#alwyn hawke
whereismywarden · 1 month
Hi! For your sad mage world state—What is their biggest regret?
Oooooh, that's such an interesting question! Let's see...
For Ana, I headcanon that she refused to do the dark ritual, so Morrigan went and asked Alistair directly. He accepted with a lot of reluctance, but didn't know how to tell Ana. So when she killed the Archdemon and didn't die, she was rather... upset with him. It drove a wedge between them that lasted long after she'd made peace with what had happened. She regrets the years they lost to it.
For Alwyn, it would be about his family. He probably doesn't realise it, but he regrets not being a better son/brother. It was his duty as the eldest to protect his mother and siblings, and he failed at every turn.
Similarly, for Violette, it's about her children. She lost three of them to the Chantry: one born in the Circle, one becoming a Templar, one taken to the Circle as a child. She regrets not fighting harder for them.
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theladwhoisweird · 5 months
I still listen to TTPD but like I said I'm only a Swiftie until Midnights. @taylorswift
The only thing (probably the only good result) that I like about this album is the additional attention and more recognition of mine and the other members of the society's comfort film which is, you named it, DPS.
She casting Mr. Hawke and Mr. Charles for this and using their characters' actual last name is very an uncalled (probably smart) move.
We are members of the tortured dead poets department society.
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xcerizex · 7 months
Lovebrush Chronicles: Godheim Review
My very long, informal, and definitely biased review. This will contain minor spoilers for the Godheim arc only so take caution. This review is also only limited to the Godheim series so there will be no overall thoughts on the game itself. I followed Otome Kitten's format and I really hope it helps out any beginners to LBC.
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I found the art very pretty and was extremely glad to see that they did not skip out on giving us CGs either! The sprites all looked good, but I personally have some issues with Lars' outfit (the orange did not look good on you sweetie 💀).
Not all CGs are drawn by the same artist however, which may be off putting for some. The total count number of proper CG's for each route (not including common route) boils down to around 4-5, so that also may be a pet peeve for some.
On another note, there are also mini CG's which appear as small boxes, whether you consider it as an actual CG is up to you. Personally, I enjoyed the roles they played towards aiding the narrative.
Unrelated note, I'm banging on the floor crying and wondering who the hell did Ayn's CGs (the one where he was cleaning his sword was my absolute favorite 😍) and why didn't they come back.
If there's one aspect of the game that I shall praise to the ends of the earth, it's the music.
Colour me shocked when I listened to the intricate and deep soundtracks for the first time, they just took my breath away! There were many gorgeous orchestral scores that depicted the fantasy setting perfectly. Not to mention the battle ost's which had more effort put into them than necessary.
My personal favorite OST's would be the "River's End", and "Starry Sky", which plays the same tune as the OP song you hear when you log onto the game. It's honestly so iconic. 😭👌
Opening theme:
I was absolutely flummoxed by the stacked japanese voice cast, which all included extremely famous seiyuus from the otome industry:
1. Ayn Alwyn
[JP VA: KENN]: Shelby Snail (Cupid Parasite), Yukimaro (9R.I.P), Limbo (Bustfellows)
2. Alkaid McGrath
[JP VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke]: Seiya (9R.I.P), Henri (Piofiore), Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
3. Lars Rorschach
[JP VA: Junichi Suwabe]: Artem (Tears of Themis), Van Helsing (Code: Realize), Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
4. Clarence Clayden
[JP VA: Kosuke Toriumi]: Rei Mukuni (CollarXMalice), Ichiya (Variable Barricade), Chojiro (Nightshade)
5. Cael Anselm
[JP VA: Daisuke Hirakawa]: Saint Germain (Code: Realize), Tower Overlord (Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk), Lucas Proust (Virche Evermore)
To my delight, the pacing was done very well. Nothing was dragged out and the introduction to the overall plot of the game was well established minus a certain plot point which definitely could have benefited better by being introduced in the common route itself.
I didn't really expect it to turn out as dark as it did however. The common route + modern prologue took me around a total estimation of more than 4 hours but in reality the prologue itself shouldn't take that long at all.
Once you've completed the common route, you are given the option to start either Ayn's or Alkaid's route. After you've completed both, Lars' route is unlocked. And once you've finished all three routes, Clarence's route unlocks as the grand finale.
This was my personal playthrough and I wouldn't have changed it if given the chance. I believe it had the best flow of story progression. Though that was mainly because I wouldn't have enjoyed Alkaid's route as much if I'd played Ayn's first:
Alkaid = Ayn = Lars = Clarence
- Crown Prince of Godheim
- Tsundere
- Sweet tooth ❤️
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Ayn is Lars's cousin, but you soon find out that there is not a hint of familial love between them. He shows up as a mysterious figure during the common route and portrays a conflicting character, making the heroine unsure of his standing. While he appears blunt and crude, he is a determined young man who's sworn vengeance, and with an unexpected love for sweets.
