes but I have to be in the mood and in my own home near a toilet to feel comfortable with it lol. Don’t take me out for coffee, I will get nothing except maybe a water :)
4. Books or Movies: I’m not really sure...I guess books just because it lets me imagine things the way I want them? But they both require a level of attention that I have a hard time maintaining these days. I wonder though if part of my loss of interest in books comes from my eyes getting worse. I haven’t read much since getting them, so it could help.
5. Windows or Mac: I don’t have a strong preference, really. I don’t do a lot of fiddling with my computers, so as long as they can run what I want them to run, I’m fine with them. My desktop is Windows, my laptop is Mac. I’d say my only complaint is how fucking expensive everything Apple is. :/ Wilhelm’s needed repaired for years now but I just can’t justify the expense.
6. DC or Marvel:
Marvel, definitely. There’s some DC stuff I like, but I tend to gravitate towards Marvel more. I’d say Batman and Teen Titans are an exception. But mostly Marvel for me.
7. X-box or Playstation:
Uhhh I don’t really know to be honest? I grew up in a Nintendo household so I’ve never really owned a Playstation or X-box until living with James. Kind of how I feel about computers, I guess. As long as it’s got games I want to play lol. I suppose Playstation probably caters to me a little better.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect:
Dragon Age. I haven’t really gotten to play Mass Effect yet, but space as a whole just doesn’t quite appeal to me as much? I do certainly love the alien races and seeing new environments is cool, but overall it just doesn’t hold the appeal to me that Dragon Age’s brand of fantasy does. I feel more creative with DA’s world.
9. Night Owl or Early Riser:
An unfortunate mix of both? I tend to stay up late and wake up early. I don’t really enjoy waking up early, my body just doesn’t leave me much of a choice.
10. Cards or Chess:
Cards. I always forget the rules to chess, card games are usually more straightforward for me.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla:
I assume we’re talking ice cream. Vanilla. For one, chocolate ice cream just rarely tastes like actual chocolate to me. Plus, you can customize vanilla however the hell you want without clashing flavors.
12. Vans or Converse:
Neither really. I pretty much just wear tennis shoes/running shoes/whatever the fuck you call them lol. New Balance is comfy. The shoes I’ve been wearing are New Balance and some kind of Dr. Scholl’s brand.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar:
Honestly, I’m not sure? My very first Inquisitor was Adaar, so I definitely have a soft spot for them and it was cool to play a new race. But I don’t have a total preference. I model my characters in DA to resemble/act like my characters I write. So I don’t view them as their race, just the character I stuck with that race.
14. Fluff or Angst:
I like both, man. Give me some seriously angsty shit followed by sad fluff. Give me happy fluff. Give me heartbreaking shit. GIVE.
15. Beach or Forest:
Forest. Beaches are great, don’t get me wrong. I enjoy them and I’ve been to a few on vacations when I was younger. But beaches are pretty much always hot unless you go north. And the heat and I are not on good terms. I’d say the downside of forests is they can be fucking humid, and humidity = mosquitoes.
16. Dogs or Cats:
I have a stronger preference towards cats. I’ve always loved them, grew up with them, etc. But I still love dogs and I’d like to have one someday. I’ve basically mentally adopted James’s family’s dog Jake. We’ve always snuggled together when we get the chance and he loves the attention. He just needs to be reminded that I am dainty and cannot be a chew toy sometimes xD
17. Clear Skies or Rain:
Hmm...I really don’t know here...Sometimes I really crave rain, but too much rain can be dreary because I start to feel cooped up. But too much sun can get tiring too because sometimes you just want it to be cooler. I guess it just kind of depends on the season.
18. Cooking or Eating Out:
Here’s the conundrum that ruins my life, aight. Aside from not having money, I can’t really eat out much. I fucking love restaurant food, even just fast food, but here’s the problem: I can’t stand eating in public 90% of the time because anxiety + phobia. I feel trapped and it’s rare that I can relax and properly eat a meal in a restaurant. But I also hate cooking. Which means I actually just eat a lot of junk food when left to my own devices lol. I did cook today though! I steamed some sugar peas and broccoli in teriyaki sauce. Low maintenance and yummy~
19. Spicy Food or Mild:
I can’t stand spicy food. It tends to upset my stomach more often than not. I eat food so blandly half the time you could mistake me for an old woman.