Ayn's route in my opinion had the best consistent pacing as well as romance. I did find the romance somewhat abrupt early in the story, but the strong chemistry between him and the heroine more than made up for it! 🥰 It was just so enjoyable to watch them banter with one another and watching them just click.
I enjoyed the storyline for this route a lot and I think it had something to do with the fact that Ayn's route provided a different perspective in comparison to the others. In this route, we learn more about the the political situation surrounding Godheim and the royal family.
I also loved Ayn as a character, and not unexpectedly became my oshi ❤️.I do think a lot of people will enjoy him as a love interest. His route also has a wee bit of spice 👀, so for y'all thirsty gamers be sure to savor it slowly, as it's the only bit of spice we're getting here lmao. I did find some of his actions, mostly in the bad ends, to be OOC, but I easily brushed it off seeing as how much I liked him.
- Member of the Noventrate
- Good, sweet boi
- Tea
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Devoted and caring, Alkaid is the mage assigned to guard the heroine during her stay in Godheim. He's always expressing his concern for the heroine and will do anything to help her, even if it means betraying his mission.
Alkaid is the character who the heroine interacts the most during the common route. His romance with the heroine was sweet, even if it did feel way over the top in it's initial stages when I first played it. But once I got to learn more about him, I realized that he truly just wanted the best for the heroine, romantic feelings aside. 🥺
The route was fine. But I personally wasn't the biggest fan of the direction (?) it took on halfway. Some parts of it felt irrational to me and didn't really feel like it had any real relevance to its own story.
On another note, Alkaid is such a dreamy man. 😩 I adore just how respectful of a man he is in general (women respect juice, bottoms up!), and it was so sweet how attentive he was in making sure the heroine was always out of harm's way. I guess you could say he was someone akin to a hero in fairytales.
- Emperor of Godheim
- Good at combing hair 🥰
- That chest doe 👀
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Known as the "Tyrant Emperor" from the heroine's manga, he immediately sweeps her off her feet, claiming her as his bride the moment she first arrived at Godheim. While his initial impression was flirty and playful, he lives up to his name as a cold-blooded tyrant. For some aspects at least.
His route focused more on the Silver Knight, which was the main (and wrong) reason why I enjoyed his route so much! 😆 On that note, I think that the writers had a bone to pick with Lars. They just had to force him to share the spotlight with an intriguing side character lmfao. The route itself was paced and executed well for the majority, but the quality of the writing towards the end was slightly skewered.
But to be honest, I quite enjoyed Lars a lot as a character, rather than a love interest. It was interesting to see the conditions surrounding his birth as a tyrant and his motivations for his questionable actions.
That's not to say that the romance wasn't enjoyable. I actually quite liked the relationship between him and the heroine. I found some moments they shared together really sweet. I also adored the development of Lars' feelings, and you can see just how important the heroine's existence was to him at the end of the route.
Though I guess I would have found the romance more believable if the heroine articulated her feelings for Lars more. I found it difficult to see the romance from her side. In short, the romance wasn't it's strongest point.
Clarence Clayden:
- Godheim's Archmage
- Get the tissues
- I've never been the same since...
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Clarence has somewhat poised himself as an antagonist, only giving leeway in Lars' route. Distant and cold, he is stubborn in wanting to use the heroine for his goal and is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it.
This route was an emotional rollercoaster. It broke me down, dumped my heart 6ft underground, trampled on its grave, and then some. It left me broken for a whole week for real goodness gracious...😭
This route can probably considered the "True Route", seeing as how it tackles the problem straight on unlike in other routes. The pacing slows down a little bit for a few chapters, but once it picked itself back up, it picked up HARD.
Now let's get to the romance. Out of all routes, some may say it had the least sugary romance, and a part of me agrees. But do igaf? No! ❤️Clarence turned out to be such a longingly sweet character and despite all the harm and pain he's done, I have no qualms in forgiving him and wanting to love him with all my heart🥺, as does the heroine.
I honestly don't want to say too much as it may ruin the experience. I went into this route completely blind and boy was I glad. All I can say that this route was the most popular out of all the routes for good reason. Got me playing up to 2 am with no regrets.😆😭
- The Silver Knight
- The bias wrecker
- The sus
- He ruined me...