20. Halloween/Samhin or Solistice/Yule/Christmas:
Christmas holds the most sentimental value for me, but I don’t get excited for it like I used to. But I don’t really get excited for Halloween either. I like decorating for both, though, and seeing different decorations.
21. Little too cold or little too hot:
A little too cold. Being a little too hot sends me into anxiety sometimes (what doesn’t tbh) because being hot in general can upset my stomach. Winter’s my favorite for a reason.
22. Superpower
I wanna communicate with animals, Eliza Thornberry style. But I’d also like it to extend to insects and stuff? I’d never be alone.
23. Animation or Live Action:
Animation. It’s more expressive generally and you can do whatever you want with it with no worries about practical effects and the like.
24. Paragon or Renegade:
I would probably end up in the middle, maybe leaning more towards paragon? I prefer to be nice but sometimes it’s just not an option, man. You can’t please everyone.
25. Bath or Showers:
Showers, but it would be nice to have the option to take a bath sometimes. Unfortunately, our tub has a section cut out of it because the last tenant was disabled, so we can’t fill it :C
26. Team Cap or Team Ironman:
If this is about Civil War, I ain’t picking sides. I’m in Switzerland territory with the X-men.
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi:
Fantasy, but both are good :3
28. Fav Quotes:
I don’t really keep faves, honestly. My preferences change too much. But one I cling to actually came from a dream of mine where I spoke to Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown lol. But it was meaningful and comforting.
"In all my years of travel, I've never met anyone in the past, present, or future whose path wasn't vastly important."
29. Youtube or Netflix:
Just depends if I’m on my computer or on the couch lol. I don’t use Netflix on my computer.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson:
I haven’t read Percy Jackson and don’t really have an interest in it, so definitely Harry Potter.
31. When I Feel Accomplished:
Uhhh...I guess when I make something I’m proud of?
32. Star Wars or Star Trek:
I’m honestly not huge on either, but I guess I have more good associations with Star Wars because of the people around me.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback:
Hardback, I suppose.
34. A world without literature or music:
Uh...no. I’m not choosing that lol.
35. Who was the last person to make me laugh:
James, probably.
36. Sour or Sweet Candy:
Depends on what I’m in the mood for, honestly. I like sweet stuff but sometimes sour is just great.
37. Believe in aliens?:
Yeah I mean, the universe is too vast not to.
38. Dawn or Dusk:
Dusk, I think.
39. Piercings or Tattoos:
I don’t have either and I probably will never have either. I prefer tattoos on others, but piercings are fine.
40. Girls? Hot?:
Uh yeah man.
41. Snow or Fog:
42. Sleep facing the wall or room:
I don’t have a real preference where I’m facing as much as whatever side of the bed I’m on.
43. TRC of AFTG:
44. Horror or Drama:
Drama I guess? Just because horror often upsets me. But I’m not huge on either genre.
45. Orcarina of Time or Majora’s Mask:
Majora’s Mask. I feel it’s got more complexity and emotion to it. 
46. Living in nature or city:
I prefer kind of a medium? I don’t want to live in bumfuck nowhere but I don’t want to be in a city either.
47. Any addictions:
Art supplies ;A;
48. Languages:
English is my first language, I’m working on Spanish and German.
49. What music do I listen too:
Pretty much anything I end up liking? Limiting yourself to a genre is silly.
50. Fav mythical creature:
I’m not sure I have a favorite but I do have a soft spot for mermaids and centaurs.
51. Safe zone:
There really isn’t one, ever. There’s a downside to any locations or person.
52. First fandom:
Probably Pokemon? Either Pokemon or DBZ.
53. Cartoons or Adult Shows:
Animated anything :D As long as it’s good, I don’t give a fuck who the target audience is.
54. Current music:
Not listening to music right now.
55. Favorite starter?:
Like Pokemon? I have a nostalgic soft spot for Totodile. It was back before I could look up to see what the Pokemon would look like, so I had no idea my little Totodile would grow up to be a big badass Feraligatr and I freaking LOVED it. I feel the same way about Mudkip. Weirdly enough, I prefer to start with FIre types rather than Water.
56.  What would your witch’s familiar be?
Probably just a cat lol.
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raeofgayshine · 8 years
I was tagged by @phantomwizard13
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
 1. coke or pepsi: Uhmmm neither? I don’t really drink a lot of soda…
2. disney or dreamworks: Disney.
3. coffee or tea: …. Hot Chocolate
4. books or movies: Books
5. windows or mac: Windows always
6. dc or marvel: Well I know more about marvel (vaguely) so Marvel I guess???
7. x-box or playstation: Playstation always
8. dragon age or mass effect: Dragon Age because I halfway played one of the games once and it was cool
9. night owl or early riser: Night Owl for sure.
10. cards or chess:  Chess??? I don’t really know how to play much of either, but I’ve always wanted to learn chess
11. chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
12. vans or converse: I mean, I only wear Toms so I can’t really choose…
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I,,, Are these names???
14. fluff or angst: Fluff mostly, but depending on the type of angst I’ll read it too.
15. beach or forest: Beach!!
16. dogs or cats: Dogs
17. clear skies or rain: Rain
18. cooking or eating out:  Cooking
19. spicy food or mild food: mild food
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Christmas!!!!! It’s my favorite time of the year, as soon as it’s November first I am literally exploding Christmas.
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold because at least then I could sleep.
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: I would quite like to be able to teleport places just because then I could spend more time writing and doing what I want instead of wasting time in cars
23. animation or live action: Animation, especially when it’s well done, it’s so beautiful
24. paragon or renegade: *eyes dart between words* What does this mean????
25. baths or showers: Hard call, but I’m a slut for a relaxing bath at the end of the week so baths
26. team cap or team ironman: Team Cap because otherwise my sister would kill me probs
27. fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy I guess?
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: *looks around room covered in quotes* What? Me having favorite quotes, hahaha what kind of nerd…. Okay fine I have a lot, but I suppose I can narrow it down.
“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if face with courage, need not be lived again.” Maya Angelou
“There’s always going to be bad stuff out there. But here’s the amazing thing – light trumps darkness, every time. You can stick a candle into the dark, but you can’t stick dark into the light.” Jodi Picoult
“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at one but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” Michelle Obama
“He’ll consider this a personal slander. I’ve gotta stop a homicide” Eliza Schuyler in the Off-Broadway version of Schuyler Defeated from Hamilton.
29. youtube or netflix: Youtube
30. harry potter or percy jackson: HARRY FREAKIN POTTER
31. when you feel accomplished: Whenever I get a comment or even just a like on something I wrote, it always makes me so happy and proud because someone actually enjoyed a thing I did.
32. star wars or star trek: neither
33. paperback books or hardback books: BOTH! A book is a book not matter the cover
34. horror or rom-com: Rom-Com. Always Rom-Com.
35. tv shows or movies: Movies??? I have a hard time getting attached to shows
36. favorite animal: Uhh Giraffes! Or tigers. Or dogs. Or… listen I just like a lot of animals okay?  
37. favorite genre of music: I don’t really have a favorite genre, I just listen to whatever I like
38. least favorite book: Oh that’s hard, I’m trying to think of all the things I’ve read, honestly the first one I thought of was Maus, I don’t know if its my least favorite, but I didn’t really enjoy it either.
39. favourite season: Spring, the season of rebirth and new beginnings.
40. sparkly or shiny: Sparkly!! Literally I’m obsessed with glitter and sparkles
41. favourite colour combination: Any pastel colors together
42. what are your five favorite words? Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak. Oh and Love
My question: Who shot first, Hamilton or Burr? Personally I believe Hammy boy shot first, purposefully missing Burr because he didn’t want to kill him.
Okay now to tag 42 people yikes lets see who comes up (You don’t have to do it though if I tag you). 