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He is known in Godheim as the Silver Knight as well as the leader of the Rebellion. Decisive and apathetic, the heroine is unable to affect him emotionally in any form.🤡
Cael does not have an actual route, but a personal story, labeled as Expedition from his POV which may serve as an epilogue to the Godheim series. In his story, any unanswered questions are explained here, as well as the many actions he took that did not make it on screen.
If this wasn't a review I'd spend one whole section brainrotting about him so be grateful I'm trying to keep this short. 😅 Cael is a surprisingly interesting character by nature and it was very liberating to finally get a glimpse of his true feelings and thoughts throughout the heroine's journey in Godheim.
I'm scared to say more in case it may ruin any surprises. In my opinion, I enjoyed his story a LOT! It definitely made me feel depressed and empty in its own way and it hurts my heart to see that he never got a route of his own for reasons I won't get into right now. Absolutely amazing and one of my favorite parts of the Godheim series!
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Once you've finished all routes, the game will give you the option to choose one "True Ending", wherein you choose one of the boys to have a happily ever after with and by your own accord.
"One can only paint a world in which they believe in." 🥰
Please note that you can only choose one boy at a time. Your choice will then give you a Pictura based on which boy you choose.
To change your "True Ending", buy the Diadem from the shop to change your choice. You will not receive a different Pictura however.
I think the best thing about these endings were the music.😆 Each soundtrack was unique to each character and drop dead gorgeous to listen to. 😩
- Cheeky
- Anonymous manga author
- Needs a therapist (rly tho)
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Despite China's strange attempts at creating self-insert heroines by leaving them nameless, the Little Painter was far from a blank slate! She's extremely relatable when it comes to her reactions and actions. Often times I would react a certain way to something an LI said or did, only for her to do the same thing! 🤣 I guess that could also count as a self-insert personality.
But if there's one thing I admire her greatly for, it would be her drive and determination to save Godheim. Her journey was far from easy and I doubt I could ever stay sane the way she did. Tbh, I didn't like the fact that her sufferings were never truly addressed properly, or rather, professionally ig?
I also found her quick adaptation and flexibility to her new environment extremely impressive. That goes the same to the way she wielded her powers for the first time. And how she grew stronger to go head to toe with even Clarence in his own route! You👏 Go👏Get👏 Em👏 Girl!
That said, she's not perfect. Some people found her to pushy and annoying though I personally found it okay. I was really glad how she didn't force herself to tolerate any crap and got that anger out rightfully.😆 (Asmoran deserved it...)
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Final Thoughts:
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I have enjoyed my journey immensely! The whole premise and setting drew me in, and I was surprised with the impressive narration which absolutely pummeled me to the ground (mostly on Clarence's route and no I'm not shutting up abt that).
The localization was also really superb? Yes it had a few typos + mistakes here and there, but they really pulled out all the stops when it came to making the dialogue natural and relatable. Not to mention a few large words that even I don't understand. 😂
It's not without it's imperfections of course. There are definitely some issues with the writing. And if you're looking for heavy romance or even fluff, Godheim is not the place to go to. 😅
Playing the Godheim arc took me about a week-ish, considering I had to level up and such. It may be a tedious process for some, but for me, it was an iron gate which I violently shook every day, screaming for the next chapter.
All in all, it's definitely worth playing! You don't lose much anyway considering it's free, so just give it a try. You can always drop it if you don't like it. My rating for this game is also very much biased and should not be taken seriously:
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etdraconis · 7 months
Updated Muse List
Bold denotes primary/main muses, underlined denotes secondary muses, Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Arainai
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
The Iron Bull
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Elysia Caius
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Elain Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Sophie Beckett
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gareth St. Claire
Gwendolyn Sinclaire
Kendall Sinclaire
Alexander Thorne
Charlotte Thorne
Lillian Thorne
Sebastian Thorne
William Thorne
Crescent City
Juniper Andromeda
Fury Axtar
Baxian Argos
Hunt Athalar
Lidia Cervos
Ruhn Danaan
Declan Emmet
Hypaxia Enador
Danika Fendyr
Tristan Flynn
Connor Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom
Tharion Ketos
Bryce Quinlan
The Empyrean Saga
Jack Barlowe
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Liam Mairi
Sloane Mairi
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Lilith Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Fedyor Kaminsky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
David Kostyk
Nikolai Lantzov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Will Solace
Leo Valdez
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver*
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Evalin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Rowan Whitethorn*
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Vengerberg
Other Book Muses
Daniel Arlington V (Ninth House)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz (Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Arthur Delacey (Gwen and Art Are Not in Love)
Galaxy Stern (Ninth House)
Greek Mythology
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock)
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Taron Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Rhys Le'Quella (eladrin wizard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Cloak Timbers (gnome cleric)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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feathersontheclyde · 1 year
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#FEATHERONTHECLYDE - A mutuals-only multi-muse nurtured by sunshine.
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About me:
Sunshine, 30, she/her ( trans fem ), Taurus. I'm an absolute dingus who lives cringe and will die cringe. I love my muses and animation and stories so much.
This blog is not a safe space for bigots so take it somewhere else.
Don't be a dick. Be patient. Any vague posts will be met with a block. I come here to write what I want when I want to.
No forced shipping.
Please tag any bodily harm graphics. I also have Trypophobia so anything with a bunch of holes makes me nauseous.
NSFW and triggering themes will be present and tagged. 21+ to follow because of that.
Lastly, keep me out of your drama and be kind to one another. This is a hobby, remember that.
Mains & Affiliates:
@descendantes, @r4chelamber
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Kildare Island
Celeste Winters - Witch, 22 FC: Kaylee Bryant
Sylvie Nightbloom - Seer, 15+ FC Maisie Williams 
Aspen Lightfoot - Elven princess, 21+ FC: Ruby Cruz
Elizabeth Murphy - Teacher, 20+ FC: Dakota Johnson
Alicia Piao - Psychology Student, 20+ FC: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Tiabeanie Florence - Princess,15 FC: Georgie Henley
Allison Roe-Scott - Fashion designer, 18+ FC: Leighton Meester
Grace Scott - Student, 18 FC: Sara Waisglass 
Alwyn Oakdweller - Half-elf, 25+ FC: Henry Cavill
Dante Moore - Vampire, Forever 18 FC: Quincy Fouse
Astrid Green - Bar / Lounge Owner, 20+ FC: Zoey Deutch
Jacklyn “ Jack ” Esparza - Student, Soccer player, 18 FC: Ruby Cruz
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Aubree Fraser - Nurse Practitioner, 20+ FC: Jessica Henwick
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Kieth Scott (30+) - FC: Craig Sheffer
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Wheezie Cameron (15) - FC: Julia Antonelli 
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Ballister Boldheart (30+) - FC: Riz Ahmed
Vi (20+) - FC: Brianna Hildebrand
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Kate Marsh (18+) - FC: Grace Van Dien
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Bowser (??) - FC: As himself 
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Selina Kyle (30+) - FC: Cameron Bicondova & Monica Baccarin
Harley Quinn (30+) - FC: Samara Weaving
Arthur Fleck (30+) - FC: Barry Keoghan
Barbara Gordon (20+) - FC: Kat Mcnamara 
Dick Grayson (20+) - FC: Brenton Thwaites 
Ellen “ El “ Dryver (18+) - FC: Odeya Rush
Bo Larson (19+) - FC: Luke Benward
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (9-15 Apr 2023)
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ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ᵇᶦⁿᵍᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ
🥰Love Exactly (darter_blue) - 64K, zimbits AU - fluffy AU with a chance meeting in a bar and instalove - fun read, like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself
😊👂‍Death Beside the Seaside (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #6) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - Emily & Flo try to take a holiday at the seaside but there's no sea and a surprising number of internal spies. -
😍Wish Granted (ambut) - 40K, stucky no powers AU - reread of this fave D/s getting together fic
😊👂‍A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) (Kate Khavari, author; Jodie Harris, narrator) - entertaining enough cozy mystery set in 1920s British academia with the standard 'plucky & smart-but-also-foolish' amateur detective (newly minted botanist) trying to exonerate her mentor from murder charges. I enjoyed it enough that I might read another but I'm not feral for it
🥰Winter's Children (Neery) - 66K, stucky - "When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves. And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment…" - just a great fucking fic. I stayed up until 1AM to read and I am too fucking old to be doing nonsense like that, but it was totally worth it.
😍Fourth Floor (dirtybinary) - 41K, stucky modern magic AU - "The one where Steve is an angry millennial wizard, Sam is a Disney prince, Natasha is a shapeshifter, and Bucky is a spoiler."
🥰👂‍Rattling Bone (OutFoxing the Paranormal #2) (Jordan L Hawk, author; Tristan James, narrator) - another enjoyable & spooky ghost hunting adventure with the OutFoxing The Paranormal found family, this time dealing with Oscar's actual family history/trauma.