@thatrunningfangirl @tl-c-sugarskulls @luxlicht @artistic-optimist @fenimistanthem @shortyspaceprincess @fuckoffblogs @survivalisinsufficient @the-sighs-of-sunset @daughter-of-zeus007 @bespokehighfunctioningsociopath @foxinaforestofstars @aldersonelliott @i-am-the-official-zebra @vickygard @fandomsallaroundme @doctorflipper1232 @shunnedformypuns @runawayto103 @belluscaelus @iwannabeastarshipklainer @crankoutthosedismalchords @kateelliott3648 @iamyasmine @timelordfromhell @jehantheflowerboy @k-aestheticlife @sweet-crow @foreverfearless244 @enjolrascapulet @queenlatrans @daydreamingnerdcat @gaia-is-sucktastic @untitledismytitle @gaygalran @kingdomdreamsong @merlin-plus-arthur-equals-feels @festiveramimalektrash @flamingstuffs @atomicdangos @mlkalmar @rosedaniblue 
I think that’s 42??? It’s pretty close anyways, like I said you don’t have to do it if you don’t want, it’s just for fun
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amidcla · 8 years
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as you want
tagged by the lovely @natefick
1. coke or pepsi: none?? 2. disney or dreamworks: disney 3. coffee or tea: coffee 4. books or movies: movies 5. windows or mac: mac 6. dc or marvel: marvel 7. x-box or playstation: x box 8. dragon age or mass effect: i don’t even know ?? 9. night owl or early riser: night owl (2 the max) 10. cards or chess: cards 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: who in the hell 14. fluff or angst: angst 15. beach or forest: forest 16. dogs or cats: dogs 17. clear skies or rain: rain 18. cooking or eating out: eating out 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy all the way 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: solstice/yule/christmas 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: little too cold 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: telekinesis  23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade: ???ok 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team ironman: once you go team cap you don’t go back 27. fantasy or sci-fi: sci-fi 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “take your broken hear and make it into art.”, “we have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have peoples names.”, and “for most of history, anonymous was a woman.”
29. youtube or netflix: netflix 30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter 31. when you feel accomplished: 32. star wars or star trek: star wars 33. paperback books or hardback books: hardcover 34. to live in a world without literature or without music?: without music (fuck u whoever did that) 35. who was the last person to make you laugh? my friend eliza 36: city or countryside? city 37: favorite chips? sweet potato chips 38: pants or dresses? pants 39: libraries or museums? museums 40. horror or rom-com? romcom 41. tv shows or movies? movies
42. do you/want to play any sports? i like to box and do archery 
my question: how would you describe your aesthetic?
i tag: @untuochables @orgaena @daisyridlay @stormborn @nightlock @lukeksywalker @stcrwar @pvedameron @kcenobi @katnisservdeen @lehdzeppelin
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
by the_strength_of_the_storm
This is basically just a dump for prompt-inspired writings and such. There's a lot of tags and characters because this will be for all my fandoms, including ones not mentioned that I'll add as I go along. I probably won't update this too often, but pls know that Thomaria (Hamilton) is my OTP so lots of them. Thank
}EDIT: please do not claim i am homophobic because i have a ton of straight ships. I AM BISEXUAL. personally i am better at writing hetero ships but i am NOT homophobic or discriminating of anyone due to their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion!!{
Words: 912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Star Wars: Thrawn - Timothy Zahn, Supernatural, Transformers (Bay Movies), Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Turkey, Sadık Adnan, Mitt'hrawn'nuruodo, AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, Eli Vanto, Emperor Palapatine, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, God himself, basically everyone from spn, Optimus Prime, woops i love transformers, Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, basically everyone again, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Female Adaar, Shokrakar (Dragon Age), Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash, Fairbanks, Female Dovahkiin, Ulfric Stormcloak, Galmar Stone-Fist, Farkas (Elder Scrolls), Vilkas, Odahviing, Paarthurnax, Barbas (Elder Scrolls), Isran (Elder Scrolls), Ysgramor (Skyrim)
Relationships: lots - Relationship, Turkey/Israel, Sadik Adnan/Original Female Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Martha Wayles Jefferson, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/Maria Reynolds, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Adaar/Shokrakar, Female Adaar/Iron Bull, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Fairbanks/Trevelyan, Blackwall/Female Cadash
Additional Tags: this is a prompt dump, wont always update, prolly wont post too much, just a fuck ton of tags for fun, i have too many fandoms, but they're all dork fandoms
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
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ao3feed-turn · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
by the_strength_of_the_storm