🥰You're the One That I Want (PR Zed (przed)) - 53K, stucky modern no powers AU - reread, angsty arranged-marriage-for-insurance that is so satisfying
💖💖 +203K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
toasty warm heart (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 9K - TOO FUCKING CUTE AND WARM AND FLUFFY
as sunshine falls on the wretched (KivrinEngle) - The Hobbit: gen, 18K - a very sweet canon-divergent AU where bilbo adopts a lost little dwarf baby
Handy (softestpunk) - The Sandman: dreamling, 3K - ceramicist Dream lusts after handyman Hob, doesn't make his move, is sad but is saved when he meets the hot professor he's giving a guest lecture for - short and sweet!
the game is on again (ReinventAndBelieve) - The Witcher: Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, 7K - hot and tender af!
Dirty Laundry - s2, e5-7
Ted Lasso - s3, e5 [x2]
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e1
Uncommon Comfort Reads with Malka Older, Martha Wells, KJ Charles, and T Kingfisher - super fun panel
Schmigadoon! - s1, e1-6
Schmigadoon! (Schmicago!) - s2, e1
99% Invisible #316 - The Shipping Forecast
The Sporkful - Bill Nye, The FOOD Science Guy!
Big Gay Fiction Podcast - A Trip to the Ballpark with KD Casey
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Places Our Families Took Us
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ashley House
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fairy Circles
Vibe Check - A Satisfied Geriatric Millennial
99% Invisible #532 - For a Dollar and a Dream
⭐The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fun and Funny Science with Mary Roach
Off Menu - Ep 187: Lily Allen
Into It - Are We Into Taylor Swift's Breakup, Lofi Girl, and a Baby Shark Podcast? {worth a listen to hear whatshisname Alwyn described as 'sentient mayo'}
You're Dead To Me - Al Andalus
ICYMI Plus - Meet the Internet’s Princess
Welcome to Night Vale #226 - Creditors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The British Are Charting Edition
CREDITS: Burt Bacharach
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
Classic Sunny Afternoon
Best Of '81 To '85 [Ratt]
Essential Glam Rock
Ratt radio
"Summertime Girls" [Y&T] radio
The Fixx radio
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bisluthq · 2 months
In a pretty hilarious twist: I was looking at Levon Hawke’s Instagram the other day — son of Ethan Hawke, brother of maya hawke — and in one of his photo dumps patrick alwyn was casually there. Just like. Hanging out with his friends, also kind of seemed like it may have been in an acting class perhaps? And it makes sense bc patrick is living and studying in nyc and so is Levon, but it’s funny because Levon is friends with Sadie Sink because of Maya, and patrick and Sadie may or may not have dated, or at least had become friends through taylor. Then at the same time of this photo dump, Taylor has Ethan Hawke in her music video and Levon’s commenting about how cool it is. The Alwyns can’t escape tay, lol
Um they’re actually not studying in the same place at all. Levan is some kind of humanities major at Brown (I remembered this from a Maya profile I read earlier this year) and Pat’s either drama or film (also can’t quite remember) at NYU. I found the pic you’re talking about and yeah it could be a workshop or something they’re all working on but just to correct that because they’re not in the same place.
I’m also still not and never have been sure of the Sadie - Taylor - Pat connections because tbh they were spotted together a fair while before ATW 10 Mins so idk if they were friendly/hooking up and that’s partly why Taylor got to know her or if Pat met her because Taylor was planning the video and had her hanging around.
All these artsy rich people all know each other lol so it’s not that weird that the Alwyns (Joe and Pat at least, Tom’s doing his own thing) are gonna share mutuals with Taylor. Also no one alive rn can escape Taylor Swift tbh like Tom’s doing his own thing but he also obviously hears the music and sees stuff about her regularly because he’s a person who’s alive in 2024.
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fandomxo00 · 5 months
okay so watching dead poets society and i feel like knox overstreet or young josh charles, kinda resembles matty healy physically and young ethan hawke and todd anderson kinda looks like a joe alwyn physically--not hugely but like in josh's eyes and ethan's hair
and the fact that everyone that ttpd was going to be all about joe but so many songs wound being abt matty which had to suprise everyone but the one thing i especially love is that in some songs its not clear who she's talking about because the tortured man club was a joe alwyn thing but the title track talks specifically about a tattooed golden retriever aka matty healy.
but songs like loml dont make it clear whether it was about joe or matty because it talks about bumping into rekindled flames like matty but then talks about a cinephile in black and white and how he "stole" her from calvin harris? getaway car explains it better lol. but also how it could be about matty healy bc taylor was fantasizing about him (gulity as sin?) while she was in a relationship with joe-so kinda mr steal your girl??? idk!!!
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robotshqpromo · 1 year
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Hollywood. A world of fantasy and make believe sometimes come to life. In a world full of the pressure to be who the world and management want you to be, how will The Elite handle the pressure? Will they crack and burn under the weight of it all? Will they conform and thrive? In order to rise above, will they do just about anything to make it? Here at robotshq, we'll find out just what happens when you don't forget to hold back your thoughts and live like robots.
Robotshq is a plotless celebrity rpg set on Discord.
Members Most Wanted: Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley, Katherine Langford, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Tom Hiddleston, Lucas Till, Joe Alwyn, Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Joseph Quinn, Joe Keery, Natalia Dyer, Maya Hawke, Nina Dobrev, Candice King, Kat Graham, Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson.
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whereismywarden · 1 month
10 and 18 for the canon world ask meme??:)
10. Are they good horse riders?
Out of all my OCs, I think Elle Cousland is the better rider, having learned as a child. Followed by Violette who's gotten some training as Inquisitor. The others are decent riders, except maybe Amell who was bitten as a child and is now afraid of horses. He can ride, but he'll only do it if there is no other choice.
18. Do they have any irrational fears?
Alwyn is afraid of the sea and storms after surviving one as a child. Let's just say that made the trip to Kirkwall especially difficult for him.
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Someone said Pedro Pascal with kamala Harris, joe alwyn, and Maya Hawke 💀
stop omfg thats Camilla Horris
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elijah120607 · 2 years
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See photos of the stars at EW's Toronto Film Festival portrait studio@Entertainment WEEKLY.
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alwaysandeverfics · 2 years
Two different lovestories, two different places in time...but still, equally achingly beautiful and heartfelt.
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agentwashingcat · 5 years
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I made some of my dragon age ocs using this picrew character creator and decided to share cause I love them!
Top Row: Elysia Amell, Gwendolyn Trevelyan
2nd Row: Alras Lavellan, Alea Lavellan (they twins)
3rd Row: Rylla Lavellan, Alwyn Lavellan
Bottom Row: Fiya Lavellan, Maia Hawke
Elysia, Maia, and Gwen are all in the same world state. Alras, Alea, Rylla, and Alwyn have their own as well, and poor Fiya is by herself (she also is my newest which is why she doesn’t have any identity flags I’m not sure yet lol)
Honorable mention to my Warden Oakley Mahariel who’s the warden for Alras + CO world state who I forgot to make cause she died in the final battle in Origins RIP
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sixteenfourblog · 5 years
Verão- capítulo 2
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Outro dia começou e o primeiro pensamento na minha cabeça foi o de incapacidade. Lembrei da noite anterior que quase falei como menino que achei lindo mas desisti por conta da minha insegurança. Provavelmente não o veria de novo, mas mantive uma certa esperança. Levantei mais cedo que o normal e consegui pegar minha mãe e meu pai na mesa do café. Geralmente eu acordava tarde demais e não conseguia ver minha mãe, que trabalhava na farmácia, ela saia de casa por volta das sete e meia da manhã. Interrompi a conversa que estavam tendo e perguntei do que se tratava, me explicaram que um empresário havia chegado a cidade e que pretendia construir um tipo de centro comercial onde vários restaurantes e opções de entretenimento estariam reunidos em um lugar só, não me importei muito com isso mas sim com a informação que viria depois, ele estava no restaurante do meu tio um dia antes com a família e pela descrição dele percebi que era exatamente a mesma família do garoto. Fiquei tão empolgada com a história que resolvi acompanhar minha mãe até o trabalho para ela me fornecer mais detalhes.
-Lisa eu não sei muita coisa, só o que sua tia me contou. Ele é um empresário muito rico e está investindo em novos negócios pela região, parece que quer se candidatar a senador e isso é uma ótima propaganda até lá. Quem estava com ele ontem era a irmã e os filhos, ela têm depressão desde que o marido morreu há uns anos. Ele era daqui de Flores do Campo e ela está interessada em mostrar a cidade do pai para os filhos, por isso vai ficar um tempo por aqui.