This is basically just a dump for prompt-inspired writings and such. There's a lot of tags and characters because this will be for all my fandoms, including ones not mentioned that I'll add as I go along. I probably won't update this too often, but pls know that Thomaria (Hamilton) is my OTP so lots of them. Thank
}EDIT: please do not claim i am homophobic because i have a ton of straight ships. I AM BISEXUAL. personally i am better at writing hetero ships but i am NOT homophobic or discriminating of anyone due to their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or religion!!{
Words: 912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers, Star Wars: Thrawn - Timothy Zahn, Supernatural, Transformers (Bay Movies), Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Turkey, Sadık Adnan, Mitt'hrawn'nuruodo, AKA Grand Admiral Thrawn, Eli Vanto, Emperor Palapatine, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, God himself, basically everyone from spn, Optimus Prime, woops i love transformers, Cade Yeager, Bumblebee, basically everyone again, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Female Adaar, Shokrakar (Dragon Age), Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus, Cullen Rutherford, Female Trevelyan, Female Cadash, Fairbanks
Relationships: lots - Relationship, Turkey/Israel, Sadik Adnan/Original Female Character, Grand Admiral Thrawn/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/Martha Wayles Jefferson, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan, Thomas Jefferson/Maria Reynolds, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Original Female Character(s), Thomas Jefferson/James Madison, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, John Adams/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson/Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Adaar/Shokrakar, Female Adaar/Iron Bull, Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford, Fairbanks/Trevelyan, Blackwall/Female Cadash
Additional Tags: this is a prompt dump, wont always update, prolly wont post too much, just a fuck ton of tags for fun
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tkqpwL
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linliness · 7 years
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A present for @shaperoforzammar, commissioned by @fairithilien!! Happy Birthday  ♥ ♥ ♥
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shaperoforzammar · 7 years
I'd love to know 2, 6, 12, and 19 for Eliza Cadash! (Also, my name's Elizabeth, so I am already super fond of Eliza ;D)
(Ahhh I’m sorry for the late response. It’s been a very busy week, but thank you SO much for the ask!! Also, Elizabeth is a great name So. Eliza Cadash is…my problem child.2.If they were an animal, which would they be?I imagine she would be a kind of bird. She actually hates caves and underground places, and never looked back after she first left Orzammar. To her, once you see a thing as incredible as the sky, why would you ever choose to not live under it? She loves standing on hilltops and feeling the wind on her face. In places like the Hinterlands, she spends a lot of time watching birds fly and marveling at it. And, with her hyperactivity and love of flowers, I think she’d be a hummingbird.6. What’s their alignment? (chaotic good, neutral evil, etc.)She begins Inquisition as chaotic neutral, with hints of selfishness. She is scared easily, and thinks that the Breach and being Inquisitor is the scariest thing possible. Never in her life has she thought of herself as anything close to being a hero. The last dwarf to have done that (my Aeducan) wound up dead, and she’s not going to be doing that.(However, there are a lot of moments she will do very kind hearted things, and Cassandra will look at her knowingly)But after Haven, she finds herself braver than she thought. She starts thinking about the bigger picture, so by the end of the game she is chaotic good.12. What’s the Inquisitor’s favorite food?She really hates Orlesians, but dammit do they make good pastries. 19. Do they have any scars? What are they from?
There are various scars from clients who wouldn’t pay up to the carta, falling from heights, etc. However, her nose was previously broken and didn’t heal back straight as well as a jagged scar across her cheek. It cuts across her casteless brand. Eliza originally was part of the carta in Orzammar, working with them from a very young age. However, she didn’t agree with Jarvia’s command, and when she was fifteen helped stage a small coup for everyone who wanted out to get out. The original plan was to steal resources, but someone was a sneak and they ran out of time. Eliza just tried to blow the place up after that, but was captured and interrogated by Jarvia about what their plans were. Eliza didn’t break (though she did eventually escape) and they slashed across her face, disfiguring her brand. It was meant to be a symbolic insult: she couldn’t even identify with the nobodies anymore. Eliza, however, thought it was a great compliment. 
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shaperoforzammar · 7 years
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I am in no ways an artist, but I'm cleaning out some stuff right now and just found this doodle I did of my oc Eliza in 2014. Just thought I'd share because there's something sweet about the fact that we're now over halfway through 2017 and I am still talking about DA dwarves
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