A esperança que plantei estava germinando, eu teria outra chance com ele. Como ainda tinha mais duas horas até abrir a sorveteria, resolvi ir até o rio nadar, aproveitar que estava vazio pois era muito cedo. Gosto de ir lá quando não tem ninguém e ler um pouco, pensar, escutar música, é um ótimo passeio. Depois de voltar do mergulho, comecei a ler e coloquei meus fones de ouvido, Dancing on my own da Robyn tocava. Uns minutos depois percebi uma movimentação no local e dei uma olhada no que estava acontecendo. Era o tio do menino acompanhado de vários homens, todos bem vestidos, não entendi muito bem o que estavam fazendo ali na beira de um rio de roupa social mas consegui escutar algo sobre ‘demolir’ e ‘construção’. Sai dali o mais rápido que pude e fui para casa me trocar para ir para o trabalho. Cheguei em casa e meu pai me diz que posso tirar o dia de folga – que alívio – mas a cara dele estava pálida, perguntei se estava tudo bem e ele disse que sim, não acreditei mas deixei passar pois ele já estava saindo. Resolvi sair para a feirinha que estava acontecendo, era o último dia e podia ser que tivesse alguma coisa que me interessasse por lá, então fui para meu quarto, tomei banho e vesti a primeira roupa que vi. Chegando na feirinha fui para as barracas de acessórios e comprei alguns. A essa altura já tinha esquecido dele e de ontem, estava mais preocupada com meus problemas reais, do que com essas ilusões. Bem, óbvio que estava mentindo pois se o encontrasse agora mesmo iria me tremer toda de nervosismo. Infelizmente isso aconteceu. Enquanto estava lá parada na barraca de roupas o vi de longe com uma menina ruiva com o vermelho do cabelo bem artificial e forte, parecia sangue, ela era muito bonita, toda estilosa e parecia simpática. Podia ser uma prima quem sabe. Fiquei encarando de maneira obsessiva sem querer e só fui interrompida por causa de Victória.
- hmm já sei o que tanto observa hein – disse ela ri com desconforto - ele é um gatinho mesmo, pena que namora a prima
- sim, aquela ruiva ali é prima de 2° grau dele, bizarro né, isso é coisa de gente doida
- como tu sabe disso?
- minha mãe conhece a mãe dele, se mudaram pra cá pra conhecer melhor a cidade do pai deles, meu deus Lisa você é muito desatualizada dos acontecimentos da cidade
-eu sei, eu sei, como to dando um tempo de rede social não faço a menor ideia das fofocas
- tá, você é um pouco estranha também. Enfim, te atualizando do mais importante então. O nome dele é Jonathan, tem 18 anos mas não vai fazer faculdade, as irmãs mais novas dele são gêmeas e se chamam Laila e Laura, 10 anos e duas pestinhas. Semana que vem vai ter uma festa na casona deles e parece que vão chamar a cidade toda. Fica atenta que vai ter bebida grátis. Ah, o tio deles é um ricaço e quer construir tipo um shopping aqui e o pai dele morreu há uns 3 anos atrás em um acidente de carro.
- essa última informação eu já sabia, mas e a parte da prima? É real mesmo?
- sim, desde cedo foram prometidos para se casarem e parece que deu certo né, pois não se largam. Enfim, vou indo, te vejo mais tarde na festa né?
- Sim, claro.
Chocada com as informações que acabei de receber. Só pra deixar claro, Victoria é uma amiga muito antiga e já formou um trio de amizade comigo e com a Lina, mas nos afastamos e agora nós falamos pouco e ela sempre sabe de tudo, então acho que ela está correta nas informações que passou. Me deu uma pontada de decepção por ele ter namorada mas não fiquei tão surpresa, já imaginava que um menino lindo desses teria sim uma namorada, e como pensei, linda. Deixei essa dor de cotovelo de lado e terminei minhas compras, depois fui bater na porta de Lina. Informei a ela todas as novidades que Victoria me disse e ela ficou mais chocada que eu, “COMO PODE PRIMOS SEREM PROMETIDOS PRA CASAR?” “ELA DEVE SER UMA COBRA NÃO SE CONFIA EM QUEM É RUIVA ARTIFICIAL”. Deixei ela surtar a vontade e tentei procurar o instagram deles, pedi pra Vic me mandar pois não sabia nem o sobrenome. Infelizmente o dele era trancado mas o da menina era aberto, não só o instagram mas a vida dela toda. Ela postava tudo que acontecia com ela, não foi difícil saber onde ele estudou, onde morava, pra onde viajou, na verdade não tinham muitas fotos com ele pois ele parecia tímido, dava um sorriso desconfortável com cara de quem queria sair dali. Enquanto ela tinha umas mil fotos e várias declarações pra ele, no dele tinham três e duvido que tenha alguma declaração romântica pra ela. Não é ciúme mas eles não combinam. Passado o assunto Jonathan, conversamos um pouco sobre nossos planos para o próximo ano, vamos fazer faculdade em outra cidade, ainda não sei qual meu curso mas Lina já se decidiu em Arquitetura, estamos juntando dinheiro para fazer um intercâmbio para a Europa daqui dois anos, queremos passar pelo menos um ano lá então estamos economizando faz três anos, por isso aceito trabalhar na sorveteria, só assim pra ganhar dinheiro dos meus pais. Fomos nos arrumar para a festa, não estava a fim de ir mas fui forçada. Quando chegamos lá tinha muita gente e me deu aflição, mas nada melhor que bebida pra me fazer esquecer qualquer coisa. Depois de um tempo que já estava lá e um pouco alterada, vi de longe Jonathan e a namorada, ah o nome dela é Raquel, e estavam brigando, cheguei mais perto para entender o que eles estavam falando e escutei algo parecido com “você é um inútil, deveria procurar um psicólogo pra ver se cura sua demência” fiquei em choque, sabia que essa menina não era boa coisa mas pelo visto não era só por conta de ciúme. No outro dia acordei com muita dor de cabeça e felizmente estava na casa de Lina, em casa eu tinha uns vizinhos fazendo reforma e de manhã têm um barulho insuportável de construção. Tomamos café e fomos fofocar sobre a noite anterior, quando falei pra ela o que ouvi da boca da Raquel ela ficou tão chocada quanto eu, por isso a cara dele de vazio, as vezes o observava e ele tinha uma expressão triste.
Passado alguns dias, eu o vi alguns vezes pela cidade, stalkeei o instagram da namorada psicopata dele e meus dias foram normais como qualquer outro, minha queda por ele estava indo embora quando do nada ele resolve tomar um sorvete durante meu turno. Revirei os olhos pois estava estressada por estar ali e de TPM, mas obviamente tentei atendê-lo bem. Ele estava mais alegre que qualquer outro dia e sorrindo, ele fica lindo assim radiante, eu pensei.
-Hoje quero o melhor sorvete que você tiver, no maior tamanho e com as melhores coberturas.
- OK então, não posso entrar no pote mas posso tentar.
Opa, isso realmente saiu da minha boca? Eu enlouqueci. Estou temendo. Quero correr e me enfiar num buraco.
- Haha humor de Campos Belo – falei quase sem abrir a boca e fiquei muito vermelha.
Enquanto isso ele deu um sorrisinho sem graça e pareceu não se importar com minha falta de noção
- Humor intrigante esse, mas não tem problema, me vê um leitinho trufado
Dei uma risadinha por que esse nome é muito broxante, não sei o que tinham na cabeça quando criaram esse nome pra sorvete.
- É mesmo um nome intrigante de sorvete. Enfim. Qual seu nome mesmo? -Melissa mas só me chamam de Lisa -Prazer, sou o Jonathan e só me chamam assim mesmo. Me diz o melhor rolê que tiver nessa cidade.
Por que ele tava puxando assunto comigo? não conseguia pensar direito, só quis ser o mais simpática possível e tentar não parecer muito doida depois do que falei.
-Olha não temos nada de muito interessante se você não é acostumado com o lugar, mas eu gosto de ir no rio nadar e ir pro centro a noite para comer. Sinto muito, é só isso que temos, se quiser algo mais selvagem procure a próxima cidade.
- Ótimo, pois estou livre para fazer o que quiser pelos próximos dias.
- Haha como assim?
- Minha ‘amiga’ está fora da cidade, enquanto ela está aqui eu não posso nem ir na padaria sozinho, então quero fazer alguma coisa bem legal por conta própria.
Fiquei pensando no por que ele usou 'amiga' e não namorada e que provavelmente o relacionamento deles era uma merda mesmo.
- Bem, vá até Milagres Divinos que está tendo uma festa bem legal por lá - falei como quem não queria nada e nem parecia que queria pular em cima dele.
- Tudo bem, obrigado Lisa pela sua ótima dica. - Depois pagou pelo sorvete – Ah mas uma coisa, você tem instagram? Só pra tirar mais dúvidas sobre rolês legais nesse lugar parado.
Quase gritei, quase pulei mas me controlei e disse para ele me seguir. Agora que não vou mais dormir em paz sem pensar nele.
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tibby · 3 years
camila mendes was in palm springs that was produced by akiva schaffer who directed a film starring richard ayoade who is in the souvenir part ii with taylor swift’s gay boyfriend joe alwyn who is going to be in a brideshead revisted remake with andrew garfield, who is starring in a movie with charles melton of reggie riverdale fame and maya hawke, who works with charlie heaton on The Show That Must Not Be Named, who is ALSO going to be in the souvenir part ii and has been in two movies with anya taylor-joy of thoroughbreds fame, who notably worked with andrew garfield in richard ayoade’s underrated film, terribly inappropriate overly complex and strange, that also featured octavia spencer, known as ma from ma, an essential element to the bluniverse,
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